OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 5 , 1890. f CAJIBLKD AWAY A FORTUNE , Ed 0 , Dotation Tells flow Ho Lost Over Ten Thousand Dollars. A COSTLY BRACE OF PRAIRIE CHICKENS , I'rutinrnlloni for tlio State Fair The AVItlow AVIiiN-fjaiiuastcr County Jurors Wnnin n Culvert- Other Lincoln News. Neb , , Sept. ! . [ Special to THE IUi.J : Ed O. Dohnnon a few months ngo wna the hr.ppy possessor of n , fortune of 110,000 , and yet today , while under arrest for forging a chock for the paltry sum of $ o , bo ndmilled lonnofllccr that ho had gambled every cent of Ills patrimony away. Ho cnmo from a respectable family , but docs not seem to have Inherited the qualities that made his relations enjoy the financial standing that they dr. Ho has been u young man of perverse - verso tendencies and slnco inheriting his fortune Imo followed in tl a footsteps of other foolish prodigals.After "blowing in"a splendid bank account that might by proper manage ment have made him immensely rich , ho now turns"v.p without n penny , nnd not knowing how make a dollar legitimately , ho has rest * 'pd to means at which the law frowns. The managers of the Lincoln National bank claimed that ho had forged a chock on their establishment and swore out a warrant for his nrrest. But this is said to bo only ono in n number of similar charges , and the young man born with n silver spoon in his mouth may yet land in a place where striped clothes nro the fashion , Kiihnnoii has been living in the gambling hulls for over a wcclc und during that time liis young wife lias neither seen norhcnrd any thing concerning him , and she Is suffering with nervous prostration caused by ngonlziinr suspense over his long absence. It is re ported that the adjusters of the insurance company which liohanon ( represents nro looking for him for using funds belonging to them. EXPKXSIVK IMIAIIIIK CIIICKHNS. f I Donlc Carnithers had his second trial by Jury in the county court yesterday on the charge of shooting pralrlo chickens out of season. This time the Jury found him guilty ns charged und ho wns fined $10 nnd costs , the latter amounting to nearly S40. As ho paid the 10 he remarked that ho had only killed two pralrlo chickens on that hunt , and fil a piece for wild fowl was pretty expen sive living. Till : STATE FAIII. The suite fair commences tomorrow nnd lasts until the liith , 'i'hcro Is ovorv indica tion that the exhibit will boa splendid ono. Over six hundred entries were made yester day and nearly twice that number today. Among these today were exhibits from Ous ter , Hull nnd Stnnton counties. Douglas county sent a telegram today asking for a large space for its exhibit and apulicatlons were received from Jefferson , Chase and "Washington counties for room for their ex hibits. Tlin WIDOW WINS TUB CASE. An interesting case was settled this morn- Inf in the county court. Lou Wchii of Beat rice was the plaintiff , while a widow named Mrs. Mary E. Hutchlnsou was the de fendant. The lady's husband died not long since leaving her with two children to sup port. In order to feed and clothe her child ren she hud to sell the homestead of eighty acres in the southern part of the county to H. Iloldbcn. This gentleman pind only n , part of the money agreed and gave his noto'for the remainder. It happened that Lou Wchn , n carriage manufacturer of Beatrice , hud u note ngainst the deceased husband. Ho brought suit to recover Judgment against too note held by the widow against Hohlben. Judiro Stewart ruled In favor of the widow , giving the following decision : "A debtor can convoy nnd pass title to his homestead with out rendering it or the proceeds of the sale thereof liable for a debt to which It was not iubjcct when occupied. " CUT onnr A mail OIUDE. Mr. nnd Mrs. Glllcm R , Hurst niked this morniiur for uu injunction forbidding trio Chicago , Hock Island & 1'aciflc railroad com pany from making nuy tilling : in a branch of tlui railroad being ballt across their farm in sections 10 and 11 of township 10. The pe titioners declare that the grade at that place [ s to bo seventeen feet high , and they asked Mho company to uuud a cuivori at , tno section line where there is a roadway. This the company agreed to do , but Patsy Mcars , the contractor doing the work , bin disregarded this and Is building a will seventeen feet high across the. roadway. This will necessi tate the lllllng in of the road on each side and will not only bo a great expense , but make a dangerous crossing besides hurting.tho land in the vicinity of the crossing. For the time belli ) ; Hurst would have the .iorth and south . half of his farm divided by a barrier seventeen - teen feet high BO that ho could not got from ono side to the ether with a team. The court granted a temporary Injunction against tlio company , forbidding any further work on trio railroad wade at the point mentioned until the case is decided tomorrow. 1T.TIT JUISV. The potlt Jury for the September term of the district court Is as follows : M. E. Nutting , Seventh ward ; Thomas Huddleson , Dcnton ; S. L. Will , Mill pre cinct ; H. V. Warner , Snltlllo ; Prod Mundt , Olive Branch ; J. II , Cramer , Fourth ward ; Friendllucll , Haltillo ; Gcorgo E. Bigclow , Seventh ward ; Charles Hammond , Fourth ward ; Fred Hoboy , Sixth wnrd ; L. O. M. Daldwin , Lancaster precinct ; A. J. Outh- ridge , Fourth ward ; C. O. Beach , Stevens Crock ; James Fnuienburg , Fifth ward ; Fred Kenvnn , Little SaltV. ; . O. Fletcher , Second ward ; Andrew SippVVst Lincoln ; Joseph Teeters , Seventh ward ; Charles 1)111 ) , First ward ; S , 13. Upton , Fourth ward ; A. 1C. Griffith , Third wnrd ; Charles Fllcldnger , South Pnis ; J. S. Bennett , Sixth ward ; E. N. Cobb , Nonmua. TUB CH.UtOUS NOT SUSTAINED. The investigation by a committee of flvo . councllmen of the charges of criminal ncgll- ( gcnco brought against Fire Chief Nowherry f concerning his management during the i ji-oolen mills lire has ended nnd nothing has " " 'been proved. The committee has not made yits report yet , but It Is believed that it will s result in a complete exoneration. It was simply a question as to whether the chief should tnko the steamer out Into the country and save the woolen mills and leave the city without lire protection , or not. A largo num ber of citizens think that the city should bo protected 11 rat , and they endorse the chief's action. At the close of the invcatiKstion a number of friends presented the chlof with a splendid ICnights of Pythias charm set with eight diamonds and coating over iJlOO. WHY Tin : nuroTVAM itr.Movr.D. The Chicago , Burlington < &Qulncy railroad company has tiled a reply to the complaint made by Lev I Gastii.eau nnd others to the state board of transportation that many citi zens of Lisbon had lieou tUumued financially by the depot at that place being removed. The company says that the reason the station was withdrawn from that point was bacauso there was not business enough at Lisbon to justify the railroad In continuing the station. That business had so dfollned at that point r that only $3.-IO in freight and $11.05 passenger "f" business was done at that point during the month the station was maintained thero. It is also declared that the towns of ( . rant nnd Unuuluu on cither side of Lisbon nro so close to thut village thut they have monopolized Its business , ariix WILL Kiir.i' HIS noi.n. The case of the village of West Lincoln ngatnst its recent clerk , J. M. CitilU > , has tlnally been decided in favor of Guile. The > . city had employed Mm without naming any Ik " epcclilo salary. Ho claimed a certain amount , which wns allowed by tlio village hoard. ( Afterward the K.UIIO members of the board sued to recover the amount allowed and got * < ta ] titliinGnt before Judge Brown. After con- niderablo judicial tllluUstorinff the coso drifted to.Hidjro Foxworthy's court , nnd that Justice has decided in favor of Oullo. HOOXK 18 XVANTKP. telegram has boon received from John Dougherty , father of Klttto Dougherty , ask ing that William Uoono , tlio aftlnnct-d bus- bund of the dcccasedr coino to Denver before the body Is burled. Boone left Lincoln Tuesday night saying that ho was going to Utlca. Whether ho has really gone there or k not Is not known. But a telegram has boon out to Utlcn notifying him of the wishes of Wr. Dougherty. W. II. II03RTIII3 MAN. Mr. Campbell , the cleric of the supreme court tms finally ended the long drawn out agony over the appointment of a deputy clerk > y choosing Mr. W. 11. Uoso for that posl- ion. Mr. Hose li a young man of twenty- Ight years , who is not only a regular bar- later , but U also a man of collegiate oduca- ion. Ho held the position of assistant or deputy clerk of the supreme court for two rears nnd has .shown a fitness for the position hat has won for himself many friends among .he lawyers and newspaper men. Mr. Camp bell has been very slow and conservative In ranking his appointment nnd has been very inxlou * to not only appoint a deputy fitted for ' .ho position , but also ouo to suit the popular rVlll. rVlll.Walter Walter Loose , Into state librarian , will bo retained as assistant nt a handsome salary. " Ir. Leeso's many friends will bo pleased to earn of this recognition. ODDS AND r.KDS. The docket for the September term of the district court includes 371 law cases , ! HO equity cases and twenty-five criminal. The crin oucns SdPtcmbcr 15. The game scheduled for this city Saturday nctwcen the Lincoln and Kansas City teams : ias been transferred to the latter club. Joseph Shlpman got on nspreolnst night nnd going to his homo nt Eighth and F streets ho gave his linrd working wife a terrible beating. o was arrested nnd lodged In jail. His wife , who was terribly disligurcd , appeared 'n court this morning nnd through her cu- : rcatlcs Shlpuian was rcluitsed without u : ! no. A IS'otnblu Itcpnrt. "For disordered monsturntlon , nnnrmla and sterility , . It may properly be termed a speclllo. " Extract from Dr. W. P. Mason's report on the waters of Excelsior Springs , Missouri. ' o CLOSING THH VA1II. Day ol'tho ICxIillilt nnd tlic Inter esting IlaccH. Yesterday the Douglas county fair came tea a close , after a comparatively successful run of four days. It was the first attempt of the association to hold a fair on its own responsibility. While the at tendance ha not been as largo as could have been desired , the management Is satislled to have been nblo to tide over the interregnum between the lust Omaha fair and the grand entertainment which will bo given on the new grounds next year. The ItnccH. The largest crowd of the week was In at tendance at the races yesterday , and nil of the events weio of a more lively and interest ing character. The grand stand was filled from the bottom to the top row , while hundreds of people lined the track along the entire home stretch and the llrst quarter. There were also many stylish turnouts within the quar ter stretch. The betting , too , was much live lier , notwithstanding the probable outcome of the different events was more evident than on nuy previous day. The betting stands wore thronged nil afternoon , and considerable monov changed hands. The Initial event on the afternoon's card was the four-year-old trot , purse J3T > 0 , with the following entries : Ed Pylc , Ilumbolt , Nob. , b. s. Robbie P ; Natllruen , Burlington , la. , b. s. Tobasco ; O. W. Pickard , Omaha , Dinah ; H.V. . Gil man , Omaha , b. in , Lena Forrest. This race , while a present to Tobasco , was a decidedly pretty alT ir , and occasioned much Interest from the fact that Tobasco equalled the best four-year-old time ever made In the sUto in the first lieat , aim in the last heat bettered It. The tr.iok was very fast , nnd all Uio conditions excel lent for good time , and all the judstcs wereof the opinion that the big bay from Burlington could have cut down the tltno fully two seconds and n half more. Ho Is a square trotter , with a long , graceful stride , and there is evidently much outcome to him. Pylo's bay made u gallant effort to push him , but was in nowise dangerous nt any stage. Time U:2 : ( ! ' . The second aud third heitswcrc repetitions of the llrst , Tobasco winning as ho pleased. Tlmo 3:2SK-:20. : : SU.MMAIiy. Tobasco 1 1 1 HobbioP 2 'J 2 Dinah Dr. Lena Forrest Dr. Timo-2'J : ( % 2:23J : , 2:20. : The second race was also three straight for the winner , A. J. Halo's huudsomo bay stal lion , Idavan , who astonished the natives down at the state breeders' meeting at Fair- bury a couple of weeks ago by trotting a tnllo In 2:20. : Tlio entries for this race , the 'J ; 38 ti-nf nnrr * AlVvnrnru fnllmvs ; Thomas Moore , Friend , Neb. , b. p. Fred ; R. Wilde , Omaha , b. s. Trenton ; A. J. Halo , Beatrice , Neb. , b. s. Idavnn ; John Crawsball , Dunlap , la. , g. HI. Clemy C. ; P. M. Avoy , Elkhorn , Nob. , b. s. Salaam ; William Fruzier , South Omaha , ch. s. Ban quet ; A. Sladc , Omaha , br. g. Jack. The tbveo heats wore taken by Idavan without a skip , a jump or a touch of the silk. su.M.Mimr. Idavan . 1 1 1 Clemy C . 3 2 2 Trenton . 2 4 3 Banquet . 4 3 4 Tmo-2W ! : ! , 2:3 : : > , 2:33 # . The third event was the 2:33 : pace , purse 5100. The entries were as follows : George L. Maxwell , ICoiraoy , Xob. , b. m. Flossie Heed : C. AVebster , Onnha , rn. h. Dane ; J. H , McShano , Omaha , sp. p. Joseph L > ; Nat Brown , Omaha , g. g , St. John ; Nat Brucn , Burlington , In. , b. s. Sam Keith. The Hrst heat was a very spirited contest , the finish between Joseph L and Sam Keith being cloo nnd exciting. McShano's camelopard , however , was too quick for the Burllunton stallion , and passed under the wire with u full length tno best of it. Time. 2:27' : . The second heat wns as thrilling for tlio three-quarters as any over , trotted on tlio truck , Joseph L and Flossie Heed thun dering along nosc-and-nose at about a 2:21 : clip. At the hut quarter , howovcr , Reed went up and fell badly to the rear. The strain was too severe and ho could not main tain the pace. After Rood left his feet Joseph L slowed up and came in in 2:2sJ : , with Sam Keith second nnd Flosslo Reed distanced. Th'o judges , however , announced that owing to a collision between Heed aad Joseph L on the turn , which could not bo Inld to either driver , the mnro would bo alln wed to start In the next beat. Joseph L won the third heat without the slightest bother la the line limo of 2 : - ' : > , ' 4 . SUMMAUf. Joseph L . 1 1 1 Sun Keith . 2 2 2 Flossie Reed . 3 3 3 Dane . 4 Dis St. John . DIs Timc.2:27'2:2S : ' : f , 2:2.Uf. The gentleman's roadster race , ono mile , was won by George Storndorf's ' Oklahoma Boy in2:4'J' ' ; , beating K. O. Bachus' John M. Thurston , H. B. Iri-y's .Too Danby aud W. C. Van Gilder's Tramp S. The colt stakes , ono mile , yearlings , purse ? V ) , embraced the following entries : U. C. Sabins , Beatrice. CounseUctta : Ed Pyle. Ilumbolt , Uurdoll ; William Mack , Omaha , Omaha , Maid. For u yearling Pylo's Burdollp.ivo a very pretty exhibition , trotting the mile In 3:14 } * ? , which Is the best mile over trotted by a year ling in the state. Counsollctta came in second and Omaha Maid third. SU.MMAUV. Hurdell . ! Counsellct tn . 2 Omaha Maid . , . 3 - . Following the colt stakes came a running race , half milo and repeal. Following were the .starters : B. S. Boles , ch. g. Flllmoro ; J. W. Hall , b. ff. Joker ; J. II. lugrahain , b , in. Molllo WiU- klns. klns.Tho The first beat waa taken by Flllmoro tn 50 seconds. Fillmore also won the second beat and race SUMM V1IV. Fillmore . , . I 1 Molllo Wotkins . f. . 2 2 Joker. , . , . . . 3 3 TiuiO-50 , 5ltf. Water Lily Soap Will Float. The now olllood of tlio great Rock Island route , 1GUJ , Sixteenth and Furnam streets , Omaha , nro the llncst In the city. Call nnd see them. Tickets to all points cast at lowest rates. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wlfeat Situation In a Badly Demoralized Condition. HE CORN MARKET WITHOUT SUPPORT , Trade In Onln Lost Sight or in tlic Kxcltemoiit Over Wheat A Ilcnrlsli Feeling Controls 1'l'OVisloilH. CniCAno , Sept. < [ Sneoial Telegram * < > THE Itr.r.1 The wheat trade was nil mixed up oday. The market was bigger than nny ono expected. It was also weaker than oven tlio bonrscounted on. Hull and bear lines were closely drawn early , but before tlio close , with wheat down to tl.W for December , there was buying by many bears through four of too iiuch company on the boiling side and soiling by bull houses on the theory of further de clines. The break In December \\hcntup to 1 o'clock was ISo from 11.0314 to JI.02. Tlio strength on tlio curb and wet weather again reported In the northwest was account able [ for the opening nt a fraction over last night. Sclllni ? wni frco from thu very start. These InlliK'iiues caiiscn a drcllno of lo the first hour. They wcro weak cable" , iiiotlnc | Liverpool 'jW.fp on spot nnd futures a bearish .statement of thu I'rlco Current say- liiK that thuro was no cause for a f nrthcr 10- dncllon of the wheat estimate and Indicating very liberal seeding and tactics of llutchln- son In Jumping on May and thus encouraging solids In Dceitiiilicr. On tlii'M ) tilings , and soiling by VOIIIIK & Co. , I'lirdrldgo and others , the price of December went from SJ.oil'i to tl.lK,1 * and May from Jl.UT'j to KMU- For tlio liour following there was a show of some Ktrungtli. Many of the bull lion es thoiidit shorts could bo run , including 1'ardild'io. DtHTiuber was bought up toM.Ui ! mid May to JI.U7" ; on a fair rally , out tlio nuws became 11010 Instead of bt'ttor. Them wore rumors of bank failures In the cast , Liverpool clostnK cable was very weak and Id to IHd lower. 1'arls was easier. Tin * signal hcrvlco picdlctcd cooler weather for rrlilay. On this sort of nuwstho tiharnot break of Uio day occurred. Thoio wns soiling out of long wheat by ninny local lioUtci.s. There was buying on the break by T. J. Hyiin t Co. . credited to St. I , < mK by Mnltli , llms- soau , I'arniiiii and others alf bears , Thn break carried the prlcoull' to the JI.02 point and May to ll.Oii. Tnuio was much e.xclted and thoniarkut showed no rallying force up to 1 o'clock , There was nothing In sight to help support the corn market this inoniliiR. Heci-lpts were : CM cars ; under the estimate , and this steadied thoniarkut. nt first prices , lloyonil this news the crowd was bearish. Cables \\ore easier nnd quoted lid lower for spot and fiiluies. The ui'athur was very favorable. Tlio I'rlco Uunent views were bearish , say lin ? that lit teen to twenty days moro of favorable \\imthcr will put a bulk of thu crop beyond serious In jury from any cause. Later In thu day the estimate for Friday wns largu nt 555 cms. Added to these Influences was a very buaiKh tendency In wheat. May corn sold at45i oto4b/'le at the opening nnd sold le lowornt 47 ic an hour before the fL'loso , with n slight rally before 1 o'clock. Ilo- ere tnuclosu tlii'ro was a llttlu rally In corn. September so'U oil from 4. > 7jC to Kc and closed ut4 , " > Uc ! October went down to 45c , vltli Sep tember , but closed at4.Vfc4 : ! . : e ; casi , corn WUH at ) ie premium over September ; May ral lied to4P.iQ47' ] ; > catthecloaC. Trudo In oats was nuiirl v lo t slsjlit of In the excitement In wheat mid dccllnlni ; markets In coin and provisions. Uloslnj ? pilei-s for oats were unebanced fioin yi-sterduy. September sold at XiMe to : ij'ic to UVje to HVic to the close ; October sold at ni'ic toiM'auto.'HUc ; May at 'iSj'nC to ysijoto MUc ; closing al that liKiiu1. The provision market wu dull early , but n bcarlMi fcollns cimtrollud It us well us grain before thu closu aiul tlieruvis : tuoro than the usual activity. Lard hold up best anil at the olnso WHS but a fu\v cents under last nltIit at $ l.lT'/a for Septeinher. .ttl.UO for October and $ ( i.UTJ ! for January. Illbs wcro lOo lower all around at f.V.'J'j for Sept umber , { .UH for Octo ber and * . " > . ? . " > for Januarv. .Mess pork started HI tU.i"i ! : fnr.laiiiiiiry. sold at $12.13 and oir to SlI.ST'iat tliuulo < .u ; Scjitcinborclosod nt W.73 , October at J'J.Sj ' and May at about $12.4ii. E stuva. , CiucAao , Sept. 4. [ Special Tolozram to THE Una. ! CATTLE Business was again slow , with prices easier on best native steer. * and a Kood 111 to Ho lower on ether classes of steers. Tcxnns and ranors weak and rather on a down turn than otherwise. Native butchers' stock shared In the Kcnorul weakness and sold r.'itbcrslowly. Stoeker trade was dull and prlcoaou llghtstcurs rathur lower. First class natives , $4.60"i.03 ! second class , Jl.403l.70j third , ? . ' 1.)0 ® 1.23 ; common , J'J.0033.2jTe.\ans ; , } 2.70S.'l03 ; rangers , &l.2. > a'.C3. ! Hoes Business opened active , with prices fully as strons as yesterday , but later on there wns a sllitht decline all around and the Reneral market closed rather weak than other wise. Rough and common sold at J..UJI,10 ) ; prime mixed , } I.25S.JO ; prlmo heavy and butcher weights , J4.Wxai.OJ ; prime llRht14 53 4.K5 ; one lot of taney light. $4.70. FIX.lXCI.lZi. NEW YonK , Sent. 4. [ Spoiinl Telegram to TIIK HEB.I--STOCKS The stock market was In thu bnnds of the hears again this morning. A few shares showed Improvement , but they were those against which there was no pros- sure. The tactics of yesterday were rcsnmrd attuoliliiR the grangers ono at a time. This cry of the bears was unfavorable crop reports , too'tnnny roads to divide truffle and no good support from Insiders. A loading feature of thu early market was the further attack on the UurlltiKton , Tills stock started at 100'a , sold ; it III" , up to lOO'j and was then raided to Wi. Uock Island was up i , at the opening but was quickly sot biick to Kl'i. > 'uw Vork Cunt rid was forced down from IDiUattho close yesterday to 1CK1 buforo noon , I/ick- awanna was depressed also to 14i4. : ? ijupar Itullnorles worn higher , tnovIiiR up to M. Sli ver declined during the tnurnmjj to 117 against lit ) yesterday. The west was loss bearish and Uio proposition to tnku the Hock Island dlvldunil nt 'i of 1 par cent gave denial to thu tumor of hears that It might be passed. Much of the weakness of the Burlington wiis claimed on thu giouml of light faiinuts' do- llvurles of grain during August. 1'iofosslonal bears , however , wuro the only sullors of liiiporlaiiio. ; The stock market showed no strength late In the day. lliirllngton was further depressed to tis'f , but onhuvlngln lloston tlio close was atWi. Uock Island dioppod to Kl and rucovurud 5J. jngnr lost Its uarly ndvunco and clusa'l at 83'i. Moni'y was easy at 4 per cent at the close. Sales were 111.IW shares , tillvuruloied nndur 118. The following were the closing quotations. IT. S. Is coupon 12JW Northern t'licjiic OTi < do preferred 81M II. S. 4 > < nvulnr 101 C. A N. W iv.ijj U. S. fl , ( -HipMl till ilo preferred Hl : I'uclRci * ( if "Ji Ill New Vork Central..luti'tf C -iitrul 1'ajllic XI f.l > .AK I'M ClilniKO \ Alton 13'J Hurl : Isbmt H'li ( Chicago , Uurlliuton C..M. A St. I'mil 71 .V ( j.ilncy m\ ( < ! o preferred 11714 I ) . , K.V W Hl } & St. I'niilfc Uuinba. , . . SO1 } Illinois CcMitnil. . . I1J | do pruferrcd B'.l I. , II. A W L'uldii 1'iiclllc. KniiEd1 * Tcxu9. . l.l'-4l ' W. . Ht. I . A I' Lake fc'hore. . ' lOIJjl do preferred Mlclilaim Cuntrnl. \VextcrnUnlon Mlmoiirl I'acmo 7ttl ( MoNEV-Kasy at.'I'iffW ' per cent. I'IIIMI : MniiCANTiLB I'Ai-Kii a7 per cent. STCKMNd IIxciiANOK-.Moro active and Hlroui ; ; sl.vty-day bills , ifl.b-J'-li ' Mining Stocks. NEW YOIK : , Sept , 4.--tSpoclal Telegram to THE llr.K. ] The followingarotho tnlnlnjstock ( liiotatlons : Alice 2.VJ Ailnun Con IUO llodlo I'JO Clmlliir S''S Crown I'olnt a Con. Culii. nnd Vn. . . 4sO KurckuCun IVrJ ( luulil.t Ctitrjr r > 5 IlaloA .Vorcrosj. . . SV ) HuniCKlako 1u' ( .Mexloim JJ''O I'lynioutli rM 1'liucnlx luo I'Otllbl C.'O Sovnito 87S Sierra Nevada J7J Sutler Crcoi liO Tlie Coffee Mnrknt. New YOIIK , Sept. 4. [ Special Telegram to TiiBliKE. ] Cotfeo options opened steady and to. > points advaneo. closeil firm , to 13 I'olnts down. Sales 'Jfi.C.-iO hags. ; November , ilU.h.VtlUii ( ) | Heeetnbur , Slfl.'OlDlfl.Ki ; Jiuiiinry , JKi.l.-XllKi.'JOj Feliriiury , f'ii Mnruli. * I.\75jjil5.W ; April. H.V' * ; May , $15.03. Spot i lo ( julet , steady , fair cargoes I'llOUVVK Jl.tliltET3. OniCAOO.Sopt. 4.-IM5 p. in. close Wheat Kusyj cash , Wj December , 11.02'ii Jlay , Corn-Steady ! cash , 43'Jc ; October , 45)ioi ) "lay , 4 , % . J.its K.asyieasli , MUcj May , 3S'c. ' ] Kyo Kasy at ( lie , llitrluy rlrin at Me. I'rlmoTliuolhv Kusy at $133. Muv iJt-cd 11.43'i. ' AVhlsKy * 1.I3. 1'ork Itill ) | cash , 110.00) ) October , tO.M : Jnniinry. jll.bTii. Lard > KIIH.VI cash , to.a'ii October , 10.30 ; Jiniuarv , W.d5. rimir-Noinlnallyuncliiinrcil : winter wheat M.8JO5.M ; sprlug wheat , * l.fcoa5.75i rye , * ' ' " ' ' Hulk Meats Shoulders , l5.7.V2.V97 t short clear , 3.eMt5.70j short ribs , li.iS4M.-i5 liutter UccUuuiiodcr ; utavr7 , I'hpcio fncliixnccdl flrmV/Ut cro.-im cho.l- < lar . MlSUei llnls , 8'iJOci ' ( Young Americas , ' . ' . K cs-lTnclmniicd : steady ! fro < h , K > ai7c , lilac * Vltichaintcd : llrtiii hn vy nnd light srcen salted , " 'iuiHiiltod ' hull hlflc * . ftijoi green snltcdcalf.S'i'a.'V ' ' ! orIllnl , 3flei drr Bulled liltli-s. 7fl ! ( fry cnlf , 8afc : ( lentous , oacli. : wc. Tiillnw t'nclinnacdi ' Ktcaily ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4ici ! No. ' . ' , 4ccnKe \ , 4' jo. Uoculiit . Shipment * . Hour , bhls . I-.OHO t.ooO AVhcnt , bu . f'1,000 dl.OOO Corn , bu . ! WJ.'JOJ a , OHO Oats , bu . JU.COO _ s.-.i.nno NBW VottK , Sept. 4. wheat Itccclpts. Wi,000 ; exports , ? , KK ) ! HpotiWcnk and Ui'iiVo dowii.V ! ( ) . > 'ri-l.loi jiiai.OIijlnclovatorI.OI' ; < nlloatjJI.03iiff61.02W f. o. fit rtptlnns l jIHi5 , lower , depressed liy weaker- cables and free eelllnit by loiiRSi No. 2 rud , topteinber ulused Corn necolpt ? , SMSOa husliols ; exports , lUCOO bushels : snot ' weaker ; .Vo. L' , KJWio ! In clevatorjKlJiS-'I'ioalltvit ; ungraded mixed , 5KlM'Jcj | options weak and lower , longa real- Izlnut fi'ptctnbor closhur nt Oats Hccolpt ? , ltfl.000 biishch ; exports. nonoj spot heavy ! No. S while. 42o ; No. a white.4.rx ! ! mixed western , aiJl2 ! | white western. 4151-V ) ! options weaker ; Keptombor . Collco Options ole < ed firm nnd tirrliunsetl to 15 polnti down , Sales. 9aiO hti sj Septem ber. KI7.S03I7.PO ! October. tl7.j03I7.45 : ; ( .uot rlo steady ; fair carisocs , { . ' 0.7.V SiiKnr Haw , hlKhor ! fulr rpniilnp. 5' cieon- trlfusals. m test. Co nld : rellnul liinlior ; "O. " .VJp ; extra " 0 , " ! > -l < &Vic ; white extra "O. " r > ® 13-lfc' ! standard "A , " OlMRoi cut loaf , 7 I-OC ! powdered , 0 I5-IOT ; Kriiunlated,0io. I'otroloum United closed for October at Sic. Sic.ERRS About steady ! western. IftSKOiJe. I'orU-Stead yi moss. ? 12.iOi/l'.7 : > . Lard Spot ll rm and futures weak ; western steam , $0.17j ! ! S-entoinhor , 11.17 bid. Ilutter Steady ; western dairy , 9i39\ ! ; creamery , H. < 3.-'lc. Cliecsu In eKiilar and dull ; part skim1) ) , 4 ? GGiio. ST. Louis , Sept. 4. Wheat I.owcri cash , 09'iOj Uceenibcr , Jl.ffJ1 * ; May. 11.07' ' , . L'orti Lower j cash , 45" io > May,4Gc. Oats Lower ; cash.inu ; ' . ' . I'ork-Qnletutfll.'S. Lnrd Onlet at W.OO. Whisky Steady ut 41.13. KANSAS OITV , Sept 4. Wlica Lower ; No. 2 html , vasli , Mi ! : September , BSSo naked ; No. i icd , cash , ! llo. Coin Steady ; No. 2 casli , 40c bid ; Septem ber , 41c. Oats Lower ; No. 2. cash , ! llo bid , Sep tember , : ilc. MINNEAPOLIS , Snptcmtor 4. Wheat Uo- celpts VI ems ; shlpinciiN , M car * ; domain ! slow except for choice old wheat samples , and old No. 1 hard was scarce. Closing : No. 1 hard , September. 0-e ; oil trurk , tl.OtXiM.07 ! N"0' 1 northern , feptotnlwr , Jil'tc ; Ootoncr , ! i.)0 ! mi track , il.Ol&I.O'J ; No. 2 northern , Sopteui- uer , auu. MILWAUKF.B , Sept. 4. Wheat Lower ) No. 3 sprint ; , cash , iHie)7c ! ) ; Douctiibur , VSu ; No. 1 northern , due : Corn .Steady ; No. 5 , 4fiJi- ! . Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , 'tiTMTi'Sc. Vrovlslons ( juluti poik , January , M2.10. CINCINNATI , Sept. 4. Wheat Dull ; No. 3 Cora Steady ) No. 2 mixed. 4S'e. { Oats Firm : No. " inlxud , iisliffiUUc. \Vlilsky-ll.n. LiVKiil'OOr , , Sent. 4. Whi-at Woakj dr- iiiand poor ; holdeis olTer freely ; Culliornla No. 1 , 7 < i per cental ; red vrestorn , sprlu'4 , 7s 5d G7so4d ! ; led western , whiter , 7s 4HdSt7s.r > d. LMl'ti STOCK. CIIICAOO , Scntuinbor 4. Cattlo--Uecolit < i. 17.000 ; market slow and lower ; natlvrs.ti.00 ® 5.o.'i ; Texans , $ , ' .70U'1.0."i ; ratiKois , * ; i.i" Si.n5. : lions Hccelpts. 2J.OOO ; tniirltct actlvo ; pacK- crs.UOii84.30 : mixed. $1.21151. 4'i ; prlmo , heavy and butchers' weights , tlJVJQ4.U3 ! light , W.5i ® 'siieep Itocolpts 8,090 ; market steady ; na- tlvci. ; western * . sfl.10Sl.3u ; Toxuns , ( l.Oi ® I.LM , lambs , $ . \00U.OJ. KANSAS CITV , Sept. 4. Cuttle Receipts , (1.700 ( ; shipments , S.9JO : market slow ; steers. frl.a.V34.lKli stookers and feeders. $ ' . ' .30Q3.2.i ; cows , $ l..vxij .7. " ) . llns Heeehits. 0,103 ; shipment" , UOO ; mar ket hiKher ; all grades , $ :'J. ST. Louis , Sept. 4. G.ittlu-Ilccelpts , 1.500 ; Rhlpint'tits , nonu ; market stinnx ; falrto fancy natlvu steers , $ l.OOi54.SO ; sttooliors and feeders , $ -J. : S--t.40. i llo s Heeolpts , 2,401 ; shipments , nouoj mar ket steady ; heavy , tl.lOiU M ) ; mixed grades. J4.104.W : ; light. fr O31AIIA L1VM1 MTOCK. Cattle. Thursday , September 4. Estimated receipts of cattle l..M1) ) , us com pared with 2.I.M ycsterdily and 1.015 Thurs day of hist weolc. Tlio finality of thu re ceipts was very poor. But few desirable/ steers wcro among the rocolpts and the mar- Uet opened slow and savins with everything auioiij ; the poorer ( trades lower. A lar o num ber of poor cows made a discouraging outlook for.sellers of butohors' stutr ami price * ruled lower on a very slow maritot. The receipts of fec.lors were liberal , with a Rood demand aud a strong market on the best grades. Hogg. Estimated receipts of hos n.200 , compared xvlth 0m : yesteruay and 7,401 Thursday of lust , wn.nfc. The innrkf t mumed netlvn mid 5 < i higher on good light and the best lieavy hosts. Everything changed hands beforemidday. . The market closed slow. Tlio range of prices was * : j.03H.2.'i , the bnllc sellliiK at $ l.u.Y&U3. Light. ! mixed * I.O.vai.I , " > ; heavy , f4,121401.23. The avenue of the prices paid wasJJ.II , compared with iM.OSSi yesterday and JJ.feOU Thursday of last weolf. I'revnllinjr I'rioe ? . The following U a t'iblo of prices paid In this market for the .jr.ulo of stojk montlnnoJ : Prime steers. 13JO to IGOKbs Jl.T , ( UI.C ) Good steers. 1230 to 14.OR > s 4.03 " . Good steers , 10' ) to UlOJtbs ® | .15 Fair , 100J to II.Y ) bi : i.5J ffil.W Common , 8UJ to l J ) ! bs Commoneaiuiers l.OJ Ordinary to fair cows ' . ' .03 ( t&'J.'K ) Fair to good cows 2.u : ® 2.i3 ! Good tocholco cows 2.73 S'I.OO Cliolcoto fancy eows 2.113 ( &I.'IS Falrtogond balls 1.75 fi&''i Choice to fancy bulls 2..Y ) etl.OO fJ'jlit stnolcars and fcecloM.- . 2.0J fti.UO ' " ' " " ' Fair tocliolco * llsht lions' ! . ! . X70 ftV.13 Kalr to choleo heavy hogs J-lUiifot. ' . ' . ! Fair tocholco mixed hogs 4.03 © 1.15 Comparative Table. The following table shows tlio ranno In prices on ho. s during this and last woalc : Average Coit of I The following t-iblo glvtn the average cost of hogsoa tlio dates nieatloiutd , Inulu liir tliu costtoJay , as b.ujil upon silos repartotl : .Uily'JS MUiy Aiignstia 3 C3 Jnlyjj : i 70 Augiistis : iro'i July : * ) : i wi Aiigusiia 375 July ill : i : M' ' { AuirusfJO :17 : : > U August 1 358 Angnst''l 37i j August' ' ; . . . 3 4SS August23 371)11 ) August4 3 44 AllBllstS'i 37S7i Augusts 'Iftl AilgustSS 38li ! AlUUStli 3 KV August'.11 : ifc August 7 : iS4 ! August W 3S7 Augusts 3 (54 ( Augusta ! 3W * \iiiusto : ir.s' , ' August20 39. ! ' , August It 3 111 August 30 August 12 3 7ll',5 ' S-cptoiiiber 1. . . 4 Ol'i ' August 13 3 SITi Ppptoinbor2. . . 4 O7'.i August 14 3 .Wj Septomliri. ) : . . 4 0 ' / AugustlO Qo'i soptunibcr I. . . 4 11 of Today. . YcstL'rdav. Illtrhest. . . Jl 23 tllgliost . $1 20 howebt 3 70 at . UW lleuulpti , Onielal Ynstor.lnv. Tlstlinatod To lay. Cattle. , . . O1. ) cars. 2.131 Oattlo. . . 5S ears. 1,200 Moss Ill curs , 0'i7i ; Hogs Oscars. 0'JOO SliOL'i ) . . . , 4 cars , UVS Hoi-bus. , . 1 cats , 20 Horses. . 2 cars. 40 ' Avornjjo 1'rioool' Hois. Showing tlio avora-fo prlco pall forlo-i'lsof liogsoa the days InJljalcU In 1837 , tSSi 1SJJ and Ib'jJ : Day. Aug. ' 93. Aug. 'if ' ) . Aug. * 3i Auj. ' 87. Sunclajr. MHO M 13 f I UT Sept 10. PepL JS. fropt ' 83 , Sept W. Sunilnr , & trj I U5 SHtl' Siindny , 601 3 71 6 15 i 11 4 11 3 ( A C 17 , Disposition ol'Stock. Showing the number of head of stock purchased yesterday on this market as shown by thu wulghmastorsof the Stockyards coin pany ; CATTLE. Swift Company 423 The 0 , II. Hammond company Vt ) The Armoiir-Cudahy packing company. . . . 4HI Omaha packing company n I.eo Itotlischlld ; . 71 Hamilton * btcphen. , 1 Iluntnii &llnderwood -J NelH Morris 411 Honker & Degcn C'l ' Jacob ( , oliiium ; 4:1 : \V. II. VanSant , 40 Otbcr buyurb. . . 4'JS Total SJ lions. Tlio Armoiir-Cudaliy packing company , , . 018 Omaha packing company 1.019 Swift & Company i j'J ' Market Mention. lings higher. Cattle slow and lower. Albert Dexter of Ulalr marketed a car cf hogs. J. A. Urowderof Boone sent In a car of hogs. M. I ) . Hays of Grand Island brought In a cur of hogs. O. MuCoimuitliy of Gibbon marko'ud three carsof uholco feeders. The Nyu .t Sehnoldor company sent In a top load of bogs fioin Davoy. I'hlllp HoITi'ldngor of Davenport was hero looking after two cars of hogs. M. A. Gamble of Persia , la. , was at tlio yanlH looking after a. shipment of hos. Mr. Iliirnhiuii of llroiidt& llanihain. O'Xelll , was on tlio market with a cur of cattle. George lloutcl , a regular patron of this mnr- ko t , cninu In from Leu with tno cars of cattle. K.Tavlorof the well known firm of Taylor & Hlalr was hero with two cars of cattle. .Wlllhuii Kiniiuy of Kousuy & Johnson of Kdgar was at the yards lool Miis aftur two ears of hogs. Thomas Taylor of Shelton was among thu prominent shippers here , llu brought In two cms of cattle. J. M. ChadwioU of Central City brought In four curs of oholcoho s from Ids feed lots that sold at $1.2 ! . J. U. Itutlorn well known Iowa patron of this murknt brought over near of hogs from UrescuutClty , la. Inspuetor Moso Howard found ono liunp'Jaw Iiithouattlo receipts. The animal was eon- duniiiud and shot. Theodore llarnhart of Austin , TOT. , an old tlmo ranuhmaii , was at thu yards , He will tin- gage In tlio commission Imsliii'ss horu. J. AV. Horn of Hrosk was bcro and purchased thioo lo.uls of stock caltlu whloh hu will feed this winter. A , Sutton a well known and oxtenslvo ship per from Chapman , Mvrriuk o.iunty , was on thomarkut with llvoearsof u.ittlu. Aniomr the proinlnuiit stockmen at tlio yards was II. 1' , Church of 1'loroe , I'lercu county. who marketed hogs and sheep. O.U.I//.1 WHOLESALE M.IIIKKTS. I'roduuc. COHN 40 < fllV ; . llAV J7.OU3IO.00 , .MII.I.8TUVP$12.00. . ClIOl'I'lllI I'KKD (1,1.00314.00 , 1'owi.TBV l' r doyi'ii.choleo cbolco mlxod , $ ; . "iOT6l.03 roosters. J2. . " > 0'it2.75. spring chlokons. $ | K.vrj'i.00 for small ; t.1.25S ; .51 forjiiccjliiin ; J..Wii .Tj laio ; live pigeons , iuTTCii Croamcry , fancy rolls , print. 2016 21c ; creamery , fancy , solid packed , I7l0o ; creamery , ohiilco , ll'OUi ; ; dairy , fiinoy tolls and prints , ICSlSoj dairy , fanoy , solid packed , 12 < ai4c ; dairy , eholoiICWJIi'o ; country roll , fanuy , naooi choice , 7filSe ; Inferior , 2a3j , Kius lJo ( for slrlctly frushj stale not sul- ahlu. IliPKi. I'EI.TS AND TAM.OW Oroca salted hlilos. No. 1 , heavy , 7 iSo ; No. 1. Il htllti'a7jio : No. 2 Ill-lit , ( IliJl'iui dry Hint hldos , T ja'Jo ' ; calf hlili's , 7G.OO ! damaged Hides 2o loss. Sheep pelt , SR'L'II. uaeh 35ifrJ1.23. Sheep pelts , dry , per Hi , I0 ® c- . HKKHWAX I'orlb , 20c. tlAMK-l'or do70ii , iiralrlo chickens , 83,75 3.00 ; mallards. tlMfrlMi teal , * ) ; mlxod ducks. $ IOiiil.50i ) plover , M&Wo. 1'KACllKri Arkansas , ! Jbii box , 75etl.OO : Cal ifornia , prr box. Jl.5042.00. UitAi'KS Oallfornla , pur crate , II.2.V3J.OO ; Missouri , 4.V3.Vo ) per lO-lb basket , PLUMS t'urplu Dunne. Columbia , etc. , per box , f 1.J'X3.-.IX ) ; wild XODSO plium , ) i bil box , 75 . NBCTAJIINM 1'er crate , ( I.7.V32.00. I.KMONS I'cr hav , ItodI Malorl , fancy , $9.50 ® 10.0J ! cliolcu MfHHliniN , fM..W ( ( . joo. < J'liAiis llartlott , California , per bo.x. S'.SO © T'l'msns ( lonnhn. per box , $2.00j French , tl.73 © ' . ' .oo ; Krosii.'Vif2oa TostATOKS-l'or bu , 7toI.OO. ! ONIONS Now southern , per bbl , fl.axj5.00. lUniiAdK-ri-r crate , tt.Atiita.Vl , I'OTATOK.s-Nubraska and Iowa , per bu , 11,00 (31.25 ( ; Colorado un < l Suit l.nkn , il.iu. SWKET I'OTATOKS 1'er bu , 4..00 < U.riO ! , KvAi-oitATKi ) Ai'i'i.KS Kuncy. J.'lo pur Ib. Ht.UEnKiiiiiKft l'urH-nt box , ? I.W. CoroiNUTK-I'lT 100 , 15.01) ) , WATintMKl.ONH-l'or 1(10 ( , Il2.0oai5.0) , OANTKt.OltrKS.-l'or doI.SO. . \i > i > r.Krt-'niiuy | uatln ? , * i.OOiM.53 ; fancy cookliiK , f-.Vrtl.-i ! oholoo. t..53'i'i.73. ( ( ) iiAMiisI'linuy : lto.ll , t'.V ) . HANANAS-1'i-r bunch , I1..MUW.OO. TALLOW A No. 1 , 4o ; No. ' . ' , KC ! prease , white , li'/JSilo : yellow , 2H < 3 lo ; Btcarlno , Uljo. flo.sra CJuotatloua ere fur delivery luCbl nso Dry buffalo , per ton , IIC.OOiil8.00 | dry . wintry . blenclird. JlO.OtkiJ.ri.Ofl ! dry country , ilnmp anil moaty. W.iK > iMO.W. Woot .l'lnouinrashi-il , Uijtldct nirdlum xin- wnihrd , Ia2li'l eonrso unwashed , ISiZiVo. JF.M.tK8-r > eer | in. nur-Cliolce incdluinft37c | light , llMYV , < „ - . . . Mxsr.KD OII/--HM\T \ , cool boiled. 6V. Ho.snv-St rainedco-lti ( an , perlb. Oi'lMievr : onib honpv , fnnov. incite ; choice , U lto. IlKANS-tlatiil-pickcd imvv.f..rwiW.'ii Imtiu * iloked nnvv " , niedluiti. liiVjfrMO ; hand-iilcknl ountry , l.75il'.UX ) | good clean , tl.llKiM.W ; Oal- fornla , iior ll > , 4'ii' . Fun rorlb-l'oroh.Tct biilf.ilo.te ; pickerel , Set plkc.Pcj trout , tkstwhltOilXM crojiilo | , lOi'i iitllsh. ilct eod steak , l-'i'l 1101111(117" . * Oregon salmon , 1SC | black bass , IVs ; lobsters , Fuit Codfl'li , extra OooriZP * . now , r > < oi granil bank , new. 4tyc ; Silver , 2-lb blocks. O'jc ; now while , 2-lb bricks , now , 9ie ! turkey cod , iircenilildlo brlck , tX ! ; inovrwhlic * . ori\to * > , u -Ib boxes , s oi medium scaled licrrlnir , 2.V ! No. t scaled jiorrlng , ! ! 0o : < loinc < tla llollnnil iimliiu , lOo ; Hamburg spiced licrrlnit , VUo ; tu. < ilan sardines , splffil , 0'ie , ; lliisslim sar- llnc < , plain. Me ; Imported Holland herring , rown brand , Mo ; do inner milkers , Wei timck- orol , No. I , shore , half bbK 112,001 bloaters. mil bbK m 0 ; whlto llsh , balf bbK * 7.00 ; rout , half bliK 2.VOO : family white tl < li. jiVi : ) iiilinoti , ( j.50 ; per ( K < 7. . I'll ) mackerel llicrrlnii ) ! Ill broiled mackerel , ? 2.Cflj II-Ib In imi-uuul , 3. < ; 0 ; 3-lh In tomato catico , * 2.COi 5-lb.Mnyo iii'isiunokon'l , t.t.w : HI ) brook trout , Hill l-llibrodl ( troilt. * : .oo ; Mb alinon , JI.25 ; S-lli vhllo llsh. S3.3 , ' > ; 1-lb whlto llsh. llj'fi ; 8-lb lob- < ' ' ' . . $ l.tC > ! l-lboystcr , 'ri'oz. j'u5 ! 2-lh ) vscrs. | 10) ! > 0 | 1-lboysti-M , Sot. UI.10 : 2-lb elect. iSoz. JJ.35 ; 2-lb ll.iratarla. 10 oz. 1.M ; -Ib llaratarla , 5 o . Jl.Wi Fnlrinonl. 4 02. f IJVlj . "alrinont , 8 oz. JI.M ; Mb clams , llttlo nooks. 'LX ' ; 2-11) clams , llltlo necl , J1.75 ; : i-lb clam 'bonder ' , $2.00i t-lb crabs , l.235 | 2-lb crabs , VIIKSII Point Kresli hams M llu , nv8. , 7 e ; 10 Ib * , tivR. , scs 1'J ihs , avir.tM : shoulder * , .V. < ; ; > oik loins , ? L ; mirk U'liilcrlolus Do ; U'af aril , nnl roimcron , G' ' cj st > : iri' rib * . 4c. t-At.T MtiAisllnls l.s pork , now , JIS.75 : clear pork IIUCKH , lii > nvy , * I2.'J , ' > ; nuMlliun. JII.W ; hortcut clear pork. S10.50 ; ( imilly pork , butt pork , pit ? ixirk. : | m-wuxtrii ini's bci'f , J5..VI ; mnv o.xtru plato beef , i'JM ; new iiliito btcf. ti'i.OOi JHMV rolled honolcss bcnf , [ 7.'i3 ; now rumps , J5.50 ! now bonniuhs rumps. W.50. Oiir llbls Extra lanl , winter "trained. ( Tc ; n\tii ; No. t laid , 3 > 'c ; No. 1 laid. JCic ; No. 2 laid , iilc ; ovtra ni'atsfiHit. 4ic : > : tullow oil tic ; nine neatsfool oll,53c' | A 1 tallow , 5u ; steur- I lie , Co. iMiiu-Tlerccs-roinpiHitul , fiVjci pure leaf , t"ie ! ; kuttln tendered , d o- ( MOKKi ) JIKATS Suitar cured hiiins , 12 to 14 Ib av , 11'.ic ; medium , ] , * > to 111 Hi avu. He ; IIIMVV , SO tof.1 UIIIVR. lie ; vklnned Hllclug , 18 to''JII ' ) iivir , 11 > i < > ; l'i : II for nla ha ins , 7'c , sluiul- deix. 7'4i' ; shoulders , Munnrd , ( i'a'i' ; sliiuiklors , 0 to8 lli v > . ' , ' 'i < - ' ; boneless liuiii , ! > c ; uieakfast bacon , clear , 5 tn 7 Ib strip-So ; breaUfast bacon , rib. M4o ; dried beef hams , set ? , lOJlc ; reialixr , blie ; eloils , He. DIIV SALT MII.ATS Lean backs , ri ( o ; extra Kliort uleiir , B'iu ; bolllc" . 111 to SO-lbiivorinse , ( illo ; short ribs , B' i-j short elears. Cc ; long clears , 'i'ic ; shouldersS , i'i back . 5'je. ' I'liKSH IIKKK Steers , 5uo to 0,10-11 > avcr.ipo , nativesOU fiVci 40 > ) toSOO-lbavcrace , native , wailVif ; cow.siinil heifers 40HO WO-lb a Venice , natlvo,5'te ; hlnduartors ( | , steers , lOc1 , blnd- ( jiiartor. " . cows , 7es foiequarters , steers. 4'jc ' ; foipiiuartors cows , : ic ; dressed hogs , 4'ic ' ; cliolco divsspd mutton , O'jc. ritusii HuBi' Curs loln,8'sc ! : ; beef temler- lolns , I8e ; sirloin butts , 7c ; boneless strips , " ; loundsrump ( off ) , tlet rounds ( minpoti ) , , rounds ( hank oil ) , fiHc : bonuU-ss riiiups. 4e ; chucks. : i'i ' < ; plates , 2V < c ; buck halves 4e ; shoulder eluds , 4'iu ; livat loins. No. Kstucrl. Ki Olio ; heef lulus. No. J , UKBlIo ; bcuf InliiH. No. 3. Ue ; beef ribs. U'ifflSo ' ; beef ribs No. 1 , lOHfllc ; sweetbieads ( per do ) , : > 3c ; kidneys ( caehl,3c : o.\ tails ( each ) , 3o ; livers ( eai'M. l > e ; lieef hearts ( each ) , 4c ; beef tungues ( each ) , 40c ; strip loins. < ; ic. : Iloloitna. Ic ; bologna In woii iinds , 4'.ie ; friiiikfurtsliVii * ; tongue. 7ic ! ; blood.liie. ; HUT. 4ie ! ; headcheese , I'ie ; 1'ollsli , To ; pork Bausapolliilii ( ) . Gu ; poik sausage ( meat ) , ID tin pahs , Ue. Groceries. SUOAII 1'er Ib.-Cut loaf , 74c ; Cnbos , 7e ; Standard , powdered , ? 'io ' ; XXXX , ) ii\vdcred , 7J40 ; ( jraiuilateil.stiniifard , ( issc ; Confecthm- rs''ie ; While , ' KMra. U. Ullina.v.fc ; Kxtwi U Nebraskafilic ; Amber,55u ! ; Uoldcn CJ'4c ' ; Dark 0,5e. \lAri.BSrnAii 1'or Ib. 5c cakes , llO'lb boxes , 13c : lOeeaUi'S , : :0-lb : boxes , ISijO ! 1-lb lit Icks , : u ) lls ) In liov , pure , 14e. C'OKFKK KonMted Are ln , 2V4c ; IStinoln. 2V,4e ; iMel/iUKlillii XXAX , 2.Vic ; Gorman , 2Vo ; Dllwort 1111,23" ; hlon , 2J'iB ; Mailiwucb 2J5'c : Moc'lni. : ) ; u.d. , lavntic. : Cot-'Ki-iroiMi Fancy GolJen Kin , JiVic : fancy old posibcrry. ' > ' 4icUlo ! ; > choice to fancy. 2J'je ; KIo , primp , 23ci Uio , coed , 21e ! ; Santos and common Km , ll&21c ! ; .Mocha , t9c ! ; Java , L'eiuilnu O. ; Java , good , Interior , 25e ; Moxlean , 2lc. ! Uitinn FiitriTS Turkish prunes , l ss than lilids , issll. 7'ie ' ; original hhas. 'io ' Irss ; llosula prune * , ( illi boxes , ID ) to 110 , 71ic ; apples , evaporated , now rinj , ' choice , 1"0 ' ; evaporated , now ilui ; iirlme , 12ii ; apricots , fancy , In sacks 2lc ) : blnckberrlcf , new , lOc : raspberries , a Ibs tn lo3lo ; enrnimlM , noxv , ilVicioriginal nasks , ! { c less ; Vostlzza currants , e.xlra. In boxes , Wo. , , UANNnn PIIUIT Poaches , per do ? , f2.7j3.00. Hurries 2-lb Koosebcrrlesl.i3 : ! 2-lh strawber ries. JI.30 ; 2-lb iiispbcrrlos , $1.M : ! 2-lb blueber ries , (1.39 ; 2-lb bliioldierrles , S1.25. I'lneapples llahama choiipod. t3.5 : ) ; Iliihania sliced. $3.511 ! Bahama itnitcd , ? 2. i. " > ; standurd , sliced , 11.25 ® 1.50. Cherries 2-lb led. Haltlmnre , JI.30 ; white chnrilns. JI.73. I'liurs 2-lll. SLIIO. ( JuKKIUWisconsin K. 0. , twin lints , per Ib , lOo ; Wisconsin l'.O.youriAiiierlenUc ; brlcU. I3c : domcstlo Hwlss 145S17o ; Kditm , In foil , ench1.00 : Lliiibur er , I'Jiic. DATES Persian , 0-lb box , 7c. KAlstNS-IiQiidon layers. Oallfornlu stand ard , per box. fc.75 ! ; "hor > oshoi' . " $ . ' .0. ) ; lee o muscatels , California standaid , $2.7. > ; "horse- shoo , " i2i" : > ; "star" loose iiinsuateU. J2.10 ! seedless Cullfoinla , ? t.S5 ; California seedless sultans , In sacks , per Ib. f-o ; Oahfornla musca tels , in sacks. 8oj new vuleiiclus , Dei valcnclus , old. fa : ondiiriihiycr , old , lie. Sviiui'S Amhi'rHyrup-ln bids , Ivo. 70 Rrndo : i'jo ' ; half bbls. No. 7ilKi-adc , Il.'c ; 4-jul kegs , No. OKrade. : : 2-Kiilkltts. No , 70 sradc , 7tc ; Kill cans , 10 In case , nor case , 3.1.00 ; ii-o'deans , Hi Incase , per case , fl.10 ; white clover drips. In bhls.r.'c. : ; half bbls , : ilu ; 4-Kal kcK * . ouch II.4J ; ' . ' cil palls , ouch , ffio ; rock candy drips , la bbls/l'c ; half buls. ! l"c ; 4al Kcss.eacbfll.iW ; S-Balpullseach K > c ; ( . 'allfornla honey , bbK 37c ; half bbls. IMc ; 4-gnl kc-gs. ! ! . ( > . " > ; 2-Kulkltts , VM : l-gal , 10 in case. $1.50 ; K'ul , 10 In case , { 1.25. CiiocoLArn 12-lb boxes , a.'Q-loc ; German swocl.S ' .Uc ; Parisian , 330. CocoA-l'cr Ib.lKHJIOc. llnoMA-l'orll ) , : c. OOCOANUT 1'or ' Ib.ln pkgs , COUSTc ; bulk , K & 25c. SKKIIS Mlxoil bird , Mlipkgs.Sc ; canary. 5ci hump , 4VJC ! anlso , l o ; poppy. lOc. SiMCK.slVppuiSingapore , sifted , l ® IOii | shot,2''c. All-plcc , lOo. Olb\cs IVnaiiif. se lected. ' 'Of. Uailu Ghlna , 4-lb mats , Uc , Nut- moss , No. I , 75c ; tnncy , lur e , b-'ic. KAlilNAriuUS GOODS Ilarley , : i'io ' : ( arlnn , fle ; punsllo ; oatmeal. Ixyi'Au ; iniiuaronl. 1WJ lie ; x'ormlculll. KK&llcj rice , choice , rio ; WiiAi'iMNd i'Ai'KK Straw , per Ib , liiQ2Hc ! ! rasi'/iO : ' ; Manilla II.f > ® 6c ; No. 1 , So. On.s 130 prlmo white ' , lie ; I.V ) water white , l.'le ; 175 headlight , i'l'ic ; 7 Batulono. Mo. SAI.SOIIA HUls , l'iu ; griinuliitud.Sc ; In bbls , lSo. ? SoiiA I'kgs , CO Ihs to box , 5' e ; kcirs , 4Jc. ! VixnOAH iiO r. elder. We ; jtood , 12c- ! white , wliio , ir > c ! fancy , fruit , ho HTDVI : I'oiasn J'J.OO'Tc.W ' PIT urns * . IHns Am. nor luo , Si.7. ; " > ; Luwlston. per 100 , { 17.7. ) ; Union square. : Kii5 : per couloir list. S.u/r Dairy,2fcOIhs In bbl.lmlk , & . ' .U ; best gratia , CO,1s. * : . ' . : > ; licst srado , IOU as. $2.t'J ' ; best Krurlo , 18 IDs. J2.23 ; rock salt , uriishecl , $1.80 ; coinmon , bbl , M.25. Sou1 Uastllo , mottled , per Ib , 03IOc ; do , white , per In. 14e. I'iCKi.KS Medliiin , per bbl , $5.50 ; small , M..V ) ; plu'rUlns. | 7. . " > 0 ; Imp. 1)111 , $1 .00 , (03 ( sal , cask ) 32 Kill. bbl. $10.00. ClUKii-l'cr hbl , rellned , ? Vx ) ; half bbl , $ .1.50 ; hard elder , pnte. per bbl , $0,01) ) ; nraiiKO elder , half , bbl.M.riO ; pear elder , half bbl , $ .30. TWINIIS-Cotton twine , "Illbb , " very line , H Ib bales , 22o ; cotton tulno , "Daisy" brand , 'i Ib liales , 18o ; liomptwlm- Ib hales , li-cj sill twlno. 20ccaiilli ; wtvlc.'eMO-ft ' cotton clothes lines , 85cj U-ft cotton elollKM lines , ? ! . ; ( W.ft cotton llnoH , } i.40 ; ( l-ft ) sisal lines , $1.73 ; G0-t jute , fl.lO ; weal twines , S'Jo. NUTS Almonds , IHo ; Hra/lls , tic ; fllburt ! ) , 12"c ; pecans , I lo ; walnuts. 13c ; peanut cocks , lUej roasted. I2'io ' ; Tennessee peanuts , He. llnouMS 0-tlo , parlor , ! . ' ) ) H-tlo , . ; .v , a-tlo , J2.23 ; 3-tlo , plain , Il.n3 ; warehouse , Jl.OO ; toy , $1.23 ; whisk. } I.01K3I,25. OMVM Quarts , per doz,91,00 ; pints , per poz , t2.Nj ; bulk , iierial , U5e. UA.NNUII MBATrt Uornod beef , 1 HI , J1.50 ; ( ( iriicd bcof , 2 Ibs , $ . ' .10 : Inncli tniiKnos , 111) , t..COj luneh Uinuucs , 2 If- ) " , t,75j ! brawn , l Ib , $ l.2il ; brawn , 3 Ibs , * } . < ; ox tongues , I'J llu , $5.00 ; ox tunxues , 2 Ibs.WOO : chipped bcof , I' ' ' , Ib , louiiil cans , < l0 ; roast beet,2 Hi , round cans , J3.0) ) ; potted ham , ' .i Ib , round cans. ( ! 3o ; lllel ( ham , ! Ib round cans , $1,20 $ ; deviled iiaiii , U Ib , round cunsr ( > o : deviled hum , Hit ) , round cans , $1.20 : potted ox tongue , ! i III , round cans , tl..ij ; com pressed ham , l H ) , stiuuru cans , $1.3' ' ; eoniprebsud hum , 5 Ihs. square cans , { . ' .75 ; trlpc , 2 Ib , round oan , * 1SJ ; uilncod cnlops , 2 Ib , round cans , 82.20 ; bone less riltrs' feet , 2 Ib , hquaro cans , J.1.23. VKCIISTAIII.ES Tuiuatocrt3lb ext ra , fl.lOi 5- lo standard western brands , uoo ; Htrlotlystanilurd , . ' ! . ) . Corn I'lnoit , 81.IM ; Klit-odKed suwnr corn , xery line , Sl.iX ) ; ehalco2'lb sutriir corn. $1.10 ; 2-lb extra xvest- orn biands , tl 00 ; 2-lb Htandiird western brands , tl.oo , Miishroiiins l-lb I'rtincli , uxtrii line , 22c(25u : 1-lb Krench , line , IHTu'.o ; Ml ) Froncliordinary , Ifli l8 ( ! . I'OIIHTros.lino , per cnn , 25vi dt'iul-fiiii' , per aim , 10 ; ; 2-lb s If led. $ l.UI2-lb ; onrly June , * \M \ ; Mb marrow , stand ard braiids.JI.UOiS-lb noiikcd.KV , Htrlnir bouim Wb lilKli ynido , ItefiiKfu , * I.OO | 2-lb Uolduii wax bu.niH , ( l.t'u:1 ; Hi btrlrr ; beam. ( AMnia bciinsII ) KouUfd , die , Ilostoii llakcd hunns - U-lb Lewis. HM ; Drown brands , (1.05. ( Sweet p- : tiitocs-U-lb Now Jersey , 11,00. I'umpkina II- , Okra and tomutue * J1.65 ; okra , tl.U ) ; uccotuh. m.20. Omaha Manilfaotilrers Mltl RIlOC * . ICIIIKENDA.U , , JONKS fe CO. , Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots& Shoes Aientifor Ho tnnlluhbtr SliM Co. , lifts , 1104 Ilnrncy Sltfet , OmntinNeb. Ilrc\vers. 8TOKZ & JLEH , La cr. liter Brcwtrs , Ifiill Ncrlh ISth Blrwt , Om U. h'f Cornier. EAOL.E COUNICEWORKS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice Window rnp < nnd motnllinktllithK. . Jolm Kpcnelor , proprietor. 108 MA 110South loth drool. Artists' A. IIOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M3 Douglna Street , Onmlu , Neb. ConI , Coke , Kto. OWAHA COAL , COKK AND LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , B. E. Cor , 16th and DoiglmStrveli , Oinnlm , Xebt Clears. DEAN , ARHSTKONO As CO. , Wholesale Cigars. WIN.ICIli Htreet. "Hollu ! " 1115. Dry Uonilti ninl Notions. M. E. SMITH Ac CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods anil Notions Corner IIthanil llownnl Street' . KlLPATKICK-nOCII DRY GOODS CO. , Importers anil Jobbers in Dry Goods , UouU'l'umlBhlnk'fiocnlv Cornnr lltli Biul Horuof Blreuti , Omaha , Net ) . Kuril ituru. DKWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , I'arnnm Street , Onmlm , Nobrmkn. CHARLES SHIVEUICK , Fiirnitnrc. Oiunliit , Mel Groceries. McCOni ) , BltADY te CO , Wholesale Grocers , lulhancllonvcnworth Sticels , Omnhn , N'ob Lumber , 10 to. G.Vf. . DOUQLAS fc CO. , Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , Y rJI310N. Uth St. , Ouialii. JOHN V/holcsalc / Lumber , Etc. , Etc , Unportod and American lYirtlnivl CrmonL BUM Meat fur Mllwitukc > u Ilrilrniillo Cuiuoiit , lua Qulmy While I-lmo. CHAS. H. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnmbcr , WoOilcarpets nnil pnrriictAonrlni | < . Olh audDouglX ttrcutaUinnlin , Nubranka. FRED \V. GREV , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Corner tlh tuid Douglas Streets , Omnha. mill lurry mill Notions. I. OBEUKELDEK Ss CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 308,210 and 212 South Uth street. N'otlous ; J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Famishing Goods , 1124 Ilnrnoy itrool , Omalia. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , \Tholcsale Refined aud lubricating Oils , Axle jroaat , to.Omnha. A. U. Illshort , Manager. Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. CUTT a nice itoek ol prlntliiB , itrapjilnn nnd wrt paper. gpectuUtteiitlou Klron tocardfapor. Sal'cs , JQto. A. L. DEAN E It CO. , General Attunn for Halls' ' Safes , C31 tnrt 33.1 South lOtli SU. Omnha. Toys , Kto. " H ARDY A"CO. . , Jolbora of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , IIouou I'urnlihlnR Uoudi , ( JHllJron'n Carrlnjos. 1209 tnrnim Btreft. Omaha. Neb. AVntcr Supplies. U. S. "WIND ENGINE te PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , nalllihjr wlnrt mills. 0S ! iinrtOT Jone at , Omaha. U. K Unas , ActitiiiMiinaifer. Iron Works. PAXTON i : VIERLINO IRON" 'WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Building \Yorlrr Itnglncs , br M work , Kcncrnl rnunclry. ninchlngand LlactBmltli work , Ulilcoan't works , U. 1 * . Itr. OIK ! 17th ilrut't , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS , Manl'rs ' ol Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Vaults , jnll work , Iron tlntUcrs niv ! tire oxrn Q.AQdrccn.prup'r. Cor. lull nnilJucliioii SU. Snsli , Doom , Klo. J M. A. DISHKOW & CO. , Wliolcsnlo manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings. Branch ofllco , litli nnd Itnrd ilruot ! , Ora/ilia / , Neb. So tith. UNIOU STOCIC YA.HDS CO. , Of South Oinalia. Limited , NEBRASKA National Bank U. B. DEPOSITORY , OWAHA , NED. Capital. . . . - $4OOOOa Surplus Jan. 1st , 1890 - B7i3OQ Officer * nnd l > lroclori'-IIenrr NV , VnlM , ITcildonM Ixswlid. Ilced , \'lco-l'ii > 3liti'nlj . .IitinosV. . SUTIIII > ! , Vj V. ilorso. JolinU. C ) lllni , It. O. L'unhlnj , J , N. I'utrlck , W. II. 8. UuiiUvH , caililer. THE IKON BA.NIC Corner Klh nminirium Sti , A General llaukliiB Ilusliit' sTrunsactcrt. COMMERCIAL. National Bank. Capitol , - $ /.OOOOO . Surplus , . . . / tOOQ Onicorminrt Director A. IV lie | ikln > , iireilftnli VV. ( J.Muni , vIooineMdoiiti AlfrmtMlllnrd , riiihlti P. II. Itrymil , li il lint cailiU-r. t'liiulc Turner , U A , Williams , K. .M , Mormuinn U.Mur , K. V llouicn. WAITED ISSUED OY CITIC9 , COUNT ) Cl , BCHOOl „ , . DISTRICTS , WATCH CortespondeucetollclteJ. coMPAWICB , ETC. H.W.H . ARRIS ficCoMPAHY , Bankers , lOS-ieo Dearborn Street , CHICAGO 70 IUt StraU BOSTON *