Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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ll ,
id ,
ls ,
A imntTIHKMnNTS for UIOMI columns nil !
Jbo liilirn until K.M ! > m. for thuovonlng
-Cash la advance ,
i , ,
ticrniniitl , . No mUcrtUc.ncnt . tTikon'fof ' oil
than l'i ' ccrils for tliu first Insortlon.
" [ NllIAtA ncutus , symbols , etc , , countcacb
. ' usoir Mna (
ndxprtUrrncnts mint ninconipoti.
J tl\ply nnd under no ultxiinistnncoi will
( hey ho tiilicn orcllicoiitlinicU bv tclophonu.
13AnTir.4iulvcrtlHlns In tlio a column * nnd
J. Iiiivlnx thn rmiswcrs mldro ii-cl to a "num.
l/pro / < l Mtt'r" In enroot TIIK HPK will rceolva
niniinburi'dclicck topuublc tliorn toccttliplr
IdlPia. Answrri will bn Ufillvorcd only on
lirescntiitlon ofllils olioolt. Kneloso antwcn
In onuliiiici propurly tiddri'ssid.
A Ui iKhcrtl pmcnti titidor tlio lioad o (
" "pcclnl NotlcuV nro publltlicd In both
morning mid ovcnlntt editions of TIIK III r. the
< Iroulntlon of which nKfUCKntn" moro tliiin
UXXiiiirs ) ( ) | | dully , nnd irlvet the advcrtlsor
Ibo lii'iii'llt licit only of tlo Inivo clrcilliitlon of
TIIK lien InOinalia. butnlso In Council IltufK
ttnd ottu > oltl'a nnd tonnslii tnoncsi
Advertising for these columns will be tnkrn
on tlinnbovo conditions , nt the follow Ing busi
ness houses who are nnthiul/edto take-special
notices nt Iho t > amo rates us can bo had at tuo
ID aai N Street. Mstnr Illnclc.
T OIIN W 1IHLU 1'harmaclst.MO South Tenth
011APH ft r.DDV , Htnllonors and I'llnton ,
11 1 South 11,111 , Stroat.
J. 1IUU11I. & , I'lmimaclst ' , G 4 Noith ICth
i : ( ) . " \V I'AItU , 1'liiirin.iolst , 17H Icavcn-
worth fclrcet.
I'HAUMACY. 21th nnd rurimm.
"or infcn , ilc , , m fojj njiitt column oil l/ifii /
" \ \7 A N TTfl lly un exiierlenced jouni !
, ' n position us entry clerk or nsslstnnt
booUkri-pir : onn furnish good rcfcrencei. Ad >
dress NiWlleo. 8:21' : . *
AIiAIi stonoKrnphor typewriter , < M-
perlcneed In the profe-slon nnd fnmlllnr
n Hit the I lullshlamtutiin'.ltH const met Ion ( uul
' orthin'ripby : , cleslics n Hltimtlon. OIH-cdpod
r' referonccM. Address SI 01 , cuic lice.
lXrANTHD Situation by voiinn nnn ( Suede )
' ' a coachman and \\oik about house , city
rofercnci- . Address N 21) ) lloo. 81'J7 *
) All nsencv for mnnufncturer
or position In nn olllio dtherot profoi
flonaloi inprennllluniiture. lioforencosilvon
Add less Mil , Ilm. 7Jil 7 *
WANTI.D I'osltlon by oxpprlonced lady
Hlenojriiphor and hook l eopnr , com-
blued or separately , Addtosu N 3.J , Ilm olllco.
WANTI'D Situation ninlRht witehmnn In
Ktoio , mill or IiiPluiy , by un honest ru-
lliibloninn. AddiessN"'JT , Hue. Jlb T-10 *
rnliir ! l > v tlm ihtv or oel\ . call on or
ssMlssOitrrlo ICunt/.STU.J Hamilton st ,
BOV IT , j purs old ants to lonn tr.idc. U'nnt
bomd , room und AtishliiRllrdtyuur. Address -
dross X 2J , Itec. 7M
ATiADV wants n position as tracherof oil
pilntln ; ; in some .school. Addruss N 1(1 ( ,
Ili-c. 7M-.V
. J'.D llnmos for students , main and
fcinnle. ivho will win It nL'lits and morn-
tliulr boitd. Add i ess , standard Itusl-
ness col Icco. N , V. I-lfo bid * . Till 0
WANTI'.D Situation for an bfinest. n-llnblo
. boy , alxtein years old. Address M M. lleo
onicc. Kf-"i ) *
i'oriofcs , etc. , FCC top nf J1H roliimn on lliU paat.
$7r > Wile W.00 a month can bo nmdo work
InjcforiH. IVisons niefeiied who can fur-
tilshahor > e and Kho tlKili wboln tlmo to the
business. Spuio moments may bu profitably
pmplot < ! nlso. A foiv vno'inelos In towns and
Utfci M. 1' , Johnson k Co , 1009 Mala bt. , Ulch-
luond Va ,
\\7ANTni ) Man as ndent of our patent
> > sifcsj Bli-oWxISxIR Intlios ; $ L1iotnll. All
fil/cs ns low. New styles ; now patterns ; new
lock ; now factory , Not governed bv sufo
, Uvpry sifo wairinted. IJnro chance.
'oriiinniMit business. Our terms and cnta-
nsun will lonvlnco you Agents cloarMOOto
ivx ) per mouth , \Vrlto foroxclusivo territory.
AIlnu ] Snfo Co. . Cincinnati. O.
VtTANTI'l ) Tno first cl'iss nmclilnlsts lin-
. VT mod lately ut the O.'don Iron \Vorks Co ,
Council Illuirs. MHJ7-7
> \ ANTii : ) Uallroid men for Wyoming. Al-
blight's labor nsency. 11JU ir.irniun. 853
WAANTIIH Ten coopers ; steady work at
f.l per ( lav. The Armour-Cnduliy
1'ncI.IiiK Co. , bouth Omaha. 8U 7
WANTI'D Evpnrloncod clothliiR salismati
to take orders forcihtom inado clothing.
Addiess N K. lice olVco. 857 5 *
WANTIIU 1'Ivo cedar block paters for
SiouxUlty immediately. Apply to E.
le Co , 13th and Nlcholns St. , Oiunlii.
FUTVmon wanted for truck luvlnp by tlio
Heck Island railway at LouUvlllo , Nob.
81JT *
USUEbMAN wanted. aiSSouth llthst.
W ANTHI ) A flrst-olnss , A1 cloak sales
man. A Kood p.i\lnfi position for the
.right party . Apply at Tlio fair , Uth and How-
ard sts. . Omaha , 813-5
WANTKD An experienced photographer ,
one that thoroughly understands thobus-
Iness , Good wi-es In the light man , Cull or
add i ess .1 , Vale. IIU7N. lillh st.cltv. 811-b *
17"ANTUIA Kond. IndustiIons boy to work
T In drii | { .sloio S , K. cor. llith und Knrnuin.
AN'TKO Ahoy helper to work In H bak
ery. U.ill corner'1th nnd Hamilton 9is.
TW-5 *
\\ANTII ! ) As ilesmanneniialntcd with the
' uoolxCi v buslnejj. Addreas bo\0.1S.Oiuuha
r. o , " 7dJ :
S7ANTKD II ilcer at onoo. Call nftor 1
> u'olock 1U.V. ! SJih avo. 803-1 *
w IANTI'O A ( list class waiter and short
order cook , U01Oummlnis st. t > ( H li *
" \\7ANTI'.i > Solicitors vvlta good references
B TI IWM HovMird st.
"IXrANTn ) lloys and girls at Jlnrphy
, jLV Wasey ft Uo.'s chulrf ictory. 74J a
VANTI.U A iirst-olass wnoii nnd car-
ilajuvvoikor. bluunbllii.t cott. . outli
Omnlni , Nob. TSMi *
\\7ANTni > Silesmnn to sell oods to mcr-
> chiinls by siimnlo : salnry pild to uooil
inelii Humpies finiilshodsPormanoiit situ itlon
Model .M.iiiuf.icturlng Co , kbouth llond. Ind
\\'ANTni > A Rood pliyslolnii who can speak
i ( ! ui man to locate ut Henderson , Nob.
* l\7ANTin > A young man to sell Uomcsth
l > sow IIIK machine , who has hud experience
in tin' business. Addrcsi b. U. smith. I.eai
City , S. " Dik ; W "
. -7ANTIID Men totravel for our ranndiai
I i muserIes.ttoiio&\VelllnKtonJladl ! ! > on.\M9
51' )
* \\7AN'l'r.l > Salesmen ut * TJ per month salT -
T > niy and OMIOIISCS to sell n line of silver-
wine , watches , ( to. , by sample- only
lOr-iMiiul ti'iun fiirnlshed fri'o ; write at once
lor full pirtteuliYs and sample cnso of goods
free. Standard bll\crv\uro Co. , lioston , JIun
j * lAX'H.lMO laborers for extra ro n
,0 . BIIIIKS. Apply to I' . II. Johnson , 11 A. M
v pnsM'iiger depot. Oiiiulin , Ml
\VA noNTIHJ Aliist-ctins ti-ivollns salesmni :
> > ( no other need apply ) , to sell bo s' am
rhllilirti'H elotbliiK In .Ncbriska . I'ollalc i
fitrai-s. U4Sllroadwuy , Mtlvviiukce ,
\ \ * AN'I KU IW patent right men to sell torT -
T rltory on coniniltslon. Kefcienco re-
nulroil. Address J , 1' . lluermukur , Chester
Rob. 457-5
W'A KTEl > ftw men for Utah nnd JscvaT
\\auis $200 to * JSO. Albright's Labor
Agoncv , ll.X ) I'ariuuii HI. HM
01TY cniivunsorH on salary and commission
e\perlenced iiKonts pruforreds mn t Rive
loourlty orolty reference. Aphlv 0liO : to 11 a.
| u. , Omulu Wtitcli Club Co , Kill Ouplt ol ave.
WANTKII llireollrst class mon to repr -
icnt the Omaha lleelu nnd out of thaolty
Call at the special olllco of Omaha lleo. corner
ITthund rurnuni around lloor. 077
1 or latfti , tic. , M top of ftnt column on
* r\7ANTKI > Woman tottiUocare of baby 3
> > months old , i'110 Kmniot st. , Koiintzo
I'lnco. Msfil-7 *
AN experienced cookuUo nursoglil atmice
1503 1 ariium , b03-j (
ANTED A good cook. K. E , Aloore 7tl !
B. IStU. 01J& >
TWIIitj piy Indies a milary of flOpor wcok
Id worlc fu * nm In their locilltvnt liotno , ,
light vrork.nodjiay ( { for pnrt time. rltowlth
tttamji.Ml-s II I , rnrrlinrtr.n. . box TttlCiilcigo ,
oed slrl for Kcnoral bou o-
work. Small tatnlly. Uoodvnjes. . ( MS.
30th st , 7W-0
" \\rASTEI1-Ijfldjr to ell "Our Homo Ir'ney-
i olopodii" Shoe-Hi tcrnm to right pirty
Addresst o.N. Y , Ufc. KOl-V
) -A alc hdy thnt hu ! hud o.x-
> I pirlenieln Iho queonsnuro trndcs Ad-
IrruMi-rcliitu , 1 * . O. Q7SOS
\\rANTKIi-Tiimifdlatcly , Klrl to help with
IT housework and children. No Hashing or
Inmtiifr , S4 LnVost. 813-J'
ASTnil-Tw clrls for Kltohen work.
Uoran Housi ) , l 2Sotitlil9lli t.f onn block
south of court house. tsW
\\rANl iil-A cook. Apply to Mrs \V-irron
11 Hwlti'li r , N.W.eor. > thaiid St. ilarv'savo
" \\rASTKO A peed mi rxcirirl Onod
> paid to rlKht party , a , li ior. J A .loncs ,
I I J t *
\7"AN'l'KII Olrl for Kcnorul linusownrk ,
i sm.ill family. Mis. Wright.SOU toward at ,
8t7-i *
\TA.NTnO A cotnritent Klrl for nllrtp , and
it Hccoiid ork , Airs. ( Jcu. I'atonun. 120 d ,
"l\rANTttl-A ) hnlf-Rrown tjlrl to nsslu nt
11 hiiusoMoik. ( Joiiuan picforiLil , 21(1 ( N.
iMttrctt. 8107
A GOOD Rlrl wnnlcd ; eocidMICS ; good
place ; family of ttvo.KC1 Huiallton st
70(5 ( 5 *
Ai'OIIIMIfKNT plil , must Inn noodco
and luundicis. Apply ut "I.T llanmvfil.
r AN I'ni ) One girl forgemrul ImiisowuiU ,
| .10 S 111 , st 774 .V
airl. 3.17 Cumlng st.
I HI--\Vnntccl stt'idy Klrl , Hist tl'iss cook
'nnil Iniindross , Jliist be tliorou.'hly com-
IKtoni and well rec'OinmtMided Wnp's iW per
\ueU. Mis U llllani London , ( XXI S I'olh ' .stMO
WAk * SD OompclPiit Klrl for g < DPI ul
Iff'i iinrlt. a < > 'l ' I'opplnlnn nvo I H
1'rr ratf , fit , * re top of flnt column
\\7ANTril-To rent KcntlcMiian , fur-
i ? nhhoil loom with prfi.ito family. "Into
terini , which unlit bo modorato. Adilnss >
W , UUP. M tt.V ( *
" \\7AN'I III ) Small well furnlsliod luius-o or
> T oottiittuln Rood locutlty. IKst rcfoitnpos
alien. Addii'ss.Klvlug . location , terms , otc ,
M5 , lice o Illcc. 83-7 ( !
BIiaiAKI ) I'arlor-I wlsb to leiso , with
prlMli'KO of iiurclmslntr. tempi r.imo bll-
llircl pulurIn Xobraskn , with two or more
tables Mate niccsbary" Addruss
N .11. lite. MtrtM-i *
AMIDDUj need married couple , \\llhont
children , closlro A 1 loom and boir < l , A l
dress , ntutlng price. N > , Umalia Hie.
" \\7ANTr.ll Uy n yoniii ; nririled cnuplo
IT loom nnd bonid Inn stilctly prlMito
family Mime there are nootlior bourdon Io-
catlonto bu near cnble or motor lines r.nd not
too fm f turn the ( .Ity.AdOiessN 17 , l"o ! nllluo.
For nfi , rli , , rCt < i ) > tif
ITlOIt UHNT llousoS loom pocid liuindiy
JL1 Inqulioliobt , rurvls,2lth & t. Jl.iry'snvo
"I71OH KK ? < T A fl.o room lieu o. nlsotbieo
JL looms. Inquire nortli-ucstcci nu l.Jth anil
lei ) ens streets. B477 *
- A six honso , ,
i-jiii room mar to ioim-
- riMiter0. . iiluud Investment Co. , Iteo
building. Ijll
171OH Itl'M' tly rcsldeneo fnrnlslied or nn.
JL' fumlsliul for winter or lomer , doslr.iblo
location. .Mis. M. Clguttor , l\ll S. lOtli tt.
OX motor line , only K50 month to coed year
ly ten nut , elegant new 8 loom 2 stoi v brick
with nil modern conveniences. Iiniufio Ut-'J
1 < ike St. 7hn-0 *
TTIOKUnNl 1'lrst clnss 7 room Hat with
JL' raiictIn new build In. , 2nd llonr. 7T > b.
10th % t. * .C ) acorROt'Iotitur. bOJ-10'
T YOU wish to lout a house orstoro faeo II. K
Cole , Oonti'ii till blouk. 5JJ
T7lOHlinrVr--7 room Hut.BOOS , nth st. J.10
JL1 per month. Apply nt Iho 1'alr , J. Ii. Ilniii'
dots \bons 55(1 (
FOR KHNT Hcpt. 1 , cottitto with nil modern
imnrovcmcnls , 1331 Sherman iue.
"niOIt KENT To responsible parties only ,
JL' thosa line newr bride and slonoliousp * on
OeorKla menim : fifteen rooms nnd alcoves ;
more conveniences ami better llnlihod than
nny house for rent In the dty. H. II. llcndor
ion , 4001'uxton block , city. &W
iT-ltOOM Iuu * > piwlt1i barn : nominal rent. C ,
I F. HarrisonOil N. V. Llfo. 5,19
T71OI1 UHM' Vo small family , six-room fur
JL' iiUhod colt.iRO , ory deslraple , close to
motor , I.cnf , ' loiso to right party , llutt's
Kontlng agencyXX ) S. 15tli st. CSO 7C3
HOUPP.ri 1'or llont-'IO C.issst. . S40S Cass st.
& 4HOusist .10 and II rooms ; all coin on
icnccs ( 'lit1 ' ! . \V , Uulnoy,315 Omaha National
binlclmlldlnt ; . M' >
O8-1 ooin houses , nil modern conveniences
i\vlth barns , J blocKs from motor. 511 * I'i\ton
blk. r.13
" 17IOK KKM T-room south ana cnst front
JJ cottiKe , ? 20 j > er inontlL W light i Lusbnry ,
Arlliuton blk. * S
ft-UOOM housefcouth Slthwoit of shot tower.
t ) VIM 8n *
LOGIC Low rent , deslriblo modem houses
tottugis. I.iiaiilio 1'nrrotto rental aseney
9711 si" .
FO11 UHNT Oroom brlcif bouse , east front ,
on Georgia a\o. , just north of I.i\ oil-
worth : every convenience : imwly jnlntid and
repnlnd : Is In Ibsfc class sbapni asphalt pivo-
iiii-nt , Tori'spimslblopaity , $ .V ) . Jl A. Upton
Co , KHIi and I .irniini ! * ' >
T\1 > IUA1IKK dvelllnss , all pirtsof thnclty
\J \ Kent rnnuhiff from tU to * i < 0 monthly
Siiicaliiii i % Allen , lIXMti Karnam Ht. V.U-.sU
IjlOlt Kl'.NT A house of all eomonlimcos
JL' centrally located. Inquire712 NlUthst
17\UUNISlliUrooniW : ler ) month , I'JOrt ' I'n
JL 11:1111 : , M ! 7
rilO ItHNT 3 newly fumlshod rooms with
XKIIHUIII ! bath In private family iljJJ Chi-
ciso st. Kent fit ) und $12 nor month 851 8 *
rfAUGH fiont room with alcove. Ilouid
rf UT ) N 'Othst. 83011 *
ITlOlt * Kl'.NTIvro desirable front rooms at
J thoMiellorl , 01 B ' 'jt h st. Ms.ll-7 *
PlllVATT. finally nicely sltuitpd In inodein
realdoncu u lllnccoinniodatoa foivbo irdois
desirous of a pleasant homo und llrst-clu
accommodations ! lefutenccs cxuhmguil. 21
ll.irney ht. CIV.
V fumlsliud room UlUii N. 15b stroot.
tlatk. 8117
ITIUltN'IrillEI ) rooms. 1811 Capitol avo.
I1 772 5'
1JIO11 KK.NT lurnlshod room , 15.3 llowurd
J ; Ht.nnustulM' loli-ri-iKO' * . 7lb- *
0 NKnlcily furnished room. 717 So UUIist.
"I71OH HKNT dro largo south front room ,
.L1 vlth alcove Kasand tilthono bloekfrom
niotor , ToonokutlomanllJ , totwo 8ts. 'MW
Havenpoit. 74-S *
Ki.NT linoms with board , Ull Cissst.
7i7 5
. . KRST lurnUhod room with board ,
1011 DnuglO'.sC , . txSo- ;
) rito.\T room * for rent. Tlio Murrmm 'J. > th
> und
fnrnMied rooms und board , with
bath , 1017 UoUo st. oOJ7
8ISOOM house , nai nnd I'miilm , SM jor
month , a r.llurrlvin.Oll N , Y. l.lfo. 5.VJ
171OU Itl'.M' I'lirnhbod rooms , 1WJ Uoui laa.
1- 6tll
171OUUK.NT riirnlihed roonihi gnsbutli , and
JL1 stoiin. 1510 llou urd. at
"inrilXl&HKD iui.MS-hlnilo ; } ; or In MI Ite , "
JL' Knst front , furnico lieat , hot water , KHS ,
etc. 13J X. 15th St. t > 40
1OMS ( ) fiirnlsheu with board. L'H.V. Kth.
li Oil W *
Foil 11EXT Mc < y furnished room with
board ; lufenncia * U7 rurnunut.
C57-0 *
ST. UiiAlltKiiropt in hotel.with dining room ,
steam lit-at In nil rooms , Uth-Uodgo ,
Spoetul rates bywei k or mo. 'J ±
ron HKNT-HOOMS uNruitNisiii < : u
Forwtti , elf. , Mlip f flnt rulnnni nn f/iupno ,
r"T\Vifor"i | : inifurnl i cT'rnaiii wTtirbafiruii'il
J-gui for houkeket.img. lau llowurd. iJdtloor ,
fTUVO unfurnlslic | loins , 1004 rurinun.
TTIOIl lt T-a n fTm , unfornulicd , 210 N 13th
J-1 bt. , urlco I1U. kU
/ HOOMS unfurnished nnd room * fitrnlilicd-
VJfor rent In Duggnn block , cor. lath and 1'n *
cltlo. sol
run. ituyr-HToifio.s ANiTbi'TiCKs ]
Forrattt , rttrcelnp of flirt column emM.1 ] < ; ,
-i > 01t HEM' Ilrli-k waix'housc. two storiu
JU and basrinc-nt , ir7 , X ) Nijiiiuti feet , with 1 < > 0
feet of double 11 nek on IT. ! ' railway , toutb
Oth and 1'leico streets. Address 0 , Oknmp
Omnliayub. , ' f l
T710U IlKNTThostoi y brick bnlldlnp , vrIth
JL' or without power.formerly occupied by tlio
Hco Publishing Co. . Old Km mini st. The build'
lux hitsn llri'-pnxif ccmentbuscinentcomplete
Mcatn hcutlng tlUnri" , water nn nil thollooro ,
BJS , otc. Apply at the ollleo of The lloo. 015
OTOllTS nt 709 B Ifirsovfl oiich , lame show
j\vlndow < , steam heat furnished , Tims. 1\
Uiill yil 1'uxton block. f '
TOHHn > T IlulldliiR 04x124 ft. , t stories and
- * - basement , on Jones street , between 10th und
11th , with Ii. It. tracldn alley ; bostlouutlon In
the city for wholesale , Inquire. UlOfc. 1Mb st.
U A. Ilml < iulst. Wfi
I'or Kent IM4 Ilodco st , Phas. W
Ilulney , , in Omaha Nntlonm bank bldg , _ Rli
0 nsinVIthiuIl block vrlth all modern
liniirovimenU very cheap , IJth and llnnuy.
0a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
,1'li'irna , for tent-Also ii Inmo loom 40\GO
on kicond lloor Kimgi's bulldliDt , : ils-sT >
UIJM'Ali AJU > 0 > . .
7'nr rclfw , ctt. , Httop of ftitt column m\ \
, ncent , Oco. I'uul's ' new list now
out , icvtrtiriiniii , 800-0
"I f K , Cole , luntul ugent , Contlni-ntal blk.
J 1 G.V
J. IIIKV , rental agent , 200 N. Y. Ut o.
Krratn , rtc. , rloi nf flitl rotum u nn tl i d liat ] _ _ _
! l'6iAGi-i-ie : ; us before storiiu K < > 'ids ' oil
r > iny dp i'rltlon. ] Omaha btovo Jieualr
s Tel tx . C7I
rpUACIvAUi : storiiRo utlov\en rales. W. M.
I HiiMiinnii , iill : Uci\enuorth 5TJ
jroliiVun-liMtiuli& Co.lill llowurd
O 1573
STOUVon I'oi mrroliniidlso nnd furniture ,
cold storIBO nml Iroc/lngj traoit.igo. David
t. ole , H'i-t)17 Howard st. fp"4
I' r jalc.i , cfc. , ice tovof rulnmit on this
" TASTKD Tiblobonidersgeiillomrn ; pro-
feried , 1""J Capitol ae. JKll-8 *
l\r } / < il ( . elf , , tetti > ) > of flitl column on thlt JKIOJ
LOST Near 14th nnd Til num. ono lady's
piild watch and clriln vlt'i Phnini , IJaiuih-
urs of KobeeUannd OddfLllows emblem , Ite-
turn to .Miss Ida lionets. 1,110 of Iho 1'nlr , Kltli
und llowsud stuets , and accho run aid
M 8V7
JO-T ISrtHpin lr\lti'ton | and Council
AUIiiirs. a hub's vldto luithorn hat tilinmiil
\Ullt urtcn loan's and rod liurt ! c * , 1'lndtr
will UP ri'H.irdtd by leaving nt lleo ollluc ,
( oiiitill Itlnlls. Ms2s-l (
] O5T--lIalr chain lendy for moimtliiir , be-
JLv.cenlniNor \ \ hotel and H. A. M. depot.
I'lndei leave bamo at this ollleo and iccoho
uwaid , b'l U *
" 1 OST Small ie < l cow. stub tall , ivhlto Hanks ,
J Jt i < d spot OH foiehead. liornsotir\o In. t'.uty
KtnrnliiR the above will bo rewirdid. Cliarlts
1' Tagp-art , 41stand Hamilton sis. 8180"
l > liKSONAJj.
J'or ratri etc , tec lo ; > of flitt column nn l/ifi
" "
' " " ' '
7t I Ufe "S'i'AiVU
J-'L w intid of Mrs , MiuKlo Crlsnian of Ash
land , Oio. . uhnls now somouliuio In Net ) , or
Kansas , llci frlendswlsh to Inform hei of tlio
whiTcibonls of hi-r lit tie boy , U.ilph. A A ,
, I'oitl.uui , Oio. KNchanKCS plrnsecopy ,
7(1T ( > 5 *
I , 'TV' : Vours milled 4th reed
J todiy , Cth.lll \ so to "T , ll. " nny day
jou s iv nut later than 10th. "A. " "K , N' . " nt
"A. A. " "II . " " ' "
O."pirtlculars. ! . MSl-7 ! )
piper ( ontalnliio ; coluinns of
LpcisonaN and pirtloulars of society that
piys from i > UO to # 1 VW nt maril IKO , niallod
frco. Address the Globe , Altoona , I'n.SJlslO
SJlslO *
7'ur i nlrs , etc. , fcetopof Jlut column un Hit * pme
, , : . „ , , , . , , . , . .1 tododioss-innklm ; In fain
ts solicited. Mlsjfetuidy.WjSSHh ive.
4Sr.-s7 !
Far later , tic gee top tit ntut colmn on ' "iff ] ) n < 7 .
K a plirnoe'xaiiiiiid the hew
hcale KImball piano. i A ,
G EO T. nnLLI'NIII'OlC.toticliurot thobanj
with llospe , T > 1J Dons ! is. 240
rMl"K | Omaha KlndurgarUnuIll reopen Mon
JLduy. Sept.S.'JOOO IJavenpoit. Missn. Grllllths
740-01 *
Altnit pianos for sale only bv Onmlui
311 . . IMG Dodcc.
" ] \l U.SIO CO percent discount , and pianos on
J-'L ' easy tcimi , Oniuliu Muslo Uo. , ijlO Dndgo
1'ATl'XT SOMCI1011S.
J'or mc , ttc , see top of flnl c o/umri / on till * page.
IATrNTlawors nnd solicitors. O. AV Sues
& Co , lieu building , Oinahi. 1'our yours'
oxpurlenceaa examiners In U h. patentolllcc.
llmiicb olllco ut Washington , D. U. Uonsnlta-
tlou fao. 5W (
lor rnta , ftc. , ret top t < f Jtrtt column on tlilt page.
JT PAIOII.oKPlmlvo pension and claim at-
tomoy. ovnrl. ) vein-'expeileiiLo ; all tbo
1 Uest I.IVN s \ . tleclslons. Ulllio roniovod fiom
1'ruii/erblkto CliaiuborCommeree.UM.Omaha.
8 : > l 0 4 *
"VTRWluw ; pensions for almost all soldlois ;
- ! - > fathers , mothers , widows nnd minor chil
dren of faoldlois. Claims pushed by 1 * . ,
( lineman. 10 and 'Jl l'ien/er blL , Omaha. Also
\\asliln2ton \ und Oinclnnitl. ( Jlicuiurs free ;
IT j ems' oxporknco. 570
) SIO S lllrain A Sturn'es , export In
JL pension cases. Ovorlil years expeilenco.
llavo secured ever HOOO pensions for Holdlois
hiNebrislii und low i , their widow 3 nnd heirs.
Abandoned , dohyedor lejootul cases aspccl-
ally. Claimants for pensions under the new
law should llln at onco. No advance foe. Of-
lleo Si ! ( JieUhtou block , next south of post-
Dlllcc. SlO-slu *
i. etc. , vfttopof flitt column nn tliupaoe ,
TnitS. ull makes , bouu'ht. sold , ox-
, lentcd. J. I * Mo0'oath , Id07 Kar-
nam street. SOi
, i i n , . nITI'ltS for ic > nt or nalo. Ptonox-
- ruphorssupplies. J.I' Me cath,1007 Kainum
Forrciltt , etc. , eft top of fit A column e this JKIO' .
"ifADAMStoM-rof St. Louis , the wonderful
'icnnl r ader , has rot timed to thoolty , and
will nlvopci feet satisfaction on ull nll'.ilis of
life. Call and bo convlncul. Imdles. flO cts ;
Kcntlemon , Jl. No , UOiJ N. ICth st. . Uoom ' . ' .
lliiiirs fioui ji to1) ) . gin b *
" "IfASSAGE , Mac-uiu IJelzlor. ovorUO S. Htu.
J"- 751 0 , ' .
] \rHS. \ NANNir. V. WAUHEN , cl drvoyunt ,
-Wl-trancc , spoiklnir , wilting und rollnblo
edium,4 } cais In Omtiliu , llo > , iutij
ft'H '
T\rKS.IK.i : hasretuinod ) Tlio renowned
a'L ' clairvoyant is the seventh daughter of
the spvenlh diuralitpr , born with veil
prophctlo plft of second sltfht. While en
tranced will reveal to her patrons every hid
den mysttry In lifo. lias lontr boon pio-
iiouncod in I'urone and America thu greatest
llvlna wonder of the present ngo. Under-
sluiuHlhosclniieo of the " 1'orslau and Hindoo
imBlc"orimelcut ' charm working , and pro-
piiusl'eyptlan talismans , which will overcome -
como jour enemies , removes family troubles ,
restores loH alTcctlons. maUea mairlaRO with
thnonoyou love no failure. Ki'innvu o\ll
jnllucnces , bad habits , cures witchery , ( Its ,
and all Ion ? Ktandln and mysterious dis
eases. Pee , tl , J. ' nnd f > : hours , 0 u m. to H p.
m.htrlL-r bend stamp for Illustrated circu
lar. 1'iirlOM , 16J01)ou lnsst. CAVG *
OOJIH nil und take a inas ago iroutniont :
something new. Parlors , 007 S Utli st. next
llirktr hotel.
OhAIUVOVAXT Prof. 1'orrest Klvcs per
feet Hiitlsmotlonln nil air.dis of life with
out charmt ) . Kantian tJilUiauns or exorbitant
Ually over UlOs. Uth. blttln s. JI.H ( ) .
1'or futri , fit. , ft topuf flnt coiunin o tliU jxiflt ,
* \l Ails i < \ "flirt riMVnreut.eleotro-ttiorinnl bnthL
J'L icnlpand hair treatment , mnnlcuru nnd
chlrODodist. Mrs. l'o t , 1 ( 20S1VIthnell , blk.
Fur riitw.7lf.Vwoo/yiut ( | column on f/ni /
IJlliKD MOIILR loam money on diamonds ,
J-1 wutchej > , Jovvilryctc.SE. ; cjr.l'aruunuVlltli
HriT line hair goodwill wostt hair dressing ,
wItrt , Anltchcs. t ) nu.-jlinlr | , chains , etc. ,
sippli | > lty. Davlcs half iiood < nnd inllliiior ,
opposllo postonicp. Ill rHlMli nt.0niaha. LVj
For txil'K , rtt. , fee top of nrvl eoltinm on Uiti
xjxn xrxr-t- - 'frf , + - - * * * nnn-nji-njtj > vwfj *
nd umlircllai covered nnd rep -
O.ulrcd. . 1' . Ilnlor. linH. Bth st , , ad door from
' O. Onlvmnnln tnwn _ r > ? ( !
-\VANTll 'JO
Fur mitt , ctt. , ret tup nf fllH column an tht paa > .
' | K 1IUV-A small cpttiRo homo bctwoen
Jl I.ouvcnworth and C'nnilnir. not west ef "nth
Bt. , for cash. AddrcsaN ! fy Hcoolllce. NVIt *
\\rANTii : > To buy tv small house and lot
i forcuili. I'rlcomustbe ' rensoniibm. Ad-
diossstating location und pike , NVI : , lleo.
701 o'
" \VANTKI > HoiisphoidscooJi of all kinds.
i V Cash mln for second hand goods. Oatu
City Aiietlun Co , S1J and Sli .sittli st. 7IQ Ol *
inlMlNlTUKU hou eliold Koods , etc. llltfhost
Jl cash price , till I'iriiiuii. M..l '
, flf. , n ( up nf flnt column on t tils
AM03I.MI btinlc snfp vrllli tlmo lock , clioatf
HOY iT > . Uolumbin. Neb , 7tfl-G *
\roiICK--Any person that borrowed cut of
ItntiiRobldR please ictilrn same and oblige
I' HmiRC. 7W-5
UNMAHHinipeoile ) | JIM canKcta mntrl-
iiioulnl Journal onojcar and achnuco to
win jsi Hind 1ft1 for journal and ii.rtlculuis.
Cupid Tub Co. , Octiolt , Mich. 7M-5 *
fpo shoo douTirs : The New , Terpy rubber
JL boots , sliues. nrctlcs und wpci-lultles vtlll bo
extensively advertised tbo coming fall und
winter.Srlto furent.ilo.nio. ito. lamvvest-
irn iigput at Oniulu. J'y ' sales this season
have beaten all previous records. / . T.
Mud sey. COJ s.'l
ifUl'llllOlc.Mh. . lUth St. , pnjs hlshfsi
price for Indies nnd Routs' cu < a-oTcloth- !
inz. Address by letter or postal nnd 1 will
cill ntnnvtlme ,
To ; rates , etc. , fee top of flint column on this pane.
" \TIOI3 wood-lop vvusou. 15121)odgo st
1 > b4001
T71OI1 SALE Kentucky bred niarejlliio driver ,
J. stilish , absolutely fuultless. Address N M ,
lleo. b.V ) 7 *
171O11 SAT/H Drown miirp.oven yours olds
JL1 Kood driver. O. S. . 1' . 0. box'19 , JlS.U-7 *
II OKSiS ; IM and up. H. n. Colo.
ITIOH SAI.H Orwill ctchinijo for Onmhi
J estate , a hnndsnino Norman stdlion ,
KOi ) Ibs. , nnd ulliornuphbiPd Jcrspy bull , \ \ .
T Seaman , Ouiuhu'n largest variety viurous
and carihucs. i-TD
1T1OUH U'iniB Ht-'ht miilos : ono heivy 1,500-
-L pound lioise. Room 11 , lioird of Ti.iiUi.
" \\7"OUIC horse JM.two horse wagon I.ll.dnubio
Vorc \ Inrness SIV Or vlli tr.ido for u
Rood llu'litildu bar bugsy. H. U Cole , C'ontlu-
uitalblool , . S'W '
FOR bAiji : ruitMTui : ! *
. etc , , i > ee top of Jlnt column nn tltti pnj.
171Uir S AIii2 Irhunu The f limit uro In thu
JL' housi1 , No. IHlbllongl is street , for sale ,
and lioiibu for rent. Umiulio on the prpniUe9.
Kor nicc. ( tic , set lop of flnl column on < 7 < h
milk cow for bale , apply ut''K ) S I0 ! tt ,
845 0
inoit hALl * llioroiigh i'oilvslilro skvo tor-
J iltrs , bull teirli-is , fecotoh collies , ijimllbh
sellers und deer hounds. MIY J Itaihr. at
Max Moyer& llro. , ICIh und rarnnmst. 850
"TJIOn 8A1/H Bakery , confectionery and
J clears foi $11500 ; palllos have other busQ
ness to attend. Apply I'JllCumlngst. '
JI 83.1-7 *
JTIOIISAM * rinofrcsili Jersey cows. Enquire
JL1 412& . 10th stieot. 775 & *
For ( life , etc. , fscelop of Jiril column on Hid
rpo LOAN $310 private money , must bo the
JL best of real estate semulty. 0. 1' , Hnrrlbon ,
Oil N , V. L\to. \ 819 0
OOMJinilOIAI ) nnd Roneral idiorttltnop.iner
bought ; ulsoretr.nlarr > yonrloanson linnrov-
cd property. Uco.F.HIusti. Co , 'MJ llamgonldj
n-mk. .111)9. ) mil St. , lo.ins money
won chuttols or collateral at toasonablo nitei.
FIRST & second mortR IJT.OS on vacant Sc Iin-
provcd city prop. ( Joiinty vv.irianlsboiiKht.
Money on hand.F. .M , lUcliaidson , SIS N. V.I-lfe.
/1IIATTEL loans nt lowest rates liomovid
V to U2J.N. Y.Mfo Hlds.aJ , 11. nnindniur.
MONHV to loan by II. P. Masters on chattel
nnd collatenl .securities for anytime from
ono to six months in any amount to bull bor-
Loans made on household goods , pianos ,
orRnns , horses , mules , bouses , le iscs , ware
house iccclpts , otc , ut the lowest possible
rntos.nltliout publicity 01 lomovulof inoperty
My loans are so urratiKd tint you canmaKo
a pujment of any amount nt any tlino und
lediuo both principal and Interest ,
If jou owe a balance on yonr property or
Ii ivo a loan you \vlsh clunked. I will puvlt
olfand cany itfor you If jon find It morp
convenient , call up telephone No. 10J1 and
your business cm bouiianced at home.
Money always on hind No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest lates
n. P. Masters.
Room 4WlthncUllk. , 13th und llarnoysts.
BUIMMNG loans , 0 to Tpurcpiit ) no nddi-
tlouul cbarcesforcominlsslon orattoiney's
fees. W. H.JIefklo. Urst National bank bids.
MOXKY-30 , ( X ) or 00 days on furniture ,
pianos , hordes , lioiibos.utu. J. J , Wllldnson ,
CIS I'axton block. fi'l
F1IIST low rates and no
delay. 1) ) . V.bnolcsCo,2lUlst Nat'l bink.
JOANS-Oltvnnd farm loiiis.mortsnsop ipcr
bought. McU.iRno linestinont Co. fts
KnVSTONK Mortxnen Co. hoans of JW to
$1,010 ; set our rates bcfoto boriDWlmt nnd
hive money ! loins on hordes , fuinlture.or any
approved hccuilty without publlalty ; notes
bought , for now loan , romnvnlof old and low-
cstiutes , call U 2J3iboolyblk.lJtlut Howard.
UNl'SUALLY low rates
of Interest on ilist mortsnses of Improved
renl estate for the next 01 days by tlio Knnsns
Oltv Inostiuent Co. Koum JO , lloaid of Trade.
J. 11. 1'easc. nmniiRor. f * *
loans lowest ratesbnslii-scoull-
Wduntlul. M. J. Hall 10 Continental blk.
M O.NEYto loin on any security
for short tlmo ntlovr
rates. Iiowcut rites
onporsonnl property.
The Henderson Mortgiu'o Investment Corn-
puny , TOom 400,1'uxton blk. Ml
RKAI < I'st-ito Loans Pash on hand. Olobo
Loan & Trust Oo , IW7S 10th ht. Nodelny ,
no extra charges. Houses torrent ; good lUt.
w I'lilludeliijiln JlorVjtiiKO and Trust Co ,
always ready to loan turn pay promptly ) first
mortKauosvvnntod. OuorsoV. . I' . Ooatts , rop-
lesontutUc , room 7 , ba.cirtof trnde , 5'J.l '
\\7ANTri ) I'llst-clnsslnsldo loans , hovvest
IT rates , Call und N O'US. ' Mutual luvest-
montc'o. , 15M Kariiam. ;
money to liidn on city propnrtyi
i papur bought. ll.ll.lruy.X. ) .lAta.
B UIM1INQ loans mnilrt' ' nt lowest rates. W.
M , Harris , room SO , Z'loiizer blk , opp. 1 * . 0.
, . 605
T71II1ST ' mortgage loirt'son ' linpi-oved nnd tin-
-L' improved W. 315
prunortyjitjhnrltij . Itainoy.
Omalm National bankbulldliu ( 615
T O HbT rates on cluit. ) ' < i city loans of $1.000
JJtoJ > W,0jO ( Central i.ouu A. Trust Co. I'M
1 arniim st.
IJIOIt hALK Nlco 7-rooni honsn ready teL
-L iiiovo Into , with full lot , ,3JO , JJOO cash. 0.
I , Harrison , 1)11 ) N. Y. Life. WJ7
[ jIAUM loaiib-lJtur Land & Lonn Co.
L 413 120
$1.00010 lonn on first mortgu oi must bo nit
In nno amount or two loans of tiuo each.
Heed * . Holljy , U Hoard Trade. 4'W
01' . i 0 , M. ANT1IONV.318 N.Y.Ufe build-
.Ins , lend money on farms In choice coun
ties of Nibrnalca anil lovviii nl&o on gocxl
Omnhtv residence property ; lowest rates ; boit
terms ; uo delay ; money ready. Titlis und
valiuspussed on here. 220
DIIvB llrokcr In real estate monetises ; OD-
tulux money at least cost te borrower ;
open Saturday till 7 p.m. KoouiX ) , ItarUer blk ,
ga-s- . ' "
MONKYto loan , ro delay , In lurao or mnTl
aiiiounts ; limcHt rat in. Apply U. K. Itey-
noldn , uiu Nuw York IIfn bide. Telephone 1401
jlOll SALK Tlio choice residence nt No ,
-1 1031 Ctcnrtfln avo. , 11x140 ft. I' front , OlnrRij
rooms bnth , pus sowor. liot und cold water ,
closet mid nil convenience.owner KOIIK | to
leave city. L ) . Y. Hholcs Co. . U131st Nat. bank.
_ con
3i > ASfLlN mouoy to lonn : lowest rates ) no
Udoliy ; JirKoUmwn sjieclnlly ; horttimo
nperliouiilit. Oinali'v M ortKiigu Co. , ground
leer Chnmberof CotnnuMic. 415
nitos on furniture ,
-I'l-linrsL'g , Ai' . , without imbllclty. Ilnnki-jo
InvcstinoulCo.tiUlJouiliiillUlGthaiul , lodi ) ( < x
TK money to loan cluMl ) . 0. H Iliir-
- rlson. nil N. V Tjjfo. fc"J
IpOR SAIX Ortrnile. llC'UitlfiU now ll-room
J. house only J blocks west of l.owo u\c. , on
Ca s st. , lilith nnd slfthtly nnd on grade ! full
lot , cltv w liter , cistern , tow IT , biy window ,
porohci , double Moor , ccllur. liutli room nil
ilnlslidl In llrst-olu sstvlo , iirloc , Jl " 00 small
mvnu'iit diiwn , Imlnnuu .1 yoaraitt ? iiorcont.
\\lli \ ; trailofor ckvir linn litnil or Omnli i lot .
OWIUT , K. 0. Murrlll.UM Walnut u p. Valuut
lllll , Omaln. STOaU *
formic * , etc. , r/foji oft A rcilimm on lhl ) viat ,
rpo i\CHANOK : Cornerlut , < otitlip..iHtfront . ,
L tl3M , for horses bugRlcs or incrcliniidlsc.
AddnssNJO. Uu- . HW-'J
\\7"ANTKI ) Clour farm , much , or stock
tiidso , nniU-isli , for line lontnl iirnporty
111 city , M'W \ \ I'arnuni. TJl-a
S N loom , 2-story liouso In .Vonmotith
1'aiL. onii lihii'k fioin iiiotorcarMj KOOI ! neil ,
tollui , clstutn , l.ugob.irn , etc. AKo ITuoros
vlth Hist ' , '
rlasslnipnnt'tiicnttntljolnliii ! I'on- City , Nob. AliolflO-iuro IniproM-d fnrm
In Anli'lopo county. Neb Al n n line Inrxo
fniull ) lioisc , c'lrrliiKo , wicon iKiriu'ss.ciHtir
nnil oilier IUTSOIIII ! iinipiTty. ( ) nor Is a non-
nslilent mill will c\uhm : o tliu nbovoforn
teed fill > n In custom Nub. or rosldonci < In
Unlnlii , Must lie tree from Incumliraiicp. Will
put Insoiuo nionoy If ncccssnrr.luit \ hti > o
joii loolH-r ? Goo. J.hti'inadoif , IstNnt'lbnnlc
Tmlldlnit. 'loli-iilioiiPliit _ 7Jd8
r \VI H to OAcliHiiRofliri'ierotnf lind Omlln
north of liny t-irliiR9 , Nob. , for ncloan
linidwaio stock. I'loiili of coed limber and
vator ; uooil farming Iniid , for
stock inlslni ; nnd ( Ish cultiito. Knndortliti
per uciu. 11. ll Mutlruw , Uruvfottl , Neb _
7 > 7-7 *
I ) 1'lrst inortBiiKCi on Mirmt or
liiipro\cd lots In city , lout ; time. In DIII-
niptitfor hoi so , busily , bun llturps , whljn ,
lobes etc. , pliinos , imtci second inortuiiKts ,
etc. , In pail or all. Do iiuluk , AililiiXJI ,
lloc. T.'l-tt
WANTIIU 1' properly , indsohonc ,
nnd biiKRj' , stock , otc ; ulll triulo cloir
nnd nioi t iu-L-a lots and luulsfor sunc. ll\o
full pin tloulius ofhut. . Mill Irivo .mil MO will
inaKoolToi ut onco.Vdctioss X It. lloi7JIa _
IjlOIf OM/VIIA / rrslilont or buslnvis property
X lliIcKblocI , , frco froinlniumbrnncp , Kood
piiatnts. coiner loom occupied by InnU , K'lils
in y good Intcicst on.'W.OOO , In n , Rood , tlirlv
ins Xobraslcu town , cross nnd a
division station AtliliCM I. KI , Hoc U'U
rpo PxTllAlinr : About ) qunrpr-.of | niip
i. i.ill aj lonlr.iot 1 inch SO to 1iWlu ) n liody.
Would 1 1 Unto tint nil or putt Into ulnn ? ti nit ,
WocK stoi I. of nuKe , or stocks In city Will
assume. ) \ J I'.iul , 1COO 1'arn mi. 7.'l-3
\\T ISCO.vTl N w at or power mill. " w II li 3D ncios
1 tnd. clear , oxcli.uiKO for Nobi.itU.i pioi- |
orty , fl.J5 Dcoatnr. ,11'J-sil *
" \\7"ANTLD stocUot Ktnornl m < l e , Imolc-
| IMOOO to10 , ) U , for choice Omnli.i Im-
lirovul property and cash. Aildioss , > j .ll.lUo.
SUMIiRold \\iiltlnin wntcli nntl work liorio
to Iniilo for peed wlilo bar bnjgy. 11. I ) ,
Colo. Uoiitlncutal block. tfll
roit SAhK-uuvij ISTATI : : .
r i > inlet , tic. ' KCti > i > of Jint column on ttl < page.
" \T H K home , lluiditto mid Wth , S-tooin col-
1 > t nco , f l.bUU. ( JUU cush. O. 1' . llairison. 1)11 )
N Y.hlfo , iU
FOlt SAIiH HOIISOS nnd lots on monthly
piijniontH. duo. I'.iul , KiO'Jl .11 nun. bUU-V
TTIOKSAI.i : cheap , lot 3 , blk. 21. Omnlia.vio\v. \
JL : most valuable lot lit tlio addition , 1'urfcct '
> luwofclly and Council lUiirTs , sltuntpd on
nst side of hill facing south ImumbiT.mco
tiT. > , easy tlmo Must IM ) t-old ut oncci how
uiuuhaiii I allured ? A. llanits , 1'uxtoii Hotil ,
8C1)C ) *
OMOIGl' past front lot \\-llli peed cottaso ,
-nli and ruinuin , $1.500. O , K. llari I'on. Oil
N. Y 1.1 fo 719 3
EAST front. Iltinscoin 1'lnoo , with 5-rooni
cottage , W.1MO. < J. T. ll.urlson.Oll N.Y.Llfo.
W 5
YniiV closant inodprn homo. l > ncnport
near 2Jtli , $8,000 , Hl 'li school and other
prlvlloBos especially iKsliubie , 0 , 1' llnril-
ton. Mil N. V. Uto. 7495
G OOI ) llttlo cottaio homo i'lid nnd Leaven-
worth , U'MQ. O. T. llairlton. Oil N. V. Life.
COTTAOr ; and nice lot Kith and Chicago.
$ 1,500. 0.1' . Harrison , Oil N. V. Life , 740 5
.iid andOallforula.frd.COO. 0
K. llnrilson.911 N. Y. blfe. 713 5
A7"OU can buy a homo now for less money
I than it will cost you BIX months honu * .
The population and piosporlty of Omaha are
asuiprlso to the eus-t , It only requires time
cnoueh to dlssemlnatu the truth to have
Oin.ibi svMirmliij ; vvith conserv atlvo cistern
Investors , lluynow. 0.1' . llairhton , Oil N. V.
Life. 7J9 5
" Star I/and it Loan Uo.
NIOn homo Ciiniln nnd a.rd , , { 1,000 O. P.
II n l Ison. Oil N. V. J.lfo. 711 5
/11IOIUK homo ni'ir llun-toin 1'irk , every
winodorii convenience , jl,500 , O. 1' . Harrison ,
011 N V. Life. 7lt 5
1 00\l * n feet oust front on Kid St. , near Dodge ,
X ongrado. A now \\olllmilt 8 loom IIOIISP ,
nicely linlshod , all modern convonlenccs , In
I'oppleton jiark ni'iir motor. Also homo good
lots in Ivllby plaee , I'oniiloton purk nnd IM-
Votu pluceon and lie ir l.owoave. I'or teiins
call onoraddicssJ. 1) . SCItllc.lUl K. V. I-ife.
" ] TAOHSAI < n or KM.IIIIIISO Second mortmain
J- notes of WO to W , 10 eaih , lands and liousis ;
wantcleur lots Address N 14 , Itoe. T-Jl-S
LOT In Hertford 1'laco ' on btatoJUthst. ( ) , to
exchange for lot In Carthage or Lincoln
I'lnee.V , Iisilby , U Uouil of Tt ide. 6'J-J
$ l,5"fl to ! ISOO for Ilncoln 1'Inco and Cnrlhiice
lots ; easy toium. W.L.bolby , 1,1 Hoard 1 iiido.
A MIA IJj payment down and f 15 per month
\v111 buy u-i-rooin house und lot on loth , 2
blocKsfiom motor ; llrsl-cluss eliinco to : ic-
qulroa homo on easy terms. Apply to II. I * .
Cole , Continental block. Ml
"I P YOU have nnytlitiiRto boll or u.xcliungo
J call at Oil I'axton blouK , Utt
IV AUGII &Mesteilloldioul cstule.t Onnili i.
iomes In most any add It Ion for
Wsalo ut fiom 11,000 up on easy inontbly pay
ments. I ? K. Dirlln ? , .J HnrKcr blk. ! , ) " >
iriOIt SAM * fl-ioom house , modern impio\o-
J nnnls , birn. etc , 50-foot lot , on \\lit st.
tliu bist iisldonco s.t. , In the city , for W.fXW.
91,500 cash , balance to suit.
Ll-riioni liDUsor.nd 50-foot lot on I'nik avo. ,
for $3500. Tur/ns tohiilt.
8-ivoni house and CO-foot lot on list n\ennc \ ,
Just nortbof HI. .Mary's nve. . for i. > 000.
U-room house , all modern Improvements , CO-
foot lot , on tapiMicur St. , for ? . " > , "iJO. (
G-room house and bath ( tie place with oik
mantel , c-lly water. R.IS , etc , , util'ith nndJnck-
son sts , foi M.aiO , on terms to suit buyer.
Tlieso aiOHllRoniilim bargains , 'Ihe houses
lent for enough to pay 10 per cent on pi lie
asked. \ \ K. llomiin , room U I'reiuur blk
Yr"ANTKI > To nurcliasofrood city property ,
It Improved or unimproved , lor bile or
rent , good fat in lands close to city , In 40-ncru
lots or moio. lienti colluded and for Rcnerd
real est.'to business apply to 0. tl Knyn
OlliNuw Yoik llfo bids. i'olephonolI'M '
FOlt SAln 12 sections of laud In Nebraska
ut less than half value , by owner. U. II.
1'otonxin. ' W S. I ith t. 1UV.14
T IMOI.V I'laco lots 3150 to Il.'iOO. Dexter
J-JU Thomas. 000
ITlOltbAIifc Ono lot in lillby I'lace , .
Threolotsln Kllby I'lace ' , { 1,100 ouch.
Cast front lot on l.owo ave. t..ixx ) ; * . " OJ cash ,
bnliince tosult ,
lleautlful lot on Spring street north of Par-
nam.only JVJ.V ) ,
t-oiith fiont lot , corner on Tannim btreit ,
liWfl ,
ho titli front lot , GCxlTon IlownnUtrect near
1'it h , for.1 ( WO.
The above vnoantlnts are nil birpulns und
terms can bo iirr.iniii'd to Hiilt buyer.V. . It.
lliuianrciotii _ '
IJOA : T trnckaso lou IKxR' , fiontliu
Jl iiaved st , , tinck In alley. 1'or mle nr lensu
on lonz time. The Mead Invistnicut Co , Itou
bld'fi. _ t7 ) !
FOI : I AM-1 81 bv IV. feet north and oust
front , corner on Podgost. . ono of thonlciit
residence ultes In the city , for.r > 'W to adcslt-
alln pirty who will build u peed realdcncu ,
W , IMIotnan. roomO 'unzcrblk. 4 l
For rnjci" . cc. ( . * ( tti > p l ' fint foliimn oil t/ifa [
fH SA Ui nrst clusdiilyV ' ,
Wright , 1'lutuiicc , orl" . T , low , 70S .North
ISstrtct. Ml IS *
"TjlOU SAI.K One stock nf Eroo riU'i , mvoiie
JL Sl..tX ) , includch U\tures und freight , for
no propirty wanted in
coodaareln tlr tclms shiin. ) ' . are in best frame
hulldbiK In town ami DUO of the best locations ,
Proprietor , liVcst , l.s aond. Will nut tlio
ImlUlIng for t50 per month. Uarrl West ,
Exeter , J u. 7fl
Ilftrbot shop nnJ luth
oo usness ) coed location. I'or | iirtl u
nddrt'M Uro. SlucKuy , lock boi 0 , I e > lug-
ton ,
tilt UN 1 TFlTrTnn d iood ? w 111 , 40 ro.T iTflTii. . . .
JL'centrally loenN-d. Half jirlco for eii du a
nnp Addre-ssN' l ! ) lloo 777 7 * . . _
fTHlllSAIiI * . At u livrmilniKoi ! > ( I.Mim > liouso
A. lilted up with shelves nnd counters , base
ment IIrooms for dnolllnR , flood cistern und
well , nlll sell ortrado fora Nit. 1 "lookof uric
oorli-j Address Keel A. Keel , 0. o. I ) , grnoon ,
Si. N Jflth st. K3I
iriOll SAI.K or tr.ido-A llrst class hoTolIn
i- i comity oit In ea-derji NcbmsUn 1'or
prt liiilnrs lniiilro ) ofV. . It. hulby , room IJ ,
Hoaril of Traile. 7.V'
_ _
DUl'O stock nnd II Mil re' , Involco about
tSJW ; not nuy old stock : will soil for pnrt
cash , or tu'li'iuito fur a farm. Addicts \V \
'Ihlil _ n. lock ho < 341. chlleld. Xeb. MTi SjJ
AUAHUeliiinee City Itotelof Mlllnrd.Ni'b. ,
for ivnt , silo er Mlminm for fnrm or
Omaha pioporly. Uest locatid hotel In Mil-
lird : lias lur-loomlani'o h.'ill , Ice liouso mid
Mablo : ull convenience II. IM.'ol < ' .Conti
nental blK , or /.Immcrmun , tJtli nnd Jones.
_ 411
I71OH SAII'--lea se coed will and ( n mil in oof
L u three-story bilck hotel , cent rnllv lncutid ,
fccond to Hie Capitol. Athlrt. 1'Jl t-onlli Hill
tt , , Lincoln Noli. f > Jl "i *
\\7ANrKl-A ) nlltibla person toniiirigcln
' business with us. Call. Uoom 107 Shedy
lildu MN.MI *
Otlt'O t ( ) C OlltlMUtOIM.
Ponied proposals will bo roi-olvod by tlio City
Cli'i kof iln > i-lty of Not th IK > nd , > oliiaska , up
to la o'clock nnoii , K'itiMiili'r-'inl | , Isf > o , for the
riiH-tli'ii of a City Hall bulldliu. Inthocltyof
Nciith lit-ml elra ) l < n. bald bulldlnit to bo
built ncroiding to idnns.uid ( poillk'allous of
Mid btilldlni ; . to bu seen at thu City UluiU's
olllciiln sildlly
Kneh bid must l > o nccoinpniilpd by icorll -
fled chcc-kof illno. 'llu > I'ity L'ounell of nild
clt y , i ( \uslhui klit tou > ) ii'taii ) or nil blJa.
Hy oidcr of tbell II y l'i nncll of s ild city.
J. r \\HN.l'lty ) Olorlt.
North llpnd.Nobr.isUa , biptemU-i Jrd , ISM.
. A Joint resolution wn
by tlio IcKlsluturo of tbostntoof
Iho twenty-tlrst session thereof , nnd appro\cd
I'ubrii.iry 1'ltb , A , I ) Ihf1) ) , jiioiioslni nn mnond-
mont to the constltiitlun of sulil ntatittnd
Hint s ild amundtaont tliull roml an follova ,
to-wit ;
Uootlon ll That at the general election to
bn held on tlid Tui dny HuccceitmK th first
Mondir of Noxmticr , A. D.lhM.tlicro gliull by
sumlttod to tlio ulcctoix of thin itntoforop- or rejection nn nincmlmont to thn con-
ntltutloii of this stiitu Invonls us follow !
"Thumtinufiicliiro , sale and Kooplnic for snlo
of Intoxlcnttnit lliiuors as n bovor.ik'o are for-
svorprohlbltoJ In thin stntc , and tlio legisla
ture shall proUdu by ln\v \ foi the fiiforcctnint
of thU provision , " And there shall nlso nt
iildeleutlon be scpnratolv tmbmlttod to the
uleoton of thUstatu for tbolr upiiiovnl or ro-
Jcctlon an amendinont to tlio coiiHtltutlotiot
the slate In words as follows "Tlio inutmfiie-
luro.salo nndkCDpliiK tin snlo of Intoxicating
lliiunrs in a licxoiagu shall bo lloendcd uuil
rtttulntcdby law. "
boo. ! . ' ! At suuli election , nn tli ballot nt
racli elector votlnc for tlio proposed iimi'iid-
mdiils lo Ibo constitution Hindi \\rittciior
prhilod the \yordsl "Tor i > iopo < ed anienu-
incnt to the constitution , pnihlblt Inj the
manufncturo , sale and IcoipInK for snlo
of Intoxicating llquois ns u buToniKC. " or
'Against the promised amendment to the
constitution prohibiting the manufacture ,
silo iiiul keolibiK for sale of Intoxicating
Ho.uors as u butorngu "
Thcio shall ulsobo wrltton or ptlntod on th3
billet of oich elector vothiR foi tlio propowd
amondineiit to the constitution , the \\mcls :
"l'orioiosod.imcndm | nt to the constltntlnn
thattbo uiuniifaetuie , fc.ilo nnd keeping for
sale of tntoxlc.itlux liquors is nbovtr.iRoln
this Rtuu shall bo llconsiil and lojulatod
by law , " or "AKalnst sild proposed ninond-
inont to tbo constitution Unit thomanufnc-
tnro , 1'ilonnd KcopliiK furnaloof Intoxlcatlnir
lliuors | as n lnciagu > shall bo llcunsiJ aha
regulating by law. "
Boo. J : If ultlicr of the suld proposed
nmondmcnts shall bn appro\ed by a inniorlty
of tlm uk'ctoisollni ; ut the sild oleetlon ,
thonlt Hlnill toiihltuto snotlon twcnty-Hovcn
1-7 ] of uitlulo ono LUof the constitution of tills
Thorcforo , I , John M. Thay r , Governor of
tlio statoof Nebraska , do hereby Rlrt ) notice *
In accordaneowltliKuntlon ono [ I ] nrtloln ( Ti ]
of thooonstltutlonand the provisions of the
aot entitled "an atit to providu the mnnnorof
proposing all atnnndmonts to the constllntlon
ana Biibinlttlns tliunniuu to the nlrctonof Iho
Btato" Approved 1'ubruary l.'lth , A. 1) . 1877 ,
tnnt fluid proposed nnicnnincnt will bo sub-
in It ten to tbo nunlllled voti-riof thli itato for
approval or rojootlon at the Domini election
to bohuld on tuo llh duy of November , A. 1) .
In witness whoronf I hcroimto sot my hand ,
nmt caiiBoto tw iilllvcd the great seal of the
Etatoof Jiobnska. Done nt Lincoln thlsUilth
any of July , A 1) . ISOT.und tbo'JItli yonrof the
state , nnd of the liidopondonoo of the United
btatcs thoonohnndred flftoentn.
HytboOovcrnor , JOHN M.THAYEB.
llKNJAMin U. Con'nrnv ,
tHn A i. ) fatorotary of State.
Aucust l(13tu
A Joint resolution was ndoptod
by t ho Ic laliituro of thestato of Nebraska at
tl o tffenty-Iliht session thereof , and approM > d
Mnrth aoth , A , I ) . I-1) ) , proposing an umoml-
mont to scotlon t o (2 ( ] four [ 41 und II\o 3 ] of
Art hie sU III ] of the constitution of nuld stain
and that slid section us ameiidud ahall icad
as follows , to-iflt :
.Section 1 That section tnof ! ) of article six
( n ) of the lonstltutlon of tlio bt it oof Nebraska
bo amended sous to load as follows :
"HontlonS : The supreme court slinll con-
tlst of HVII ( ' > ) .luilgLH , a majority \\hoiiiKliall
be nieessary to form n quorum or tn pi nnounco
uduilslon. It shall liavo orlslnaljurlsllct Ion
In CISPS rolntlnp to revenue , civil i isi-sln
which the state shall bo a jiuty , inaiulninas
quo varrinto , hibeus corpus , and sui'h up pul-
late Jnrlsdlct Ion us may bo prorlclpd l y law ,
tfoitlon2 : That section four (4) ( ) of nrtlclo six
( O.of ) the constitution of Iho st.itoof Nobraskn ,
bo ainondeU sn , IH to tend us follows :
bi'ctlon4. The Jnil csof the Hiiprcmn court
thai I bo eleotid by tlio elect orn of the state nt
lurse , nnd tbolr terms of oIllcD , \coptns
hereinafter piovldid , sb ill lo for n period of
llvo ( M yous. "
Siutlon.ii Tint section five (1) ( ) of arllploslx
( fi ) of tlio constitution of thostnteof el ) as-
kn , bo ainomUd sons to ic. id as follous
Siutloni "At thu tlril Kcnitral oli'ttlon to
bit held In thoycarlStil. and after Hie adop
tion of this niinmdmcrit to tbo innstltiit Inn ,
thrro shall bo eltctod tlueo ( I ) judKoa of tlm
snp mine court , one of uliom shall bo elected
for thu term of ono tl ) year , ono for tlio ti-im
of tin i o ( J ) yours and ono for thotorniof ( Ivo
, and at onth Kdioral uleet Ion there
aftoi thoroshnll tin elected ono judge of Iho
supreme court for the term of ( Ua'i ( ) yonrs.
Provided , that the ludRes of tlio nupromo
court whosn torins ha\o not oxplrod nt the
tlmo of hold INK the olculoiiof It'll ,
hlinllcontlniioto hold their ofllco fortho 10-
ninlnilpi of the term for which they i\ero rope -
po ctlvoly elected under the present consti
tution. "
MM'tlon 4 ! That c loh person votlns In fa or
of this nnicnilimtnt shnll bavo wiittou or
primed upon liU ballot the following :
"Kortli" proponed ninondnic'iit totlinconstl-
tutlon rolullii ) ; to thu nuniUur of supreme
JudKi'S "
Thoroforp , T , John SI Thnyer. Oovornorof
tlio state of Nebraska , do hereby k'l\o notli'O
In accordance with Miollnn onu (1) ( ) ni tlelo llf-
teon'15) ' ) of thu constitution , tbo movlsloiiHof
tbo not cntillid : "An ait to prox'liln the nnin-
nnr of pruposlirjr all uiiioiidiiionts to the con
st I tut Ion ii nil RUbmlttlni ; the same to the doc
tors of tbo stnto " Approved 1'oliriiary l.'lth ,
A. I ) , 1S77 , that Mild proposed amondmuit vlll
bo presented to the qualllli.d voters of the
Btatofor approval or lojoctlon ut
rleollon to bo held on the 4th duy of Not em
ber. A IX Ic'iO
In witness whereof I Imvo horonnto sot my
hand and caused tobnalllxid the creit spal
of tlio st ito of Nchiiiikii. Doni ) at Mncnln
thlKldth day of July , A I ) UJO , und tlio twen
ty-foul th yonr of thostiitc' . und of tlio Inde
pendence of the United btntcs the ono hun
dred fifteenth
isytlio ( iovornor , JUlirt Al.TllAVult ,
[ SnAi , , ] Secretary of State.
Aliens ) Iil3m
WnniKin , A joint rcnnlutlonran tiloptcO
by tlio ICKlslature of the state of Vebrasku , at
the tueiity-JIrst session thereof , und upjirovid
MurthlDtli , A. D. 1M ) , proposlnpt an iiiiiend-
inont to Hootlou Thirteen ( l.i ) of Artlclo faUrt ( )
of thu constitution of sild state ; that aalil
seutlou a umcndod uhull road as follows , lo-
wit :
bortlonli Tliatsectlon thlrtoon fL1)of artl-
do nix (0) ( ) of the constitution of thostiiteof Mu-
braskn bo amniidud i > o n ) to ruad as follows :
boctlonll : The Judxe of thn supreme court
nhall each rocclvo a Hulniy of thltty-tlru hun
dred dollars ( < J.f < 00) ) per annum unJ thu judges
nf the dlstrlot court shall rocelvo a BBlaryof
tbreo thousand dollars IM.OOO ) per annum , nnd
tlio ( alary of oioh nhallbo payable quarterly.
r-cctlonS : 1. 110)1 ) puisin votlnK In favor of
thin amendment shall have wiltttu or printed
upon Ids billet the following :
"Kor Iho proposed amendment to thocnnttl-
tutlon , relatlnit to the Hilary o ! judiciof tbo
nupiemo and uwtrlot ooutt. "
Thcroforo , l , John M. Thayer , covernorof
the etatoof NebruNka , < lo hereby Klvo notice.
In accordance with pcctlon one [ II nilloleflf-
te nl [ ) ] of thu constitution , and the protl-
Bloiis of nn not entitled ! "An uct to provide
the manner of prnpotdnsr all nniuiidiiiciiitito
the lonstltutlon and niibinltllliK tlid sunn ! to
thoelectnriof the ktnte , " Ajiprovod February
13th , A. D , 1S77 , tlmt said piopoied umend-
mont will bo submitted to the qualified voleri
of thlaotito fornpproval or rojcgtlon , ut the
L'niurul election to be held on tho4tbdayof
Novumbir , A. J ) . 1893.
I nit Huns whereof I have hereunto sot my
hand and ca.UJ il to bo alllxcil tlm uroat seal
of the atMe of Nebraska. Done at Mncnln.
thluVCtli day of July , A , 1) . IKK ) , unil Iho twen
ty-fourth year of the itnte.andof tliulndo-
[ londenc * of the UalteJ Utatei tlio one hue.
dredfiflepnth ,
Uythoaovornor. JOHN M.TIIAVEB.
N R. uownrnr , '
' bccrotary of State ,
: .om , ( lilt Mto , llliiriv | < i To.srTJ ( i Arrl '
Omnh < I Depot I0ih inl MnvmlKviH I Omtlm.
iSa J m , . . , . , , ( 'tilr ii < i K pr < . 8 Hi n m
4. % ni rhlnvii Ktpri' " . . Jl .M p m
t > 111 p ill . . . flilfico Kliri | l . fV ' ) n m
C.COp in I l n ni
. - MO IllVtfll I Url n
Omnlift Pgpot hHli ami Mnvm rtrooli I Dim hit.
rtrooli"TIT i m v n
II ) IS III' ' . . . . Pouter F. | irr t . . , i n u p i
6 40 f 111 ' . Donvrr Mulit kviires . . ' .i iv n ra
81 % A 111 ! . Lincoln lioi-nl . . MI IM p is
' 1/onios . X i il | triroT
Uiunlift. JVopoUOth ml Miion stroett _ | OniMis
" "
Pitt * in lvn n < 1r ( Dsr Kiprms . MO u m
9 lip m l < C Mirlit litp thlJ I1 Trans ( n m
l * nios i I MON' l'UI > 1C , , Arriviii
Omnlm jjapot lilllinml Mnroy itruals _ | Omnbv
S M p"in p" .Orfrlnml hr T i 90S 11 nt
7 ) | i nil "nclllo Kt | > rn4 ' " "
ID'.M n l m' Doiurr l.tprois IM pin
Ort > in . Knti M City Kxprcm. . 'IIO.Vnra '
1.1 n ml litlrituM f i > ( sun i. | I'-'j p m
"IrfWi-rr " l fln'StlO , If i A l'.V ( iril \rrlvi i J
Oiunhiv. * | tl IJdepot,10lh unit .Mitrry l Onnlin.
( MO pin . . Nlithl KM'tosi . . . in US nra
IH > A tin Allnnllo Ktpifn ft H p ra
4.iO f in | . . \cMlbulo l.lmltcil 10 lj n ra
liitci i fUOUV t'll'V V i'Alll'K
OuuilniV \ 1' ilopiit , loth iniil Miroy Ptn Om li % _
7 1ft n in , Sioux t Ity I'n'scnxur
4 HO p ml . xt.J'anl Kxprwii . . llOtO ara
'lA-me I "SiOlA ll'l , \ I'Alll-U i ArrlTdi
Uinnlm I JViotJT.tJi | Hint \Vulislcr \ Stl _ I Omnium
I OOji infj" _ _ . . suj'iiu Mini IP I _ . ,
IA'HTCS jl'lllt XKl , \ Mlill ll\S liS I'T.ll.N
Oniilin | U > ' . iloixit , luth iiiul MnrorSK Oiniu
( i 1,1 n in l" ( lilrnim l.itiross " . C it p ra
4 ) p in . . . . \i > Ulnilo l.iniltisl . ) n ra
C 15 | i m ! li ) \i-coitiiiiinlnlliiii i i\c : sum 7 M p ra
I ) 10 | i In . . . K Ktorn r h nr . . t IV p ra
1 l.'ium [ . . .Vi't 1'iiloni Kvprets CO , n 111j
i/euvuf illlUAdO. Mllfc , A sC l.vtl * .
Oinnlii 111 I' l'i'tft. ' Wlh nut .Minvr sts i Omnliv
" '
( too p nil . l lilnnro'l xprtiss . I' ' 11 n ni
Olilcmo hinriMs i > IJ p HI
l. aTC " Hl l.'ll ' is Arrivci"
OtiMliv ' . < loHH ( , lOlli oiul ilircy _
( Al pin | M. Uuih ( iininiii Hull | U J p in
" X 11 IT I'll.TiK V.
t IMi mi IVohHsr Ui
Pluck Hills ttYm | * l ft JU p m
. llnstlim-i Kt | > . ( Kt. imilnyi liJUpra
6 10 p m lH > ciVIlni'iiii | TIM (1 ( i Smut yi III . * J u in
{ . II ) pint \orXA Norfolk I Cv SiunHr ) IHJUnni
l mm I l"Sf I'.M . * I ) I Vrrlvil"
Oiiinlm | l ) | iol llt'ijiiululisivr \ \ SM I Oiin'it '
T IW n in I hloux Clljr Acdiniiinitutlon DO.V pra
1 00 | i in fcknu ( 'It ; l'.Tirt' | s ( I i Sun ) I U p m
'J U ) | i in Ht hull IJiulU'l V.'i n m
5 li n in | llnnrofl I' iMiuor I 111 sun ) > H n n tu
AllssoUUl l'IM I Vrrlviu"
Oniittm I nt > | KillStliniiil\Vuhsl \ rMti _ I Ouiilii.
10 , ) it inj"t lAinh , \ K ( ' Tuprf j I ) . " ) p m
1)15 ) p nil St I iuh ft K 0 i : | irosi | C ) it in
T.iutTPJ i l < IIIt.\.O , H I .V I'AUliurrlvni" ;
Trnniter 1 Union Unpnl C'niim n Illuffi rlriiiislur
ISIUpiii | " " . . .NUlil K | ire T7 . V Ut n in
9. < 0ainl Atlnntlo I'vpro Sf p m
6UQim | ] . . \ustllinl l.lmlliMl . . ID W n in
lenvr itlllf/Uli\XOHI It \ \ I'N l Arrlvoi
Irnnifcrl Unjua Depot , ( _ iunn IIJMnJi Mrnnstor
V 4il n m T. . . CliloiKo "Tiprois .7. , . ,1'Uiiim
fiUOptn . . . . Vo-UlMik ) l.lnilliul " Jl n ra
lOiJUpm Kniturtil ! > er . . . . JOU r m
l. ) p in All intlo Mull lUnra
n < a f in \cconiiiioilnllon \ ll \r sun ) IUO pin
Illlc.\lu7 \ Mll A M' I'AlJuinl > i-i
liniKforl I'nlun lioiml C onncll lllnlM _ , Imnsfcr
l.'iO p in' ' _ ! ! ' ! riiloiito I uprt-is. .
LOIITP I lril' JtH ) * V ( ' ll | Arrlvn
'lrnii fiT Union Dopol Onuu-ll lllmi ! _ jljtiinsri-r
10IK 11 ni K mis is rily Ihy Kiirus | < . ] . ' > ( .I pm
lujini | KIIIKIS dtyNlklit upron { li Juin
OMA1IV.V SI' 1.0UH. l vrmi'1
1 rainier ] Uiilnii Depot Cnuin II HluHi Irnn fer
f.t ( ) r nil .S | I.lllll niiiin Unit > U l % Ji m
llll\\l ( ( > lll'ltl.X .V OUiNCI I \rrltui" "
Iriinifert Un I ( in Duimt , ( Hindi lllull.i | tmt-ifcr
ll ll ) nil T . . ( "hlinio f.iproM . , < > i ) p til
10OO pin . . Chlonso ixpr : < " 5 . . . . P 41) ) n in
7.SOpm | _ _ . . ( ro ton lite t\ \ . " _ . II .11 in
I.CIITCS | 8101) ) \ til V .1 l'A ( IHi"
Iramfur Union ' Dppiit , OiunolMlluirs Jjriiitfyr
7.45 ml , 'bloux t'ttjr AcdJinmoilatlon I P ( I ) n m
( ' . _ . St. I'nul Imprest _ . . _ 1 II ) (11 ( p in
' = raiufauuui IHCIMC S
r/- - yn .
\Vostniril. \ PH 3- r5 I as
n ml in p in p in n in p ni
VV'elnter SI . . . . fi 101 lilT Mi M i r > S U ) U I )
Oitk I lintlioii. . 101M S 02 I u.1,5 , 'i7 | 8 li li W
Druid lllll . . - M mi s ui i it 9 C > too
Imke Stroit . . ft f > S H 07 I in 84S , nu
Wnlnul lllll . * (110 ( 8 ( ft I II ) fM i 01
Dnnilou iMico. . II Ul US H 11 I l.t ll US S "it nu
in 7.10 S.U , I I. . 10 8 V > i u
l.nwn fl IB I in t fjl i u
Mnscut rt ' "J 4 'M 11 0 ! 1 17
So ) ininir I'nrk d..M 1 Jli ami "
I'urMl . . 'i ' 1:1 i "w
nm pin.
t U
II li I 17
II , ! > t V )
9 U I .Vi
II ( I I 57
u r. SOU
II.H jjii-
Ulllil J20
I * aliioltilelu Mirr and
it ta aulnllo.
No Chemicals
nro me < l In III prp nrutlon Itlmi n r
than thrt * time * th * ttrcnyth ol CtHO *
mtiftl 'itltli SUirrh , Armvrnujtor Ktijar ,
ami li tlurcf > r < ! far more ccDitotiilciil ,
foKtng litt tlittn ont cent a tup. It U
dcllclouit , luurUliInp , BtrcuxtliciilnCi li *
PII T Iii 9iKi > , mil aitiulrolil ) aitnt' it
for liivultJ as u tit at pfrsoiii hi liialh.
Hold It ) ' ( 'roicrrt t' > iTinln ro.
W , BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Moss.
linportcra nml AVIink sain Dealers In
Watches , .irHdry , CiiHory
Motions , > o\ cities , Alliiuus ,
C'oat-CollarSirln | s ,
Fancy Goods , Ac.
l.TrKUtatsi'i Inn nt for
lllp-iarlity of Co , ICc ami 25c cminlrr
llui laran nml Inlljr HlMlratcd
ic nmlli-il ( no lo < l ( liters niily
" 7-Jl X.FonrthSt.
St , Louln. IVlo.
13O2 Parrnm Stroot.
City PaEBOntror and Ticket
WeOfier for Sale.
I'our thousand tons oholco Ilnlcd Hay , I" O ,
II , rtrn : , MIUII.'O'H Siilliiu' . Iiiiton or IlornlcU
stations , on U M , V St. I' . U K. , In lota to mill
piu-ihuMii prlius lexul.ilo.l by the muikct
Uiilland KO in
sioux cm' . IOWA
the Croat fluK City of the mar fntnio
nllkint hnihor A million nnd nlinlf dollar )
now lioln , ; upent in roult und Iron diifikx. Tbo
ficapnrl of thotountiy west , of the Ml Uilppl ,
\\illoforliifoniiutlon iiiulmipH. I
II. M THI'Klir.All'l & .U ) rm ilillhhccl 1S57 ,
" *
RurTirliixfrnm Ihn vrluu n ( joillbfill orrorn , r rl
tfctf , > vRUlnHtakneu , lint laiiuliuol.rUIwlll
iwnil a vnluabl truilUo ( vnlnli containing { ult
pnrtlrnlnrt for lioino cur * * , Kit ! 12 fif chnrftfl. A
lilrniltil iiidllol woik l ohgui'l ! r > ul by rtrry
tiiunvhn U iicrvitiii nml ill lilllluterl. XfUrcarf ,
I'ruf. I'.U. l'\VIiilt.niooau , Conui
A ( lOODHIt'll. I.uwyur. ll''t lioarlMirn Ht.i
, 'M jeurs * uiiccessfnl pruclc * .
Advlcu 1'reu ! no publicity bpoulal fuullltlea.
n ninny btatcs ,
Alualutelr reliable , lrfertly fo , moit powerful fi-rntl *
ro ulatorknown i norfr f lI , J n l i , ] i lpnlij i on Uu
njBlcli-nt. Aldrt UciN liIUKI ( li , H. V.