J THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : &ATTJBDAY , , SEPTEMBER 6 , 1800. IHE ? DAILY BJ3E , E , ROSEWATER , Editor. = UIJLMIIKI ) imitY : MORNING. TT.UMB Ol1 fctniMMllt'TION. Jnlljr nwl Mindny.OnuY > ar tin 00 Hx months 501 line inontln 2 IX ) fiinclny llii > , Ono Yoir 200 \cekly Hoc , Olio Yoar. 1 ! . ) tmilinTlin lion Hullilliur. loutli Ontnlin. Coiner > -mil Sf.th Streets. -oitnoll IIIufT * , 12 IViirl Hreit. "bloimo Ollli I317 ( 'li'unbi-r of Commproc , Ciw Yiitk.Uomns lt.II anil 1" ) . 1 1 lUiino lliilhllnj I ourticiith Htiuvt. AH roiiiiininli-iilloiis ichitlni : to imws ntul Ijllliiiliil iiiutlcr MuniM bu luUtiLsaocl to t'io ' UlllOllul lo | ] II ( UK III. lll's-JMV'S LHTTHHS All Ijinlnc-i li'llri.i nn'L ' n mitt , incci should Joiicldic-si ( lli > 'J liullcc rublklilti ; ( 'omiviiiy , Oinuliu. Diafts , Llicohi unil tioslollloooidcri obo Hindu tin ) ublo to tlio order of the com pany. ( lie Bcc Publishing Company , Proprietors , ' ' boMiitf-t'iilh Sis I'lio Hoc II Id'K riirnatn tiiul vpATKMKM- UlItlUKATlUN. Stall' of Ni'liniKU.l I M _ County of Pniulus , I fie ! II 'frsdiUf k , spcrptiry nf The tleo 3iililliln | _ ' < DiiiDiuiv , ilocs Hdli'iniilysu i irtlut .bulletin ! dii ulntldii of TIIIIIIII.Y HCK fur .liovvock CMidlnj , ' August : u , l&'JO. was us fol- IIWO ! -'I" ' * ) ? Ulll1llV AllCUSt 31'I" Monday Auiftist.ii . i-'O..11- " ) I'lMSlIliyllftllHt3 . iI'l'fl v. Aimuit-T . -J0.47I . ? rllnv ( Auuiist C-i luturdny , Ati.'ustM ) -U18 Average . 21,1121 OKI H. r/.cnucK Eworn ( n lipforo mo nml subscribed In my presence this XJth iliiv of Aut'iisl. A. 1) . 1S < M _ | PIA : , J _ N I * I'm , Notury 1'ubllo Tlinhistnry of. thodofo.it of the domoo- acy of Wisconsin will bo written under .ho caution , "Pcdc'h Had Hi-oak. " Ir is evident the school boaul icalbes .lio necessity of carrying insunmco to ho full limit. It is daiitfijrnus to otuiy in unvvield } surplus in tliu trc.isuiy , you enow. BOYD'S "bm'l" is Mil. becoming an object o [ piofouud nn\iet } to the breth ren. Unless tlio hc.ul is Knocked out piolty M > on , n btmpboa famine will take l > ( ) Ssp sion of the paity workcis. nu MI/VJH , at Guitomila , Is guarded night and day by a btiong foico of armed police. It ia about as luxuri ous to bo minister at Guatemala , as It is to be cir of Russia , mid sloop in a cast- lion refrigerator. "OtuCiivUNCKY"vvilhiiTivo now in a few ilnjs , and will iitonco proceed to ad just thi ) stiiko on the Now York Cen tral wlilch was ( lui-luicd olT ovoi-.il days ngo. In the ineanllmo it la fo.vrcd that Cluvuncoy lot his piosidonti.il boom in inui-ocenu. The shark got it , evidently. Tun ovation uecoidod Speaker Rccd on his \\aylo I'orll.iml Is n signiflouiit icbuko to tlio democrats who tire striv ing to encompass his dofo.it bj a liboial use of hoodlo. The people of Mtiino honor Tom Rood for Iho enemies ho has tnado. Coxoiiis& has boon ofllci.vlly informed of the fact that the P.in-Amotictm con gress oordLilly appiovcd o ( interna tional arbitration. Recent events in the Bouthoin half of the hemisphere show tint arbitration is moro honoiotl in tlio broach than in the observance. KANSAS republicans pioudly refer to the absence of "tho open Miloon. " How about the dives of Atchison , Loiivon- worth and Kanb.is City , not to mention the froo-for-all joints within lulling dis tance of the coin ontion hall in ToiioluV None arc BO blind , as these who will not BCD. Tin : question has boon asked when the republican party proposes to organ ize torch-light procoastons and make merry muaio o\or tlio ticket and the big majority waiting for it in No\ember. All those things will como in time , oson before the democrats put their iliin-llam clubs in the Hold. Axi ) now comes Galena , 111. , mul nbks for Gtant'H roui.uns. The citizens pi o- uoso that the remains of the old boldlor bo Iniil to their final robt in Giant patlc or Greenwood , and that a.monument bo oieoted thoto. Galena VVHB the homo of the general hoforo the war. These numeious attoinps to change the place of his burial tuo getting w IN a half dozen eastern Btntcs in this countiy ttso \ \ aa in Eiuopo that Btiangoepidomlc , knownns l.vgrippo , has again made its appearance. PhjblohuiB ti&cribo the cause to sudden and \iolont changes of tcnipeiaturo , and tirgo all poisons to take unusual precautions ngainst cold. The diso.ibo has not jot fahown itbolf in the west , but doubtless Tur. Ht.ito fair is now open to the \\orld , and Secretary ruinas pi edicts that it will bo the most successful ex hibit , both llnanclally and in point of Intoreht , o\or given in Nobiaska. Tlio premiums otTeied for the best county ex hibit have stimulated interest , and all the a\ailablo space has been taken by the different counties in the btato , each ono of which thinks it has the linost and largest collection of jollow pumpkins , liook-neoUod nquabhes and watermillions. Tin ; Now Yoik board of mbitiatlon is holding a post-moitom in\cstigation of the railroad fitriko. The only possible bonollt to bo deilvcd fioin the inquiry is to oxpo-so the folly of creating oinn- jnontal olllccs as a sop to popular clamor. The NoYoik board is utterly ] ) o\\or- leos to nccompllbh anything , and unless It can bo clothed with judicial powoisto arbitrate bot\\eon employ or and otu- ployo , the sooner It is abolished the bolter. LOUD S VCKVILTJ : WibT : , who was the liritlsli minister at Washington until ho vaa icotillcd by his government for booming Grow Cloeland in priv.ito letters , is now nppirontly attempt ing to got oven with Amoilca and her citizens in aiy that is certainly beneath iho dignity of a. gon- tloman. As lord of the manor of Strat- ford-on-Avon , ho proposes to compel the town council to pay real for tlio pround occupied by the fountain and clock tower presented as a memorial of Shakespeare by George W. Chllds. The to\\n coun cil will light the claim , but at the sumo tinio Lot d backvillo has made a very sorry exhibition A vrKci txa The democratic nmnagcwof arc making utrong profo sloiw of con- flilisnco in tile BUCCCW of the party next November , but it is wholly alTcctod. The older and shrew dor politicians among them know bottor. It is the charactoilstlc of democratic loaders to enter every campaign with a professed of - vhcn the outlook aosunmet ) -\ietory , even look is hopolc39. The hope of tlio democracy It in the defection of republican farmers to the cuppnit of the alliance ticket , and the managers of that party will spare no effort to promote such defection. Wo bolie\o , however , that the losult will bo extremely disappointing to them. The indications are that the dofortlon has boon grossly exaggerated. Why should any man in Nebraska who 1ms acted with the lepublican party hulpto tiiuiHfer the ( jo\ormnciit of this statd into democratic hands b } supportIng - Ing n inowmont that promises no Im provement in ntTalfd and no honcflU to the people of the state ? Tlio independ ent ticket can not win except on local candidates. That is an absolute cer tainty. Will any republican who has loft his pirty to auppoit that movement pictond that ho slnccioly bolio\es there uould boa wiser and justev administra tion of the state government if it should pass into the contiol of the domociacy ? Giant that the republican party of Nobuskn has not inall things pot-fanned its duty to the people. Yet wh it citi/en docs not feel justlj proud of the progress of thuitato and of the high position it occupies among western commonwealths ? Despite Ignoumt or malicious repre sent itions to the contrary , tlie aver- ago condition of its people as to pioipority and the cnjojiuont of the necc'-sities and comforts of life will com- p.iro favoiably with that o ( the people of any other state in the union. We ven ture to say that there is loss poverty in Nobiaska in proportion to population than in most of the other slates , and in all the conditions that piomoto social , lntcllcclu.il and moral advancement Ne- biMika stands In tlio front tank No state enjoys a brighter finan cial credit , and nowhere are the laws moio tally rcspectod or moro effectively eiftorccd. For all this the lopubllcan patty , which , since the orgiuii/.alion of the btato , has admin- istetcd its nlTairi , deserves the ciodit. It is a most honor iblo record , although not absolute ! } llanlcss , and because un fjcrupulous and designing men have boon able to prevent the fulfillment of some of the pledge ! ) of thu party to the people does not ju tify these \\lio have acted with it in the pa * > t in deserting it now. Certainly theio is nothing in the chin .icier of the demoiracy of Nebraska , nor in the record of demo cratic rule in other states , \\air.int tlio ballet that the welfare of this state would bo advanced or the interests of the ponpio piomotod by tiansforring the ad ministration of affairs to tliat paity. We bolio\o that nothing could befall No- braMcu moro serious than to admit the democratic pirty to the privilege of feeding its insatiable appotilo for the spoils. These considerations will not escape the attention of the intelligent republi can farmers of Nobr.i&ka , and as they re- fleet upon all that has been well done under republican iulo and the danger to bo reasonablyapptohcnded from turning over the administration of the govern ment to the democracy , they \\1U not de sert the part } under whoso control for neaily aquaitor of a century tlio dtato lias mudo romirkable progress aud at tained a position ofvlach every clti/.cn ought to feel proud. O.lJ/1'.l/OiV TI1MDZJZ.B. The independent candidate for con- grew in the Third district is establish ing tlio fact that ho does not know what ho ia talking about. Thus far his effort to enlighten his followois as to their political duty has consisted wholly in re peating the most unmitigated twaddle. It Is needless to dignify his utterances by any gonei.il discussion , but It miy bo well to call attention to some of his ri diculous nssoitions. One of these , made in his talk at Ilairlaon , was that twenty- five thousand mon own the bulk of tlio wealth of the country. Now it is simply Impossible to sustain a proposition of this kind by any accessible statis tics , but any ono can demon strate its absurdity by an easy computation In 1833 tlio total estimated valuation of loal and personal property in the United States was sixty billion dollars , and assuming the ratio of in- rruibo during the past five yoais to ha\o been equal to that of the previous five , the present valuation la n t loss than eighty billion dollais. Dnlding this between twenty-five thousand persons would give to each three million two hundred thousand dollais. Theio aio not vet- } many men in the United States woith over thieo millions. Outside of Uoloiado , California and Montana \\o doubt whether there are three men west of the Missouri who cm truthfully claim to bo wotth three millions of dollars. The whole number of men in this coun try who are north o\or one million will hnully teach fl\o hundred. But theio nro fully the" hundred thousand people in the countty who are worth over ten thousand each , and there are sovoiul millions from ono thousand dollars up- waids. Another of Mr. Kent's statements , which ho must know was not merely ab- sutri but untiuthful , was that the amount of money now actually in circulation is not far front eight dollars per capita. In his last annual teport the secretary of the treasury stated that the circulation per capita in 1833 was about Iwenty-ono dollars and sovonty-llvo cents. There has boon no decline in the circulation since , but on the conttary the incrcn&o has been over ono dollar , so that the present amount per uipiU isory noaily twenty-three dollars. Under the oper ation of thotiow slhor law the lucrenso in the circulation is reasonably buro to keep pace with the growth of popula tion , so that it Is eafo to count upon the per capita proportion being ut least maintained , and It is uioro than llkoly to bo Increased , Wo think every honest and thrifty farmer will resent the sweeping state ments of Mr. Kom regarding the condition of the farmers. This sott of misrepresentation , declaring In effect thnl the agricultural class nro In a stnto olnlniott hopeless bmkiuptcy , h is boon freely Indulged In during the hi't j car or two to the ucrious detriment of that i-liis , mid it Is time tlicro nas an oitil to It. NoboJy contends tliat the farming interest is aa prosperous ns it should be , but Itl-s simply preposterous to charge that every farmer in No- biiutkn is on the vorjro of destitution and ready to jo to tlio pool-house. Tito trouble -with Mr. Kom it that ho his : suddenly been boosted to a promi nence awny above his capacity , nnd Incit ing information on the leading topleaof the day , ho is simply repeating asser tions made by reckless agitators and blnthciskilcs who go about the country talking wililly nbout the torrlblo state of nation il fintnens and the dreadful condi tion of the industrial CRACKING I'ltonntirioy NUTS. A special bulletin Just issued by the census ofilco at Washington , dves the ntRTejato In debtedness of tno states In comities No- brasku's ' debt Is &iKO .1,1)91. ) The nvallnblo rc- souioosof the counties is glv en tw ftHKVKT , li'mn a halinco unproviileiJ foi of $4- ; ! ! Oil. Iowa'sgioss debt Is K\\QII \ ns SJ.UW.SU , and hoi available ICHOUN'OSJ-VW GH , loii\Iiin a balance unprovided for nf but $ lGilJ ( ) Nebraska'- ? debt , less funds in sight , nearly tlirco times the Oebt , less nvutlnbloresources , of the state that vuw lillghtcd bj prohibition ! \Vlll Mr Kosovvntcr , or Hecrctaiy liogpcn , of tlio Business MoilM anil DuukciM' association , ploiao explain this ! tmiufta Iutiltr. Tur. Hiu will ehuorfully explain for them. Tlio aggregate county debt of Tow a for 18SO as given by the census bul letin vuis $2,092yr5. ; B 1SOO this debt had ruichud S3,01oS14 , , an increase of 22 per ecnt. The nggiogato county debt of Nebraska In LSSO was $ o,200bOS , , and by 1SOO this debt icaohed 8o,502,091 , an Ini-rciso of only 2 per cent ; bilnnto in favor of NobtasknSO percent. Tiuo , Nobiaska's county debt is hca\iur than that of Io\vn \ , but Iowa was a great and ptospeious stuto } ears before tlio Hist white man's Bottlomont was imuloon Nebraska soil. Iowa had thousmds of miles of ralltoiid before the fiist locomo- the whistle was heaid in Nebraska. Iowa's county debt , like that of No biaska , chlolly lopre&entsbubbidies voted to taihoadsand very naturally Io\vi got tinough pa } ing off hot-bonded uvilro.ul debts hefoto the Nebraska count } bonds hud become due. Per all that , howo\cr , the fact fctands out very prominently that Iowa has increased her county debt 22 per cent within tlio libt ten year-5 , while Nebraska has only inet eased her debt 2pc > r ictit. And now let us ask nhy our prohibi tion contempoiary has not called on Hosewator , Koggon and the liusuicss Men's ussodivtion to o.xpluin the dilTor- once between the debt of Nebraska , and Kansas w hich is nUo quoted by the bul letin of the coiiiita bureau ? Ten } eats ago the bonded countv debt ofKans.i-wab tf501,277 ! ; in 1800 , it ag gregates $1 l,220U7o , an iticroaso of 03 per cent. The bonded and lloating debt of Kansas In 18SO was S7,03'5,921 ; in 1890 it is $11,817,780 , nn innoabo of 80 per cent. In other words the county debt of Kansas has neatly doubled in ten yeats , while Nebiaska's countj debt has only increased "per cent In the simo period OriAUA proportj owners are familiar with the jibbcrlion that iinptoved water works and increased fire protection meant reduced insurance Kites. Tlio change has been tungoii the claim so ficciuently that it has passed the ago of retirement. It was announced on every corner duilng the watoiworks campaign and advanced as an argument in fu\or of municipil liberality to the company. As boon sis the plant was completed and in opctation , the discovery was made that watoi was a more dcotiuetivo olo- inont than fire , and no reduction could bo made undei the circumstances. In deed the imperilled underwriters seri ously debated an advance to moot the losses inllicted by dliect pre uro. The e\poiionco of ptopoity is "not cal culated to guo much foico to Chief Galligan's assurance that the increase in the number of engine houses in the buburbs vlll bo followed by lower in- mianeo rtitos. It is dollars to coppers that the uudeiwritois will lighten their gtipsto make up for the ineteased flow of water. Tun rcfiibal of the council combine to carve the names of all city ollleials on the cornerstone of the city hall is OK- plaineu. Tlio steering committee of that zoological museum had in MOW moro effective me ins of iinmoitalulng the council. 1'orched in a. graceful tow- over the Dodlin poittil appear the heads , in bold lohof , of the municipal dads , their facial olumictoristles BO strongly drawn that each member can bo distin guished without Iho aid of a telescope. Tlio artibt not only grasped the full big- nlllc.mco of his subjects , but apparently caught the membois in their happiest moods and transfoirod them to ted sand stone. A few of the faces , however , give evidence of intornil distress , but this is probably due to the fact that they are placed immediately under the "water table , " a position repugnant to their tastes anil doairos. On the whole the collection materially lightens the gloom of this atehltcetui.il museo , and will roiuoy to coming generations conspi cuous proof of nineteenth century cult In Omaha. A uucoNb'iuucuiu member of the Mississippi con&tltatiunnl i-onvontion tupturcdtho peaceful plans of the bourbons bens by introducing the following nuioiidmont to the bill of rights ! "This btato shall over remain a member of the American union and the people thereof a patt of the Amoilcan nation , and all attempts to dissolve thosaid union shall bo reilateri with the whole power of the Htate. " Of course the proposition w.is promptly hitched , but tlio ntero sugges tion that MibsUslppi should proclaim itself Inseparably wedded , to the union brought out asulJlclont number of brlg- adiors to crush the young patlot. ! Doubtless his llfo was spared on giving bond for his future good behavior. Tin : success of preliminary testa of artesian well Irrigation in the Dakotas stimulated similar enterprise in western Nobiaska. The claims advanced by the government geological bureau that n strata of water underlaid what Is termed the semi-arid region , extending through the Dnkotus , Nebraska and Kansas , have boon proven true to a limited ostout , and this fact encouraged the investment of capital iu irrigation ditches. The ox- tent of this vnt | > rshcd In Nobiaska will bo demons ! ra | ' $ at an early day. A canal is no - ujufor way In the southwest ern part of tluMtnto which gives every promise of relieving that fertile region of the blighting qlTcct of the hot winds of Kansas. The main canal , or ditch , will have a ' sulllolont number ol latoinls to Irrigate an area limited only by the quantity of water secuied. The success of the ilipjoet will not only on- banco the vtilup of every acre of farm land in the vicinity , but will bo followed by similar irrigation enterprises in other sections wheiq.ntitural . moisture is insuf ficient and uncertain. Tun efforts of Chicago authorities to compel the city treasurer to disgorge the intctost In public funds paid by the banks , is an Instructive o.vimplo for the taxpayers of the west. The prollts from fanning the public nionos of Chicago tangos from fifty to seventy-five thou sand dollars a year , making the ofllco ono of the ilciicst in the city. Such nroftts naturally otento a fccandalous scramble for the olllco and debase the ballot bo < c with boodle , The ovll is gen eral throughout the west and calls for prompt legislative icmcdies. Both parties in Wisconsin pionounccd against this system of. favoiitism and public lobbory , and the pioss of Colorado vigoiously urge loform. The next Icgis- latino of Uobrnskn. should give this question attention and compel state , county and munlelp-il troisurers to ac- coant for the interest on jiublio funds. Tun domocnits are at their old game. Despite Iho bomb isticannounccmont that the party would fight it out on the prin ciples eiiutu'lnted in the platform , word has gone foith that principles must not stand in tlio way of ollice. No sacrifice istooginat , to got mete. In alliance distiicts the democracy is for the alli ance ; in prohibition sections the pirtj platform moms nothing , and in all sec tions it Is ollk-o ihst , principles after. In the vvoidi of a dimocritic loader , "God hates a cow aid and t-o do Iho motels. " "Wnb'ir.UN' .senators scored a notable sueo s In romo\lng the duty on binding twine and pi u Ing it on the free list. This result was brought about by the exactions ot the binding twine trust , which two years ago sccuiod u monopoly of the product , advanced prices and boldly tobboil the gt tin raisorof the country. If similar actions wore taken by congicss on all articles controlled by combinations , the tariff bill would ho moio in uccoul with the sentiments of the people. Tun Farmers1 Alliance of North Da kota will place a. ticket in the field the 2oth of September. It is estimated that the alii nice in that state , has about thiity thousijid"1 members , and two thiids of them aio republican. ! Llko in many other states , it has just strength enough to do no real good fighting binglo huidod.whilo it holds the b ilanco of power , and could briny either of the old parties to ta\v' , by co-oporating with them. But the ambitious leaders want to swamp the organizvtion for the glory of running for o lice. ! NTow that the voters of the vaiious waids hive petitioned for the increase of polling places , it is in order , for the council to take the matter in hand and ro-subdivido the city into a sufficient number of polling places. C > i.ir4utii > ! ( iu Attitude. Ifcw 1 * < > rk Sun The disclosure of Mr. Powiorly's pleasant schij.no of tying up the riUroads of the couu- try In 189J reveals tuo gicat meddler In a cliaiactcrlatic attitude. Tlio Political View. Detroit 1'iee I'ic < n One reads every day of the advance In the price of silver , but the silver dolhr does not buy nu ounce moro beefsteak tain it did a month ago , and the steak is quito as tough as it w as then. A Poor Stimulant. H'dJc'N 1'ilncaiHl ruin It , No ono can foresea the resjlt of the JIcKln- loy bill ns u law , or any bill that Is b ueJ on pirty policy. TheMcKmloy bill will not sat- Isli its ft tends , and cannot bo listing. It will , for a time , stimulate the m viufur-ture of some Rniles of gooils , no doubt , just as whlnky will stimulate n nun to saw mete wood , but it b bad for a steady diet , and can only bo temporary. Good Ailviuu ! V r llopitbllu xjis , ChlenailltinU. The Iraportincoof ctrofullv loa'cin ? after tholosishtivoand sonitorul pilinatloj can not bo too oiinostiv ursstl Vljil uico and euro In tint quarter Is of ttio fir t ncceasitv Thosuccoss of a puty tlcnenilsou the char to tcrof Its candidtuci AVlth poor tinillJatos it will lobe , with Rood caniUJitos it will win. Whether it-sliill no'nlnito ffao J or bid can didates dopamls on tuokluitor dele ate ? so- lec'edattho prlmtrloi At thojo only the bust motives nud InHuenco should prevail. II- Sensible at All jYcu ) Yotlt Ti linn' A writer in tlio SoptcmbeiTorum , vvhoia subject U "Tornadoes , " says tint ' -people bhfulcl make every oflort to rot-tin full com mand of their senses on tlio np.iromli of a touiado cloud , IJBCIUSO safJty lar dy do- liends upon actiju. jndlcioaily asoll as quickly" Tins'Is"undoubtolly ' true ; it is also true of the railroad nccldO'its and clop'- monts and caucuses and tiiilT dabates and family illsiiKrocinpnta , and savor.il other tunics tnvoivliif : onoixenc-iei in tact , a lull command of onu'LUmscs in nil ciicunntancos , csjiccially in unusual drcurastauecs , U most desirable. ' ff 3Ir. Itirimi * on Mr. Dorsoy. f'oi/i U8 JuurnaJ. Hopubllenns of lib T.lilril dlstiletlll \ look with unusual intcicst to the Dolfjo toutitj convention at Frtiiuouton the lOtli , us tliat may possibly settle the question us to whether the present Incumbent will bo a candidate. Aftorjho state convention ( vvluro Kkhards , a Dodge county in in , vv.n selected us the cinilldato for governor ) , it seuuicd the almost universal opinion that Dorsoy would not bo n candidate for congto s ; thit is to auy , the ix3litlc.il elements vvero tending to homo other than n Oodgo county man for thit olllco. Blnco the o'hor party nominations for the district have buoa made , how over , Dewey stock has risen , and , ns matters now stand , ho may bo the candidate of the paity , not withstanding the ritlicr tiwkwaid position la width tliat viould leave some of the lepub- licms of Dodge county. If t'io ' dlstilet con vention , when assembled , desire > to noiiluato Mr. Dorsoy , a-iy bldo ISMIOS or tnuwly per sonal considerations will not probably bo al lowed to Intorfcw with the wish ; this autlon of the convention would also pi no tuo other faction at i'lctnont all tljht , buciuso It would bo uot they , but the republicans of the dlstrlctjWho demand MrDorsoy'sronoml- nation. In any event , lot haraiojy prevail. O'l'lllSH T .VXJJS THAX OUUa. In view of the ndviincoof Kussla in Cen tral Asia , and her gradual absorption of It * decAying prlnclinlltias , It I * probable that Grcatjllrltnln will not relish thu fuel of the nmocr of AfKhanlstnn having sent nn cm- busy to llusaln for tlio pnrposoof conolud- lti(5 ( a coiumorclnl treaty botv\ooti the two couutiles. The , history of the last twenty ycirs shows that Itussln lias boun drawn pirtly of her own freowlllSotnctlmeingilnst | it-lnto conquoat after conquest , till slip llnils herself lu possession of ait oninlro th it Alex ander would hftvo envied , and which out shines tu.it of Tamerlane. Along tlio puxll- Blous expanse of teultsry which sttotclios from Chltiojo Mongolia , and \\liluh embtiices moio thin lulf il continent , Uuwln's ' pojsoa- slons are coterminous with thojo ot Glilnii , AfghanlsUinnnill'onlii ; and in the Uimla- Afghuu fioutlcr Ijii liind has a dliect anil comtninillii ) , ' interest , arhlnjj from Its vital bearing upon tha intcgilty and peace of the Indian cmplio Ills wet thy of note Unit vvtillo Itusshat hoinoseo-ns Inupablo of sat- Isfjlngher subjoou , tlio nioinont she ROBH abroad she shows n inirvclous uptltudu for assimilating thoio jiooples with whom she comes Into contwt. In ctstctn Turkestin , w lioro there is a w Ulo and 'rovv lag dHconton t with Cliiiicw rulu , a ( loop synuuth ) uiul re spect have grown up for the Kusslnu n ime , mid the people h ivo biijjun to long for tlio ar- ilval of thoUinslans as liborttors KcLOtit events have shown that the much lauded filendshlp of tuoeonturic * between Russia and China hangs by a Una id which any day imy snip asunder. Husjlan spirit ind lUis- slan cona onro potent faitoishcthcr in the hwtt of Hussia or In the AsUtiifar cist. # # The consttuctlon of the Trans Cusnlamall- vay tliroui < li a mjstcrlous country \vhlch \\asntonottnionltno4tiv blanU sp.no on tha imps was an undjrtn'tiiigo'i ' the part ot Uus- sl i which w is rivnrJjl .u llkclv to bo llnm- clilly titlnous. Hut tlio result has boon sut-h n development of the country that tlio present moans of tr.xiispjitutlon liivo boon found hi- ajeqmto ; ivhiloliiapolltk.il sense the Inllu- cnce of the Uiibsl m ptosouto U uniting In a sliiKlo n't-oup the vmio-is puts of i vast ic- ( lion Th.it tlio ruler jf Afghanistan Is anvious for closer rchtlonstiip .vith Kiissta shows tint he , too , like other Abilities , has become impiossod with feliv piL'stiqo , uud his notion will unduubtcilly cni-onraijo Kussit to stiongllieti the nseeniloncj which she isrtip idlj SLLHU iiij ? It Is iloar Unit Uussl in polltjy isdiro ted to.v.nd a toitrutioi of the mid dle yiouiultli.it sop nates her from IJiltlsli ten itory in Central Asia Without an ) In- tugue on her p ut , Afghanistan Ims islced for her filcndbhlp , md wlton she hai oiico secured - cured ti foothold in Cabiil she will soon sot about changing hottrontlor. . Russia never Kii-onU Ambition , polloy , nsc ssity , call her on , anil llnanchl ilHcourijjoinent has never jot rct.uJcd her adv.moo. Uiiglmd his been counting too implicitly on the fiiend ship of the ameer ot Afghanistan , and now th it , he lius maclo this advance to Kissla , she miy bylii to see that the sceuuty of her lu- aiau donihilotib hangs in the bal mco. # * VcnoznehhavIuK lojeotcd all propositions of the British govorununt made to her from time to tinio for the settlo-ncnl of ccitnln cltiiiH to tcmtory , it now appears probable that CiioatBiitaln will mike her own terms and Insist upon hiving tho-n rceognl/od. The Dutch , crossing the Kssoquibo coatuilesago , fountltil a colony about forty miles north of the Iitt3r , on the Ilivcr Pontuionwhich empties Into the Atl.mtio at the sumo point us the Moroco Italics of Dutc't settlomatit show this , and It is ulso known that the KngUsh , slioitlynf tor their acquisition , of the countiy fioai tlio Dutc'i , piocooded atroaa iho Uiscqulbo to the simo paints. The HlverMoroLOvhlch runs moio diiectlycist , Mould b wo given Butish Guiana only the siiuo coist acqulaitlo i us n line bounded by the Pomirou , with a llttlo moro of the in terior. Of coune the sulisoiucntly proposed line , running only twontj-nlno miloa to the cast of Birlma , vvould doinanj more : btlll , oven thit would have loft the Oihioco vnlloy wholly in Venezuelan conttol. But the diplomacy of the republic - public hai boon conducted rather bunglingly , and with u foolish unwillingness to rocojitlzo tint delay may bo dangerous in dealing with a much s'ringer power. After having llrst pioposed a joint coin ontion for mutu ill.v set tling the boundary dispute , to which Grant Biit'iln responded by proposing to add sundry 1 titisjh pe > , uiiiaiy clilms ngulnst Voiiezuola foi adjustment , "Vcnc/uol.i changed her giounl to a demand for arbitration. This clungo seems to hive boun made on the gioiuul that hei constitution piohibttod any voluntary icssiou of territory Great Biltaui ippaicntly wns Indisposed to quibbln about the notions of a Spuiish Amnrmiu country on thu point , doubtless liohling thitho did not. ask A'eiiczuelu to coJo any of her own tciritoiy , but only to conw to uti a teemoiit is to what was UritMi teuitory and abmdon thit. Still , tlio piesont , lil.o most other boundary disputes , is eminently ndaptol to intt'i lutionul nibltratlon , and Gio.it Biitaln , a the stronger power , might well iccept it In view , too , of tlio agreements of Ife'iO bo twoan thotvvo coimtuos , , not tooocupv torrl tury In dispute , sbo shouldappaiemly refrain fioiu cucioachiuLiit. w * * Tlio npiuoaclilnp' gcneril election In Spain H bcln ? actively picparod for bybothpai ttc'i. Sog ista his followed up Ills somo\/hn.t \ guarded speach to tlio munbcis of his lotir Incr cabinet with a moro pionounced and pea Hive aJdress to the liberal coinmitteas of Mail lid. Univeiaalsuffiigo , fahlj put Into operation ation and cirricd out to Its logical tesulU in the politics of the coimtiv , ii oviclentlj to bo tlio tiuln pln-ilt iu tholibjial platform , minor sticks being laid on tlio policy of low tiuffs aud Inteinationil rccipiocitj , tinl bj Jurj and inilit.uy reforms Tlio conservatives , on the other liatul , squiroly decliro for high piottction , while profo-.sing to ateopt In food filth the new suffrage law Their opnoncnts allege thit they aie alroaJy mikiii } , ' an arbitral\ use of their povvoi over munlciinl nuit unlvotilty oi an izattous to as unfairly to overcome liberal majorities Iho position of thoncwlyor- gmized tapubllcan p.nty Is a cuilousone. It naturally see'cs souo sort of an ulli in co with the liberals , yet Sy.isti can scaieolj strike up any opjn piitncrshln with it , siuco tlio govoiiiincut las betvotl notloo on him that if ho does como to nn undotstnnding with the deflated enemies of thomomiuh ) It will not hositnto to use foico todofcit the llborils. Satfista icpliod tint ho had no in tention of doing mi ) thing of the Ulnd , unless it should apjioir that nn attempt was being made to block the execution of tlio suilra o law ; in suth c.iso ho would rosoit to imv moans to overcome tlio coiibcu'utl\M. Thus the llltlo band of topubllcaiis servos as a threat to each of the Krcat parties A gi cat sensation has been cawi d b > Uio langusiao used by ( Jjnovas in in interview with acorrc- spondt-ntof thoTornps. Ilosald tint in Spain the guveuimont always obtained a majorltj Iu the elections , and was ublo to put its measures through the cortes. It was tlio loyal prerogative , and not thovvillof the people ple , that Uctonnlued a change of ndinlnlstra- tlon. btnco tlio rolgn of Alfonso XII. It had been n sottlotl principle to lot the conserva tives and liberals alternito In power ovoiy thrto or four jears j and nil the aglt.itlons of an electoral campaign ntno-int to nothlnii bo- eldo tlio tholcoof thoBoverolRii , Tuososomc- vv lint i-ynleal remarks undoubtedly have a largo de reo of truth In them , but they dli- cover such contempt for the constitutional llimtitions of the monarchy that they are J-iitly reuir.il. U as the utterance of a reaction , and probibly will pro o a jorloils cal blunder. AfterhavlnR for more thim fifty yetrs dotio its best to suiiiiro < * s the peinleloiu opium luiblt by every monni In Its ponor , the Clilne-iogovcrnniiMit seems at longtli to have como to the conclusion tint Its AMII meant oftoits In thit diioctlon nro doomed to failure , and that sluco its citizens nro iletonnliicil at nil costs to adhcro to the use o ( the drug , it it vvould bo politic to rctiln for tlio PoUln treasury the profits Jerivod from the vice , which have until now flowed into tlio Indian o.xilicquer. The clandestine cultivation of the poppy , although frequently punished by death , has bcoiisufilolent to ilemonstrato that China Is fully capable of growing nil the opium she requites ; and It is manifest froin the iletroo just Issued tint she Intends to do so. Opium will thcrofoio dUap- poir honccfortli from the leading posi tion which It has so long occupied in the Iintl u budget. While wotnnuot but feel for the poor hull in not who will Iw tnxcd still moio licnvilj to milcogood the dofldoncy In the Inillan revenue , it H Impossible to extend - tend any sympathy toOroit Biitaln lu the imttor Vat tlio sanguinary wuw liluh she waged iu.Unst China for tlio avowed purpose - pose of foii-liijthoCelcstI ( l Rovciiimciit to couscjitto tlio impnrtitlonof huliau opium , hn\o lllloil the most disgracefulpigcs of ber hlstory during tlio prosontcnturvpitjw of which all sensible ntul broid iiiliulcdUnKllsh- incu atobeiitilyashnmcd Vosslbtj It isduo tosomosuch sentiments as those that the Biltlsh press has iofi lined from any editor ial i-oiitinoiiton the oniporoi's opium procla mation * . * . Iho pioposal of M.thiyot , tlie French min ister ot public worlcs , to build a ship catnl to Purls is ono of the most important , cnginoor- itig sclienu'j of iccoiittimes. Of course the Mca is to usothotlvtr Solno for thu basis of the i-ni.nl. In fact tlio pioccss might bo clo- soribud us one \vldonlngaml dccpoiilng tint fn nousrivot so th it U vvould bo to 1'iu-is v\li.ittlio Uh lines is to London. Nowthat public attc'ntlon Is attracted to the sulinut ] , our ustoiiisliinuiituriseH tint tlio thing was not clone long ngo. Ilio second city of the \\oild has nlwijs been ImnilltMiipoU In its r.icolth her fjicit rival by the laclt of sea port fiulitlcs. It Is only lit miles fiom Puls to the sea , drcUing vvould Iw needful only apart of tlio distance , and 1C the necos sit } foi locks could bo molded tlieio Mould appeal to bo no Insuiici.iblo difllculty in nink ing a channel aloncr which rould jj.iss the Imgest ships , whether nivnlor ineicantlle , tlntplouylitheoce.ini Without doubtsuch uglg.intlo and uontlerful work would add inc-ileuihia wealth imd population to the most beautiful city on eailu. # # * ThoTurlis ha\o \ been inviting a row for a lon-r tlmo , and now , by expelling the IV.in- olscan fathers from .Teutstilcm , they give piovomtlon for a new ciusnle. It vvould ptoliaUy not ho possible In thcso chys to get up suck n wldcspiondntul cntkusinstlc move tiient upon the Holy city as thoolcl ciubidos , but onllio otlioihaiid , it vvould not require such npoxiular uprising to send "tho slolt mm" out of Kuiope and make him sun cnclor Jeiusalom forever. Tlio Only Hope. Aoj/ol/i / JNets. The prohibition piity Ins finally put In iiomin itioni state tidtot and will fight the citripalcn out as in independent organization. The onlv result thit Iho pirty cm hope to ac complish is to elect i dcmociatic governor , \\lio , if the proklbltoiy anicnlmcnt sbould cany , would veto anj laws tint might bo p used by tlio lejislatuto to enforce its pro- vlslons That miy bo consistout fiom n pro hibition standpoint , but it doesn't look like politic horse senso. In a politicil sense , the nomination of a state prohibition ticket is a greit mistake and will lose the amendment tlionsnids ofvotos. The pi ohlbitionists can not fight the republican partj to death and expect to win republic votes for that measure. AunuiA3t LiiNcow's PJN AND Votcis , by G. M Van Buren Kohoit Clarke < fc Co. , Cincinnati. Lincoln's ' public lifo wis one long work of addresses andlottcis vhicli not only directed the policy o ( the government - ment but also censured or encouraged the leadoia in the Hold. His principal oftorts ut oratory ; toffotlier Rith liis letters to generals , governors and clvil- intH , have been compiled into a neat volume and uriangod in logical older. In thlsuhnpo they form a chronological sketuli of the totitnct of tlio ffieat vvui piosldont with the ) > ublic5 and with the various people who stood In near lola- tlons to him. The Imstoftlio 1'nssion 1'lny. Canon r.irrarintho KoliglousIIoialtl Everj ellort will doubtlods beinado t stcuro thoiepjtition ol the nluy in the jear 1900. But the frrtivost , the w ibcbt , the most serious of the Obei-Ainmci0MU vtlLifjors fool an\ious rnkjjlv Ing1 * about the future. 'Iheydo not love to see their villag-e iii- vndotl by crowds of curious nnd carole s taitfhtaeors They four that limit chmac- tciti and Iho cluuacter of their homo will bo injured by the inlluxof alien ele ments , and they fool that the loss of re ligious puuty would botll compensated bj an amount of. incronscd wealth. Not a few of thom nro half losolvcd that this decide shall witnessthohibt Pabsion I'lay. Thov hive nn instinctive dense that tlio world his outtfiown the need for their oll'oit , and A\ould \ oiul in making them uiiical , vulytr dud mo- fine. Udmuml'atos , in tlio Now Vorlc Trib une : It isquito c-citiiin th.il the p re mint faotu aof porfoimiincos at Obor-Ammer R.IU of the Tu ion 1'liiy will bu the last , for IMneolvogcnt Uiitpold of liaMirta jiosltholyhiisdocMud to ptohiljlt it and there is : i { jonerul foUlnj ; thiouyliout bouthoi n dc-rinany that tlio time has ar ilvodwhon it ouyht to bo abolished It cottulnly lb ti moii-itrousHoantlul that the Passion IJlny should bo performed foi the bjnollt of a syndic ito of Vionncbo Jews , who are icillj farinmytho whole affair , siiul thulr .iffonts hive complete po es slon of the v illa o theater and of every body and ovoijthiiiff cumiccted vvilli it. Jn order to Inuoaso the prollth of tlioso spc-eiilntoH , who tiiLo ever thin0'bojond u coilain BUIII vvliic-h h { juarinteul to the p'ifoiniiMsimil tolome others who h.ivo vostcd intoiostb in the play , por- foi malices have bi'cii multiplied , uud , In. hload of their taking place on Siiniliiyw only , theio liivo boon thieo or four a week , The discovery of another tenor Is reported from .ibioal 'lliis tlmo the "Mini1 It In the slwuoofaWagner tenor. " IIU nnino it Hoiniich X'-llncr ' ; bU occnpntlon waauntil lately thatof a school teachoi In Sllosia. Hiul Ids dohut lu "U uuilimstr" t WUinoris ic poited to liavo bueii most suuetssful , .mcl to Invcs lalso I the highest hoiios concerning the iiow-comcn's ' future. When Habf wu stcV , wo guro her CwtorlA , \7hen sliovrna it dull , she cried for Cutorl/i / , When she become > ! iw , lo climg toC'astorln , , sl.DcuvoUiunCa ! > lorla , OliM VS SOUTH 03IAI1A , Tlio Tax Dispute Between tlio Two Oitioi in the Supreme Court , A PERPETUAL INJUNCTION ASKED FOR. Ordered to Collect ttioTmos StntnlloiiiR Ijlnooln : LINCOLN , Hob. , Sept. 5. [ Special to Tun The mooted case In which Otniha mul South Onuihi arc at var In regard to which iltv 113 bloilw In the South Otmln pl.it belongs , has urUted Into the uipnmio court. The territory tofortoil to cousUu of blocks Ito 100 unit'-01 to ! S. The city of Oinilm claims the dotmln by vhtuo of an net ot the legislature approved March IW , IHSr , liicorpouthig tnetiopotltan cities and an cull- nniic-o vuis pissed on the strength of this t nutlmrl/liiff the city ol Oimha to Indtidi ) In " hcrureitwuity-flvo square miles , anil absorb an ) to\vnshlor vlllnjto oinmraUon | within auch limits. The disputed territory tofcrro I to was Included in the twonty-llio inllos square. Thcclty tic.isuicr of Oniina lias Inti-ly been ordered to collect tlio taxes ( or the o blocks. The city treasurer of South Oniiu i has been notltled to Jo the snmo thing ntul thocltj of Ouialu tells the couit tint unless itusos'lts restraining powir tho. treisurc'i- Soath Oinalii will KOttho money ami the n- suit will he u multiplicity ot suits ti ilnst tlio pioport ) owners In the disputed district to got them to pay the piopcr oHlc-hil-tho city trcasuicr of Oninlm. Aporpetuil injutictlon I * tlicroforo aiko < l foi to rcstr.iln the eltj of South Oin.ilui cr Its tnisurcr fiom eollectlnu taxes In thodis-i putod tiact. * A iBvsiui.n vow. This morning I'd. 0 Bohnnon vowed to his friends that ho would novel ho caught i n gambling establishment wain , uiiil woi. i licio.ifter leul a sohei and industrious In Ills friends will linil this with pleasure V gi iv e mistake occurred In the aeiountt' ' - inoiniiiK concerning his inlsdcmcamn II elniROof foirforj should hue ic.ul "poll g money uiidoi fulsejprctonscs " i'helnlor i- J | tlon wis lllcd by faol Onncnliuinicr. ' 1 T complaint reads iiuoutas follows : 'Un s , . teinopi " 13d O. llohaiioii , by false jnototi > H dldobtila ftom bol Opponltcinicr the sum f .Tlii money by filselj prctruiliiiK tluth b . i money hi the Lincoln Nitioml Inuk i I tluiounoa drovv his chock for said sum , I Oi > pciiuciincr , bcllovlns and roljliiLrupon ) ' o rcpiesentotlons of ilohanott , ivo him ' money Butsuoli rcprosciitnuoiis nro fi ami wcio iiwdo vith tlio intcnttooho.it i I clcfi.iuil , s\vlndloand ilouptheconipliluin i Ihe olllccrhaIng the win ant foi Huh oil's niiost did not reul the same tohiai i t ineioly inroinied hint th.it a w.iiTint n. i been issued for bis niiost BolmiiDii v with tlio ottlcor to thocouit , vv-horo tlio ail i wis settled 'iliis afternoon Mr. Charles of Chnrlo V Voight nppcired also nt J ustice Ilrovv n's i t ami s-\\oio out a vvnriint lor the nnosi t I3olmnon ontlio chiiROof ( rotting if 10 uu i i fjlso prctonics from him. Uoti mon iloc-l.ii' - however , tint it is his intention to p.ij these choc'Us as iooii as he ian got tlio mon v and intends hoi oaf ter to lead tlio lifo ol aa uptight citizen. STVTB IIOU9EOTUS Washington I. Carson , sheriff of nilmoio eountjis flKhtlntr vith boloiiiin A Nathun axilastthc rceovciy of a ludRincnt of $ l ob- tallied against lilm by tint ilrm in thoil s * tilct coin t of that county , and today lie i p- pc'ilod the1 c-iso to the supreme court Mi.V \ 13 Hose , the no.vly njipointed ilip- ut ) clcik of the snprcino court , ( niallllcil iu d.ij after furnhhlnp ; the spuillcd bond f S.100QO Ills hojidsmcn weio.f U. Wobitci , J. II. JNIcMuity nnd A U. Klclcctts. Attoincy Ucnuial I ccso imd funllv willie tuui fiom Kims.is City this evening. ODDS AND ic.sn . Miss ( jraco SUusjlitor and Mrs \V n. \Vhceler Icivo toinonovvmorning for hue Point , S. I ) , whcio tboy will visit tloir si- > - tci. Fiom tliat iiointMIsa Or.ico % vlil KO to Evanston , 111 , wlioiosho is attending sell iol Edwnrd Reynolds lias c-otmnoncod suit agilastconstable J. II. J3rotho\vor of Fn'h ' and \Vilvvooil and H J. Wobblos.bia- , bondsmen , for $1,000 for alleged ftilhC Imyi - . onment Uovnolds.is nnestcd by IJu i / , over and confined thieo hours in the citj i and later thieo days in the jail hirutli account of n mistake undo by the constnlili The now pniochinl school knovnasilio T-ijcoum hallia connectionvvithSt 'Ilioicsis Catholic chinch , Is to bo dedicated no\t Si dayatSp. in .Among thosocktiosthat w > 1 takopnit will botho Lincoln lianch of th < i Irish Mationd LCIRUO of AmericaAiuicut , : Order of Jrllbornhns and other sociotloa. Tnlt * Datrs , Below are given the dates of the county fnlis in Nobiaska and state fails in aoiiilnu-.l ] states : liiand Island boot suar p ilaco September lown. stitn fair Son tout ber 1-7. ol > I isUa st itofilr. S-uiitunhor5-1U rloiixUllyiornnilneo opins btplciubor il h iri asstnlo fair , Scptombor ll-JI ) Wyoming ttitufalr. Siiitcinl > c.'rlO-l3 r.tllllASICA COUNTV LMIIIS. Ailuns ' -ui.t ' - 4 I5iij.'o . .bopt. Itlilno Hall . . boot 17-lW . . . Sypt 17-1'J ' lllulicoclt spt ISitir.iIo . . . -sept - Ill-til lEiillur . . . ! > o | > t .l-L'd .f-upt 7 Cnn . . . . bO | > t r18 hpt I I Ulioyeniio , .Scjit. li I I " ' . Sept Jd-T'l Monlclc. -i ) OolLV" . . . .Soiit 17-111 tlllCO ' ' V ) Oiimlng . b ( ! | > t 'J4-U'7 , Nuulmlla SofiY fo'-d't Oiiitt-r. . ijonl ,10 Oct. I I'lnnu heiif 1 > i ? llawu . . Sept It-Si I'm It fcopt I-O)1 ll ) 7 ( i JIJF . . , , , f1(1 * 1" fcot .w-Oet , : ihtituilors..Hi > | ) t. I ) 1\/S < )11 . . . Douglas 1- I Staiilon. bopt .ttt-CDi.1 I'llllllOlO i'i > l lil-lu V'alloy. . . . vpt. 'I KrmUlIn hoiit JI-L'O .hi pt. ± 2 m Tlio I'ronilKfs Not Tollable. SI A.oiili niiibf-Ddnrtorit. Tlio assumption that the president will call / r-ongi ess in extra session a wcolc or o afterJ the election , 01 ut nil , must bo biscdupoii jiS uttetly false notion ot lilsmontiil condltlo" ! . TLcio h noBood ovidoaco , so fara3wea.N > avuno , that tlio picstdeiit an Idiot Positively cured thi-,0 , T.'ltlc ' Pi > I . ' They also rullcio DM { * tress fron Pj spcpsii ID A pc-rfcit rtin E fdj rorllzzlncsVnuvi ) Prowalncss , Ur.t 'i < v.t . ( . In tlio Moil Hi. Coatuljj longtio , I'ala In Iho - > Mo IIVKII Tiny IXJulato the Uoi % ( 's ' SHALIPILL SHALLOOSE , SMALLPniCE. ! OMAHA. LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Subscribed nnd flunr.intoail Capital. , . tVWOOO I'aUl InUupltnl . jiM.OOO Iluysaiul lollrtitoclisaiiilboiiili ; nczotlutoa oomnurulal paper : rc-colum and oxocutcn triistHi aotsixH trinsfir agent anil trustea of corporatism , tiUa tlrnrgg of property , cell - l 3W Omaha Loan S E Corner loth nnd Sti Uic'ifoaiiltai 0 1'ur Cent