PART ONE THE OMAHA PAGES 1 TO 8 TWENTIETH YEAR OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 7 , 1890-SIXTBEN PAGES. NUMBER 81. WRECK OS THE RIO GRANDE , Two Sections of a Train Como Together with Tcrriblo Eeaults. SEVERAL ITALIAN LABORERS KILLED. About ITorly OihcrH Store or IJCBS Seri ously Injured \ Motor and , an IJiiiiino Collide ut Cleveland. CANON CiTr , Colo. , Sept. 0 A terrible ac cident occurred on the Denver & Hlo Grande railroad early this morning , near Adobe. Train No. 01 was running In two sections. Tlio first section hud two day coaches loaded with laborers , and was derailed four miles below Florence. The second section dashed into It with tcrlilo force , completely smashing two coaches. dj > The trainmen escaped unhurt and tlio citi zens of Florence soon came to their aid nnd the work of rescue began. The coach In which the men wcro sleeping was shattered and twelve freight cars ahead of It demolished. Of forty-seven men known to have been in the car , five were killed and thirty-seven wounded. Of the wounded two cannot live through the night , nnd Itls feared that eight or ten more are fatally hurt. All'tho Injured have been removed to the company's hospital at Salidii , where they are receiving every attention. The dead are : Hij. . Winters , Jonathan Falks , A. N. Meyer , .lames Donovan and C. B. Williams. I A largo proportion of the unfortunate vic tims wcro Italians , who are unable to speak Knglish. The Italian consul Is on tlio way from Denver. AVho is responsible for the wreck has not yet been determined. The property damage amounts to ยง 10,000. A Motor nnil lOn liio Collide . Ci.nvr.iANi > , O. , Sept. 0. A frightful acci dent occurred at the Wilson avcnuo crossing of the Now York , Chicago & St. Louis rail road at 7:30 : o'clock tonight , by which at least a dozen persons were terribly injured , some fatally. The crossing Is on a steep grade , down which runs an electric street railroad lino. At the time t'-o accidout occurred freight train was standing close to tbo cross ing on the south truck. An electric motor drawing one car was approaching from the south. The safety gates wcro up and the road apparently clear. Just as tlio motor crossed the railroad track n locomotive , running about twenty miles an hour , dashed out from behind the freight train. The pilot of the engine struck the electric train between the motor and trail car. tearing thorn apart and hurling ono to each sldo of the track. At least a score of persons were on the trail car , and they were tumbled about In nil directions , some being hurled a dozen feet away and others pinned under the cnr , which was demolished. The btreet railroad barns were close to the scene of the accident , and a rescuing party was * eon on baud. The victims were taken from the wreck nnd hurried away In ambulances to the hospital within a short space of time. All of them wcro sobadly injured that they had to bo carried from tbo wreck. Tnero was no warning whistle and the bell was not. rung. The engine plowed right through the street cars mm the screams of the frightened passengers rose nbovo the crashing of the frames of the cars. A mo ment later the injured passengers were lying about groaning In agony. Two sisters , Louisa and Minnie Mock , were in the car. They wcro lifted out ami partially revived , Minnie's body was terribly crushed and "Hood trickled from an ugly wound in her head. She was takea to St. Alexis' hos pltal and died in halt an hour. Her sister Louisa was very badly hurt about the head and arms , the muscles of the richt forearm being torn away from the bone. She will doubtless recover. The wrecked cars were bespattered with blooil , mid the hands , faces nnd clothing of 'the rescuers wcro covered with the crimson fluid. Following is n list of the injured : Minnie Mock , aged twenty-four , crushed , died at hospital. J. A. Moore , twenty-two years , right arm crushed and loll log lacerated. Annie Niemann , collar bone broken and face cut. Louisa A. Mock , cut on head nnd arms. Edward Watson , right foot crushed. Charles Woods , body bruised. Oeorgo Seiners , leg cut. Ocorgo NolT , Lizzie Cable , Lizzie and Eliza Bragg , Mi's. Mooney , Frank Hose , Lcoru Howell , nil painfully but not seriously cut and bruised. A Suburban Train Wrecked. SOUTH NOUWAI.K , Conn. , Sept. 0. The Dos- ton express this evening struck a suburban train on the Uanbury & Norwulk branch of the Ilonsatonlo road , In this city , ami badly damaged it , besides slinking up and painfully Injuring thirty or more passengers. None of them were dangerously hurt. Some Jlnmpiuit Resolutions. NEW YOIIK , Sopt. ( > . Cooper Union was crowded tonight at a mooting under the nus- plcos of the central labor federation and socialistic labor party , a red Hag being dis played on thu platform. Resolutions were adopted extending earnest sympathy to the Now York Central strikers and dem.inding * the repeal of the charters of the Vtindorbllt roads. Itcsolations were also adopted look ing to the formation of a defense association fCo prosecute with the utmost vigor all Plnk- I ertou detectives and police ofllccrs who may bo guilty of outrages upon the persons and lights of the people. Knlr Mutters. CniCAco , Sept. C.--An Informal meeting of the world's fair directors was held this nftcr- noon. The now proposition from the Illinois Central road ivgardlni ; the luke front was considered. It is that n strin of thu hike shore f > 0. ) feet wide and several blocks In length will bo piled , giving ttio total acreage to bo UM'd on tbo lake front seventy acres , the railroad to pay the expenses. It , is reported that n largo number of the directors present favored the proposition , inasmuch as It would not bo necessary to tnko back the slto already tendered thu national commission. Hl > pnkor HotMl ntobngo ! ( jake , .Maine. SUUAUO KIKE , Me. , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : HIK. : ] Speaker Heed spoke for twenty minutes today to a crowd on the fair grounds of the history of tlio republican party. The democrats , lie said , had opposed every republican benefit when Introduced and now claimed them as their own , Tlio sumo would bo true in llvo years ot the system of counting noil-voting congressmen present. Iterllii Mivitlt i. HEIU.IS , Sept. U. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BKU.I Prince Disniarck received an ovation today at , the railway station at Frank' fort , where a largo crowd had assembled to givot him. The emperor and empress gave a grand bouquet atdnivenstlen this evening to the oOlcers of the licet. The Presidential Party. Ciir.ssoN Si-iuxcis , 1'a. , Sept. 0. The presi- dnitlal party spent the day visiting the springs and in the evening attended the regular Saturday evening hop at tlio hotel , So grout was the rush of i > eople to see the presi dent that ho was compelled to hold uu in formal reception. The lltvkth Hull. DrnuN , Sept 0. Most Uov. John Plus Leahy , Komau Catholic bishop of Dromoru , is dead. LONDON , Sopt. 0. Francis IlobertSt- Clair e , fourth carl of Bossylu , is dead. O.V JIIH H.lXltS A\I > K\JtSE& . \ Slniiiujio I'rinco Soi-ulm the Decks fora Passage iliinin. ICnwinaM tXbuJuineonl < m HtnntM LONDON , Sept. ( ) . [ New York Herald Cable-Special to Tin : Um.i-On : Thursday morning last the steamer Olenenrn , laden with merchandise nnd carrying but a handful of passengers , moved slowly out of the south dock at London and steamed away down the Thames bound for Singapore and China. On board was one of Slam's distinguished sons , a handsome man aDout thirty , in whoso veins flows noble blood , and who for a twelve month past bus been his country's representative In Paris. When he first came over , on board the ship he was a favored ono , ns ho had come with servants eager at his call and all that was best on the ship at his disposition. On the morning in question this line looking young fellow , whoso grandfather Is the regent - gent of Siam aud who had himself mndo his mark at the gay cnpltul for elegant dress nnd manners and lavish style of living , stood among the common sailors , mostly Cnlna- tnen , and with arms bared , scrubbed away with a will at tlio brasses on the deck. Ho was working his passage to Singapore ns the steward's as sistant. It Is a sad story of a line position and still finer prospects , the result of years of patient labor all tumbled over nnd shrivelled away because this high spirited diplomat from Sinm , being in Paris wantoito do as Parisians do and ho did it. About six months ago young Kapath that is the name he gave on the ship , his own being a kind of transformation of the same , was made a member of the worst gambling hell In Paris. Night after night his liveried coach man used to wait outside while his swarthy master exchanged his coins for grim exper ience. At ilrst eights and nines ran in his favor and his dark eyes flashed. Ho drove away with his pockets crammed with 100- frauc notes nnd ho thought ho had found n sure road to riches , but ho hadn't , though. In May and Juno the tldo of luck ran strong in his favor and more than one fair Parislcnno can tell with what oriental profusion ho showered his gold upon his friends. At the battle of flowers in Dols no turnout was richer with garlands thaii his nnd no hand more lavish in aiming rare bouquets at every pretty face. Much envied and admired was ho that day as he rolled along behind his high stepping pair and yet ho was the same who lust Thursday , on hands and knees , was scrubbing his way to an eastern land aboard the steamer Gloncarn. Yes , of course It was some old story having lost his winnings , llnpath proceeded to lose everything else. Ho got deep In debt , and wnon his government learned the truth , about a month ago , ho was relieved from his post nnd recalled to Siam recalled in disgrace. Tills blow came like a thunder bolt , and while it stunned him nt first it llnally brought him to his senses. Having made bis bed ho declared to a friend bo would lie on It , however hard it proved , and ho wired back to Slam his resignation , then selling all that ho had Jewels , furni ture , pictures , even to his clothing he suc ceeded lu paying nil that ho owed , but ho had scarcely anything left In the world , barely enough to reach London a week ago. I met him hero by chance , no longer the dashing young swell I had known in Paris. "I haven't a penny , " said ho ser rowfully. "no placotto lay my head , hut , " drawing himself up proudly , "no man can ever nay that I went away from Paris owing him u franc. No I will not appeal to my friends , although I have plenty of them. What's ' the use ! As wo say in the cast , 'When a man luughs the world laughs with him , but when ho weeps ho weeps alone.1 Get back to my country or faintly in disgrace. Never. I shall work my way to Cambodia , whcro ho king knows me. There I shall commence life over again nnd who knows" laughing gaily "In five or six years I may bo back again in Paris as happy ns over. Only bear in mlnU I shall never , never gamble again. " Those brief facts in his sad story Kapath authorized mo to publish , "but only , " said ho , "when I am far away on the sea. My ex perience may help some poor devil who is mining himself with that cursed baccarat. I hope it may. Well , old chop , good-bye. " 3 U.V li If. f Kit. Terilblo IO\ploHlon lit the Xnrtlicrn 1'aollle Yard at Spokane Fallf. SPOKANE FALLS , Wash. , Sept. 0 , Just be fore ( ! o'clock this evening a premature blast killed fifteen men nnd possibly many more In the Northern Pacific yard. The full extent of the disaster Is yet unknown. U was Just before the hour of quitting work. A largo force of men was engaged In blasting out n huge rock pile in the Northern Pacific freight yards in the eastern part "of the city. From lifty to seventy-live men were at work in the cut. Fifteen have been taken out dead. A number wcro injured and still others came out alive. It is Impossible yet to get names or particulars. Soinn of tlio workmen were preparing blasts to ho touched off after the other work men and teams hud departed for the night. Ono blast had been prepared. In putting in the second it was exploded , tlio Jar also touching off tbo first blast. Twenty-live thousand cubic feet of rock wcro thrown over on the unsus pecting mass of humanity with torrlblo ro- Biilts , Hundreds of people soon gathered at the scene aud the work of taking out the dead and Injured 1ms been going on since. The scenes at tlio hospital tire heart-rending1. * XJl VI..I TIXU ItI. < t\DIX , A Toronto IjinI Wnlks Across Niagara Gorge. Ni.vr.Anv F.U/.S , Out. , Sept. 0. S. J. DIxon walked across the Ninpara gorge this after noon In twelve nnd one-quarter minutes. On his way across ho stuck ono leg out nt the quarter and three-quarter distances and lay down on his back in the center of the cable. " After resting u few minutes on the Amer ican sldo Dixon returned to the river with a hoop on his ankles and walked out to whcro the stars and btrlnos lloated In the brcoze , 150 feet from the cliff , and went through several inmicuvres , winding tha ling about his shoul ders. Then ho went on the Canadian side , stopping and performing feats with tlio Union Jack , as he had with the American flag. Dlxon Is of Irish descent and was bom In Now York , but for several years lias resided in Toronto. Ho had no motive in unking the perilous trip other than that when crossing the suspension bridge a chort time ago ho noticed a cable and remarked that ho could walk across it. Tlio result was today's per formance. Ho did considerable rope walking In Ids youth and has practiced up lu Toronto for several weeks past. Thpy Hi-ally Did Fight. P.\ui ! > , Sept. 0. From Inter dispatches de scribing the Hochofort-Thtebauld duel it ap pears that the combatants fought fiercely for twelve nilnuto * . Uochefort displayed great agility. Thlebauld received three wounds. one each in the left temple , right cheek and right thigh. After the third wound the doc tors ordered the tight stopped , Thlobauld w.'nt to Brussels , where ho Is confined to his bed. ills wounds , however , are not serious. Knr.y-Fivo Thousand HKUI.IX , Sept. 0. It Is estimated that -15,000 , person * in Prague have been rendered desti tute by the Hood and thousands more bro suffering in other flooded districts. Sub scription lists have been opened hero and at Vienna. GERMAN NAVAL MANEUVERS Emperor William and a Distinguished As- Bcmllftgo Witness tlio Evolutions. SOME OF THE SOCIAL REFORMS PROPOSED , A 1)111 ) Prepared Looking to the Abolishment ol * .Slgulorjil Prlv- Passed by Many Land Owner. ) . [ Cfipj/i Wit /KW / 1 > u Hit Xcie Yorlt Attnetalcil Frc > . ] Dr.iu.iN , Sept. 0. Emperor William , Gen eral Von Moltke , General Von Ooeltze , Count Von \Vuldcrsce , Archduke Stepban ana Ad miral Stcnnack of the Austrian navy today watched on board the flagship Uadcn the maneuvers of tlio fleet in Flensburger fiord. The opinion of exports , both British nnd \ustrhui , concur as to the admirable condi tion of the German licet and the wonderful developments of the navy. Public interest In tlio maneuvers is slight , but the emperor has kept attention centered upon his move ments by suggestive utterances at ofllclal banquets , obviously aiming to proclaim steadfast adhesion to the Austrian alllauco. Ho seized the occasion of n dinner given at Gravensteln yesterday to the Schlcswlg au thorities to refer to the presence of the Austrian licet as proof of the "Intimate friendship and the brotherhood existing bo- twccn the arms of ( Jorinany and Austria , " At the Fleusburg dinner his words wcro : "We stand hero upon historic soil , whereon our arms , united with Austria's , hive ; gloriously gained blood-stained laurels. " Emperor William will leave Kiel Wednes day. His majesty will sleep on the train , which Is timed to arrive at Potsdam at 0 o'clock In the morning. Ho will remain only two hours with Ills family and will then start for Breslau to attend the maneuvers at that place. Ho will meet Emperor Francis Joseph on Sunday. The interview between Chancellor Von Cnprivi and Count Kaluolty has been fixed for the 15th lust. The Heichsanzciger publishes nn official version of the speeches , which Is calculated to seethe Austrian jealousies arising over the Petcrhof interviews and prepare the way for conferences with Emperor Francis Joseph during the maneuvers lu Silesia. Government circles are agitated over the now project for the reform of the hcrrcnhaus initiated by tlio emperor under tlio instigation of Herr Miquel. It is the intention of the government to so reorganize tlio hcrrcnhaus as to destroy the conservative majority In the house hostile to the social reforms proposed by his majesty. Ono report is that the ministers approve of a still more radical schema of reorganizing the house on a basts akin to modem ideas of sen atorial representation. In connection with this reform Herr AHqucl and Herr Furtb have prepared a bill which proposes tbo abolition of tlio signorial privil eges still possessed by land owners in. East nnd West Prussia , Branden burg , Pomerania , Posea , Siberia and Prussian Saxony , by which local elections are controlled and governments held in the grip of. these -foid' ; , > l uperlor3.- The supreme motive of the govemnlent is the conviction that the proposed social i-eforms are Impossible without the prior sweeping away of legislative obstacles. Prince Bismarck nnd the princess left Ilmnburg tonight on their way to visit the ex-chancellor's sister at Krochlendorff. The prince's stay at Ham burg has been ono prolonged ovation. A crowd guthcrod at the station to witness his departure and bade him n hearty farewell. Last evening u local society held a torchlight procession In Prince Bismarck's honor and the Prince attended n fete at the ICurgartcn and acted freely with tha visitors , During the evening ho made a brief speech concluding by proposing three cheers for the emperor. At the conclusion of his visit to his sister tlio ex-chancellor will proceed to Vur- zln. Tlio prince , during his stay nt Kisslngen , often associated with the duke of Edinburg , whoso admiration went to the length of beg ging as a present the pipe which Bismarck- was accustomed to smoke. Count Herbert , ut the meeting with the emperor at Potsdam , promised to use his in fluence with his father to induce him to cease his revelations and return to friendly rela tions with his majesty. Herr Hcrrufath , minister of the interior , has issued a circular advising the local authorities to Increase' the police wntcti upon the socialists after the expiration of the anti-socialist law. This has produced tbo impression that the govern ment looks for an outbreak of disorders. Sev eral municipal councils have Ignored the cir cular and some have openly refused to admit the necessity for such measures. Tlio ex tremists among the socialists have gained ac cessions of strength through tbo partial ad hesion of Herr Yohniir. At their meetings in Berlin they eagerly discuss his proposal that the coming congress declare gthat theo logical Ideas have noplace In socialism. The moderates , on the other hand , conscious that a formal declaration against religion will alienate the popular sympathies , persist la excluding the question of religion from the programme of the congress. The Saxon government proposes to amend the law relating to associations so far as to preserve the restriction. ! on the socialists. A committee of A murican consuls , at n meeting hero presided ever by Consul Gen eral Edwards , approved of the decisions of the Frankfort and Paris meetings In favor of nn equal application of the provisions of the McIClnloy bill to nil European countries , The agricultural congress nt Vienna adopted u resolution declaring that In view of tbo political tariffs of the United States and Kussia it will bo necessary to create customs leagues In central Europe. It was proposed to form an Interna tional commission to prepare a scheme for a customs union , Several delegates who were asucdtoslt on the commission asked who would pay the expenses of the organization and declined to act. It Is not probable that the league will tuko definite shape. Cruller "Won't Ito on Hand , [ Coi/ru/it | / ( / ISOOlu James Qonlun llenmtt. ' ] P.UIIH , Sept. . [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tin : HUE.I J. Travers Quife'g , editor of the American Musician , Just arrived In Purls from Wiesbaden , * ays that Richard Crokcr , leader of Tammany , has given a man commission to buy a residence for him In this town to cost 50,000 marles. This makes It pretty certain that when tbo committee In vestigating the charge that Mayor Grant bought his nomination meets again in New York Air. Croker will not bo on band to un dergo a cross-examination. The Croker family nro settling down in Wiesbaden. William H. Stolnwny , leader of the New York German Independent voters , has been lu conference with Croker , HmokcloHs I'owder u HUCOCHH. DEULIX , Scot. 0. lu tuo recent Gorman manoeuvres smokeless powder was used with great success. < i' iWHit js-oit Atlantic Ijlncrn Umblo to Kill Do- iimndB for I'axsngc. ICopi/r/i/M / iSMbuJtinietUvrdim ItennM. } LONDON , Sept. 0. [ Now York Herald Cable-Special to Tun Dec. ] Tha American citizen who is In n hurry to reach his natlvo land nnd who has not secured passage , will experience much difficulty for u month or tiioro in making arrangements to cross the Atlantic. There nro always chances nt the last moment to secure n passage , but barring these chaueoj , neither love nor money will secure a cabin on any Atlantic liner within n couple ofweeks , and on a majority of the Hues within u mouth. Atlan tic ocean travel has reached high water mark and indications promise that the tldo will not fall for many weeks. It was supposed last year that the number of Americans attracted to Europe by the Paris exposition would not bo equalled for several years , but according to the agents of the principal steamship companies thcro nro more Americans in Europe this year than there were there lust or over before. They also say that the rush of returning travelers , or those who want to return , was never so great ns nt present. The proceedings of the trades union con gress , just finished , havoj been exceedingly interesting and Instructive ; From llrst to last they have shown that ( working men , so far ns they were represented nt the gathering , Intend to apply the princi ples of common sense In their choice of lead ers and not submit to the dictation of new men who have sprung Into notoriety through their being connected with one victorious strike. Mr. John Burns will come back with a somewhat truer sense of his real position among the great body of Workmen , llo is endowed dewed , as ho more than once Informed con gress and us they had plenty oppotunity of finding out , with a powerful voice , but some thing more than that is needed to make a leader of men. Ho scem ! to have shown n very arrogant spirit , which the other dele gates by no means lilted. Partly as a consequence of that ho was not even elected on n parliamentary committee a rebuff which would tnko the conceit out of most men. Moreover , ho was continually re buked by the chairman or by delegates for his overbearing conduct. Once ho defied the meeting or anybody in it to put him out. This sort of business is uot calculated to Im prove a man's ' position , especially when ho has no claims for attention on the score of past services. A more ungracious act than Lord Sack- ville's conduct In reference to the Stratford- on-Avon fountain has seldom been commuted by ono of tno men occupying a prominent position. The facts are well known. Mr. George W. Childs of Philadelphia presented a very handsome drinking fountain to the town of Stratfovl-on-Avon In honor of the memory of Shakespeare. This fountain was erected in the market place and some time afterwards Lord Sack- villo set up a claim for compensation , alleging that the fountain encroached upon his prop erty. The answer of the town authorities is that tlio market place has always been pub lic property and that the fountain does not Interfere with private -rights. Englishmen will no doubt bo ashamed of this Incident. Lord Sackvillo was dishl'Ssell by the Amer ican government from lis ) pos ns British minister \yashngtnn ! ( n v'uuo it must bo 'admittedviis u \ er.y-'tf.n- ui.Mir.Cr. Still ho brought it on himself. Ho now appears re solved to take revenge on everything Ameri can , beginning with Mr. Childs' drinking fountain. Lot us hope the affair will teach Mr. Childs a lesson. Ho must not think of giving away drinking fountains or anything else to England without askine Lord Sack- villo's special permission. The sooner ho understandsthis ; the better. "Carmen Up to Date , " a new by Messrs. Sims and Pettlt. is announced by the management of the Gaiety theatre for Octo ber -1. Mr. Sedger has also chosen the same evening for the opening of the Lyric theatre with "Maclgamo.11 Messrs. Robert Buchanan nnd V , Homer's adaptation of Dan ids' "La Mutto [ Pour la Vie , " entitled "The Struggle for Life , " will bo produced at the Avenue theater September 24. M. Saint-Saens , the well known French composer , has given bis collection of art furniture to the t < yn of Dieppe. Agnes Huntingtoii ami Marcus Mayer loft London Tuesday last for America on the City of Now York. The company engaged to support Miss Huntingtoii will follow on the lUtli inst. Marcus will also look after the interests of Mr. Gcorg-e Edwardes and the Gaiety company in America. Mrs. Bernard Becre has sufficiently re covered from her recent severe illness to bo moved to Margate , but she Is still very weak. There seems to bo quite a theatrical run on priests aud their oaths. A priest inThe ' Eng lish Hose" refuses to break his vow , At Edinburgh and Glasgow , during the week , Mr. Bccrbohm as deeply Impressed his audience. In the sacristy scene , when the priest resolves to disregard his oath , Mr. AVlllard us Judah Mewellyu , deliberately perjures hjmself every night , but suffers torments of conscience which patrons of Shaftesbury consider sufllclent atonement for his sin. The partridge season In England opened last Monday nnd was wel comed with delight by hundreds of eager sportsmen. Reports as to prospects of sport are as usual very badly mixed , but on the whole It seems that the season will bo up to a satisfactory average. In some districts birds nro very forward nnd In goodly sizes , coveys being pretty strong on the wing. Some peed sporting may be had wherever harvesting has been completed. Other ac counts represent birds plentiful but very wild a great drawback , particularly In the stub ble , which mayhap Is shorn so closely to ro- semb'.o a cricket crease and towards which It is almost Impossible to 'get within range. The little brown stupids are fully altvo to the danger. Unfavorable news comes from North nnd East Essex , whcro continuous rain mis proven disastrous to many broods. In Devon , Gloucester nnd Somerset partridges have done exceedingly well nnd shooters in western England gener ally may confidently anticipate a good time. But dull news comes from the border coun ties of Scotland and the north of England , whcro the season Is not likely to bo up to the average , some usually prolific districts being now found painfully thin. The Spaiiluli Mlmion. [ Copj/rtu'it / ' IdUO Ita Jamu Gonlon ncntutt. ' } P.UIH , Sopt.O. ( Now York Herald Cable Special to THE BBK. ] John K. Foster of. Indiana has been offered the Spanish mission and will probably accept If the reciprocity measure goes into the tnrill bill. An Annrclilit Arrewteil. Piitis , Sept. 0. [ Special Cablegram to THE Bii,1 : An organizer of anarchist meetings was arrested todny at Koudalx after a severe , struggle. The prisoner wounded two policemen with a revolver before he was overpowered. Tlio Danube Affiiln Klwlng. VIENNA , Sept. 0. The Danube U again rising. Steamers have ceased running nnd all freight trattio U stopped. THE PROTECTOR OF SHINGLES Senator Mandonan SucceaiU In Having tbo Tariff Bill Amended. SALT FAILS TO GO ON THE FREE LIST , The Conference Hport on the Itlvcr and Harbor Hill Agreed to In ( ho House Prooeed- ings lu Detail. WASHINGTON , Sept. 6. The senate thU morning resumed consideration of tbo tarllT bill , and on motion of Mr. Mnmlcraon an amendment was agreed to tlxlng the duty on white pine shingles at 20 cents per thousand. Tlio committee amendment placing shingles on the free list was lost nnd the rate of dutv of 20 per cent ad valorem was restored. At the suggostloa of Mr. Plumb , nn amendment was adopted llxlng at 8 cents per gallon the duty on allsarmo assistant , or soluble oil containing metro than 5 per cent of castor oil. In speaking in regard to the proper rate of duty to be placed on llsh , Mr. Spooner gave it as his views that while llsbcrmcnon tlio east ern coast were protected , it was not proper Unit the fisheries on the great lakes should bo thrown open to free competition. If thcro was anything In thopiopositlon of reciprocity the United States ought now to throw open its markets to Canadian fishermen. Mr. Gibson concurred in the view. It was well that when the question of reciprocity was treated with the United States should have advantage of a position which was as important In diplomacy as In war. Mr. Cullom agreed la the mulu with Mr. Spooiiur , The Canadian government had done nothing that would entitle It to any favors or privileges , and therefore bo did not feel like entering into any reciprocity agreement with It. Htlll ho believed the senate ought to adopt the house proposition for free lish In the interest of the poor people of the coun try. try.A vote was taken on the committee amend ment to paragraph 545 and It was agreed to. It now reads ; "Fresh llsh caught by citizens of the United States on the high seas or In the open waters of lakes forming the bound ary between tlio United States and the Do minion of Canada. " 'Ibis puts them on the free list. The paragraph relating to the fish dutiable list was then taken up. the question being on the finance committee's substitute for the house paragraph , which iixcd u duty of 1 cent a pound on fresh or salted lish. The committee amendment fixed the duty at Jtf cent per pound. Mr. Gray offered an amendment providing that such ilsh shall bo admitted f reo of duty from any country that admits American fish ing vessels into their ports for the purchase of supplies , sncluding bait. Mr. Gray's amendment was rejected anR.tho committee's in ice or otherwise prepared for preservation not specially enumerated or provided for in this act 2 < ; of 1 cent per pound. " The paragraph placing a duty of 15 cents n pound on hops was then taken up , and Mr. Gorman moved to reduce the rate to 8 cents per pound. Before tbo discussion closed the question as to the extension of time for the considera tion of the tariff bill was started by the op position for an evening session. After an in- torcK'itijiO of views on both sides , Air. Aldrich withdrew tha proposition for an evening ses sion and submitted another extending the time-for consideration of the tariff bill to in- etuuo Mommy , when the discussion is'to'bo limited to thirty minutes , when the sugar schedule is to be taken up. After that the arrangement heretofore made Is to apply. The proposition was assented to and the uro- iiding olllecr , Ingalls , asked whether the understanding was that on Tues day voting should begin nnd continue until the stage ot the third reading was reached , after which three hours was to bo allowed to each siilo fora general summing up. General assent was given to that under standing. Then Mr. Gorman's amendment to reduce the duty on soaps to S cents a pound was re jected. Mr. Vest moved to place salt on the free list. Negatived yeas , M ; nays , Jlti. Mr. Vance offered an amendment for a ro ductlon of duties on foreign products pur chased In cxcession of American farm pro ducts. Rejected by a party veto. On motion of Air. Gibson , sorghum seed nnd sugar cauo seed were placed on the free list. list.Mr. Mr. Aldrlch , for the finance committee , of fered an nmendmout imposing n duty of1 cents a pound on tin. Agreed to. Mr. Spooner offered the amendment pro posed by him on August Q to thu tin parti- graph , iy , It provided for the admission of tin plates free of duty after October 1 , iyji ( , in cns.0 the American production of tbo article shall not equal in any of the interven ing years one-third of the amount imported nnd entered for consumption. Mr. Plumb moved an amendment by providing - viding for a duty of 1 cent per i > ound on tin plates ana for n bounty of 1 cent u pound for the homo product. Rejected aud Mr. Spoouer's amendment agreed to. Mr. Aldrich offered u committee amend ment as a substitute for section fi , requiring packages to bo plainly marked and show the country whcro the goods were manufactured. Agreed to. Mr. Evarts offered an amendment imposing a duty of 1 per cent ad valorem on all teas the growth or product of countries east of the Capo of Good Hope when Imported from places west of the Cape of Good Hopo. Ho made a statement in explanation and advo cacy of the amendment , which is Intended to put 11 stop to the importation of tea by way of Canada and of the Capo of Good Hope instead - stead of directly from China. Mr. Sherman disapproved of the amend ment as being a retaliatory measure , Mr. Spooner moved to amend Mr. Evnrts' amendment by adding the following : "There shall bo levied and collected on nil coffee , green , from the Dominion of Canada 10 per cent ad valorem nnd upon all colleo , roasted or ground , from tbo Dominion of Canada a cents per pound and 10 per cent ml valorem. Air. Gorman moved to add to Mr. Evarts1 amendment n proviso that teas imported di rectly into the United States on through bills of lading from countries cast of tlio Capo of Good Hope and trans-shipped to any foreign port or place shall uot bo subject to the duty therein provided. Mr. Evarts accepted the modifications. The question was taken on Mr. Spooncr's amendment and It was rejected. Mr. Evarts' amendment , as modified , was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Sherman section 21 ( allowing drawbacks of duties on Imported materials used in exported manufactures ) , was amended by n provision that no draw backs shall bo allowed In any case where the duties paid on Imported material nro less than 10 iw cent of the valuoof manufactured goods or whcro the claim shall bo for less than 110 , Sections 25 nnd 20 of the bill , relating to dealers in leaf tobacco , wore , on recommenda tion of the llnanco committee , struck out- yens , 124 ; nays , til nil the democrats voting against It , reinforced by Messrs. Platt , Stewart and Teller. All sections In the house hill from 27 toID , Inclusive , were , on the report of the finance committee , struck out. They related to in ternal revenue provisions ns to peddlers of tobacco , taxes on tobacco and cigars and vin egar factories. The sections from W to fin , relating to domestic wines , ntc. , were also struck out nnd the committee amendments to the other sections of the bill agreed to , Section 03 of the house bill ( repealing sec tion ) was on recommendation of the finance committee struck out. Mr. Aldrlch olTorcd nn additional ( section , which wai agreed to.dcelurlng that the vnluo of foreign coins us expressed in United States money of account , shall bo that of pure metal In such coins and bo declared quarterly by the director of tno : nlnt. Tills closed the consideration of the tariff bill except a ? to thu sugar bcctlon , recipro city and porno few reserved paragraphs , which will como up on Monday , when siecches | are to bo limited to thirty minutes In length. The voting Is to begin Tuesday and after the third reading of the bill is reached , three bom's nro to bo allowed each sldo for general discussion , The conference ropott on the river and harbor bill was presented and rend. The presiding ofllecr , IngalU , said that on n measure Involving so largo n sum of money and including so iniinv contested considera tions , ho would not tnlo the responsibility of declaring the conference report agreed to un less It appeared Unit a quorum was present. On division there were but twenty-one sen ators votlngiind no without action on tbo con ference report the senate ndjouniud , Houso. W.WIUXOTOX , Sept. 0. In the house today , on motion of Mr. Dakor of New York , tbo bill was passed granting a pension of $100 n month to General Henry A. Biinixun. The house then proceeded to the consider ation of the confcrciico report on the river ana harbor bill. Mr. Henderson of Illinois , In favoring tbo adoption of the previous report , gave his hearers assurance of his adherence to the policy of Internal Improvements. When his public career ended ( ns in the course of events It must ) , If ho had In nnv manner dur ing his service hero contributed to tbo Improvements of the waterways and harbors of the country , thereby giving proper trans portation to tbo people , ho could feel that was the highest honor he could enjoy. After further dobnto the conference report was agreed to. The house then adjourned. TllK\HIIlj \ 0 * ' Chicago .Shippers SatlsUcd wltli the Condition oC AlViilrn. CIIICACIO , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Iluu. ] "In spite of what Chairman Hlunclmrd says , " said George C. Clark , ono of Chicago's most prominent shippers today , "wo are perfectly satisfied with the condition of the bill of biding question. Within ashort time you will sco all the eastern roads using a new bill of lading , which is satisfactory to us. Neither the \Vabash nor Grand Trunk will put tlio amended uniform bill into effect of tills I have positive assurances. Chair man Dlanchiird's statements nra misleading and his interview yesterday was solely to bolster up the courage of the lake lines , which meet to discuss tlio bill of lading in lIiilTulo on Monday. Ho wants to make the lake lines think all the rail lines will adopt the bill , nnd themselves bo thus forced to do It ungracefully unless they take time by the forelock and acrco on Monday to adopt It. if Mr. Hlanchard succeeds In this plan ho would have their consent as an additional leverage to force consent from tno Grand Trunk anJ Wuliiish when the matter comes up Tuesday in tlio Central Traflle association , IJut wo happen to know in advance that the scheme will fail. " - Tlio particulars of the change in front of the Lake Shore road on the bill of lading were explained today by a Lake Shore ollldal as follows : "Either from the boycott of the shippers or the New York Central strilco , or both , our percentage of east-bound shipments has dwindled from 23 to 1 ! ) . On the otner hand that of the Grand Trunk bus gone up to iiO Irom II , dating In both cases from the bo- r nl tbo hovrott. ( In instructions i'rnm President Newell wo forwarded to him lust Monday a written statement Irom every Chicago cage shipper , giving the shippers' opinion of the bill of lading. Every shipper was violently lently opposed to it and the majority of them declared they would continue the boycott as longas the Lakc Shore used the billof lading. It nuido n very strong showing and my opin ion Is Hint the Lnko Shore will give notice Tuesday of u return to the old form , until anew now bill can bo drawn up nt a conference of railroad men and shippers. " Tlio Freight * ' ! rattle Tool. , , , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram to TIIR Br.i.J : "Tho pool on freight traffic , upon which was based the advance in eastbound - bound Missouri river rates , is destined to end with its ninety days of agreed life , " said Trafllo Manager Ilanloy of the Atchisoti to dny. "Wo will llvo up to tlio agreement as long as It lasts , but after that wo will go it ulono. Last month wo honestly obtained III per cent of tlio traffic and were Immediately served with a notice from tlio board of chair men that wo must turn over some of our business to the Hock Island. Well , we agreed to do It nnd will stick to our word , but we will never turn over a pound alter the ninety days are ended. " Tlio demoralized Missouri river rates wcro advanced solely because tbo formation of the pool and railroad men are already preparing for the inevitable break in rates which will como ut the end of the pool. Another Powerful i ; mpctilor. Ciuc.uio , Sept. 0. The Evening Journal says it Is reported that the Central Georgia nnU East Tennessee railroads have purchased the Louisville , New Albany it Chicago road and made it a part of their great southeastern system. If so , it will bring another power ful competitor into Chicago with the big sys tems that now control southern transporta tion. At Gnni ] ) Douglas. CAMP DOUOIASVyo. . , Sept , 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; lini : . ] The third day ot the preliminary practice of the nllo and carbine teams was devoted to known distance llrlng. Following is the general order of merit ns the result of the three days firing , two days all known distances and ono day of skirmishing ; UllloTuiiin Lieutenant Muir-10'i , Sergeant Davis-12'i , Corporal Trich UK , Corporal Long 410 , Sergeant Hamburg -101) ) , Sergeant Mar vin 10" , Corporal Densmoro101. . Sergeant Doolun 'I'.l. " ) , Sergeant Uuger US1 , Private Herman aro. Total lUsT Carbine Team -Captain ICerr-l.3 ! , Sergeant TayloMOS , Corporal Thornton , Corporal Hoko il'JTi , Blacksmith Kaiser il'JO , Corporal Corp 371 , Corporal O'Connor ! I7I , Lieutenant Wright a 3 , Private Mitchell 371 , Captain Hall tfl'J. Total : ) .858. Tti Servant Oirl Question. ASIIBVIU.C , N , C. , Sept. i ! . [ SpecialTele gram to Tm : UIB. : ] The ladles of Ashovllle held a meeting this afternoon in response tea a call published in the Citizen to take nctioi on the servant girl question , which has bcei agitated for several weeks. General Iticom potency and unreliability are the complaints made. Mrs. M. R Kitch was elected prcsl dent and read a paper advocating tlio form Ing of n union of housekeepers to secure gooi servants and fix schedules of capacity and o rates of wages. This Is the society o thu kind ever formed In tlio southern states The Weather Korcoiiht. For Oinnhn nnd vicinity Showers , fol lowed by fair ; cooler. For Nebraska l-\ilr ; decided fall in torn peraturo ; brisk to high northwesterly winds For Iowa Fair except local rains In north crn portion ; cooler ; southerly winds , shUiiiii , to westerly. For South Dakota Local rains , prccedei by fair ; northwesterly winds. Weather Crop Bulletin. WASIIINOTON , Sept. t ) . Tlio weather croj bulletin says the weather during the pus week In thoupperMississippi , lowcrMlssour and Ohio valleys was generally fuvornolo to growing crops , especially throughout th principal corn-producing states. Consldorabl damage Is reported in North Dakota from hall and severe local storms. Speaker Ilcuil'H C nmiinlcn Cloned. POIITMNII , Mo. , Sept. 0. The campaign li Speaker Uccd's district closed this evening when more than three thousand attended tin young men's republican club meeting. The speaker spoke briefly , and Major McKlnley made tbo address of the evening , devoting himself to the tariff , Speaker Heed stated today that ho anticipated a majority of 1,000 in his district , although his friends fuel con- dent that it will reach 1,500. CO IISION REIGXS SUPREME , Ever } * - . v Busy Arranging Exhibits for th & . Ptiir , Which Opens MTonJay , EVERY ! 1 WILL BE IN READINESS , rim Mini With the Imiig TO.S ( < M- , tit * Showman , the I'cniiut Vender null tlio Popcorn Maker In Their Klcliient. LINCOLN , Nob. , Sopt. 0. [ Special to Tun The state fair grounds were lu it chaotic condition today preparatory to tha ; rand opening Monday morning. Upwards of , WK ) Imvo been expended In Improvement * Inco liuit season nnil tlio facilities are now , ta liiolo from tlio catalogue , "second to iiona other In America. " Agricultural liull lins wen doubled in sUe nnd rep.ilred mill painted hrougliout , n commodious and nttiitctlvo low art hall has boon erected nnd tlio olj wultry building hus been replaced by n largo uul substantial structure. Many othci smaller buildings luivo been erected ami lieso with tbo other improvements nild greatly to tlio nppeaninco o ( tlio grounds. Exhibits were received all day todny. Goods were being unpacked here and thcro and thcro was confusion overywhoio. Tlio imn with tlio lung tester , tlio sldo-showimiii , , ho po.inut vendor and * tbo popcorn manor iiivo coinincncod to pet In their work , and ill tbo other accessories of a big fair lira present In nbundinuo. : A fair otllclal , after a walkover the grounds with Tin : llii : ; repre sentative this attornoon , .said ; "If only tlia people uttemt wo will luivo tlio greatest show on record tills year. Notwithstanding the ; ioor crops In some localities , our agricultural exhibit Is liner nnd much larger than ever before , hull , til- .hiugh doubled In size , being hardly siiftlcicnl ) to accommodate the iimilh-atits for space. " One Is Hciircoly Inclliieil to credit tbo reports of crop failure as ho glances into agricultural hall. Few of the county exhibits are yet In shape , but the passages nro Illleil with mug- nlllciMil specimens of farm products. Uumiiifj anil Custori'onnllos both have iiiiiisunlly line displays , tlio latter showing tbo legend , "No rain for nine weeks , " suspended ever a hugo mass of mammoth pumpkins , bushels of golden grain and a tempting array of fruits , vegetables nnd grain goner- ally. Neinahn county Is ( jetting ready on the opening day with a representative ox- tdbit iitul Holt county Is preparing tocapturo the prize for tbo best county collection ex hibit , with the most complete and tasty dis play over made at the fair. Skilled decora tors are In charge and some very ai'tlHtlo effects are produced. In the center is a great "Hog ii.ilai'o" built of corn and enclosing n- clgiintlo hog and llttor. Then tliuro nro handsome designs made of corn , shelled anil on the car , and a particularly Hue collection of vegetables including n remarkable assort- montof potatoes. Specimens of brook trout , wild game , etc. , complete the exhibit. In another lurt of the buildim ? Orand Island ( ] iiitoou1duus herself In a presentation of the beet industry , whcruin is dis played tons of the llrst crops of Nebraska sugar beets. Across the Isle llio state ex perimental station vies with Cirand Island and exhibits beets from sister counties In No * braska. Stanton and Hrown counties luivo also comprehensive displays ncarlv arranged. In tlio liorlieulturnl department * llttlo lina been done , the exhibitors Intending to nmko all necessary preparations on Sunday. Ad joining inercantllo hail , which will bo largely tilled by Omuha nnd Lincoln cxJilMtors , aa old-faahioncd log house is beingfn - > structcd. But llttlo will bo done in Art mill until tomorrow. Tim department will bo a prominent feature of the fair this year. The agricultural implement dealers nro nil an tlio grounds , tut are several dozen wind mill men. Tbo wheels will "go round" Mon day morning for tlio llrst time. Most of the live stook will arrive tomorrow and Monday morning. The board of managers expects a most prosperous - porous season , and onlv in tbo cnso of raiu Is there a possibility of disappointment , A most egregious blunder by somoiiody ha resulted In tbo loss of one of the most brilj Hunt features in connection with tlio stuto fair nn artillery drill dally by regular United States troops. An invitation had been extended to battery F of the Second regiment of the United States artillery by Secretary Furnass to bo hero during tbo fair nnd Colonel C. A. Woodruff telegraphed the same to the headquarters at Washington and was given permission to bring tbo luxt- tery to Lincoln at no expense to tlio govern ment. The fair management had previously published this feature as one of the great at tractions and It was generally understood that the battery was to bo here. Colonel Woodruff , Lieutenant K. S. Dud ley and Lieutenant II. S. Held , with n bat tery of nearly 11M men arrived In the city tills afternoon in accordance with the invita tion. Tliero was nobody to meet them and no arrangements made for the entertainment of ttiu men. When the attention of tbo fair commissioners was called to the arrival of the troops they llutly refused to provide en tertainment for them. Air. McDonald of tbo Capitol hotel was ono of the citizens who felt indignant over tbo shabby treatment of the visitors and hoUindlv extended the eotirtcslei of his house to all officers In llio bnttory. lint the offer was declined and at ( ) o'clock the buttery returned to Fort Leavcnworth. Later , when tlio report concern ing tlio mat ter spread abroad , them were no less than IHty citizens who offered to pay for bringing the soldiers back and settle any expense In curred in their entertainment \vhllo In th city. KTATK XKWH. The Hi-union IHIANII , Neb , Sept. 0.-Speolal [ Telegram to TUB llni : . ] The twelfth annual reunion of the CJrand Army of the Hepuulio of Nebraska practically closed last night and the immense crowd of people left for their homes on tbo trains In nil directions. On all lips were words of praise of tlio reunion. II was the best over held in tbo state. Ths campllre meeting last night was a rousing ono , speeches being made by the commander in chief of the United States Urawi Army of the Kopublie , General Veozoy of Uoston , which was full o'f elo quence and fooling. Ho received hearty cheers from tlio thousands in tlio audience. Commander Clarhson also made a rousing speech , which was concluded with old army songs and short speeches , every one having n good nnd happy time. Tlio West Virginia veterans In Nebraska elected ofllccrs for the ensuing year us fol lows : President , . ! . A. Wenrof Grand Inland ! secretary and treasurer , T. C. Wlllongliijy of Kcarniiy , Illinois veterans eloeted for dent.ienernlU.l ) . Dllworthof Hastings ; vita president , U. A. Alleoof Omaha ; adjutant , UeorgoD. Whitman of Oxford. Indiana vet erans registered itiio inomburs ami elected for president Jninos But ler of Powell , Neb. ; adjutant , \V. II liny of Mnrmietto , Neb , : treasurer , U H. WillouKhby of Central City. The Twenty-nrst Infantry loft on their special train for Tort Kidney this morning fit 1(1 ( o'clock : also flattery I-1 , Second United States artillery , for Leavonworth , ICiin. At the camp.lrolast night the hey born I ramp on last Wednesday night was iminod CHIMP Crook Clurkson by a unanimous volt of the audience. The banquet nnd ball given by the travel ing men last night ut the Ancient Order of United Workmen temple was the most bril liant. social event ever witnessed In ttds city. Music was furnished by the famous Twenty- llrst infantry band. Tlio ladles of bt. Stephen's guild served the Immmot , which was an entire success , there being 13 per * sous seated at the baminet. Tlio band pro gramme was danced out complete until u Into hour. Hull Hi ( inn at I , imp City , LornCITV , Neb. , Sept. 0. [ Hpcclol Tele gram to Tins HcK.jYesterday afternoon %