Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1890, Image 1

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David P. Ellis of Blue Hill Makes a Desper
ate Effort to Kill Himself.
During n qtmrrcl \Vnlioonptwccn
Jack lliriicy mid Pt-rry IMelClii'
ncj , HID rormci'lfled to
Kill tlio Latter.
Br.rrlm.Neb ! , Sept. S-fSpcclnl Tclr-
gram to TUB I3 : .l Uivid P. Kills , ilfty
jeurs old , attempted to commit suicide yes
terday by cultlngbla throatvvlttui razor , and
al'hougli ' hols still allvo thcro is but llttlo
hoi > of his iccovcry. Uarly jestcidny mornIng -
Ing Kills' 3on and daughter drove out la the
countrj , ipuvhiB their fnthcr alone In the
liousc After their dcparturo liomustha > o
tcken the ra/or from IU place on the pantiy
Bholf , loaned his head on the door rasing
and made the attempt to cut his
throat bv wwlnff dheetly into the wind-
pil > o All day long ho sut and luid In the
room iilone Ills hnnda nud cout sleeves
looked ns though bo Ind torn nt his throat
with Iin lingers rcpcatcdlv. Ci-nlies were
made with the 1mlfe , uiul he Brlmlj porsc-
veivd in his horrible task , thoughivlu-n found
bo bud strciiRth to bo sitting up , nnil neigh
bors were so close ho loulel easllj hixvc called
or gone to thorn Cvcn whin the son cuuio
back mid found him ho had the veapon in bis
hand and icsNud theuttoinpt to take It.
Mcdlinl nld was cillcd , his wounds w o
diosbcd nndall done that could he to render
him comfortable , but in nnwerto n question
in tow lint they lould do fuitber , lie drew n
llguioof iigi.ivoon ttie hc.iilio.itd and made
motions to 1111 it up lie can talk
nnd when resliting tbo sowing of
the wound * gave evidence of hli conscious
ness , but ho lofuscs to say n word to his son
01 uny ono i'\i opt an old acuiiiitaiuo | , to
whom ho admitted hovvussorri ho made the
The cause is supposed to lie partly in a
settled melancholia which ho has had for
II f toe n > cms , over slnco he parted fiom his
wife , iin d p.utlv on m count of pivseiit pov
erty and picssiiiK dehts. Tbo wife Is now
living somewhere in Oregon and bo has ono
brother In Coloi.ido and a sister , Mrs Will-
lain Hoviimoy , in Hastings. IIo has fie-
quciitly thieutcned toco rmlt suicide , but his
friends did notattiich mwli Importmiie toil ,
as ho H as not usually of n timid disposition.
Thcro is little hope that ho can iccover.
Sbiioliiu : iMliMyatalion. .
"WAiioo , Xob , Sc-pt S. [ Special ; Telegmm
to Tin : Hi.iThls ] aftcinoon Jiiolc Cheney
tmdl'crry MdCtuncj became engaged iu a
quarrel , wlieiiCbonej drew n ! te-c.illbro 10-
volvcr and with ttio words , "I'll kill the
" McICinney , cutting a liolo
In \Miisteoatand was b'nt on caiivingout
his murdeious design , but the bystanders In-
torfeied and o\orpovvi'ixd him. IIo was
plaicd under ancst mid now langulshts in
jail avvuitlug trial.
Tlio liilest Nov\s liom Kojirncy.
KEAUNEV , Is'cb , Sept b. [ Special Tele
gram to TUG Bir ) Judge Whcclock O
Voazoy of thoiutorit.ito coininorco cotiuuls-
biona'-rlved in the city jo.stcidu > to hear a
compl lint mndo by 1\ . .I.Bvvitagainst the
Union 1'acitlc for ovoichurga on freignt
Judge \V K Kelley , general uttorncv ot the
Union I'acillc , mid P. 1 ! U hltnoj , general
freight agent , lamoto reprebcut the inter
ests of the road. Taking evidence in the case
V > i'i % ( , | 3 moniliid. , .ThicoinplaiutsoEaMr.- *
B\\ltz clnimed that the rate fiom Council
Rluffs orOniiiha to Kearney , based on tbo
rate to ( iiimcl Island , should bo IM cents per
ono hundied pounds instead of 05 cents on
first class f lofght , . U cents instead of tMJ lenta
on second class , 10 'I ' cents instead of 5O cents
on third dnss and O cents instead ol15 cents
on fouith c'lass.
Tlio llrst thing that was found oat In the
suit was that the t.uilt was a Joint tariff and
u ihango in rates would ntua all the loans
entering Into tbo agiciMiicnt. It would thus
bo necessary to make nil the roads paity to
the suit as v.cll as tbo Union Paelllc A
recess was then taken until after dinner In
tbo afteinoou Judge ICi-llcy iniide a showing
that the llguus used bj Mr S\\itz , in com
puting the discriminationwoiuunoneousand
that tbeio was no discrimination agahibt
Keuney. K C Cullilus , for bvvitj : , then
asked leave to withdraw tbo complaint and
this was according ! } done
' 1 his cvcubic Scdgwiik Post No 1 , Grand
Arinv of thoHupubbc gave lociptiou
to thoii commaiulcr-in ilucf , Judge Vcazey ,
und Adjutant CJeneral A. V Cole , who are
hero. It wus held in the largo leception
room in the citj hall 'Ihe affair \vas a lilting
honor to the distinguished gentlemen ami
ono in which the ( ir.ind Arinv of the Republic
of this city ai-quitt'd ' themselves with m.'rit.
'Jho nddiess ot wi Iconic % vas dcllvoieil bj
llev. lr CiV Mil tin Cheering speeches
\veru made and thu riieptiou c-ndeil with a
brand banquet.
Small I'ii'i' at Iilncoln.
Liv < otv , Neb , Sept b fSpeclal Tele-
pram to Tm HKI I Flw was discovered ntJ
o'clock this morning in the hisonient of .1. K
hamustur block , Illi O street , by a passing
tlremiin The cntiro dcpaitmont wus called
out , but the stock of goods on the Iht lloor
was piactlc.dly ruined Tlio room was occu
pied b ) Mrs \V 13. Ciosper , millinery , and
Miss Jesse A. Johnston , hdr goods Mrs
( Inspcr had Just hid in a stock of fall goods
valued ut $10tt . Her Insurance is but
(1,000 iu eastern companies. .Miss John-
7 ston's loss is estimated at M , < KX\
/ with n small Insurance Tlio lire originated
in a pile of lubbbh ilirectl ) undeino.Uli the
Btovo All tlio door uiul window s woie found
closed , and the c.uiso will bo labelled "spoil-
tunc'oils conibustioii " Airs Ciospor Is tlio
widow of a former stuto ofllclal , and pluckil )
onnouuco- . her intciitioa of iinmediatel ) te-
openiiig. The build ingis owned b } ,1. II
humastor of Te < must h , but Is damaged only
a fovv bundled dollars worth , full ) issued.
' 1 lioOlit-On * Isliniil Thieves.
S , Neb , Sept. S [ Speciullo Tin ,
llitr. ] Irvingtoa and vicinity has been some
what dlstuibcd of late over the depredations
of thieves who have caulcd off clothing ,
chickens and hay. Is'ot until lust Thursday
could .1 clue bo had as to the identity of the
thieves r II Knight reluming homo at a
late hour , saw two loads of hit ) passing. It
being about 1 o'clock at night hU suspicions
vvero moused and calling up W. S Harbor It
was decided to follow tlio men. They
well ) tr.ic'cd , through Onmbrto CutOff -
Off Island , whom the parties un
hitched from their loads and put their
te.iius Iu bams. ICnight imd Harbor
then hurtled back to Irving ton und notified
the pal ties from \\liom the hi ) bid been
stolen , as well as several meiiibors of the vigi
lance committee They then returned to
Omaha , vvliorotho uecossiry papers \\ero
placed in the hands of hhenlT liujd , who
soon bad the suspects In ciistodj Their
trial took place Saturday before .lustUo An
derson , und they were convlctevl The
Irvington I'lotivtlvo association , finislhtlng
of about sixty mcMiibcrs , ineans buslne&r. , and
proposes tomako it Lot fort'iletcs.
t < n'n I.lglit Inlantry Iliuul.
GuvM ) IXI.AND , 'c b. , Sept S.
Telegnim lo Tin : lii EC'ox'b light Infantiy
band arrived last night from Cos Moiniw , In. ,
whu-o they have been pi i ) Ing at the stntu
fair. The band numbers , tldrtj-flvo and their
homo is iu Polla , Iu , Co\'s baud pivi's a con
ceit nt the Hugar palace every ovcnliiK and
iiftcrnoon and a grand ynrado every morning
nt 10 o'clock , They leave tomorrow morning
for Lincoln state ) fair to advcrtlso the sigar
paUe-o A stoii-over on ull tickets will DO al
lowed on the Union Pacific and B Ss Al so '
thatpcoplo returning from the state fair can
visit the tirand Island sugar palace. This
baud U said to lie one of tlio lluest in the
country nnd much praise Is extended to Man
ager C.V ScarfT for securing It. A ftor the
sugar palace exposition thej will leave for
the blue grass palace at Cn-stou , la.
r.vonts nt I'ort Kibin on.
KOHT HO IN < OV , Neb , Sept. 8. [ Special
Tclcgrnm to TIIK Urn ] The exodus of the
troops from Tort Itoblnson under tbo dU-
banding order took place today Captain
Stedinan of the Ninth cavalry took fortj-
seven men of the lUuhth Infantry to Fort
Nlobrar.i The captain is ordered thtro as
piesldent of a regimental court martial for
the trial of a soldier chai cod with shooting at
or attempting to shoot at nls troop com-
minder , Capliilu Oarrurd of the Ninth cav
( 'oloml Stimton , chief piymaster of the
department of the Platte , left on this mom-
ing's triln for Foil McKinnnyVyo , having
LNitcMumt I'cttitof tbo Kighth infantry and
two soldiers as a guard
Thcro wus quite a sharp frost last night.
Quurrnl Oxer u Wall atVahoo. .
\V vnoo , > cb , Sept. . [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BnhJ Per some tlmo trouble bas
been hievviiig over the erection of the parti
tion wall between Prank Oioss' now build
ing und Winters' opem house. The opera
house company was putting In the entire
vail und occupied the full face of the wall
with their trimming stones. Gross lemon-
hlrated , but to no purpose. Tins afternoon
ho secured workman fiom Lincoln and pio-
ceilc'ilto cut the itom'out , imdNVintctslmnie-
illatolj had the \vorUin"n ai tested for mali
cious destruction of propeity. Bond was
furnished for their npnciuMiico , and they set
to work again , only to bo ugjln arrested ,
and in this way \\orkniPii were pievcnted
fiom fully carrying out their work. It is
very likely that au injunction will bo served
Jollification at Tukani'ih.
Tr.Kvviui , Neb , Sept. 8 [ Speclil Tele-
giam to Im ; DM : . ] TcUmuh is ullnbUzc
tonight over the result of the second election
on the county seat. Tekam.ih iccem'da ma-
Joiitj of all tbo votes cast and U colebratlug
with binds , bonl'res ' , rockets , cannons , anvils
and everj thing that can bo called in loquisl-
tlon to do the occasion Justice Tekamab has
been the of Hint for tlilrty-tlneo
j cai-s unit her prospects aio tjood for thiity-
threoye.irs more.
LiiiniTvNeb , Sept 8. I
to Tm Bin. ] The first fiost of the season
fell list night. Itwas very light on the up
lands , jet quite severe on the bottoais. No
serious damage was done to crops.
AllrebroUo out in the noithern pait of
town today in tlio residence of S. J Brown.
The tiinelv arrival of assistance was all that
saved sonio of the be t leslclemes.
KrpiihliLMii l'rltnir > at ItroUen How.
BitoKi.s Bow , Neb. , Sept S. [ Sp ° cial
Telegram to Tne ULI : J The Bro'non Bow
ivpnblican primary was held today and an
anti Uorsey delegation w.w olected. A ma
Joiity of the lountj townships hulolicted
Horsey ililegutes. A. It Samson \\as > elected lomuiltteu for
this township The county conveutiou will
bo held next Fiiduy.
Count } Democrats.
ON , Xob , Sept. s [ Sperm ! Tele
to Tm : BH ] The dLinociatic convention to
day nominated a full ticket. A II Bowman ,
the top ro en tuttvo who wis elected two vcars
ago for sheriff of this countv , for county
Cijnimlssloiier , .lohn Brookmin ; countv at
torney , . I. II Wet'cll ; district clerk , U A.
Ba.ster ; county surveyor , 1 } A. IJ Pinker.
Delegates to the congiossional convention
cn. . , . , . . . _ - MI. , mtmimmi . mtrm
Convicted I'or Assault.
Neb , Sept. fe. [ Special Tcl-
cgt-am to Tm : BII : . | In the ( Itsttict court
today Seott Stone was convicted on the
cmirgo of an assault on Sally If ryan last
Mav Stone U a married man with three
little ) children
lnc.sllijalion. .
AiM\N'ob.Sept , b. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Bi.r. ] A motion bofoio the county
board toinvo-ilgato the iccords of all the
county ofllcois for ten je.irs back was voted
down by sto" today , it being deemed un
necessary and too expensive.
ifs ted lor Assault.
CITI , Xcb , Sept. S [ Special
Telegram to TUB BM : . | .Tames Hoycr , who
was arrested last evening for attempting a
criminal assault on Dora Burns , aged twelve ,
had his tuul today and was dischaigcd
THK HO ft I , I * ' * J-\4f S1TF ,
' the .Method b ) AVhluh
it V. Ill lie Sri rteel.
Cuicvoo.Kept S. | Spec-ill Telegi am to THE
BKB. I The world s fail headquarters piesent-
cdan animated today. Much talk
was Indulged In about the meeting of the di
rectors tomoirow , but no information was ill-
lowed to escape. Vice President Biyan de
tailed the pioliublo method of pioceduro in
the matter of balloting for thosito , "I should
advibo eitherthu-e or live informal bal
lots bo taken bofoto u foumil vote is an-
nounccd Theto w 111 bo thieositos the Lu il , tlio Noitli side and Uatlleld jiaik
The last informal ballot vv ill result in s-omo
site icic'iving the lowest number of votes
Let this site bo dropped fiom the
race mid piojecd with live additional in
formal ballots. In turn the next site lecolv-
ing tbo lowest number of votes can bo
dioppcd and a regular nnd linal ballot can bo
taiEcn upon the ono lemaliiing 1 suppose
punted slips burning the nuuiesof the sites
will no furnlshi'd , but so fur the at range-
incMibi have not been completed "
Mr. Ingolrtsby of 10. ' Tn'doric street , Edin
burgh , Scotland , has sent a phonographic
cjUnder to Butterworth , which
v.'as lead oit in tbo "speaker's own tone of
voice. The foreigner wants an allottmentof
100 square leet of pa < e in which to pieiout a
section of u Biitish liulii village with itb
complements of aitisans , conjurers , etc.
31 IIS. J/Ctt JA 2T ,
Hlii ) Is Charged with Conniving nt
IMuiiler ,
NI.W C V TI r , 1'a . Sept. b [ Special Tele
gram to Tm. Btt ] Sirah Kandolph , ullus
Mrs. McCJlnty , was put on trial heio this
afternoon charged with soliciting ono bun
Kissinger to minder Hanker 1'oltz. Kissin
ger was theonlj witness called today. Ho
said that last May ho iccolvcd ,1 letter from
Mi-s. McCjinty inking him to call on her on
impoitiint business. Ho did so , when she
ottered hlniHr > Oel If. ho would minder the
piossidcnt of tlio Fiut national bank. She
would not give the. name of the principal ,
but said a wealthy friend of hers wanted It
done meetings with
her , he being accompanied tbo list tlmo by a
detective , who was introduced as his brother.
'Iho vvom.iii again offered the $100 , at tbo
same tlmo cautioning them to murder the
banker afur night , then lob him in order to
avoid suspicion of uny other motive. The
ease will bo continued tomorrow. The
woman U .still obdurate aud refuses to betray
her wealth } friend.
A Wisconsin Itnnlc AS-J'CMI.
i , Wis. , Sept 8. The Waupaca
bunk , run by K Coohdgo . \ : Co , made an as
signment tins morning1. Assets and liabilities
not known , Thu bank had a paid up capital
of $15,000. _
Hemmed the Ocriiian Flag.
Bfiu.iN , Sept. S. A telegram from Aden
says Thompson , an oftlcial of the Biitish Uast
Africa company , ha * forcibly removed the
Ucrniau UicjatKlmbo Vltu.
I'cy nt L'nkuiiibyop.
Zvvziutu , Sept. 3. Hinln Boy bai arrived
at Uukamb ) co , I
Before Starting on it He Talks About
Matters of General Interest ,
The I'oHicr Stands a Good Clianco
of Again MHni ; Admitted mid \\el-
coini d to the Kntlic'1'l.inil-Tlio
.S.-in ion n Ticnty.
lf > l > u Jainft fJonlari
Kunuv , Sept b-Now [ Yorlt Herald
Cable Special to TUB DeiIIu | has
earned bis rest , for Ills labors have been long ,
continuous anil successful , is what every onu
who has followed the cuieer of 1'helps as
minister , wlllsiv whou thej hear he ispoinp
homo for a lioliduy Ho bas valiantly de
fended the national lutciests , he has succeed
ed in bringing about a sort of solidity among
the rapidly lucrt-ising American colon )
\\hlchwiisiiover before achieved , and \\beti ,
iimong tbo poorest tl.iss of American students
or stuuigcrs. one fell by tliotiy , ho has
stretched forth a Keneroua , helping hiniil , n
fact \\lilch e\cry ono except blmsclf will
Klauly bear witness. The Kibe takes him
home September in , and tbepood wishes of
thu Amctlvan eolonj hero trow 1thhim.
The positUn occupied by I'iielDS in
Ids party Justilled tne in seeking and obtain
ing an interview foi the Herald from Win.
"Yes , lam going homo for as long alcavo
as the department u ill grant me , " said the
minister , seating himself iu an easy chair in
tbo libt.iry at tbc legation. "I think 1 do-
ser\eit , for I haven't been away from nij
post for u } car mid have been tolciably busy ,
for there have been Unco conventions , anyone
ono of which would ba\u been enough for a
jcar tne Berlin sehuctzenfcst , tbo medical
congtessaiid tbo consular confeiencc , which
\vLsadouiucd ] after u fruitful and plca&aut
"No , I shall ha\o nothing to dolth pol
itics ut homo except to talk about them. I
shall vote and give them n peed strong pio-
tcc-tlon and iccipioclty ballot , vltli Charley
Ueckwith's name iu largo lettets ( united
across it"
"Hut the p.ipers sny you arc going home to
take the nomination from Ucck itb and lau
j ouistlf for congiess. "
"Nonsense Mv business Is over here. I
expect to stay beie as long as President Harrison
risen \ \ > ints mo to , at least , " said
1'belps. " 1 don't \\ant to get out of it
until the American ho. ; comes In. What's
hibchaticol Uood , I tliimc , on account of the
retaliation law , that helps less lure thin uiij-
\\hcioulieprobaul } . It is a good thing to
have in stock even beie , but not to us e or
even talk of. Gonnany lesents an > tiling like
menace. It can be coot ceil Into , mj thing
is right , out not diiven into uuuhiiif , ' lils-
uiaik cut , Germany docs not change In that
" \ is jour opinion of the law
"It is solso and just that I can't irnig-
'inowbj we didn't bavo it befoie. 1'ossihly
wo weie waiting for .Mr. Whitil.iw Ueid testate
state tbo case so clearlj , calmly and ccmvitic-
injflv as he did.1'
' You expect gieat tesults from thelftw because -
cause it is common sense and justi 'el"
"Xo foiolh'ii government tbat thinks well
expects us to give tbem inivelegos tlioy arc
uibitraiilj taking from us You see Hnuil
falls intulini befoietbeiukisdr ) on President
Ilamsou's sifjuatute. "
* "How iiboubGciniunyil'
Tbat is a lurpo body and moves slowly ,
bull in not discouraged , for it moves it-soil
in the ligtitiliicition uKo , and about as i.ip-
idlv us the dilToieut business Interests 1011-
iKctcd with thu [ oik Industry can stand aud
ujajit thcmseh us to the iti.inpc. I see bj a
new bjupcr here theGeuiuu inuiiiciMh- ]
tiC' , an I business in tciests olio alter another
fall into line to bombaid the ctiancellor , and
their f.uts me hot slot. Vou > oursclf
bion htnio the llrst news of the petition of
the Hambutir boaul of trade. Don't youie-
niembci tncir facts ? The pike has
risen so much the poor
couldn't eat poik. German bacon was
1JO nunks for 100 kilfsv bile American pork
can paj a duty and still be sold hero for .10
mules Poik gets in fiom other countiies
and secures these high pikes and isn't so
good. Uesldes , it is as lle hogs and doc s not
piy as high ilutj. U'hcu Ameikan svvinu
licah let in there wns nc-M-r a case of ill-
ncst. tucctlto its1 use , and there nre inoru
facts Justus good which I cannot now recall
U hat was \vhat Hamburg thought and said ,
and last week the magistracy of Berlin sent
inn heuviei show. Uethninber complaint ,
states that Hei 1m got in tbo jear between
Apiil 1 , Iba'.i ' , and Apiil 1 Is''O ' , UO.UOO moio in
b ibitaiits and , TA > , iwu fewer pigs ,
the tin lease of GJtttl ) in population should
iiavo been met. under the noiintU rules of
consumption , \\itb an incieasoof ioK ; ( J pigs ,
sotliat la t\eai tbccitj hus fallen behind by
43JUO head In its poik consumption. Things
aie going just as baillj since. 1'ioniApul 1
of last j car to August ISJJb.iso head lame
into the city. Tor this year in the aametimo
Iheton.uoeomoin but J00sl "
"I see tbat Kaprcsentativ o Hitter , in hlb
famous speech of 'Dor Uuutscho ICniser , '
gives gre it prominence to yarn , epithet , the
poor man's ompiror"
" \Yell"iepiled Mr. Phelps , "It as true.
and there was no re.ison why I shouldn't ' call
him so. Th > . 10 isn't an uttciiinco or act of
that joting sovcioign tint does not respond
quicltlj tolhit , test his love and-caio of that
class of bis subjects who mot need help "
"Did jour consuls' convention heio do
"ilvorj thing they could Consul Gencial Ed
will d * had hero not oulynN o\\n consult , but
tboso of Austii i , Consul Ucncrul Mason \ \ as
hereto voiiiescut uny of his corps who \voie
absent. Together this influential bodv so , u-
ranged mitters that n uniform nile and prac
tice in ivlition to the authentication uf in
voices will picvail in exeiy consul ir offlco in
Gerriany. "
"How is tlioSamoan treatj woiKIngt"
"Jt really is not woilving founallj at all
vet at least Its intluuico so fat l"s only
moral , 'luo nations loiow what Itsprovi-
slon are to to , but yet the ) are not opera
tive. 'Ihoy cannot bo until the chief
Justice gets tbue , his decision being tbo cen
ter and ( lower of tlio simply machinery But
the nioiul InUiienioof the1 treaty's provisions
has kept Iho natives peaceful for niuro than n
ji'.u.and is u patty good tet. . The
ticaty lelt it to the king ot t > vvcden toseleet
a man under this pioviaion. Tbepovveis , by
agreement , could bavo nude their own selec
tion , but it u as thought it would suv o tlino
and bo better to let the king of Hweden undo
tbis choice. I suspect lie found it ditllcult to
llnU the light nun , but ho has tounilliim at
hist , ami us soon as thu new judge cau imiko
bis preparations , lie will go. Uut at tuvseut
the strain of thrco eager consuls and tlueo
ambitloiH n.itions , with ro.val aslialiciiis ( ,
and all on one little isliud out of the woild
and uvvuy fiom tbo telegraph , Is a little tiy-
ing to thoaovvho me inteiobted in the welfare
of the little me hipelago"
\\luleMr. 1'hclpi is away the business of
tbc legation will lx < conducted by Mr Chap
man Colein.m , who has held the position of
chin h'eu'aiYairs hero under four smccosivo
Content at < "anip
CJMIDutui.i * , \\\i \ , hopt. b. [ SpeciT
Telegram to Tnr live ] The that da ) of the
competition of the rllle and carbine teams
wus devoted to knonu distaqio : .llnuf.
Scores wore as follows :
IltlloTeam-Mcutemnt Mulr 1M , Corporal
Lann ItU , Sergeant Davis 10.1 , Sergeant
Uolan 1M , Corporal Dlusmoro 1M , Sergeant
Men\lnlt > 3 , Corporal Tricb IM , Sergeant
H.nnbnrg 151 , I lrst Scrpeant L'tiger 1J5.
Curbluo TMHI Captain Kerr 111 1. Corporal
Thornton 159 , Coiporul Hpo 1W5 , Blacksmith
Kclser 15 , ' , Cor | < oral Corp 15 , > , Oorixiral
O'Connor 181 , bergeant Tal3rH5 , Lieuten
ant Wright 1 , Captain Hall llio , 1'rivato
Mitchell 13-2.
Infantry total 1,557 , , cavalry total 1,4S3. i
THI : it.t v.Ji i.vr/sr/ TJO\ .
Iji'inon Makei R Luiis ; Stntctitciit to
th < < Coniliilttci : .
WA IIINOTOV , Sept. 8. The lUum invest- !
t'ntlon was resumed U > day and Lemon was
culled to the stand. Ho roud n prepared
statoiiKnt , which \vas to tlio effect that as
the first charges did not concern him ho had
nothing to siy. As to the second charge ,
which referred to himself , ho saU ho had
known Ucncral Hiiuui twenty-live years ,
ills ilnancial st.indlng was high and his en
dorsers \vcro men of reputation , so
that when ho wanted money to
open up Ills mining property witness
endorsed t\vo ot his notes , one for f..OOO and
ono for $10.000 , which weio siilwoqticntlj ex
tended Respecting the ehurgo that witness
secured undue mlvuntago from the completed
Hies order , he sulcl tbo completed llles order
v\.i3 not novel in principle , but it hud been
thu practice of the ollleo for jcars to wauls
the end of the fiscal yenr to pick out such
completed c.i es nud dispose of them. That
hicl been done b ) Cominlsslonor Hlatr It
\vis a Mlso practice. Iho clrnrgo
that Commissioner Hium hud given
him any undue advantage In tbo com
pleted lilcs order was an unqunltllctl
falsehood , and , furtheintoro , it would bo an
absolute imposslbilitj for the commissioner
to favor him Witness never inked any
thing from Commissioner Kaum or nny other
commissioner to vhich ho was not ontltlecl
as mi attorney. Unfiirus Cooper had been ,
be hnltcd him to como to his ofllco nny any
mid exainino eveiy case iind every employe.
Ho wanted him to como in at the fiont door
like n man and not hunt up discharged clerks
'Unit would ob\lato the necessity of nuiUing
baseless charges
Cooper cross-examined the witness. He
naked vv ittiesswhat Ids fortune was , towhich
witness replied' i' none of jour busi
ness" and leturued the s line answer to thu
next question us to the amount of his annual
Cooper then returned to the attack and
asked If tbo witness had not been charged
with forging .Mr. ColfarJ's 11,11110 ton ceititl-
e.ite < . Witness replied that bo had not. If
the committee desiied to go Into that he
wished to be allowed to call witnesses , us it
iclutul to a transaction of UvenU two > eirs
ago General K.uimh'id llrst spoken to witness
ness- about money matters in January , before
ho became commissioner. When \v itucss'
pioposition to nuiko nn order Hko the com-
meted llles older wus hinder discussion ,
Deputy Lincoln objected ; tbat its effect
would bo to turn nil of the fouo of
the ofllco upon vsltness' cises , but that
was a wrong belief. 'Hie completed
llles order was made Januiry 7 Did not
then knovy the order had been issued The
effect of the order upon coses in the ordlnarj
flies was lieiielleial , as it reduced the flics in
number and encouraged au effort to complete
Lemon's testimony having been concluded ,
hooper renew cd his remuist for the pioduc-
ion ol the books of tbo ivftigerator coinpanj ,
issciting that they \\oulcl show that tbo
relriget.itor a fraud mid that the coni-
nissiocei bad been manipulating fiom thu
tension ofllce a fraudulent sehi'me.
Cominissionei U.min said ho was present to
uiswor the charge * of olMdnl conduct and
md demo so completely. The committee ) had
eon the stock booic of the company IIo
lenlcd that tbo icfrigoratorvas n fraud
Cooper knew ho had sola no stok to pjtisiou
oHlceoinphnes Therowasa c-onsplracv In
his city. Cooper was IK ing used .is u tool to
nc-.ik down his ( Hauni'.s ) credit Cooper
noiv the chaigcsoro dismal faduios and
ould not bo bust.uned aud.ho wished to draw
n other things so as by uooor crook to iu-
uro him ( Itauni ) . IIo should rest on bis
cgal rights and refuse to have his piivate
business dragied out by Cooper.
Cooper insisted on the necessity for the
troduction of tbo books as the best proof of
he ( .tockholders.
Tlio committee , aftora private consultation ,
lecldcd that itwould wservo Its decision
ipoa this quo iun jiml ii' ul nn orportunity
o ascertain the extent of its povvois to com-
> el tbo production of pnvato pipers. Ad-
MA i.i : Ei.r.n itUK
I ho lirpuhlicnns > i.rry tlic State by
n Good Majority.
PiniTi VXD , Mo. , Sept 8. Seventeen towns
in Ueed's disliict gho Heed Br , l3 ; Frank ,
l.J'Jl ; scattcime , 45 , Heed's pluiality. 1,21. ! .
The same towns In lb.83 gave Reed 0,01. ! ;
Uniory , V S.scatteilngJ3 ! : ; Koed's plurality
111 Tvvcnty-li\e towns lu the state give
Buileigh , 0U'J , ! ; Thompson , 4,009 ; scatter
ing , 'JTJ , Buileigh's plurality , 'J.7J. 'Ihe
same towns iu i > * > , ga\e Burleigh b.HIJ ; Put
nam , U.'V ) ; scattciing , 330 ; Burlcigh's ' plu
iality , 2Gbi , ! .
llilitv towns gave Burlelgh 8,2SO , Thomp
son , 5Clark ; , JOI ; scatteung , 2J ; 10-
publiean plurality. 2,101. , The last tlmo
Buileigh had 10,0 ? ' . ! ; Putnam , 7Puc > ;
Cushing 271 { scattering ; republican plur
ality-,113. Tbo republican gain is 4bl , or
over 21 per cent. Heed's ' plurality in twenty
towns lu the first district is ) , . ! > l. Ho bad
the last time 2,439 pluiality , and it looks ns if
it vvould bo neatly doubled.
bovonty-llvo towns give Buileiph l .OW ;
Thompson , HI.Mt , scattering , SsT" ; Builcigh's
plurality , O.iJli The same towns In Isss
jravo Hurlelgh 2.1.19 , ' ; Putnam , lll/ifi ;
si-atteiing , 1,153 , Buileigh's jilurality , ( i.TlK.
Uvvoiity-ono towns glyo Heed.10,37.1 , Prank ,
7,0H ( ; Heed's iilurahtv , 3t09. : The same
towns in Ibsi ga\o Heed ll,4J5Etneiy , K.O'sS ;
Heed's plurality , 1,710
Ono bundled towns plve Burlcigh 22,123 ;
Thompson , 14,77. ! , bciittering , 1,0,10 ; Ilur-
lelgh'b pluralitv , 7-i50 1'ho sumo towns in
lsv > gave Iliirlelgn J7,2W ; Pum.un , 19S15 ;
scittonng , I'is7 ; Uuilelgh's pluiality 7,5. ' ) .
1'ortland gives Uuilclgliiii7i : : ; Thompson ,
2HO ; Clark , los , scattering , 3tl , Kcul , : i,7."il ,
Fianklsi ; scitterlng , 11s ; Heed's ' plunil-
Itj , l 'i'kt ' , the hugest ever given a member
for this distrut. rorty-eight out of
llfty-thieo towns give Heed 10-
O'tl ' ; Frank , 11'UO ; Heed's plural
ity , -t,75 , > , against L'.U'J ' in 1S5S The
remaining towns are sin ill and will not
nntorially change these tlgures He-turn * re
ceived up to midnight indicate that the
plurality tor the republican ticket will bo
about P.i.OeW , u gain ot VJUO over thit of Ibss
and l.iHX ) ahead of tbo lust presidential jear.
1'iohihition comes united with scatteiing
or omitted , so it is classed ns scat
tering and may bo considerably laiger
'Iho republican members of congress are all
leelocted by huge majorities , Keecl s being
doubled. The count.v ofllcera nro mostly re-
publicans. The senators nro prooably all re-
jiublic.ui , ns in the hist legislature , uiul tbo
representatives must stand fully us strongly
ii'publlcan , namely 125 republican to 20 etemo-
tuvvn'sin ISs's gave llurlelch a't,470 ; Putnam ,
J4.540. scatteriiifc' , li3. ( Burlcigh's pluralltv ,
Me , Sppt. 8 Hoturns from a
1 irgoportion ot the ( itii and towns in tha
second dlstrii t show that Cx-overnor ( ! Dingle -
le > > is re-elected to congress by nearly 4,000
majoiity over Allen ( democrat. )
'Hie I'reildoiit Congralulatcd ,
AtiitsTv , Me. , Sept. 8. Chairman Manley
of the republican sUto commltteo sent at
midnight the foilovving dispatch to President
Hariison : "Mainegivoi the lirgost republi
can majority known In an olT jear slnco
1MM5 , aud a lirgir majority than given
In a election since 1M > ,
with the single oxccptious of lb 4 aud l&ss
( ! oviine.r . liurleigli i ro-elected by a majority
uxceedlnux \ > . .Speaker Heed is ro-tlectod
by the laiKc-htmajont } he has ever received ,
exceeding tfaa. It presentitlvcs Dingley ,
Houtollc.ind Milllken ore elected bv uiajori-
Hot * ranging from thice to live thousand. The
1'ino Tix-c state endorses your administration
and remains linn in its advocacy of protec
tion to American InJustiies aud Anterlcaa
labor. "
Kntal In Italy.
Kuvic , Sept , 8. A fatally destructive huril-
cane In the north of Italy did much damage
ut Hdluno and destroydl bridges and houses
in tbo Xoldu vallcj Twenty two Iwdles liavo
already been recoMTed fromthet debt is of the
ruined bml lin s , and l Is feared tinreman s
of oth < r victims o' 'In storu are > btlll burled
under the ruins of tlic dwellings. I
Both of the Snbjoiits Oomo Up for Discus
sion With the Whisky TAX.
Tlie ConfVreiice Heport on tlio KUcr
anil Harbor Illll Aurrcil To
by the House A Short
Sept. S. The senate this ,
moiiiing agivod to conllrm the ivport of the
her and harbor bill without division. 'Iho
bill now goes to the president.
'Jlio hmso bill to aotapat' accrtain tractof
laud on which the big tices stand in Califor
nia as a public park was passed vv Ithout
Tlio tin lit bill was taken up , tbo debate to
bo limited to thirty minutes for uny senator
on any one subject After a inunbor of verbal
amendments bad been agreed to Mr. Plumb
offered an amendment Imposing u tax of > l 'J. " >
per gallon on distilled spirits. Ho said he of
fered it because ho believed Itsould bo
necessary to have the additional icvcnuo
which wouldbo thus piovldcd * , ' ! , > 0OOU-to
meet the requirements of the government.
Tlio i eduction of the levenuo which the bid ,
"as it passed the houso. " would ofTect , had
Ixen estimated at K 1,0 Kl.OOO IJ > the restor
ation of the tobacco tax In the senate tluit 10-
duitloiihad been diminished to * < JOOcK,000 ,
qualified by the bomcwhut ambiguous state
ment fionf the liminco committed if Im-
poitations vere kept up on the present scale
( notwithstanding the increase of duties ) the
reduction of ru\cnuo would bo only about
f 'OIXK ) Mr Plumb went on to give a re
sume of the appropriations for the jear , and
ai gued tbat the appropiiationsf or futureyears ;
\vould not fall shoit of those for Ibis
vcar and would , in regard to pensions , etc ,
lurgely exceed them In fact he would be
greitlj surpilscd if , in the ne\t thrco yeirs.
the payments on account of tluit law \\ould
not amount to ? iO,000,0)0 ! a , \ ear
Mr. Heny asked Mr. I'luinb how many
applications had already been iccelved under
the new pension law.
Mr. Plumb gave the number at over
Mr. Berry recalled the fact that Mr Davis
( who hid charge of that bill ) said ho was
satisfied th it not more th m ' 'OO.OOO n lines
vvould bo added to the pension list under It.
Mr. Cockrell-Thcro will bo between six
und seven hundred thousand In all.
Mr. I'luinb said ho hid no doubt there
wouldbo from seven to eight bundled thous
nnd applications under that law and tbo ap
propriations under It vould amount to at
least H > 0OiiOOiW a year vvlthln thrco or foul
3 cars
He estimated the cxp-Midltutes of the gov
ernment at-l. > O.OOJUJt > , its revenues at tlcU-
000,000. and said a deficit was , just as s > uio as
the rising sun.
Mr Wilson of Iowa opposed the amend
incut ou the ground that it would put fi. > , UOO- ,
000 into the pockets of the men whoovvne'd
10tOOJ,000 ( gallons of distilled bplnts
now on hand ; also on the
pound that itould malco the liquor
business an important clement iu the liimn-
cial sjstcm of the government.
Mr D.ivvcs also opposed the amendment ,
because the incieo-scd ta\ would not apply to
the -whisky on hand , which vvould bo thus
appreciated in price to the amount of HI
cents per gallon , and also because It would
admit by Implication that the pending bill
would result in u dclleit. .
Mr. I'lunib modified his nmond-
meu , ? S HbJV rfmnklnBj t apply to
nil \\hlsky hereafter produced or withdrawn
from bond The amendment was rejected
jeas , 17 ; nays , 311 as follows :
Yew lierr.v , Cameron , Cisey , Colqullt ,
Dolpb , ISilmuims , Jnpalls , Jones of Arluii'ns ,
Manderso'i , Mitchell , I'acldock , 1'asco ,
1'ieiw , 1'lumb , Ieagan , Teller and \\ash-
bum -17.
Nays Aid rich , AKen , Allison , Burbour ,
Bate , Blackburn , Butler , Cailisle , Chaiidlet ,
Cocki'ell , Coke , Dawcs , DKon , Kustls ,
llvmts , raulkuer , Frye , Gibson , Gounau ,
Hale , Illggins , Hisiock , Hoar , Jones
of Nevada , McMillan , Morgan , Platt ,
Pugh , Quav , Hausom , Sawyer , Sherman ,
Spooner , Stc\virt , Stockbrulee , Vaticcf Vest ,
\Valtball , Wilson of Io\va ! 5'J '
Mr. Vance moved to icduco the duty on
card clothing fiom Me tojo per squaiu foot
The sugar section was then taken up , the
Immediate subject under cousideratlon being'
the tinunco committee's amendment to the
paragraph imposing duties on all sugais
above No 13 , Dutch standard ,
Mr. Sherman argued against tbo amend
ment and In favor of the house proposition ,
which vould allow )
Dutch standard ( including peed qualities of
brown sugars used lurgely by the people )
to como In free.
'nho amendment was agreed to yeas , 39 ;
imjs , 12.
The next vote was on the senate amend
ment to tbo same paragraph , increasing the
dut ) on sugar above No. 10U-10 of 1 cent per
pound instead of MO , as In the house bill.
ngrced to jeas , 2J ; najs , 2J. The following
is the vote :
Yeas Aldrich , Butler , Cameron , C iscv.
Chandler , Davvos , Dixon , Dolpb , Uustis ,
Eviiits , rr > t < , Uibson , Hide , Hawley , Hoar ,
McMilln , Sanderson , Paddock , Pasco ,
Platt , Plumb , Quuv , Ueiuaii , Sawyer , Stew
art. Stockbnde , Teller , Washbuin 20.
Ways Allison , Harbour , Herri , Blackburn ,
Cailisle , Coikrell , Colquitt , Cullom , 1M-
inunds , Faulkner , Ciorman , Mitchell , Mor
gan , Pnnh , Hansom. Sherman , bpooncr ,
Vnnco , West , WaltbnilVilson , of Iowa , \Vil-
son of Marylmd M.
'Iho pioviso thit in case the export dut >
imposed by any countiy on sugar Irom tint
country shall bo biibjeet to duties under tbo
cxhtiui { law was w itlidrawn.
.Mr. Gray moved to include sugars fiom
m.tbo stems ( bitter known us corn stalks
among the sugars , for whiih u bounty of -
cents a pound is to bo paid. Hejeutcd.
The finance committee's amendment to In
elude maple sugar among those for which a
bounty Is to bo paid was agreed to.
All other amendments rcfurrlnir to mnnlo
sugar were agreeii to and the time for flllne ,
notices In connection with claims for bounty
was fixed as prior to July 1 instead of Janu
aiv of each jear.
ilr. 1'rvo offered an amendment to piy a
bounty of I cent a pound on sugar from Im
poi ted molasses. Ilospokoof tbo largo ex
tent of that Industry no\v cariied on In th
United States It gave emplojincnt to 40
American vessels and paid over * sOO,000 a
year In f i eight to them. Tbero was also ex
tensive cooperage connected vvitb the busi
ness and the vliolt ) Industry vvould bo de
stroyed by the bill as absolutelj ai If struck
by lightning.
Mr. Aldrich said the proposition could
hardly receive the ) concurrence of the senate.
The principle ) on which a bounty \vas to bo
paid on sugar from cano and sorghum and
beet \\iis tbo encouragement that was to bo
furnished to Industries.
But tbo proposition now was practically to
pay a bountj of Scents u gallon ou all mo
lasses Impelled to the United fataU-s.
Mr. Kryo's amendment was rejected.
Mr. Mnnderson offered an amendment for
the admission fivj of duty of machinery for
the manuf.uturuof licet sugar and icfunding
the duties collected ou &ueh maubiucrj binco
January 1 , is'.K ) .
Mr. Hustls moved to amend the amendment
so as to extend It to inachinerj for btet und
sorghum sugar.
U ithf ut coming to a veto Mr. Aldrich said
ho would tiy and bavo all the ainendtncnt.s
\otedontonlghtsoustohnvo the' bill ut the
stage of third reading tomorrow morning.
Ho al o gave notice that ho would ( for the
commute ) offer an amendment turn the bill
ahull take effect October I , IbOO.
The senate then took a iccoss.
At the ovenlng session Mr. Carovaddressed
the senate ) In favor of the reciprocity propooi-
: tlon
1 Mr Allison replied to tlio remarks of
MoHsrt Itcagan and Gorman this afternoon
accusing tlnanco co-nmlttco and tlie re
public m suiators of discrimination against
the touth. HedeuHd that thcro hud been
nv such Idea ontertalneA 'A'hcreln , ho
skcd. linJ such dlscrlmimitlt VIHMI shovyn I
Ccitiilnlv not In the m > "s . of rlco
lad the state of Texas her'liminated
g-ainst during the present si . - Had not
M.tXW.OOO bee-ii appropriated for - - purpoio
f tratisfcitinttlrmU ) fivm the J , orn soiv
oard to Ibo most imiwrtant g import of
'cxusl Did not thollnanco count , pro-
ese to protect the wool of Tevas , V * cooml
r third wool-growing sUto of thuonl
lo himself hud unileiuiken to pn t o
ildt-jof Texn < The sonatois from v.\-
mil h.ul said there was not u 1 or
i.ige In tlio bill that protected Inelilstr In
ho southern states Wbeiv , MrMl' ' . " " "
skcil , was the coil of Mnrvlmd and \\est
'livliiliilVinnnt tint iirotoctedl And
vhciv was thosniriroi l.iulslimiiimd Io\nsi
Did not that Imvo a bounty of-J ceiila i
) oumll The oranges of Louisiana und I'01" ' , ' , }
vero better piotccted under the jiemllng bill
hun under the existing I ivv. If tnero bnd
icon any discrimination it bad been
n fuvoV of the south. As to
otton ties , thov had simply
ollowed the other manufactures of Iron and
tccl , and as to cotton bagging , It was as
muh used for potatoes in New Yoik und for
hu onions of lawn as for the cotton ciop ot
ho south As to the amendment olTciod by
Mr. Mandei-son to admit beet sugar ma-
hlncry free up tn .lulv , Is-1 ) , ho didn't sco
\hytlmt small boon should not bo allowed
t wen Id do no more harm to any-
iodj and vvould ceitalnly be no dlscilmlna-
Ion' against the producers of sugar from
ano or sorghum , ( lo would therefore vote
for It and aguliist Mr. KustlV amendinent to
e.stend the prlv llcgcs to cuno and bOiKhuiu
UK-ir miihlnery.
Mr Huslis' iimendmcnt was rejected with
out the .veus and nivs , nud Mr Mamlerson's
amendment agivevl to je.i < , I'
1. Tlu negative \otes vvetogiven by Me sis
lutlor , Uaiiieron , CiullsliCo < 'kiell , Coke' .
Joniuiii.Gr.iv , Hearst , Teller , Heag.m mid
Wilson of Iowa.
Mr ( Jllison moved to icduco tbo suj-'ir test
roia hi ) degrees bv polniiscnno to 7lUlcgrces
mil uruucd that S cents a pound bounty on
ugar piodiuvd in the United blntos would
icMieutiali/i'd by the UII VIM\III botllitv of 2
enN a pound on UN pulled suirar , so thcio
vould iv illy be free trulo in sugar.
Mr. Cullom addicssod tbo senate iu favor
of iccipiocltj between tlio United States and
oilier nations , especially Mexico und Ccntial
ind South Ameiic.i Hevas not , howe\er ,
n favor of such a svstom of itscipiocity
is would iu the slightest degice interfile
vith thciiolicv of protection to Amc-iiean iu-
lustry mid labor. But Itviis u , question In
lis mind whether it VN ould not iw bettor to
dlow the u hole question of icciprocity to
x-st with the nresideut and secietur > of
stutevlio bid constitutional powers tomako
tivaties with loioien goscrnmuits As to
iciiprocity with Caiiula , 4)o ) thought tbo
ittltuilo of the Doiiiiniongoveinmciit was
lot such us called for auv speedy action
ooking to leelproclty. 'Unit uoviriimcnt
hud pursued in many \\avs and for many
xears a policy of aggression to\\ard tbo
United States , and In doing so acted under
the doiiilnion of the Cauadiin Piicitlciallvviiy
compaiij , whoso had been built by the
aid of government subsl lies , not for commer
cial but for milit.ny and politual puiposcs
Ile mentioniHl the largo subsidies given bj
both tbo Canadian and British govciiiincntt >
to steamship lines intended to divoit com-
meico fioiiiAmciican sVips and American
r.uliond lines. Ho declined himself In favor
of a national polic\ that would protect the
mtoiests of tbo United States fiom the
ULVression of am foivign nation He was a
piotectionist not enl } in his supnoit of the
t.uilT hill , but he was for protcc ting Ameri-
CMII inteiests and tbo national honoi in deal-
nip with all foreUn nations He referred to
the remark of Loid Siillsbnrj to the Lon
don clubs some time ago to the
eflect ( speaking of the Behiing
sea dlBlculty ) that the United States
was such a siibceptiblo nation that Great
Britain could not negotiate "at the top of its
voice. " IIo regai ded Unit ramirk as insult
ing to Iho United States aud expressed the
bopu that the time had como when tbo dim-
cultioivvlth Great Biitaln and bur depcnden-
' ' * ' ' to-tho
cle-T'wo'uld'bo'settled , honorably -
United States , in oi > en day , mul thit Lord
Salisbury would not bo allowed to whhper
the secretary ot state out of Ameiican
Mr lleasran made remaiks lu support of
his clnlm that the pending bill discilmlnatcd
uD'ahi3t thesoutheinscctio'i of tbo country.
Mr Spooner declined himself in favor of
the leciproeifv provision , provided it indl-
i.ited the Items and nttli les , but ho would
not favor recipiocitv with Canada. Ho hope 1
to see the day when the American ( lag vvould
Ily over Cmnda and when the British Hag
would bo gone.
Mr Cvaits. speaking on reciprocity , pro
posed to modify the commltteo amendment
so as to m.iko it tbo dutj of the president ,
when satisfied a lountiy fiom
vvhichsugii' . molasses , tea , coffee , or hides
are imported , maintains n pilioy that is re
ciprocally unequal and uuio.isomible , to com
municate the fuels to confess , so thut duties
may ho Imposed
fcMr Graj gavoassent to this pioposition.
Without action on Mr. Gibson's amend
ment the senate at 12:15 : udjoumcd.
WisiiiNQTON , Sept 8.-The house toduy
passed the Joint resolution granting the use
of a portion of thn United States military
icscrvation at Chattmooga for a public park
The remainder of the daj was devoted to tbo
Distiict of Columbi i bill.
'tin : nti.NiiH.M' A r irujtit.
Ho Makes a Nomination and Iraiisaots
Olhur Business.
CiiMsos Si'insos , Pa. , Sept. S. The presi
dent stalled lu to work early this moinlng
Ho sent u budget to Washington in the first
mall , thuuomiiinlion of Chmles Scovllle of
Indiana being tbo llrst appointment made
by the president smco his
here IIo also Issued an executive
ordcT in pursuance of tbo .section
of the naval appropiiations bill providing for
the appolntm 'ut of a commission to select a
suitable site for a dry dock on the Pad tic
coast noitli of the northern boundary of Cali
The president's system was somewhat run
do\vn when bo leaiheel h < 'io , but he U lecl
Ing much better now. His appetlto is good
und his spirits bright , and the languid feelIng -
Ing which oppiiissod him in Washington has
almost entirely disappeared.
The picsiiUiit and paity afterwards took a
long drive , visiting the villuttos of Lorotto
and GalliUln At Lorotto Is located the
famous Catholic convout established nearly a
bundled jcais ago The prc.ldcnt Inspected
tlunv holechunh attached to the convent
nnd i Father Hj an RIIVO a biicf history of the
place. Tlio ptosldent Intends to piy another
visit to the pi ii-o to look ever the convent
Tlie party returned to Cressen In tlio after
noon , having enjovcd tliolr iMu greatly.
The piesuliut iceeived a privato'U'li'gram
eaily in the iiftornoou predliting the success
of the republican ticket in M duo by a inajoi-
ity of l.i)00. ) ) Ho ovinieil gloat tnteicst in
the election.
llavno Crcntcd by
ALTOOVA , Pa. , Sept. 8. At noon today
lightning struck the largo block in which nro
located the oUlces of the Pen nsj Ivan la rail
road company and Iho building was soon
ablaze. Manv old records were dOstroyod.
The loss Is he.ivv Several hundred clerks
arc employed in the building. All got out ,
but soveidl had u narrow osiapo from suffo
cation. Lightning also struck McCJlollau's
i evidence. Mrs. Margaret Otto was knocked
suiibc'lesb and has not yet iceovered con
sciousness. buveral bystanders weio slightly
injured ,
Htcninsliip Arrivals.
At Glasgow T'Uo State of Georgia , fioin
New * York.
At Hamburg The Wieland , from New
At Southampton The Hlbo , from Now
York for Bumou.
Tim \Vuntlier Ifo
Tor Omaha and vicinity Pair weather.
Tor Nebraska and Iowa Tuir , warmer ,
followed by cooler In Nebraska , vailable
winds , KCIH uily southerly
For South Dakota -Fair , cooler , variable )
llllw lilllV V/l LMO Ml
For Magnificence jjf Display it Overtops All
Previous Efforts.
A I'PII Picture > ! ' the i\lillilis : nt the
VarliMiM Il.ills-Craplilc
and Incidents I'lio
Ltvcoiv , N'ob , Sept. -Special [ to Tins
Hi r ] The bright and sunshiny wi'.ithorof
this , the opening day brought si-voni ! pi-oplo to the state fair grounds niul
happy smiles to the two ofSeeivtniv I'm IMS.
I'rovidoiiee has always boon hlndlv ili | kisi'il
toward the fall mid Uio present propitious
mpeetof the hiMvens seem tolmlitutc u > on-
tlmmnro of favor It is not surpimnghM !
tlio oflleiuls are Jubilant , for it iiiinv any
lumclts tbo gnte rooelpks Into u cm Ui I hit.
Mr rut-inn hail just roturued from a hasty
examination of tbo Immense1 displ u In
lurrieultural hall tbis inoiiiliiKlun ho was
accosted b ) Tin BKI rupresontiitiv !
"Lilul to sco jon , my dour boy , ( .Mini to < < eo
5011"ho lomiuked In bl * own pivulmtlv en
thusiastic way , "Just stnto to the iciidirs of
Tin : ltn : that a fulronicial of tblit.U . > UM
experience it isn't v to gi\o my
n.iiuo MIJS tint the uciieultur.d exhibit
this jenr surpasses anthing of tlu hind
ever before scon not In Nebraska
but in tbo United Statesca ,
Mr. this year's fair orlops \ cvr \ thing
Who said unj thing about poor crops iu Nc-
fa At noon today nearly everything was In
plai'o und af tot noon visitors saw tlio fm at
Its best I'ho ntteiidiiiiii ) was cniisiil.'tably
larger than on , un previous oii'tilnir dav
U.itly this moiiiing L May uf IV niuut ,
the Denial and popitar state "llsh lommis *
sinner , gave the woid and the doors of ths
.Nebraska lishciii's exhibit wore tlnovv u opiMi ,
disclosing the finest piscatoiml ilisplav < > v er
jet given in the state. .Mr. May is an imlo-
f.itig.ible-worker in the Intoiost of tln > llsli
commission nnil as lie sees in these annual
exhibitions an nilmii.iblo vvaj toawakcii UIMI-
oral IntoR'-t in the Ilsb farming si homo of
the govcinmuiit imil stuto , ho t hoot fully
bestows his tiino and attention to iin on-
doa\or tomaUo his doputiiu'iit of the big attr.iellvo us possible Ho 1ms the
giv.itest uiriosily on the grounds m-st lotlio
moose It is a mammoth eatlNh t.iU'ii
from the 1'latto river , which weigh "MM six
ty-live pounds As Tom Benton n-nuiked ,
"it is a lit.mtj. " A vciy complete . ulloi tuiti
of live tbh fioin tlic h itchei ) at South Id-mi
Is slumu , embracing IILMI ! ) ouiv vaiioty
common to this lovilitv Tlioro mo blade
ba-s ono , two and tlttoo ye m old , wall > > eel
piknsix months to one and GIIO and a 1'ialf old. Gi'iiu.m carp ( iK'.iuliful sped-
incns , bj tbo iv.iy ) three ami slninnths and
two nud tlueojeuis ; Inpiiuse goldllsli , Hiif
niUi\ I ) illhoails and their nufo culliv.Urd
btothors , LMtllsh : mud , snipper and soft-
hholl tuillos ; InitTilo llsh , shovel noio stur-
p'on from the Platfi mid Illlchoru iivore ,
liver pciL'h , mouiiubi , iiroolc mid s > ] ) CiklpJ
tiont , < inlll iMcks , etf In aliohol .u-o oxlitb-
Itod llsh i-fTifs of nniij illlTuivnt kinds ,
jountr Mi.iUos , tintlos , etcIn speaking
of carp Mr Mis.ud "Soino p ojilo
bu\o iini idt'ii that tlio > mo not oed food I
hn\o tried tliom and I know bettor They
buiy tbomsoh'us In tbo mud dining the u in
ter , uul of course they aio not lit to cat 1m-
mcillatclv after coming out In tbo nprinir , but
if they h.ivO boon in the water a sboit tlmo
tboy tito excellent , 'I'itno v.'ill dciuonstrato
tbat the carp is n ( 'ood food fl4i ! " The flsli
cominissloiiors arc just now filvli.p snoi-ial ut-
tcntion to tbointi-oductlon of cnipall cjcd
jiiko , bluk bass and biookttout In tbo waters
of N'cbriskn
Not far from tbo llrst hui'idinK ' thoio is n
sin ill stmctii'O tilled with bees .ind honoy.
This prowinn industry i ? i.ipit.illy
iviiciciitcil | , Jlonoy mid u.ix nro shown
in all stn os .mil vurlutioi and
ocinsioiiillj- very putty fill t'ets
anoppoitunlty of sitiniilitic the. fouuer Of
coin-so "it Is perfi'etly lovuly. "
The new ponltiy buildintiinenUoiiniin Sat-
nrd.ij'sUii is u popular icsuit Tlio show
imlic.itca a lapldly urow ing intoiost in fancy
fowls , tlio number of line birds being un-
usunlly largo Kiiporintundont Mp pulLin of
Ijlucoln isincbirso. Ills noisy tlojiaitincnt
includes tupivsLiiUtlvos of the lollowliiff
v.irlotlos : , lllit ( and dirk , t'oibins ,
LuiKslians , Doniiniirues , i'lj nioutii HoiKs ,
\Vy.inilottcs , , ln\os , 1'ollsb , Iln- , Hod Caps , Houdans , I3rovctnrns , La
ITIei'Uc , etc ( jnmo ami hantiin iluokons ,
tuikeys , geese , ducks , pigeons and pot stock
me also well icpiosontod , nearly ooiLounty
In the sUtocontiibutln to the lollodion
Them is the usual nsaoitinont of im y
quilts In iu t lull , and here the l.ulirs congio-
( j.ito. The Onuln and Lincoln bnsinesbtol-
lepes occupy loashloiablo sp.ico hero , and tlio
rest is UiKcn bo-'dy by locil inhil itors.
1 hero Is some v . -iiotty f -u-j woik and u
line colloi tion of aintitifi'i ind nindelings.
'Uio new building is. ovcrllowinj ; with hand
some things
Muruintilo hull was the last to bo put In
oiilor. Gin in.i mid Lincoln men limits mo
nopolize nearly nil ot tbo spno mid nro sonio voiy jii''ttj fxhib-
its. Dry ( joods , crockery , shoos , fninilurr ,
Hl.iss\\nio , stnlloneiy , etc , nit-ntti.ictUuly
mrniiKeU , the \\holo iirobLiitlng a uovcl ap-
\V J I lessor of Phttsinouth , Cbnpln Tires ,
and Hois Anobndii accupy al' ' of the
av.iilablo space in hall with plants mid
tlowutH of all kinds. Tlio century pitut of
the former iittr.u-ts inucli .ittcntion It baa
been in thoowneis' pussusslon slnco I strand
is nemly Un feet liigli Some of the lu.u es"
.110 four indies thick
Apples , peiin , grapes mul plums by the
thousand urc in hoiticultnnil hall
hv u l.ugo number cf glowers ,
and huio is another i < futatlou
of tlio "no crop ciy. " The display
has ne\er hoen lx > tt .r
Agikiiltural h.ill , ofhicb inoiilionn *
niiiilii nn Sitnr.lnv. i nnu fnlh iin.ifi , . , il m * l
It Jnstillci Ko letmy Turnns1 cnlhusiastlo
lomini'iidation. The exhibit is inoro than
twice as lurgo aa last jo.n'.s and much liner.
Holt county has added ft few fiuiihinc
touches and bupes Lonlldontly for the llrbt
pi i/c. bo\entitn varieties of apples ( , 'rown
fiom one oiuhard aio shown and tlio an ij of
grain and \ogetnbles is augmented l > \ hiuuly
spetiniLiisof native timber , fiuit , vigamo \ \ ,
tto. The base of u cottonwooil tree 0110
foot In dlainotor and only live joins
old occupies a piomlneni pla. e Iho
( .aunties of York , Lancaster , Smtt s Hlulf ,
Dmidj , Chasu , Haundors , rrontitu , C uming.
L'ustcr , Hurt , Washington , UJUKI.II and I'or-
kins nil hiivo line thows ( ! r.issc-s ,
hultanil vegetables In piofmlon completely
till the buililiiih' . Cr.ind ! Ibland aildcd
to its oxJilblt a model of tbo Oxn.ird Bros.
sugar factory. Hloux county has lu oxhiUlt
in u log house of its own.
Tomorrow will bo the llrst big d.iv Fol
lowing is the pi ogrammu of piuiiiiuiiis and
nicoi :
Lluss A , liofiCHI'orohi'ron , l"n n < li drift ,
I-'nvcllsh fcliiro or il'.ift , MitFolk imm u unu
otln r uiii'MiiiinTHli il draft lirei ils. tij.lis-
cl.ih , fit vUunil H.i > 8 , Kr.idi > ilnifi le iiiernl
UotlliiK hurso , Kn.'lluh , I'lcnuli ur Loacli
liorx s.
Class tin lnirt Horns ( Ints I and S ) .
HoicfuKh. I'dllcii Angus , ( jiill.muj u , lieu
I'olltd , huNs , lli > \ on.
Cliss U , fchei'i-'ilHUolil | ( , Hinith < lown %
llainpiblrt'downs , Mir < > | jililruiuwn , Oxford-
dn\\n . AniiTic in Mi ilniH.
Cliss 1) ) , hulmlleikslilro , I'oluiid China ,
Lh ux , ( liestcr \ \ hllo , Juihiy Hrl
Cluss ( . , I unu I * i oil nets Allot this eliss
( 'luts II l.adlun' ruxtllo Di'piiiln.i in .Silk ,
wool and cotton , dots 'J mid , ntnlu woik ,
fanuy iKH'dlo uorU , lai o win k , . .
( y'lass N , Mciliiiiilciil ArlH Alt tlilschiif.
Uluss 1,1'lno Aiu-bunllcH froinllfu.miuliaa *
Iciilund artistic.
CliikM .1 , Hairy l'i pn tnirnt--\ll this class.
CUssh Liu til'in ilAll thin cliihs
( liss I , llcii unu ll < inc > All
( liiH-i M ( iiiiinpiiiM All thli clnai
( .iihs O , Mil' n. in iv All tbli < 1 .M
Spcid I Mil tint ; ln.ilsof Ibi , , milo hoati ,
best iliniin ll\ ( f u no
' 1 r t 11 , o > I hilWOO ,
Uiiiui.ii , ' M led hli IIW.OU