Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Jlellrcri'd by Carrier lijuny p rt olllio City.
II. W , TILTO.V. - *
, NoCt.
V , Y. P. Co.
CouncilBluff * LumbcrCo. . coaU
The anti-Heed club litld ft mcctme last
night wllli Uiuusual siztJ audience.
.A nmrrluija license \VJH Issued yeaterilny to
James IIUecdundAimloL.ccboth oC tula
city ,
KfKtilarcoinmmilc'atloiior UltilT City lodge ,
KoTI , .Ancient Km and Accepted Masons ,
tliheveiilnir. AIL muster Musousaio Invited.
TSy order \V. \ M ,
John .Mcr.s tot win ill-rested ly Deputy Mar-
Rhal Wlilto ycslcrdw for Intoxication and in
decent conduit oti the street , .ludfjo McCSoo
( javo liiintiio regulation line vlth a 3 pen-
.Among the contemplated devices to uhlla
nvay tliolonjwinter ! cloys nmt oven hip of
the nppioncihing.snowy SC.ISOH 13 u first class
toboKtfan slide , Itls built In a suiUblo loca
tion nnd will tie the longest In the world.
'Jhe motor injunction case In tlio superior
court lias not been completed. Yesterday's
session was consumed In licaihmtlio argu
ments on a motion for n new trial inthu.Mnr-
irtH-lJoliiny tuso evcLa cli. < putoil division
The old Broadway JilcthollJt church lias
about ceisecl to ci'.st , undfcw days licnco
\\lllboiiothlnifbuttho foundation re
maining , It li 03Cicoteil | tbnt u-orlc will bo
commenced \ipoii tlio fomulntwii forthcuew
buliulijgby tuohistof the \vcclf.
The local telegraphers , whonumbcr amoiiR
tlielr ranks some /astestllglilnlnKJcrlc- / -
crsln tlio world , nio being solicited to enter
tliuncxv telcRriipbcra' union tbat Is Icing
formed In the west The coin-so to bo fol
lowed 11,14 , not yet been determined , but It Is
Hltcly the bojs will join thulriomvados.
The musical QhUIon of the Methodist
mutual old society gave a line musical tire
fcrnmincnt Rlasotilc tcniplo last ovenltiK. The qulto laigc luul the music was
lieu-tily cnJojecJ. The young people who
foini tJiooi'R-n'nl/.atloii aie doln a grctituorlt
tonarct rilyiii tbo money necessary to build
ttciicM church.
His still contended the council , sheets
nndnlleis committee , tlie street commissioner
orsomuody clso IsrusiwnslUo for the ncj-
lectio put pioprr safeguards across to North
Second street where tlio bridge has been out
BO loiif ? , There la nothing In tliowoild to
pioventasciions accident tbero ana aeon-
scqucntsuit for heavy djnmfics nothing but
u red light which don't always bum.
Yesterday inornlnK ilr. nnd Ir9. Jcppo
HmitilUilscticainolnto the county recorder's
ofllco nnd announced the fact that they hid :
long bccn unable ton ree and llnally iigrceil
to im it trying. They had drawn up lengthy
niticles of separation which they wanted
to luno recorded. Tlicy sUted that
UioVlilttlcsey divorce case had sickened
tlem ofdivonu proccedhiBs and they chose a
mutualsep.iiatlon as the best moans of healing -
ing their troubles. Thoartiilcf , have n Rood
many "ivlierrases" "resolves" in
them , and rceito the ujdiajipydlltcioncesthnt
tlicru have been TJct\vecn them. Ilio c\istody
of two children , the sum total they claim ot
nil the happiness they huvo known In wed
lock , is given to the mother , nnd the husband
ngrccs to contribute to their support anil to
the maintenance ol the motlicr as long as she
For Kate.
Our re-tail furnitures business , with good
established trade. Stock i-J llrst cluss and
veil sclectod. Keason for selling , are going
Into tlio exclusive lobbing trido.
Anyone ) -wKhingto polutobusiness should
Investigate this , as It is one ot the few golden
opportunities oC ullfe Hun ; .
C. A. BBKUU & Co.
Firht-clnsi dresimaldup by Miss Wallace ,
over C'ntuemeu's ' hniik , cor. Mala st , and
Cth uve.
Choato ftlynstcr has returned from Mis
Kev. A , .Jacobs will preach this evening at
thj Bere.iu Baptist church.
Miss Helena Lau of Lincoln is in tUo city
the guest of Mrs. K. IBurhoin.
Mrs. II. 31. Suing , vho lias been \isltlug
licr paients , Mr. and Mrs. H. 1'asehel. hai
nturncd to her liomo In HarthiKton , jN'cu.
Mrs , Lida Wright , -\\lio \ lias "been visiting
Tier paients , Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Gass , has
returned to her liomo near Charter Oak , la.
CityMnrshul John Teniplctou goes to Lin
coln this morning to elvo testimony In the
case ol the state of Nebraska vs Woods and
Mr.antl Mrs. E. VI , Hart nro the happy
parents of n great , big , nleo Kill baby , who
took iiphoriesidcnco with them yesterday
J. 1) ) , Bclnraiitlson Uas returned from a two
months' visit to Alaslm , Tncoimi , Denver and
other places of interest. TJocnjojecl the trip
thoroughly ,
MissLu Schindele , cashier atllcnry EIsc-
man ACo.'s ' , la cnjojlnff a brief vacation ,
during wlilcli fehowill visit friends on the
1'aciilc coast.
Mrs. CSraco d'ltrro ' , nccompanlccl by Miss
AnitjHIerworth , loft last evening foru few
daysMlsttntnojig friends atNewSharon and
Osltaloosa , Iu.
J. II. Oliver returned yesterday from a two
ticclo1 visit to his old homo In Latroho , 1'a.
Hovas called homo to attend his aged futlier
whoso eighty-tuo years has reucleicJ him
very Inflrin.
Mr , and Mrs. David Bradley of Chicago
spent Saturday and Sunday in tlio city. They
were the Rucsts of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Loomls. Although eighty year * of age , they
botli retain their mental faculties mid nro In
peed heal tli Hudablo to travel alone , ImviiiR
been on around ol visits to the different
branch houses In St. Louis , Kansas Citv ,
Council Bluffs , Minneapolis nnd other places.
Mr. Ilradiey is the oldest plow manufacturer
living. liming begun that business in Chi
cage llfty-llvo wars ago. They loft on the
niorninjj train for Sioux City and .Minneap
Fine interior decorating , Loscy & Jensen.
Fashionable wool suits mndo by Mrs. L. toff ; silks , S7to 610.
Iloso nt cost.'o nro going to quit
muidllner garden hose , and Iniva ctoubly the
largest stock in the city. To close out wo
will sell allBi-aJcs and ilxluros nt dead cost ,
for cash. 0. B. 1'nitit & Oil company , Js'os.
1 nndU , lasonlc tonijilo.
J.O. Tlpton.rcal estate , 527 Broadway.
Signs. Loscy & Jensen's , 11 Pear st.
Farewell to I'rof.DIcDcrnilil.
A pleasant social ciitcrtaliuncnt was given
at tlio Royal Arcanum parlors last evening In
honor of Prof. MeDcrmM , of tlio deaf and
flu nib institute , who has resigned l Is position
to nceopta more responsible plao in tlio On
tario institute at Winncpeg. 'JLTjo guests -\vcro
invited by printed Invitations , nnd the result
was 11 very select ami harmonious gailicilng
of filonds and nclinlrera of the gentleman
The special features of the programme wcro
Instrumental and vocal music bv M r. Evans
Mrs , Sherman , Mr. Troynor and others , urn
toasts nnd responses by several well known
nnd happy speakers. It was a spontaneous
nmlheiulv testimonial from his friends and
fellow citizens of the high regard in which
Prof , McDerinld is held by these vvbo Iwow
him intimately , nnd earnest expression of
their dcilro to commend him to tlio now
friends l.o will Hud In his fur northern homo.
Ono of tbo plcasautcst Incidents of the ev
ening was the reading of a beautiful little
inorccau by Dr. Oeo. W. Crofts tbo poot-
p reach orvlioso , fuello pen ttnds so many oc-
rmlons for oxjirebsltig t DO beautiful tUouglits
of IU owner.
Shorthand. Miss Rhodes , JJrou-n building.
Jigood hose reel frco vlth every 100 feet of
hotopurchased at lllxby'j ' ,
TO the Ladles JMIss alary Olcason hasrc-
turttd from licr eastern trip and Is better
prepared tlian ever to satisfy all who want
JlntclaMdrosjinuliInK1. Hooms iu tUo old
Jltinry lulldlu , Pearl street.
Another Red-Hot Meeting of tlio Board of
Education Held Lost Night ,
Ovhl Vlcu "AVI1I Buo Vov
Card Ifroin Ir. Jlappell I'liro-
x\cll ( o JIuDcrinld Icr-
soiidl nnd NUWH Notes ,
There was the largest audience present nt
he meeting of the school board last evening
hat 1ms ever HUosied to the deliberations of
hoio pcntlenicn. Tlio audlcnco was com-
oscd of Iho bent people In the city , and their
rcseneo Indicated the deep interest tahcn in
ho school board controversy.
All the member ) \vcio present , and after
oil call and the reallnjj of the minutes there
, -a an ominous calm , portc.Hloui of the
tormy stmijglo for which euch sldo had pro-
aied. Sui/crintoiulent / McNaiiRhloti was
ot present , was represented by Kratnot
1'inloy ai connsol. John M. Dnldtvin was
resent to rcpiesent the gentlemen who had
referredchurtfcs a0Minstthc siineilntcmlcnt.
'he calm WAS broken by Mr , U'uSto moving
hatlhoEalaiy of Iho Janitor of Iho Third
met school ho fixed atjis per month , and it
vas cai-iled. Tlio rcgrular order of business
JH then insisted upon , much to tbo
Isappointmcnt oftho audience , who \vcro \
nxlous to sec the fun begin.
'Jho report of the troasurcL- was presented
nd referred to tlio finance coinralttae. It
hews $ .7S1S. ; > 'J ' In tbo teachers' fund ,
0,00'J.rOlu the contmecnt fund and ? 3b'JI.72 '
a the school house fund. The total expcnai-
mcs for the year rmliiij , ' September 5 , IbUO ,
vciu ? T1 , ' K > nnd tlieiccclpts the same.
Tim salary of llss lUinon , teacher in
V.ishlngton ; u CD uc school , \vaa tl.\cd ut ? oO
> cr month.
1'rof. F A. Hedges' contract was corrected
o icad f 1,200 , a year instead of { I''O nor
lie iircslilent and secretary wcro In-
tjuc'teilto sign teachers'contracts In accord-
nee with tlio recommendation of the board
t the last intetinp.
The problem of. the session was presented
> y.Mr.Vullsc.illing \ uptho petition demind-
iiBtho resignation of Superintendent Me-
jiiiKhton. After the rending of the pub-
shed charge ? contained In the petition
Ir. Wells asked If Mr. MeNautfh-
on had lllcd Ills rcslirnatlon , nnd upon
) clifr ) ansucred that ho liad not ,
noved that ho bo requested nnd icquircd to
nako answer to these charges nnd 11 lo the
anio with the secretary hy noon tomorrow ,
luntcrkcconded the motion.
Mr. Blaxsini said ho was very much sur-
niscd at thH course of action. Dr. Me-
auRhton liad always been unanimously
eeled by all the school boards durinp tlio
> ast seven years. In May , a year ago , when
10 was ic-elcited , Mr. SclioentKon moved to
ncicasu his salapj J.JOO bccnuso ho said he
> cllcvcd no was earning more , and botn
Veils and ho voted for him and the increase.
? ho manner In which the cvi-
lenco upon nhioh these ctmrpes
ire bused was obtained is a disgrace anil in
quisitorial and by following such aproc'duro '
is these gentlemen have followed the best
nan in Council Bluffs could ho convlctcj and
inngccl. Thcso remarks elicited n great deal
of npplauso lioin thu people In tbo ImlHvay.
Air. Schocntgen admitted that lie had voted
'orthe superintendent's ' reelection and for
ils Increase ) ot salary , hut then ho did not
tnoxvii the man. Ho was sorry for it and
vould never do it again.
Mr. AVollssaid bo was not willing to dis
cuss the matter. All the board had to do
low was to consider the charges made In the
[ ictition ,
Mr. Illaxslm said there were a number of
men whoso names appeared to these charges
rtho denied that they had. ever read them or
knew their contents. They claim they wcro
milled , The gentlemen In the hoard who instigated the charges have prejudged
McNuugnton and they want to bold a sham
session of a sham court hero that Is a creator
outrngcon public decency than the "Kangaroo
Court" Iruthe city Jail.
Mr. Wultosaid ho concurred In what Air.
Dlaxslm said , and that two of the men who
; iad signed Iho charges had been dogged for
LWO dojs to get tlicin to do so , and then had
been deceived and trapped into doing so , Ho
had several letters from ISIr. Schocntpcn to
the president of. the board at Cedar Falls , In ,
asking for some private information concern
ing McXaughton , ana got in reply a ringing
endorsement of the professor. Ho read tlio
letter with great deliberation and created a
sensation. Ho tdso stated that ho had been
assured by Prof , i'routy that Wells , Schocnt-
nnd Hunter had como to him at his farm n
few days ago and asked him to sign an affi
davit detrimental to JlcKaughton , but that
lie had declined , and asserted that ho could
say nothing against McNaughton , that Ills
reputation , m Council Bluffs was made and Is
unassailable. .After rending u letter from
1'rof. ( Jiish In reference to a similar appeal ,
Mr. "Wnltc declared ho would vote against the
resolution asking for an investigation.
Mr , Hunter asserted that such a dclara-
tlouwas an evidence of the willingness of the
gentleman to violate his oath of olileo.
Mr. Waite denied this , and asserted Ids
willingness to have JluNaughton tried be
fore the board , but the law did not say that
the tild bhouldbo conducted beforoacoiut
that liad already Judged him guilty.
"Is It fair , Mr. Chairman , " inq.uired Rlr.
Dlaxslm with preat earnestness , "to nslc the
man to como before thes 3 gentlemen whom I
know tiersonally to have gene as many as llvo
times In a single day to touchers who failed
ro-clcitlon nnd urged them to sign vicious
tales 1 I will oppose the resolution to the bit
ter end. "
PrcsidentSlcwart stated that hohad tallied
to Unco of the gentlemen ivho had signed the
charges and they told 1dm they did not
understanil what they.wcro signing and since
their publication did not caio to push the In
quiry , Ho believed there , was something In
the legal question concerning the right of the
board to try the superintendent and ho be
lieved It did not have the power. The princi
pals and touchers are selected , but the super
intendent Is elected and becomes a member
of the board. Ho vould vote against tbo
Mr , Blaxslm asked for Information as to
whether tno petition referred to James BIc-
Naughton ns superintendent of the city
schools , and being in formed that It referred to
"James McN'uuifhton , the person who Is now
claiming to bo superintendent , " etc. , said
that If the board refused to admit that Mc
Naughton was superintendent then ttiey had
no right to try Win.
A vote was then taken and resulted la 3 to
3 , and was declared lost.
Mr , Hunter moved that the charge bo taken
up for consideration. Lost hy the snmo veto.
Hunter then moved that a time bo llxed for
hearing the charges. Lost by the same tlo
Wells moved that when the board adjourn
It bo until tomorrow evening nt S o'clock ,
when n special meeting shall beheld for the
purpose of considering the charges against
Superintendent Mc 'aughton , and the secre
tary bo instructed to notify McXaughton.
Thuhullot was the same unbroken tlo. and
It was evident that there was no possibility
of the tie being broken , Wells moved to
tukuup the regular order of business , nnd
tbo report of the teachers' committee was
made by Chairman Schoentgcn , Prof. C. S.
ilydo had not reported for duty and the
committee recommended dispensing with the
services nnd let the four teachers in the idea
school do the work for the ensuing year. The
crowded condition oftho Washingtonavcnuo
and Pierce street schools was considered , and
the opening of another room in the Picrco
street building and engaging o church build
ing near the Twentieth uvenuo building to
relieve the crowd tbero was recommended , to
bo fixed up nt once.
The recommendation was concurred In
after I\Ir. \ llluxlma hud broiiehtHIup
tbo question of Mr. Schocntgon's resig
nation as chairman of the teachers' commtt-
tco an dvvas assured by the gentleman that
ho had not resigned.
' 1'ho bids to supply coal and fuel for the
year were opened. Thorn were numerous
bid * , and at 11 o'clock the board proceeded to
open them and at tlio conclusion of the read
Ing proceeded to the election of secretary and
treasurer for the ensuing year ,
Will Sno Tor Heavy Damages.
Ovid "Vlen , the reputed partner of Supcrln
tcudent McNaughton iu the chattel loan bus !
ness , unnouuics IU determination to com
nionco suit for heavy damages against tha
'cntlemcn who signed the clmnrcs against
ho superintendent. Ho stated to Tin : Itr.i :
cstcrdnythatso far 113 they related to him
hey were utterly false , and ho proposed to
jrotcct lili Interests and Ids icputntlon from
ho assaults that Imd been mndo upon him ro-
rdlosg of what action 1'rof. McNnughlon
ijtht tn'io. ' lie denied flatly over liming
nid any transactions of a business nature
vlth the HUiicrlntciulunt within the past
car , nnd Intimates that ho will explode n
'ood sized actuation when ho IIlea his nctl-
lon Iu the contemplated suit.
AVIndow shades at I.o3oy & Jc.iscn , 11
'carl st.
Attention , lied Men.
.All momucrj Intending to polo T.hicoln to-
lay are ropiested to boat the hall promptly
t o p. in ,
'J'hu Manhattan sporting headquarters , US
3 road way ,
J3uy your lunberoC The Judd & Wells Co. ,
ly 1) ) roadway ,
A Card from Sir. Kcppcll.
Corxar , BurrSent. , 15. To Ilia Editor
f Titc Ilr.n : My attention has been called
o an article signed''Citizen"In your Issue
f this clulo , in which he charges that I have
ssisted In tlio prccuriug oC aflldavlts to bo
iscdln suppoitoC the charges inado against
Mr. McJfaugliton by certain gentlemen who
ugned tboso charges , nnd had them pub-
isiicd in some of the papers the other day ,
clcslro to say that the statement made by
'Citizen , " was mudo without n knowledge of
he facts , or clso that it was jn.ulo knowing it
o he a deliberate mid malicious lit1. 1 have
lelthet- directly nor indirectly approached
iny person for the purpose of semiing an nf-
Idnvlt or any other cjvldenco against Mr.
.Ic.Vaiifjhton . , and am In no nmiincr Inter-
stcd iti the matter , K. W.
A I opulnr Finn.
The now decorating and wall paper firm ,
osey nnd Jensen , are ranldly taking the
cad In their line , nnd nro doing work that
ominends Itself. They nro always too busy
0 talk about what they have done or what
hey have got to Go , but wcro willing yes-
erday toshowTitijBii ! and through It the
voild some ol the most elegant room decor-
, tivo woik tbat has over been done iu the
ity. Both IMr. Losoy and Mr. Jensen are
iractlcal decorators and skillful painters ,
.nd . when they are strengthened as they have
jccn by the permanent engagement of such
1 well known artist as W. J-J. Freeman , they
an snap their lingers nt all competition anil
.ssuro their patrons that they will have the
lost woikanil latest styles and designs.
Their stock of decorative-materials com-
irises nil the latest fall novelties in every-
tilng , anil they have the largest stock of wall
apcrs of all grades in the city.
Loscy St Jensen paint houses.
J.C. Illxby , stcim neatlng1 , sanitary en
gineer , Oil TJfo balldiii ! ? , O.TUUIJ 'JJi Mer
iam block , Council niulK
Scott house , mco room1 ? , clean beds , faro
qual tothe best , $1 per dny. Special low
ates to icgular boarders. 2J and 1M X. Main
t. , Council Muffs.
New fall goods just recclvedat Keller's , mcr-
ihaut tailor , 310 Bioadway.
A SHoTf TJjIcf Caught.
On Sunday afternoon a thick , heavy set
nan with a swarthy complexion aud dark ,
andy mustache , called nt the residence of
VIrs. J lvira Miller , at 20 North Eighth
ticet , and asked it thcro Wcro any vacant
coins to rent , Ilewasrofetred to Mrs. Miler -
er , who has furnished n portion of her resl-
lenco for that purpose , liho assured him
hat she could accommodate him aud took
ilm up stairs and showed him a room. It
ilcasc'dhlm nnd ho Informed her that ho
votiltt take it for one week , and if ho found It
iccessary to remain In the city longer ho
vould makes It his homo. Ho inado a rapid
xaminatlonof the furniture and appeared
well pleased with the surroundings , but inado
articular inquiries about the facilities for
Jithinj ; . Ho scoured tlio desired inform a-
, ion , and then turning abruptly to the wash-
jasln said ho would lilcuto wash his hands and
, al o a sponge bath. The lady at once left
tlio room and went down stairs. After ro
nialningin his room for some time the fellow
caino down and called for Mrs. Miller , mid
x > ld her howas going out and would bo back
.ater in the evening , and ashed to ho Informed
: is to the latest hour no could get In without
disturbing anybody. Some time nf ter his de
parture Airs , Miller had occasion to go up
stairs wlioti iho inado the discovery that all
Lho rooms had been ransacked , including her
own sleeping room. Several valuable articles
were missing , including some jewelry , four
gold rings , a gold watch chain , a locket and a
L'old , breast pin , which she valued at S5.
Mrs. Miller feltsuro her now lodger was
the thief , and came up town at once and notl-
ilcd the chief of police , hut that worthy re
fused or neglected to take any action in the
matter. Satisfied that tbo thief could ho
caught If she could find an olllccr to catch
him , she went into the marshal's ofllco and
told her story to Marshal Tcinploton.
The description given was so accurate tbat
the mavshnl felt sure ho would recognize the
inin at sight , Hcliovlng that ho would go to
Onialia the ofllcor boarded the ilrstmotorand
went to tbo bridge and there waited patiently
until several motors had como nnd gone. At
List ho was rewarded hy seeing the man ho
wanted , but ho had bythlstlmo gone to the
Omuha slclo of the bridge and could not ar
rest him , Ho boarded the motor with the
suspect and gob oft" with him at the Farnnin
street crossing. A block awr.y ho saw lo-
tcctivo Vaughn and signaled to him. The
slgnnl was answered , the detective was
quicltly told the story and a few moments
moro the fellow was under arrest.
lie was taken to the central station In
Omaha and searched anu nil of the missing
Jewelry was found in bis possession. Yes
terday morning Mrs , Miller went over to and Idcntlilcd the man ns licr roomer
and the jov.clry as that stolen from her.
The tide f gave the name of Kdward Miller.
After ho was identitlcd by Mrs. Miller an ef
fort vas made to got him to accompany Mar
shal Templcton to Council Itlufts , but ho re
fused , and Is held pending the arrival of ex-
trad itlon papers.
It is said the fellow Is engaged In this new
species of robbery and has liecn very success
ful in Omaha and other places.
If you wish to sell your property call on the
Judd & Wells Co. , C. B. Judd , president , COO
li roadway ,
Council Proceednjts. !
The city council mot last night , all the
members present. A number of grading ,
intersection paving and other bills were al
lowed , The matter of the grading contract
of T , O'llearno was referred to the judl
clary com ndtteo and city engineer.
On motion $1.10 per annum was allowed the
Dodge light guards on condition that the
co'inty should donutoa like amount.
The purchase of the Lacy building for flro
purposes ivas i'ccons > ldcred on account of the
illegality of the former vote. Oa the call of
the ayes nndiiaya the vote stood llvo to three ,
Alderman Lacy voting aye. The mayor did
not declare the result of the vote , as ho do-
slrcil to consult thu city attorney as to the
right of jMdcrnian Lacy to veto for the sale
of Ills own property ,
Wall paper atLosoy & Jensen's ' 11 Pcarlst.
Money nt reduced rate } loino 1 on chatto
and real estate security by E. H , Shoafo & Co
IIo Wits a Discorded hover.
MJDISOJ , Wis. , Sept. 15. The tragedy at
Grand Mound today created a profound sen
sation la this city , Mr. and Mrs. Lan don
wcro graduates of the Wisconsin state uni
versity and wcro engaged while at school.
Later on they wore estranged by n quarrel
and Miss Smith went to Chicago. Thcro
she uccamo engaged to Jack Bevan , but
on returning to Madison In the spring once
moro met Langdon and discarded Bevau. She
married Langdon shortly oftof and the couple
went to Jowa. Boron followed thorn there
and thu tragedy wai tbo result , liovnn is
connected with a large number of niaUtcrs In
Chicago. lie and Laugdon nearly had a light
several months ago hero. Mrs , Smith , mother
of the murdered woman , Is prostrated.
MoKelglinn 2i'n Mint Tor Hnrlan ,
FIUXKUX , Neb. , Sept. 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BEE.-A joint discussion was
held at 2 > Iason today between Hon. N. V. liar
an and W. A. MMIclglnm. The attendance.
\vaiMlin , thcro MHK nbout three or four
luinlreil present , Inilf of whom wcro voters.
J ho dmmlon "MRS n victory for llnrlnn.
McKplglmn wis rt ! < tusted nnd now
lint ho will not , again bold a Joint discussion
with Italian. Hntkm addressed a largo and
enthusiastic audk'ftco nt this plnco this morn-
Tlio Central Trnlu U'rockers.
AUHNV , N , Y. , Sent. lii.-It was learned
onlght from ono o ( the detective * \vorkliip
on the Now York' ' Central train wrecker * '
case that the whole 'light ' when the wreckers
nro broiii'lit tip for trlnl will ho centered in
efforts to snvo Klernan. All but Klormti
invo , it lias hecn learned from n icllublo
lotirce , inado a written confession which
inpllciito the llvo men now In custody as bo
ng the wreckers , nncl from the same source
evidence put Into the bands of the lallmui
oniclals will secuio Indictments and convic
The promised financial aid for Iho men who
look pail In the now defunct strlko arrived
; odny. Some received 81.5.1 each nnd others
W.W ) each. The ex-strikers arc disgusted ,
mil it. is wild the pittance they had received
For live weeks Idleness has caused Ihein to
020 all faith In tliclr leaders. The latter soys
the sura distributed tod.iy is only a staitcr.
A New York Mncninn Klcctrrciitcd.
New YOIIK , Sept. 15. The crowd of people
, vho uttcniled the play at the Pntk theater to-
ilglit were treated to n horriblespcetnclo
ivhcn leaving. Lineman Keep had pone up n
jolo In front of the theater to II v the electrlo
iglit nnd in some way received the deadly
current. lie lay limp across the wires wbilo
Lho awful sl77lo of electricity burning Into
: iis llesli could bo heard below. Ho was re-
: novod ns soon as possible and taken to the
Hospital , where ho died.
Moniniia DcitioerntB ,
Hnr.nx.t , Mont , , Sept. lu.-Tho democratic
stale convention nominated Judge W. W.
Dlx-oii for congress and adopted a platform
devoted in largo part to condemnation of the
elimination of the vote In precinct No. H last
year. It navocate ? the frcocoinaRO of silver ;
prevention of acquirement of mineral lands
t > y land grant to railroads ; condemns the
\IcIClnley nnd election bills , nnd commends
the admlntatratlou of Orover Cleveland and
A Hclmoiirr Gitcn Up 1'or Lost.
MAiipuiTTr ; , Mich. , Sept. 15. The steamer
Columbia , which arrived this evening , re
ports parting from her consort , the schooner
Comrade , during the heavy storm Saturday ,
yesterday and today. Shu endeavored to
ilud tbo schooner , but could not , and It is he-
: ievcd that the Comrade has gene down with
; ho eight men on board.
I'roiiiinciit Oddfellow Under Arrest.
COI.IMIIUP , O. , Sept. 15. General John C.
Underwood , head of the Patriarchs Militant
and grand slro of the sovereign grand lodge
of Oddfellows , lias issued an order deposing
Captain General Franklin Kills of Troy , O. ,
and placing him under arrest for insubordl-
hitlon in presuming to assunio command of
the Patriarchs Militant.
A Monster Mrlko Imminent ,
SVDXCV , N. S. W. , Sept. 1(5. ( The labor
conference , considering the strlko of dock-
men and others , has Instructed the various
committees to order the members of all labor
unions to piepare for a general strike. Jt is
probable that all 'afllliatcd trades will bo
called oat. This wijl affect 80,000 , men.
Brazil Klcctioaa Coin men ceil.
Rio JANEIRO , Supt. 15. The elections for
members of the constituent assembly , to
which the new constitution will ho submit
ted , have commenced. The public is apa
thetic. Tlio Catholics nro active. Tbo old
parties generally abstain from voting. There
was some disorder at Pernambuco.
Consul General Guciithcr Improving.
OsiiKosir , Wis. , Sept. 15. It is stated that
Richard G uentber , donsul general to Mexico ,
has been seriously ill the past two weeks at
his residence iu this city. Ho is now im
Collision nn the Union Pacific.
"Wyo. , Sept. 15.-Two freight
trains on tlio Union Pacific collided nt Black
Huttes today. Ono engineer -was Itllled and
several other trainmen Injured.
The Chin so Must Go.
AiiEnnnr.v , "Wash. , Sept. 13 , Citizens to
day formed nn anti-Chinese league and
notillcd all celestials to leave town loforotho
Knllro.vl Conductors in Session ,
TOLEDO , O. . Sept. 15. The secona annual
convention of the International Brotherhood
of Hailroad Conductors met hero today.
Died of Old i\go.
SpniN-anr.i.n , 111. , Sept. 15. Major Clark ,
colored , born in Cyntheana , Ky. , SeptcniDcr
15 , 1780 , died hcio today of old ago.
Union I'nclflo Uniployo Sustains a
Ilrokcii Leg.
Carl Norton , a young man who lives at 811
South Eleventh street , was the victim of n
serious accident yesterday afternoon whllo at
work with the steam shovel that the Union
Pacific uses in loading the dirt trains down
hy Vlnton and Twenty-seventh streets.
Tbo men Ima reached a loose
place la the bank ; nnd when the shovel was
lifted ana swinging over with its load to the
car n largo section of the hank caved In and
fell upon Norton , burying him almost out of
Tboportlon of the bank that fell In was not
In largo cakes , hut loose , nnd although It fell
on his head first ho succeeded In standing up
under it nnd keeping his Head clear , but a
largo section of soil struck his legs and almost
hurled him. When extricated itwasfoundthnt
his left leg above the knco was broken but
otherwise ho was not seriously Injured.
The unfortunate man was removed to St.
Joseph's hospital , where his injuries received
prompt attention.
A Ilorao Killed in n Itmmwny.
The team owned by A. C. Tester indulged
In a runaway last night that resulted In the
death of one of tbo animals , The horses ,
attached to a carriage , were being driven
down Capital avenue , when one oftho straps
holding the neck yoke broke. This frightened
the animals , and atn high r.ito of speed they
ran down Capital avenue to Thirteenth street ,
whcro one of them struck Its head against a
telephone polo and dropped dead. Miss
Foster , who was In the curri g t , thrown
to the pavement by the collision , but escaped
with only a few slight bruises.
Couiify Court.
In the county court , Frank G. McDonald
has sued J. "W. Barnsdall to recover (1.000
duo on a promissory note ,
Com S. Wooloy , as executrix of the will of
A. \Vooloy , deceased , has brought suit to
recover $ .VJl on a promissory note , dated
April U(5,18b9. ( .
\V. H. McCagne'ls ' the plaintiff Tand Harry
Foieman , M. D. Kerr and P. K. Chancy the
defendants in a suit where McCuguo is seek
ing to recover judgment on a note for $310
and Interest. '
Judge Shields ' yesterday rendered Judg
ments us follows : ' 'John O'Plahcrty vs Morris
Slomnn , (311.47 ( ; Walter E. Uarnct vs G. II.
Mack & Co. , fl'JO.0.1.
A Terror to Uurglars.
DanClmndyof the union depot keeps a
bulldog , nnd the animal Is a homo defender of
no ordinary ability. Last Sunday morning
Mr.Chandy heard the dog making n nolso la
the back yard , and when ho looked out she
had a man by the leg. Mr. Clmndy thought
the man was ono of his neighbor * '
nnd ho called to bis dog to como off.
Tbo dog lot go and the man ran down the
alley nt full speed. Ho loft a trail of blood
behind him and Mr. Clmndy is sorry now
that ho did not leave the dog alnno , as she
seemed to bo making excellent headway tow
ard ridding Omaha of u tramp , thief or thug
of some sort.
Fourth AVaril llemocrats.
Xlovcn very weary looking democrats met
la the cloak room of Washington ball last
evening to arrange tbo preliminaries for tbo
organization of u Fourth ward democratic-
club. J. J , Connor did the temporary chair
man net , nnd after nnmlntr Charles Drown , J.
Godfrey ( , W. .T. Mount , Avarrcii Swltzler anil
J , C. I'cntzcl n committee on constitution and
by-laws , the meeting adjourned to Saturday
night at S o'clock.
Several Records Mrokcn.
PnoiiK , III. , Sept. 15. Smith nnd Murphy
of the New York nthlctlc club broke the
world's ' amateur irdlo tandem record this
afternoon , The record was 2:3.1. : They
mndo the half In 1 : WV and the mlle in 'iUr. :
The woild's flvo mlle amateur record was
broken by Rich of the New York athletic
club. The English record was 13:5r-l-r : > , tlio
American 1J :0 ? 2-5. Klch mndo It In lit :5l : 3-T. .
The ono mile world's record was broken by
Wlndlc. Iho record was 2:12S' : ' on a solid
tire and 2&I l-.1on n pneumatic tire. Wmdlo
inado It 1 n 2 ! 2.r ! ) on a solid tire.
Bcrlo nude a mlle on n safety to break tbo
world's record , Knglnnd's ' solid tire record
was 3'M 1-5 mid the American two seconds
slower. Iho pnoumatlo record was 'Jjlia8 ,
nnd Hcrlo .smashed them all , doing the
distance in 2:1 : %
School has uccu detained two weeks on ac
count of the non-completion of tlio building ,
which will be accepted by tlio.board and ar
chitect loilay.
Mrs. Cownii and Mrs. Hall have returned
from their eastern tilp and report a very good
Mr. and Mrs. Medley of Peru are visiting
relatives In Florence.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Clark will spend the
week I n Denver.
Ilcibcrt Lester has returned homo from the
west , where ho has spent eleven months ,
The bishop of the dioceseof Nebraska will
visit St. Mark's ' mission In riorenco on the
second Sunday In October. .All arc cordially
Invited to bo present at the service.
Tlio Hcv. Mr. McCrackcn of Fremont
thinks of making Florence his home In the
near future.
PKUSOX.II , J'I H.I fillAl'ltS.
33. L. 7\Iay \ of St. Paul is a Paxton guest.
T.B. Tininnyof Albion Is at the Merchants.
II , n. Sears of Toledo , O. , is at the Mlllard1
.T , W. Patterson of Denver is at the Barker.
Frank H. CoMu of Bolso City is nt the I'ax-
B. 11. Lockwood of Beatrice Is at the
.r. M. Taggait of Rochester , N. Y. , Is at the
.T. II. IcXumaraof DCS ISIoincs Is at the
M , A. Warren of Lincoln was at the Casey
last night.
H. II. Cull of Central City Is a guest at the
S. J. Johnson of Sioux City Is registered nt
Hie 1'axtoa.
N , U. Mason of Chicago is in the city , nt
the 1'axtoa.
J. G. Stcclo of ICcnsas City is n guest at
: ho Darker.
R , W. Ilaney of St. Louis Is stopping at
the Murray.
.T. S. Turnbull of Boston is In the city , at
tbo Mlllard.
.T.A. RIcMoiris of Kansas City is registered
at the Mlllard.
Norbeit Becker of Chicago was at tbo Mil
art ! last night.
Charles Barrall of Blair was nt tbo Mer
chants last night.
F. J. I/Vntruner / of Oakland is in the city ,
at the Merchants.
II.V. . Westbrook of St. Louis was at tbo
Baikcr last night.
" \V. H. II. Broivn of jS'ew York was at the
Murray last night.
C. W. It. ICoch of Claveland , O. , Is rcgis-
: ered at the Barker.
I ? . M. Burroughs of Chicago was in tbo
city last night , at the J > Iurray.
C. L. li.ibcock loaves for Broken Bow to
day , where lie goes to adjust several flro
J , H. Butler , car accountant of the Buffalo ,
Rochester & Pittsburg railroad Is at the
The use of calomel for derangements of the
liver has ruined many a line constitution ,
These who , for similar troubles , have tried
Aycr's Pills testify to their cnlcacy iu thor
oughly icmcdylng the malady , without in
jury to the sjstoni.
How People of Foreign Birth Slay no
como Citizens of Tills Country.
The statutes undo nnd provided for tha
naturalization of those who are not but who
wish ] to become ) citizens of the United States
should ho thoroughly understood by these
seeking to acquire the right to vote. Follow
ing i are the provisions under which citizen
ship mav bo acquired
Title XXX Naturalization. Section 2103 :
An alien may bo admitted to become a citizen
of tlio United States intho following manner ,
and not otherwise :
1. Ho shall declare on oath , before a circuit
or district court of the United States , or a
districtor supreme court oftho territories , era
a court of record of any of the states
having common law jurisdiction , and
a seal nnd Hcrk. two ycais ,
at least , prior to his admission , that it Is noun
iido hLs Intention to become a citizen of the
United States and to renounce forever all al
legiance and fidelity to any foreign prince ,
potentate , state or sovereignty of which the
alien may bo nt the time a citizen or subject.
2. Ho shall , at tbo time of his application to
bo admitted , declare , on oath , be Corn some
one of the courts above specified , that ho will
support the constitution oftho United States ,
and thnt ho absolutely nnd entirely renounces
and ahjures all allegiance and fidelity to
every foreign prince , potentate , state or
sovereigntyj nnd particularly , by name , to
the prince , potentate , state or sovereignty of
which ho wu bcforo a citizen or subject ;
which proceedings shall bo recorded by the
clerk of the court.
, ' ! . It shall bo made to appsar to the satis
faction of the court admitting such alien that
ho lias resided within the United States JIve
years at least , and within the state or ten l-
tory where such court is nt the time held ono
year at least ; and that during that time ho
has behaved as a man of good moral character ,
attached to the principles of the constitution
of tbo United States , and well disposed to
the good order and happiness of the same ,
hut the oath of the applicant shall In no case
bo allowed to prove his residence.
Paragraphs ) four , llvo and MIX pertain to
the naturalisation of honor.ibly discharged
Boldlers , persons healing titles or belonging
to the nobility of foreign countries.
Section 2,107 Any alien being under the
ago of twenty-one years , who has re
sided In the United States three years
next preceding his arriving at that age , nnd
i\ho has continued to reside therein to the
time ho may mnlco application to ho admitted
a citizen thereof , may , after ho arrives at the
ago of twcnty-ono years , and after ho has re
sided llvo years within the United States , In
cluding the three years of his minority , bo
admitted a citizen of the United States ,
without having made- the declaration re
quired in the first condition of section
-105 ; but such alien shall make the declara
tion required therein nt the time of his ad
mission ; and shall further declare , on oath ,
nnd piovo to the satisfaction of the oouit ,
that for two yours next preceding It has been
his bona lido intention to become a citizen ot
the United States ; nnd bo shall In nil other
respects comply with the laws in regard to
"Water Lily boap 5 cents a cake. "
Hound the World In Fifty-Three I > nys
A postal curd was recently dispatched
westward on n journey round the world ,
the pcrformfinco of which it duly accom
plished In the then unbeaten time of
Blxty-olplit dnys , says the London Times.
The card was posted at the Guildhall
postolllco to coinracinoruto the penny
postage jublleoon May 17 last , nnd wus
bent via the United states to Japan.nnd
thence ro posted , via Brindislback to Lon
don , whe-ro It arrived on the lilth ult.
That porformnnco 1ms since boonbculon.
Another card lias been posted round the
world in the reverse direction. This
second dispatch was Bent on Juno la to
Singapore , In the Straits Settlement ,
via Honjj Kotiff and San Frtmcibco ,
ronchlnfir London on the 5th Inst. The
time taken by It in traveling tlio entire
holt of the onrth was only flfty-thrco
dnyri , or ilftcon daj'B ICH time than
that occupied by the Hrst named curd In
traveling the westward direction of
the world'rf circuit. This feat was
accomplished at the very small
cost of 3cl. | Tlio poslnmrks en the cnnl
record Unit It left London on Juno 13 nnd
duly arrived nt Singapore on July 8 ,
which shows thnt the journey
\vns accomplished In oxnclly twouty-flvo
day ? . Itastnrlltifr , it loft that port the
piuno tiny , nnd traveling onward , via
I lonp Kong nnd Sim LVnuclsco , It r cached
Shepherd'd bush and was delivered to Its
original sender during the afternoon of
the 6th Inst. , or twenty-eight , days ( four
weeks ) nftoi1 It hiul left Singapore , mak
ing Us total time on journey llftylhruo
days or llftcen days less time thnn thnt
tnf < en by the enrd In traveling west-
A Gallant I'rciichnian.
The mayor of n French town hail , In
nccorclnnco with the recent rcgulntloiiD ,
to innko out a passport for u I'ioh nnd
highly respectable Indy of his acquaint
unco , who , In splto of a slight dibllguro-
inont , was qulto vnln of her pcrsonnl
anpcarmicc , says the JN'oiv York Star.
His nulvo politeness prompted him to
gloss ovoi * the defect , aud , after n mo
ment's reflection , ho wrote ntnong the
items of nor&oiml description : Kycs
dark , beautiful , tctulur , expressive , but
ono of thcnnnlbslng ,
Roth the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
mid refreshing to the taste , and act *
ccntly yet promptly on the Kidneys
Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses tlio sy&
tcra effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers aud cures hnbitual
constipation. Syrup of Pigs is the
only remedy of ils kind ever pro
tluced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tlio stoinnch , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial m its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and ngrecahlo substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil and have made it thu most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figg is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any rclinhlo druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro-
euro it promptly for auy ono who
wishes to tiy it. Do not accept any
J4M * < * >
Surgical Institute
Private Hospital ,
Cor. Broadway and 26th Sfcs. ,
Cou : > cii < III.UKIN , I DIVA.
Forthoticatincntof till and ohronlo
diseases and diseases of t lie lilond.
1'rlrato Uhcasi's of tlio urinary ami so\ml
oiRiins , us syi > Ulll < , usstilcturc , i.v-itltls. spor-
iniitorrohOci1. lost miinlioixl , M'Mitil liupotuiieo
and wciknc-s ; t rented siicei > isriillv.
1'firtlculnr attention paid to dl ojiso * of the
lung's , us Astlunn , Consiiiuplloii. ItioncliltK
( 'ntairh , Ktc. I'ui-iilysls , Kidney Dlsouxisas
DIubctOM. Ilrl lil's Illscasu. Itlioiiiuali'stii. ' 1'llos ,
C'unccr , Vnrloi'ele , Ilydrocclc. Diopsy , Tumor ,
DlMOnscs of the ICyo mid Knr. I'lub 1'cot.
SliiiilOurvitiiiouiidillcll ) : ; < ea-c < of thobonos.
\Vohuvo n ( lomittncnl | < doxolrd exclusively
to the treatment of Dtprlno DNP.i-'Oi.
Mcillcliiosuntsceuicly pauKwiluuil ficcfrom
Corrcspoiiileiico oonlldontliil. Address :
Surgical Institute and Private Hospital ,
Cor , IlroudiMiy ana''JIli Sts , , Council Illulfa , la.
F. M. ELLIS & CO. ,
And Building Buperlntjndent .
nonms-iiO : and 4'Hltoo Kiilldlii/.Onmlm.Nel ) . .
nnd Itooins ll and ll ! ) ( Monluiii Illoclc , Council
IIhi 113 , la. Ccmuspontlciicc solicited.
Corner Main and llioadwny ,
noalors In forclsn iiiul iloiuistlo ovclianso
rolloctlons inado uinl lnloiCbt imld on time
TVrANfKil-nirl for Kniornl housework In
> > i > ry initill f.unlly. . Jlrn. Win. C. llcer ,
ISTTiitU'y'aOloii.Coiiiiull llhilTii. _
CM nero , Alontgoinory fo , ,
ICiui'ai , well linpravoil.
IfiOnerus , Uliautati < | iia Co. , Kan. , well Im / '
| mivi < d. /
2ID ncrp . Trcyo Co. , ICan as well Imnrova l.
" 10 acres , CoinanvhuCo. , Kim. , uull liniirov-
i'JO iicix'i , Morris Co. , tOiuiMx. well Improvefl.
! U ) iieri'i , l/oituii Co. , Kan. , wt'll liniiroved ,
ir > 0 acios , rui-nas L'o. , Nobrasktii
ICOiicros , Unit en. , NoliranU.i.
. ' ? ncros , Miihlcnbcrs Co. , Kentucky : Nell
hnpiuved ; clear.
tw iirrri , wall liniirovudj Alcona Co. , Michi
gan ; clear ,
4 IUCIIH. KiwOo. , Oldoj cloar. AVIll trml
clllior or nil for mari'lmnillw or elty proiici t y
In ( ' ( iiiticll IHiilttoiJiiialn. .
C'li'urliind In Stononnd Harry Co. , Mo ,
Cioiiniory In Cliiipnian , DIckliKon Co. . Kan.
JI.MA ) , 1st niiirt iiun not ( -4. ( Jrtlo thu front. I
will trai. J. II'llcv. / . Kiel's hiUcl.
I710K ItK.NT rurnlohc-d parlor nnd
-L I'll sulio front room > 0. AMI ! lnislc < loom
nnd houses. J. It. Davidson , ( ' > ' - > 1'lftli UNO.
ANTIIlV A first class oimU7o7 hotTi
work. Adilit'it with ri'feicnce , lint .11. ' , ,
Council ItluflH. Present Ion must bi'nlvrn. +
I AND I'Olt lillNV-nnoIo-iud traeti oMntui J
M ixHwoeii Council liluiis nnd Oninliu Miit-
nlilo fur KMidenln ; ? or dulry j > mPOM'S. Apply
in X. I1. HodRo & Co..IM Ilionilnny.
I/1UU i'liiiliRi In liisnr ) | s \ \ | | | m-l | tm-U > f
L drills ami llxtiiivs , all now and llr t elu-i ,
at n discount. If sold within HUM. llliluy ln-
\oli-o iilioiit f..VW. Addioss S. , llco oflkr ,
Con ncll
1J1O1 ! SAfillriiiostiinitnrd liri'd tc.nn , Inys ,
L , anil H yoiiM old , iiiilt'hcil. lad.i . i , ui
drlvo tlioni ! ulty brnk < > : Mill nut sliv. I'.iil , it
IflS. Main st. . Cimnc'll ItlulH. .T. 1. . I'IM-O '
OtlANt'IIof iillfotlino. Newti-room luui o.
lic'ildot linth ; lintand cold u-.itor nil
through ; finnncv. BIS : nnil vlocttlu lUht. 1" , r
mlo on uu y IcriiH. On I'onitli avc..uiio lilu , i <
from motor , Ml\ from uiMlullluo. VV , lin
ger , as I'onrl st.
irtOl ! UBNT llotol .IIUIKNOII , all fiiniNlicd.
Ji'os i'silon tili'on Oclobnr t. l'or Inform : * * <
tlnn iiihlrusv Win. Sluduulopf , or Ululs StratiD ,
Council HlulK
JIlNISimn roumi , wltu bo.ird , } l to I * , i sr
wculc. | III Vine SI.
ijiuib SAI < K Tlio Ilimiullastaiirant for > . D
J-1 on easy terms. Thu must popnltir nlaev > i
the city. H. W. Scot I. ; U7 llriiailway.
FOIt SAl.K-Or will tr.ulj for a gou-l
to.lin. still.ono RD ) . ro lstorjl In W .
laco. Hy Dr. Aiolilliild. dam by Ivmitin Uy
01iiy,5yo.iM < ) Id , Apply lo Dr.
FOIt SAI.H nr Hoiit O'lrdcn laml. w Hi
liousui , by J , U. litou. 10i Main st. , Cuuuuil
111 u It's.
WHY pay rani wnen you ran 1my a hnino , , i
tliOH.inio tcnus , and In case of vonr ilr n li
otanv tlnin lo ivo yo ir family tlio homo tloar
on thu folluwln ; torius :
A liomu wortli Jl.ou at JCJ pormontlt
A homo tvorili f lro ) it In per month ,
A homo \7orth ) at J.'l per month.
AhO'iio ' worth ; .1,0)J ) at Jll pur inontli.
A liomo worth f 1,0) ) ) nt JH per month.
Other prlcn 1 IIOIHLM on thn H unu term * * . Tim
abnvo montlilv i > lynunts hu'liulo prlnMp il
end Intora-it. I'nr full Diitlculnr- ] call u r
adihcsslho Jn Id . .t'olls \ ( 'o. , ciJJ li road \\tiy ,
Council ll'uTs. ' ( Pi.
lall ; Meeting , October 7 to 10 , isoo
2Pn I'aco-l'iii-c
: - - . fWO
S&vriottliii ; l'iir-o . WU
3-yoar-olilTiottlns-Sinko . 1JU
TU1NDAV , OUTOIinil 8.
SSOTrottliiB : I'urso . no
St0 : ! Tint lln : ; 1'urio . I U
S'tnlco . JJ
SilWTrottlni : I'nrsc . JOO
li'uMi.l..M.AII TlilHlii-f I'lll ii . . . .l
YcailliiK'J rottlni : Haco StakO M
SjmTiollliiu I'IIPSO -101
Kioo-1'or-AII ' ' I'uiio
- - 1'iu'liM rMI
l'ioc-K r-AII , Sliilllon I'urso Ml )
NutlniiilTr : < jUliiKiis-.ocliitIon lull'- ' , to nov-
I'rti , K lrlL" > eloen Oc-lo'.iiirJ. Stiikotitoo fri'O.
Jlllotrimk. J.V. . I'KUI'.GUV , I'lrsldcnt.
Council UlulTs lov.a.
Address ull coinniuiilc.itloiH lo
A. H.tllHHH. Hcciotury.
215 South JJth St. , Oinulin , .Neb. _
Strictly to btialnoq i" li u wptctulltl motto TIi
Ht miuci * s In ttvcry line of liiunnncncu ) 111
by him wlio holds to 101110 adopted Hpc2ltlty :
Ppoplo nro procrejilve , full nf onirjy , nnd mon"y
tiiiUInx mhcinaj. They ncocl Mjioclul ir.ilniii , ' lor
I.onils In popular ojuo.itlai. Her pulillo fliocU
nradnlnuiiriiiiil work for her Increasing uillllom.
Wcntont luirii.
Commcnroi fntl torin Hopt. Nt. Him nolert * tlio
ri'iilljr pr.ictlnil for her Sln'ImiH. ' Normil H tl
Ilo < s.Sn ! > rllnin 1 uii.l I'eilluinililpco.i.-ioi. we'I i-r
K.inl7Cl anil carefully comluctol muilint > may
ontornt nny lluic. Wrllo for furllmr lurtlciilars u
W. S 1'aciHon.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Council Bluffs & Omaha
H. Beecroft & Sons. , Props.
AluUlngthrco trlpi every d.iy CM-cpi sHI -
( Jiiinlia ofllco at thu A , Ptcwurt Kvpicss ami
IKillvciryCo. , I'lOl Howards ! .
Ciiiiniill HluiNofllcis 5.U llioaclway. Itlu-
Dlionul ! " .
U'livi'sCouni'll lIliifTsOand 12 n. m. anil J
I ) , in , Onmlin , \ a. in. . : i p. m. and 5 p. in ,
Orders promptly iittuniled to.
J. I ) . iiMIWI : > HJV ( , I'roi. I ! It. SllUf ! AIIT , VICO Trol.
CIIAIII is : It. 11 A.\.VAN , Cnslilcr.
or Council Bluffg.
DlltllCTOiifl-I. A.MIllci , K. O. Olcason , ! U
Sliiiu'art , i : . 1C. Hurt , .1 , I ) . luliiHitulMin , ( liui lei
( J. llaiuun. Tr.insicit haiiUlni ; bii'i
iie.Mi. Iarrest capital anil burpliis uf uuy
bank In tiuiitliwcstorii toivu.
We are receiving daily for fall trade the fin *
est patterns in Moquette , Velvet , Body Brus
sels , Tapestry Brussels , Ingrain Carpets , and j
Rugs , Lace , Chenile and Silk Curtains , Win-
clew shades , Upholstering and Drapery goods ,
of all kinds. Fringes and Fancy Trimings.
Upholstering and Interior Decorating done to order on slier
notice , Call and sec us or write for samples and prices ,
4OO Brondwny , Council Bluffs , Io\vn.
" , lrtv > l\v { * A Hydraulic ami Sanltnry Knulncor. Plans. Katlinutcs
H"nj PR nil 11 fi KimcinciUloiis mid .Stiporvislon of Public Work , llrovrii
i jjnHdintr. Cuunull lUulTrt , Iti.
nlninr/ Justice of the Ponuo. Olllcu ever Amurlunn Kxproas , Xo.IL'1
Nn / L Broadway , Council UlulTa , lown.
ft Oimn Attornoyant Law. 1'nicltcu in the Stuto linn Fodonil
( V HIS Courts , llooins 7 tuid
W. W1U1U tf Shufurt-lJoiio Block , Council
uiuffs , lottu. . ;