THE OH AHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , 'SEPTEMBER 17 , 1890. that lie uould mnUcno nttonipt to defend lilimclf afalristtho charge * ) that were being nindo tiKiilnst lilin , but mnilo ( ami profuse - fuse promise * ! of what bo would do In cue ho was elected His speech MM composed prin cipally ofrdllcry at both the oldpurtlei and their lenders. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Hnrlnit Club nl York. YOIIK , Nob. , Sept. -Speclnl [ to TUB BEH.J A liarlan club has been organl/ed In this city with nearly two bundled names on the roll. The oftlcen nros lion , 12. A. Gil bert , president ! L0. . Power , secretary ; J , 1' . Miller , treasurer. North I'lutto Con\oiilloii < i , NOHTH 1'i.iTir , Hob , Sept. 1(5. ( [ Special Telegram to Inn BEF. I The senatorial con vention asiotnblcd at 7 ti. in John Keckvai Hclccted chairman. I'ortj-flvo delegates , rep resenting ten counties , \vtic present. M. A , Dougherty of Kcltli count } ' ww nomlnntoil by acclninntlon A 1' . 1'A-atn of Lincoln county IMH chosen chairman ot the senatorial committee , 'Hie tcm-pscntatlvo comention was called to order nt 8 p in. , vlth ( looriro C French as chairman J II. MeCamlllsh of liitnncr count\ " was nominated bvasmdl rmjoilty over Captain Alters of Scotts Illuff count/ on the first b.illot. G < orpo 11. Daw vas chosen chili man of the committee. ivt'/y ; A vn'n. Tlio Grand iHlniid Prbnte. OIUMI iMijAMi , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Spccnl Telegram to TUB Den. ] The su > jar palace management lias arranged , as lar us possible , the programme for the prohibition debate \vblch opeiw here Thursday afternoon nnd continues our Friday The prohibition orators will stnit the bull rolling 'Ihursday nfternoon In nspeech of not less than thlity nor moro than forty-llvo minutes , nnd vill bo followed bv an argument of the snmo length for high license. The debates will nlteinatp. two addresses beliii" given at each of the roui' sessions Thursday nfteinoon nnd evening nud Friday afternoon and eun- in ? It is announced tint the hoard of trade nnd real estate exchange of Omaha will bo pies- cnt in n body ( lining the debate The boaidi of trailo of Lincoln , Hcuttlcc. Columbus , Schuyler , Fremont and oilier cities will also bo present in n bed ) or by loprcsetitatlves Tlio North I'lnttp Krnnlon. NbiiTit Pi.vrrn , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin : UIK. : ] Our reunion Is a grand success. Extensive prcpirationsveio 1)clng inauo all day Mend ty for the leceptlon nnd cntcitaimncntof the old \ The business houses and duellings were profusely decorated \\lth bunting and llajjs and the \vholo town assumed a holiday attiie Sctcm ! hundred tents \vcro pitched and e\eij thing jnndo icnily for camp life. The town was lllled with stiangcrs last iilqhb and people uro coining in from cvciy direction today. Tonight the Grand At my of the Kepublic held thiir camp tire at the opera house. Senator inland lepiesciitativo conventions n ill bo hold at the couit house at 7 p m. I'nulHhuxv SiifTricrs Protest. YOIIN , Neb , bcpt. 10 ( Special to Tun Uer.J Tlio people of Bradshaw uio dissatls- Jled over the manner in which the committee disposed of the money sent to the cjeloncsuf- fcrers , Tlio citizens of the town held n pub lic meeting Monday and passed strong resolu tions denouncing the \vorlc of the committee. They cliargo that the committee has donated J1.500 to thu school board to bo used In the erection of a school house , and thnt much of ino money nil ucen squandered. ' > no com mittee Is now asked to furnish tin itemized account of all receipts and disbursements , that the donors tin ouBhout the country may know \ \ hat disposition lias been rnado of the funds. State Imwii Tennis loiimaiuciit. HASTINGS , Neb , Sept. 10 [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bm.l The Nebinska , state lawn tenuli tournament opened this after noon for a tbreo days' meet. All the princi- inl clubs in the stuto aio reptcsonted. by largo numbers of their dcst plaveas , In the mixed doubles , Mr. and Miss Mooney of Amimhou won over Miss nnd Mr. Johnson - son ; Mr. and Mrs Ferguson won over Mr. Unbcock and Miss rinley. In the men's doubles , Duncan nnd Henry won over Hupo- jnan and Feiguson ; Johnson and Patterson over Uoohnicr and Giegory : Smith and Bab- tock over Hortvvoll nnd Clark ; Burr and Gcisthc-rt , Lincoln , over Mooney and Knight , Arapahoe. Illtlcn. by ix Itattlcsiinkc. Wru'ixo WATIU , Neb. , Sept 10. [ Spe cial to Tin : BEI ] AV. W. Di\Is , a farmer thrco miles south of town , \\hllo ranking hny this morning , was bittou by a. rattlesniilcc. Thosnnkovvns cut In two bvthc miehlno and Mr. 1) ) ivis was down on his knees cle-ining out the sickle , when the headend of thosnako bit him on the iirm near the elbow. He de layed coming to town for treatment and it Is feared the result may bo s > eious. ! Kcpiibliuuii Valley Iltipllsts. AIM * . , Neb , Sept , 10 [ Spec ! il to Tiir HUB.Tho ] HopublU an A'alloy Baptist association , in annual meeting in this city for the past thrro days , closed Sundiy c\ening bv n si'tmon on forolpn missionary \\oik bv Itov. Mr. Ciosuy of Holdrcse. Aiiuinbor of ministers \\oro piesciit. The following of- llcers wcio elected ; President , Kev. Mr Inghnm of nindon ; clerk , J. A.Armstrong ; tiensurcr , I1. P , Bentley of Alma. I'll ! more County Fair. GLM\M , Neb , Sept. Id f peclnl Tele gram to Tin : Bn J 'Jho seventeenth annual fairof the Filhnoro county ngiicultural so ciety opened hcio this inoiniiis under tbo most favorable auspices. 'Iho ' grounds hu\o been Improved nnd a now floral hall built at mi outlaj of $1 , 0. The entilca so far , not \vilh3tandllig the div \\eithcr , arodoublo these of any other yea11. at IJassott. T , Neb , Sept -Special [ Telegram to Tin : HIT ] Ouo biy anil one dark biy Bcldlnir diaft horse \\eio stolen from the s > ta- bin of C. P.Viltz on the llth No clue to robbery has . -vet been found Ho offeis a ro- wanlof fji ) tortlioictufnof the hoibcs and thocaptuio of tbo thluvos. Snfo I5Io\vc rH at Aiu-ili IMntte. NOISTH PHTTK , Neb , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Urn. ] Uutianco was cf- Jectod by buiglars Into the saloon of Gortler & Waltunth , their safe opened by diilllnff , and over 200 talccnDthcicfrom. Tbero is 110 trace of the buiglars up to the present. Cord lor Senator. Bow , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special Telognim to Tun Jlir.J Thomas MiCordof Taylor was nominated for state senator by the republicans of the Fifteenth scnatotial ulstiict In session nt this place jestcrday. Hebron Voles HonilH for Wntcrwoikp. HKHIIOV , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Special to Tiir. BEE. J This city today \oted er > ,000 bonds to provide n sj stem of waterworks. Aery HljUt vote was polled 03 against and 153 for. Albion .Notes , Ai.ntov , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Special to Tnc DEI : . ] The llootio county fair opens tomor row and continues three dajs , In spite of the thy weather the agricultural oxhlhlts \\111 exceed all former displays in quantltj and quality. The buildings huvo been on- largett and all the space taVen. Water has been piped to all paits of the grounds and the track put in the very best condition. The purses for horse races Imvo been Increased nnd the entiles arodoublo these of any pro tlous jcur. All sorts of athletic sports bavo liecn provided for and a paity who ga\o u successful balloon ascension hero some thno Blnco has bcca engaged to gho exhibitions on two dujs. A conference of Voung Men's Christian as ( Delation woikcrs within a radius of seventy Jlvo miles has been arranged for , to bo held Fi Albion September 20 , 7 and 23. .Largo dele gation ! from all tbo surrounding towns are utKictod to bo proicut , Hon. R B. Tiffany , Judge of the Ninth dis met , bos ghcn out thnt ho expects to rcslgi in a short tlmu and a grand scramble for his hoes Is about to take place. This town has two candidate J. 8. Armstrong nnd 1II Friend ; Ord , thrco A. M. Robblns , U. M Coflin , A. A. Lavorty : Scotlu , ono G , W Bcottj St. I'Aul , two A. A. Keudall and J THEIR RECORD IS IKBROIffl Milwaukee Adds Another to tbo String of Victories Over Omaha. / THE UMPIRE HELPED THEM DO IT , IIItBlJorj ; Again Accortlcd Very In- tll/rcront / Support A. Oaiiio He- Wlthl'rrori nnd Jtanlc .Decisions The Score. 1'luvod. Woo , * Um Per Ct. Mllwnukon . . . in 7" ! 4U .Wfl Kansas Ultv ? o a > 111 7. 41 .0.17 Iit'iivor . . . 110 M S7 .4 a Wdil Cltv. . JID 5J 60 Omnh.i . . . . 40 a i .4--j llllfOlll . . . HI il , t'uul. . . . 119 W 75 . .lid Mlluuultt'o < l , Onmlia f . Poor old , Ill-fated , nbusod , do\\n-tiodJen , deserted , desolate , dlspainng , hopeless Omaha I Lucky Mllivnulteo ! Vasterxlay afternoon In tlio first of their last scries hcie , the Hrcttors , for 101110 unaccountable - countable nnJ mysterious icason , were nl- lowcd ten men against the Ulaclt Sox1 reg ular nine. This extra man uas Handle , the umpire. The reason , piobablj , that Milwaukee accorded this unprecedented courtesy was because she Imd only won fifteen stiaight [ torn Omaha , and It would mar her record to nve this glittering chain of Uctorlos broken at this late day. The game opened up with n dash and a vim lliat quickly aroused much of the inthusiusin Lbat has been lying dormant In Mullen's pea nut factor ) for the past two months , and the thousands \\l\o \ crowded the stiuds nnd blcacheis midu the earth and atmo&nhcio vibrate with their resounding chccra. Dan Ilonin'i mouth resembled M.imtnoth iivo nnu the ro ar tlmt came out of It was biggci than the new city hall building. HoodlumUrifllth wnsln the box for the" Usltois and for thu U\o first innings It was biff' smash 1 bans'anil ' when the smoke aiirt dust cleaied aly live big aldernnnlo runs shone forth from the bulletin board and the ; Kopo ! cheered again. They weto so happy , Milwaukee was to bohoatcn at last I That's they thought. But , poor deluded mortals , they didn't ' ob- seivotho bashful smile that played nbout the classic mouth ot the umpho and no-ei once roali/ed tint thobtightest day could bomado is black us Erebus bj the bimplo wave of his ircteumtuial vaud. But it.i9 ever thus In the sixth iiminf * Milwaukee came In and tied tbescoic tied it in a double bow Knot. They made foui runs , thieo of tnom by tbo jraccof Handel's ' miserablewoilc Nobody , io\\ever , would bo malielousenough tochai'go ihatthls piecedure on his part was luten- tlonal , for it was not , Ho was only mistaken In his judgment , nnd eat a beeWenlt Then a atn in the eiglith repeti tion of this nightmare allowed big , redheaded Moirissoy to tiot across the plate with the -winning run , nnd sore and disappointed , and breathing male diction deep and broad and long , the throngs dispersed aud sadly fuado their wa ) home- waul In the boftonedliRhtof eventide. Itnouldluiidly bo the right thing , how- eyer , to close this poem without a stanza de- yoted exclusively to the pla > ing of the two teams. In the first place , Eiteliory , who pitched for Oinahi , put up an admirable gaiiip , and but six of the ten hits charged up against him U'oio really hits. The otucr four iveio the icsults of some of the most blockhead niisplaying on the part of big support over seen on a ball liold. Don't loolc for an elucidation in'tho error column , for you will fall to find It theie. for the damage was all duo to unaccepted chances , or blufls at playing ball weald bo a better wato &tlo it. On the other hand Milwaukee constructed an almost crrorle'ss ganio. and \ et , as anoma lous as It seeim , could not have won vviui am thing like eatable umpiring. The same tcuns ajaln this afternoon. The score : OMUIA. AII. it la. sn SH. ro ji. r. . .as 4 01 l 0 A tt 0 Newman , c 4 1 U 0 I 8ti > ii7i > l , rf 4 1 1.1 U 0 0 U ( Jlovuluiul , ! JI 0 1 0 U 4 4 O'Conuer , Ib o o n 01 Willis , m 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 Iliinrabin > "b 1 1 o 1 * ' ' Monin. i 0 a 0 S 1 o .4 1 i 0 0 4 0 Tot US SI S 10 i ! ; i it 17 4 Poorman , rf r > 0 1 0 1 I'dtll , in 4 1 1 0 0 ShuuU.s4 4 1 0 0 1 J II Dilivmplo , K . t 1 0 0 AUIeh , 21) 4 1 1 0 0 II 4 0 MouNsclb 4 J 1 0 012 0 0 Junt7eiic 1 OR 2 4 GillUth.p , Tot ill . . . r , o to o o 27 i SCOIIE IIV INSINCH Omiilin 2 : i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 MlUvauUuo 0 UO 10 1 I ) 1 0 8UMM\KV. rurnoil runs Oninha " > , MltvmlteoS. Three biso Jilts \\lllls , I.itpljorfe. Slioe-K. Double iilavs MllwalikooSOiniiha 1. Itaseuu bills 5 lleljoij I. ( Irltlltli.1. Jilt by plU-hcr Iltol- jui , ; I , Gilllltli 1. btruoU out Lltuljnr ; S , lllrllHlth : ) . lltno of caniP-Oiinliouraud forty- tl\o inlnntus Uijiplru lluiiclle. Siouv City IH , I-itncolti (1. SiouCm , la , Sept. 10 fSpechil Tele giam toTimUKE ] Following Is the scoio of todi's gaino : BY INMS'CIS. Olty 5 0 0 10 20 U 2 18 Lincoln 020 UU JO 10 0 BUMMAUV. Two-biso hits llluck , Wldncr. Horn ) ] Throc-ljaso hlts-Qlonn , Kappul , I'owell 2. Onmlcy. Ollno , riannmin. llusus on ImlU Oir Molilei U. 'UMaori. Stiuulc out lly Jlohler B , WlUner 1. Wild pltclus-lly Wldnci 1. bicrl- Hen hlti Slouc'lty ' u . Lincoln8. 1'assod ' halls Hoover ] , Hams btoltn bloux Olty J , lln- coin J Uoublu pi iy 1'hulan ' and 1 laniBaii. 'lluiuof K'"io ' 1'wo hours and tHuntj-livo minutes. Umpire lloov ur. Knnmis City 17 , St I'niil 8. IC-.NSVS CITIMo , Sopt. 10 [ Special Telegram to TUB I3u' . ] rollonlug U the score of today's pamos e'lTl , ST. 1'AUU U II O A E il n o A s Mnnnlnc,2b..l Abber , rf. , .1 U 1 u o Mi-oi is. . , s a i a I Umtirwood in ) 0 4 1 i , . , , J 1 1 o 0 irijiuclilliiul a 3 I i Slcnrni , Ib. , .3 .190 0 O'llrlcn. ab . . .I U U a i Ciirpinter , ! ) b U a 1 6 I " at.i a 4 a i Ouuton o. . . .1 452 0 Murphr. m..l 3 J O I p , .y 2 0 " Urqulnrt , o .1 'i 3 3 I Holland , rf. 3 1 1 a b ib . o i a o Couway , If , 4 J 3 0 I sclimljtp'l 3012 Tot ii I'T lan 10 i ToUls 8 17 J7 IT U 11V INXINdd Kaims Olty 1 ! l 0 4 2 1 I 5 0 17 bt. 1'aul , 0 U 0 0 U 0 1 U 7 d BUJIM vitv , named rmis-ICiums Oltv 0. St. I'aul J Two-huso lilts-.stuums. Ooiiwiy. Qtuison Schmidt. AtiLmy , Thri > -baso lilts-Nicoi , Ale- Lanslilln , Abbey. JJoublu uUyUnilervvoud und oWnrrluk. liases on ualls-bxvartie ! 4 , Hohmldt 8 Struck out S\vartzol2 , 'Schmidt ! . ' . Wlltl pitches biuuildt U. Hit tjy iilleher- lloovcr , Wurrlck. I'asbcd balU-Ouiiioii 1. l'r < ) uliartl. Tlmo Two lujurs and tivoutv- llvo minutes. Uniplro-Uuslck. O , Denver U , Minn. , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB UnB.j-MliineapolU won Ueiucr Avlth euq toduy. Tuo f aturea were the fielding ot Curtis nnd Mcssltt nnd Dug * dale's woilc with the bit. 'Ihu score : MIVVFAI'Or.H. i ElNVBIl 11V ISNINO * . Mltitieiuolls 0 : 0 0 OS 01 0-0 Demur 1 0 0 ! ! 0 0 0 U 0-l ! SUMMAIIV. nnrnocl nins Mliincipolls 1 , Denver ! ? . Two- bami hltt-Mlnnchan , llonin runs O'Hi IIMI. htolinliasp-i Jllnneipolla. ' Demurs Dotililo lilavs Ivlllcn toltyii , .MeOloni- l O llrl ( > n to Mclllonc. llnsosoii ballt ICIIIcn" , Mi'.VublN. Illl by pll < tied U.ill-ICIlIPII 1. Mruck ont- ICIIIiMiV. McNnbli4. 1'nssid ' balH Dutdiilii 1 , Kojiioldillld tiIichcs-Mo > nbb I , J.ertun liitsi'j Minnoaiiolls li Doinor S. ' 1'lmo 'livo hours anil tun minute * . Umplro-McDerniott , American AT Hochcster 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-t Syriutiso I U 0 0 0 0 0 1 Hits Kochcster 4. Svracuso" . Kriois rjochobter n , Syracuse 0 Batteries Miller aiidMcKeogh ; Casey * .ana 1'itz. Umpiie Ta\lor. Called on account of diukness. AT I'lIII.VIU LI'IIH. I'lrst came Athletic 1 00000 0-I Bnltltnoie. . . , 1 0 0 0 U 1 1-t lilts Athletic 3 , Baltimore 10. Knots Athletic I , Baltimore a Batteries Giteao anil Kobtnsoii , Qurmin and Townscnd. Um pire Docschci. Called-rain. Second game postponed on account of ruin. AT coi.tnincrs. Columbus 100000000-1 St. Lou w ( ) 00000000-0 Hita-Columbus 1 , St. Louis 2. Errors Columbus I ) , bt. nouls 1 , Bntterics-Chatn- bcilaiii and O'Connor ; Hait uud Muujan. Uniphc Unullo. AT TOLPDO. rirstgamo- Toledo 00 00 01 00 0-1 LouUvilio . .02 00 0 'J U 0 0 Hits Toledo , Louisville 7. Errors Toledo 0 , Louisville 1. Batteries Hc.ilcy und Holers ; Straiten and Hyuu. Unipiics Cniry imcl Kctitm. Second game Toledo 00 00 00 00 0 0 Loulsvillo. . . . I ) 0 1 0 0 0 4 * 8 Hits-Toledo 10 , LouisUllo 11 Enors-To- ledo . ' 3 , LouUsillo 0 Hattoiles Cushmau and Sago ; Kluct and Wcckbeckui ; . Uinpiie.s Currj autlKeiins I'oit polled Giinips. 'Hie follo'.vins Ramos we 10 postponed on account of i-.dn : Natioml at Now Yoi k , and Diothciliood at Jfow Vorlc. Clo\cland uud IJhiludephi.i ! National bcn iiD. AT I1O3TOV. Boston 1 0 10 (1V ( ( 020 4 Hiookljn , . . . .14 U 0 02 00 * 12 Hits Boston 8 , Brooklyn II. Eirors Bos ton 5. Brooklyn 8 Uattcries Get7clu and Ilardio , Loctt and Dally. Umpire Lj neb. ATCI.hMI.lVI ) Cleveland 0 4 0 0 0 J Tittsbiirg . 1 0 0 L 0 U IIitsCleeland 1 , Ptttaburg " > Krior- . Cleveland 1 , Pittsuurs 1. Rattcties Viau and Zlmmoi , Anderson ana Decker. Umniro -Strief. Calleu on account of ruin. AT CHICAGO Chicago . 1 5 Cincinnati . 0 'J Hits-Chicago 8 , Cincitimtl (5. ( JCitors Chicago 1. Cincinnati r > Hatteiies Hutch- insoiinnd Kittredgo ; Mullauo und Harring ton. Umpho McQuald. Plnjpra * AT CIIICICO. Chicago . 1 0 1 Buffalo . 0 1 0 0 U 0 0 0 y Hits Chicago fi , Buffalo 7. Errors- Chicago 4 , Buffalo 3 Batteries Barston and BoyloT\vitihell nnd JIaclc. Umpires Ferguson and Holbert. THE SJt'JKKIt UlA'a. Clioycnno Races. CIIBHXMVo : , Sept. 10. [ Special Tel egram to Tun Bnrl The sixth annual Wyoming fair opened hero today with a good attendance The agricultural and other exhibits .aro not yet In good shape , and conseijuentiy almost the entire Interest in the opening day centered In the racing programme , which contained some featuies of great excellence The biggest event of the day was the Chojcano club cup rate. The cup Isnlued at $000 , and has now been ma for four times Under the terms , contestants mo confined to horses foaled in Wyoming- and must bo ridden by n guest of either the Che > enno or Larnmio clubs The cup wasflrst won in 18ST by Cllma.\ , owned by Divis & Cho-ite , inUlfl ; In 18s > 8 it wns won by Dcrond i then oncd by J , D. Goodcll , in iJ.'ir.i . In ISS'J it \\as won by Linicrlck , a I1oal Hoiso association borso , in 2:11 : , The distance Is ono nnd ono eighth miles Thei o we > o seven entries for the rare , two by the Choycimo stable , font by the Itojal Horse association , onabyT.W.Uiooks , who now owns and lode Dorondn. 'Ihough getting u bad start , Doiondaled to thollnish , although tbo fleldas closely bunched , nnd passed close to the lend in the last eighth. The iccotd was lowetcd by Deronda to 2 : OSk. Lime-tick of the Hoynl stables was second , and Puz/le of the Cheycni o stables third. The Statehood milo dash for a purse of SoOOwas won easilvby Mail IValdeu , Yellow Allio second , Dan Meek third. ' 1 lino-1 : 10 . The a yi tiot Hailstounwon in three straight heats , Mattlo J bccond , Topsy third. Time 2.J9. Bit the ! i:24 trot Louis S won In three straght heats , Jasper second , uud Belle J thud. Time 3:21 : % OinvoHcinl Itaues. Oiuvi snND , N. Y , , Sept. 10.-Special [ Tcl- cgiamto't'iii : Bbc.j Thotraclc was muddy. Sumnuuy. rive eighths of a mllo-Voluntcor II ( the fa\orlto ) uon , Bobby Black second , BaUarct third , Eon drawn. Timo-1 :02 : . Ono nnd one-sixteenth miles Diablo won , Sluggai d second , Ivllss Belle third , Krlo ( the fa\oiitonot ) heard fiom , Ucpoitei , Strlrta- waiincf Balvliil driwn. Time laJ : , Three fourths of a mile , Prospect stables Russol won , Gascon second , lloiner third , Salllo McClelland ( the fu\orlto ) . Hot heard from , IMlpso , I'otonmc , Strathineath and Amulet di awn Time 1 > \ . Milo nnd ono-quai tor , Oiiental staltes Kurus ( the favorite ) won , Uon soconu , Cast away II third , Prlnco Fonso , Come to Ta\v , Kingston and Tonny drawn. Tiino 2J'4' | ' . rivo-olghttis of a mile , selling Klrlcovor ( the fa01 Ho ) won. Ella T second , Latltm thltd. Ilcleue ( colt ) and Adnir drawi. flnio I 05. rivc-elRhtbs of a mile , selling VIcttlx ( filly ) won , Itcnjamln second , John M third , teller \ 1'ihico ( the favorite , ) not bend from. * Milo nnd one-sixteenth , selling Kouiplaad ( the fworltoon ) , Ulenmouud second , IlocltJ so ) third. UUCCH. LouiSMLi.ElCy. , Sept , 1(1 ( [ Spe'clal Tel egram to THE BKI.J The Hack was fast. Summary : i Ono-lmlfj mile , maidens , Ilcsponso won , L.UUI . second , Liberty Bell thhcl , Mon Diolt ( the favorite ) not m it. Time-no'/ ' , Ono half milo , maidens Tenor won , Ori ental second , Maud B thlnt , Lott ( the favor ite ) not board from , Douglass drawn , 'lime Ono milo , selling Mlckls II won , General Caldwell second , Joe \Valton third , Jubilee ( tlio favorite ) not hi it. Time I ill ) . Ono mile , selling Nina Archer ( the favor ite ) won , Rogers tccond , Hobln third. Thno 1 : 15 , Three-quarters of a mile , blue grass stakes Tom liogew won , 1'hllora bccoiul , liu- dolph third , Hoseluud ( the favorite ) not heard from , Sly Lisbon and Hindoo Lass drawn. Time 111" . Mile and oue-clghUi-Catalpa ( the favor- lie ) won. Hamlet second , KugoniiUhlrd , ( Jen- cral Culdwcll drawn. Tlino-1 :5T. : MUo uud ouo sixteenth , sclliug JUailo ronsotho ( fai'orlte ) won. Hopeful second , Nero thlnl. Tn i : ' , j. Hni e . CnnAn lliinjy , lSept. \ . 1ft [ SiieclnlTelo- gram to Tut : Hi i ] Iho full mcetliiBof the Iowa association of trotting horse breeders opened herotoaai , , The truck \\At In good condition and thoiaccsoiollrstclass \ , Sum- in irv ; Thwe-ycaroUl1 trot-Acgon von , Ilrown Cedar second , J tn i \V third , llest time il'-'SV . . ' Stallion trot 'iJ.'JS ' ' class-IMioJeilch , . - Dhu won , Jim Star secu/td. / Star Bashaw third. llest tlmoJJ5. : ! . ' Special threo-Wr-old , pacing Storm won , Nox second. B3s ( time 1U The futurity sUko of ISbS vas von by Doloiltu hi3ut. : 'tirf. L.ONUO.V , Sept 1(1 ( [ Spuihl Cablegram to TIM : nit.l-Thoraco : : for the Badminton foil platoof 1OX ) sovereigns , 70) ) sovereigns to the winner , 200 to the nominator of the win ner , nnct 50 each to tbo owner mid nominator of the second for ll\o fur- , two-year-old ? , \ - loupe , straight , was tun nt Leicester today and wnsoi \ by Mr. Doughs Ralru'a Phjl- llila , Mr. Uroook C'oett'i ' bay lllly Cercza second end , and iSlr. Uuuy's Queen ol the TalrieJ third. ClcTcland I nccs. Cn\Kr.ANn , O , Sept. 10 This vas the oponlntr day of the fall meeting at the Cle\o land driving pnik Sunumiiy : 2:50 tiot.ifSOO-Tom Arden won , Colonel May second , Tat Downing tlihd , Ulsmout fourth. llest tlmo 3 Jl Two-year old stake , viduo ? J,235 Stern- berg won , Free second , others distanced. Bcsttlmo-220j ! , . Grand Circuit Kacos. PiniAnrii'iin , l > a. , Sopt. Ki.-Hain mndo the trade soft nnd slippery and the 2'J trot was postponed. Summar ) ; 2)3 : ) pacing , f 1,000 Orphan Boy won , Treasure second. Divld Copperllcld thiid , Stigwii lourth. Bcsttlmo-2a-l . liJt trotting , § 1,000 N'lghtlngalo won , Frank T second , John W ruled out. lips. AT OIUVI SHSU. Fhst race Dii/lo , ITrontonce. Second laco-Machtono , Woodtiittcr , Third laeo St. Omer , roierunner. Fouith race Esquimaux , Bustecd , Fifth race i\atiKclinc : , ( Jlnuiline. Sixth iaco Longford , Kamblcr. AT lOHSVIM.n. First i-ico ] jli , i ucy P Second rnco-l'ollMoll , Honilnl Ihlid race lllloy.V ( ! Morris. Fourthia"e-Mlsd Couitiiey , Lott. Fifth race Miss Hiwldns , loiigshora. Kntrlcs Tor Toil ay's Al GIWr ! > INI > . l nst ncc , one milo Monroe , Count Dud ley , Ilocitsoy , Dri/do , VilliiRfl King , Lndy .Tune ( colt ) , ClioiapcaKc , Clolden Ilotn , Cuuiga , Klltton , Fioiitoine. bccondiacetlirccquailci-s , ofn mile oNtad- htonc , Benedietlno , Hel\\ood , Kasson , Yomg Dulte. Pi into Howard , T ont' Shot , 1'at Shccdy , Capulin , Annlo Bo\len ( gelding ) , Woodcutter , Lep-mto , Pt-ssar.i tion stakes Ouniilcll , ICeniphuul , Bra\o , Insight , Golden Hqel , l'uz/le. Vivid , Lola May , Diuinstiek , Hod Leaf , Philander , Ks- qulmaujr , Palisaac , Vcngcur , Worth , Uc- poiter , Bustced. rifth race , flvo eighths of a mile , selling Evangelino , Chiudine , Uarthena , Astiono- mcr , Alma ( filly ) , Appom ittox , Touiist , Host Boy , Uncertain , ervitor , Benjainiu , Ceic- bus. Slrltno , MIstyMornhir , ( , Emma Sixth iacc , milQttiid ono-eiehth Garrison , Anaconda , Longfoid , Kamblcr. AT lOUISVIU/K First race , ono mill- and twenty vawls Bob L. Clmntress , MjaMile , , Miss Leon , lockup. Mury H , Eli , Camilla , Tom Hood , Lucv P. Second , milo and seventy jnrds , sell ing Robin , Major Tom , Kcininl , Daniel , Berthu , 1'cll Moll , Hoynl Gnrtor , Kocuatle , Spectator , 13ob Foraythe. 'Ihird race , mile and a quarter , St Lcgcr stakes-Uncle Bob , Rlloy , W. G. Mori is , Good bj e , O utloolr , G ni ) son. rourth , five eighths of a mile , maiden fillies Budcil i j\I , Fahhavcn , Godlva , Pet ( lllly ) , Longleaf , Roscdell , Lott , Viola Guild , Ithodi Gale , Miss Couituoy , Maud B , rifthiace , ono mile , Miss Hawkins , Ed Hopper , Longshoie It Is Destined lo Ilccomo a Cityjof Orciit Iiiiporttincc. AKVNSVS lUunon , TeSept. . 10 [ Special Telegiam to Tin : Bi i : . ] The great question which has agitated the people of the south- vest for yeais Is at last about to bo solved , nnd itlsnowau absolute ceitainty thnt deep watcron tbo Totas coast vill bosecuieet at this point within the next eight or ten months. Fifty of the leading men of the country , with llussell II , Ilairlson as president , have organized themselves Into a company to carry out the grand pioject , and an army of workmen is about to engage in the glotious entcipiiso Goveinor Ireland anel Lieutenant Governor Wheeler of Texas aio autivo laborers in the great undeilakine , and seven congiessmcn ns well as other distinguished citizens fiom \aiious puts of the country nave joined in giving this section the gieatost eoinuieicial boom that could possibly advance the IiitcroMs or prosperity of Uio Lone Star state. The city of Aiausus Hui- borwhich was only dedicated a few dajs ago , has already made tremendous strides , and ptopeity within its boundaiy is on the wildest boom. At thosulo of town lots just closed the greatest excitement and livalty prevailed , and in tlio eager ness of the gioat gathering to puiUmso a slice In the fuiuio metropolis they fell over tlio tables and benches , many of these nros- cnl buying as many as fifteen to twenty high- priced lots before thoj left. [ PUcy had what ever they wanted Of the most spirited bid- dots wcionnuinbor of ladles , including Mrs J. A. Jones of Corpus Christ ! , \\lio bought a magnificent lot , on which she will Imme diately erect an oilleo and engage la the real cstutotiiicl Insurance business. Judge R. Button of St , Louis conducted the sale and sns tint lu hlscxpcilcnco as an auctioneer he never saw so much entlujslasiu manifested to so- curolots nnd never saw a grander slto for a great city than "iVi-nnsas Harbor. Buycis from cloven states ) a < well as fiom the re- publle of Mexico ; ivcio in attendance , nnd Senor J. L. Vcrlstifcno of San Luis I'otosI hail an npent on the ground who purchased several lots. Mfriiy bujcrs were present f i oin Kockportand alltnoncihboiliigtowiis ( , and the people of.Cdcjms Cliustl chiutercd a sped il train , caujW Mcr to the sale in a body and \\cio among Iqcljuost liberal Investors in the entire gathering Everything passed off la a most satiafiutory mauuci , uml the sale closed ) /\\ith bi ei-a clnm- oring for moro lots. The number Of purchases madtfiiliinot bo given , but be yond all doubt t , q . 'transactionsuere the most extensive otj sale thato\ei- took pluto in the southwest. Notwlthstaiicllng the stir and commut6n | that existed thtough- out , the crowd "iv at all times Jolly and good natuiecl , null' at the close of the proceedings clcctbir Judge Joseph Smith of Cincinnati , \\l\o \ i as ono of the largest purchaiors , tbo ( list mayor of the new city by acclainnmtion. Everybody left imbued vlth the idea that Atansas I la tbo r would soon bo ono of the gicatest commer cial cities In the south , nnd from the extra ordinary Improvements contemplated , its beautiful ami healthful location , IN close proximity to deep vatcr , uml the iloh nnd mugalllccnt country that surrounds it , there Is no icuson to think otherwise. A now postoftico building has just been established , a line hotel Is iu course of election , uail another mammoth one u 111 at once bo built A newspaper will bo slatted in a few days , a telegraph oftlce , railroad depot nnd several stores and prhato residences are being conducted for , and ere long what was only a short time ago a house less piairlo will blossom Into a great metrop olis , whcro the lurgiut tblps will llnd a safe bin bor and the products of land aud sea will reach the whole southwest. Water Lily Soap will float. THE NEW TARIFF COMMISSION A Lively Tiino Eipsctcd in Oonferenoa Over tLo Soiiato Amendment , M'KINLEY ' MENTIONED FOR CHAIRMAN. A Measure Passes the Srnnto Subject * Nntloiml Hank X ten to Ta.vitlnn by Stmcs 311s- cellancoits Notes. U'AMIIXOTOK Ilfnrm Tim O\tm v HER , f > n KouiiTruVTiiSTiiri.T , WAMIINOTOV 1) . G , Sept , 10. There \\illprobibly bo a lively light In tlio confctcnce on the tariff bill over the senate- amendment croatlng- tulfT commission. Uherenro to bo llvo commissioners atnsnlnry of * > rOiX ) cieh , three of thorn to bo repre sented by the pirty In power. If tlio com mission Is appointed theio Is a gcncril senti ment In favor of Mr. JlelCinley ns chalriiuu of thocoininmston In the event of his defeit at the November election. Theio is a vciy good [ iroccdcnt for hii appointment. It \ \ \ lbo \ remembered that Mr Moirlson of Illi nois - \ \ 11 made head of the inters ! ito commerce commission Mr , McKlnloyholdf prictlcally the snmo position now that Mr. Monlson did when hist in congress. At tint time Ulr. Morrison Mas chairman ot Iho committee on ways and means and as such win the ex ponent of the democratic puty't ideas on the larhT. railing to secure a reelection , 31r Cleveland promptly selected him ai ono of the members of the interstate commerce coin- mission. Colonel Bajne of I'lttsburg , at present a member of the wnjs and moms committee , who has declined icuoinlnation , has nl o been named prominent ! ) foi a posi tion on the commission , nxviiov 01 v\TIOVu. IIVM ; KOTI : . A bill of consldoi iblo Importance passed tlie senateii ° in con n day or two ago It w is to subject to state taxation national btnlc notes and United States ttensury or legal tendci notes. 'Hie bill Avns oiiRhinlly intio- duced by Senator Gcoigo of Mississimil , but as passed it as a substitute proposed by the committee on Judicial ) . ItproUdos that all circulation issued by or under authority of the United States slnll not bo exempt fioni fixation b ) any state or territory , piovldod that such taxation shall bo In the same man ner and at the same tate that other money is laved inn isTr-ioTTPiir IUIT , . Postmaster ( ieneral Wanaimkor ndiic\cd the triumph of his olllclalllfo toiliv i\hon the senate took up tlio mill-lottery bill nnd passed It withoutdivibion , thuholo operation tak ing less than ll\o minutes. No ono spoke against it nnd there was or nay oto The bill -Has called up b\ Senator Sa\\or , lead and pissud , so that the Louisiana lottery company seems to bo done for nt last , or , at least , thoroughly uouucled In cverj icspect. Senator Voorheos liid intended to spealc against the bill , but Mr. Sawjcr dis suaded him fioni doing so. One or two othei senitoi-s had intimated a desiio to ia- tioduco some nmoiidiimnts , but Mr Sawyer succeeded In persuading thorn to do other wise , so that , ho succeeded in having the bill nasseil lust oxantlv ns It mssed the house It nowpoes to the picsidcnt and will probably become nlnv before \\eeklscniled. . Some verylntoicstinff stories are told of the last frantic offoits that \\oro mndo by the Lonlsl- nna lotteiy coinpnm to defeat or postpone the passage of the bill It Is know n th it a few dava ago ono of the representatives of tholot- terj company sought to obtain on latcuipw with a ccitain senator , that senator bcintr in ignorance of the identity of Ids visitor" After bon.u jrcllininarv skirmishing the vis itor stated to him boldlj the purpose of his visit , The company , ho said , was M illing to spend f 15,000 to see tlio anti-lottery bill 10- feried to the senate committee on judlthry. Or that $15,000 , ho said. $ , ) . ( )00 was for him ( the agent of the comp tin ) nnd $10,000 for the senator who seiuivcl the reference. Ills needless to say that the lobbyist failed in his purpose. It Is equal ) } well known that u duj or two ago a pioinincat senator in hose state there is just now \erylively campaign affecting his scat was nppioached by this same agent and w is told If he succeeded in ha\Ing the bill postponed until next session thocompinyouldspend $ i",00 ( ) in this sen ator's ' state and to pledge a loirislatuio f ivor- ublo to the senator's rotuin to the senate The prompt pissago of the bill todiiv In the beuato shows how uusuccessful hino been all efforts to even retard the bill There Is considerable ) indignation felt hero at the rcmarfcablo tardiness of tlio United Stitcs district attorney before nhoin the postofticodcpaitincnt has place an onoimous amount of hi formation regarding the woilc of the lotteiy company in this distnct. Jlr. Hogo has up to the picscnttlino given no intimation thnt ho pro pesos to do an\ thing practical in the muter and the postoflico authorities bavo about ubiudoncd bopo that any thing will come dining his ndminlstiatloa fiom all tneir la borious investigation. HOLM ; TAKIPF COMTIIEM After two da5's' caniest consideration of the matter , Speaker Heed announced the house conferees on thotniifi1 bill Just b3foio adjournment this afternoon. Theyuio the four senior republicans nnd the tlnco senior de-mo- ciaU of tlio committee on waj s andineiuis The delay in selecting them was duo tothodosiio of many members and Inteusts tohiuo ox Governor Gear of Iowa placed on the list. A plieo-vus undo for him some dijs are b ) Mr. Bayno , viho stated that he did notdosiie Lo act us ono of the managcis for the house , but Inter tlio members of his delegation do- minded that ho should take u place in the conference ON Ing to the interests of I'etmsjlwinmln tlio bill He defeircdto the visiles of hn colicigucs and told the speaker ho would export to bo named. Then it became - came a question between Hurrows , the second end inembci of. tlio committee , and CJcnr. Uho foiuicr piosldcd nt Iho meet ings of the committee in the ah- stnco of iJChanman JlcICinloy , took ndocnlntcicit mid active psit in iraming the bill , is spealter pro tern and altogether too important a poison to bo loft oil Iho omnilt- tee , event by liU o\\n \ request , whitli was not loithcomlng Dmgley had to bavo a place ns Kcw JSiiplund's ropieseiitntlve , so no place could bo found for Gcai. Another thing thnt operated agiinst his sdoctloii was the lait that Alllioii , ono of the senate con- fcrees , Is liom his stnto ( Iowa ) andliopro- scnts , of couibe , the snnio interests asould the ex governor The senate confciccs do iiote.xpeot to piogroM so lapidly in their woik ns if Gear had bein chosen , and Monday Is the earliest day new set fu agiccmcnt and n-port. Some of the sonuto conferees uould not bo surpilsed If n disagreement had inconferoiicooii the sugar question and arofcienco to thot o bianclics for settle ment. In that event they saj theie is no doubt the house A\ouUl vote for No 111 us the dividing line instead of No ItJ. TUP. AHIIVISHIS' ICCOt'NTH PI'JIOM I > . The accounts of the Onmln pcntofllw building site appraisers ha\obocnapi > ro\ed by the dep.utment of Ju.stico and the courtotrlccts at Orniha liavo been so notified There ij ono account still pending , howc\cr , and that Is the bill sent in by tbo < JUti let attorney for his seivices , This bis not yet passed the hands of tbo accounting ofllcora and the rea son is that it is on a ditloicnt imts fiom the nccounU of the appraisers thombolves. The lattei liud their unaiils mido by the couit and the approval of these awards w.u simply a matter of formallt ) Tbo attornn ) gcucial himself passes upon the district nttonicj's account , and until ho approves that the bond cannot bo disihaiged nor can the senlco money in the hinds of the couit bo pild o\cr to thojo to \ \ liom it Is duo. ivTiA ! srS'iioN T IK , There is much difference of opinion among congiiwsinjn as lo tlm tiuth of the icpoit ftom Ciejson tliat I'rcsMent Ilnrilson will call cougic * J together In extra session early In Is'ovonibor In casu adjoummeni is had without action on ccitalu measures. It Is bo- llovcd that the president , personally , Is not Inclined to bring congress together before tbo date llxcd by the constitution for icis- sumbltng , nnd ( but If bo is considering the ( jueiitlon of Issuing a call It Is duo to the pres sure brought to bear upon him At the sena torial conference -which decided to abandon the flection bill for this session the Question was generally expressed that the piesldont should bo asked to rcconvo'.in congress Im mediately after the elections mt at the tlmo it wis suggested that if congress was wanted to come together again at that tltno It had tlio power to do BO by taking a recess. Henry Cabot Lodge- said ho believed tUo prudldcat would rail on extra session to consider not only the election hill but other measures that 0011 Id not bo disposed of at this session , iSlr. McICinloy nald tbo probability of a call de pended upon ho\v far rtngwss nt this session vent tow anl disposing of iwndlng ( picstions. He atl ded , ItcliiK'luottloned ' farther , that ho thought it likely thnt not much would bo Uono this session after the tarlftblllM dis posed of. \Vllllain K. Gibbons luv * been comtnlssloncd postmaster at i'lovor , In to t ike effect October 1. The coiumltttce on public lands has made a favorable report on authorising and directIng - Ing the ropiymont or ono-lnlf the cost of con structing cei tain pa\cmeuts in the city of Lincoln. This moinlnglion. . Jerry II. Miu-phy , the well linowitox > ivproscnUulvo from the Div- cnpoit , la.dlstik't , , mid Miss Alary A.Vnl - ton. daugliter of Dr. J L. Walton of Capitol Hill , \\ero imirrleil at St. Peter's church nnd stiutod Immediately on a ttip to the west. 'Hits ct out wat catiiely tiucxpocted by the filends of Mr. Jlurpliv. Assistant Scott'tafy Chamller has nfllrmed Iho decision of Commissioner ( Jroff In re jecting the appllcitlon of John A. Golden to tmilcon homesteiit entry of the northwest quarter of luotouthcant quartet of ttio norlh- uest quarter of section 15 , tounshlp 3 , and tbo southwest qn'irtcrof ' the southwest quir- tcr of section ill , towwdihiSJ north , lange a west , O'Neill , Nob. Alwiit two months ago the presldunt iioml- n ited LouM Desniaries to bo coiner of the mint at New Oilcans. Ho is at present cashier nt the custom house , n iwsl- tlon ho held hcioio the udmln- Istiatlou of Ulr. Clovchmd. The nomi nation has been held up in thu committee on llmncoby charge * preferred by the haino people \ \ no nppiuvcu inu coniirniaiiuii 01 cx- OOVUIIOL * Warmoth's nomination as lollcttor of customs The charges Include allegations of Immorality nnd affect ids business leputa- tlon as well. One of thorn clnrges forgery on u piy loll Collector AViirmotha \ \ \ is hi Washington with a delegation of Louisiana sugar planters , s ivs the iharses are not , true hi am tespcct niui that one colored Lonisiina poUtklin will likely Jlml himself bohlnd prison ban as n icsiitt of his connection vlth thorn "When Wiiriiiotli's nomination was bo furotlie senate conimlttuo on comnicico four Louisiana state bciiatoit appoaivd and chatgi'd Vnrmotliith being lomioctcdlth \ the Loui-duni lottoiy comp in ) . JUcry ono of these tour senator , the ex-goveinor siys , voted for the bill to extend the franchise of the lottery company , Tlio Cass Uouiily 1'air. Pmrsi\iourjf , Keb. , Sept. in. [ Special Telegram to Tiir [ TinTho ] attendance nt the Ciiss loutily fair today \vis Inrgor tliau antiiipated and shows conclusively lliat moro than oidinaiy Interest U lalccu hi this yen's fair. The wcuthciMMit simply glorious nncl the gilly dressed people sauntering thiougli the elegantly arranged hilta nude-n stilting and happy scene , lids afternoon the racing was the all-absorbing subject of nttentloii , crc.iting considerable excitement and enthus iasm In tlio tlueo minute trotJooT won In thico straight , heats , Maud 13111 second , BraUshaw Dan third Best timeW. . In the match race , dash of MO yards , Lor- lel Nell beat Loirclllob in sixteen second1 * . Tim special trot wits won by ( loldio hi thrco straight heats , Cithuimo second , Joe child Beat time J-M. The pony race \\as von by White Kye , with White Billy second The numtuur bicycle rare wns won by Thomas Patterson , Samuel Patterson second , Thomas I'armclce third. I'llOOIHMMI IO1 , TOM011KOM. Ji .T ) trot Union Alodium. Mom Jacobs , Joe F. Eli. ! Yce-fot-all pacing St John , Dora Hcefl , Billy B , Burlmoldcr. y-4" ) twt Goldic , Catherine , Trenton , Nel- llo Caffny. Alatcli race , pacing Billy B and Little Maud. UunniiiB race , milo heats Mike AVhitinp , Frank Cl ipp , Whist , Pioliibition. Ic | > tv t to tlio Snivel sr , N V. , Sept 10. Chaunce ) Oc- pow addressed a laigo audience at the state fair today. Jn the course of his speech , re ferring to thorccuut agricultural depression , besides the hrgely Increased pioJuction , he found further < auso XcivJLjB-ttszii JTipts ci. speculators to corner markets. In view ot the depression brought about by these causes it had become the highest duty of the Amer ican statesman and the American farmer to look about for remedies. The first act of the farmer should bo to intelligently organ ize. In tlio piesent condition of the world , organlzitiou Is a necessity of existence. Cap ital oiwmUes in coiporations , labor organizes. In trades unions , minnfactuicis organize for protection. 'Jho faiaiCM ulono hmc failed to unite In any elllcient and piactical win. In conclusion Dcpo\v said that In his Judgment wo are near the bottom of the grave of agri cultural depression and will soon begin to climb upthoothct side. "Went to Sleep on the Traclc. LYi/cinsTn , N. ,7 , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin , Bui J Soveril cats wcio de molished and a bad wreck was undo by the collision between , two height trains on the Pennsjlviinii railroad at Tannery cicck this morning. The collision was caused by Fire imn Tappon , who was sent down to ihg the Hist train , falling asleep on the hack Ho was i un ovct and killed A tramp stealing a ride was also killed. A fo\v houn later the llronmnof another freight train two miles distant went to sleep on the tender and fell off Ho lolled under the wheels and vis cut to pieces. Ho liml nt Philadelphia. A IScw York bookmaker Koljliod. New YOIIK , hept. 10 James C Catlan , a Chicago bookmaker , lie has been stopping nt the Hotel Vcndomc , has been In the habit of keeping bis money box in his loom over night. The hotel manigor expostulated and advised him to lode it np in the hotel safe , Cailan did tills last night nnd this moiniug \\tien the box washaniled him out of the snfo ho was horrified to lind that tbo frr.2,030 , it had contained was gone. The police ate working on the case. btpixnihliipitiivalH. . At Jfow Voik Thq Kms ftom Hioinen. At llronieiluucn 'Iho Uldei from New York. At Jfow YoilcTho Wisconsin , fiom Liver pool ; the State of Pennsylvania , from Glas gow. gow.At Movillo ThoFutneshla , from New Voile for Glasgow. _ _ A Dfinociatin Jtoroi'in Talk. HKAIUNO , Pa. . Sept , in. Tlio annual meet ing of tlio democratic clubs of l > L auslvnnlt wtts held hcie today. One thoasand clclo gntes weropicsent. Clmiuoy F Black pre sided and ojiencd the proceed Ings with .111 ad- diesn Ho dwelt ut length upon tlm subjects of taiiff lofonn , civil sorvlto refoun and bal lot refuim. Ilostioying Iio I > aiiii ( > c > 'n O list r Vir\s\Supt IK [ Special UiblcB'rani to I'm : HIT | - The work of dustrolnjjthn lion gates In the Danube was begun ycstci da ) In the japsoiito of the Ilungaimnuntl Sor\ian preinie'i's , the Austri in ininibters of com- merre , thomlnhtei. > and oHlciuls of the Unco countries Interested , mid si laiyo concourse of people _ SoclallMt Mcrtuigat llorlln. BI.KMV , Sept. -Spxlal ( [ Cablegram to Tiia Bui : I At a givU Hodallst meeting last evening Ilerr Singui urged the nucessltj of an cn"ectl\o control of the socialist oruiuis In order to ptovent tliclr becoming tools of the anarchists Itwas icsolvcil to rolohr.ito tlio expliationof the socialist law with illumina tions , Mont Inspection Humiliations. "Wisii uTox , Sept. 10. .Swotuty lluslc today Issued tie regulations to govern the In- Hpecllon of milted poilc or bacon for expoit provided for In what is Imoun as tlio meat Inspection bill , whkh recently became n law. Jinin ( dranil hire. KS8\a CITI , Mo , Sept. III. A special from Topeka siys Charles M. Uusheo of la- ! lulgh , N ( J. , hrs boon nifrccd upoa by the sovereign ( jrand lodge , 1 O. 0 , F. , lor giaucl slro , _ _ Tlioy All Kcslgncd. CovfiTAvrixoi-Li : , bept , 10. [ Special Cable gram to TIIK HuK.l Tlio proiidenu of the ccclcshvstlcal and tce-ulnr council of tboAr- iiieiilan patriarchato have rescued. Be Sure ' If joti have mndo tip jour mliut to bujr Hood's Sirsajnilllado not ho Induced to t.ik * anj other A lioslon hdy , whoso cxunplo Is wctthy Imitation , tell * her experience bclottt * "In ono Morowhete \\cnttolniy \ Hooil's f Rampaillla the clerk tried to Induce moM1J \ theironnlnttcailotHood's ; haloidniotltclr's would Intt longer ; thit I might taka U on tea To Get ( Ins'trlil ) ; tint It I did not Ilkolt I need not I > , iy nnjIliliiK. etc. lint ho could not picull on mo to chnngc. I lolil him I hul talcn llood'i > Sirsanrlll.i | , Knciv i\lnt It was , > \u \ snllsdcilith it , and did not Mint nny other. "VVIicn I hc'Rnti takliig lloocl's Sar'ipaillli I \us feelhiK real inlscnhlo vltli djupepsla , anil socak \ at times 1 could liaidljr Hood's stand. I looked llko a person In consump tion. Hood's Sarsiparllla did mo to much guod tint I wonder at mjsclf Hoinctltiic , . aiidmyfthMHHfrequcntljspcakof II. " 3Mus. 9 KU.A A. GOHci Tcruco Street , UosLon. * a KoM lij11 < lr iplsts. ( [ pi ; sit for JJ rrcfircd onljr I. HOUtCO.Aiiolliccarlci ( , IOO Doses Ono Dollar MET HIS DEATH 1VIHLE DRUNK A Man Eun Over and Trightfullj Mnnglfcl by an Ilkhora Train. * j-ar r HIS IDENTITY MOT YET ESTABLISHED Kill Ccitain Marks 1111 Hln Clothing 1,011(1 ( to the ICclioL * 1 hat Ills Nnine Was Hubert Doyle. At 10:11 last nlslit a lialnon the HlMioi n load iaii over iinti feaifully mangled a near the uoilhca-st coiner of tbo Douglas county f.ilr mounds As ciigliio rs'o TO , in chai'Koaf | I'liRhuei K M. Stewart , and pullHg u ti.iln t twenty cars , came around the cuno in tin cut \vcstoftihcrniiiiaienuu ami nort .1 of Iho full1 grounds the riiKiucor noticed somt thiiiK cominguloiijtho ; side of the trulc i fe\v locls ahead of the OIIKIUC Ho saw as h < approached that it was a man vcrj much u i dot the iiillueuco of lifiuur , in ho btuggiii I stupidly along U ho engineer at once blew the whiMl-- notify the nun of danger , but It had no n ticeibloeffectVlienwlthinabout ton ( o i of whom the engine met him the mini stum bled headlong over upon the ttarlcnnd the 01 ; ineandsix iai-s pissed ovot him bnfoio th Lr.iln could bobiought to a .sl.uidstill Ihc victim was picked or ratlin Kathcioil uv by the train unit and bronchi tothoMiitii at ( .race street , wheie Hcafo ) X Hcafc ) , tb undertakers , uoro notified to meet the tiain and take charge of the body , as thu cuionei could not be found : w Ihu man was terubly mangled , ha\- ing both logs biokon Ulow the knee aud hii loft iitm torn almost fioni tlie body , 'ihcro was not u spnilc of life in tlio man -when the traiiimun letched him lie appealed to bo about i eaty clRht jcaij old , wasn huge , pnwoi fill mamyitua thicic , stubbi , brown-ioloreil moustache' . IIc woi-o lough clotbis , i straw lint and a pair of now shoes. On the collar of his shiit UMS found the nnmo "lolo" ) nn-j 'J , _ ' ' MJob. " lie had ill ; joikcts The fun < ; vt . 'i .i nu jlui i-f i cvlile-Hily couccL > 7. H Ki B Jk' oftUo unfortunate in'in 0. P. Grow was the lonductor In chaiiro of the tuiln. 'Ihe inquest will douutlc-ss bii tiell today. Tllcyelo lli'uords Ilrolccii. Pi on111 : , Sept. 1(1 In the bicycle toduj Hurt Anew inude a tiinl for the live \\oild'sunicclo record and loivucd It fiom 19 53 tol8"ii--5 , ever ) mile from st.iu to llnlsh ucing below picvious rev ords. II. Latuio lowcied the one milo Ametie-aii pneumntlc tuo safetv retold fiom aTM-8 to i J * 1-5 'JV Hist finntoivaH m.ido In S8 t-r > , thu hall lu I'l'il-S threc-qu u tera in 1 "it 4-r > and thu mile in 2:27 : 1-fi. Myors and Musi then low- eied the American tnndein two milo iccoid fiom . : J1 to"i:15 1-5. Iho wind was unfavoi- uhle nnd thopcrforniancc > are remarhiblo. Cnbiiicl IJp'iisrii' . Lnsnov , Sept. 10. A dibpitch to tbo Dully JN'cws fiom Lisbon says the I'oiluguew ciblncthasicslgncd and Clulsostomo Abrcu h forming' n now ministry. I'.xiitcincnt n\or the English tioat ) continuis and them hmo been iiotousiloinonstiatlons It Is luniouul tint nn iCnglish man-of-uai has arrhcd : uul the oftlccrs and men who hinded weio at taelceil by a mob and compelled to ru cmbaik. The use of calomel for cUratiKeinciits of tlm liver has mined many afliio cnnstltutini ' 1 hose who , for similar troubles , hue tni 1 Ayer's Pills testify to their ollluey IU Llui ouf'hl ) rcmotlviiin' the malady , \yithout In juiy to the system. OCho riilltimnr.'s Oilicis ) Dlnotl. STOCKIIOIM , Sept. Ill A dinner was last idght by the city of Stockholm to the oflleers attached to the United State : , ship Dnltimore , which como > oil the body of John Kilcsson fiom the United Stateno this cou. try. 1'vyo liundiccl KUCMts , inuludliiK ministers of state , militar ) and nnyiil ollletrs and tholeadinfriiyill.ins , wcto present. * Iho jAllininlira I'alnco MAUUIJI , Sept 10.-Fire broke out at u o'clock last night In the palace of thoAlhnii bra In Granada , and despite the effotts mini to cxtliiKulsli It , It is still buruliifr The ) Iho oilRltmtecl lntho Albercn ( ouitjnul ami boon spicadto the gallcrk's Oieat daitmgo hm been done , Pure foi Croup Use Dr Thomas' ' nioetri Oil iiiioidlnR to illreilions It Is the IHH lomedr forall * > uddca attacks of colas , pun and Inflammation , and injuilos. I ) alb ol n HniMV , Sept 10. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : Un : ! Heir Itapp < 3 , conductor of the music : festivals , Is dead Oholrrn In Alci > po. Sept , lU.-Cholcra boa made Its appear nice la Aleppo Absolutely Pure. A oroim of tartnrla.ltinf ) nw < lnr , llljheol of ItavaoldZ itroniilh U , B. ( Jovorntnont U * <