Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1890, Part One, Page 2, Image 2

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hall atorin swept over this vicinity , It licpin
nt TiM and lasted thirty minutes. The bull
was about tlio slzo of hickory nuts , was
accompanied by rain which seemed to full In
thccU nnd wn.1 so dense tbnt nothing was
vlilblo twenty fcot distant. In thoclty nbout
eighteen hiitnlred lights or glass wcro
broken , whllo the wind frisked tiboutin an
occcntilo manner , ttirnintf a largo corn tnb
over , doinollshlng Dr. Kennis' stnblo , driv
ing | ik'i < 'S at tlio timber through ttio door of
his resilience , turningoverunollicrmn.llbarn
nnd righting It npaln , demolishing two other
etniill trims nnd twisting up tree * . In the
country the liamatto is c\on jjronWr. Buck
wheat niiil inlllot wcro ruined , corn stalks
stripped of tliilr leaves nnd in very lute fields
tlio cars Mill be considerably darmurd. Tur
nips nnd other vegetables wcro driven into
the piouml out of stout , Never In the his
tory of this county tin * so much hull fallen
with buch fotco and effect ,
'I hc > Cast Oiiiniy Pair.
P ; iTTsuntTir , Neb. , Kept 0. [ Special to
Tin : Hi r 1 Mho tuentj-fourtli annual fair
of the Cm county agricultural society will
bo held In Ibis city .September 15 , 10 , 17 and
18 , nnd bids fnlr to surpass its previous meetIngs -
Ings In Interest , exhibits mid atlomlanco
lion It II Wlndhnm has assumed the duties
of sccictnry , niul it Roes without saying that
his effort ) to m.iko tlio mooting n success \vill
bo until In ; , ' .
The premiums offtred nro numerous nnd
valuable und the society Ins enrncil a well
deserved icnulntlon and popularity by its
ability ami v. illlnpness to pay all premiums
In full with commtndiiblo pioinptncss.
The spied dep.ii-tmentolTcrs cjreat Induce
ments to ovvmrs of fast hrirses to enter for
the different e\ents \ , and from T'lomlsos al
jowly reiclved there will be without ilouht a
tntiih K'eater ' iiuinberof entiles thlsjcur
than anj juovlous ono. The follovvinj ? aio
the events open to ill :
'luu&d.iv , Siilemher [ 10 IJony neo , free-
for-all , niimliu ! half milo he its , purse ? % < ) ,
threw mlnuti ) ttot , milo bents , purse ; $100 ,
blcjelo LUC , Inlf milo hcnts , for uinntours ,
pi bo v nltied at f0 ! !
VVedncsilny , SontPinhor 17 Oentlcinens' '
loadstc'i-s' nice , milo lu'ats , for purse of $ . " . ( ) ;
yjir.trottluc . ; raio , mile he'iits. jmrso Slfil ) ,
riinnlncr inco , f too for nil , milo heats , lor
jmi-soof SKK ) , U . : n trottlnc ; nice , mile heats ,
} i r > o.
o.Thursdnv. . September IS-UnimltiR tare ,
Tice-for-iill , hall mlu ! heats , imisofW ; picini ;
i ace. free-for-all. $1)0 ; trottmu rate , lice-for-
ull , mile heats , SSOO.
'J ho linlf milo tracic Is ono of the best In the
state , and a lur'o ( and li indsomo fjrand stand
oveiloolti Iho whole louise Kevv spoid
bains , well protected and \cntihted , with
ndciinto ( | acciimmodations for ull animals , nio
provided on the giminds Tnir vNcntlior Is
nil that i * npvc&siiry to MiiUo the meeting a
Kicat HUceess
An I'mlc//lcr < " ; iiUuod. |
rm-MoNT , Ke < hSoiit 0 - [ Special to Tin
Iiii : 1 Shorlff Dollman of Dawes countv
pa-ssed thionj'h Fremont this foienoon , hnv-
liiBln cti tudj P M Youtifj , a jouiiff man
Whose uricst Had bom affoctuil atCodar Hup
Ids , In. Yonnu was treisunr of the NI K"
Hill niinliiir of Chulion and ab
scomled about two veais aso leiviii ) , ' tlio
theiompiuj shoit about $ .lHK ( > YouiiKisu
ilnolooliininuth , of Rood family , and it Is
said thai soniool his wealtln relitivcs will
{ irobabl.v succeed In aiTectin ? a satlsfactoiy
rottlomont with tbo miniiii ? compiuy and secure -
cure bis iclense from custodj
Airnlrs al Kort Knbiiison.
Four HOIIINXOV , Neb , Sept. C fSpechl
felesram toTm : HIT. ] Foity private and
non commissioned oftlcors of the two aban
doned i onipanlcs , land 1C , Kightn infantry ,
lenvo heio Alonday under clnrgo of Llcutcn-
mitHcither- Foil Xlobrnin , Invini ; been
distilbuted amoncr the coitipmlcs of thrlr
i OKinicnt stationed at that post. Colonel T
11. btnntoii , chief pivnnstor of the depart
ment of the Pint to , arrived this inomiiiK and
completed the pajmentof the tioops nt 2 ID
p. in 'Jho temperature took a tumble this
lorenoon and flies nnd stoves nro the rule all
over the > ; ariii > on.
l'ircl > iiis til Genovn.
OEVKVI , Xeb. , Sept. 0 ( Special to THE
I'.ht. ] Firebugs have legun their -work In
Geneva. Last night at 11 o'clock the
\ ere btartlod by an nlnrm of Ore i , was
- "iuT to bo In a barn of Mr. C. A. Smith ,
Which was consumed \ % Ith all Us contents ,
entailing nnltQ a loss. It Is believed to bo
i the work of some malicious persons , but Mr.
Smith savs ho docs not know of nny cnomjs
that would do him such an injury. "Noiusui-
The money orders , etc , stolen from the D.
& M , depot thu other night vvero found under
n coin crib this morning.
* ovorrdVlth Olory.
Cm.TF , Nib , Sept. 0. [ Special to Tnr
UKK. ] The Crete millUiry band returned
Jrom the Oraud Island lounlon this jiioniiiijj ,
where they carried olT the llrst pi izo In the
band contest. The band v\as enthusiastic
Uly received by our citi/es. This is the
second time the Crete bind his u turned
with lint honors from bund contests list
year at Omaha and this \ e.u nt ( liund Islnml
The members of the band speak In the high
est terms of the leeeptlon they received nt
the hands of the people of Ui.ind Island ,
Hardware Pullinc n ( Hcatrlci * .
HiATiiici : : , Neb , Sept. fl [ Special Tele-
Brain to Tin Hrr. ] Ihoextcnslvo liaidwiro
establishment of It. W Hem on Noith Fifth
stieet was closed nt 1 o clock this afternoon
under aihnttcl moitiatru ; by the First Na-
tionul bank of this eitv for $ -1,000 , and Mis.
Anna L. Bcldcn ofS.vnicusf , N. Y. , for
fc.-i.000 The totnl liabilities v\ill leach (0,000 ,
with assets about the same The ono was
thought to bo the most pi o-pt'i ous llrm in tlio
city. 'Ibe filluieoec.iilons general legrot.
A New Jllcvalor Cciiiip.nij.
Knniiisivv Cirr , Neb , Sept (1. ( [ Spodal
Tolotrram to TUB Btr I The Dnnbir Al-
Jimco Klevator company his llled articles of
ivorporition with the county clerk Iho
r-ipltal stock Is $ i',00 ( ) nnd the puiposoof the
< jmpnnv is to buy nnd sell grain , live stock ,
> 4l1diiif | nnilorlnl , Implements , ito. 'llio m-
rorpi'iiators ' nto W. II. HlcUnell , Oeoigo
Kiker , ' 1 bourns n Duubar , Kouort Walker
and O. J. Mullls.
Iiijiiaetloii Suit at Ncliraslca
NnnittsKV Cm , Neb. , Sept ( ! . [ Special
Teleyiiim to 'fns IJic.1 The Chicago , Bur
lington & Qulncy Injunction against Issuing-
Nebraska City pieciuct bonds has been
argued befoio Judco Field ami ho baa It
under advisement. The rind is plunking its
bridal ) for wapon tralllo ami tlio prospects
, arothut Ncbinslcv City will have two wagon
bridges besides the pontoon and a cable ferry
riro nt Gotlii'iibiir .
OoTiiiMiimi , Kob. , Sept 0. [ Special Tele-
Brain to 'I'm ; Mir. ] A story nnd a hulf frame
dwelling belonging to Mis Johnson nnd oc
cupied by Swun WieWaud wns lonsumcd by
lire this nftiruoon It originated from an un
known ranso. A little child was rcsiued just
in time. Things on the llrst lloor vveiosaved.
The building was vvoith S XW and was insured
for f 100 lu a Huitford , Conn. , companj.
TJie Hnllnn County Pair.
Vii.m it , Xob. , Sopt. 0. [ Special Tcloprnm
to Tinlliu. . ] The most successful fair ever
held in Saline county closed nt Wither las
ovcnitijT. On the third nnd fourth day l K
pooplovvoio estimated to linvo been on the
grounds. Ono hundred and seventeen entiles
vvoro mndo In the speed ring and the display
of stoik and farm produce exceeded the an
tlciputlon.s of all.
A Buihlitn Death nt Fromonl.
Fiir-MoVT , Neb , Sept. -Special [ to Tun
DEB. 1-Anna Forbes , tbo llttlo daughter o
Sir. and Mrs. J.V. \ . Forbes , met with a sud-
! cu nnd peculiar death last evening. She
s ph.v Ing with her associates whim she
Trs pixwtwtea Bud died within twenty mln
t\ri \ It is believed thut the caubo was. the
nMu-o [ of a blood vessel of the brain.
A d'enoroiiH Ol ft.
CaKTr , Nob. , SouU O.-fSiwial to Tun
3 . ] Mr , and Mrs. S. II. II. Clnrlc 1mvo
gvroti Doano college SJSO to pay for putting
titter from tbo Crete waterworks Into Jler-
atfl Hull , the younff men's eloiiultory , ' 1'hla ,
it addition to the steam heating apparatus
tint going Inwill greatly add to the couvea
the building ,
Minneapolis Hua Another Pionlo with the
Omaha Team.
\VhMo thu Illnuk Soxs llnvo a Narrow
Krom n Ctiinplpto Shut
Out The SI. I'aul
Pliivocl. Won Lost. Per Ct.
101 Irfl 37 Oil
Mlnnoitiolis. ion co 10 ui
fvtmsns Ultv. .10.1 ot TI .rJt
Dtnvur. . . , 103 M 12 .W
Mnux " " ' ' ' 101 4fl M . < "
nmillli . . . . . . . . 101 40 fir .4V
Ijliiroln 100 : n l > 7 iO-i
bt. Paul 101 M 70 u-T
I'layod. Won. Lost. I'crPt
Ilronklyn. Ill 71 , M MI
lloston . . .Ill 71 4T li' l
I'hllmlelphU . . Ill tw 4ri MS
flliclliliutl 110 CT ) Ml
flileniro Ill 03 43 .f > ir
r o\v \ York m ra ra . . < ni
' ' ' '
PJtts'blirg . . . . . . .114 81 U3 .H4
rr.ivi us' t
I'liivod Won. Lost. 1'orCI.
Ilostnn . . . .IIJ 70 4'J
IliooUlyn . ' C < 1 47
ISi w Vorlf . Ill 1,7 to
Phll-ulilphla . 115 01 toM .510
' . .in 01 M
. .107 47 co
. IVt 41
IlnlTalo : 41w 79
PI ij-ed. Won 1'crCt
lnuls\llle llK (0 ( 047
M Louis . ion 41 ci
Oiltmihus l- ( ) > 57 Iri 14.1
101 M 4H AH
'lulcdn . . KB r i 49
Athlotlii . 49Kl
Sj I IlC USD . .IM n 00 417
Ildllinorc . . 100 79
Minneapolis 11 ! , Omaha. 1.
Minn , Sept. 0. [ Special
lelepiam toTur. Bir ] JIurtin Duke vent
into the box u am today nnd bovvled out the
Omaha batsmen almost In one , two , tlneo
older. The visitors did innnauo ioinnlco a
inn in the sixth itmiiiu' , and Duho gave way
to ICillcn in the sovcnth. I1 ngan was an easy
unrk throughout , and the Millers piled up
an even dozen rims in the ilrst ilvo Innings.
Jllnnchun Iul at willow \veliding , limiting
tv\o tiomo mns and two singles The featuies
of thovvoiltof the visitors wcro the clover
riitclilin ; of Ncninan nnd an cvtr.ioidliiary
stop mid throw bj Cleveland. Manager
I.oonmd today nrianped to hive the lust
seiics tictneoti tlio two teams nt Omaha
ti msfcrrod to this city The Denver und
Sioux t'ity camd have nheady been tiatis-
fci red here The Millers will thercfoto play
nil their remaining games at homo except
tlnee ut Knusas Cit > Tlio scoio :
VVulsli out ( ur cilttliiK third
Mlnmnpolls 2 I .1 3 ,1 0-12
Umulia 00000 0 1
Harned runs Minneapolis 5 _ . _ . . .
hits Mlniiiliiin , Hvn , O'Connor Homo inns
Mfiiiiclian J blolen B.ISPS .MeQuiilo , Car
roll , Diurd ile. Donlilo iilavs Miller , liyn.
liases nn bills , Oir Ihiko 4 , radii . ' , Illtbv
pltcbul ball Kcariis btruck out ] | > Duito .
liiRln 0 I'.is d ball DiiKilulo 1. \\ild \
pltubcs Duke 1 , Taglii II. first basn on er-
rors-tMluneapolis 1. Loft oil bavos Minneap
olis 5 , Omaha 5.a'lja - Omy-ljaaF iina nftj *
Milwunkco 11 , I > cnvor 0.
MIIAVAUHPR , tt'is. , Sept. 0. [ Special Telo-
gmm to TUB DUE. ] Followiiiff is the score
of today's gome :
H n n I'o A E
Poormnn , rt. I McClone Sb..3
I'elUt , m 2 Curtla. m. . . .0 I 1 0 U
Shocli in . i McUclInti 2b.O
Dilrymplo , If I O' . .0 1 11 0 0
\Vulrh b. . 0 UoireIf 1
Vlorrl cjr , 1UO llirnnlU * c .1 0 7 2 1
Jnntrcii , u. .U MMiltt. rf. . .
KrclK.c . . . .0 VVliltulicad , anO 2 0 & y > . . .1 Houd , p 0
llavli. | 1
IkornloH , | i 1
TotaU 11 1327 10 5 Totnls . . . . 5 8 27 14 7
MllvviukCB 0 0 II 0 4 2 0 2 0 11
Denver. 0 0
Kuns earned MtluniiKro 4 Denver3. Two-
hiisuhlt'MiiHh , Mis-.cU , Thioe-biisochlts
I'oormaii.hiti liiuul. Homo run Dalomiilc ,
11 isisstolin I'Odrnmn , I'eltlt ' . ' . Diltviniilo
\\olcli \ , Allmiis Mi'dlono Dnnblo plnvIo -
( llono , McOli'llan , O'lliien Husi-s on ) ills-
MilvMiiUco4 , Ddivi'rJ. lilt bj iiltilie-d lull-
Welch , Davlos. Mrunk out U ivies 4 , 1'Iond , ' ,
1 liornloii 1. bulls lic-.v nolds. Time
nf Kaino Un hoar unit llftj-llvo minutes
Umjilro Cubleli.
St. I'mil 1 , HIOIIV City 1.
ST , PAH , AIluii. , Sent ( i [ Special Tele-
Rnunto Tin : Bin. ] Following Is the score
of today's panic :
KT I'AUI. hlllC'X I ITV.
a n o A r u n n A E
Ablior rf . U 0 3 0 0 Strnnis.rf . . .u
Duly If . . lll.iok. p . . . . 0 o I 1 0
M I.aiiKhlUi J-U 0 0 V 0 Clinn. If . . U U 2 U 0
O llrlon , 'I 1 i a a o ICapi'dl ' , .11 , 0 U 1 4 0
W orrlck. .ID , 2 2 - ' S 0 Iliron in 3b o 1 1 .1 1
Unjlilntf , o U I 8 0 U Powell. Ib . 1 o III U I )
Vliinihy , m u o u u u ( Jfnlns.
Vleukln , 111 0 I ) 8 0 0 i in .0 0 1 0 U
Jliilns.p . U 0 U 00 , y , c . . 0 U 5 1 0
Totnla. . 4 S-.V. 7 0 Total * . . . 1 1 iff 15 1
BtruunB out fur ruiinliiK out of llnu.
St. raui o o o a o i o o 0 4
bloux Olty 0 00 U 0 00 20 1
Uuns oirnoj St. Paul 4. Two-baso-hlts
Ilaly , O'llrlmi. Homo rims \\orrlckl. \ . llnses
on bills Oir Mulns3 IHuck 1 Mruclc out
lly MulnsO , III id. , li Umpire McUurmott.
Cltj iil , Ijinooln S.
Ktsavs Cm , Mo , Sojit. 0 [ Special
Telit'iain to TUB U HE. ] Following is the
score of today's pamo :
U1 l.NNIMI .
Kansas City 0 24
Lincoln 0 3 J 0 1 S 0 0 0 0
Harncd runs KuiiMiq City 12 , Lincoln 1 ,
Two-liaso hits Mcol. Hums. Thnu-baso hits
\V , Iloox'r 2. Trillloy , riaimjjan , I'hc'lnn.
Koiicht ; . Deinblo playb Mnnnlni ; . Muni ami
and riteitriis ; 1'lulnn , I'luiiauuii , I'liclan :
riiiniiRnn , Macullar niul Trilllov Ilnso on
lialN-l'u irs , i. Jlohlor a. btiuok out Pears- ' ,
Molilor \\llilpItch-IViis. . lilt by ultcbcr
Mcnl. l'us-.eil halls Hoover .L
rVntlonal lionKiio.
Now York 1 4 fi
IJrooklyii 0 0 1
Hits Now Vorlt 10 , Brooklyn 7. Errors
Now York 1 , llroolclyn J. Uutteiles Kusslo
nud Huckloy ) Teiry and Clark. Uuiplro
AT riiii.vni'i.r'nu.
Phlhdolphla..0 n
IJoston 0 OUO 001 3 0 U
Hits Philadelphia l ) , Boston 13 Krrors-
I'hiladolphln 1 , Boston t , Hatterles-Smith
nud Schrlvor ; Cluikson and llurdlu. Um-
pi ro Powers ,
Chlcapo 0 1
Cincinnati 0 0
flits Chicaufo 1 , Cincinnati 4. Krrors-
Ohlcaio it , CluclmiaUJ. Batterioa Hutch-
Inson and Kittrodcc ; Mulluno and Ilurrlng-
ton. Umpire
No ffnmo Bad groiltnls.
I'ltiycrs' '
AT riTTtntiia.
First prune
Plttiburg . . . .00 02 0 00 0 1 8
Chhjuro . 0 * 4
lilts Plttsbui-tf II , ChlcaKO 0. Errors
Pittsburt ? ! ) , Uhlracro 1. Hattorlcs-Mnul
nnd Qulnn ; Unldvvin and Farrell. Um-
plre-i FeiRiison und Ilolbert.
Second gutiio
PlttaburR . 1 000030 3
Chicago . 1 00 10 00 3
Hits I'lttslmrs fl , Chlcnw n. Errors
Plttsburg 1 , ChUago . ' . Katterles-Staloy
and Quinn ; Khiu unit raiiell. Umpires
Forsuson niul Ilolbort.
( J.iiiio called on account of durlnicss ,
Uuffnlo . 0 n
Cleveland . . . . * 1
Hits Huffnto 0. Clovclnnd" . Ih-i-ors Buf
falo I. . Clovil'ind I. Uutteries Tvvltrhell
nmlMnek ; McOIll and Btx-ntinn. Uniphes
UalTuey and tiuerldtiu.
\T unooM.vv.
Hrooklyn . S 01201000-0
New York . a 1 0 1 5 n 0 0 * 15
Hits Brooldj n S. Now Yotk lr Errors
Brooklyn 8 , New York t. Hattetlcs Mur-
phj und Woihhn ; and Cook ; Dwing uud
Umplies Pcnrco and Lvuch.
No game rain.
. iiiiorlcnu Assuc'l itlnit.
AT 11111 , MH I.l'IIK.
Athletic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fl 0-0
Louisville 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 7
lilts Athletic I , Louisville 10. Errots
AthU-tio I , Louisville 0 Dnltuilcs Sleeker
and Kiddle ; Meakia and Bllcjh , Umpiiu
AT svmcusr.
Syracuse 1 1 20
St. Louis 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0t
lilts Syracuse 21 , St. Louis It. Krrors
Syiuenso ! t , St. Louis ! 1. Battelies Mars
and PiU : Hint nud Munjau. Uinph-o
Hochestcr 0 0 000 20 00 2
Columbus 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 ii
lilts Rochester 5 , Columbus I ) Krrors
Rochester I , Columbus 1. Hnttciios Dur
ind McUuiru , Chamberlain and O'Coniier.
Umpire Kmslle.
Ballimoio 0 00000 2 2
Toledo 0 0 1 ! 0 0 0 0 2
lilts Biltlinoion. Toledo8. Kirois Dal-
: lmoio 0 , Toledo 0 B ittcnes O'Houike and
1'ato ; lloalv and \Vileh. UniphCb-Town-
send and S.IKO
Game c.illed on account of darkness.
BU.TIMOUI , Md , Sept fl [ Special Tele
gram to Tin Bi.rJ Manager Morton of the
Toledo club his adopted a plan by which he
expects to put all the club oilleers in the
AiniTicui Baseball association squarely upon
it-cord as to then position on thoBiothurhood
arnil amition question He his sent out
letters to tbo v m kms jucstdonts and inin-
acreis , icquestinfjthuir sisimturo tea paper
culling for a SIH.'CI d nn'otiiiff of the associa
tion in Louisville when tbo eastern clubs tilco
their ne\t tlip west. The Sun has the fol
lowing uncut umnlfrainatloii :
' Ono element in the American association ,
composed of tlio Toledo , Baltimore , Colum
bus , Sj mouse and Rochester clubs , has be
come suspicious of Louisville , St Louis and
the Athletics , as it is believed that Phclns ,
Vou dcr Abe und AVhittnker have uomo
scheme on foot contemplating treachciy.
Motion and Barnio have discnv civil that
Piesldent Phelps was absent from Louisville
when the recent Drotncrhood conference vv us
snld to have been held in Phil idclphin , and
other tilings hnvo led them to bo-
licvo that association men na\o been
conferim&j & with the Plnvcrs' league
UilLfscn ! ajJiyes , , Voa .dec Ahe , it is sun-
iioseuTvvants bomo of bis' old pluyeis baut ,
aud Whlttalter mny IKS looking to a consolid
ation of the Philadelphia I'luyeis' and
Athletic teams , but It is not known what Mr.
Phelps wants , unless it bo the Brotherhood
presidency. "
Thp St. J'nal Team Sold.
ST. PAUI , Minn , Sept ( ! . JSpecinl Tcle-
Ki-ain to Tun Bi r.JThe St. I'aul 'Western
association team was sold this nftcinoon to
C. P. Flnttley , general western pissenfier
agent of thcDulutb , South Suoio & Atlantic
railway. The consideration was 53,000. Iho
team management had lost $8W > ] dun ng the
session and was about to default on salaues.
Mr Flattlej has put up sufficient money to
cariy the club tbo icmalnlujr tlneo weeks of
the season , nnd cngigod M. \Vntkins to
mimiReit next vear IS'uvv grouiids have
been selected at the Junction of the Seventh
Street & Grand Avenue electric line and the
Milwaukee nnd St. Pnul ralhuiy , and Mr.
\Viitkinshnsalrcidy begun selecting a team
of "pennant winners" for 1891.
Nebraska City'o Club Olsbands.
Nrmiisici CITT , Neb , Sept. 0 [ Special to
Tun Bn . ] Nebraska Citj's cniok bill club
has disbanded and its members ha\o gone to
other fields. Lack of jutiouago vvas thee
> o IJall Game Today.
Minneapolis will not pi ly b ill on the local
grounds today , Manager Hurst having ic-
corsldcnul his aprreement nnd decided not to
como heio for today's game.
For tlio Amateur ChainpinnHtiip ,
The Ctleu MIISCCS and the Nonpareils vv ill
play a crarao of ball at Association park this
afternoon for the amateur championship of
the stato. Game w ill bo called at U 30.
Slicopshead Hay Ilieos.
BVY , N Y. , Sopt. 0. [ Special
Telegrim to Tin : UBE. ! Weather cloudy
und track slow Summary :
Ono milo Hacoland ( the favoilto ) won ,
Benedlctlno second , Al Fatrow tbhd , Puzzle ,
Bell D Or , 0 "VV. Cook , Uunvvad , Ben Har
rison. Foxmodo , Firelty , Tanner , Fitzjames
\Vorthdiavvn 'lime 1 . Uii-5
ThrccHium tow of a mile , Frieudlj stakes
Gascon won , Key West becond , Wcbtcuebtcr
thlid , Ivildeer ( the favorlto ) not in it , CJuar-
tcrsticteh , Anaicblst , Hey elelKoy , Sorcerer ,
Surplus , Landscape , Uspeuiuzi , La Tosea ,
Sallloand .McClelland di awn. 'lliuo-1 : 133-5.
lllo nnd tluce-fouiths , Scpteraber stuUos
.Iiulgo Morrow ( the fnvoiito ) won , Can Can
second , Longford third , Loidof the Ilarum
and Mr. Pelham drawn , Judge Morrow added.
Tiino-3 09
Milo and one-eighth , Omnluhi stakes
Toumaincut ( the favorite ) won , Eurns bee-
oud , King Crab third , Uelwood , Budelhlst.
Erie. Niagara , I.eantako , Kenwood , Fhcun
and Sluggaid drawn. Time 1:50 a-T .
Milo and thrco-cighths Montnguo ( the favorite
vorito ) won , Pi inco Fouso second , Blovo
thiul , llotncvo , Al Tarrow and Hurls diavvn.
Mile nud ouevhalf , on turf Philosophy ( ttio
favotlto ) won , fat. Luke second , Lotion third.
BOIIOJUU drawn. Time 3 , 30.
Cincioo , Sept. 0 [ Special Telegram to
THE Bi'u.Summary ] of toJai's races ut the
West Sldo paik :
rive-eighths of n mile
, tvvo-joir-olds
Ithuca ( the fnvoiito ) won , I'ntrlck second
Grateful third , J.J.Shlloh , Willow and Hose
bud drawn Time 1 .0-1.
One mile , owner's hnndlep Bankrupt ( the
favonto ) won , Pcnrl Jennings second , Amelia
third , St. Albans nud Texas Uirl drawn
Tlino-1 HOJ4' ,
Tlirco-fourths of n milo , selling llomp
( the favorite ) won , Sou riro second , Bntor-
jiilso third. Time -1:15 .
Three-fourths of a mile , soiling Lady Loa
won , ( Joodlny ( tbo favorite ) second , Crab
Cldor third , Bolster drawn. Timo-1 tUVf.
ThivHi-fouiths of a uilo , selling Tom
Duly ( the favorite ) won , Redstouo second
Tlmoll : ' "Jj4.
Seven clgbthi of a mile Tlluo Veil won
( iov. Hurdln ( the favorlto ) second , Henri
llroun third , lluny Kulil and Orderlv
drawn. Time 1 : yj % .
A llcoord llrolcun.
BAVOOII , Mo. , Sopt. 0. - At the Elaine fair
grounds thb afternoon the utalllua Nelson
ovvnod by C. W-Nchon of M'atorvtllo. made
nn nttouipt tolovver the world's half milo
track rocoid of S'lfit . Iho track was sllp-
> ory nnd the air bcivy nnd sultry. Tlio first
nttemnt woS" tnisucccssful , the milo being
mudo In 3:10' : , An hour Inter ami under the
snmondvorso4ouditioii9 ho ninda n eeond
rial , resulting ns follows : QimrtcrH ! > { , half
:07. : three-quarters 1M. nillo Utl53jNel -
sou trotted with n ntnnlnjj horse ns pnco-
nnkernnd was dilvcn by his owner The
> errorinaiico caused the greatest enthusiasm.
First Racowlhi22io , Midstoae ,
Second H iec-4Lord II irry , Kellpso.
Third Uico-Bobby Boioli , Worth.
Fourth Hnco-JUiuest , Little Jhn.
Fifth HieoIMneess Bowling , Stockton.
Sixth HwuYoung Duke , Frank Ward.
Flrat Hiico Aiinlu Chile , IvntloJ.
Second K ice -Miss Howard , Piopliecy.
Thhil Knco-.rud , LoiiRllRht.
l-'ourth Uaco Tom L > nlv , Hwlstone.
Fifth liaco feourire , bkobclolT.
Sixth Kac-o--\Vinslovv \ , llllln.
VT c'liirvoo WEST si or i-vittc.
First inco , ono-hnlf mile , mnldons , two
\eni-olds Van Doni , Io va 1) ) , Charles 1'ord ,
jhttoh , Mnriettu , Clara (1 , Berndlne , Peris-
.ultle , Kntlo .T , Uluo Uaunock , Vuleau. Net-
.lo Wolf , Tommy Magic , Annlo Clark , Ida
Beeswing , Uouilo Uuckinghnin
Second race , ono mllu Dinlul , Barcnrola ,
Prophecv , Lewis Clirk. Ll//lo 13 , Miss How-
Illl. KOll IjOO , Ulll IV litltll.
Third race , ono and ono sixteenth miles ,
inndteap Prophecy , JeJ , John Dily , Long-
light , Blue Veil
Fourth nice , three-fourths of n milo , sell-
ng-Cieole , Ilealj John , .IB Tieed , Tom
Daly , Holster , Puuntlorov , Lulu Mav * , Pinto ,
Jim l ced , Kodstnne , Klsle D
Fifth i ice , tlnee fourths of a mile , selling
3r.i ) Fellow , Surpiiso. April Tool Jr , Skobo *
ulf , CopiH rllcid , John Heel. James Cr Dliiino ,
Mias McOulloiigh , Kabound , LuvctingVai -
len Lelund , Haley , Bugle , Jackstaff
Sixth i ice , sboit course , s-teeiIechasc )
Wiuslow , Wlln , Gov. Hardiu , Flip Flap ,
Joe I ) .
AT siircrsttrin nvr.
Fh-st race , ono milo Macbeth , Madstono ,
Kyrle B , Deurlo , Eluvo , Klngstook , Arun-
Second lace , one mile , on turf , Woodcock
stakes Thorndalo , l > HpsOSender , Grey
Uock , Loul Ilnu-j , WooJcuttur , Algcinou ,
Scqucueo ( colt ) , Llz/Ip.
Third ince , tUiee-qnirtcis of a mile
Hoboipieiiv , Kyilo B , Foxincde , Worth ,
Hobbj Iliai-h , Duzzle , Pho-be , Geitlo U. ,
Longshoie , Vcionlcu , Costa Ulco. Lad } Jane
( eoltj
Fourth nice , one and one-eighth inllea.
selling Klove , Bnrnsldo , Luu.v Johnson , Ked
r eaf , Houston , Bl.iekthoi n , Sam Wood , Pan-
Jco , Hrovvn Duke. Urnest , BirthJ ly , Poet
: ullo , Pen/unco. Uovor , Little Jim , Walter-
bon. Little Auule , Gend.uine.
Fifth , ono nud thro1 sixteenth1 ! miles
Al Fauovv , Stockton , Princess Bowling ,
Wilfied , Detnuth , Anaconda , Hi/pah
Sixth nice , ono mlleon tuif bt John. La-
[ itte , JBcnediction. Curnot , Funk Ward ,
Kismet , Doncl.v. Lola Mny , Worth , Uosotto ,
Little Ciete , Little Jim , Young Duke ,
I ! mm ail
An IJdiiontloiial Qualification Neocs-
Hiirv lit All tbo btates.
KEVI H , Kub , Sept ! ! To the Editor of
Tin IJtr : atio ( uicstiou of suflrago is it-
ti acting so much attention of late that Iol -
untcer a thought qr two on the subject
The constitutional provision foi bidding tno
states fiom making u discrimination against
votirs on necount'of race or coloi , is sound lu
irimlplo and ought to bo enforced. But , as
,011 suggest 1 Sunday's ' BIT , the states mo
oft fieo to niiikoa property or ediu itional
nullification lor jotei-s. I hnvo often won-
iloiod wbj the southein states did not make
sonic such provision and thus iiel themsehert
of thut mass of ignoiant uogiocs ol
vv hlchve boar so much complaint.
An educational qualification is , In my
opinion , jusl * , .tho tbing for those
states especially , and not a bad
Lhing for all j.ho states. Something
like the AustiMIaA system , without nny
provision for the illiterate would boa fair and
just , solution of the matter.
I do not agieo yvjth the idea that such a law
would dlifruncltJ * . < ! auy ouo ; certainly uo one
possessing such n dcgreu of intelligence ns
would cuiitlo him to a voice in the mak'ng '
and execution of laws by which the state or
nation is governed
In theouwaid march of our r.'vlibation wo
have expended vast sums of money toeducato
our people , ourselves , if you please , until now
we boas.t of a school house on every hill side ,
so thut there is little or no excuse for ignor-
ancool the .simple art of being able to reid
tbonumosoti a billet , and ever ) Intelligent
voter would soon learn to lead if that wcro
essential to the exetclso of the right of fum-
.Kvory voter ought to bo able to road his
ballot , pi Intid In plain common Ungllsh , be
fore being allowed to exeiciao the
high pierogativo of a lawmaker ,
which eveiy 'voter is , cither directly
or through the representative whom ho elects.
What im incentive to education a law of this
kind would bo I Lot the niprisentation in
congress bo based upon the number of Icjtal
votuis , counting only the ballots tint wcro
properly marked by the voter , showing that
he had tead his ballot. This would at Hist
cut down the rcpiosejitation in the states
having a great number of illiterates , but .us
thcwo ui < 3 notdlsfianehiscd , but simply uu-
nblo for the time being to read , there would
bo u gradual climbing up to the standard of
intelligence thut would in a fe\v yens give
them lull loprcscntation.
The voter would feel a personal pride nud
Interest In being ublo to pirtlclputo in the
uffahs of government and thu politician
would feel a still deeper interest in the ilo-
site to represent the voter In the
legislatuio or in congress. Is it not
plain that such a com so would
place the control of our btato and national nf-
tairsintho bauds of the only chss In wbo-
bands they aio ixMll\ safe ) and at the
time stimulate in Iho fullest degree the cause
of popular education f
I for ono want to see this policy adopted ,
nnd tbo Inws ot Nebraska and other states bo
amended that no foreign-bora citizen can vote
until ho bus resided in this louutrj at , le ibt
ll\o year * aud can lead thuljiigllsh language.
D. A. Uoii3E .
Palntor and Diplomat.
Miss Ada Boll , the flower palutor of Lon
don , has jumped with n bound from obscuilty
to fashion. Her fortune is mado. Not long
ago Miss Bell succeeded in getting an eider
from .tbo piincoss of Wales for a panel to bo
placed In a writing desk. The design Inp-
pily included the fuvoiito posoy of tbo prin
cess , and when llnlshed was sent with a tluv
c.ud containing thocompllmentsof the artist
Women nio rarely as businesslike as
this. The eouitesy and modesty
chat mod the pilncess , and nftor the exchange -
change of lottem vaino nn Invitation for an
audience at Murlborough. Thojoung artist
was as ploaslugus her Jlovveis. She hud her
wits about her uud her ear * very wldo open.
Among other things , she learned of the ap
preaching birthday of the Km press Fred
erick , to whom the prinicas offered to pio-
beut her Miss Bell went homo , locked hoi > elf
in her sky studio , und did not quit her paluU
until she bud tliiishcd a fun woithy of the
roj til lady's uccepUjico. Tw o v oars ago the
empress vlsltedo the Children's hospital in
Onnond street , inn institution in which tbo
artist is also liiUHMtoJ. 'Ibo fan In question
contained n inlnmturo sketch recalling a
scene In ono ofithu slek wards , where the
empressstooiKdU | > fan thofucuofa djlng
child. The foundation of tbo fun Is block
lace of violet pattern with encircling hearts ,
and the sticks nf green uiothci-of-pearl
shade oft to ( i pink. In this delicate
background MUvi Bell used peiil tints
of inuuvo , pink , and crccn , producins nn ef
fect as exquisite us the "Watte.iu iialntlnfa.
In the center of the fan appeared a woodland
scene showing a sleeping nymph fanned by
spotting cupldb tout danced among whlto und
purple violets. Spiigs of heaiu > ease uud
nioinoiy knots wcro scattered over the pearl
sticks , the outer or top ono containing a mln-
iaturo portrait of the late Kuiperor Piederlck
set in heart-snapod crystal. This lovely bit
of luce , pearl , und paint was sent to the em
press , who dispatched her appreciation of the
gift and woik throuKh a 1Uo count. Just bo-
foio leavhiB Ihiglund the nitlbt was sent for
und appeared ut BucKlugiinm Palace , when
the empress attached ber autograph to a pict
ure that Miss Boll exhibited a year IIRO in
honor of thoquoen's birthday. ThU p tinting
has since been Bold for tlia boncllt of tbo
Children's hospital nt a sum hcverul [ wunds
laigor than the yearly eurniugs of the j oung
Indy. But Mbj Boll Is the nigo. Her pict
ures please royalty und she is ublo to sell
every posy she points , aud ut hc-r on a price ,
The Ooramittce in Ohargo Opposed to the
Trench Spoliation Olauso ,
I Mnken Hnril
to Bn lie turned to Congress
In Order to itrbuko tlio
WASIIIMITOV 1) . C. , Sopt. 0.
The general dollclency bill will not bo re
ported to the house until Mr. Henderson of
Iowa loturns to the city , which will probably
bo about Tuestl iv , i ho will have charge of
Its pissago in the house With the excep
tion of four menibeus the entire eomniittoo is
opposed to the bill in Its piosent sbupo be
cause it Includes an nppropii.itlou for the
payment of tlio Fieneh spoliation cliiuis.
There is a strong feeling In the homo In
favor of the bill , but the committee Itself is
resolutely opposed nnd hive threatened again
nnd uffiln to lot the bill die- rather than pass
It in its meftuntfurui Tliov billuvn. hnuovni.
that they can eirry the bill through the
house without the spoli.itlon clause nnd mo
thereto ! o tnlnklng of bringing itupsoino
day next v\eok.
THIS rxrniio > of niii
The expulsion of Clifton P. Brcehlmidge
from , the house j osterdnv was accomplished
despite the illibustoiiiig of Mi Crisp and his
democratic allies. 'I liotnjh the vote had been
originally set for 1 o'clotlc they succeeded in
positioning it by ono elllutorj motion after
another nnd by lugging in extraneous sub
jects until itvas veiyliito in the afternoon
before the scut was Hnilly dcelnrcd vurnitt
Mr. BreehimMio was uttho housothisinoiu
Ing for u short time Ho held a consultation
\v \ ith some of Ills fi lends and seemed to bo in
no way discout igod It Is evident that tboic
is a dcoi-si > iiotl plot among the foilovvcis of
Uroekinridgo to send him hack nt nneost ,
and the coming events will doubtless uitiuai
a lepotlllon of the scenes and outi.iges which
appe irs to form u con volitional fo.itiao of an election. Mr. Urcehiuiidgo In-
foi mod his fi lends that it icqulred at the out
side onlj Uvcntv-two dajsto.end him toe on-
1'icss , and tl.ut ho would bo ictuinod
by a largo majoiltj. tlo said lie
would lese onlv tvvont.v two dnjs' pannd
that was really ton small a matter to
bother about Mr Bieeldnridge sild squill- '
cantly that IIP luid n ranged evoij tiling for
a special election. He expects to bt1 letin ned
by iimijoiity iniging liom 6,000 to 10,00) ) .
though ho has not Just vet dcllnitcly decided
whatmajoiity ho u ill prefer It Is po-siblu
ho may ocn Ineienso the tlguro , thioush this
Is n timing consldoiatlon in an Aikansis dis
diet A demouatic Iriend of Mr Biccldu-
ildga asked ycstctdav ulicther theio would
bo am opposition to iSIr Bix'ckimldiro being
letiunrd to lill the vacant seat It will bo 10-
inembeicd that bo his all eidy boon icnom-
inatod to icpresent his district in
the Piftj - second congiess , but the
convention had not jet been called
to nominate for the roimlnder of tills
session. "Opposition , " siiid Mr Brechiu-
ndgo's friend in disgust " \ Vevlll invo no
opposition to Clifton U. lireeUnrhUo in our
own party , nud jou tiny judge tint vo
pioposo to hu\o no opposition to him from
any other pirty. Wo all udmltc Mi Bieckin-
ndirovorj much for his consen.itism and
geneiositi in pci'suadini ; ills fiieiuli not to
llllbuster. llohas been \orj foiebe.uiiif. it
Ins been ut his special icqucst that \\o Inuo
refrained fiom ail scenes \lolencoon the
lloor , and Mr BieekinnciRO will reap his
toward in the shupo of tlio most iiuignillcent
mnjouty that over bent a congicssman to
Wiishiiiffton. " On the other band Mr.
Featnci stone of Aikansaslio has mndo
Mr. Hiecliinridge'sriistilct n close study , is
convinced that in the impiobible event of n
reasonably fair election Mr. Biecklnridco
will bo siumcU undoi by n lepubliean ma
jority. , The icpublicaus ha\o nominated a
very good mnu In the district , nnd as in
rcccni niunieipii nna state eieciions urcelcln-
ridge's oivn county and all the counties coin-
in isinc his district have good luigo repub
lican majoiitics , there um bo no doubt If
theio should bo a fnlr election in Aikansos
that Mr. Brockmridgoould bo dafeutcd.
Rumors of the changes of tioops in No-
brnska which would result in thu abandonment -
mont of Fort Sidney having reached Senators
Paddock and Jtanderson , each have illed a
protest \\lth tlio sccietnry of the war dcpait-
ment , with a lenuest tint no action bo taken
until they hnvo been ntTordcd an oppottuiutv
to make statements in regard to the situa
tion. Senator Paddock says that ho cannot
see any reason , c\en If Sldnov is to bo
ultluutclj nb indoncd , why , for the present ,
thcio should bo any ehango of tioops , when
nmplo accommodations ,110 auorded at Sidney
for the parnson of either , lie sees no reason
why , until Foil Omaha Is built , the gnuison
at .Sidney should bo changed , and ho does not
believe that cithei publle policy or oidinaiy
common sense \ \ ill dlctato tlio icmovnl of thi )
commands , such ns has been outlined bj th'oso
whotlahn to know the lecoininonditions sent
into the war department.
Since ills retirpinent from the postofllco do-
paitmontCiencial C'larkson has been devoting
Ids prine'ipd attention to the u oik of the lu-
publicMii Longrcssloiiul committee. Mr. Bel-
den of New York Is the nominal head and
( Jlaikson is to l > o the main vvoikinpr spiiit. It
is understood that .Mr. Quay is now making
stiong efforts to pcrsuido Mr. Clurkson to
accept the unmaking editorship of tliol'jtts-
buig Ohionlcle-Tclogi.iph , vhkh , it is undci-
stood , Mr. Quay Is now miking miango-
monts to buy , General CKukson , as is well
knoHii , is voiy anxious to lo-cntu the news
paper Held , mid , as theio Is a httongfiiond-
ship between the t\vo \ men , it is not at all im-
piobablo that hoill jlcldtoMr Quaj's BO-
j'liiMTiis ixn niK 'MCN's ' Tiiotrm.KS.
Ills not Impiobablo that tlio recent trouble
about the pressmen's union in the govetn-
mcnt iiilntlng ofilco will bo ieno\vod. It
will bo reinemDorcd that a number of pioss-
men , who hold cants from the tuiogrmhlcal
union and of the International Punting
Pressmen's union desired to foim a loci !
branch of the latter \VasliIngton Uho
typographical union objected and it appealed
at ouo time as if a strike would bo oidcicd if
tlio pressmen persisted In leaving the typo
graphical union and oivim/ing
a piossmon'i union Public Punter
Palmer treated tlio cntiio matter
with grcit diplomatic skill and Ilnnlly con
cluded H truce , the pressmen vitldingto his
earnest request rather than cause omlni rass-
ment. The imttcr was fi-ecly discussed nt
tliounnuil meeting of the Piintlng ljicss-
mon's union whlcli just wound up at Boston
yesterday nud It vas llnally voted to appoint
Mr Chnrlos W Miller of Philndelphln , tlio
president of the union , nnd T. F Ilarkfnhof
Now Yoik. tlio sccretiry and tieasuicr , a
commlttco to discuss the subject with Mr
I'almer. Tliey nnivod heio tonight and \\\\l \ \
see him tomorrow They will also inqulio
into some cbnrges of alleged dlscilnilnation
against pressmen who hold Intornationid
I'rintins Pressmen's ciidi but not Interna
tional Tpogiapbicil union cards
Q'ho Kennedv affair is at n standstill Just
now Mr. Kennedy is Btlll holding his speech
from the Kecord and has consented to with
hold it till next Monday , when Sjieaker Uccd
and Major MelCinloy uro oxpi-ctod bad : .
Whllo ho still persist > that ho will publish
the speech , ills believed tint Mr MilCinloy
can persuade him not to do so. At nil events
nothing will bo done till the matter 1ms bieu
carofullv dlscusstd by Messrs Keed and
'Iho Hocordof this morning contains ro-
mnrlrs by both of the Nebraska senators UIKJII
lunibor , which subject was again taken up
this morning by the amendment offered by
Senator Mnndorson inducing the duty on
whlto pine shingles. Iho attack made by
Se-natorSpooner upon the western senators
for their stand for tiirlll reduction Is strongly
resented and Is llkel > to widen rather than
to narrow the breae'h between high pro
tectionists of thu iMstcrn status and low
tin Iff advocates of the far Yust.
It was anticipated that the sldo pioposl-
tions that hive been suhm'tted ' nnu vvblch
have stood In the way of consideration of tlio
sugar schedule ami mlprocity utnendimmts
would bo dUpe > d of Kxlny so that Senator
Mundoi-son might submit his proposition to
uduilt boot su ui' machinery /rou oud the
nnicndtnont to allow n small ntlilltlonnl in-
eronsoon sugnrs 111 nud ID duties standard In
tbo Interest of bcctsupnr rollners mid con
sumers of certain sugars , but on Aldrlch's
suggestion tbatthosvquestlons , tORCthor with
thu proposed bounty and roclprodty wlloy
could not fairly bo presented nnd roimldorod
uncle1 ! ' the 11 \ a inlnuto rule , the sugarschodulo
vent over until Monday and the agreement
between the democratic nnd republican
sides whli'h was entered Into rcRunilng the
tariff discussion , was so amended that the
sugar schedule will como up on Monday
under agreement tint a senator may then
spoaktwenty mluutos on any ono subject ,
tlio other provisions of Iho oM iiKuvmcnt to
stand Intuit , which \\lll protnbly cnnblo the
senate to reaeh u vote on the pass igo of the
bill on Thursday
Hoprosontatlvo nnd Mrs Connril of Ne
braska wore greatly ahuuicd on Wednesday
bvvlmt threatcnca for n time to prove a dlro
eilamlty. Kaily In the day theli ilvocar- }
old daughter , Iltrel , swallowed the coiiienH
of n bottleof ferro hu Hiibllnnte < and hid it
not boon for the givit pie eie'o of mind of
the mother in administering antldoU'4 the
llfllo OHO unulil have died before the nrilvul
of thophvsle'ian 1'orttin iloly the elilld Is
now c'ltlrriv out of danger , Imvhig oxporl
cnced no ill results fiom tlio diingiuous dose
Sonitor 1'a'idoek was the only icpubllc.ui
today voting for the imoniiment'to place sail
on the fuo list. Ho also vote I for the
amendment to ieduce .tho duty on shingles ,
which was agreed tobv tlioseiuitois from the
luinbei states this inoinlng before the open
Ing of the seimU ) and wu pivsentoil L ) > bun-
ator Maiulcrson
Thesennto e'oinmitteo on niiiienlturo met
today for tliu dl < ruHskm of the Conger lard
bill A maloiitv of thi'coniiiiltteo weio in
n\orof ivporting tlio bill to llio senate , out
up in stitc'iiieiits presented , su ] > pmtcil by a
lugoimmln'1 of tehgianis fiom Nebiiski
nnd other states it was agreed to afford Mr
raitbmksof ( hietiiro an opportunity to bo
heard bofoii' the committee during the coin
ingveok and the bill u ill bo postponed till
Wcdiicsdii ) or 'Jhuuctay.
'iti ofi..t i
Connlj CnntcMitlun
Held In I'il/-oiMld linll.
LINCOLN , Neb , bopt. 7. [ Special Tclo
grain to Tnr Hi i . ] The democratic county
convention was held this aftoinoonat Tit/
gcinldh.ill with 1.1S delcgitea piestnt. John
H Ames was chosen poimmient chalinmn
und H .T. U'hltmoio seuotaiy. The main
featuioof tlio convention was the motion of
I' , O. Cassiduy that a straight domouatie
ticket bo nominated. This met M ith bitter
opposition by those favoiing the omloiseincnt
und a big light lesultod. Soveial floiid
spoeclies were made and llnally .1. C Me-
Nerny moved that the motion bo tabled
Pandemonium then pi availed mid it was full }
nn hour before the rlmiunan got contiol of
the convention. Dr. W. H. II Dunn led the
straight democrat le horilcs mid his trumpet
tones u 01 eheaul constantly abo\o the con
fusion lie attempted to tun Um convention
and so far forgot himself that ho thought lie
was clidrman , and in spe iking of Cusslday's
motion , dodai oil , "Iittlo Ihisont of oiiler. "
'Iho 10 ir of huin'htei that followed was sue
cceded with the llrst poi iod of quiet since tlio
debate coimncmcd.
Tliosti ilfjlit domocr.its fltiallv vvon after a
florcollglit , m which it looked for i vv hilo as
thoitvh blort i vveio Imminent Thoproieoss
of nominating a tided was then gonoUnongh
with and the fol'ovving ' cmdidites chosen
N 7 bncll , county attoincii , Joseph Whit-
mm , J W Clulst and .lo.enli Smiilt , count ;
commissioners , P , 0 Cassidnj , se-natoi from
the cityV. ; \ . B Morilson , sinator from the
county , W 1j Cundiir , icprcseiititivofiotn
the city ; August Sc\eiin and J. M. Guile ,
i-epiesentatives from the count ) .
A Ijhely Coin iillon ,
Wrsr POINT , Neb , Sept. 0-Special [ Tel-
Cn'ram to Tin Bnt ] Uho Cumlnp county
convention met hoio today nnd adjourned
until after the congie sloiml convention with
out electing delegates It was n continual
pindemoniumVisner mid Beemer town
ships wcro arraj ed against West Point and
Bancroft. The fight commenced on tcmpoi-
aiy clmirman. Andv Giahiun of Wsncr and
Kimo Valentino of "West Point era nirnycd
against each other. Valentino received ono
more vote than Graham , but was ruled out on
the claim that the bullet box \\w stulfdcl
All nntl-Giabam delegates withdrew from
tlie convention , claiming tlint the antl Dor-
soys \ \ PI o using the gag law. After count
ing noses Iho Dor oys discovered ttioy had
two majority. They concluded to rctuin
and vote the others do\ui , but
Graham held the chair nnd It was
Impossible ! to tinnsact nnv business
One sldo Ihnked the other until all gave out
in sheer disgust , rinally A. J. Lnnpoi ,
editor of the West Point Hc-publicau , was
elected seeiotary , but the contusion was so
great tlmt mi adjouinment was snapped at
Valentino saw that nothing could bo accom
plished , so ho moved to ndjouni until Scpteni
bor 18 , which is onodaj after the congies
eionnl convention , \\hlehpasscd with amsh
It is expected tint tlio ccnti.iluoininltteo will
send a delegation to Columous , nnd as its
makeup is antl-Dorscy , such u delegation
may go from Cuming.
Cherry County KepiiblicniiN ,
VALLNTIMNob.Seit. . 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : 13i i. ] Onoof the most cuthusl
astio lepubllcin conventions ever held in
Cheiiy county oe'cuued hero todiy , nearly
over ) precinct being lepicseutcil. The < lelo
gates to tlio congressional convention nio
henOed bj A Thite , and the bcnutoi iul
delegates In J W Tucker. John U , I-\o
was allowed to sehet his own delegitcs to
the rrpicsint.itivo convention of the Tiftv-
seeond district to bo held at Nordcu Septem
ber IS Iho dolegites to
convention are foi G W. U. Dorsey for con-
gie'ss Itisnot known rthoin the delegates
to the setntothl eonuentlon nic foi , but tlicj
will piobibly suppoit Jlr.Vllson of Dawes
county. Hoii C II Cornell v\is unanimously
elected cbaiimanof tbo icpubllum count )
cential committee
l'o\\eiH anil Crmldock. , Neb , Sept -Special [ Tele
gram to TUP BLE ] Today was a great
diij' amen , ; the farmers of Johnston county
About thioo thousand people met amid great
enthusiasm to heir John II Powers and
J II Ui.iddock discuss the pnlltlcil situation
of the da ) from an independent stiudpohit.
Count ) Alllniicn.
Neb , Sept D [ Special Tel-
cgram to Till- Ui.iJlembois ] of thoNnnco
count ) nlll moo met hero todi ) and called n
convention for tlio 17th. U-nit ) alliance was
represented. Resolutions v\uo adopted on-
doislng the state ticket and Kern was lauded
to the skies.
Convention nt Kali bury.
FAIIIIIUU , Neb , Sept -.Special [ Tel
egram to TUB lirn.J The alllanco and
Knights of Labor hold their lloat lepiesuuti
tlvo and senatorial convention today nnd
nominated Jud Clark of Pairbury for state
senator and Hie bard U'illard of Alexander
for lloat icpieacntatlvo.
SionN ] at ralibiir ) .
FAIIIIII itv , Neb , Sept 0 [ Special Tolo-
giaui to THU Dm : . J Colonel U S. Ullsuorth ,
state lectuicr ind oiganbor of Iho sUiUj pie
hlliitlon society , delivered two lectuies hero
today. A largo number attended.
I'nwiioo Count ) Imocrat .
PAW NIT Cm , Nob. , hcpt. ( ! , [ Spucld Tel-
gram to Um. Hi K. ] Tbo democntlo county
convention ted iv pliccd in nomination Duro
Meeker und T. H. Carmlchaol for leprcsonU-
_ _
The I'lio ICcciird ,
Piin.Aiiri.riUA , Sept. 0. riro broke out
early this molding In the stole house of IIolT-
man & Co , doors , sash and blind manufac
turers , and before It \\nt extinguished the
eiitlro building was destroyed and the llames
sprcid to adjicontpiopuity , doing ultogotbor
damage to the amount of 4 < 00cKK )
" \VlHconsln
AMIHO , Wis , , Sept. ( ) . Tlio lurgo lumber
llrm of Iloxlo ft Mellon , which bus been In
llnanelal straits foi boveial ilas. llnally mudo
nn assignment today Liabilities about
> 00UOO , und ussests pi oh ibly n little less.
II envy UiiliiMtoinis.
WiifcKHNO . Vu. , Sopt.OTho heaviest
and most troublous rainstorms of years have
been raging In "Went Virginia and eastern
Ohio today. Oreat da ina oa t caused und
all railroads uro badly \\oaheUout. \
The Doino-Allianoo Oaudldato for Oougrooi
Okargod with Embozzlomcnt ,
lie Is Accused of Ilobblnj ; n Fnthur'
lil of Her 1'iopiityVhllo
Judge ofAVebstcr Omul )
Uho 1'etltloii ,
Ci.oui > , Neb , Sept. fl [ Special ti
Tin : HER ] A suisntlonnl petition in n mill
In which \VllllnmA. Molu'lKli.m , the demo
ciatic alllanco cmdidito for COIIKIOSS , Is de- llled In llio district court bora
yestoulay. Tlio case Is entitled "Ida M ,
1'outz , gunrdiiiti of the cstiito of fioituuld
"SVagouer , mli.orheiiof Uiniol F.
lece.isedsVllllaniA. . McKelghm , k
Cone , M K. lieutley , U. 11. Ptoti-i
Henri Cook , " nnd It charges HlcKci
with the cmbozrlcnicnt of funds placed m bU
hinds \\hllo county Jud def Websterooim >
The full te\.t of tlio petition is us follows
1 The phlntllT corapltilns cf tbo dcfiu i
nnts for that at the genoril okvtion held m
Vfi'bslor count \ , Nom-asUn , on the lid il ) f
isovcmuer , ix > . > , inv iieicnuiini , vuiiiani \
McICclghnn wnscloeted tothoofllcoof com ' * ,
J udgo of Webster count.N for tlio tumoftwj
jeirs fiom Januiny 1 , lv > il
U On the llth day of NoM-mher , IS fi , s , i
AVilliam A McKeiRhm ns prim Ipsd mid N
son Cone , M K nonlloy , C II. 1'ottoi ur 1
llciir Coo't ' us smetles , undo and ilelixeii t
to the county of U'obstor , In the sUto of N
biasku , anouligitiuiiln vMitiii/ duo iun
of uh Ich is hereto p lit uf this petition , | lkio
nnpenis a iopj of the bond J
y On the 1'itli day of November , 1SS. , sai V
obligation \ \ as duly approved by Iho < * onuty * 5
boird of lominlsstonrrs of satciVobstor
ctiimtv nnd said \VlllinuiA. JlcICelglmn , d < > .
iuidant , thnie'iipoti dul ) cnteiod upon j
dutlos of said oilh'o ind at tlietiino of n >
inlttingthc wrongs heiclnatter complin. , i
of H as oxoii ising sfild duties.
I 'L'h it on tin liitb day of Jul > , lSS7rt i
John S Wagoner , the duly iilointe [ l i I
li'KiilIy qimlilied adininistiatei1 of Dunn I
Migone-r , decciscd , iiahl Into ttie hanil o (
slid \\illinm A Mekoliihan , ( ount ) Jn I
on an oidoi mndo by siid juds' ' ) to that fl"
the sum offl-Jiit , nioiiir bcloiiK'ug ' l * > '
eat itc of said Dmiel K. U'npnner , dci tin
fi That siid ( , 'eitiudo U'agonerlitlu- . '
nnd only child anil heir at law uf slid DIM i
\Vngonci , det rased
0 Tint said Ida M. routes the im1 r
und duly qualilled puatdiaii of thocstu f
siid CicitrndoVitgoncr , vxho is a uilnoi > nJ
now about tc-n yc irs ol age.
T. That It has been ord < red nnd adju c'l ' v
the prolutocouit of said Webster com
that sniit ( Jutunlo AVagoucr is entitled t < > i >
nmno\ usiifottS.iiil paid Into the haul
siiid "U A McKeiglnm UH a pntofluM
trlbutlxo shiiio of her doeoi-icd lulli
est ite
That all the debts of slid ( state of >
JDiniol I"1Vagonui bavo long ajjo hem > i
justed and paid.
That all t'io ' residue of slid estate has b <
pnid over to saitl Ida.I. . ToutLTUiidiim t
snld ( leitiudiVigoncr , except the moiin i
ns nforcssid paid into the hands of said 1
findant W A. WdCclslmn
That said Ida M Koutz has icpontedlv an t
within six months List past undo dunmid i
siid defendant MiKiigtinn for the inoni v
duo her avaid und so us ifoiesaid paid into
his hands by said John S. Wngonci , nltmiii
ti. > C
HuUalcl cU-femlant ilia not fiiitlinillj nnd
Smpuitlallyand without frar , fivor. fraud , or
oppiodslon purfoitn thu duties ofsaliloflke m"
b\ law ho v\.is sworn nnd reciulrcil to do , but
1m wholly fulled In. that
neglected nnd failed to p.itlio said sum of
3U3 0.1 over to siid guaidlun or to nny ether
poison , buthas loiivelted tbo sumo to his
o\vn pilvato use mid prauthally embodied
and used the Mime , and notwithstanding ho
has promised the plalntilt that ho would paj
the snmu over to her nnd acknowledged to
hci his liability therefor , ho Btlll neglects to
uiv. settle or satisfy the saino.
U'heioforo the plaintiff sajs she has been
damaged in the sum of $12-.1U with 7 pc r
cent Inteicst thereon slno the Kith di } '
July , 1SS7 , for whlolisum the plaintiff tim s
judgment against nil of the defendants w iis1
costs of s > ult.
The above petition la signed by A , M
" \Valtersasattornoyfortho plaintiff and
attested by tlio plaintiff , Ida M. Tout ? , In
fore "K O. I'nrkcr , notary public. The 11 r
tlflcato of lj. II. Tort , clerk of the distill
court , Is attached coitlfying tint the .nbov >
is a true and couect copy of the case filed in
his ollko.
Kvelteninnt atCriNton.
Ciirnov , Neb , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tin. Bi r J Quito an excitement w as
cicatcd hero today over a pet wolf and d" > .
which baa all the sjmptoms of livilroplmbi.V
fortwodavs. 'Ilia wolf was promptly ki i > i
and ngcneiai bhuBhter of ilops v\lll oui.r
londiy bj tlio city autliout'cs.
Tlic York Count ) JMiibit.
Vojk ( , Nob. , Sept. 0 [ Special to Tim
Hi i : 1-Tho York count > ovliibit to the sta
fnlr was tnken to Liucoln last evening 1
oivuplcd a spec ! il car nnd Inn unusual i u > .
illaliluv of farm prmluet * . Dr Konde-rnntl I
1) ) Stilsoti iiccoinpiiiled the CJr to Lincoln
I.i' } ; Itrnkou lu n
PV.V\MS Cur , Neb. , 6. [ Si
'Iclepi.mi to Tint llrr j- ' 1 1
his leg broKi'n In n nmawAy 1M * .
AUiHothoinJim N | nin nt1 I * Tifl
Neb , Sept , * i rSiwMftl to T.r >
HIM : ] -Cori Dm of Do\Vltt \ vv n the r I
medal nt the Demorest contest tit Ibis p a
last 'Jhursilay ' Hho will IVIIIIKMO foi ttui
diamond medal
A I'acKlnjt IloiiHo Tor FCnono . /
BOONE , h , Sept 0-iapoc-Inl TVlegrnra T 4
Tuu Hi u. ] Tlio business men Imvo abofT
comnlctod urraiiKcinonts with tbo Jvlcss
Bond to open a largo inciting house I '
oil mill heio , whlcli Is kept Ictlo by the tni
Is to bo leased and machinery put In for K1
lnf ( 500 ho s per dnj The Messrs. I ) '
have boon Inning lie s hoi a tills bcuson <
Iloston ami other chtorn points , nnd . ' '
hoffs per day have been shipped in Mtib
liiKO picking hou o runnhiK Hoono v\lll
the best bos iiMihetlu central low a.
1'lyinoii tli Count } I > eiuo < ; ratH.
Lv.Muis , la , Sept. 0 [ Spodal TU
RiamloTiiK JlFK.J The Pljinouth ioun'
democrats hold their county convention
the court house today and nominated i
county ticket. Tliopiuscnt incuinbentsvvi 10
all rciioiiiinutcd
tit Vaulcton , H. O.
VANKTOV , S D. , Sept 0.-Speelnl [ Tea-
( jnmito Tin : BEI : . ] II. L. Loucks , lndp n
dent candidate for governor , and Fred (
I.lpp , uandldnto for coujfrcss , adaioaied a '
largo crowd hi Turner ball tonight.
IIii ( ; < ; lloli'l at Viuilcton.
YANKTOV , S D. , Sept , 0.-Spcclal [ Tolo
pram to Tin : lln : ] Negotiations have about
bcxjn closed that will insure the completion < j (
Yanldon's now 61W.OOO liotcl this yeai
btocldmlders hivu donated $ i5,000 to hava
tuo v\orlc \ completed
A I'olntidcr'M hlcnll J'rnoturcd.
Y \MCTOV , S I ) . , Sopt. 0. [ Sjioclal TiMo-
giainto Tin : Urn ] \ VIlhelinreinhousky ,
I'olnndcr , a jid thlrty-llvo , was instantly
killed on Douglass nvonuo today. A Io-\d of
hilt-k was Komchow thrown on him 111 *
skull was fractutud Ilu luavea u wife and
YoitK , Sept. 0. f.Spcchl Tole-
grarnto TUB lli'.i : . ] Exports of snoelo from
the poit of Now Voile durliiR tlio vvoeic
amounted to POJ.O''O . , of which f.'JO , ( ) in In
gold and fjfVXX ) in silver. The Import * o (
speclo foi the vvpelt wcro $ S.i'Jt ; J3. ol
11155,105 wa.1 sold und tiri.r > Jl silver.
Dr. Blinoy cures culurrb , Bto