Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Ho Closing Iventi of i Policsmm's Mis
guided Oireei.
STIic Pollccmnn Tell ? -Ills Star ; of
tlio Occiirrcnce-Tlic "Woman
SulTei-fl Intensely from the
Unexpected Bullet.
Officer JooOraTjatn 1 under arrest at the
police ttatlon charged with shooting with
Intent to kill , and a sporting woman , known
naMny Smith , hns a tons rajffed bullet hole
Ihrougli her hand and arm slowing tuc
course of his misdirected bullet.
It wai a few minutesnftcr 12 o'clock ' when
tlioroport of a pistol atartlod everybody in
tliovlrliilty of Ninth anil l > ouglas streets and
a few siroiitU litter it vis hcird that a wo-
rran bccnnhotlii \vlnc \ loom In the rear
o ! Kmil 15 all's saloon.
It wamot lonfl until Detoctlvo Ilroe and
OMcorllraJynpiwiretl , andOfHccr Graliaui.
vvho , uttlio llinowas not on duty , was placed
under nrrtrstns tlio party wholircd the shot
Hits ominVM * tukon home , Iho crowd
t\a ? dli > crscd , nnd to all Innnlrlo * the an
swer v.iui returned tint nothing had hup-
The wonrm was found to be painfully nl-
fhontrliuot scrlourtv wounded. 'Jho l > all hnl
untoi-ed through the palmof the hand and
ranged upward , coming out. through the arm
nbout liilf way to the ellww. The wound
bled voiy freely , and the pain sttlTcicJ wai
Grc-liatniras seen nt the station , wlicro to
Rave lilt vcr lon of tlio shooting Jlo WM
somcv\lilt-under the Inllucnco of liquor , and
liad theappearance or a man who hnd been
suddonlv sohored to a\ ( cry grout degrco fcy
some startling otyinoxpcctod event.
Ho said tint holiatVpio Into Gall's place
nt noon to partake of the ftrcoluucli that win
set out there. Hous \ not on duty , hut
liohndhfo revolver lu his hip pocket. When
lie sat doun It was in his way and
ra it felt uncomfortable ) ho took
tto weapon from his inclcct and WM
straightening out the pocltct piepnratory to
Tcp'nc-lnf ; it when it , was dlsclm-scl Ho
lic.ird . a woiimi screamtmd , realized that lie
lad shot seine one lie found that thorn w.w
anronim inono of ttiowhiorooms and sup-
rosed , that tlio bullet must liavo pone through
the partition. 31o could not Imagine ) how
the KIIII wni dfothargcl.
ItMI stntcd by other ofllcers tliat the
BhootiiiffMM Intentional. Trey sny that
flraluiin was In the roouiivitli the woman
end tliat thcro had been u quacicl. Orahnm
should hive been on duty , but reported on
Sunday morning saying that ho ; is sick and
ivas excused. He put in lih time j'estcrtlay
flrlnliln ; ; and v\as found , drunk when the
( hooting occurred.
Thowotum sn)3 ) that the affair wmpurely
Uccldcntul and showilliiot probecuto Graham.
Tlio nonr offices of the great Rock
Island route , 1002 , Sixteenth andl\u-nuui )
Btrects , Oinahnarothu , llnost la tlio city.
Call and see tliom. Tickets to allpolnU
cast at loAvost nitos.
CR V/KO niar.
J , K. Sullivan Is Satisfied That Docr-
\vald Sliot to Iti 11 ,
Dr. I1. Docrwald ovns a blacksmith shop at
KBhtccnUiand 1'lorce , andto nnko his title
good , helps out any of his neighbors > lie
may sUnd In need of the services of a veter
inary surgeon.
He appeared in police court ai prosecuting
Witness ayiinst J. K. Sullivan , who -\us
Charged with being n suspicious chai-aeter ,
Doom-aid staled that ho hoard a nolso In
his slop nhoub 2 o'clock Sunday morning ,
andvcnt to Investigate , preceded
by an Immense -15-callbro icvoUer ,
nearly a loot and a half long4
Ho saw n man crouched close luralnst tlio
Mdo cf tlio bulldliiRnncl he blazed away at
him. It subsequently tiansplred that the
ball just grazed the man's node. Tliofclloiv
started to run , but was shortly afterward
foutxl hidden in -watroiiin n neighboring
alloy by a policeman who was attracted to
Iho spot by the shoothifj.
Sulllvnii admitted thnt he was the man
fcho had 'been shot nt , but told the polico-
iaau that lie waspaasiiiBsiloug the alloy when
lonicbedy opened lire on Jiliu.
D 001vaU'H liead wai enveloped In han-
iajjos , nnd ho told the courtthat howas
llUKKCd inhla shop nbout 11 o'cloclc on tlio
Ho said that ho hnd a very valuable thrco-
foarold stallion that was tlio admiration of
svorjono. Several attotnpts been mido
to the animal , nnd for that reason > cer-
ivaldclaimed howasuntisinlly watchful. Ho
rotuinca liotno late onthcnlKrit of the 2nd ,
nd.went into the blaclcsimtb. shop to tret a
pipeful of tobacco.
.As ho entered the hulldliifrhohcardtho men
lallilntr in ttio darkness In front of him. Uo
Icmanded what they wanted , when ono of
[ horn made n. rash at Win , but Doervald
plcl d up a stick of wood and idled tlio nan
to tlio Iloor , JTust then tlio other catno up bo-
hlndhhn aim struck liitii over the liead vith
jomo heavy weapon , knocking him -senseless.
Both of the men then made their escape.
A.S they left the premises oao of them llrcd a
ihot which narrovly missed Docrwald'a
dauhter\vho ) ! , waaiomin ? out to sco-vaat
the matter ,
Docrvvnld said tliat ho was satisfied that
Bulllvan was ono of the men -\vho tiid irado
the assault on him tMO necks boforo.
On. that oa-aslonhia scalp was laid open for
fouritichesiindtho skull was exposed. Ho
was conllned to hla hcd for several clays nnd
had not jot tccovcred. Ho Informed the
court thntho shot to kill his iildninht visitor
and was Informed that ho would liavo hcen
porK-tly justified uador the circumstances in
to dolnjr-
SullivuncotilJ not satisfactorily cxplalnhls
proscnco on ] ) oor\Aald's premises , and was
acid for further examination. The court told
hlnltlmtho was vcrv lucky to bo allvo , and
bo admitted the truth of the assertion. Ho
hna been seen In tint uelghhoihood se\eral
times , butcanglvo no reason for his visits.
Ho claimed to have relotlics lutho city ,
butlnvojllpitlon has proven Ids statements
Lu that rcsiMJot\vlthout \ loundatlon.
"Water Lily Soap will float
JCIiel'jtit ItWIIlPliiy In the Conihiff
County Attorney Mahoney was at the
tourt honso yesterday morning looldug over
thobookscoiitaliiinj the abstract of t lie last
jtato election.
* 'Iliuvostruckvhatl ' think la > mighty
food thing , " said ho , "Jtls a something taut
jvillholiitho peoploto beit prohibition. "
3'lcldtigup at random \vaiJ poll book ho
Continued :
"Youlll \ notlcothat thosuia of the \otcs
cast f OL- certain tvo caudldatos , republican ,
mad doinocrat , is fioquontly less than the
total number ofotos \ wliuh is eho\Mi to
iiaM ) hcen cos. In the precinct ,
"Nowtho la\v snjs tliat , iuonltrto cirry ,
thonmundincnt must have a majority ot the
electors at tint election. My purpiso there
fore Is to have the abstiMct of votes show the
total number of electors voting ntt his elec
tion. Then if the question of the defeat or
carry in got tlio amend incut should finally go
to the supreme courta \ nlll have
this suoru sUitctucnt of the total
nuinbor of flectors who \otod , cmhodicd
right In Iho abstract sometlilng nc\orl-tnown \
before , and whiclnvill prou a wonderful
idvaiiUiiro to U3 la lielplng to the
Rmendiiient. Heretofore , there has never
been n total addition , but wo have gone by
what such a candidate und hli opponent have
received In order to Hnd out the total , which
Is uplnnor idea erroneous anddofcctlvcfrout
ilrst to last , .And whyl Simply be-
unuio there are lots of people who
will di lllco their oun yarty candidate
Bomufluis not to vote for lilin utid yothavc
conscientious scruples about roth ? for the
opposition candidate as to wholly refrain
f win vollnir for a in bed r for that particular
"iTcsIt , will make avast amount of dif
ference whether , for Instance , the amend
ment v\lll lm\o \ to rot a majority o ( 'iJO.OOO or
p.f00l)00. ) "
" 1002. Slstoonth and Farnnm slroota is
the now Koclc Island ticket oHlco. Tick-
all points east at lowest ratoi , |
A. I'ASTOltt'S
Itcr. IVIIInrcI Scott Tollt or Ills Sum-
In Nov IC
Itcv. Wlllnrd Scott and Mn Scolt hare ro-
.urncd from their jiimrncr vacation In Dostoii
aking oC Iho tilp , Mr , Scolt said :
" \Ve \ have been nbscnt nearly Iwo tionthJ
n the cut , spending most of tlio tltno on the
Tw England coait , tnm I'ortlnnd ' to Ply
mouth.Vo wcnl from Chicago on tbo'Sca
51 Jo and \Uilto MounUitii Special , ' a ) It l !
called ' , otcr the GrandTrunTf railway , spend-
'ngonaday en route t Kiagan falls , and
on the St. Lawrence rlicr from Kingston to
Montreal , vlth an evening In thnt city , The
Lawrence la superb , ttllTcccut Jrotn the
Hudson , buta.i fino. Montreal Is morenoarly
iko Grccnock , Scotland , cr some -p'rts of
JInbur tban any city I ha\e seen this slda
of the sen. Ono could scarcely believe that "bo
M landing at uti American clock
"Next to Montreal , perhaps , Snlom nnd
hrblclieaa , Mass , , are the tnoit quaint ,
x hllo Duxlury and Plymouth have Indi
vidual features still older. Plymouth Is nn
inspiration ; I hire not been fortbcrsouth
tliau Norfolk , Va. , nor Into Icxico ,
but I hat a not , bceii moro moved
nnjwhcra In this country than here ,
J'lvrnoutli ' lloclc' ai % vcreadlt and heat It , Is ,
ami hnsIongbcotistale ; buUvhcnyousco It
nnil Itsmrroumlinffs from thehnrborto tlio
toil oC Dut'lal hill It Is hesli and movlnjf. It
vms 1U way to the heurtvlieu you are
there ,
" lycmrngomcnt Iti fiostoa forslx Sunilay
morniufrs in the Imnianucl Congregational
chttrcli left mo at leisure to spend , the re
mainder of Iho day looking around. 1'or tlio
most pirt tlio chnrch-colnf ? pcoplo wcro out
of tlioclty irlthatl the pastors\vhilo , \ moil
of the churches \\ovo \ \ oponsuppliedhy vis
itors. The audiences wcro usualtv nmnll ,
c\cu \ vhctt men o ( national roptilitlon wew
announced. Butthcrowero at least t o ci-
ceptlons : Trctnont temple's afternoon citi
zen's moctlngacro paikctl , uuinberiiif
thousands , and Boston common bold
thousands moro attending1 on mjslc , preach-
cr3vStuinp , speakers and whoever lin l breath
nnd sclf-cotillduiioc. Of course Iho Trcmont
templotopics were timely and the occtsions
Mcro Mass meetings. lr. ) JloArthur of Nciv
"i'orlc nttrictcd until the street wni
as fullas tlio homo , speakin ? on the Trench
3IURUcnoti ind the gcncr.vlquci.tlon of Cath
olicism I'rof ' 'ro iiscnd addressed tlio
Orantl Army on the rcncmberancoof the
civil vir , vhile the house was ono mass ot
red , vhltc and blue. The vas f nghtfjl
and hotoolun hour nnd n Inlf but tbo audi-
cnco stayed I3ut , lor the most part , the
mld-sninmcr visitors Intha cast must wot-
ship nlth a few others , ultli. a fractional
nuslcil yenlco nncl an Imported sermon , the
same thins only remains as during thorcstof
the year the church itself , often \vcll\voitli
seeluRiinil usually plcuantto look ntthaii to
hfar in. Gollilcchurches are Iwantlful but
thej' are not audlonco iwins , Ouo hears
with dlfliculty oriiob at all ,
"Grand nnny MoekHns su-cd from being
araoljonlybecnuso tlio members of the army
\\cro gentlemen , But CACII thnt could not
prevent a wearisome amount oC confusion nncl
privation. Still It lus aprsiiid rally in a
craiid city , which did her b < M.
lioston nuvcr entertained BO many
peojilo bo/ore. / For days many article-sou
the bill oC fiie could not bofound in the city.
Tlio army harl eaten lioston and her subtir-
b in girdoiis up , until nuturo had tlmo to
( ; ro\v more ,
" 17allvaemployes \ never chose a worse
time to stilko for their rights thin the Nc\v
Vurl < Cential men In August , for tlioy
brought upon tliclr heads the anathemas of
thousands who seldom go from home , and
then , us cheaply as thoj can , \\-lio wcro
eaupht nn their wny to thonaUoiial cncainp-
ment It may not havoplajed apart In the
Issueof thostrike , hut it cost the laboring
men nhostof sjmpathloj ? .
"The fleet of evolution In Boston harbor ,
with , the tlinehonoied licarMrgc- , was a
handsome sight The latter bhiclc and of an
cient fashion , tlio others vtito ancl of 3ie\v
design. ISlany people were anxious to see
the president of the United States as nhvajs ,
but ciiite | as many to see the Ealtlmoio
HhichbrouL'ht. him a thin ? quite as con-
spk-uoiis in its vay as himself , und of consid
erable Importance to Iho safety and glory of
this country.
'Nothing for a moment surprised , mo moro
than to see Boston full of electric cars , and
all begun within ono year. It has changed
the -whole loolc and action of tilings. Boston
Is no longer slow , fortlio specdof tliocnrsis
moro ranid thin tliosc of Oniahu , nnd thcj *
stop only at certain streets. Indeed , the
whole city seemed inoro pro icssl o than I
had remembered It. Perliapa the \\est is 10-
Bctiiii ; on the cnst.
" "Vet , fortlino months In summer , \vlicro
Is there for Omaha such n phco ai the sea-
shorowithln ono hour ot business ! To cat
two meals a daj and sleep tie whole niht
with four windows of yoiu chainboropeniiig-
on the wide sen , und that so near ono's offlco
thatho can be there comfortalilr ntD o'clock
andluivoat 1 whata luxury I Itrmkcsono
readi to iwnll his jouthful cnthusiasmfor
the Tiibune's sigo and 'go ' east , ' especially
ns tlio maxim is ceasing toapiily , foruo is no
lonKcr 'young. '
"J3ut vhilo the cast Is pujojlnjr her privi
leges the west Is making some of her own
which may answer hoc quito as well. At
least thcro Is njoy in maWiig as real as that
In having"
Cliangoof life , backache , monthly
larities , hot flashes nro cured liy Dr. Miles
Nervine. l-Ycesamples utlCula < Sc Co. , 15th
and Doughs. _
TlicMinisterialssocationnirect One
Alsout JlYtraruK'niit Julo ) < ; lcB.
The Ministerial association held a meeting-
In tlio lecture loom of the Younf Men's association hall jes tciday morning1
Fifteen ministers were present ,
Rev. H.C. Cianoof Sward street Metho
dist BpUcop.tlchurch was choocii cliaiimuu
and Uev.V. . J , Pulln acted us secretary.
Rev. J , A. . Iilligan , who was appointed a
the last meeting- , together with llev. I1. S
Merrill , to prcpiro resolutions on tnofau'bjceta
f funcr.ils , ofl'owd the follow inu :
Mhcrcas , It Isovldcnt that there Isti waste
fiilcxtruuiKtinco by mineeetviry cUhplay lu
tliocoiiiliictlnsof lunornK nnil
\Viuroiis , Tlitro Is a Reuoral disposition to
heM funerals on tlio Sibbi1li , wlileli , Inthc
inujDrltyot cJi oa Isun univui-ranteclarrange
inont , nnil
> , o o Is usually nslcd ol the mln
Ihtcrca 1 kit toolllcinto tlitn tilionld bu justly
exticctotlof him , tlicrefoio bo It
IJfsolvcd , That lie1 , us a body , record on
seiillmcntag'iilnst the abtisoof allwiiMlcfu
oxTicnsn In ruiioralsand. nUiht uiiwarrantoc
Oiilogl7lii4of tlio dead ; also
JJfsoIvul , Tint IMS our sentiment thnt the
holillnirut fu finals on the t-iibhatlisliould '
avoliluu c\L-cpt lu tacs or nucoulty ; anu
Ucsolvcd , That ITO ask the public a-tsucl
times to Invo duo coiislclrratlon fortlio minis
tur.ln view of the many clalim upon hliscr
vlucs , and that wlicnhu K usI < cJ tocoiuluut i
funeral , notluoto bo hciitlo I ilia a ° s eirly as tt
tlioiiiKicrtiilctr , auiltliiitho IjorulIcuHl as fa
as po sIUo frcm thcilcitj of gulu ; ; to the cciu
liev. S M. Brown thoughttlils an oppor
tune time to ; of the custom of under
takers In iiuikintr such uotlu'ablo dlbtlnc
tlons botn'coiitho funerals oE poor people am
these of tUclvmoro fortunate brethren. Ho
thouptlitsomosuechl arriitigcmcmts should bo
inado topnivMo n decent burial fovChristiat
poor a hurlahvhiili would not boot such n
character as to canso objections from friends
of the deceased.
This discussion being foreign to the sublec
before the meeting , the ijue-stion was talloc
for and the resolution VMU ndoptoil
lev. ! AV-J. 1'alln moved the appointment o
n committee of throe to see the undertakers
and the cemetery associations and endeavor
to make seine satisfactory arrangements fo
the burial of peoploxvhowerouimb'o ' to go to
thooxpense of an elaborate service
liov. Jlr. MilllBnu speto of his e\norlenc
ntthopotter's Hclilnnci said that the builil o
these who wcro doomed to Ho In , thatplaco
wcro hut fnrtc * from beginning tocnd.
Dr. jDaryeasala ho hid seen places vhoro
a certain portion of the cemetery was laid
out In such 11 way that slnglo jiwei might
UopinxhaiCHl Tnwooro dag to n great
depth andthcbodieswewplncod outopcf ono
another , uu entire family JlUIni ; one gra\a \ in
some cases. This answered the same pur
pose as a famllv lot and avoided the scatter.
lug of the family l ul.
Aftcra short uiformnl discussion the mo
tion carried. and tlio chair appointed Dr ,
r > uryeaKov , , J. N , Wilson and Kov. 0. M.
Brown at the committee.
At the suggestion of Dr. Duryea thogath-
orlnp x-csolved itself lute n s ort of cxpcrlonco
meeting In vlilch the members related their
se\ei-ul \ experiences during vacation.
Dr. Duryea was culled \ipon to start the
ball rollinc and rclatod his vlowiof several
places wlilcl ho 1ml vbltodduria ; vocatiou
spent n portion of hit time at Buy
View , Midi , which Is n summer recoil
Kreatly patronized by pcoplcuvhonro In search
of mst and quiet. It Is- situated la the
icrthcrn part of Iho lover penin
sula of Michigan find oroiloolu
Uttlo Trnrl * bay. Them nro obout
tour liundred cottage } n the RTOinnH
coilingfrotnOO ( to $3,000. 'Iho ' Chautauqtn
nsicmbly hnd full possession during the sum
mer nnd had charge of alarpo Sunday icbool.
A prominent feature of the work was a nor
mal school for Sunday school teachers Tlio
doctor advised hiJ hearers to visit this place
xvhonever tlicoptwrtunlty offered
Ho next spcko of "bis vhlt to tlio
13liek Hills to attend the Chniitawiin
assemlly nt Lonff Pine. Ho vos nmazed
ntthe progress which , hid been made towards
civilizing that section and spoke In the high
est terms of the country ,
J. M , Wilson of the Ovstclhir Tresbjtcrinn
churchcontributed , a few rcmarln ujwa his
visit tohls old hcmo In Pcnii-sjlvnnla , and
vas followed by n number of others.
At the conclusion of these retnarits. . Re/ .
L. Holt addressed tbo meeting , Jlo
said ho liad bcoti npiiolntcd by the
ulnlsters of the city to look nfter the
prohibition movement and presented n peti
tion wnlch ho liad liad prepared andiisltod
for signature * . The petition wm addiessed
to the may or and council and after ft lengthy
preamble recltlnctho law povornlnr the np-
iwlnting of rcRl'trars , Juilpes and clerics of
election , nslwd the appointment of ono judge
of the bo.ird of legistration lu each iirccitict
nnd ono cleric of election In each iircclnct
Irom the mcmbcw of the prohibition iiarty In
this city.
Mr. Holt spckoln fntor of the petition and
sild tint thcv , as the minority , Incl a rlphtto
demand nn honest ballot and a f.ilr count.
Uev.Mr. Mllligan objected to tlioordlnp \
of the petition nnd advocated changing it so
that it would nsl { for the nppolntmontof men
"favorable to prohibition. " but not necessa
rily members of Iho prohibition party ,
Attorney Stricfclor , who drew up the peti
tion , vita called for and explained that the
Iw provided thnt the judcjcsaiidclorks must
l ) appointed fromrccofjnlzcdpolltlciilpartles
Th is appeared to settle nil ohjectlons , nd
llev. Mr. Holtixskcd that all who chose to dose
so should sign the petition as individuals , so
it need not appear upon the record of the
proceedings of tlio association.
Thomeetlng then adjourned and all prcs
cut signed , thu petition.
A UK' ' ' in l.very Bcrtli.
To the Cliicaffo , Mihvnukco& St. Paul
railway bclonga thu credit of belli ? the
lirst in thouotinlry lo reduce the mutter
of electric lighting- tialnsto sclcntiliu
porfectioii , Ono of tlio uo\el features
introduced in the Bleeping cars is a
julcnt electric reidlng lamp In each
bcclion.ritli \ \ this luxurious piovi&ion
icadinff at night before ancl nfter retiring
ing- becomes m comfortable ns by day ,
and -when rotiting1 the toilet may bo
made in comfort and seclusion. The
berth reading lamp in tlio Pullrnin
BlcoTilng1 cars runon tlio Chicapo , Nll-
( \atiKco & St. Paul iMlhvny , Letwccn
Omaha , and Chicago , Is patented , anfl
cannot boused by any other lailroid
' "
comjuny. Ifc Is'tlio "giuutcst iinproto-
meiitof the ago. Try It und bo 0011-
Sleeping cars Icavo the Union Pacific
depot , Omahaat 010 p in. daily , nrrlv-
iiifr nt Chicago nt O.JO u. in. Secure
tickets and sleeping cai- berths at Union
Ticket ollico , 33011'amuni btroot ( Uarkcr
JHock ) , O.naha.
J. E.Pitisros , P. AN.WH ,
Pass. Agent. G en ' 1 .Agent.
A Representative Hocljr or Tlicin Take
n Drive la Omaha.
Delegates to the convention of the national
association of ticket and pisseiiger apmtsar-
tjvcd nt the union depot at 120 ; jcstei-day
They canio by n. hinds > oTie special train ,
consisting of n day coach , baggage , smoker
and sk sleepers over the Chicago , Burling
ton AQuincy.
They nro on route to Denver , where the
sixth annual convention of the iisiocintlou
wilt ho held begiiiiiins today.
T ho train ws s iintioun ccd to arrive nt 10 30 ,
and nt tint hour a committee
of the board of trade wcro in Milting to ro-
.A. telcsram camr , honcvcr , niinounelng
that the speciahvpuld not arrive until noon ,
and the carriages iu naiting1cro suit lioino
until that llinc.
Tlio reception committo was on hnnd again
nt noon only to meet another telegram btntins
that the train liad txon further delajcd and
would notarrL\ountill:20o' : in the after
-A-tthathour these - \vclcomotho
delegates nero not disappointed. When the
train pulled in General Tleitet nnd 1'ussenger
Atfcnt Prancii. of the B. i M. , alighted fioin
the first sleapcr and bcftan introducing the
visitors to the members of the reception com
On accouutof the delay on route thodel-
egatcs wcro compelled to sliorten the time oC
their visit in this city to ono hour.
The delegates uith their whes ancl
families were conducted to the carriages In
wailing and the puitv started for a short
drivothrough , the city over the following
route :
Eleventh north to Farnam , west to Six
teenth , north to California , west to Twenty
flfthavcnue , south to Dodpe , cast to Twen
tieth , south to Tarnom and return on Far
uain ancl Eleventh to the train In waiting ,
There vero li'i people In the party. Includ
ing the ladles. The gentlemen rcproscatecl
every railtoadof iinportanco hi tbo country.
The train loft the Builinuton depot
pi omptl.v at 2.30.
General Passenger Jpent Francis and
Assistant Passenger Apnb Smith of the
Builiufjton accompanied the party.
Via the " \Valmsh Itoutp ,
On September 9 , 23 and Octolor 11 the
"Wabush will toll round trip tickets to
points in Tctas , Arkansas , Tennessee
Mississippi , Louisiana , Aluhamti , Geor
gia and lie rida utllnK Pure , good for
yO days. Remember the " \Vabasli \ iitho
quickest route South and Southeast.
Uccllninff Chair nnd Pullman DutTo
Sleeping Cais on all tralus. Only
15 hours to St. Louis.
32 " "
Ciiattnnoogn ,
40 " " Now Orleans.
4 " " Now York ,
with corresponding fast time to nl
nolnts SnuLliniifl lnr Hplcntsnn i
full information in rognrdto routes , also
fora copy of the Southern Ilornosookors
Gulclo , cill at the Wnbasli Ticlot OIUco ,
1502 Fiiinam street , Omaha , or wrilo G.
N" . Clujton , K"oithA > ostora Passenger
Agent , Oiauhu , ftob.
lion * tlio Grent St. Chtilllvcr Tunnel
wi s Kondcrc-d PosslWc.
"Tho Chlcajo A Grand Trunlt has Just
completed ono of the gieat engineering on-
torprlscsln \vorld8aiaE. . B , Ilovlana ,
tnnoliiig passenger agent ot thatroadwho ,
Is in tlioclty. "It Is the tunnel unJor the St ,
Clnlr ri\cr botivecn Port ITuron , Mich. , nnd
Sarnia , Outatio. The proat trouble in cross-
infftho river both atPort Huron and Detroit
has been the delay oocailonei by Ice In tlio
winter. To avoid this the roul In question
at a cost of { 1,000,000 , has built a tunnel
unibr the river. The stroamat the point ot
crossing U ono inllovido and the tuunol is
t o miles loin ; , M'ho i'I\cr \ Is forty feotdeop
nnd the tunnel la forty tect under
the bed of the water. In the
construction ot the woik n. bed otquUksand
wm dlsoovored , forty feet from tlio American
shoro. nncl the enslncors wcro about to aban
don the work when a fellow with an idea
cumo along uucl made u foatuno ,
"Uy aaovlco of Ids own ho froze the quick
sand solt could ho removed llko roclc. This
Impediment reincicd the florl-c iirosjrosscd
rapidly and as stated has lust been com
A report has been glien out that the Pull-
nm company hod dispensed with the soi.
vieo3 ot its conductors botvroou Chicago and
Omahuand uas gl\ingtho \ porters full charge
of the slcopers. "Thcro Is nothing now in
tlio arrangement , " said the district sunorln-
tcndcutof the company , "and tiosuchchanje
hM b n mnds. On shnrt local runs , when )
tliotrnlllo Hlight , wo Imvo but cno tnin In
chnrfroof thacar , On llio Clilcajo nnd nil
main llnoniiu thorccwirfoivootroniluctors
i * employed , AVe coulda't get along without
them. "
Jixok ns nn l-Jdltor ,
John H. Llchtcbcrgiirlinvai , employed
for twenty jrenrsby tht Onion Pacific , icrv
isg in the capacitrduilnp , tlio last few } cars ,
ol pnrato secretary to General Manager
Dickinson , late of tlmtroaUhas , taken nn In
terest la the Itnllway NcMs-ltcportcrwith
Dan Uonln and vlll Wrcnfter bo nssociuto
editor of that publication. !
Mr. Llchtebcrger Isoneot the beat posted
younjr.illr < ttcl men ln.Uio vest and Is amply
quallileu fora succcislul jirosccutlou of his
new line of work.
llo\v a Ttlotor Urnn Clinmcterlzes
J/ouil or 3V1 111 ill flit { l'nsKciiicr4 ,
Motor Conductor C. L Altstcad has
illed an Information against John llrown. .
Kill nnnio tnilnionn , for creating n disturb-
nnco on lii.stuxliiSunday night.
Alstead runs on the South Omalia line1 ,
The trouble occurred on the last trip to this
Accoidingto Altstonl's story , the trouhlo
\\lth \ \ Brown "wasn't a marker" to wlnt oc
curred on the lost run ,
Said ho : 'Thnt ' lost run. bent any thin i- I
have seen jet. Thcro was n bitfloatl nnd e\-
body \uis \ full , 'ihey ivere ( IjjhtliiK all tlio
\\.iy \ tin , nnd everybody was In it women
nnd till \Vo wcio ruiinliipr pretty fast , and
henc\cr \ nnybodv\\ tlirownoltocnino
richt along and loft them There -\\cro ut
lecist half ndozenmonthro n from the train
on tbewayjp. It was impossible to da atij-
thing with them Thcro wu only the motor-
wan and mjst'lf , and i\hat \ could no do with
forty or fifty drunhon toughs. Those
dimco hnlls down at South Oinaln
aio responsible for the \\holo ttimg.
Ithnsgot sothiita rospectalilc voiuanhas 10
business on any of thoSoutti Omaha trains
after Dor 10 o'clock Sunday night. She U
sure to bo Insulted or to hear rcnmrto veiy
offonslvo to decent people.
"Aurora many of Hie ( .nrla % vho RO down
from this city are not over fourteen orflfteen
ieai-3of age , butthoy come hoinodrunk llfrlit-
liifr and s-ucarlacliUopiraUs , Itscenn to bo
gottiiifyorso nil the time. Wo do the hcst
o can'hut tvo policemen on each truln
couldn't begin to keep the crowds quiet. "
3101(13 ( llKIjl1
A. Complaint Howard I nj ; tlie
ol' the Union Depot Crouii < ls ,
"Tho Uiiion depot conipiiiy"said un oh-
serving { fcntlemin ycsterd.iv to a 13JJE repor
ter , "Is notdolnjtlia flic thinghy Omaha or
the public In employing btitoncolllccrtolook
aftertho convenience of the people atmit the
depot , DuiiiiKtho null of p.issuigcrs \ \ hen
several trains arrive ordcinrt ono otllcer can
not attend to thowantt of the iieonlcimd the
policeman stationed there by tlioclty to keep
u watch for pickpockets nnd other lolntois
of tlio law is comiKillod to net
us train grnldo , and if tnero happens to ben
criminal In the crowd llio ollcor has no
ctinnco to pet hold of hitn Lnlvnnsis City
tlio dciiot company has sovcwl olllcer-a on
bund when them is arusliof people , and the
samolstrao in Dcn\er , but hero the depot
company depends upoi onoinuuto do all tlio
work , und the result is the people arc not
waited 011 n * they sliouht be. i'or the nifilit
trains it frequently happens tliat thcio Isno
olllcer at all at the depot uith the vxcuptlon
of the police ofllccr cmplojed hy the city. "
Is He Miiddlca ,
Isaac Stroud U bauntingtlio police station
and proposes tostny until ho llnds SlOlnsoino
out-of-thoivay corner , 'Ho was arrested for
vapiancy , but wna disiliargcd jcsterday
morning1 and hiscITocLi returned to him ; that
Is , they wcio iiaitiully rtturiiulif his story
Is true.
Ho says ho liad 521 f3 vhcu arrested , but
was rcLurnod only Sll.'li. Iho iCKister
showed only tholatto ( amountto his cicdit ,
anc3 none of thoofflccrs , oould ( 'ivo him any
lufomiatiou as to the missmy r\ .
Pears' soap secures a heautiful complexion.
LictitcinntKoo , aidcvdoramphas , icturned
froinSallLako and rcltciecl Colonel Sheil-
danof thechnrge of the adjutant gencial's
onict , clepirtiiicnt of the i'latte. ( Jolonel
Shcrltlaubas gouo to the I'acihu coast for a
two weeks' visit.
For ! 3 years I BuCcrcd from lialls , cryjlpelts
end otlcr Mood air tlonstuUIiij , during teat
tlno greet qnantlUca of dlCircnt ncdlclicsvitli -
cut elvio ; mo any pcrcep'lblo icllcf. Friends
Induced no to try S. . S. It improved no fron
the start , and after takinj ec-\crsl bottles , rt-
ttorcd halthasfar aal could hope for b
ay age , which la now ecvtnty-flvo years.
Una. S , U. JJICAS. EowliuGrecn , Ky.
nn r.lnod nmlSklnDIseajeamnlled frco ,
SWIFT KmoU'IO CO. . Atlanta , da.
Anl couliniiln ? on Itlonilny , Tuesday anil
\Ydlnejday j\cniiitjs. :
The sale of scats will corawonco Saturday
morning ,
Baud's Three Nights ,
Commencing1 Thursday , Sept IS.
Tlio Eminent Actor , Mr ,
In a Magnificent Spectacular 1'iocluctlon
of tlis '
Pot shoots will open nt'Ob'clock ) Vottncsdiy
moraliigut ri ulnrprlots.
Dime Eden ] \/usee. \ / [
w.niv or sFi'T. iiTii ,
" A doslhnt rcadu , iellJ , foiintraml
furorltURiima-lilh'liflro lllrelnm'a
. Uo Conio , Juulorr , Vcrnon. Inclnl Artlat
ltllu lllneluirn Mule Inipimiiialor.
ONI : DIMK Aiisin sro AI.I *
C.B MOORE d CO. , Aoem.
1309 WHAT ARElSFITSfl309
They nro custom mnrte cloUilngor merchant . o nth oil * himdafor 0110 renson or on-
otlier. Thesa wo buy in ln.rgo or strmll ciunntltlosfor rencly cnsli. For oxnmplo , j\ suit or
clotlics costing originally$40 , we cim , nccoidliig tostylonnd ci\ir\litVt sell roi'$19oi-$2O Just
think of it , Qsa\lngof 00 per cent , ono-lin.il1 of the origltatilcost. Many ol'them cue from the
lending tailoring establishments throughout tlio country.
5ir > ci loinmniloiniils | f > r
$ ' > r custom nuulc suit Tor. $35 ciKtoninuKlcoteiioat for > ? 'J" . < > 0 $11 < Mnltni nimlopiuiN for.
$ JO custom niiulc bull Tot * . $ li ! cti < l ( > iiiiiiiiiictiiils | ) for , . .ifli.OO
$15 custom nut tic suit for Jfl cmtoiiinindc overcoat for 810 < Mi < loiiiiiinltiii ! | ) : ! ' ( for . ti.r ? o
sflrt cmloni nindi ! sull Cor. $10 custom mndr ovoieonlfor. . $ I ) ciMommndi'iKuils ' fin1. . S5HI }
! ? . ) , " > cn tonimn < 1csuiir > r ! ? ; ' . " > cmlnin nindo overcoat for. S S c'mlommnilp pnuN for. .
$30 cmtotn nmtlo suit for. , $30 custom iiuitlo oveicunt for iJIIJ. OO $ i cii4 ( iiiiiiuli'mills ! [ for , . . &t. 7o
Latest styles and elegant garments Iti silk nnd satin II ncct Suits and Fall Ovcrconts.
A.lso Full Dress Suits forsnloor rent , nt the
1309 Farnain Street , Omaha , Web. 1309
Ficmcmber nunibo rnn < a place , 10OQ FanmmStiect , Oi'ainlin , Neh. Open even ings until Ooclocl < ,
SaUiidayunlll lOo'clocl ? . J\ll gnrmentsnlterecifi'Goorclinrge to Insure a perfect I it.
Try iHnyour'nexMiouse- * * $ $ e $ ,
clean ins nd see. -
Goes on incivilizcclDOcicty from iho cradla to the gra > a. Dirfcia degra
dation and degradation in destruction. Wbnien , especially , nro jiiclged
by tho'r habits of louseliold cleanliness , hnd no filrontfer conclcinnation
cau bo expressed tlinn "she loops n dirty Louao ami ft filthy litcLon. " Nut
tic stmgglo with dirt ia often unequal. < * The ivoumn's wonlnGS9 or the
\vortblessiac83 of tlio soaps eho men make it impossible to overcome tha
demon of dirt.f By the use of SAPO1IO die vius "
The VAN HOUITNS process renders their cocoa casv of
digestion and develops in the highest degree its cldic'ioiis
arorna. It is an excellent flesh-former , fiftjfer tcnf. greater
than the best of oilier cocoas.
( nUnfS used' ) laHsnrtjhif. pnro soliiMo
Cocoa , Invented , tnulu anil iiitciitcd lit llollnnd , nnil Ii tdny Iiillur- mill
inoi'o lalnlilc ( Him uiii > rtlieiiitnicrniiiliiilnll tii lit ( let , i t liconcrjlly ndmit-
ttlall ovcriaropoinil ; [ aconprmlho loit willoasilj provcllmfc ] motlinCocosciiinlilliis |
fnvvtiloi-'M ia solubility. agrcoaUo taato anil iiutntivo qualities. " l rguat ttlo ID ( ho
. " '
norld."AslcfarVANlloirrn'sjiiDTAnENO OTIIKU. U
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Web.
Seventeen yctrs" experience.Arofrulircr.iilnntaliinicdldno , nidlplmin shoir. Is ntllloittrlnz with
tlio Kientc t ticce s nll.Ncrviua.Clironlc nnil Prlvnlo ilUonoti jVporiiiinuit euro Kinriintojil forCitnrrh
Spcrinatorrlii' Innlinol Heinlniil Motkmss , MUlit T. IMP. , linixi'cncr. iijptilllt. Stricture , unilnl
dlsotjea odlio lllood. Hkln nnd Urlnirr OrmiiiH. N' . U 1 cuinntuobQJ fjr urcrr caul unJortakiimd ( al
to cure. Consultitloii Iroo. Book ( MysLutlua oUfviuat ) free. Oaicu lioura-'Jiu in to tip. ui
10 a m. to 1 ! m.
13O2 Parna-m Straot.
Oity Passenprer and Tiokot Agent.
Cabin Passages $35 to $50 , accordlM to location of
tUteroom. Eicursion $ C5fo S35.
Btccratroto nmllrnm Ruropoat Ixmase Il tos.
AUSTIN BALDWIN * . CO , , General Agents ,
C3Broaday. NEW YORK.
Jnn. Illfscn , Gonei.Ll NVe'-letn ABPHI , 12
iili street , Clilciijo. Hairy U. aiooro ,
Jos , U.i line.
\\\t \ \ LATE5/ / "
Corroc * Styles ,
v _ _ Best Quality , Period Filling ,
,5jarK. JRY THEM.
Great Western Typo Foundry ,
\114\toiuud \ \ St. OMAHA.
A POStTIVEudpermanent CUREfor all
dlioasoiof ths URINARY CRCANS. Oaroi
vbtra other trtatmott fat It , ? nUdirectl03iwlHoi\nli
l ltle. Prlc , ODD dollar. See ilgnattrt of U. Ir
f'or Sale Qy AIIDrugglala.
Tin ; ii-
ThoflRurcO Inour elites xvlllraalrea lone BtV-
No man or woniu now ll\ln ( { vlll over date i
documcntvlthout using the Qguro P. It stand ]
la the third place In 1SOO , wluro it nlll remain ten
yonn and thpn moro up tokcoouil plaoln IflOO ,
where U vlll rest for ono liundrod jcnrs.
Thcro is another "D"
lilcliha8nlsoconi to stay.
It itunlil.othc njnreOln our ilnUi In tlio respect
that It hiualreaJy mo\cd \ upto first place , \v here
It-will permanently rcmitn. It Iscallcdtlio "Xo.
9" High Ana Wlioelur * , Wilson Scwlns Machine.
Tlio "No 0" w cnJorscd for nnt jslnoo by Ilia
experts otnuro | > ant the PutU H. iosltiQiiof 16EV ,
whtre , after a ssvcroconteaUlth Hie IcnOlinr ma
chine * of the was awarded the only
Grand Prlzo piun to family tewing tnicMncsnil
other * on exhibit ha liiK riceivt-d lou-cr awnrJi
DC gold medals , etc. The 1'runch Gotornmcrit
alsorccognlzodUJsurcriorilyhy tkdcconitioooj
Mr.Notlnnicl . -
Mln.-cUrPrcsldcntcflho ( .ompany ,
\vlththoCrosscfthoLcgionof Honor.
fas "No. 9" U not on old mnchlno Iraproiea
upon , bulls nn I'titlrcly nc\v \ mnclitno , aud Ilia
Gwncl Prlzs ct 1'iris nas awarded It as the crnnd-
estttdvairaln tcniUKmachlno niccliinism ofll
nso. Those wlio buylt rcstajsutcJ , there ,
toreof , havinetbo vtty latc.tandbct.
185 imd 187 V7flbft8h Avo. , Chic (5O (
P. I ! . FLODJIA.N fc CO.
20 North Sixteen tli Street.
Dr , F. C. V/ei-ner''a
Are highly recommended after seven
years of successful experience by the
bolo matmfuiturcrd ,
Kopp , DreIbus < SiCo , ,
r io6FarnarnSt.Oinaha , , Neb.
Sold everywhere , Co per
Send for snmplcs.
BurTcrniic frnni tlinrm-cuot y < wlhfulrmirHrarlr
* ( icn ) > , ivusiliLf wrtkHPMlu ( iuanlicx > lflrIvrlll
lend > vAlmliln IrraUixi ( < nl < li cuctiltitntfutl
t rtlrularn for Jinmo euro , FIIKK ui I'liurjo. A
ipleudlii iiifJIcnl nork : ihat > > d hi m-1 - by "fry
man n ho n DITVIUK unil iiiMlltat < it ,
If rot. V. C , f * ) > VL.iii. ;
TTndtfF lh 3I nnaiorntnt of Iho
ne.\ ! n Introalitral ( Danlingl'
Incorporalcd Bylho Slate ciChiuahunMox : ( , >
ice , ( or Cliarilablo Purposes.
tike phro In pjbllomtiioclt/ Juan : ( for-
'ivaod l Ktrl
\Vednesday \ , Sept , 241 ! ) , 1890
nndorlhp pmonnl niiiin. .oii or Ocii. . ) ( , . - u
N. lOHlH , l i.l Mc.l.VAIII.O MS.aUK.1 * .
LBHiolli , \ leniloMn ollileli lUmUr.n.
Cfl PITA I PRIZE , $60,000. $
Only 60 , DOB Tickets ! Onlj 60 , 000 Tickets !
I Prize of S60.000 . $60,000
ITrlzo of 10.UIO . 10,001 ]
1 1'rlzo of r. . ) & .000
: Trlzoaof lu f > nh 5,000
10 1'rl/csof ifflcudi sou )
BOl'rizcscf WO ouch f.OOO
HWa'rlrcsof Wench 5.OOI )
ISO 1'rlroa of 30 cncli 7,000
Appro-clmittcml'rlsca ,
lOOTrlroqot SMoaih . I B.OM
100 Ttlzvsof Sllcmli . OM
100 I'rl cdof S3 oncli . SoOO
Xorniltiul J'rl/r * .
fnnTcnnln-iHIoWtOSWrrizcofft'OMoli. Stl.OM
WJ'I iriniiiuls tof W.OOOl'i iiool SlOc luh . 6.UW
1311- Prizes aToun'ing ' to . $120.970
Wo , tlio timlorrliinPd. lienb' cnllfy tint tlo
RnnciiNnclnnnl ol.Me lro.ln ( lilhiiiihiut hn < on < tt-
lioslUronillio MinriiiiliterntioiuilIliiiiUiia Co ,
tlio iircnitiirr fuiiititu fiinrn nlfi ) Dm pajmciit of
all nrlioa ilriwn ntli < Uinii I oil-ill > uniz. .
Wolurlbcr cunKr iliitwo vlll hiitirvtpo ell tlio
arrnnEcnivnti * . iiiiilln 7 > pninik naunce iitirl control
all"tli9UrnrltiB' * nf thlnl/itti-rr , rnullliiit tlio }
urn coiHliuinl n lib lioncity , lilmcei , unU In uooJ
o 'iinl * nllpirtiir
JOHN S. tVlOSBYiCoinintBPloncr.
Cvsiuo j\nnuKr.irs.
If ny ticket rtrnflnfrnrrtzoU sonlln tluiinrtcr.
Itfnod , It.MlKO Mlin > vrlllbo cjlli't.tcjalirt rcuilLteil
to tto owner tUcreof , frcuof clinnrp
1'rci. Kl I'ASO laon llHM lk1El 1'tio. T l
Korclub rate * orany other Infortmilon.wrlto to
the unilcrdfncil.iliiLItu yonrnildrcMflenrly , with
Hli tflCo niy , Strout ixnilNuiiibtr. More npld d .
llvorrwilllo ii wircd tit yourcncloilaK an envtl-
opo lic.Triiijroiirfnll aMrcsH
Clt j of J tmrcz , Mexico.
Sent remittances for lichnti by nllnrxrr letter ,
contftlnlriifMHnorOrclfrtlHHuoil t > v tillnxprrM com *
panlci , JJ w VorkKxclinnco. bunk drnft or poBlil
uotv AiidrCfcH tiltipff t'lororl litt rati )
MEXICAN- Kll A < > Al. n McivnCo .
Utjr o ( Jimr , Mexico. vlaKl 1'isa , Tcz ,
Clirnnle , NfrroiM Il'ood nncl Eiirxliil Dlienna n1
Ulsoaios oltlio Ko , Kir NoTliruat unclLlioit
Special Attention to Ilis-oaHo * of'a
in on nnil CMIilrru.
Tlioloctor ( < li : TO Irid yonri of ui)3rlonj3 | ) Iritho
lie < I'lt ls otllriXHlrn ; ml N'un Vori snil mo URIOI
the mint M'.iccu3ajl uuilwlilolf kno n Mi > uclallstilu
Uiucuunlr ;
'In VotincAiirl Mltldlp-.Uocl Mn. .
JjOtMnnhncMl.crvou f'lllty. ) SncrmaDrriiVk
Sctiilnit IViiiot. I'lijHlcJl l5cir , orliln from lujli-
crutlon. prudiicln/ too | > lo iioii , iloiiicinclcnor , iiini *
plCldll CllOflCO , ITOnlOll t < IdClQLT , OTtlltlll Udllr-
need , lick ofronlldcna : , dull , unlit /orstiulror Jiml-
IICH nnd Hint * Ufa u Imrdua , aufolf ,
Illnod anil Rlcln
Pjrhll'K , .1 ilUfinn inuiit ilteiulf ul In 111 rosulli ,
coinplatclr cr.iillutoil.
Cieni tO'
CJonorrlir , ftlosl , Svphlll * . llyrtrncolo. ( irlroulo ,
mid Blrlctnru , rnllc.illf ntul nfiij inri'l trltlianc
p.iliior llrlflHIon from tuiilnix-i. All H.'jllnl . | ) j r
lorinlllcs nncl tniieJIiiioitt to umriiuo Huccuisfallr
AllltucCalrtli c'iic n3lf\y \ n I pnrnitncnllr enrol.
Hours , 8n in. HUH ) > m Himcinji , lu tlllli.
N II. I'lmonjunnliliito vim u.t mijr b < ilruutlat
tholrliomti by rurro i ) ri < lcnro. Jlcllclni' < rvnlln-
Blriitlonjn : > iit Iroxpnu. Unaiiltitloa two.
btntl 4 tcnU In itnuiii | to luiururtply.
ii 18 Plfu-onlli St. , Oppiilto Uojcl'-i
Opera. Home. Oniutia , rseli.
Hprdlla for Mr ' rl . , nizlne * ! rtnI , 'lrnl > ; l
lulneu.Xint&l lwpruaM9ti. MHIeiilii r Hn liran ri > -
Dulling In Invruillv a.ij Icacllnir u > mUoi jrilwrav ui J
rt ilh. Prcraadin Old * > . Jliirunnmi. I.cjifof J'mrcr
lacill.or lot. Imohmtir/ I OVM , an I HixjrraXo ila1
ci\u i liv urer-tKorclot ur Iho r > rilu ( < 1 ii s or
otrlndi : ! ; nc j bucliljjx Cmiaino aniinil ' < IrciU
mcnt tlal > i , or > f\i \ fi.r J ) , runtliy inillrill. | .
AVIth oari enl r lip ill IIOIMvl I tcml nirriiuir
iriiirititoo lu nhii'l im-y If tlio Iroal nenl l xll4U >
CUH , oaly l > v
III ! ) Tarnatnitrocl , - - Oinulm. Ntb ,