r t.i"vit 4 i i .4 TA TTT i IIT/ itr-nt-vXT-frit i " rv A "vr Cfmr r iTmrr" - Tn-r irv -i nr\r\ DOTH PITCHERS WERE Will ) , Oumlifi rall/i / an Huiy Vlollin to ( Upltal City Toiun , FAGIN'S ' WORK CXCCCOINGLY WEAK , 'lly nnd C'niliilr < ; lin-l < ml llnliln Hiiiiitiiiiiiiy | on llio Iliniiliiiid"'l'm | | fiii * ! ' < > llniii-H , Pliivinl , Wiiii. 1.1111 , I'rr HI. t in ? M : n , IM Miiiiiiuiiiiiiix. , , IIH in to . < w ItimiMh < 'itv ' , . . mi M : i'i ' , iw jliiinnr. IM K ) M , IIM Hllllll Hill' . till 41 M ,4IU Olllllllll . . . III ! 411 57 .117 lillM'lilll. . ll' ' U " 7 " > " H , I'lilll. . III ? ! TJ .XT lillli'lilll 111 , Olllllllll K ) . \ , Noli. , fliipt. I' ' | Hp < u'lidTcli'jniin U.'l'nrlln | Tliollliti'li Mox Ml u vli'llin iiiu-iinmili in hlm-olii'H prmviwi IhU lilnrn- liiif. The ifiunovnn n vnry pmtly nni , Ihn CKrlllMilinit bi'llin ' knpt lip fnnn hcgllilllllKt" end. HID NI'IIID hoivnii\vlii \ | ( lini'lavardi nnd fiirlli Mulder did thu IWItlliiK for hlili'iiln ' nnd Hlnii-li on ) llvn limn. Mil. uiivn HDVDII huxen on | HIK | | li'iitdii did Ihn liuiliiimn for iMIIIIIIII nun \\IIH iMiiiiuiyviiu , HIM iiiiini'ii 11111 only two Mien. In I IHI lUlli IniiliiK Onmhn Knt iluhliniiH In IhnolKhl Inning 'Pinlllov ' Ili'd ' Iliu Hiiui1 , mid Molili'iliniK'Kcd tin ) luill In loft llnlil , hrliiKliiK In Ihtiw rtiiiH. The HCOI-O HI'MMMU" ' . linns i > aliioil- l.liii-oliiH. . Oniiilia I. Two liaoo lilli Hi liidili'i'oni ' ; ' , .Miililiirllni' ' . lloino inn Id'iiins ' Ituiililo | iln\h \Viililitolliini-iiliiin lo ' ( I'Coiiiiui. llii > iv < un ImlK uir Mnlilii- | . 1'iiuan N. Htiurl , out II * Muhhii 7 , I'liKiiu I , I ItollniK I. I'axsiil ' ludh Ilixiior , NIMIHUIII \\llil ( ill. lies Mnlilor U. Tlino ot unnii1 Two liinii * . I injilio Ill-null' , HllllMllH ( It ) H , Mil xi KM : , Wl-i. , S.'pt , t > . | Hnvlnl | Tolo- KI-IIIII lo Tun Ilia. . ] I'olliiwIiiK li HID of tixlux' tin iiii.i t. . II II I ) I K II II O A I ! iviiimitii , ir n t t ti n xiniiiiintisi. a a T i t Ill n n l i I Misiii. i. . .a n in t MIl'Hll. n l u a t smiiii ir . , j i i o o UiirjiMi'ti' , u t n n n n iiuoMT , rr t t : i u n Kllil in , -J 1 y II I HIIMIII. Id . II 0 T 1 U MiinlmiIn , i ) J til II n iiirin'iili'i.Jti. ' II I I a li JiillUt'll . ' I U T II II limn. 111 , 0 0 t U U \XK \ > lliili > . ' II U i .i' 0 tl Iliiunmi. < I I .1 I II i il 'it u a o o n- ri o o h lUIXHUIlV. I'aini'd inns \ll | niiki'i > ? . Kausni rilv ; i. IttiiliiMi hits IVuinun. litlllllli , llmni'i , ( liiiHiiii. U iM'ssitilon Pair " * inple" . MiinuliiK , Mi-oil , liniibli ) iil.i ) - Mounts 10 M.iiiuiiii . ; HUM'S on bulls .Mll ' . , uki-n X Kansas I'lty il. Minok mil Mi llilllllli.V I'tissisl lulls Jiint- IHI 1. \\IUl \ | 'Ui'lii-s Hi mill , ; v 'I'liuo-I'uo hiuus. l'uiitivMi'linrnmtt. | . i > onxoi > n , si , I'niii i , Hi I'm , Minn , Sept. V ISpoolal 'iVh- Kiuin to 'I'm ; llht : . | \illoxxIni l ; U tbo of tediix l. IVVI'I ' , Hi. Hi.tai At > t > im , rr l ,1 > t \ } u * Mi-UK'iu > . Jt > .t M u I u 1 a i v l l ly li ' iM'iinh , in I u 1 0 u M ' l iutilii | , > | t 0 I | iXi-Cli'll | ti , l l I o O'llrlt'ii , Sis . .0 I A .1 OO'lltlrii , IU. .0 * II ) 1 0 \Wnlik ' , l > . OS t li * linns rl . ,0 K o 1) ) II t'r iiiliurc. i' .U 0 it t o. UojriuiUU , o , .U U ft t O Xliui'lir m.I I I 0 iixi.v.,111 , u . n U S I t . .Mwiui ii i w it u iilixiiitiv . > < .0 t a j n rMiiulill , f. 0 I 0 I 0 tknM , | > . . .0 0 0 P 0 _ Vuui _ < n j i i-ia _ _ _ 'tviits ' _ . . . lijioii" _ " m ISMNO.S , St. lK Vanl V l o 0 0 0 3 0 tvI uu < r „ 0 o i o l y l f. Sl'UMUtV , ISinit I'ltnwl- . I'mil I , IVnxer , Txo- Kis hits \\errU'k " . Alilvx , > Md'U'llaii , i linen ilVuxorW lliisos on tMlls Sniitii \ VlixM J , Strui'V. out -Miilth t , 1'hx.xt I , Ihu- lN tl , Slonx City t ) , Mlun. , Sept , U.Sivlnl [ to 'fills l KK.J t\vHy lus ltho ganio : MISM.VIMHS. T \cirv. . II II IM V . XKSOun.lO ' , If U I 3 I ) U < * UM I < . tf . . .0tt S V f 4 i > Mliiiii'ltitii it t I J H u .0o tlo it. U > , 0 I 4 l I .0o i o \ IV ( > . o I i l o \ y Cmri\i , iu. . . .vl 0 t I 0 t i > LI y o > Mtllvr. . i > U I ) I liMltHl T wtii > . , l . t , U 0 S U l > > I t V KlIWi. is V > tOtUwf.v U. 0 t J .1 * .1 0 U > o u o v V .0 a 3 W > 4 tvni > tl It UX INSIVM-I , ' - . D l' l > S 0 0 i ) tf | _ ; t x'llx- , x > DOv > UOUtflV-v T o-lvvi * > hrt-Kjii * Stolen Mrtius * . \ \ Kliier. Ivublo i.l.ix . NVuiwr. ( Iviituvi v riolK o , \i ) o l. W w ouUilN utr \ \ \\idiior f lilt tj Vl eh l bill Pusdtitt. Mriioivowi n , MlWjii Kuti.erX A i > tehhltuv. . I oh i u Uvxi's IW lA > k u\Oli > I Uuio- OHO hour minute * . I wn'lu - UuulK'k. .Nut ion a I , Oluvluu U , , 0 0 0 0 VU > 0 0 0 0 D 0 1-4 CUnohiud . , Oi > OUx > 4xilDv > > > x t 0)- > VUU I'meJuuatl lUCtovcttutU t\ h vvix ViHctuiMii tM. < tk4wiid ) 4. liaMorivM .Mul- l.iuo ami Har tu , ; OH , VouH rti d Kiunuor I uu. > lveStiwf AT V \Vr5t 'T. 5. u , V.u- Vf Oi ) I \ liltKrooXHyn K \ toroo \i \ 0 i , OtaxiriiiiML 0. . .VKiUUL md. SviHji. \t 3 ! Hiktx OXuinljus * Srrvcv- I , ( ' ( iliiinhun I. IlntlttrloM mil I'llKiiilihn ; nnd DnyloIinplio - Ctttry , _ AT IIU.TIMOIIR. Miiiilniori ) . u o o o ( ) : i l n n- I Lnillnvlllu . II 4 0 II II 0 I 1 0U JllU-lliilllnwni III. Konlivllln I'J. Krron- Haltlrnnm 4 , hoitUvllln U. Miitl irlivt-l r. iiinn nnil 'I'oiviwi'iidi I'liit'l nnd HllHli. Din- iliii Taylor , | _ _ _ _ _ AT MOCIIIH : rr.it. 0 0 0 0 0 0 II I 0- -I II I 0 0 0 ( I I 0'J lilt * llncliitilor II , HI. Lnttlsn. Ilrrori-- Uoi-liMMtnr - 'J , Ml f.'Hilsil. Hiittm-lfM-Mlllor nnd Mi'KcoiiKli ; Hurt nnd Miinynn. Uni- [ ili-ii ICinsllu. Ulll-llllCWM HtlllHMl | | lllO ( illlllC. 'Mm i-lty nnd county ulorkH UiincUi'd off ytKdiTihiy nnil iniKiiKoil In n Kimm of hiiHohall. At HID I'm ! of MUI'II InnliiKt HIIIHCOIII win II to II In favor nf tliorlly'M ' HwltMl form The county KiintliiiniMi Idi-ki'il for nlno InnliiK.i nnd Hiu-i-i'i-dril In lining llitiMcnri1 , leaving II IU lo I'J ' u-lii'ii ' ilai-Unots tippnd ) ( hi ) Kiiaii ) . llolh toanm are nn\v clalniliii ; i < ii | n-loi-lty and In ho a Hum-Is Allidd. Tim npiirUinoii nf I lilt ( uvtloii niv hnrilly IIH fatnlllur xvlth that ntutitlui-d pnhllciitlnn , MpnrtH Allolil , IIH It driorviw. Thin Jutirniil tii'iilM nnilnlvof lli'hl npnrUiind Idndi-i'd ' In- IHII-IIH , and diH'otiw ivm.'clul . iittontioa to thlH poillnn nf thuoil. . U'ltliu vloiv lo Iho ln't- iKi-lnliiHliii'lliin uf HpnilH Alhiltl hciv.CIiiiido llim . ltd mniiiu'liiK dllnr , h vlHltliiKOuniliu mil thonthiM' prlni'lpnl Nohni'iUa cltlu-i. I'HK > ! / ; / * ItlMl. ItiuuiH. Ciiti'Mio. Hopt. --ISpoiilnl 'I'lih'h'nun to I'm. Uu * | Sntiim try nf loduy' * riii-in - nt tlio \Viwl Klilo pailt. Sov'oii-nlKlillit nf n nilloAinellu ( the fu- voiltoxoii ) , l.oxxli C'larlt tuvonil , May Hurt third , .Sh'i l'l.i-i ) > , I'ruli Cider , lliu-nplpo , llnicni-oln , .latpor nnd Ullnv diawn. 'Plino I : ! lil. lil.Olio Olio inlhv-Jm'UtnlT won , St , AlliiitiH see- onil , Miiilnlhi thti'il , Altlcut ( the fiu-nrltiMnol In It. .Inlio S.iiiii.ii-i-s ihiiivn TliniI : M 'o. ' D Mlln anil iiiio-Hlxti'i'iiUi .lid ( the favoilto ) won , MUi llowuul M-i-iiuil , Ll/ilo 11. tlilnl. Tlino li.VS. 'I'liii'ii iiuuli'i--iof | u ndlo , notlliiK Dun 11. \\oii , Ui'iUtiiiiosivond ' , Itllly I'lnlioitnn ( the fnvorlto ) llilhl , I'licltliofHi' , Soiirliv , Kimlo- wood , Iiohind nnd ICntt'rpibo dnixvn , Tinio 1:111. : 'riiii'iviuinrloiNiif ainlln SNi C > 'I.t > o ( Iho fnxin-ltii ) xxoii , I'llKilin ti-coiul , Itiittel third. Kim KliiK , ItiiHslo llrlKK-1 , Mnnihi U. and SoiutioilriMMi. 'I'liui'i i : l'i. ' Hhonil May UIIDCH. Uu , N. V.Sipt. ) li. | Si ivli l TolOKiiun tuTiiK IlKK.IWciitlier I'leur and tnu'k fiint. Summary : Thtvo unurli'M of a u\lh \ < Itallyhoo xvon , lien lliiiilHiui Aciimd.hiKO , limn II ( the fnvor- Itoi not In It , IVivpllon , Llttlo Mltiulo , l.nn > r D.ii.i-i1 , ( loldstrtiani , l.mlAKIIIM , l-'ifolly , I'UKlc , ltiIVho , VllhiKO Aluld nnd .Mulaehi dra\vn. 'I'lino rlu , Tlnvo iiinn lors of u ndlo , autumn .ituUo-t Sulllo MeC'lellnnil xvun , v'atinlli .Hivoiul , Sir ( Siuro tldnl , KU-u'lt ( tlio Invoiito ) not In it. , lilnfax , Sui-plus , 'Pluirnilalo ami Alllo and ono-half , Urld 'luuulii-iiii 1'rliu-o \\oii , Miisti'tlodi ) nt-riuul , lualo.l ( the fnx oilto ) tlilnl , 'PoiirnniiiiMil , Itinuinot and Admiral drawn Piliu-o Uoyal. Tnu Hiu : tip , \XIIH ohaiiK > M to 1'rlnco Fonso , Time J ; tf l-o. tno ) inllo , nii'lnt ; stuluM Kingston ( the fnxiuttitiui ) hut xviii hiiitvd in tin ) hot tin ) ; , KltijiiineM Mvoinl , Uatston tltlixl , Ku U-di l.inlv , liw AnttVlivi nnd Uiul 'o ilruun. Tlino I. Ill l-\ .Mllo and ono-iiwrleiv- | AiiKvle.i xvon , ICi-uuiHul Histmil , 'Pi-btiin llilnlSiiun-lta ! ( the fiixiu-ltel not In It , KiiKlUh l.inlx und Kui > erta diMivn. Tlimi J-IVS - l.\ Alllo mill ono-nuaitcr , on turf Mai - Ivth Itxoii , lU > ll\xiK \ > d second , St , l.uko ( the tiixorlti1) ) thliM , Ntnxar.i und UUtlo Jliu druvvu. 'I'lino d 11. d lviHtHou | KIICCM. 111. , Sept. U.Thetiva. . - < ti'iul.iiuv nt the second dny of the Sprlngllcld i\msltloii | , In the ilvo-inllo ex hibition rutmlni ; ntixi tK-txxivn Mlv Whllo of St. l.oulanil MlsiVillliiiiti of Topeku , Kim. , on tlioivuyhbroili , Mln Wllllunis x\on. Tinio H'V'7 'I'htvo-nilimto | Miv IndlaniipolN lH > y xvon in tluvo ivnsex-iitlvv ) hiMtji. llcat tune - St 4. In the tu > ttliikr rucoof fiijiNof l t , 1N- Kiili , ox\iu\l hy l .itt\i Stmun of JsicK-iDiivillo , xx xm in tlu\\ ) -stitiljht hints. TiniodiW. . In the tivtlhitf moo of fwls of ls , llauih CiwMiok xvon. Tniu'Jj4 \ ) . It wa * uuuouiu'iHl thU iiftonuvn that the ixiletutitixl atulllon , Uoy Wllkot , xx'lll gx > iNt the nvv > i\l b itihiy. Idniutln Knee * . IUM.VI.V. Xoh. , Sopt. tf. Summiry of to- dutrS nuvt * : \Vi\Hlliluo\vouthot\xv-yiMr-ohl trot , Kddlo lla\e i sixviul , AUvthird. . Tlio dt.N : ; trv > t xva * xvoti l Count Maldliuor , Kll Mivond , N\xl \ ' thh\l. " The inllo da-.h xxtw xvon l v Kixl Slsii in U > Vt Uhiuoh I'lliuxvw < i\vud , 15opix > thlrxi. Atxttmd 1'iirk Kact" * . N .x > VOKK , S'pt. 0 > AXwv\M pane be ui its full tutvtlu tixltiy Suiniuury : iilW eUv-t , # iiV.vi Scramulo xvon , Uo&ort M , Ta > lor > c\vad. rMluiotv third , Sl-tor laivt\\ fourth. f.tt tune S i S i ii v1um > , # lfV - l > uinu- > nit xou , Mi-is Aluv svwud , Stexlo thii\l , Camllli ) fourth. Tlu KoKli-fJi Turf. l.o.stH > \ , Sjv'pt V's ' 'Slvv'Ld. ' taWei"iui to Tue , UKK.I The MS.V Cur Iho rxwt Yor - t the IViiouMcr Soptcui- y Uxort < par. \\x'u by Usutto Sviwie. H-VT. lYuu I * . lot ray , -KtUol. lU-ulftw Wuvth ruooUv ( . 'hrtxty , Uroxvu Duia , fcMUf riu1 t\wmt. 'I'ouruauwttt. SKlh 11U.-0 Vvuu'c \ \ anl , Youtty Dale. Uluu-u , J.iu es V. Lee , Tit mcolUniiiuut , MoAlurtry. IVuHli i\kv > touMouti fc\ntx ruco-Jvd , Khaftua. i . IVyfcMi v llli , L.iufii.ir , IWttVl Cwwetwa , Uidy \ 1UV UttO. voduriNe , Itrxjxvu Kovvr , I.W v.v ' > ty.tittsl tittsl OIVv-tLilit. N < HV Y it aulw , oo. btrt Uiki May , JK& * . 0.Y mfc. _ _ _ _ _ I ( UVO , tiveM < ctlU ritt . Kii kvU. ' IttKKM , JkuiHk. V , hUia Mooit , t-U lUcvhu , vod. t Mo H , S.HjrM. v Kwvtvul Bluu V tl , \VtuttnM- . v , J Vaa A VICTORV FOR BEET SUGAR , All Aineiuliiiciit to tlii Tariff or Iinpattanco to Nebraska , ALL MACHINERY WILL BE ADMITTED FREE , HH tit l'ri > NiiUlN | Tluit tinHtutn AVIII Now Co lo tlio l-'riiut In tlio iifllccl IltMiMMi im OMUIV HIK : , ) MJ l- ' HHsrii Kruiir : : , > U'HIIINCI1llV , I ) . ( Ji Sl | ll. l > . ) .At liulf-piiHt J thh iiftoriioiin the tariff bill In Its tlilnl ri'iulliiK' In the Hoiialc. P'ortwouty-foui1 hoiii- * prior to tliu Html vote lliiin | tliothlfil li'iiilliiK of the bill tlio HL'iiuto devoted niitU of lln ntli'iitliui to the snhjivt of lho > Hii 'iir Mi'lii'ihilo. Nolirnsldi oivuiilcil Iholhiot' for n Ini'Ko portion of the time , both HiMibtofH Miiinli'rson nnil I'aililix'U iirguliiK In fuvor of the Nlliuulallon nf Hut boot HIIK'IUIn - dtiHtry. IJvi'i.v iiropixlllini niTuruil hylliolsV- biMsltusi'iintotM iuiitcd | | liy tlu'M'linlo ' wllll tlioiinlo ovcoptloa of a Iminity for lu-oihicors of ii'iir lie . It ' | t. was 'omul nLtho List moment - mont tluit tliN was IniDnicIU'ablo liccuiiso the HIIIIIO HtlnmlatlouMIIHI | lm\o i > oen bo uriin It'll to the ru I SIM'S of noruhinn anil HiiKiit1 iMino. The Until act Inn of the Honnlo upon tlili Httlijoi't Is In illiiu't line with the mitWHtlun of Suiiiitor Maiidoooa many months uu" and nvoinmoiiiliiUuii'i niailu In Senator I'ndiloi'U'H ' itiHUt | fioni the ivnimlt- too on HkTlrulUiiv , jircMMited histvlator \ , anil whli'li In I In iippllratton lo boot snpiki * in-oduc- tlon In thin oomitiy will , It li conlldontly ho- Ikni'il , within llvo yearn laiilio the Uiilteil Stntos linlciHiiidunt of outnlilo Millar \n\i- \ diii'tlon. lloth the soniitois from Nebr.i.sltn wcroi-on- stantly npponlod to fof Infoinmllim upon this .sciu'ilultuind thi'lr rojillo.s aldod Kii'atly In Iho.sohitlon of the prohloni , Ills \ititory forNobiiiHknnnd lioitt an ur rnlscrs throiiKli- out the country. Si'imini' I'uihlook this ufloinwnvlion aivn by 'I'mi'f. ! \ \ i-oiiv.siiondont , said ; "Tho tvsnlt U In ovcry nuMisum most nat- Mai-lory to mo. It mnk's out to final victory the tlKht iniido In the conimlttoo on itKili'iilluio for pi-oliytlon to the hoot sunar Induslry nnil wlilohvas IniiUKunitoil lint winter , and In which Nebraska Is so vltnlly liiti-itvttcd. I iK'lli'Vi' oar pcoplolllivni ) the biMiolIt fiimi this section of llio tin-Ill' Mil and will htvuro IH-IH-HH i'nn illv as iviil ius thiwo of any olhor cominuiillles lutci-oslcd In tarltT tu-otivllon. 1 looU for the Itviitlou of a aitni- ior of boot siiKnr fm'toriea la our stale \\lthln the next fo\v joai-s , which will K'M' ' to our fiiruu-is n moi-o liandsonit'ly | ) .iyhn ; crop than any Invhloh tlu'.v nro nn\v lntoii < .sti < d nml wliti-h will mid Kivntly to our resources. I ftvl that the sirunlo ( umdo by Senator .Miindoi-sDU and myself lias Ivon of soiiioiivall , and that the pi-iiplo of Nolinisliii will ill-cover th.it the tnrlif bill at thi.illv pisstxl will contain ivhedulohlch will mom dltvctlv In-'nollt thoin th.ni heretofore in the hUtorv - of turltf k-L-lslnt on. " i mi iiu'orpor.iiioa 01 int > riuinn iiaiendmont , i-ivutUiK a tariff commission - mission , which Is In i-ousouaiuv with the ivi'Oininonilutlon iniulo lit thospooch rxvontlydollvoivd liy Soiuttor I'mUUvIc , aad tlioudoitluii | of the nvlpiveltv sohonio inauv the hill us tlnully ik > rfocUi\ \ ono of > : ix < it vuluo to the \\o.st Ki'iu'rally , and thocto results ha\o boon nivompiUhod mainly by the IHH"- sl tent tftTort.s of VM'i.toin senators. Semitor Mmuh'rson , ivuvursltiKuu the sub- jivtof tlui .tapir si'lu-Unlo tills nfternitoa , sttlilVo : \ h.ivo iiotKolallwonititil.bttt wo hmo trot nil wo could Imvo ttxnvtoil | The schedtilo will provu of luo-.tliuabln Uniotlt to the Mikjur lnvt Industry of Ncluiiskii. It will sthuulnto a no\v Industry uiul will txvsnlt in placing our statu mnoiiK thu t'oivimwt su ur ralshi IMIU- munltlivs of the world. Not only Nohuuska , but the whole norltwvst will ixnvlvo u hem > - tlt ftvm thu net Ion of tliucanto , und I ilo not think itlll IK ) many , M < I ) before \\o shull bo cntiivly ItuloiK'iulout of uutsiilu su\i- \ | ilU of snisiir , wbllo ut the sumo tlnio the ivst to the consumer \ \ \ lbo \ mlucwl to the uilnimuin. " Lust ulKht ilurlni ; the ilob.itc < Semttor Mnn- ilotsoa sivuiAxl the uiloptiDu of the following niiiendment with the aid of hU ivlloa uo. "Tliut all ui-ichluery piirohas-od nbrxuil anil onvtiM Ut u Ixvt Migar factory for the miuiu- fiicluro of bivt supir hi the Unltod Stiller fivm Uvt produced ttiervlii shull N > luluilttivl duty five until July I , biO ; ptwidcxl , that any duty col lected wi uay of the ulxtvo dc-cribeil m.i- cluacry purchased abaud aud luii > orti\l Into the United Static for tlio u-os iiuovo iiull- cixtisl ! > luco Jiuiu.irv I , 1 > ( .M , shull bo re funded. " . > tr. t.usus wtutitxt to auionu tno aiuoua- ment sou * topivvido for thodvotiuivrtation of till siuar iiuiehinery , but the seuuto voteil thu do\\nt and nftor u spirited deKito , lu which a diMeu souutor * Johuxl , it weut Ueury ' 1Oxiiiinl of Cir.uul who tins IHVU liorovutvhlu > j the s sohislulo for -omo time , left for Xow York thl < txiteruoou and will prooood theuco to NebiiisVa touuu-row. Ho U delighted with the Mic\v H of the Nebw rut : Koo\k > Kii r U i * understood that t-evrctary I'wvtorou Siituiilay tunievt over to lieueittl&vileid the > ettloment of the tvutrovcwy botwcvw IJou- enil l > ivXeuud Colonel Kautj of the ile- l > .irtiiu t of the 1'lutte , whllo as late a- SutuU y eastern uew > jv | vrs hti\i > IHVII j > re- dlethijr that therx ) woula be cBtiairo lu the commander of the department. It Is now qulto certain that neither General l > i\vie uor Oolouel Kauti will bo dUturUtl iu his station. Friends of l eui > ral lirxvio have rcM-iitixl the u 3Wtion of bU truusfcr ou the ji\imd ths t \vuutd K > a uuuife t rxdectton uvvu that al'lo yUkvr At tbo , > iiie Unto ( .ieuenU SohetleUl fivl * th.U the matter can N'punvrly sottk\l by the \ \ ichdravU ou the V\irt oj Ocuvnil Urvvke o/ the > tutouieut ut which Ci'leuel KauU too * off < ? tw.e auvl re > ult- ius trow whteh was tbo dotuaiHl for .1 ivurt- tuarttdd. This , it is uudvrstoo .l , hoill di > when CV ) Mitfl KttuuUI uithOr.iw his Je- utaud for rvdro below a Muluary court. The result of thoyrotests of the two Xo- br.t < kk stfuator- iuiust lh > abouduuiueuS of " b"c iiiUuey. the tmu for of the r\v tv < drst lUJfauir.Y h > Cure Kot > iu4ou , iud of iho Xiuth cavalry to b'Vrt McKmuey fc > Uxat ctwia x-s of tr\vv > s wilt N > Ukule. Tte ii-ctvtarv of wur bad deculcvl uot to disturb t'urt Siduov at uo eulaad it u u tllliolv that the tjwu will tvtso tfctfuxrWu uutil tky uuw t'vrt Omaha i > vvti-ttuctvd. Tti ( > lau of the ev ebau oX ttvfctiad | Kvu uuptx-vl out , it U ttudetxlivd , uud. a tvveU at the divi ou tMttUtjujrtfo ut Chictixo aud would uudout > { - e\llv , bui\e tveu vut utco e-\wutiou bad not Sttator > f ddock iud MaudvrMMi iutcr- th f ( OUutviU Kurd o surevutt * torVost IViut , MJUui i Hvttrv U. Soiuiittr * OJf U'o t t'uuit dud \VUluutt O > Oib vM of Ifcvtttor Mr k'ttrviuhurvxv ut ciuurxv of t _ * too- twU , ajiJ lovUY tlui a utuocitx ] , of the atvly after t ' e dfci-ooal of the turiil bdt ttte.x- a * a i Y fi > r tbe vvtutci eauouof A Mother Kounil Guilty vC Murder , * Sea KHIeU by the Cars. .f na * to fu t ; * . -Ttw Jury ut the iMxj ot Mr * , irtth. Kuttvlolv , aiuu Mrs. Mcvtinty. L > otu-iiiui ; the tuurdr ofV * S. : of QV * _ jf X * V * . I'Ntsl L. . IT. * I ! > Ill JF V _ rL.C Mr time > b ro- . MlVUtlltlU. . 4 tMtirrivd awa , ad fucvy , whit * \v-avu k . lu. fafU wittier a ya iuij ttuM , a d iu Arrtvu.ls. At Nw Vwrk-MM UliuMiH tMM AM- \ \ Hnmnmlh-nm - TUd Stfeo lr Na N Al tlM UMtd P fc a Th fsvui N w Yuck. tar Lmuluii. \ Otwo i4i w ttt r > tuv ; ti . - . trow N w Vor * tpr , , HVI DK MinVi , la. , SfpU II. ( Spcclnl to Tin : UKR ) - Thii railway ooimnlHiloti M IKM lorod with n't ' Kfoat many Hiniill cnmplnluU , but nnrur full to jflvo ttielr tlmu and atton- lion to tlio1 Mvtd. of thoni , The nnwllost jainploofo irijiilrityct roi-clvod rotnc * from ( Mmi-los Himtini of Qiilncy , 111. , who InKo'ii" ' from Inwa CMtv to lliirllngton not lout ; iiga WHH ovon-hm 'd ' IHCotiH bv n Hock Island iipiit. Tilln fro ho tlioiiKht of the nmttcr the iniuldoi' lo ( iH-onnuj , and Ilinillyho simt n | olti > r to the vommlsslonors. Tlioy in turn out It to tlio Kficlc Itlatid n 'iicral ofllotH and In iino i\irHii \ inf Ibno It nvii'liod CliMiot-.il SolUllorVrltrlit. \ . Hl.i reply wrt * iivolvod yesti-rdny nlillMi an foll.v.vs : "Yimifiiif ifij.liiHL , liu-lostiiK complaint nf Clunks lUrn'omir nlnoy , 111 , in which bo i-liiliiH to liiiviiMilTi-iod In thu pilncoly HIIIII of Hcc'iitt , hni hivn riYclvt'il. In reply to this complaint I hnvo tunny that tlio nl lit opi'iMtor ut Iowa City , wlto probably 4ih- Horbi'd ' this laiio sum of money , has boon illi. chinked from tliu si-ifvlio : of the company and by Htrlct ironoiny thu company Iru boon able ' In nnvu Iftci'iil.s.'wlili'li hiw lnvn forwittlcd lo the complainant. Yours truly , Titos. B. U'litniir , ( luiior.il Dm MOINK-I , la , , Sept. V [ .Sp ci p-auito U'ltu ' llii-(5encral : : ] .1. 11. Wenvor wrote a letter today iteclinltiK the iioiiilnntlon loiulercd him hv the union labor romcntlon which met hci-o lust week. Ho Hays in pnrt : "I am deeply linprmsod with thl.s oxpiossloii of eoiilldcnco on the iimt of my follo\v i-ltl- 71'llt null I'O-lllDlllVl . ll'lll Ivi I ll III lisniuu them that 1 fully ap | > rccluto thu honor con * fonvil. j\ml yet , fur ivnsons oji > ro.s < cd In my recent loiter ilocllnliiK a slinllnr honor tendered by thu domocratlo party of this dis trict , I inn compelled to duclluo the Humilia tion and I inn surumy frlunds will not ecu- snro mo forsajliif ? Unit this action Is llnal. " Illttcn by n. Mad ! > < > i ; . IVNDXVII.I.K , Iu. , Sept , 0. ( Special to TIJB llnrOn : ] Saturday two ehililron , iiRCil iibout three and Jlvo you IN , of Mr. . Hurr I'liolps , residing in Knnxvillo , worn bitten by a HI tlo dojjthoy woi-o playing with. The little - tlo Rlrl , tlnvo ycui-sold , waa bitten llwt on her arm nnd the lioy tried to ih-ivo the dn away with a club and w.is bitten on the hand and Iff. Thu doi ; was shut up and died Sun day \\ith cvory iiviileni-oof hydrophobia. Mr. I'holps hat tiiKou the children to Chicago for tivatmcntut the I.nteur , Instltuto. A Klro lint Son ton i-ed. liuGuoVK , Iu. , Sept , V. [ Special Tele- ( jniuito Tin : Uni : . ] 'riiomns Morrow , who confissod to aldliiR GCOI'KO T.Villliini3 , editor of the Ida County \Vatchmiin , in at- lomntitiK lo burn tlio Grand oi > ern hou-o , win seatcacedycsti-rdiiy to two jears In tlio peni tentiary.Villlntin is uiulor lic.ivy boiuls for tils uppearjiico. The C.HO 1-t - nttr.icliiu ; nmeli attention on iiocoimt of Williams' nc- ininintiinoo us a new-tpiipor nun. Iteiuly lliislnc-H4 < \ ; .ilii. Mi < sofiii V MI.KY , la. , Sept. 1) ) . [ Special to TIIK UKK.J Uhn oriKinul tuclsage houses have opened iipn nln ami d.din thnt thcv are. porfeitly safe in selllujr They aw will- IIIK to puy the 4iim of $30 per month into the city treasury. lurtli Ulsli-lot loiiioi < r.it . NIH : IliMi-nw , Ja. , Sept. < . ) fSpeelul Tele- pram to Tin : facR.-- ] the twelfth ballot U'ntt N. llutlur of Fayettovus nomlmited today by the doniocruu of the 1'ourth con- Kiiv-isliniiilillstdct'iusacimilidato forcougi-eas. TIIK J'OH'KK.V.fOirjlKK.ir > . * . Two lioullu , l nriiu-rs IJIIato On How to llest Ot't Miimiy. Auiiimx , Xi > b.i' Sept. P. To tlio Editor of TUB KKHI Mr. Powursi , IniloiHJiideiitcaiuU- date for povi-rnar , sjwko on la < t Tuesday aftenioon to an nuXlleao ) of about sevvnty- tlvo fanners at the Eii > ; l < > farm near Auburn. Hocommoucod hl < spcevh by ii-kim ; his auiHonco if the , > ' 'know thotruomeaninu of thuu > rd inortsajre , and then explained that It wi derived fivin the \vonU "jnort" ' which means death , imd ' ase'1 which mean * grip , and concluded by saying thut the money loaners hid a "death ( jrip" on the entire farming intoroits of Nebraska , which very mucJisurpriseil several of the thrifty Nemalu farmers present. Ho pictured the hardship- : of tlio farmers , und the pvr > pay they re- iviveil for their labors and woundup by uu- pressing upon thelriuiints that the only way theycoulil g t relief would bo by voting tlie Indeivudeat ticket la November. As ho wa * i-loslui ; Church Howe , who hud listened at tentively , pollteJy asked if he would bo i > oi > mittcd to usk a quostloti ortwix Mr. i'ovvcis .Mr. Hoxvo Some of us farmers do uot uudcMiind In what \x iy you propose relief for thpe-o being obl'Kvii to bortoxv money xvithout giving morts-ijst' * to secure payment of auu\ for instance , ouo of tiiy neighbors owns U'O aow * ol land aad desires to pur chase uu additional UH1 aero * , which , he caa doforiVsiW. Ho h.i * JJ,000 xvhieh .0 cua pay iloxvii , but must luivo time to uiako the olhorfJAXX ) Lxff the farm ; \\hat otlusr way xvoulil you sAigKOs : , to a uuiu so situated thun to > rive u luortguso' or prox'idiu a ( .inner has u Urxo crop out corn , out has uo Mock to feed It to , can you -sujrjwt aay other XXMV by ivhich He caa ptt money to buy stivk , or fur any other purpe o. except by securingr tto larcyvho accounuod.i'.es him xvith tbe money ! Mr I'oxxvrs I asu clid you remicJed tno of this. , 1 inteudo.1 to explain it fully , bu : I foi-xotit. Vott HO doubt kuoxv xo already have a bill in coa ro prox-idiuc for the loaning ; of p.xx eminent fuad > to the farmers ut I per cent per aunuta.Vhou thi > bill pa es aud bo- eoaitv u i.ixv nuy ao xilio oxvu.- fariu o a applj' ti > the ivuut.v cleric and throu ix hiui gel a lo.iu frvai the fovcruuieut at I jvr ceut 'por annum. Mr Htfxte lloxv much xvillouch fiiraorbo alloxxcvt to borroxvfroui the govcruuiciit cu hK firm I Mr. I'oxvers Not to exceed ? JJO ) oa a etich ooiarter > ectioa. Mr tlowe 't'aeu tbj * loaa froai the jcwv- erauieutxxUl Iv uuiu. < iv ly to the f-inuor * and Uadoxvaersl Mr llo \ \ * , vlu < iv hr. Mr Ho\x-e Hut xvtuit bto becouw of the l\vr devil xvho l > bi < > ed xrtla u lar.rt. fauuly of cLUitrt-'u .uid U iu duaiHtol distrv 5. but uufortuuatviv b.x > uo loud au hich ta borf f roxv owner xwia the p > nimnt at t per j cent per ttuuutufVtxa5 pov t.joti do you i I aio.ko lor tti * btioisuulX t& * curjHntter. the oruiuout to d j uotiiujc for th m' ' Hii uot tt > ( \vr wan xirttdout tw tuiui the sajue eliilsu oa ! xi > $ x > reruiueut JJ the tiuitt xvita ' tuud1 VYtfUki'aot ail aot of thb aad bo [ j ci > iuy { uacouiticu iotuUl I Mr. n-ers-Tt7ii : > easily answrectfd. TV ex'xfry other iaditrttr , too eieehuiucs aad aU other cttes et-ttar Ux in c vtZ t&e tiruwr. and. wuh UMMwy' fttu toe zuvvr.awas a.t I per COUK ( vr auitutu ho vrdl bo etuibtai to eiMutoy more aolj > iiS l y < i $ Siotwc xvuw , and Iho tiuxfe xx-ill txo Aod truit tbe aii cliiuui aad. ltibucer > will no vvaat any bip front and ill xh r clufei' will nio cure o > f .hem- [ ju.stii.-o w all lafo'lad JJKVUU. pcivi ! * ! ? * , to uou . < ) Would it 344 bveUvss l v > Uiuouf ilueu Hfe * i > fttBy'W UK jaUitfihM air to kave uttf. I _ . 'w-1 bjrctuW it ckur to ail Mr KvMVVI't Vt , * OtKi lHfe fT vli * iUl > C I > would 'lUtf ti > xsk r-4 I Mr V\mt'rs x vi.'QUr Jivl aot i.tin to ova- | auJwuco- their jKtmtwn. ami rvt rv l. , Tbo'jrltill nl cornNpoad < me truthi i fUUy aays "V-un.'lii Kloxvw Olui > _ oit. " t ut R * ' lo sav thua IUIM out \it MI of vb * . Os U _ i IVTil UK Xft IB , -ouittjf hk tilt Ttw ctu k > aru vw A NUCLRV CUU.N-- * > .a.M H. C.utou. a fvl tlur'vuu auii < > t v tt : Lvw 4J i/Ws . uad , tzvui - LfU , liil l > f ] iini UUIUM ti- w.un uir rVi * uy uoivu ia.i > . T-j\lA.ir aU Exit Ha viuau. w 10 hai JlaU , ptKkmi , vtct" da.tTi LU.J J. A U & * K'U COOTS CETS THE WHOLE JOB , IIo la Awarded the Contract for Oomplctlng the Now Oity Hall , WORK TO BE DONE WITHIN ONE YEAR. Comptroller Gootlrlutt Submits n Ill-port < MI tlio DcllollH In llio Hoard of I'M lion ! I ( in llulldliig. Mr. Coots win pi von tlio contract , by the iimm-ll last night , fur tlio completion of tlio now city luill. Tlio commltti'o on public property ntul btillillnifH leportcd that Mr. Coots' bid , \xhlcli rovowil tliu ontlro xvorlc , xx-as the knvejt of fered , tlio nnuiuiit liciiiK fJT HS. This , the committed reported. XVIIH uhont fit.OOO loivor Hum nny combination of bills that could bo iniulo from the bids received , The commit tee nlio reported that Mr. Uootsvouldeon - traot to hnvo tlio woik completed by Septem ber 1 , lyjl. On recommendation of the eoinmltteo the rontract xxas awarded to Mr. Coots. City Comptroller ( toodrlcli presented his report IIIHIII thonccounta of Uio board ofcdu- cntion witu special reforeni'o to tlio mud KCII- iTiill.v known as the Paul street bulWIng fund. Ills llnilliiK was us follows : 1. Tliut tin ) pcoploolod In fo.vnr nf tlio K- iwai.coof IIIIIKN for sultl 1'n til school to tliu amount of iKMMXl. " . Tlio fitiHiunl icallzod from tliosalcof thcsu bonds win JlO.i7l. : < . ' Tim amount expended on Hits silo to ( Into ' lif.'iT.Mi'avliiK iisiiriiliis In tlicfiltidof f-MW. 'Ililt .liiioiinl should boon luiiulj tint I tlniloii furl lior examination tlinttlioro I * butflO.H.4il : ! In tlii'slto mid linlldlnir fund , thus showing tluit the money voted for lids hi'liool has been eximniled In other localities. x oiiriitti'iilloii Isi'.illiMl to llu > fiilhixUnir. \ hleli Is an nhstrnrt from ) ny report inailc ion < > n \n\cmlier3. JSM'I ' : "In tliiMimitoroftho 1-wionf btiiiiK ilntiil January I , iv * , I Unit that tlio proposition submitted to tlio people ileslsn.itoiltlio imrohisoofcertain ud piuvlded for the election uf soluiol buildings 111 MllTllll'd localities IlUt III tllll 0\H'ndllUlO | of thi'proeoeiNiif tlio-o l > oiid- < this Important Instruction tins been Ignored , its -\\i\\ \ \ ticot- M'l-x tnl bvt.itoiueiits lioirn It h attached , not- nlily In tlio Instance uf Paul school.lu > ro JID.uOUiif ( muds ttoiu voted , xvhllo but StVIKX ) rt'iiialn In llio fund to bo expended In ixnj lo cality whatever , tliu < i sliDwIm eloirly ilmt this money lias boon diverted from Hi loiltl- ni.ito object. It K appmmit tluit In noln- stniuu'has HIP Miniinvtlird fium tli sale of these leniN l > een uxpomli'd wholly us voted ! ) > ' till'people. " In niltlttlon to the nliovol llnd that tlio fund for tlio urviitloniif su'hool hullilliitfsh.is ( icon oxi'idMxtnns fnllo\\ : M'.iliuit Hill. * : i.lOj ; Mn-iui street , f , : rcvi > ; l.aUo street. ftt > , l.UM : llaticriift stioot , SiVsTt.I'lnchiii ) of ltoh inetdi.ixrnAmbler street , * .vjt.'i. ! Tlu last tr.iii jetU > ii was nmili' In August of this je.ir. Attached Unit tabulated st.iiemcnt , showing actual rocilpts und dil > uiscim'ats up to .Sep tember 1. J-l . It xtlll hu observed that tilt * general fiinil li.ua balance of { 07t.Vl.V ) . The HiieMlon arls.es xxhethcr the jAi\K > nluclitlit > l.iw inovidi's inav bo oxpcudoil oil i'hn > l bululliik-s fioiu this fuiiiUliDiiUl nut bo lii > ia * ii'roil to cm IT llio utorlau tnviitlonnl iilov i , anil topix lilu aiuouiil duo oa I'unt street proceed * of l > uulold. . for \ > lilch ld , ami o\potidlturi > of s.unu. Expcadl- sclm > l . Jloml * < old. tares. - \\.iluat Hill > , _ UI M } tJs , > J7 6 Overdraft tlUM W Ma-.oustrect fti'J71 ) 00 MSTU 35 Overdraft I < , : w.3S L.iKu street } A' . > 01 4tl NS.WJ S7 Ovenlraft fltU.XJ 41 Ox-enlraft f ? , sT4iJ Paul street M0.3T1W * 5j ; CO surplus J ri'omsE or smKit , SITES. HoiiJs solil. E\ | ii.ilnat tliu. . . . . * .VtH'i ' J ? fCsW'l IX ) ) \o \ . Juriilns t Omaha ! , ? oS ' 4W3T , S ! > R-.JxH ) W Surplus $ T ? M West Mile- C.Oli 53 K.Wi OO Surplus. llsXi Amblfrs-treet f3.tW S3 ? J4 7i lUneroft . . . . { ( ift-v ) 63 86.0X1 OO Mlrplu- . to tiT Forest fj ii ) 19 .ViX > oa Surplus ja 10 Hickory . . . .JT.WI 93 I5.W l\ > Surplus JIVs ) Sti Krau llu S5.S8 IS K.\X ) IV sTttrnltls . > > l. Man-mom noivttr .imount uue I aul Piillillu ; fund , to btj iviltl froia the s fund on nvniuiit of oxvnlMft : i Htll UullU lits . { a.k15 > lUnotxift butltlttt ; Auitilor > tre t ito. Total . _ . lUUnce iu I'.xul street building fuud. j.fc AT Total . fi The rotvrt was iiluevd ou Alt. The ordinance MblMitairt9 * ? curb llao of Sevouteenth street txtxwca Hartley aud Hmyiird. ix-.is rvturneil oy the asayvrforcor- rtvtiou. The tteedod chtinjMxvoj " made and the oiiiinufieo wj pa < iod. Th.o xvunl 'Steps" xvi * omitteil aftt-r the orvt "uevx-ssary" iua > oxvor ordiiiaace aud came back and xx-jj pviosM la a corrveted form. The rt * elution onierins the > uspeusioa of the \vorfc on the Twnty-gfeh - > treet " . , x-er v.-is vetoed oa the j vuitd that the work had Kvtt wtunieuix'J aud further that the prop erty owaeis interested hud Asied that the xx-orkjhouKi nol bo > a-.yondd. : The reto The mayor wtoeil an ordinaace trroatio a exwr dtetrkt oa eleventh trxecACC nt tie viaduct approach. Trio prountl of the veto XXT-S that - the oraunace coattiat- pbted the paviu , ' of but of th street , which , the auvor xx-ould bo illevnii The veto xvu * su > . Thocity attoruoy prexuted ; au oputtua oa. the otviinaneo iraai.vlua _ : thecootntot of Ilmrfa. Jliirpliy for cttrbmThirtyajjt. . Grove aad. T\vtnlv-5 L veushsrvet * xviih B nxkioiuL.ui. . * L. II. Toww. > r Co.'s ootitraot. Mr. - tou' > opiuuHivjo that thoctcy wo M be uu- ble to Murjrtiy m cuso of ttu < cunertuttjoa. The report vva ap rur d aad the onlin.aai. > j rejected. Co truc : were appro vvJ for the pax-tat of Locii t street ia jMviutc ilis-triot > - in. l uie -irvot from CiKhtlx to Purkvviide av aae aad KlerwotSi stree * iu lUstaet 3.1 ! ? . Tt > xvorfc will be dou ? byUnga Murphy , vx-ith Colorado Th * strvtft i-omniis joctT * * pav roll for Attjjttit aawuMra. : w St.SM.-Saad" ssreot rvptuf claim o.550.0) $ ) , xwr * rv > A rrvd to tde couuuitwt * on eUoace. The polu-o jttdjte rcvortvdviK arrw-iU tat ih * 3a > a a iMf Ati U3C aad 5ti < J < ol x.uon. of & , ( RU ia tine Jolw Hoariaaa's appUcntioa for a plttatber' ' * Ucvtue nused a rw. PluaieiaIosp xtoc- ltftutts Kuiiitf a $ ta.t fBM& * tbat tb jpuuinui t viik i _ * OQiifed [ it isd ob&tnworot $ had. vk'lattfvl vh ptaatbiB oriiauavtia aati haii eootenitUiti ouur hUhv crtm H and aatj - tnearurs. Tbe ippfccatioo was r-efwrW t * > tlw < rvauttltt t ; oa sevxvrs. Tfco judiciary ciaHta t > nrui ia a-a tl to prepare an orttxmiacv wfua iinc to tiw * < bt < r- > if SI Fnuwts , tbe f t > naia tor - ( xubiia- ; wnrwic ( be Uw uw St. Jowph'j Iktwpital. I At toe > * { iMe > t iMf thrf CaM ? Tnunvrujr com- piuiv- . the y'du m atcuin e tk < > - ospiuijr , wad ivfvrivti to UM im-a .v < .ouiautCM In th t I ll oimsL. t TIM oiMiacil recwiTwi art umtauwn froar | Robert W Furajtoa bvaalf at tboatuM i iKMrti otX rtcuiturw. ( u > attend lu .Kiln fuir at , LuKxitn. TTw iantaesua wu. * io.pj i ami th < council wata tbwir wav wl lur t IB a. , . - . J _ oj * * l Sy Xtw K. A M. , at W.L5 ' OA iwoiutum.ru utr iiK > i to mnt OmitJu > r-fo rauwir wspanjr tlkx riirfat a > Umf acpiM > UM aortitw > 4 cora tr at uuric. Tbis wua 4ooD m. MMPUOIM- ( u. . * i r u. _ . . . , _ . < r . [ to i wuvttr irf A J HajUHtiai nit J. I * T . Mu- i * eh. ttad iloaon at 'JW pure. thuc MM tut OinaiQif and wuulil tuiao < aStKt ! it wvra made a mutusr it coua' . Oo tin * * : ateriwat H. < nrfvrrna cu ta * ttv jtturu r and. tee " * o S T . _ p f.t yirt . i-1. ji 111 f * * * * o rt * 1 xvlth rofcronco to bringing to Rt do tl > o trnck oftho ooinpmiy on Tlilrtlcth street. Sir , fnmk Xtininor cnmo in for ft llttlo ut- tontlon nttho hniiila of the Council. Mr , Ilorhol Introiliii-LHl n roioltillon whk-h wui niloptoil , cancelling tiny warrant * Issued to Klininor fop hlservlcoa mclty plijsli'inu sliii-o hulnft the county illspcn.tnr-y , and tluit hl ofllco lie ili-cluivil vnoatit. Ir. Osllinff presented n rcjiottitton tvqtt In K llio KM inspector toox.iinlno the oloetrlo ll lits , tiicd I'oi-sLnvt llKlitltiLnml to report xvliothor they wcro Ix'liiRkept up to the Htatuliinl. The report wim ndoploil nnd i-o- forn'd totho rointiilttcoon Kits nml vlrotrlc llwhUs ton-port the unit of the iiccessnry ajn pliuniv.s for nuking the test. Air. ONon olToiixl n resolution on the ap- pralsement buslines roqinritiK n ilci o-ilt ot f 100 us nrost security fruta luttloiutklni ; for the appointment of nppnit.sun to imosi ilnin- iipea for any sttx > ot linpiwomont. The unit- torviis \ illsonju-d nt luiitfth nndviisilnnlly \ xvitliilnnvn , the matter Iwinc loft to tlio city cnglncorto o < illoct the fie luvossniy i"or up- | iriil < iiinoit ! ! from p.u-tto.ssooltlng the appraise ment. .A resolution ortlirliif * llio swooping once n \vcvk of Tenth Direct south ofMn.son : I'iei-ce , to Klovuntli ; I'liillliFifth lo Thir- tecnth : .Seventh , I'lerceto .lai-Uson ; I e.u-on- worth , tii'vvnth to'iVnlh ; Insntt , Tenth to anil the Hloronth .stixwl vinliU't , win referred to tlio citv onclncrr anil the board of public woikn vltli ixnvcrto net. On rosolntionof Mr. Wheeler , the stivet eoininlssloiioriviij * In.tlnti'toil to till n liolo in the atrrot , on 'l'weiitj > seventlt aveiino be- twecn Dodk'osttx-etiiiulL'upitol uvrntiu. This was1 onlea'd on the statement that thorn wew ton L-II.SOJ of dlplithorla iu tlu Inline- dinto vicinity , ilau $ > cd by llio condition of the Stltl't , ro ointion otiioritifr tno iTn.iifor the nnv- tlioKlovi'iith stiwtiadurt.xviis ru- to the city onslneer uud bonul of public works vit.lt powurtoart 'I'ho council will inootas a botttil of equal isation on SoiileinlK'r IHlh. On ivqnest , of thonsslstiintflty nttoruoy , n I'lty illix-itory nnd letter lliovcro onlcnil'for use In the ( Klii-o court. Tlio onlmatico , pivparcil at the request of the " k'iumtorn' ' union , msossla a Ileomo of $ i"a youon transient teamster" , \ vre - jc-i'toil , the Juillelsuy eonnnittoo holilliigthat the proposed onllnanco as not lepal. The bill of the Tlioinpwii-lIoiiHton cleetrie hvht company , amount in ? to $ trj."i.-l'J , xvns itvointiicnilud for piytnont by the tlimnco commit to . The petition for tlio tTinov.il of the fruit itniul at the northe.ist i-orner of Sixteenth midDodgostreets \ ivjiH-teil , the police eominltti'o > ioldliiR that the stand \x-aa not nnuuancoas alleged in the petition for tvnioval. The petition for the removal of ( ! . Obertio oc Co.'s liiilo aail Uilloxx * house a * n nuisnnco xx-ns rojeited , tlio counnittco on itolleo holiling thnt tlio institution ootuphiiueJ of was not a nuisance. On recommendntlou of the committee on pavingcuibiii ? anil iriitti-riiij ? , the boanl of ( iubile works xras iiistructod not tonlloivold imphalt to ho used in the repair of streets. The oommittiH'on vinJnct.s nnd railways ropou-tod apiimt the ordnninco appointing * viailuet insoctor. | The i-eport xvu ndopti'd. Plats of CodiiMU ' park and Uricksen's suo- division wcro n'joctod as uot conforming xvith thority orilitianccs , j\n oinllnanw iiicrea-lnir _ the nu'nlx-r of pollinir places In the city xva ? re-ul ami re- fenvd to the eomniitlee on judiciary. -\n ordinance \x-a < introduced ehnnptnc the name of .1 largo number of btnvti. In outlyniR ndditions , to coiiform to the streets in the city proper. If you could see j0llr Olvtl sc:1ip : through an oralnary uutgnifyini ; plas , you x\-ould be niu.izixl at the amount of dust , dandruff , and dead sUin thereon acv-utnul.itea. The best und most popular prepamtion foreleaasiug the seal ' pis Ajer's IHK.VKU SCHOOLi UUlIdl > 'G. Tlio Boaril of .Education Stakes An other Change In the IMan * . There were twelve members present at the sptvi.il meeting of tne board of education hold hist night. The mooting xv.rs a spirited one and con tinued until nearly atidnlnht. < A < soou : v- > the tiictneers > rot tosether and tmntKicteil the routine bu incxs u motion to reject the bids for the erection ofaneijrbt r Kim buildiuiou the high sobool c-oiapcj waj put and carried. Followmir this. .Mr. "Fopplctori moved that the committee on building aud prvporty pre- pu.iv plan * for the crwlioa of a ouo 5'.ory four-room briek structure and report at oact ; . . \ recvsi of fifteen nuuntcs w-a * taken Wlien the coainitttce returned it submitted complete plaus and specification * , which were adopted after a length v dBcuv.iou. * Bids for the erection of thU building xvill be rveeixed up to Sopteinbor JO , at 4 oVloci p. in. , spasms , St. Vittij1 dance , n ervonsnes and hysteria or-i sooa cured bv Dr.IU es Xerriuc. Five samples at Kuha JIE Salt Kike Kacos. Sax LIKK CETT , XTtah , Sept. 9. rsp TeKvr.iia to TUB BEJS. ] Tae delayed quarter nule dasa xraj iuished on the driv- iajr jviri today. Timda , ji Moatisa tors * ? , xvtnaiuir la i2 Wvti ti. ' < > a e S. hod a ue\v Jockey , xvtw ut foowd , [ vrtujsk oa tfew droppittx of ttoo tiat tie start. ia I IB ooe- quer.ee starcl so late that tive uiurewtu shut o 5 wSit-a ukvu eST 14 * Srocfe. U r m idle - dle cirth xx o * fouoo toooe , o thtaG ta < > j\vk ? v had eli hj could A to loy ntht < ule up oi th * ' roare. 1J oloue drivias k < r Thocawo a Sreat nwr owr this. A tbfht wa > Puctheudce > ttkivJi ! i XX-VL > not cafc > lh-\i. Cruirles UUtou bK each tut via , . ; \roa f.vo & * iv > uaii Ijs oav. Ben DarU MTKX tie SJO twc.Titti hai i * dowu. MUiBChaha > c the dve-ei.-iitSto auK * ItT. Poors' wap secure a beautiful I'oxiderly sS NV. . . Sepc. J. Uou ral Suuu I'uwieriy ir here toud he. tiecoodeaia ii Xexv Vork Centml oorporatSon aad tiskuJ a iu < ; vailoa of jtKlnaci ; rwranliu ttu * for vrreebkc truind until tli T passed that wvutd ywTvnt a corooeati a Joteg auvttutt to pnvipiUt * a tnit ? or trikmc autil tn. > ca iivi coad ! b < > heard thetroubie p i ed apoa by trie lt ? netit ofiSeciprootty. Hxv CM , Sept. ! > . Tlw clunicer eubkd Sfw 5xio > ti auni er of : i ; tfkin ; 11 aooauoe of th * law pco- that Sixuitoi pc.\Uu.-u sbaU. out pj.y duly J.fec July i aud aJdia ; that the eo B- tuanity wishes o < io dunit trnl f wtnii couatn . aid tku itu nrxw irjr for cy ofCubutoas rvcipruvity IK * with itw Caitwd Sto.u-3 in. Jnt c to UOOT the bon ; d : otrie abolition JUJTor duty. Doable Murvltr In Court. O. , Sept 9. A iH patcfc frocn HaowcsvUl . Browrn cvwuty , CHuo. uys tluis dmr-nc a trial ia a aia-r.-jtruUi'i court last v atnc John HlUr with , a saot n Cotk > tuMtf JUIea aad thtfa iSoc iad ln < orBaracTotur. . BotB. nctiais iMrotftieriaUivr ot the martkr r. aed tbe LJti-iioc WILS os-wr thu iiTi ion of Uw The Weatfier Koreea.it. ForOtsalui aaa rfcuutjr Fair ; Iowa Fair ; Uatioiury I o wuiiis. Forsoota D lo a-Pair , jtiUonary tni- ; A Famuli * Filly SoIU. YOMIT , S pt 3. S sxx-ina Brothers Ita-r , * soiJ UM ± Ur. filB.-ilsb Laiir , to F . < Bttedth Sfir of UNiTUn-9 , ' - rfcerrooH praetratuie , < * . biae . cuarad by Dr. X < rrtB < i. Sm dw ixm at fCuha Iz. COX 4 Sptt mbor : . Ka y , wife aC H. SL CMC , a-eii 49 jmun. JTvuKoi Unfair 3M i y. BI. ftnw h r lube * t- liMUN , iJK Sootii S > tfMUri ich. MnMt , to Coun cil Buutd fur \ traywd or"tolin. . z * t. ' i'All ' Jn. 3y "arj old , , tny i't " . ! - " . Lib- ! ! ' T'irij 'or p i- xru. K. vV S rv * . Uliii. . Tin linivirtanco of jinrlfylng tlio blood can- hot to overestimated , for without pure Mood you cannot enjoy Rood health. At lids season neatly ctcry ono needs .1 ( oodmcillclno to purify , vllalizoandrnrlcli tlio tlood , and Hood'sSarsip.irllia Is xuir ly jour ciinfiilonoo , It U pociiUnr In tli.it It ( Irciictliciiiniitl build ) up t lie system , watoj nil a'pctitc | ' , niicltoiu-3 tlio digestion , uhllo It eradicate disease. (31vo It a trial. Iluod's Sirsaparlllals sold by alldrusKlsts. 1'rciiarcd tyC. MIoodiS : Co. , LowellMast IOO Doses Ono Dollar REJURSEDKOVBIIIJITODEilTIt A World-Herald Man Shoals Himself Through the Heart nt Lincoln , HE W/IS WANTED FOR AN OLD MURDEfU * Matthew llniilvlns , IjUInu Uiulor < Assumed \nino nnil j\tiondli i { tin- Suite University , lances Death Sinlliiif ; nnd Tlrril. LIJTCOI.V , r'ob. . Sept.9. [ Special Telrvr i to Tin : DKU. 1MntthowMIanklns. . cm n tcilsuiculo ntl o'clock this tuornliiK In ixxmi in tbo UiilJwiu block on 0 stiver shooting hiin < elf throuirn the heart ivit ti thirty-two cilibro revolver. Jlanklm , . .r howasknovii in Lincoln , Allen Ervln v Uio city circulator o ( the OuwluiV \ > i i JJcrald and also a student of the st.ito un sity. sity.1'rom 1'rom letters loft behind from his M . X ( t. .Alovmuler , astock dealer of I ) . 111 , it appears tlr.ithe was wanted iu It , initoii ; , HI. , for the murder of a man t unknown , onJuly4 , l l. Hanklns H.t- twenty-f.yo icarj old , and tbe killinc IKiiedlUiilohi. . ' . with a number of bois cclebratinp : . Ho came to Lincoln cic TTIAn t T > 4tlfi flMfl f)1Q vatnn r\rii Akctti-wl 11 if v\oruI-lleralJ tucprositer furt of thnt Ilewtu a quiet , tecroUvejouu ? man r , luff but few friends outslJe of his i . mates. He never sjx > bi' of his p.nt li fc or rcUUves , auJ the only clue : isido from letters was the followintr note kins bj side : To "Whom It Mar Concern : The addri > s.s if mjr brother Is li. t * llankliioutli Cliu-u Mjr I < > ter's aidnt ! t- Jane C. llaiilln ale" 111. iVjtho liimrul death appr aclie > t ta a it icryoool. ThLittep I IIIIMUM ( | evi-ry t tlMX-or to locp fri'tii. but I taie nclU whleh Ihaveno control over mylf wliAte'- and tonlhc lum ' .nitliac ami lirvd. Hi > cousin , in one of the lottets. tolb > i to bo of pc < xlche < r aud not pive up. vx > L a xvcuIU mdicato that remorse wj. * prejnnj a the youne taaaS vitali No name ii tcon tiontni i > ton-no the victim of the be } t youthful folly \\i * . but u letter states that the deosLd askvJ hts relatives : ynrta- ovule the boy , a * hev ai not to blamt- HauUios shot hlm lf while slttin ; ioi i roekins chair an < i he never itim-d atur f aUl s-bot urn irwi The am. wu n ? U cle to the body and ttts shirt was o& t f Tvhcrt neix'htwnnvr rootzcr kitkedc door. ilis left side -W-.U btuctKned 1211 burned Kbs friendi bare bxn cooimanuitea - with by tel jnipo , bu : no reply ha * yet Tttfc > afteraooa D-uatr Sheria rweivvda tetetrrain from N. G .VUue.i. tt * cotuta at DdJvua , III . in tru .tiar ; CJJ to cive the body a dcc Qt burial and * a.i bill ti > hint. Tbo coroner his decui Hl 'JiA tnijuetst is n < cth arj-aad nooewiIL w ti The d aik > J { eft bite few effects. A i in ciotiey wns foaad la iii givfcmj a a bank vru ill the raj . ; A letter from hi * coa-sin , ilaMJ Is.'O , suteil that Ed EW M > , ttte who vrii impiicuted. xvisa Haacuii ta rl irillin.'r of their cOJnpaaioa. h.a.J iu-r ; u Jaime. Iwt hjii not fc ca , prusetruied. A i and r al > s > wl < i Ilia h * wja Ty fwiaa ' bariac ; ma avnir. anil tba : h .ihoi.- hare tfcteaievl to tbe Hess broth rwivn .u aulTt > tfd ! UBX h > loiivo in. tmtut ttuki j , > would uupik-aso tfe n. The fccdy w < t > ra > ! ca. lu\vjo.nd \\"i \ iu > BtoSpt. . 9 rSpec-ial Tolrtf--i to Tas BEL ! Th foHowmr .N"eort > .v wvn > W.iu.y crvuvd pea iunsR < u > J * | > \Vestbr\hJk. . St Etiwarxi. SUu * A a.VulI < yiV. . H. iVtrord. Cortlm * ! . O" iniJ , ivklowx , irtc-Mar-rLrsc viQtlker f ihur * Ki v. Stoesxniie. tUiab 'Ui. wa. Tluftttaj ttTotdtut Mi. BroouJf iii. lotwu Onctnal Thoa * * * Kale. F\ vilbJainea \V. LTVB. I loomt , .MUrn Hit T'XJlwlKxu : JeOK K. T > ti' i- SUI'Lle. | ) . Jotut Barm * . .Vtbuxtfe : PI.-I- f1 . RIH.-V - . Xutttau. t nwtuv weObari . , ! * Cityi Ofcn mn r Churi * * Cttjr ; iJarc t.- ! . Kuot VjL'ejr. ' Jattn PtLVdua. ten - : tV-uau CutiHil GmtMviZk. " . K- - < two aail retail * VVUihm A Utruiii. B . - < K > j a f Kjirt Putnam.Ceilur Kipiitt vi turn tuuur Hu'iixkrtl ' , CVucw WTj , f ) SnyO nr.Dubmja * . OtfiiauIwiiJMrs .ln.t . * Ottwaiwu. oof Atur-i tK OtwinaJ K y. Jvba. OH. ; Vtd Ked Oufc. fteis oM a ui CTioiiey. HlierwrriUa. Ootdnut wulu C. Kwwarwu. Antanii : rtNfcrvja , TlHxnus. ofci : i > . KlUwa. i ttii * J. Bar'- . Dtaiutii OrwatU-.VRjnKv > r - . - ; Riciiura PTOHB , . H rstijtia. . U. * ViejcTjH , BerwtocJ. K.urd4 Burn Armei lins.Cp p-i. am On * ta tlu crt > jw at ii Antti&iMs In sr.a in the vu-uisy jf Bttlis. Tn s n f iiiapiis > ; lniU truupu to c nf the oliit3 tiers CttftiUUU. " { , i Absolut-sly Puro. A - . or-ii.ii l , pow r or.tiuam ! fen Jk.tn.yr.