Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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TTTTT ! mVTATTA DAffj'Y RTfiFlfTTmil > r > AV Kli 1 * !
Ilomnwn nnil Stifjerintcndcnt is. II. McNeil ,
cf thoHt. Joe .Xcunindlslntid brnnch ol tic
Union I'flclfic.were f nlowntodoy ou tour
Of inspection ovcrtliolluc.
Hncrsd Concert
Nr.l.SN-Ncb.Supt.iri. ( , ( Special Tclcfjram
10 TUB HEIA ] sacred concert given lait
ovciilnir tit the Methodist church culled out
B crowded house. The cantata of " Samuel"
was. very finely rendered.
I'roleut Ion Agilnst TIilcvcs ,
DoncuBgtEtt , Nob. , Sept , 15.-Spcilnl [ : ti )
TirBllr.R.-A ] society hm been organized
here , with u incm"bcrship of about sixty ,
undcrthonanioof the Dorchester Protective
association , having us Its object tlio recovery
of Atolvit property , nml the detection , wpturo
nnd prostration of thieves , It memtcrs nro
mostly HU bstnntlal farmers nncl lead ins busi
ness men.
Alllnnoo 1'lcjiilo t Itontrlc'o.
, Xcb , , Sept. 15. [ Special Tele-
to TUB JiKK.I-Thoidlianeo plane nt
the ChautMuita grounds lit tliU citytoUay
was attended byfullyfive thousand iicrsom ,
Delejjatiotu were present from every quarter
of Llic county nml thouttnostontliiifdnm prc-
valid , Hon. 0. 1' . Golllna , rimdidato for
sin to senator , spoke intlio inoriilni ? , and Iton ,
Jolmll.L'oivowand Morris D. Wieut spoke
In tlio afternoon , Mr , Wheat sjwke again lu
Ihc tiff prohibition tent.
Thought tobe t\tt IJeirsny ,
Brr.Mnn , Neb. , Sept. 15. [ Spo clul Tele
gram to TIIK 33 : . ] At a meeting of tlio re
publican county central committee held nt
this pluco today , C. Knpp , C. 0. JIcNish ,
Conrijil Paul , AH. llconicr , C. A. Kirton ,
W. F ! Hiimioy , 1) ) . C.OHTord unJL. . U II un-
ter were elected delegate ? totlic cougits-
iilonal contention at Columbus Wednesday ,
It Is not Itnowinvho the dclcsatcs will sup-
rort , but Ills ( bought tint a. mnjority of
them will bo Tor Dorscy. The mooting iw
the result of iitiniljojirninnnt of ttio county
roii wittiou until after the congressional con
vention , -\\bit-lils \ \ thooutcomo of ti factional
Jlglitlictmmi "West I'olntaiul tbo bsilmicoof
tlio county , Tlio mcelinRtodaywns an tw
in 011 iotis affair , aiwill aho uo the comity
couvcii tion , wlilch convenes hero on tbo 1Slb ,
lit -which lime A , > . Heciiictof this place.
willbj Kircn the delegation to tbo senatorial
couvo.itloiiof tbo Sou'iitlisoimtoriul district.
Tlio Cass Cottiily Iilr.
3HTTSMOUTii , Neb. , Sept. 1. , [ Special to
fur. BCR.I Tlio Cnss county rulrcommcniTil
to Jay under tlio most favorable auspices mid
the meriting jiroinisM to bo successful In
everyway , 'J'ho stock show Is tbo largest
known in tlio society's ' history , and the ex-
hiblHlu tlio otliec- department * are Invget
and finer Ihaii previotH displuya , Tlio mcr-
clianU of this city have i.wdo elaborate and
hniidbomo displays of tncii- wires , and tbo
Immense pavllllon set a-pu-t for this purpose
laworthy of uclosonnd ciireful Inspection.
The speed department proinihoi rare sport
nnd unusual attrac-tlous. A liuyo number of
liratclusslioroM awalrcily on the ( trounil
nnchoveral m o noted llycr.3 uro expected
toniorrov. AinoiiK1 tbo horses already entered
for tbo different events are tbo following :
Golden AYing cfDunlap , la. ; Franlt I1 , owned
by I'evry of. NYitvne. rfcb. ;
Guclpli. with n record oE Ji'JS.M , nnd Uulon-
Moliuiiiwitliai-cconl , of ' . ' : : ( -i ; entered byl
, K Tui-iutite S3un of Uod Oult , m. : tlio Jjlu-
colnvo \ tidcr. 'J' as Juccbi ; Floss lo , a very
fast pacer ; St. John , owucJby Mat Hrowi ,
Omaha ; Ji B.o\vncJl > v J. II. McShaneof
Oraihii. Etl I'ylo cf IIvmboMt lira entered
Uvofiisttuittcrs - S. . '
; Ocri-y .Jolinsonof V'u-
hoe , two ( rotten. VallacoG , owned oy l-.n-
tou of O nulnii and rJ'ivn ton , owned ly ) Diclc
\Vildo ofOinulin , nro both entered. Largo
Heidi of runn ing hones -\vlll start in cadi of
thoruiiiilns races , and thcspovt ivill be tot
and furious.
a'ouiorroiv's races arc : Free-for-all pony
race , ru jinins1 , half inllo lie.tts ; threo-initiulo
trottlnjc raeo , milo beats , and am a tear bicy
cle race , balf-milo licat-j.
AppolutincntN ,
Nob. , Sojit , l-l-Spccial to
Brr.J The Jolloving appointments
vvero maJo ly Bisbop Ilowmaii at today's '
session of tlio Nebraska Methodist coufer-
IUSTIXOS nuTuicr ,
" \V \ , R. . Jones , preslJiiig elder ,
JVlexaiidriu , W. "Wllard ; Ayr , .T. M. Cor-
nollj llluo Hill , G. fll , Burbauki ;
CJarlton. B. J. Bird ; Chester , C. H.
Zrcnfest ; Clay Center , David Fctz ;
Co Ics , K. I/ , \\olfo ; Davenport , C. W.
\Vdls ; Doaiphan , J , A , CUnpniun ; EtJpar ,
W. B. Alexander ; FairllelcJ , II. jV.Ewell ;
Guldo IJccc : , A , J. Jlarsli ; Hardy , .D. I'ol-
den ; Hnrvartl , CJ. W. .lotiej ; Jlnstlngj , L P.
Britt ; Hebron , A. A , ltmiduUInovalu ; , JI' , .
JVIcVeyJiiniata , Ilimiii CurtU ; Kcno&w ,
M. DoJvlolt ; Lawrence , 0 , G. Morrison ; Kol-
see , J. W. Koyso ; I'hlllipa , Francis Deal ;
Red Cloud , JU. Umdall : Ilcynolds , U. M.
Hardinan ; Superior , C. II. SbcpardjSuttoii ,
C. K. Rowo.
31 , T. lUvis , prcsldlnpr elder.
/dannM. , C.Smilh ; Ueatrice.H. T.Dnvl * ;
Centeiuiny , J. W. Stevvurtj West Bcati-lce. J.
M , Duiby ; Circuit , to bo supplied : Jiltie
Siirlnss.'i'liomas ITowler ; Crclc , T. 13. Ilil-
ton ; JJoffitt and VVIlbor , 0. H , Miner ; Dor
chester , N. H , Dnvls : lilllson.J. O.Stanard ;
Exeter. I1 , H.Worlcy ; lairburj'r.U. . AVe
cock ; b'alnnont , U. ( ! . .Adams ; Flllcy , J. II.
Beery ; Friend , I * . 0 , JotummGcuovii ; , J , A.
1'arker ; ( Jrafton , ( JeorHoSUumiin ; Holincs-
ville , AV.J. Seott ; Liberty , A. E. Cbadwlck ;
Odell , to bo sunpllctl : Stcdo City. J , II.
'JL'rctt " ; Strsu , ErT. \ \ . McMillan ; Tohlus , J.
"W.LcxvljVestcrn ; , H. M. IaaoyVymore \ ,
\V.II. Vance ,
AsblnndY , G. Miller ; Bennett , II. C.
Dalymiilo ; Cednr DliilTj , O. B. Windsor ; bflsupplieil ; IMvey , to bo sup
plied ; j'lniwcoil , ( JIl. , Clliiioio ; Kincrjilil , L-\
A.StuffGreenwood ; , Mf. ( luildj Itliacu ,
Latliumlntjbrain ; Ashbury , Supormtctidtnt
33.\V \ , Hauplmianlletlicl ; , to bo supplied ;
Emmanuel , J. ColfcoOracc.G.f. . Isliain ;
St. 1'util , I-1. K. Stino ; Trlnlty.S. . Z > , Uoberts ;
tJnlvcrsllv l laeo , Asa KleotJiLo ; lsvIllft ,1.
\Y.MHIT | ; WaiilovJ. X.Slceixr ; MeiuUV.
1C. WilliamsAlt. ; Wcasimt , J ) . C. l'billi | :
Palinyrj , L. 0. Parker ; l > lattsnioath , J.D.
Bufknir ; Itnj'iiioiilv , J. II. Rlrlnnoml ; lioca ,
G. \VcbnShawn ; , 13 , B. C'rlprwn ; Valpa
raise , . .1.V. \ . Jllllor ; Wnlm. 11 K. WycofT ;
\Vaverly , Tj. 0. Lemon ; U'ecplnsr Water , T.
A. Hull ; Weston , J , Brinstoriralley ; " \'ie\v.
Clay Cox ; I'lmtimi ' , Sapcrintcndcnb 1M .
JSsserta ,
rresldinff ElderO.Smllli. , .
Auburn. j13. \ . Vllltl er ! Broclr , C , II.
Smith : Brownvillo , Wllliuni Pierce ; Crab
Orchard , P. Van 1'leet ; Unbols , J. 0. Ilcbbs :
Elk Creclt. \V.S\vun , ; Falls City , Juke )
Slavcnj ; I-lumboldt , CJ , W , llawloy ; No-
Oity.CJ. . II , Moulton ; Pawnee City ,
Testa , Stevens , Superintendent.
Ai-borvillo , Lander 3Iorrlson ; Aurora. G.
3W.Coulter ; Jlcaver CiwslinK.I , , , \\ells ;
2JeU\vcod , , T.1C. JlnxJield ; Jlrudsbaw , 0 , S.
3B , Abern ; istrotusby , 0 , M. Morojr ; Thayer ,
James H. U. Cobb ; Ulysses , I > . S. Bavia ;
TDtlca , II. C. Ilunnou ; Waco , IJ. 0. Snow ;
"Vork , A , A. Crosthvnito ; Staplelmst , James
33arr ; Denver Crossing , 12. UVclls ; Bur-
Tirlso , ( I. A. Hobson.
OJliclal ujiiwlntmcntafor the Wcslynn uni-
Vfrsitynt Ilincoln !
C. K.UroIghton , chancellor ; T. Lowe , pro
fessor of modern lunguiiRes ; "NY , P. Cllne ,
jrirlnclral at preiwratory detriment ; 0 , M.
illlliivvood. professor of chemistry nnd
physical H.Hurcb , Jlnancial agent ; 0. S.
jjonis , aislsUnt , ,
' Nuuibor cf full incmbcw , 10'IS ; local
urcaclicis. 120 : churolics , 1 JK5 | [ > aul for build-
tags , 5rW5 , : old debt paid , I1U,73I , | ntimbor
f Sunday sehools. 834 ; scholars , 1S.424. .
The next annual session of thoNebraskn
Jtlctbodlit conference bohcia at St 1'aal
cbureh. Lincoln , Jfcb.
' The ministers of the Dcatrlco district pro-
Elder S. 1) ) , Roberts , who
f Tin Berred tbo full alx year term , \\ltb. \ a
! Iniidsoino O rorxl bible ,
t'ln ' > - Center Jiut - .
0'r.ATCrNieu , fcb. , Sept iri.-Speclal [ to
Tin : DUB. ] The Clay county fuinvlllbo bold
licro tnU week Troni tlidlOthto the 10th. Tin )
lirosiKxls uro that it will bjllio b t fair ever
li.'ld ' in Clay comity. Specially will tbia bo
true tn the sjiocd dopnrtineiil , Tin re nro nl-
ivady soraonoteillrottcM. jumpersnndpacers
on tbunround. Tlio iiiaiiaKCinuut bavo bocu
Tcry libuTalthis year Inregard to pursci ,
CUy countyraii abo\vsomo na fine borscj ,
cittlonnd lioffs u anvcounty in the state.
Public school opened lait Jlondaywith
Trof. M. CJCin lntoof Icivn , Incb ric. {
The county iilllmuv held tlicir martorly
mcotinir In thijt city hJitturday , .Member *
from different ] arta of the county rejiort in
terest Increasing In alllancflinuttcra.
Ilnlf. Cntiiili Vrlcrnni ) .
ATKI.VSOS , iNcU , Sept. 15 , f Special
priun to Tun 3r.B.lPreliminary ! jropava-
tloiiH for the ciio ninjtot tbo third atmtinl
reunion of ths E-3olt '
county vctewna'1 associa
tion in this city tomorrow are being made on
asealccommcnsunUe the prospective )
indications that Itvlll bo tbo largeit nnd
moat successful reunion ever lickl under tbo
aisplco * of the organization. Ttio lath-
strinj-of Atkinson's proverbial hospitality
\vlll inrltln ly hangoutsldothodoornnd tha
entire population of our dty will extend a
benrty m'tinRand a cordial Avcluorno to not
only tlio veteran buys in blue tut to all who
come to do them bun or ,
II ill jut
Sriu.voi * u > , 'ob. , Sept. 15. [ Special Tclo-
grain to Tin : DeiTho farmers' alliance
rally beld here today viis a great success , so
far aaimiubei-s nnd Bcnuino cnthusiaiin va
concerned. Klvo hundred people Jrom all
over tbo county asseinblcil In the village park
nnd Jhtoiicd to the great issues of tbo
day from tin alliance staiiJiKiint , IV.
II. Deeli , candidate for lieutenant
governor , and Crnddock , Becietary of tbo
knlylils , wcro announced jiniongthe ripealcera ,
but sill failed to show up with tlio exception
of Maybcrry. .Allen Hoot of D ongkis con nty ,
candidate for congress , -MJS in attcndanco
and delivered himself of tlio usual platitudes ,
acorliijt botb tlioold lurtlcuillkcand linplor-
Inj , ' Hie voters to support the In
dependent ticket if they wanted
to toop out of tbo iKor house.
Miiyljcrry'J spcet'li wns moro refined and
nine ti more reasonable , but In bis excitement
bo declared that the country w son tlio vcr o
of onoof tbo KfC'tOht iltianciul crushes that
cvci * confronted a country on the fssco of tbo
plebe , In order to nvc-rt tbo ci'asli
tbo - ' of tlio
ser-rctnri' treasury vas
p.iying u iM-c-cnt prernluin 011 covcrn-
ineiit bonds nnd had bought ! ? , i,000OX , )
worth nt Hint ruto , and the president liad
ordered him to pay n go-cent pruiuiimi on
( Sl.OOO.OOO more. Juni ping from tbo frilng jun
Into tlio lire , I lo said Itwould not surpilse
blin ] ( the news wouU Hash over tlio wires
that tiro-thirds ol tlionntloniil hanlM oC the
country Avould dose tlicir ilooi-s before Satur
day nl
Don bio Tragedy at flrnriil i > r iuncl ,
CwxroNIn. , , Sept. 15. ( Special Telegram
to Tin ; B ixl Xeu-shas been received hero
that a stranger In Grand , tb is county ,
ted ay Inquired fortlieresiJoncoof Air. Lnnj-
don , a contractor for the Chicago & North
western railway company. lie wns directed
to tlio bonae , aidupon arriving * at
the door calluj for AIi-s. Luvngiloiivliom ,
bo sliotsissho tunic- toward him Mr , Lanp-
don Mine upon the scene mid hnincilialdy
sliot the stranger. Furtlicr Dirtleuhirs nre
not yet obtiiiuiblo iiciv. 3tls stated Unit Mr.
LuiiU'lon ' says lie docs notlinow who the mm
Is. Lnnpfdou cuno i-econtlyfromSt. 1'uul to
takes char o of trade laying fron : Ucmvcst
Tracked by His "Wife.
la. , Sept. 15. [ Special Tclo-
( rnnito Tins 13cK. ] Late lastc/enliifr .1,1 * .
Htc-vvart , a well known "birbor , nnd Minnie
Itobcrt-s , ivhovas supposed to bo his "ivlfe ,
iveraarrested and placed in JUllon Lliochai'se '
of utlnltery preferred by a Chicago woman
whom Stewart acknowledges as his wife , but
whom ho separated from several years ago.
For some three weeks correspondence has
boongoinRort bcUvcsn Sheriff Loomis and
tlio Cliioago woman relative to tlio where
abouts oE Mr. Stewart oiid his social stolid-
lug , business urid dftinojtlc affiilrs , The
woman gives hernmno nsMrs. J. I * . Stewart ,
and. Informed the sheriff that she
was the -vUfo of tlio Des Woines burbor. In-
< iulryon the sbcrilt's
part revealed that she
told the truth , and Xurtbershowed that Stew
art -was living : with anotbor woninnVifo
No. lonnioto IJos Molncs yesterday and tlie
ari-ests folo\vcd. ! Siewjirt and his mlstrrcs
haw a clilld about eighteen months old. Miss
Itoberts says slio met Stewart at Waterloo In
18S6 , anil tbut sbo had since been with him at
Omaha , Sionx City nnd other pla-ccs , They
had never been marriedbut , Stswart had
promised tlmo and tliuo ngainto niari-j- her
but put , it off oa ono pretext or an
other , tier homo is at Il.incroft . , la.
Mrs. Stewart mot her hnsliand at "Wat
erloo , ivhero they % vero also mariled ,
but , from there they went to Chicago , where
Stewart left her , fcjho claims that bo never
told her anything about thb other Rlrl , but
always leJherto think howaa looltlntr for a
pcrjnimcut location , Slio will brin > ? salt
ujriilnst Stcwuvtfor adultery. Tbo c-barpro
apulust > IUs Ioberts\villbo nliphtone. It
is tie hnprcssioa of the ofilcers tbut she hiis
beenprlovouslybetrayed , Is far more
sinned against than sinning.
Jewelry Tlilevei Arrested.
HEKNIIO.Y , Iii.Sciit , lu [ Special to THE
BnnJ ISJivard Sunders and Elmer VVIsh-
biuiitwoyotisi'mm , ) living near Jefferson ,
weio nrmtcd last nlcrbtby Deputy Sheriff
Blaclt ou the char oof robbing McChcsney'a
drugstore nt Dagley lait Thursday uiglit.
Thofelloivs halsold four watehoj to differ
ent parties at Jefferson for a small sum , mid
susfluion at once pointed to thorn as the
thieves. U'hen nrrcat-cJ they vvero in u
freicht cur on tbo Chicago it Northwestern
road. Sh watches and sonwjewclry have
hcon rccororol nnd identilled by Mr. JIc-
Chc noy. Sitiulers and " \Vlsbbum liadsi licui--
liiMrbefon .Tuslicu Kpply this morning and
\vc JiiUcdin default of $30a "ball.
Giilliri < ! County
UN-UOV , la , Sept 15 , [ Special to THE
Ber. ) The republicans of Outhrlo county
met la convention today , tliero being u largo
representation oC voters In attendance. The
meeting was tbo mo t enthusiastic ever hold
In this eounty , The followin ? ticket was
nominated : C'lerk.Il. \ \ \ Kcllogg ; proio-
cutlnff ' attorney , " \V , II. Stilea ; recorder , li1.
C. I'rit7.inoiiibor | of board of suporvijors ,
William Hols nan : hlpth school trustees , J.
DeardorltnutlU. J" . Marls. Vollowlnff is the
Judicial tlcltotfor tbo Fifta district court : J.
II. Henderson of Warren .
county , A. W.
Wilkinson oC Madison countvand .f , II. Ap-
plegato cfGutln-le county , Tlio ticket nomi
nated is regarded nsa stroiifr one.
OttumwJi1 * C al I'alncn ,
OITUMWA , h. , Sept. 15. [ Spoilil Telo-
prrani to Tun 31cr.-ToniorTow\vllloceurtho
formal oponhigof the coal palace , which is
oxpectetllo bo thobeplnnlngof the jfroatest
event in this city's history. Governor Doles
will formally open , the lulnceby touching an.
electric button , which will set the machinery
In motion. Mayor Kppa will deliver the ad
dress of wolcoiuound this
Kovernor the ad
dress of the day. utherjuite oulccrs will bo
proicnt. Twenty thousand tickets ha\o al
ready been sold , making the palacoaa assured
miwclul success.
Colored Atit.Proiitiionlitfi. | ) | |
flciiuiii-B , la. , Sept. 15-SpeclalTolcgrata [
to TUB JBR.-A ) coaventlon of tlio colored ,
aull-prohlbltioa league ctlowa ract in this
ciiytoday , CbarloJCurtls of Marlon being
In the chair.
Thirty-six delegates were
present , ropresontlnsr nlno congroajloniil illa-
trlcls and 700 moinbors , iaos.t of whom are
republicans. Nothing dellnito
, B Pf jl'tcnilent Jayn of the Chicago , St ,
I'aul. MlnncunoUs & Omaha railroad departed
yeitcrdty uaorulng for the west , where Uo
will Inspect the cotnpauj'a ' lines.
Imsas Oitj and St. Paul Plaj a Tie Gano
on tbo Former's Groanis.
Itcturn of thoUlnck Sot Aficr Oncof
tlio Dlosb Dlsaat ruus Tours
In the tll.stury ol'
. \Von. IxiJli Ttr Ct.
hmi , Oltr WS < JO It , ffW
Minii.'inoin , . . . na n 41 .im
Pcnvrr III1 ! Kl SI , W
FlouxCltv ' li 411 ) , ( . ' > >
OninJjj. . . . IOH 40 C'J ,4''fl
llliroln lit : 4.T U * .KM
kt. I'uui mu : a 7 * , fii
KamnCltj7 , Ht I'fliil 7 ,
ICA.NSVS Cirr , Mo. , Sept. 15. [ Special
Telegram to Tins BEE. ] i'olloivlng Is the
scores of today's game !
UtLiuc called on account ofdurknoas ,
Knn at City . 0 00 1U 40 00 0-7
M. 1-uill . 0 01 JU 10 20 0T
Earned runs K'nm.v ! City .1 , St. Paul n.
T > vo-lia > e lilts Uiiiinini" . SPirn | : , Uiiik-rWdMl.
Tlirufbtiso Iilts-Gtinsoii. Muokln. Double
pluyM-MunuliiK mul bt earns ) Hinltli unit
Meitriw. llawe.ion lialls I'onway ' 1 , JlL-isIclu s.
Pi ruck out L'oinvay 7 , uiltli & Week In 8.
\VIltl \ pltclics I'Diivay a. l'iss , ( > cl imlU
( liuiscn I , tJicinliiirt 1 , Time Two liourdimd
forly.ltve iiilnutcs.
TheAVliecl Cliil ) Tourney.
The \vhcel el ul ) tournimiciit , whlulivill bo
InnuEurntcd "VVcdncsduy evening with n
grand lantern nui-adc , promises to bottio
t'rciitcst cycle event within the history
of Omaha. The races , -which be ln nttlio
fair ground ) Thursday , will bu close antl ex
citing , There is n largo number of entries
and the fraternity are much exorcised over
the cuteomo of the various events. There
will no n Inrpo imtnlier of visiting wheelmen ,
and the management has mndo preparations
for n very lat-eoattundanrc. 'Jho sport will
continue throughout Friday , dosing ia the
evening \vitli a pratid banquet.
The recent Inrfc ttjurnamcnts clearly
showed that In linportantcvcntssome
furloalhigmust bo secured. Thotrvo-milo iliinnvloimhlp nt Mvgani L illH ,
wlilch wai won In ! > :174-j ; tlio Uvo-mllo
cliannlonMilnof America race tt Pi-ovidence ,
\von \ In 10:11 : , antl the threa milo safety
raeo nt Ilartl'ora , ilJdcn in 15:11' ' ; , wro
Klariiiff illustrations of ( tie odvuiitiiRO the
lacinj men possess in doinff aatlinyiileasolu
ildirifr n race ivlienit is not comimlsory to
pet -within a time limit. In spite of the fact
tliut the spectators atthcso mccttn 3 become
dis ustea at such riding and rouudlyhisstho
ildon , the trick is always repeated at tlio
next opportunity.
Time limits are placed on some races bv of
ficial , but others appear loth to do "this.
CliujrnianDavclof the raclnp lxm-dwho
, rc-
fiM-ml the Providence and Ilartlord races ,
pUic-ed limits on some events aud none on
otlieis. U'ho former were Invariably well
contested ' wees , ivliilotlielattonvcrc "loafs. "
I'reslJcntDunn oC the leatjuoof American.
V/hcelmoa , who oiUclated at " l 'lacrjira Falls.
uikur mu ni-si , uusco in mo Tivo-nnio ciiain-
pioubhtp wee iplaceil limits on all contests ,
ridrlou inside of the limit was immediately
dcclarud off by him. *
Kcferoo Oriswolcl announces In advance
Hint after the flrat. contest , If it should prove
unsatisfactory , ho will exercise his preroga
tive of fixing the time limits.
Go Out nml Sec 'Em ' Killed.
Tlio Oiinhas mid Jillwaukcci arrived from
tUo Wisconsin metropolis last evening and
this afternoon will meet in the first of a
scries of Intcrnclno contests at the local
park The -whole city should turn , out
and welcome tlio valiant Black Soxs
baolc to their native heath. They have
just completed an unparalleled tour ,
a tour that will stnnd as the monumental
tourof theage , Ontof thirteen , ovcrprown ,
life-sized games , they succeeded in winning-
ono by n scratch , This la an achievement the
metropolis of IVcbrnilca should feel proud of ,
and the people should attest thoirapprftci-
ation of the fact thtit the blioemakers
( fet back allvo by turulng out and
\vatchtng \ the Brewers mop up the
local diamond with their manly forms. They
have only accomplisheil ttili feat fifteen
straight times , imd Captain Shoclcaays they
ihallnot. linvo apnuiooutof tlio ciRhtocn , It
Is tobu hoped thiit Shoclty , old boy , is rijilit. ,
would spoil nn unexampled record for
Omaha to boat Milwaukee now. ion't tail
to KO out and sea the fun. Tiio following is
thoposltlcns ofthoUvo teams,1
nillffiiulco Onuilia.
I'uornutn .rlnht
I'ottlt. . . . Mvonil J'atan
bhqek. sliort
Dalrymslo.-- . .Ic-ff . Woran AValsli
Ivrclif iiildilie , . . . AVIIlIs
JlorrHsoj llrsb O'Oommr
Juiil/ln fa tell Nuwniuti
MbiTts third t'luvclancl
riiorutou .plteli Clurlio
National Ljoajjuo.
Cleveland 1 30 1 03 00 0 S
PIttsburj , ' 0 0 0 0 , O 0 11 1 3
I-IIti C'lovoland 1il , Plttsbiiti ; 8. Errors-
Cleveland : ! , Titts burs 3. Batteries Vounp
undXiniinerman , Way and Decker , Umpire
Chicago 0 3 O 0 O 1 31 0 0
Cincinnati 0 000 11 00 1 a
Hits Chicniro 1IJ , Cincinnati 0. Errors
Chicago 0 , Cincinnati 'J. lotteries Lit by
andNaglo , fUilncs and Ilarrinetoa. " "Jinniro
Ko giiino rain.
I'hiyers' J/eiij-uu. /
JFirst game
Chicag-o 1 I 10 3 2 13 < , 0 3
Buffalo O Oil t tf 0 O 1 1
Bits Chicago 10 , Buffalo 11. Errors
Chicago 4 , lluffulo 5. Batteries-Baldwin
ami Parrell , Stafford and Made. Umpires
Ferguson antl Holbcrt.
Second game
Chicago 2 20 300 7
Buffalo 0 01 002 3
Callednccouut darkness.
lilts Chicago 8 , Buffalo 3 , Errors-Chi-
coRol. DuffiUol. Batteries ICingand Far-
i-oII , CuonliiKhaui nnd Clark , Umpires
Ferguson and llolljcrt.
ClcvclanJ 1 3 30 102 8
Pitbbui'K 00 CO 002 ! !
lilts Cleveland 13 , Pittahurff 4 , Krrors
Cleveland ! ) . .Tiltsburg 4. Batteries . - '
and Brennan , Morris and Qulnu.
Ciaffnoynnd Sheridan.
l\'o game rain ,
ir pinu.\xEi.rriu. ) *
I\5 \ gatno win.
American Amoclatlon ,
Columbus . . .0 10 30 000
StU > uu 00 1 0 ! l O 0 3
Called on account of darkness , Hits-Col
umbus 7 , St. Louts 5. Krrors Col u mini n " ,
St.Loula 1. Batterles-Ii iitoii and " '
Kcal imdMunynn. Umplro-Emsllo.
Rochestcr..0 , I 11 0 1 0 3 0
Syracuse 0 0 0 o 00 0 00-0
lilts Itocliester 11. Syracuse 0 , Errors
Rochester 1 , Syracuse 8. IJaUmcs-Alan
Taylor. and 1'ltzj Tifcoinband arlni. Umpire-
I' "
' ' 'Af TOLEDO.
Toledo. ' VV0 , 0 801 00 05
Louiivllle "o 0 000 O 0 ai <
ItlU Toledo , , ! ( ? ' Louisville 8. Krrors
Toledo R , LoTi | vlIlo n , Batlerics-Siulth ,
Kprnguo rail G gi.jleakla and B1IU. | ( Um-
lifrc-ICcrlns. ,
CiiiCAoo , Sept.'irj. [ Special Telegram to
VuisDnR.l-SuniuiUryoC toJay'i ' races uttlie
West Side parti'
'riircc-quartcw of a mile , two-year-old *
cnd.AnnloClnrk third.
RIIlo and ouo-slxteonUi , solliiit ( Ciu-ns
won , JacltFnlslaft second , I''rcil Fink third.
Tlmo-l :4 % . JoliuDaily ( tlw favorite ) not ,
In It ,
Mile , handicap -rhaf { ton ( the favorite' ) wen ,
Hlue Vail second , Jed tlitrd , 15 Ig Three ,
LoMBllglitaiidJIlsalloward drawn. Time
1:41 ! ,
Tlirr-e-qiinrtxTs oCn mile , soiling LIzzIoD.
won. J. 13 , Freed ft tic favorite ) second , Jim
liced third , ( Irny Fellow dnuvii , Time
Thrcc-fourtlis of a mile , selllnc 1'carl
Jon iilnga ( the favorite '
) won , SpnMIng' sec
end , Tom Stevens third , LtiJy Lea , ( ! oed
Day , Labrador and Elght-to-Hovcn drawn.
rime 1 :15.
Sliort fourso steeple ehasc-IJol ) Thomas
\voii \ , Winslow ( the favorite ) second , iEvan-
o third , Iilphlndi-n\vii. Tlino-i :4-l"f. : "
GnTKMiuuo , N. V. , Sept , .
Tclrgranito Tuc BEE. ] Summary ol to Jay's
races :
K'lvo-eightlis of a mile Bclisarlus won ,
Du ho of lelnster second , Marly B ( the fav
orite ) third , Es'cptnuls , Leo Biijol , Elmstone ,
\ValJo , Johusflii and P.assddeiio drawn. TIrao
I : OI.
Three-quarters of a milo Fearless won ,
ChiuJinotho ( favorite ) second , Astronomer
thli-J , Ptuvllija , MnJirc f Jolin At and Xoii-
obiadiium. 'J'lina-t : ID , of a mile Annmoly
won , Shotoveritho favorite ) second , Kmuti
thlrJ. D.-iylosniiin , Wdtenoso , Hilda , llcnict ,
Sjinulnrdand Llzzio Broivnelldrnwii. Tliuo
IW \ { .
Tlilrtcen-slxtecnlhs Gunwnd von , llninn
B second , Iceberg third. Autocrat ( the favor
ite ) not lienrcl from , Tjinner , St. John , He-
ICelio , Kiiuiiltty , Ijigo , Lanionsna and Itlch-
ardlt. IToxdraivn. Tiine-1 : 'A ' .
Milo and onc-olglith ( JiioUillon won , Ken
wood ( the favorite ) second , C'hunor , Ijotlon ,
Bonnie KInt ? , Sain D and Llttlo Jvllnnlo
til-awn. Timo-'J
- : OI.
Ono milo Castaway ( the favorite ) won ,
Pontlco second , St. Valentine third , Lart-h-
inont ami Pi lot drawn. Tiino-1 : ! % .
FIvc-oIghthsQf arallo-OoldstreuM ( the fa
vorite ) von , j\ninli ain second. Sea Tot : third ,
DlreRO , " Japhct , Kommice , Marie "W. and
Simla N"cvad ulra.-\vn. 'J'huo-1 :03"f. :
Toslay's Upi ,
Kirst race Dluo Koch , BohbjBeach. .
Second race-iSIachcth It. , Stridcawuv.
Third nice l'pfonac | , Strathnieath.
Iroiu-tli racc-TjO Donohuo ' , Silverado ,
Fifth wco Tenny'ICing.stoi : ,
Sixth raeo Vanity , THO UJH.
Seventh race 15siuiinau.Letrctla. | .
First race LI beily Bell , lajni Thornton.
Second race-1-.aiiiH AnC3 , Toiiar ,
Third raeo Jon Walton , .7 T ,
Fourtliraco-ltqselnnd , Ocorpct iwn.
Fifth race Cattilra. Ilatnlct.
Sixth Maniitf Fouse , lioaz.
Entries I'or'l'oday'rt '
AT OlS.V.V Snj l > .
First ace. llvc-blchtha ol a mlln ninn
J.KJUI , " uiuiiiturr ; uonucuurci , , JJOU
Beach , "Wortli , BostBoy , Meiedeii ,
Second race , milanudone-sixtecnth Eric ,
Stridoa-way , DiaUo , Reporter , Montague ,
Macbeth II. ' '
, Srumstick , l\'ow \ or Iv'eVcr ,
Slufrpard , Penn , 3 , ' ' IVlmont , Mabel CJIetm
Snlvlni , Miss Belle ! ; . , ,
Third racc.threc-fouTlhs of a mile , Pros-
pectstata Eclipse , Surplus , Itonier , Ron-
fax , Gascon , Sallie JVIcClellaud , Potomac ,
Strathnieath , Amulet , Uussell.
i'ourth raeo , raiia and one-quarter , Ori
ental stakes Kingston , Teiiny , Knrus , Castaway -
away ITl rlnco Fonso , Cora to Tuw , Ban
quet , Eon.
Tlfth race , flve-elsht'lis oC a mile , srllintr
Endora , Ella T , T m Donalnio , Hclene ( colt ) ,
Cascade , CJi-aduatc , Alma ( lilly ) . Little Desa ,
auihlean ( filly ) . Latina , Ortou , Park Ilklpe ,
Silverado , Trellis ( colt ) , Adair , Klrlover ,
Vnn Bureii.
race , flvo-clRhtsof n mile , selling
Benjamin , John M , Mr. Sasts , Obcrlin , Croft ,
Upmnii. Vanity , Euna , Flitter ( filly ) , Cam-
mel ( lilly ) , Clayincrjr , Tlctrix llly ) , Marj
lloberts. stead. . Silver Prince , Two Lipj , Hemp-
Seventh race , ono milo and a sixteenth ,
sclliutf Horreuto , Eleve , lA-nn , Vendetta ,
Bonnie ICing , Bumstde , Kcmpland , Glon-
mound , Foxinede , Hoctaey , Esquimaux , Lit-
tloMlmiie. Gwclo D , Deception , Lctretla ,
Little Crete , MuryJ , Young IJulie.
AT lonsviLDi : ,
Tirst race , one-holf inilo , raaiJons
Blancho's Last , Latnar , Hcspoiise , Little
MUffot.Libertv Boll , Mnjor Thornton , Hurt
AVallacc. Mon Droll , Luui , Tom .Ion 03.
Soooiiu race , one-half mile , inilduiis-Ori-
ental , Tencr , Mary Conroy , Lott Douglass ,
Laura .Agnes , lienton , Tlolit , GullJIronKod , ,
Maud B ,
Third race , ono milo , scllinfi .TuMleo ,
Mcckioli , . \Valton \ , 0V , Minnie Klklo
Mrs. General Gilllora , General CaUvvcll ,
Spite , . Hohiu , Ilniipiness. IJogci-s , Nina
A vMior. I > n11niii , 'r ' , riHlrrt .1 T
lourth race , threq-qvartorsof nmllo. . Blue
GI-LSS stakes-KuiiolpIi , Hindoo Lasa , Me-
leiiie , Alodjcski , Sly Lisbon , . , Mount
Joy , Vullora , ICosclanil , Cnluioj , Dundee ,
GiWKOtown.Tomltojrcrs. Kimlor , Philora.
1'lftU race , milo nnd one-clphtli tjcncral
Ciihhvell , Oaborno , Ku onia , Uutalpn , Iluni-
Sixth raeo , mile and one-six tccatli , selling
Dyer , Hopeful , Neva U , Biamlo l''onso ,
Licderbranz , lloaz ,
Tlio Anglo Por-inmicsT Treaty Up for
Considrrni ion.
Lidiiox , Sept. 15 , The reassembling of the
cortes today caused great excitement
throujjliout the city , ns a stormy dollito on
tlioAnglo-Portugucso treaty was oxrtcte-J ,
Sliops and olllecs were closed andthousandi
of citizens wended tlicir way to the
parliament building. Soon after tlio
opening of tlio cortca Kilicco , min
ister of foreign affairs , moved the adop
tion of thu AiiKle-Portuuucio .treaty.
I-Io bcpran with various moilllicatlona which
thepovernment had tuloptedln order to as-
swfo iiublic hostility to the treaty , lout bc
fore ho had gone fat' ' lift \vas \ silenced by the
progressist minority Amid Tumult , Major
Serpa 1'iato arose on li shouted to tlio pro-
fjrcs ! > lts ! , "Holdyouutonpues. " Upon thh
a progrcbsistpricst named llrainJao assaulted
Serpa I'lntoand nilv(4y | pupils tlo encounter
ensued , Tlio prcrtUWlt , tin.iblo to roitoro
orJar , suspended tKo' ittiny ,
When tbo cortcpi , rcasscm'blril Itlbeeo
Introduced the ilnalish convention with
certain modlllcations , Jt wai referred
tea committee , wiujfaipou the progrcssisU
moved thnt Llcutenrtnt Contlnho , wliosclzcij
a Ilrltish steamer /.lini-aline , deserved the
contldenco of thocymjtry. The sitting wai
conclutled in an orderly manner.
A. Patnl' t reet Duel.
" NBWHUHNA.ln. . , ybj > t , 1S.-A fatal street
duel occurrol yesterday aftnion ; between
KobortTurpIn and Glen Dusltitu , prominent
young men. They quarrololSaturdiij' after
noon , but ported with Uio understa-jdinjr that
eacR aliouiaarm hltnsclf ami shoot on lKht ,
"Yesterday afternoon , tliei1 oanio Uwothcr
Each cmptlol his revolver. Dusliln fell mor-
Uillyvouiu1cil with four balls in his bndy ani.
nsliot from Ids pistol nfUir ho foil to hi knees
struck Turpln lu the forehead , Icillhifr him in
stantly ,
A lliirili \ppllonnl .
ATCIIIJO.SIvan. , . , Sept. in.-fSpeclal Tclo-
fjram toTirtBei ! . ] Tha death of J. 1) ) , IToI.
land ol this city inakcxa vacant tint position of
nslstnnt clilefsurfrcoiiof the Missouri Pa
cific lines north of ICnmas C'ity ' , and there U
already n s troiiff rivalry for the tipiwlntmont.
The applicants uro notconflncd ta Atehlson ,
but indutlo physlcluni of other cities * v
Kiglit'a Session A YcrJniot ( and
UuoTcatful One ,
tirade to He Eslnljllshc-d at
tlio AVebsler School Tlio Anno.x
llcl Icrliij ; Ovororo\vdcil \
The board of education should hnvc : net nt
s o'clock List nlcht , but Itvtia un hour later
> eforo a quorum arrived. In the nbsciico of
' 'resident Qoodmnn and Vice 1'resldcnt Me-
2oiinoll , the duties of clulnnau fell upon Mr.
JabcocU , and aiiettcr half hour wu devoted
o tbo reading of the mlnuteaof tboprevloua
M'ho ' counnlttco on special education re-
> ortcd that butoiio inuslo teacher would bo
iccdcd. The report \vtu ailojited.
'J'ho report on Howard 33. Smith's pro-
tosal to leiisoalot for tbohiuh scliool nnncx
vas presented. 'Jho report \vns doitcd. [
t was to tbo effect that It would not
jo expedient to accept Smith's projiosltlon.
1'or cloliifc 'oino brick work nt the Dodpo
seliool , Jolin SchrocJcr got tlio contract at
' 3).m ) O'lvcolTo's ' bid of ? : ! 0"iforlaylng the
'oniulations ofthrco scliool liousca wnt the
ovest nnd ho was awarded tlio coiitraet.
l-'orfuniisliln-21 window shades , Jf. B.
ralcolncrbicUl-O. niHlpot this contract ,
U'hc committee on htilillnjrt and property
reiwi'tcdIn fmor ofulloivliif ? U' . C. ( Jarmoiifj
' ( f'li'M on liis contract for building school
louses ut Saratoga , Central 1'arlc and Hick
ory ,
.A resolution to hlro a room for school ptir-
> oses , atu rontiil of not to cvoci'd S'JO pur
nonth , In tbo vicinity of tlio lUvunport
school.vns ndopted ,
.Mr. Points Introduced a resolution ntithor-
ziiiff tbosuperlntondcntto assign. prini'lpils :
to tlio Shonnaii uvcnuo ami Fort Oiii'ilin
scliools at salaries not to exceed > 0 per
month. The resolution wits : idoptvd.
Jlr. Points bad another resolution vrhicli
WHS adopted. It provided that Suporlntcnd-
cnt.lanics . shall establish an pihtti ( frrado at
: \VoUtor \ school and assign a teacher fin-
.ho imrjiuse of toncliliif ? tlio KMUC.
Superintt-tidcnt Von Icy reported that now
stoves vouldbo needed m some of the small
SL'liool liouses , The report , was referred to
.hocommittee on buildings and property ,
with power to act.
Superintendent J.trncs . reported that la the
liyh Sfliool "building thcro uw ei'bt ( grades
md room to teaoh but six. In view of this
itatcincut a iesolutloiivaa adopted instruct-
ng the superintendent toorclerccrUin cnidos
: aiifrht In themomhif , the room vacated and
-urucd over to the other crudes ita the after-
The board will hold nnotbcr niectinp Sat-
arday nlht , \vlilch time tlio contract for
building the high scliool annex will bo
awarded ,
ITou Jlnst Answer t.lils Question
llclbioT < in Can ItcRlslcr.
A great deal of trouble AVHI experienced at
ast year's elections in securing polling phc-cd
11 the various wards. In some instances
exorbitant rents were demanded for the use
of houses nnd shanties for this purpose , and ,
under the las method employed la securing
tbo places , ths council had no choice lut to
pay the bills.
A cha'iKO ' Is to bo tried this year. The
city comptroller lias boon lustructed
to secure a list of available places
Cor polling purposes , and re | > ort
it with the coit to the conn ell at the inditing
Tuesday iiiglit next.
The registrars must , lie nppointed loforo
October 1 and the couiiellmcnof the various
wards have been requested to select a list of
capable candidates for the positions in the
various voting districts ,
This list will bo referred to the judiciary
committee and from it tbo ofilcers of registra
tion will be selected at the meeting ouTucs-
duy night , September U3.
> Ionit > ors oftlioPirm of'Pottcr , Ixivell
& Co. ; Vrrestcd.
BOSTONlilass. . , Sept , 15. Walter Potter
and \V. D. Lovcll of the flrrn of Totter ,
T ovclL & Co. , were arrested today
on warrants charging tboni with em
bezzlement and larceny. The complaint
is made by Charles Kicliardson of
Philadelphia , a . .inoinbciof tholiruiof C ,
Kichurdion iSoti ? , a director in tlio Nation-
alUaiiltof the Kcpublicln I'Dilnddphia , imd
president of the Edge Hill furnnco coniiiau.y ,
audit allegeUho embezzlement and larceny
of 870,000 worth of bonds of the Edge Hill
Curuact ! company.
The prisoners wore held In $ T5OCOeaeli ,
Hoth funilslcd bonds.
Klllnt His nrnthorlV
S\iTL.\ivnCrrvUttih , , Sept. 13 , [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bur.Vlille ] , foUn and
Conrad Staley or Coalvlllo , n'/od 17 ntul Ifi ,
xvcre oat shootin ? prairie ebicKens venter-
day , they became separated and John , la fir-
iiiRintotho sago brush at a chiceu ! , shot his
orothcr in the breast , killing him in
stantly , was nt the llmo stalking t no
same name anil wiwconsoouentlyout of sl bt.
M'Jso > earner i < tircuusr.
Tor Omaha nml vicinity ITnlr ; slightly
For Nebraska and Iowa Fair Tuesday and
"Wednesday : wa-i-uisr ; southerly winds ,
For South Dakota Warmer ; southerly
A Victim ofClinmio Alcoholism.
CiiiciGO , Sept. 15. ( SpocUl Telosrani to
Tim lici : . ] - MarioVIHiaiiw , who n fuw
yc-ai-a njo was ono of Iho leading builcstiuc
actresses in England nnd .America , and \vbo ,
when she ilrst came to this country with Col-
vlllo's Folly com way , created a ri-cnt scnsa-
tlou liere , vaa this morn 1 up before a police
justlco on u clur e of chronlu alcoholism.
JMIsVilliams \ wante < l to return to her
friends in iu ; ! > Iind. Hho had a tlcliet fer
Is'ew "i'ork and jiroinlsod to sail for London
S'lturday. Slio had British enpasfciaeritJ
\\blch itctcntioii hcroivould compel her tfl
forfeit and dhn inalo nil kind. ) of promUc.i fcr
the future. In spite of nil her promlsus ,
however , she wai sent to tlio Marthu. U'aali-
ington home ,
XJniprrorVlHlntn \ on Snclnl Reforms ,
BEUI.IV , Sept. 15. [ Special Cablegram to
Tun BEE. ] Kmperor William maJo nn iin-
portant speech at a banquet ut Bru-dau Saturday -
urday nlgiit , In the coin-so of lib rcmarlH
hosaidliuhopcdl that other provinces would
imitate BUesU himtrnrd to the Improving of
tho- condition of worJiliiKrncu. lie agreed
ivlth the libur.Us , who declared that state
coeroion win not Iho iightvay to oppose so
cial democracy , and that society must help
llsflf. Social reforms , ho said , could only Iw
introduced by the clUtcnu tlioinsc-lvci. lie
trusted the ii'-opla would mvnlco from their
lethargy anil not leave It to the atato to
slrug-glo against psrvcwe elements.
Tlio VVnrliVn Kalr
CJmano , Mopt. I5. The natioaal world's
fair cominhsion began its second session
licro t day. Today tto worli was devoted
chiefly In settling the duties of various o2 | .
r und coinmittcea. Tonight the city t-oun.
ell paskeil iilmost unanimously the amended
ordiuanL-o ilesii-edby the world's fair direct-
on. allowlnif thouso of us much or ; u llttl )
ofthel'iltw front us may bo required for tlio
purposes of tha fair. The fudorul board of
I'njnncers unpointed to hear protests ayaitist
tbo usoof the harbor as a possible position cf
thu slto bopan tlioheailut- today , ono protest
lielng lllcd by tuo owners of abuttlni ; prop
To Avoid CmnpllL-ntlniifi.
HOSTO.V , MasH , , Sept. 1,1 , , Advices from
Texas report that Leo it i'crgusoa huvo hna
0 , AV.Anjdllnndl-'mnlt Caliln-cll appoiuto
elvers of the llrazos company In orJor to
< ut any complications from the Potter-
'Lovcll failure , and to secure Iho completion
of the work.
_ _
'Jho Death Itoll.
I'Ams , Sept , IB , M. Jofforln , a incmhcr of
thochainber of doiratles , Is dead.
Sontliiiinptoii Su-lktrN Vlctorloni.
SouTiUMrTox , Sept 15. Tbo strike of the
llrcmcti mid seamen Is end , the advance asked
by the men luivlng boon conceded.
Vjro nml fcil lee CoiumlmUm.
There was no qxionun at the luce'.lnB of the
flro nnd pollco commission Irm niilit. A
la 170 stiiclc ofliuslnranvit laid usldo until a
lucetJnp f- " " ' " "ill'Ml ,
A Snliin.i . i , < : iloiiccd.
The four men wrested for brc.iklnRlato
.Tncob Young's saloon xveru arralBtietl in the
police court yostcrilav afternoon and nil but
wwterilold were lelensed. Ho va * sent to
the comity jail for thirty days ,
Hull llounil Qur. ;
Kdwnrd Ball , who wus nn'cstedfor steal-
iiiBfthorso bcloiiclnj- J.F. lihihard * of
.South Onmhn , AVIIS tried befcw
1 TcWey yi-stenhiy and bound over to
in district court under liondsof5W. (
A. Merlon ? Siloon Ho\v.
Jack Duncan , n , large , vicious-looking ne-
Bro , pot into a light with a man named
CJrconlyiit Jlrs. ShulU's saloon , and in the
nicleo whlcii followed .Imh Uiincnn received
a very d.mpemus wound in tbu abdomen , in-
llitted , so bo says , by Orccnley. 'Kl\o i-aso
will be called up today ,
'l'lio\ ' to in
J-iTTi.nUoK , Ark. , Sept , 13. ' 1'hc offlclal
ninjorlty for Jiijrle , iletnocratlc candidate for
governor , is 2lSi ( ) ( over Fisher , union labor
andnipulilhraiiciiiidlduto. Tlio total veto in
thostiitowas lOI.-iW , of whlohKaglo received
10COr ( ) , imcl Fisher 83,181.
H1'I'rnst , ut KiinsuH City ,
Kixs.w Citr , JIo. , Sept. I. . The most
prominent uukcrs of Kansas City , Mo. , and
Kansas City , ICun. , huvo fornol : a trust to
regulate in-lee * . Prices on biojdvlll be ad
vanced , but the wcklit of bread will bo In
creased , so that the advance U alight.
A $ Ur , OOOO < ) MortsrncP.
The Sivift - . -
computy has filed n
mortpicoln the rex-order's oJIce covei-inff Its
various cstablljliineiiLs which ara located at
South Omaha , Cook ami Lilra counties , Illi
nois , La Porte county , Indiana , nnd Vyun-
dotto county , JCnma * . Thu mortira o Is to
secure the payment of iJ.V'on.OO.l , : ind is Riven
to the .American Savings undTrusl
company ,
Vlf > lon ly
Mrs. Faniilo Ilorak , livin ? afc line Soutli
Twenty-second street , n insinc. She has
llfVIt til f/l , * ctnnm tlm/t , , 'rt-ltr * > .1l * . nr. . . .
noon slioattempted to swallow a handher-
clilefvbleh she craniraod Into her throat
bcforo tbt ; family Irid noticed her lasauo act.
A physician wnscallc.l , wlio removed the
handkerchief hy the tiso of an iiulriimont.
The woman wa-i taken to tliu county jail
until she can bo oxamincd bvthe board cf In
sane examiners.
Arrostctl * ) | ) \ ; an Olllocr.
SALT LAKE , Utah , Sapt. in. - f.Spe.ial
TdcRrnra to Tin : BJI : . ] Franlc Miller , a
would-ho detective , was arrested nnd lield in
S1IX)0 , bonds ted ay for Irapeiionatlnp Deputy
United States Marshal Hush mid atleniptiiJB
tolevy blackmail on members of the demi
monde. Miller is from the First ward in
Onwlmaiid when , a fewyears tiffo , he raii for
'oated , came west. Itoluis u badt'o bearitiR
the legend , -.N'orthivcdteni ' detective nscney
ehiof. "
JudKO Shields ismej the follovlng ;
riago liccusea yesterday !
Nnnio and uddra-i ,
GenthcrVush injton , N'eb , 2-J
Ullio E boner , JllllarJ , Xeb' . " . . . | o
( Myrtello Powell , Florence , Neb . 2(1 (
( Euinia Anderson , Florcace.N'eb . 17
5 Kussell C > . Sapo , Ornaliu . 37
< Elizabeth Couftldnii. Omaha . 27
( Frank T. Walker , LanpdouN. D . 2.S
j Maggie J. Dinncn , Plaito Center , Xeli.M
j Michael Digiriri , South Omaha . 2.1
( Maryllaly , Oinalui . , . ei ;
She AVorlcs Fll'lcen Honra r\ nay for
Thii-ty-llvo CcnCs.
A very jiatlietio frtory is ( old by a
wealthy .N"ow Vork womuiivh , stunilled
accidentally upon ono of these inartyfs
of the wiwliiR1 insicjilnc , say tlio Illus
trated American. Slio wis looking up
an old nuiisioner , a fonnor servant , wbo
bad fsillou into distress , nnd , following
tlio directions fjh'cn , found liorsolf in a
tnoro than nrdiniry ; Bqn.illil kiulf leno-
mcnt. On. thu fonrtlillooiseelug - uiloor
njnr , the visit or gave a couple of hharp
knocks ' , This summons \vus rojicntcd
iijfiii'u iinci again \vLtliont i-ecog-ni-
tion. ] Ioni'in - the
ehittcr of ! i nui-
cliino , the liitly entci-oil , and Blood Ln
dumb ' astonishment on tha threshold.
oS'car tha window , seated on ixnuptui'iiuil
so.ip-box was n woman , her heitd ami
Hhoultlor.s hiiiit at a painful nnyle. \
llltnsy , narrow bcdiind inachlua ivct-e
the onlv two Dk'ce.snf fui-nitui-o in tliti
ronni. un iinoinof inverted box fat a
tin \vish , basin , wlulotho ilinjrjmantel -
Bholf hold : i frtigmenl oC loolcinrlasH ( , a
plate , eup siiul lurnblei- . That \vusiibMO- \
lutely ovurylhiiii ; tobo scon , sa'vo on Iho
dliifjycoverlot of the couch , ivlioro , in
inarlcoJ conti'ast to the wrotulml poverty
oftlioplnce , were heaped nuinlwr.s of
oxquisltoly duo infants' ' i-obs.s. These
Ion ; ; , mo\v-\vhllc , dainty R-QWIIS , rare
coufcctlonaof laeo and noedleivoi-k , only
helped to . -
acccntu.-ito tliuir urim snr
ziiiJ , implied by n
pitiful curiosity , tlio intruder unused
the room lowhuro its iiiiatrerfasat biivod
ovoilior ticodlc. The hidy bnwhedtho
elbow huroii ) she looked
up with a liiilf-viieant slurs. Slowly the
situation dawiicil upon her , nnd risiii"
aim asked , In tlio shy , low voito peculiar
to deiif people , how slie could servo her
visitor , "Tho wo , niook despair ,
nnd HOiTO\\fnl linen in the woman. 'sfneo
'brought a nu-ih of tears toiny eyes , " and
continued Iho nari-ator. "Sho was thin
juul bent , and ln-ld her ncodlo with hot ,
nui'vous linger ; * that tivinhled at every
stitch , J cxpljilncil ray Jnti-uslon as bust
1 could , and thun undoavoreil to find
out horaothlnjj of Ilio iioor croaturo'.i
condition. She H.'iiil ts'io made tlio ( inalily of infant'H cups unit
roller * for iiBhop , but \vor \ | < aH she inl ht
itv.-ay only potslblo to koeiisonl unil
body together. So\vliiK' from half-past 7
in tlio morning until night BIO ! could
only niiikohalf n frock , M narrow anil
niunorous were the tuukjund BO
the tiny Ms of lace anil embroidery to
hjsetln. Tliu'tiho earned M cents
day ; i > pctit lucentd for food , the mat
golnplo jiay room mid machlno rent
sind huy tfm incdlclnot ) needed tel < ooi
lier out of bed , JJor nkill und taste
counted for nothingnnd' she dared not
complain for fear of loiln < ? even this
poor jmtromifjo , " The story was alony
one of Hickiiesri imd debt ; when driven
by necessity ho nc-cejiti-il nny tcirms
olTorod. A l < n sulllclont/ Iiijiiro
tcinJiury ] ) comfort IVJIH uxtcnded ami
accepted , nnd talcing the number of the
stnru the liidy drove uwnv to lnvo Uffuta
thooxtontof injiititieo this fcuamstroHa
had ButTored. Iuiilry produced duiill
cates of fpockrf she Lail ucuii already thu
inornliifj , unirfted 8I , l-JxiKMtulntlon
jijaiiut tholii h prieo wni ust'less. ' 'i'ho
clui-k declared that the cost of making
VOH too oxponalvo to lot the f rouk HO for
u penny lew. Itwaseorno relief to the
lauy tnBpuak her mind and awurc tha
proprietor he liad ono slave Icy to count
' I'oitlivctr curn l tf
thrso Xlltlo IMIli ,
Tliey RSO ! rollcro Jls- )
tress froml'j-spcpsln. ' In-
ITTIE dlKtstlon ondTooltcatl )
WER li tlng. A perfect rem
edy for DlaJucss , Xnusc&i
PIUS. Provrslnejfl , Had Tasle
In the Jloutti , Cotxteti
Tongue , I'nln In Uio Side ,
TOlil'ID ' UVK11. Tlicy
rcguUte tbo ttoircls. J'urcly Vegetable ,
The Now Gralu liato Order Not To Take
Effect Until October 1.
Tlio Jj.ike MHOS Crou-tHnjc the Uall-
rondii on Shipments Visible
lirreuUotMlio Itlll of'l-nd-
lnj ISoycott.
CHICAGO , Sept. 15.Special [ 'rolcgram ta
Tun BKIJ.J The Intei-statu coinmerco cuin-
misslou todny notlllcd western liuci that it
would postpone until October 1 Its order ro-
duclii(7 ( grain rates eastbomul from the Mis
souri river. It also sent nil order that llu
rtl | 1 . * i./-f > ll ( ill fYi > ls nf l.ll ultnillrl Itn r I'ltii t.ilxn.1
as between St. LouU and ( 'lileajjo. It will bo
roinembered that the rate.s ordered hy tlio
coniniissloii were 'JO cents on whaet from tlui
Missouri river to the Mississippi. { > i
other grain the rates onlorcd AVCI.I
IT nnd 1U ei'iits ie.q > ccllvely , Tti-i
( > -ccnt dilTorentiiil onwheat rnlM-,1 ,
a storm of protest , Chlciiipi shippers daiuniu-
thnt it would divert all to St
Louis anil that the .Vi-eiitdlfforeutial wsis , ill
Chicago cuuld possibly Ht.ind. On iwoijil , if
tliutule ium from the commission , the Km/c
Inland and Alton ( j.ivo nutlce tliut they woul-t
ticliy their reductions until ( Jctober I , Mln u
they will roilui-e- cent below the nto
ordered , vi/ Ill and 1-1
- cents to Uhici'o | uii.l
St. horn ! ivsjicrtlvely. Thetv Is no further
tnlkof Hihtlii0'tlic lC'rsiiiC-otho lincli M
and nml Alton lias uivoplc.l it , and all Inu- .
will adopt thorntos on October I.
IVciprlit ami pasHCiiKin-lMfile , both east and
west boiiuilfrom f'lli-'iiro has
, assumed onm-
IIK.IH proportln s dir nj Iho Uu two wocks.
1C early every hi u issliurt of cai-s , ont > ibv
lust wool : tlio Atflil-son lieiag- short over frnu-
thonyand , The Luke Hluro wis liort tml.iv
about one thousandeara , and other liiie-iiir >
proportionately pressed. The total i\wtbc'iiiil
sliipnienti lastuooluim junlcd to TiVii tni.
iiKalust 7lf"rJ'i totu tlu previous week anI
ri'jK'iri tons tlic corri-.pjndini ; week of IVKI
Last week nltotlio tonii o by lalio was ('.ht '
tout , beating the r-till lint's by , V peri-ontuu and 1-JJ per i-entnn Hiseed. , . Th
luliellnw aroalsu mnvdinpr thu rail lines on
lard shipment ) . taUnt ? lTt > 0 loai : aj ainsL
; ) . ( io ; tens by rail.
The Hoar , j.1'.iin nnd provision stnlemont of Tr.iflliiisso -i-atioii shows a total
of illi. : > 7 tons against l ! ,7li'J si yeni-u o list
wccJ. Ot tbcflourKi'iim , ai.dprovKion.sfoL-
last week the ( ii-anil Trunk took ( | ioi- rent ,
VtaJlu [ K , Michigan ( Jcntral 15 , Iaku
Shore 1-1 , Kiokel Pljto ti : , Dultiuioru & Ohio
11 , , , ) , T fimr ! ! * r. n h. . IV.f .vP tl > 1,111
of laumj ; boycott is plainly seen in the nnovi- ,
bntthe Vaiitlcrbilt and I'aiimylvaula lines
hope to cut down tlioOr.nul Trunk per ocnt-
atrofoi' next week , now . tlio bovi-ott Inn
been ended by abolishing the now bill of lading -
ing where it Is obnoxious ,
iCNoc2\io ; nv A i'"isrr.
'J'Jic ii Ji llvixM'lonci- < ! ' a Sailor la
Southern AVatcw.
I'ei-sons xvho huvo not o.-cpcrionrod
somu soifa.rlny ; ; auung thu West India
Islands antl licconio to some extent fiiinll-
itirl/.ecl with the tricks and autiiy of thu
Hying ; Hah , wliluh abound in tlnwo wa
ters , will be eurprised at Iho velocity
they attain la theit- short flights , a\yt : u
writer in the Now "Von'f Ilornld. Tlio
11 sh will never leave the water unles.s
compelled todo soljy thulrmitural eiii > -
mlcd , tlio dolphins , and when they do
llytlie.v shcoi through the nlr liho u
.Somoyciirsag'o while onu voyapro to
I\lo Janeiro I luul ; ui expcrloncuoll' thu
Cukui coast with , 'i tlyiiijy i\ih \ that I am
not likely tn forgot , anil whluli niadomo
the subject of c-oiiBlderablo mcirinwiit
n nion gf 1113- older corn pan ioas. The mu-
jorlty of them were old Hiiiloi-rf wlm had
vibltoJ these waters many times boforu
and worn wolhicquaiiitod with the tricks
of the vrlnj-fed llHh ,
They iirefeillyliiKatni rht. nnd itwaa
midnight watch tluit I met
my adventure. The nlglitviia ono of
tliuso b.ilmy ovi'iiliif , puvullarto siib-
ti-opicjtl watur , Hulclom , if over , o : < -
pericm.'Cil Ln the noi-tli. The full nioim
wa ? shinlufj- bi-if htly thul ono could.
alinojt feel itj rays. The brcoKo had
fsillen nwjiy coinplutvly , allo iiif the
sullrf tn llnp lu/iily : i > riiiiibt tliof-pitrHin
acuomiianiiiient to the monotonous wiealc-
in 'oi 1110 vc ci as KIIO w.iiiowcu ia/ny
in the trough or tlio longf ground s\vell.
An far aj the oy o could i-oacii ai-unnd Iliu
hoi-l/.onnot : i rlvplo was vlsiblo on tlio
siirfaeoof the t > ua. The very eloincnts
ujipoareil tobo felnmbcrin ' , Thowhulu
watch , wlthllio exception of tlio 111:111 at ,
tlisu'Iicc'l : uiil I. were /fti / thoi-cd around
the i-uiiiiiig4 ) of the fore hatcli spiniiln r
yams nnd Hinoltin . I was so-itud upon
thofiijtetnn on the "loolcoiit , " but the
BomnoleiH-o of tliovory atumspliara Ifent
mo in u drowsy titato , juat hotweon walc-
TlilH , toyetlier with the muslc-al clilrp-
in 'of tlio " .Motlier ( Jary'a chU-leriti"in (
fho fore i-i 'in , proved too nuich for
my fecbli ! clTurlit svt wtiljofulnrns , and
sovDraltiineulcjimu witliinaii ticuoC fall-
Ingovcrbotird. This i-ontinuocl iionrthu
end of my watclivlien , us I peacefully
doosil oil. [ lieai-il a sudden "riwlsli , " and
boforu I vsib aware of what liad hap
pened J rucolrud a tot-riile blow bot-.vci'ii
tliooyoj , thoforcoof whlcli Iciuukod me
olttho ciistan ] , over Iho wlndlustt , and
down to the ( let ! I , I leaped up , hoiked u
belaying pin , and clcmiindod to ICIIONV
who hit mo. My uriHxvur wan si hurst of
litujrhtcr , und onoof the niun pointed to
tlio to pjjul hint forceistlo at n hit-roll3-- {
iii ; , ' iiiih Iliipijiii ! ; on the iluuJc , Jtliiul
strui-Ic rno whllo pn-isiny oi'orlho thlp
and rnlsfd a hnii | the i/.o of a liun rt
e o between my tiyo.s. Wo fried Hit ) liah
thu next niornfuj ; tin dbraakritMtal olfof
Absolutely Pure ,
i or ni of tnrt.nrbakins poinler ,
olar ola itroiigtli UB. flovcromeat
-rt A.UI. ir , U&