r " \ 7 THM DAILY HEE. E , B03EWATEK , Editor. PUHLISHED RVKRY MOHN'IIS'0. TKItMSoi MJIISCUI PTJON. J nllr luxlfiiiiilaj' , Ono V'car . 910(0 hixinontlu . S > Tlirco iniiiilb * . 2W Btmilny Hi1- * . Ono V > tir . SW Weekly llw. Ono Vonr , . I'M Otnntin. Tlio Ttroltiillilln ? . Honlli Oninliii. CornorX aiiftaith Streoli. Coimcll Illnir-i. IJI'onrl SI tret. Clilcnitn ( inioiil7Cliiiiilj ! , ! riir Cnmmrroe NowV M-kloojiuiill ( : M < l UTrlliun n. MarourltentliStrect. All potniniiiilMllnin i-iliitlna If ) nrif nnd rd Itorlii I matter Klioiilit Iio nddti'siud ' to tlic Keillor ) : il DcpiirltiKMit. III'MNKSH KKTTI-IllS. All tin Miners Ictlcrnimd irinlflnnooMhoulil tin mid rcwl leThe Ileo I'lllillrthlM ( * ouiiiinjr | , Oinnhit. llraft , cliwcks nml ixulolIIccortUTS to IffiiiuiiU'pa ' vablo to tlio oruurof tbo com pany. Tlic lice Publ ishlng Company , Proprietors , Tlulluo li'ldVI'arnnm nml SuuMitocntb SH H\v6itN KfATEiliE T Ol' CIMUI-ATION t-tnloof Xn1)niski. ) : I L'dii nly of Uiua r On ) . II , T/Hrlmrk , upprotar.V of The Hen I'tilillihlnif lomnniiv.iliinx olcni nly svrur tint tlicnctiinl "Ire-illation of Till ! Dui.vllKK for tliowL'cU i nil In ; .Seiil.G. 1SW. wai u ( ollows ! fe- Sunday. Auzitstai . -WOO Monrtnv.irpt. I . IE TmwIiiy.Scpt. I . WWW \ Vclnprlnv. ( ' . S.Jlil. : . WUI7 J.'O.KJ ( Buturdny , ? isi > t , 0 . . 2lO7i IjFO. H. TVIKCIIUCK. F orn In tiofaro nionncl inb.scrlbod In my prcBonco Ilils Ollidn vof Sopteniiicr. A.D..18W. lfiAi.i ! N. 1' ' . Kuiu Notary J'ubllo. IlAVi3you licard/roni / Maine ? WCK spunks in a tonoof voicostronpr onoujjh tu drown the shouts of the night rltiers of Arkansas , ' Tun largo Incrciuo in the enrollment of pupils in tlio s liools fortifies the fed eral count of Omalui's i)0iilntion. ) | ) Tim "gloomy outlook" which the ilcinoorats piclui'cil for Tom Rood is not a marker to the gloom surrounding * the democratic returns from Maine. K prohiljllionists hud si full Hedged tioliet in tlio Hold in Miiino. A tcle- scioplc view oflho returns fnils to reveal thoivhercaboutH ofthattlukot now. I\tOTOit \ train collisions are altogether too frequent for public coiufurt. Do the raotormen ini.itrino . thnt patrons him Itcr for the wild oxeitcmon t of st collision ? TUB aniuuil report oflhoViibsish raid shows net curnings amounting1 to three and a lisilf million. For an alleged bankrujt corporation , tlio Walush Is right wll. /act / that an Omalia plumljcr nccumulatcd In a few yesirs suHieicnt WGflltli- retire to tlio blno gruss roglons , lllujulucs the golden halo en veloping the trade. Tllic TJncoln newspaper which olTored to sell its Influence to Iloffgoa anil Rum forfiftuenhiuulreddolliiM is mnkintj a ilosparatooiToi't to got rovonjo becau o thoofTcrwas not nccopted. TUB govornnumtu'oinMcs | to investi gate the hut winds of Kansas. Should thosourco of lliosoiuidsuintiiDi1 roasts bo definitely located : i heavy invoice of icebergs - bergs is to bo imported from tlio Arctic regions. THE police commission is exceedingly liberal in dispensing1 leaves of ubsonee. If those favors wore distributed dl3- criinlnatlng'l 'niid oxtomlcd Indeilnitaly , a vastiuiprovemotitln the eliaruetei' and ability of tlio [ orco would result. JMoKKioiiAJf is busily ongngcd , doliverinj ? "masterly"analyses" of the iJaucs nou * before thopooplo , but them is asiynlllcant abssnooof a.11 refer ence to the Issues involved in the suit Hied in tlio Webster county probate court. TUB first constitutional convention hold in Kentucky ElncolS-5213 in session nt tlio stnto cnpltol , The convention Is composed of some very able men , the rosier containing names prominent In the history of tlio country. Goovgo Wnshlugton , a relative of the iiumortal ( joiieral , Is the presiding officer- . Tills woman sutVriiglsta announce that the hell in South Dakota "is In good condition to sprout tlio seeds thoysov. " Reports from the other side say , however - over , that the lost cause of the south wusngllUoriiiij success in compirison to what the outcome of the eiifTrnffo Rtrugprlo will bo in South Dakota this fall. INT0 T .uion. than Monday inot-nlng the democrats had a dead sufo thingon lo- fcutlng Tom Iteocl. It wna all fl.xed tliat iiin opponent should receive one thou sand majority. Tlio fact that Reed lias doubled the plurality of 1SS5 , with sev eral towns to hoar from , allows ho\v \ effectively democratic hopes und proph ecies wore demolished. IT is claimed that a dozen of tlio rich est corporations In tlio country hiivo formed sin alliance against strikes , The compact ngreed to Is that in caseastriko occura to enforce unreasonable demands , whether the strike bo against ono or all , there in lo bo a fjonoral lockout. This roads nleoly on pnpar , but it is another thing tpcsirrj" out such a programme. & lockout wlion there Is IIP netlvo tie- mnnd for products Is impraellcablo. .Tan IS'ett- York hoard of arbitration lias hoard ' tlio oviilonco concerning the Now York 'Central strike , and that is all tliat can bo done- until January , when the leg islature meets , ut which time Itwill make its report. And the legislature will probably pigeonhole the report. Meantime the board of arbitration that did not nrbltrnto will continue to dnw Its sidury. _ V GK > 'IUAI. : COCK HAKIS of North Dakota la a unirked man , The BuflrnyisU of thostato petitioned lei Bopnrato ballot boxes at the eoni'.iuj oloc- Uonmoivly tg demonstrate tholr ability to vote , even though tlio votes did not count , but tlio state's attorney declares there is no authority for this spcciosof child's piny. The decision provoked a atorm of Indignation la the suffrufo camp , where it w a unanimously resolved that Cocbrano Is "too mean for any- Ihiiiff. " ux.i TI ; r.t . . volts UK The senate , by a vote of thirty-seven o t\vcnty-olght , adopted \vhnt \ is known s tlio Aldrich reciprocity amendment o tlio tariff bill. This provides that on nd ntter July 1 , 1891whenever and BO ftoti at the president shnll bo sntbiicd hat tlio government of uny country pro- uclng nnd ox parti iif , ' sugars , molasatH , ofTee , tea and hides , raw and injured , or any of such arti- les , imposes duties or other .motions uponthanjjriciillimil orotlier irodncts of the United States , 'vlilch In low of the free introditetion of such ugar nnd other articles Into the United Slates ho may doom to bo reciprocally meqiml iind unreasonable , ho shall sus- lend , hy proclamation to that effect , the irovlslonsof the larilT net relating to lie free Introduction of sugar and the other articles , llio proJuctlon of such ountry , for sueha lime i\s \ ho shall deem iint , nnd during Buck Hiispenslon the ur- Iclos specified shnll bo subject to the Intles named In tlio net. The cllcct of Ills' , If adopted by the house , will bo to ilacosugar and molasses on the free list ruin the date when the now larilT aw ROCS into elloct , the other ar ticles , coiteo , tea nnd hides , boinj. now ndmUtnd , free. In the event of the conn- rio.s , or any of them , from \vlilohwo ob- aiu sugars anil tnalassM'in.ilntalninif liitLcson the otfrh'Ulturid or other pro- lucts of the United Slates after July 1 , S91,1'orrnrded by the president : ts roclp- ooalkuncnunl and iinrcnsonable. It will w his duty to suspend the free admission of these : irtielos and they will tlion become - come subject to the duties provided In ho net , which IM tosugav and molasses ii'o the sumo iu thcM now levied. There lias Iwen some discussion re garding the expediency of conferring upon the president so largo nnd Impor tant a power ns Ihis legislation involve * , ind an amendment \vjis \ offered merely directing-the prc.sidi'iit to eonimunieato .ho facia to con rass , but it was defeated. Speaking on this point a few days ago , Senator Halo said the president had joonjflven J > o rer quite ns great in other mat torn , nnd. It win pretty generally igrecd among republican senators thai [ here was nothing to bo apprehended [ rom giving this authority to the executive. It is obviously , how ever , u delegation of a very great and important power , and it is not tin- likely that the homo will insist upon a nodillcation of the amondmunt In this [ virticular. There Is very little doubt , however , that this measure for cnooiir- tiging reciprocal trndo will bo incorpor ated In the larilT bill , nnd IhuHim im- modialo ctlort bo made to learn how far the countries from which wo buy sugars , molasses , coitco , tea and ixides are dis posed to io in ( , 'K'inrr more favorable op portunities in tlieir markets to our agri cultural and other products. The belief has become very general ttni.t the cxperimeiit is well -\vorth trying nnd that the is present so conspicuous t\ tlmo for trying it tint it would ho a grave mistake not to go forward. There are reasonable grounds for doubting tliat It will accomplish what itsmorosanguine advocates expect , but that it will have fnuio good results is unquestionable. Even the assurances that have been re ceived from Brazil warrant tills con clusion. It is a policy that has grown very rapidly In popular approval , par ticularly with the agricultural interest , and ( hero Is no interest which can make any just complaint against it. FIKS'f VL.KCT10X. The first state election in Wyoming lakes place tomorrow. Much interest is manifested in tbo result , as it will de termine -with which party a majority of the people will cast their political for tunes. IJoth parties have placed in nomiiritlon mm of ' commanding' promi nence and ability. Governor Francis Warren heads the republican licl < ot and G. "W. Baxter the democratic. There are 110 factions or discouraging elements In either party , and the result will there fore bo an accurate test of party strength. Although the democrats have made a lively canvass of the state , the leaders have llttlo hope of success. Republi canism has gained steadily in the terri tory since 1832. In 18SI tlio republican majority for delegate to congress was sixteen hundred and thirty-nine , in a total vote of twelve thousand eight hundred and cloven. Two years later the democrats ht ; the election go by default - fault , and in 1SSS the republicans in creased their majority to twonty-oight hundred and ninety-four , out'of a total of eighteen thousand votes cast. During all these years republican success was achieved on the strictly local issues. National questions did not enter the campaigns. With the prestige of statehood accomplished through republican efforts , coupled with the business-like management of territorial affairs , gives the rooubHouns superior claims to the su 11 rages of the people. The sturdy pioneers of the tor- ritoryandthono loss energetic though later ro&idonts belong to the pushing , de veloping class. They nro familiar with the obstructive efforts of the national democratic party to strangle statehood , nnd they know to their cost how their material interests \voro nlTectod by the mismanagement of Cleveland's ' imported rulers. The republican party gave them homo rule in territorial days and supple mented it with the grander privilege el statehood. The country expects the people of Wyoming to show tliolr tip- prcclatlonut the polls , and it is safe to predict that the now state will ally Itself with the nai'tv of nroi'i-nKs hv tlm largest republican majority over cast there , SPK.UCKR HKKD'S IIK-E ftE Tlio constituents of the Hon. Thomas H. Heed have made answer to the demo cratic assaults upon his course as speak er of the honso of representatives hy re-electinghimlo congress l > ya largely Increased plurality , For eight months Mr. Hoed has b3on the target for more vindictive abuse and relentless vituper ation than was over uhowored upon any other public man in our history. Ho has received , as ho himself said iu Ills speech at Portland lost \voolc , much In discriminate prnlsonnd much Indiscrim inate blame , und the ono was just as much deserved as the other , lie has been freely and vigorously denounced as a usurjwr of power , exorcising arbi trarily authority for which , tuoro was -warrant or precedent , and on the other hnuil ho liasnon \ oxtullod ns mo of the inwt heroic figures n our legislative annals who nid courageously inaugurated a irlnclplo that has revolutionized the notliods of legislative procedure. Regardless of both indiscriminate iniifo nnd Indlscrlmtnale bliuno , jpettlccr Itecd has gene steadily forward n the performance of his duly , adhering strictly to the course marked out by ho revised rules nnd approved by ; ho majority of the house. Ho lias lover l ( t his temper nor faltered when the storm of denunciation jroko upon him , nor hns ho iresumed upon the praise of 'rlonds to do inure than lie conceived to Ijo his duty. lie hns offended a few mem bers of his own party , but only in the consistent observance ) of the rules which Iho majority had established and was competent at uny tlmo to change , The o who criticize the course of Spsakoi1 Rood ilioutd bo candid enough to confess that It would have bo-vi impossible without lliu ( 'oiicurrunc'j of tlio party in control of the liousa , and while it nny Iio conceded that his inllu- CIIPO was greater than that of any other ono mini In determining tliat courses , the responsibility for it is shared by every republican of the house ot representa tives. ITow far it lias been vindicated by results every citizen may decide for him self from n fair and just consideration of tlio record. The people like n man of courage nnd firmness in the performance of duty , and , unquestionably , Jlr. Heed U such a man. Ills able nnd fearless leadership of the re publicans of tlio house Is recognized by Hie p'irty everywhere , and his re-elec tion will be gratifying to all republicans who bollevo in the bravo and manly tis- wjrtion of the principles of the party. So fur as his constituents are concerned , the course of Mr. Itced , as speaker of the house of representatives , has boon splendidly vindicated , and republicans everywhere Avill heartily congratulate llioni upon the result. Tun secretary of the treasury 1ms been somewhat slow in responding to information regarding Canadian railway compsUtiou asked for by u resolution of the senate some ttmo ago. and the fact that ho is just on taring upon an investi gation of the most Important matter In volved in the inquiry makes it wobablo that there will bo no legislation on the subject sit the present session. Mean time it appears that the Canadian companies have not boon In different to the situation nnd are prepared to evade or avoid the consequences of a decision against them relative to the use of the consular seal system. Tlieir representatives at Washington say that if the system of sealing merchandise at Canadian points for American del ivory is stoppjd the goods wLll bo brought to the American border and the/o saalod. This would doubtless unable them to hold the trnlllc FO far a any present authority exists to interfere with them , so that tlio matter would have to become one of special legislation. It Is not likely that the subject will receive any more attention at the Drc.se nt session of congress than has already boon given it. IN VIEW of the crowded condition of the high school and the fact that pupils wore turned aw.iy for want of accommo dation , it is clour that temporary ex pedients must bo resorted to. Uids for the proposed brick school show that the structure will cost at least twelve thousand five hundred dollars. The vital question ifl , shall children bo de prived of educational facilities merely to satisfy the clamor against "despoiling the high school grounds:1' ' The board is not in condition to build an annex to the high school , nor ean it purchase of a now site in the neighbor hood and build without the authority of the voters. ' Nor is this the time to sub mit n proposition to the people. The board Is liedtrcd in and cannot move in the manner best calculated to subserve the interests of the schools. The best and most economical course to pursue is structure with the understanding that it will bo demolished within three years. Hy that time other accommodations will bo provided for. unaccountable delay of congress in the matter of Missouri river appropri ations , imperils navigation hereabouts. The lonesome sandscows plowing their weary way through the treacherous cur- rontsaroiu momentary danger of strik ing a snng and going to the bottom with their precious loads. Even the Pitts- burg lloet of Imaginary steamers dare not venture into the mad waters lest a floating sand bar should rend them from bow to Btorn. But Mr. Uroutch is still drawing his two hundred and eight del lars a month as river commissioner with great regularity. IT MAT interest the board of health of Omaha to learn that the lavish appro priations of Denver have not materially Improved the sanitary condition of that city. The Denver jVcirs says : "With seventy thousand dollars in the health dopurtmcnt alone this year , the alloys and gutters of the city wore never before In such a filthy condition. " Evidently heavy npproprhitlons do not always make the mire go. POSTMASTKB GALLAailElt will bo sadly missed from the federal building. His retirement will seriously discom mode the Tammany gang nud council combine. The private oflleo of Iho post master was such n convenient place for spoils hunters , tuxcutors and contractors to sot political pins and work up municipal jobs. OFCOUUSE the council combine was shocked to learn that the medicine man of the twonty-oightors tapped the treas ury for soventy-flvo dflllars , but the woll-folgncd Ignorance of the haul is not near as painful ns the efforts of the gnngto learn how the news leaked out. IVlicro Docs It Maml ? yrtmonl Tribune. The Omalia Double-Header has not yet do- lined its position. Which does it want elected , Powers or Doydl la it for tlio "lady or tbo i'oi.iTiOAiciinv-cno\v. ( During Instate fair which Is now on , Die- ntor Burro Ms will give nwn.v samples of hit celebrated Allliftica tea. This tea Is guami ! * eedto bo cBfeiW thun nny other ten In the narket. It H ( o-own on the fnnn of Mr. Uur- ow.i in Ongw , anility. Ho hoes it In tlio dark of tlio nioou , " thtis imp.irtliifr a peculiar flavor lot possessed'bj-Inferior ' article' * . Purchas- up Agent ildrlloy polishes it and puU It in original inclcigiw . Twoilr.iwltipsof this tea vlllgo further than a half dozen drawings of Chinese ten-hiul ia warrantednotto corrode ho brciilh , ntldwllliilways reduce bunions , . "armor ftlgcrtqn uses this wonderful com- > ouml on his hands , and the aiurclty of bun onshas boon noted by farmers. Wlilto at bo state fair'do not fall to ask Mr. Burrows 'or n sample pickaxe , mid got him to deduct tbo connil : ion. A line line of iho$17.f > 0n dozen baJjjes will also bo worn by Mr. Bur- ows. Tlio following verses are contributed by n 5oulh Onmhi citizen who claims tliat ha 'omul ' them in the street , signed by the pro- 'csslonal farmer who odltt tbo doublo-endor. ilo hits evidently poured out tils young souli Oh , I lonp for u homo in the rjral sliailo \Vhctotho clear , Itlnd farmers grow ; Whcro tlio bobollnlc bobs on the Iw-ba bush , Anil tbosnow bird cats tUosnow ; Whcro the heJiw-blrds trim the hedge all day , And the comeralcoxvorks in tbo corn ; Wliero the goatsucker sucks tbo goats all Might , And also at early morn I A home in the country la what I love , Aud its beauties 1 mostudnilro , Whcro the hedge yrows up otT the hedgehog's And tbo wire-gnus grows on tbo wire ; Whcro the walnuts hnngnn the garden wall , And tbobutternuti butter your bread ; Where the iiiillc-\veed furnishes milk so sweet , Without driving her under tlio Micd t How sweetly beautiful it must oo \Vhero the cowslip feeds the cow , And the howysucklo sucks out honey so sweet , Methlnks I cm : taste it now ; Where the buttercup holds the butterfly's eggs , Ami tlio lacly's-sllppor Is found ; Where tliu cypress heaves \vcnr.vslgh , And the ground-cbcrry grows in the ground t Oh , glvomc the lotof the farmer man , Though Ills burdens are hard to bear 1 Yet , hero while I sit and think them out , They are not so hard to share. His big , green dollurs I'm sure to set While I lend him my cultured brain , And election clay he'll sure come round To got Into the demo's train. -'cl Say Inn. Sf.Vtitl I'toiutr-l'it * * . lie sat and looked at the biuy editor for about fifteen Inlnutes steadily. Finally ho yawned sleepily and " ronmrUccI : "There arc some tnlnga in ths world tluit go without saying. " "I Impvy It , " snapped the editor , "but there arc too darned many things that say a good deal without goiutr. " Him Out. Detroit ' Free Prtia. SpokiuioFallidii'la good thing the other day In driving oui > GcorRo Havens out of the town under throats of lynching. lie hail been Investigating the titles worn by various fnciividnuts , aml-hlul discovered that out of 150 "Jutlpos , " ' 'Colonels" ' and "Profs. " only two men had nny real rij'ht to the prefixes. He was , of course looked upon as a danger ous man to the community. JIo.ls Oir Again. llimmlnaftnil finltle. Mr. Kern says : "Tho rich men and politi cians say tlio reason why tlio farmers are poor Is because they attend too many political con ventions. Instead of stnvine homo to work. " Ttmtis iinso. i'-awi 11 as always been found bccnu-'o the farmers don't attend their party uaucussea niul conventions. Had they turned out in greater number at political caucusscs , they in iclit have hud more laws protecting their interests ploucd in the statute books. Slurring the Soldiers. f'rcj/ioiit aVWiiiiif. Referring editorially to the Grand Army reunion at Grand Island , tbo World-Herald sponlcs Biieorliifjly of an old solder as fol lows : "Ii. , D , Kiclmrds is i-ainping on the grounds with the boys , taking his meals at n lunch counter and aleepiiig on a cot. " Sup pose lie did this , then what ? Is it any crime ! Do the tlfty thousand old soldier boys of No braskn , many of whom are there with him , consider It a disgrace * L , . D. Iliclmrds began sloping on the cold ground , in the mud and rain , beneath sullen southern skies In the sixties , when the boom of cannon convulsed nature nnd shook the niln droni fmrii Ihn r lnm1i TTn t < fourteen years old then , but ho staid with the boys in blue und helped them save the nation. A tent and cot would then often have been a luxury. A little Inter , when ho was earning a living by honest toll , when ho was surveying routes for these "great civillzcrs " the , railroads , ho slept in a font for several years. Mr. Richards is perhaps more used to the rigors and experience of camp life than nny citizen of Nebraska. Ho has lived about one- third as many years under a tent as ho has under a roof. And now , If he cured to sleep with the boys uif.Un la camp would any fair- mnidod man , any decent man , slur him for iU How do tbo old soldiers of Nebraska like the contemptible * lUnf ; of the younjfdudo of this snldler-biitlng paper , quytv.ty t There was ono thing very iiotlcc.iblo about the reunion. It was that while there were old soldiers there who nro nominees on the republican state ticket , there was not n sin- Rio other soldier candidate there. The can didates on the other tickets were not in It. Tlio IjfiiorTrnfllo ] In Ohio. j , Under the oporjitloii of the present tax nnt local option law { n , Ohio the number of sa loons has fallen ( from over Ili.OJJto 10,751 , , and the tax collected thU year amounts to e-J,4rvS-118. BcforAbo establishment of this system the law prohibited , under penalty oi flue and ImprlsoniWnt , the sale of liquor to bo drank on tno uramlsos. Hail the law been enforced , it weald , of course , luivo closec every saloon In . .Ohio. Hut It was not en fiil-rptl. Ttvis nnnnli * vlnlnlfi.l t.hnn nnila f\1 times a day in ovtu. > clty la the state and un der Its operation libW saloons sprung up like mushroom * . Thqtr lfllc was free and unre strained In thofivao of the most restrictive laws on the subject-1. Is there anyonOj.jstfjbUnd as not to see. or so unfulr as not to admit , that the pi-usual sys torn of regulation Is productive of better re sults thnn extreme prohibitory measures i The people in towns and villages , wbero the temperance sentiment is strong enough , are permitted to vote upon tlio subject and to pro hibit the tale of liquor lu thuir midst. Whore this Is impossible they impose a tax upon the trnflic and make It pay something to sup port the courts , the police , the schools , unc the various departments of government Nearly two and u half million dollars was do- rlvcd from tliU source during the current year , and the number of saloons was creutlj decreased , Hero are penulnc , substautln fruiU. ' .There Is no chasing after theories or attempts to realize impossibilities. Tbo Icgis lution enacted was upon old practicable lines and tbo results are both tangible and sutls factory. rMi/ni IMIII on'i fit fli r\iT i FllOJI THE SlATIi CAPlfAL , A Plijsicmn anil n Barber Indulge in a lively Shooting Sorapc. NOTHING SERIOUS RESULTS TO EITHER. Annual ? Ioctln of the Interstate Temperance Union Three Him * away Accidents New * In nml A limit Lincoln. LINCOLN , Nob. , Sept. 0. [ Special to Tun BKK. ] Dr. 0. S. Hart , n prominent physician of this city , and Levl Piirrlsh , n barber In bmliiL'-sa at Thirteenth iiiul O streets , were the principals iu a shooting scrape at the house of Ill-famo nt KU5 O street , Itcpt by I3lnlio Dlsbrow , which happened between - ntid 3 o'clock this morning. Dr. Hart chilins that Parish roughly accostwl him because ho hud lately withdrawn his patronage from Pa rish's shop. The doctor endeavored to oviulo a quarrel , but the fellow grappled with him anil forced him backwards over a niniio stool. \VldIo ho had the doctor in this position P.ir- rish drew 11 revolver and ilnxl two shots , one Lra/.lngtho physician's cheek anil the other hl9 forehead , The hist shot brought blood , and Hurt having secured hU revolver llrodat his antagonist. Ills aim \vis as bad as Par- rish's , and ho sncceoiled only In drawing blood from the other's shoulder. They were uurtod before nny serious diinmso was done. 'Plirtv - > irttn ivlftirIIIM hi-nlliflif. to Ihn slfltJnll. TRJII'KIIANL'I' WOllKiU : . The annual meeting of the Interstate tem perance union , an organization for the ad vancement of temperance work in tlio flvo stnto.s of Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas , North and South Dukotns , was called toordorln Jlo- hanan's hall ut 10 o'clock this movntiiR by the invsldciitjG. A. Atkinson of Lincoln. Thotnus I3iln of Ivnnsas was secretary. President Atkinson opened the meeting with an address on the woi'Kln Kcbraska , and prudicted that the amendment would carry. On motion the following comtnlttoo to re port nominations for otticeM win appointed : MM. Lawrcneo iSIIllerof Iowa , .I. D. Knoxof Kansas , AI. K. CSoodman of North Dakotaand K. O. I'rcsson and Dr. C. P. Urcighton of Nebraska. The roll call showed a largo number of dcl- ejj'ites iH'csent , but the amount of business ti-ansucted was inconsiderable. Jud oucssna ofllastliiKs and Chancellor Crclghton occu pied tbo rostrum this morning , n'nd theii-re marks were directed toward a review of tem- pamnuo work , and ro.ioato predictions for the future. This afternoon lion. A. II. Horton , chief Justice of thostntoof ICansns , spoke on the bjit methods of furthering'tho work In Iv'e- br.ukii , with soma vcryfcooil sugijoitloiis as to hoiv the amendment could bo carried , based on the experience of the prohibitionists In Kimsas. U'ho tenor of the remarks made showed that the convention was working OH the non-partisan plan and did not b llovo In the third party plan of iichlcvmg results. This evening a number of meetings , ad dressed by well known speakers , wore held on Government square , utter which an ad journment was taken to the hall , where ex- CJovernor Larrabce of Iowa held forth on the sarao subject haudled by .fudge Horton , { jiv ing the experience of the non-partisans of lotva in the matter of securing the passntfoof t > ncrtli i Kt trtr v 1 nr rPlir n rlili * u ana tt'iivft tn- teivsting , but thogrent persuader , Chuplaia McOube , is the drawing curd for tomorrow , I'ICKCI ) III9 I'OCKIIT. J. D , Can Hold , an nged go'itleman whoso homo is In Villisca , In. , was robbed of his poi'kctbook containingii ) and some valuable pnpai-s. at the IJurlliitfUm depot this morning. Canfleld is enpijjed in the harness business at Vlllisca , and came to Lincoln to si-o the stute fair , nud Incidentally to purchase a stock of goods. His pockctboole was In his insldo vest pocket , and the wnlstco.it was tightly buttouud by him. After ho had threaded his way out of the crowd , and reached the waiting room ho discovered that his vest hail been partially unbuttoned nnd turned up. A hurried search revealed tlio fact that the poehctbook wai gone. Thu mat ter was reported to the police , and a fellow nnnicil James tilts arrested , Cautield was uiwblo to identify him , however , nnd ho was discharged with orders to leave town. WAS XOT Aiu > umn. : Flora Fcdawii , a young woman who has fraiuontly had her iiiiinu appear la police an nals , capped the climax yesterday afternoon hy running away with a coal-black negross , who is known only by the sobnquot of "Ho- u trice. " The story was at llr.it spread abroad thill she hud been abducted for the purpose of i-ocruitinga negro dive inOiniilm , but the ti'uth U that she wont of her own accord. Her mother Is a wealthy widow of this city , and she telegraphed to various points to Inter cept her daughter. The girl l > ecamo scared , however , and cumo buck homo this morning. She is about ilftcen years old , anil confessed that , she hud gene to Omaha to have some fun , but thought better of it , and concluded not to stay. THKT U3IH > CHAINS. A lively racket took place In Hood's saloon on South Eleventh street last nluht. Pools hud been sold there during the night , mid the gang ot a little too lively. The proprietor and his bouncers attempted to eject sovoml obstreperous Individuals , nnd a grand light resulted , Chairs were tlio prrnclpul weapons used , but the bouncers were the best men , and tlirew the dial arbors out at the back door. The pollco arrived too late to make nny ar rests. HUXAWAY ACCIDENTS. The carryall conveying the Omaha baseball team from the bull grounds was smashed to smithereens last evening. A passing car frightened the IIOHC.S mid they startoil at n lively wtcj , spilling thoboysiilmigtho ground. None of them were hurt seriously. The driver held to the horses fora block but was thrown out , receiving slight Injuries. No such uxciting sight during a runaway was over witnessed in Lincoln as yesterday evening , whoa u to.mi of hones c.imo tearing down Tenth street and coliidml at P with a lumber wa'ion. The collision caused the liorscs to jump ten feet in the air , but effect ually stopped them. Noonow.is In the run away wagon nnd the driver of the lumber waL'on speedily yet out of the road. iSliortly after noon toJay a biiKgy driven by a young man named Kwiins wns run into by tlio steam motor on the K'uild Transit line , at thecomor of P and Twelfth streets. Ua\v- \ lius attempted to cross In front of the ad vancing motor , and had cleared the track % \ hen the horse became frightened and backed squ.-uvly into the track ngain , Itawlins lcupud in time to save himself from Injury , but the buggy was smashed. The horse at tempted to run , but was caught , although It took half a do/ea men to hold him. Hud Iio gotten loose a fatality would probably have resulted , as the- street was crowded. The mihnnl was cut and bruised , HAD MOXIIY HUT KKl'T IT. ' A queer ease was filed in the district court this morulng , It Is what Is called a divorce case , and is something new In Laur-astor county , The plaintiff la ? An > . Laura K. Gil bert , who savs she was married to David H. Gilbert In rfcokiik , Ia. , May I , 1SK1 , and that ho deserted her in April , 1S 7 , after sevoml ycaw of cruelty nud fuiluru to support , She aim that ho u-ould leave homo for days at a time , nml sue ami tno cniiiin-n woum mvo 10 go out and work for something to cat. Ilo also spoke disparagingly of her and called her bad numus. In 1387 , when sliu was in a dello.itocondition , hogotupand ilusted , leav ing not a cent in the house. She could : not pay her runt , and tlio landlord put her out qf the house , cnmiKJlliiig her toilopend upon the charity of neighbors during her trying period , The defendant lives on Koso street , bolwecn Seventh and Eighth , nnu has eonsiderablo proiMsrty. The plalntlll askj for adinony and the care of the children. HANK CXAMl.VIill BAMlBll'8 Itr.SlONATIOX. T. B. Sunders' resignation na state bank examiner is ready for the banking board , and will take effect October 1. Mr. Sanders has Just boon elected vlco president of thcColuin bla National bank , and with hii fourtoun years' oxp.'rlcnco in thu hanking business is counted nn Indispensable man for the new concern. The Columbia will bo cnpitnllzal ut * , ' , VOX ) and will begin business October 1 , The fol lowing directory 1ms Just beta elected ! John i. Wright , president ; T. K. Sanders , vice president ; J , II. JleClay , roshlor ; A. S. Itay- inoncl. Charles \Vcst , K. It , Blzer. l-'rank U Shddon , Thomas Cochnui and H. 1' , Lnu. The Lorabanl investment compnnj la backinir the now bunk , FAXJilR VAS HI.ICK. About six months ago Ocorfo Ilubcll filed ft petition In thd district court for a divorce from his wlfo , Kuniilo. who I\M been living ut Clnrlnda , la. IliiblwU net forth that his wife had deserted him two hour ) after the cere mony hail been performed , und refused to llvo nny longer with him , She amwcred by Buying that she m.irrtoil him to plonse her p.ironU ) , and refused to live with him to please herself. The cmo was tobavocoiim up at the next term of court , but llubboll's attorneys rucelvccl tvonl today that It wasn't ' necessary to proceed further , I'annlo had stolen a march on them by getting u divorce herself in an Iowa court. The cose was thcrvforo dismissed today , orrr oi > i ANI > KNU . County Attornny Stcarn Hied nine in- formutlonn in the district court today iigaiu.st Klckard , Clark , Ward , Kitgor. Cox , Pr.itncr , Roderick , Nolan nnd Hiirrlt , for various criminal actions , already sot forth in these columns. Sain Peoples , the young colored lad , who stole some money from hHinotlior'scmployor , wai sent to the reform school this afternoon by Judge y to wart. The exhibition given by the Wyoming cow boy show nt Cushinaii p.irlcwusn howling success. Uyrno Brothers As Byrne take the cake ns far us n startling show is concerned. Temperate Temperance. The Lincoln Call is not law or gospel , neither Is It ri ht when It say.1 ! prohibition is right , Neither the Cull nor any other paper should dlctnto the food taken into the body of any man , much less presume to decide upon the kind of beverage used at the table of any citizen. If to prohibit the use of beer , wine , cider , ale , porter , gin , brandy , wliisky or any other article Is right , then it Is right to prohibit the tiso of coffee , ten , tobacco nrul numerous other foods which shorten life wliun used to excess. Any 0110 who relies upon the license law as the only means of re striction is not sincere in his effort to restrict the iihuso of Intoxicating beverages. High license is undoubtedly a great factor In the matter of restriction , but without gilt-edged security for the proper obscrvancoof temper- unco legislated in the shape of bonds , it la powerless to restrict. The Nebraska law provides that any person selling drinks to minors , forfeits ยง i > for the first offeine. It also provides for a line of ? V ) for selling to a drunkard , Insuno pctvton or an Indian , and 8100 is the line imposed for selling liquors on Sundays orclcction days. The law also provides that when any person shall become a county or city charge by rea son of Iiitoinpor.uice , a suit may bo instituted on the bond of any person licensed who may have boon la the habit of giving intoxicating liquor to the person so becoming n public charge. The law also provides for windows unobstructed and against treating. In fact , the law covers every point nnd gives the per son objecting to the use of liquors every op portunity and advantage over the saloon keeper. Experience has demonstrated that our present legislation is wise and for the best , a ? results in prohibition states testify that there Is moro drunkenness under the prohibitory law than \mdortbo present Nebraska law ; but tlio main objection to the prohibitory law is the fact , that the innocent nro punished while thn guilty are allowed to continue in debauchery. Show us a prohibition town and wo will show you liquor used In excess hy the same class who make drunkards In a town where restriction prevails. Though many arguments may bo advnased against the present Nebraska liquor law , much more can be truthfully said against prohibition , Upon ono policy all good people can ngrce , and tliat Is the organizing of publiu senti ment against drunkenness , Too much energy has been wasted In abusing the man who soils that on which men may get drunk , while there has boon two much in dulgence shown for the man who gets drunk. The strongest agency la preventing men from becoming drunkards during the last genera tion has not been the enactment of laws to debar thorn from buying drink , but the grow ing realization that they cannot afford to be come drunk that it now moans for the min ister the forfeiture of his pulpit , for the law yer the loss of his clients , for the physician the dwindling of his practice , for the con gressman the risk of his scat la the capital , for the business man the shaking of public confidence , for the laboring man the danger of "losing his job. " The chief aim of all good citizens in this mutter should bo to make drunkenness constantly more and more odious and thus less and less common ; and this must always and every where bo the work of education and training In far greater measure than tbat of law. BIcctiiiRof the Central Tralllo Asso ciation In Chicago. CniCAoo , Sept. 9. Special Telegram to Tin : UKK. ] Today's meeting of the Central Tranio association was the usual Informal first day's session , in which tlio various sub jects are apportioned to the proper commit tees. Chairman Blauchard , however , had prepared a complete history of the now billet lading , which he read. .All thu facts have been published , but Chairman lilandiurdcon- eluded with the onmion that tomorrow woum DO mo criienu ( my unci mat in the afternoon ho would submit a report which would embody the opinions of each of the eastern roads. The opinion left on the minds of tbo mem bers was Unit Chairman I31anch.ini would tomorrow two iimenil either the discontinu ance of the use of tlio new bill of lading or tliat nu early conference witli the shippers bo held , for the purpose of agreeing on an amended uniform bill. Suid ono of the members nftor the meet ing : " \Vo , who are using the now bill of lading , are feeling keenly the affect of tlio shippers' boycott. To ( jet down to br.iss lackswe can't stand the discrimination much longer nor will wa The Grand Trunk , Wabash and Uig 1'our nro doing an unprecedented business and the rest of us nrooiilvircttlnir the through im.Hiness wnicn cunnoo i > u turnuu iruui UH. The Lake Shore road has notified Chairman Illnnchnril Hint It will discoutlnuo tno usoof the new bill of lading unless all lines use It , and half a dozen others of us will follow the example of tbo Lake Shore tonight. " During the day the Irand ! Trunk gave its ultimatum to Chairman lilanuhard on the bill of lading matter , It was that it would use the new form if every other line castbound from St. Louis , Pooriti und Chicago would use It. The Uouk Island being n road cast bound from 1'corin , President Cable was soon. Ho said : " \Vowill have nothing to do with this now billet lading unless it is amended In a manner satisfactory to tlio shipper. * . Wo nil want a uniform bill nnd when ono Is drafted satisfactory to nil con cerned , It will undoubtedly bo put into effect on all roads In the country. " In thu minds of the Central Traffic people , this seemed to settle the matter. It Is expected no further effort to bring the Grand Trunk , Wabu.sh and liig Four into line will bo madu and that the majority of lines now using the now bill u'ill itl f > nritniln iniTll fr. ( Mil tin A.iHn. factorlly union tied. In today's meeting1 of the Western Freight association , thu llouk Island and the Alton gave their oxpuctcd notices of reduction in grain rates from the Missouri river to Culcnso of 19 cents on wheat nnd 17 cents on corn and om the Missouri to St. Louis of 4 cents on wicat audit ! cents on corn , Tlio motion to reduce the rates as above was voted down and the two roads guvo notice under tbo rules that they would innlto the re ductions on September 1'J. U is expected that other roads will tuku similar action to morrow , Tlio Mooting oi' . CuiCAflo , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKK. ] Chairman Ooddard of the Western Passenger association said today In regard to tomorrow's meeting of the go no nil mana''eM of the association : "I ualloil the mooting of munugors because ) it Boomed to mo necessary to restrict the powers of the pas senger agent , who is the mnlii cause of the present demonilUation. Tlio man who deals with thu public ) ought novur U > Imvo a rato- making power. Ho ought to ba able to nn- \vor dually ; 'TJmso are the rates and I must dtluk to thorn. ' The agreement will not be ninouded by thogoneiul managers , but they will probably Instruct the fcucrul passenger agents to do so. " NEBRASKA KEEPS OF HER END N How this StatJ Has Fared at tlu Hand ? of the Present Congress. ACTS OF GREAT VALUE TO THE STATED A Description i > l * Sonic of tlio MCHH > UI-CH AVtiluh Ilnvo llenuhod tlio ' Statute lloolv anil Some \Vliloh Haven * ! . WASHINGTON , Sept. 0. ( Special TeU'gmm to TIIK UKK. ] As tliovorkof tlio prosmit session of congress Is practically coinplulf-l , with tlio exception , of course , of measures of supreme necessity , like this tnrlff nml dolaviil appropriations , It will bo of interest to guo some nccount of tlioio measures which have reached tlio statute books as nro of local Im portance to Is'obrask.i. There nro not many of them , four boit'g the nctuni number , but they nro of value to the state. . lu tlio public building line I'renumt i < tha i only city which 1ms met with success. This city will have "hultublo . n public but I.in a. with ; lire-proof vaults , " ami the limit offer < for both slto ami building Is llxcel at ( ( > . > An nut of considerable Importance to s. ' tiers Is that to establish two mlditlonal lin. . I districts hi Nebraska , The llrst Is culled t' ' < > Ilrokca How alstrlct , witli tlio local land .if. . ileus at thu town of that name , mid tliootii'T is tlm Alllniifo district. , with nflli-M iif , A. I lance. The net "requiring purchasers of land ia the Pawnee reservation to inuko paviii' " > ' . timl for other purposes , " comes next. Tit s law provides that purclnnoin who may bo > i default of of either payment principal or i > tcrest under the net of April 10 , 137tl , are rot" ' qulrodto make full payment thorofor to the sccretaty of the interior within two JV.M from last April , and any parson in dcfu t thereof for sxty : days thereafter shall fori his rights to tlio lands purchased mid .1 . - and all payments iniulo tlicrcon. The secretary of tlio Interior Is dlrcvti < l i resell such forfeited lands at public aurtioii , nnu under said sale full payment inubo ( made within one year. The Iowa & Nebraska Western ralln iv compnny have been authorized , to const r. t a bridge across the Missouri nvor on the ! < > on which its railway may bo located , e it r In Douglas or Sarny counties nml Pot law c amlo county , Iowa. This bridge must > > o conuiicnccd within one year and conipli i \\ithin tliroi ) years or the grunt will bo \ < I Thisumipleto.s the statement of the l.- - Intlon accomplished which is of direct i < u interest to Nebraska. There aix , tli. . . , many other matters which nro in an > ' vaticcd stage nnd * which stauil In a pus > < for consideration at the next session. F. .1 , stance , among the thirty-live public hiui < i bills that Speaker KccJ 1ms BO effectually n 1 up is one making provision fora building the city of Ueatnco , and this , too , has . ready passed the senate. There are also many other local measiiro * of Importance on the calendar of business , a , , of which have received a lavorablo tci' n memlutiou from the comniitteo wlu. 'i ' fvHI t iiflfl + tw tll Til ( lilt 4Vl1l/M tIl / * r * 0 trt * it til i lit t the chai-acter of those measures is shown , i toother with their present legislative conJi tiou : To provide for the construction of n publiu building at Hastings , which hns passed tlm senate , donating twenty acres of land fnnn Fort Sidney military reservation to the city of Sidney , for the erection of a public build ing at Norfolk , passed the senate. vAll thcso bills involve an npproprJnUnti , and hence encounter more or less opposition from tlio men in congress who think Unit onoiign money has been spent during this session for one ilscnl year. They are in a good position , though , for lavorublo action iu the ii''xt session. The following , however , calls for no appropriation nnd is' not , there fore , liable to the same objection : KxtcnditiK the tilno of payment to pur chasers of land of the Omaha tribe of India > * in Nebraska. In this statement no mention has been mmlo of numerous private bills , for the reason tliat they have no general interest , no mutter how . important they are to the individual rlir ant. It can bo seen , too , that the people Nebraska are not giving congress ns in work to do ns formerly , when the count i w.is newer nnd tlio interests requiring oriimentiil action moro varied. Altogether * f can bo said tliat , taking into consideration tiio number of requests for national lugislutiim , Nebraska has done very well at this sosslmi , even though no measures are advanced to tlio.statute books. S .1 HOA'f. CThrco men Killed , Ono Sovornly Mioukccl nnd llio Cral't Sunk. NKW OIU.KANS , La. , Sept. 9. [ Special Tclo- gram to Tin ; BKD.J Four men were out In a small boat on a lake in La Fourcho parish last Saturday hunting nllegators when a storm suddenly arose. Hoforo the inoa could roach the nhoro a black cloud hanging low ia the sky passed directly over their boat and u blinding Hash of lightning durtod earthward. Hiiyniouil Knight , who wis m to reach the shore , saw the lightning Btrlk" the boat and the men disappear. All fin < of the men wore struck by tlio llghtm- Three of them-tho Hlot brothers from l'"n. . au Clleno were dead when Mr. Knit ? ' , ' reached them. A. AI. V. Vorilnln , t > ' other man , was severely shocked. M > Knight carried the dead hodlosto Lockpcd together with Vcrdain , who soon recovered , C.ISK. MI/.iicr'H Sutler Ordoi'lnt * tlio Gpiiornl hiirrciulc'roit to Giintc'iiuiln. Nnw YOIIK , Sept. 9. A Panama special snys the following ia Minister Miziier's let ter to Captuln I'itts of the Pacific Mail 1 Ai-aimlc'O in rwraril to thu Unrruiulia cnso : UNITEII Swrns LrnATios' , UDO ; r. 6r , GUATIJ.MAI.A , August ! J * . If your ship ( s within ono leaguoof Guatemalan territory ni > I you have aboard General Uiirrundlu , it Iio comes your duty , under the luws of the.1 nu lion , to deliver him to the Guatemalan nu thoritics upon their demand , all allegation- " having been uiudo to this legation that sni't ' Barmndiu Is a hostile und un enemy to this republic. Saved a Train Wreck. LYKN , Mass. , Sept. 9. A man walking on the Hoston & Muino track lust night stum bled over a rail across tlm track , Ilo could notromovo the mil so bo took thoswitcii light from the socket nnd succeeded in stop ping the heavily laden train witulii forty feet of the obstruction , Imwyor ( Jollier Not Insane. CHICAGO , Hopt ( i. Frank Collier , the at torney who has been on trial for Insanity before Judge Gary , was discharged today by order of the Judge and the caao dismissed. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Subscribed and Guaranteed Capital..KOO.OOO Tald In Capital 850,003 lluysaml solln ntocknand liondi ) coinniurolal pnpur ; rruolvi'g and uxuuutei trusts ; auta an tranufnr iiKunt and trumea of coruoratloas , take * clmrt'o of property , cul- lena taio * . Omaha Loan &TrustCo SAVINGS BANK. S K Corner 10th and Douglas Sta I'nlil InOapltul $ MC ) 0 bubscrlboU unil GiuirHnUioU C'upltul. , , . 100,090 Uablllty of BtooklioUleri 20U.OOO 6 Per Coat Intort > Ht 1'alrt on PoposltR. KltANK J. lt\tiOK. Onshlor. Ofllcor * : A. I ) . Wjrniim , presldout ; J. J , llrown , vlce-proaldent , W. T. Wyman , troiiBiirur. Dlrootorn : A. U. Wyin&n. j. n. Mlllunl , J. J llrown. Ouy O. Bartou , E. W. Nu U. i , Eluball , Quoro U , Lak * .