Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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'HE ' OMAHA.HE } ]
orncn , yo. 12 PBAIU.I ar.
r > e1lrpr l l y Carrier In utiy part of the Oily.
II. IV. TII.TO.V , - - MA.NAatU.
Husliifd Office. No. IL
NlRlit FdlUil , No 23.
K Y. P. O ,
CountII Bluffs Lumljcr Co. coal.
1'rcacliliiB tills pvenlng by Elder Henry
Kemp nt S o'clock , t.uttor Day Salntschurch ,
on I'icrcc strict , west of Glen mcnuo.
IheraK little but the walls of the old
Mdlintllit Hnireliloff standing nnd the work
men will coraiitenio tearing them down to-
Clmrlw Lwllo jlcltlcd to .fadpc Mi-Ore's
In the -lty treasury todofiuy tin1 expanses of
n liowlnij , ' drunk.
The condition of UioMalicr boyi continues
to Improvi' mid tlioy aru ranldlj rotovorliitf.
Tlicir iihysitliiiiH , Drs Uelllnircr& Hcllingci' ,
promlsoto liwo them out vlthin u fottnlfilit.
ttornov Wllllnni Kc.u-a , who elicit on Mon
day nt Hustings , will not ho broiiRht to this
cltj for interment , us previously announced.
Tticfiiiicniltookplaeotit Hustings yesterday
-Max Iiii'arus nml 11 Ollnskic wcro fined
( l.'icni'liforrenting ( n tllslurb'iiii'c Inndls-
nuto over some old bottles In iv junk shop run
oyoncof Llio pintles The Ctllnsltlo linpll-
catccl U not Uainiird Gllliiiskl , tlio - > econd
hand dealer
Jlnrrlecl In Gmncl Island , rs'oh. , Soptem-
hcrO , y A.hoiiL'of this city to Ml Clua
Ulcliiirdi of .Miitifutttiin , Kan. The. britle is
thoclicirniliigdiiuKUtt'r of ono of tliolui-KOst
niid inott succesalul cattloialscr1 * of eastern
ICansnsftiicltho f-'iooinls too will known here
to noetl further coiinnciidatlon.
1 ! P Johnson.i well known young mnn of
thl olty , employee ! as a traveling saloammi
forD.itlit Biudloy it Co. , mul Miss Mny I oro-
min , tlmiKliter of J.Ij. t-'orcm.m . , surprlsml
tlulr fileiuli Instovenlng by bclni ; iniirilud
Tlie inarrinKO took place nt the residence of
the bride's | > , u t-iits , r.1) ) CJIon uvenuc , at ( !
Kex-t-nl siloonlcepjis of the city who liivo
liciutofore como up with their lines utthe
end of the montlivlth tolcrublo rcj'ulnity !
time ofiir filled to make their appearance
or'enilthe money for AiiRiist nnd Infonim-
tions xti'ro Jllc-il iijfiiltut four of them ymtor-
dnj for kciplng dlhordeily lionsen Those
n iiliistwlioin roDiplnlnt vas niaclo jesterday
were D.ivo Holts. Wlllhin Jlillaul , .Tumes
Galviii and I'ctor Ilainen.
Special pileci on "itilneli bleiclipd German
dninask table linen at tbe IJoston stoic at
fie , f > 0c , 55catul . Couni'il lllufls , la.
JVl/MfJ/M J'llS.
Col. A Coiliran , of Little Sioux , vn.s in the
city ycbtcnliy fjrectlnic his army of friend' ' .
A. Odd I , of the Omaha hardware com
pany , his icturneil liomo from un extended
Miss Alma Pfelffcrlios retunic-d lioinc from
an IMI j o ) able visit with relatives and frkuJs
in thu east.
Alr-i Dclan mid iliiughtcr , Miss nflle , who
have been \lsttiiif ( JMrs. II DurRim , lia'NO ic-
twncdto their liuinoln Denlson , Iowa.
\V A Joliiison , of the U'eii Shusart com
pany , loft lor Uncolu last eiunini ; to take
clunjoof the lompaiiy'sexbibit aithoNc-
bniska state fair ,
J 1C ICulil , Harlan , tic.isuror ef Sliclhy
county , and Uuoigo U. liotMh , EuiliiiK , were
Inthtsiity jc'stculiiy inoiiiliiKenroute toNe-
ur.istaon nnhoit business trip
Mr. C. M Ilobbs leaves th it iiftcrnocn for
lluffab , NY. , to tilt end the Oriuicl LoclKO
ofthubwitilitniii's Mutual Aid association of
Is'orth America , as the roineseiitatiM ) of
Coundl UlulTH I.ocl < ; e No : tl. ! Ilovill \ bo ac-
coiupanled as f ar as Chuugo by h Is wi found
If joii wish tOHollyoui nroiiertycalloii the
Juilcl , t Wells Co. , Cf. li. Judd , m-edclout , OUC
llro < id\vuy \ , _
Council ,
The major and all thu aldermen were pres
ent titlustnifjlit's ' council meeting' .
The city clerk wiu instuieted to ntlvcrtiso
for blda foi fuel for tlio ensuing j ear , hard
mul soil c-uil being the kinds ef fad spc'dtled
in tholnstiiietion.
Thcchrtimiiiiof the police committee was
instructcdto purchase the supplies for tbo
jiolieodepiirtmcnt. Thlahaa been donohoio
tofoi-c by tlio chief.
The Hie committee recommended the pin-
chose of tlm Lacy building on South Main
ttrcet , to bo used as un engine house , at tbo
price of 4.7,100. ,
The bills for the construction of the addi
tion to the patrol house for all thu worlt com
pleted and approved \ ordciocl jiild.
Property owners on tbo oust aide oC Elev
enth fctreot frtini Klnctceutli to Twentieth
avenues iul tlio noith side of Twentieth ave
nue fiom Tenth to Klovonth strcots , on
Union avtnuo ftom riftccntli street lolls in.
lertedlon wltli Sixth avenue , wcro ordired'to
Inipiwo their property by HyliiR a three
foot siiliiiuillc on tUo thorougliiuro men
tioned ,
On motion tlio services of a lumber of inspectors
specters -\\ero \ souj-ht to bo dlspiused with.
lint the motiomvuslost.
Tbo Jiio conmiitteo wns Instructed to ad-
icrtiso for bills foi .1 tvo hen > o icel to take
the pi icu of the wicckcd No it cart , liut tlio
Instiuctions vei-c suhsniuontlylthdmvii ,
Colonel Duiloy anil Ilmrnc.t 'linslcy np-
pearcd liffore the comipil nml asked fora
monthly nppropriaidon of ir > to a-isist in jiij- )
Ing their armory rent. The matter ms i-e-
fcrrccl to tlio city tittoincy for an opinion In
respott to the legality of such an unpionrin.
Alderman Cnsner i-cported that ho , as
chuiiinmiof tlio liulit counnlttco , hud iimdo
arrangements for ooiitiimini ? tlio fjasoliiio
lum ] lit u monthly cost of $ .sll for .August
anil Scptunucr. 'J'hu report was concurred
Set crnl petitions aslilng for n refund of
personal taxoson iicouutoC erroneous usscss-
ineiits wcio pies.eiited uncl sever.ilconiuilttco
repoitsero muilaupon similar cases , with
iiiujoilty repwts. favoring tUo cliiims and
minority reports opposing tlicm , and In each
rase tlio minority reports wens adopted
The old Compton simillpoic chlm , whlili
has been icposliiK cplietly nmoiift tbo peti
tions on Illo before Uio uoanl of supeivisors
for tivo joara , WIIB resurrected. Tlio cliitin
wascortllleil to by ex-City Attorney Jiolmes.
The bill calls for * UU,50. Deferral for nctioii
until thu Dounl of health holds a meeting.
A protest vas jlleil against n cbanuo of
gruoonA.voimo ( ! K. Hoforrccl to committee
on Mi cuts mid ullcjs.
Sldo\vnlks \ \ oi-o ordered ontliowostsideof
T\vcnty-secoiHl stieot.
An niiin | > viineiit resolution \vaspnsscd or-
dorlni ? bMeintli street , fiwn llioadwuy to
Avinuo K , to bo tilted to grade -within thiitv
dnjs ,
A four foot sldewallas orderctl to bo
lalil on thu west sldo of Tventv-second
street to Au'ime II , nnd on Tw cuty-Hnt
street fiom Sixth to AMMIUO A.
Alderman Kvoittt 'nlloU iitUmtloii to the
"kungaiw court" In tlio city Juil and nslwcl
to have the police committee Instructed to
make a thorough liivostlgatloa into the matter -
ter , mid ascertain If tboronoitof oulmgos
upon pilsoncrs as reported In Tins Bnvcro :
true , audio asceitaln If there wcronny mem-
boisof the ixilico force or onlcursof Uio Jail
wliokncnaiiythiiiR ixlwut the txcesslvo mid
cruel punishment In excess of that Inlllcloa
by the iwllc-o JmlKO upon prisoners in the city
Jail by decrees of the "kanpiiroo court. "
MnrshallViniilotoii asked for u full and Im
partial lux-obligation. The mutter brought
out considerable discussion and i-ndod in the
l > ollco eommlttoo recelvliiK the Instructions
usliod for hy Alclt'riiiiin Kvcrott.
U ho motor company was given live days In
which to tlx the ctossings on A\envo \ A. nt
Tventy-slxth , U'wcuty-llfth and Twenty-
third btivets ,
Alilctniiin Uverett called attention to the
necessity of more nilequntti protection for the
railn-ayerohsliiKsin the city. Iu support of
liisclotiiaml ho referred to a recent nmrovvcs-
cajio from a fccrious acddoiitto n motor train ,
loaded with people , at the Northwestern
depot. Ho then presented n resolution direct
ing the city inin-Hlml to notify the companies
to place. mul maintain gutei at the principal
Btivots , Tbo motion prornilod.
J\ftortho \ allouaucoof ? (100 orf'OO of nddl-
tlounl bills of of the police tlonirtmcnt and
tbe transaction of some minor business eon-
noiled ulththo iiow Hou tli Main Btiixt liaso
IIOMO tmrcbased of Aldoriiiau Lacy , the coun
cil adjourned.
Tusblouablt ) vool suits muiia by Mrs , L.
Simmons , , t > ilU , SI to 21U.
Another Scheme Tor n Frc Bridge to Tas
Bubniittod to the Councih
The .Selienit to AbolUli tlie OHlee of
Cliicf of Pollco IlpeoiuliiR I'op-
tilur IluntiiiK fu
"Cut-Oft Islmd will bo tl.c means ofsolv-
hip the clicap fare problem bctwtcn tlio t\\D
uitici. " slid n business man last nlghl after
computing the amount of hli fiticet car futo
on tlio bridge Hue for the past week and Hud-
Ing that It amounted to the snug .sum of f 2.:30.
"SInre the ishnd lias beeonio a pai'tof tbo
city nnd lias sosuddunlj dovelopeil Into such
importance nnd pioininciico It must bo con
nected directly with the pu-ent stem , iind
the bridge thai conncits it mutt bon fico
bridge. I think tha proper flan to pursue Is
to submit a inoposltloii to the people to vote
a tax fortlie purpose of creating a fund for
such u bridge.Vithiii the next few years
the property on the Island vlll jlcld great
mnny tliousniiils of dollar * , anilve can af
ford to li t every iloll ir of that ti-s itlon go to-
winds bulltlliin ( bridge. Mhis added to a
[ ijclit tax on all other property in the elty will
; ivc the needed fuuils , and livaiitjoutonoto
the prcjllctloii rifrht no\v that this pro iwsi lion
will bo unde In u few days. "
.A little hujtilrj bv Tut" BIB in the rI H
| ) hueelidtedlho met jestcrdaj that a patl-
tion has alrenly LiCL'ii Griwn and will bo elr-
? ulated for signatures nnd nt the not meet-
ln of tlic council It will -presented , asking
them to submit bUiha inopositionat uspcenl
election if the pioxmtlon ] is sulinltttil
Lhrie is no iloubt but that it will carry
ueuvy inijorily , The public vlll fcvlveiy will-
JIK to veto such 11 tax Tor the reason that the
motor company hni to btublwrnlj refused to
make anj concessions in the way of cheaper
lares ovir thubriiJge.
'Jho Mmhattan nporting headquarters , 419
Fii'st-class dressmaking by Miss " \Vallacc ,
ovtr Cuttietnui's bank.
Uiiy vour lumber of Iho Judd A , Wells Co. ,
SiyHroiuhvuj. _ _
Shorthand. Miss Khodcs , Brown building.
Or. C II. llowor , 20 f. Main st.
A Itelhiiiij ItonrdiiiK Jlouso.
A bedlam U frequently found mnongbonrJ-
ing houses , out a Ilcllumy bo.irdlng Iwuso Is
a new thingUutCouneil 31luff3 is gottinp
all the now thhifji that go , anil she U going
to have a Bellamy boaulln ; . ' house , nnd if ne-
; otiatlons do not fail It will bo locited on
Broadway uc\t to the postofliee , Mrs. Glen
Whitney of I'eoria , III. , a laJyvho is an. In-
telllKentandeiitliusiastlo udinlrerof Edward
Bellamy , is in the city for the puiposo of or-
Kiuil/.iiit ; a boarding house on the co-
operatiio plan and realize Edward's
dreams in hash and beds as well
us in lands nnd committees. 'Hie member
ship of the ussoiuatioii Is to be limited to tlfty
men and woinon , and if the scheme can bo
suieessfully started Sirs. Whitney Is viry
Minimum'-LII.IL ' ibivui uu siicc-fssiuiiv lllillTl-
tnlned. Her iiiiluili's thepnuhiisoof
thu lot uiid the urationof alarpcdoublo
biiildltig , und nil tlio people who li\o \ in it
will lie permitted to enjoy the comforts and
hixuiics ot life iitilot to exiecd J.I..1O a week.
Mrs. Whitney Is stoppiugnt tlio Kiel house ,
and is nilliiig to meet and talk to allcomirs
concerning the rnattur She is a hanilsomo
xvoimui , full of llfo and vijjor , and n person
\\liocouldcjrryforward .ilmost any sort of
business sc-lwine that she initiht nttepipt. To
n ri'poitcr she talked \ oi-y freely about her
"I umeiiKuscd in cstablishinR these co
operative biurdiiir [ houses , " said she , "and
uhen all iircllminiiry acranifcinents am undo
tlio house villl bo erected. I inn bn < kect by
plenty of money , , md the reasornvhy 1 have
silectcil thesite on Hioadvuv is beianso of
its central lou.itlon. The buildin ; ? will bo
tlireo stones biirh nnd so constructed Unit it
ean be converted into an ofliee building iritho
future if the bonuiiiiK house over breaks up.
Howcer , 1 don't think the house \\llllm-uk
upif it is stui ted upon the right basis. Ihavo
ll\o \ such places iunninj ( now and all of tliem
me getthiK'iiloiifc'lliiely Is'o , I have not se
lected a sitflyet , but -will do so some day next
wcok. 1vill return toPooriu this eienlns to
consult witli tlio eoiupiiny fnniisbliig- the
money to fairy out the ht-licme nnd I wlllro-
tum to Council fluffs iiextTliuisduy to stay
until Iho boarding house is estublisliwl. .
"Tills association will boa grand thing for
clerks and others. It vlll bo conducted
strictlj In keeping withthoKreatcst pioprlcty.
nnu Ientuio tosay that Council BlulTa will
pioflt beyond ineisuroby It. "
New fall gooilsjust recfiieaatlleltcr's , mer
chant tidlor , ill ! ) Ilroudw.iy ,
J. O Tipton , wal estate , 537 JroaU\vay. ) \
.1. C , Blxby , stoain iioatiinr , sanitary en-
Blneor , ! ) : Life bulldiiur , Oanln ; JJi iloe
ilam block , Council DlulTs
35 dozen ladies , swiss ribbed Jersey csts
.Tie , ortureo for $1.W , fonncr pricoJOc each ,
lioston stoie. Council Uluffs , la.
A Popular Deimiiul.
"I liked the way some level-headed tax
payer talked In 'I'nu DEI : yesterday inoruing , "
slid ano'c-clty olllcinl yesterday. "Tho ex
tra viignncola tlio police clepartniontls n pop
ular subject ] u 5tnow , then waxes are
tip and propcrtj und lentsnre coining down.
The policeliep.utment of Council Bluffs in ly
bo worth $ ! ,000 , a month to the people of the
city nnd tlio world In , but you will
have harduorlcto eoavhuo the ordinary tax-
piyci that such Is the case. I sincerely hope
that the iililurincn who are agltathiff the
scheme of aboUslductho ; ollicoof ohlef of po > -
llco will not rest until they accomplish the
fact. The present Incunibent Rets $1DJ u
moii th for doing about us near nothing ivs you
can imagine nollilnj-to be , and ho has two
captains tind U\o sergeants to help him. Old
man I.uuasused to do nil this work and agood
deal mete for $ MJ pri month. Muxor Maenio
bus fwtheicd tin soiao cxtrnordiniry good
men for tlio patiolincn , but they could in-o-
tcct the dty ] ust us well If they didn't
bavoiiultoso many bosses. The sctieino to
abolish tlio oftlco of chief and place the pa-
holtnen under the city iinrshal Is n good ono ,
It may not bo quite so metropolitan or sound
so biir , but It will sa\o \ tlm taxpayer * ll\o \ or
ten thousand dolliifsn year , ana that will bo
ample compensation for any little humllhtion
tbatinav bo felt. Marshal Tomiiloton is n
splendid executive ortlcerandtho police de.
iKiitiiiont would glvo the city all the piotee-
lion demanded if it was placed under his
care ,
"I am satisfied thatthcro is too much mono }
bolugspent foi the icsults obtained , and I
earnestly hope the agitation will notecase
until the ies > ut ! desired h aclileved. "
F < ir Sale.
O rretail fwnlturo lusltiess , with good
established traJo. Stock Is first class and
welUelettod. Ueason for selling- , are gohig
Into the exclusive jobbing trade.
Any ouo wishing to Koluto business should
Investigate this , as It Is wioof the few poldon
opportunities of a llfo timo.
C. A. BCCIIE & Co.
50 dozen ladles'Jersey ribbed vests nt the
Boston store for 1J'jcortli ' \ IPc , this week ,
Council IllutTs , In.
IliiNiimo A\HH \ Cllnc.
About a week HKO Oflleor Holder was approached
preached by a man while on the lower end of
his Broadway beat who claimed tbat a saloon
keeper had robbed htm off.V ) by "holding
out" that amount while making change in
accepting pay for a bar bill. The nun ac
companied tlio oflleor sonio little dlstnuco
dotalllngthu clrcunuUinccs of the crimoand
wanted to haa him aircstci ) . The oflleer
had no authority to do so and directed tlio
follow to the police court or some Justice's '
oftico to get a warrant , The well meant
ad'vlco wus not followed , and the fellow
turned uud walked uwtiy. Uefoio he got oat
ol sight of the oflleer ho was joined by two
other fellows who tneofUcor felt sure were
crooks , Tlio stranger liad Informed the
pitrolmnn that bo still IrndfrTOOloft and uns
nlrntd thnt somebody would get tluit from
lilm. The oflleerMM compelled to leave
nt thlsuncuro ] | to comply \vlthtlio Iron-duel
mid irrefrnglblomlo requiring him to report
ctch twur station , Ilofolt ion-
fldent tlmt n good cntcli wiw In sight , hn t bo
AMIS afraid his explanation , If bo v\cnt nnd
got tlio men nnd neglected to repoil atho
exact minute , might not lie taken at head-
cjunrUns nnd lie would Jose bis job. He
obeyed orders and went to the tinner end of
Ids belt and wired in his call. When ho re
turned the men were pone and them win a
til ? vncnncyln tha neighborhood filled -with
tagu oru more that someboJy had been hold
up nnd robbed of HH )
Ittnnsplrcs now thit Uio catch would Invo
Iwen it bii * ono if ho liiul pulled nil of the trio.
Two of thcitMvcio lilgliwuy robbers unit Iho
third was n robber of another pittcrn. The
stnuifer's mime was J. O. Uliuu , and several
months ape ho was a partner In the it 1111 of
Jllller.tCllne. contracting builders of Lin-
( ! oln. A. very interesting' little hit of hta per-
tonnl histoir hm been learned hero inthckst
few days. Uefcio hoL-ainc to "Lincoln he was
iu biHinoaUit Wlehltn , Kan. , but deserted
Ms wife after dispos ing of his store and oilier
liropcity , nnd went to L.Ini-oln There , It Is
aisoi tcei , lie succeeded in dolnp up bis jmt-
ner for STOO and skipped for Council Bluffs ,
llaforoho nirlv-cd iicre he hud lost all the
money but about &I50.
His wife had succeeded In tiacinfi him to
Lincoln , but ho had left tint phco bcforosho
ionic ! get there. While in Lincoln she u'licl
in 'I'nr HII the pai-.i raph aniiouiicliifc the
cxpcrleneoof thosti-iiinrei1 nnd thu descrip
tion that vas jfiien of him , and she felt sure
that itwa-sber husband. Shociunoto Coun
cil IllutTs in the hope of ilndiiii ; thonatiiiior
learning' bometMnjr dollnlto about lilm. Stio
his has spent the past two days hero In a
fmitlcss search nnd succeeded only In ascer
taining thnt her recreant bus bind Imd luft
town and gone to ICnnsas City.
Alrd Cline relitcs a veiy pitiful story of
her experience as nwito to a man who is
apparently wholly unworthy of her. Al
though bo has deserted hcrsexcrnl times nnd
liimlly left her penniless with u little thlld
depetidei'tupon her. she Is spcndini ; all thu
money she can rnno in pt-OTocutiiif ; her
search for the nun vhoin she itlll loves nnd
iihoin shots trjlng'to an\a \ from ciimo and
Sliolett jestculay for Vlchlti via Lincoln
and Kansas C'itj in the hope that in boiceof
the places she \tfll discover him.
PJIJ Yciur Taxes.
Now is the time to piy special and other
All persons vho have not paid tlicir taxes
are earnestly requested to como down uud
settle them nnd not unit until the latter part
of tbo month.
J. II. 1'f.UMEii , Count ) Trcas.
'IIic DlKlitccnlh luwn. Reunion.
The third reunion of the Kightecnth Iowa
Infantry vlll ho held nt ICnoxvillo , Iowa ,
Sept , ! ! ( ) and Ott. 1 uud 2 , IblW.Vo \\oukl
bo ghd totco tvery member of the regiment
prosint. Come if you can. Keduccd rates
ivilL ho secured on the railroads , lake a re-
ceiptor certificate for your fare from the
agent whin you buy your ticket. The peed
Iieojjla of Ivnoxville will bo glad toenteitain
you while hero. JOHN \ \ , HHVKI. \ .
\VAII\KH \ , President.
Money at loraoton clntto
and real estate security bvB. II. Shsafes A , Oo
Ono eahOgenU'outing llannol shirts , she
and .Tic this week attho Boston stoio , Coun-
ell Buffs , la.
I-1 in I ii H n K.illro.ul.
The Council Bluffs , St. Joseph & Kansas
Cityrailroid has Iwen lined by Chauiimn
Qoddard of the Western PasscnKcr associa
tion for scllhiKcher.p tickets to Chicago an.l
St. I'.iul. The cUalrintin liidopaiidontly as-
sertiil that he will lateipret the agreenonl
hereafter as he sees lit , when the Coaiicll
Rlulfs road contoitcd his light to assejs a
fine on the ground that it was the shorter
line. It Is chimeJ and admitted that the
road is technically right , hut it Is asserted
that nil of the lines hate been evading pun
ishment on technicalities , and Chairman
Godilard announces tint ho is done with
guu/y technicalities and excuses. Local
railioad men siy that ii he adheres to this
determination ho will yet bo able to cope
with the wily passenger agent and gain
warm support where he now has only luke
warm friends.
A good hose reel free vlth every 103 feet of
hosopurihascdat llixb.v's. '
To the Ladies Mss Wary Glcason lias re-
urncd trom licr eastern trip and Is bettor
rcparcd than ever to satisfy all who want
rst class dressmaWiiK. llooms In the old
I brary building , Pearl street ,
Hose at cost. Wo are going to quit
handling parden hose , and huvo doubly ttio
lurficst stock in the city , To closi ! out wo
wlllsell all grides and litturc ? at dead cost ,
for cash. C. B. Paint &OI1 company , No3
1 and 'J , Masonic temple
CiMi UoruA'Wis , Sept. 9. [ Special
Telegr.nn to Tun ! ) EI : . ) The second day of
thocompctition of the ilflo and catblno ariny
teams wis dcioted to skirmish llriiiB The
totals \vcro as follows , the totals for the two
i s firing being also Riven :
Wile Team Lieutenant Mnir , 122 , 2S3 ;
SeiircatitDaUs , llli , Ti : Corporal Dinsmore ,
111'JOii , ; Seigeant HHiuburg , 1OO , 'J5"i Scr-
man , (1' ( ,214. ,
Carbine Team Captain Kcrr , 12S , 201 ;
Blacksmith Kniscr , liiiiW : , ( ; Corporal Haljc ,
10(1 ( , a.V > ; CorporalThointonb , ( . , X'b ; Corporal
Corn. ( W. 244 : Senrcnnt l'a\lor. i . 'J-1'J : ( Jan-
tain'ilalb , 10i12il'j , Coiporal O'Connor , W ,
ail : 1'iivato Mitchell. 10153S ; Lieutenant
Wright , 81 , 2 > 9.
Infantry total , S.riTO . ; cavalry total , 2,480. ,
Ki02. Slxtconin and F.nrimm streets Is
the new Rode Island tlcl < ot olllco. Tick
ets to all points ciiHt at lowest rates.
The Presidential Party.
Cius : < iON' Sniixfii , Pa , Sept. 9 , It rained
hero most of the day and Itept the presi
dential party indoors , The JOUDK lady
graduating class of the Consent of St.
Aloysiiis called on the president and Mis.
Harrison in the afternoon , having driven
o\er f torn Torotto to express to the president
the icbpcctsof the institution nnd a wish that
ho would visit the coiircntlt ho had an cp
The iiresldent this oAenliif ; received a tele
gram fiom , f. II Manly ot Maine , ( .tying :
Tall ictunis show amajority of ID.OOO , the
attest stnio Ibirii , at a stuto or national
election , Elaine stands byyouradinlnlatm-
tion. "
Mr. liusscll Harrison nnd daughter left
htro this o\oiihik' forOtnabu to visit her
mother ,
Dad elrninigo causes much slekmss. nnd
bml blood nnd Improper action of tlio li\er
uud kidneys is bud drainage tothohniimn
sjstemwhich , UurdockHlood Bitters remedy.
FatentH to Western lii\fi > t < irs.
\VAsniXJTO \ > r , Sept. 9. [ Specid U'elogrnin
to TuiBKF.J 1'nteiiU were issued today as
follows ! Vfilllnm P. Ilottcndorf , Dn\cnport \ ,
la , tlrorolllng michlno ; Anthony Ulezen ,
II ill , la. , buclilo ; Morgan S. Crlsmorc ,
Odessa , Neb. , animal trat > ; Isaac Eaton ,
Is'evv Shaion , In. , bralio lever ; Olhor
K Given , Stuart , la. , dm Ists , label case
and attachment for hottJes and Jaitij Henry
IIolTman , Muiiiiinjr. la. , showcase ; Alex
llogoland. Uncolu , ekvator forwater , sand ,
etc. ; Walter O , Hullott , Oinihu , Neb. ,
lijdi-ocurbcnstoMj ; M'llllnm ' IILeo , MeJIa-
plls , la. , sled brake ; Jolin P. Mornett , Long
I'lne , tlircshlnii unchiiio and separator ;
Henry W. Murdhork , Gllmuti , la , nujicr
Inngiiifr madilno ; Cyvetous Niihols , Helena ,
Wont. , bob sloinh.
The I'm ilaili Galleil Dovn.
CONSTANTINOVIK , Sept [ Special Cable
gram to Tim Bnr.l Tlio extraordinary coun
cil bus returned to tlio Armenian putriiirch
the meinorandum relative to the persecution
of the Armenians and Intimated that his de
mands wcro inopportune. The patriarch re
turned the port memorandum , nnd with it
sent n communication , \\htolihe said that
this vas tlio first time that the govern incnt
had taken tUo eitreir.e step of returning uu
pnielal document Mtaffintrlnrrhnto ami thnt
ho declined to ho r itrmlhle for the grave
consfiiuenees such irtion might cause. Tbo
irovcriimint ha ? Isstuai adccivo appointing a
commission lolmuilro- into tlio pauses ol the
discontent in ArmCnrn and to consider the
question of the prKlltfpej aiidlmnmnitles of
the Ariiunlan ami reekchurches ,
* * "
n2 < ,
Jacob VOIIIIB'S , Vr ( > > lrs Sai l to Ilo in
n Ycryiltail Shape.
Tncob Vouiif , vho ( formerly operated a
saloon nt 111 North Sixteenth street , is mys
teriously missing , nitJ it Is yi\en \ out that his
business affairs hava-been left in a veiy un
satisfactory coutUtUU Mr. Young's dlfll-
cultles began iitout ten days ago ,
when n snnll flro partlilly destroyed
thnrcnr end of his saloon , 3Io secured $ 't."iO
from one Insuiauoe company soon after the
lire , hut la a few dajs thoinsuranco company
dennudcd thnt ho refund the money , claim-
hifj that , there was oviclcnco obttilnahle that
would sliow conclusively that the flro was
notcntircly ncoldenttil.
Shortl ) after thtsovcnt the Omaha Ute Insurance -
suranco coinpany closed tlio siloon by nttaeh-
metit to secure a bill tigalnst him for i7 4
Thomas Stoeiker. tlio cigar dc-ilcr , a Chicnyo
wliolosalo liciuor house , and n local abstraet
firm hmo since IlleiL attailimcnts on the
stodi , nndStoM it Her bave announced their
intention of levying upon tlio t oods , Tlio
nR-fjicunto amount of tlio claims could not bo
Slot-/ & Her refuse to make any statement
as to thcainountor chaiacter of the paper
held by them , although It is , not denied that
the firm hold cons iilorali'o ' paper of a doubtful
character , Investigation was being inuJo , so
thevsnid yestcrdtiy , tind they declined to
mnko nil ) statement until they weie prcp.ircd
to substantiate It hj ufUdaviU.
UmielVonnp , 11 brother of Jacob , inns a
saloon on Sixteenth street near Uumlnp ,
which ttio two own In partnership. Ilo wus
listed us to Ills biothei's ' vlioroabouts , but
profesbcil entlio ignorance. It vas evident
from his manner tint ho knew all about it-
but he insisted that ho Knew iiothlnj
whatever about his brother's buslnnsi
or the cause of his nbsencc. Ilo snld
his brother had been gone about ten day.
but seemed to feel no anxiety as to whit had
become of him. lie had made no effort , so lie
said , to learn \vheie his brother vas and did
not know when he would return.
'Jhe wife of the absent nuin was seen at her
home , ut Twenty-sKth and Maple blioeti ,
and she also d'splajed ' the most roCicshlnK
ignorance ns to not husband's ' absence She
didnot seem at nlhvorrled about him.
Ifis Hospital Trcintincnt by the Ne
braska SoltlierH.
Colonel Veizcy , lomrnandcr-in-dilef of the
G iiind jVrinj of the itepublic passed through
Omaha jcstciday on his May to bt Louis.
Kcsaidho had sp nt a few clays very pleas
antly iitUmml Isliiul md Kearney attending
the soldiers' reunion and in attendinp tosoinc'
hushiefas at Kearney for the Inteistato commission -
"Thc'O Nebraska soldieis , " said Colonel
A""cj/.eyto a , Bi i. Riurtur , " .ire the most in-
tnusliistii- and hospitable class of men I e\er
nut. I went up to Kearney purdy on bxni-
ness connected with the commerce commis
sion , but the C > i mil Armj of the l < i > publlo
camp \\cnt to woik and ijotup acnmuilrc I
expectcil my friend , .IiidKO ICelley of Onuiha ,
to be picseiit and furnish the oratory , hut lie
was nottheieaiidl wjs cbilled to make the
best of the situation by" tailing myself"
In icpird to tlio complaint entered by the
Keirneshippcn coijceriiing a distihniiu-
lion against Kedinqy i ul In favor of Grand
I lincl , Colonel VeazCysaid ttitit when the
Kearney genllenien hud the rate properly ex
plained to them they fr.u.ldy admitted tbit
th present i.ito on the Union Facitlc works
nodisciiinliiitionnKaiiist Kearney. Colonel
Veaze.v Koaa to Kt Uoals toatteml u b
of the intcr&tato commerce cominission.
I'"ii t
A baker's dozen of the ilomocuits of the
First ird nut Int cronlnjat the corner
ofUleventhniul 1'i.orib. ( Jeorge Bertram ! ,
president of the Tnut war.ldoiriaur.itii ! club ,
\vas in the chillift wis Ueoidcd to open a
membcrshiiirolL dook and. m.ilw stienuous
efforts to have every democratic voter in the
ward enrolled. The question of olleetivcly
conduithif ; norkut the polU was discussed
atsonicleuifth. The meeting decided to In
duce all motnborsof the club to ho picjctitnt
tlio polli and do all in their power to prevent
voters hem ? run in f ram other wards and
voted Illegally.
Hereifteithc dub will meet every Satur
day night and a cjinmlttco was nppolntcd to
secure two speakers for each meeting ,
M. T , Blair , aldermau , nth wnrd , Scran ton ,
Pa. , slated Nor. 0 , ' * ; * Hehad used Dr.
' .Thomas1 IClcrtricoll for spiains , hums , cuts ,
tiruiacsandiheuuiutism. Cured every time.
C'nIll'di'iiia'H Statehood Anuivcrwary.
S wI'llVNCISCO , Sept. f. Thoforinil celc-
"brition of the fortieth anniversarj of the
admission into the uiilo.i of the statoof Cal
ifornia bogna todiy. The feature
of the day's doings -v\as nn oiiormous parade
\lo\veJby n ticmendous crowd of peoplo.
Ono of the features voro floats rcpicseiitlng
the dilterent stages of progress in c'alifoinin
since early days United StnUs troops and
militia participated.
For \Vldto Control In Mississippi.
JACI OVMiss , Sept. 1) , In the constltu-
tloiiultonventlou todiy the most ingenious
schema yet devised to s.ccuro vbito suprem
acy In tlie state was presented by the piesi-
deut of theconvention , Onlhouiiandicfoired ,
to a committee. The schema is to divide tlie
.state into thirteen doctoril districts for all
olliceis , so genyiiiiiiicierid that the xvhlto
counties vlil absolatciy control eight of
ITiis it over occurred to you whoii
rcading1 nceount.s of iaiU\.ty accidents
that nine-tenths of all tlio deaths re
ported are the result of ilro ciuibed by
car stove , * sind coal oil lump ) ? The
Uhioifjo , Milwaulcoo & St. Paul rall-
ftiiy'a new solid \ostibulo \ trtilns now
tunning between Otmihn and O'liiciiyo
nro heitcd ontlioly by stontn and
lighted throughout by tmsir own pzitont
cluutrlu lumps , No ether line can olfor
thoii putionsfatiuli nbholuto comfort and.
protection. Kot a spirlc of Ilro or a
dropofcoal oil cxcont in the engine.
Try the Chlcnpro , iMihvitukco Jt St.
1'nulRy. , when you goea t. ( Jiirs leave
the union do jmt , Omnlu , dully at 0:10 p.
m. , arriving at Chicago ntUUO : the fol
low ing morning. 'Get tlelceta and
sluuplnff car bertlw. tit union ticket of
fice , 1501 Fnrnani fct. , lUrUer block ,
J. K. rii siON" , Pass , Agt
R A , N SH , Gen. Agt.
at itinnslitui Mich.
Mich. , Sept. P. [ Special Te\o- \
grain to U'liu Bci-n'I'ho : ) first niboof hailiif ?
which has occurred 'at the agricultural col-
Icpo for nlotif ? time toolt phuo on Saturday
nlKht , 'Jen Sophomores took a freshman
named K.A.Austin frdm his bed nnd drugged
bin. tin ouch tbo rl\cr. Austin was severely
Injured. The facility , at a meeting today
promptly susjicnueil for ouo year aix stu
Drop Siime Sjl iillloniit ,
Tiinv , H , V.Sept. , { l.-Cordlal , one of the
men accused of purJIcUntlnK In the train
wreck , was placed in jail hero todny , In con
versation ivltli friends hosaldi "Jdon'tnro-
posoto have them saddle this thhiK on mo. "
Also , "Tboy have the rl ht pmty. " It U bo-
llovcd from this niKlothirth SUBS that have
heon learned that Cordial has confessed all he
knous about the wieck.
Bewnro of frauds lie sure jou KCtthe
Kcnulno Dr. 'I'honim' KleetrloOll itiures
wihli , croup , nsthma , tleafncss and rheumu-
tisrn , _
llriitnl Altiuk Upciii Workmen.
Drui.i > , Sejit. O.-A band of roughs made
a brutal attack upon seine workmen while the
latter wtro aliout to lou\o work In thia city
this aftinioon. 'Jho vorUlnginen , fourteen
In number \\ero terribly cut and bruised ,
Tliumotl\o \ forthanttuikls unlcnown.
/iuotlior | ) K Catcher hi TrouliU * .
Jim Siurlis , the Irnsclblo dog killer , wns
arrested aud locked up lajt ultfht for having
threatened to shoot aomo children. Spnrks
becomes almost crazy when ho lathe liu.stblt
intoxicated , and tlio police oniclnls fcir thnt
hoinnyyet dosoino one great bodily harm If
he docs not ccosodrltildiig' .
MAU CII.I.E , Sept. 5. Btcamer arriieil
today Irlnglng Invalid marines and soldiers
from Dahomey. She nlso brings details of
the defeat of Hg-bis by the Dalwmhins. The
victors dcslroycil thltty villages and took
IX)0 ( ) pilscmers. I'ho UahouiliiM sliowodno
mercy and cie ( 'iiilly of the most Inhuman
nets of cruelty. All mfunts captured were
killed , many of them burned nllvo , IC has
und aj,00 ( ) of his follovcrs Hod to the Catholic
mission at bbeokutta Kltip Gihnnln nfler-
xvard ndviuited into the Intcrioraiul captured
2,01)0 ) more prisoners. Ono thousand women
were put to death ,
Tlio Fire Ilcvoivl
MUSKIOOV , Mleh. , Sept. 0. 'Iho Michigan
and lumber company's mill , the
the hikes , hurncd this mortilui ; .
Loss , $100,000 ; limirnnec , t > T , OOD.
OonrNsnuio , D. Y. . Sept. . No. 10 elevn-
torof OgdemburR it I.aloUhnilaln ] railioad
burned with Its contents today , Loss
5500.000 ; welt insured
ATesiw I'nrincr A sa sslnntol.
D\.r.ns , Tex. , Sept. 0. IJ.ivid Dougherty ,
11 wealthy fanner living sixteen miles south
of this city , \vna assnsslimtcd while liking a
fuv minutes' rciioso on n lounge in his iesi-
denco list night , No trace of the assiisiln
his yet been found The victim was not
luiownto hive n encaiy In thcwoild.
Scnrclty of r > loiicy Cunslnn Tronlile.
At.iuxv , N Y. , Sept , S ) . It is rumored to-
iilght that trouble is imminent In the ranks
of the sUlkinfiknI hU on tiecouiitoC the
scircity of noncy. AUrpobreak is expected
tomorrow hecuu'o the men hnvonot been
supplied with even enough money to keep
their families.
- *
The ' 'Co m 111 oil 01V llonso llnriied.
A. small shell of a house that stood on Hurt ,
street , near Fourteenth , was entirely de
stroyed by tire last iiiKlit. ' .Iho shinty be
longed to "Commoaoio" Ljucha , well known
ihnriutor about tlio city , The loss will not
unionut to more thanIBu. }
Held to the Dl tricl Court.
Willluni Cox , who assaulted Henry Addlo-
innn scvonl < 3ay.s ago i\lth \ abriikbat nnd
lirokotwo libs , was tried hefow .Tudifo llels-
Icy yesterdiy and bound over to tlio district
courtuuder bonds off5)0 ( ) ,
Decided to
Bosrov , Mass , Seit. [ O.-Tlio stockholders
of the Kurcknsllk manufaeturitigcoiniany
have decided to assign tomorrow.
A'la tlio AViibusli Hunt o ,
OnSoptetnTjer 0,2.5 tind October 14tho
\\Tiiliasli \ will sell round liip tickets to
wriiits in Tcxiis , Arkansas , Tennessee ,
Missl&sLjjpi , Louisiana , Alabama , Geor
gia smd i'loritla at Half Fjiro , good for
tiOtlnjH. Reinumlior the \A'abish istlio
quickest , route Soutli and Southenst.
Hot-lining Chair und Pullman Buffet
SloepingCiirson all tuind , Only
IGhouistoSt. Louis ,
2 ! " " Challuiioogn ,
10 " "NevOrUans ,
40 ! " "NovYoik ,
with cotresiiotulinfj fast time to nil
nohits South and. cast. For tickets anil
full Info i mat ion in rofjml to routesulso ,
NT. Ulujton , Noilhwistorn
Afjeiit , Oinalia , Kcb.
Aa JL , i'.t it A ait.4 PUS ,
J. B. IIc.irtMcll , postmaster at ?
\vasln Omaha jestirday ,
Hov. P.S. Merrill left yesterday for Chicago
cage to meet "his wife and children , who have
spout the summer at .Asburj Park. They
will all return to Omahaon Inursday.
Dcpdly United Stitcs Marshal L > ons\vent
out to Broken Bow yesterilay on buslncbs
connected with the olllco ,
P.M. Hose , chief clci-kat the Chicnso , St
I'nul , Miimcanolis i Omaha hoiiclqunrtcra , Is
in Sioux City on business connected with the
E E. Mcrritt , editor of the Dailv TScbrns-
Imn.wusla the city jcstcrday and called
upon Tin Bcr.
WIM > IlILiI/S "WAI' .
IIow Ono of tlio Ccspcrailn's Jinny
Victims Met IIis Death.
"It has been a good many ycnrs einco
I was in Deliver , ' ' re marked "William 1J ,
Jmnesonat 1ho .Albany yesteiday to a
Dcjivoi- News reporter , as he pi-eptired
to look over iv ptipor liomSun rranciseo ,
hit , proacnt place of residence. "The
labt time I was in this city , " continued
ho"I imidotho aequ.iintauco of Wild
Bill , wlio o budtlcn taking oft nt Deadwood -
wood is still mentioned in the papers ,
A few inontlis after leavingDoner I
again mot "Wild Bill In Salt Lake City ,
Itwas iMthcrim oxcltingtiinc , for Bill
had jubt killed a mini in the stioots ,
The circuinsitiinccs of the IciLling1 were
about ns follows :
'Tho nig-lil before the nffray Bill sjit
to a game of cards with sm old
frontionman natnod Jaclc Williams.
Belli tlio men wcro good caid pliiyofs ,
but luck wont nguinst Bill , ami about 3
o'clock in the morning ho staked his
hibt cant und lost \Vithsoinu liofeita-
lion ho dro v out his uiitcb , wlileh was a
fine gold repeater a iid was the piesent
of a friend of foitncr dajo , and put tlio
wiitohip agniiibt $ 00. At Iho end ot
ton minutes the natch wjisgone.
" ' \Villlarn3 , ' said Bill , as he nrc q
from his , 'put. ' the watch in tlid
hands of the barkeeper , and. I will re
deem it in the morning. *
' "Oh , 1 t'liowi not" AMIS the loply.
'Tho vatcli is mine and I'll wear It
down town in the morning , '
"A vlukcil gleam iippctircd in Bill's '
eyes , Ho again asked that the watch lw
loft at thu fcaloon ,
' " ' it'wnatho
wotir , loply
' "If you wear that watch \ou \ llilic,1
said Bill , with n firm tone , 'frhut time
will you bo on t/ho / stieotV
" 'Ten o 'clock,1 was the laugliin g reply.
The men parted ,
True to MB vord. Willlnmssauntered
down the ttreotat 10 o'clock the next
morninj , ' . Hill mot him nt tlio principal
Btieot corner.
" 'Ilavo iou got I/hat watch on ? ' nskccl
" 'I liuvo,1 , was the prompt reply.
"Both reached forthulr ro olvets , but
Bill \\iis too quick for his opponent.
T\\o \ \ hotH ranjr out and Williams
dioppcd dead. Mill vas unhuit.
"Looliin hcoinfullv at his fallen vic
tim , Bill lilted botvcen his teeth , 'iiy
, Illkon giuno man , but that's what
a. fool gotH , ' I Jill was novcr tried for
UillinufVlllIums , anil it IH snfo to bay
tint lie recovered hiswiitth. I luuo
been told"continued thcspcaker , "that
aflor "Wild Hill's death it was found that
in the palm of eaeliof lib hands theio
was a lound , culloutud spot , caused hy
diopoiiiK' Ills hands on tlio lisindlusof lilt )
rtirulvcrd. " _ _
Itloh" Con I Ieiinsltiln Itiissln ,
It tlio calcuhitlonflof 1'i-oi. Mendeljeff
am to ho ti iitotcd Itut-hia posesies the
rli'hoHteoal ' depobltsln the vorld , The
suporlli'lal urea of tlio etui fields In the
Donotzbimlu iilono amounts to about
30,000 bqumo kllomttoi'H , If the capacity
of tliebo tlopohlts is pxit at 60,000,000 ,
riouclH porbquni'o Mlonioter ( one poud
belli } ; about thlity-blx ] ioundB juofrdu-
POHIO | | | total supjily of coal I b Htntetlto
bocqial to th world's piosent coiihuinp-
tlon for fifty yeava. Moicovcr , this only
nforsto tlm uuporlk'Ial bcdtj and not to
the deeper deposits , wlileh luivo not jet
bion exploited , but which piuniiscs still
gicater riches.
'JIllflUTi : .
It Slopped tlio Jccra nnd Won "Wowlj
of Pralwo.
rlt was ono of Uio lioltoat Anyt of July ,
N'ota bientliof .air wni Htlrrini ; , o cll in
thotopaof the tieoH. The sturdy little
KujillshfipairowiliiulccaKil tlicir sharp ,
shrill chirping and wcro mmtliij1 In the
shaclo. If you looked striii ludoun the
street you could sco J qui ot irgoE heat
In the air Ilk ) thnt which Is often visible
over a liot steve , says Iho Chicago Her
ald , E\ory tody will led slowly , J'\nv ' \ ot
the tltlvciJ of vntiH. wogoiu
itntl cabsirjjoil lliolv liorsoj
Into n trot. The only ani
mals thnt sulTorcil wcro Iho poor stfeot
car hoiscs. They \\ont \ \ trotthiL' and
{ jalloplng by with tlioir loadn , which on
account of tlio lieat were licavioi than
tisinl. Many oC the ] ioor brutes stcppoil
diningIho day , Btjijjgoicil wider the
whip ami dropped by the loiuiriilo. The
slimces hail llntill ; betomo so us
ual that It attracted but llttlu attention
nail loss pi tj , Dutolall the liorsosthnl
dioil thnt oruol jilternooii ono nt lenst ro-
coi\cd \ atrlluto us alTcctinp as If pilcl by
an. niiffcl. Iho imhnal had dropped in
th c street , jiiul hail "boon uidolj di-a goil
to ono sltlo , where It lay , lulling its
chibt-Iilk'il tjes , gasping and lollinj ;
its tonjtuo. A binall ciowd gathered
round , shutting out vhat little iiirthoio
Holdon , Ually , " .
"hero 'sfti nl Let's soodo cop shoot 'Ini.1' '
"Gitn pillar , ' 'facetiously ' bUpg-iMeda
rod-nosed iiiiulth n blotched face.
"His heul don't lay oa y , " mid
another to it u'torlnar ) suiifeoii , who
took ono { , 'lunc'o nnd walked away.
"Give ' 1m u lijpoiilornilu. Ilo aiti't
ilyln' e.isy. "
JtNt thena ruffled little jlrl ; pished
proudly by caiiyitijf a. iheap bouquet
anclsmcllitij , ' of it ffequontly. When
hhos-av tliodying lior&o ho slojipod a
momonl nntl then but sniddc-ii iinpulso
wont and hild tlio llowoisoii hltthoail.
Stiiingoto siy , no ono jeered. Tlio red-
fated man walked : may sluiiiiefticodlj.
So , ono by ono , did the otheis , and tlio
poor animal WILM left to dlo in peace.s \
the little gill ran oil , a , boiic\oltmt old
gcntleinon pickul her upittul kihbwl lior ,
' 'God bless you , little denr. " Theio
wsts a tear in his oyo. "Christ was
rifflit about the little chihlion , and HI
\Vitlavorth when ho said , 'Heaven
lies about us in our infancy. * "
Amusing actounts of the siiiin
and ignorance of literary moil In the
common things of life wimetlmes como
to our cars , fays the Youth "H Companion :
A few years ngo \\ell-Iiiiown wnt-
crd in Iho neighborhood of Ilarvaul college -
lego cndonvored to e\lncoa pinctical
tnm. They liAcd near each other to
near that when the water in the supply
pipes In tlio liouso of one \uis \ fie oii ,
tliey conceived the Idea of liitrtxluiMiitf
tlio much needed lluid Icforo the
plumbjr arrived bj convoking it from
tlio hoiibO of the ether In an oidiiuuy
rubber hobe.
The weather was of the v.eio kind , and
tlio samet cold that fiozothe , ttoi hi the
leaden [ tildes within the ) IOUK > , fro/.e the
wntor In tlio rubber hosowhich ijiy UIMJII
tlio snow without. It is hardly necci-
sar.v toaddlhuta rniss of ic sno and a
broken hose wcro tlio only rtstiltof this
novel aqueduct ,
An equally good btory U told of
" \YordswoithaiulCoIoridge. Cottle , the
publibhor , diovo Words v or th from
UriHtol to Alfcndenlii a ( fly , suiiinioiiiiiff
ColerMge on the vay. Tlio Alfoxden
pintrj was empty , so tliey enn-icd bread
and cheese and a bottle of wine.
A befjgarstole tlio cheese , anil while
Colprlilyo with hungry Impatience \\iis \
taking out the horw ; , the boltlu of wlno
rolled to the giouncl and was broken.
Coleridge , nlnshcd , gave the liorse up
toCottlovho ti'Iedlo pull oil the collar.
It was too much ( or the worthy pub
lisher's stiongth , ami ho enllod word- > -
vorth to iibsht. Wordsworth retiiecl
"billlcd. and vas relieved liy tbo c\or \
lundy Coleridge. It beemodmoio lil\oly
that thej would pull olt the animals
head than his collar , tind they imr-
veledby vbat maglu it had over been
jiut on.
"Ln , rnister , " slid a countiy msiid ,
who -was iM&sing1 , "jou don't go tovork
the right way , " and tiirui njf round tbo
collarshoslipped itolf in an hiblaiit ,
One pprreiallvc A l\ertispr.
Chicago Tribune : The curtain went
down on the first net and tlio little boy
leaned over and whispered ox cited I j to
Ills motlier :
"Well ? "
, Jerr.\ \
"Tlmt isn't all , is it ? "
"No , Jerry. "
lie waited a few moment ? and tlion
whimpered again , iinpatlentlj :
"Mamma , when uro they going to loll
up that bliido
Tall Meeting , October 7to 10,1890
BTOVaco 1'ursc ' ( teeS
S a Trot tins 1'iir-o MO
Make 100
a-ycar-old Tiottlng
TOESDAV , ooionnu s.
SW Trnttln ? 1'illso : ! 00
SM Trot tin. rni-o 4(0 (
, Make 50
a-yoar-old Tiottln ?
SaSTrottlii. ! I'liiM * < 00
liL-o-roi-/\riTiottlin-lMirsu 500
- - - / -
luarllnK'Irnttln * UUCP tliiKo DO
TIIUIW > A1 ( , OUTOIUK to ,
S.'JO Trottini l'nr-.o ' l 0
PiwIiiK-l'iiihO WO
Iice-ror-AII -
liou-l'or- . fc > hllloii-l'iii i > MO
National Trolling a'.soc-latlon ' rules to cov-
frn. ( n tries ole o Odor4. .'O treo.
illlo track. J W. I'KUKliOV.I'icsldeiit ' ,
Council Illulft , Iowa ,
Address all coniiimnleulliiii-
A. II. mtta.hX'ictirv ! ,
otitli UthSI. , Uniului , Nib.
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
Broadway , Council BlufT , la ,
F. M , ELLIS & CO. ,
And Building Superintenaents.
JloniiiH IM uiiil 432 llco Ilulldlni : . Onmlm.Nob. .
ana Ko < ) ins24laiil ill ! Mcrrlain lilock , Uuuucil
Uluffs , lu. Corrciipoucluiicu nollultvd ,
IKIP * . Montgomery Co , ,
ICO tine's , Umiiliiuqiiii Co. . ICnn , , Itell
211) ) acres. TroyoCii. , Kmi n well Improved.
SU > ucrus , Coiimnclio l'o. ( him. , wolllnipnv *
ed1M nori" > , Morrliflo.KrmM < i , veil Improved *
iWi mri" < . UtitutiCo , . Kiiti.iwoilimpruvud ,
IMI uetos , liirmu Co , NibratkA
iWi.uws. Holt t'o. Ninruikii.
? , ' . uiri'M , Muhlcnuurit Uoi ICintutky :
IniiiioMil ; ik'iir ,
IW iiffrstoll \ Iniiiroicd : Aleoim Co.Mlibl ,
Kill ! elcur.
( I IH.TOM. Itoss Co , Olilo : clour. Will trail a
llheroi nllfor inrr.'haiultseur city propcrtv
liiCdiinctl llliiirmir Uniiilin ,
riotitlnitilln Slono mill Hirry To. , 3lo ,
t'loaiiH'r.vIn Chittiiiniu Dirk ( mm CICim. ) .
( IX)0lst , niortyiim iwl > n. ( l 'timliofrt > iit. t
will Linile. J. U.rilc-o , Ulul'h ' luilul.
liHIU chniiRi' In l > ti lnp HHI ell Meek ot
J driiCB nnd fhtiirii.iillnou- iiritelwx.
nla ( liieoiini , if told lt hlnm > Mio ; ilnys. lu- >
\oleo nhotit tittl. ! Adtiuss Si Hcu olllco ,
"lilOUSAI.,1 ; Kino standard bird loam , Injrw ,
I T and 8 JPIIII otil , mule-hod , I.ady ciitt
< 1Hthorn ) clti hrole1lll ! notsliVi Unllut
UJS. Shin -t , CoiiiifllllluiTi. J , I1'rlce. .
CHANORof n life ! lino. Xu\v f-room htniso.
noslilos liitln hit ! nnJ cold \ vt r till
tlirouli ) ! ; feirnnci'.giisniideliu'lilc Unlit. I'oc
mlc1 niii > aMj lurnn Onl'onrlli a\o. . eno liloole
fniiu motoi.sK from postollli-u. . \V. \ 1111-
. -.1 Ihtcl luncion , nil fnrnlslicit ,
I'oiwsslon ul\en October I. rorlnfoimii-
tlou ailili M\Viu blelcntopf , orUbrlsStrmb ,
Cumuli ItluiN.
ISIIP.n Moniii , H luboiml , ? lto 3.1 tie i
U. | IJ Vine ht ,
inOlt SATX Tlio Ilnmo Host niiniut for ilo
J. ' oiic'tsyli'i-iiii. Tliv niiMt | iuiiiliitiluolu | | (
tlio city , aV. \ . Snot t. , 07 Hioadmiy.
| i101lSAU--Oinllllrulo : fora Kooct mul
J' ' teniii. ' .t illlou No. CD ) . ri'-jIstiTinl In ' .it-
hoo. lly Ir , Au'lilli.iM ' , dim by Kentucky
C'l.ty. ) u.iMold. Apply tel > r. Muerae.
TjlOIiSAI.E or Uont Oirdon liind. ltf
lipuioaliy Ulio. IWMuIn stUouuuU
Dili Its
IjlOHURNT T o noli molorn " rtiom lion p-s
iOiwil loi'itlon Ajii'ly ' Oil PI ( in ILVUIIU J.
K Dnuilson.
AVTIU pay rent wiiinyoiicaiibnv ahonooo
' " lluisaino tornis. iincl incasouf your < loitb
itantlmaloncyi \ > tirfuiully ilio boiuu iloar
A hunio ortlillr.j ) it SlJper mouth ,
A hoiiiij vortlil.r ) > 3Jit f 11ii | > r iiioiitlL
A homo vortl l.,0l3nt'JIoriiioutli |
A homo -wort hJ.IiX)0 lit * Hitjr | moulli
A homo worttifl.OOJul * Her | moiitli.
Other jirlfocl Iimnmnn tlm s-nnn terms , Tha
above monllilv piiymcmti Ineliiclo prliichiul
OIK ! into r st. For full naitlculirs cill on or
udil rm the rutlil.t Wills Co. , WO UroaU\iay. \
L'ouiull UlulTa. In.
] ' OTon llroailwayln Central nl ) for I77JL
I JJiilmstoii .St Van I'litU-n , Kvcri'tl.blouh
JJiOKSAlK A set citnbMraiMboolu and an
business. A splendid emi'iiliiff for wiim'cmo.
mmiliu of lohtHloii , V Van I'litlrn.
P11-.KAI1 luul In .Missouri to nxubitifir fo
y/Onuiclllllulh property , Johnston AVan
I'atlrn. '
ClljFAFt lots In Oniihiito t riiilo for : . peed 'el
' ( IrhlnRluain. Owner of th'lots ' will KIVM
nn ( Mini timid ti.ido. Jolinson ,1 Vim I'siltcii ,
llvi-ult 11 lot-k.
IJOL'bKuiKl t o lots on VoHiiTthstrott for
' IMO ! ut.i . bargain J o hint tin & . Van 1'jilleui
ll ?
f !
Surgical Institute
Private Hospital , -
Co- . Broadway and 26th Sts. ,
CotvciT.lli.cms. IOWA.
oitliolroiitniciitof iillbiiivlcal and clironla
eisuH and dlboiMS : ( > r thu liloixl.
'rlMitodlseiisi's of tlm iiilmrj- and sounl
S , zis yplillln , us sUleUni , oy tltlsspur-
niuturrolio i1. lust minhoiiil , SIMUL ! liiipciluncD
and weakness lioatcd Huui'ssfull v.
I'nrtlc'uliif alien lion pild todlsoisos of till
hinn' < , an Astlmia. Consumption , llroticliltls ,
Cat.inb.Ftc. I'ui-iilysls , ICldnoy jsome ) | i nl ft
Oaticer. Yarlocelo. llyd loccli1 , Droj y.'linn
Illstasos of thei Eju : ind lur. llabl'Dca
spliul Ciimituro uiulilldlsiisesotlio ( Ininea , t *
We'lin\o 11 ileiiiirtnicn t ciovoU'd cxoluslvelf
to 1lio trt'itiiitnt od'turlne Dscn-iis. f
Midlt-Iiicsciitsocuroly p icl..J anil f recfron
Conosiiondenco oonnclcntlal , Address
Surgical Institute and Private Hospital ,
Cor UroadwnrauilZtHli blj . OuiicllDlum.lB. .
OverO. II. .Tiiciiiciiln A Co' Jewlry Stor ,
Strlcll/tobiiiliitsi" lia tplmilUlmoUo TlnhlKlii
eat HiicLUsilnirr line of lniiiiancru-r r li reached
liyliln wtioholdilo NOIDO ndoptul spo lulty ,
I'ooplo uroprn ieiHlve fullof omryr , nf" * moucf
m ikliix Hdiemui Tlioy iicod Mioclul training f l
li In popular ecliicitlon. Her piiblla icbooll
nro tolmr . unnil r/ort fur licr IncrcaHlni iiilllluin
U ostern lovn
lovnCOLLEGE. .
full tnrm Sopl Int. glio tolocli tb
re niljirmticul for lior ntnlunti Xoriun.1 llunl.
iio-s dhurlluiii I and I'oniiKftiitils rouraQS. vre'l ' or <
'nnliel riml cnrefult ; coniliicutj studeiiM tua
ntorat nnf time Wrllc ; forfunlior pgrtlculira < !
W. ti I'nil boil. w
Council Bluffs , ,
All kliiih of | ) vli and Ol uiiliiacloncln tin
Mi Sliest sty lout I liu Art , L < * nclul mid ttnlncd
l-iibrlus miido to lnolt ID ijodil us nov.VorK
lir.niipLlj'doiioiiiid ilclluiri'il In nil part-s of
tliocotiiilry. tcnddir tirlco IKt.
1013 Hroaclway , c'llI N'ortliuoMcru llo
J. I ) Ki Mivi ; > soI'rei K u SimoAliT , Vlce-1'Jti ,
ClIAlllKrt II UANNAN.Cuilllcr. .
Of Council Bluffs ,
PAID UPCAPITAL , , . .4150.008
DniKcrnitB-I. A Miller , l .O. aicason , K. t.
PluuarM ; . i : Hull.I , , | ) , tCdmiiinlson. Cliurle * )
C. lluiinin. Iruiiucl BC'iicril Uanklnf bint-
IICH. JaruiM eapltul und aurjiluH ot any
bank InbontliHOhUni loivu.
1 ' 4
Tomer Mulii and Ilroadway ,
Ijcalcrs In forolgn and tlonieutla oichunit
Oollontlona iimdw a uU In lures t laid on tliti
diioalti ( ,