Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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L'qtiMaticn Was the Ordoi of tie Day on
'Ohacgo ' Tfcsteidiy ,
7' . "
( V Panic In Corn In ( lie MomltiK Oats
.Active and at Times Ilrond-Ijlvo
Stool : and I'ro Unions
> llsccllnncous.
CtitCAOo.ccpt.n. . tSnccIntTcTfuratntoTnK
IlKK.I-Thcro waia Ijljvrlicit ninrUct nsrvln
to < lny. Tlicro vn ? a lircak tcforo nitdJay o (
notirlytJ'-jc from the cloio onSaturtlny , Thli
wnsnltosctliop uncxjicctctl by the majority of
tlio Irada nnil st\u rlso to , iiciisillotiiliiiar-
Uot at times. 'Xhe wcnknc-n was not duo to
no\\9ln wlicnt nor tocondllloii1 * illrccllv lit-
fcctliig wlicut , llio bnalc Incorn started It ,
thomvealtorcuUM liclic | l Italong. TliotlKlit
money scare and Wall street ncm added to
thosi'llltig fever , I onjs sold out frocly all
niornlnjr. but Llicy were a ! < l d by raiain ; nnd
selling Ijy licnri and Rialior | < ? plnyliu for
furlliur decline. The vMblu sup
ply flsuics como In flowly n.nd
tliolncicilorinlii doubt until after ISo'clocli ,
when Itvvai fountl tliat It , rcichcdTO.OOObiisli-
ols , ngnlnst an Increase or I ISj.oOla ycir ngo ,
nnd an estimate ma < lo last "iturday Corubout
200,003 bushels Increase today. Tno luill In-
Iliuncus of tlioday wcro tlioiiiialllncrc'iso In
tlioMslblosupply and rainy woithcr In j > or-
tlons oC the northvcM , stopplns tlio free
motcment of wliciit to market. It was on
thc'O a ndsoruc covering's that tlieroM a re-
co\cry from lottoni prices of about 1 cent
nhortly after midday. The order of the diy
vraillquldntlon It hcgan In wheat around
f /orliocomber.cirrlcdtlio ' price tofl-W !
the llrst half hour , ami after a rally
to ' 1-03' ' { carried the prlco olt to
81.01. Then the rally referred teen
on the visible supply figures and this was fol
low ! htfore lo'oloeli byathlrd hrcak , tak-
Ingtlio rrlco totl.OO'i.tho low point upto tint
liour , atlo'clojk. Tlioiowas llttlo done In
May till the prlco retched ll.OQ'i ' , or about ! e
inulcr Saturday , Then It went toll.CM , r.illlcd
with December , went to JlOr.Ji.rilllcdto SI.W
and w cnt ofT to JIO'i. Mverpool vas
wcik and lower at the opcnlns an ( > clo oil 'id '
lowcf. Abreakcarlyof aboutlolii corn was
n dimornllzlnit Inlliicnce. At the elose , vrlica
tbctthoit market of thodtycouUl liovlevcd
to letter ad vantage , It was found tint there
tvero oirly stlos of Dtccrnlier at 81AIU
Ctl 01 , but general trading besan around
eiW'J. The early prl o for Septem
ber vns plvcn at Jl.OJ , and tlio
Vxst price for May. II07. The extreme wctk-
nc-sof the clayeume on tlio fourth < ! idlt > oln
llio last half liniir.whcn Ioeiubur us car-
rlul clown tollOOS.wlth a r.illy to $ ! 0134at
the flwt , tctoinltr | ) sold at OT'iC. ' Jliy
tone lied ll.O.'i nnd iliwed afrsictlon better at
tllTi' , . The ( inly prlco licnril for alter
inulur lion is uus 1101 , seller for December.
ViMlepci sit II o'clock \ ere at Od'iO puts ,
10-'U mils.
Tliciowns ipiirilolu corn tillsinornliicr. The
frn-.t " .oiro of 1'ildiy nnil ir-situulnj not. only
did not matt rlill c In tlinwuyol < lim.iRo re-
jorls , but time vos iiolliliijjof a < hiiierouH
natutolii slRht. Trade on'olnnso nas ner
vous and ou'lted nnct roadv for anytliin ) ; .
'lieo were n'potts cu tlio iniruct to
taub ITerliis nt ooncesslons. Wo one
wanted nioioiorn till tlioprospcotswcro more
clear. Ono thliif ; nlilcli nas to hold prices
was the positive ) rcnnrtsof serious < linmicsto
frn Held * . This did not conn1. Thofovcrto
Fell wasat ltshul lit arid wlu-ntho liell struck
Linyvis oll'troit Iiuii Instant ( iini Uo donn
to.Me and Ilia wlldelfeirt to sell prlco * cro
run down fully io f lorn first trade * before
thcie was aih.iticoto tm'tthi1. A fen chaueo
ink's were Jiiaelu for.Miu at ftSHe. a ireKHl nnny
at Wo , anel others nt 51 'ic , aiidKOiicril helllnp
uirrloltho prloo from 51ito 5Jc. .After a lull
tlio i ilce went to ' o. lhorou.ii i rally to
Ml'jO ' iiiul then uiiotliur clash to sell
sent the prlco to M'ic. ' with uuollier
rally te > wkj nil hemr ueforo tLo cluso.
Octohor cnrnol < l as low fts4G'ieJ ngilnst the
cleisliii ; i > rUe oC . 'iOu on butimlay , Co mil Id
not pit below t ho priors alrtndy mmetl. bub
closed hoii'x ) tint ! lit Mnil I fmctlons better
tliiin Ion CM HKIIIOI 'tliu f-eptenilicr HIIRO
was friiii47 > 4e'oltteHfiocIo' liijat W'.t1. Octo
ber sole ! ut Wietotf'jcon tliosturtniul elf to
4f > i.ic , with thoclosciittO'ie ' ; 31 ly. rj'4 ' toli'i ' to
I'J'tc atthocloso. I'rivlluosim M ly corn at
" > i > . in. \ > eru l'iit < i-ISV > calN.MJ'.c
Ti ado hi \\ushirscly InVay. rhomiir-
Ict vas ixul\o and sit tlmc-t Ijru.ul. but-
was ovcraliiulonctl bv Rreat OMlte-
inciit Inhcit nml corn On the
whole prliM tloellnoel J > do to l'c. ' } May
' : -i were 4)'ic o to : w'4tf. closluc ; at. ) ' # bltl
" ' lower for the day. > i > ptvmhur solU
unwiiioius'ioiiiifl Oetober to Mat , cachliio
olT from Saturday.
Tlicproxlsloii trnelo liad many oiilsIOo Indii-
tnecstoday. Utirly ( UspntchosKu o'i'i.OOOIieJKs
ntthoj urtU iiiul pilcos Konorally 5o IOI\CT.
The Rieat break lu corn was Instantly Jolt In
lioa jiroiludi and prlennot only open id ma
terially lover hutelccllnctl sluriilyespecially
for niess porlc. Inter In the day lions sold
ftllllononinel prices diclliitdlOo to "Je. On
the Mholo pork elo-.c I . " ! ) o to > c lowerlard
? Hu lower und rlbt about lOo olV from iitur-
dav. Janiiiiry pork solel at Jlil.Wlo $1177'J ,
closing ut tll.H'M. Lnnl for tlio MIIIO inontli ,
JO ( XT te ) i(1.70 to M.ffl , I5lb < weio MTTVi to S5.H )
to fc3 ? > 3. > .77li attlio clo e. Other mouths ap
pear lu tliotahloot prices.
Cntcvoo , Sept , IS.-lSocciil Tcloijnm to
ran was undo up of aliout 3,003 Tisxans , S.500
rangers uud the renialntlcr natl\os ; lienco
theio uoro only about 9,303 unlives of all
classes on sile. I'rhno ' fat cattle Hero scarce
untl sold qiiloUly at equally as KOOI ! prices as
ou Saturdijr. Itivastlio s-imo oH story on
other Kinds , steers belli ; left to tlio lust and
sclllnsslow at unsatisfactory prices. How
ever , nearly everything In tlio steer line was
eloped out and the general mnrkot closed
steady. Hutchers * anil cumin ; stocl > was
In fair elcmnnd : imsteady , Salesmen
uho liandlo Texas eattlo exclu
sively reported 11 fair demand and
steady pilccs. Natl\es $40e3 .00 No extra
steer * on silo would lrIiisJ.15 ) ! < 3.V2j ; sceoittls
H.C 34.50tlilrtlsI.OO3ir } J , common 52.COS3.70.
ifoos I'ccoljits S7.0CO. Ihtslncss opened
hrlsl and prlees about the simo as Saturday's
close , hutlalcron a steady decline set In and
at tlio close values \vero anjivhoro from 10 to
ISolonerespecially on common and picking
grades that nurolcftln the lianas of too-con-
fiIliU peciilator'i , who jumped In early nnd
holdotlurbiiyirioiitor tlioniarkot. At tlio
elosopackers bidding only tt.OO to &KD
foreoininon tocood inUetl.or , ratlior. sueM ni
hael been culluuovor and helel on the Inuds of
thcMcuulitors. Kalrto inline ml\od closed
titfl'jexail ) . and host hca\y , tojothcr with
butcher \\clght \ \ , fl.5 2l,70. light sorts 8150464.73.
Krw TonK. Sept , 13 , [ Spoelnl Telojram to
TunllUEl-STOCKS The stock unrkot Btartca
tinelcr a great slraln acnln today , The pres
ence ot SierctaryYlndoniovcrSunehy and
thoasscmbllnj hereof General Xoblo of the
Interior department , W. I'leld.aim nuny of
the promlnont haulers and Block brokers ,
Kavo nssuranco that somothln , ' was to lo
U ono to relieve llio financial pressure. Some
thing wasdono , Tlio iinofllelal statement of
the head of the treasury was that lie would
rcccl\o nroposils for the ptirclmso of SU- ,
000,000 4s on Wednesday. This , coupled vlth
tlio statement hi an Interview that ho did
uotboltoto thosltuatlou was serious and an
intimation tliat holders ot 4s might , he trying
to coerce tholr purchase at an unreasonable
nihance , and proposals to htiy bonds
\vas relief prospcctl\ | but vhat the
street clamors for Is Imraeeltuto relief.
Tills It has not had , and the re-
biilt was a further crash In prices all along
the line this morning. Liquidation was free
nml sharp mid during the morning all stocks
bufforoelmoroor losi dvcllno. Vlllard btoeks
nnel c'lilcaco GIBero weak points anel utielor
coiuldorablu pressure to bell them , North
American duellnvel laj to , Cu , Nortli-
-rn 1'aclUo preferred l > i to 7J < ; , and
Clilonso Gas IS to 43. Aortlicrn
1'aclllu coinii.o.i , utter Its sharp loss at the
opening n eo\crod slightly , wullo llurlltiEton
recovered 1 tier cent. 'Jho seneral list was
fencrlMi anu we > nUln crxrly di'.nlliiKi'i but ro-
vet creel generally inoro laaii the lov * . llio
only rcnlly strong point In the market vas
Volt ou Oil ccrtlllcatss. vrliluli rcso J per cent.
l.ato In the hour iwsurjwus aKaln resumud
rinel Itcstonileel to the entire warKri , ove-rv.
thliic traelod In ylelilniK rapidly , and St. I'aul
jnielKockl lanilnficr.eorlnB llhtadvaiiccs. |
imt iwrccnipach.Kolniitofaii'i ' tvnd 81S rc-
pcctluly. I'uelUfl Hull tauclieJ 4J and Lack-
aiin UlV VmirtorWIts vero olt 1 i lnt
u around , vllh UlnKourdownnoarly 2 jwlnta
tu05-t. ( \ \ ebtern dlipatihcascro acalnbt Chicago
cage ( lis und that wont oir nearly 4 points
further lo 4)'i. ) ' biisar lontaper centto7li. !
About noon llioro WUH i sllitbt rvioveryall
through iho lit. Industrial blmnsUrai'jers
and Coal steels reeoyeicd H to 1 per icnt.
l'lot > lticlipuNlu stooUa liroujht comltlerablo
pi a. rilly. Much of this MIS attributed to
tuylcgby bhorts , but tie outlook iijlttleliu-
prowl. MoncjlnaneJa lilifh ns'4 ' percent
PiTihy ntunu lime , butclewd \ llh loins nt I
portent. All rillroadMorlu rccorcrc'lfnlrly
well , anel Atohl on , llurllnstton. nnd llock
elowd Hlfadynltli Coal ilock also nt
r'aturelaj'i Usurer , lliicnn Oa wni off 2
polnH , Niirthern 1'ttclllci prefer 2'i.M. 1'nul
! ' . md MiSourll'a'-lli3 ] ' , ! it tUodose. Sales
for llio day \veio2tl5.WJ shares.
'J'ho follo'vliig\vei-o the closing quoUtlons ;
U. , ic iiipin . ISJ .Northern Paclnc. ,
U. s M rejtnlnr . I7i ) lo preferred. . ,
U. S l 4 rojiilnr loiU C. AN W
U. ! " 4'n ' conp < in . loi'j ' do preferred , . , , 141
of'iij . . .in NcVorkUntril
Onlral l A. K .
Cniciico A Alton . .133 lltorUMntirt
Clilfiuo. llurllnitun C..JI JL St I'aul
Aljulrirr . . vrtjl tloprcTcrreil. . .
I > . , l . 'c \ VlnvSt. . l' ul A OmnhS
Illinois Ccnlrnt . .lw doprnfcnod. . . ,
I . IKl Vf . . ll'nlon l-acllle. SVf I0
I < nkeuIioK . . . K'J I itoprofcrrpii 21
MkblttnnUntral SBS.WMlcrn . L'nlon.
n cill tljlit , raniliii from U iwr
cent pot dime nnel Intcresttfl per annum to U
] > rrcentlist luill ; ) cle > sceloT ( < > reil 4.
1'niMK ' Mimas-run I'Arrit 7iJi pcrcont.
htKitr.tMi nviiA > eii qnlet nnil weak ; Bit
ty-day bills , tlSJ'ii ; demand.f-4.tI.
Mlnine S liar OH.
New Yoinc. Sept. 13 tSpcclnl Tclcjram lo
TiirllEE ] Tlio followingatjlliiiiiliilng stock
quotations !
Tlio Coflco Mnrlcct.
SEVYoitic , Sept 13 ISpselal Tolczram to
Tin : Hrrl ColTec oitloni | opened stcidyand
unchanged to Jpolnlsxipand closet ! steady to
fipolntidown Pa1c . IS.T'O hap. Soptotnhcr.
SHI.'ii Ottobcr , J17.M17.40 : Ducinhcr , Siniwa
1570 : Janunry , $ lOt'3 ' : March , Sl.iGO : May ,
7l'ii" . ' pot llli ) htm andiiulet ) fulr curgocs ,
and. quiet' , reQnciI barely
active and study.
The Visible I
CHICAGO , .Sept. 13 "Tho board of trade re
port on \hlblosupply of grain Is as fol
lows :
Has lids. Biithelf
" \\hcat \ \ l"r/ > , OOO Increase. . . . TD.oou
Corn 8,111.000 decreases . . .Ul.oio
Oats J.OOO.OUO Increase 1S..OOO .
Kje l .OOO Increase. . . . WSOJO
llarlcy 21.000 Increase XOOO
1'ItOLf U'E .W.I ItHEIS.
spt. 1'-ll'.p m. clo o Wieat
-\Vonl \ ( , cash , OT'ii ' JJeceiubcr , } 101 ; May ,
Illli'i ,
I'ornteady cash , 45'ic ' ; October , 45'ic ;
May. 49'ie. '
O.its-liasji cmli , aj'ie ' ; October , 30Uc ;
Miy. JO'jWWSc. '
Must I'ork-Oulli cast , IHOO ; October ,
510.00 ; January. S1I8- * ,
Lard-Dull ! cah > , S323 ; Ootoijcr , K27J4 ;
January , tnxttJi.V ( .
Short Ulljs-t-tovly : cash , JT .30i October ,
! : MKO. " > ' 4 : Jaiui iry , 817't65.7i. ) ; !
Ilyc-No.e-asi'at fiO'iP. '
Hurley - > o ! . . btcndyit"G c.
1'lax Se ( d-No. l.stciidy atl 44.
Prime Timothy secd-QuItt , Jl.yiSl.23 ,
Hiittir Lisy.
Vf\\\&y \ JI 13.
I'lour Dull und uiichanKcd ; winter nlioat ,
t-VJ-VQiV ) ; tprlns wheat , $1.80 3.73 ; rye , JJOOB
J50.Uulk Moils-Shoiilderi. m a-.Ri'i : short
cloarr .7rKUS. > ; < hort ribs , J'lJOiMl ) .
Itiitter MirKet em let ) creamcrj , llii c ;
elalrill < ai7p.
Clue so l.lsht ; full cream clieddars B < 3 >
fie ; Ilitt. WH'i ; ) oiinAiiurIca4 , 02,1'iC.
n ss I'lrm and In KOOI ! ilein indj lixlul'c.
llhln IIndiaiied ; he ivy creen silted , " ! lic ;
ciltcdbulllileloii. V.o ; crcuiieieuii Ml ted , "Vies
ury flint. bftDc , Ory salted , 7We ( ; baited calf ,
6.jei'JtSicadeaioiis. ! ; : e.ach. M.
Tallow steady ; Xo.l,45iei No. ! , 4cj cake ,
Receipts. Shlpmonts.
riotir.bhls li < wo il.oOJ
\ \ 47.01W tr)0) )
I'orn , uu. . . . . . ; 7.iiOJ M.1,000
Oatsbn ffll.OOO ' . ' 1S.OJO
MiN > n\roMS. Sept. 1.1.-\Vhcit \ TlccrSpts
for two dm , : > tS e'.n-si shliiracnts , 1KI. Pi Ice
ot futuresdniKKCil do u Minplo wheat this
mornlnir , anel for .1 vhllo liuMiioslielil olT.
Afttr tliu brtak they took hold well and
bought the In rKtt of tlio inoro dislrttbto
ofleilnss. t'lo liu : No l hard , September ,
IClo ; on trick. 41OJ ; No 1 northernSuptcmber , ,
M'-ie. ; Ooloner , 'C'Uci ' on trie ! . , le ) ; No. "
northern , beptcmlor.lXte ; ontratl. , UOe ,
ICANS s CITV. "opt 11. Vhoat-Lowcr ; ? , 'o
2 liard , easli , b ? > .c ! September , fcdo ashed ; > o
'J icd , , t)7o. )
Coin t-teadyj No. 2 cash and Scntcmbcr ,
421 se.
Oats Stoidy ; Xo. ! .cashSJ3Un'4c ' ; Septem
ber , .tt'ia bid.
ST. I.OLI . Sept. l"-\Vlicit Ixvar ; cash ,
07'3a07cc ; Dfcunber , JI.OIV Muy , ? 1 UC' . .
( Jorn 1,0ft creish ; , UViOlio ; October , 44 Me ;
JIay,47 fie.
Oats lo\ior \ : cash. lOc ; May , UI'Xc.
I'ork MoulyiitSlOU
I.ird fcte.idj atSO.OO.
AMilsU-y-M.l. ) .
llnttcf - Uiiihangcd : creamery , ! S < Zt2Jc ;
dahy , ll'SlSe.
Mn.WAtKKK. Sept. \\heat-Kasyi \ eash
No 5 sprlnir , SliilK > c ; Ueceuihc-r , U0c | Ko. 1
tiortlicrii , l e.
Corn 1 nslor ; No. i47'Sc.
Oils ( julet : No.thltc ,
llje Quiet atKJe.
1'rovlslons lower ; pork. January , Hl.05'5.
> E\V VOIIK. Fcpt. ll-\Vlieit Kecelpts. r > 7,4l)0 )
hii helscxiort < , none : spot heavy , ili < & .n'o
lo\\cr ; o.a red , Sl.DKiM.OL1' ' ! In elevator ; Sl.OS'i '
© IWli afloat ; tOl"S. l.04if ; , o. I ) { options fill
a ? 8i. ' c ; elosi.dTealc , throusli line ci-op
weather ,
Corn tteeclpt1 * , 1J,700 bushels ; exports ,
nii.'JUO buMiuls ; soot he.ny , y > ' 3.lQ lower ;
No 2 , rw3.V > > io In elevator ; 51Y& > ] 'i ' alloit :
eloil ml M'il. r > o > 'iQ5THc ; options dccllnce
: ind elo-eil Iiuvy on fliio crop weather
aiulhcu\y selllns of longs , September closing
- Ilaw , firm , quiet ; rcQned barely
active , -.teidv.
Vcttoliuia Uultcd closed , for October at
S4c.Fees I'aiicvstoady ; western , ISiStlbMc.
I'oi U 1 Iriu : moss , Ji.i3i3.23. | .
lard tVouk nnd dull ; western steam. JOV )
llultor-Wenk : wcbtern dairy , IDSlIc ;
creiinery , l'-ii.5c.
llieese-rtru ; llshtsklms. 434B1iC.
lvc vvTl , tept. 13. AMioat-Stcady ; No. 2
reel , * 1.00
Corn Kislcri No. ! nilxeel , M'i '
Oits f isler ; No.'iiilAid. o'Jc.
\\hlslj-Sl.U. \
LiVKiii'OOu . ' opt. 1" . Wheat Quiet ; red
western winter , 7s 2'id. 7s Jd.
Corn Steady ; demand poor ; rnUcd western
-4s.5J per cental.
Ciitn.wo. Peut. 1 > Cattle liasolpK 3JOOO
of which 1,030 worts I'oxans and a. * ol raiiijirs
inarkutnetlNe , strong ; natives , fl.uKUuu , no
extra .stce-r on 'sale ; woulel brlnji ( i.5SUSl
hfcoiid class , H..riO 4.bO ! third cla , * IOiW
455 ; corariion. $2.COiJ.7ii ) Toxaas , J..30JU )
, .
HoRs-Kecclpts , 27,000 ; market closed 103l3o
loner ; paelccn and mixed , 3l ( ai.'Jj prlniQ
heavy and liutehers' weights , { 1.41X3470 ; light
8I505B4W : plf , $3.tlOai.OO.
blieep-Iteeilpf * . 8exK ) ; market stciflyi na-
1hc" , flOOJtlbO ; inlxert e\\es \ and weathers
8lloro-l J.1 ; 'J'evaiis , f.t > 03.13 ! ; wchtcras , iOJ40 \
433 ; lambs ,
IT. Louis. Sept. 15. Cattlo-RcclDts. 3,100 ;
shipments , feWi innrkut llrin ; fair to fancy nii-
tlio steers , WSOSISO ; stock OH aud feeders ,
sa-Receipts , 1,400 ; shipments , 2COO
market stoielv ; heavy , 5IW34.73 ; mlxuc
gradesc4.'JOi5l.50 | ( ; HsUt , .5e > BI C3.
Siotjx CITIn. . , fepf , n [ "peclal Tolczram
to THE HLE ! llo - > Receipts. 8.a ; nuike
\ery dull , fcelllns at jr JltlU ; bulk , ! :
sloakcrs , * ' 3&S2.73 ) ,
ICo-sis CITV , Sent. 11. Cattlo-Uccelpts
8,4'K ' ) ; shipments , 4,1\ ) ; market steady for pooel
otlieiseluH : stouisO.OOit4.lK ) ; co\vsll.50tf..73
ttockeia a nd feeders. $ ; VXS5UOO.
lloss-Uecplits.51X | ) ; khlpnieiits.5400 ; mar
kct steady tostron ; ; all grades , iKl,73a)0 ) ,
IMonday , ScptembcrlS.
Estimated receipts ol cattlnt.iMI. . as coin
pared wltli lcl ! Mtiirthy iLinl4oiOMoiiJi > - o
last wcolr. 'llio inarUot oneneel barely iiteady
oa tlio best urade of Btoon , and slow am
siKKlnjon Inferior ones The lieit butchers
stoeKwas jutlvo anel strons. The receipts o
feeders worohctuy , thoeleniand light aud th
mar kit blow ,
Estimated receipts of lies 5.500 , as com
pared with 4 UI Saturday anel yw Moaelu
of lustueel ; . The niarlcL opcneil ucthoaiie
5s hlsher , nearly oeri thins tiilltiijiit the , atl
\anoe , On late iinfiror.iblo advices th
market hroko and the whole of the nehaiici
was lost. 7ho range of prloes was I1.17'iffl4 fw
tlio bulk st'lllne at * 4.Ji/ifi4.40. I.U-ht , ll7i ! ! < S
140 : mUod , fl.Viil.4oj ( hea\y , i4.d)2rl.M ) , 'ill
a\urago of the pilfcs paid was II/J7 nscoiu
pared wltliHiK'i yeatirduy andtl.lOUJIon
day ulut ( > V\ > eel ( ,
Kstlraated receipts of klieepl.aVi as comparei
with nnne Saturday and 113 Monday of las
wee > k , 'riioiiiurUt remains stoidy with uu
aotlAe auuiand for gooj muttons.
I'rovalUnc Prices.
The followlnc u a fiblo ot prices pMd 1
tills inartccter the K ratio of btok montloned
I'rlinestet'M. liSJOto IGOJIbs . II.U.V 4.tW
, 'i oto UjOibs . 40J
dooUtuera , 10.-Jto llWJtta . JH5 t.t5
l'ulr,100J to 1150 U . iM itl.OO
Stock Itcoclptn.
Official Filurtlnr. l tliuateil Tolay.
Cattle. . 41 cars. Itn Pattlo. . swears. 4.CM
lloss . . 73eai-i,4,017 HORS. . . . 77cars. R.3K )
HOI-M.S . Scar. 4 Micep . .Scars. 1,033
Coinparatlvo labtc.
The following table showi tlio rante In
prleisoti ho s Uurln ; this anil " '
Representative Sales.
rajjc Co tel *
The follovlti ? table gva ( * the nvono eot
of lies 01 thoditcsineatloiic 1Itultidi'i ? tlio
co-it to.l ay , us b.H'jtl upon silos toparti'el :
. . 42I'J
. 427
. .417'i
. . 4 JI
. ' . ' 4J7J
Disposition e > f Stock.
Shnwln ? thonmnbcrof lic-iil of itock pur-
cha ed on tills muiUut. nt reported ny the
weUhtniastur- theMosUj irels leimptny
during the > \cck ending fcatenelay , fceptem-
bcr la :
\TTLK. .
Swift Si Com pany . HGOO
The G. II llainiiioiieleoMtpiny . I OVi
The Arinoiif-Ciidaliy p icklng coinpiiiy. . ' . ' , 'JjJ
OnrihapiuUliu eompany . ?
Otber ljujurs . C.02S
Total . Ub47
The Aiinour-L'iidnhy packing luuipany. ' > , ( ' * { >
company . 4 , OKI
Swift ACo'iipany 11,412
Tim C. II. Hammond company " . . " > ! 7
.1.1' . SqulrosiVCo . 1.103
t-perryt Barnes 1.741
lloo oiSoti l.ini
> orth 1' . & I'.Co I.OJO
llralunrel Hios "W
C'oinstock 1(1
r So
oiiiL-i-s >
Swift A Company 644
Armoiir-UiKliliy iMClilii , ; company : i7. >
Ilainlltoii & Stephen 103
Mtyei 100
Total 1.4OI
No Ar. Pr.
D , H. Mooi-o-
18 steers 11(18 ( 2 40
Ustecrs 1110 249
Isu-er l.'TD 240
Clark A , llunton
: B COMS ran i no
4 rows IKi 100
Kcntilllsscll C. Co
4S covs 691 1 fiO
Ustecrs llltl 2 00
J , K. ItUKK
i cow ma 175
7 cows KU 20. )
41 stocrs 1097 250
0. P. Jllller-
1 cow 10 0 1 DO
3 covs 1015 i no
21 cows 948 11)0
8 cows fi ) 2 OO
y.htecrs lU'Q 2(53
licows WM 205
Clarll II union
.llstpcis 1001 S CO
J , L , . llrush-
4TMOPB 1133 240
Mil. anel Wjo. Iiitustiiicut Co
7cows 034 200
Western Union lleef Co
( Scows 68t 200
lov liOO 1 G."i
W .stcus 1IU2 2.1
1 COW MX ) 1 T. >
Icov 11CO 173
Tcschcniuchur iDeli. C , Co
1 canner 5CO 100
ficous l J 1 ! > 0
Scows 015 1 W
Wcows 000 i ! OO
N'o. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh , Pr.
2 . . . 2. > 0 4 10 ( U . . .201 120 4 .Ti
7(5 ( . 103 TO 4 17'i TO . ,2B ICO 4 IK
10J. 191) 2hO 4 175 81 . . ' . ' 'I - 4 : K
61 . . 311 UO 420 18. .800 ICO 4 U5
4 : - > 4 25 Kl . ! IJ 120 4 X ,
W . , 'J.IS 240 tM M. .101 bO 4 .T.
CD . 187 2SO 4. W. . .8.U - 4 : i"it
18 . ' . ' .X ) ir/ ) 4 Ifl 7ll . 21.1 - 4 Wit
CO . . 'i.4 100 4 W . .211 60 4 : iTi )
5.1 ' 'i ? 200 4 M ) W . S10 43 t 3i ,
r. : tiO 410 M ) . 212 : to 4 3714
10 I115 4. 41 . , JJ 120 4 3714
10 . . : aa 4 .to ? i ai so 4 371 ;
Til , . .2eW 120 4 M M . 2S7 120 4 43
.M'IV 240 4IW 51. . .582 U ) 440
GS. . . .aa 240 4.i ) M . , 'je 8J 440
.V ) . 27:1 : 4 00 117. .261 1JO 4 40
S3. . . . 218 ICO 4M C3. . 2 : - 4 40
Cattle learly stoaely.
lleigs opened 5e. hljhcr ,
H. Schlnstockof West I'ulnt marketed liogs.
0 , 1) . Jlooio of Harvard marketed a car of
M. Needs of Xeola , la , marketed a car of
J. IJ. Iloylesand J.IJuckof Crotoboth Mar
keted hojjs.
L.Va11VWyant , sent over a car of lie s troin
Sll\er City , la ,
I ) . Gocriisey brought lnso-cral cars of stock
from Dorchoto.
Inspoetor JIo > o Howard condemned two
lump Juw Etuis.
John Hastie bent In uoss from Talmage ,
Burr unel Auburn.
II. Itcdford , Ilee. inarlictcd some J3CO uclfera
othls OVIQ feeding.
S. E. AcUor , a regular sldnper from Panama ,
Ia.sentovcracurof lices.
EdTrarel Stlojer oO the firm of Uumphrey &
Pttniter of TK-ailwooJ , S. D. , was licro with
sc\en cnrsof cattle ,
J.Il. Keplor.a rcRuhu hlpper from Dor-
clicstcr , marketed n cap ) < ; ( hos .
Tlio Kent & lllf cll POTIIII my e > at In a strltid
of c tem cattle from Mertnu , Wyo.
II AKor. a rcnilurshlpp'r freim Stl'aulwa3
hero looking niter tnocjfsor catlle ,
O.Z. l'aKooFrracu o brouglit In two loads
ofclioltohoa\y liof tlialtoio for8l' ) .
Te-ichemaclier t Ielllllcr ) ) of Merino. Wyo. ,
had u train of ranio catlle at the yards.
Ftlntjcri H.of Hcrmon , South Dikotn , had
a number of loads of cattle ? on the ntarUut ,
0 , S. Offcin.VCo.of dunorYyo , sent In
seven ( loiiblaelcckloaddof Wistorn sheep.
ainos Ooodell well 'kli wn at tlio jards
brought In se\eii caw of hogs ( rout \Vcstem.
The Mll\a keo & . WjoinhiR Investment
fompiiiy entlu atr.xlnof rungo catllo fiotu
J , H. KtURA Co. , C. T. Miller. D. II. Moore
nnd Clark A , llunton , sent In catllo from
Merino , Wyo.
J. L. llrusln well known ranso cittlernan.
hart ft lunch \vcstornslicto. . Ho lo.uloil at
Cononi , Colo.
A. Io ebory of Oiiialn w.n hero looklna
nfli'r t o eartof cattle shlpim ! from his raaeh
J. H.llutlct.npll knotvn Iowa pttroa of
this market , brought our a cu of hogs from
C'resecntClt ) .
Tlioum l'o nr a well icnown nnel heavy
shipp-r , briinelit liiho\culcir < of cattle anel
lie s from button ,
Phillip MfMiuunof the firm of McKcosin A
JlcMniui" , Iliiiernit , washiTO looklns nltur a
shipment of cattle
( ! nli > Brothers , A. T . ( 'amp k Pen nnd the
IlllnoH livestock compiny , ill bent In ship
ments Mom llardln , Colo.
John M. Emarlnc. a regular shipper. bwuRht
oier a car ol hojisfroni loeniell UlulT-t. Kma-
line hul ( ino eif the llneH dieMs of hosrssuen
hero lilrly. 'I ln-v averaged , NS pounds each
aim sold at JI 50 , the limit reached.
N 4XSVc. ( )
. . < -.lXBWc.
li \ % t-.wtio.oo.
rKBu-H8.ooaio.oo ,
I'oi'iTiiv-roiMlo/en.cluilrc lien , . . .
choleo nilM-d , lywaatW ! itHMten , J-'W..T
tlitlniehlei.ciiH.I.'OJairii ) for small : $ -"J. " > /iW.rJ
for incdlumi S..JO ' ® . ? J huge ; llto pigeons
$ l.ivai : .
HcifBit Creamery , fanev roll , urlnt ao ®
le ; ereaniery. fancy , Milld pneKed , UTtlOoi
itfruwnt'ry , eliolcc , lUal'.V : el.iliy , fancy rolls
unU pilnt < , H'QiiV ' : dairy , f iney.wlld picked ,
L'4illo ; dairy , eholep , lO U'e ; countiy lull ,
ancj.SSiK , ' ! eheilee. 7(8Fe- ( ; Inferior , Wl.Cc.
KoeiS Ito forfctilctly fushj stale not sal-
llinri. 1'n.TS AXI > TM.IOW Orocn luitcel
IddiH , No. 1 , heavy , T ® ; Nei 1. llB''ffiT',8e !
Xo. a.llght.flO't'ic ' ; dry Hint lildoi.T'auc ; calf
lildi > smiit ! dam ijiuu hlclnu le-- > . Slioop
pelt.u'ie'i-ii. ouch , U5311 B. Shocp pelt , urj ,
pcrlb , lO lte.
ItmwAt-l'orlh. 20c.
UAUUIVr dozen , pralrlo chickens , $ J.7"iJ
3.10 ; malhriK SJ.OOftJ " 0i teal. Jl.iliSl.Mi
mixed ducks , ? 10ai.V ) ; phuer. rxiUCOc.
riia'tiKH-ArKin-sas 'a bu box , 7oc3J1.03 ;
Callfumla , per box , Sl.JOif'OO.
UilAl'KS-t'nllfornln , per crate , $1.CJ 2.IO ( ;
MKsonrl , 4va.ycpi'f ) 1011) bj-.Ket.
I'MM-t l'urlol ' | > iiiiiie , ( . iiluiubta , etc. . ] ie > r
hov , } l.53 < 3.00 ; wild geese plunii.'j bubo\j
s 1'er crate. JI T > © 100.
l Mi.Ns-l'i rboItoell M doi-l , fancy , $0.30 ®
10 ( l i ) eholco Mi-sshias , * 7 .MTl .tO.
runs lUttlctt , Callfotnla , per ho$3.M0
I'liU.sT.s-Gernnn , perho\tS.OO ; rrcncli , $1.73
ta-.wi Kio , si'va'-.uo.
Tint TOI < 1'er hii.'c © * ! 00.
OMO.vs-Xou siitlicin , peT hhl , Sl.rx
I'm ATOSS Nebraska and Iowa , per bu , S1.13
l.'H ; Colorailo ami Mil lal e. { 1 40.
SMI rr I'orATins 1'or ' liei , JJ.o % . ' "X ) .
U'oiUTmiAi' . IKJ perlb.
Hi.tnntiiiiK--l'cr8-iit lio$150. .
'iiuo VMIS 1'cr 10J , Vi.ofl.
\ \ * TitiMI I.O.NS 1'ci Itxi , W Oe > S5 ! 00.
ctNTKi.ofri'ia-l'erdiH' . il w.
Ari'i.KS-rancy e.itlns , il.WVl."iO | fancy
cooking. J..TofQJ , ' . " > ; c-hellcu. * ' . ' > < SJ73.
OHI.NOU l-.incy IteKil. yw.
U\NAN ' I'irhltlltll , { I.TDWIOO
V7i < .hcd. lyj.'JIcjcoarsi ) Uiifl.ishta , IS IMc.
.In 1,1 ) - . " per lli.
litKnVu ) \ [ < Choice medium , CsJ'c ; light ,
.WJ ; ; henv. 431' ' 5c. '
J.lNsKHOn-Ua\v , 60e ; bolleel , ( Tc.
lli ) > u\-btrnlned.U'lb ) cms , per Hi Oc ; now
comb honey , f nicy. ICftlTcj choke. 14 do
llUNS-lland-idukcil iin\v. $ J VJit-'i ; hand-
plcke-el mvv , mod I inn , t"J.'i > .40 ! liuiiil-plel > ed
country , ? l.7.V3.iO ) ; sooel clean. } 1.301.M ; Cal-
Ifonila , perlb , 4'L .
1'isii Ver Ih-l'ercb , 7ct hiifr.ilo. Tc ; pick-
oral , S'Sc ; iilkp.Ou : trout , Do ; white. 1'e ' : eiop-
ple , Kie : e itlish , lie ; cod ftc.ilc , Ue ; llouiulers ,
IJe ; Oioou salmon , Isej blaelc bjsa , 13c ; lob-
, .
I'l-u Codflih eur.i GcorRcs , new , .Vic ;
Brand bink , new. 4'io ; StUor. 'J-lh blocks , O'ic ' ;
hiiow while , V-lb hrlckN ne , S'ic ; ttukey coil.
hirn'e' inldello bi lulis Iks ; snow ulilUH. crates ,
li--'i 11) boxes , b3t < ' ! nieelliiin "Jcaleel herrliiK ,
! T c ; No 1 scaled luMihix'c ' ; doinoitlc Hol
land liorrlii'4. 40c ; HiiuburKei splceel herrlnt ; .
( jOc ; Hn laii b.n dines , epiccd , i > Ue ; Kusskui
hiiilliiesliiln. | : > uc : Imported Holland heirln ? ,
Crnnn hrand.DDc ; do fancy : nnck-
orel. No 1. vhoto , half mils. } IJ 00 ; bloaters.
hJlf blK $180) ) ; wlilto hsh , lulf bbH.J7.OU ;
tremt , Inlf bbl$2J Oj fdiully wlilto
flsh , 5150 ; s-tlmein. tS.'A ; per doz ,
2-lb hrollofl mackcicl. SJOO ; ; Mb In nmsturd ,
300 ; a-lb In tomato SJHCC. $ , ' 00 ; 5-lb Mayo
fnicss nnekercl. JiOJ ; Mb brook trout. $ l.i" > ;
U-lb brook trout.00 ; 1-lb salmon , Jl.'jr ; 2-lb
wlilto lUh. $ ; 1-lb whlto Hah. { ! . : ; 1Mb lobsters
stersI1.15 ; 1-lb lohstcrs , ti.\X&i' > ; 2-lb
o\ster > , li 07 , li.'Oi 1-lb ojstors. ! i 01 , tl.inS-lt ; >
o > stors. 10 07. Jl.OO ; 1-lb oj stois , 5 oz. $1.10 ! 2-lb
select , U 07. : „ ! . > ; Mb Ilir.itarla , 10 oz , JI.8.V
1-lb Hir.U\rli , ri ofl.O. . " ; ralrmont , 4 oz , Jl.a > ;
< "alrinont. S oz , $1.85 : 1-lb < 'lim . llttlo necks.
$1 ! . " > ; L'-lb erlniii'i , llttlo ii'Oks. 81.75 ; ii-lbcliun
Hiondcr , i-M ; l-lb ciabs , ii23 ; 2-lb iraba ,
I'ltPsiiPoiiK ricsh hams , 21 Ibs av . , 7Vc ;
Ifllbs aJ. . , be ; 1"J Ibi a ; . , ! ) c ; shoiilduts , 5c ;
porlc loins , 7'ic ' ; pork tenderloins , Je [ leaf
laril. not rendered , bVjc ; spare ribs , le.
SAI.T JIVTS | hbls .Mess pork , new , $12.7. ;
clc ir pork backs , litay , } I2.U. " ) ! medium , jll.7r > ;
short cut cleir poik , ilej.V ) ; family pork , tioJU ) ;
Jilz pork , JIJ.M ) : new extra mess Uuef ,
&iV ) ; now o\tri plato be'of , J < i. " > 0 ; new
plito bt'of. WOO ; new rolled boneless beef ,
5"V ) ; iicw lumps , } o.50 ; now boneless rumps.
V ) .
Olt , llbls Hxtra l.ird , winter strained , 47cj
o\tia No. 1 lard. : ijo ; No.l lurdi.o : ) : No. 2 lard ,
aicj extr.i iicatsfoot,4ic ; : tallow oil , 41c ; pnro
no.itsfoot oil , l T > 3c ; A 1 tallow , : ; stearlnc , ( > 2.
h\itu Tierces Compound , 5'ic , puio leaf ,
G'c ' ; licttlornndcre'd , OUB.
buokui MKATS Susjarenirod haras , 12 to U
Ib nvs , HHc ! incdluni , 1" > to 10 Hi avp , lie :
heavy , 2e ) tolfJ ItiiHiHe ; skinned slicing 13
toiJ Ibuvp , imcC.illfornliiliams,7JiOsbeiil- ; ;
elcrs. TUc : .shoulders , sklnneil , O' ci sboulelnrs
Oto 8 Ibavs , 7' c ; boneless ham , ! ) c ; nreikfast
Incon , , 5 to 7 Ib stilps , Sc ; breikfast
bicon , iln , t'ie ; elrloel beef hams , sotsi01icj
icuuhir , 8'ic : elodi , ! * .
luvh\i.i ) MBATC Lean hicljs. f > Uc ; extra
short clear , lye ; bellies , li ( to 20-lb UMIHKO ,
C'in ' ; short rlbs.S e ; shoit clours , Oc ; long
tlHars. V'.csliniildur- )4o ; bicks , 'I'Je.
l'iu n IJiu- steers fiOD to COO-lb aAcrafre ,
natives 0 ! Jfili'Ue ! 400 to , VJO-lb avorase. n itlvo ,
CftU Cicowsiuid heifers. 400 toOevw-lb unerase ,
native , Ti'sCI hlneln.uailers , steers , lOe ; hhul-
nuarters , co s , 7c ; foreeiuartcrs , steers , 4'Jc ;
forequarters , cows , Ik ; ; dressed hois , 43ac ;
choice ilrpssed mutton. U'tei.
Sii IJni'Ct'is Itolls , 8'ic ' ; licet tender
loins , Ibc ; slrlolu mitts , 7c ; boneless ttrlps.
' 'ic ; rounds ( riiinp oil ) , U : ; rounds ( rump on ) ,
IKJ ; lounds ( shanK olT ) , fi'ici ' boneless reimp ,
in ; chucks , J5c } ; platis , 'J'/ao ; back hahes , 4c ;
shoulder olods , 4' e ; beef loins , No.l ( stcoi ) . 11
Otic ; beef loins.ei. . ' - ' , 103llc ; beef loins. No.
3 , Oc ; beef libs , O'jilSc ' ; beef ribs , No. 1 , IDiille ! ;
bwcot breads ( per dor ) o ; kidneys ( each ) , : ic |
o\ tails ( cai.litc ) ; buuf tongues ( each ) , 40c ;
strip loins , C ( c.
S\tstni-HoloRim. 4ai holnguam woisands ,
4' ' c ; frnnIifuits.li1iitoiKue , 7' o ; blood , 4'ic ;
ll\oi,4lic ; lic.idchcesiv 4Hc ; 1'olUli. 7e ! porlc
sansjiie ( links ) , oc ; PPfk , sausa udacat ) , ! ! ! tin
palls. Co. _
Snout Per Ib , Put loaf. 7'ic ; Cubes , 7c ;
StaneUtd.powtle'red. T4e : XXAX , powdered ,
* 3.ioiranulatiMl ; ! , standard , i ) ' e ; Uonfcetion-
ers' A , U'io ; White , l lira C , Climax , Cos Extra
( ' . Nebrask i , 54c ; Auiber , 5io ! ; ( joleleiiU , .S' c ;
U.irkL' , r e
M APMJ K'fl tn-I'er II ) . 5o cakes , 'W-lb bo xes ,
1'te : lOa cakis. : w-lb Hoses , U'iu ' ; Mb urlclcs , J
Ibs lubov , pure , He.
' - '
llunola ,
. . ( icrm.ui ,
J Jlallpoucb ,
. . cjO. , 'Ju
CotrRK-Groin Tiiney ( leildon , Klo , e2ie ! ;
fancy old pe.ibcrry. i'lV-c ; Itle ) , choice to fancy ,
-'ici ' Itlo , prime , y ' > t Klo , irootl , 215Jc | banteis
nnil coin inoii Kin , lV'le ; Mocha. 2 Ju ; Ja > a ,
conulne. 0. O.Wc ; Java , good , Interior , 2Jej
Mexican. ' 'lo.
OitlKt ) rnuiTS Turkish prunes , less than
hhds , IttoO.T'iCjorlBlnil hhds. to less ; Hosnla
pi lines , ( lib boxes , 100 to 110. 7Jio ; apples ,
iiMiporated , new rh K choice , l.le ; cvaporate < d ,
neurlns prime , I''c ; apricots , f.iaoy , fa backs ,
'Mo ; blaekbe'rrlcs , new , 10c ; r.ispborrlos , 23 Ibs
to box , aicieiurimtH , newO c ; original casks ,
Uo lebs ; VostUia ( .urraiits , oitra , In boxes ,
COCOAM-I 1'cr Ib , la pltg * . 2C < a27c ; bullc , 23
SEEPS Mixed bird , 1-lb pkirs , 5c ; canary , 5c ;
hctnu , 4'Sc : anl o , isoj roppy , toe.
UtsNRuruuiT l'e.ichiiier doz , JJ.7.V3300.
Ilerrles 'Mb Booseberrlcs , Jl.y.'i ; 2-lb strawber-
rlestl ; 2-lbrabpDerrlos , II.U3 ! 2-lbblnobur-
rlo3 , tl.lK2-lb ) ; blacldicrrlcs H.2J. 1'lnunpplos
llahania chopped , W.50 : lliihama sliced , * } W ;
Hnhunm grated , J2.U1 ; standard , sliced , f 1 ffii ®
l.flO. Cherrlcs-S-lb red , Ualtlmore , J1.JO ; Mhlto
chorrlos.Ji.7.1. l'cars-2-ll ) . | i.w. :
CiicKHr-WIsconoIn I' . U , t | n flats , perlb ,
JO'ic ; Wisconsin F.U. , "iounc American , lie ;
brick , IJci domestic Bwlss , 1-481'c ; Kduiu , lu
foil , each U.OOi hlmlmrger , 12Sc ,
JliTKS-l'orslan , 0-lb box , 70.
ll.UH s-I.onilDii layers , California stand
ard box . ' 'lumeshoe " . ' loose
, per i t..73i , $ 'W ;
X California stnmlanl , 15.73 ! "lior o-
ihoe. - " S3 fit "st'ir" loow nitioentels , IMOj
BeetllcM California , II K > | California secdl' "
BUlt.itu , In Hack" , per ID , K1 ! California nnxca-
tcli , In sack , 8cs new Valencia * , lHi valcnclas ,
ohl.Cc : andurn Inycr , oltl lie. .
SniurAtiiberSyruh In bbl , No.70 Kt.vle ,
noct bnlf tbN , > o. 70grade,32e-j 4-Rnll.esi , No ,
70 craele ? , fl n. > | 2-gal Kltt , No. .0 grade , "Scj
ralcatis , 10 Incase , tier c.i e.SJOOs 'S-Kiilcans ,
0 In case , per case. (110 ( ; vrhltoclour drl [ , lu
. .
CiiocoiATn-12-lh boxes 3.viU3ci Ocnnaii
sweet , 'iKJJIc ; 1'arUlan ,
CocoA-1'er Ib , .AV
lliiOMA-l'erlb , a
Srlcr.s-lVppcr Singapore , sifted. l atPc !
shot , "Jo. Aii iilee , loo. Uluxis I'cnan ) ! . so-
eclod , 'JJO. Cutlii China , 4-lb units Do. Nut-
mess No. 1 , 7JO ! fancy , lirse , 83o.
" _ l'tiiiNtriotS ! Ooous Itarley , UUC ! f.irlna ,
Vjj peaslo ; oitined , 15UW ci inuc.ironl , IIX&
IK1 ! M-rmlcelll ; lOiMtel ilcc. choice ,
raiiey. Get he.ul , .Vie ; s.ieo ninl tapleioa , W17CI
linn be.ins , Ue ; split peas , Jo ; su.igcttl , He ,
ilorv 4rn llbls , .Vo f nicy , per gal , W < t\ \
choice. 4H5470 ! e xd , IlDijA'e ; Ouba , biiKlnp , "i
(3.KV" ( hlnek .trap. 50ffi22e.
\\ini-i'lNn I1 U'l.nStniw. . per U' , I'jOS'ji'i
rnp , : ntci.Mtiiillla II. MttK ! ) No 1. So.
Oli. < IV ) piline white , lie ; IVi valor white ,
irc ; 175 hcuelllnlit. liC71 | ; Kiuolhic , 1 Ic.
Su.soliV llbls , le ; granulated , So ; In bhl ,
ISe.Min v PkK" . CO Uu to 1ior > 'iO : cs" . 4'e. {
VlNKOUt - , BP. elder , lee ; good , I2e ; white ,
\MIIC , 15c ; fancy , fruit , so.
STOviroi.t : n J.'ui > ( r.'iS7
IHns Atn.pyr 100 , Jl'T'i ; I.owiston. iicr 100 ,
$ l7"i ; riiliinbiiimii < , : u .npur couloir list.
bM.TP.tlrr'i'OllKln hbl , bulk , J.MO ! lnt
Br.iele , CO ( is , J.'IIO ; best criele , 100 Us , W.IO ! host
Kr.uh' , H UK f-.i'ii tech salt , crushed , Jl.bOl
coiuinoii bbl. Jl.-Vi
' -Castlle , mottled , per lb , OHlOo ; tlo ,
per lb , He.
-Medium , per bbl , W50 ; mnll , W Mj
Rhcrklnsfr.vii Imp. bill , Jisoo , ( OJ gal uasMi
: UBnl lbi. Slow.
iCinuii-l'crbbl.rcnnrd , iO'iO : half bbl , $ % : > 0 ;
haul older , pure , per hbl , Jtiou ; oraiiso cielcr ,
h ilf bbl. JO Ms pear elder , half bbl , { 0..1) ) .
ni'wiMS C'ottonlwlne , "Jtllib , " M ry flue , ' (
Hih.iU's , 22c ; cotton tInc. . "Dalsj" britid , 'i
b baits l c ! hemp twine , ; ' , lb bales , i > c ; * . ill
twine , SOo ; candle wick , yV ; 40 ft cottou
olothes lines s" o ; 00 fl cottnti elothes lines
f I Kit ( W ft cotton lines , Jl.40j iJ ft sisal Hues ,
SI 73 ; ( lift Inte , JIDO ; wool twines , b'je.
NUT : ) -Almonds , 13 ; llnmls , lie ; Illbcrts
15'aC ' ! pecans lie ; walnuts l c ; peiiiut cocks ,
10c ; u > isted , l- " e , Tennessee peanuts. K1 ,
HIIOOMS j-tle , p irlnr , $ .1 00 ; 4-tle , } . ' .71i 3-tlc.
SJiK ; ; i-tlo. plain , tl 8.1 ; archon-c , jyOO ; toy ,
J12.1 ; \vhlsU-.fI.002l2.- .
Oi.tMs ( junrtsper doz , $4 00 ; pints , per doz ,
S2V ) : bulk ,'ic ,
MnisCorncd beef , 1 lb 51.20 ;
corned beef , 'Jibs , } MO ; ImHi teia ucs 1 lb ,
J.'OO ; lunch tonsrucs tllbs , JI75 ; lit. mil , 1 Ib.
ii ! > 0 ; lirmMi"lbs , tJ.uu ; v tonsiu's. I1' Ibs
J. " > OJ ; timciies , 21ns , JJOO ; clnpui-d btef , 1'i '
UN , i omul cans , } l 20 ; beef , 2 lb lontul
cans. j.'OJ ; potted ham , 't lb , lonnil cans , ( c ;
iiotteel ham , 'i lb , louiiel cms. fl.Si ) ; dovllrel
him , 'lib. loiindcans uli1 ; elenlkd bam , li II ) .
round u.ins il.20 ; potted otoiueu1 , 'i 11) ,
round cans il'.l ) ; comprcsst > < l ham , 1 11) ,
square cans Jl'.O ; comtirossed hum f > Ibs.
iiiareeansW.7. | ) , tilpi2 lb , sound e.uis ? 1 si ;
niliieed enlops. " lt > , round e in * . f..20 ; boneless
plirs' feet , S H ) , sqinuucnis , JJ.2.1. Tomatoes -j-lt > extra , Il.lOj.i-
Ib stinelaiel western bi.inds , l o ; gallons.
Msletly stundnid , $ . ! . (10 ( Ceiin 1'lni'st gionii ,
$100 ; iIlt-idj'ed sn n coin. Mry line , SUM
cheileeiJ-ll ) kiitai cemi , JI.loj'-lbeMiu western
brands il.M ; 2-lb stimhud ucstern biands ,
JI.OO. Mushiooins i-lb 1 lonehtr.i line ,
2'a2.1c , l-lli rrencb. tlne > . IsT'Jic ; Mb
I'lcnch , utellnaiy , Il/iil o. Ties , line ,
per inn , 2. " > oi lUml-IIni- , per tin ,
ICe : 2-lb Mtud. Sl.U ) ; y.\\t \ \ c.irl ) .Time ,
$ l. . ' > 3 ; 2-lb niliiov. st.mdirel bliiniN ,
} ! . . ! ) ; 2-lb so iked , Me. Sti Itu hems 2-lb liluh
cradiIJefiut'o. . } I 09 ; 2-lb ( jnlden ,
II on : -lh ! stilus Ivans Ole htnii hems Mb
so.iUed , K > c , Moslem llaUeel beans U-ll ) l.e Is ,
} | .r > 5 ; frown bi.mds , > . bwect potatoes
.1-11) New Jcrsej , JI.W. I'liinpklns i-lb , 3110.
Oki.i nnil tom.itoeb-l.G.l ! ol.ra , $1.W ; sncco-
CoiiuAnr Manilla rope-All sl/os from 7-10
to 1 In. lp > o ; sisal lope , all slot's from 7-ltl to 1
In , IPiC ; iituueMuVull sizes fi-om 7-11 , to
1 hi. M : .
COTTOX ItorE-'i-ln , ICc.
Through coaclius Pullman pal.tco
bloopers , dining card , [ too reclining1 uli > iir
curs to Chicago nnel intervening ] > oint
via the gi cnt Rock Island route. Ticko
oilico 1GOJ , Si\teontli and Farnaui.
OK lO13linOS. !
Peculiar Tralnln ol1 Suitors for De
tecting tlio hitbtnaritic Meinsteis.
The bmcllitiff of icebergs at sea , simi
lar experience of Scainun August Jor-
ponsen , the outlook on the hteaniship
'rhiiigvallu , on the night of the vessel's
running into the Arctic fee , ia nothing1
unusual to snilorb accustomed to not th
orn latitudes , says the New York Star ,
ho\\ovor odd the expression , "I smell a
"berg , " may appear to landsman and boa-
peers of the iniddlo latitudes. Among
the miiigntors fiom Scandinavian coun
tries-especially and jnrticularly Danish
seamen , the smell of icebergs is familiar
to the nostrcls , and loyngcs in Arctic
regions have enabled thorn to detect the
approach or proximity of Ono of the dan-
gbtous visitors o\pn heforoit can bjdis
cerned by the cyo. In fact , -with them
the nose rather than the cyo is trained
for the discovery of the bergs , and acts
with unerring judgment.
An iceberg has an odor , if may bo so
called , to them unlike any other scent.
Tlio moment it reaches 'tho nostril a
sensation is felt \\hich would bo perhaps
peculiar and unaccountable to those un
used to it , bnt vhich to tlio veteran ice
berg .smeller is instantly mid meaningly
apparent. It passes from the atmos
phere to membrane and to tlio
sensorium vith the speed of an electric
message , warning tlio navigator of the
poiil ahead , Ono of the peculiarities is
the odor of vegetation , which is sup
posed to como from the immense quan
tities of vegetable aniraulculra fro/o up
in the Hoc , and in course of decay by the
action of the heat on it from the warm
climate through \\hich the borg passes
on its way to final dissolution.
The training for this singular sort of
watching for perils of the deep ia ac
quired only by constant voyaging among
the ice fields and Hoes , and some sailors ,
like Jorgensen , nro better skilled at it
than others. Instances are known of the
discovering of bergs at distances of n
quarter and a half-mile , and. even
further , by smell , before the floating
monsters \\cro perceptible to the oyo.
Whllo the Danifah sailor is trained by
the sense of smell in noting them , the
mariner of our coasts north uses tlio
sense of binell and sight with equal facil
ity , and possesses tlio ability of discern
ing the Arctics traveler with the eye as
unerringly as by the smell. To eyes
practiced in observing thorn they have
cumuli or fogs burrounding them differ
ent from the haze of the coast of the sea ,
nnd these two bouses of bight and smell
are relict ! on us much as the charts and
the barometers by North Atlantic skip
pers in sailing among the boigs.
Beats Connecticut Nutmegs.
A mill at a small town in Now York
state makes wood Hour out of wlilto
bccchwood. Tlio logs , btrinped of bulk ,
are forced against a cutting machine
which makes 100 revolutions a minute.
The thin bhavlngs are dried and put into
a hopper which giinuH them into Hour.
The Hour is bagged , say , an exchange ,
and sent to Now York. Says a gentle
man who visited the mill the other day :
"A man told mo there Is a pretty big
bale for the stuff. Ho said that part of
it was used a paper stocic and in the
preparation of lincrusta walton. That
is the ostensible purpose for which it is
made , but the wet kmnn told mo that u
good donl of the stull went into tlio
hands of contrutora for furnishing In
dians rations , and that considorublo of it
albO wont into the cheap bictids sold in
the Italian and Ilobrow districts in the
lower part of Now York city.
You cannot bo too particular about tbo
medicine you use. When you neoel u blexwl
purifier bo sure you ( jet Ayor'a Sarsaparlllu ,
und no other. It will mltiKlo with ,
purify , nnd vitalize every drop of blood in
your body. It makes thu weaU strong.
At ft meeting ot tlio I.lvo Stock exchange
holil yesterday afternoon the report of the
committee on the Crcstott excursion wai nc
copied and the committee discharged , \V ,
IT. McCrcnry and Clmrles Coffimm wcro
elected incmbo a nnd 12. Shnrpo , S. W.
Eddy , C. II. Williams M. J. Stephen * , A
AI , Spooncr and C. D. Miller wcro dropped
for non-p ivnu'iit of elue.i ,
The exclmiiiro Is in ftuor of hujlne shelled
corn for. took instead ot car com as soon as
bins can bo erected.
SavnRC , Kelly nnd Abbott presented n
complaint , whlehwns referred to the boiml
of directors.
'Iho grievance committee's repot t as fol
low s Win adopted t
" \Vc , your committee appointed on crlev-
ance , bof | leave to report us feilloMS ! Wo ap
pointed two ot our number to sit ono hour
iMih day forllftecii duyi , und tit the end of
tint time a special meeting was railed , to
illicit worciwrtcdour Ihullnss. The nctlni ?
president rcappolutod tH to inx'seLt our
Brlovance to the stofky.irtls compiny , which
\ \ ohaodono.Vo tinvo to roixnt tlint the
s.ild niina inent actieod with us In tlio
Rrcateriurt ot our recommendations In tlio
matter or uMtiK n inoro policy In tbo
settlement of claim1 , nml tlio employment of
mote men , but refused to ho tllclntcel to Hut
ho Riivo us lo understand ho woulel coin-
ply with our recommendations as fur us prao-
ttc.iblc. " _
llaptlmutil S < T\le-p ,
I'ldcr Mack C. Hancock , ot the Clnlstiim
clmroli , AlbrlRht , Sunday baptized four
persons by Imincraion. A largo crowd ot in-
leiealeel spcetutora witnessed the ceremony.
Uohhod of Ills \Vnte-h.
As Bert Atiltman was stcppii g oft the
motor car at J sttcet Sunday some of Iho
Hpht-IlnKoicd gentry ix'lle\cd him of an opja
face Ulgln silver wutih and gold chain.
Knnihiy Do I'luht.
A four-scratch dog light betuccn .laelt nnd
Spot , two thlrty-slx-pouiul bulldogs , took
place Sunday afternoon near the city limits.
Jack won the JJO-pot for his backers , anil
numerous side bets amountion lo i-'LHJ.
ThcUoyd Uryan democratic club will holel
Its second grand r.illy lu Kowlej's lull
this evening. Speakers ftom ubroa.llll
give piestigo to tlio meeting.
Hit Her Tongue Off.
A joung daughter of H.A. Woodruff , who
resides ia tlio Fturlh ward , near Iho U. & M
railroad depot , tell yesterday morulngimd bit
oft the end of her tongue.
Xoto-i About the Clly.
Chides A. Poytink , who has been 111 , has
been loin o\cd to St. Joseph's hospital.
Hev. M L Holt ot Omaha spoke on the
amendment Sunday nlght u the 1'icsbyteiiau
church. _ _
Wlij They Are A limit. Twice an Dcarns
They Ar < > in I'aiN.
In a recent interesting artiolo upon
oyster culture , the marquis of Lome
very cogently a&ked why oyster * co-it 4
shillings or 5 shilling' ? a do/on in Lon
don , while they can bo purchased for
about half the price in Paris ? The ex
planation , as Lord Lorno nointcd out , is
that our English oyster beds produce-
only a fraction of the consumption , al
though our own shores , properly pre
pared , could produce oj btoiin enor
mous quantities. Hitherto British cn-
tcrpriso lias not been directed
Una remunerative Industry , ' ays the St.
.Tames' Budget , but has left it in the
hands of a few fisherman nnd ancient
corporations on the E-SOX and Kentish
coabts , who lack beith capital anel bdon-
tifle knowledge. How profitable ojstor
breeding may become when well man
aged may bo imagined from the fact that
the only outlay consists in preparing n
btietch of buitablo foreshore with tiles ,
bricks , shells , etc. , to provide a renting
place for tlio sp'it or baby oyster ,
it is estimated that ono ojster
jiroduccs from ono to throe
million young , so tliat if only a very
small propoi tlon bo seem cd Uiu laboV
expended is most bountifully repaid.
Tlio average wholesale price of native
ousters this year has been 12 shillings
per 100. Taking the value of the pro
duct of one tile at the lowest figure the
result would ba'J shillings , and , the
tiles being laid one on tlio other in scm-
bianco of an open wall , : ! 0,0JO ( tiles per
aero is not an exaggerated number. It
would thus scorn tliat wl'h capital and
enterprise the national production of
ojbters wodltl largely increase , while the
piico would naturally fall.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run exprcbsly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos iloln-s and
Chicago busincbs it the Rock Island
vcttibulcd limited , leaving Omaha at
4:15p. : m. daily. Ticket oilico lot- ) , Six
teenth and Farnam sts. Otn ilii.
In a Japanese Mint.
Thcie are about thico liundred hands
omplojcd at the mint of Ycddo , Jitian. ]
" \Vlicn the men enter in tlio morning
they are made to divest themselves of
their own clothes and put on others belonging -
longing to the mint. At the end of a
day's work a gong sounds , when the
somewhat curious spectacle is presented
of I00 ! men springing from the ground on
which they have been bcatcd , thiowing
oft their clothes , and rushing , a miked
throng , to ono end of tlio yard. Hoio
they pass through tlio following ordeal
in ardor to prove that they liavo no sil
ver on them : Their bade hair Is pulled
down and examined , they wa h their
hands and hold them up to view , they
drink water , and then hallo , and lastly
they run to the other end of the yard ,
clearing two or three hurdles on their
way , after which performance thoj are
allowed to go to their lodgings.
The Tallest UtilUlinK on Hartli.
SJBy the tltno the world's fair is In
augurated the tallest building in the
world will grace the corner of State ami
Randolph streets , says the Chicago Ho -
nld. 'i'his colossal structure will bo
built entiioly of stcol and terra cotta.
with voneorlngs of stone , and will tow or
into the clouds at an attitude of eigh
teen stories. The great btructurc , tlio
topmost stories of which will bo occu
pied as a , Masonic temple , will cost
$3,000,000. $ Workmen are now
r.uing the building at the corner if
State and llntulolpli btreets and the 1m-
mciiso foundations oa which the ghuit
In to ret-t are now being laid.
Norman T. Gazette , who is at the head
of the movement , bays that all obstacles
have been removed and that work on
the temple will bo pushed from this
time on.
J3Z = il. S-A.EJDEWS
WeOfler for Sale.
Tour Ihoimne ! toni oholco Haled liny , T. O ,
JI. can , btriuuei'a Sldlnu. htitou or Ifnrnlok
stations , on U. M , l > . It. U. , In IoU tuhult
iiurclmscri prices rcgulatoj by tlm murUut
Call nnd et-o us
Omaha Manufacturers ,
HootA ntitl Hheics.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
A touts ( or tJonton llnl.bcr Shoo Co , 1161,1101 nd I10
llnrnoy Street , Otunlift.
Lager Beet Brewers ,
IMl Ncrth Iftli Street , OnMia.Xcb. .
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornics
> V Inflow r | n unit niflnllp kiUctit John Vpcncter ,
proprietor. liWnmlllO South lOtli tmt.
ArtlHtN *
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
t , Oninhi , Neb.
= 3
Oonl , Coke , llto.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
I. K. Cor ICtli and Douclas Snoots , Omnha , Neb ,
Wholesale Cigars ,
101 N. ICth Htrpot "llcllol" IIT .
IJry Goods nut ! Notions.
U. E. SMITH If CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Corner lltli an Ulownnl Street * .
importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
QonU'FuruUhlnKflootli Corner lltli and Hnrnoj
Btrvuta , Omnhn , Neb
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnnm Street , Omnhi , Nebraska.
Omaha , Js'olimkn
Wholesale Grocers ,
I/onvenworth Streets , Otnntin , Nctirnikk.
Lumber , Ktc.
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber ,
Yard IHO N K th bt. . Omahn.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc.
Imported and Anierlpnn I'orlHiiJ Cement , fltatj
ugonl tor Mllwtuiki't ) Uyilrveillo Coiaont , ana
( jitlncy While I.luio
Dciler in lldtdwooi Lnmlier.
Wooel carpel" nnrt p-vnnictlUiorlliR tltlt
Btroots , Umntin , .SubriskA.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Corner Ulli and DoiiKlas Strccti , Omaha.
Millinery and Notions ,
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
SOS , 210 and 212 Soutti lltli itrcct.
Notions :
Wholesale Miens and Ftiinisliing Good $
1KI Harncy utrcct , Omnlin.
OU _
Wholesale Mined aud Lubricating Oils ,
Axle create , ttc , Omnha. A II. lllsliop , MiintEcr.
' .
I'npcr. _
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry a nice etock ol priming , wr i'ln | nnd wrltlq
paper. Bpcclnl nttcntloii given to circl paper.
Safes , I3tc.
. L , . DEANE
ticrcralccnu ( or
Halls' Safes ,
HI and M3 Soutli 10th St . Omahn.
ToyHEtc. _
bgrf of
Dolls Albums Goods
Toys , , , ,
UOUBO Kurnliblnc ( iourts , chlMren a Carriages. 12S
I'nm mi itrcct Oamlm , Neb
Water S
. .
' - - '
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilallltljjr nlnil mills "IIB nml .CO.Ionei il. ,
U. F HOBS , Acting Manavcr.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
Kr.glnci , lirnis woik. icncrnl foundry mnclilno ant
blackm'iltli work Olllco nml works , U. 1 * .
llr and ITtli ttrc.ot , Omaha.
Manl'rs of Fire aud Burglar Proof Safes
Vaults , JM1 work , Iron shutters and tire cucnpei
U. Andreon.prop'r. Cur Ulh andjackiun Sta.
_ Basil , Doors , Kto. _ _ _ .
Wholesale manufacturer ! of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Branch office. 12tU and liar a lUo-jts , Omslia , Net *
01 South Oraalia. Limited.
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $400,001
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O - 57,8O (
OBleors and Directors - HenryV YMPI , rro I cnl
cwlsrf. lloedlcurrc lileiu ; Jttmot W Harutf , M
V. Murao.JohnH. Colllnt , It C. Cuitiln ; , J , N.I
V.I'utrlck , W , li. a. llUKliei , castiler.
Corner 12lh and Farnara Sta ,
A General llanklni : Uuslnoss Transacted
National Bank.
Capital , - $ / < OOOO <
Surplus , - 44OO (
OMccri unit Directors A. I' , llopklni , prcildn )
W ( ) Mnul , vlioproMdont , Alfrel Mllliiril , rnshlel
K. II llryimt , nuUlurU cnihler : Cli.irk'l 'lurno >
1 * . \\nilann , i : . M .Mor Jiuan , W. Ik Mar , K. J
\VnntPrt-To purcluiso City linnro\cmof
Ilewdu. Heihool or htrt-et I'avhnr , Wiitvrwoij
orother llomls of Nt-briisku , luwuur Color ml
Room 2o2 Dee LJldi ; . , Omnlm , Nob.