10 THE OM IIA DAJIA7 BEE : SBP1EMJBEJI 14 , lSK { > . TVVESrY PAGES. 8PEOIHL NOTICES. A IVElTI ! , EMK.VTHfor these whitnm will Jtbo tiiknn until I''iCWp. ui. for tlio orcnlnf editloiunrt until ( Kin jj , rn. ( or the tnornlnj edition imaUJNDjlir llu. niEUJISCash Inndvanco. "nATE ? AdvcrtlsointntHonthlJpnK-offlll t Jlclinrci-clfor ntllierilPoMK edit per word for the llrst Insertion nncl 1 tent norvrorn for each Htibsequrnt Insertion , and 1150 jicrllna per month. No artviirthi'titcnt taken for lcs.1 than Sleciitt ( OF tlio tint Insertion. TNITIAI.HilHtircs , HjniboK etc , , count each . JHH nnu nerd rnilKiK ndvrrtlspiuentH must run conspcii * J. tlU'ly nd under no circumstances will they betubrn ordlrtcontlmnd by telephone , IMIlTlErinilvcrtlsiiiiilii ( lioso coin inns mid J btnliiK tliolranswnruiddressrdto n"imtn * tcroO letter" In raroof Tut llKKtrlll receive. nniinirn > rplchooltto enable tlionito set their leltors. Answers will l > n delivered only on lirenr-nbitlonof this clierlc. Kncloso unswcrs In en ulopos properly addressed. Ar.I > ntl crtUnnctiti tinder thn liend of "fcpuclnl Nollces. " aru published In l > olh inornlnir ntulpvunlnir edition ! of TIIK 1IIK. the 'Iroiihtlon ' ofwhich aKfrrfitatfs jnoro tliim Kl.OOO papers ( hilly , and Ki > es tlio advertiser tlio he nuflt not only of llio HrKO circulation of Tun IlrB InUniiilia. tout nlsoIn Council IHufli. Mnroln imdothcrcltlfjnndlownJ In tlio west BRANCH : OFFICES , Advertising forthr-sscolumni will 1 * taken nn the alKne rendition * . ntthofollowlnB bml- nc is lioiiocivho arn nutliorlred totakeiipuulal notli'd tit thu aamo ruto.s nscan bo bud at tlio main olllc'o. _ _ _ _ COUTH O.MA.1IATlltANCII OI'KICE Ko tJ Sttgy TO ! IXV. . IIKLII'hnrinacUt , , SSjSoulliTonlh O Ptreot. 0lASn A nniV. ) Flatlonera and 1'rliitin ' , llli-oiilli i lOtliStrcct. J. Illiaat , 1'liarninclst. 04 North IClh Blrc'd. ' KO. W. PARR , riiirniaclat. 1718 Louvcn- ivorth Mrotat. _ LTUOIIES' I'lIAltMACi'.SIth and r SIIUATIOXS WAXT13O. For ralffl , elt , , rrelap < > J fl > ntcnliitnnoii. thLt LADV lypuwrltor and Htfnosriitih ! r,4 years experience. 'lesliosHltuntloribept.lR. Cre dentials and references A 1. Address NTS. lice , M aa-U * . . . . I.ljrjit set oC liook.sto krep o\en- Ings. Kofercuees. Address 010 , lleo olllco. J.T2 15 * AN oxpcrlonccd lady ilonojraplicr and typewriter ucMresiltiintloii afturr'ppt.15. ' nooilrofufencus furnished , I'lciiHO uddross 018. Iltu. S.-15 ( ! WANTIin I'osltlon by oxnerli-iucd Indy ktcnoirnpliir. Oood city refaruncoglu'ii. Address " 0 U' , " Doc. Illl-in * WANTKI ) Sitiiutlon ashousekoupcr bycx- porlmuccl and tlioroucbly coir.potent lady , Address 0. U.IIoo. 817-11' iV comiioti'iit. lady tenngrnpli- < iwnhiiiiiichltu' ) ! , cltjlit yours1 cxporlc-neo , doHlres sit nation Oct. 1st. Ilcstclty rifurcncu. Address Ol ) IIuo. MXi-'JO' OOMI'KTKNT.oxpcrlono'd IL ml rapid steno- ( jraplicrtli'slrcs n position : uncfuestlolicd roforcuco ? , AddrussOT IJcc. aot-lt : * WANTEI > rcrmanunt sltunllon liy a llrst clufssliariiess iiiukur. Address Oil Itic. 287-H * WANTED 1'osltlon ' In drv cnnfts storoby utpprlunccd cl rk slnulcNSuaiidliia hiii. Address btioiiisbiiruUopubllunn , Stioinsbiirir , Nob. BIlM-lb' SIT1TATION" watitfd by n lady to keep - liouso or to aislsfc In tlio hoiisoliolu. Address L , 1C. lleoofllco , Council niulTs. HH-l.V For ntcx , tic. , nt top of frtt column ontliln jage. A OEN'JS , ennvasvTS , travoihiK silesinon iiJood ( money. Flue side lluo. Uox 714. Uavld qity. Neb. aa-H * WANTni ) O.llco boy between 12 nnd 14 years of i o. Apply to Blldla nd Kloetrlo Co.li04 liiiclinHl.M ) ) ! lloor. LHM-li' O1TV salesman. Onuilii shirt factory , 1314 WK ninko n liberal ofl'er to travcllngr nnd loeiil salesmen In every state who cnllon n-tall frroccrs. Gluten KutlrflVluut Hour Co. , 115 liiiko st. Chlcago.lll. HffiJ-U * want nccnts nho can nuke ( rom K > to $25 pur day KCllliiRour door plates ( all metal , iinmo can boput In la : t minutes ) . N'ow doorbcllvwhlte onaiuoled KlKni nnd letters. Lowest prices In thoLT. 8. Oatatnifug free. N Y , Door Plato Co. , Ul I'ark Ito w , Now Vork. 80l-U S wnnted In every county. Mirond nun to act iindorlnstructlons In oursncretBenleo. Experience not nooesmry. rartlculnm free. Oraniidn Dotectho llurcau Co.,44 Arcadcainclnnn.tl.O. SW 15 * ANTBD An cnporlenccd canvasser for in y new book , "Qurens o ( the StiiRO. " A inntiilllcent and houuttf ully Illustrated quarto volume. I'rlco&VOO , A rapid silo mid liberal ooiiinilKsloii Insures a prolltablo nionoy , a. AVest3dst.N'owVork. ! 71 17' " \TI7ANTEI > Comlco unikors , tinners and T T'sheet Iron workers , James A , BIlllorA IIi-os. , l'J3t llilSouth Clinton St. , OlilciiRO. 207-H * GKNEKAI. nontsnmktii,0' : to\000 aycar , canvnssorsM tollO per day. selling the Celebrated Tnylor I'atent AdJiiBtablo Shoo , ThisoxclimlvorlKlitto sell this shoo in any territory Is a valuable monopoly. Our system of selllm thlsshools n w and original. Ad dress , \\lth-o. Ktninp. Consolidated Adjusta ble Shoo L'o. . Salem , Mass. STS * . man to trUe cnro ol horse and do work In prlvuto Taiully Ajiply room U Darker block ou Monday. 27B-U Apply Joa Gar- neuti Cracker Co. , 12th am Jackson sts. L'10 H * . , , . . . . " ) A good liollonnaker nt ouco. i 3oodxvnRos paid , Address Fremont Fouiidery & Jlaohlno Co , Fremont , Nub. \I > N1.1K fJIH'TV nionwinitcd for truck lujlnn liy tUo UJ Uooli Ibland railway at I oulsvlllc Xeb. Ill II * t Ueput lesfmnloor female ) . \ caniuiiUouinvard of JlOJper inouthlustl- BtutliiBlodKesot iifratcrnal order piy In ; mor tuary , disability mill onilowincnclmiotlts. Ad dress I'.O. Uox 10UI , 1'hlladolphlu , I'a.JI1M17" ' JI1M-17" TThA.OKSMir II wanted at onco. Mu&tbo XJeoodono. Callon oradclress Sol SpmiRle Scrlhncr , Noli. M 1IM-14 * AirAM'KU.-Aetlvo men with jood refer- | cneea. Motropolltaii Jlan'f'j Co. 1009 IloK-nrd st. 180 22' " \\rAM'KD-Siilesmiinon snlary or cotnmls ii nlimto haiullo now patent diomlcal Ink craslnspoiicll. Tlio Kroatest nolliner novelty eier ( iroduucd. ICrasosInk tliorouuhly In t o Becoiulssno abrnslon of paper , SCWto 800 per rent profit. Ono auont's ' nnlcs nmounted to 8 < M In six dnjs ; nnotherKCJ In two hour * . " \Vo vrantono > ncr tto pcnonil asent Tor ontli Btato nnd territory , Snmplo by mall ,15 cts , l-'or terms and full imrticularsaddrcssTlio 21onrooHruscr M ( { . CoLa , Crosse , Wl.s. 21K-IO * Ull wanted Man wlm cnn rule , forward and llulsh. Uood sltutitlon to oniputcnt niaii. An Inlorostwlll bo given K desired. Address Tree Press , Mankato. Minn MI-14 D-l. iXlaborers forstono nnacrado work. Apply to I1. El , Johnson , Union TW5eiiiorUfpot.Oitin.ha. ; TiTil " \\7"ANTKD Traveling salesmen ; new In- IT veiitloii.hlcnionoyto rliiht inrtlci. Call nt Oiuahu patent agency , cor ICth and Cup. MO. MIW5-H- tuea for U. P. company Mork In WyoiuliiK. Steady nil winter's work , ' Labor AKOIIC11M Fiiriinin , l > 70 \TTANTKD--Toaius fur new vork lit Hock IT Island depot pro und s , boiituOinnlm. 1'ay e\ory week. W. t. C ; > llahaii , UTd U " \\7 ASTBH Salesmen to sell soodmo iner- II cliaitt.s by Eaiuulci salary paid to peed men ! samples furnlNhcdjpormnncnt situation , JJodol Muiiuaoturlas Co. , South llond. InJ. 'ANTED Men to travel ( or our Canadian nuniorlcs.StouUvtlVoUlngtoijJIadlsoii\\U , \ wn WANTED Snlestnen at fT5 rer month sal ary and expenses to sollallno ot sllvor- jilated wuro. walchot , oto.by iimplo only ; lorsoand team furnished frco ; vrlto at once Jor fullpn-rtloulars and sninjilo ease ol coeds Iron. Standard Bllvorwaro Co. . loiton , Mass 6 < X ) moii ( or Tltnh itnd Noyuda WANTED Mages 2.00 to I.'BO , Albright' * Agency , 1120 Vu. main at , l\rANTED-Travollng Hnlesmnn , nowlnvcn \ \ tlon , lilg money to ri ht partiesmpiiop : oly. Onialia patent ajonoy , cor Kth anil ( Jap ItOl UYC. * " ' HE1P. for rota , etc , , t top o//itt tduiitnon ntlfllO Oupttol a > ; e'luP ' ; A NTH D-A younJ jrlrl to take earn of children , OltK. ITlli 8t..Witt * * \\7 ANTKD Lsidy to ns.sW tnofllct work. II Must bo njit and quick , but cxwrlcnco not necessary. Unto ) ru. qiinllllcnt Ion , etc. , nnd write fully In llrst letter. Address A W lleo o nice. Council UUiffs , In. 318 33 \\TANTED-A alrl for homo work. < V40H. 2ilh IT Btiu\tto J/cavonoortli. 8M 10 * "Y17" A NT El l Good Klrl for gonornl house * Ii ork,218I.civoiiKOrth. ! JI 0 ntUIior RfiiOTalliomeworlc. Jim. 7hoa. P. . VJHull , lOWSlieniumaVoiuie. 2U _ 117 ANTKlT aolnlnu' room Rlrli for Olcn- Mood , Isocond Rlrl.oiioeooUout of town , 2cooU , nt tlio Nc r JJinp. burouu , Union Nat. room * ) . " OCJK Uut fit nriiKvspuldlo it t coinpotont cook nnu Kcnurnl boiisuwork elrl. HuiiIKitmlly , Apply botxvcn l n.m. timl Jp. ni.iilUMI Uouglnsst. ; iiM.V > Jlyof n KCll'nrkavo. ' IB 14 * BRIO I IT you ni laily wanted to get mib- scrlbors for the < JnialinK\cuilor | 50 IICF cent conunlsslon. Apply IMS ItUli t. flllti \VANTEII Attho Kotv Kmployinent jlu- i' reau-Olrls forall Kinds of liousoxvurK. UnlonN'ut.Hank Itlclg Uouni 40-Cornor Itlh and JJodRO. M 1B-10 * IWIMj piy Indlcsa salary at tit ) per wfclc to rk fo - mo In tholr locality at homu , IlKlitnork.jooclpiiy- part time , write with sunup , Mrs.II. ! ' 1-urrliiKton , lim TCC I'lilcaso. Wi ANTKll-Lady ancntfl. I lime 1.000agcntH . . ulakleiK a irood rcsiieclablollvltiuBollIntf my Koods for Indies nnd chlldrtn wear. Am cuiiHtautlydo.sfpnluK novuitlos. Have a new and Mondorlul sellnr for fall trade. Address wlthotaiiip , K. II , CanipbolUSl Vest llnudolph St. . Chicago , 111. SW-U * \\7"ANTr.l ) Iniiiioillntclj : cotniuitctit IT nur cfor ayounz butiy. Jlrs. i\l. r. 1'ut- Ick , cor. Twuiity-fourlh iiiul Lake Ht. 280-lb * A. § wanted to do general liouso work at . 101 J5' AOOOn glrt-fnr liouse\vork , Heferenccsro- quliod. Uooil wanes. Mrs. Dunioiit. MI2 \in \ f : iyc U53jtvoi iue. tCil WXNTI.li T o Klrls ( or kltclun work. ItorunHouse , t-MSoathlStlist. , ono block out lint court liouso. KtH \\7"ANT1I ! ) A competent Rlrl for unrso and secondwoik. Blri. Cicu. I'atersun , 33) ) b. Sth . Kjporlcnccdsali'slady. Apply toiuorro , tM : : ) . Stonuhlll. SOI- GOOD Girl wmtodfor general house orlc Apply , W JJ.l'Hh it , 28r.-ri * WANTED AKoolicookrmcl laundress also a sucoiul flrl who will help with llio hlldron. Apply 809 N. Will it , ) lm. IVm. rioinliiB. S85-H * ) TO For rufj ) . ( Ic. , nc ( o | > el .firstcolumn mithln WANTFD lly a RcnUcmiiii and vlfo with out ihllclicn , t o f iiriilsbeit rooms sult- iblohir llglitliiwsel.coiiliij.iiiiHt , bocentrally ooutcd. In ru | ) outall ) neighborhood , rt Address O 4 , Hoi ; olllcis. 7014 * WAN'J'KD To rent cottaso , lone lease ; Rood iielKlilorliiHlno ciilUlton ; icfer ncis. Adilioss glihiK location , nrlct" , 4112 lluinlltonst. , ' . ' 5U-II WANTED 1'unilslied hou.so $0 toS8. Ap- partmentHfor vlnturniouthsbyiuspoiml- bl < ? party , wcslorii part of town profvriud. Address 01. Ute. L'8lt * I'OtS IlKNT HOVBJSS , / 'or iuf8lc. , . , itc tttjttf Jinlculumn onl/i/a / fane. fj lOOSIcottigolll5Nl7llist. ! 510 15' ' O IIOO3IS , light housHkctpIng , $15. No dill" t > drca. Address OilHoe , I1U LjiOlt JUAVC-jV iJTOUtldil and eonvonlont JL ; lottugoof seven rooms , with Datli.furnaee , ruiise. cellar , itc. ( Jor. 30tli st and lUwtlioruo ave , J. II , 1J union t , : t0 | [ TlOIlUEiVT SowS-room uottago , llauscom - I'luco. ' Furnace , butli. otc. , norly ( ui nlslied. With or wltuouUururturo , Addros > 3 O IB , Uoc. JSl-lt * iTlOK HUNT l-romii liouso nnd barn , carpet - and furultuiu forsalo ou payments. HH N. 19th st , KO-10' FOll HENTNowroom liouso , Olat and Leavcuwortli sts. llath , furnace und nil modern Improvements. Apply loom W)3 Ice bulhlluK. 870-U FOll HENT-Soven room liousc , well and clitt < tiii nice yiird , tuninlnutosi inilk ( rein Hnnscoinpark : Io\vrcntto K od tenant lu- lulro atJUJ S.Mxtccntli strcut S78-10 * BUST MOi\TEDtwelve room liouso ; fur nace' ' , rang" , hot und cold lath , within two l > locK ell ( n building. Uot Information 510 HOUSE Tnelvo rooms ; ( urniico , raugo , bath ! front , nitlo und bnck yards , near 2ontur ofcltyi bestlocutloa for roomorj uiitl boarders. Kiwulru room 510 Now Vork Life bullillii , ? . TCTOU HEN'J-Elcgant 8-room brick liouso , -JLJ Alt modurnlmiirovoiuants , Iiicludl UK fur nace. Vlrst class neigh Iwrhood. Low rent to Kooil tenant. Inqulru oiipruiiilaus.JM ) So.l-'Oth ave , 201-10 * "OOtt EENT-Choap , itli and Ilarnoy sts. , -t ; bouses , leady soon , free rout to Oct. li Latest iiupi-oieniLMila. 1'aul , 10UD li'araam. SsBrlt ONE Binullcottic. cheap , $10 cash , bal. $3 nor month. Good title. Ilo qulek. Vf. J , luul. "VK\V [ house , furnace , batli , oto.bcst rest. J-iIencojoitlon o ( the city , .1) ) pur inoutlr , suitable for Mo families. II , IS. Colo. Conti nental , block , 441U 8-KOOM hotho , llanscom plauo. all modern lmpru\ \ mil cuts. liu'ludliiK ulsternanclsplou- did furnace. U. F.IIariUon , till N. V. Life.a . a ? E. Close In , don't need totalce JUIcnrsto orfrotn business part of city , All outsldorooms , l arKO yards. All modem Improvement provementKumnou , raiuu , liot or cold balb. 510 X. Y. Life bulklliig. 581-14 HDNT-llouses otthreo rooms and up- wards. 3xiw unts , largo listUoo , 1'aul , IGODKarnnin. 21W-10 "ClOIt HKNT-S(3ien-rioni ( house In flrst-clais JL'nrder , tfood nulidiboilioocl aiuln minutes' xvalk from ICtli and Kurnain. TboO. l'Mavls Company. ' 4)15 ) " | ? OIt HKNT East trout. 7-rooia cottiiKc , J-'Sburmaiiavo. . Clark , - near Wrljihti Las- bury. Arlington blk. see TOIi UKNT-Houso of tl > o rooms In Hrt J-'clasiortler , city and cistern water. Apply utKJO ti.lStlikt. J1SJS-14 * iJlORIiENT-Elt'iiruitDTOOin honso W3 , J-'NIcocottajo rs'o.r.081 : > aoiaoht.r-0. Now brick hoiihO B TOOIIIS , 1'acllli ! near 30th street , all niodornbnprovoineats IV ) . Klceant ulno room house , Miloadldly ilnlshcd 500. lllcks. llrst lloor J4. V. llfo bldff. \ & 15 "IflOUREXT OnOctobor Uth six olcfant 3- - * - story brick bouses at tlio s. vqocof Iflth nnd California Hta , | ovtryiiioilornconvciiloiico Mill busupplled anil tlds wjll bo beyond com parison the most beautiful and convenient residence bloelc In tlio city ; all east fronts ; dining room on first floor ; routs moderate ; plans of tliobulldlng can bosoonnt otirolllco , llruaiiaii & : Co. , rooiu Uhainbur ofOoinmorcc. M1UM8 * OIIUAl' rent , llnvo sovcral 3 and l-room Huts , central , with city water , sovrornie ; , etc. , attroniHlofld per mouth. llutts'Uont- IIIB asenoyro ti 15th st. 200oil * TTIOIIUENT Furnlslicd cottiipcoof sit rooms -L on Mil St. , opposite All Saints church , n nleo llttio lioino In excellent location , ( .to per Moutli , 1) . II , ( lomlrlcli , olllco of OnuilnStnct ll'y Co , SQtliunci llarney sta , S11XKJ-1I T7IOH KE > T riltocn-rooin houso. 7 < o. Ill S. J. ITthBt. . 1 block each from buslnosscoutcr , N , V , Llfo and lleo buildings ; lar o dlnlni ; room ; liulltovprcssly for Ixurtlln ? and room- In ; ; : nil modern linprotomcntsi reeking range and luruuoc. tJeoDr. Novlllo , 14NUoujtlaH , FOnUE > 'T 12-rooi.i house , KOOaiiltol 100- nuet all modern convonlences ; $ a. > . Apply Bplglofc l.owls , 717 N ICth Ht , MjP-A ? 8-ROOM house , : tui and Uuniln ? , MS per month. 0 , F. Harrison. Ull N. V , Llfo. S50 FOR 11K > T The lovror tocy of my resi dence furulsucd. J , W. Vim Nest rand. U7 8 ISCtli street , IW 14. * TTIOll IJKST CottiigcSSniUnd touvunworth , i1 with bnrn. fcMpor month. O.F. . Ilarrlsoo , miy.r. Lite. so Oil IIBST 2s'eat4.rootncottiiioolty ; wnter , „ 1 M miles f row l . O , D , 0. 1'attorwn ' , lilt ) Karuaui. 151 OCT.lst.biillJliiiron N. U. cor. 10th and pDiiHlas. 2 basements 2 ( tores , and 7 rnonmipatilrs , 1150. Mrs. Kulilmaiin , 11 and vluton. 001 17\OHUEM' Deslrnblo < J-rdomflnt8conven- , Jlentlv loeatedt Bteam hent and all other modern Improvements. Inquiroof Jscthnrtou llulllioa larnam au.rooinl. iindlloor , 11314 TTIOKIlENr ISO So. win su . K-room brick ; A ; iiiodorneotiunluncoa : choice location ; do- ' ilrablo noljhborhofxlioiisv wulklnp ( distance ( rombusiness. J. W.Orilllth , U.lMidnrs. 1105-11 ( P I OB RENT Sept. lcott , o vtlth nllroo < l ra luiprovuiucaU , lil ! Slicrmm ave. 5S7 "filOHUKM1 llottsoS room * . peed Initnclry. A1 Inquire Itobt.l'urvlJ,2Uli& St-Mary's a\e. KENT Ailx room house nnnf to tusliiew conlcr , W. Mend It ) vestment Co. . llio bulltllng. 843 _ FOHUEMT- rcsldoncO fnrnlshrdor un- fiiriilsliril for winter or longer , deslrnblo location. Jim. M.Clguttcr , UK' S. lOtn st.fcO fcO ) JP YOU vrlsh torontahouse onloro eo II , B Cole , ConlL-ntljl block. IB3 _ TpOItHKKf--7 room llat..W H lath t. K ) A1 iH'riuonlli. Apply at 'Clio tfalr , J. Ii , Hran- dels A tons , 5M _ IHOlt UEXT To reipoiislhlo pan Ics only. A' tlioso line new brick und Htono houses un Georgia a vtniioi ( If tcn rooms and nlcoves ; mort conviileiices anil l > cllor Ihilsliod tlinn nny IniiiHO ( or rent In the city. II. II. Ilcnder- on , 4loruTloii lilnck.clt.T. _ f.8 7-ICOOM liousi ! lth tarn ; nominal rent. L' , I _ 1Harrison. . Pit N , V. IJfe. _ rcvo HClISKHI'orllMit-Slon Cassst.L'iasCass-l. . . U4HC"tiMHt..lO and 14 rooms ) nllcon\cn- lences. 'lnis. NV. Ilulnoy , IJ13 Onialiii. National lin 1 1 1 < Iml Idjnjr. r > t.- > K-nOOM lioiisoSouth21tliweatof , wbot txiner. l ) UK ) S13' LOGIC Low rent , desiralilo inodornhonsei dccottuges. I.nqulroPa.rrottorentalii < > noy Kll s 15 POIt KKNT A hniuit of nil conveniences , cc.ntrn.lly located. Inquire 7UN 10th Ht 441 ron itiNrr ; UOOMH For talc' , elf. , ln/ > ofltvtmlumnonthlriutie. / _ _ . _ P CI1NTSIIBD room' , niniilc oreii suite , tas. POltfi , furnace heat , JCaN.lOlhst. 2-lflO * Oltfi RciitlL'iiien cnn obtain tlrst clnss rooms aml board at 11,1 S ath st. Allcuiivcnlnnees. ICufctciicos , ! 431.V LSUITEof newlydimlshcdrooms cheap ; gas und batli. 1003 lluwurd st.rd ! ) lloor. N T\Y \ and nicely f uinlshed rooms \vlth o-xecl- Unt boartl In prltato ( anilly for a few > PTwins ( Uslrlm a vomfortabloancl p1oismt lOiiiewltliiiiodern Cinvonlence9 L'V ( , ' ) lu.\eii- lort struct , abotttono block of motor lino. loll IlI.iVL' A pnrlor und bed room , fur- nlshcd10 , { per month. ! ! iJ22.r'rauMln st , rr-ic' FOU UEXT Nicely furnished front room for two gentlemen -\vlth llrst class tooird. 1 [ Jofcrenccs required. 1W2 Howard st. I2o-23 ! * O KG JCurnlslieil rwim sitltablo for ! ! young men , Tilth board , WW Capitol avcnuo. HANBSOMi : rooiw , also table. loard.lSiS C'hlcaio. 877-20 * or unfurnished rooms. 1013 UodRobet. ICth nnd 17tli. S7D-1I * FI'RN ISIll I ) rooms for llnlithoii'dcoo fioiu 80 to SlOpurmoiilh. 419S. lUtb st. 2.M ) II * T.TI011 RENT 5 f nrnlslud j-ooius for bouso- -L7 kceplne' . 1104 Uniltol | avc. S17 10 * CTIOKIAfuiulshoJ looms with ooird. IRlt : ) odsc. S017 * TTWK R EXT N'lccly furnish od rooms , steam Jt ? heat , gas , etc. . It'll ! N.15 , Hat C. MSJ.T-11 * LjlUltN Ibl 1IC1) ) front room snltablo for ono > r JL ? two gcntlemoti ; ruasonublo lent ; 7W N. 17tlist. JI.-7-ll' f furnished front room , JKOI Fiini.mi , 210-11' SlITEo ! ( double parlors In ono of the most desirable Halslth alliuoilern ( ouvcnloii- eesfor t o oruurgoiitlciuuii ( , 705 S Hitb , 811-18J SUU'L'IIdont looms \\lth board luprlrato ( am lly ; nicely bltuated ; terms reasonable , 2iMIlarney. tru-H" TO ItrST LiirRG front room , ground floor , private fuinlly. man und wKcortivo ' Inlo gentlemen. 1S1''IJurt nt , ITO 14 * " 1710U IlENT-Itooms nicely fiirnlahed or nn- JL : itirnNliednltligas , lath and beat. Apply SfilOIlnrnoy street. 149-14 fTIHONT room suit.iblo ( or gcutlcniaii. 181 ! I ? Dodge. 145 EN'OAtlE furnlslied tennis for vlntor wttli stonm heat , soutburne.xposuro. r 24 S lUtli St. , Hat D , 151 11 * TjUCGANTTA' furnished rooms.wllli or with- Jliout lo.ird ) , 1034 1'nriiam. Ill ) l.V Tlin MBKRI\M- and Dodgojor a few nlco rooms ( or rtnt. lllll-16 ! * room to KoiitleiuamvIthRood JUrefercai'CM ! Ktnall prbuto fatnll ) ; allnuxl- arnccmcnluncos. 8715 .lackson st. , half block wtst of St. Mary's avo. Congregational oliurch , U08 TG10II IlKNT-Nlccly furnlslied rooniH with -I ? board , Kiiabatb , Hteaiu licat ; also table board ; 1T21 Davenport st. llli n * fjlOll IiENT-1'arlor nnd other nicely fur- JL' nlslieil rooms vlth or without board ; 'M2i StJlar/gave. ItGN'-T-Fuinlshed rooms , 1WIJ Uoiulaa , jlOll ItENT-Kurnlshcd rooms ; gas.batb and ; steam. 1519 Howard. SU ST. OIAIREuropeaii liotol.vltb < liniiirooiii , Btonm he'it In all rooms , 13th-lodje ) ( , Spcehulratesbv wcuk or mo. 223 I 10I { IlRNT-Or.o liurJO south frouC room , with alcove , fias and hath , one block ( rom motor. To ono Bellomun815 , to two $18. "COO Da\onport. 745-13 * " | j1tH ) ltEN7 Nicely " ( iirnl'hod room with -E bouixl. roeronce. 2207 Farnain st. lS-l.r ) > * 11KXT.OOB1S UXKUUXISIIED J-'iir iittt , etc.seD tty nt Jlr t cetunm n tiiiiptmt. " IflOK ltHN'7-Twii rooms , llfilit ? | , JL1 no clilldren , IttHi N.15 , Hat O. MSH-14 * lAulOnNT-Sullo of 4" Tinlurnisiicd rooms _ L for lioiisolioeplti ? , to family without olilldrcn. 17OJ U'elistor st. 315 O UNl'UUSISUED ' rooms , $ JC2J S , l th Ht. 170 14 * TJ1OK kliN'l'-JJ ' - rooms.uiifurnlsfTwirsroNriy JL'st. . price JIOwill icnt to colored people. "IJ OR UENT- , ' { roomsunfornislied , 210 N 13th J-'st. . prlcollO. 8t > 4 C-UOOMS unfurnished and rooms furnlslied ( ou rtnt InDuggaa block , cor. llltb. und 1'a- cliio. rm 1'OlS , KKA'IV STO UKS ANO forrata , etc. , trc tip of fiitt column ou till * page. Ti\OR \ KENT Hilelc nareliouso , two storla x aiiilbu < tcnu > nt , ! ! 7,000 sciiiaro feet , with 100 feet of doahlo track on U. 1' . railway , south J'tb ' : iml L'lcrco streets , Address U. Uskainu Omaha , Null. M for Jtcnt 1314 Dodge st. Chas.V \ UuInoy. 311 Oinalin. Xatlonalbaiik l > ldg. Ml WOK RENT Tlio 4-story brick unlldlnir , will ! 4. or vlthont po nr. formally occupiedl > y the lleo I'libllslilnj. : CD , 0101'ariiuni st , Thobulld- IIIB hnsa llre-prootconient basement , complete fcteani hunting tlAturoi , water on all tbolloors , fas , oto. Apply at thuotllcoof Uhe. ICto. 1)15 S" TOHCS ntTOO S , in. SxOO ) each , larso sliow windows , stoiim heat turnlalicd. Tlios. P. Hall 111 Paxton Mock. DU5 NT The largo front room oil thu first lloorof the New i'orlc l-lfo bulMIuKIniuio- dlatolyopiwslto ! > liorMoodncsi celaIly adapt ed foran eicsant Jovelry or fur storo. for termaetc..6eo Ceo. N.lllclis , agent. 18J 15 T OII KEDT Itulldlnit 00x121 ft.,4 Htorles nnd 1. bascuiont.on JonosstrcetbotweoiilOth nnd llth , with It , H. truck In alley ; best location la the city for wholesale. liinulro lU S , l.'ithst. U A. Llndqulsu &OO OraCKSIn Wltbntill block with all modem Improvimontt very choap,15th and llarney. For-riilfg. cff. . fC < lop o//lrntcofi nrtou tfifn page. T .ISTyour houses to soil or rent -\vlth O , K , UnarrlsonUU.N. Y.Ufo. 188 E. VCook , rental nionoy ; loan ? , mortgages bought , taxes pa.lil and collections. JUoom 031 N.V. iibu 1 Idlug. MOSt)0 ) B * houses with Sliaw'ei rcntiilagonoy , 0010.0. E. Cole , rental ujcnt. Continental blk. 55U EJ , IIiry , rental ugont , LW N. V. Me.W57 S'A'OU/VOK. I'orratr * , tie. , ttttop vf Jit at tnlumn onl/iU / page. STOKAOE Set us bnforo storing goods of a.nr description , Omaha ttovo ICupalr Worts. IgQDouglas. ? 1'ol.OM. B71 rpIUOICAQE kloriiKO at lowest rates. W , M , Jlliishiimi .iill : l.oavonorth. . C7J STORAGE-ilrauclut Co , 1211 Howard. 873 STOrtAOE Formcrohandlso and furniture , cold storairo and freezing ; traolcugc , David Colo,815-blTIIo , ard it. 674 lutes , tte. . ue ( onotolumn ou flu jage E board , ! 1 S , 25th Avo. 11101-li * \ Tor t lft , ttt. , Miop of flmttolunnoii IMn ixy. LOST Cold ileVo buTonnmrMV.Mb ml remrcl. . Infant ivtllEROfllco , 281-15 * JOS ! AnoItUiahl scarf pin , otcuseamwork. Uliornlrovrnrd. BUS. 2)th ) tire. For nrfM fit. , tcftop of firsttoliirnnnn ( H < . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .JANCEVlio n. ( cw years ag | J Hied atllniilim. Custorcoiinly. Iscamfst- Ir onlroatfd toconnnunicalo with hli father. Address iwDov'oiisiiire Koad Holloway. Ja\\- \ don. Fuglaiid. ) J73-1I * ' /T NT3itcatedtellncd widow In the thirties , JX. dislresthoacquaintanceof ) anlco Kuntle- nait betweun tony imd. sl.xtyi object , com- jiiity. Address N&s , Hoc oDlco. MH1-J * ' PEIIfeOKAT. , ( lontlmmn BtranKor in Iho ully. Kwd iHHltion. would nuprecliitollio ncanalntnncu o ( n. brltrht young lady or rldoif. Address , O I. Iteo. JliSS-IJ * "YT A. . ThrooO. K , llavo licarcl nothing .III..from , \Vint la It ? Drciun fooll < li. S.ll.1' ' . JI1D7-U' rt > r toloi. tit. , fttetuji nflrii. > ( timii onl'ito ' 17Ml \ AOF.M KXTS todo dress- nmkliiiln ( am- lilillcH sollclccd. ailss Sturdy , " J1USIO AK-D AND ANCJUAGIS. " "or rat' * , ttc net top otfilntcatmn ontfifa BT.l'OIlB bnylnt' aplunooxuiiiliio tlio now HCitlo Klniballplinia. Allospi',1513Uoiiclas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oft GT.O. K.nr.Ul.KNUEOlC.tenohorof tlio InnJ vltb llospp , l" > it : DoiiKhs. N9 IIG Onmha liliitlcrKarteii will renpim Jlou day. iiept.S.ftWi Uateiiwrt. Mlt.s 1.Orlfllths ! H8-01' w IAIlTlt pianos tor silo only lijr Oinatui HusleCo. . 1'ilC Dodce. C08s-1J M IUSIO 60 pereont dlseoutitantl , pianos on easy terms , Oiuahu Music Co. . 1MB Uodgo 1'A.TIIXX SOIiIOlTOItS. For rates , ttc , ttc toptfjlul column on Hi tn fage. PArEJiTlnwyorannd solicitors. 0 , W.Suos & Co. , lleo building. Uiualn. 1'oitr j-ears" o.viicrloneo iiscxamlncrs In U.S. patent ofllcu. Itranch oBlco \VashlnBton , U. ( J. Consulta tion fri-o. CM IMIXSION AGK.NOST. F'orratcgjte. , ttetitixf flnl cotunnijuif/i fa jxige. JT. PATCH exclusive pens Ion and claim a t- torney : ou'rl5yoars' uxpcrloiico ; all tlio latest laui fc doolMons. Ollicoruinovccllroai Kruizerblk toCliatnbor Coiiuiicrco.lt'.Omaha. ! B4 O4' N"KW law ; pinslom for almost all soldiers : fathers , tnntlujrs , widows mill minor clill- drcn of Mildlus. Olnlms pnshod by K. N. CllnKiiitui , lit ami IFronrer blk , Omaha. Also Wushliistiiti anil Omeliiiutl. Ulruuiais ( reu ; 1.1 ieirsle\porlon ! . 170 AXD Formicetc..mtnptif Jlnl ci > Imiiii on VL'EWK t'lIUtS. all makes , bniitjlil. sold.o'c- cli tinted , roiled. J. I' Me catb , ir ( > 7 1'ar- namstnet. SIM for rent ; or sale. Stenop- -ripbcrs hiippllus. J.l'.MesedthjlU ) ' Knmuin Farratct , etc. , ite jop nf ylrat cohmi n nn thttrige. \ . " \fltS. lilt. J2ll ) l"/tliD / dlstlnunlslicil truiico J-il clsilrvoyant ; iito of Hustonvhllo \ eii- _ _ aneodttlllievotilH'Very hl lden mysttry In life. I'repiii'isllsjpllan tnltsniuii , hlcli will ovcrci > iiioyouriiivmlcH.romoM ) family trou bles , restore lost infectious , unltosthu Mli.ir- atid. livlps innll trouble.eto , Koo.M and up- wnnls. N , H. l'oreet ( satisfaction cuurniiteuil byiiuill. Send st ami ) for Illibtriiti'il ' circular , Mrs. lrKilily , liLlDouglas ( ) btiuot,0niulni. * ' OO.V23 * T\fADAM Slci or ofet. ( Louis , the wonderful -L'l- curd reader. ) IIH ivturaedto the city , and \vlllBl\onorfect Mtlsfnetlonoii all all ilr.s of life. Call iil : bo ( onvlnced. hadlcs , m ctM. ; Rvntloincn. 81. No , X i N. 10th st , room 10 , LInurs ( rum ( Ito ll. 84O-H * CLAlltVOYANT-Madam Dealer , over 010 S Kttti , _ Tlf US.NA.NNIE V. AVAUKKN , cl.ilrvoyant , JLu trance. kpe.ii.ln . nrltliu and reliable J/ours In. ( hmlii , HU.S.tliLli MS Vur YI t tt , etc. , KG tu\t \ uf pist o < jlumiiiii | Hilt 1 TASSACElIa-itni ! LJclzlcr.overOtO S.lltn. DM I , nil nnd take a mass.ii'o . treatment ! soinetliliiitnow. Parlors , 007 S Ulh st. nest Barker lioU'l 4H ! l * JI/V1II GOOl > S-\VIGS. 1JTC. Fur ratt , ctc. , tte top offlnt column tin t Jilt paac. "TRST line hair piodsln west ; hair l renting , JJwlRS , switches , banijs , lulr chains , etc. . a specialty. Davlcs hair poods and tiillllnor , opposltcpostolllcc.lll S.ntb st. Oinaba.t > 'J i'nr rciiet. ete.fiey tno offrst c luiniii t/i/i / jxiut. T71RED MOIIIiK loans money on diamonds , - 1vutchc , JewolryotoS.K. , cur.rumunuVllth TEN K. } Iartl,7 years -uith Fred Mohle , JJloans tuide : on diamonds , watches , jewel rv nnd arlloloso ( value. 1110 rarnamst. iltlOll' AVAM'lili- 1'or rain , ete , , tec. fop of fret a/liim / n on tlilt room Miilto , uaso iiurnorand a itlrl's bicy cle. AddrossNn.Wir llrlstolst. 241 15 * \ \ ' ANTED-'Co buy alarRCsI od parlor hont3 11 Ini sto e , cheap ( or cash. Adclicss O5 lleo olllco. 2.-.0 . 14 * \\TANTEDto lluy A Rrocery stock at once IT forcash. C.O. D , IJrown , telopbono INo. ai. _ , _ at ui TTlUIWrCUUE. bouscliold BOOdscto. , HlBliest J- cash price. J.JI1 Fsiniain. WJ " \\7"ANTEiCnlTUBOlioids [ ) coeds o ( nil Hinds. IT Cash Dilu for second band roods , Gate City Auction CoSia , imd 215 S. I'Jtb st. 740 01 * iMISC K L.UVNio : US. for tilled , clt. , tec lop oj first roliimnnri Ilili jjeije. fN S7itUOl'IOKS p I ven Tn art neodTo \ > "or'K Jmolcsklnpalntliii ; . etc. lllrtbdiy nnd holi day bouvunlrs , silso stamping iindnoodla work done to order , 1810 So. 18tli st. Sirs. S. I ) . Poyo , _ II AfSAGntroatiiicnt , olcctro-1horni.il h a ths , 1'L ei'iiljiaiul lialr treatment , ra.iiiU'iiro iiiul cidropoUlfat Mrs , Post , U SUai.lthnell \ \ llk. lliircnn , open \Ved- iiesday.Sopt.li ) , furalhhes llrit class fe- maloliolp. Itofermicesut Wunivn'H Chrlstliiu association. Liu\o oitlora at ffiuueii's Hi ; change. 10171'iu naiu it. _ ftl I-l f * _ 1J OilsimtnUcD for | ustnriBo for tlio winter JJL at 8- per jnontli.or with fc edaiid shultcr nnd cvtraiaroat f rom 38tutl2iior ! month at buiniiier Illll Furin. llorhcscallcd for nud re- turiicd , lor fnuh < > r liurllcalurs call at 403 r.ixtun blk. J. | l..l > ntt. _ 074 11 _ rpo shoo doalorVVjVriio Now Jersey rubber J- boots , khoca. njcifcsand spcilaltlis will bo cvtciiilvolv acliM-tif d tlio eoralnp fall nnd sinter. A\ilto \ fori-ataloKue , otc , C am west- irn agent ut < ) jmlia. ; Aly bales tills soiibou have beaten nil .previous ricordn. 'A. T. Mndsoy. . , O8san FOK HAlK llcal'.BICS A OV8 : 1370. Forrolw , < le , , fct top Jlrstculum onthls POH SAM ? Ono liorso. phaeton and liar- ness ; SIX ) cash.'Tor ' further Information , cnqulro iitijOl . . ' obMtcr street. M.-10 T71OH SALR ll < iito , buRgy , robes , oto. . piano A ; parlor furnltuni , bowlim maoblno ( new ) , and other prpirN-ii | ) long time , or will take mortjun" on lOal otate , lonv time In iiay- ment , O H , Itco M J&IH ! ( POIl SAI.U Alht drlvlni ; horse vihloh Is n splendid Kt H j.bifJJlouurse , K. A. ICului , _ PVOyou wantiiNp ldrlvliis liorso. a poud- l 'lnoUorioodacncn. , ; kind and rullablo , ono a ulillil onnilrlve , or wliloli can , If g\oti | llio word , p .hiiiiiylliln oa the avcnuo. If you do , mid you hum the r I Kkt kind of Omaha roperty. you can cU him , llartlutt , Itoom lllO.Ta \ : ton blk. 118 \vood-top wujon. 151Dotlgc it. TrOlf58 KX > and up. J I.E. Colo. FOUU teams Il ht mules ; onn heavy 1,500- luuudborsc Itooni i3lloird of Tnuln , TT10H S bK ramlly horko. asoH , bay. IXM ! ) , JU safe drlvorvrllltukuu ; "safety" part pay , O. O , Hobble , tcl , KkS , 1U 10 \\70IIK horsoWO.two her o voioti W.douulo T Y work harness IIV Or will , tra o for u Rood IlKhUldobar buggy , II. HOole , Contla- ontal block , b''J KAXi : MISC'HI lj.VN 1)0UH ) , Forrutenlie. , ttttnjmf Jlrit column onliUge / \ \ FOU 8AI.K ABOfld oo < r , clua | ) . 2U7 Urlitolit. 121 II POIt 8A.IB OIlpalntliiKior tritdo for any * thing useful. AddresaOB Uco. 804-16' MAI.L , tailoring buslncsj ( or silo. Will sell : ( teed clmnceor ( any Mitur the bnslncss. Apply at onr-o. O. V , Smith , Mnlnst , rinttsmoutfi.Nob. M22J-14' Poll SALE National oruh rrjlstor , nearly new , latest design , lt.,2110 larnnmst. SU ! ( ! POIt8A.IE--Tliorouiilibrel ( Vorkshlro ! < ) tirrlors , bull terriers , Scotch collie * , Knx- llsh letters , decrhomids and fo- terriers. Max J. llnchr , at ilax aicyor i IJro. . attli nnd hjriiam. 8.VS Poll SALE An E.sley uprteht lilntio , In USD only , ono your , at iiacrlilcu. 617 > , IStlut. 159 14 T71OH SAl.B Txit of bnso Imrncr utorc's. 8t. A. Clatr Jiuropcati hotel , 13th uuJ Dodgo. POIt HALE Owliii ; Jo chiuiires In bml- InessioolTcrforsalo \ nta sacraflco a. tint clussllwryniidlxmrdlne ntatolc ; new Block , rood Iml Idlm ? with peed pay Inn 1 radu. cost ICMMOoush. for ; iln at 5MO. ( ino-liiil ( c Ourlllifc SacUctt,2U8bu , IStli St.Omaha. MIW1-J5 OIt SAI.R 7co In car lots. Ullbcrt CVuti cl HulN. POIt S AMO Store and stock o ( Konoral mer- chiiiicllso. Stock- will Involci ) * x.X ( . 't'W stock , wollnisortod. Iiountod on U. I' . K , II. at iu'oo < l trinllnz jinlnU 111 trailo tlil > < pron- rtyor ( Omiilisrcalcstiito nstlono-lialf onili. \\"rll8 for particulars. Address X Kl. lleo onice , I'onata * . ilf , , art top nf Jlittt column on 1/iU / OH BALE 1'lrst class pliuli upholstered lull loiiiiRu , Rood as PI or , nt liiildt oust. Itat Oinaliu. rubbercoiiiyany , POH SAI/H complete set of furiilliiro fora small cottage AdarosiO IT.lloo. . 3M-1I * TMIK SSAP otSimiH Korsnlo nt jour own Drift ; mid oru''iHV ( onus , t hodirnlluro "I a ton room housn only two blocU from post- olllcc. liiximsnll occupied by dcslrnblu and ! > roinpt iii'lii'4l ( < niiitt. Oivnor Icavlnp city unil inii tsitI. lio\i rout nud ! loai ? louse on liouso If dcslrc'd. I B ulnifKl llko llndln 1100 porlnoiitb. 111'1. Nix , DID 1'ux ' ton block. SIW7-14 * l'r , AT \Milnutonicodeik.Kood rujialr : will oxclitinitu fur good clears. \d < lr : ii O llioollla- . ; 1M ! > lr ! T7IOU SAljR Xowlyfunilshod six room lint , * } steiinilionlClionp forcuslii Icruliij - - | ? oily ; alsoouosood eieur lot for Hale , Walnut Hill cheap. X'l'.i ' K.l.'N llatO. iSIJCI-l I * _ TTIOU SAIiK--01ioan--Tlio ftirnlturo in llio home.tNo. HIS DniiKlat Streot. ( or sale , and house fur rent. Enquire on tlio nruinlic.t. MONI3Y XO L.OAN. Formicetc. , mtirpvf fudcoliimn onl/ifs / " \fONKV toloiin liy II. F , Mnslors on chattel JLTl.iiiii collutrral securities fornuy tlmu ( roni Oiicto six iuoiitli In unj ainouiit to suitU > r- ro cr. ' Loins iiia 1o on Imtiscliold goods , ulnno . oridins , horses nitllM , liousc , loaws , i\iro- liouio lecglpts , t-tc. , at tlio lowest possible rutt's.wllhout publicity orrumoiat otprojierty JlyloniH uroso air.inst'il Hint you I'nii inako a payment o ( nny amount ut any tlmo and loilut'e lioth iirliiolinl and lutrrcst. I ( youowu n bulancoun your property OP liavoalo.ia . joulsh chatni'd , I vlll piy It otTniiil curry It for you , 1C jou II nd It moro convLMilent. call up tolcphoiiu No. lt'c.'l and your buslncssiMii boarranitodat bonu > . MonuMiUvnys on hand , No delay , No pub lic ty. Lowest rates. B. r , Masters. Kooini.Wltlmcllljllc. , 15th and llarncysts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5'H $ riOUOIo , Invest In down-town business jirnp- rrtv. H'llcr to t : iko l > n'irrouiiLl Ic'iso. Ad- rtii'is N 71 , lIwotHcc. 21 II MTK liavo iirlvatomoiicrtt > lo.in allow ratos. Oiihhu lluil istuto&Trust : Oo , , Ionii4 ) , Beobklg. 157 T toloaii.CorrcspoiKleuts oLombard ( Co. mirlver.v UuriN.lj'reiizor bile. IIKW oS COM IKUCIAlj and Koncral ihdrtllnio piper bought ; iilsn i-i guliiriTivmirlo.mson Improv- edproperty. Uco.K.llluHtXCo. , n.mU.311) ) a nth St. . loins money Von clmttelsor collateral at reasonable rates. iM ) TillRSTk"second inortRiKoi on vticint &lm- JL1 proved oltyprop. County warruntsbouitht Slonoy on huud. l-\M. Klcliardson , 8WN. V.Mfo. Ml C . loans at lowest rates. Iteiimrocl to WI.-N. V. 1/Ko 13lds.C3J , . Emniiiuor. "IJUrXDINO loans , ( J to 7 pur cent ; no nddi- JLHoual ! oliiirci-s for comnilsslou orattoinoy's fees. VV.U.Melklo.FlratNatlonal bank bldg. "TVTICI , Hrokor In real estate mortsancs ; oO- JL/taln money nt lonsl cost to borrower ; open Saturday tl 117p.m. Koom % ) , llarFTorblk. S82-S53 * TlfOJJEV 3) ) , ( SO or TO days on furniture , -MJLplnnos , liorses , houses.otc , J. J. Wilkinson , 018 Puston bloek. 5 T71H-ST mortiauo loans at low rates anil no J-1 delay. D. V.Sholes Co , L'lO 1st N'at'l bank. 53,1 T OANS-CHvand farmloatis.mortjaso piper J-Jbouglit. MuUtiRiio Tn\e.stmeat \ Co. . Sli T/"E\STO > 'H SrortRato Co.-Ijoans of } W to J-Vsi.ffjO ; Kctoiirratestoforoborroivlti ? and save nioiioy ; loans ou liorsos , furnitureor any approved security without publicity ; notes bought , for mnv loin , renewal of oil andlow- cstmtes , callU. JjShecly blk.,15tli& , Howard , 587 TTNTISUAM-Y low rates U of'lntorost on first mortsiifps o ( Improved real ustito for tlinnu ctUldnvs by the Kansas Cllv Investment On. KooiuIW , Hoard of Trade. J.lt. 1'e.ise. manager. 5Xd riHATTELIotifWlowest rates , bmlnosscontl- Vdentlal. M. J.lliill 19 Continental blk. ' 49W7 ! to loan ou any security for short tlmo allow nitcs. Lowest rates on persomlnropcrty. The nencler-oii Mortjaso luvestmont Oora- pany , loom 400,1'.ixton hi U. 591 T > 1J1LDI KO loans niiide atlowo.t rates. "W , , JJ3I. llarils , room 20 , Tremor blk , opp. P. O. 5V" ! "iri loans itar Land & Loan Co. I1 Co.USsM RKAIi H.st'ito Tjinns Oasn on hand , filobo Loan ite Trust Un. . , WS. ICth st. Nodolay , no e.xtra charge Houses ( or rent ; oed list , 590 m torn money \J l'hllaclelhla ' ] ) SIortRiLRC nnd Trust Co , alwaysroady to loan ami piy promptly ) llrst morUMfo- > wanted , GrorKoW , I'.l'uatcs , rep- lesoiilntlve , room 7. boird ojlriulii. .VU _ ANTIJlT-l.-list-cIass Inside loins , lowest rates. I'aHnnd tie us. Mutual Invest * ineutt'o. , 1TM rnrnani. 5M _ EASTEIW money to loan on < jty | i ionorty | 11101 tgn opii per bouht. ll.U. liey.N.V.Mfe. 51)1 ) "Ij IlllsT mortgage loans on linprmpd ami nn- J. Improved iiromirty , Ohnih's \ \ , Halney. 1)15 ) Omaha NatlonaloaiiKbullOlii ? M. > lilOl ! SiVLH Js'lco 7-rooin liouso ready to J ? move Into , with full lot , IV-JO , J'OU c.isb. U , 1' . lliirrlhon.Oll.N. Y. Mo. an $1.00(1 ( to loan onflrstiiiortgnso ; must bo nil In nnu amount or tun loans of $500 ouch , Iteedi felby , 13 Hoard Trade. 4'JS O H , & C..M. ANTUON'Y.IWN.y.MfobuUd. Inr , It-nil mniioy on farms In choice conn * ties of Nebraska und lena ; nlso on Rood Omaha resldcncoproperty ; lowest rates ; best terms ) no dnlayi money ready , T.tles and values passed on bore. _ ' 0 liTtlVATn money t o loun cliotii ) . O. II , Ilnr- L risoa , DUN. Y.ldfo. 6 > > U it"O.VEYIol un , r o delay , In lario or small JLiinioiiiits luwest rato-s. Apply O.K. Key- ldst)10 ) .New York lllubldif. Tclepliono 1401. at > low raics on furniture , - , . , without publicity , Jlnwkcyo lu vestment Uo. , IB Douglas bile , llitb and Dodge , E.ASTKUN' money to loan ; lowest ritus ; no delay ; lar eloiiiisa Hpcclalty ; short tnuo paper bousht. Oniiiln Morlgagii Co.ground lloorUIiiinibor of Commerce , 415 KOIl EXOJIANGI ! . Forntft , lie , , 8 ( OJ o/ first ( ulunnnn Hit * iMiit , POIt K.U'IIANUE A Htrnkof Koneral mer- clianclNe for cattle ; n liardnuro ktocka , peed mill , farms and olty property ( or uny kind of n ° d property , Will gho S cash nud huliincu property for stook of clothlnit. .IK. , " ' - - .Kearney , Keb ai4 * TAMlii enchuiiKo my Hpan of Bno cliPHtnut hoiki-s. carriage , phnoton , sloltlidoublu | nnd biiiulo harness ( or Unlncumbcred runl uHtatu luslilo t lie limits of the olty of Omaha. I'm- ' may lie si en at.Vo. nr.'l Jlotvard Htrnt. ut0ilvli placopartlis can leave duscrlptlnu of property they doslro to ctcclianRo. U'm.ll. IJuiiu. SI710 TjlOlt OMAHA ro.slilcut orbnslnosH iiroportv AJ llrlckblock , fruolronilnuiiinbninio , Kowl onatntf comer room occupied by bunk , rents tmyjio.l Interest on iOOO , In a Bood , thriv ing ! * il nska town , cross railroad und u 1r.o union , Address IKl , lieu UM IXT - of mOxtnnd clear hi ran Ii or lota for live blocks. Chciiu. O 19. lleo. MM4 L ( PRTS bead mules for Omaha real estate. It. A 13 , Itonnl Trn lo , KB ) fpwKNTY marcs for Omaha , real riln.lt. .Allooni _ 1:1JioiyilJVude. 1W $40OJO KIcsimtniw down town Irlouj , vrcll rrntod.for iixood wholesale proporly. Insld itrnportjr , will assume light luciiiu- beraticc. lornero'i , Uiullr. ' 4 nf * lf. , iO nifc. ost'h'mvnl for Insldo properly.UII \ liar on li ditleroiice. lltlTOlflNSON \VKAD \ , IKI Noughts * ! . Tel. O. al-13 ) AWlCD-Clcar liitln otchango for farm list litoneo lltllSaiinilors t , U.'l-14'Q KXUllANLJK-Olinlco. clear Intldci lot for i'iiuriil iiiorc'hnndlse. 1'rlcc. II1.000. GOOD fiinn , lM mllosroinlt. ( U..ln Colorado , vortli at hast tl.VOO , to vxcliuti ti for horses. Iiicuinbranco , (100. ( l.cil fiuuvU'rs it. \v TANTKll-ltorso and liuifgy ( or lot. U11 " hiuuiders M. 3SM4 * " \\rANTKD-Siiiall set liousobold furniture. IV not over ton loom j , fur iilcu fnrm , 11(11 S.iuiidcrs st , t-11 * iriOUEXrllAMIE I lla o a Imll. n hoHcr J- and four hones , all of which 1 would ulvo ( or ( i lot tosult , "NV , T. SIMUIIIIII , Oniabn' * liirscst variety waKoiisundeurrluKcs. 107 SO JIK iiicroluindUo for clear rc.il ostnti * and caMi : : iUo a fo\v i.c\vliii ; inachliHH. A.Q. llrock.Aniold , cb. 1W4-15 \\71SCON8IN' wut ir power mill , with9)acre ) * ' land , clu'ar. e\uIinuKo ( or Ncbrnska ) irou- ertyaK5 Jleciitur. : U9'ji ; * WANTKn Stock of Roncral indio.i Involc- Ini ; $ J , 0 totlU.OOO , forcliolcu Uninlin Im proved property and cash. Address , Jl'JO.llt'c. SOI/ID cold AValtliamviitrh and worn lior o to Iradofor eoocl fklu bar btiKKy. II.K- Cole- , Continental block. 891 1'OJl S VMQ KIOAIi ICSTATIJ. . tif. reeliiii of ftiKttitlitinn nn till * A Lli At li li.u crilii."oji'oluo : " lotr'ini- proved \vltb \ u now warn , IV ) luri ol cist unit sliii luti-M , i'tC.onlv { 'AtK ) , Must liu\ulIH ( ) cash , halatii'o unthiioto Hull. This lot Is only a Tow blocks from tlialil lisuliooli CiolRliton colli'go aiidSaored Hurt school. 1" > oriSi inln- utes' ' \vulk from court liuii o , II blocks from niotoriur , elt.y water and ku\vcr.iio. I nNn huvu a cliolcis corner , W ) by lUtKut't.niiltiililu ( or IIIHIIIVM , 1" l > rofl to bo a splcnd Id In vi-st- meiil , lias a iiroal future. A ton room lioiiio u-It Innoclprn Ijiiiirovi'tiiuiitssltiiutod on a : il foot lot , e.ist deut , onlyl.r iX ) , worth W/iOl ) . TliIs property < onslstsof aldts on tlio coiner ( iflit'inl ' anilL'tillforiila. ( ! IMI ) | ronuuis forM'll- Ini5 ntasnirlllw.llils 31 , Vales , At. | ! . Ne braska XnlloiiiilbaiiK. "IX ) GltKA'L'knrKaln In a I < " : irnain st. lot on piti < ( l El. arid motor $ n.COO Knst front on ( loorxla ate 2bOO , llu.iutlful nmv lioiivoL'SLli st. . furnace , KIIH , bulh , uiiuiUil.s mid Htvish bowl , etc , Will take mi linproMil ground. . . . 7,000 Ilcsl baI'Kalns In the city on buslines pioporty. Howard st.oor. } IOKIO ; lover i"oiiilas t. mid J-i-Viper ( t cor.un 14th , 04tM i - . . . . 10,000 K. rt.luilf Int. : i-rcotl.iK ( . ' . ' 'rth and Uoiig- l inoiuhly J.COO \VKA1 > , R'l Douglas st. Tel. .1)1-15 ) SKVKN room house , l tli und Vlntou , illi. 7-1 oomhouse"ith iiiul Miami , f IU1. r -K ) ni houso"itli ' and llrlstol , Jl.'t. r -r ) ni linu.HOjUrd und I'arkor(14. S-roum housuiiltli and Cnld well. $ : W. 7-room houseDiitli and ( iiullch. $10. 5-rouiii liousi' , lihicoln I'l.ico. { 10 J. II. Joliusoii,5i ! ) l'.i\ton lllock. 2S3 PTOOaciosImproved land neurAritpalma for ' -f wile orcxohniiRO for nii'reliundlse. DriiRs lirofirrod. Address II , II. llelliuny , Arnpulioa , Nou. Mlltt-SO * FOK SALK Oneldtln Kllby I'lnpoJI.10J , Three lots In Kllby I'lnco. JI.HU ciuli. East front loton I.OHO sui1. $ iOOJ ; $300 cash , balaneo tosult. Sontli fiotit lot , cornur on Fnrniun street , J2. 0. J5ist , front loton J.oivoue. . . , JISOO , , ? JV ) cash , hiil.inuo tosult. 1'wo lots on corner of Davenport nnd 31st live. , bcln ; 114 font front on Diivuinnrt t , o- | poilto Vales' line rotldunve , f or f. > ,00il. This Is t IK ; 1'i'oati'st liarKalii In elegant residence property in the city. -.n * oil's nit , comer. Gflxl.'G , south and cast front , on llarney st , Inside the mile limit , fur is. aw. 'J'ho alio o vacant lots nrc all bargains nnd t < > ims caiibo'niraiiijed to suit buyer. W , H. room II. l'run/er block. U4U Il'you.int nnloelunno on cnsy tcrmseall onK * . AUluiplioll , room ! ) , ehaiiihcrof com merce. 7 in * "V\7K Inn u HOIIIU cliolco lots In tlio ummidic- I turlnz districto ( Oblcaso , ( reo and clear , that wo will uicluingo forgootl Ncbrii'.Ka fauns atnfalriirlcuand nssume ruiisniuxlilo Ineniii- brnnco. lllve lull description Hint letter. I.ako & LIUIO , 111 ? Ucarborn sU , ClilcaKO , 111. IB 14 * rflEN acres right oiiKarnnni st. VS mlle w of JLllrlcss Place , a licaiitidil hlzh and slchtly tract , bargain , W. L. Sully , 111 Hoard of Trade TjlOIt SAKK-IIousoaiid lot.aird iiiul .iliiiPH J-Jsts. . icry lavr. SlOOdoun.balniicotininouth- ly. W. I , So Iby , ii : Hoard Trade. 1IH ) liiuiio llurdctto and Uflth. , n-rnoni eot- - e-JLhOO-a'DOcash. 0. I < \ lluirlson. Ull N V. Life. 8IS2 | jilR AL < K The choice rcsldi > nco at No. JL ; 1 64 Georgia avo.u.xl49 , : ft. II. front , lario roonm , Hath. civs , senor. hot nnd cold vatur. olOMit antl nil conveniences.owner Kolnu to le.ivu olty. 1) . V. bliolos Co. . i'U lat Sat. li.uik. f * ONAl'5" ' ; star Land & Loan Co. 448 H SO 100x130 feet east front on 'Cld st. , near Dodge , on Rradu. A now well liullt 8 room house , nicely llnlsbed , all modern conveniences , hi I'iIolnn ) | ) | purk near motor. Al o sonio good lots In Kllby place , I'onnleton pail < and hti- Veta place on and near lj nu uru. 1'or terms call on or address J. 1) . 7lttle.)14 ! ) N. V. Life. tJ < l,5.V ) toJl.AUJfor Lincoln I'lueo nndt'nrtliiiKo Plots ; easy terms , N'.L.SolbyIII Hoard 1'radu. A SMAhl piynient clown and Jlfi per month -tlwlllbuy a4-room house and lot on Il-tli. - 'J blocks fromjmotor ; llrst-class chnnoo toac- qulio alionieou o.isy terms. Apply to II. E. Cole. Continental block. COI Jl1 YOU lisno ntitlilnzto ) tell or call at CIS l'i\ ton block , " \\7"AM'KU-'r4) iiurchasoRoiil city property , IT Improved or iinlinproved. 1'or milo or rent ! farm lands close la ' , KOIX to city , I'J-nero lots or nioio. liontscolleetod and for Kcnurii ! real o.stplo ImriliiiM apply to ( J , K , Keyiiolds , UIDNow Voikllfo lildjr. tolephune lIDj. D-lL .sectionsof Innd In Nohrnskn at Iiss tlnn hitlt value , bv owner. 0. II. 1'etorhOi ] , HISS. lUtlist. Ul.'isll f.Vl ll ti-ronni iiinisii. inoditrn imniovo- munis , bnrn. etc. , r/U-fo < it lot , on Win Ht , iho bostieHldeiieo St. , In the city , for W.500. 81.VKI ciislu b.ilancelo suit. U-rooia lioiM ) anil M-foot lot on I'ark avo. , fiirJU.SOJ. Terius to suit. ( room honsa and CD-foot lot on 21st n\ciiuo , Just north oSt. ( .Mary's avo. . ( or sfl.OOO. . ( i-rooni bouse , all modern Improu'iuonts , M- font lotoii Spuuct'r&t. ' , ( or it5.ViU. li-room hoihii and bath , IIru place with oak nuintcl.clty aterKiisctf. , . at loth nnd Jaok- son sth.for tl.U ( , on torius tonult Imyur. Thcscnru all KOIIIIII | < I lvir alns. The linnnos lent fur onoiuli to pay 10 JKT cent on price usked , W. It. ( Ionian , room (1 Fruntur lilk , 371 17\OIi \ SAL.K-lty btrliiffer A I'unny , Dons .L block , cor , llil Ii and DoilKchts. 'Jlireocornorsoii i'lth ' st . Onu corner on rani'im nnd l-otto \CIIIK- - . H'l'ClJTi } . J10,0W ! Onu coiner on IDth and 1'lurvr , 08x141. . . . 0.000 Onu corner on : uit hand Kmniutt , li < ) U'J8. L',50J Ono einncr on I.ouo avcnuo und Orchard Btiod , l.VHIX ) . 3,000 Ono corner ou I.ono avcnuo und Nelson ktri't't , laoiiw . 1,500 One uornuroti ICtli , with trucknco , fOitifl One o < irnor on Purnnin nnd yoth. ftoxllj. ' . . 30.000 Kast front ou floowla nvciiuo , r > fi > IVl. . . , . ' ! , WW Fast front nn'Mi hand rurniuu , fiOxlio.r > ( ii ) Hast front ou Lowe avenue , ) \iao . 1,7 ( ) 100 ft on llrlstul Btreot . .4(0 ( Wtt. onl'atilck iiMMino . ] , joe 40r t-ait front otUMth and lliudottc . 1,4(0 ( 47tourarnaiii htreot . 'J.'Ml K' ' ) ft lietwucn 10th and 17th hontli of Lo- ciiHt , only , , . , . 5.000 41ft onS luili unil Iliirney . S..oOi ) l ft ou I'a mam nnd .l . , - South fiout mi llnnillton . , . 1,5(10 ( on th front ( CO ftlln Lowo's ndil . 1,4M Triiukaio on llth nnd .Nicholas , 21st and Izuid , lOthstrt'Ot , Itedfurcl I'lucc . ( Jood lotM In WnlnutHllI . r-no Orohnrd Hill . . M Kllhyl'liico ' . J.MO I'ltiliiTiew . 1.-400 lledford 1-laco . WO Cluvcrdiilu . > lllKhland I'ark ' . , . , . * * 0 buinurluKunt rrsldoiicis In good luiu > t lo us , a ml thohe Im rualiw : 8 loom house , Orchard Illll 4 room house , I17t'ent r trcot 6-rooinlioine , Vlntdn I'mco , . , 6-roonihoui > o , Cluirlos utreot 7-riKMii house , California and 4'd . -.000 lifKnlfurinlntidiit Wior | aero. Ktrlimor & I'cnny , DotiBlns block. Illinnd IodKO ) tH. l > AI J > eoruor 1'urnniu and 4Jd , suxias. , ! ) i ) | rvixlx' , I'th near ( Jrncc. H.rvK ) , worth t < V * * > ; doulile comeroppiwllo Ynt > on Duvonport , H.WH. Thositaru eitrouic bargalitn. 1) , V , t-holos , 'J1J I'irsit National bank. 3/7-10 1NCOI.N Place lota 11,350 to IIMO. , Dext r _ MO _ _ / Ol"fXuK homes In niostnny addition for" V/satont / front $1,000 upoiionsy moiitbly pay- incnts. V. K. Darling. 3 llnrkcr blk. & ft trackaKo.lot , l.ctxlA front lin st , , track In nllcy. Tor lalo or lonso onlonjj time. TboMoud lii > cstment Co , live Wd'U. P17 _ "VTONVIi the time to buy city residences and JL > bxiMiirns tintparlr. Uoo , I'niil in J rnriuiii/ fct. , hasa largo list , lloiiscsou monthly i > u\ inenta. l.onnsneKot luted. 210-17 " T T OMiSweot : Honies - liirKant llomes-l Ll inn olTerhiK the licit bnritalns In Uninha or In the world on West rnrnani Mroet.SIx clt-Rnnl 1ious ( > . nil ilirreri-nt , 0 lo 0 rooms , fnrnnco , hot mill eohl wnlrr , KIIH , KIK IKtures , bntli , water dosot. mantel , oo unl brick eellurs. imvid Htrt'otnnd iniirtniiRo , J.WO tofVXX iirmoreensh , nnd bnlatieent 7 per cent tosult. D. V.Minlcs , Jll Klrft National bank. ; H Al.cui uy l.Yt feet north nnd > mt - front , vornur on Doilgo stiuioo ( thunleesl lesldeiico sites In the olty , for7rv ) to n deslr- am" P'irty who will build a pixxl roaldmico. \ \ , U. Iliiiiinn. nvinijl I'rnii/frlilk. _ 4'U ' \\T AOo 1 \\VcslorIlelli"c'urestaloS.o7ualia 1 ( , UUSINKHS OliTVNOKS. , ft ( . , tec ( oji / fmt column mi f/id 'lllvAl'llrstelaVs n ) > taifrTnt foreiiRh , Dobijf a good business , ( loixl ID * cation , max uitli , : wj-i TTIOKSAI.K II , II. hiiiPh nnd * llxtnresiind 10 furnished lodging looms , ( eqds two iMssenjjer nnd sixteen ( u > hlit trulin daliysensliliii'dnessjl.oixi per month. Inspei Jlon orcorre-poiideneo BOllclted , I' . 1) ) . K'u-lis , \\eopliiR \ Water , Neb. li'VWi * Ft > H SA MI Pome n\turo3 and ahoiiie-inndo _ bakery. 11)14 ) UinnliiRst. _ ao-141 LlVl'.llV ( or nnlo A good llvorystable. with a ioi ; > d run of business , ( or sale. I't'Monal ' caiiHit ( or selling. 1 110.11 1 ro IM ward (1 Da\ls , Koutli Uninha. 'lni-ui WOU HA I IwrjOO stm-k o ( Kr < xMTli' rHpl-ii- J(1 hi location InVesl Des.MoInes , low rout. good loom , yearly sales * . 'iO.K)0. ) no solicit liii | , ( ildoiidld opening , Rood reasons for sullliu. Add i essvllh Htanip , Uroecry , Ul. \ \ iilniit Si. , lies Jloluos , lu. LVi-14 * TK SAI.n Clieai-CI | ar. onfectfoiu-iy , A. with 5 furnlHlied rooms , i'lKJ South li'lh ' si. - 17IOU a HafolO jier eent hiM'stinent A forahiui" ) In the Mutual Loan mill ItulM ( UK ns oclntlon scries No. a ) . AVtiKi'-woi'ki Should taltoxhari's toseeiirelow rates of m teiost In bnyliij ; their linmcs. Itoom llchnu borofruiiiinurcc. UM , Nattlnger. secii'tun 178 0 10 _ JK you area barber and luno a llttio nioiiev or sotui ! good property a nil \vlsh to go Intu InisiiiP'-s < in your ( i\Mi account , come und MO me. Hart lelt. lliHiiu nil ) 1'iKton Ink. Us FOK HAM.O > st or pa Horn nil con fci'l Ion eiv store with ostabllshcd clirur trade , Hint } - " > . In good Ideation. Will sell at low | irlcn ( r dish to right pntty. Apply to 1) ) . A.Ht'ssln cnioJ. lj. lirniidels Sons. DllUO htnok nnd llxtnres , Invoice about iiWH ) ; not any old stock ! will sell ( or pirt cash , or exL'hanco for a ( arm. Addiess \ \ Thoin , Ioukhoxi44 , Lltchlleld. Kcb. f > n s.S > 'MFirst : orismlnlry. ( 'ullon K \ \ . AVilKht , Kloieneo , or F , r , Dow , W Noilli IS Btriot. _ Ml lh * 171OK SA I.II A jewelry slock In a lltii town , .siiriiinnded this year by the lies ! etops m Iho htato. Addruis llosolieeiilns \ 'llllr ( , S ( n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ POKSALT ; licsldenco nnd business ; . . located ; Kood chance for siuullenplt'il Sil diussJ. A , Jlruinsc-y , leal estate niit'nl. Mriul sha , Nub. , " \ll'U-is' ' FOItSAM' At a bargain , a won. I stoioTiou.u titled uiiwltb shelves nnd counters , I > ; IM' nii'iitO rooms for < l\Mdllng. irood clslcin and neil , will sell ortrudofor a No. Istoekof jm curies. Address Keul.t Keel , O. o. 1) . grocer- , , KiSNIBthst. O'-M TnOK ST\7K or trade A llrstelasslioteliu A. acounty seit Inciistcrii Ncliraskii. 1'or niirtleiilnrslniiulio ofV. . b. Seluy , room II , lloaidof Tr.ide. _ 7.VI AliAKr.chancc. City Hotel of Mllluid , SfeliiT for lout , sale or u\uliimo : ( or ( arm or Oninlia piopcrty , Ilest located hotel In Mll- lard : bus bar-room , dntiee hull , Ice IIOIIHO and stamp ; all eomciiIniL'o II. I ! . Cole , t 'out I- nontnl blk. , or 0. Zimmerman , Uth and Jones. 4CI Not loo. Notice of llio sltthiR of the City Council as a Hoard o ( KqiiulliMitlim. Tothooiviiur.sof lotsiindlaiidHalmttlnKoiior adjacent to streets , nlleysor a venues situ tiled in wholoorln part \vlthlniiny o ( thodUtikU berclnafter named. You and each of you are licroby nolllleil Hint tlm City Council will hit an alloanlof Kuunll/utloii uttlio ollleoof thouity olurUat the DoiiKlas county court house on Friday , the 10th tiav of tioptumliu-r , 1MH ) , Irom 0 o'clock n. in. to D o'uloak p. m. , ( or the purpose of equalizing tliti proposed levy otspoi'lal t : IM > S and assessments and correcting any orioiC" thoreln nnd nf liearliitrallcomplnlntsthat ! owners of the property so to bo taxed nnd , i- Besu'd may make. ,3nld hpeuinl taxemmd ns sessments holnu levied lur-ordlnij to law l < jr eover the cost and < | BOth Htreot from Sn.iuldliiK street , to Amos avenue. In paving district No. 2.14. : K > lli htieet f nnu ripiuildln street lo Ilrlstol btioi > t In puvlti ; * district No. ail ) , I'arkrttreot from It'nd street to Ueed stiirt In iMVltiR district IS'o. 270. lltli xtreet ( nun Nicholas street to C'l.nl. st ii'et , In paving district Nu. LN * . Llitli btreet fiom Jackson Hticet to lliokury street , In paving d Istrlct No. ihl. OUUIUNH. Smith ftreot from I'ark street to Billion street , In pavlnz district . Sit Itced Mteot from I'ark Mlieot to Itiutou stieot , bipavlni ; dlatrlut No. 2 l. I'ark tstiect ( rom Heed striet toXnda > on IK' , in pavlu dlutrlet No. L'Td. I'ranol8street from Kied stieet to.Cud nv onue. In pavIiiLMllHlrlet No.-71. "Oth sticut ( rom ( 'outer sttret to Vint < i stieet InpavhiK dlstilotNo. a. i. Illnuoy htrcct fiom Sheitiian aveiiuo tu.'ltii ' st leet. In paving dlsti let No.W ) , l"Kh avenue from Half Howard street to Ixs.nonworth strcot. In pavlnmllstrlct > . Vhli'iiKO street from lUtliHtrrvt to 1.U feet I lllllHldoadd No. 1. In naming dhtilct No. lit , rnrnani bt reet f l oni I.ono un'iino to binl > stieet. In pavhm dMrlct No.I. . ' . Illukory slieot fiom Uiltb tol'Jth avenue uavlii ) ? district No.fS. WoohMirth avenue from 20th Htrcet to ! ) MI avenuo. In pavliir ) district No.isi. UlliVDINli. I'.irk street ( rom : t.'nd avcnuo toDis 11- 1. ilUo htieot f i inn .Uth btreut to Il-'td st i eet. Kill street fiiini 100 foil ti u ( JucKsun tin-i t to l.i'iivenwortli Htroet , Klh strict fiom II. & .M. trucks to alloy ? of Contiir street. HlirliiKtittt'vt from riirnum street to 1st st I/ai-d street ( mm 12th stieutlo llth stieel ! r.'nd stniL't dom l.ou\env\orlli hlrcot. toM. Jlary's avenue , nib strc'iM. fiom Vlnton stieet to city limits. Itinerpd stieut from Uth stieet to lit Ii nt. Mlistriet fiom a. 1. . Uoodman jiroperty to CiiMPllnrHtrvet. Mlllanl siriM'l from I'r.inuls lo lluilou t , Uth Ht icot from MleUoiyto Doioasslrouti. . Alloy In bloek ill. ri\Viit : OOXSTI.UCTIOS , ? cwi > rdlstrlct Xo. luVi. hovverdlstrkt No. nn. hevvorillslrlct No. 100. hcvvorillstrlct No. IBS , Quiver ( list t let No. 10' ) . . ' ou or ( list i lit No. 110. S-uwerdlstilet No. 111. hTKCKTMDKX1NO \ AND CIMININO .Tilh Htieet ( rom Tarnum street tollalf ll > w n id street. ! Mlh avenue from 1 nriiam to Ilnlf How r > htnot. V.'iul street fiom X , U DcnNo's addltloo LdCUSt .stlCHt. And be It further refolved that ttie olcilc ( ? lM ) notk'o of Htuh hltlliiK at lensl- duys prior tliiictolu thrcu dully pnpuii o ( i < olty. olty.And bo It further resolved tlintimlw- " RiioJ anil Kiillk'lont ciiusii It may buiithi'iiv > onleroit nnd delurniliKil , tlml K.ild c-osl pan of lost be so nmussid ) ire nitn , iic'i'iml < \ to foot frontiijio upon nil the lots and i * > ( stilt ! ) In null ! districtsicspirtlvi'ly , imudi > cent tour abutting tlm Him ofsald Impi" u incuts , aecoidlmr to tliu usual hc.illny ii.i > pKwcssasherJtofoniaUiiptL-ilaud ( ollovvid \ > y Hnlil eonnell In tlion > nusinifiiitiif Hpeuliil luxes tmnverllm eost of uld uoi k , to-\vlt Ono-tlili < I ( if said liio rntacoit iipontlK "ii < Hlxtli pint of Iho uliolo amount of ground t" biiiiHxCised. llr-.t nbiltthiK upon the htreot lint nionu H.ilil Improvements. Onu-llflh jnrl of ttiuh nro rutn cost upon tin M'coitdonc-sUlh paitof the whole anioiiiit ut salil Kiouiid uiljolnliiK thoioto. Ono-ilxtli part of Htith pin rata cost upon the third one-six Hi part of the whole amount of Mild ground iioxt ndjai cut ! , Ami. iJireo-tontlisof mich pie rut nicmt upon tlio ad jiieont or roinnlnluK one-bill ( part of thu \vlioluiifHiildKroiiud , , . . , . . Vou and until of you nro heiohy notlflo.l lo appoarbefoio walil bonid of win i l/iillnn at tliu t line and iiliicu iiboui Hpiolllud to niaku any ooiiiHlalnl. Hlnteiiicnl. or obji'uiion you may doslio cnncurnlnK said pionobuil levy and Omaha. Hep , . .Tm.OVr.S . . . City Hl-'dOt 1'er II. U , CoiiiiHnmii , Deput/ NotlLMi to ( intrauiiiiN , r'oalcd proposalH will lig rerelvod by thn sou * rct'iry of tint lioardof education until I o'eUmk ( i , in. , Satiirdoy , Si'iloinbor | IWlli , IMK ) . ( or thu erectIinof n fourloomoiiolorylirlckuehool build In1 , at tlio uo t Hldu of lil li ncbool uround * . la nceordaneo vvltli iiliuisiiiKi tiicc-l- tlcatIons.on Illu Intliooflluo odliohucreteiy o ( tlm boaid of idui'iitUm. l.avli hid IMIIHI. bo iKConipunhtd bynccrll- ( led clicok for tiou. The board o ( education { ( " .urviu thu rlKhtto relcet nnyornll bids. lly ordur o ( the boardof oilneutlon , Oinalia , Hoplembur loth , Ih'iO. slldJt , CIUIU.KSUOMOVEII , SuorcUry.