Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Starts Off on a Oalloj , but Maitg a
Poor Finish.
The Corr. Jlnrkft "Up Ulcc allockct
nU Down Like n. Slick. "
Ohpatclic * Help
Sept. 12.-Soectal Telegram toTitc
r.1 Tie sieaccst snip nfl Rreate-t
strength In mleat toduy w.ii during the first
tenmlnule * . The cpenlm wni very eitlted
and vhlletl.GCi It Ben'rally ftlvin as the
Ofcnlnjr trice , It iselaltiel tint a fo'.T deals
were sc-niterfdalt the vriv from II.W dotn to
* .01. 7hcre was tn oatly dip totMKV'J , but
the market wai well'supported and n.oved
so Iy up again to fl.OJ'i Jcforoll oVlo U.
From thliou 1111 1 o'llo-'k the tendency iva.9
lownward until December fold at ( I.KV'4
or Ic unler the clew jcstenlny.
On the way down wtl one Mlly
irran Sl.W , xoll.OTiV. andaftcrtouchlnc ILO'i
n. little spurtof buylns put the prlei up to
I1AV . May * as < iiioteflaa hlh a.HlI.OT''i and
oldofTtolt.iJO1 , . Trade us bailly iiilxedmnst
of Hie vision nnd manjr operations were f re-
qiientlyon bulli .Mcs o ( tlie market. The
ni s otthc clay wn not of : t dcolslm charac
ter. Llferpool culleswere hlntilv Erin. Now
* ftK cltard no heat uiid KiLlllniiire but
all Jay on tJiestrenithcthirse receipt1 * . Hull-
lihdlsiutchi'S KlvInK accounts ot rain and
now and genvral stoppaie of thresh-
Ira and the movements to Iho mar-
Kit * ere not lucded , A "bearisli
influence ol the day was clo u
niuiicy.vltlimoiirjrloaglnit jn stocks ntNuxt
York jit 100 per rent und scarce here. Hears
usul thl to depress the inancet. I nearly
t riding'Mitchell. llros ciu. llunliarn A Co. ,
Ilorhc , DrlMr. Karnuu. Waeiier and I''i r-
drlilso * ere buyen , thelast gained cotcrin ?
Imrt wheat , ItlcxmiRa * called l > ot ibuv jr
and sr-ller. Hutcliln nn as amo < lerate ell 'r
7iirM ol the lias * . Selllos ty th > northvrust
was slsnltlcant. Half an hoiirbeforo t hcclosc
fctrun cr conllneiilal cables were riceividand
tin ; market. Irtnodup quickIj. faint to ILOO'i
for noretuixrnt ap. rn. Theonl v price heard
for Deifnibt'r whfnt > n the curb wa II.OT > S.
Tuts nero 11.04 ? , U > II.04H , calls iUK'i M
The corn marketwnt"UTlike trocVct a-nd
down like nstek"U ! > day Thcrhas nut been
Buch imlld onciiln ; In months na that of this
inoriilnir. . FplluwInK the crcat advance yes-
terdaj on Jkxi e crop Bmircs was a. further
jilinp In prices Iho tni Tc * miniitestodiij'
7h < ! Immediate cau'-o jfth > ensntlonal Jump
vus H culU iteatlier scare. Early dKpitclus
K ve enow ami blU/ardi In the Cariuirlhwesl ,
with col < l neatlier c.xtencllnit inlo Nebraska ,
and predictions for a slurp cold snap in I our a
tonletit. Trade vent Into tlieoltim u ( eellni ,
nut on Judgment , uml prlrua ore blotter
at onee. May started at about WVd
or He ov the close msterJay. Tlic
crowclbldthc price itptorciSe In amlnate. A
few rounil loin wire -oM at .M'4o lo flaSc. and
the bultfe wa1 * nt a end. The price went ol
quickly to SIHc , recovered lutor to Klhc. d -
dined lo 51Se about jyjon ami iiRiln rallied to
S2Sc Morel o'clock. Cornclosed So otr on
tnu day forJopteinbiar. * o lower lor October
anil about Meady with l.-vst nlaht for May.
September sold alM c. off to 45)0 ) , closing at
( f c ; October sold jit sic.ofTto 4e , clo inprat
W'ic ' : Mn.vsold at. V , ontoSlV. cloilnKat
l.4c. There win little new ? ol any Import-
aucetheltut nnll hour. EvcrjtliliiKtor to
morrow clepcndson the weather ton Irht.
UiLti cimjlittlie bullish ftulin ; this niorn-
1ns. and thcUrtprlLfunadi ) were 'i to Sc
over Iho clo > o lau nitht nnd a.t the blc
nilnttof tried 115 , as follows ; St'iitorn her It
Uotobcr : fe > sc. Uicetiibrau'le and Mtiy t
Wltli an ea > jr fecllnff In the otlier
tiiarUets later. trlc > dropped < lowu ( or oats
to JT i : lor.s-ptinibrT.IfTVjC foe October and
W\p for May. Xast prlcos were "STSc
for E-cpiuiiiU-r nnd Oiloberand M'.o forilay.
or nljotit Sounder last nlpht. Thert-vtas llb-
rral tMrtliiz early , wlih pntty Inu bc-lllng out
on the decline.
Kurly dt aatobe from tbe yards reported
only KOOOboifs rttel > eil sLnd all parties l > uy-
InpatSctolSo advance. This belped proit-
ilons at tbo oppnluz , The sensational tid-
vunce in corn also holppd provisions. TLe
market startcnl stronj and active. TliU was
an opportunity lor packers , who at oncu be-
catn sellers ot products. 7hlswith tie break
In corn , after the lint few rnlnute.s caused
prices to fo ol qulculy. Tims tbo liizh-
rst and lowest prices el tlie day \vcre
touched before the incrnlns cull. 3Iost
of tliechnnet"- In mess pork. January
fold it M2.JI unil812.i : usl May at Jliffii and
UU.a."i , with the close at tlO.Ou forOetober.
ll Ofor Jmuurf andil2.ii ; forMay.or ullt-
tlu chanced from ImtnlKht. L r i < > p n < d&t.
W-iC'i ' ; J : nuary sold at K72M at tbeclo > e :
Mayat87.JO onto$7.13'i. ihort ribs itero but
at the start and closrd iittho
bottom Hzui-osot tli day it BTitT'-j lor Octo
ber. I5.JW lor .1 annai j and ( t3O for May.
ClllC A at * LffE 8 19 CJt.
CHICAGO , Sept. 11 [ Socctal Teleirarn to
THB BKE.I CArrt-u-UecelDts 9.00O , a light
run ( or the day and nutubers not In ecu3of
lastweek.helpod to keep values steady and
to make a better marketfor silesmen that
Is , there was no particular change In prices.
although tome buyers clilrn.'tl their block
costing more than yesterday ; but talen alto
gether there vrai little erne ehanseln values
on the orJInarr runof fat cattle orevcnon
1 the second cla = s or Brassy stock. Xatlve
butchers' tock. on account of the
llglit run of Teians. sold rather better
than fora day or two past and buyers re
ported a scarcity of cool cowi and heifers.
I'lrst class natives S4.itXU | | ; sei-ond class ,
M.40irt.4.J5 ; third. StJSCKiiJ.lO : bulohcrs1 Htock.
tl 5itJ.t55i Tcias biters , riUJ.'I.lO ; rangers.
1I ( ! H Recelnts IS.OOO. . demand actlvo with a
"wild"upturn of lOoto ISc. En some Instances
theadvancu vns Sac lo iiV ) as comparud with
tue low prices yestenlny niornlns. 1'uclers
puld the Ideraiiiof ) W.IO to II.4O and prlmn
heavy , toeetlier with butchers' welfhts.sold
at 11.45 MM.GA Lldit sorH. M to 11. 0 ; Vork
ortand hape. il-75 ; one lot uf prime light
soldut ilf'a.
FM.\.ixa.i L.
Tonic. Sent 12. [ Jpechl Telegram to
Tin IlEE. ] Siocics-An unsettled condition
In Industrial shares caused n. sharp advance
In the price of cereals. Adverse crop reports
and continued stringency combined make
railroadshaky. Ibis mornInj bears Jumped
in as sellers ofevurythin ; , Ixmdonsold a few
stocks nnd altogether the Hit wajdumoral-
Izcd.QThe rally lust evening did not hold and
first prices were generally from U. to Slower
than lastevenlnjr , whllohucar Refineries waa
3 Ti lower and Ilurllnjtonk Qulncy 2'i percent
lower atOlV.Tradlag was > ery Ur o , but
the most usually active stocks , after the
inst ftv minutes vero well held and
V'.itu in tlie boar some strcn.tli was
bLown. uhlchresulted Inleuilni : many stocks
slUntlyiilKliertiinii at the oiieuliiK. liurlln .
ton A : ( Julncy adanced from first sales anil
recovered 1 , per cint out oC ibe "H loat at the
opening while the principal pressure was on
tsuzar llpfintrifs. Chicago Has and Uock
Islandtlirouiih a loss upon tlio last naiued.
was only per cent ami that was nearly all
rtcovered byll o'clock. Suau was the * ruk-
-st point , u nil It retirtM with rapid strides to
714 , a lo&M ofS'j from theopt'nlni ; and 4Sfrom
last evening , and afm a sharp rrcowy to
71U It iettledbacka alnto 7.V Cblciino Uai
- a onoof t-ht > first stocks toopt-u up lu ud-
vance.bclnK'i ' per cent at U , and its early
levi waUli to44 , afterirard reeoierlnu per
cent. Ainonjtnc.ii > ecialtie.sMiclil ; . ii Central
retired at 1 percent to M , but no other fature
was shown outside of tlioactlilty displayed by
ft. Paul. Union 1'nclflc. Missouri I'actHo ' ,
/tchlson and Klcliniond i We t 1'olnt. Uo-
forenoon l.jko shore went dovn to I > 15 and
nlllcdV. "id Uock Island recovered anoint
to SJ * . Money wits at JO per cent , Th stock
inarki'tclosed with prltvs o ( railroad iharts
Bcnerally ataoout yesterday's Ujtires. The
cilrutne declines of the Jay vere un hlqh
money rat s , which went a tone time toi ( per
cent PIT day , AnuiiMcrupuloun bear element
altenipteil to crvite an Impression tint tie
two stock were In trouble , but no con
firm atlon foliow xl. Attlioclose Sugarltetirf
trios ent dovrp S points , Cliloairo 0r : * fecoT'
tred front 4'S to (5V ( , . Vuiiderbllts and
cruncers regained all carlj-losses and ciot.od
ileadj , and money wcot back to 3 per cent.
f at.- * , 'M.M kh a tvs.
Tholollouiug vrcro the. closing quotations ,
I ) , S , ifouxin. , . sourl _ .
U. b. 4ire ulir. . . . Northern r clrlc. , . , . , Ts
I' . S. > ii n-mlar . doprefernM. . . . . .life1 !
U. f. 4ij coupon . . C. .S.V ' '
Pietnou ot " 45. . . . .114 dopraferreit
Central I'actna. . . SI Sew York Ceatrnl.
. Alum. . p.n * K
Kotl .
.114 f. . SLJfc t.l'kul , . . .115
II , L.1W cioproferred y/V
llllnoliOnUil. . , . it. 1'iul jtUmatii. . . KiLj
I.U-JMV . . dapreferreU. . Hfli
Kaoi i 1'tita. . . L'ulin 1'aclBo. . . . . ll\
t ik Miore- ! . . . . , - jLU.ll&H
Iclilan C atral.
MOIKV Tlehtit iMiila percent.
rttlUB Mine\ITII-EI'APIH TCJ percent ,
STKHLIJJQ EXCHANOI Active but weak ;
lUtj-duy lillliv. ; dumand. .
T.'ie ColTro Marlctt.
NEW YOBS. Sept. 11 f Special Telciratn to
TUB BKU ] Ctileo options opened steady
and uucbinsed to t points a p. Sales 2fl,5oO
bass , Inoludtue Boptember , I1B--JXSIS 3 ! Octo
ber. 117.50 ! Nuroiubcr. ttaifi ; December. iUTO
10. Spot UU ) quiet i - - -
" " "
, ttatbeat ,
llninit Blure .
quolatlorn :
E 31.1 KAETH.
OillCArjO,5ept ii 1:1 % p , m. tloseVh lt
ii y : cull , ilttl ; 0to1 > cr , il.OPi :
. . .
C3orn i-tctidjl cujh , 40'e ' ( : Oi'tobcrtO'ic ' ;
Oils slcaclji cuh , a 'Jc ; Ostoler , 37HC ;
* Ji'ltiU Ct'ork Slfnd/ ! cash , 311.00 ; October.
110.00 : Jiinitarj , t2.i" .
iird Qaleti cn b , M.K'i ' ; October.
' i J ar.uarv , . . . .
rliort Klb-i-F.nt.yi cai ! , I3.J3 : October.
J * > jv ! J u tin a ry , t " . in.
Hje > o.U , quiet i
Hirlcr-No. i nominal at
Kl x fwl No. 1. ev y .it 1 1.4 1. _ ,
1'rlnieTlmothteeU 1'iriii nt 11.2711.23.
Clovt'rSeed Sotulnal at tt.'JH ,
ft * stondr.
1'liiiir Quiet and unchanscOi winter vrlicit.
K. a3J i spring -whcut , ll.s > 03. 5 : rye , nwit
"llulk Mcatd-SliouUlcr * . S3.TV2A.51 ! ; sbort
cleir. * . " , wa. . * l : short rilii , J3. It4. .rrt.
Ilutter-Qultl : creamery. 14l."Jc ; ilalrj , 11
Q lTc.
Chcesc-Tnnic ; full crcim : clunlilars > n ( ]
fliiU , SSS'-jCi fancvyounit Anicrlcn.a i ff.
} ies rlrniisoa \ < \ demand ut I'VtH'c. '
llldc--L'ncliaiis'eJi heaty srcen salted. i'ie ' ;
sailed bull hlilc * . % 'iCi nrtcn crccn snllcd. ! 4 < ? :
arjr Ulnt.BdiVidrvi ltiO , TCi i' ; sailed calf.
S . t' > osi.rK. : ilcacont , each , 30c ,
ItecolpU. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 2WWO ? .W-J
WletiU bu . 19,10 151,0V )
Corn , bu . 23V03 211.009
OaK bu . 20JUW 'MOM
> nw Vonit. Sept , \Vheat-Keeelpts. 1 ! .
74oou biuliol-soTports ; , none jiot iiai'icdovn ;
No.2 red , l O.VJ liidcvutor : f l.W&t.'f :
il.KIi &li lh I. o. b. ! optiiin- . closed ual > aitd
li'S'tc ' loner : Xo. 2 red. Septcmbcr.closlnjat
la 'i.
Corn -Receipt- * , 10.100 binhols ; exports.
busliPlsi spot closed stcidy : No. . ' ' .S.Ji
In cltalar ; i7 * 3JH ; uBoat ; imcridtMl
. 5'4 < i.'i * ; : option sclostjj weak ; sepleni-
Dcr closing -itiTUc ,
Oitlleoelpts , I05.0OO t > usliel s exports.
23 , spot lower ; No. 'J white , (40.1V ; mixed
wcitern , 41 < tJI5j wlilte tvKtvrn , 44-33J ; opllous
lo er ; < pot clfliliiijat 44c.
Oiiree-Optlons rtetnlr and tiricliiusca to >
points up. saleSUVW Inss ; September. lb.2O
( UlS.-'o : UctoScr , ilijO : luot no sliadjifalr
canoe , l.-O.:3. , . ,
Susar IJiir. quiet and steadjrj rcuned ,
sleauyand more active.
I'etroleuiu-Uultcd closed ( jr October tit
Kjcs-Puncy. firm ! wcrtern. IS'-iSSc.
I'ork-nr-ini in 3 . tll.l'KtU'.B.
Lard -QuIit a.nJ steady ; western steam ,
llutter-"Eny : : irestcru dairy , lOJUc ;
° ChccVc LessOr'ui , light sWms. 4' ' < aC14C.
MiN'MiPOLi't. ' Sept. 12. WiK-ut Demand
fcrMiinple cash wheat food ; most of dav s -
lettlOBStnl.eimiirl- - > oM rather letter
thm : bauie tiuantltles biu tUtlaterln tbetlayi
Inluerced ticcrtaln client by tluctuallons
lufat-irc * . \Vlioatro--elpt-i. \ Jic.irsislilpme its
ll'J. Closing ; No 1 lard ,
track. ILOc-'iN'o. 1 northern. September.'J.Hci '
Octorxr , l S\c : for tr.idc.DsSJte : No. 2 north
ern. Sipteniler. < : trick. MttMkioM wheat
closed at 41.10 forSo. l.hnrd.
ST. Louts , Sept. l2.-Clo--c : Wheat Firm !
cash. tl.00 ij Doctmber. ll.OJ' , : IiJ' , 51.ll1-
Oorn-Highcrj cish , 4J..C ) October , ( Gi c ;
Miy 49HC.
Oats-Klrmj cash. SCc : September , 37Hc ;
M.iy. W.TiQ4ie.
1'ork-rirm at 11050.
Lnnl-Firm at KOO.
Wliltky tlU.
Butter Steady.
MlLWiCKru. gcpt. 1 ! . WTieat KfcBler ! Nfl.
2iprin ? . on track , cash. lisciiyJi Ueceuibor ,
ll.Ol'il No. 1 northern , il-02.
Corn- Film : No. X 45'iffO-Oo. '
Onts-Steaiy : No. 2.wbito. Wt tfc.
PitovtstONi 1'lmi ; pork. Januurjr. 31'i l- < .
CINCINNATI. Sept. li'-Wheat ' jtroiig : No. 5
red. JIOO.
Corn-Stronjrer ) No. ! tntaed. WVVIc.
Oats-H U'hur : Xo. 2 inl.d , au JJ c.
\Vlil > ky ! 1.1J.
Livtnpoou Apt12. . "Wheat-rim.
Corn Flrui ; iiiKed westcra. 4a5J per cen
K.A.\SS CITV. Sept It UheutFlrnii No. !
hard , raMi , Ulc ; September , UlMe bid ; No.2
Uorn Steady ; Xo. 2 cash. . uaUc ; September ,
< > o bIJ.
OaM Steady ; No. 1 cash , 33ci September ,
We toll
Kirjf s rtrctf.
CHICKOO , Seot. 12. Cuttle Re-elptA 9.OM )
flrht-class nathes. JIKXaVT ! ) > : teeonil class ,
U.4OHI. S : third , * iX t4.1il ! butdiers' stock ,
JI.r > > : Texas steers , 4J.10JOO ; raiiKcrs.
( J.HW3.K ) .
HOS , lltceipH , 13.000 ; shipments. none ; mar
ket lJ3.15ehlsfivr ; pawcrs and mix cJ , SI05
4.40 ; prime lieavv-and biitelicrs * welslits ,
M.4.Tai.i5 ; llgli t , JI.003I J > a : plrs , J.LSS34.S.
Sliccp lieeeliiK. ftlM ) : natlvn , WWiC'JO !
Texans. SllJiIil.tJ : westerns , 4.1ijit.j5j ) ; lauila ,
Siocx Cnv. la. . Sept. 12-IS pedal Tclesram
to THE llEE-l-Hous-Uecplpt-t , TSJ ; mat-Let
opened slow , welllns at 5ll > iil.J ) ; bulk.Jl.'W ;
stocters , .OO-Vr .
. . CITV , Sept i2.-Ci.ttle Kccolpis.
5.250 ; shipment * . : UK > : market steady to
strong ; steers. C-t.40jU.70i cons , * I.JU-it2.0 ; ;
stookers and fetnlers. tMKV3-l.U. > .
UOZS llccelptt. U.CTO ; shlpuu-nts , 2.3JO ; market
ket- higher ; all jrudc .SJ.o/iia.r.'i.
ST. Lotn . 5 < ? pt. 12.-Cattle Ilcceint' , 2.S50 ;
snlpmontsnoiii ; market steady ; fairU ) fancy
nuthe steern. i3.iU5 J93 ; stuokenandfeeder ! ,
II MS RcoeipU , 3Vn ) : hlpmenti , none ;
maiket liliht-r ; hen. VjrS4.43ai.l > 0 ; Dilated
4.40 ! light ,
The ISnitonVoal > Iarkc ( .
Bo5Tt ' , Sopt. 12. [ Special Telegram to Tne
BKE. ] There lias been an active denun < 3 ( or
wool andthe sales are tlielirzest lor airy
longtime , aniountlnj to I.SOJ.OOO pounds of
all kinds. The inurVct Is firm lat
no hlslier. Further lartjo sales of
territory wool hate "been made at ! Wi
Wcor ( Bne , SOjJVc forfinu medium and 523510
formediuiii. Texas eel In < s been H'llinnat
] > -U. ' ( > o anil Csilltoriilaat i2ieatonuullty. ; { .
On'son dull : Ohio lloeees nave < olil to some
extent at3l5Mfor .Xandsr Wofor XX. Mich-
iKiuiX lleeoesaro in demand atSx ? . but jno > > t
holders are asUiijr'J * ' . . Combin ; anddelalitis
fleeces lii\o lieen in fair demanil. 'Hltli vales
ol .No. 1 combing n taJi > c. Olilo tine delnliie
atXte. nnd MichlsunlliJO ilalalne at He. Un
washed comblnv wls arcslouat 2" > for one-
cjtiattor and iTi-t' c for threi'-el-ihths. Iu
pulled wools sali-s liavo been made otmpcrat
UO3)Oc ) and of extra at 2JiMc. Kortilsn wools
are ttrui ,
KrIJav. Foptfmbf rlt
Estimated receipts of c.ittl J.iKMi as com
pared Mlth 1,01't ye terUay nd U,4)l ) Friday
of last -week. Tha market opened active and
stronser oa the test Krade-i of steers and
steady on common steers and bu tellers * stutr.
Tlie quality of the feeders ! pour. Good
feeders are "ate ul y. others alo\i and
Estimated ree-elpU ot boss 3-103 , a- > com
pared wltli 41 > yest-eraay : inU U..I < 1 ! rldiiy
ofliist eek. Tlio m.irk opened active and
nearlj- Uljher , cloilu ; lirtnat tlioadvaneo
with allvild. TboranK of jirlces was 110. ) ®
4.W ; tlifbiilksclllnat 11.2 * 3l.'tn. Lliit K.U3
SJIS5. MKodil.J'JSiaiJ. Heavy it.2T 5jl. 0. The
uicraso of tlie price puld was JI.2I us coiu-
pared with HIP * yesterday and $ -1.03 Friday
Estimated receipts of sheep M ) . Tnu mirket
onmuttoiia Iseusur.
1'revalliu Price * .
The lollowlnz 111 fiWe ofprt ,
this iiiatWet. tor ttio jrultot stojlc
I'rlnie steers. It HI taUK > J % < _
Good Meers. liVJ to UM tn
Hood to IJOJ tn . . . „
Fair. 1101 to 11W 2 > i
Common , oJJto t-JS ) > r-
Comniouo-innert . . .
Ordinary to [ air cows „
V lrtxijo > dciiws , . . . . . . . . .
Good toelioli'u cofj- . . . ,
Cliolccto Caaoy CUITS. . . ,
t'llrtostotxlbulls , . . . . . . . . . .
Choice to Caney bulls
Llphtstocker. aiidfeeocrs
Feeders. tr ) to HOOIbs.
Fair tochoUe llslithosi
r'alr tocholce hea > } ' h 'V
Fair tocholce mlscd Uos. (20 ( ttl.K )
Table ,
The ( olUiwIn1 ; tibia shom the tn
Uoi durlns thU l
This AVielc. Lut Week.
ilondaj. . . . . . il Ui 7u til 1"4
Ia Mlif . I TO t Ii
Wtxtncxlar- , s to < n 20
Hi iU I TO HI 23
IrlJaJ iUu HI lit ITU
BlturOir OJ 4t SS1 !
Sile * of Eloi.
Tudaj. Vesttrdar.
nicheit . K O Hlihesc. . .11 3O
toweit. . . . . t 5O i OO
Cost of lli > xi.
TholjUonlnp title lre * the nreraijo cost
Of homm the d.-ite * tntntloncl. Inrltt ltn | tUd
- uptn ule repirt Ji ,
September ) . .HI September 11 4 IT'i
' . eptfmbcrl . ( I ( Q Sepletuberl-- . . . ( 24
Srpt-embcrJ 1115
Stoofc llccelpU.
Official YeUerJav. Estimated ToUr.
CatUe. . . . Meunl.010 Cattle. . Mean 2.OO )
HOTS . . . ; icursUW lloKi. . . . . Ucan. S.1W
hhetp . . . < cun T3)
Average I'rlce ol'IIozs.
Sho'ltiz the n.ver.iTeprIo paid tar lotl1 * o |
hozsoi tlic day ) iadlateJ In M . lii. la4) )
and ItO :
DiJ. Sfpt 8 ! Sept'W. ' 'Sept ' 'f. .
rurtnf. ' d "O h -M
4HHi Junrtnf. 011
SunilJT. & = 21
tih ' w SI
) ! l ) IM CJI I ( H >
Disposition uffttock.
She lnnthe nuuiberof licad cl "t-ook pur-
cha. cd yeslurclujf , on Hits iiiarWot.iis rttKjrtcd
by t lie wtiljhttiMitenot tlieStock/unlicoui-
panj :
C TTt-C.
5wlftt Company . SIJ
TheO. II. ll : > nimond coiipiiny . M
TlieArn our-C * d.ilivpjclvlnj company. . . 30
lln nilllon.V stcpheu . . . 90
Xeli MorrK. . . . . . . . 13
IteeUr & IMe n . - . Cl
I.olinnnii & Trauerniaun . , . 11
\V. UVanSunt. . H
Otbcr buyer- , . . . . . SB
Tutal . . . . . . lit
\rmour-CuJihy picklnj company. . . iC9
Omah.t packing coiupany . - . CM
P It.t ( .Vnpuny _ T. . KS
TlieO. H. lliininoiid ; cutnp.iny. . . . 'M
t-perry & Ihruej . . . . . Ml
IvliKin &Co . . . . . 'M
.J. .M. Uouil . .
Uralnartl llros . . M
Total . . . 4,11 $
Ilcprcsentati c ri
N'o. Av. Pr. .Vo. Av. Pr. Xo. Ar. Pr.
TO. .10U 3W 11. . 1007 400 ( ( . .IXI 440
4O. Ml 3f. " > 1W..1IJ1 4W 30. .1315 440
81..11C ! 373
8 .74.1 ItS 2. . 083 183 15. . S53 2 SO
25. .10J1 U3 19. . & 13 Is. . UK ) 2 S3
2J..WA 330 1. . W ) 260 1..KHO 2 S3
44..11K7 200 1..1I40 275 2j. . M 2 W
1. 803 100 r. .817 1 S3 1. . 610 150
2..8JO 123 15. . W4 1M
'l.lfM ICO 1..1XJ 1C5 1..1318 1C3
No. A.V. Tr.
0. A. Bad celt
tcow . MO Si 10
T feeder * . UUJ U 30
2cows . . . . . 97 ! 190
20 cows . . . . . 7f2 1H
Ibull . 170 3.60
4 bulls . KKJ3 1W
A. A. Adum ou
1 mum . . 1O70 1W
Bcow-s . . . ivi 210
Ofceders - * . . K15 2W
Suindard Cattle company
60 cows . . . . . . . 069 2(0 (
SOhelfers . ItMi 21V )
astc-er . 1TJ1) ) UOO
i.u iiuj
asieer . . . _ .
istecr . . 14M 300
GOstecrs . UK aOO
SwaaChesblre Land i Cattle campany
17co\vs . 10J7 'JlO
J. U-Barixu
Scows . 037 1M
20cows . DO 100
tMsU't-rs . . 1100 273
h'er.'U'son Lami i Cattle company
81 cows . . u'l 1W
3JCO\vs . . 101
M. Jl. Maniu
Scows . . 0 $ 1M
33CDVTS . . SB 310
J. C. Xorrlb
Ifcudtr - . TO ;
JfcediH . . 1JM
So. AT. Sh. Pr. Xo. A.V. Sh. Pr.
SO Ml JKO 4 05 11S 257 125S
; : , ! a 4 10 11W. ' a 170 ( S
SI Ul 1W 4 11 W. . . 'J97 SO 25
i 4 - 4. jo 7U , . 25r
01 ai INI 4 10 5 ! ) . .271 120 r
el 197 ISO 4 IJiJ MM > . . .232 240 25
& ) ! * . 100 4 IS M ) . . .2(53 100 25
51 IB UNI 4 15 G. 425
TJ SO 24 4 15 75. 210 1 ) 425
U SiO 5 > 3 4 31 70. UK ! 330 425
. : jrt u ai ? & .
BO i9j as 4 a CO . .SsS 2sO 4 27 i
78 art uo 4 a Cl. . . 12 SO IWV4
75 311 so 4 a C3.M. . - 47 120 427
. m so 4 si M. . . : tis i&i 4:10 :
n . : i'j M 4 a 40.U. . , . OJ 'M3 fM
U. . .ss ! 130 iyo
7i.r aw 4 a U.M. . . .313 " 43 4IM
ci > a w 4 so 50.W . . . .25140 4IU
I 4M5 b ) 4 , 2J W . . .aio i-"o 4 :
fc9. . . . . . 1 uo 4 a 54 . . : toi fM
71 SO 3D 4 2) 70 . . -Mi 240 fJO
71 SH : ei 4 a JS . . : > 4 4 :
31 Sl'J 4 i' ) 03. . .251 frO 4UJ
K SIO M 4 ' 4 115 . . J4J 4 )
IJ S4't M 4SJ'i ' M . .277 SO 4KJ1 ,
to 'J17 Ii ) 4 S'i ' .04 4O 435
U S7 * Jfl 4 61 I4t >
79 SIT 1JO 4 S3 53 331 44J
Cl . . . .J17 U ) 425
P103 ASH Kiri
26 RS - 300 30 1731203G5
10 175 - USS U2 . 122 40 3 bO
1.-J90 19 a 50
Xo. Av. Pr.
1 ) feeders , pur lead 350
SM WiMorjH 00 303
SIX ) wcslerm . . . ! K > 3 IK )
' : -\vcsternj . . .101 3 U3
ytaritct Meatloa.
Gust J eli nso ri i. Co. of WabdO marketed
hos ; .
O. M Youns of Berlin marketed a. car of
Inspector Ho ward condemned and shot four
J. 11 H.irron oLusVVyoUnd ( ten cars ef
ca ttli ) he re.
L. 11. Thorn of Bladcn , VTcb ter county , was
here yes t erJay.
EllVIekory ol Yorkshirela. , , sent over a
bunch of cattle.
\V.l. B. Chamberlain ofVhltrnan. . Irought
In : i liuncliof sravi uuttlo.
ThcBro n-Tlllteat.tIe eompunjbent In Of-
teeiicat > ( rom tlrover , Colo.
Tiiererjuion land anil cattle company seat
In u tr.ila of cattle from Clieyenuc.
NicholiisXcllion. a regular shipper from
StatuforUmar-toted cfho s.
Gibson A Parsons sent in three double deck
carsot blitep from EaastjnViO. .
Tlie Standard c.ittl * company had a train oj
ranxecuttle slilupcd ( roeii Merino , Wyo ,
John LemiiUe.a resulnr julronof tlilsmar-
kut , urouslit In.I car cflio i ( roinIIUarJ.
Ivrcbbs i Foote ts the miuoo ! a new liio
stootc.-nnnU lon tiriii that have Just opened
au oitlcu in room 51 ,
L. . V. Stltt. of the well wnoirn firm of ff.illace
& tltt , Coin. Ii. . wai ou the marJict wltli
tlirtcfariof cattle.
J. C. Norr.s. . awpltallst and rancnman of
Denier , Colo. . TUS at the .yards lodkits uilcr
fonrcarsot ranc cattle ( roiu bis raucli at
J..N. I'rar e. awellknowncattli ! manor the
Sin Juiin vjLlli'y , > outliweit Oulnmilo. was
herottltlia trnlulouilof raau atooU teat bold
on this market.
V. F. I'ltinUett a prominent farmer and
feeder or 1'ottawatutuie county. Iowa , vos
ovvrlooklnz uller tvocanof 'oud cattle of
lllaO'A'n filfdluZ.
Produce ,
CORN 4 ViOc.
Oirs Mtwo.
1'OfL.THV fer dozen , onolce hens , tU01U ! ;
, .
spring fliK'KL-115 , $ iUi < i2. " > 0 ( or small ; (2.25'ii.Vj ( !
for iiietlluiu : ! . ' . ; > ( XtU75 large ; 11 vo pigeons
fancy rolls , nrlnt SOCt
Slt'icrcamerv , fancy , solid packed , ll < tilV ;
creamery , chnli-e. loauft : dnlry , fancy rolls
uii'l-print ' * . 14 J15e ; dairy , fancy , solid packed ,
1ir 14e ; dairy , choice. lOJl-Jci country toll.
fancy. 8i9e ; choice,7ttScInferior ; , y&te.
Kfius 15o for strictly ( realis stale not. sal
able.HIDKS , PEMJ Alto T-\u.ow-Greon sultrd
ildt-i , No , 1 , heavy. ; M-.No. 3.IUhte'i < a71ic :
No.2. llsht , OiW'ic ' ; dry Hint iilde TViUiK : ; calf
lildi7 < r.k : ; diuiu iif Hides -V ICM. licep
srwn. e b. JiaiUli Slit ? p pelt , dry ,
I'cr Ib.Mc.
i-r duz > ti , prairie chlektm , I2.7' TA
3.MJ mallard * . * -.ft ! ai.Jl ; teal. ll.25cl.W :
mlsed ! ; jiloverVr3 Ht' .
1'c vc'insrl ansa . * i bu box. "i. i.JI.03 :
California. p rbo.xl.50 | Bioo.
( iiiAi'is CalKornla , ir crate. ll.25EJ.03 ;
Mli > ourl,45 > & 'ic ) porli ) lb basket.
I'trMS-l'urple Uuanu. Columbia , ete _ per
bci , tl. iio i wUdjooaeplutui , ' bu box , 75
NtCTJmEjPeicrate , II rs.
Lciioss I'erbox.llodl Jlalorl , fancy.
10 Oj ; choice Jle slon , t7.Vku.(0. (
Futiy-Uuitlett , Calif oiolu , per loz , C.50S
/ rrencb.ll.75
® 100. m V ILTTrfBiW.
TIIMAMESI'er ton. .c ; II.OO
CA B OMK - I'er c rite. KIO t M.
roTAtotfl Xebri'ka anl ; luta. perbu. 11.15
113 ; Colorado and altLaici i m
- .
EvPORTEO A i rw * Fn y , Iks perll > .
' -
- -
WXTERVIEMSS I'cr ' lOOll2.p02l5Oft
eatlnl. Ri CTJt.3) ) | Janey
. . . . .
Per buni'h. ll.ogtfTO.
A Xo > I , 4o ; o. Jau , , C ! cre e ,
white. 3' j t < ! yetlo . CM * * sltarlne. SC.
DON -Quolatlon ore fog < leti r r ) InChl-
caic > Dry bulTiilo.cor ton. lllop Kno ; dry
country , blvulicd JiCKO/wi Uis rtrycoaolry ,
damp nnd meaty. MJWSVWii , ,
\Vooi.-F'liicun'widiecll4 \ lei
ic : coar o
JEI.C.IU .Vpor Ib.
IitK ) > < Et > Vnu Choice nitKlittin , CjTc ; llslit ,
l.ts riD Oit-lJa * . < V > ! boiled , fine ,
llONit Stralned.OO-lt CHn perlh. IV : ; new-
comb lionef.iticy . , Ifiwlic : clwlct . lll:6c
IIBAM-ltunJ-pll.ed ! ntvy. K.'iO'ti..W ; Innd-
plckcclB v.v.meUlnnu Jil-fMIO : haml-plckcd
country.f 1.7VJ2.0.i | soodcloan. H.aaai.r.OiCaU
Mornla.per lb,4'5c. .
Ktstt-Per Ib t'ercb. Je : balfnlo , "c ; pick-
era ) . f- < ( c ; pike , 0 < ; i trout , tkhit , ! > c : crop-
pic , 1X ; ! catnsli. 11CI codt uk , 12j nounders.
lie ; Orejouialmonl coluvltla | j , 15c ; lob-
. . ,
Fisii-Codl li estrtv Cwei. new. 5'ic ' ;
Brand CJc ; Mver.Mb llocks tf ;
snow vhlte.Mb ote : turkey cod.
lirso middle bricV < , O i snuvrwhlto * . crater.
r.-j 11) bows , ' * e ! medium < cnltil borrlntr.
2' < ! > 'o. -vilod herrinJ. 2 > c domestic llol-
lind hfrrln.40c : llninburp r plied horrlnc.
llu slnn Mirdlnos , ipu-td.
Mrdlnes , pl.iln. joeiimvorttHl Hull and borrln ? ,
Cro wn brand , Mc ; do fj ncr uilllters'fle ' : mack
erel. .No. 1. lu > r , half bbls.lJ.CH | ) ! bloaters ,
liilf bbls. iKOd ; vltlten > , h , half bbla. K.UO ;
trouU halt bt > K ? J3W ) : familyrhlt \
f li. HIJjOi salmon , S" .V ) ! per ilor
; MI > brullvd niucKcri'l. riHO : .i-ib In milliard.
: .GO ; 3-lb In tomato sauce t'-Or-j 6-lbMavo
tineas innchere ] . HOO : 14 b lnx3lctrout.JlA ;
3-lb bn > ik trout , l..uo ; 1-lta saluion.fl .2.1 ! 2-lb
white B h. IJ25 ; Mb white IMi. SI.Vi ; 2-lb lob
sters. JL15 ! 1-11) ) lobsters , liir H2.- . : 2-lb
oyster * , 12 obtl..fii 1-lboyster . r > oz , Jl.llj'-lb
ojsteK 10 < iz.Jl.SWi l-lloysttr < , s oz.1.10i2-lb
selet-M2 OZ.J.VST. ! Mb n rnlarla. U oz , U.K. ;
1-llj IJiratada , 5 oz. * l.03j talnuunt4 ozll.a > ;
l-alrniont , Soz , El Si ; 1-lb clamllttlo nicks ,
ll.ltl : Mb clams , little nsek . II.TJI : t-llclitiu )
chowder , * ! .00 ; 1-lb cubs. l..2j ; Mb crabs ,
FK H POHK Fresh hatus.M Ibs
10 H > - avir. , ; 12 Ibs at ? . . 9e : sliuuld M , 5c :
pork loin * * , 714C ! porlt tenderloins. IVi leaf
fard. not rendered. OS < ! spare rl b , 4c.
SALT M EI.IISI bill * leis pork , new , II2.7T. :
clear pcirk backMheavy , fl2.ll , medium , f 11.75 ;
shoi-tcut cleirpork. . * IOJO ; family pork. IIOJVO ;
pis pork. tlU-iO ! lie * e tr.i mc s beef ,
l'i..V ) ; ne-\v extra plilo l ef. H.50 ; new
phi to beef , td.OO' , new rolled bonele1 * beef ,
(7 * > 0now rumps , fj.50 ; IICM bouvless rumps.
OtL-tlbls-Exlri larJ. winter sir.ilned,47c !
extraNo. Hard. , lie : Mo. 1 lard. : ckiNo.21urd ,
31o : utra. neatr-foot , 4k : Uill w oil. 4tcj pure
neatsfoot oil. 50ci A 1 tallow. so ; stcarine , Cc ,
LAUD Tlerci's-CoiiiOTunO , S c , pure leaf.
J'tc ' ; kcttlemndered.O'ic. '
SMOKCI > .MtATS-SusirciJted hams. 12 to It
Ib a-v ? . ll' ' < c : Tiiealuin , 15 to 1G Ib avf , lie ;
heavy , 2o to22 Ibavs. lie ; sMnned llclii ? li
to 2Oliav-2 ] , llVciCalltornlabams 'AUjshoul.
durs,7'tc ' : shoulders. < LlnntKl , B3j.c : shoulders.
6 to ilb avf , 7'iCi boneless liain , ft. " ,
bacon , clear , 5 to Tib strips , ? * ; breakfast
bacon , rltg'icdrldbe < ; f hatus , setaJlOJic ;
resiular. S c ; clcd * . Sc ,
Unr ALT MEATS Lean backs. J ic ; extra
shortcloar,5 bctllC'i. 1C to 2tMb aveniprf ,
6'4ishort ribvS ci short clears. Cc ; lotij
cletir * . .iliei HhoulderNii'ic ; b ic-k ( . S'-ic.
Micsii IIEKK steers i > uj io uuu-iu a\eniKV. "
natives. G'titt5 * C ! 40O toSOO-lb avtra e. native ,
KfrliV ! cows atidlielfer * . 400 to CWMb uientsf ,
nathe. 5V ! hindquarters , steer * . lOei lilriO
quartet-- , cow < , 7ir ; fi > reqiiarter . steers , 4' ci
forequtirters , cows. He ; dressed Uo ri , 4ic.
choice drv ed mutton. ! ) } ; .
FIIESII IIEEF Curs Rolls. . S'tc ' ; beef tender-
loiii , ISci sirloin Dutt * . fc , toneless strip < .
7liCirounds ( rump offi , tierounds ; ( rump oni ,
jo ; MiinJs ( liank oil , 5'Sci l > oncle-s rump ,
4c ; chiiclcs , Uitcl pln.ti' < . -1" , brick unites. 4ci
l ouMer clods , t' e : kef loins' . > 'o. 1 < itter > . 11
@ 14cil > eoloins.No. 1 lU < 2llc ; beef loin's. > 'o ,
'J , .Jci l > eef rlbO'iSe ' ci beef ribs. Xo. 1 , WftLlci
sweet bieiUtpi'r dozl , : t. ci kfdneyeachi ( , : tcs
ox tails ( each ) . 4c ; beef tongues ( each ) . 4flc !
strip loins , lic. .
4HCI frunkfurts.B'tCjtousue , 7Vj blood , 4Sc ;
llver,4lic ! headchet e. 4ci ! 1'ollsh. 7c ; pork
sautaze ( llaksC : ; pork s > au aKelnieatin ) tin
pails. Oc.
Groceries. rer Ib. Cut lo f. 7'ici Cube , 7c |
Standard , powdered , 7K < ij X CAX. poMdervd ,
7icKruuulati'd : , Mtanilaru , G aCi Confcct.ion-
er-.A , C ic ; White , xtra C , lluux. Cc ! Extra
Dritli C , 3j.
5Upr.Ki iJ > t > ii . * cj l es. no-lbboxes.
IDoilOc cakes. JO-lb boxes , IJ'ic ; l-io drlciCK , w
Ibsln box , pure , 14c.
CoCFEi-lloa-ted Arosli , 2'ic ; ' ; Hunola ,
So'ic ; McL'AUghUn XJX-XX , ! 5lici German ,
2T SCi Diiwortfi's , S3V ; 1-lon , 2j'ic ' ; Mallpouch.
ii'ic ; Mocha. : c ; O.O. J aviu : UK.
CorKEE-Grfen Fancy Golden. Elo , 224c :
fancy olilpealrry.SlliullIo , choiee to fancy ,
JMC ! KIo , prime , iic : HIo , good , ! ! lViC ! SsLiito- .
andwiiumon lllo , 19S21o ; Mocha , tutJaa ,
cenulne , U. ti SSc ; Java.good , Interior. S3c :
lluiUD Fuuiis Tarkish prune" , les * than
hlids , lASJ ciortjilnal hhds. ' < c less Bosnia
prunes , 8 Ib boxe 100 to lift 7ic ; applet ,
evaporated. ne " Titg choice. 13cj evaporated ,
ne rlng prime. 12capricots : , fancym sucks.
UOci blackberries , new. lOc ; ra'pberrlei'ilbs
tobo.v. : Hc : currantsnex O'ic ; original cuskt ,
ie le ? * ! Vostlrza , currants , eitra , In bcuts.
Fitcir 1'eachis per doz , K.TTVfiJ.00.
B rrleJlb goose lurries , I1.W : ; J-lb itrawber-
rUstl Kl2-lliraspoemC' ; . , $ l ; 2-lliMueber-
ries , 81.OI ; 2-11) ) blackberries. S1.1V Pineapples ctiopped.t'J OlBahuina sliced. aiVi ;
Bahamagra.tcd.it2.l3 ; standard , sliced , ( IZffrj ,
1..TO. Cherrier.-2-lb red , Haiti more. S1.TJ : white
clierries.jl.7Ti. Pean 2-lb. St.'JJ ,
l'UBE E Wisconsin K. C. . twin flats per Ib ,
10'ieVI > conslii T.C. , VounitAnicrlcaii.Uc ;
brick. IJe ; domestic riwK ItfjlTc ; Edatn.ln
foil , each * 1.0J ; Lljiibiir er , IS1- .
UATRS-lVnUn. 6-lb boir , 7c.
Kvisivi London layers California staml-
anl , p box { 2.73 ; "ho cslme , " JJ.W ; lm > .e
uiu cLtels. California standard,52.73 ; "hoMs-
slioe. " ! > : "sfir" ION ? muscatels. JilO ;
. &J ; L.-altornia > eeaiets
sultans , laucls , ] icrlbhe ; Calif ornlaiuusoa-
ttls. In sacks to ; neir vsilenclas , l c : talencU-s.
oUOcoiulura layer , old lie.
sntors Amber rub-In bbls , No. 70 crade ,
30c ; balfbblsNo. 7U grade , H2c ; 4-sal kes.No. .
TDpraUe , * l.tBj 2-yal kilts , > 'o.7U tr.uie,7sc ;
Kalcanslll Incase , per case. * ) ) ; 'i-pal cans ,
Itiln ei e , percase , < 4.1OwhlteclovirdriiMiii ;
bbls. 'c ; lialfbblNSIc ; 4-palkecs , eauh. 51.15 ;
US.ilpill * * , each. Me ; roclc candy drips , In
bbls , iA's hull bbls,37c ; 4-pal kess. each. tlfiO ;
" Wl palK each. * 0c ; CallforuU liomlny. bbl.s ,
: t7c ; luillbbis.iKk- : l-salkep3ll.t5 : I'-zul Lilts.
U'jc ; _ 1-saU J'JIn wse. * JJU ; l-gal.ld Incase ,
ciiocni.ATr-12-lb boxes , 'SXSXic' German
sweet. 224 ! < ; I'arl'Ian.AV ; .
Cocov-l'erlh. : t40c.
Hiiojit 1'trib. ate.
CoCOlNUX-I'erlbln pkgs. M2i27ci bulk , 22
SBEDS-Ml\ed bird , l-lbpk ? ,5c ; eanary.Sc :
LeniD , 1'ic ' ; anKe , lv ; i ppj-Wc.
Si-ices I'tpper ln apore. sifted , ISillOc :
* ! iot. 2.V. INpIce , lOc. Ole s 1'tmari ? , se-
' 4-lbinaU'Jc. ' .Nut-
lected,2J8. C'usla-Chiiia , -
iiiecs , .No. 1 , ' 5c ; e , S3c.
KAUIVICKJCS GOODS Harley , 3' < c ; furlna ,
.V ; peas oco.itnieal. ; I'iS I'-ic ; I'liicaronl , W < t-
lie ; vermicelli : IJ tllC ! rice , choice. 5 c ; : head , 5'irt ' iio und taploeii. G 7c :
lima beans. Cc ; split peas ac ; soasettl , lie.
Moc.nES-Utal-i , . < O fancy , per jal , 5" > J5 < c ;
choice. 15 < 2 'c ; iroo > l. UO U2c ; Cuba , bukln ; , 2a
l'Ai'tit Straw. " per Ib ,
ra ? , ; i'tc ' ; Manilla It. & & & : ; No.l. So.
Oit.s-150 prime hlt i"ltii 13 ( ) water \rhlte.
13e ; 175lioi.alltrht.Hl > Ci1l jrasollni' , l c.
S.VE.SODA liblslSc ; grunulated.ic ;
CO Ibi to box. 5\'c : ke s. Pic.
VisstiiAit W Kr.clder.-lo : good , lie ; hlte.
wine. 15e ; fancy , fruit. K' *
STOVE 1'oiisn K.OOM7 per cross.
AO < < Viu. perioa , ElUSr Lcwiston. per 10O ,
117.72 ; UnionsQinri' . 3 i-V > per centotT Hit.
SALi-Ualrr. 2Mlbs ) In liljl , bulk , J2.10best :
prado.W 5s)2.Kbunt.rxd9liK ) : ; > , (2.10 ; best
graa , IS 10 > , J ii ; rocH sajt , crushed , Il.tO ;
common , bbl , tl S.
So.Ap-Castllc. ruottJiil. .per Ib , 9310c ; do ,
hit , per Ib. I4c ,
I'ICKLES Medium , perhbl.l' > Jsma.llC : < .r > Oi
fherllns , $7.50 ; Imp. 1)111 ) , St3.IX > . i05 gal caskj !
X'culbbl. IIO.X ( ) . .
uCiDIII Per bbl , reflreat SOM ; half bbl , .M ;
hard elderpureper bb ) . 80.00 : oranjre elder ,
hjlf bbl. * OW : pear elder , half bblfa..V ) .
QTwiiKS l'ottontwln . Itllib. " very fine , Ji
ID bales , 2Scj cotton tvri | . "Daisy" brand , Ji
b bales , l-c ; hemp twine , .ilb bales. Ifec ; : > ail
twine , 20ei caiitlle wlcUc ; 4(1 ( f c cotton
clothei lines. b3c ; GO ft cotton clotheslines ,
11. a" ; CO ft cutton lines , il.U ) ; (13 ( ft sisal lines ,
11.75:0) ) ft lute , ii.OO : van titlnes , S'ic. '
Nun Alwondi , ISc ; Brsiiils , He ; filberts ,
Hicpecuni. . I4 < ; waloilUs U ; ; peanut cocks ,
li > < : roasted , 12'iCiTeiwe-rtfopeuiwtK. < 5C ,
BnooMS-5-t lo , parlor , { J.UO ; 4-tlc , I-.7J ; 3-tIe ,
. plain , ei ; warehouse , Si.Mi toy ,
OLIVES Quarts , per doz , 31.00 ; pints , per doz ,
IJJ O ! bulkper jtal , W5c.
CAJUED HKATJ Corned beef , 1 It ) | 1.20 |
corned beef. 2 lb , tJ.Ui luncli tonzuej , 1 11 ,
? . & ) ; Inuchtonuuea. 31c.-v 1175 ; brawn , I In.
ti itbra-wnSits. J-Wi ox tongues. 1'i ' Ibs ,
li.OOjOX U > nicueSlbil.OOclilpped | ! b f , I1 ,
Ib- . . round cans , H-.SJrpiuM ; beet , ! Ib ruuiiu
cansl..OJpott ; < ihatn.'i | itround cans , t c :
pitted liau , ' 4 Ib. round cans. tl.Jj ; deviled
bani'i Ib , rou nilcani. J.v- > : deviled , S lt > .
round cans , 41.20 ; potteU ox Wnsue , ) Ib ,
I round cans. il.Su ; com preyed ham , 1 Ib ,
( quare cans , ( ISO : couit > n < used liaru i Ibs ,
square cats , 2.75 ; tripe , 'J Ib , round cans , ll.faOi
minced caloiis. lib. round eanH. IS3) ; boneleu
piCa'feat , i ID , naa.r Fun ' ;
. , SI.105- |
Ib ntindnrd western brands TOci ftnllon * ,
Hrlctly tandartl M.CXJ. ( , \ > m-KlneU cro n ,
fl.OO ; illt-edficd niKnfCorn. Very fine , 11.50 j
cholcei-Ibiucnrcorn. ILIO ; 2-lb extra western
brands , ? 1.(0 ( | 2-li ] otnndanl western brands ,
II. on. Mushroorns-1-lb French , ulra ( np.
aesitt I-lb Frcnoli. Hnc. IMSc ; 1-ib
French , ordinary , lfV3l o. Peas Trcs. inf.
per cnn. 2. c : dt-ml - fine , ftt W\ ,
Ifio ; S-lb lfte > < l. J .CO | 2-lb enrlr June.
1 1 .T > 9 ! 2-lb nnrn > w , stsndanl brands.
ll.3JJ-lb ; oaketlKV. Strins beani-I-lbhleh
frnde.Uofucee. < 1.0J : 5-lb Gsildcn wax bean .
ll.OOiMb slrlns beati-.fA ; . Lima bc.iiis-'M'a
* onkcd , ftV . Hostoa Diked lxiau % 3-lb Lewis.
11.53 ! Crown brand . Jl.O. Sweet potato ? *
Mb New Jersos * . II.IM. I'umpkins-i-lti. 11.10.
Okm n < J tomatoes II K > : okra , 11.00 ; ? , iicco-
tashl.2a. |
C'ontiA : E-Manllla rope .Ml sizes front cl
lo I ln.luot il alropc , all sins from 7-11 to I
In. ll'ic ; 'now nrocesMt.s" all'lrcs from 7-U to
1 In.k- .
Oonox RopE-U-ln.l ( ?
tTMEX I's pt AteJ on rwoora ffen.u.-
L ber2.
T K lll.ickmoro to I NV \ tson , lott.blk
a. luuc & ! elclen' < mid . J > O
0V E L orev to F - \ - Krack. lot 21. blk X
Mayne' a < fd . 300
JohndulUlo ll nty Ueal.lotli , blk'C. "
SauiiderJ.t ll' ndcl . ° , OUO
D IlLoznnlo Alexander story , lo'blk
2. Frt-d Dellonc's ndd . I , < 1
John McDonald to 1 Wllrown , lotsjand
7 , rtlnther's sub In loHXsE Holers *
OVahoma . 10,000
C KMaynard to 1'otttr A : I'obb. lols 11
and 12. blk fl ; lot U , blk.1 , Potter &
Cobb's2dnda . l.VW
D Cl'ittcNiu ' and wlfeto Robert > 'leoU.
loll. (5 arable's sub \Va-hlnstoall \ ill " > 0
lU-ron Hcednntlwift- X 'ls l'eler oii ,
1 acre tit part SO feet ! of sc corner 1-
13-11 . . .
W HKusvlluridwlte to C.Whyman. .
lots 2 ami 3 , 1111 Units * sub InVe.t \
Onitha .
Albert Sinimonds to Citizens bunk of
Clffses , .Neb. , nii lot" liisubofuiv BO
2-15-1A . J.OJO
South Onialin land company to J I' An-
deison. lota 3 and 4 , blk 23. South
Omaha . . I.S20
F 31 Van Oisdalto WJVugoncr. . lot 6 ,
bloek r , 1st aod to Vernier I'lace . - > W
1 NVat \ -on to JE Wilbur , lot 7. WW a ,
Isaac v < t eld en's add . I.OOO
W Jtt'uBoner and wlfetoVaush A We -
tfrDplcllot , C. block 5 , Nt nda to Fowler
Tlace . . -ISO
Ilobart AMIliains t < > Nicholas Sheldon ,
vrKlotLbllclU. Omaha . 1VOOJ
O AWhymui and wlfeto SY II Ilii"-ell ,
wJ7i ftot e K'i ' ft. lot 17'i , Mlllard A
CalJ well's add . . 3 , . 0
E EUllpplncerto A l'Tukyctallot ' 13 ,
blk2. Clifton Hill. . . . . 1
Sarah Seldcn totrustte-of it 1'aulAfrl-
can M EchiiKh. Iot6 , blk4 , Improve-
uent Assoulntlou add . l.S K )
Total auiountof transfers . ,1 5,07'J '
Building fer.iiiC4.
Tlte folloivinit piririlu WOM UiueO. by tbe
buildlnj ; Inspector yesUiithy :
J. 11. Niclerson , renio.U'Hn ? dwellln ? .
Tbirteetliund Ohio streets . I COO
Vincent llurkley , one-story fraineshop.
rourteentb : iml Jonis streets . . . . M
One minor permit . 73
Totul . . . i 1.1.5
Globe while leti'l anel tutor rom pany o (
Lincoln , N'eb. "Tothe front.1 Thev have
taken first premium at HIP state fair of
Nebra-ska. Thej manufacture while
lead , colors in oil , ready ml.xud paint
Their { , 'oo < 3s are undoubtedly the Iwst in
the market , and have taken the lead in
tlio eastern and southern markets for
universal i i'-
years. They are
"Cacttonin thi5rtMtp.
with npre * ntpopa ! tlon npproxlmitlnKffl.rn. ( Bid
lncreu > ln a-t. the rale of about iUB aunuallr Is ,
iliu coosldtrvJ ,
Capitit. Surplus and
Undltided 1'ronu.
Hr-t Xstlonal Bank . I.I4Huo . o
Monlina " . CSO.noo.OO
plena " " . , .
* * . a ( ioo .0i (
ru eStvnn - . " : : U. . : . . -i : JHVOOO.OP
Tocether holdlntr Terace depo lti of ei at mi-
llonnoJclollan. wlilch puts llelcnl tlncmliillyon
ilevclirtth din" * ll e lioche ter..N V. . Indlanniio-
ll , Ina.GrmdIl3.pld .Mtib. and Columbus. Ohio.
illcltswtlasainonBtho wealthiest and mo t prov
porous In the Earitrn Males , with pdpulations
mmrtnBarx > onitin < < o. „ .
TbecombtncJ wealth of the cimens ot Helena
lnmlne . reale UUeeattlo and oilier prtrpertj Is
lnnrelf l > ov ono touiKlredmlllloMOf dollars ana
taLherffulto'bntaJevr jfaraeflort tn lie slevel-
opmentof rewurccs. murklnsr Montana as n.l to
inorebountifullyendoweclbi nature tannany otli-
f htbiuil.lptlabe.
HBTE MONTANA snih loss than two
hundred thousand people pralueeiannaallr In cold.
UlTcr copper n < l le < l. caiUe. honewool. . tn < le -
hpcp etclt etporuble commodities uo. rcarly rquallndn vKluiitio eel
the s.utootTexaawtU npopal llon ol t o-aixHi-
For ( all Information , address.
L , C. PHELPS , Sec' y CiUzenj Comnitlec ,
> EUEMAllY 1
LUNH UtsttsF.s. [ MI-CUE BLUUI > .
ISOaFarram Stroat ,
City FaeseDEor aad Ticket -Agont
.Account ! of Bints , Bickers ted Corporations so
il cltM.
Our facilities for COLLECT 10X3 art excellent , nnl
werf-JUcount forbanki when l < alanc < warrant It.
fioitoo It a HeiCTV * City , ind Italiaces wltli m
from bu-cki ( not local * ! In mliur lleierri Cltlui )
count a. rf rTe.
\\'t dm our own eirhane * on Tendon ind the
Cuntlneul , lad ntke cable tranifer * ind place money
tbroufbout Ibe t'altod Slitoj
W hTi i market for prime Br < t-cliii Inreitmeat
SctorUlfi , mil Inrlta proposal , from Sta-Ui , Couo-
Uiiuid ClUe -wbea laigInK Ixjodi.
We au neaerilbanklijt bmlaess.ind tniU ! > cor-
rejpond iice.
JOS. AY. W011K ,
Omaha Manufacturers ,
Boots niiJ Shoes.
A CO. ,
Wholesale Hanntactotersol Boots & Shoes
icccUfor Briton Rubber fhcm Co , IIW,110 * uilHX
llre cr- .
Lagti Bwt Braers ,
IMtNcrthl'th Street , Om hnV > b.
Cornlj i
JFanflfactDters of Galvanized Iron Cornla
ow cnpmnrt nrtalltikrtlctil * John
rroprlftor IJB nnJIl'J Suulti loth
< Vrtl tM *
A.HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists1 Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M1 rx > ul s Street. Quilia. Seb.
C al , Coke , Kto.
Jobtcrs o ( Hard and Soft Coal ,
B.E. Cor ICth nJ n < j\cl * Street * . Omaha. Neb.
Wholesale Cigars ,
N. lSlh ? tr t
Dry GoocJinuU .Votlons.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Cools , FnraisSlDg Goads and Xotions
Cornet llth and lluvitd Streets.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
FurntahlmCrOodi Corner lid aad llxrotj
Streets , OmnbJ , Set > .
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitnie ,
F&rn&zn Street , OmnM , Nebruk * .
Omalii , .NVbrs'Kn.
ileCORD , BRADY t CO ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Ijth and Lenvenworti 6tre ti Ocaahfc. Nebfft tea
Lumber , rite.
Gt. "W DOUGLAS fc CO. ,
DwlersiQ Hardwood Lumber ,
Yard 1310 N lethit. . Onuh -
f Bolcsale Lumber , Etc. , Etc ,
Imported ind American Hortland C in nl Ol t
Stmtfor MUiraukeDHyrtriullo Cttnact , and
Qulocr Willie I.Irae
Dealer in Hardwood lumber ,
Wood oar pat * and parquet noorlnir. tlb mjJDo-Jtli *
tjtreetst , O
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Corner 9thandDouRiiStre ! U , Onwha.
BIIllln ry anil Xollons.
Importers and Jobtas in Millinery ,
90S , J10 and15 South lUbitrcot
Notions ;
Wholesale Sotions and Furnishing Goods ,
lii llnrner trcet , Omiha.
ffholcsilc Refined aiii Lubricating Oils ,
* -t * . * MJ. tfiwmh * Tl _ Hishon. Mannzer.
Paper. _
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
CUTT lce iiock ol vrlntlnf. wr pplnK nd wrttln
pa ( r. Special attention riven to c.-ud paper.
Safes , Ktc.
A. L. DSANE < 5e CO. ,
General vMcnvj for
Halls' Safes ,
Stltna SSlBuuUilOUi St. . Oman * .
Toys , Etc.
tt. EAR.DY 3c CO. ,
Jobber * of
Dolls Albums Fancy Goods
Toys , , , ,
nonairurnlitlne Goods. Oilartn' ) Carriage ! . 1209
lirmiiu itrvet Omufia. Sab.
\Vatcr Supplies.
Steam and \Yater Supplies ,
HalUday * lid : ailili. flISind SKOJonosil. , Omihti.
U F lluii , Aclinic iiioator.
Iron Works.
\VroDght \ and Cast Iron Building IVorK ,
Entlnes , br n work , Ker.cral foundr naclilno aoJ
3iithwork. . oaco anj work ) , U. 1' .
IlT. and 17th meet , Umaba.
Manfrs of Fire and Burglir Proof Sifcs ,
Vnultl. Jail wort , Iron hutter and re eifnpes.
Q.Ajidteea.prop'r. Cor UtliindJ k on ls
Basil , Doors , Ktc.
Wholeole manuf acturers ol
Sasb , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Breach oOM.Utliandliard. ilretji.Oi
Of South Omana. Limited.
National Bank.
Capital , . . . $4OOOOO
Surplus , - - - 44OOO
Officers Md Dlrectori-A. P. IlopVIn * . prenldnt
AV" U Mnul , vlc pre ld n : wMfrcit milliard , culilsr ,
K. B. ilrynnl , asili'.int. cnhKr : Omrlei Turner.
1 .B Wlillitn * . B M. Morsamia , W , U. ilsy , K.JI
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jao. 1st , 189O - 87BOO
OScenind DirectorIlenr ; W. Tito * . Preildeot :
uiiUS. llnxl. Vlce-i rf ldenlj JaiciiW. S r ctjW.
V.Morx.Jobnl Collloi. U C. CuiULou , J. it. M.
. U. 8. UunSei , caibler.
Corner 12th ind , riraauSU.
A. Oeccral DanUlnz BuslucsaTranitctei
I \Yuntea To purchase City Improvement
I3onds. School or t-troeb I a win ; , waterworks
I orother Bonds of 3ebru * a , lovtiorC'o oridu.
I Bootu 252 Boo Bldg. , Omaha , Neb.
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Inforpinled b > lh lfl 1 tnr . for vliif tlnr J
MmtchnrlUblc purpn'o'lt rmchl f mnitoipart01
thfpr o t utAio r > n tllution. In lift , by OTtr *
w hdiuing pena IM rot * , itiJ
To continue until
January 1st , 1SC3.
Ill MAMMOTH DRA/VVINQ3 tafce pl ci
Semi-Annually i June an J Oectmboritnd. IU
Grind Single Numbsr Urawirgi t-ak placi
inrachofth.QOthertcn moiitluof the
anduroall drawn in public , at the
ofMusicNowOrletns , Xx
FOP Integrity of Its Drawl ngsixiid
Prompt Paynient of Prizes.
.tttcsKJ a follow !
We dokfrvbr ci'rtlfr tlmt ore itiferT-lxtho w.
mncrmrnK Tor ill thJ nionthljnl
dri lnK < cf tlit U > ulilin M to l/'tlt-
- i' ' In pir on m n i' i ncl control lh Jr w |
tbtmlolTfl. nnd Ihnt Ibo r > nmD nit conrtuctPil "IIU
liontsty.filrncu , anil In KOI > ) lull h tjvnnliall r > ' *
iiFMiml f ntltnorlr thc ouiui'mir to u e lhl c r
tisnt ' "Illi fn ilruilei of our rtuniturviitti cht4
Vie. t > f nntltplenel btvnki nnd bitiXer * . w | . . , _ ,
all prises drnin tn iba UouWam Mnte Lotteries
vh'ch nnj te prrc < ntnl nt our counters
11 , M VUI.MM.KV.rreo.LoiiisianaNM'l n.tnlf.
I'lKRUE ' I.AXA l'Al > n > .Mnt > ! it .on'l Hank.
A IN.l'res > . Nnl'l Hank.
( AH L , KOU X , Prtv. I'nlon National Hank.
A.t the Academy of Music , New Orleans ,
Tufsd.iy , Oct. llth. 189O.
H'.OW TlekelH at Txinty DolIiN each ,
Hilxes.HO ; yuartcrs. i'i | lentils l"'i ' Twca-
tlttliK , ! ! .
1 " OK iwi.iwjis
1 'lll/K ' UF .VUlWIs
UK 2.1.
1 ZK CK arc . MOOO
1W 1S : snuo
W KI7KS OK l.OUnre .
Ul IMll/K1 * OK f.Onri ? . W.WW
Hi i'itl7K > > OK .tOsrp . nu x )
iO I ItlZKS OK a rc . WUOO
1(10 ( Prlieiof l..Oar * . M,00d
110 I rlic < of .Wnre . 3) ) ( XXI
lOJl'rluiof 10 urc . . . 30OUO
THUVINAL nttiris ,
W Prlion of llMurf . . . mptxj
Vf > I'rliei at IKJnre . . . . . . I'J..ui
3,134 , Prizes amouatln ? to . $ l,05a,80O ,
Norr.Tlcht tJra'inn Cipltall'rlzei no not entitled -
titled loleruilrol iirlic * .
u CLCB H.fiis. or my inttliprlnfomntlon
dftirc'il write letrlbh lo Ike umlcrslitned. cleirly
mum jourrHilenif. lth > tute , rounu .lr < 'ttantl
liumlcr Mere rui'U ' return nulldulliery will bo
K-uiflliy jour enilo'lnuu cniclopo tMtlnt jou
( all nddrprs.
. A-DA-ITim .
Or M.A. DAUIM11.V. \ . C.
nr orillnnrr letter , contalnlntf JION'SVOlintli , ts-
Hied ty.ili eipre * . tompanlca JSev York l xdiancQf
drulta pv < > ulncit < .
Address Registered Letters Containing Cuiv.
ow Orleans , Lev.
HEMKMHER , Ui ltbu payraettof prlid I ( ICAR.
* > TIEI > in lorn ATlu. J lu INKS of New Or-
liani unrt the tlckcH nri' 'ttno ' < lhr tlicprpnlc'int of
> n tni.tuLlui > lto < echnrtir > - < l rlshta arc rt'i inrnlted
In Uietilk'lK-uo.ilt' , thcrtforo , beware of all Imlt * .
tloDnt'rnnontmouiic-liumii '
HKtUMlll.ll. tlnltlie-fH1 < > titfhnrtrof Tlielxm.
l > l n kli t lotttryL'on ttiUU the&t'l'IIKMU
( OL'IIT OKTUi : I1 S run decided to o a LX f.
1IIAPT Jththe > t te of Ixsuldana nit npirtol
Hit ? OnslttUlon oflhu t tMs. DOKH XOToiilro UN-
riUlllK HllsT OK.1 VMAHY K .
TbeI "Ki > htur < 'otl oultlnna Iilctia1Journ il on
the loth oC July of th' ' r ' f Im'oMerwIin AMKNIJ.
VIEMto the Cinttltutlon of the ctite u > Uesulj.
niltti'ilto tliepi'orl ivtnnrle.t.onln ItlK. wliUli will
c-nrrylliorlnrtc-r ifTHKIXlrt IAXASTATElX3T.
TII-in n i-\ii' s VHP to the reur N1XETKEA HUN-
CnUtrtbo Minaecmpnt f the
3iitanI ( tcrmlionaIlanLiigCc.foncessiocaritH ] ;
Incorporated B/ the State of Chihuahua , Mils
ice , lor Charitable Purposes.
will tafen pltre In pa Win at the city of Juuei ( for-
"Mr i'no del .Nortel ) ' - -o.
\Vednesday , Sept. 24th , 1890
uader the oersonai . . , i fi Ocn ,7v. . . . %
Nil O t It V. un il St r. ti U I LO A. KO U CL.
I.KS , boin eantlemcnof liUlutn-mltoK.
CJiPITilL PRIZE , S60,000.
Only 60,000 , Tickets ! Only 60,000 , Tlckeljl
IPrheoiSGO.OQO $60 .000
1 Prize of IO.UUO . . .
IPrhcof & .000 . . 6.000
3Pri ' of 1.000 each
10 PrUc of tXJeacli
MF-'iwor 100 each 0,000
110 I'rlrcs of W ) each 6.000
SWPrUtsof SO each 7,500 ,
Appr xlinntlon I'rlics.
lOOPri of t Mcncli 8 5,000
lOOl'rliea of SOeuch 3ooo
100 Prizes of ' Srnch 1,000
Termlnnl i'rlres.
WTcrmlnnlstoS'lOOiO Prize of SM each. S11.H80
'WTermluuJstoJlO.UX ) Prize ofllOcach.
1914 Pfllts Bmountirjto . $125,970
\\"e , the tindervlmcd. h reby tfrtJfy tti t tha
IhncaNnclonil or Niico.ln ( hiliubiiabkH n < >
prtlt Irom tteMexifin liii'rnution l ItinklnK Co. .
[ be n e ry lunils lo irtinrtniFU tlif r Itnwnt of
111 prim dru ti In Ibe Oruu I. lrrli luiiti ,
\ \ o tartberccnifnhut. e wMnii > erTl e all tbe
irranitementi ndlnperwin raannte m.d control
ill vb dr a mint's of lbl > l > ntKrT. > ml tint the
ire ccnduct awltbtinir > > trlnlrot . ur.d In ju
IHUl lo arrti ill i ril - .
JOHN S. MOSBY. CoramlsMoner.
. ,
Eupcrvisorfor the Goftrr.nient.
If nnftlckdilnvlne a rrlie Idimt to Ibe uodr
IlKncxl.lts fire TS.O will becollfrteO and remillea
to tti n rWerou ( , rroeof eharje.
I're .EI Paw National JUuk. ll'a > oTea
Forelub nt or inr other Information , writt to
Iho umer igtip < l. suune- your dJre fl rly. ltu
State , County. btrettind Narab r. Mure mpldd -
IITerrwili b i urnl by jeer enclOKlat in uitl-
ope beirlna your full BOdrtii. _
Cltr of Juarez , Mexico.
B rilreTnHtinc for ticket * by onllrnry I t r ,
eonmmnir Money Ordrr.liiued b ; all npre i comj
panlti , N > w Vork Eiehunst. bunk dr&ll or POIWJ
totm. Addrait llrwUMrxl lettni ui
Qly of Jmrer. M 2jco.Tla HI l' oT &
luBd for reculitluc it * periodiceourtel