Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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nitly find Sum1uy,0nu Year. . . SUM
Hhtnmitli * . . . . & 00
Tliri'U inniitlH . ISO
Biiiuliiy llc-v , Ono Year . . . . . . . . . 200
NUuklylloarUnoYear. . 12U
lhr llfo lliillillnit ,
Onmha , Corner N nnrt Sfith Streets.
HiuiM-UHIiHKl'- Nii'ol.
( lili-iiaiiOniip.IlirnmiiiliororOotnnifrpc. .
rsnv Vork.UwniH nil niull'i , Trlluiriollulldlnff
\UbliJii8toii.MJ fouMccnth Street.
( OKI SPOXt > E > CE.
All rrmiimiiilcatlniiH nliitl i > to nws nd
oilltorlil matter ulioillcl bo iiddrusiid to the
JCdltorhl J > cirtniuit. | )
HUBIM : ir.TTii9. : !
AM 7jinlMP ili't tor * imil ri > tiillliiiicr < nhnultl
teftlclroHm dloTlii > Ui > o rubll'ililnjr ' Corn puny.
Oniiihii. UrnfH. clicoki nn < > iiiHlolIlio orders
liilw inaiU ) piyiiblcto the order uf tliu com
j ( itiy.
Tlie Btc Punishing Company , Proprietors ,
'Jlo I'rp Il'M'ir. l-'nrnn ni and fro on tfen 1 h its
MtouT ST.VF rc7i KNT or ciuo ULA T ION
fcllitoofXobrailfa. ) , ,
County o ( Iomli . f ss
( Iro. II. Tnehticld metnrjr of The Itpe
I'ubllsMnu ' coinniiiw.ilnM'Milciiiiil.viwPiirthat '
UKDclmil clrftil jitlon ot Tiir l > Aaiv IIKK lor
tlio M ock o inline Mt | ) 1 1 , ISlKJ. wet * us follows :
f-iimlav. . > nl.7 . - ' ' ! ' * >
t H
\li < lti < Mluv.S'i > t > . Id. . SiUiSJ
TlmrsdHV.opt. . U . 3I < >
ir'ii n v.Hopt 12 . aijirt
fciilurdiy , Hunt. 1J . . a ) .us .
Averngo . 2 < MH
IlKO. II. IVirilHIK.
F\rorn to lirforotno nnrt suliicrJtml In ni"
prom-rico tniilltndnv of-cutomlior. A. U..ISX ) .
IK I I | tf 1 * . IEIIotary 1'ublle
felut < D ( N'olmslcn , L ,
Cuuntyof J > oujliiN. ! (
nooiiro It. T/Acliulc. lifltiK duly snoni , tlo-
juiios mid H.IJS Hint tic Issc'crctiiry otTholioc
1'iibllsliliiK ' ( o-npiuiv. t lint thenntniil aivrif !
dillydriMiliilloii of Tim LMH.v lite fortho
iiintit li uf Si't | ) Miil > < tr , 18S ! . 1710 roiiloH ! for
Oilolnr , JrtftUHIK ! > 7coiItS ! ! for November , IHSJl.
J'UHl ' miili's ; for Hrcr tutor. its/ft / , U'O.OH copies ;
fiirJiimiiirjrhU . 11AVV copies : for lobruiry.
W > , Jltrl ! c < i | > l 't ; for March. HI. atMI5 ctoiilcn :
fni Ajirll. lKH ) . Ui'ojiM ; forMay , WX > , iUso
Million. for June. I 'K ' ) . 20101 ( uplesi for July.
MO , L"0UCJ ccptus ; for A ; ilstlW. 1MUV ) uoplos.
( Jioiicii li. Twit rue.
Suornlo lioforo HIP. nml siilisurlljod In my
iirrsontij , tills 10th auyof Soptnuilur.A , ! > . .
WW. N I1. VKII ,
Notary Public.
Triii.Mnlno clemoeintu gain some incm-
liCfH in tlio somite. ThiB is but tuUmiil.
Dut itvii4 In tlio nutloiial house \vhoro
they hocd | to yain , and failed most in-
glorioual y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
\Vjinx Iho aunpalgn ooti9 ] 'on the
twentieth , the "growingque&tloti" and
all other styles of idiocy will "bo an
swered In n way tliatvill liutry the
demo's olT oti u run.
IT Is palnfullv evident thtvt tlio de-
moci".icy lias Ic liopes of winning in
Kobr.isktv than tlio Omaha club Lai of
reacliinsr the bnsolnll psnuant. Both
afo buireilng1 floin internal hajfever.
THE Gmnt monument coramltteo of
Now York has lit last douidod ujion u
monument for the dead general. Now
all tlut remains is for a InilE century to
lo aquandofod in ralsinjj the money
necessary to erect it ,
THE republican swoej in Wyoming
gfovsiii otto nt und coinploleness as tlio
ictuins come in. Dcspitotho loud pioph-
ooiesof tlio democrats , no county lias
jot given thorn nulHeiont oncourJo-
montto oxtondlts existence as a party ,
tliat tlio two ocean grey liounds
havopro\ed tint n. trip across the At-
livntlocuiibo inaclts In less tlnmsixdays ,
the steamship racing should coarse , It
only would out machinery , and. a few
liouis la of no material dliroionec ,
especliillj if apsvsscnpror is la sight of
hind ,
IT has been shown , by bulletins re
cently issued thnt tlio sltxto product
of Pennsylvania wtis equal to that o (
any other two states in tliounion , but
Ihia yorir the political slates in the
Key Stone state are open to as
much doubt nstlioso in districts where
the slate product is rnu ch binallur * .
Soiri : instlo aspirant for
notoriety suggested prohibition in the
Misblsaippl constitutional convention.
The alacrity shown in rejecting cold
water wns only equalled by tlio unan
imity with which the convention a few
Jay's ago repudiated n cla-uso denying
the right of scrosaioii in the future.
Tins offloialpopulationof Minneapolis ,
nccordingto the footings of the recount ,
Is ono hundred and sixty-four thousand
seven hundred and eight. The first
count jmo a population of ono hundred
and eighty-four thousand. The falling
oil' Is doubtless duo to the hasty depart
ure of certain citizens for whom 'cderal
warrants wore out
ENT Dtz proposes torcduco
the Mexican army , and to lia\o \ it com
posed entirely of. luntcors , thus rais
ing Ita eUndinjj , nd , asls naturaleffect ,
ing a sa\lnj \ { in tlio annual expense o (
the govcrninent. Mr. Diaz very o l-
4ontly is not struck on the state "mo-
iiah. " The brass buttons of the \olun- \
o\ei'COino ! him.
Tim prohibitionists ol North Dakota ,
in a public address , Maliciously assail
the republican state ticket because the
parly repudiated the dictation of aBinnll
faction of intolorants. Had the prohibi
tionists boon given all the offices it Is
probable pence and harmony would pro-
vail.rjho screed servos to show that
"lioina"antl"imtho land" are shallow
Blognns without a few p\jlng \ oBlcos
thruwji hi.
THE Dunncll apportionment bill fa-
voinbly reported to the house practi
cally destroys the usefulness ol Now
Yorlc aiiv pivotal state , ITcr twenty-six
years itluis hypnotized and Timimanj-ivcd
the democracy of the country and dic
tated o\ory \ candidate for president from i
> IcCloltan to Clovolnnd. The republi
can palty has not bowed to its behests
rogardlntf tlio hood of the tickotbut since
1877 Now York Ina invariably eocuroil
second place , Its Unity-six votes were
ossoatlal to the auccqss of cither parly ,
hutundor nny "basis of apportionment i
wlilcji may bo adopted the republicans
can present the Eniplro state to the
democracy and easily win , Wltti Indi
ana added to the biiro republican states
the patty \vlll hayo enough and to spare i ,
whllo the democracy \lll bo just tlilr-
teen votes shprt oth.o ( presidency , The
llooslcr state will therefore bo the t
Mttlo ground In 1892.
ina EXKcvrivs
The question of tha constitutionality
of tlio reciprocity nineniltncmt to the
tariff bill , in ofur s s It Irapows upon
the president the authority nnd
duty of icqulrlng the collection
of duties on cxemptod articles
specified in. Iho amendment , In
tno ouiiit of tlio countilcs vi'0 ucllS |
such nrtii-lcs maintaining duties on , pro
ducts of the United States which , the
prcHldont shall docin not to bo re
ciprocal , is a wy Impoilant question ,
mid In vlciv ol the fuel that to emi
nent n constitutional lavvior its Senator
llvartfl expressed wry decided vlowa
nirainst tlioconstitutionality of glens'
the inostdcnt this authority , thotruittor
liinotlo Ijoditamlspudas unworthy of BC-
ilousconsldortitlon. It will undoubtedly
receive tlio careful attention of re
publicans In thchoti c , and some moill-
iloatlon ol tlio iimcmlincntLtitliLs pir-
tloular is moro than prob.ible.
Cnhla .speech on tliia subject in tlio
senate jMr.Evnrts Kalil tint tlioolToctof
the iimendiiicnt would bo to Intrust to
the discretion ofthcpi'CHldont the \\holo
system of our inimufacturingliitoicsts
"as towlietlior by and UrgfC , on the
whole , there * is a duo or there falls to be
a duo exchange of ciiuiulcntibatvtcun.
nil the imtloiiHof the ourth 0,10 af
fected by our Ijirtor thstt wo proposes , "
, md the senator asked : "Can senators
offer an argument that , under OUT- con
stitution , lliis demission bj congress and
this lusting it la the president is not
pluclngIn him the power to nuUfo a
U'uaty or 11 quasi-treaty , or nn iirriinjya-
montln. that nature , without tlio senito ;
or to raibo revenue or remit U without
the action of the liouso of reprofacntti.-
tives ; with wlilcli that power under the
constitution mint oripfinato ? " Ho do-
cliircd tliat this question was not ono of
crimination and rocilminiition botwecn
parties , but ono purely of the duty of
eimgiesaln holdin ithlnits owti hand
the power of Living roicnuo mid dis
tributing In Its disaotion fho bunions
that It would Impose.
-Marring' totlie constitutional objec
tion to tlio amendment. Senator Shoran -
an said there was no doubt rcjj-aidtng :
the provision giving Jiuthority to the
president to smpond the fi-oo introduc
tion of the spcciliod articles whonovei1
he shovildbo hitistiod thatthotoudltlons
of tlioir dee sidmisslon vrero not biing
complLedwitliby the countries pioiluc-
qflheni , "bccausotlioro are a dox.on
oxumplcaof itlr the loyialatlon of tlio
United Statoi. " Wo h.ivo had. con-
atnntly such uln/w In regard to Spain
and In regard to other countiloa "pro
vided tlicy do so and so In reg.ird tocor-
tain tilings wo will do so and so , and
authorizing- president of the "United
StsitcB tosusrend the ln.iv in certain con
tingencies. " In tlieopinton of Scniitot
Sheimiintliopiopo'icdfjiant ' of authority
to the president wis not only clearly in
the constitutional line , but also cicarly
within , tbo line of precedents. Eo did
not con tend that this is the beat mode of
legislation , "becauao u should n.1-
wnjs with past facts , but \vlicu wo
propose to milks our action depend upon
an action to occur In tlio future wotnusl
insiko sorno piovision for the result of
thofailuits of thcsa couiitrios to meet
our expectations , or If they donned
them tint that fact shall bo known. "
The fact tint there Jiro pi-ccodcnta for
this legislation is bynomeanscoticlusivo
of Us constitutionality , ttiid a , much
bettor defense is tint there
ia 110 delegation of power or
tvuthority , the prcsiacnt being : simply
instructed to curry out the clearly
defined ivillof congress ittlho in.ittor.
Novorthelossthodlscictlonproposed to
boiilloiicil the president by this amend
ment is Miatly broader in Its scope and
of greater importance than , nny over be-
foroBuggosted , and lienco the question
merita the moat careful nnd tliorou h
a ttention of congress. Tlmo will not bo
wasted that Is given to tlio adequate
dibcusalon of a matter so grata and far-
reach ing , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The proposal to create a. commission
of five members , each to iceoiio the
comfortable salary of seven thousand
dollars a year , vhoso duty It would be
to Investigate all matters relating to the
tiuMT nd submit Its findings and con
clusions to loagress , the commission to
boa permanent bodytho liouao will do
well to reject. There Is no necessity for
such a commission , and the Hordco It
would perform would not rep.iy the cost ,
the lenat part of uhicli would be
the thirty-fliO tliousand dollars its mem
bers would annually diaw from , the pub-
lie treasury , There Is ample -pioviaion
already for enablingcongress to obtain
all possible Information rcguvdiny the
tmlff and its operation and us to the
opinion of si commission of flvo "disin
terested" men , not moio than three of
which shall be appointed from anyone
ono jwlitical party , ovorjbody knows
they would lituo little erne
no influence In determining the
action of congress. In cases where
the members of the commission wcro
unanimous In expressing- opinion It
might curry some weight , but it is en
tirely probable sudi cased would bo
extremely rare.
The pro vision for a tiiriff or customs
commission adopted by the senate pio-
posesthat it shall Inquire as to the prices
of imported poods during the twelve
months preceding nnd tlio six months
succeedingevorjlinportnntchango in the
tarifi laws , und if the commission
thinks proper It' ' may carry this
iniiuiiy back fora period of twnnty-fho
jesxraor moro. Another of itl duties
would be tonsceittiintho Uslblo fact of
the tariff utthofiiniolhnQonttiCiimount
iind value of imports and thoainount nnd
value ot doinostlc products of the same
cUas. It Is oxprcssly provided that the
commission shall study the relation of
agriculture to the taillf , and tlio subject
of laborora'wnpes ' in to bo made aloading-
objoctof liiiestigatlon , The commission
would bo required not only to present
Iho facts ascertained undorlhesosevoral
heads und others specified , but to make
comments upon the in.
Unquestionably all this Information
would bo useful , but It cannot "bo maln-
faincdthatlt ia necessary to create a
permanent commission in order to obtain
It , or that the investigations could not bo
quitoas thoroughly raado tyexperts tom-
porarlly employed under the direction of
the secretary of th treasury , and
certainly Ihtf oplnlonsof such , men -\vould
bo qulto as valuable as thc o of commta-
sloncra ap | lnted in thoivay proposed.
The tendency to crciito iMrmuncnt com-
inisfcloiiB is not one to "bo encouraged.
Thoyarocxpeiisl\-onnd they are \cry \
apt to degenerate iutomcio instruuients
of one or the othoi * iwlltical party.
ThoFifly-flratcongresg will live In
history ajthv first lo repose pov.-crin
the 8iK > al < cr and putan end to obstruc
tion and dilatory taclles on the part of
the minority. Starting : with a meager
majority , the house has disposed of moio
jinp itantjencral ( legislation than any
congress In twenty jcnrs. Despite itsne-
tivo business recoul , Ith a stui'lllng1
fact that the per cent of politlcil morlnl-
Itv nnioiig the members of the present
congress has rarely Itovcrboencqualled.
Many of the most prominent young :
tnoinborsnnd , not nfow of the \otorans.
luivo voluntarily declined renomliintlon
orvera forcibly rotliod.
The Ohio rcpublicon delegation heads
thomortallty list. Uoprcsoiit.-illvosHut-
tervorth , Boothmin , ? kloreyand Kon-
notly , wlio achieved doublful notoriety
for his iitlacl ; on aiopublican senator ,
iiiidl'UR-sloy sind Smjsor have declined
renomlmition , while ALc srs. Thonip on
and ( Jrosionor , two vetcian members ,
weio defeated for ronomlmvtlon. The
rotuin of Mr , McKinley is In doubt ,
owlni ? to the ( act that tlio denioctatic
( jorryinaiider of his diMtilct gives him
a miJ9ilty of ' Ueuty-livo hundred
to overcome. Moirow and Vnndover ,
two of California's ' oldest members ,
nro retiicd. lirovn and Clioadlo of
Indiana , the form or having hud fourteen
yoam continuous service , vill neb enter
thonoxt con iess. Of the Illinois re
publican delegation , only ono so far
failed ot roiwmimtlon .Tohn IBikor ,
who defeated llori/ontnl Bill Moirlson
in 18SG. Struble jral Kerr of Iowa nro
among- the political deceased , nhllo four
of the Kansas delegation nroamoiijr the
dead Ivlorrilland I'otcis , declined , nnd
.A-ndcrson and Tumor , defeated. La vs
of Nebiaska retires wltli ono term ,
and also Carter of Mont ma ,
lN"alo of New Humpshlro and
Stewart of Vermont. The Pennsyl
vania republican , delegation lese blx ,
four having- declined icnomliiiitionnnd
two forcibly retired , but none of them
achieved pi-oinlnetiiM incongiow. Three
from New "York are retired and ono
each from South Dilcotaand Wisconsin
.Among the democratic losses are the
brilliant but hot-headed Ropers of A r-
kaiisus , AinosJ. Cuinmingd of Now York ,
the successorof Sunset t'ox , and Charles
Buckalcff of 1'onnsjlvanla. It is proba
ble that Richard Vam , the colonial
remhilsccnsettho succeeded Samuel J ,
H.mdall , will also ho retired , : is the bosses
of the dislilot have contracted a
painful disgust for Richcvrd's ' Independ
ent \VUJH. live otttio Geoigla delopfn-
tion Crime' , Stcunrt , Clements , Can-
dler and Barnes lutvo been sacilficed
bj the allisvnco motoracnt , vhile Missis
sippi retires three , Olilo tvo and Mis
souri , 'lennessee ami 'JTetas ono etich.
A majority of these members have
scr\ed t o or moio terms an ] iiotivfew
of them IUIAO g-alnod nitional promi
nence. Their retirement from congress
is a loss to their shies and to the nation ,
'The others , however , vill not be missed ,
and their successor -111 be jwor Indeed
Lf they do not in a Ke a more substmtial
impression on the legislation , of the
country , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Til 12 city phyiiitian continues bemoaning -
ing tlio lack of a fund with which to
curry out the plans of the health do-
piitmcnt. There is no occasion for
lamentations or anxiety , nor is thuio
any actual necessity for heavy appiopii-
atloiis. Th.0experience of neiylibortng
cities , nhorc sums ranging from tivotity-
ihe tO60veIlly-ll o thousand have been
doioted to banitary mitters , does not
&how that Invlsh expendituits of monoj
Xiroduced any maikod improvement In
the general health of the residents.
Omaha is so sitmtod that Its diahmge
' is simply perfect , and this Is ono of the
main to health. The sewer sjs-
tern extends to OAory portion of the city ,
'Jhe removal of g-.ubagonndllke vastalb
.provided for without cost to the city
licusury. The main work of tlie board
is to ubato stiigniuit pools nnd wells ,
which does not InvolAO expense to the
Loard. If thrse sire promptlysuppicbbed
the main tourccs of sickness will bo
hanisliea. This can 1)0 accomplished hy
vigorously pioseOuting owners " \\lio \ fall
to comply with the orders of thoboaid ,
The city is not. in condition at present
to vote fifty thousand dollars or oven
lulf that amount to rncot thodeinandsof
the boird of health.
Tim Bellamyae idea is getting con
sideration in manufacturing oirclo3. A
gentleman nlECichmonil ha < organized a
shoe coin piny with a capital of ono
million dollars and will not allow any
cmplojo to oolong to the citublMimont
\inlessho owns stock la the concoin
There Is no provision imdo fpr a de
faulting treasurer or president. Busi
ness principles in this country have al
ways succeeded , but the co-oporatlvo
plan , when one or two olllclalshad full
sway , has ahvays boon a failure. The
Richmond scheme cannot be expected
to pan out , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TUB fact that Mr.Vlndom \ has shown
that there Is more money , by several
millions , in circulation this your than
last , nlll only aggravate the honoat sons
of toil \vhouro jirofesslonal olllccbcekots
and who never in all their lives did an
honest day's ' work. It Is their hobby to
cry that tlioro are but eight dollars- per
capita when it \voil \ known that there
are uenrortH-entj-tlireo.
THE raihoads realize the fact that the
steadily spelling business of the Omaha
Btocl ? market cannot be Ignored. Its
widening : Inllucnco and the demand of
stoclt gronors for convenient fauilltlos
for reach ing the market has had the do-
jired effect on connecting : roads , and all
are now a unit in affording- shippers
every reasonable Jicconiniodatlon.
TUB Irish registrar's annual icportcs-
thnates thopresentpopulatlon oflroland ,
In round numbers , nt four and three-
quarter millions. At the beginning of
the present century the population was
fully 03 srcat , and continued tolncreas *
until the forties , when it rachei a. f rac-
tlonororolirfy'jjulUons. ' From'43 ' to'51 ' ,
through tlio H { rondos of famlncnnd emi
gration , nmtlllpn and a. linlf ollhor por-
IshcdDf starvation or loft the country.
Tholnerciwo 5" the first half of Iho cen
tury nnd the yidtor decreasefollowing -
has foipiinllfljln the world's history.
And yet the uhango la not duo to any
InoWf Industry on the part of Iho poo-
pie , or docaitcTK'o of the fertility of the Is
land , It hus Jts foundation In a de
plorable Combination of. lundloidlsuiatid
repressive laws , ' 'Iho foimer haapor-
slatcntly and Wrcilessly c.metcd all the
ngrkulUmil triiflia would bonr. Hun
dreds of thousands ot human belnprs liavo
been despoiled of homes tofurnUh eattlo
ranges orgamopreservosfor aristocracy ,
while millionshiivo boon compelled to
Beck In other lands Iho means of subslst-
onceilonleil tlicm at home. The moat
Infnmous laws over concolvod by a , pre
tended Chriatlan goicrmnoat have boon
onacled nnd ilgorously enforced , the
riffhtof diversifying Indmlry dciiicdtho
people , and enlerpilso suppressed. Ireland -
land Is capibloof sustaining prosperously
double tts ] > roscnt population. Itsfertlllty
is unsurpassed , its mineral wealth
vast but undeielopcd , and the Industry
of lier people , us demonstrated In other
climes , proves what could bo ntcom-
pi ishecl nt home under encoiiragliiylaws.
A. government which openly conspires
to depopulate a country rogirdless of
the means , tvniid fertile acrea Into fctei-ilo
land , calmly ignores the cry ( or justice
and turns a deaf car to the approach of
famine , do&orus the execration of man
kind. by the quantity and quality
of food consumed , the louiity boaiders
must boln a fairly healthy condition ,
and yet thu niedlcino bills ivroslngularlj
robust. Perliaps tonics are necessary to
successful digestion.
Tilic epicuiOtin tastes of the county
boarders has icaohcd such a high state
of cultivation that It is about time to
print the menu in the Ficnch language.
ACRKS of decayed -wooden pavement
area loud piotcst against aieviial of
the cedar block folly.
; c uii OUopm.
The g-as trust Is breathing lianl. Ono or
t\vo more blows anil there will beiiowind
left ,
Urliiio WItli f'enool lloolcs.
At p Tort ll'iiriJ.
As a dc/enscJinhistcriineoiioschoolhouso /
is ortha scow of prisons , anil a score of
school houses cost less than one prison
An .Argument .Against Iteclproclty.
Reciprocity nith Canada would boa good
dfal stronger in It is If the
Canadians didu't ' 'ldll our seals whenever
they stray in. totlie ocean commons ,
The Pn'ctaing ofOrovor.
St. ioiitj GliifiGDemozra' ' .
Afewmoiithsupo Orovcr Cln eland could
saywitlisomo approich to truth , "Iain tlio
democratic party " but If he should mulw
any such olisiivatlon uotrtho party would
say "como off,1' '
_ _
Jusr.SVtllsViIIUtiiI ) .
Charles Dicken has Ixicn arrested at Red
Bnnlc , U.J. , for breaking -window , n'hlih
"utthc comniittt'J In orderto secuio aloilgirg
injail. Ho\v satisfactory this ueivs must lie
to the complacent soul of Willlo HowclU !
Ably Obstructing Itclorm ,
Mhtiuim ffiait'tfc.
f.verj needed political itfor mot the present
dayttiatlsvorlhy of supiwrt , isapaitof the
rcpubhuu ciccil , stndltls through thoaijuiity
of that pohtlcilpiu'ty tliattliesoiufonns can
be accomplished. Tlio * man vho expects to
do better \vlth a , ue\v party Is tluo\ving
obstacles la tbewav ,
Can Tell ItuskH 1'roin Corn.
General A'anVyck takes u larcc snare of
interest oat of the cwitcHtln tUcl'irstdlstrict
bydecllulujr to run for congrusj , The lixdo-
pendent party ndssod its opportunity whonlt
fiiilod to nominate lilm for governor , and 1'ho
Is'civs does not blano him fcr refusinKto
take tlio huslmvhen the other fellow had got
an aywith the corn.
Holilln- | . 'A'holtJlillc. .
Voifc Tina.
McICctehan's two hundred coivi have left
Wm and gone after stranfo calves. They
liavc notboenmllUfdforsomo dijs and begin
toitjfusoto gno tlown when ho touches thu
udder flith. "his horny hand. McKolghan's '
cows that ho bonded of , are the .Alliances
that have been giving iiptaoirffoodstuff to
swell hh campaign funJ , out Iceeplilm In
tnckot money uqtillio iasiiowcil utidor nest
ii'ovcuibcr. Two hundred cons , \vltb , buta
single calf ! _
" " Itlitontl Cttlteit.
TUc Citl7cnwo ltllllceto enlist the efforts
of the entire press of tlio state In securing tbo
enactucn tola lav com pcllln j ; tlio asseas ment
ofnll property lu thostatoat its actual value ,
'llicrolias been much talk upon this subject
and tlw press Una condemned , without stint
tlio evils resulting fiom the present lllJevlicd
mctUodbutasyatno definite attempt has
been made toward the reme'dy , Now bofoio
the elci.tlon.ofu newloKlshituiols an excep
tionally pee J time to work OH this matter and
Ilia Citizen isoulQurga upon tlw iienspt&pers
laeveryrepreseiit'ltlve dUtrlctthat Its caa-
ahlutobo thorouRhly iustructeJ upon this
mutter and reiiuir il to plvo seine aisurunco
of leiidlns1 liliiisalstancoln the enactment of
suuh a statute.
Iho AVest.
The republican party stood for tbovest
Hheultpussed'tlii homestead Uw. It stood
for the wet t when It hclpod to Icoep slavery
out of tlio tcrritnrioa ol ttio union , outoT
Kansa nmlNoUf jka. It stood for tliowest
to pruvent thoilisnien-
bermcnt of thu-jjj It hns stoilfortho
nest during the ' llolo lilstorjrof the country
slfieo the war , ' at cvcrj * raomeit durhir
that tlmo ilcmocutlc control or
iiieut simply irib'iftt tlio restoration or the
hostile blsotry lihd tyranny of. southern
Aiiiltbc republican partj * stands now just
nhoro It luw stioil "for thowoitaudtho
northircst"-u3t ] ns llio tlomacrallo party
stnndj for tlio sgpremioy of tlio solid soutli
M ngalnat the west and the northvest. Tlio
ropulllcan party thus slant ! ) by ilrtuo.for .
one" thing , ol lt& liavlnR defeated that enemy
of allier , Grover Cleveland for the presl
doucy , It stands for tbo west and norttiwcsi
by ilrtuo of its limlne prom pi j provided
for a vast Increase cf the wo of silver as
money ,
Ail J especially does the republican jai. . _
stand far the west and uortlmcst bccuusolt
defcnts thodoiiKDcriitlo purpose of giving to
foreign countries Indhcrliniaato possession
of UisA-uicrlcati marlnt , and oveixoiueittie
democratic opposition to the policy of- open
Inff ndrantogeoui foreign uiurkuts towoMern
meats , llourundottior food products. Tbo
ropubllcuii party has pursued a policy for a
thlrdof accnturyvhcrobytho -xrest hwbccn
developed Into the most po\vcrXul \ section ol
the country nmlall tliwo yoacs It lias. Uifflod'
na dofoatcd every democratic effort to cripple -
plo tbo wt and to suboulhiata itto the
behests of the solid south.
In short , the ropuUlwm party stand * for
tlio ivost anil northwest simply becnuso It
stands ntalnst their hcrldltary and worst
enemy , tie democratic party.
Kciirn'ti Journal.
The World-Herald has put Hi. 1) . Richards
to sawing wood Ilouill ilolt. In the mean-
tlmo lierllo IllloUcoek lias a dull axe to
, , , but ho cau't decide whether to prct
Jitnmlo IJoyii or Jotmuia Powers to turn the
> t ic to tbo INilul ,
Our esteemed contemporary , the Kansas
CityTitnn , speaks of thy democracy ai * 'tho
great paity oC Jeftcrson , Jackson , uud Cleve
land. " StufT 1 Why not say "tho Brent party
or Jefferson , Jackson and 'JClldiml11 New
\Toik Sun ( dem ) .
3ohlVliy ! not sny "tlio great state
sovereignly a ml secession pirty of Jefferson ,
CalhounJofI , D.\vlsand Clovomor GcrdonI"
Don't IVIKHV AVImt-TUcy Want.
.f , D. Cilhoun , editor of the Lincoln Herald ,
Isaprolilb , but this not ull-ho Is aUoa dem
ocrat. CJnIto strangotlie above sounds , butte
to finish , this curious combination Wr Calhoun -
houn is also n courteous , genial ( rood man. of
in 010 than average intelligence on all ques
tions except tluv onorolatlny to the restrain-
Ingot appetites for llijuors. Ills position on
tb.s ! cpjestlonlll ucirvatohiiig , Consider-
Instho fact that he 1 < well po-itod , this papjr
biesa foivsiniplo questions nt his worthy
bcid on the subject of prohibition :
Does the prohibition upcltator want prohi
bition ? \vhyisltthntlofiisl.itlonitffnimt
tUoinnnufiictmo at the homo to drink in the
A-iiicricimboniola uota portion of the pronlb
platform ) Do tlio advocates of prohibition
\viilitoturnlialftlioliomos of the country
into saloons.
Can law bo enacted that will debar the
citizens from malting wine , boor , cider ,
\vhlslcy , or any other liquor forusoin his
ovn homo !
If the Intention is not to forever stop Iho
manufacture of liquor andthoonly aim is to
Jcill the saloon , why is It not called anil-
saloon legislation instead of prohibition legis
lation t
\Vliy \ do piohibscall prohibition tompsr-
jinre , while "Mobster denncs it as an Intordkt
toforbid , and tonipcraiuoos moderation In
tlieeontrol oftho natural uppjtltos and pH-
sions ?
Cm this da-called prohibition prohibit
\vhllo the rights cfcach citizen cannot bo
int < rfered itIl in making vriue , beer , etc , ,
Cor his own aiiof
If actual piohibltion is Impossible why do
not all Mho nro infavorof les ? drunkenness
\virktoeiuutluw3 tti at will send n person
Unoxvu to become drunlc to a norlc house or
Viork laim , the proceeds o bis labor to bo
given to his family ; say six : moatlis for the
first oiTenso and ten years for the second J
That getting full Is wrongis undisputed ,
but to say that a person shall never drink a
glass of beer Is fanaticism , or for low to for-
Ijlj the citizen the rich t to the modcrato mo
of anythlnpr that tbo Lord has permitted to
prow for food Is wrong ?
Thorocau lone prohibition. It la a mirage
in the cjes of these who favor It as ft means
of restriction. Iho most radical prohibi
tionist never expects to see prohibition pro
hibit , Imt deludes himself with the Idea that
it will bo more of n restriction than the
presentlaw. In this the prohibitionist errs
in Judgment. His heart Is good , but his liciU
issof t in thospot ivhoro hli Judgment should
bo the soundest.
Overayear a.iro a number of prominent
citl/ens wcro appointed government np-
piaisersto fix a value upon the several lotslii
lilouk elRhtj-six , the now postoftlce site.
Their icpoit w n promptly maJo and
they nero aliened for the sciiico
somutlil'iB lllco t\vo hundred doll IPS
cich. The money with which to pay those
claims has been on deposit with the court
since last April. Tbo account , Mhch ! was
forwarded to the attorney general , hns not
Veen approved and the appraisers tire still
'I have been looking for my money for
montlii , " snldonoof the appriisen yester
day. 'I ' cannot sco why It should take ujcav
touuOit a si'nplo ' account which was ap
proved by .Jud e Dim dy and. put through tlio
regular channelssigned , sealed nnd rocl-tupccl
Induoform , Woiumtour rnoiioy and ought
lo have It. "
Mr. Will H , Keenly nw but recently re-
Urnod from Germany , It was Jour yeirs
since liohadhstislted Europe and nvmy
were the clmiKcs noticed in the appearance
of the various cities.
"Thoelticaof Germany are miWnt wu-
derfulprogkss in tlio line of public Impiove-
mouts , " 8tiU > Ir , Keenly. 'Cjlojiie ' and
other itoceaespecially , In thaithlno vnlloy ,
are lieing greatly be itlllod by tlw addition
of shinies and parks. The old Wills which
nero formerly used for military dofcueo
hive been icinovcdnnd the Und vacated hat
been , hid out in niiffiilflcent boulevards en
circling the flholo city , They con
nect a seues of handwnio
pirics forming as Him *
ai onocouldde ire. The streets are oiery-
ivheroke ] t in perfect condition. They arc
sweptdailyauO the dust which hut bean ac
cumulated In the gutters U then tlushea.
away by water.
"ImowcuffO , nhllo there has lioen great
Improiement , the avcrase K'iroj)3an ' city is
outdcno by our western inetropills. Tlio
house drainajo ii very poor , there hoi n ? 110
sewer connections whatever. Klcctricity is
bsinslntrola edcvoryivliordfor the
of stoet-llihtliii ; , whllo telephone systems
have long been in operation. But tlio ques
tion cf rcifuhtiiig the stringing of xivai luis
lorifr been solved , ConiluiU au-o run aloiif ?
llio streets under the sidewalk } and can ho
readied by merely removing portions of the
llaffRliff. As most of the sidewalks comlt
of stone , ttiU is done without Injuring lhaiii
In this wny the pivcments nro saved bains
torn up and then pitched aiU UMllio is never
"Inall thonuinlclpalitles building
active , Soiio have cxporiencod marvelou
grovttli in the past fo\v yean. Chemnlti , li
Saxony , forlnstanoo , ha * grown ntloastforfc :
per cent slnco I last visited it. The buili ]
ing1s mostly In tlio line of fac
lories and wiirchouics to awommount
the increasing industrr , nut th
rtnest ptccoof nixhltoeturo to bo Unwed any
wbcro is to bo seen at FJrmaoli , ith th
still unfinished ] uhico of juitico , a rrnwlV' '
stonostrueturo of classic dcjlg-n. Tliq tllmeti
siousai-o enormous , whllo the whole Is sur
inountod tfa ) liugo dome. Sonia ofltic | illliira
have a circumference lar c enough to oaclost
wlintls usually tcrnxola falr-si < el hall tn
fuctlt , is tlio jjranilostspoclmon that.nwiorn
arcliltoutiiro naiyet furnislied to the world
' Hy Ui J way , " concluded Mr. Ko3nlj"th } ,
people of Kurowaro gioatly puzzled over th
proposed , world's ' fair , Tlwy cannot under
stand ho\vwu can in vita them to lake part i
an exposition and ut the suno time take inuus
urejtj ralso tholarlflupon pnrtlciilar con
nioditles. As n result there seemUo Iwlittl
illaiwjltionon their part to send eichiblts
tUlacountry for the fair. "
Itov. Mr. Graven has resigned thopostorato
oftho I'rcsbjtcrianchurili atAtkinwn.
The next mooting ofthoSillno County
Medlc-nhoL-lcly will bo lielil at Wllbor No
vember 11.
Ilol ford's tllllttnl hall at Oxford hns lepn
closcit on n chattel nwrtjjufO held by the
limners' ' SUite bank.
li. G. Lenoa has retired from the editor
ship of the " \Vallaoa Mail and hns been luc-
ceedod by II. W. A'an Camp.
The contract for rebuilding the Mtdivay
hotel ntKu.unoy his been let to a tlrin of
Omahncotitractors , Tlio structure will cost
$ riiooo , ,
Kobotz1 brewery at AVIIberwa-v dostrojcd
bvHresuppotcd tohavoboon of Incondlirv
origin. Ttio IMS. amounted to 0,000ltb \ \
$ ( ) , UOO insuriuw.
Itlti ton's ' park , Mis City , has been fur-
nlslied with an rulllleiul lalto cousinulcn
acres of ground. Tlio Auiter Is luiinped fiorn
the Ncmaha river
The house of llenrv Hriiiki , near Tjons ,
a < sttuelc byliglitnlnf' the other night nnd
entirelyconsuinu < l with it contents. Iho
family barely escaped vltli tliclr li\i \ .
hite E. B Leo of Oxford tmd II II.
ilorson of ICeainoy were out hunting the
other Uiysowat shot from the InUer'-igun
KtruulcatrcoaiuL glanced off , hitting Leo In
the face , making painful but not serious
( JooiROClaik of Nelson , ugcil llttccn , has
Iwcn sent to the nform school. The boj had
stolen ahorsonndrart from Walter Keith.
Ho wasone of thocrowilof New YorkCity
waifs , uho nei-o given homes iti Nuckolls
county last fall.
Mrs.Thoniw IussellMrs ? Orr and Mrs.
Calveit of Sunciler vero thro\Mi from a
huggyonto a wire fence and wore severely
Injured Tlio horse was frightened by on en-
glno nndovuturned tlio vehicle in vhlcb
they vcro riJing- .
Adjutant ( ionnral Cole of the state militia
has approve ] the opi > ointnicnt of nilboit L.
i'rltclictt , ciptain and surgeon , 1'nlrliury ;
UeorKOV. . Murtln , cnntnin nnd rlinplim ,
ICc.irncy , and John Li. Wil on , lint lloaten-
ant and iiuuiturnuttcr , Teknmah.
Mi-s Ijiicy A lliimilton of rjmoro hus
sued 1'eter Tliiu.ssen , iisiloonkcopcr of that
6lueo , for 6Ti,000 , for having sold liquor to her
usbandvhowiuhit on tlio lieul Avilli u
beer gloss and pcrnianentlv Injuied In a
quarrelvvithThicssen'sbartcnilor Thocaso
will como up at the licit term of the district ,
B. AV , Sitns of Madison has lost flvo head
of eattlo rotciitly from hydrophobia. They
were bitten about three weeks Ufro by u inn < l
dog. Mr. Sims' son Walter , afrcclab'out four-
Iccn j cut's , mus also billon at the same tlmo
on the arm , but itl thought 'tho boy' ?
so protected him that no seilou.s lesult will
follow , IConever , Mr Sims thought It ad
visable to take tlioboyto Now York Cityund
Ifii'o lilm the boncllto'f the LDastcui treatment.
They left for the east List \vodc.
Joseph J" . Bro n of Brolen Bow , \\ho so
mystoriouslv d IsipiHMirrdufnst4 \ last , has
not yet returned. Brown bu mirrlodinati ,
about forty four jcai-nof tige , whoso left arm
is oflT at the shoulder. lie came from
Miittoon , III , ubout eight years ngo , uiiil was
u schdol toucher ami f iimier , Ho was clei'te < l
to thoofticoof countv cleric , Plo left Broken
Cow to pro to Grand Islmd. Ho uiotohome
thitr liocoulilnotretuin until later than ha
expected. A letter from Ifulrlleld , Neb , was
the lust heard from him.
The militia encampment this year cost the
state Woai. )
Duirag the month of Autrust 2.71 carloads
of buy were shipped from Convltli ,
TheUubiiquu dcaC mutca nlll give auexhi
bition mill fair some time it November.
A. new &tite bjnlr , ith acapitnlof SnOOO , ,
will bcshi business at Orange City Oc
tober I.
Tbo Tumi county soldiois1 monument is
nine fict square at the bi ; o and tliirty-ulno
ftUt lllll ( {
A Cillloiwmanhas boon ii-nt txijiil for ro-
fusinifto iily tilswlfofrlOU that lie boriowcd
of Jicrboluro nianiaRo.
Major "Wontlur , the undo a roc-
oitl of 3l(5oii ( tnelndeiondcnco | tiaclc a lev
days since , has boon sittiichcd fora debt of
t" t ) iit DCS Moiues.
Br K. S.D.u-row.s cf Davenport clnlms to
bo the oldest ITriuiiason in the ylato. Ho is
miiQlV-two years of ago and toolc Ills flrat
degree In Jluisonry sixty-nhiu ycais ago.
DCS Molnea and Leocoiinties mo tbc only
onus In the Pirr > UoiiKicasioiial district whicli
do iiutshowu losjof pupnlatioii In tlio last
ten 3earn. The looses nro jnfollons : Jfciirv ,
illlil ; Van Burcn , Ml ; Jcffonon , ' . ' . ( KtO ,
Washington , 1'JM , ; Louisa , 1,450 , total loss ,
tir.j , : j.
A rewnrJof ? l,000 Is ofTorefl for the ap
nroliuisionof tliewould-boassassin ol Will-
inn I'ryer , tbo younif nnnvhowas shot
fromainbush ntll.itaUi sx fo\v weolts aso
whileietuiniiilmm ! avisitto u jounj ! lady
to whom boivasto hnio been tnanled on the
dny following t.hoshootln , ? . Thcjoimg man
is lajlng nttho point of death.
Al K. Hilling lias commenced 'action
against E.A. JDawsonono , of thocounad for
the state in tlio Billings murder trial , tohnvo
him stricken from the list of counsel , to > n-
Join , unl piohiLiU him from fuither connct-
lion with the caoe , to ivvoltu tbo Ilcenio of
D.iwxw pi'i'iiiitting him to act as uiiattoi-
uuy , todohir lilmnud to have him put on
tnulfor tliouroiseatlolatlons \ of the code.
Kowjih bed don , a slxtcm-yoar-ola I'eorh
l ) .v , the other thy tried to blow his bcid oil
wltiliAsliotjini. Tno boy for sonm ivason
ha.l IK-OU gently n > prinimdid ! by his father ,
and to rcicnt tlio fancied injury \vout into
Ida hUtur'ibcdnioni , took off ono shoo und
one ; seek , placedtho inuxzloof tbogmi under
hi.s ihlii mid lirod thoshotith \ his too , Tlw
wound Is a bad one , but iiotncco .irilj fiitul
The dlsciliiirgn broke off n , i > oition of the
lower law bono , carried avay tluoo of tlio
teothln tlio lower jav and one in the upper ,
toiotho entlro loft cliwlc and vvont out at the
upper Jawbone near thu oyc.
Tlio Two
The prospects are thufc Chaniliorlnln's ce
ment works will material ii > spuodlly.
A.prairlonrurccciilly burned through the
Cliamberhlii gMvoyiiru und Hpollod several
AC. Rlie of
Mltcliell last wock shipped a
carload of poultry to Seattle. ibo tonslgn.
muntuoiiiilstudof i r , ( ) OJ cb likens ,
Hev Geoi-goA Rlclntosh has resigned ai
pastor of thu I'resbyterlniuhurrh nt Mitchell
.uiduill return to bis old homo In Indiana.
The Aberdeen elevator \hlcli was njcrntly
dcstioyed hy fire Is bclnu ivbuilt It fi
claimed that itwlll bo the largest elevator
\veitoE llnncapolLs ,
O . r Wilder , a farmer , went to Grand
Folks , goljustliappydruiik. showed a roll of
Mioney aniountliiff tofjro , aud U wasn't ' ling
hofora u louploof thugs uttaoktidhimaud 10-
llcvi'd him of his woalth.
.A llttlo daughter of Joe Pcllcr of Castaha
gotapin fait in her throat ono day I tut week
imdnoulillinvonrolialily strangled to death
but for the timely services of u doctor , who
biicu'eded In citr.ictlng tlw pin ,
.A party from Buffalo Cap recently mndo
thutlip down the Clutyeiuoto the Jllasomi
iiuil down the latter stream to I'lori-i ) , n ols-
tam'o o .ill mile * . They wuro ten days uiwn
thoriverand encountered iimuy shoals und
I'cto McOuiie of Bald Mountain claimed
tbnt Billy Naudy had jumped one of his
claims and started to evict him , but got the
wont ot it , receiving a lirokenurm nuil sev-
crul upljr wounds. They are now trying to
sotlla tbclr difllcultyln tlw court.s.
Homo little children at Load City wrro
amiHinKthemselvoi bv dropping vator on
liziio , when ono of them pouted too muili
'wnUr on causing the lima to lira nt onio.
UurntiiKtlieirfacesand cjcs horriMy. All
of the little ones will probilily bo dUllgitivil
forlifo und it Isfcuitd tvraof them will bo
periimiicntly Wind.
John Wilson , a rallroiid grader , wni pushed
frum a. nugoa In thu lilack llilU the other
day , The loaded wagon passed over his
ankle , cmttiluifltiieroreljr Jltlt bc-llevod the
motive hshoUng Wilson froiutho wuxon va
rohboryin , hen ejtumino.l at II ill City Ills
poikets uoro cut open anil liU pockelboolt
containing J.0 \vua \ iiilsslnt' ,
In. July , H l , W. M. DaUls , of CMen Ullln ,
bojpht TO sheep , for which ho paid * W ) .
IJuring the licit year ho look 1,0 euro of thor
r htcp himself , but hlroil thom koi > t and W.
foiwhJib bo puid f fl , inaklju atotulof
M i'i forslifip und kcfcplng. In July , 18'H.
tlw wool8,1X11 pounds ut 17 cinUi iwr povnil
aul tholiiubtat market talno amounted to
* 1I7'J , nad ho had the original Hock of 151XJ In
uUdltlou ,
owcter Uallott of Lincoln lobbed in
Norol Mniinsr.
Lit. Kurlj Mornln nllurjliii-y-Aii ( < > verde -
do iO nt Cliloral X Now
botlljo City Nu\vi
an < l Notes ,
iNeh.Scpt . 14-r.SiwcliU toTui
, ] Mr , K. HalloU , thojowclcr on ICU-v
ntliuenrOsti-eet , hu been \ii'Uuil/r > il \ > j
ampersand IIM lott thereby n liaiuKoino
lainond ling xvorth flftO. On i'ridiiy thru )
cillcd nt his iil.ioo of buUticu pio.
omllng that they wished to buy a line ir-ilil
vatehto present to their employer as a birth
day present. 'Jhoy finally selected onit\voitli
100and fiMtiRtf to Mr. llallotl aslu'd him
o putt ho tlm piece nway for them until theyy |
mild seotwo ether fellow employes und Und
> uthow much they ivould contribute , Yn-
erdiy the trio returned vita t o mom com
ion * and iteiUtvcl that they h.ul deci-lid
0 got their emplovor a splendid dli-
nond ring also. The tray containlui ;
.ho spirklcrs nas set out nnd
1 hamlfomfl solllalrorliiR woitlift.'iOvni sr-
cctcd nml handed about nnd iidiuli-ed bj tin )
UlTeientfcllovs lAnallj Itvas npi'ivl to
, : uil ( IIM spokesman hiindlnpr os
tensibly the siimo ring baik to the Jcwt'hr ,
"I'ut this ring with thcivntili nndkoopit
'or us until wo tall vlth the money tils even
ISIr Itillett liil as requested ami the tu
owslcft. 1'h.oy failed to sliow uput tlo
louruKrccil upon and Mr. Hallctt took donu
hoHiitohund ilnuto look atthcm , focliuc
iomeuiieasiueas about tlioinatlor. lie then of retiiininctlio IU-
npndringto him the slitup rawils hid h-
stituU'il ono of brass witlia pliw * Htone , tmt
vc iv similar to the diamond ring aniKott HI ;
n .shupc. Ttie jeweler UK'ovoied tlio I mm
sitlon toolato torocoiei- tin rinir. Jle n u
led tlio police of tbo fraud pratticod on him
tmttnc ciulnletto liavo not yet been di-u-ov- ;
ercd ,
MV i it am win , MM.
Ills reported that Charles JlcCurger. tlui
-vaiellncinau who Wiis so terribly tut o\ir
tboheadby ihonetjro wnltor I'ninlcnl l > iini
SII.'HrestaurantVidnosdiiy ' inoriilnir , K n'
: o\criciKroni ( liis wouinN , ulthou li lit liht
, t viis tJwiiKlitho could not suivivo Tluro
wiMoi > lyniilijlit ; fueturoor rutlior ihippnii ;
oft of thfl skull whore the nepro broke tlui
spiitooii over liU hull , but thofrlglitriil i uts
inside with thocoblets and franiPtito of HID
spittoon caused n , ( treatloss of blond , from
wliich lie fuintotl. Iliscondillon vas tin-
slderod tntlculfor a day or tvo , but nil ot-
roits to leirn anything concernlnK nlm o\cu
: iiswhen.ilouU ) lia\e met with rcbulls It
\vas teamed t d.vy that hqwus en tie iiit-iid
The latest tiurplary i-ei rteil Is that of tlui
nousoof If. D IIcllnOK1 , nt 14)1 ) U utrai
rhomarandorhad us usual got in bypr lni ;
jpen a "backvlndow. . Ho first wont mnnigli
Mr.HellHCK'spoehets , but found less Wuu
S2 there , Ho then , entered the loom of the
ao\eatctn year old son , Dick , took hit hand
some gold Wivtcli and about $ ' ( In money It
wuijnitbeforodaybrealc , about 4lOp. in ,
nnd Diuk , who heard tlio noise niudoby thu
plunttercr , wasawukened When lie n\v 11
i-cal live bnrKl'ir going through his clotlici ,
lowas ntllrat ) with friclit. JlutC
wlien he saw the thief coolly "help himself t < -
ilswiitch , luJisnutlon ovci'cumo fonr iii.ft ,
uraplnyout of bedho eutcreda protest. It ,
wjunowtlio bunrlar's turn to gd scau-d , : mil
' : iodartedout of tliowhidow through whldi
loliiiil undo his Ingrohsuiid slid out NMtli
moro celerity than grace , but took Dick a
watch vlthliim.
Ocorgo H. ispiMRiio , iHutity-sorcnth anil
ine , -\vho is sultcrlujj from alcoholism us the
result ofuloiiRsprio , swallowed n Iwttle full
of chloral Instead of n small quantity , as pu1-
scribott by his jihyslciiin. Thunrcldent
/ciy iitir : proyliiK fatal , na ho wns brought
juilc to luustiousnosH only through thu uu >
ling vijilum'oimdvoikoC the plijbiciimi.
T1IFM1OI \ Tltlllll I.OWIi : .
The new lodKC ot tliolmpiwcd Order of"
Ked Men will lid Instituted at Castle h it ! In
thhc-ifcj Tuesdiy evening nt 7JO : p. m. 'hi
or0imix.iitioii is to lo known m Siou *
No 4 Tlio loJge nlll bj instituted with i
memhcis Great 1'iophct William II. Svan-
dcr of DosIVIoinca. In , assisttd l > y tweuH-
1no palo faced iiboriKlues from Couniil
ClulTs , will conduct the great Initiation set no
and subsequent vur < lincc- . The tiibcsut
Onmhn and 'i'dinmah will also bo ropiOientcd.
TItl TIIIll' STIII , AT1I10AI > .
A burglar troko Into T. Hill's seem nt
Elelitecnth nnd N early ycstudiiy inoriiliiK
niiJ stele a gold watch nnd n pair of bolitl
ld brateliits. 'Pho property taken Is worth
O. The thief wns a mou of abbut thlrty-llvo
\\itli : L diirtc mustuche.
A. W. Kiold's ' rosldeiico near by was also
ciit rod and u silver watth , jj ° M chain , apur
ofgold ilmnied spcctnde.s , a pair of gold
bracelets nndothcrvnluables taken
Alex Stupbo/i / complains that some thlnf
vnlkcdotT with his valise wblih he left lor u
moment at the B. AM. duoot.
Oil 1)1 AXl )
The fall teim of the- state university com
mences Wednesday.
Mrs. Mlnniollo-ri , after beiiig married lif-
tccn years , a.iks fora diiorcc fiotn hei bus
busd Enos , because ho claims hu does nut
piovidtifor lier adequately.
Kittle Vcrjaal , thosi : < tecn-ycur-oldflriHhn
vaiso terribly burned jcsterduy , was tthl
iilivo tills afternoon , uiidtho phy.siLl.ins lio/iu
to cxpiess hopes other recovery. But her
once pretty fuco Mill ulnuys bu badly ills-
ilurod ( ;
Mary Uusscll , the pretty youns woman
from Geneva who robbed a grocery stoto o
$0 aud was sentenced to the county
Jnll to eerre- out n sentemo of f 15 , has liwu
removed back to the city lull iiKJlu , llwro
biiiiK no uccomnioilatlon for women ut Iho
ovir-uiowdod con nty bustllu Just at present.
Htidto fipi'iilt Ills Mini ) ,
There i iifjood deal tliut Ls
the dcmoiibtratioii of iilTuctlonuto
sofrequonUy oxtoudcd by tliOBubordi-
imloa towuid tliolr Bupcilors in ollk-o ,
thuVashi ugtonl'udt Tlila win ii-
jiteil byun Bpiscilo vhicliocuuirxd
inn Unite dStates vcbsel when its cmn-
inainlcrrnspropar inj , ' to go onuhoiolor
Ills losivo of ub-ioiico. Tliocroiv ludiih-
bcmbled , jinil wcro blialcing luiiiiK. Sonin
0110 Bsilil : Good-lvc , 3Ir. ; T IIDXJ | 3011 11
lmv < 5 upleatiiint Journey , " and this t"s-
tublLnliliHhcd itself tisa ort of formu i
ivhioli wns ropontoi byeualiln tin"
Ono mini Bcomeil to liiin " l al , how \ ' .
und not within ; ; lo Kllght uuyliwly , il > u
loiuniaiulor wont over to lilm Jinil ollcri-i
his liiind. The Bailer took It In u | i- > -
functory muniior and Btild , in a lialf-
liDiirU-a w y : " ( Sood-by , ir ; liopo MIU 11
have n pleasant journey ; but , " ho aildeil ,
after a IKLUSO , during which hisiual M. < I >
tlmoiiU got the butter of him , "not too *
- plo.ittunt. " A
Subscribed nd Ouiraiitecd Capital , . . .
Paid InOftpllnl .
lluysancl iollM itnoknaiul Iwrida ; nnjr
ooiiimerolal pupor : tecolvn itnd xuut j notsan traii f r K nt mid trustto < > (
corioratl' > ni , ta.J j churtfo of prcpurly , t-ol-
laxo ,
Ornalna Loan &Trus1Co
S E Conner lOtli nnd Douglas Stn
I'litd In C .3ltiil . J50.COO
8iil > Horltod ind ( Iimrnntood Capltil. . . . 1XX/0
Liability of Btookholdtr * . 4)0,000 )
dfttl C nt Inlornbl I'aldon "D
Ofllcnrii A..U. Wyiiinu , piosldruUj J , J ,
vltt.pruiltlotit , \ . T , Vjruaii. tr
llr xiUni-\ ) , Wynrnn , J.H. MIIUMl J , J
He-own. Ouy O. Uarton , B. W , N uiU , Tlium
i. Illmbull , Ououo li.L-j.lit. ul