TO rpo-Tn miTATTA 1) ATT/9" HTTP1 ! 1\rmfi-R. SL P-AGIS- 1518 and 1520 HETMAN 4 1518 and 1520 Farnaro - Street. FA. UN AM : ST. OUR IMPORTATIONS OF A new invoice of fine T.HE LARGEST AND BEST AS UNDERWEAR. CLOAKS , SORTED STOCK OF dress patterns and dress goods lias just arri\cd. SUITS AND Fur They com prise camel's ' hair UNDERWEAR. . JACKETS FurFur plaids and stripes , polka A.RE NEARLY COMPLETE , Fur Jackets , dots , Panama cloths , etc. , Aii entire new stock of French etc. Land made and domestic u niler Woatill lend all Omaha Jiousos Invariety or styles , find our will be put on sale Monilay , prices are certainly away below cmy. You will find , the best ossoit- Fine 54 : Incli dress goo il sin montof ETC Icrns . i 5Oe CORSETS. Imported Black lyoi Capes . $600 Double trlilili fnncj billllnulliies , Fall and Yinter Clolh Aslraclim Capes . 600 In nil colors.- . . . . . . , , , . 2ac GrayPliisli Capes . 350 COR.SETS. Thcso goods are tlic regular 50c quaHtj , Seal Plush Capes . . 1250 18 Inch fliio French Scrpes In all French Seal Capes JACKETS 1500 . I lie latest colors . . . 7Gc CORSETS Astracliao Capes . $10 $ DP , Gray Kilmer Capes . . $10 $ op 10 inch Prcnch Serges , In all colors CGc Alaska Seal Capes , London fljre , . Vorthl. $ Tlic famous R , & G. corsets in $351o $ $50 $ A handsome line oIClolli Capes Double vldlli extra flncnnillicarj black spoon bust , at $2.50 $ , , pure camel's ' hair screes , tlio CLOAKS , From $2.50 up. latest norclljr ( roiiffU goods ) at GCe These corsets are of superior PLUSH JACKETS , LATEST STYLE , Worth HOC. worlnianship excellent ; fit and Ulsters and $ li.50U50etc , , i These good sure positively ( he gratest : compare favorably with anj PLUSH SACQUES , 40 INCHES LONG , ABOUT bargain ctcr offered , $3,50 corset in the market , DRESSES $13,75 $ , $16,517,610 $ , SEAL GARMENTS R. & G. corsets in black , $150 ; PLUSH NEWMARKETS , 60 IN. LONG , 'We garantee e-very seal ( not spoon bust ) . $30 tfl $37,50. wo sell as to quality and garment fit. Wo will give you the pedigree of Pull line of P.O. , C. P. , J , B. , any senl garment you should P , K , Dr. Warner's. ' , Thompson's biay We have never liandled fa 12.50 U | . trashy seal garments and shall glove-fitting , H. R. II. , etc coisets. never do so In future , but will endeavor to sell tlio best qualities One only , atthelowest possible prices. Every a Special J Hosiery silk , . . . 75c , IVorth $1. $ No end of Read/- Wade Dresses at prices nway below manufac all the tli . ' 1'0 75C rage is season. We ' . rUiTs ' turer's cost. W" ' * * * Extra have a handsome line of CkiMmS * length opera liose in Ifyou don't ' come and see us BEA.VER , NUTRIA , llacl and willhavo Fulllo franciiis ? , superior qualltf. . . 9So { colors , 85c and $1 ; you no chance to be LWX , MATTJRAL , Worth $1.50. $ wrth $1.25 to $1.75. . saving from 2O to 28 per cent on BLACK , RED $ and G-REY FOX , every garment tjo\ * may wish to \ Fnillofrjincatse , tkt , ThbdoptftmcntiscomiMc. pUrcliDse. ICRIMER , ASTRA.CHAN" , regular 51,75 Wo Full littC Of Fl'CIlCll Silk Etc Trimmings in all widths. quality for $1.25 < arrytho Hacst good * , bi.tour prices Come and . ] losierr ) at remarkably IO\V prices price them. . , 1518 and 1520 A.II these slUsarcimsitlro bnr alw and are niraj-below couiiMlItlon , from $1 $ TIP cannot I > o duplicated for mif such price. Jfovdlics in Neckwear. Farnam - Street. . HEYMAN & DEICI-IIS , 1518-1520 Farnam St. SOCIETY IS HID-SEPTlllM. What is Doin5 in tlo Gay World of Fashion , THE RECORD OF A VERY BUSY WEEK. Interesting Chat Ilccarcllng the Men anil 'XVoiiicnVlio Xcatltho Social Life of Om alia Cardl'nrtles , ItallH , KccoptloiiH , Etc. Thcro Is a growing feeling among tlio lenders of the " 400" In Omaha , that the present - ent season will bo a very quiet ono in com parison to the rush and bustle of last year. There will bo fowcr largo entertainments , the general doslro of hostesses being to limit the numucr of their Ruosts and have "cvcrx. lugs" rather than hg ! receptions balls and parties , which require so much labor and very of ten do not como up to expectation , Card parties will prevail to a largo oitcnt and thcro Is iiopleusantcrmodo oC entertain mout , But thcro will bo innovations Intro duccd oven at "card ovcnlners'1 and , already there is tnllc of Introducing a little music at those different events , to elvo variety , J\ song by a loading soprano , tenor or baritone , a piano solo by ono of the guests , & violin solo , could not nclp but prove enter taining , at tlio same time bo the moans ol adding to ono's musical education. Then tlio English custom of tea drink In promises to occupy tlio attention of the devotees of Uic social world wore than ever boforo. It is such a pretty and hospitable fashion that ono ivonders it lias not beet more unlvesnlly in VOKUO even , iu tlio west , attractive feature of one's winter afternoons as the hissing kettle and steaming1 cup of the mbcr coverage , 3N'or Is there any great ox oenso attached to tlio happy custom oC sorv jig tea to the moil and-nomen who drop li for ohnlf hour'a ' gossip. Clinrmlnfwillow nnd cano tables with liberal round tops and little stands below can IH > had at prices varylnu from $ t to 910 , ncconllng to the ornamentation This should sit a llttlo to the right hand of the lire. And nialie no mistake , such as rocelvlngaiul toalng one's filcuds in nny pluco less sociable than the library or sitting room. Near by U the crane with its alcohol lump burning , the kettle hcliif ; kept at a hriskbuublo. llulfn dozen grotty cups and unucers , of vailous makes , tiotwo alike ro member , a dainty dish of sliced lemon , a tray ot fresh leaves for replenishing the pot , n tiny jug of cream , Ith a silver bowl lull o crystal cubes of sugar , vlll comfortably 111 the top shelf , On the rounds below is n decoratot jK > rceli Iu bnsln for the dregs , & plate o wafers and the kettle nestled In its hlfj , Jolly cosey. Thus provided tliohostess can receive any number of guests without ever permitting this pretty duty to conflict -ltn conuTsntlon. Indeed until ono has tried i ono rould never RBOSS how admirably tea drinkliicr assists In setting guests at thoi nasoftuu keeping every onu ut his or ho best Jolly JllRli Flvo 1'nrJy. The prcinlore party , of the Toung Marrlet Ladles hlgh-ilvo cltib , but recently organized was held Wednesday evening at thobeautlfu nnd verycocy residence of Mr. and Mrs George lleyu , K5 Georgia nvcnue. Thcs meetings of congenial people will bo holi fortnightly , "Wednesday bclngtho day chosen the next event hiking place at the res I Jen c ofj Mr. and -Mrs. Martin Calm , 40U nort rvrenty-thlrd ttreot After an enjoyable ovcnlnj ; , spent In play Jnj-high live , the popular card poino of las coson nnd which promises to retain its popularity this ticason at least , the scores vvuro counted and prizes awanled. Th ladles llrst prize was won by Mrs , J.Loetnmn beautlfulplctui-o. Mrs , Albert Calm captured - turod the boo by urlie. amluhturo dock o T6 gentlomin's prize ivcut to air. . Inas , nvorylmndsomo mug , Refreshments vcro served urouod , ending a very enjoyable oven Ing , The members present were : Ir. and Mrs , tforitz Moycr , IVlr , and Mrs Albert Culm , tlr , nmlMrs , Ilaro , Mr. and Mrs. J , Locbman , VIr. nndMw. S. Katz , Mr. and Mrs. Martin Calm , LIr. and Mrs. Ilio NOIV. The iavitod puests ere Mrs , IE. II. Hoineiiun of Mil- vaukeo , Bister of Mrs Hem , Miss Clara Zlnilskopf and Mr. Gus Deletes. of 1'opnlap Cliolr Master. Mr. Thomas J. Peancll , the -very popular choir master of All Saints church , this city , was united In inarrlngo Monday , Sop- .cmborS , ntthoTlrst Congregational church , South Korwalk , Conn. , the bride oloctbcinjf Mlsi .Anna T. Burko. The Evening Sentinel of South N"onvall speaking1 of the ovontsays , : The I'onnell-'Burko ivotlillnpr which took place nthlRli noon yesterday in the Congrc- Cation nl church , was the 11 rat service of tlia kind in the new edlfico. A fulloudlcnco of South Norwalk's best citizens were Rathorod and \vhllo tlio organist , IDavid E. IDUbrow , , played with. Ms nccustomed skill the Lohen grin "Wcddlnp larch , " tlio bridal party en tered the church. The bride and bridesmaid , Miss Clara B. Rnymond , accompanied by the ushers , proceeded up crao alslo , thoproom and his best man , Mr , llouls jNash. up the other ntid met before tlio pulpit , A\blcn \ was beauti fully decorated \vlth tiotvers. The bride -was attlrod In a suit of traveling cnsbmero and falllo XVancalso of a rai nonotto shade , nnd carried a bunch of la Franco rosebuds , The bridomnid ww nttlrodln a dross of similar character , a shade diirkvlth n nosegay of bon silcuo tuds. Bov , H. D. Dunning of. flclatcd , assisted by Mr. Blddlo. the frescnt pastor of tnoch-urcb. A. iwculiorlty of the ceremony was tlio exchange of rlnpsby the bride nnd bridegroom. Air , nnd Mrs. Pon- ncll , after a short trip cast will be at home after Kovombor 1 , at 000 South Fortieth street , Omaha. The IVIarrlajro or un Onmlm Barrister , Tuesday cvoninj ; , Septcmbor 2 , the mar- i-injo of Mr. Jl. J\ , Hall of the firm of CUnrl- t./in X. ' IMl tele , Daughter of Mr. O.J. 0.Vurtelo , an advocate of Sorel , Canada , wassolenilnizcd in Christ church of that plnco. Tlio Montreal Herald speaking of the \ved- dinp sajs : The ceremony vas performed by the Hov , IVlr. Capcl , who \vas assisted by the undo of the bride , the Rev , Louis Wurtelo , Air , James 3hoas"grconforJIlcrly | of Montreal and now of Chicago , \va ? best man , assisted by M r , IN" . J. Ilolden , and the Orldebtnaids \vero tlio Misses Blanche and Daisy Wurtelo , sisters of the bride , .After tbo ceremony t reception was licld at the residence of tlio brute's father , at uhich thcrova a largo and fashionable assembly of frlonds am xvclt-whhersof the happy couple , The pros onts vcro numerous and costly and com prlsod many objects of proat beauty. Lasi ovcnliiR.Mr. nnd Mrs. Hall left by boat for a trip to the Sagiioiiay. On thuir ictu rn they proceed to Omaha , Neb , , visiting Niagara Toronto , Detroit and Chicago on tlio way The younpr couple take with them the bcs n lshcs of a largo circle ot friends and ac quaintances. ancl JoHclyn , The marriage of Mr. Charles C. Pitch nni Miss Ilattio L. J"osclynvas solemnized at th rosldciico of J.ho bride's parents , 730 Firs avenue , Council Bluffs , at 4 o'clock on Wednesday. The ceremony took place ii the presence of a largo o ompany of hrltci Biicsts , Ilov. GcorROV. . CroCta , the pool preacher , offluintlnfr. Jlr. and Mrs. nto Icftou thoo\cnlng \ trala or Denver , Sal Lake and other western cities nnd will bo n ' homo ntSltl 1'li-stavcnuo ufter October 1. Mr. Titchta thoelectilclnn foe tlio Armour Cudahy company of South Omaha and i f morally known as nn oaport electrician Miss Josolyn , the brldo-clcct , Is a very clurnvinj ulrl , a favorite in the social Ufa o our sister city , Progrcsklvo lllch Flic. Mr. nna aiw.V , A. Redlck , in honor o Ilss Eloyt , of trtlcaNV"A > ho is the sucst o Mr. and Mrs , L. M. Bennett , gnve a delight i ul progresslvo high five paity FilJay ovoi ing , at their residence , U120 Emmet street The house was effectively decorated through out with flowers and aaillas , adding tolho bcaufcyof the interior. Dainty refresh ments wcro served during the evening- . After alevou ( tames , prizes were awarded to Miss May IDundy , who received nvorv handsome chatelnlno and to Mr. Prank Hamilton , n deck of cards In a very pretty receiver. An innovation was Introduced in keeping traclc of the cames won , which were indicated by bows of parti-colored baby ribbon planed to the . lapel of the coat or the Indies' bodice. The guests present wore : Mr. and Mrs. Henry Estaliroolt , Mr. and " Mrs. D.II. "Wheeler , Jr.Mr.nnd , Mra. Kich- ard Cnrrlor , Mr. and Mrs. Sclp Dundy , Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilal McCord.Mr. . and Mrs. Trod Njo , Mrs. Lucius Wakeioy of Chicagro , Mrs. Joseph Learner , Misses Dundy Lunn Dundy , Sharp , Ida. Sharp , Carter , Jewell , Iloyt , AVakolcy , Iloneland , Laura Headland , Wcssra , J. C. Sharp , Frank Hamilton , Arthur % ValcoleyEdrairiield , , LutherDrako , Milton Barlow , A.1 Patrick , Clark Ucdloir , Chat Ro- dlck , Charles Off utt , Daniel Jlorgan. Their Crystal Anniversary. Fifteen years ago last Wednesday Air. and Wra. A.C. Powell wore united in marriage , but they had hoped to Iteep the fact o f their anniversary a secret. A. number of'their f tlcuds , however , decided that tlio anniver sary should not go by without sotno recogni tion , and accordingly they gathered ntMr. and Mrs , Powell's house , 1002 Locust street , Kount70 place , and ass istod in making merry the very pleasant event. Mrs. Warrou SivltzlerandMrs. ElIonBoall added to the occasion by rendering- several piano solos. Key. Mr , Llivyd gwo two or three local selec tions very admirably. Mr. and Mrs. Powell vure the recipients oC many crystal presents and many flowers. Mr , C. A. JlcKinnoy , tlio assistant cashier of the American snvliifrs bank , of wnich Jlr. Towell Is cashier , did not forget his friend , although at present lo cated in Houston , Tox. , and hosenta beauti ful box of capo jasnilnua , ou exceedingly odoriferous flower , which scented tlio vhole house nnd nadoono feel as .If they \v cm in sumo tropical country. Refreshments were served , the evening being- made especially memorable. A Happy Surprise. If over Micro ivas a surprised nan it was Dr , B. P , Crummcr Thursday evening. It was the doctor's birthday , and unknown to tlio head of the house , Mrs. Crummcr invited a number oT the doctor's lutimos In during tlioovcnlns to participate In n game of cards. Tlio phjsiciainvasUto In arriving homo from a profesilotialcall and the look of surprise \vhlch inaatied his faro would have furnished anlnsplrationfor an artist. Tlio gentlemen wcro seated at the tables playing diivo hisb. Ittoolc but a moment fortho dhuijiloof Dsou- lapius to recover and ho then entered heaitlly into thopleasures of the evening which Ins helpmeet had provided. Refreslnneut-s ere served at the end of the game , the gentlemen present to enjoy the tempting viands being ; ( Jcnoral John B. DouiiU , Judge Ambrose , .fudge rawcelt , Dr , Jones , Messrs. Williams , Lloyd. Wcllerilloctor , I.nlly . , Uratlot , Powell and Sherman , the majority of whom hcltig neighbors of the doctor's In Kouutzo pluco. A. ricasnnt Card Party , Miss llmlly Wakoley followed up her formal dcbutinto society by dvinga cliarni- inj progressive Wgh five pirty Monday evening , i-fter a number of games played pilzos wore distributed as follows. Miss Jennie Thrall drew the 11 rst prize fortho ladles , an exquisite white and Japanese fan ; MUs Q'hroll ' won the booby , an owl thai looked very vise , hearing upon its face the advice to do better ueit tune. Jlr. Harry Clenver carried off an oililizcd silver knife. Mr. Stanley Smith , by dint of hard playing , won the gentleman's booby , a pretty ash receiver. The participants were : Miss Doane , Miss Van Patten , Miss Tlmdl , Miss Jcimlo Thrall , Miss Wukelo. ) ' , Aliss Curtis , Miss llarnard. .Messrs , Stewart Shears , Clapp , Uriacoll , Cleuvcr , ( lulou , "NV , Q. Doane , Stanley Smith and Baldridge. A. Cob\veb fl'ca , Mrs.V. \ . E. Clancy , 1MO South Thirty- fourth , gave a Cotwob Tea Thursday after noon iiihouorof MbMusoaand Miss Squires ofChicago. Tlio housowas decorated with golden rod and yellow ribbons , and two rooms ivoro a mesh of yellow cord. Each lady was presented with a card at uchca to a cord , which Mhoii ivouudlod to uii appre-uri atepnzofor each. Aa eloganttoa served ofcl , thetabloboinff'In yellow and white. JPho guests wcro Mrt. Charles Gratton , Mrs. A. IHoldcn , Mss Holmes , Miss \bby Holmes , Miss Gcorpo b'Uaip , Miss Mabel ' ? ratt , Mss Butts of Council Bluffs , Miss 'lattlo Vaughaii , Lillian Ilruncr , Hardy. _ lleartq. Tridny cvonlnc : Jliss Lynn Curtisdaughtcr , of Colonel and Mrs , S. S.Curtis , 517 Virginia avenue , give a thoroughly enjoyable card riarty inkmorof Tier guest , Miss Daldwino , [ Ccokulr , la. , and JMrs. U'hraLl of Ohio. Pro gressive hearts was played , Da game. that the nutation of time , has almost forced Into obscurity and retirement But It Is a Jolly panio , and the young ladles and gentlemen succeeded In getting lots of fun out of it , even if It is hut rarely played. .After a number of pninoa clellcious refresh mentsHero served and ttionthe ririzcs. were awarded , Miss Bacho and Miss 23aldwln being - ing the facorcd ones among the ladles. Ajnong the gentlemen Mr. Harry Driscoll took : the llrst and Mr. Stanley Smith the booby. .A largo number of guests were present , among -whom were noticed Misses Baldwin , Thrall , Jennie Thrall , Touzalm , Pratt , Doano , Emily Wakeley , Nellie Baurn , BroivnioBiium , HSIattLo nnd Dolly Pollaclc , Bacho , B , Bache , Carter , Dundy , W. Dundy , Sharp , T , Sharp , Moore , Bishop , Stevens , Smith , House , Hamilton , IIartmauIlelliuaii , Ilawley and Bennett , " \Yclls , Ollvor , and JVl , Oliver of Council Bluffs : Mr. rind Mrs. Harry JMcCormlclc , Mr. and. Ocorge GoulclMessrs. , MooresCooko , , Dome , l rcd McUormiclc , Colfast , Connor , Driscoll , Smith , Cloavcr , Crouby of Detroit , Wolister , Foivler " , BoallVyirain , , II. "Wyman.P. . Ham ilton. "Wilkinson , AY , B. Smith , 13d Bowman and Pony Badrolct , Ed ITahfiold , Arthur Guion , Baldiidgc , C , Rodiclc , Kedlclc , McCnn , Hughes , Kelley , Shears , Dale and Brcck. 1'afTenruth nnil I > l colccr. The wedding of ilr. B1.1'affeurath of this city to Jllss Ilizalcth Moorslior of Uhlcago took place at Iho hrldo's homo Wednesday eveSeptember 17 , at 3350 Buttcrfleld street , Chicago , The ceremony was preformed by Rev , Vila Blake of tlio Tnird Unitarian church , undcra boiver of white roses and smilax : , and the house itself was profusely decora ted with H owcr.s. Tlio bride were a whlto India silk trimmed with duchess lace roses. 1'ho bildesmald , Miss Tillio ICospohl oC Quincy , 111 , , -\yoro \vhito falllo bilk trimmed with lace nnd ribbons. The pios- entsveronuincrous and costly , Thcro vcro ovcronolumdrcd guests present. After the ceremony the guests.nartoolc . of the wedding supper , after uulelitho lippycouple loflfor OuiaUa. They are at homo ut the 1'aston to their numerous t rioula. An XTiicxpccteU Xast Tuesday evening1 was the occasion of a pleasant surprise , toudorod Mrs , "Whit- marsh , at b-or cosy no\v homo , UOlt North Twcnty-thlra street * { Xmcln ; and cards \vcro oii1ivo ( < l bv nlt.aftorwhicha licht lunch being served the party dispersed , Those present \\ero : Mr. and Mrs. .Allison , Mr. and Mrs. Davidson , Mr and Mrs.Coon , Mr. and Mrs.Todhimttr , Mr. and Mrs , ICiiby , Mr. andMrs , Henderson , Mr , and Mrs , Boiruo , Mr , and Mrs. r ott6r , Mr. and Mrs.Vhlt - niursh , Wr , and Mrs ! Stevens , Mr. and Mrs. Noivoll , Mr. nnd Mr | Slilrby , Mr. and lira. Kirby. Jilw. IMcIClimby , MissesPrsiy , Aniler- son , Uoad.v , Davb , Todhuntor , Atrnetv , Tecnan , Sahlil , Wilde , Walsh , Kirby , Clarksou , Welch , Potter , Vogue , McF U Jcn , Stewart. Schaminel. Messrs , lUtterton , Wilde , ilurcbmoro.O'Brien , Oroonc , Conies , Davis , Stewart , Tecnan , ShcMod , Archer , l e Meiuuro and Crawford. 01 uu Pnrties , Olio Cosmopolitan club gave its opening party last Thursday ot Hawaii's hall on South Thirteenth streot. About sovotity-flvo couples -\vero \ In attendance and a most onjoy- nblo time was hail. The next party will bo given September : il . , , O'ho JJniernld social club organized last ovculae for thatmrposo of holding a scries of dances this wfutcr. The offlcora are : . HamrnonJ , secretary and treasurer ; Thomas Dillon , Harry McTS > den , J. Li.IIoltcu . , E.M. Kennedy , Chailes INlcFaddeii , financial con- uiittec. Jfo-vcmciiiH and Mr , and Airs. F. Paileiirath have returned frornOhicaso and aront tlioPaaton. Miss Baldwin of Kcokul ! Is the guest this \veekoCISIIss Lynn Cuitis on Virginia avcnuo , Mr , and Mrs II. W Yntes returned from their month's \isit to New "i'ork Sunday morning. Dr.J. Jl , Hill nnd wife \Vhitolnll , 111 , are In the city , the guests ofV. . \Volsliaus , iJOOS Douglas. Misses May Copelanil , JS'elsie Hughe ? and Maty Sherwood loft Wednesday evening for Vassar college. Mr. D. II , Goodrich , who has boon quito under the weather forsornotlniopastl3 , hap pily Improving , Mr , and Mrs. Elmer Frank returned Thurs' day from Nnntuekctwhere , Mrs. Frank spent the summer. Mrs. J" . M. Woolworth lias gone to Gover nor's Island on a visit to her daughter , Mrs , Lioutouuut Guy Hovard. Miss .Tulla Bloom of Iowa City , Isvisiting her sister , Airs. S. J. I'lsuer , 507 South Twenty-fifth street. Mr , and Mr. II. B , Wood nro receiving tlio congratulations of their friends upon tbo hlrthof a son U'uesdtiyof this week. Air. and Mrs , Chailei J" . Green loturnod on Saturday from adelightfultrlp toNow York , Boston , Allan tie and Philadelphia. Joseph and Edpar Morseman left \Vcdnes- ilay for Ann Arbor to rasurao their studios at the famous Michigan university. Miss Coppock of Wnslilngton , D. C , , ar rived In the city yestenlay. She. Is a guest of Mrs,0. J.Col 1min ntSlsaDoclgvstrect. Miss Louie G , Drake , daughter of L. J , Driike , left Monday evening for St. JCather- Ino's school for girls at Davenport , la. Mr , fredcricklCuight the very clover water coloiist , lias gone to New Vorit to take a couwo in color work at the Art League , Mrs , Joe Scott of Dourer will spend the next two or three weeks in Omaha , on n visit to f ilcnds , Shots a guest at the 1'axton , The marriage of David Alexander Uaum and Miss AnnaChristlno Tan Slculo ivill be. solemnized in Is'civtou ovr JerseyOctober 3 Mrs. S. J. Fisher who has boon verv 111 for seine time pas t Is convalescing rapidly , and her fiioiids looltforward to Uor appearance aincng them with pleasure. Mr , Thomas Kllpntrlck returned from Eu- ) ni > n ntitriii il.uv Mt i I fl Tmtt-ir'lf nn.l . daughter lloicnco will sojourn in the Adir ondack country during September , M \VllllumA. . Ivclloy , wife of the mem ber ofthoboardof education of that name , is visiting hersistcr , Mrs , James Laughran , at Anschno In this state and will ho absent ubouta month. Mr , H. 0 , Bostwlcfc , cashier of the South Omaha National bunk , leaves todnyoa a month's vacntion to the Rockies in soaich of heiiltb and pleasure , this being his drat vaca tion In four years. Mrs , S. P. Morse and 3rs. ! II , P. Jensen , who nro the cuosts of Mrs. C , S.Ylthcr - spoon at 1'ort ivlaillson , ha\o been receiving any number of attention : ! at the handa Of the firtntnl ivrttM tll lp. Ma Duma lender returned this weolt from a charming sojourn at ICennobuiikport , Me. Miss IJami , her sister , will not leturn until late In Octohor , contemplating a visit to fricnas In linltlmore , DIcssrs. W. liustin , George Jlercer , Her- hort Holcoinbo , Morris Beall , Augustus and Chuiles Kouutzc , left for Vale collopro jcstor- dayand lleruiniinndLutlicrlCounUo for St. 1'uul'sschool ' , TCew rlampshlro. Mr , and Mrs. Gannett ( nee Jllss Najgio Ingalls of Waslilngton , D. 0. ) aiotho guests of Jlr. and Mrs. jloaglaiid , Mls % Jugalls1 girlhood \\M spent in Omaha , nnii she has many old friends here to welcome her. Miss Von I'atten ot Davenport , la. , one ol the most charming girls \vlio has ever Uilted Omaha , left for her homo on Tuesday , leav ing behind any number of palpitatlug hearts among the jou ny gentlemen of tie city. Mir. and Mrs. Carmhbael of Diindoo place cntertainvdthQ residents of that suburb la 11 dolightfulraanner lajt Tuesday oyo. There worogatni's , innsle , eta , with choice refresh ments ut1 o'clock. There were about thirty- live ladles and gcutlemea present , Mir , Dwlght Tiodcricu Bojdoti , a 'Parisian artist of repute , was entertained thin woolf by Jlr. and Mrs. Hood. Mr iloydemvJll meet the U'oakm Art assoclatleu at the JLInlngcr gallery noxb weoli , the da to not having yet been decided upon. The marriage of Miss Anna Borclum nnd Mr. Alfred Darlo.v tates place Thursday. October 0 , at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr , and Mrs , Darlow Mill bo at homo to their friends after November 1 at Olr ) North Twentieth street. Mr. and Mrs. Hcaglaiid ga\oa small card party Thursday evening for Mr. and ilrs. GarnottofVnibiugtanI ) . C. The Invited pruests wcro : Mr. nnd Mrs. Fleinon Drake Mr. and Mrs. , Charles Squires Mr. , and M'd. CharlesII. CatlinMr . . 11 urns , Misses Jlut- tcrlloldand Colon el Chase. Mr. nud Mrs. A. J. Popploton have Issued invitations fora dancingpartvTuesday eve ning of next wcolc. In honor of tholr daughter Miss 2Nlary 1'opplotonvhich ' will bo in the nature ofn welcome and farewell , the young lady leaving shortly for Miss Brown's ' school New York city. , His almost settled that Mr. Fred Nye wli leave Omaha to talto up Ms residence la 1'ort land , where lie will become interested in a new daily paper to bo started thoro. Ho has Just returned frotn the coast and ia very en thusiastic over the wonderful resourses of that country. . Mrs. Uusscll Harrison arrived in Ormha this week , after spending the summer -with i iesident and Mrs. Ilanlson at tholr cottage atC.ipoMay Poiutand utCreston , 1'a. Mrs. Harrison and her daughter , JSIarthena , will remain the guests of ox-Senator nnd Wrs. Saunders until the latter part of October , when she will bo Joined ty Mr. Harrison , and will go cast again. Invitations are out announcing thowoddhig > f Mr. C. G. Underwood to JMIss Ida Tlchlofcu. wliich will occur at the residence of Mr. Harry Tichlofon , Seneca , ICas. , on Tuesday eve. September 23. On tholr arrival in Omaha INIr. and Airs. Underwood will boird at the I'axtou , after which they will goto housekeeping , Mr , Underwood rcuiu- -seiits the It. T. Davis milling company of Omaha. Miss Karmionutterfleld entertained a few friends from amoiiKthe older settlers at her home , the. residence of Colonel Dean , last Tuesday evening , that they might meet Mr. and Mrs , Gannett of Washington. Among1 these present were Mr. and Mrs. Gannett , Mr. and Mrs. Flomon Drake , Dr. nnd Iklrs. Corouaii , Mr. nnd J\rs. \ ) GcorgoA. Hoaglnmi , Mr , and Mr * . Clement Cbaso , Mr. and Airs. Chuiiosl1 , Ciitllii and Mr , and Mi-a. Sactott of Couiuil Bluffs. A coaching party was plvcn VcdnosdaJ ovdilngby u numberof Oinaha younff tncn , in Council Itlulfs. After ridlnpr until It ) U C1UUI1 UU | / 41ly U1UVU IU 1V1.193 JlllIU J-JUl * Ini'd's ' , vhoro aliKht lunch was served , The rest of the ouniiii , ' was spout in dancing , Tlio folloivItiKwero Iti the party : Messrs , Moores , U.ilo , Coolt , Kediclr , Allen , Cotter. Dnle , Itoliclf , Driscoll , Burgess , Uolfax , ivihsos llowmaii , iSerinuohlen , Oliver , Ifunu- worth , Ilownian , WelLs , Bullarti , Oliver. Bcnnutt , Dullard , lllvulet , Morgan. " * 0 Dr. Blriiej' , nose and throat , 33co bldg. The last collepro to open , and almost the first to close , isUolumblacollogo Mill begin voilc in all itsschoolion Monday.Otto- . - berO. Barnard collogeColumbia's , annex f or women , will begin the new year at tlio same time with bright proiiKX'ts , Up to two years ngoColuuibla always bezaa ona , Wed- tiosdfty , but it was found thntby bcglnnliiL' two days earlier in the week the classes couM bo started on the term work In good season , nnd the llmt wock would not bo a loss to the students , a it had been informer . I'lesldont ' " years. flow's "university " system" will bo boKun this season , anil will bo xvatchodwlthmueli Interest by educational institutions throughout the country. Dr. Blrnovnosoiind , throit , Bee bldg 1'iosldcnt Charles 1C. Adnras , of Cornell University , Utu just rutuinod from liurope. Toarepoitor oftho New Vork Trlbunu ho saldthuttho Oxford and Cambridge Univer sities , where liohadniicuta month , were not so well ajaptudto tliouecJi of England at prmcut aiourcolloKra and unlvornllles ura to the needs of Amcilca. They uro all , ho thinks , too much tleduplth \ tradition to bo able to adapt tln'inseU'C-H to present oJucn- needs. Ho ejcnre&scd hiinsolf as bolng esjicciallypleased Win ttie schools ofSwitz erland , uliicli Imva rc'tchi'J a lilgh nr.ulu of IKsrfoctlon , partlculuily tlio technical schools , Oiiolu Xurlchuluno has a uhomical labora tory lnr er than all ( if those Inov Knglund putlog other. Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Doa Udj- { . EXPOSIIMJN. A. Dazzling Display that Will Sleet tlio Kjc ol'tlio Visitors. The Intcr-statfi exposition will bo inaugur ated tomorrow even Ing at the Coliseum under the most favorable auspices. Mayor dishing f will deliver the opening address , and brief j speeches vill bo made by ninny other dlstir- ? Buished citlzous , Tlio colossal brass nnd res.d bandwlll boprescnt , and lor its opening co > corb will render an especially delightful pro gramme. The exposition is bound to ho a splendid success. Every available Inch or space Is occupied vita a rare Una beautiful display In some department of art , commcico ormanu- factory , or the products oC the flolJ V or lorest , farm or garden. The floral ( display Is beautifully extravagant , ivhllo x every 'ihe aopartmont is n picture within Itself , merchant * nnd shopmen , exhibitors in general , inflict have vied with each other In producing- Impressions and picturesque cf- foots , BIIU. no auth work has over been wit nessed hero before , 'loo much jTOlsoinmiot bo accorded the plucky and cfllclcut iiKmaco- inont. Messrs. Uocdor&Bcll. . They tir.vo ac complished u'ondors. and deserve u Lcartv midwholesouled -whole-souled endorsement at the luindi of the public. The exposition , -i\htlo It is of course , calculated to please , instruct anl , edify. Is primarily a pri'.it ' advertisement fur the city otOmulm. U'hat is the premier ob . ject. The management have put thousands of dollars into tliU mammoth project nnd ought no' to bo allowed to como out behind. Th3 whole business interests oC tlio city aioto hi subserved. Individual ai-grnudi/oirieiit N only a secondary purpose. For weeks ni army -\vorkmon hao been etin.ifjed ujoi the biilldlnjr , puIntinBenlnr iiiK , Improving mid deeoratlntr , and has at last been BO met amorphoscd that eld visitors nnd pit rons will not only bo astonished , butclmnned , at tin marvelous chanprcnvrouirhtlnso short time , Tlat-s mid bunting flutter from every point within the vast structure , wliilo tlio hundred ! . of Illuminators transform the gilt f tcrlriK interior at night Into a fubuloui k.iloidoscojx . ! , se slilftlni ; nnd full" of llfo and color and beau ty are all the surroundings No labor oroxiwise has becnsiwod Inpru sciituit'thi scencof errmidour , audit isalltn Index to the Onto dty's ) lUsbontcrpiiso , , lib loiiLion iiicro win uo no cessation In th > introduction of novel and interostiiin attrac tioiis , musical , theatrical , arllitleand iiatuinl Superintendent Jioedcr Is demonstrating hi , illness to manage an nUair of suchoxtcusivi diinciislons , and takes 11 justifiable pndo in the great success that lias so far crowned nil tbolr efforts. Onoof the loading- features ol the nflalr will bo Merchants' day. Or-at preparations are bolnp ; made for this i eva sion , mid tiicro i-einalns no doubt but It will prove Iho day of the whole show , A. general Invitation will bo extended to the merchants all over tills anil the adjoining tato.snnd , an Immoiiso throng Is Inevitable. This diiy. with ita music and extraordinary sights , -will bo topped off ttltli a sumptuous hiuifiuot. and thoopoub will IKI one that will IOIIK bo ranoinbjro.l and result Ininanj good things fur thoulty , as well as for all thososo foitunato mtr ) ha nrcsent. 33xcuraloiis from all tuonuiphbor- Ing towns and cities are bciujf nrruiif'oil for and the prwpects for an unprecedented suc cess could not bo brighter. Tlio second week of the exposition will vUtnessa listof ttr.ic- lions tlmtcoulit not bo butUrocl. They will ronslst of extra inimical cards , and novel performances within Iho auditorium that cannot fail to draw ovorvvlieliiilnir cio\vda \ Homo of the booths nru even liuor than was at thouu'lit nosslbl i , and tlioliitr nuiLjami tnito cxlubited iniiia c inpthedo oJTcctlvocxhlblts rellcctH imboundo 1 iri'dltiipoii Ihoso who bad their execution in charge , Cilhon.sshould reinembor that thu exhibition open * tomorrow cvoiiiiur. and thit Itwillbo oneof tlio plcasaiitcst ocvamonscii- Joyed hero for many years , with Ha ( rood iioccliM | , niuslo niul rurodisplays of mojnaii- bin , artnnUnatuie , Dr. Illniey ouroa caturrli , Ueo IMg. The "rotoudo" cloak U BO iiain < Mlliecnuso it eiiveloisov'i'rythlnr. [ ( It I obnolutuly pliU. i ultli tbo OKicptlon of its color , which l.scial > . omtc-lyoinbroldored orbraldoil. Dr. Dimly , nose and throat , Uoo bluff.