Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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' " "
Dally nnil furulnyi Quo Year . $10 f
MX munllm . . MM
ThriM ! nioiillis . SWI
Cumlny Hco.ojiu Voar . 200
WuoUly Itcc , OnoVu-ir. . 120
' '
Omalm. Tlio TJon Hull'lliix. '
pniitliOrnnlin , Corner N imiiaitli Streets
Council ItluITu , I'jl'i-url Htruct.
( 'blciiso Olllce , IITChnMilirrnf Corntnrrco.
Now Vor1r.looniil.'I,1lniiil ! iVI'i-llmne llulldlng
Washington , niul'omti.'c.'iitli Struct.
All cotiiiminlcatlorn nslntliiit to new. nml
nlttoiliil mutter should bo mldrt'tsod to tlio
I.'illturliil llpimrlnioiit.
All business Ifltersnnil retiiltiiic-rs ( : should
tin nMros ( ' < l In Tim licit Putin-thins f uriipuny ,
Onmlm. tlnifts , check1 mid jiiHtiinioe orders
to iK-iiiiiUopiivalilu to tlio omut of the com
pn 1131
The Dec Publishing Company , Proprietors ,
Tlio lee ! irirt'jj. I'lirnniri ami fovonti-cnlh "Is
Btntonf Ni'lmislci. ' I _ ,
County of Uoiitslni. f H"
Orn. II. TVsclnick , Rpcrrtary of Tlio Il o
t'ulilKliln' * corn pan v , docs BotcinnlyHWcur that
HID nctiinlrlfftilntlon of TUB IKir.vllni : for
the weak cnillnft Sept III , 1S1K ) . wns a * folloirs :
Siiiidav. Sent. 7 . -JS.UU
Monday , Sit. | > . H . -'On
Tut ilay.ftipt. D . avilfi
WciltiPMlny.Suiit. 10 . an.1 . iW-
I'rlilnv. Sept. IS . aU"
Butunlny , Sept. 13 . . . . : . ' 0,7f S
Avcrafjo . 20,1liMl
rim. -rxM-iu'cit. .
Fvrnrn to tirfnro mo nn < ] siilwrlbod In my
proBi'iico inislUlliilarof Sptitctnlinr. A.D..IW.
IKKAI..I N. 1' . KKIU Notary 1'ubllo.
Btatvnf Nebraska. )
County of lioiiKlns. t
Ooorsc II , TVsi'lnik , bolus duly sworn , ilc-
foscs mid iayH tliuL lie Is M-crotiiry of The llc-o
I'll lill-tli Injt ( 'D-nimnv , id ; it tlio nclital nvorano
dally cli dilution of Tin : IJAir.v I tut : fortliu
inonlli of SoptcinliDr. 1SSO , IH.TIO conlps ; for
Uctolior. Itfii. l , ! Xirclt'M | ) : fcr NovoniWr. 1SS1. ) ,
] ! iiltlccilrs : | ; for Docciillirr. ISSH. Lty.OIS copies ;
forjimiiar ) ' , Jb'JJ. ' I'VVVi coplus ; for rrbriiiii'y ,
WM , l ! > , T01copp | < i ! for March. ISin. |
for April. 1SK ! > , ai.WVl cnplivsi for May. boo , -.HUM )
copies : for . Mine , ISM ) . Lll.'iul coplcH- for July ,
1SCO , IXMCa copies ! for Ailslist.'i' ! > : > . " ! ' ) unplus.
Sworn 1o boforn tno. inn ! Miliscrlbcil In my
presence' . tills loth day of M'lilpmbi'r , A. t ) . .
1MK ) . N 1' . PKII ,
Notary Piihlle.
Tin ; forthcoming debate nt Grund Is
land promises to bo onu of tlio most im
portant events of llio Nebraska cam-
So fur ns tlio Second district is con
cerned , Mr. Jlclvclglum's record seems
to Ira the worst tliinp- exhibited as yet.
An explanation is in ortlor umong the
democrats , but till seems confusion.
AN increase of twenty-five members
will not matcrliilly ulTcct tlio dispatch of
businc'SH in tlio house ol rop.'osontatives.
The dilllcult problem is to find room for
tlio now members without ouliirgiiig the
SO.MU of the southern papers are print-
Iny the pieturo ofTillman , the ciimllduto
for povurnor on the alliunco ticket of
South Carolina. The picture in it-elf
carries fee much woo that there is no
chtinco for the gentlemvn.s : olcction.
I'l'is niolunelioly cvidonco of the soul
ful Imrraony existing batwcon the twins
that the oHlcial announcement of the
population of Minneapolis caused a St.
Paul nrm to invest in a ensK'ot und
Bhroud. The defeat o ( tbo Saintly city
by thirty-three thousand liiled the resl-
dontH with 11 wild dcsiro for death. Let
the funeral inovo.
" \Vili5Jf llio republican campaign really
opetw on tho20Lh of September , while it
id rather early for base-burning-
stoves , il ! might oa well bo sot down us n
cold day for the other tickets inthu field.
The campaign is to ba opjnocl ut throe
different points and veneered reformers
of all sorts should take to the woods.
Their day of uiillonium will have ar
Tan bald-knobbors of Missouri still
purstto the evil tenor of their ways.
Prosuuuting attorneys and others who
interfere with their pleasant vocation
I'ocoivu reminders that a hang-man's
noose awaits thorn. [ Missouri is yet dem
ocratic in her politics , but the gratify
ing part of it is that majorities tire being -
ing { .Tudunlly reduced.
TnnKK largo iron mills at Plttsbur- , '
nnd ono at Alleghenoy City , Pa. , have
abandoned the use , of natural gas. The
reason is the uncertainty and unusually
high price of natural gas. This brings
the matter back to tlio proposition that
black diamonds must bo used in the man
ufacturing industries of this country
und offers to electricity a chance to re
deem itself.
THK results at Far Itockaway show
that politicians have
already found a
way to beat the Australian b.illot sys
tem. Opposition voters are bribed not
to cast their votes and politicians out
side are bought to cast tlioir votes in u
certain way in advance. The Australian
system as demanded in Nobraskn , and
which will doubtless bo adopted by the
next legislature , simply prevents fraud
ut the ballot box. Any agreement
reached in advance us to the sale ot a
veto will doubtless stand , but few such
purchases will bo made.
It is.evident tlmtndotorminod effort
will bo made in the house by eastern
members to reject the Honnto amend
ment to the tariff bill placing binding
twlno on the free list. The eastern men
assort that It is an injustice to the rest
of the country to put binding twine on
tlio free lUt and thus , ns they claim ,
destroy an industry which employs
thousands of mea in the east , while re
taining n duty of twenty-live dollars
a ton on raw hemp , It is
not surprising the east should antag
onize what would provo a bonoflt
to the west , but the claim
that placing binding twlno on the free
list would destroy the Industry Is ab
surd. The combine which obtained con
trol of this product has proven itself un
worthy of sympathy or protection. It
has deliberately Inflated prices and com
pelled the producers of the country to
enrich Usmombora. It destroyed com
petition mid arrogantly echoed Hill
Tweed's defy , "What are you going to do
about it ? " The senate amendment was
the response The opposition of the cast
( should unite the members from the
western states , regardless of political
ufllliatlons , in a determined effort to up
hold the Bonato amendment and re
lieve the producers from the grip of a
mercenary trust.
. ,1
A correspondent s.iys that In portions
of thnsUito thonr-zuiDcnt la being inndo
that under hlf-h license tlio towns got
the license money in their schools whilst
tlio country supports the saloons and
pays nil expenses of prosecuting fights
and riots caused by whisky.
AH prosecutions that nriso out of riots
and fights in the municipal courts nro
paid for out of municipal funds. If the
complaint is tint the license money goes
to tlie support of the schools In the cities
and towns , instead of the counties at
large , then the remedy Is to change the
law by the legislature co as to innko a
different distribution of the license fund ,
To adopt prohibition simply wljica out
the license fund and leaves no such fund
for tbo support of the wheels in cither
the cities or the counties. Now the result
must bo that both the cities and the
counties must have increased taxation
for hchuol pu-noscs under prohibition.
Under prohibition the people add to
their burdens of taxation instead of
diminishing them. The country dow
not support the saloons tinier tlio
farmers do nil the drinking. The con
tention of tlio prohibitionists is that all
the drinking people tire in the cities.
If that is true , it Is the cities and towns
that support the falcons , and not the
country. Tliero is no moro rea on for
saying that the country should have a
share of the license fund derived from
saloons than for Baying that the country
should bo compelled to pay the expenses
of sicity council , a city polieo foiw. and
that of all other city olliccrs made ncc-
es.xtiry to run a city government.
It being evident that the city bears the
burden of all the expenses made neces
sary in regulating tlio liquor tmlllc , it is
entitled to the revenue derived there
from. It lias been demonstrated by the
ofllciul records in the states of Maijio ,
Mtibsachusett' ' ! , Iowa and Kansas , during
prohibition times , that the expenses of
criminal prosecutions Inivo boon much
than thov over were under the
license system of Nebraska.
Under prohibition , according to the
official reports of Portland , Uanjror and
Augusta , in Maine , and of DJS Moiiies ,
Davenport , Dubuqiiu and Council Dlulls ,
in Iowa , it is shown that the percent of
arrests for drunkenness and othcrcrlmcs
is greater than it is for the state of
Nebraska , and that tlio expenses of
criminal prosiicutioii have increased ina
like ratio. facts would seem to ba a suf
ficient answer to the assumptions of pro
hibitionists as indicated in thu opening
of this article.
Out iii York county the farmers do not
loom to bo allured by the simple an-
louncoment that Mr. McKcijrhanis rai
ling for congress. They to want
0 know something about his record , and
ho meeting recently held there , occupy-
tig ever seven hours in secret , would in
dicate that they wore in dead earnest.
Mr. MeKeighaii started with n great
blow about changing all the laws of the
.inlverse. lie would not only make the
aw of the iipplo'i ) fall his own , but ho
proposed to have a great many other
things como his way. The government
, vus unstable ; the mor.oy of the land was
not what ho would glvo his'conbtituents ;
nothing appeared to bo what ho would
uivo it. But just now ho seems to ba in
1 position In which ho cannot dollnoliiH
own record. Ho cannot tell what
noncys he received when comity judge
of Webster county , and if he could toll
ust what ho received he could not tell
ust what he did with It.
It wns eminently fitting that u general -
oral row should occur when MeKuighan.
net his strikers , and it was supposed
that nothing concerning the campaign
would bo accomplished. Mr. McKcighnn
s merely sowing the soads of discard in
.ho democratic ranks , whilst all the alli
ance folks who at one time thought they
night give Him their support nro
through with him. Ills record is yet
Lho interesting thing in tlio Second dis- .
trlct , and until ho can explain that ,
there is no particular chance for enthu
Mr. Iliti'lnn , in the meantime , is go
ing along , and the result this coming
November will bo such tin overwhelming
victory for him that Mr. iMcKoighan and
his followers will wonder why they
wasted time to explain any of the un
savory record.
TllK FlA\\XVlAl4 \
According to the latest reports from
"Washington there is no apprehension ,
so far as the treasury is concerned ,
regarding tlio financial situation , but
nevertheless the stringency in Now
York and the pressing demand for loans
are calculated to create a fear that the
condition of the market muy become
more serious before there is tin improve
The dinicultioa of the situation are not
wholly duo to speculation. AVhilo this
is largely responsible for the existing
stringency , another potent cause is the
apprehension of bankers of an extraor
dinary demand from importers so pay
duties on goods entered slnco the bogi-
ning of August and which must betaken
taken out of bond , according
to the terms of the tariff bill ns adopted
by the senate , before the 1st of Novem
ber. The estimates of tlio amount of
money that will bo required to do this
vary from twenty to forty million del
lars , but allowing it to bo midway between -
twoon these sums it will bo a great drain
upon the money market. Anticipating
the higher duties of the now tariff bill ,
there has boon an enormously increased
importation of merchandise , and if the
edict of the senate that the duties upon
all this entered since August 1 must bo
paid before November 1 , is carried out ,
the drain upon the money mar
ket will bo very severe. It
has already been sufficient to
make a rather serious squeeze ,
but what hag been experienced will
amount to llttlo compared with what Is
The treasury Is doing all that it can
under the laws to glvo the market relief -
lief , and the disposition both of the pres
ident and the secretary of the treasury is
to do all that is possible to ease the mar
ket and to avert any tendency in the di
rection of a financial crisis.
This fact alone is sufllclont to rcassuro
the monetary Interests ol the country
nml to chock tiny movement In the di
rection of a ( Innnclal panic.
\Vinui3 : was the inspector when the
electric light went out ?
If the hcclorsnnd fixers nro permitted
to run primaries and conventions , there
Is no show for the ofllco finding tlio intin ,
Tun crowded condition of the various
courts of the country servo to show that
litigation keeps pace with progress In
other directions.
Tin ; school muddle , coming on the
heels of tlio exposure of the council
I'ooh-Hahfi , serves to Illumine South
Omaha's folly in reject ing annexation.
TIFK increase In the enrollment of the
public schools is a ? largo as could bo ex
pected , in view of the causeless conta
gion scare and want of adequate accom
Tin ; grand opening of the republican
campaign Is not a marker to the witle-
tpread , eager Interest that prevails in
certain circles for the grand opening of
the democratic "bar'I. "
PjlKMlElt McDoXVLD of Canada de
clares that tlio Dominion cannot restrict
tie [ importation of Chlneso. Ho admit : )
that the country is made tlio dumping
ground for largo numbers of Mongolians
bound for the United States , but tlio Do
minion government Is powerless to act.
Legislation can only bo had through the
British parliament , but relief from that
source ctumot bo hoped for , owing to the
close commercial relations existing bo-
twccn England and China. Under thcso
conditions the United Slates must police
tlio boundary to sticcesbfully check the
Asiatic horde.
THE window glass trust is now In
position to put into efloct its avowed
purpose ot "lonollting the public , "
Like all similar combine * to control pro-
duets , its objort , according to the man
agers , is to uiito the intero jts of m.viiu-
facturors , syrftematizo the business , limit
the output to Ilia demand , and give pur
chasers tlio benefit of a business economi
cally managed. It is onu of the greatest
evidences of inoivasing liDnosty that
manufacturernro "uniting fjr the pub-
lie good"but unfoi'tunUaly the profes
sions of these solf-constitutoJ benefac
tors go thundering down the ulslos of
time unroali'-wJ.
Tllic passage of the ordinance increas
ing the number of pollingdistricts in the
citv , removes the danger of dlsfranchisn-
ncnt through lack of voting facilities.
This is but one means to tin end. The
duty devolves on every organization and
every citizen interested In the welfare of
the city and state to assist in securing a
ompleto registration of voters. The
old lists are useless. ! New lists must be
nmde , and arrangements should bo com
pleted in advance which will insure a
thorough enrollment of qualilied elect
ors. It is well to remember that there
: ire but five days of registration und
diligent work is necessary to place all
names on the lists.
THE'great moral regulators of Kan
sas have unearthed another evil requir
ing legail remedies. The vigilant con
stables and justices , in c.istiij' ! about for
fresh sources of revenue , spied a gi
gantic social vampire debilitating vic
tims by the score , and the . 'edict went
forth that euchre , high-Iivj and kindi-od
demoralizing agencioi nvut ba eradi
cated from the household. The vll-
ainy of those social gntno : is thoroughly
understood by the oiilcors of tha law
and they propose ta arrcit all partici
pants , no matter where founl , and doil
witli thorn as with patty gun : ! > lor3. The
moral tone of Kansas lias reached sudi
a point that heroic rumodios tirmiocjs-
sary to stamp out the social rascalities
of the "joker'1 and the infamies of the
"five-spot. "
Tins cluiiring house record for the
second week in September shows the
legitimate business of the country Is not
atl'cctodby the speculative Hurry , and is
steadily increasing. Compared with the
stimo period of last year , there Is an ag
gregate increase of eight and five-tenths
per cent or fourteen and six-tenths out
side of New York. Of the fifty-four
cities reporting , thirteen show n decline.
With the exception of St. Paul , Dos
Molnes , Sun Francisco and Los Angeles ,
all western cities in the clearingassocia-
tion report an increase , varying "from
thirty-four per cent at Omaha to four
per cent at Minneapolis. It is a Hignili-
ccnt fact that Buffalo , Galvcstonnnd
Seattle , cities located ut the extreme
geographical ends of the country , show a
marvelous gain in 11 nanclnl transactions.
PAICMHU EUOKUTOM and his horny
tongue reached Webster county by
forced marches. The object of his sud
den call is fraught with momentous con
sequences to the independent ticket. In
addition to his varied accomplishments
as a tiller of political soli , Farmer
Edgerlon possesses a peculiarly persuasive -
suasivo way of consoling widows and
orphans , of weeping when they weep ,
and spreading labial nulvo on maternal
rents. Appreciating thcso qualities ,
the independent managers doubtless
hurried the noted South Omaha farmer
to the southwest , where deep crevices
have been torn In the prospects of Mo-
Kolghan.- That painfully explicit docu
ment filed in the probate court must bo
suppressed , and Kdgerton'n mission Is to
patch up peace with the injured and I
afllicted. They must bo made to see the
error of their way at any cost.
KVKitY business sulTors more or loss
from the dullness Incident to the transi
tlon from summer to foil and winter
trade. This commercial lassitude ia par
ticularly noticeable In August , and yet ,
despite this fact , the railroads have ma
terially increased their receipts over
the corresponding period of 18SO. Sta
tistics compiled from JJmilstrtets v
nn increase of four per cent for the
month. Out of ono hundred and forty-
five roads reporting , only thlrty-ono
show decreases , most of which arc small.
Tor eight months of the year ono hun
dred and thlrty-nlno roads , with an ag
gregate mileage of olghty-throo thou
sand , show a gross Increase of ton per
cent in earnings over the same period of
1SSO , with nn'Jrttf-rciuso ' of only two per
cent In mllciujfy. , ThU is largely in excess -
cess of thu gain Jn ISS'J over 188 $ , and In
dicates a fairly prosperous condition of
the transportation business. In this
connection itm orthy of note that the
corporations i i'e'fonlldent ' of a largo In
crease in trafllp during the closing
months of the year. Despite the marked
i-cductlon incrdnj , the volume of busi
ness shows no , diminution , the Increase
iti prices stimulating business In other
CauscMl'llio ' Cold
The coldness cxlittnybetivccn Minneapolis
and St. Paul seems to have affected the oil
tire northwwt.
Sec Sam.
Clilfii'ji Inter-Ocean.
Sam Jones says : "I am so dul that vheti-
ovcr any trios to preach n' 1 do , ho
niale.4 : nn asi of himself. " S.nn may in that
way gctn disinterested opinion of his own
1 > licb Us Hunt.
The- story of "llobort Elsnicro" is to bo nii-
sworoil by nnothcr work of ( lotion. AVhat
is the IMO of dosiiif-a ai.m . with quinine when
helms recovered entirely from his chills and
fever and forgotten that ho ever had UicnU
The Situation.
Xnifollt Xeicn.
Mr. llo.vd's campaign for povcrnor scoius
to bo InrKelyof the "Douglas county ngidnst
the bnliinuj of the stato'1 order. j\s the real
of Nohraik.i has about six times the popula
tion of loujlis ; county , thcro should bo no
doubt tibout tlio outcome of such a contest.
He Hnws the Air.
He ICeai ; ho saw-oil the air ; ho talked and
made slfftis. Atul yut nobody can toll what
Mr. Koin will do if ho gets intocoiiRre-sa.
The pjoplo want a in.ui who will do soaio-
thing clsu busido talk and make Higns A
deaf mid dumb navlll , answer every purl -
l > 03o , if ho will only-do soiacthlne.
l'nr/6 / Ttiiicn ,
Tliis is the vo.uwhen every republican
should vote the ticket. Hcmcnibcr the rec
ord of your party on nil questions of concern
to .tho masses you have been u [ art of , and
can justly lie prouil of Its record. It is check
ing monopoly anil legislating for thu people
us rapidly us tli c work can bo done , anil this
has alivuya boon its record.
0 . . .
l > I < iouraitiK ( ! o I'lilitlcal Ci-aiiks.
Australian h.illot ivforni appears to bo n
s In the narrow political channel down
which the prohibition parly moves and has
Its feeble belli ) ? . The provision ia the lav. '
retiuii-in that a-iy party desiring u place
upon the o.tleiat Uito billet for its nominees
sliiill have casttub least : i par cent of the
total vote at tha , last mvuadlnir oleution
to bo inukins it very unploasnnt for
tholruittfuUof cr.iuks who Hoc-around ! the
various isms. 1
A iN't ; \ - I'rjiyor.
frirr'iJ / ! , Ciwity Quiver.
"Our father who art in Lincoln , Burrows
bo tiiy raine , thy | ; nigiloin come in the Thir- .
tcenth aenatorml district as it is in your of
fice. Glvou * tills Unyour daily ofUeo and
help ns to punish tho33\vliorefuse to hnucklo
down to us.Yo I'now it is wrong , dear
father , to bleed ( herfarmers for subscriptions
to an anarchistic puperand sell them pewter
badges , hut thoa knowcst , dear father , tint
wo must "vvoi'lc" tlio granger lor nil there ii
in it while wo can.
Oratifyinc Stabllir.v In France.
JfaUlmut-e Amsrlean.
Prance has cruelly blloa the preaictlons of
political prophcU. Tivo yoara 11.70 the im
pression was general a revolution w.n
inevitable , * * * IVancJ has a ( roat des
tiny bsforo her as tin pioneer of civil llhorty
on the continent o" Kuroi > 9. Gvon royalty
Itself has lost itsfoar of tin grim spocti-o by
growin1 ? accustomed to it , nuil the tcniloacy
now Is to cultivate the friendship of this republic -
public which has disphiycJ such extraordi
nary rsuuporativo energy nnd such capacity
for defense in splto of its isolation.
in tlio
llarfidtl Cmntu Quaver ,
AVhorlil-Hitclicock loves * 'tho de.iH furmali"
for the peed of the "do.iiotnatic ] pahty. " The
taffy which the WorU-IIor.ild has been ilUh-
up to the farmers U disgusting in the ex
treme. If it loved the farmers so why diu it
not btny with them lu the Imlopandent move
ment ) Ohl no , there was no chance of suc
cess thcro , but It ononpU republican fanners
could bo Induced tovoto the indcplndcnt
ticket tlio democrats could slide hi to the of
fices and the Woi-ld-Hcrald
- would become the
ofjlciiil orgim ot the democratic administra
tion to feed at the public crib.
Tlio IIit'll I'rossiu-i ; System ,
flilladdiAUt lltciml.
It may readily her nrlmitted that wo must
havosystcm anil method in our Mjhools ; Ijiit
we must have somcthiiiR besides. Wo use
cxninluiitloiiit in KaugiiiR- lines , but our per-
co'itases do not show true valuw. We pot
bits ot information anil progressive series of
bits , but the chilli's mind , instead of boinj ;
dovclopoJ , has too often boon llooiicil. AVe
bind all the schools together in a scries of
grade * , aportioi | ) ; the hour.s for nil work , set
a thousand niacbinc-movcJ tcacbors in the
schools , und then pour In an overcrowded
till-on1 , ' of children , iiiul begin to examine
them , without ono ( houplitiis to Instiuctlon ,
charautcr-liutldliif ; nnd true mental growth.
Wo cannot lit" boys iiiul Kills for special
professions or vocations ; all tiiat wo can
andcrtali ) to do In our public schools
is to tram thu Intellect und develop
the character of the pupils r.o that
they shall bo lntclll'oat ( , industrious , con
tented and virtuous tltl/.cns. U'o awaken the
minds of the chU liua , to sthnuliitc their
thirst for knowledge ) to train thorn in habits
of Inquiry this yiho great end to ho at
tained ; ami the successful teacher is thu ono
wlio mates his or'til * pupils think patiently
and Independently nml stirs them up to orlt-
laulinvestigation ; ' * '
Hut it Is doubtful If this can ho accom
plished so long nsWo shall persist in follow-
inglho hlgh-prcsauijij system which Ignores
individuality In children nnd f-imj-oa them nil
by nti tnllcxlblo eu t.ij-oti rule. To dotornilno
the relative stand4 | jjif pupils In a class on u
scale of ono hundrArnot only undermines the
teacher's value , \ > u t treats the children us
if they were nil endowed with the same
aptitude. The youthful mind Is not a
mcro knowledge-box , arranged In care
fully labcd confitirtincata , tbo contents
of which are to bo brought arid displayed on
a monthly examination. Tlio sumo critic-Urn
may bo applied to the too great rellunco of
teachers and puplla oa tcxt-boolc.i. A\'o \ hear
children tulle about co-relative conjunctions ,
numeral adjectives , subordinate preposition ! !
oiid the llko before they can glvo nn intelli
gent account of any event or utter a simple
thoiiRht without doing violence to their
mother tongue. They have simply swal
lowed their mental food , not digested it , and
such mechanical method ! arc utterly opposed
to all natural and rational laws. Our educators
caters should realize that they must teach according -
cording to natural lawa and stimulate ull the
poivcrs ef the human being- , and tliat the
child not examinations , promotions nor
courses of study should bo the objective
point of all teaching.
SKIM OJt' TMfKX- _ < 19-TlfKHT.
Plans fora public park are bclnff discussed
t Aurora.
The nppto cronof Otoe county will be light
ills year nnd prices hlli. (
Thcro ni-o a,000 haul of catlli ) hclnp fed
ear Overtoil preparatory to being- shipped
Newton .Vlllliims , n Icn-year-ohl Fairmont
> oy , had his nose almost torn from his fuco
by n klclc from a horse.
Holt county Is considerably tllssatlsllccl uc-
auso Its exhibit diu not carry off the tint
ii-cinliim nt the stale fab.- .
Ths animal reunion of the old settlers of
Derrick county will bo hold on the fair
grounds at Central City , Octobers.
Joseph Frazlcr , editor of the .Fairmont
Chronicle , has been sent toau iiisimoinyhim ,
Us insnnlty was caused by llio kick of u
A vicious horse kicked Andrew Versloyof
luinlng-ford in the mouth , knocldnff out
everal teeth nnd lucer.iting his fuco In u tcr-
iblo manner.
U'hero nro about n million acres of povcrn-
ncnt laiiil still oioii ) to cntrv at the C'hailron
miilonico-iWAaw inShuiiiliiii county , 'M , 10
n llox Duttc , l3,360lii ! ! Dawcanad & .laiO ) la
Sioux ,
Horse llileyos inndo away with n valuable
cam beloiiKinir to Nels Alfwon , living near
rVisnor , nml wore ferried over to Iowa at
Jccatui- time to escnpo tlio olllccrswho
vcreon their tr.ill.
I1. W. Ilodsonof ( letmvn , who wns arrested
on the charges of obtnlnlnj poods iitnlc-r fal o
> rctcnsej , has boon illschai'scd from custody ,
.houdKorulinthiitiio ] ( crlino had been com-
nitlcd and that Hudson's arrest was unwar
Hen Mumlcll , the nlnc-year-olil son of .Tako
Mmidcll , Hviii ) } til Aurora , whiles playlnj ?
with a ( 'iin cartriilRo brought It down upon
the tahlo with siitlldcnt force to explode It ,
wounding him In the hand ami on the nose.
He was painfully but not seriously injured.
Duncan ICorr of Itcpublicati City was run
away with wlillo team of colts anil
was uraKBCtl halt n mile uiiuer the wagon.
tic was unconscious for some time , liutwhen
10 recovered his sense 3 ho liitchcd up the
again andHtarted forlioinc. Tholforscj
bccamo fnphtcneii again mid ran , pulliuprMr.
ICcrr over the dashboard , kicking lilm In the
head nnd knoclilnpr him senseless. No bones
\vcrobrolton , but hU injuries are serious.
The fall mectliu * of the state association of
superintendents anil principals will ho hold
at the "Windsor hotel , I incohi , on October ! !
nnd 4. Coiinultations will bo liclil upon "Su
pervision " "Kxuniimitiotis" "
, nnd "Ucconls
mid Reports. " Pnncra will bo rend by Su-
pcriiitciulunt P. M' . Orlnstond upon 'Trco
'J'cxt 13ools" nnd Superintendent .r. M. Ilus-
soy upon "What Ought it Supcrliitcndont to
Do for Ills rvople i"
Shcrift Wilson has returned to Kearney
from AViuron Station , K" , II. , briiifjlni' \ \.U.
Nnsli , charged \vilh fraudulently obt
? ; i,00 ( > from Jo-cpli Klack. Clack ngi-ccd to
let Nash have & } IW to purchase stock , and ns
the exact sum needed could not bo named
save Wash three blank checks. The latter
tilled out the rhecl'3 in sunn of § 1,000 each ,
boiiehtthc cattle and skipped. One hundred
licail of cattle wore received by the sheriff
before ho loll for the east for Nash. Tholat-
tcr has been In the peniteatitiry for a similar
offense before ,
Cattle arc dylnp ? of blackleg in the neigh
borhood of ( JHimiu ,
A liiimino soclntvlm 4 Irnnri fm-mn.1 In Io -
kulc wltha meinberjliii ) of seventy-two.
The courts have decided that the meteor
which fell on the Und of John GoJdard in
AVIimcbajjo county list fall is his property.
SanUbcrp , the old man who killed his wife
at Ottmiuva a few -weeks afjo while Inn
drunken frenzy , was Saturday convicted of
Thu Jtock Islan d carried l-JS/kiri passengers
toaud from tha state fairgrounds this -year ,
as against Mt,0)0 ) ( ) last year. At 10 cents a
passetiicr ; the receipts would amount to JII-
.V.fl. )
William E. Chambers , a prominent lawyer Iowa ami the republican nominee
I'or judge in the Second Judicial district ,
OlcJ injil.'i honiu ntOttumwahut week at the
ago of forty-four.
Mi-a.-Osor ell Clou dot Carroll , who lost
both husband and homo on account of liquor.
has brought suit forda-ua-fcsn'rulnst the sa
loonkeepers of that city , with excellent
chances of winning hoicnso. .
The old IZaiiisbai't'cr veil delta has broken
out ticalii , ills supposed. Detective Burkes ,
who arrested Max and Kleo for the murdoi *
of Henry Johns.v.u liroJ on at Murdball-
tawn by iiiiluioivii partlcj , supt-oseJ to ba
members of the g-anp- .
" Hilly McOulrc , a farmer of Yell township ,
"Wobs tcr comity , is now lyhic ia n critical
condition from tha effect * of a strolto oC
lighttiing. One side is completely paralyzed
nnd his recovery Idoubtful. . lie was sitting-
on his doorstop whu-i tha stroke camo.
At DoWitt , September 0 to 2t , Inclusive ,
will bo hold the tlUtrict convention of thu
Young Men's Christian association of the
Cedar lUpids district , embracing ull the as
sociations in the counties of Dubuquc. Jack
son , .Tones , Linn , Clintoa , Scott , Cedar ,
Jolmsoa , loiv.i and Muscatino ,
MissKmniaFi-cod , of Parmlnprton , died in
grout ? on.v , poisoned by her own hand. She
was pregnant and ummrriod , and had been
told by some lady friends thut { ( sho.would
put some mu.tche.sfn . boilliiB water and Ictthcin
steep and then drink thow.iterstio would bo
nil right. She diil so and died from the effects
of the poison. No onu know hoiv much of the
poisonous stuff she did take. She wns under
seventeen years ofag-o and of moro than prc-
pcsscssliib' tippcarancc.
Tim Tivo
A six-year-old son of Fetor Caffucy of
Jamestown wns followinif a niowini ; mne'lilnt
while cutting hay hut week , and by some
moans baeanu caught 1 > y the sickle bar. Tlio
child's log wn * bully cat , several ot ttio ten
dons belli } ; severed ,
\V. C , liurllctt , the contractor for the new
hotel at II iii-oii. met wlthim accident whereby
hovill loose the thiuubaiid oiwor two Jlngurs
of his left hand. While adjusting a derrick
In operation , Ida left baud caught ant
drawn through the ffeariu .
I cdlk-Kl collegj has received $1,030 from
the estate of Duncan Mackay of Morrison ,
III , rrovioui to his ileath Mr. IVIackiiv hat !
plvonthn collejia another 3I,0X ( ) , nml now
llio chancl has been iianiod Ileiiriettii chattel ,
in memory of a deceased ilauRhtei- Alt-
Mnckay ,
A. party of Lisbon scientists recently
opened nn linliiin niound in that vicinity ant
found nine skeletons , tipipo , u bono needle
and awl , a bowl made of clay , a pair of nap
pjr oaM'iugsandsovoral other articles. The
skoloteiH , which were found inn sitting
poatuw , were in a pretty KojJatato of pros-
auvuii j cars UKU.IUJIUS r > nuiicr si.'iLicn oil n
raw pr.iirlu farm thrco miloj east of Uci-os ,
ford , with a family offlvu small clilldrt'nimi
adcbtofri | ; hanging over him. Jlo was
without u toani aad luia to depend oa hla
hands fovsupport. Jlo built Immelf a dug
out and went to world clatermlneJ tumaka
lilmsclf a homo , and today hi * neighbors can
testify bow well hu has HticceodeJ , During
the ] > .nt iiovcu year * ho has nut aboutg..OUi
worth of ini'irovcmonti on the plaoo , has :
Hue KI-OVO ofliftcea IIITCS , live good howej
eighteen head of cattle and forty-four ho s.
His f-riinei-ics are full and he doii'towoailul-
lai- that he cannot pny 0:1 : dcnnud.
Ttiero in a small family roiv in the Congi-c-
Rational church at f City.
man I'lsldiicd. The eon rc'Mtion ' owed him
some back salary. A coimnittoa umlcrtoolc to
raise the money. Aiiuinbarof people pledfre-J
curtain ainouati upon condition that Mr.
1-iastinan vouht leave [ own. Thocoinmltteo
rl'iinio.1 thu money could not bo turned ovei
to their ex-pas tor upon any other condition.
1'eaillii'r Mr. KaitmauU agreement loaaiil
rondltlon ho is chnrjcU with accusing tbo
commlttoowlth cinbezzlomciit ami withhold-
IIIR money bolonglnw to him , The committee
clnlinetl "iv.uHno to turn over tha money
whenever the ox-pastor would sign an agree
ment to light out.
N. Hutaf runs a sheep ranch weat o
Pierre , The othe.dny ho moved camp to t
pciiiton n prominent uutto overlooking Hail
river with u pm-poiidlciilar cmbanUmcnt oi
about fifty to sevcnty-dvo feat. After supper -
per nnil In the darlcucisof the night hodro\v
out hU plpa for n peaceful liinoko and let the
pipe fall to the ground. Jlo stooped down
nnd began eriiwlini- and fa.-ln ! < nraund for
the missingcoininaioa and ti-av.'locl to the
cdgooC tlioproclplcu. the carol am
he fell to the wound bolow. AVhcu fouru :
nil ho could say was , "Aro you taking mo
away to bury mcl" Ills skull U cruslicd ,
aad unless the physicians can raUo it anil ra-
Hove the pressure on tao bralu thu old man
will dlo.
Briefs Filed in the Big Suit Against the
South Oinalia Land Gompauj ,
A Suit forPanui'-CH Against the Itaplil
Trnnstt Coin pun J" Deatli of
KiitoVcrjnl Lincoln Ncwa
nnd N (
LINCOLN. Nob. , Sept. 15. [ Special to Tun
DEI-Tho briefs In tliogreat suit between
LcvercttM , Anderson on ono slilo final Wlll-
Imn A , Paxtou , Peter 1C. Her , James M.
Wooworth , Alexander II. Swan , Thomas
Swobe , Frank Murphy and CliurleJ . Ham
ilton of the South Omaha Innd company 011
the othur , were filed till * morning In tlio supreme -
promo court. Tlio case Involves property hi
South Omaha worth , now , nlout tJ.OOO.OOO. .
Antlaraon says that in September , ISS'-J , he ,
in company with the defendants , bought the
lantl far $3.V > , UOO , paying thorofor , .Ander
son's slmro of the funJwasSVJoO , on tilling
him to about otic ilfty-sixth Interest In the
property. The realty is now worth over
fourteen times rw much as It was seven
years ago , and Anderson's Investment of
H'O is now valued nt $100,000. $ IIo in
sinuates that ho has been fraudulently
beaten out of his handsome profit.
In lilt petition ho charges the members of
the company with being guilty or gross fraud
by prctontlliiff when they vera trustees of
tlio property to convey it to John II. Hosier
for $7MOOt ) , ivliicli was fur below its real
value. It Is further charged that Hosier did
not buy it of his own account , but In conspir
acy with others who afterwards organized
the South Ojimhalandroinp.iny. That these
trustees concealed from Anderson thai they
were the real purchasers of the property.
That through their actions ho tins never re
ceived anything cither In money or bonds for
his investment.
The defendants deny that Anderson was
one of the persons who contributed to the
Si.10,000 puruhtiio money or tbat ho con
tributed S'J'J. " > 0 , or oven was part owner of tbo
property -with thorn nmtutterly Ignore all
claims ho asserts on tlio property.
Tbo "brief" is hardly true to Its name as
there ar e 2iii ) printed pupcs In It. This at the
m-ico of a dollar n pugu would cost < julto a
handsome sum.
run mvoiici : at ILL uuxs MBiiinr.v.
The case of Susie Wood * vs. t'rcdcrielc
Woods , in wtiicli the lady makes a petition
for a divorce , was called uj > toilny , but
Frederick fulling to appear , K. H.Vooltey
was appointed by the court to Invcutlgiita
the charges inada and sec if they were true.
When the ciuo of Augusta Stoelcmin vs ,
William , her hubby , was called the
lady came forward smiling and stated tbnt
aho and "Will" had made up and she lud dc-
cided to ink for a dismissal of the case.
"Will" Rriimincly corroborated ttio state-
nmntQ mill Tiifirm nr inirr ninTitin Tilt * till
bills Incurred bvtlic preseutatiou of tlie peti
When George W. Hubble was called up to
givchis reasons for a divorce he prlii tied even
more widely than MrStockman und informed
the judge that Ids wife hnd stolen n march on
him nnd procured n divorce In loiva. Thcro
was therefore no reason for liis continuing
tlio suit.
In the case in which Mrs , Minnie A. Deling
asks for a le al scpcratlon , her husband , Ed
ward Dialing , informed tbo court that ho hail
a few things to say lihosolf , and the jndpo
gave him live diiys in which to gel ready to
tell his side of the story.
A. S. Kay , who defeated the atleinptof his
wife , Lydla , to get a divorce from him four
years ago , has decided to let her go this time ,
now that slio has again applied for u di
vorce , but wants It granted to him
nnd not to her. IIo tells a startling ; story of
mistreatment at her hands. Jlo describes
herns u woman of violent and ugly temper
nnd recounts how in her Ills of anger she has
beaten him with stlcl'9 , clubs auJ Iron rods
and thrown hot \vutcr and hurled anything
else at him she could got her Imuils on. In
addition ho charges her with being unchaste
and cites In substantiation of this a newspa
per clipping telling ; of the dcscentof ti woman
\vitn a blanket over the banks oC lluffalo
creek to moot some unknown man , This
\vonv.m Kny claims was his wife and ho did
not learn of this until about twenty days ago.
He heartily n-jroes tea divorce , but ivants to
keep both tlio property imd the children.
.roanna Mchols wants the district court to
force the K-ipld Transit railroad company to
Kive up 310,200 of its hard carnlng-s for u
tumble slio took from hoi- buggy on July 5.
Joanna says that her horse Is ordinarily a
Rcntlo one' , but when the monstrocity called
the motor caiuopuftlns down tlio street tlio
animal took fright and ran away , She was
thrown out und hurt on the hipj , back and
logs , and believes she also sustained perma
nent iiitcniul injuries ,
ICATII : vcRJATi nins.
Katie Tcrjal , the flftoen-ycar-old girl wlio
was so terribly buvncil Saturday morning
died yesterday at 4 o'clock in fearful agony.
Tbo best efforts of the physicians failed 'to
save her. Tlio funural over the remains -was
held this uftornooa nt the CUristlaa church ,
"YostorJav Alonzo Bacon stele his three-
yciu-old child for tbo second time \yithiii u
week this tiino from the homo of bis wife's
father , James Sweeney , at West Lincoln.
Tbo mother was at church In the city mean
while. When she discovered tint tlio child
was missing slio put tlio matter in tbo hands
of ilia police. After n long search Bacon was
found and arrested , but refused to tell where
UiochiMcwaH ; dually it was found at the
Homo for the Friendless.
norn cum TIII : mci : noises.
Tiicro scorns to bo some trouble over the
ownership of Jo Green and Logan H , two
race hones recently competing at the fair ,
Frank L. Dunn ulaim ? to own them nncl took
possession of them nt tbo fair grounds u U.iy
or two ugo. Ho flourishes u bill ofsalo for
them ( jivcn him by L. . 1C. and J , W. .iciiiiy.
But George U , Skinner , tuu liveryman also
claims them anil hai nntonlygot H writ of
rujilovhi but also want' * 51W damages.
IIIAUI > AT TIII : I'trnoi. ,
The .American Casually , Insurance nnd
Security company of Baltimore hat been
authorized to transaot the basino-ss of a
casualty and security business In this state ,
Tim i\nrfolk crouuicirr and commission
company lias sprung mtno lstanco wltha
capital shock ofSliUWO. Tliolacorpor.itlous are
1' . ( J. Store.v , 11. Vllrooki , O. H. Burrows ,
N" . A. KaliiboUimtl D , Item.
The Bank of Palmyra is the latest financial
Institution asking publio patronage The
capital atoek iiiiMD.OJOniiU the Incorponitcn
I. N. Catran , AV. 13. C'alran and ( Icorgn V , ' .
Hmvlco of Nobr.uil'aC'ity and L , Engart und
T. .1. .racksoa of O too county.
The followiiir : notarial appointments were
inado todav by Governor Thiiycri II. Stella
1 Ill-dies , Omaha ; William P. Hall , Hold-
roA'j iJlant-Uo Kullertou , Ilastint'-s ; Iru U ,
RachulorOmaha ; KIliiH llobhlns , Oinaba ;
C. M. Fullerton , byniu ; P , II. Updike , Har
vard ; I1. K.VhiU ) , Bmlshtoii.
AVari-cnIIasoy , ungliicerat tbosUito house ,
has left forOherry rumtv to bring Uhfamily
hero to jicnnanentl.v roaido. Hohaa lltteduri
a coiy homo near tbo c.ipilol.
ODDS AN'1 > i.MH. :
Catberlno ll\to \ clnr ejVilllain \ Waldorf
with npin-opi-intlnt ; tohtsoivn USD SiVHJ ttiut
slio hired him to uolUvt forlior.
The next tMino nf baieball on the loeal
irrounils will haoa Friday next , when the St.
1'iinl ninowillnluy a itoitpoacd yamo with
tbo IJncoliuuiia
District court commenced today again nnd
the dny was pissed In ni-autbiB continuances ,
makliii ; dismissals nnd attending to other
preliminary builucsi ,
An inoaoat wa hold in the coronor's ofllra
today to Inquire liilotlio niusoof the death
of IVatik Hivlmlnl , who was run over anil
killed by the caw at Klovcatb nnU X HtrceU
last Tuosilay aflcrnooH. Tbo vcr.llet iva
tbat ho LMino to his death by his own care
lessness ,
Mury Itussell , tlio younp girl ivho com-
mciicciJ nuiIIfo in Lincoln by robbing u
money till after hoing in the my only one
liour , win allowed to return to her homo In
Ucuovu today , As ho docs not appear to bo
a girl of vicious tondcncicilt % vai thought by
bit honor that she hail bceniiunlsliodcnougU.
THcro jftro Few ScnlsIicPl lit
Hen to Quarrel Al-oitt.
Tlio UclirLug Sen question Is prnctl-
cully uottlcd. LI l < o tlio ftimouflciisunf
Jiivmlvcovs .lamdyco , Ithnscoino tonu
oiu1 bocnuoo tlio iiroiiorly InillBjiiito IUIH
boon abiorljcd vhllo tha crlm * i
quurroluil aleut ) It' , snys tlio Snu Fran-/
1\o ] \ Alusldi fui'sonl is all but nfL -
tinclniiilltdocs not innltornowwhotlior
the Holirlng Sen , Is tin open ocean or u
closed sen. An Industry Unit hsistil-
romly ylehlcdtho Unlteil StiitesRoveni-
incnt 88,000,000 , nml voultl Inivo ylelik-il
81,000,000 a yonrfof llio next twenty
ycnra if it luulbccn presot-veil , has Ijeen
destroyed by iioachery In tlioBhort KIKII-O
ot llvo your * , and no ono but a fovv
dfiinkcnBoal piralcs , a dozen ncliooner-
owncrs nncl a fo\v \ niiikoi'sof firearms
Inivo bcnotltteil by this destruction.
1'lvo yens IIRO the { ovornment exports
CBtlmutcd that from 6,000,000 to 0,000,000
seals visltocl the I'rlbylob Isltuuls every
oiu1 for brooding purposes. That wa's
nftcr tlio Aliwltiv cominorchl coiniany
had hold a lease oltholslamls for ilftoi-ti A
ycors and hitil taken 100,000 Rcnls ainui- /
ally. Tlion llio so'il pirates ivotit to vorlc " '
in tlio llohriiifr sea , nnd thla your thu
new lessees of the Islands -were only aldo
tollnd I'O.DOO sea Is they oonlJ kill , nnd
to got that number they took stich t > nmlt
scald that the uvcriro | , veifi-ht of the
eklns was rednQcd from tovon to live
Now * the news comes from Vielorl-i , 1 ? .
C. . thattiio pli-atOKcnlcra jiavonnt bi'i-u
nWotoklll many tenly , the biHohoonor
Trlnm ph only catch in ; , ' 500vvliilo the
ether scliooncrsr catches ran go from lot )
to 100. As It tnltcs about 3,500 , skins to
tnnko a fcc.ilinR voyaffo of n lartfo
schooner prolltitulo cvon nt the present
high prieo of illicit slvlns , it will bo soon
that the seal pirates liavo upolltil
ovngamo as well as tlieir nciylibors' ' .
Thurois still strong- evidence than tlio
falluro to make a } * oed catch to shmv
that tho/Vlnskiinrookerieaou tlio Am-
orlean eido have been ruined. 1'aif.
IClllott , whoso monograph on the n-ni
iblandals the accepted authority on th.-it
subject , had just returned from St.
George with photographs showlnpr llio
deserted uonultion of tlio rookorii-s.
Grass luia pjrown 011 tlio once fuvoiil. '
hreediiiff places , nnd seal lifo iabliown to
hoscnrco that rocks -\vliieli once tor-nii'-l
with tlio animals at the breeding scanni
are hare und ilcfecrlod.
Instead of the hsilt inillionor mnrn
bncholor seals from which the Alaska
company wns nhvays able to tnko HH
pick , tbo new company could not fiiul
111,000. , Prof. Elliott 1ms pone to AYash-
liiKton to toll wlint ho known nbout Ihn
e.xlorniinationofseiil llfo , and ArrTiii l. ' ,
who for years \vas treasury agent up
there , has gone eiist on tlio same mis
Ilowit ivasdono ti great many propln
Ijnow. There worts moro than tl\ty
schooners In the liohriiif * this yeartnU -
1 11L' R ( ! llS.rrhn \ . lK rrjni ji.linil , I. fin otnl i\f
April , heading- oil tlio seals on tlii'ii-
way to the roolcrioa and are still out
Isiyinpr for tliein as they at-o rcturnhiff
from the breeding grounds. There were
moro thuii forty K'hoonurs in the busi
ness last year. 'These schooners averages
four boatu with a hiintCL' in each boat ;
some of the liir o ono.etiirv ) nix or cifrht
boats and wnio half si iliizcn Indliiti
hunters , wlio work cheaper tmd are loss
Sixty schooners nt an average of 1.000
Bliliih each would he 00,000 seals , nnd HH
tlio seal pi rates idll titlca&ttivoBe'ilsfoi'
every one they secui-o the record would
stand ; IO ( ) , 000 Bcails killed for the season.
Add to tii ia ( ho 100,000 killed lewilly on
tlio islands and there is a total -100,000 ? ,
pcryuar , or2IOO,00 , ( > In sixy-eara.
the ; .VuiiilinrTlircc ,
New Yoi-ic Sun : K"umber three comes
up curiously enough in. the career ot
Prince Bismarck. Tlie motto of his
crest is In trlnitatu robur. IIo has throe
children , Ilorbcrt , "Willielin ami 1 Mario. ' J
TIe owns tlireo Cbtutcs , I'Vieilricliruho , Jr
"Varxin and Suhooiiliauson. Jlo ) Avas in f
tlireo wars. Ho signed tlirco - catlcs ov
peace. Ho brought about the meeting
of the thrco emperors. IIo miitlo the
triple alliance. IJo contended against
tlireo political parties , the con serviitlvoa ,
the national liberals and the liltrmmm-
tanes. Ho served under three etu-
jjerors. lilo has tlireo big dos. . Ho
lias tliiioo hairs on the top of
Ills bead ; nt least that is nil the
caricaturists give Him ; by order of hia
doctor , ho smokes only tlireo cigars n
dny. Ko lias tlireo jict ] ) ipes and tlu-uo
favorite newspapoi-H Ills war with
franco brought out tlireo famous capi
tulations , Sedan , AEctz jitul 1'arlw ; nnd
now lie is ready to pull out his three linii-s
because bo didn't lake Ihrco depart-
inonts from Franco sind multiply his war
indemnity by three , when ho had three
times ns gooil n. clmiico nsho islilcely to
jct in the future. Ho lias had three
enemies sit the heels of the young cm-
pcror , ancl because , ho wasn't able to boat
thoin , ho is now set down us a thlrd-ruto
slatosman ; but for till that , three-fourths
of thafjorman population trill bu ahni-,3
ready to y ivo him tliruo clioors.
Tlio Sense or 'Juste.
Of taste , a medical journal says that it
is not equally distributed ever the whole
bin-face of the tongue , Ihcro are tlireo
dlhtinct re 'Jona of tracts , each of which
has to perform its own apcciu.1 ofllco or
function. The tip of the tonjjno is con
cerned mainly with pungent and acid
tastes ; tlio middle portion is Honsltivo
chlellyto sivcets or hi ltois , while the
hack or lower iwtionconllnoH itself orj- ,
tiruly to the flavors oC rich , fatty sub
stances. This subdivision of faculties in
the tongue nmUcs each picco of food un
dergo , ' tlireo fcopnrato oxtimliiallons ,
wliitjliniuslbo eucceMivoly passed Iwforo
Hie admitted into full jiarticipation in
thu himiiin economy.
When Habj itftn nick , vn gave her Clitoris ,
When she via a Clillil , sliocrU'J for L'lslorh ,
Wlieniho ImauieMis-j , llio clung tflfastorla ,
Vriien lliu kul CUIUro n , clio cave
Snbioflbod and Ouarantoocl Capital..TO.OOfl (
I'ald InOapllr.l JM.ooj
lluyjmicl lolltt tlocktnnil l mda | rio ntlulo
coinriU'icliil i > iiper ; notiMi'i nnil iiiucutci
trust l iiotJiH Lnumforn Hiit uml trutlto < il
corporation , l&ki > 4 charuo ot prupurljr , cell -
l : tu taxua.
Ornalia Loan &TrustCo
S E Corner lOtli nncl Douglas Sta
I'nld InCmpltal IM.CM
Babm-rl | ) U ul OiiiiranluudOuiiltal. . . . IIXI.UHI
Llabilltr of Btnoklioldirrt 'MO.UU )
fiPer Otmt IiilorcHt 1'n.liloii Doiioalli.
I'llANKJ. UNOK , Uuslilor.
Oniccri ! \VymatiprohiaonlJ. | . J.IIrovfn ,
i -prc9loiilW. ( ) , . T.Wyiunn. Irouauiur.
Dlroctors-A.XJ.\Vyintii. \ J.H. Mlllard. J. J
Hrjjwn. OuirO.IIart ia. K. W. NuiU , Uaiu
J. KliiibuHGeorio ULu.Ue , u