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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1890)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. PART THREE . PAGES 17 TO 20 TWENTIETH YEAH. OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBEK 14 , 1S90TV33NTY \ TAGES. NTOIBER ? S- ottom Prices. Unlimited Quantities THIS WEE 11 m.L J v 7 a si-w Items of interest in the S and Children's ' Department. Values in the Men's Department never equalled. Fall Overcoats. Fine Cheviot Suitings are popular. OUR HAT DE DOTS' KNEE PANT SUITS A point of interest to those \vlio want quality and low Price $3.50. It will pny every purchaser to glance in our show window and prices. The \Vilcox hat we claim is equal to the best. , . . see our medium grade Business Suits nt $1O , $12nnd8. Young men will be especially interested In our double-breasted Cheviot Suits some of which are silk-fnced--at popular prices. \ Price $3.50. We will show a special Hneof$3.5o suits , ages 4 to 14 , in a , . . neat dark cassimere goods , which cannot be bought outside of the Continental for less than $5. We claim this suit will Our stock of ' ' please the most careful purchaser , as its value is evident when Boys' and Children's Clothing is the most examined. Price . . $3.50. complete that we have shown and ever , we have arranged some Look in on this department before you purchase and see what special bargain lines for this week- which will enable to you ' perfection can be attained in manufacturing fine clothing. clothe your hoys neatly and at prices never quoted for BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS The prices are not high : $12 to $18 tue popular , and buy very the same quality. We mention a few popular bargain lines , fine garments. We have them as high as $25. which cannot be duplicated in the city. It is unnecessary for us to say anything about the magni ' tude of our stock ; everybody knows \ve have a wholesale stock BOYS' PHUT 8UIT8 , to select from , and this season we have improved on the va riety and will sustain our reputation as to quality. The secret of our success is that we have nothing to do with trashy stock. Our aim this season has been to make this the great center for fine Underwear. Call in and talk with us about the style of under We invite your attention to our complete line of boys' ' long wear * you want. We can show you the popular in domestic * Price , $1.50. pant suits in cassimeres , cheviots , tricots and whipcords. and foreign goods. Boys' Cassirriere Suits $8 to $12. , Our methods ofdolng business are well understood , it is hardly- We offer this week 150 suits suitable for boys from 6 to necessary to say that we aim to satisfy our patrons. We expect 13 years , in a dark Cassimere , at $1.50 per suit ; serviceable Boys' Cheviot Suits , $9 to $13. every purchase to be satisfactory ; and money is cheerfully refunded , and neat. This is a special price , and is a quality usually when goods do not prove so , and. all that Is necessary to gain youn confidence is being done. for $3.50 and $4. Our price for this week is $1150 per We display choice things in black cheviots which will he All ages. very popular this season for boys' wear. FREBLAND , LOOMIS & CO. SPORTS OF EARLY AUTUMN , Prime Causes of the Wtstera Association's Kocky Season. iVHISPERINGS FROM THE WHEEL. Amateur Gossip Autumnal Tournaments Hltti , Kumbloi anil Muffs Miscellaneous Obscriandu. 'Hie fog end of the western association sea son for 1SOO has been reached , and a sigh of relief arises from the arm ; of cranks that still remains. They are glad the season is over from the simple fact that it has been the rokiest , most unsatisfactory anil unonthusl- astic season within the history of the came , from the start to finish affairs haie been in , a chaotic condition In this association , which status of things is mainly attribablo to the ar bitrary action of the Milwaukee club before the placing season opened , In peremptorially refusing to put us their guarantee that they would play the season out. This induced 1'resldent McOor- fwUh to return to each of the other clubs I.heir chocks , and tnaf\ital requirement be- aurs u deud letter. This created a feeling of distrust throughout the circuit , and its ef fects have been forciblj felt all through the campaign. JIMilwaukee , tbolargest city in the ciruiit , lacked couOdcnoa in tlio stability of the association-what could bo expected from the less fa\oredand smaller cities * They looked upon It , of course , as a sort of liit-or-niiss affair , and went into it determined not to o\inco surprise if they inadfl aware house full of moiicv or all pot killed before the season closed It inado no difference which , they were all in the same boat with the \Vlsoonsln llrewers , and would sinker or swim together , and nobody would be re- sixmsiblo. Tims each club conducted its affairs throuchout the summer as it pleased , with out reference to any board of dlrettors , presi dent , secretary or other officials. Dave Howe , Sam Morton , Macullar , Little Quin , and all the rest of the pmlous outfit , had as much to say as the president , and often times a good deal more. Their word was as potent as hu , and the consequence was that ofllciul notlncation amounted to absolutely nothing , eaih club did as it saw proper any- L way. This In n great measure was the cause of ftie w oef ul paucitrof spectator ! , during th season , as well as the ramshackle , uncertain and childish management that has marked the entire season's. , \ \ ork.Vhat should ha\e been aone , was the call ing of n meeting , and the expulsion of Milwaukee bans ccremonle. I3ut there's llttlo use to grow lachrymose over spilled milk. The Western aisooiatlou has hod a les- ton that should cut a mighty big figure la the proceedings uf the next annual meeting. Now tor a ro ume of tbo so-aton and the "raca Up to date , not one single club , unless it is MlnucaiioUs , has made a dollar. Omaha U out of pocket in the neighborhood of $10 , ' UW ) ; DCS Moines was left dead broke ; Kansas Cit > may pull o\cu ; Milwaukee , after all tbo brag of enormous crow as , will bo short five or six thousand ; St , Paul is a ruined commu nity and Sioux City lias been shouting mur der for over two mouths. 'What the outcome for Lincoln will be it is hard to gay , but 0t t looks as II they -would get out alUo. The race lias narrowed down to three teams , with the iirosnocti for about this tiulsb : Kansas City. Minneapolis and Mil waukee. Denver \ \ ill cling to fourth place , Bioux City tilth , but the sixth is still In doubt , with the chances in favor of Lincoln , and Omaha seventh and SU Paul last. Mow , how do you like a few chunks of olid trutlil Literary Meeting Tomorrow C\e. The secret order of the Otuaha ball team will hold a meeting tomorrow evening at their palatial club rooms on Hard Luck street. It will bo a literary meeting , and many extinguished visitors will not he pres ent from abroad. Dad Clarke has -written n veiy profound disquisition on , "Straight Curves , or , Howl Once Grabbed a Game By the Nil pa of the Neck and the Basis of the Pants and Pulled It Out of the Fire. " Hanrahan will recite that ancient ballad : "Marry Me , or Become JM ) Wife " Faeinwill read an essay : "A Dark Secret , or. Why I am Still Pitching. " Wash will deliver a short lecture entitled , "Which is the Most 1'rcferublest , Placing on Dub Team or Epilepsy ? " Tit Willis is rehearsing that touching- sonp , "Tbo Beautiful Suow , or , I Will be With You This Winter. " Canavan , in a five minutes talk , will en- deaor to advance an exegesis as to "How the Infroqueuty of Pay-Da ) s Can be Avoided Until Next Season Rolls Hound Again " Brief addresses will also be made by Jack Newman. O'Connor , Moran , F.lteljorg , Ed Brandt , d Mullen , General Frederick , Joe Garaeau , Dick McConnick , Manager Leon ard. Prof Ga > nor and MayorCusbing , and probably Broatcb. Milwaukee's A\\ful Threat. Tbo Milwaukee magnates , now that their team is skating backwards , are en ing out of the other side of their rnoitUs They claim they have made no money , and express a desire - sire to get rid of their club and franchise. The ) threaten to sell all their star players. Tommy Poorman , the only man HIng who dandled George Washington on his kneewill be sold to the Smithsonian Institute ) at Wash ington , D. C. , and exhibited in a glass uisc during the winter months. Father JJalr.vm- ple will die before the season closes , and that big red-headed Frenchman , } dept Morrissey - sey , will bo hired out as a section boss. ICnlp , Sboeli. Pettit , arlfflth , Tliointon and the balance of the outfit will be sold at auc tion in a bunch , and next spring the old Milwaukee croquet club will be reorganized , uud they'll Just ha\o such high old times up there as jou people never heard of. A Casual Obscrtation or Two. Already President McCorini'ck has begun to gather the nucleus for next year's team. \Vcrtz , the craik young outfielder , u the last acquisition. There w ill bo many new faces on the team iiei * year , as McCormick don't like a number of the faces on it at present Dan Honin says the Omabas ought to take third place yet , that they are great finishers and after tnev get done losing the11 win every game , There is nothing the matter w ith Dan , he's only crazy ! Jimmy Cannavan Isn't ' , playing Just now. ho got a bad leg In a i > ole contest lost winter and the old lameness bus returned , thorough ly Incapacitating him. The snow will soon begin to fly and the ball platers' vucition will ihoitly boo\er. Ho must get down to honest uorJros soon as Old Crimp shows his face. ' * " " Hoover and DonaUue of the Kansas Citys. the\ say , are clever variety comedians , anc that the ) will do a "double turn" this win ter. Pooh' that's nothing , there are about six cle\er variety comedians ou the Omaha team. You ought to see them in that side splitting farce culled the national game they are enough to nuke adotheborbO laugh Thev will do -'sextuple turn"in about three weeks. The Last oftlic Molilcnm. Two weeks more and the baseball season of IS'.K ) so fur as Omaha is concerned will bo over , There will bo but eight more games plaje-1 at the local park , tbreo with .Milwaukee on next Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursda ) : two with Lincoln , Saturda ; and Sunday , the SOth and 21st , and thro with St. Jt'aul , on tno 27th. list h and 30th , Tbo three games that wcro scheduled here with Minneapolis have been transferred ho latter season for reasons that are obvi ous to even a blind man. AMiat The ) Snj in the Grand Stand. Billy Alvord , DCS Moines1 old third base man , leads the Toledo club with the stick. Us average is .809. Jake Becklev , St. Joe's old first baseman , s the bifrgest batter In the brotherhood , and he can also "blow 'em ' off" about as fa t.1. Charlie Genins of the Corn Buskers has undoubtedly struck his gait at short. But ew in the country are eiielliug his \ \ ork ust now. "Ducky" Hemp , after being1 fired from divers teams over the countr.i , is now guard- ng the sweet-potato bushes in center garden "or Lincoln. Little Nicol is not astounding the natives iy his short stop talent. How ever , the Cow- jews have been winning ever since he Joined bem , and that ought to be satisfaction enough. Patsey Bolivar Tebeau , who was with Omaha in ISsS , is about the most heartily bated ball plaver in Cleeland. . Another ex emplification of the old saving that you can't make a silk pur o out of a hog's ear. Omaha pave Kansas City several terrible tails , during the neck past. Ouch ! Sporting Times. If thev did it must ha\e been dur ing the night after tbo saloons bad closed , for nobody west of the Mississippi overheard of them. "Chlppoj" McGp.rr still continues toelec- trif v all the old-timers down in Bean Town by his phenomenal third base play. "Chip- pey" is "com-pee-tcut , " as he used to put it atTomXagle when they were playing to gether here. Tommy Kearns has been released and out fielder Wertz of the Evansvilles signed in his place. There are few harder workers than Kearns , but his hitting of late has boon lamentably weak , and he was lei out on that account alone. Minneapolis will not bo seen in Omaha again this season. The games scheduled w ith Hurst's team for the aid. 2)th ) and > th have been transferred to Minneapolis The poor attendance here induced the manage ment to make the transfer. Oney Patton is still In the hospital at Lin coln. He tried to coax the whole Omaha team in with him when they were down there last week , but they said the had to ha\e the Milwaukee guarantees for laundry money , so they took a cattle-car and went up there. Milwaukee refused to accept $100 a game or 75 per cent of the gate receipts to transfer to this cit.v the thruo games to be pla\cd be tween Milwaukee and the Blues at Mil waukee. Yet the receipts at the homo of the Brewers in a game with Sioux Cltv last week amounted to only SJO. Kansas City Times. And still the Brewers want to join thoAmer- lean association , they are such a card , Among tlie Amateurs. The Museos play In Fremont today. In Palmer , Fremont has a great catcher , Dick McAuliffe has signed with the Cranes. The Blairs will ha\e new grounds for next jear. Perclvol has been released from the Xon < panels. Mohler is showing up in great shape for Lincoln. The old Gate City dub will reorganize for next season. \Vithnell is playing a strong ccnterfield for thoMusees. Dan Llnahan will catch for Blair the bal ance of the season. Stevenson will finish the season with tno Models of Council Bluffs. "Wally Andrews will probably play with the Museeb nt Fremont today. The Crane company team will plav in Missouri Valley this afternoon. McAullffo is putting up a good game at second end base for the Crane company , Blair needs a rood second baseman. Why not try McAuliffe or Patterson. Carrncllo and Qulnlan , battery for the Diamonds , are doing good work. Look out lor Spud F&rrish's crack SU Louis battery for next' season. Knock again. , The Prospect Hills havoa coming pitcher n "Kid" Miller. He baa preat speed. The Models of Council Bluffs ha\o lost hree straight games to tbo Blair team. In a recent game at O'Neill , Neb. , Pitcher rirarny Hart struck out twenty-one men. Fiannaean of the Musees will-leave for his Wilmington , Del , in a few weeks. Tan Arnam is still covering short for the Edea-Musees and is improving right along The Cranes will trvto arrnneo a game -with .ho Omahas before the c e of the season. Patterson nnd Uorgrecn , formerlv of the Steams , are now plaIng with tbo Diamonds. The Loup Citv battery was the winning Datttry In the Grand Island-Kearney series. Bowman will cover first base and Butler eft field for the Fort Omaha team in toda ) 's game. Any club desiring the sen-ices of a peed all around placr should address Dick Mc- iVuhffe. The Nonpariels will have an enclosed grounds next season. Now for ono in the north end. Austin , short stop of Missouri Valley , will probably sign with one of the Pennsylvania league clubs. When the Cnnes play tno Uonpariels they will present their full team for the first time in tw o months. John Patterson is now covering second for tbe Diamonds Pat is the best Litter of any team in Omaha. ' Steve Day , formerly with the Cranes , would like to twirl for some minor league team next season. Van Aernam , recently released from the Muses , would like to play with the Eigh teenth street Stars. The Diamonds will play the Kiebtecnth Street Stars this morning and the Four Cor- nen this afternoon. Beymer and Graver Iwo already receded offers for next season Graver \ \ ould make a good man for Omaha. The Shamrocks wouldllke a game with the Prospect Hills , also the Models of Council Bluffs and South Omaha ' The Fort Omaha and Nonpareils piny at the foil today. BatttrlesGerlack aud Pnrcell , Jellcn and Lace ) Carripanwill go behind the bat regularly for the Crane company team. Ho and Wil liams are a pair hard to beat. Zellars , third-baseman of the Shamrocks , is also quite u pitcher , tnVing out twelve of the Nonpareils In & \ o innings , Monaglmn of the Cranes 1s plaln r left- flcld out of bight and hitting the ball harder than at any time during the season. Hoivthe Shamrocks 'did pound Jellen of the Xonpariels last Suniluy thirty-five hits off of hlin Come , old man , brace up. Mnrtino Nelson of the Cranes plajs a strong steady game and there is not another airia- teurheni of bis inches that is hi it with him. Thoplajersof the disbanded City Steam club would like very much to arrange a game with thu Nonpareils to bj piajod at the ball park. Copcland , pitcher for last year's City Steams , is now at Hamburg , la. Ho would like to get on ono t-f the Xobraskn teams. Ho is a No 1 piuber en gdod fielder. In Llnahan. Ulalr gits uic best amateur catcher in Nebraska. Boiitiej IKMIJ ; u good latcher , Dan is a gentleman Lan-y nil ! likely be released as boln : too light Baseball is ut a standstill in the small ton as surrounding Ouiahn. There are only three towns that Omaha utnatcur teams can make games with on Sundi > \ ( . Peterson of the Shamrocks would make n great pitcher if ho w as nut t-o lary , It is h ird work { or him to draw hi * brcutb He has only lost three fjamts out of twenty-seven this season. Lucas of the Musec-'s bokJdcs being n good baseman Is something of a pU her , having let' * ' I the Ogden team down with cml > live hits While with the Salt Lake U4in bo led In bau ting and base ruining. I Pitcher Hart will plfh for the Eden- j Musees and also cover second when not pitch ing. As a second baseman Hart is a great success , covering a eood deal of ground , but be is a little AN oak at the but Now that Williams , pitcher of the Cranes , has got o\cr his baseball stage fright he is commencing to show what he can do. ID lost Sunday's game at Fremont ho struck out fourteen men and only allotted two hits off his delivery. n What is the matter with the scribes lately ? Two vi celts have gone by and there has not been a word said about Carripan's kicking propensities It must bo awful galling for the aforesaid to have to produce ahtuo fiver to Limo the same kicker kick for him 1 The Shamrocks would like to meet the Nonpareils on tbo former's grounds , near Metz Bros' , brewery. The Shamrocks claim that the Nonpareils are afraid to play them on these grounds As It was , the game last Sunday was barely won by the Nonpareils on their own grounds. As tbo base ball season Is drawing to a close , the bojs are commencing to figure up their hits and errorless games to be ready to spring it on > ou next winter when jou are pretty near distracted from having tdesnow flakes wafting through your zips , but the roasting some of them will got will keep them warm without the aid of a Benjamin. The Blair team has made a few changes in their team. Linaban is to catch. Tew will cover first , Eussell goes to short and Lee will cover second. Tew puts up a good gam eat first and leads the team at the bat. Bailey is playing left field out of sight They have played lourteen games this sea son , winning nine , losing four and tieluif ono a good record. Apollo Club Gossip. Theater parties will bo a common tiling for the bo ) s this w inter. Tbo Apollos will ci e a benefit for the club the latter part of November. The regular monthly business meeting will be held Monday evening , ,3o p. m , sharp. Porterfield , Holton , Perrigo , Morris and Matthews were at Peona last week attending the tournament held there. The called runs for today are Irvington this morning and Fort Omaha with the Oinuba wheel ilub bos ) in the afternoon. The safety representatives of the A C. C boys for the coming ; tournament are Dickey , Pixley and Calkins. They are all riding very fast. In talicing with several of the boys on the time subject some of tbo fastest riders say they expect to see 2:40 made in many of the races this week Tbo old Council Bluffs course has been abandoned by the bos almost entirelj The evenings are petting too short to lido much now , and la another month the good riding season will be o\cr. Louis Flescher , who lately returned from the St. Louis tourney , sajs that Lumsdcn while in that city was not in his usual health This may bo the reason the w cslcrn fier did not sboxv up so well at Niagara Falls. The Apollo boys who will race at this week's meet nw FJeteher , Denman , Pixley , WeiU , Muntcrferlng , Beindorff , Potter , Calkins and Dlcltey , With this many fast men the A polios will surol ) take a few ot the first prize * . Fletcher Is in fine condition , while Wertz and PUloy aud Den man are training -ury hard and expect to bo on a par with the fastest w hen the time comes. The \Mieel Cluli roiirncy. The Omaha Wheel club Is in high feather over the magnificent prospects for their to jr. naincnt at the fair grounds Thursday and Friday. The entries bate been pouring in In a veritable Mroam , and they are not through you The truck Is in admir able bhape , and when it ha ? received the fin ishing touihos will be the fast * st track in the < west , Pwrla not exwpu-d That the races will bo extre-nel ) intricstiiiif and uncertain , the1 ivoimmU'i of entries maws itmltab' ' W E ICIue of Pro * Idcnce , 1C 1 , has , written 1 1 thith will be hero , and bpcntary Pcrr go is now In Peoria , whire be has lK en atterd- \ ingatiko tournament , and where he Is stro i to engage u number of notable riders , lee i 1 lantern pirado on Wednesday , the prelimiu- ar ) day , n ill be ono of the most impressive and beautiful features of the whole week , and the fluest demonstration of this kind ever at tempted in Omaha , Lanterns aud candleswill bo furnished all wheelmen free , and a magnificent medal goes to the rider making- the best show in tno way of ornamentation. The route of iho parade will he as follows : From the club house , corner Setantocnth and Chicago stioeti , south on Seventeenth to Dodge , east to Fifteenth , south to Fnrnam , east to Eleventh , north to Douglas , west to Sixteenth , north toCuming- , west to Twen ty-fourth , then counter-match to Nineteenth , south to Webster , east to Setenteeuth and south to headquarters. The ladies should hear in mind that the races Thursday and Friday will be well worthy their attention , and the club is an ticipating a large attendance. The contests are all purely amateur , participated in by gentlemen enl ) , and are deserving of tbo heartiest endorsement at the hands of the public , who would encourage and foster- honest and healthful sport. Questions and Answers. Please give roe the address of some house that has for sale Instructive books on base ball John Miltcn , Naples , S D. Aus. A. L ICeith , this city. Can you Inform ino wbcro Ilassamaerand Johnson , formerly of the Kansas Citys , are playing this seasoal Subscriber , Omaha Ans. Hassamaer is with the Portland , Ore , team and Johnson is with one of the brotherhood teamsbut , not plaing. ) State in Sunday's Bnn how many years the Nonpanils of this ultj * bavo been plalnf ? ball and how raanj times hate they been de feated this season upon their own grounds. Billy McQuirk , Man1c City. Ans. Three But once. Please publish in your snorting questions department tbo best method for tn.ikinpr claret wine and also good -wine from elder berries. Mrs F. S , Omaha. Ans. This Is the same l.idy who asked the sporting editor a couple of woelts since to gito way his secret for making wild grape wire , which , howeter. he declined to do He must also disappoint Mra P. S as to the best method for making cliirct , for the 30J men be i employs making especially this brand of tvine i are now enjoying their summer vacation with their largo families at the seaside and in Europe But our elderberry professor Is on dock , and ho sajs tell Mrs F S to first catch tier elder berries , they must all bo elder berries , no young berries ; piclc the the feathers off them nicely , wrap each ono separately Inwhite , green or llfjht blue tissue piper , and then lay them away in some uicodry , moist place for thirteen jcars , when they will be In prime condition for makingwine. . At the end of that period write to sporting oilitor again and ho will git o you the flnUh- in ? touches to thcpioeess. Will you please state In the Sunday BEU tlie distance between bases , and tour opinion as to which club will win the icnnant of the western as- sudation. 'Whichgive * tbo correct standing of the clubs , TIIU BIK or World Herald ; Short Stop , South Omaha. AnsNinety feet. Kansas Cily. Tun lire , ofcourte. Please decide the following points iu the bun day II EE : Thro base ball teams Net. 1 , ! i and 3 inter Into a tournament , t ie to boljOW. ! \ . and 3JVrufcpctfiively Ibotthat No. 1 v ill not take oil her tint or second in one v. Bach dub plats two gtiuieswith aich ofthoothurs No 1 wfus throeirunasuiid No.wins throe. I Tli'y divide the money und No. 1 comes homo witli ti " > lU\o 1 loa or wonl aa aI I 1 also be No 1 woulanot bring homo Jlrst money Hute I loilor won tuU. J , B , V , Mhsouii Valley. Ans. You lose the tlrst , Mhlla the second bet is a draw , because first money was not aw ardcd. In a game of double nigh five , one tide U 47 and the other 51. The former inikos the trump nnd makes e-verytbitur but jaik , which the other side captures. Who wins ! 1513- Ibl'J Webster street. Ans. The latter. Kumerous requests to answ er questions by mail again urges the sportiucr editor to state thutno auenes belonging to this department will be answered by mall. THE BEE has neither the time or pleasure to comply , but all legitimate queries will recei\o prompt at tention in these columns. When a foul fly is batted and the first base man catches the foul fl ) , second and third basc-s be occupied bi base runners , the fielder throws the ball to third tocauhthe runneiv the ball goes wild , both runners retouch their base and ttien run home Doiu. the facoro count and Is it a legal play ? Can the same play bo nude on .1 foul tipl I say jcs , to tbo first two questions and no , to the lost against an umpire's decision. Am I rlstbt ! H. E. Boyer , Strahan , la. Ans. You aro. Of the different species of wild fowl , will jou please state in Sunday's BUL which Is considered the swiftest of wing ! Why is it Nebraska has no duck nnd snipe law ! Are blueand green wing teal ono and the same bird ! Vhat is a rnereanzcrl A Lover of Birds , Lincoln. ' Ans. Tbo canvas back is the sn If test of nil the scores of species of wild foxil , in f > ct , about tbo swiftest bird that fliis. The bird has been timed at the marvelous ute of 120 miles an hour. The ic-ison Nebraska has no duck or snipe law is simply because the legislature does not consider such an act worthy of their precious , time and considera tion It will come all right , though , after the birds have been exterminated. No , the gretn and blue w ing tcnl arc not 0110 and the same bird , but very similar. The yrecn wlnp is a trifle the smallest and much the hardiest of the two Both are par- excellent table biids. The inergauzcr ] what is called a fish duck , it Is sharp-billed auduot-cdlble. T II. Soule , Murray Hotel. Yourquestion is neither legitimate or asked la peed faith. What you most need L > salt a couple of bar rels II M. J , city "You will have to write to the secretary of the American kennel club , 44 Broadway , Nuv York , for the pedigrees de- blrcd. blrcd.Will Will you please Inform mo through Sun- da ) ' * baseball columns ho\t a homo run is floured in a plajor's batting atcragoi What Hdditioiiul credit oter u single docs ho cell C.T. Bruncr , Ulalr. .Ans. Exactly the same as a single. The only additional credit ho guts Is that derived from making a long hit only. To settle a dispute please state in Sunday's Bre whether Kid Nichols eer pliyed b'all with the Hastings , Nfb , team , and about what is > his weight ! Titus , Omaha Ans. He did not. Ono hundred and sev- out-five Please give the b < st time made liv Francis Dunlitp's trotting moosoof Alontpuler.ldabo , and decide a waijor. Safety-Valve , Fifteenth and Douglas. Ans. Two thirty Please stnto In Sundaj's Bcr If Jack Crooks made u record ut ht Paul lust Mason of four homo runs and one biriKloiu a single game ) SL\ owl Cranks Oomba. AnsHo did 1'lcoro state in St vn T's Brr the best time for seventy-live yards sprinting. Did Bert Mjors ttur make amilo lui 11 ! or ti.UI on a . ' " Who ILLS iiudo the moat homo runs in the Western league * -J3dna C. and OUKJ , Nebrabk.1 City. Ans H. M Johnson , J 2-5 seconds , New York , November ii ! , 1M. Moytr * ' 1'eorla f rltnds tay ha rode u mile la - U , but you can bet all you hat o got that he imcr did it. _ anUcn of Milwaukee. Dr. Uirnev cures catarrh , Bea