Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Tlo Minnies Have Souio Difficulty to
ing Ouuba'i Now PiVaer ,
KllleiiKnoukcd Out of Uin Hot liUlin
Third Imiln Sioiiie TcrrMlo HIiiu-
SCxTiilIng of tlio
Clubs ,
Plurml. \Vniu i.o'lt. Per Ct..KM
m U7 .KM
. < H 411 .010
sas Mltr . I/J 01 : it : .01.1
vor . . 101 01t6 nt ,4 .n
Hloil.v ( 'ltv . IW . 4 fij
Oinnlin . 1"3 ni
Jvlnroln . IKi
ttl'uul . 11H
UninlitiH , Jlliiiii'npiillN ( I.
H , Minn. , Sei > t. . " . -Spjcial [
Tclepram to THE lir-Tlio ) : Mlnnciipolia
team batted lilteljcrg , the now Omaha
pitcher , for three homo runs In Iho flrstfour
Innings , butuftcr that they fanned out right
down the line , only getting ono inoro tally
around , Tlio visitors were In fine shape , nud
put their hits well toother in the third nnd
iniiliiif. Tliov knocked Klllen out of
the box In the third Inning , nnd inndo It very
} ) lc.isnnt for Mitchell. Uater on Mlniioniiolls
ucgiint ho run getting on Ilyn'a homo run In
thufliv.tlnnlnf , ' , and lutlionuxt Miller again
lifted the ball out ot tbo lot. In the fourth ,
with Omaha ono aliead , caused by
four hits , a base on balls , and nsacrlllce , Car
roll wa ? ulven u life by Cleveland's fumble ,
and \Valsh'bad throw permitted Miller to
tfct tlio Initial hair. U'hoii ' Du dale slummed
the hull out or the lot , A double , n base on
balH , nnd three singles gave Omaha the lead
In tbe sixth , Tbo locals scored ono in the
eighth on the visitors' ' bor pliiy , but Wow-
limn dropped Into the breach unit banned Iho
ball BO fur it could not bo found , fjlvluB the
pamo to the NcbMskims. The splendid stops
and throws of Walsh nnd tlio steady catching
of Nowmnii i/lcnsed / tlio crowd.
. ruin Mlnnoaiiolhfi. OnuilmR. Two
tinschltvMcQusidi' . A\alsli. \ Willis , Kltoljorw.
Jloniu runs Ityn , Mlllur , Ilii ilulL1 , Xu\vinun.
htoli'ii linscs-MJnimapolls 1 , Unuilui C. llasi'S
on h.iiii-icnioii : ; , jiitchpil , KiiPiinrx a.
Strnok out Mltuliull t'I-itflforx8. : I'li-stbaso
oil crrois .Mlime.'iiioll.ill. J.uttdii bases Mln-
, OmuliiiH. Umplru llun
St. Caul H , Hlouv City
Sr. P.iuu Minn. , .Sept fl. [ Special Telegram -
gram toTiiKliKB. ] Followiiifr Is tlio score
of today's '
Runs earned Sl.l'niilll , Slonx- City I , Tivo-
linsohlth-HIiick , ( lenliH. liniuoruiis-A.ul > uy ,
Worrlulc , Illiirk , Jdilipoll. liases on halls
.Mcolcin 1 , Wldnor 2. Slrnclc out BIcoklu J ,
'Wltloor ' J. Uiuplru JIcDofiiiutU
National I/cnuo ; ,
No game rain.
New York 1 0000 100 1 9
Brooklyn 0 0010 00 0 0 1
Hits N'ow Vork 10 , Brooltlvn 4. Errors
Now Vorlc 4 , Brooklyn 5. Dattcrioa Shurrott
and Clarice ; Lovett and Dnllcy. "Umpire
Chicago 0 4011 033 1-13
Cincinnati S OOOl 410 0-8
Hits Chicago 10 , Cincinnati 5. Errors
Chicago L' , Cincinnati. 4. Butteries Luby
antlNitglo ; iMullnno and Harrington , Umpire
IT nosrox
Boston 3 00 10 000 0 4
Philadelphia.0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 * 5
lilts Boston 8 , Phlladolpiiia 8. Errors-
Boston 8 , Philadelphia" , Batteries Cluinbert
andMurphyiUuHlntonand Cross. Umpires
Knight and Jones.
Brooklyn 0 0041 033 2-13
New Vorlc 3 02000000-4
1 Hits Brooklyn 15 , Now York 8. Errors
Brooklyn 4 , Now York a. Batteries Sow-
ders and Daily : O'Day ' nnd Ewlau.
Pcarce nud Suydcr.
BulTftlo 3 Gill 000 8-13
Clavulund 0 OOOl J102-5
lilts lluffalo 0Cleveland , 12. Errors Buf
falo 1 , Clovolnnd 4. Itottorlas Stafford
andMnclc ; JlakelynndUrcunuu. Umpires
GafTiioyiuid Sheridan ,
Ho game rain.
Sunday's Game.
The Muncapolis team will bo seen "on the
Omaha grounds on Sunday for the last time
tUIa season , the fjamo schedule J for Septem
ber 23 havlns been transferred. Tno games
for September 24 und 25 with Minneapolis on
thoOintilm grounds huvo been transferred to
U'lio batting order for the Sunday game will
bo us follows :
AIluncaDolls McQuald , 1 ; JHnnchan , r ;
Ryan , Ib ; Bay , i'k : Curroll , in ; Sillier , ss ;
TwohoyUb , ; Dupdalo , o ; IDuko , p.
Omaha Canavnn , Ij Walsh , as ; Is'ownmn ,
c : O'Connor , lh ; Cluvoland , : ib ; ICcarus , p ;
Willis , in ; Haurutan , ib ! ; liltoljorg , p.
TIlU jVtlllutll'H lllHOlVOIlt ,
PniL.M > iu'iiiA , 1'a. , Sopt. 5. [ Spoclul Telo-
pram toTiiKUcB. ] The players of the Ath-
lotio baseball club liclil n meeting nt the Inw
oBlcos of Messrs. Wolf & Judge today to take
action looking to the recovery of tholr bade
Balurlcs. Mr , Wlilttaltcr , the troosurar and
practical owiior of the club , who was present
by request , Rave a statement of the organiza
tion's ' standing , llo said that it was ii
11 cully bankrupt ; that ho had put $1,000 of
his own money into it with the nope of lloat-
Inglt over its troubles , aiul that the only
offer he could in all o to the players was for
thorn to run the twin on the co-oporaUvo plan
and take the chances of recouping tlicm-
eclvfs by thogatorocclpUi. The players will
RID the club until ( omcUilng ilellnltols heard
from tlio cxocutlvo totnrnltlffl ot the Amer
ican imoclatlonor the nutlouil board of arbi
1JTJ ! trt'Klilt JtlXG ,
Hay Hncrs.
SiiKEP niAi ! > HAY , N. V. , Sept. fl , [ Special
Telegram to TIIK UKn.l-Tlio weather clear
anil trade fiwt. Suinniary !
Ono inilo Hlngston ( the fnvorlte ) won ,
Kyrlo IJ second , Klovo third , Mouroo drawn.
Tlmo1J2. : .
Three-fourths of n mlle , on turf , TnrtrldRO
stakiw-Strathinculli ftho favorite ) won ,
l enl Harry second , Ll/zlo tlilnl , Lnily Wash-
iiiKton , Bonnlo Uissnnd Upiiun druwn , uray
Hock iiddod. Tlmo-1 : IS - . " .
Throe-fourths of nmllo-BobbloIIcach won ,
Clnreinloii ( the fuvorito ) second , Costa Ktco
tlilrd , Houston and 111 Spent drawn. Timo-
lllO'J- . ' ) .
Mlle and onc-clehtli , selling Tattler won ,
St. Paris secouil , I lttlo Jlin ( the favorite )
tlilrd , 1'at Slieody drawn. Time I : r 7 S-T > .
Mile aiuloiie-olKhth Los Angeloi ( thp fa-
vcrito ) won , Kriu soconil , Cliumuo thlrJ ,
Kobesplorro ilmwn. Time \ ' . " < .
Ono in llo , on turf Blackthorn von , Youn ?
DaUo soconil , ( Jarnot tlilnl , Moridcn ( the fa
vorite ) not In it.l'onllilo , St. John , Fern wooJ
and \VnttoHon dniwii. Time I : ! : ) . '
Cincioo , Sopt. fi. [ Special Tclonram to
TUB USB. ] Sumniury of today's races nt tlio
\Voat Hide park i
llirco-quarton of a mlle , handicap , two-
yearoldsCllon Uush won , Tom Mat-Kin ( the
fnvnrltirt Komiid. Ella Bltickburn third. Ethel
S mid Sly LUbon drawn. Time- t.
One mile Alias Howard ( the favorite )
won , Hornpipe second , Orderly third. Tlnio
Tho'tlilrd race was declared ofT.
Three-quarters of a mile , selling nillr
Plnkcrtoii won. Dan II ( the favorite ) sceond ,
Vattelthird , U'lmo-1 : W { .
Ono mile , selling Mudolinvon , Rca
Stone ( the favorite ) second , Pinto third.
Time 1MB.
Three-quarters of a mile , soiling Lady
_ _ ei ; ( Iho favorite ) won , Crab Cider second ,
Llzzlo D tlilrd. Time IMP.
DCS Mollies Uauos.
DKS MOISTS , la. , Sept. B. Summary of
today's races :
four-year-old trot , TGOO lUiodcriclc Dim
was the only startor. .
2 : ! > 5 trot $000 Prosper Mcrrimae won ,
Thalia second , Oliver W third. 'Ilino-S :26.
Free-for-all pace , $500 Major Wonder won ,
Governor Lucas second , 'Inngcnt third.
Time 2MK. : !
"Wnlioo llnc'ei.
WAJIOO , Neb. , Sept. 5. ( Spoclal Telegram
toTniiDcii. ] 1'ho nttcndnnco at this , the
last dny of tlie fair , was rather Ikut. Thoraces
races tvore excellent. Summary !
Ono-lmlf mlle and repent Tanglefoot won ,
Howard Arnot second , Nellie Illy third.
Time SI , TilM , 5UX-
Ono milo and reiwat Doc Howard won ,
Blaze second , Hippie third. Time 1.57,1:50 , : ,
'County trot ( Joldlo won , Catharine sec-
oiut. AVahooMuid third. Tima allJf,2:39 : ) : ,
Free-for-all trot Frank P won , Is'ettlo
Wilkefl second , Clareuco Ij third. Best time
DitlO'f , which is the host time cvcrjiiailo on
this track.
KIKIUS I'o tponccl.
Mass. , Sept. 5. T&o raceJ
were poitpoucd on account of rain.
'J'mlay'H 'Jips.
AT siiiti"iin.U ) n.\r ;
1'irst race Kncclnnd , M Farron.
Second race ia Toscu , Key West.
Third race Long-ford , Olio.
rourtu i-aco Firunzi , Tournament.
1'ifthraco Kurus , Prince Fonso ,
Sixth race Philosophy , Floodtlds.
First race-Split Silk , Ithaca.
Second race liankrnpt , Pearl JoaniUb's.
7hird race Minnie C , lioinp.
I'onrth rnco SkobclolJ , Ladv Lea.
1'iftU race-Tom Daly , St. Anians.
Sixth race Ortorly , Hurry ICuhl ,
for Toilny'a Uaccfl.
I'lrat'raco ' , flvc-elffhts ota mlle , two-year-
Olds JJ , ShllohYillow , Split Silk , Sho-
aliiinn , Juinos V , Patrick , Ivauhoo , ICutio J ,
Grateful , Ilhnca , Hoscbud.
Second raao , ono mile , owners' handicap -
Lewis Claric , HIcMurtry , Pearl Jennings ,
Bankrupt , St. Albans , Texas Girl , Amelia.
Third race , three-quarters of a mile , selling
llotnp. Later On , Sourire , Cole Miller ,
MnrnloC , Gertie B , Enterprise , Miss McCul-
Fourth race , three-quarters of a mllo. selling
Lndy Leu. Puck Horse , Good Day. Bolster ,
Skobcloff , Coppcrlield , Crab Cider , Jnclfstafl.
Fifth race , thwe-qunrtcrs of n mlle , selling
Harry Glenn , J. B. 1'rccO , Texas Girl ,
Lulu May , lied Stone , St. Albans , Tom Daly ,
Sixth race , seven furlongs Governor
Ilardin,1 Joe I ) , Orderly , Ecarto , Henry
Brown , Harry Knhl , Blue
First race , ono mlle Puzzle , Bell D. Or ,
Llttlo Jlinnle. Urbiuia , Lela May , Uaccland ,
Benediction , O. W. Cook , Glinvad , Bon Har-
un , lUAuiu.n-i , inLTjuv , luuiiur ,
Al Farrow , Worth.
Second race , three-quarters of n mile ,
Friendly stakes Florimore , Ifoy West , Imp
Douglass , ( Jnai'tcrstroteli , Yosoinito , An
archist , Key del Key , San Juan , Montorov ,
Gascon. Pcssarra , Sorcerer , Surplus , Land
scape , Firoworlts. Epcranza , Lii Tosca , Kil-
doer , Lady Washington , Salllo McClelland.
Third race , ono nnd three-quarters miles ,
September stakes Can Gun , Lord of the
Harem , Luiigford , Mr. Pclhani , Clio.
Pourth race , ono and one-eighths miles ,
minion t , Aiwcouda , Sluggard.
Fifth race , ono and three-eighth miles
ISurus , Al FMTOIV , Montague , Itetricvc , Pnnco
Fonso , Phllanilcr , Eluvo.
Sixth race , ono and one-half miles , on turf
Philosophy , IJonanzu , I'loodtide , St. LuUo.
Lotion , Mustcrlodo.
A Ijlvcly aioctlnsr from AVIiiuli Several
Duels May JCcsnlt.
PAUIS , Sept. 5.-SpoclnlCnllcgram [ ) to Tan
BIB : , ] A noisy lloulanglst meeting was heli
hero last night , The mooting protostoi
against the revelations concerning Genera
BoulanRor nnd passed a resolution aulrnilng
their adherence to the programme of the
party for a revision of the constitution
Castolin , ono of the speakers , inndo n vie
lent attack upon Mennelx , editor of Cocarde
the IJoulanglst orpin , and author of the revo
lutions , who. upon rising to reply , was
greeted with niasos and groans and was com
pellcd to abandon the attempt. Ho there
upoa left the meeting , Doudey , nn anarchist
who was waiting iu n neighboring boulevard
followed McrnieU , heaping ubuso upon hln
and ending his tirndo by spitting in Mcr
meix's face. Several duels nro expected to
occur as a result of tlio meeting.
Nebraska. Iowa and Dakota Pensions
WASIIIN-ITON % Sept. 5. ( Special Tele
grain to TIIK HKK. ] Pensions were today
granted the follcwliiu Nebraskans : Orljina'
Joseph A. Hoyd , Hcmmingford.
Iow ! Original Anderson Brown , Con
wiiy ; Edwaitl KU wards. Homer ; William
Heed , Nora Snrlngs : Jaiuea H. Wilson
Goodolh Ezra \V. Hubbani , Jlai-slinlltown
James V. I31alr , Llbortyville ; George W
Ojsleu , Horton. Orklnul wldows-Magda
lone , widow of Charles Slssing , Marshall
South Dalcotn : Original-Dennis o. Houch
Goudyvllle ; Harry C. Collins , Sturgls
Joseiih K. I'atUCantou. . Helssuo Frank
Uu K. Chapiu , Klkpoint ,
Snlva lor'fl Army Kiilors the Cniiltal
Ta LinintTAn , Salvador , Sept. 5. AniU
the clumor of chureh bolls , snlvns of artillery
and the strains of muslo 7,000 won of the Sai
viKloriun army rondo a triumphal entry Into
tbo capital this morning under command o
the president and Thov hui
coino from tlio frontier. The whole olty Is
proi'usely doooruted nnd the streets were
packed wltbcuthublustla multltuduD.
Twlnn on thn 1'roo
" \Visnis-aTox , 3 pt. B. By n vote otSS to
IS , the sonata hns plauod bluilltigtxvino ou
the free list ,
Old Vets Turn Their Backs on Camp Crook
"With Deep Rcgrot ,
UhrN s-olwnnz , Idrlutt Near Paxton ,
round Dead in Icd An Im
portant Ijiuv Suit nt
Qiuxn ISLAND , Neb. , Sept. 8. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BIB. | Today virtually
closed the reunion. The projmunmu for to
morrow reads I "Oioil-tiyo ; comonffnlu. " It
was the largest , most interesting and most
enthusiastic over held in Nebraska. Kctfrct-
fully people turn their faces and all have kind
words of thanks und inagnunU
moils treatment they have received. The ac
commodations wcro unexcelled , and every
member of the reunion eoinmitteohas labored
Incessantly for the benefit of the visitors.
An estimate of the crowd can bo imulo from
the statistics ot the Union Paclilc roadwhich ,
carries ! an avcr.igo of 2S.OOU . dully for the last
three days. In addition to this the I ) , & SI.
ail way has had n very largo patronage , street
ars have been taxed to their llmi't nnd hacks
nnd carriages have done a largo business.
The feature nt the camp today win the
ham battle , participated in by the old sol
diers of company P. Second United States
irtlllcry , commanded by Colonel Cjrl A.
Woodruff , und the Twonty-flMt United
States infantry , commanded by Gen
eral Morrow. It was a grand
sight nnd will bo long remembered by all vrho
vitncssed It.
The state organization held a meeting this
forenoon nnd elected olllcers as follows :
Indiana , 201 , president , Joseph Butler ; adju
tant , \V. II. Hay ; quartermaster , J.V. \ .
Llvcringhouso ; treasurer , L. D. AVllloughby.
Iowa , 57"J registered , president , W. S. Kan-
lall ; vice preslucnt , Ii. C. Hussell : secretary ,
A. II. Brown ; treasurer , F. D. Leo. Kansas ,
113 registered , H. E. Palmer president.
Ohio , 470 registered , president , S. Wllcox ;
secretary , \V. F. IcLauphlln ; treasurer , J.
tf. Ilurd ; orator , Charles F. Muxterson.
"West Virginia , 100 registered , president , J.
A. Wear ; secretary and treasurer , F. D.
"Willoughly. Illinois , 191 iDgistcrod , presl-
lent , General DilUvorth ; vice president , Leo.
Michigan , 141 registered , prusidont , Miles
"Warren ; secretary. . Brass. Wisconsin , 'Ml
registered , colonel , J. II. Culver ; lieutenant
colonel , C.V. . Hyatt ; major , George "W.
; surgeon , A. .1. Wlard. Pennsylvania ,
JT'J registered , president , J. S. "Wood : adju
tant , Besser. Now York , . ' 10 registered ,
preaideut , Woodward. Now Knpland states ,
1,4 0 repistcred , pi-csident , 1. 1' . ( Jalgo ; secre
tary , Warner A. Koot.
Several of the stntw will not hold meetings
until tomorrow.
This has been a red letter day for the trav
eling men of Nebraska. The reunion suf
fered a positive eclipse and the boys carried
nil before them. At 11 o'clock this morning
the festivities wcrostartcdwith u monster
parade , over live hundred coininorcial men
being in line , escorted by mounted police.
twelve brass bands and a continual round of
npplausc. A Union Pacific locomotive and
freight car canio rumbling alonp the street
and blowlnp Its whistle. Altogether this
parade was the finest scon in our streets for
some time and greatly strengthened the peed
feeling nlr/jady existing bdt-wecu our citizens
and the traveling uien. Following the trav
eling men caijiotFio Grand Island Uniformed
Hank KnigU'ts of Pjtbhis , presenting u fine
appearance. U'lio local fire department
Ill-ought up the rear of the procession proper ,
but iollowlng was a long line of trades dls-
[ .lays.
This evening a grand ball and banquet
wis Riven at bo Ancient Order of United
"Workmeu hall and was enjoyed by the
"Knights of the Grip. " Hon. S. N. Wol-
bach , F. G. Lockwood and others responded
to toasts.
The dlsplav of fireworks nt the camp this
evening -was beautiful and elicited much
deserved applause.
Judge Wall of Loup City was n visitor at
the grounds today.
Nearly all the editors In tbo state visited
the reunion and pinned their curds to the
press tent.
Tno Sons of Veterans entered into the
spirit of the occasion and their woric was
very creditable , over two thousand register
ing at headquarters. They will bo a perma
nent fixture at future reunions.
State Auditor Thomas Benton , Pat 0.
Hawcs , J. N. Paul nnd Ij. D. lltahurda were
visitors today.
The last game of the series between Grand
Islaud and ICearnoy resulted in favor of
Kciirnoy , the score being 5 tol. Battery for
Kearney Carter and Pickering ; for Grand
Island , aiiller and Kitto. This entitles
ICearnoy to three games out of the four
Killed While Ploying Soldier.
KRARXCY , Neb. , Sept. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEif ] Little Arthur Tllloy , n
ten-year-old boy shot nnd
, was killed hero
this afternoon by Luther Colwell , a playmate
of the same ago. A number of small boys
were playing soldier and the crowd xvas
armed with three old guns , which they had
procured without leave of their parents , Ono
of the weapons was loaded nnd was accident ,
ally discharged , taking effect in the boy's '
back. lie lived but a fow.minutes.
Found Head in Hc < l ,
PAXTOX , Nob. , Sopt. 5. [ to THE
The body of a farmer named ChrU
Scbwanz has been found In bed dead about
twenty miles north of Paxtoti by a cowboy
working on the Bratt rauch. The coroner
was notified and a Jury summoned. Investi
gation shows that Schwanz had been dead
throe weeks. IJo was last seen allvo three
weeks ago. Ho seemed to have Just
arrived homo from town , as now goods ivoro
found in tbo wagon. Ho bad unhitched and
unharnessed tbo horses , went to the house ,
closed the door , laid down in the bed and
died. There seemed to bavo boon u j strug
gle and no dea-ilv instruments were found ,
although the pillow , bed and floor Indicated
that ho bled freely before dying. From the
decomposition of tlio body it was impossible
to discover marks of violence.
An Important Suit Filed.
HASTIXOJ , Neb. , Sept , 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tins BuE.1 An Important suit
was filed In the district court this nf ternooa
by attorneys representing Joseph Thomas ,
trustee , ot Quakortown , Pa. , ngalnst M. Ij.
Elsemoro of the City National bank , ct ul.
The object , as alleged In the petition , Is to
foreclose n mortgage for SIO.MO and to have
tbo mortgage given to the "Western loan and
investment company canceled on tbo ground
of fraud practiced on plaintiff. The property
Involved ombrueos real estate and the plot of
tbo Hustings dry pressed brick works.
I'rlsonersTako Vrniioh l > nve ,
DAKOTA CITI , Nob. , Sept. 5 , [ Special
Telegram to Tins BEE. ] Three men confined
In the county jnil awaiting trial at tbo comlnj
district court , broke jail last night about midnight -
night and thus far have made good their
escape. About 10 o'clock last night they
asked Sheriff Ryan to bring th in a fresh
pall ot water and as ho started to comply ho
only locked the door to the steel caw , iiuvini <
the outer door onon. As soon as tlio sheriff
was gone the prisoners unlocked the inner
door with n wooden key they had made and
Jumped out of the window in the shorllt's
oflico. Sheriff Hyan Is scouring the country
with the aid of his deputies. The prisoners
were Frank \Vier and Irving Johnson ,
charged with highway robbery , nnd U , C ,
McClontock , charged with forgery ,
Uoutli ofii I'rnmlnimt Citizen ,
ST. JAMKS , Neb. , Sept. ( i. [ Special to TIIR
BEK.J Colonel John C. Moycre died at his
homo , seven miles southeast ot St. James ,
hist Monday. Ho had been nfllictcd with
Brlght's ' disease for some months , but his
friends had not thought the end would come
so soon. Ho was at ono time editor of the
Burke County Press j served one term ns rop-
resoiitatlvoor hUHistrlct in Pennsylvania ;
wotcrmsas ennar ! from the Sixth scitfl-
nrlal district , NvLrtishiU tvas consul ceneral
o Shanghai , Ohtuivxlurlnri'resldanulrniit's
tdnilulstriitloii'aiil enlistments
, ) served two
u the union ornijvViio us corporal , Company
3. 1IB PeniiBjlwuiiTvolunteers , nud oucofts
colonel of Iilsr0 lnipnt.
The York Goutiiy Knlr.
Yonic , Neb , , S t. 5. [ Spochl to Inr.
Inn , ] Tlio clgh epjith nnntml "Vorlc county
Ulrtlosed tod.iy.t > The showoC horses va
cry largo , a myijVcr of new stalls havlnff
) cen built to acoojiunodiito them. The cattle
stalls wore not nM'u'oli fllloJ as In previom
ems. The florid' ' HM1 was filled from end to
endwlthflnodliijjufa niid any ono that im-
iglnes that u fiifluraof crops In Yorlt county
s prevalent , should have seen tlio display of
'arm ' product1) ) to ilinvc had that Idea dispelled.
fho four days of tha fair wcro nsucccw , ex
cepting Tuesday , nrnlii in the forenoon pro-
vcnllng the usual attendance on that day.
A "U'y mrn Miin Goes Insnnc.
ISKvmtcR , Nob. , Sept. 0 , [ Special Tele-
M-ain to Tim OCR. ] II. C. liopltlns via
u-ought up from iVyinoro this afternoon on n
charge of insanity nnd was so adjudged by
ho board of insanity coinnilnsloners mill
> rtlcrod sent to the asylum atl lncolu , IIop-
viiiscliilina to bo the son of ( led , and Junta *
.ho train bringing him to Heatrico entered
.lie city ho made n Jump , but wns unhurt by
; lus leap. lie was recaptured and brought on
o town. While being oxnmlncd ho mani
fested nn uncontrollable disposition to steal
everything lie could lay his haudsupon.
The Polk Ootmty I nlr.
OJCEOI.A , Ti'ob. , Sept. 5. [ Special to Tnn
Hii : ! , ] 1'ollc county"closed her four days'fair
todny , and it lias boon ono of the best ever
held In the county , The display of all kinds
of grain was excellent and the horses , cattle
and hogs could not have been baitcnby nuy
county in the state. Tbo management are
entitled to great credit. They expect to tuko
tlio exhibits to tliostnto fair. 'i'herfl ' was u
largo crowd of persons present.
Boy Hurt In a llmm-way.
Bum , Neb , , Sopt. B. [ Special to Inn
Bic , ] A small son of Mr. Hopkins , a dray
man hero , had a narrow cscapo this morn-
Ing. The mule team ran away with , him ,
throwing him down and under the tongue ,
the wajjon passing over him , Ho is badly
bruised up. Ono of his eyes WUH hurt badly ,
although tbo doctors thliik ho is not daajjer-
ously Injured ,
15rltljo Contract Awarded.
BEATRICE , Nob. , Sopt. C. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BuB.l The George K. King
bridge company was today awarded the con
tract by thu county board of supirvisors for
building the bridqo over the Blue river nt
Dluo springs and for several smaller bridges
throughout the county. The total amounts
Involved In the contracts are W,800.
Dentli ol'u .HIulster.
SP.WAIID , Neb. , Sept 5. [ Special to Tun
Dm : , ] Yesterday afternoon tbore took place
tbo funeral of Kov. J. A. Dobson , the Congre
gational lalnistcr , vbodled early the previous
morning. The remains wore followed to the
grave by a largo concourse of people , d'ho
funeral was conducted \vlth Masonic honors ,
assibtea by the Oddfellows.
A. Gorman Paper Siispcndfl.
BKITUICH , Neb , , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tim JJm : . ] Tho'iweokly Beatrice Frelo
I'resso , the only Oerman paper in Gage
county , suspended publication yesterday.
Lack of patronage is'assigned as the cjuse ,
FOVXJ ) A JIUJuIt TxlffS ItJl.lJ\ .
Strnngo Case of the .Tames Massey -
soy ot" Nebraska City.
( NOHASKA. Cirr , Neb. , Sept. 5. [ Special
to-Tiix BF.K. ] James H. Miusoy , an old sol
dier , who died near this city a"bout a week
ago , was a voterdii with n history nnd a herewith
with an enviable rceprd. Ho enlisted hi com
pany Q , Ughth rcplmeiif of Illinois volunteer
infantry at Grlggs'vjllo , 111. , In 1801 , nnd par
ticipated in some of the hardest fought bat
tles of the rebellion. He was In the engage
ment with Grant at Fort DonoLson on Feb
ruary M , 1S02 , and was shot In the head , The
wound nt the time , however , \vas not con
sidered serious , hut-It resulted fntally twcn-
ty-nlno years -later. Ho fought at Sluloh and
came out without n scratch. In 18(53 ( ho was
stationed with bis regiment on the Missis
sippi , above Vlcksburg , and was the first man
to oiler his life and service in Grant's call for
volunteers to mnfco an attempt to run
tbo rebel blockade nnd batteries at Vichs-
burg. It Is the record of history that on
April 22 , 1SIJ3 , the blockade was succcsfully
run , and although inan'.vothors lost their lives
In that heroio feat , yet Private Massey es
caped uninjured.
After the fall of Vlcksburg Massey applied
for and received a furlough of thirty days ,
and tlie papers and correspondence in rela
tion toivjt are Interesting andowinjr , to their
associations , nro prized very highly by Mr.
Massoy's family , sa they -\voro by himself
during bis life.
At the end of his furlough Private .Massey
rejoined hh regiment , nnd during a marcn
from Vlcksburg to Jackson was overcome
bvtho effects of his wound and the heat.
He iiovcr recovered , and was soon after sent
to his homo a physical nnd al
most a mental v'rcck. Tbo remainder
of his life was a struggle to provide
for his family and to regain bis health. ICu-
morons attempts were roado to seen re a pen
sion for the old hero , but without success.
As the wound in his head had healed and ho
could produce no witnesses , tlio pension ex
aminers refused to believe bis story about
being shot , und declined to make tin examina
tion of his head. They based bis application
lor pension on "sunstroke and rheumatism , "
but ho never cot a cent.
At the time of his death Dr. Carrlker of
this eltv wns called in and uu autopsy was
held. The bruin of the dead soldier was re
moved and nn examination in tlio presence of
witnesses disclosed the almost Incrednblo
faut that a bullet was imbedded in the right
hemisphere of the brain , about nn eighth ot
nu inch from the outside , having been there
smco the battle of l 'ort Bonelson , on Tebru-
ary 14 , ISO. ' .
Another effort will bo mudo to sccuro a
pension for Mnssoy'a widow , and It is more
than likely that it will ho successful this
timo. Tbo case is regarded as one of the
strangest Imcnvu in mcdleal science.
Tlio Ilostonool Jlnrkot.
BOSTO.V , Mass , , Sept. 5 , [ SpecialTclcgram
to THE BKE. ] There has been a e od demand
lor wool , but the marlcct is unsettled and
rather easier. Ohio fleeces linvo boon sold to
sorao extent at30@31c , nlot of 100,000 , pounds
selling at the insldo price and nt 33(233 ( o for
XX. Michigan X has been selling at SSg (
SSJfc , No , 1 wools have been quiet at 3iio for
Ohio and at 31@ % for Michigan. No. 1
combing -wools are lii steady demand aUlSQ
We for Ohio undiMlcUiguu. Ohio line dclaino
it quiet at 35u > nnd Michigan at a3c.
Territory wools ' -havo again b > cn active
and tlio sales nWiUatcd to over 100,000
pounds , Iiicluding'Jlifb at 5S@GUc , line me
dium at MigBSo , imd medium ut M@5r c.
Texas , California and Oregon woolsTiavo
been quiet and have been sold at previous
prices , A small rfulo'of ' Georgia was made at
UiXc , which ivas a , fnir demand for pulled
wools , and sales oT Kupcrwcjo made nt ! ! OC ?
-10o nnd of extra atr JJ SSc. Foreign wools
were quiet but firm. >
iV I'ltv TU.ey-Wcre , . . „ .
GIIEKT , Sept. -ftochefort and ThiebauJ
left hero this morn inp to light a duel near
Salsat. a'ho ' autjjdflties got wimJ-'Of the
aftair , ho\vovor , and the duelists wore comI
pelledto return ' , la''Gbcnt. ' The ichnlloago
wis sent by Itooh'c/Brt. / His opponent has
ljuen Instiuetod by General lioulanger to
answer the churu'ea recently brought ojamst
Doulantrorby nl'urltliin newspaper
American Porourjr Amociatlon ,
QUKIIUC , Sept , 5. The American Forestry
msoelatlon touay adopted resolutions roRom-
xncndlntr tlio sending ot men to Europe to
study forestry ; also a modification of the
rules regulating the management of public
timber lands in order to secure tlio rowood-
ing of forests. Recommendations were made
in regard to tbo preservation of forests
ryulnst llm.
Twelve Tliousiinil HOIIMCH Dnriicil.
SAI.OMIOI , Sopt. H. Tlio tti-oi wlilcb broke
out almost simultaneously in fourdlftcront
parts of tbo town jeUorday and which de
stroyed 1'J.OOO lionscj nud most of the public
buildings , bus boon extinguished.
Bcorctnrj Rusk Tnlks .Aboxittlio Now licit
IJejircHcntntlvo Iturrowa o
tilvlnj ; SnllBliiotltm tnltudi Sltloa
as I'rosldltir * Otllocr or
ttlO JIoltHCi
Dunn.\B TUB O.VUIA. linn , 1
513KocnrnivTit : Snmr , y
AfnixoTox1 1) ) . O. , Sept. 5. )
Undo Jcro Ituslc leaned back hi tils liljj arm
chnir this afternoon and talked of liow ho
wouM put In operation the meat Inspection
Mil whirti hiu recently bccoinonlnw. "It
bus not been oniclully ccrtllled to mo as yet , "
sntdho. "If it bad , I would have ROIIO ahead ,
knowing tbo importance of the mailer to
meat packers. Within a day or two we will
havotho iletalU oftho moat inspection com
pleted and within ton , days the plan of Inspecting
specting- cattle will also bo complete. .An
ofllcliil ccrtiflcatc Is to lie furnished by tlio
department for each shipment nnd a
Btuinp provided to bo nttuclicd to the meat.
I havu not yet decided on the form of the cer
tificate or stamp. The certificate will recite
tbo law and tlicn add the guarantee of sound
ness under the seal of tlio dspavtinent. Thcra
will bo two classes of inspection ono coverIng -
Ing nil incut which ROCS to Franco and Ger
many , \vlilch countries Imvo prohibitory laws
against unsound . , and tbo other fonncata
gohw to England , otuo'r countries neb having
such strinseiit laws , Incnsotho moat ship
pers wish. Iho Inspection extended to
this moat going to England they will have
to designate it , in which caw It
will receive Uio snmo inspection iw thntKoliijf
to IfrancflnncHiormany.11 In response ton
question as to applicants for the plnces of
government inspectors to bo appointed under
tlio law the secretary said that ho had not ro-
celvcd a single application yet. Howill go
slo\vln picking outtho Inspectors , as they
must have special qualifications for the work.
They nro paid by the government ,
but will bo stationed at the nioro im
portant meat packing editors in order
to facilitate tbo inspection. The
sceretarvsaj-stliattbo inspection will not bo
reg-aidcd as a mere commercial convenience
for the shlupcn , but one In which the frov-
eminent is much concerned. Instead of turn-
In K over the inspection machinery to the meat
packers the department will keep a strong
hail ( Inn it. iiliuhi r.lsn tlm Incnl itisnoftlmi nt.
tbo packing houses proves to bo in any way
unsatisfactory the department will have ad
ditional inspections made in Now York before -
fore the mentis actually scut aboard the
steamers. In short , thosccretaryls not only
coiuj ! to let the Uuv benefit tlio meat packets ,
but hois going to have it so enforced as to
demonstrate abroad that this country Is thor
oughly allvo to tlio need of nmintuinlntr a
Rood standing for its food exports. With
such a peed government policy the efforts of
tbo .American ministers In Franco and Ger
many to Imvo the unjust moat restrictions re
moved will bo ably supplemented from this
In tbo absence of Spenkor Itced , Represent
ative Burrows of the Kalamazoo.Mlch. , dis-
trictrresidcs ovorthohousc. Ho lills the chnir
with dignity , impartiality and ability. Tills
Is the second time this session bo has been
unanimously chosen by hh associates on the
republican aide to the oflico of speaker pro
torn , and ho Is Just as popular on the demo
cratic side. They favorablv compare him to
Carlisle , nnd on Thursday applauded his
ruling under which Bland and Oummings
\\-eropornilttcdto \ continue a personal explan
ation over Mr. Cannon's objection.
Burrows was in the chair when
Kennedy of Ohio made Ids most
Infamous artack upon the "senatorial cour
tesy" of the senate and upon the chairman of
the national republican committee , who is a
member of that body. For failing to cnll him
to oilier Mr. Burrows has been criticised
sharply by the eastern press , especially the
Pennsylvania republican contingent , but it
lias been clearly shown by Journal Cleric
Smith that the practice and precedents for
many years abso'lvo him from blaino. The
duty of calling a member to oilier for ob
jectionable utterances devolves upon a fel-
low-member , not the presiding oftlcov.'Be
sides the prestige which his election as
speaker pro torn will give him In future cam
paigns for the spealicrshlp itself , Mr. Uuv-
rows will have the freedom of tlio floor of the
house as long as ho lives unless the pres
ent rules nro changed.
iiEi'niacNTmvEKEXNKDT's ' srcncn.
nopresentativo Kennedy's speech attach
ing tlio senate and Senator Quay had not yet
been printed in tbo liecord. so that no action
lias been taken in respect to it. Evea If it
should appear ana Mr. Kennedy todny as
serted thatlt would Justus it wits delivered ,
Ills not certain that any thing would bo done.
lieprcseiitaUvo Boatner of Louisiana , -who is
not known to have been present when the
speech was delivered , is very mucli Incensed
over the affair and has prepared a resolution
to expel Kennedy in case the speech should
bo printed In the Record , but it la not likely
that anyting will be done nt all , certainly not
so heroic as Boatner proposes.
It has been understood that the president's
decision to let the cattlemen on the Cherokee
strip have more time was in older to prevent
the possibility of breaking the cattle market
In the west this fall. Wbcn Secretary Husk
was asked about this ho confirmed the report
nnd said the president kept Ills eyes open in
order to nvnld dlit.iii'teiiic'is in thn r-nmnuwliil
world. Hobadbeeiilnformcdtbatlf thollrst
orders to the cattlemen to quit theChcrokco
country were carried out it would flood the
cattle nmrltetso with tbo poor ( Jhorokee cut
tle. Tboro hus been much drouth in that
locality and a shortage of crops , so that the
cattle arc in bud condition and cannot poisi-
hly bo got into good shape for nil early fall
market. If they wora driven out of the coun
try and thrown on the markets their poor
condition and the uimsunl supply would al
most certainly disturb the market seriously
nnd probably break it. Secretary -Husksaid
it was In order to avert such a disturbance of
the market that ranchmen have been given
more time for getting cattle out of the Indian
During the discussion on the turllT bill to
day Senator Mauuerson spoke in favor of an
amendment to the agricultural schedule lim
iting the provisions oltho act providing for
the importation of animals for breeding pur
poses to such animals as htwoa pedigree in
the herd books. The senator called attention
to the great benefit to the meat product of the
country by the Introduction of first class
blood In crossincwith the American cattle ,
and bo argued that the farm horses
vcro materially bent-fitted by tbointroducllon
ol foreign tnorouphbred blood among thorn.
U'ho senator turned his attention toward an
addition to the free list of ait educational
stocks used in the schools of this country
\vhlchare inndoln Bohemia , and which , It is
said , can not bo made with any profit in the
United States. The art educational stocks
mo tlio invention of Mrs. Frances 10. Ellcr
of Omaha , and have proved of inestimable
value to the Iclndorcarton teachers of the
country In the training of children In the use
of colors. These art educators ha vorecelved
a good deal of attention at thu hands of the
two Nebraska senators for some time iiast ,
and they have promised tliat there shull bean
an amendment to the bill providing for thorn.
Senator Manderson's next move vas in the
I direction of freolumber. JIo tried 111111 ! to
sccuroan amendment to the lumber schedule
providing for the addition of white pine lum
ber to the free list , but It was opposed by
Senator Spooner of Wisconsin , who fought
the proposition tooth and nail. "When the
vote was taken the only republicans who
showed tholr willingness to place lumber on
the fa o list were : Messrs. Manderson ,
Paddock , Plumb , Ingallu and AVashburn ,
It is rumored at the war department that
thn head quarters of thoTwenty-llrstlnfantry
and Ninth cavalry will shortly be changed ,
the Twuntjr.ilrat infantry removing from
Fort Sidney to Fort lioblnson and the Ninth
cavalry changing to Fort McKlnncy. Tills
rumor , however , is not well authenticated
and It l not yet known whether tbo secre
tary of warwlll order the change. Ooncral
Kautz entered a very vigorous protest
atmlnst the transfer of the two companies
from Fort Nlobrara toKort MfKlnncy.
Lieutenant Owens of the Eighth Infantry ,
Fort Hoblmou , la In the city. Ho c nie her *
trom Vermont , \vlioro ho nttendot the
funeral of his mother , llo vlll shortly lonvo
lor tlio west , taking his only sister wltli him.
cn.vsus OP THI ; TiiiimxKmiisKAmsiiiicT ,
Anoillclnl roufrhrotintof the census In tlio
Third Nebraska dlitiiutls tu follows :
Count ! 04 , KX ) . I no.
UllsH. - . , SI.UVI 7.l7i :
5p.itJ :
JlllllKDIl "sjlr
iVuinaliii. . . .
Olot <
' ' " " ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' '
Sairiiilorrt , . . . . , , . . . , . . . . . . . , . , 2I/W1 / b'W
Total . w-1) ) S17vei
Cities nnd Towns. 1W. Inc.
lloatrleo . IWf-'l 1IJ (
lilnceln . WM 42.M
NobmskaUItv . 1I.IW i. J
Omaha . V.WffM 100.ZW
I'lutlHinuatli . J,4XJ ( 4 , ' i
Frank Hatton , editor of \Vasliliiston \
Post , hm been lylii very III for the last
Ilircewecknvlth tnlhiiniiuttery rheumatism
nud line butter. In fuel hU symptoms nrc
very dlscouii liiB , and , whllo therols still
hope for his recovery , his phjslolnni nc-
knowlcdKO the irave4t fears. llo was
thouL'bt to have passed the crisis a week neo
and bcsunto niendnipldly. reeling so much
bettor ho attempted to sit up for n wlillo nnd
was transferred from hli bVd tu an easy
cbair. The exposure incident to the cbauijo
brought on a wlapso and ho has continued to
grow worse dally until now there Is K ut
alarm as to his condition. .
Major 1'owoll Is about to lnvp.itig.itc nnothcr
hugoplntiof Irrigation In a scitlonot the
northwest , and within nfowdays nn oltlclal
will leave hero to look ovnr the countiy pro
posed to bo Irrifjutcd. The plan was origi
nated by Kopresentntlvo Plcklor of Boulb
Dakota , vlio ] ) rope < eil to cut a canal or ditch
from thoMissourl to tbo Janio.1 river. jVs
the nearest connection possible would bo
about fifty miles , the extent of the undertak
ing- can be understood. It was proposed to
spend $25,000 , In a survey of Iho plan , hut n
complete carrying out of the proposal
would coat llttla short of $1.01)0,000 )
according to ostlmntc * . The Pk-klor till has
never been nctcd on , but now Major I'owell
has taken the prnpojal upforhls own Investi
gation. .Aside from the irrlpxtin purposes
of the ox tensive cut It la su Id that the waters
of the , fainos river will bo so increased by
thus being United with ttio Missouri Hint ft
will greatly facilitate navigation.
Tons of binding twlno speeches are to bo
unloaded on the farmers of tlio northwest.
Senator Davis will send . ' ! 0)0il ( ) to ftiinmwota ,
Senator Plumb has ordered 10WJ for Kan
sas nnd Senator Allison also takes several
JWJJ'.l AKIiy.
A Car lEcpnirur Killed.
DKS IVIoi.vis , In. , Sept. 5. [ Special Telo-
cramto 'J'un 3iii.1 : John I'milov.nired 11 ftv.
car repuiwr for the Northwestern , was killed
this morning by n Injln runnliiu into a
undciMvhlch ho was working ,
.Safe IJlnwcM nt 3IcIhotirnc.
M.USH.IU.TOVN- . , Sept. 5. [ Special
Teletirain to Tiiu Uuc. ] The snfo of Man-
waring Brothers , nt Melbourne , this county ,
was blown open last night and § i M in cash ,
(1,000 ( worth of notes anil checks , and other
valuables taken which belonged to .lolin T.
Chandler , whoso clerk hail deposited them In
Maiivarliijf's safe during his employer's ab
Tlie Academy of Science.
DnsMoixis , la. , Sept. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bm : . ] The Iowa Academy of
Science In annual session hero today.
The time was devoted to the discussion of
technical papers. Tbo following- new ofllcors
were elected : President , C. C. Nutting of
Iowa City ; vice presidents , C. P. Gillette of
Amos and SothB. Mcolt of Cedar Knpids ;
secretary and treasurer , H. K. Cad of Dei
loincs. Tbo followhiKconstltutetbo cxccti-
tlvo council , \vlth tlie addition of L. II. Ham-
inel of Anus : J. 3i ! , Todd of Tabor and Her
bert Osbornc of Ames.
rKcil AVItli Arnon.
Siocx CITTT , la. , Sept , 5. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bcii.l Oeorgo T. AVIlliams , a
\vcll known editor and polltlclnu of Ida
county , was arrested hero vhllu on a visit
late last niht ( ? on a charge of arson. Williams
has been a hard llRhtor In politics and has
bitter enemies. The procuring of tbo indict-
incut Is regarded as spite work The sheriff
insisted on hnndcufllngVillinms today when
talcing him home , but finally desisted , Ho
owns the opera house at Ida drove , and the
burning of a rival theater is the occasion of
tbo charge.
An Uiiplcixsant 1-j.vtiorinndc.
MADRID , Sept. 0. Senor Canovns drlCor-
tllla , prime minister , had an unpleasant expe
rience today nt Victoria. As the train on
which ho nnd his wife were about to depart
from tlio toivn wis pultlngontof the station
n Jeering and hooting mob jiiadoarush for
the premier's ' car and smashed in the win
dews of his compartment with stones. So
far as known neither the premier nor his
wife \vas injured ,
Com men dec ! by tbo Jjinprror.
FLINSHUKO , Sept. 5. [ Special Cablegram
toTin : BKB. ] At the military banquet last
night Emperor William toasted the Klnth
army corps. Ho said that altliougb the
inamocuvros entailed hardships npon , the
men , the praise of their ofllccrs greatly gnit-
iiled the HOhlioH , Ho would never'forget
tbo pleasure ho experienced when , us a young
ofllcer , his captain 11 wt commended him.
Ttatlrnacl Mnunatrsiit Ofidon.
OCJDBS , Utah , , Sept. 5. [ Spcda ! Te.'o- '
pnin to TIIU Bui : . ] "William Bliss , prcsl-
dent of the Boston & Albany railroad , passed
through Ogileri eastward boundthismornliifr.
Ills private couch wtisono of Iho three do-
nilled near Devil's slide on tbo Union Pa-
eillc. Ho went on without It. Samuel Hoar ,
nephew of Senator Hoar , attorney for the
same i-oaJ , hln the party ,
J , W. Mathews and George Brush , who
aronowlu Now York attending the national
convention of the Xatlomil association of
stationary engineers of the United States , as
delegates from this city , yosterdav tele
graphed Mr. Bailey , engineer of TUB KISI :
building , that tlio convention hud selected
Omaha as the place for holding tbo next
meeting , which will convene on tbo first
Monday In September of next year.
Rillcii by a Vicious DOR ,
Phillip Boanhclmor keeps a vicious dog at
Ninth and Uoulovard street * . The brute at
tacked tbo five-year-old filrl o ( Mrs. Nancy
Junes hcllr , who lives near Bcanhelmor , and
bltbor shockingly In the nose andchcoks.
Tbo police olllcer on that bout hus been In
structed to shoot the dog If hocuii find liiin ,
but Bcanhelmor refuses to disclose his where
abouts. The owner will bonrrwted ,
Ran Into an AdvorlUlii Wngon.
IxiMN-Ai'OUi ! , lud. , Sept. 5. N'eurPendlo-
ton this afternoon an advertising wagon was
struck by a Heo Mnotrainand Kuunet Locke ,
the colored driver , and an unknown , whlto
man of I'cndlcton wcro Instantly killed.
H llonnr.
special telegram to TUB BKE states that
Ben V. Valquardson , one of the men killed by
a "Union Pacific tram in this city Wednesday.
was from ICcota , In. , where his parents still
Flooded tlio Itoynl Oautlo.
DitcaiiBN , Sept 6. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB Btii. : | The rise of the JJbo | river has
Hooded the roynl castle at I'illniUandtho
court has been transferred to Stroll Icn.
Tf o I'l-o.sUlt'iitlnl I'nrty.
CIIKSSO.V. Sept. 3 , 'Jho iirosidentlal party
arrived this evening nnd after supper tbo
ladles attended u whUt party at tbo cottage.
Soap ,
Mat Goodwin's "Golil Mine , " given on tbe
otber nldo , has turned out to be "poldless. "
HoU doing bomuivlmtbetter with tlio"Bvgk-
inuker. "
II you liavo niailo up your , mind to buy
Flood's Sarsa | > arlll.tdo not bolnduced tolako
nn ) other .AHoston lady , tvlioso example la
wcttliy Imltallou. tells licr ojpcrlonco below :
"In oiio store \Nhcro 1 went to buy Hood's
Snttapailllu tlio clerk tiled tolnducomebtiy
tliclroxMilnstcadol Hood's ; liotohlmo tliclr's
wculd lait longer ; that 1 inlglit tnko It on ten
To Get
days' trhl ; It I did not like It 1 need not
piijr .injlhluR , etc. Hut ho cimlil not prevail
on mo to clungo. I told him I had taken
Hood's S.irsaparllla , knew nhat It was , waa
.tnlltucdulthlt , nnd did not want any oilier.
When 1 began takliiR Hood's Sar.iapatlllv ;
I was frclhiKrcnl miserable ! tli dysicpjla ,
and so weak that nt times I could hardly
stnnd. I looked llko n person In consump
tion. Hood's Sarsapurllla did mo so mucli
coed that I womler at myself sometimes ,
nnd my frlendi frequeu tlynpeak of II. " Jlna.
A. ( Joir , ci Terrace Slrcct , lioston.
KoHtir nllilrurgUts. fsltfor \ ; ( S. 3'rfp.irotlonly
by a I. IOOI ! > 4CO.ApotliccarIiir.o ! t'lt. .Mais.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
KeiiiaiI < nl > lSi ) > ( > L > liiirns I'ouiHl in Uio
Tuml > < il'Mi'in-luis. ;
Near Spartu , In Ooeco , there has
liocn Icnowii foi * many yciii'sa liii'o
tumulus , bellovyd by tlio cnnnnon people
to bo the tomb of Mcilehms , says Uio
Jowclor'a Weekly. It IIIIH romniiiod
Intact until recently , wlion si Hcionltlio
loiuh bronlcci' opened it iiiiilur thoiiusv.
pli'os of the Ardiiuolofriual Society of
Athens. It proved to bo of yrotit tin-
portimco , throivinj ; n strongHyht on
Auhaiiiii lift , nnd viis evidently the
burial plueo ota roynl iior.sonu o.
Joft'elcra are ehlolly intcrodted in the
workd of a i-t found in thla tomb , now
Ili-st opened since it was dosed l.iHH' '
yoiii'3 ' IJ. 0 , or nearly two thousand nn
liundrodyciira iifjo. IVoinnn Alhviiuir
corrospondoiit it IB Juarned that ih
nrticlos found eoiupriso llfty "islm , I
stone. ) , ' " bonioof which iiro of tlio mn- .
exquisite workinaiishin and doslti { , tli
lie ff orations boinsr busliL-d with cold I- .
not inoumoujsovorai. nnjjsof goto nil v
bronze , ot which ono is similar to th < > -
In tlio Schliomtmn find , with an in tag i <
of eastern dosig'n , and anolhor that I. .
an engraved btono sctlii it .
; some vii
of silver , mounted in gold , ofrhiclit , .
silver has almost di nip pea red by i-i
region ; iinnlumontsuf bronze of the UM ,
forms ami ono of u unique form ; swur -
and knives , some of known forms a >
somotiniqne ; nil immense collection < f
amethyst heads mill several rings whi : . have belonged to women , objects . .i
ivorjnml a Innco of a iwailitir form
mounted with bone , anilvlmti3 of the
highest siruhiuolo 'ical Interesta sluirt
sworil of the & : une kindas thuso found in
the Schlieinaiin jfraves , intrusted with
gold , and l\vo golden cups of tlio snmo
worUmaiifthipns thoboat of thoaoln tlio
Sclilioinaiin collection , but ornamented
inn btvleofvliichnotliinjj of prehistoric
work hitherto seen { jivoa an adeq.uao .
Thoknov/n art of Greece at an epoch
subsequent to the Homeric ago , to which
this tomb belongs , is of the moat conven
tional character. Jut ! thcko cup.s
In On ,
oxquNlto man nor in rcpousso
with I'onipanion designs , ono of a wild
ciittlo hunt and the other of domcHti-
cajod cattle. In the former the design
is spirited to ado < jrco umipprouched by
aiiythlujj else in Creole art. The 'cattlo
are ulmrglug nud tossiiij , ' the liuntcrb ,
and ono bull has i-un Into a not of ropes.
In the other the eattlo _ are grouped
with nxcellent pictorial oll'ect , and a iiinn
is tying1 ono of them by the foot , They
are as icicof ) ul us the olhcrsnro furious.
Thofois nothing Plioenlciauor Assyrian
in tin ; design , nnd the men in ccwtumo
and typo are 61oarly Groolc , while the
animals are of atfoatmontsoiiatunilibtiu
that. If they wore put into a modern ox
hlbitioti , it would bo considered an nb-
Hurdity to call them antique , much loss
pra historic.
Jhoso cuprf nro the floivorof nsehool
of aft of Avhich wo Icno.v nothlntf , ami
wlilcli had utterly disappeared from
Greece heforc the advent of the school
which canio'to poi-fcction in the liino of
PliUiins and Praxiteles , The dulinoa-
tion of the human fi uro is greatly In-
forlof to that of tlio animals , the latter
being- such as would do honor to any
modern school , wlillo the men are iiiBlg1-
nlllcant. and , but for their realign ,
hardly in keeping with their herds. On
looUinijovcr the collection of goins found
with the cus | ) , one sees onotig-h In com
mon to satisfy him that they belong to
the same school of art.
Ill Praise ol'St. Patrick's ' .
St. Patrick's Pills have given tno hotter
satisfaction than any other. Al. II. 1'rousl-
foot , drugijiit , Granada , Colorado.
Our I'listoinor.Hull : < peiilc highly in praise of
St. I'utriclc'ii ' 1'ills. They nro tie best.
Berry Ilros. . Carroll , Nebraska.
St. Patrick's Pills f-ivo entlro satisfaction ,
f have nsed them in my family , They nro
the best I over used fat the purpose. Frank
Uornellous. 1'nrocll , Indian Tor.
We iliul St , Patrick's ' Pills to bo very extra
nnd to give splendid satisfaction. 'J'hov ' nro
now about tlio only Iflnil eillod for. w. A.
Wallace , O.isls , la. J. < V > r sale by druggists.
1'oiiml jiStrann'o Ti-Ilin of Indians.
Colonel Holablnl , who ) ias boon cx-
plorinjj tlio Grand canon of the Colorado
rado , came across zi practically unknown
tribe of Indians , the Vuvl Suplas , says a
San Francisco dispatch to the Chicago
Ti'lbuno. Ho Miys thov belong to the
Ajuicho fn mily and that ho wus tjio second
end wliito mini wlio over visited their
canon. Tlio inon are inngnilieent speci
mens of iminhooil. They luuuborcil just
2-17iii the tribe , two-thirds of whom are
females , There arc but Uvo ways of sip-
proachto the valley in which they livo.
It is enclosed by nor pond ieulur walls
1,000 feet lilRh. Tha clilof of tlio tribe
is mi old man of blxty iianied Ciiptiiln
Tom , IwlnytluMolirlstoneil by .Tohn I ) .
Leo. the Mormon , who for six years wiw
In liidliiIn the vaDoy. ' 1'hc Yavl
Suphiuovidently iloivunclcil from tlio Ax-
tecs. They nro hi astarvlner condition ,
living on fji'iisa fccod nnd "
Absolutely Pure.
A er6 m oftarUrbukins pow l r.
or laarealBx itreugih u , S. Government
oit A.u , 17. 1333.