Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 TI-IE OMAHA. DAir/y MEE ; .TUESPA.T , SEPTEMEEE 0 ; 1890.
tv TIII IMPI niii nunin'ri
ij THE HELD 01 ( OTIS.
Omaha. Ltses tbo Pirst of the Etrics in tbe
Capital Oity ,
Oilier Itno'bull Onines St uullni ; of
tlio Cliilis-'I'IfH and Dntrlcn
fur Tcidnj'H lliim" ) A. Ite-
innikuljlo tJiinip.
I'hivnl. Wort , I'cr CLMi
( M : M Mi
Knnsus I'Hv 111 ' . .C'l.Eil
107 07 4 < > .Eil
107mi 51 4Til . -l-i
Mnux Cltv. . mimi fit . 1
miOJ | 40 M .411
l iwolii . . . . . .1)7 ) 10 (7 (
t-t I'UUI J l 1
I/lin-oln H , Out ilin I ,
fisoiv. . Nob. , Sept b. [ Snoilal Tele-
trniin to Tin HKI : . | The homo toua A\on to-
dn > by n luiky bnnuhliig of lilts In the third
itinliifj. Thu ( .coiei :
to , Sliiuv
MIN\I MOI.IMinn , Sept " < [ Special
Jell-gram tn Tin , KIE.J rollo.\hig Is the
bcoro of toJm's
, rinio Mlniii ipnllil Two-lnso Llls
-Mc Jil ilil' ' , lln. . ' . Ciiroll llomw runs -3k'-
( ( iniUI , Uvn , fi\ , Cilioll Sluli-ii IIIIMS
Mrnsi. Itliek , KupiM'l , All-Quid , Jlliuieilnn.
( l.iuoll. Diwbloiilujs-DulvH t < i luiyto IJyn ,
naiipcl to HIQMIHM loPow < ll , Itisos on bulls
-l > ii ho A. 111-iL'lc i StrueKout-Diiki- : . Paswl
lialls fiossli-y wild pltelus Duke-1 , IMai'k
1 I e'l ( on li ise-s .Mliini-iiiulls ] , , Mieiv t'ltjv-
'lliin-e ) ( iranio Onu liinir and
Uuiilru ] Uiiidlck.
linns , City 17 , IMIlwnnkoo B.
MilHAUKiiVl \ . , Sept.S. [ Spce-lal Telo-
frram to 'Jiiu Jli.i-Followiniis the se-orc
of toihy's ( fame :
11V 1VMM13.
MlliviukPO 02 00 20 00 1-fi
KimsisClt ) . . . .1 7 0 a 0 0 0 017
Kiinsoarneil Mli\\inK o 3. Kansas City 7.
Tno-ba - hlts-Krclz , Jhn I-ISM'V. Jniil/in.
hnilth , lloiuiliiii' . I'liKH-baso hlt-lloovu- .
Ihiinc iiitKKnlir. . HIIIIIK UiiMSMokn
r ) inlilo U. Kiulg MonUsoy , Mcims : . ' , Doubles
nliivii Nlioll , Jlurrlssoj . Moum * . ll.isc-8 on
li.ills-Mll\iauUi \ i ) , l\.uis.iisL'ili 0. Sliuel.out.
- Mll liul < io n , Knlisas Clly J. Tlino Two
hours Uwplio-Maccleiinolt.
Piiiindciphh. . . n oi ooooo at
, Ili-ooklyii . I ) 01 00 a 00 0-3
Hits Philadelphia ! . Biookljn S. Errors
Philadelphia . Uicwkljn : , Uiitturies
Vle-ltciy .mil Cloineuts ; f < ovitt and Daily.
Umpire 1'owors.
r , 00 0 ! i 0 00 0-7
1'ittibia-K . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 051
flits Chlcncn fj , I'lttsbiii-R S. I.rrors
Clilc.iLo S , ittshurB 5 llatteriw Luby
nnd Kittrcdfo ; Anderson and IX'cltcr. Uni-
plroMcQu.iu ) . _
Ncvv VoiJ ; 0 30 0 0
Boston. . .a aoo 11 oo oo o o
lilts Is'ew York 1'J , Boston 11. IJrrors
ow Voik 5 , llii Jon 1 > . ] ? .itlorioa t3hir-
lott nnd Cl.irlj , Niihols and H.u-dlo. Um-
pin Lynch.
Culled on ue-count of darkness
TlinClc\pliiiiilBwno wis ptwtponed on ao
count of rain.
Boston . 5 4 0 0 'J 5 1 0 1-1S
No\v Vorlt . 0 0 0 0 O 8 O 3 1 0
Hits llostonlS. Now York 10. Errors
Hoatoii r , , Now Yoik 9. . Itatteiles Hud-
bowino and K oily ; Ke cfo , Cnmo and Kwlnjr
nnd lUxinu. Umpires Knight and Joms.
C3 . AT nrr&nrno.
I'lttilmi-K . 5 OOOOO 00 1-0
UltHcluiKl . 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0-4
lilts I'ltUslmrK ' 10 , Cle\ island 0. Krroi-s
1'ItUbui-K I , t'levoliind 3. llatteilos Mor-
rU and c.iulnni ( Jnibor niul fakln. Umpires
and llolbc-rt.
AT iiuriMio.
Ihiflnlo . 1 0 0 n 0 01 0-5
Chiiufro . 0 00 11 53 0-9
1 Ills JlufTalo 1 1 , ChicaRo 1-1 , Errors Huf-
fnlo I , Cliieuso n. liatteriosCuniiinghutn
uud Miie-k , Halilivin uiid DarUiiB. Unipirce
Sheridan and ( i.UTnoy.
Oaino c.illeil on account of darkness.
Hrooklyn . . . . 'J04000 100 7
Plillaelolphln. . .0 0 0 0 O 3 0 13 1 5
Jilts llrooU ) n 1.1 , Philadelphia t ) . Erroi-s
llrookljn - ' , IJhilnilelphlu t. Hutterles
So\\dei-H \ and Daily : llustoel nnd C'
' and Siijcler ,
jVnooi itloa.
. i ooi oo ooo a
Tolfelo 1 0
Jilts Athletic : iToH\lo , 5. Errors-Ath
letic . Toledo 5. Uatte-ries ( .Jrexin nnd
IhiKnvIn ; Ile.ilv and \YoliU. Utuiilro
. ,
UnUlinorc . 00 O 0 00 30 * : i
LoulivUlo . 1
liltslUltimoroO , I ouls villa S. Errors
Haltluioro S , LouUville U. UuttericaMor
risen niiii Town etitl | Stratton nnel Rligb ,
TJuiplro-Mnloncjr. _
At * VIUCf B.
The Columbus Rame wni eallcd on account
ol rain.
Ilochostcr. . 0 00 01 00 00-1
StLoini . I 0 0 0 U 2000- ! !
HltH-Uocbostir . " , St. UnlsR. llrrors-
Itoe'hester U , St Louli : t. IJ.itlerios-Calll
lian and Orlniin ; Stlvotta and Mini > an
Umpire Kinslle !
Sirlti | llt > Iil ISrvpnsitlim Opi-iiril.
Si-nisririiLn , 1IL , Stpt. 8-TlnjSprliiRllclcl
exposition oiK-utd iimplciously today with n ,
cr.v l.n-K'p attendinco , All tuodopnrtnionU
are oi-owtlod to the utmost nlth attr.iillvc ex-
lilblts from llllnoh arid a V > lnliir ( st.ite * , anil
tliu pivxRiinino lor tlc\vo ) ! liinelucle'snot only
cxclt iu speed c-ontc-its and cliailot
nee-a every day , but otliorintentiii | ?
fcMtiti(3 ( , The went of tWi w tc , Iwwover ,
vlll 1)0 tho"rrorumne'eof ) ) Ihc renowned stil-
lion , linyMll < es. V.-h me phriiomciial rocordof
J OS'n nn the ) IinloK'iidi'iie-e'ti-ae'Uias | recently
-itartlcel lioiieiniii 'Jht-e-oiielltiiiii ifthicon -
ti.ictHlth Mr. iMeHcniy , ouneiof
juovidcH tlmt hii ijosl u-e-oiet is to Ijc broken
vii the SprhiKliild ti.ick . diirluc tliovesMf. .
Mellenry e'fiirusseil n'at nitisfiii'tion In luv-
liif ( closed ae' to f-lve Hey \Vllkcsa \
eh.ineo to Ills re-cord nn tlie Spiint'llcUl
ti-ie-k , u-liiclilrt lonslderod by k.idinp hoi-sc-
men to bes the fnste-st tr.ic'li In tl o United
Stateu. Tlii'ro aio 117 entrle-i In tlio sj.ceel
d.ititL' ' % wlile'hnill bo trotter tind paper dur-
inct tlio prucut v , eok , wliluli Insures a very
luxe : mill cnthnsLisLie'inpctiny. Many tioise-
MLII iiadiet that l oy AYilkoi will malic n
rceord of a.OO'i ' on tlm sprnijli ( eld trad : ,
ttlile-lii.s in the- pink of condition.
Upbniii UtMielcH ( ) u Onscf.
Olll ! \ , O , Sept. S. [ Special
to Tut Bui. ] Uliur Upunmtho
Nc\v KiigljiHl iniddlo wolght , knocked out
Tom Cnsc-yof thU city in fourrimuds. The
fit'lit was for a < ! ' > 0 fin-so otTorc-cl bj the Au-
dnbon ntliletio nssocliition. C.woy showed
up will , and it was jnybiHls lltjlit cvi-ti in
lli(5 ( lint rally. Itothincn mvuiiff tlielr rldit ( ,
but Upbninlanilcd tlm lie-Miost and on tbe
volutof tlio Jiivv , and UIIHUV went down and
l.ille'd to respond in ten sc'eonda. Tbo men
\\eifjhccl \ US pounds.
I oot Knee lit. Kriimcy ,
Kcb. , Sept. 8. ( Spedal Tclo-
to Tin : Hue | GO. bturisbri' nnd
James Wliltnoy , professional foot rae-crs , ran
a sixty yanl dash this evening1 for § -IJOa sldo ,
Whitney wlnniiiK' .
nia. .
lUv , N. Y. , Sopt. 8. [ Special
Toloj'rani to Tin : Uir.l U'cathor clearand
tr.ickfast. Sniimi.u'y :
Ona mile IM/.7lo ( the favorite ) -won ,
Arundcl sceonel , Miiilstoiio thud , Miubcth II.
.mil IMcvoilravn. 'luno-1 : 1'J'J- . " ) .
One mile , on InrT. U'ooJcoe-k stages lorel
Hnriv ( the faioritol uon , AVooel cutter soo-
end , Algeinon third , Ucliiisu di.uvii Time
Tlirce-fourthsof timiloTJotiMc Beach ( tlio
f.ivorile ) von , I'bo-lwsoe-onil ' , Veronle.i tlilrd ,
Worth , Ivjrlu li unillri/zlo di.uvu Time
I 10 J-r , .
Mile and one eighth , sellinu SimVooet
Noti.niiuktlionisovoiid , Itirthd.iy third , Li t-
tlcs.lliu ( the favorite ) not in It , 1'eiiiance ' ,
liurnsiilo mid \Vatterbon \ drnvn. Time
1 : rr 3-5
Mile and tlni'o-sKU-entlis llcniuth ( the
favorite ) won , Stockton beconel , l.iiah | tlilrd ,
I'rineess llowlhij ; drawn. Time tOJ. !
Scien-cightlis of n mile , on ttuf I3cno-
dii-tiiio won , I'rankWard second , Lcla May
tbirel , Yoinifr lOuko ( tbo li\orito ) not luard
from , Little ) Ji in , Itoscttouiiv ( ! ad and Woitli
drnvn.rJlmola : l-5.
) ; ( > Itauus.
Ciueioo , Sot. [ ) S [ Speuial Tele-gram to
TiiKlK. ! ] > Suuiuuiry of today's races utthc
Woht Side park.
Half mile , miidens , twovxaffj'nnio
Clark ( the fworltciv5n , K'atio.l sueond ,
Cornie Uiick-rtgbiiiii third , Van Ooin , Iowa
P. _ aSlVio\\olf and lela ItceMWliig drawn.
One mile Harry KuHlHon.Pi-oiihecyftho
f.ivoiltc ) second , Itea Lcothiid , I > . .niil ,
earola , Ic\vis ( Jlnrlc , Mzzio It and Miss
Houard drawn Time 1 , Ki %
Onound onostxtd-ntli mills , Inndieap
Declaicd off.
Tlnco-foiirtlisof a mile , selling Uedslouo
( thofuvodtu ) won , ,1 n Ireod seoouil. Uol-
stor tbirel , Klslo 13 , I'lnto , Creole , Fauntlcroy
and llealy.iolin drawn. Time 1 : ' ! ! .
Tlnco- fourths of a milo , soiling Juclistuft
( the f.ivorito ) won , ( Jrajfelloivsee-ond. John
Kcd third , Sourirc , Mis j McClelland , Lcvi-r-
Intr , Ilnley and IJuplo drawn. Time I - \ \ \ ± .
tahoit course , stecpleclnsc Winslo\v ( tlio
favorite ) won , lilp 1'lap second , Cllln
third , Co\crnoi ! ilaulln dra\vii Time 2 51J , " .
llaiiipdcn I'mlc
SiniNoriii.ii , Mass. , Sept. 8. This \vns
the elosing day of the races ut Hainpdeti
park Suinnniry :
SJM : twtlluir , Sl.WO . divided ( unntilsbed
from Siitutelaj Mamio U'ocidson , Autt > -
aiili s ronel , Major Ulricli tliinlV , II.
Nidiols distaiiceel
Sinlii fleld sUkc-s , a'Js : trottiiiij , f.,000 ,
Puinllfo won , UheUuvdou st'eonel , A bum V
third , N igbtiiifcMlo fourth Best time 2 IStf.
L.INCOIA' , Neb , Sept. 8. Sammary of to
day's ' races :
Tlio U'V ) tiot iias vou by Tobofrjnn in
'JMlj' : : , Ardcii sec-ond , liybertin third , Vunty
Tlio hnlf inilo nmniiiB race was won by
Uolle Kodinond in 3J seconds.
Sail | > e < Jiy ( llu-us.
S\I.T \ LIKI : CiM.rtnli , Sept -Special [
Te'lcyrain to Tin : 13ir. ] Ttioiu win uliiiost a
i lot nt today's races ever the ei'i.irlor niilo
dash. Sunday bad sold as the f.iwito , but
Nettle S bndbi-okin thoroe-orel in Montana ,
and ncoiilovonduitd wliv thi < was done. In
tliom-at the JocU'v , Walter VouiiR1 ,
eonld not bold thu ii.ireand &Uo undo u line )
run , winning easily In -I sucomls , with Hun-
duybecond. lint Ix'forotbo second hont tlio
] udres ( notle-ed that JCe-ttlo Ss winning the
lirst heat hud made no lUlIe-reneo .it the iiool
ho-x Tbelr susjiiclons were eonlirineel une-n
Voiiiifr isucoe'eded in the next in pulling
thoninruup anil ruimlni ; he-i into Sundnv ,
thus e-oiiiliiLT in second , llc'dlain then broke
loojo nnd but for the prompt division of the
Judiri-s tliodrher of Nellie bould | lmv
he'e-n bouten and tlnownove-rtho fence. Tlio
he-nt was de.-il.nvd ofT , tlic-joe-l.ey lined $50
imd suspended for iilnoti dajs. Tlio race
will be concluded tonioriow.
3n the i it ; trot , there was more croolted-
lies * . Mho dtlvor of Lyelli Allen , Loivis ,
pulled tlio mine aftcT wiMiiiigtno lirst heat ,
mid them , after repeating it in iho ttnrd heat ,
piitPoiidleton , Ujillu'sowncr , in
Then tlie muie wou tUuiaco
Totlny's Tijis ,
rii-st race Sis 0 Ivoo , Uiloy.
Sc-confl racoMailallneIntruder. .
Ublrd i-afo-Jed , Mis Iloi > irel.
I'oui-thracc-Bllly I'lnkorton , liodstono.
Tiftli raeo Pllyritn , I'uu Klny.
.vr siiFEi-siiiivn nxv.
1'irst race Firefly , 13allylion.
Keeotid rnc llussell , Stmtapein.
'riiirdrai'o-l'riiii'o Uojnl. Her Hianess ,
I'onrth race ICinps ton. I-tn AiiReles.
I'ifth race Sunontn , Hupeita.
blxthracu-ltaymondO , Maclietb II ,
liitrli-4 ! RirTnilay'ii Kaeos.
ATStirni iiEU ) IHV.
Virst riico , thive-ninrten of a tnllo
Wmstler , Uoirntlon , lio-liclio , UtlmnaSnsic
S , Hlldn. Puzzle- , lima n. D.dsjVoeHlrun ,
Little Minnie , Unlljlioo , Coliistrcam , Long
Dance , lliiii I'loelieHustif , Tom ICail. IJern
lliiulsein , Firelly , Vlllayo Maid. Anib.Bhot- .
over , Uoite-r , lugo , Malaehi , White-nose , Had- !
ntit , l.idy AKIIUM , Hurry Uussell , 11. 13
Million , OiiMurd.
Hec-ond race , tlui-o-quartcis of l\ mile ,
autumn hiindlcaii Stmtugeni , Thorndnlc ,
Surplus , llussoll , Itlnfav , Cnstallu , Hnllio
AliOlolland. Dr. lluslnoue-h , lieanty.Ouni.
tcMrotrb , lilla T , Laiid-scnro. Uconom , Van
ity , Ksivnitim , Sh tSeorce , llueneino ,
Third nie-e- , ono anei oim-half miles , llild o
hnndie-ap Tout iiumciit , Muaterlcule , Admiral ,
Can Can , lUiuiuet , Tor o , Slnoloi , 1'iiiuo '
Itoyul , Her IIIghiiCAS
rourth raw , one mile , racing stakes -Hulls-
tou. LOJ Angeles , IlinU-e , Klngsitcn. l ngllsli
Lady , blr L.uncolot , I'ltzjumes.
1'iftU ruere'i out ) aud ouu quarter miles
Trlitm , TJM AiieoIc .Kcnorltu , Tastflw.iy II ,
Monlatf'io , Diablo , llupt'iti , K'euuooJ , Kn-
Kistb iiue , onoand onoqunrti-r mllOM.on
turC-Orifliiiiinie , Mnebuth , St I nkf , Nbfr-
inv. Haviiiond ' 0 , Dohvood , Little .lira , Wood-
cm ft
.miiirino I TMIIK r HK.
first raw , scven-eluhtln of a mile-Louis
Clark , \V uks , HUoy-SUmO Lev , Crab Cider ,
Amelia , IliniplKMIK Hurt , Signal , llar-
caruln , Henry llrown , .Insier. |
Sceond ru-e , ono ndlo John Daly , Intru
der , I'.iokHorse , Atlleus , St Album , MaJu-
lin. .liiko .SiuneleiM , Mela \ , , .laikstaff ,
Thlnl nice , ) iio and one-sixteenth miles
Jed , Witter , LUzle II , MiM HowarJ , I lorn-
Kourth r.ic-e , Ihre-o-nuarlei-H of a mile , sell-
ItiK imi.vl'iiiliertor , , Hoiriro , Doclt Viek ,
I'nclf Horse , Dm II , Keel Stone , ISnittnwooil ,
LOI ! > II-ilie-Id , llnlster , Kiterprlso , Irelimd ,
CraliCieler , r
l-'iftti race , tliivo-quitrttM of a iiillo Mat
tel. Itiiomno Second , Pilurltn , l ° iin Klnir ,
houilnllc'ssio Uri 's , blss 0 I-.C-0 , Mamies
U .I.wper ,
A llnrHo's llrinnikalili * ilinnp.
KIMIIIA , N. V. hept. 8. .U tin ) Muplo
iivi'imo dilvitiit pnik tlili utteriwoii the
\vorM's reiorel for high juiuplni ; win broken
bv tlichorw Itoiobcrry , ortiie-dby IVloreliouso
it 1'oppe-rof Toiontoviio , i-loin-el tlie liars
ut seven foot and live-eighths of an iueh.
The best ] irolous rewrd.ulso maele'by lo { < o-
born at UhioDKo viis six fevt eleven and
In iin ICiiKllsliKeyliiuMit Cow-
n rill } , DIMIKII all/.I'll .Sjiilel U'l-8.
Itni'IS' \ S. , Sept 8. [ Tele
gram to Tun Uii-1 : The sinsatbn of the
bourln iiillltary eirdes here is the disc-losuro
of tlie details of tlio recent mil tiny In the
llratbatullloii of the West India regiment at
Jaimleui. bywlilch SergeantWliitclost his
life and n deplorable oldbltlon of want of
discipline and demoralization was inaUe man
ifest in the reiriment Tbe military author
ities maelo ( elloits lo livsli uptlto affair
at the time , and the ofllclal story Issued by
thorn win thatScre-eant U'hilo bce'ime tem
porarily Insane and while attempting ; to ef
fect his aiptuielio had been Idled.
The ci\ll authorities endeavored to hn\oan
invtstiKiitloii , but veie told tliat they had no
liglitto inimiieliitomilitiry dbciplino. The
coroner , houcvor , insisted , and Scrt'cant
White's hody was exhumed and nn inquest
held Tlie fuels broupht outsbowtbatSor-
( 'cant White , with n jniird of ton menbad
e-harc-o of the.-fort called the Apostles' bat-
terj lie bud , It vas eomiil.diied , insulted
thoserKeiiit majorand behigehiujjed nlth
Insubordination liul ic'fused to sulmiit.
Oaiitain Moiris , in whoso coiiiimy |
White was 6eii'iint ( , with an escort pro-
e'e 'deel to tlie loit to ciiptuies him , but
thoj lefmcd toinulw theinrroston thoL iDimd
that thcv weio nfiaiilWliito would blioot
them mined wltlialnehester \
liflc and llftysilonnds of ainniunitlon.
Cajitaiu Morns e-liarneel his men v\ith fonnr-
diccanel iiriiltiordciuil tlieui to talioVlnto ,
but they still reluvd. MorrU p.nsioiiately
suidboould go alone and fate themutineer. .
He was us noon as Idioid , but Vbite'b.dd
he would nc-Mi-ii\e in subject to Iho Juiis-
dlclion of tlie major ofiheic'i-'l-
C'iitainMoiris | then obtained another de-
taclnnentol uimudmcii , who lilel siltfi * totho
fort At illicit .1 mlniiitiiro b.ittle c-ruued ,
liste-d lialfan hour , AVliitu shoKin
ht A ItirKUuuuihorof bulle-tsnuixj
otiboth sides , "White apparently
receiving vigoioUs .issiilnneo from the inch
under linn hi Iho bittrrj , who by Ibis tlmo
would appear to htito become open mutineers
The shaded ofeveMini and the shelter of the
glim of the foil rendered the bull < ts of the
uttackiiiK paitj pi.u tic.illy haiinlcss , thebe-
sicix-M uKo bunu veil undercover , butCor-
I > oid Alien , of the party under Men-is , was
shot Fiii.ill. Scr iMiit U'hito was killed hy
a bul'.ct ' from the rille of Sergeant Jlnjor
HodKkiiiion , the man on whoso aceouiit tlie
whole tronbloorifjiiiated
Mho fallen , no further resistance
wasmaele1. A conit vas held to in
quire into the eon duet of the s > mpatliisor.s
ivith White , liut itsiesnlt hasnoi transpiied.
VVIiito line ! claimed tint he hud been over
worked and could got no redioss It was
useless for him to appeal to his caiiUln , as ho
had to do so in the pretence of his superiors ,
and bis iffoits to obtain redress hail always
proved fuiitless.
'Jho eouaielleo aud Insubordination made
manifest by tbo cvidtne-o is apiillinsan [ < l
makes the conduct of other offenders agalust
military dlbciplluo seem milel ,
Tlio I3nuKi > iiiin ! Killed nn < l the 1'as-
HCIISK-IH Hlink : ii Up.
LOC-KWIIT , N. V , Sejit. S. Thh morning
twoXortli Slioro limited trains collidedwlth
teuilio foic-e ; , heud on. in this city Both on-
Allies vcio vieckcel ami the tenders driven
into the buffet cars behind them. Baggage
man W. A. 1'iedlir of iMcw Yoik city was
iiiM.mtl ) killeil and Uvoother trainmen were
bcilouslj- hurt So other Injuiles of 11113
a-iiouiitiuo 31'portcd although the passengers
of both trains weio I idly shocked ly the
foicooftbe collision.
l atnl U'rik ontlio linlnmorc- Oliio.
\ \VmiUNO\\r. \ , , Sept. > This inorniiii ;
i\\o frclgbt tiaiiis met in collision on the
Raltimoio i\s Ohio i.iilroid tlibty miles east
of hero. Both engines and n do/en cars were
entirely elentiove < l and the -meek toolt fire
l niiiiocrs ; Doiiiinlck ICelley and Cliarles
Tikltlej nnel an unlinovn nun supposed to
boa tramp veto hilled.
ii mill lou'ii P < > nsl ii8.
WASIIINOTON , taint. -Special [ rulojram
to Tin : Hi i.j Pensions woiou-rauted to the
following Is'ebrask.ins today : Oriemnl
Cmtis N. Denolf , Guiilo Hotlc ; William S
AliCioueu , Ilir.idi ; Lcander Ilerivan , St
ljaul : James 51. bauuders , Beatilce ;
John M. 1'ov , Giand ItapleN ; John
Ilont-ycutt , AVymoroi nnvy , Tbonns ,1
ISeHlcjaU , Crete1 , llelssuo and iiioiviso , Iohn
\V i'lummcr , Loup City Original 'ilow.s ,
etc Minors of Daniel 0 Keillotto , Wiiunctu
Iowa1 Original JolinSiibins , lurlintton ! ; ,
.Tobi-J. Card , Atlmtii1 , AVilllnin ,
Marshulltown : James Gljnn , Soutli DCS
Aloines , William Abialiiim , Ayency , Ite-
untied-Charles Kirlt , Di' Monies.
Tbo Dakota Solelir-rs' Home- .
CinMiir.Hi.uv , S , D , Scpi. S [ Special
Telegram to J'ni : ] Tlio board of trus
tees of the sUite soldiers' ' homo nt Hot
Spimgn loft for tint place for the purpose of
rcceu-ing.tho building from the rontractors ,
as It is uon completed. It will bo ready to
i-cieivoliimatas about October H ) l'"ifty ap
plications huvo aheadybcc-n received.
f IhoVntmh. .
ST. Lot-is , Mo , Sept 8. Ttic annual meet-
Ins of \Vabash railway will bo held hero
tomorrow. Tbo Associated press has been
furnislied with an annual statement for tlie
cndinsJuno30 , Ib'JU. It shows irross
of Jl.'l.ti..biJ , operating exiitnscs ,
; net earnings ,
Anotlior ICiiKlisli Strike.
LONPOV , Sept 8. Tlio dock laborers at
Coalport ana tlio sailors and llreincn nt
Southampton hmo struck against tlie em
ployment of non-union men. Tlio strikers hsuo
placed pickets at the railway stations wbo
nieimco uonunieinibts coin ; to Uiko their
Broii Kbt H ok.
E , Ivy. , Sept. S Hume Clay of
Paris , ICy. , who iibscondcd alwut umontli
ufo after hnUnir forpeil paper on his father
and grandfather lo the amount of (75,000 ( ,
vas troiiRht b.iek to Pails today by his
fattier In-luiv , Cnptalu Thomas.
Ihrcc Ilnndrril Iloyw iitrlkr ,
PiTitiifuo , Pa. i Sept. S.-Threo hmuired
llnlsh IIIR or "crimping'1 ' bojs nt tlio chimney
Mhss liouscsof I , O. Hvans & Co. , Ilo nus ,
Kvnns it Co , nnd the Peerless K SS company
strnclj todaj for nn advance in's , caus-
iiif a buspeiiblon of woiU in tbo faetoiles.
Ten IVr font for rrcdltom ,
\ \ ' VSIIIN-OTOV , Sept. 8. Tbo comptrolhu-
tliu currency has dee-lured a dividend erf 10
per wnt in tavor of the creditors of tlio
Commercial National bnilcof JJubuqtio , la
uukluk' la ull DO per cent.
Action of the'Kousa Republicans on t'le '
Rlv * t tind Harbor 111 ,
Tlio Secretnfcil'llic ) Trenmry nbcnit
to J uko t'i'ttielnf ' | ' tl > jat oiior
Matters ,
WAsin\nT < AIJunrAU TUB Oitvni Bus , )
5UJ rotniTEiviiiSTiii'Kr : , >
WIII\IITO\ U. , Sept. 3 )
There i < a feeling In political circles that
the tepulillcnnsof tlie house were rather loo.
preUous In crowding through the conference
n-poitouthe rhcr imd lurbor bill , Ithw
boon understood tint ttic democrats \\ero
contemplating a boltln n body ou some of the
contested election csues vhleli are about to
bo taken up. As thoiiver and haibor Mil
comilus a verj llbeiil nllowaiue ) to the south
It vould have held the democrats together
until it \\as disposed of. As it
is they have seemed iibout till they
want and they feel nt libcity to lca\o
indlildually or roll cell vely. A bolt by Iho
democrats would eloiibtUxi lend to an earlier
adjuuriiiiiciib th.iu has been impeded , t\y
about the i.0th lust , lu till * connection tliero
is a feeling of uiie.wlnoss nnioiij [ the mala
bonctlciailes ol the river and harbor bill ,
csiu ed bj n fear that the president may -uto
or refuse to slpi the bill. The JW.ttW.OOO it
contains U H pretty biff antl-olcctioii sum anil
until tbobill is finally settled tliero will belittle
little rest for the promotrr of the measure.
So fir us can to learned the president has
given tioluttimtloii to tlioto for or against
tbobill as tohnt \ no \ villilowith it
ei\Aimv nui.uoii,1 animus
The secretary of the treasuiy is about to
tulw up tbo Investigation of some of the
Canadian rutlnuy matters vhleh Senator
Culloin started to probo. Thoscniitor intro
duced a resolution some time ago callinjjfor
infoiiiiatloii fiom tlio setietaruis to various
a Hi Keel hvorsshoun to C.mudiw roads. To
this MeeretaryViiidotn responded on
points , but stated tint heus about to imes-
titito into certain consular feature's ' of tlio
matter. Tiu > so uie thefe-itinc" . l > ols siliout
to tiUo up , and in tintlcipitlon of hisac-tion n
number f thorcpivtcntutlvcs of the Canadian
roads uro In tonn. The hearing will prob-
ablj cotiimonco carl } next week One of the
repiesontative's stated todiy tint ho had an
elaborate brief printed reauy to prcsc-nt to
thosoe'retary. Tills will ( jive the Mews of
the Canadian P.iei.fic and tlie Grand trunk
rpnds. 'Iho question sit Issue is into con
tinuing tliu USD of the consular seal system.
GoixU itiunovriccohud fiom other louu tries
ut Victoni , Alontrodand ottur points ami
nro then sealed for the Unitevl Static , our
( ? ou-intiiint agents being stationed at tlwso
( Jaiudiun points. If the scaling svs-
tetn is stopped the Uiuneliim repie- ivcs nen hero say Unit \villnut t > top
their traflle , for , instead of sealing1 the floods
ut C'.inailiiiii points , they will bo bioufjht to
theiVmoiIean border and there sealtd. The
Investigation is hitomled to stop one of the
utl-untajjcs which it is claimed thu Uaiindiati
ro.ids enjoy , but their iopro > ontntlve : say
that thej arcro.idj to o\crconio the results
oi tlio change even. If tlio seaetut ) decider
against them.
J.MR.V fE sioTAIK. .
There Is no laith placed la tlio ru mor which
lias been tenoned again that an uxtri session
of congress is td bo'c'iilled by Piesidmt llar-
risou lorNovcmberlO. Ills stikl Unit senator
I leur recently called onProbhlciitlliirriioii
nnd urt id Him In tlio strongest terms to iall
uu utrn session for the purpiwo of p.ihsinu
thoelei-tlon bilUmdtho reappoitionmeiit bill ,
butthe ) > iet > idi'nt , ills understood , linnlj de
clined to do bo , telling1 bonator Hoar that if
hound Ills colleagues woio so u-ry anxious to
reassemble on Jsovembtr 10 they illicit
Hiinply Uko a roouss as soon , as they
hud pnjyd the tiiriH bill until that
date , as was proposed by Senator UaiutuK.
Tlicio Is no strong' feeling in the suiato la
law of nnv such f It Is not by aiiv
means likely , thoroloie. that 1'iesideut Ilar-
n son will call n special session , It will bo
rojnembuod that thorn va * belief
that the president would cull n spaiul ses
sion iininediatily alter his inauguration , and
indeed &ollriiilj wis this belief iixul that in
nitiny cases tin ) il.itoviu netudly lixod. It
win then thought that tlio business Inteiests
of the oouiitLdomuided . } the humcJlatoiit-
tcnlion of congresaio tlio tailiT , but Presi
dent Ilnirison refrained from railing a
bxclnl | seshion , lielieving tint the matter
could bo buttu1 attended to byconyiess at its
regular meetiiiR. Kventshavcshown that ho
was conect. It Is urged that if the president
did not consider it necessary toeallu special
session lor the tarift he i\ould bo very slow to
call u siwtlal session of coiifjross for so purely
a political puipo- as the passniro of the fed
eral eleition and tlie roupportloniudit bills.
( icneial D. B. HttstliiKs of I'eaii jlvanla i
inaklnynvigorous e.unp ngii for appointment
as director ncneral of the \votldS lair. List
week hoviaitoil Washington nml enlisted the
at live suppoit of Senitors Caineioii nnd
f > u.iy. 'I sen : tir- , ills understood , lave
indiicedtlieirassotiates to vnte Ictteis to
their st\oral state conimisslonoi ? xirplng1
them tovoto for < Hastlnprs' ' appoint
ment. Hie mult of this has been to secure
for himuformklnblo number of votes , with
which ho Mill eater the con
test before the board of commissioners
next week Iho objection
toClencial 1 lasting ! Is tint he is a ii'iwbli-
cnn. Jl\ery important louiiti'teil
with tlio fulrso lti chosen is u repuullcini
and if a "satisfactory democrat could bcs found
lor the posit ion of director yx'neralho tloubt-
icss would be selc'ited. In the nlnc'iire of
sult.ible upiilieniiti lioin the democratic
ranks the eomm'iNbloners will bo ooinpellcd to
clioose aic-iiubllcaii ,
The yaw York Sun of today says cilit-
oiially of the Rtowtliof stite.- >
pixiliibitory liiuorla\s't ( : "Tlio i > eople olt\vo
Ni\v nglund states namely , IMalno and
Vcimont li\ouiidL'r piohiltitoiy liijuor laws.
AcLordhiff to the theory upon which the
Bjhtomoi prohibition is fouwled theheeom-
iminitiis should bo In an exceptionally flour
ishing londitlon. The census ictuins hhoulet
iiidlcutothu hcnelltsof state Intoiposition to
cliectc thoconsoq.ueneesof Imd personal liabits
ai.d to bteer the dtUon stiaiprht in
tlio pathwar of sobriety , Industry and
thuft.hat \ ia the ease < In
IMaine , wlieio prohiMtloti has been on
tilal for nearly half a ccnturj , tlio prowth of
population duriutt thu past ten. jcai'a has
been about nine thousand , orl1W per cent.
In Veimont therohas boon no Increase of
liopulation. On tto contrary during the ten
years since IsbO , } f'ilch : \vituc-saedsuch
amulnt'progies3 li ( , other conimoiuveaHhs ,
there Ins been anuctual dicieasoof about
three liundrcd iai the number of Vermont's
inhabitants. New Hampshire , sindwlched
between Maine mllVeiinont nnd aftec-Ul by
ulmost iiredaely | $ linilir eoiiclitions except
such us proceed froni mistaken okperiiucnts
in Biimptuirv lij islitlon , nas t-ro\vn
just 10 per cent vvhlln .Maine was RrenutiK I
l-ll ) jxr sent and \rwiiionl losing Ktouiid.
U'urmug to the Aviist , wlieio iiiarMloua
growth Is the ruldpu'e\ery side , we tlnd the
two proliibltlon suUss of Ivaiisas > and l vn.
Hero thoaxpiH-iiiiuitt-isifcent , but the sys
tem bin been long mough on trial to produce
results JnlCanswthu In popula
tion during the ten'jearsis ' Wti.OUtl , to about
I,0s0,000. , Vust niVhiXt inutx.u > o fct cms to DO
it is much smnllep ttnn was to ho ex-
l ? etod A paiast Kansas' increase of < Vi m r
evnt her neighbor at < the noith , Nebraska ,
Ins inereasud 13U\k \ f rent , nnd Colorado ,
lier iielgltbonit the \vest , has ine'teased 110
IHT cent. In the ten years between 1 70 and
1W ) tlio gain of Kansas was 1M jKroe-nt I > i
Jowa the loss of headway Is still more
striking. 'Iho puln of the ton yo.irs bi that
fertile and jiio rvtslvoitiiUJ Is oulv 'JW.OOO
on li-MUt5or ( l5Ji > er cent , but in N'ebraslcn ,
Mvo have been , whoso eastern boundary
tout-he's that of Iowa , thu imreaso has be-on
UJ pere-ent , and In the still older Minnesota ,
just north , the ituicaso Uusbeeii SI percent
'IhesofltfureiHro intcrcstinc and they deserve -
servo tliu jittentlon of eicpybody. "
Miser. i.i.isioiii. :
Tbo Critic tonight sijs : "Snualor Quay
and hli friends , A\ho \ control the 1'lttsburK
C'hronlele-'l'elepri'aph , made un cfforttose-
cine at editor ex-l'ostinasteM ' ( Jenernl Clark-
son. It failed bctauso Mr. Clarkbonhaahopoi
of being editor of the I'lile-ago 'lilbuno. It
Is understood thutu synelic.ito of wealthy re
publicans has been formed for the
of tint iiaper from Joseph Modlll , Its
owner , anil fJlWH ) ( > 0 have be on put In the
l x > l for that putposo. 'J'hoTrilninc In been
jlioe'ldnply heterodox on the q.iie tionof the
liirllT nnd pix > \tlon It Islntdided , nhould
the puichiuahoinitldto niako the Trlbuno
nn orthodox hifjlitarilT and protection or an ,
I'ostininterOeneral Vniniimkcrls said tobo
aheiuv suhscrik'r totho tool.
Mr , Dorsev Inn rocoinniciutvil tlio appoint-
mcntof A. J Tnrior M postnntster ntCoiny
and O Morfa att'holx ;
Th nm ndtiu > nt to thotnrift , a-n propo ed
by Seuatois Mnnclcrsoii uiul ladilocl ( , iidnilt-
iliif sujrainiueliliiurv free , tuHsnl tlio sonata
tills vtcuiiigby iple'iidldni.iorlty.
Atnivr , N' . \Sopt , -Tho mystery at-
tetieiliiB thenpprehcnslou of.lolu Koiilvtlio
ttiis detaliieil nlhliiy joste'iday on suspicion
of bclnjr 0110 of the I'piitial tialn vnvkers ,
nas parti illy explained tliK inoining hv Iho
iiire-ht of John Klcinan , a Vest Albany
fieiclit brake i mm , ami John C'oidlul , a freittbt
c'ondiic'tor , botlulrihlnij Ictilghti
Friiin words o\erhoird \ liv rejwrteradurliifj
Hee'dicross-tjiuHtioiihin dy tlie Plnkertoiii ,
It is evident the arm la uoroitmdooii in
form itlon furnWii'd by lioevl The hitter
lins Uenery promluc/nt / In hit hostility to
the I'mkurtons and undo throats against the
road , so ho was "spotted. "
1HK T'ueyr ntctsrs.
Western MiniifHotu ( Jivcn n ITarrt
'loiiehol" Anpniiieliln ; U'Inter.
\VIMIINOTOX , Sept. S-ttaln has lallen
In the Into legion nnd cintral valley ,
nnd local showers have fallen In the South
Atlantic niul R-nlf stiles. Hen\y \ i-nms liwo
prevailed la nc\ns The touiperaturo has
fallen In the upper hko region nnd Minnesota
seta , llienco south westward to Mexico. The
fall Ins been very decided in lown , Illinois
nael northern Missouri. Liejlit frosts oc
curred in northern Colorado and northern
Ie > Wiandlelllliu ! , ; frosts In western Minne
CiucvooSept , 8. The loeuililennlsenlco
burciu his been iiotilieJfroiu Washington
thatllijhtfrostainaylH ? oxpeeUil tonlpht in
northern Missouri , southeusteru Iowa and
\\estcm \ Illinob3
X'lie rJnlga iliui K
Sorn , Sept. 8 , Iho election1) ) throughout
the country ycstercliy icsulted in ft trieat
triumph forthogovcinmcnt. 1'rlmo Minis
ter SlnmhuloIT iinel other inliilstoravro
elc'etcd in tluxie dilteretitdiatuits uuJ many
seats were gained.
ASciilptorimel I'uintiMDroviictl ,
BIIIMN- , Sept S.-fSp Cablegram to
Tiiillirs.-Heir ] KaiTsafelt , nsrulptor , mill
Herr \Veimer \ , sip.iintor , vero dioxvncdhilc
b.iilini ; near hole j esterday
Silver Ti.iiiHiiel IOIIH.
" % VASiii aTox , Sept. S Tlio amount of
silver offered for sale to tlio trtwur\ilopart-
mutittoduvassDJ.niO ) ounce'Tticainonnt
purclnsud was L'55,1100 , ounces at fl,17Jte
T\vo lolorCoinn Tusotlicr at fek-
tcenlh uuil l arn un.
About "o'clock lastevoiiiiiK quite a crowd
nt the coiner of Sixteenth nnd rarnaia
witnessed wlut might have heen a
\ery serious accident. Two mctoi trains ,
one on Parnam and the other foliig north on
Sixteenth street , attempted to mlco Iho
crossingat0110 md the same time , and , as is
usual In hiich cases , collided ina manner ev-
coc'eluiKly unpb isaiitto the p.i sciipiiN. 'Ibo
rariuin hlieot inotoi struck thotrailcr of the
other train la the > center and tlucw it several
feet from the truck , sli.ittoiing' the lilnd
wheel , splintering the bistj houcl
and breaking the glass p-cuerally. 'ilio
derailed ear ran about Jifty feet
upon itst\\o vheoh , tottciiiif'froniono side
to the other and icndoriti ) , ' its oecupiiithc1-
treincly uncomfortulilo.rlho triln wn tlinlly
stopjieclVMth tlio trailer right hide upaiidtlic *
passciiKt ? ! found to have been affected by
fright only. Tlio dnuiafjed csxrviis \ pushodto
one ' .Ido nnd tiaflic wsumed. It was later
taken to the rep lir shops Tlio cause
of tlio accident scam to hmo Iwcn the reck
less e-.irelessness of the train men , coupled
\ \ \\ithancRlecttoritigthogoiigs niar-
Injf the ewsmj.
Fits , spisms.St. Titus' d nice , n crvousncs
and hy stcila uro soon curcd by 53r. allies
N'ertine. Free samiilcs atICuhn& Co.'s ' , 15th
and Doutiliis.
AnrHK.Jir.XT * .
"Ihc Still Ahrm , " from a litcrarj point of
view , is not a strong nor a lirllliunt melo
drama , hut it abounds in healthy sentiment ,
Is full of stirring imleluiits and the climaxes
dramatic to n desroo. Tlio student mUfhtseo
little in it to admire , but , the box oDIce , that
faithful thermometer of the public want in
things theatrical , legisT-us nightly thcde-
llybt cxpei-loiiced liytheKter goers lu lliliiR-
tnrouRh the violssi tudes of nllreinan's hfo
\vitli Jack Aljnloy and the lest of the
"b'lioys. "
Ln t night the "Still A limn" opened n
short onf.ifjeiiient thoIJoyd. plavintr lo n
vert largo and enthusiastic ; audience.
Anil the oviilion accotded the sUir of
the play , .Mr. llirry I atv , "vvw as enthusi
astic at. lit ; i oiild loolc lor in. n Is'cw ork
auOiciu-e , It vus like thorotinn e f some old
friend come back with honor nnd reputation.
Tie company supporting Air Lae-j is iimi h
stronger than that of l.nt season. Jliss
Vl\im , iatlioiole uflClcanor rordham , was
parliculnily ucceptiblo , briiijjni } ; totho pu-t
both beauty and ability , n veiy iincoinniun
combination nistapo he roiaes IVIr Phillips
as tlio villain of the play nui to lillol tlie 10-
HUiiviiHMita of his part it was faithful to
triidition , exe'cpt in his lntoitle\v trlthMr
Koidluiiii , whuo the c'h.iracterof Jlird , .uias
CJotmiiii.wus imde inthvly ttio llipp.nit It
( .mattered very much of the ewncily villlia ,
and not the inclodraniitic worthy of the
same mime. Jlr Pinllipsinado theilniraitor
stand out In bold relief.
Usuall ; the lurid mulodmina Is nioro totbcf
liking of the iiisatiatonpiH'Utoof tliu fjullcry
otis , hut the "hllll Alarm' ' pleases tlio
do\tnstali > poilioii of tbo auilic'iie-o us well.
A diarming lo\e \ stwy , the tnuinph of right
ovir wronif and nil iiifclght Into the ejtuiy-
dnj life of thtiinon who pi-otcct our homes ,
aroieMscns lorlho succus of Iho pliy , Nililoh
promts os to ben repiescntatito of our tUig-o
lor .teal's to conic.
" \VatcrLilyboap1) \ cents neake. "
Ilio Alleged llluukniiiilln-'asc ,
'Jho cmoof the Slate i ainst tboCoinmer-
cial directory compiny of Oin.ihn , c-harpeel
with sending1 a bhickminllnpr lettrr through
the mails , was ealle'd tc-st id.iy aftemoon
befoiv Judge Helsley , VV. . Titeh was the
principal witness intioduccd by the state for
thcpuriwso ofproMtiff the receipt hv 1'lteh
of a piinted ciicular Idler fiom thu ellicctory compaii ) , thieatcnliiK1
to adveilise aicrtiiln necouiit lor sale if It
were not soon paid Tlio circular letter was
also Intioduccd by Mr. Mahoiiey.
0 II. Webster and J ! ! ' I logins wore
plneod upon thostnud as defendants. Tlioy
ndinltteelthattheyttereMiKaged in the col
lection liusiiicss as inoinbei-sof tiieUoinmer-
cl.ildireitorycompmy , hut -nuuld not uhnit ,
tbnt they had tent or authorised to bo sent
theilrL-uhr letter inqueiition
'Ilio ctldenre x\w sill concluded and the
arguments will bo heard and the c.iso dis
posed oftodat ,
- .
Iliilii for tlit ! NeIli h School.
. \t \ last ni ht s mectiiisof the board of edu
cation bids were ojiene'd for the erection of
the neweib'ht room one story brick building
on tbo high sihool grounds. They wow as
jollinvsC. . \ \ ' . 1'atriek , * llti7 : , W.itt vSi
\Vullacol- , , . 'iW ( ; blovoiisou A Douglaa13- ,
Coo The Dundee brlelc company agreed to do
the brick and stone work for M,4ts ,
j\'cls \ Slerl .ireedto do thoworlt , with the
on'ption of the plmiibliifj , nnd furnish tliu
innturiHl , for ( Ur > | U
'Iho bids xvno rffcrrol to the commlttfo on
buildingi ami property with Instructions to
ivport at the next nifctlng.
'J'jpo al I lair
The Cent rulTy Foundry of ht , Louis ,
long celebrated for lt Copper -Alloy typo ,
has lntrodue-cd new innchlnuy for inaKing
allilzesof quoiU and otter them at half price.
Scud for circular.
Two Mon Fatally Injuiiil in a Mine at
lie limtitiitcs a Suit fur 1'ivo Million
Dolliirn OfliiiiigrH Aa hid Unula
lle ! > iiciuoat So limit ion >
O.MUi.oon. 11 , Sept. 8. [ R | > echl 'Jelc-
gratnloTin- . ] At 0 o'clock this o\cn-
hnc , nlillothc men \\ero bdnj ; hoisted from
the Ijinij mliio , the i ijje , eontaiiiiiiK'
thriHiiiUMigbroliO loose vben near the lop
and fell a ilislitico of ninety-elRht fcvt.
MliMitol di.idv escaped torlotit injury , but
Chaili's \Nonlei , iinel Ileiuy Lous will pmb-
nhly die before morning.
A ( " "male's Cr ti > , iii | I
IvioKi-K , la , Sept S. ( Special
to Tin. HII 1 ( lllortOtls 1'ieive , held toho
Insaioby the coiinnittloners ; it D.noiipoit ,
Iroiuwhieli tippo.ileil totho ilts-
trie'tioiirtheri1 , has Illed n ( jrotenitic petition
in the United Slite-a eonit heio aRilnstU' .
1'ur-ie , olt ) onitor oftlio lire'iiiort ) | Tribum1 ,
nnd nu nieions other leteiidimts. claiming
daini'e's. 1I > sues tbo state of Iiwnfor
{ oUiXiitXind , ( ) ! iniUoiCititcr Cleveland , ( lov-
crnorLairabeo atiel a numboi of iroininont
people dufiiiiliinli. \\rotoliitteistotho \ \
e'lerliof theie-oint urcitij,1 iniineeliatfl action.
He' nets ailtis own nttornev , and tillers tint
ho is ce iiipc-ll il to dance to the June of
"Vanlfoo Uooello" and eiirry the Ainerle.m
Arii" t rd.
s , Ii , Sept. S. [ Speehl Tele
gram to Tun llii-S. ] n. Shall and Jlrs.
Anna ISnoveii ) ariested In this dty list
nlglitoit reeoijitof atelcyr.imfroinllie inir-
shal of Indlanola , stating that they hid
eloped. 'Jho liulianola olllcerarrhcd Inter ,
nn < t from his storv it appears Mix l'no
Uthnwilcof a we'll known biislncs ? man of
IndiiiKila , who is iiilho bikerj business , and
his vlfe > hid assisted him in tiiostoio. Sh.ill
\\iisinthopniployoi rjiio. auuruiy niter-
noonHnoanel \vlfohaln ijuarrcl. Intlio
pvenini ? liiiifo nnstiMlousli dis.ippe'ari'd.
Shall was ii ! o tnl siiiaiidsoiiii thing ovtMtTO
had boon taki'ii from the nuuie.\dr.iver. Jh1 .
Kno H nn iittnictlio Inly of txvonty-tlni't *
jean Slitll is about twnty-ono yoirs. To
the iolk'eithe\v denied tiiknp any inonoy , and
said llu-y ine'a'iit no narm in c'lopin ? . Tlio
uonim U'aifnlly Utldhou bildvliei hiisbind
tie'iited her , e'liiimingthat sheeoulelnot Iho
with him Ilio nun claimed ho meiely
brought the woman hero to order L her fiom
her liusbanel's brutality. They \villbo lielil
to thochiiio'o of larceny.
Mrx , Hi-c/.i-i- ano.
IMi oi-ni VII.KV , la. , Sept b.
TeU-KMinto TucBrr.l Mr. Albeit Urt'zcc ,
who has figured so iiiotnlii'iiitlt ' of lito lino-
l.itloa t-o a lost fortune , \\.is \ tol.iy njjueK'cel
Insane inideoiniiiittcd to the asjlum by Ilio
dlstiict court. _ _ _ _ _ _
An AK , < ! ( ) ( > I'lro ul O-ceoln.
O-nor.t , la. , Sept 8. | Sp lil 'leloBiun
to Tun Uir.l A 10 o'cloel : l : t night
coiisunied two barns , tuentj-ono head of
horses , so\eralcirrhi \ , ' ( > s mil mo leihlunee ,
all thu wopprty ol IJnib , the ) li\ei-yiinu .
Loss , * S , 001) ) ; insurance , S..iOO. ' .
Irajjedy VijuIissimrl
Mh-oi m Viii.i'i , Iu. , Kept [
Telew.unto Tnr 33ir. ] It is.iepojlcd hero
that a man named 1'rultt , livint , ' about , toil
miles from this city , \vas iiilledln a shootlntj
aflr.iy. l\o \ paitifulars c.m be learned.
sown a//.i / .wi * .
lloanl of lOducn ll.iii.
At lust night's incpting of the board of
ecHiontioiiA. A Mnnroo oleclod supciin-
tendent oftho wheels and pnneipal oftlio
high school for IU reo yean , after a long wran-
tle. \\T. H. Towiisend vw , clectoda ? ns Ist-
uat piine'lp.d. . The election huuesultod In a
serious sjilit , in coiiiCiiitNiuo of vhUh two
niecliiiKs luvc been called Those meinlers
whooppo d IMunroo's cloetionvillaieot to-
niirlitnndthobofiivorni { ; \Vudnosdiy night.
Tlio Coune-i I.
Aconiinunicatloii from the finance commit
tee was picsctiled at last niKlit'o ' iiieotiiijf of
the coimeil , rccoininendinj , ' Llio roduution of
the police forceto niiio inon This step is
s.iidto boiicoossaryowiug to the dojilctcd
conditioiiof the police fund. TUo coiniiiuiii-
cation was rolured
Articles of In coipo ration were filed lth
the county cleik jesteidiy authoil/inq the
Omiha inerc-aiitilo ewapanv to CIIJILO ; ill the
huslneas of butlnir and sellini ; too | | < JTho
capitd stock isM. , < IOi , eliUdodlntr IV ) slnroa
of sdOO e-neli. 'Jho ois uro J 1C.
Re-id , I raiilc Ilell.-r nnd JV. . West.
U'lici Cominouiiil Mviirily , loin and tinst
company lil d .uth-lis of liieuipoiMtlon with
thei county eleikesterd.iy. \ . Thiicoinpiiiy
Willh iveui e-apit il stOL-k of liU.dLMi , divldi-tl
Ifttobhanisof IIK > ojeh. Tim business will
ho to loan money The lucoi-iniaUn | ) aie . )
W. West , rr.inlcHJcllor md JiHoph 1C. Held
I > rlil * i't lliiu-l oii Ailjtifiilptl liisiinc.
IJiUigctilanUot tbo woman \vlio u asnr
rested at tbo Uneiii I'uoiHe depot supposed to
be insnnc , .mdwholoro up : i loll of grre-n
b.iekt last Sittmhy afn'i-nonn , was pio-
nouneod nibancby lr. ) CJapui and neat totho
i-ounty jiill.
A I'.iiiilul , \i cu lent.
Henry Marsh ill , who Ihe utti < South
Kit-htcentli htiuot.inot with , i voij p.ilnful
ac-elileiit last iiln'ht Ilouis ! > lio\i'lnaciiiiio , ; |
ol foaipjiiiiMisliow Ui c-li'iil ) .itolcvr.iphpjlo
at the comer of Thliloc-nth and .Unison , and
\vlieii hi ) if A U | ) .ilioiit tu-tnty lue-t
ho slij > iied and loll ubojt ten fcot ,
when hi.iluft iimi v , w e-auwlit by a IU-K-O ln > o | {
Ibathtiukout of thu pile ho wasclimhln .
Thchonknui throueh uclwcun the MIIOM and
bono of I is .11111 and ho biuiKthfie lor fully
a iiilnntok'foio hisfrionds could resinulilin.
ilisnrinniis fe.irfillv torn uiul mendie'd.
lie was ut oiu-o t.ilcen to Ins homo and a
phbioian biinnnoiied.
Shiells ibiuod the folloving'
ringo lie'eiisos yesteiday :
NJIIIIO and address. Aio.
i Lco.l.I.oclivoodSt. l'.mlMinn ' . Hli
I .lennloi ; . Dxlswoith , Oinahi . 'JO
j John llurpcr , BiirllnKlod , la . , . tin
< MmdoLo\\7y , Oiniihn . : ;
I .lob n Jlr.iviner , Oinahi . ; j-j
( IMuna 5C\vih.isd , Omah.i . 28
( C'harles.I. Ihlelcsnn , Oin.iha . JO
( Ihnnal'auliuii , Umalu . yd
Voiiit , Sopt. 8 The bhciiff today
closed Uiedonrs of U. Kaielsons' Sons , .stoolc-
liiKmanuf.ictuierh.tho . { aetoryof the shaped
soamlesiBtopliliipr cnmiuny imd thostoiuof
1C. KariUons Importer of precious stones ,
A < lolphiniindl'rankli.arelsoiis.iir.iliibt hoin
} udinont\vu.scnteicd today byoiiHtjnt for
SJSki. 'Ihe ilcbts of tlio concern amount to
about SlOO.ouo . , _
witli \vlnil II n .
I1.V , Hodwn ofGretnii , rillinoio county ,
WM arrested list night on tbo request of the
sheila' from rillinoiolio came vlth n war
rant that accuses Hodion of tr.Uiny wmm
land for horses and other pcrhoniil e-Uccta
woith W.'itKJ , and It now happens tliat the did not belong to Jluilson Andrew
liurnottof Grctnii Is the inin Mctiinl/od.
Ilodsonwill nturntodujr with the sheillT to
answer Ida aeeustrr
Ile.ivy ItaiiH OliiHts ItcMinwml J-'liiudn.
VlU . , Si-pt. S.-iIoavy r.ilus have uiuhcd
a icnuivalof the recent disantrou& Hoods and
much damiiKihan been done.
ICOUNT/.K Illlrnheth , wife of Ilciinnn
Kountie , at midnight , bi-pteinber s , aieid
foily-foiir jeai-i
fuaeral will bo announced later ,
I'osltlvcly curr l If
' tlu < io I.lltlo I'll P.
Tliey nlw rollcvo 3to-
trcsafrosnlij-sporfiln. In-
ITTLE dlKrallou niid Too Heart )
IYER W. A perfect rem
edy feirOlTTdiiffis.Nnusell,1
PIU.S. Drovulacss , Had Taste
In the Jloilth , Conteel1
juo , I'aln In the Sldo.j
roiiui ) itvuii Ttoy
regulate tie Howls , hirclj Vogtlablo.
is nn < \
.IiK'iilt Yniiiik' , a S.ilnmi ZVlilli , Climbed
ultlin Scrloim C ilnii- .
Tliero viii a minor nlloit yenlerdayhifh
inieltbat Jiiool ) YoiliiK1 , who has for w > < i
timernn 11 saliwn nt 111 Keith Sixteenth
itroct , hnUofttlie ewmtry and hwalsoNfi ,
onoof thobaiiMor tlio city and Stoiv Xll'i-
boldlnn forpod pipe'r to n eomUh-iiutu
nmouiit. The iiiinio wlileli'oxui ( , ' is tiud.
to have forced to the notet la that r
Halthus .lette'rof South Oinahi.
Voiittfr'i saloon at 111 Noith SIxteH'nC )
Htroel Avnt closeil bv his rrtfilltom hmt
we-e-k , mil it U iinetoiMood that ho Icf'
Omaha hist J ilday nnel his ivhoruibouN is
linK-iienvii to those who desire te see linn
Kllli : A.VU POM1 ! ! CO.M MISSION.
A A'ast Anioiiiil of Jlimiitrss IINpusi 1
ill1 I. iisl McIi ,
The lirst fnllmeelhiK' o ( the boaid of llro
imct police foiiiiiiissloiioiii held for sevnil
weeks wsa held lastnlfht
Tlueo utthepjlicci ollhers wci-o fulled up
to nnsu-erc-haifes pieforred.
ODIeer Ivelley wis culled en tonns\\cru
rhuiio ; ot luniiiK ROIIO Into the Tiirfl'x-
elimiKO siloon : otl5 : odonenl htto Kola eliln
'J'hopropiietorof tlioTmf saloon oun
hu > d as avitnc ns , and stalled tint ICclli
had heen in hii saloon , IM ehnrKOd , but liu i
not | 'flnu In to | Kt n ilrlnli , neither did heusu
for or Ketn drink while in tlioiiloon.
SeiL'eant Oiui.shwas called and
tlmtho timl seen Ofllecr ICe-lley como out < > t
the Turf uloon at U.J3O n. in , after hunu r
looiicel forbiiiiup aiiileloiui his bout for sumo
Ollh'cr lu-llcj iidinitteel havinp pone > mi >
the I'urf niloon , hiitnot to pota drink. 'lli < -
oflleeTviii toluto report to lib captain l r
Ofllcor N'nllior wai thonoxtsnmmom-il
forotlio rimtmhsion Hoi id liceii Mispoi , i
by Chief Senvev for falling to iijipeur tc-
\ \ it nits * in poluit e'omt on September 5. It
eoniilaliit | stated that Ilio eillle'orli.ul l
notified tint ho\\-onlil hummlnlavitii
ami hail ] iiitl no attention to the nnllllcnli
Otlleeriilkeiis a colorevl man. IIiu-l.ui i
thathc h ul oversl jit himself on Iho at' ' i
noon lip MIISmitcel
Oillcor ( li-.ihini testified that bo Iml iu > i
llcil OlliiirValkir in the a tin noon shun \
beife'io ' 1 ( ho \ \ is wanted at pub. . >
eiomt , .indhe-sw him n coupleiuC hours liu i
ihv niton bailer shop.
Oliiir Ciali.un wiw eliitfcilvith haelii
absented himself from duty vithout haling
permission liu ilclensc win that he hu.l
be-on nt suvedehne ; Ilio night hcforo niul ha l
tukeii tooiiiue-libo Jlflde e-iile-el toluy oft a
dnvto brie-o up hofoiti rciortiiw | foielut.s
The then c-onslduu-il tlio pro | > osltli > n
to Improve thamiblli- signal service ) Siiic-i- |
inte-iiilont Uouttcr Mntod that the leli-lion ]
sc-rvle'o used intbei sliiul | ; erviio isertin ,
porfei-t. mill toimiko it olllc-ioiitu-UI rc < jumt
the int roJin-tion ofvliat Is kiiOMitas tbe <
indiiation Hysileni with ictiirn wins. 'Jhl-t
will rocjulro p.nailol lines ultli thet
iiictalio pirt of tbo jireiseiit system ,
\vhiih nill e-ost botneoii flfi and jvtx
r mile , or abmit I,1M , ( ) for tlio ontlro BJS
loir. Theelilllellltyult.titho jirescnt syslein
Is tint the ) telephones ameiy ilefe-e'llvi-
TlionlurnisprMco put of the system Isall
ilpht Tliero .110 thlity-throo toloiioncs ] ! in
use In the boxes nnd It is praellLally Iniimb
slblotu mo many of them in comei-Hallon
ThomatUr will bo considered by u eonnnil
tet-r.iiel tnke-n up a 'ilii.
ODU'orJ. IC.lluri was gr.uilcd alca oof
nbsencej for ton days.
Ollcor CiOoiMa uu granted a leuvc ol , il >
scnooof ten dajs.
OI1le-or John O'Connclltcnilercelhls
iesij- (
iiiitlon , vhlch .is a eoptcd
' .I'liu I'oliowliii ; exjiiiiuuiiication was tlu-u
Tiitho llonnrahlo llnaranf Ilio and I'ullit"
CoiiiiiilMsliiiii-is-Ooiitlninui : In tin e-UjJiill
sujijiD-oilto luno a ileicloror not ? It so. uli.i
Is lit mill uhculs Iiohiiiiiiifiud td coino tin ie-
t onlv ii.sli for Infot in it Inn , as It ! > iilnicisl hi -
posilhlo In Kit Olio lioioat uiiylliiie' unis
Tlio ofllrer nuking thiseonipltiiiitls out1 or
ttmtnrnlioys at the jail. ,
Tin-committee on mon nnd elise Ipliiio reJ
] ) Orted in fa\or ol honorably diHliaigniL ; '
OHIeer I1 M. Lc" , vho 1m bex'n ill mill ill )
se-ntfi-oiniliitislnrcMuj. This would [ ihi-o
Mr Leo upon n pension cifSlOa moiitli. li
CJaiiln 1ml stated to the < oimnltUo Unit
Ofliior lco Is sutTeiiiiK from coiu > uiniiti ii
lessultmj , ' from pneuiiwniii c'ontr.iete-U hv
sovcio e'xposini ) and injury wliilo in thu
porfarnianio ofhis duty.Vliiles ntle-niiitlnt.-
to iiuost seine inon lust Mureli he e.iino\er.\ \
ne-aii buini ; killed , anil nuisr iee-o\cTe-e > fiom
thclnjur ) l-ui-iiiLlli ) ! ( ! list four nxiiitlis h <
luiHlieeiiiibseiit Iroin duty \Mthont pay , but
hii.silr.iMiir'i .1 day from the iclie-t' fiiiul.
The cninmNslmi daidolto ( , i\o Ollice-i I.r-o
an IIDIIOI ible elijchaiu'u and pl.iec him on tint
l > C-llli < lll lull.
\Vllliain Hosati ashed | 'rmlssloiiln remn\
liish.doon . fi 0111 tbesoiilliciist com rot I'oni-
t -c > iilli uiul lloivanl stni-tw to lilt ! Sinth
Tu'ilfth htiv-L 'J'lio rc > iiiiut ] ) . 'raiiUi | .
'J'liu roininitti'ii to which had boon rofuivd
thoiotitlon | of Uohe'iL 'Kllonl , usklne ; jirlvi
leuo to icmovo bis hiilixin fiom Til'i
\Ve-liiler to IfilT the HIUIIO lie-et , ro-
poilcd tlnt tlii > jinLtt-r hid hi-on
iriven iluiti-uiihldoivllnii. and thai the PDIII
initti'O bail U'.iine'il Hint soinn tlnm ii'n , \ihil , >
'I'l-lfot-d hid usliniln ri-fjiie-stpeiidlncr befoi-o
tbo bo.111 lor pm-misslon to nnmvo to l.'il t
\Vili- > t -rslrt-et amlbufiiio any nitloii bud
be-i u taken holii ) an nsin } ; ifll'i and ITilTns '
tiiiliion , and lias be-tii violaiitiRthu stnto In 3C
ev rsinco. Tlm e-tiniinittio tiierfiio ) rieom
ine-inlod Unit thu inmost recently made be >
noti-r.iiilcd uiul lit * I ton of Mi
Tolford In ) rciurlc-il to Mr. Malinnc-y , tlv
county nttoriioy. 'Iho n port u us adoptu ]
'Ilio jile.i of estalillshlucliat Ssknovn a- .
"rjilie-eiicn's ) duy" wus diheiis , i'tl and u
foricil to Mr. Ilurtmm for luithorlnvt-Muru
tion , ainlfor a loport to thobonnlas tnll >
nil\lsiilility of Intiodne'liit ? Ubpccial holulii
foi IliO jiolic-o olllcers.
'Jho boird then vent Into oxcentlvo s < KM i
andIliKdOiUiuKieloy ono iliy's pay , uiilc <
\V-ilkertwo diy's p-.iyund UJllccrLJrjIi.iiu
tlueu Usiy's ya ) .
Ilio ooiniiiisiloii then ml Join nod.
Ainlcn Sulie.
'Jho best salve intluswrlu for nuts , brnls i
som , ulivi-s , nit i lieu in , fovirsnrni-hiiM- | | I
hands , cliilhl.iliis , cnnis andallHkliicinptiiiii
ainlposilh-e-li iure' < pi l j , or no pu } IIMIUIH I
J t iHffiiniMiitx'd U > uivo pcrfcit sntlsfiuii , i
or inoiiG ) tofiimlud Piiio rieoats
l orsalohy ( Joodiiiin JJiui ( Uo i
Absolutely Pure.
A oreim ofturtnrliaVinK yow tfr ,
ofl a-v nln itreinjib11 , 8. Ooverumonl tt -
cV A.UJ , 17. ISiU.