Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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    TJ1E DA1UY BEE ,
E , ROBEVTATER , Editor.
" " "
Dillynnil fund nr , Olio Vcar . tin (0
HI * IMOMlllH , . , , 5 DO
'Iliri'O iimiilln . , , i . i. . . . , i 8 IV )
Hiindny lloc.Dno > oar . , . , . . I ! 00
Weekly lice , Ono year. . . . . . 1 IS )
flmnlii. Tim Flro llnllillng.
Hunt li Onmlm , Corner N nn < i 3 > th Street * .
Council HI HIM , 131'itarl Strict.
Uilpiigoonicu , > llClintnlor -'oinmopcp. .
Now Urk.liooiMiU.H nnil in , Tribune Mulmlng
Washington , fin lonrtcentli Street.
All rnrnrminlcntlotifl rnhitlnc to now nnd
rllUirhl rnnltor uliould lo mlilru'cd to tlio
dltorliil Dcp'irtmi'tit ,
All biiKlnm Inllcri ami icmlttnnccs iliould
1)Cn ) Mnlto ( The Hro PII tillihlttifCciiiitmiy ,
Oniiilii , nriiftw.cliL-eki ttnil liosloHli-u wilori
to l > < - made1 piyulilo to tlio oruur of the vnu
jinny ,
The Bcc PnMisliing Company , Proprietors ,
The l ! < n II'M'ir , I'lirnnm ami "I'vonli'untli "Hi
btiitnof N 'liniBWi I _ _
Ummtyol DoiHtlnil
Ooo II. Ticlitick , fiocrctirr ol Tim nc rt
Pit til Hilna ( orn nan v , OneiHolt inn lyiwniir that
tlio nclmil olrculatlon nf Tun iMH.r llri ! for
the wick c-nillnK bopt II. IS1 * ) , win in followni
Hiiiidnv , Si'Dt.T .11 MX )
Mondnr Si | it. H .UVM
' ' " ' ' ' ' *
Wil ltiiMl'uv.i < Iit'l6 ! . , , , . . . . , . I . . ' .11.172
Tliu i Mlii v. Sept. II ai.M.3
Irldnv He-lit. 12 W.I78
Bjtunlay , tcpt. 13 ! 0.iijS
Avorngo 20i : * O
( ! EO it. rwiiiiK.
fiworn to loforo mo nnd nubxerlboii In mv
presunco t mi l.'lln dnv ol Sot ) tun Dor. A. D.itffKX
\HKA1. \ I N. I" . I KM * NotUty 1'ubllO.
Btat ( nf Nobranki , .
Cniirityuf DiniKlni.IM *
Ocorgu It. TzHiliiik , IwliiK duly snrorn , do-
POSOH mid HIIJS Hint hols Hi'crclury of Tlio Itco
rnlillililnn ( irnjiitiv. tint I lie until il ax > rutti '
( Itillvilroiililloii nf 'lui : IMH.v tin : fur the
innnlli of .S'ptoiiilwr , IKHIl. in 710 cmilefl ! for
( ) tolcr ) , IHKl , WOTcoplc'i : forNovunix-r , I8SU ,
10/110 coiilcs ; for llrrciiilii-p , ISSI. L'O.OIS copies ;
fnrJiiiiuiiryiIMJO.I9vn cr > | il4H ! for rabninry ,
WW. l'fil ' ] ! oniilcs ; fop Jlircli. 1W. ttWr.O | > | CH ;
for April. l m ) ,9ilf ( jili < : for May , ISIKi.JO.lso
copies for liinu , IPX ) , 20T01 lopli-s ! for July ,
HJO , 0W.- , copies [ fur AimiHt , l n. at 7V ) cnplos.
Oiuuor II. 'l7RcmiK.
bunrnto lipfora rnc. null niiliscrlbid In injr
pri'scnii1 , tills 10th tlnyof ho iitiiinbor. A.I ) . .
. X P I-'Ml ,
Not try IMibllo.
iN'iuu imitlcruf Mlailcs of olllcors
tliourld'd fair Is a pronounced sucooaa.
TlfH first election in tlio republic of f
Tlra/.il "passed olT quietly. " It sliould 1
1w remembered the iiiiti\es are notice
In thuulcctlon business.
Knixsii.U'KD trucks piomlso to smash
the records of llio turf. Republican
thoroughbreds nro running1 on klto-
slmped trucks In Nobi-aslm thlsyonr.
Tin : llg-ht Itv the Third illoU-lct la now
on in c irnost. Jlr. Kein and Mr.Thomp
son will uliow each othornnd the result
mustnucossarily bo n republtoan victory.
A Mf\'iMnNT ! has bofii stirtod in
Italy for tlio holding of an Intuinatlonal
exposition In 18U As yet no Italians
1mvoisitud Chicago to loam how to
Bcloct it hi to.
Tnr IJimtilln Indians nlonff Pujjot
Sound , who pick hops for a living1 , have
Htruokfor lilglior wiigos. And jot some
people hti\o olalinod that Indians never
could beuomo
Tin : opposition to the pure food bill
coinuti from Iho m.inufiotuiors nnil ven
dors of boyin compouiuls , who dread bo-
iiir { , bompullcd tolubultlicir goods. No
lioiiOHt manufacturer ein : object to tin
i i lionout label.
Ir CO.VG iiib : < 5 nujouina eatly inOctobor ,
ns Is pit-dieted , it will fjivo tlie atntos-
inen now busy in W.isliinjjtonanhanr-o
to open tholr yawp in the full cmnpaFtfii.
The peoplovvill iippioeitute the fact that
it did nut juljoimicjullor.
TIM ; democrats of Ohio are milking1
nmingenionls to hold a big banquet on.
Juilgo Thuiinati'a biithtlay , lSTovoiiihor
13th. Tlio old Roman will piosent a
red bniulannii to oiieli Invited guest , mid
ColunibiiB will be painted red.
Tim Australian ballot sjstcin woilccd
well enough In WyomingAftoranothor
lejrJBliituro Ne/buislvn will try the Ati-
etralian ballot sjstembut with improvo-
Miontfj over many other HtatoH. A auciot
ballot in rural districts Is not demanded.
Woui ) cornea from London Unit a syn
dicate hag lieon formed among English ,
capitalists to construct a canal through
How Jcrioy from the Dolovvaro river to
tlio Atliuitle ocean. If this Is dotio it
vrlll give a cheap outlet for Jersey lightning
ningto the ecu.
THIS nnti-lottory law hus gone to the
president. Ho will promptly siirn it ,
uml the lottery \vlll piouiptly tsvko the
cnso to the United States Mipromo court
ivhoro a decision will bo reached in the
fulness of tlmo. Intho dreary Intoihn
* ho siieKor will cast
his line for the cap-
Tun cnpititl of Oklahoma is yet on
wheels , nnd as Guthrlo and Olvlnhouia
City aio both on tlio e.uuo line of road ,
tlio complication scorns to bo growing
nioro complicated , and KingllBhcr is In a
very good way tosccuio tlio prl/o. The
dog in the manger policy of the ether
two ambitious tovvna only piovos the
tiuth of the old fablo.
Tim annual report of the Utah coiu-
inlsslon flatly contradicts the claim tnnt
tlio Mormon church hiul alnndoiicd
polygnmy as a tenet of Its crocd. Duilug
tlio ] iondonoy of thq Idaho udinlsslon
bill In congioss , Bovoral Mormon bishops
publicly assorted this elmngo had boon
doturiniiioel on , anil urged it as an argu
ment in favor of the rejection of the
Mormon dlafraucliiblm ; clauno la the
Btato coiibtltution. The commission
points out that the church as a body
does not oven contemplate the abandon
ment of polygnmy , and that assertions
to the contrary were uuido for political
effect. It is to bo rejrrottod that the
rmlteiila porstst in upholding n social
pystoin which not only Bhoclo public
Bcntlineiit but brings a deluded people
into diicct mid distressing coalllet with
the liuvs of the land. That polyg-niny
\vlUbooxtiipatcd is only n question of
tlmo. The ovll has boon driven into
socroc-yaudits fliml destruction is cor-
' 111111. Were the leaders of the church
animated -with honest purposes they
\vould put tlio church in accord with
the spirit of tlio fljjo nnd join vtth the olonionts of Utati hi con
tributing to the moral nnd material
vwolfitro of the wliolo jioojilo.
/tVO lltK
Doinocrntlo organs are cndonvorlnff to
make capital for tholr party with Iho
farmers by claiming that the democracy
everywhere nianlfestod sympathy
with thodomandsof the alliances , vdillo
tlio ropubllciin parly has uniformly
shown hostility to thosa dommds
and atita ontxcd tlio aims nnd
purposes of the farmers' organisation .
These orffo. point to the fact that In
fioveralof the southern states democratic
representatives In congress have boon
refused a roriotnlnalion bocauio they
wcio dlstnitcfttl to tlio allliuico nnd moil
elected wliovcro satlsf.iutory to the
farmers , the inference of cottwo being
that in all suchctsos the dotuocrata had
inado the concession.
The liollowiiessof this claim Is easily
shown. In Llio llrst place thutnon chosen
toHticccctl present democratic represen
tatives In congees * fioni the south by
reason of the influence of the alliance ,
are \\ltliout exception , so far1 as
wo are aware , themselves demo
crats. Sonio ot them are identi
fied with the Interest , but
they are none the loss In Hjmpalhy with
the general policy and principle ) of tlio
democratic ptrty , which they are sim
ply willing to enlarge by the addition of
certain domandH of thosouthornf.trmors.
I2\cry ono of the-nj men will bo found as
faithful to democracy us the men whom
they will sunned. In nil thcso oasss ,
therefore , there Ina boon merely nn ox-
uhango of domoeratn , and no reasonable
111:111 : will doubt fora moment that if this
woio not thofitut the ulllancowould in
no Instance liavo luueived the asai'iLuiioo
of democrats not In that organl/.ution.
Out it is to bo observed thnt in most if
not nil those cases thoalli.mco was In a
poidlion to dictate twins and did BO.
Tlio best evidence of tlio true feeling of
the democratic organ i/.ition in the uuuth
toward the alliance was supplied in the
coui o pursued by the dcmoci.acy
toward Cautuin Tllltniin , tlio nl-
limiL'u candldato for govoinor in
Soulli Caiolitiu. So oxnspoi-atcd.
were the domociutio managers that
Tillman's life wns tluciLtcncd , and the
fact thnt ho Ihmllj received the domo-
OLVillo endorsement was eortninly duo tone
no love of the straight-out democrats for
the alliance. The truth is there is no
iiihtaiiL-o of fcho
democracy of any ton-
gross district In the south making any
concession to the alliance that it
not compelled to make. Whatever the
democratic orsranl/ution has been stroncr
non < fh to tlo us It ploasstl tho.iUlnnuo
tas received llttloor no consideration
Ljinociiiticprofesaloni of lutoreatin
the \volfura of the fiirinor are every-
.vlieio . to bo v.tluoil according to tlio exi
gency confronts that p irty. The
lULuieo movcinont in the south thruit-
onoil to dtsiupt thy cloinocraoyof that
Boetloii nnil iiut an end to its solidarity ,
! iuneo the effort In noino txu liters to
the fiirmers by a preteiisa of
liy with tholr ilotn.mtls. In tlio
the piofessod flolioltudo of the
democracy for Ihufarinoi'd Is prompted
olely by consideration of inrly suocess ,
: uid cannot bo depended upon to
ast beyond the achievement of success.
In ncither section Is there any slnuailty
or hotifibty in lliosa professions. Mcui-
whllo the republican i > irty , while
frankly ilt nppro\lng' tlxoso ilciniindy
which itholto\os would bo mischievous
In tlioir oircets and injurious to the
vholo peoples , maintains Us teuotilas the
friend of interests and
ovcivwhoro renews its plcilfjo lo insist
that those interests slnll 1)3 failly nnd
jitbtly protected.
-At the inception of street pivlngln
Omaha , the advocates ol progressive pub
lic works encountered nnd judiuiously
uolicd the ono serious pioblom. The
ot paving at tlio outset vas ono-
thinl pr i enter than at the present time.
To force abutting1 ptopotty ovvnois to pay
the full cost in a lump sum was not pinc-
licnblu nor desirable. Fi\o-yenr bonds
\\oio issued and tlio cost divided
into live equal annual pay
ments. This wibo piovlbion of
the charter was later amend
ed and the cost of these essential public
hnpiovcmonts distributed ovoraseilos
of ten yoii"3.
Tlio utalom of this sjstom of gradual
payments is bten in the miles of la ed
btrecth inturbccting and extending in nil
directions. It is nil unquestioned f.u-t
Unit property owners could not ha\o
withstood tlio tremendous taK for puljllo
works had they boon forced to p.vy the
total cost on completion of the work.
To the extended payment plan must bo
credited the gioator pait of thoinur\cl-
ouaprogie&s In public \\orlcs mmlo in the
liist ten jenrs. It enabled the .autliorl-
ties to entry on nt the sanio limoa comprehensive -
prohonsivo system of Binfiico water and
sanitary BOWCIB nnd an equally oxtonsho
pystem of Btroot opening and grading.
The burdens tints imposed would have
EwnmpodJ a loss onorgrotlo and enterpris
ing people , yet the record shows that
Omaha property owners luivo mot these
oxtiaordlnary obligations promptly , In
addition to the regular tuxes.
These splendid lesults give force lo
the snnjrostion that the chatter bo
nmonded BO as to include the cost ot
street grading in the ten year payment
plan. "With few exceptions nil linpoit-
nnt streets hmo been hioiight togrndo ,
loiuingf ' side streets to bo cared for In
tho'futuie. Under the present system
thonmount of grading1 done in any ono
jenris limited by the sum the council
botsnpattto pay the o'ty's half of tlio
cost. The demand for reduced taxes
will necessarily make the street gr.ul-
ing-fund small , so that no bioad system
can bo dt ibcd and successfully carried
The south nnd western sections of the
city require nn extensive system , of
street grading , Itwould bo unjust ,
oven If itttas possible , tooxnet tlio totnl
cost In a lump. Public policy auggosta
tlio Inauguration of the Installment
plan , which will onivblo the authorities
to form pnidinfj distilutw and pros
ecute ; a sjstein of linprovoniontsju-hlch
will not iinpo\orlsh the lionio-
bullders. Ten nnnunl pajmenls ,
at n low rate of Interest
would not only largely Increase the em
ployment of labor , but \\ould enable lot
owners to grade , lo\oling \ the hills iiml
tilling the liollowrt , nnd iniiko the broken
sections of the suburbs nttractho uml
\nluablo for residence , besides immedi
ately enhancing the valuooE the prop
TICK llKBls confident that the applica
tion of the Installment plan to grading
would piovoaflgrcut a bo neil t to the city
and to property owncts as It his demon-
Bttilted In oilier public works.
THE orn
IVeslJont Miller o ( the Ilhrnukco
road laments the fjronlng puLlIc senti
ment for railroad regulation , and Inti-
males that a "ehang'O can hardly 1)3 ) ex
pected until hostility to rallwnjs ceases
to bo a , nhort route to political prefer
ment. ' Mr. Millor'tt sentiments breathe
the old familiar air. Even In times
wlien tlio corporations controlled the
entire machinery of sttito governments ,
the cry went out thnt they were op
pressed and memcodby political adven
turers. Indcnd they Imagined that the
public line ! formed n vast conspliac.v
ajjnlitHt the railroads , and this fueling
waikoptnlito by the horJo of political
lackeys who fattened on the fours ot the
Public sentiment Ins not chanpcd In
this facctlon , It IB the Httnrjiiow so it
lias been for twenty years , \lg-ilnntlj du-
totinincd to eompijl the corporations to
pay tholr just ahtvro of public buiiluns
and to keep tliolrhanils oi ! political aE-
faiis. The antagonisms aiouseJaroduo
to the crasplny grooil of the corjiora-
tions , to tlieir dotnlnoeilnjj mcLhods ,
andlhelrindlffoionca to the ciyoflhe
producers for rottoriublo i.xtos to the
marketi of thoorld \ , The poi > -
plo of the west liavo a il ht tea
a filiaro of the prod nets of tholr
laljor , iind aio fully jtntiiicd inoxuillng1
tlioir ponefdto bilng1 about a change for
the bettor.Vhon the corporations
show a disposition to deal fairly and
honoraWy with the people , the people
wi 11 rcclproctto in kind.
Til K S tfU It I'll O nl , KM
There is much divoislty of opinion , or
rather in IhosurmlBos , us to wlut soil of
an agreement the conferees on the turilT
bill will reach ro auling tlio sugar
schedule , It Is quite genernlly conceded
that thcioill bo no didiculty In agree
ing upon the rccinroclty policy provided
for la tlio Boiidto amendmunt to the bill ,
though tlio terms of the amendment
in.ij bu niodillud Boaato avoidthocon-
btitutional objection , but on the question
of the dividing line between fieo nnd
dutiable sugar there may bo piolongod
controversy , nnd it , is HuggCbted as ti
prouiiuiitiy iiiaLcicn nouso nuy
oppoi tunlty to vole independ
ently on the sugar duties.
'The house In-ill bill , us nil interested
in this subject aio aware , proposed to
admit fico n.11 sugars up to No. 1 ( ! Dutch
standard. Tlio trnnto aniond man t pro
vides for a duty on all giades
abo\o No. 13
, the limit , according
cording- commercial usifjc , bctwoon
raw and refined sugars This action of
the son nto has boon pretty freely cilti-
clscd as In the interest of tlio sugar
trust , and this objection will very likely
bo strongly iiifjod in the conference by
thoi > o membcts ivho fsivor free sttg'ar to
the extent provided for In tlio bousebill. .
The theory won : vhieh the house sched
ule was made ufna that it would bo di
rectly in the Inteicst of consumers toad-
mitfreo grades between No 155 and No.
10 , bocaiibO they are available fordo-
mesllc use , being- part ! illy re fined , but
it vtas t > ulcl inioplj to this that their
color would exclude thoin fiotn fjcneral
Another arguinont Advanced
ngsiinst drawing the line of free iigirs
at , Uo. 10vus \ , Unit itiotild liavo tlio of-
fcctto ostludo thocaiiosugrs of blioao
countries which do not have modern ma-
uhinery , nnd this incliuloj all except
Cuba and Homo of the Unglldh colonies.
Only the boot sugnis which could bo ad
mitted fieooald conm here , vhieli of
couiso would bo fatal to the
schema of traclo reciprocity -ulth
the southern sttgnr-prolucin ; < f countiloB.
There nro so many Important consid
erations Involved In this problem as to
lomlor itdeuidodly pciploxing , and the
probibillty is that the solution will bo
found in homo sort of a compromise.
Still another matter which is likely to
iceoivo further discussion Is the pro
posed bounty to sugar producers. Thiss
has boon steidily opposed by the jno-
diiccra on the ground that It could not
bo inado pcrnnnent , and it appears they
are now pro pared to show figures ns to
Its operation which \Mll not TJO likely
to slicngthon th q bounty plan In popu
lar favor , " The object lesson Immedi
ately before us is the treatment of the
sugur question , " slid Jir. Illaitio in bin
Into lottei , and obviously it is the most
pu/.zling' and difficult Icbson our sttiteB-
meii lia\o had todeid with in a cry
long time ,
TIICIII : appears to bo qulto as inuoh
Inteiest felt in
Canadat regarding our
tariff legislation asiiniong our own people
ple , tmd there Is reason to Mio\o that
the political olTect upon our northern
neighbors may become \ory markod. In
dibcuasing the trade relations between
the United Stitos nnd Canada Sir John
MacDonald admitted that tlio pinposod
tariff would bo dotrlniontal to Canada's
icdult could riot bo attributed to Cnnttdn ,
and ho repented a. statement previously
made by * auotlicinioinbor of the Garni1
dlan government , that for 3 ears olToits
had boon made by the illft'orcnt govoin-
ineiits ol Canada , to eocuio Improved
trade relations botwooii the two
countiloH , This h doubtless In part
true , but ho\v often have these overtures
boon of umvtino tlwt gave thorn a ulnltn
to the attention of this government ?
Moreover , those who would relieve Can
ada of all responsibility in this matter
may have BOIIM trouble to explain the
palpably unjust discriminations of lior
present tarilf nffalnst fclio TJnitod States.
II is perhaps vnfortunato that uol hbor-
Ing countiles should bo pitted aguinst
cncli other in conmiordal vvurfato , but
the fault is not all on ono side. As to
political cltects , it Is reported tint the
annexation question is iignlii bocoinlnp :
ono of the live Issues In Canada and ( s
making great headway. That la an
Issue , hovevor , which will iecoi\o very
llttlo encouragement from the people of
this country.
, tha lending town of
Now Mexico , claims the prize for the
largest per cent of tneioaso In popula
tion. Ten years ago it hml lee ) tlmn
ono hundred licjlf $ } The counts ol 1890
gives It a iwpulntJMjof t n thousand , flvo
hundred and thlrty'Jfourexclusive ot ft
Lliousnntl orraoic y lHedby the enumer
ators. If age iUaUoa Into account , No-
biaslcn furnlahcS a'spochnon ' of town
building ritullng tb o Notv Mexico mo-
tropolls. Soutlu Omaha Is n towi
of six. ycnrs' gr6v\th. Itvn ! formnllj
born in 1831 , amlhaj siuco grown to n
to\m \ ol eight tfiousand nnd flfty-throo
lnhnbitantaor , an a'arorago ol thirteen
hundred nnd forty two ft year. Ton
ycirs o ( lil < o grow th would plneo Ltthfco
thousand ahead'of"tlio , Now Mexican
burg. *
ON niti : lusis of tlio latest report liy
tlio depirtmontof ngriculluroa yield In
1890 is figured ol about ono billion li)0
hundred and fifty mllllonbushclsolcorn ,
four liundied million of ivhcit and li o
hundred and twenty-11 vo million oloats
This noulilbe abhorlnpro , as compared
with 16S9 , of six hundred mil lion bushels
of torn , ninety million of wheat and two
hundred and txvcnty-fivo million oloats ,
This -\\lll insure good prices for thoncJtl
ycir , and the cij of o\or-production \ will
not be heatd until Into in8l ! ! ,
Tun locomolivo liremen , in tholr
aniuialmectlng- Sun Francisco , adoptoil
a hw requiring'tlu supreme council of
tlio federation to ( MUM upon Jill strikes
before thev aio ordeied , nnd went
ftnthoMtlllby ordering tlio penalty for
anj nilmthorixoil strike expulsion from
the order. "When sucli buslness-liko
and consciMaltv-c rules nroadoptedby nn
eider like the locomotho Hiomca cf
Amorici , rallroid strikes tvttliout cause
and only to plcisovalhliiff \ dolcgaton
will become a thing cf the post ,
AN"OiirEuncvmiilroid Isoii the
in China. When the Chinese finally
submit to the Inevitable , and adopt
modern customs , th it empire will find
plenty for its o\\n people to do , and they
will not be driven to foreign countries
Wlillo th tit country seems ci'ovdedlo Lts
fullest extent at the present time the
ititiodudlon of now facilities for doinir
woik will onlj cieato a demand for
Tim voteis of the IVsb dlstilct me en-
jojing n season of profound repose from
the political torn uloos blowing in less
f uored refrions. IJutn , btorrnls liable
to break at any moment and cvcrj vlg-
iUint voter should see that hit e clone
of Alien Root ptcsarjes an carl ) disturb
ance between the cla tc Papio anil the
teething muunum of Turhoy Cicok.
TIIK ilso and fillofLuadvillolstcisel )
told in the census Jn tbo four jears
preceding1 1880 the famous c.irbonnto
camp prow dom a w ldornosH of moun
tain and gulch tea city of eleven thou
sand iiih.ibitints . IJiko all coiiuuunities
dopotidont solely iipoiiininctal losourcos ,
the town is declining1 with the output ,
thodecioasoiii ten ycard amounting1 to
thirty bk hundred people.
TitoiMAs JIo ( > | .TCjjir , once governor
UL wyuunug uy inu priiiu vi
Cleveland has been nominated by the
democrats ofKajii'fe ' for'congress in ths
PiiiL district. The domosrats of the
Fiut district in the
bleeding : state are a
good dcil like those ofthosamo district
in Nobiaska to the cUcntthat thcio is
a gloat doalof moonshine In their poli
Sivi3ii\T. : doctors liave attempted to
got up a national bcnio b ) proclaiming
that several cases of goaiiine Asiatic
choloronro now on exhibition nt Currol-
ton , Oliio. In these panicky times of
bouicd watcnnolonsa dootoruiuj imagine
clioluralongbofoio it airivcs or develops.
moio gtabbcd the asphalt people b the
topknot , tlio public may confidently
look for another transparent sent > utioii.
TIWINO cipturod the cream of the
Htale and eongrcssloml olhccH , the re-
nuiMn"Dodge count ) btitesmua must
content themselves with lo'il olllcos.
TllK county botrd waxes vigilant at
the spigot , jogaiillossof the outpour at
The new ivlnilow- glass trust t > almost
road ) to RO into operation This is one of the
trusts you can sou though
Of course congress meif nro not paidmafj-
nlticciit sil.irics , but thocliciipest tiling foi
them to do wlillo they are in Waslihifftoa is
to occupy then seats and attend tohuslncas.
1'rmtiunl I
jVeiu Yolk \\nrld \ \
It Is n jilty niul a disgrace that so few ol
the public schools In flow York toaeh the
pnplla the rudiments oC auvtlilns which the
\\oild willBlvo them a living for knowing * .
Thoiiumual tralningschools should ho Multi
plied inuny tinica.
Ciood I'rlncliiles , I'oorrjcnilcia
The farming and laboring ( lament i\hi < : h
earnestly desires td' ' nccompllsh n political
rcvowitonnnu sccur ? ULoroioiuis way seeic
oti lit to luve found fipuu man Ith char
ticturimd i iibihty to JaaJ tlicin. Bill Me
Ivoighua 1 cinnotcortalulyilo it
2Wtltj'tti , itccord ,
N"otovcn the social" pi-cstlfjo of Its tilled
members , has secure ! Jnuminltjr to the notori
ous < London Pelican it
c } fiom prosecution us
a i nuisance , In thli fpijwtry there's mapio in
the t iihra oclubhoust ; and the placet here
boxers | meet loinuultHidh other are entirely
liulqicndcnt ofonicljljautboiity or rcstialnt
Tlio Blight 'tfr ' i > iolillitlou. )
Six out of twonty'jj ' ( > v\ft \ counties whoso
population has just teen declared t > ) the census
sus oOlco , exhibit a dccrciiso since 18SO , In
ninoof tno remaining fourteen the avcrago
li below fiOO. The flftcpn counties comprise
rural eommunitlos imvhich prohibition pro-
hlblts The river- counties nnd the cltlos
hew tlic law Is practically a dead letter
show ( jalus ia population.
OiuitA.N'ob , Sept , IS.r-fTotho Editor ol
TUB DEB. ] Mr , DUklo In UU list speech I
think , at Beatrice , quoted mi opluloa of a
county oflleml of Aloitffomery county , ICan-
saa , in biipportof hU nrgurocnt that prohl
kitioils followed ty prosperity , Sir. Ixiuis
A. "Walker , an old Ounha pioneer ; now ot
Independence , Montgomery oounty , Kan.
tells mo that tbo county otUceH tlicro liavo
ltd to take the saliiHcs anil feu pall to oOl-
ccr * of counties of losstnnnEVOOpopuln- ! )
bn , whereas they formerly cnjovwl llio
ilghcr snJirios nnd fees pniitto omconof
fouatlcs contnliiliifr2.1,000 , population orinoro.
ThU filling olT ho nttrlbutes to the prohlb-
torv law. Ho Mso says there oroCOO vacant
louses In tto town of Indepondcnco nnil I
mow that my tlsUr-Iii-low ll ft pod new
wuioof seven iwma In iniloiicndciico thnt
tlio Is glad to rent for f 10 a month ,
J. Kmvinns ,
HIO Soutb Seventh
llic StatoincrtH nf n rrotilbltion Linvv-
ycrlScRnrclltiK the ToAvnorCrete.
Cunr : , Nob. , Sopt. 1" , [ Special to THE
IlKC.J-Tho Wcrld-IItrnld , in Its last Mon
day's Issue , publisher t correspondence from
( his city under the head of "Crete and 1'rohl-
Mtion" nnilsipiea byE. P. AUotfc.tho iwld
attorney of the prohibition league of Salmo
count)1.ftcr ) the correspondence lad been
read ty newly everybody- universal Jtidg-
ment vvaq , "it isa shwno and ntle. " Mr. Ab
bott takci exception to the statcincnt thnt
the city of Crctolint } 10OW in its treasury
nrd Lsfrcofrom ilobt , mid sa3 that school
district No 2 is In doU M.'i.OOO . and IKs wholly
vltliinthcclty. This is hlso. Tlio citj of
Oratols Httuatodln sections27 and8-1 Scliool
dhtriit No U comiirisca thno-qumtora oE
scetlon 21 , oiio-half of section ! M ixinl all of
section * ' "J , , i.tii ( ! > , li. Bo and ! M , In all 15,1(50 , (
ticres of the most vulnblc farm Inn < l in llio
count ) outsldo of cit } limits , nnd this -with
the city comprises school district No. U ,
which H In debt fjriflIO ( for oneof the Aiiost
ln h school biillilliigs in the stnto Crcto
incolnct , six nillus sriuuie , is ftlso In dibt
* li,0Wfor ) ( bonds votcil tobuvrlghtof vay
for the Missouri I'acllic railroid froia the
Lincnstcr countvlino Intoand tbrouRh the
iltv of Crete , a distance of about four miles.
'Jlns isiill the IndubUdticwof Octo precinct ,
cif which tlieeitj Is npirt nml Ins to burden
Its .share. Hut the cltv of Crete , with Its
vrv small limitsas , : ictyhas ! , not a dolhr
of do bt of Its own So much for tlio state
ment of the prohibition lawyer that the city
is In debt SUl.OOO
i'cs , the city OH us an electric llgrht plant
costiniabout ? S IOOHlilcu hasnot been slv-
Inir nnilrn HntlsTjution Untnt tills veil' Llmo
vorlctneu nro etigatjod in setting ui > now ma-
cliinuij , poles , etc. 'Jhls uorlclicn done ,
vlll f lie usft Hist cl : 3 Liplit plant , and the
cltvill supply lllifc to any bulldltignt llio
\cry small lite of $ S per month for ono lifcht
2XK , ( ) candltpower CThls rate Is cheaper tlan
in any other city of equal slo intho slate.
\'eswo ITIVO u first class wat-ci sjstcm , Uut ,
unfortunately for Mr Abbott , the city has
Ijcon tislnprthovvitor , hut so failus. not pild
nny rent , the mutter Ijavingnot been settled
jet between the owners or. the fmncihlso and
tlio citv , uiiilthoclty does piy itntonly f lorn
dito ofnccoptiiiKOof ivories , aniltbeyaio not
nicopted at this thtc.
astjoiiitlio iity liad "bonds outstanding
to the nniount ot 1,000 , , and an asscssniint
vas niailo towiiM out this doct Mills ac
counts for the 7 per cent tas last year This
> eir (1SK ( ! ) ) the asscsimcut isJ > iper cent.
Jlotil estate In thlscitj today is as hih as It
c\or \ vas , if not liljhcr , Sonio jwoplo bought
tivoyeirs afo lotsut a fabulous price , and
to lav they can sell tlicin cxictl iit hnt the
piopoity is vvoith , nud not moiv 'JCho city
oners * bettcrlnducenicnts for investment of
cipital than most other towns of its si/c la
tlio state , but not in tho\\MJ Mi- . Abbott
tiles toiiuilfothc pcoiilo believe Less prop
erty fa sold fortax s in this city tliin any
ono \vould suspect
Ve , our dty has seven saloons , and they
pay 67,0001 , la-use Tlioy uio licensed by the
city , with tlio full consent of the 1 urge zna-
jouty of the residents of tbo citj , as Is
evinced every year by tlio cltv election And
for tnrco months In this jcar tliuio has not
hien raoiclcd a single case oE diunlienncss
on the police court record a of tils citj. .All
tills Avltli seven f.iilooiiiruiinlnpr.
It docs not Uhoovo a resident of Crete
picemct , vvbo lives tiventj-fivo feet from
the city limits , has an ofllco in the city , tut
rcfusoito como la within the citj limits and
licithlj show ol' tlio taxes , to bo eternally
finding fault with our citr. lha only cx-
pluiation can bo that tbo fanatical prohiM-
Jftn ? 1cr Ac hl < ! In TCmr Tiilini. imrl fni *
rcvongobegins to throw mud atour lair city
ofCreU ! . E. S.
His Ijctter-tra tlieA'olee and JllsSpeech
in Oiiinlui Don't IiIm.
The Raw York Voice In its issue of Juno
20 , last , printed tlwfollovvinglotter from .T. II.
Powers , president of the Nelnaslca state
farmer ' alii nice :
The Voirehas necivcd the follovvlns letter-
from Povvcrjof thoN"cbniska
farmora'nllianco. ' PresidentPoweis , It 11
boseoii , dechtes einphitloilly hoill
votu foi the prohibitory amendment :
CoitNur. , Iicb. , June R , 18'M ' Tutlioolco -
Vours of the .id iibt. InnulrliiR Into coitnin
niiittorslti rcar < l to jirohiDltioiiK a.t hand.
Would say In tuis\\or : illlioti'h : t.lio
alllincoallows fulllat-Uudo of ojilnlonou tlio
llfluor question , tint
luni iicisuuilly a pro-
Jilbltlonlst suiil o | ) oc-1 If lllvu , to TOte for
tlio prohibition uuio mini rut ue-\t ( it.II Hut
humu fiinnui-s who ,110 lioiiut and silicon : In
tlitlr ( Miliilom , do neb bulicte a-if lt > on tlio
subjectoivd still vo enn usrco onotlierciuoi-
tl ms tint arovltalto tliu wrlf tire oft. ha pco-
I lci > f tbo stnto uiidtiuttoKotliorontliosoiirJn.
cllos | : having cliurlt ) for o.ich otlmrs
onlnloiis.audti ti tln tint some iliy votnay
alheu iillko Inroyird totoniper.iiice.
1'otira truly
I. ll.l'owrns. '
President NcbrasliStrilD rnrnioiVullliiioo.
faeitemberH All , Powers made a campaign
speech In O in ilia , at a mass meeting of iude-
pendents , in vvhlcb ho said :
'The sale of ardent spirits has boon , placed
in issunouioru mu\oicra 01 iMjurasiti ; , unu
noiv ivant to say that no person has a ilplit
to say how you slnll vote ujiou this question
"Are von a prohibitionist i" said a man in
thoaudiencenddicsshiMr , | { Powers sifter lie
hailtalccn his seat
This otiKht to bo undoistood , " snlil tlio
cnndiduto foi governor , as ho again valkcd
to llio fioiit "Jt bus been nsscitecl that I
prnvo &H to help the cause ot prohibition
U'lili is fulsc , ns 1 ncverg.ivofcjU nor 5 cents
Tlio piohibitlonisti canio to us uith tbc
iiropositlon that If I would support in-ohi-
uitioTi tlioyould not pat a ciudidito la the
Hold forgovcinor. I iini no\v \ in the floiil ,
utiduo istliopioliibltionearidldate 'Jhls , it
scons tome , wouldsatltfy the people that I
am not vvltli the prohibitionists. "
Jfow the ( iiiestionis : Is Mr. Powers a pro-
hlWtioiilstl Is his letter to the Volca a for-
pory , ordid lie volca his real sciitinieuta in
A MIXIST&II ilftJES tillOMl.
A. Now York 1'arsnii Who I > nllicil
vvitlitlio ItootoC ll I vll.
IOCKIOUT , N. YSei , > t. 1S [ Spt'clnlTelo-
Rram to TUB ilrrj Uhargos of a scilous
character have liceii iirofert'ed against tlio
Ilcv C. Oi-aTiani Adams , D. J ) , former rector
of Chiisl's ' Episcopal clmrcliheie , before the
western Now York iliocesaii coimtll wlilch is
now in sessional UlaRnri Fulls , by tbovvat-
dens and vestrymen ot the clmrcli Thomat-
torU now in the hands of BifhopCoco The
mostneilous charge Is that of nppiopriatiiitf
cUtiich funds to liu own use Mrs \Vasli- \
ington Hunt of New York , vlfo of tlio late
Governor Hunt , do lated $100 annually to the
church for ropilrs. TheKrenter pit of this
sum is missing , nnd so is the lector , who
quietly decamped iw tbo west a month ago ,
The other charge isthat of taltlngo bilbo to
suppresstho mirrhjjo of Curtis U. Dau-ovr
to Miss Frances Caskcll , n. seventeen ycai.
oldduufe'htcr of Joshua Uasltell , .ipiutiniiciit
lawvor of this eltj , who wtusocrotly mar-
rledby Dr. Adurns on L'ebriniu1OISiO ,
Durrow Is allcjed to hii'vo oCfcieil AdnnwSi50
to supincsa the nurii.vfo ccrtttlcate. 'I'ho
A > asnovcr nlodin tlio count ) clerk's olllco ,
nnd the inairijpo vould never hu\o been dts <
co\crc < i but for tlkollndln ? of the entry Blip
in ulot ofrubblshbjtboclorfiyinan In tlio rec-
torj CTho nidrriagcdlsclosuio Is the sensa
tion of the hour.
Yo. ) , Sept ,
to TUB llin.J : JJov that thollratstnto
election Is over , interest centers In who tire
to lie the coining United State * Btnutors. It
is conceded everywhere tliat cx-Dclcgato
Carey will booao of them , but the ether must
p < > to htowo other jlaco than Uhejcniio At
loust four lit this city are understood to bo
candidates. They are Judgtj M. 0. Brovvu ,
who was president of tto constitution al con
vention ; Colonel S AV.l Dowry ,
JQ congrws and sjxiikcr of tholnstloi-rltorlal
hoiiso of roprcsentttlvosj Jolm AV , Hull , for-
norlr frovornorof the tcrrltor ) nndiiowpms-
dcnt of the state xinlvorslty , and Dr. J. . II.
L-Mnfroelt , wlio u-as probnWy tlie earliest
comer to Hi U section. 'Iho contest between
.hcso is thua far a , friendly one , anil it I * not
tnovvn vlionithodclcgntlon tnm this county
ThoCIiolcrnln ypnlit.
ICopt/rtyhtcdtSM tuJawi ( fonton JInn < U.l
Mtnuin , Sept. 18 ( Special Cablegram to
TitrBKu ] A telegram from Valencia , says
the cholera epidemic U rcnppearlngln numer
ous towns of the province where itvvosprnc-
llcally o.Ttlnctlast wcolt The snnio rcixii-t
comei from Toledo. Anlncrcuo is also ro-
[ > orteil in the jirovinco of Cn'telton.At Al-
: ova yostcnliiy there wore twenty thre now
cases nnd ten deaths , CThero wore llf ty-tlirco
ncm cases of smalliiox and eleven dcatliJ reported -
ported , at Madrid yesterday.
Stories Vlxiut 1'oot.Vriiola. .
iropwrWt WObvfainaaortmJIinnetl ]
Losnov , Sept IS [ Now Voik Herald
Cable Special to Tun BKF ] lltcroU 110
truth In the story In American papers as to
Sir Kdviln Arnolds nllc cd intention to
marry n Japanese lady. Mr. Arthur Arnold
writes todijto the Star M follows i
"With reference to tlicstalxmenti concern-
ln ( ; my brother Sir Hdvlu Arnold and tbo
( luotatlonfroiiun Ainoiluiti ] iumal shall
be obliged Ifou will stfllo tliab vvlthin tha
lastforiiightji telegram has been received
from hlmdescrlbliiB those matters appciriiiK
In American journals as malicious lies and
tint ho Is returning soon to London.
Klro Intlio Allinuibrn.
lOJl ! > uJiine ( ( f onion limnrtt ]
MuniiD , Sept. 13. [ N'ew Yoik Elerald
Cable Special to TUB BKK. ] A telegram
fronitho governor pcneral of Orciiala to the
lalniitcr of the Interior states that a portion
o tlio alcazar mid the grand gallery to the
right oC the court of Arrajncsvvoroeon-
juincd. The ponds nnd fountains Intho court-
) nrd wen the salvation of the rest oftho
cdillce. Kiwht poisons were injured , two
teriously. The llro lasted four hours and is
a council of ministers hilil today Itvns re
solved to linnirdlntclj restores the portion1) ) of
tlio building tbat liavo been destroyed or
0 VT > JP THK If OltJJt
Drninatlo Suicide of nn Artist niitl *
AetresH In New 1'orlc.
"Vonic , Sept 18. A. strunge double
suicide occurred hcie tills morniiig at daybreak -
break -i\t tint hour Gustaio CI , Koch , a
well knonn crayon arllst , ascended the
steps to the Cannt street station of the
Touitli a\enuo elc\atcd \ road , walked to a
point iu front of tbo second story at 1-10
Uiuia ! street , noJilctlandsiid :
" "Vcs , 1 ha\o \ coino Einlllo. j'ou
" .An answer was not hcird , but Koch drew
u revolver from his pocket and shot liitnself
In thohcaJ , dj'lnRinstantly. J\3 \ hofull there
ratncivhntseomed tobe nn cclio of his shot
front the direction of tlio window toxviids
whiclihe Imd looked and In n few minutes a
mcssciiKercamc running s-ivinga woman had
shot herself nt 1W Cinal street. An
Investigation revealed tlio f.ict tint Etnllj-
Hossl , an nctrcss , UR-CJ nineteen , lav a
corpse in bed In her loom with a
bullet in her heart Slio wis attired In a
niKlitrobewifclia bunch of hcllotropo pinned
to her bosom. It wns eilJeiit that slio hrul
bared her bosom for the fatal shot , for the
garment vas unscorched.
There was nothiiiRto show tha cause
of deith except n little red spot over the
heart with si hole In the middle , for
not a drop of blood flowed from tlio wound.
Death was probably Instantaneous as in the
rise of ICoth. It wan evident ! ) prearranged
tliab they should talie thcuiselies out of the
world tog-ether.
Ho Gets In aFatoralilr : "Word Alxiut
JtallroiuL Ijuar'slatiou.
Nmv Y"OIIK , Sept. IS. [ Spodal Telegram
to Tnr BKE ] Jay Gould In an Interflow vith
iWoild icpox'tcr salil lie did neb consider
that theiehas lieon any flinncial stringency.
"At 110 time haiitbcua dllllcult to obtain
money at TnndS poicenton good collateral.
The trouble has boenthattholjorrovcrs liavo
tried to effect loans on iion-dUldcnd pajlng
securities. Forthatieasonvliatevir strin
gency has existed was ic.illj' confined to
speculative auarters. Tbcio has been enough
mono ) at all times. Thcdifllculty has Icon
to pro\idetho \ weans for honoring- , "
"IstUerflanythliiRln the stoclc niatlcetto
cicatoapprehension { ' ho was asked.
"N'othitigthat 1 nm able to sec. Thereis
no general Inflation and I sliould any values
tmuod upward rather thnxi donn\vnrcl.
'ilierols not tnuih railroad building ; goingou.
People who hnvo railroad enterprises lindlt
liard to raise money for tUem and therefore
excessive construction necil not bo fcaieil.
There will not lie much railroad bulldinKn- }
long asthominilcal legislation iseontlnued I
\vas asked to build some buucti lines In
\VhonItalkcdwitlithopcoplo nho
] > rcvipusly had promptlv Invested in such cn-
tei prises , they declincu to advance monej on
account of the feai of adi erse legislation.
7nc altimtlou is the same Inlova. "
Tlio IVonuli Cloopiura. to lie lilllcu by
Ijlvo Jteptllefi.
Lo Do r , Sept IS. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : nnr.J A friend of Sai-i Bcrnhnidt
tells of an Interesting coniersntion with the
treat actress tlio other e\ening \ in lier lon'o.
Speaijuig of Cleopatra she "
, said : "Vou re-
ineinbn the African queen died fioni tlio
Wto of 11 real serpent ! Well , I shall die the
same \\iiy \ nightly , bitten by a real , ll\o \
reptile , In the forest of Fontiliibleu there-isn
sivclesof harmless siiako almost as laigo nnd
nciirly the Mine color as the asp I shall bo
Invo n 'service do serpents' 'Jhis . will > bo
necessary , liectiuso it raniiot ho supposed I
shiil ouiuiif full power ovirthem nllu oiico.
Ihoy muy slip tlnouRh my Jliigois You
Itnovr nouo of the ncccisoiics ot tlio staco
should bii iiegleoUcl. You should ovcu rnako
jouraclf ujjlv when necessary.
' In tlio character ofClcop-'itral shall linvo
lUclc liiiii- , " she continucil , tlirowing bade
tlio polilen tresses slio woi wearing , "Vou
\vlll &co also tliat niy iMnvl \ \ bo very
urown I niu nf raid , tliotifjli , I sliull llnd it a
fiient bother taking ofl the WaeKcvorj niRlit ,
for of ( oursol coulu not thlnlc of going to bed
Ko Hjioke llio tiasecllennovvitn sniillng on-
tlmslaaii ) . Slio gocb to America In January
serpent } unihill.
Tlio Sliiuilloii In Svltzcrlnnit.
ICofjrtall ISMl/ii James flmlanllentM , ]
( Jns-EVA , Sept , lS.-Kcvr [ York Herald
Cable -Spcchl toTnn UIK. ] Attorney Gtn-
cialof the ConfoJorutlon bchcrb has 16ft Jor
Qicino The federal lounill Is waiting for
nnoniclal report Irani Commissioner ICun/ll ,
vliluli l < cjpcetcd toJav , liofoictaltlng further -
ther incasui-es with icgnnl to late even li.
liellnhlo stjtoiiicnts ( jlvo nssurniico that
prreat dltorder provalli In the admlnlstratioa
of tlio cuiiton. The vleo pi-eililoritof tlio
f.illen couscivatlvo govorninoiit , hifjnor Bon-
znnego , considering himself still legally In
ofllco , continues to Kivo orders In tlio tiaino of
tliooldgoveriiment In spttoof tlio formation
of the new ministry nnil the special povvots
conferred on Colonel Kunzll
Ac Uolllii/.onn.
miiu J" i i < - dortlon IteniultA
HISLIIVZOXA. Swlt/ciland , Soxt , IS.-fKcvir
York Hoi-aid CaWo fepeclal to Ine BuE.l
SlgnorUesplai hw not been nhlo to como to
un\intcrstanJiiifvltli \ ! ) the federal council.
During the election u regiment of raviilry
\\lll headiloxl to the federal troojisalrcady c * .
cnniyliiKthotantnii stntlon. 'J'hoirovcramciit
continues tosondtrooia to the frontier ,
ir fi/ / > lafitSAP | / Same * flwdnn IJoiiitIM
LHHMJ , Kept , 18. [ New Voik Herald
Cable -Special to Tint UBK ) The nlitht lias
paised off quietly , hut tha arrival oC Sifjnor
Eioplnlls fcarea. Tlio four members v.'ho
aw to net as councillors oC the federal com
mission nro : SlRtior llmllo CdiMtoi , law V
vcr , deputv of Lupiuo mil llbcwl : blRiiof 4
mtcfnncjUnbuil , Invvycr.deputv of IlolHnwna. \
llbcnil ; SiRiior oulsto Selilnti , deputy ol
Inline , In\\rcr , conscrvntlvP , nntl blffnot
F-mnciVeo Uolll. Invv-j-cr , deputy ol Locolno ,
coii5cr\i\ti\e \ , SiKiior Soldull accented the
l > o < toiilj on roiufllloii Hint lie rciolvovvrlt-
tcnnuthorlnllon totUntouTcct from '
scrvnUvc commit W.
tt * < > ) i/rfu'i | / ( ISto ljJ t M Cfonlon Di (
IXKTAIIXO , Sept. 18. [ N"ow Vorlc Herald
Cable Special to Tin : Iltu.j Tlicra is still
train dispatcher ot the Union Pnclrtc ntthia
much cieitoinent In the rural portions of the
cnntoii. Tbcconservntlvc- reiily tolnko
uiinnnsfor the i-oestnMIslnnontof n legal
proveriiiiient. Castina , the murderer of Conn ,
eilhr of Stnto Itossl , vas In Paris in IbTl
nnil took an nctivoirtlii | ; tliocouimune ,
lie ronscrviilivi ) Journals 111-0
pretext to itiicrfure.
A. Puke of n. Xcvspajipr Itoportcr
Gi rs tlie Qiiociil'ain.
JIoNTiiE v.t Sei > t.lS. [ Spcilal toTni : linn. ]
The queen his cibled out to Lord Stinle.v
to h.ivonil ( particulnrs ecut her reniinliiiK
tboproieeutionoC O'Brien , tlionllOeil ( ? author
of the dispatch rogiriliiiu I'rluco Ocorgo of
Wales IbrasliliiK1 several men. The fulco
\vlilch was vvldolv piiblislicd lu Knglnml
caused the queen nd nil thoinetnbei's of tliu
rovat fnmllr the prentcit juilu and nnxlety ,
and since its litlUlkatlon ttioquctii husbcon
porsonnlly In eotisultntloiivllh the inincu
uud governor gencul.
I JtOIlllU110N l.V KVX3VS. ,
A. Sfiovvlnj Wlilcli K'rovcs tlint tt
XoeHii't i'ny to Ijio.
ltdocs not par in , the IOIIR- inn tolio.
Ifeiirlviill Intel llgont jiooplo roeofe'nixo
andndinltit Anil yet tlio Topeku Cap-
itnl lins neverloniiicil this , KIJ'H the
Topckn Rcpuhllcnn. It luta not yet
found out thnt fair-minded people nil
over this state rcgnrtllL ns most unrelia
ble I , both in novvs nnd in its editorial
columns , This opinion vvns brought
jibout boccvuso that piper wilfully and
knowingly ] misrepresents every "jurt >
andoveiy movement not In line with its
peculiar 1 ideas. 'Iho Cupihl , seemingly ,
docs ' notroall/o that iiooplo willin ostl-
| } jito tlioso matters lor tlioiiibolvcaniul
that , vhcii the truth Is Ion rued Hint
sheet ( is Injured by juqnirlnff a roputu-
tionas afaltlfloiFor
last t\\o oi-
tlirco TOolcs tlio editor of the Capital
1ms mrulo a pretence of securing1 and
puUishlng- fjicts concoininglho foreclosure -
closure of inoitgngott in ICuns.ia.
From these tille otl facts the Cap
ital draws the conclusion thnt , ' fann
ers are among- the most piospeious
classes la tlio sluto. " That no oilier
class of business men is paying1 oil in-
dobtetliiess so rapidly and tontiMutln ; HO
little new indebtedness ns the firmtis. "
Noiv any intelligent man iu Kansas
knows that llutlfeon'a factsaro minitif.it1-
tureii for the occasion .
and. that his ( ( in
clusions are monstrously fnlso.Vo \ will
{ jive just ono county to sliovv that llnd-
Hon'b fifiuresaro filsoand that ho wil
fully lies about tliia matter. Alltlio
otlicr countiis huve been filsolj ropro-
soiited l > y the Capital. Tliofortclosuros
in Kansas arc five times uainaiij as that
psuper publiahos tliont to bo. The farm
ers of Kansas uio not getting1 out of dobt.
Their mortpnpes are not being-paid oil" .
Tlio farmers are not prosperous. The
moitpfiiges mo belli prior cttobed by Lun-
drcds o\ory day. Butlot us R-ivo n , cor
rect statement of ono county. The fol
lowing fioni the IHiirion Glebe will glvo
thcio. And Hut-ion count } is an excep
'Two weeks ago J" . 1C * Hudson of the
TopokaCapilil wiotc lo District Cleric
Brookcr asking1 the immlwr of Bales of
farm pioportv in Marioii county ainc-o
January 1. Mr. Brooker reported the
number as thirtv-flvc , Hudson , in n ,
loni ; editorial in Ills pnpor Mowinp abiut
thoprosporitj of the Kansas I.irinor ,
made Mr. llroolier's ropoit j-cul tluit
there hare Leon "only
thhty-livo foio-
closureb in Murion counts" in eight
months. Zludsoii printed this lie to
ever ono hundred a.nd flftj Jorecloauic *
in JNIarijjn countyduring - the post eight
inonthi tnoio than ono hundred 011 tlu
dockotf for this term of court. As wll/
bo scon In another column the nuraboi'
of foreclosures tried last \\colc in in tlio
district courtls thirty five , aggicgatlnrt
$41,382.SOvhllo , the confirmations of
sales in ono day last voolc vvoroelglity ,
agg-icgatlng moro than $124,000. , When
Hudson gets to Ijlng for prohtbitionho
takes some extraordinary liberties -with
truth and justice. Ho sajs thoio hnvo
boon only thirty-five foicclosures la
Marlon county in eight months , when
the iceords sho'vv
there haio been moro
than ono hundred , and filty. "
model of prolilbltion nnd morality , the
patron wiiut of pollticnl prcnchcis , vll-
tinddoliboratcly Ijlug1 In order to
decclvo the people , Ho says that there
have been only thirty-five forctlosuios
in that county vvlicn there have been
overono hundiod. and fifty ; eighty con
firmation sale ? in ono day Inat week I
rnir-inindod people , what "do you think
of a man who is so lost to all honor and
truth uiid decency ns to stoop to grossest
misioprcsontntloii to bolster up a system
that gives hi in the oillclnl patronage of
statoi1 y nd vluit do jou think of a
system breeds such lontemptiblo
A Crlpjilo ofl Veins n. .
Assistant IDIstriit Attorney Llndsiy
spent the hitter pait of July at Laclm-
vvaxcn , PotuisjlMtiilii. lOdinund Levy ,
aged fouiteon , went bathing in the Del-
ewaio rl\er , and was , drowning , savs the
Now York Sun. Als aunt tiled to wivo
him , but was drowned. Arthur Finch ,
a crippled boy of fourteen , sprang in to
his rescue and hold
young Levy up until
assistance emne. llr. Lindsay wioto lo
Secretary Windoai calling liis attention
to young Pinch's heroism. Yesterday
Mr. Lindsay rccoUcd n letter from Scc-
ictaij Wlndomsitjlng that usil or Hfo-
tavlng medal will bo awarded toyounj ;
rinclias soon as it uin bo stiuclc off.
Sonio OraiiKO I31ossoiiin.
r , Wyo , Sept. IS. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BEE. ] A. II , Stewart , chief
point , was married yesterday to Mi Mnr-
Kiiorlto Green , at Loxrapton. Mo Ttiocouilo
will talto an oxtcndocl weiUInf ? tour bororu I
Ulcingup tlieir rcaidciic-o in Laianilo. I
LOA.N" A.KD 830.00)I
8ubarlbod ' incl QunrantccdOapItil. . . IVW.OU
I'alU InOajltnl . 830.00)
caruriiirclul pnpur ; reculn'.H and
trusts , uoti as tnnsttt accnt ami truitoa o ( \
corporation , takua oliarKO ot iiroporly , col
ls 3 1 t
Ornaha Loan &TrustCo
S E Corner 10th and Douglas St3
raid la C pltal . , . I fft.W )
Eubserlbeilanii ( JiinrantouUUiiiiltal. . . , 10U.OOJ
Uubillty ofUtookholclcrs . 'Mom
51'er Cent Inturust I'olJou DopoalUi.
IHA K J. L\KOK. Ouslilor ,
Onicon : A. I ) . Wjmtiti , piesljuuti J. J.IIrown , J
vlc proildent , W. T , W uian , Iroaauror.
Dlroctora-A. . TJ Wyinan , J H. , J. J
lirnwii any O. Di.rcna. KV. \ . Nwb. TUom
J. Illmball , Occrto U ,