Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1890, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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r llTfrM by Currier In unypartof ttioCltjr.
flUBlnm Ofllcc. Jin. 43
MgitKUtofNfi.23. ) (
U. V. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumtcr Co. . coal.
.Architect Woodward lias been preparing
plnns for u $ .1,500 , resldcnca to bo built by Ut.
M. H.Btiuman , candidate for congress on
the Independent ticket , ! tosiuink in I'edcr-
sen's hall nest Wednesday evening.
| Louie , eoticf Henry Peterson , dlctl ycstcr-
dnvat the residence , comer of Fifth IIVCHUO
nnil Tucnty-ilxtli street. 1'uncral In Fairview -
view tlili nftcnioon.
Minnie , daughter of Mr. and Jlrs. Herman
Cms ct Ui | | > or liroailway , died ycstordny.
Tlio funeral will occur from tbo rusidcncont
2 o'clock th Is afternoon.
The Moduli of Council llliifTs find West
I-aivns of Omaha will piny a game of ball at
Mntmxva pink today for § J. a side. It will bo
a close and txcltlnjj fjnmo.
All members of Switchmen s.Mutual MA
association lodge , No , ! M , nro requested to
meet at the lodge room tomorrow morning nt
7:80o'i'lockiti rp. By order of W. M.
Two ipcclil trains came In over the Union
Padllelast evening. Clio otthcm was loaded
with t i and the other wltli fruit. Ono went
emt over tbo "Q'1 and the other over the
Northwestern. They averaged about thirty
cars each.
All members of the Knights of Lnbor nro
rt < iuesleu toincctut their liull on Pearl street
tomorrow morainif at 7 o'clock sharp to at
tend Labor day celebration In Omaha. Train
leave * nt " ; 'M niul It is important that nil
nicinbrrs should be nt the Lull before 7
A slight injustice ivis dor.o Jlr. Wolis In
Tin : IlecS report of tno school board mooting
published yesterday inoniliifr. It wni stilted
tliat Mr. Wells "nrosolri an excllcu manner , "
etc. Tills vas not the case , Mr , Wells was
earnest but notcxciteJ , ami the keen clear
ness , vlffor and dignity with which lie con
ducted ills sldo of the controversy challenged
the admiration ofidl present. "
} . 1C , Metcalf returned yesterday from the
cast. IVhilo in Pennsylvania his sea , who
win fore I n nn at the ralhvuy shops ut Altoonn ,
died quite imexiioeteilly. In the midst of his
trouble ho learned that Mrs. Metcalf had
been robbed at lier homo hore. On his wav
lioine ho wasdnlaycd eighteen hours by a nill-
viiy vri'ok. Thotriii , which \vns plannedfor
pleasure , ptoved a trying one Indeed , and
\vhcn ho n'uclicd homo yostusdny ho iintur-
nlly felt that life was a good deal of a
Pat Ilnnnlfnr. a well known character.
who has always been accompanied ly a KOOU
nlzed Jag in nil his wimdeiln s for the past
fourteen years , was in to\vn last night on a
fowling drunk. In the height of his de
lirium he sUirtfC'i'ed into tlio Salvation nnny
] ) roce.sslunund was madotho object of the
tirayers for the entlro evening , Tlio police
did net molest him , but let the Salvationists
tnko liliu to their hall and give , him nbnth of
their "Href anil blood" us u change from the
imial programiiio of tlirovluy hltn Into the
Thcro was a report In circulation all day
yesterday Unit a second shootlnjj affray oc
curred yesterday morning at 4 o'clock , A.
thot was iired on tholtownt that hour , and a
few moments before a man was seen to
( merge from one of the houses In nursuitof ti
woman , who was running for her life. She
did not .succeed in eluding him , but stopped
him with aimltct from a bulldog revolver.
The innn was only slightly wounded and was
cared for by friends , The pollco deny the
story , but It comes veil cnoughuuthcatiuatcd
to bo given us a fnct ,
Tliobiiilillafjcominlttcoof the First Meth
odist church yesterday concluded its nego
tiations with tlio architects nud contractors
nnd awarded ttio contraut for the new struct
ure to bo tin lit upon the original plans fur
nished by P. M. Ellis & Co. , and en exhibi
tion In Eiseman's ' show window , John Wea
ver yets the brlclc nnd stone work and 1- * .
Wind the wood work. U'hcro ' are no material
changes in the plans , and after a great deal
of oloso figuring the local contractors wore
Bblo to bring their bids witbln the $ . ' 10,000
limit. The contracts will bo formally closed
and signed by all parties tomorrow , and work
will bo commenced ou tno building as soon as
Yesterday afternoon Simon Cody was arrested -
rested u pen -warrant issued liy United States
CommlsMioiior Hunter , charging him with
violation of the revenue laws. Uody is the
foreman of Dr. Pinner's farm , ami from the
statements made by the limn himself und the
evidence U appears that ho has been engaged
hi purchasing- tobacco in the city and carry-
Intr It out to tlio other men employed on tbo
farm nnd selling it to them in 10-cent lots.
Ho says they wmld order him to bring out
the comforter for thorn \vhcn lie canio to
town and they would pay him for it after ho
returned Instead of glvinij hltn the money to
buy It with. The olfcnso is ilmply u tech-
nleal violation of the law , ami ho says the
Information is the resultof a little splto worn
on tha part of some of his enemies , lie
waived examination and was bouiul over to
the prandjury , Ot , Orandy went on his
bond ,
The statement tliat 31 r. Pusoylmd given
his personal elieolt in payment of ono of the
Pullman cars In tbo Dower excursion train
bus caused a wrong Impression , and ono
which proves a little einbairiisshig to both
Mr. I'uscy utid these whom ho Invited to
occupy the ear. The mami'oment of tbo
fanners' congress , recognWng Hint Mr.
Ptiscy hnd hem largely Instrumental In se
curing a free train from the Union I'ncillc
for this excursion , placed on oof tlio cars at
his disposal , to bo occupied by whomsoever
ho saw lit. 'Those thus favored were , how
ever , on alilco footing with the other c.te-ur-
HionUts , having to pay for thuir berths anil
meals. Those la the party paid their slmro
to Ulr. Pusey , for their sleeping car necotn-
monitions , and ho in turn , as n matter of
convenience , ( sivo his personal check to the
Pullman company. They wcro simply under
obligation to Mr. Pusoy for the courtesy of
nn Invitation.
" \Vall twpor at HW cents per roll : not rem
nants , atU. L , Gillette's , as I'ourlst.
IMandcl & Idem nro oilur tig great bargains
la every department. Wo snow the 'best
line of cook stoves and ranges In the city ,
from $10 to 10. in tinware wo cany the
best only nail sold nt bottom pricei , Carpets ,
"Oh , myl" wo Just heat the world , former
price of iT.rpels tin fts. , now 40 eta. , and so on
through thu entlio lino.Vosbow a largo
line In novelties in our parlor goods depart
ment. In bedroom Haiti wuprldu ourselves
of fiirrylng tlio most comilitto ] assoitmont ,
choice of ill ) styles , Uoolc ernes , rocUers and
dining chairs of every description. Sldo-
bonnls , waiilrubos and ( ( intertables go along
with tills unloading sale , ( lot iirleoi elso-
wliei-o and comiiai-o Mandcl &Klolii' > i yjo
B mad way.
7ho Manhattan sporting lieuafluarters
Jlrs. W. SCassimd sister , Mrs. llmidnll ,
hsivo gone toUea Molues touttenil the state
The Jlisscs Hughes , wliolmvo boon spend.
Init two enjojnblo weeks at lcs Molnes , hnvo
Jlr. Charles Bienvith , wlfo and child , ac
companied by his mother , Mrs , iavidson ) ,
nnd tiorsisttr , Airs. Boyeson , have gene to
Lcng Pine , Kob.for ntcti days' ' visit ,
Mrs. W.V. . Chapman. Mrs. T. D , Moora
ondMlssS. D. llohso have returned from
Cclfax , where they hnvo been having im en-
Joyablotltne , Mn > . Moore will remain hero
usthu guest of Mrs. Chapman foru month erse
so , when she will \ > a Joined by her Imsband ,
wnois uow engaged in bulldmg1 the big
bridge at ICunsos City !
Commercial men , Now I'aclflc. Counell
Bluff * . U under nuuat'cniontof W.Jonoa with
uew suinplt ? rooms ,
J , C. Hlxtiy , steam heating , wnltiry en
gineer. KI'J Ufa bulldliii : , O.-nahi ; 'JJi Mcr
riam block , Council Bluffs.
A Jjlterairr
The phenomenal young elocutionist , Miss
Zc-nomaUray of Salt Lake , will appear ut the
opera bouso September . She will glvo in
costume a fcerles of thebenutlfulUelsarto ex-
ercUcs and jiautomimOBoiuogood old songs.
Dr. Ilrucy cures bay /over / , Bco
Bupcrlntoidont McNanglton and Principal
Stevens Botl Decapitated by tie Boird.
The Hlrd llnil Plo\vn The l
Church Contract Let The Tlilrd
CcriHim llcport
Other News Notes ,
ThD school board mot again at 10 o'clock '
yesterday morning to concludothounflnlshcd
hustncss olthosassloa the night boforo. It
was evident at the first glance that some
thing had transpired , The mobile faces of a
majority of thomernbcrslndteitcdthata so
lution of tlio dlflleully between them nnd * .bo
principal had boon discovered , and that It
wns at lenst satisfactory to tbcin. Their so
lution \vnsannounccd later on , tmdlt is some-
thingof nnaturo that will create a sensa
tion , not only in the city but In educational
clrclci throughout tbo entire state. It was
simply the effort to cover up the quurrcl by
the summary dismissal of both the superin
tendent and the principal of the high school ,
B After n little tltno bad been consumed In
the nllowancc of some of the small monthly
bills the motion calling for the resignation of
1'rof , Stevens was recurred to. When the
board adjourned at 11 o'clock on Friday
night President Sterwart and members
Illaxslm , Wuito nnd Hunter had placed
themselves on record in favor of the resolu
tion dismissing the contumacious professor ,
butIt wa * Mr , Hunter's motion to adjourn
that was canted by the votes of Wells ,
Sehoeiitf-en , lllaxslm and Ms own. This
was looked upon at the tinw as evidence of
some secret understanding between these
fretitletnen which required n little more tlino
for completion , "Whether they bait a confer
ence or not subsequently is iiotkaown , but
they came into the mectingyesterdnyiiiora-
lug with n clear understanding of what waste
to transpire. When the effort -\viis made to
pass these resolutions Mr. I-Iuntcr offered the
following us n substitute :
Ilciolved , Hyihls board , that It hereby < le-
111:1 : mis thu resignation of I'rof. .litmus 3c- !
NatiiOiton forlliwltlins Mipeilnteiuluiitof tin )
suliouls ut Con in.-II llliilVs. la. ; also , the rc-
niOMil of I'rof. Arthur Movcns nsnrhiclpal of
tliohlKli whoulof filil ; city.
In support Ins his motion Jlr. Hunter said
that as the subject was one of great Import
ance , and for fear of misconstruction and mis
representation of what ho had to say concern-
In git , he hud put his remarks in writing and
desired to have his sentences made apartof
thoofllclid record. "This board , " ho said ,
"is now confronted vlth tins unfortunate
state of affairs a fierce , irrepressible and Ir
reconcilable conlli'ct is now being carried on
between I'rof. McN'uufihton as superintend
ent and I'rof. Stevens as principal of the high
school. The conlllct lias created factions.
Friends of both have arrayed themselves on
their respective sides , and wir und no com
promise is the battle cry. 1 say Jlerco be
cause the adherents of both have worked
themselves into a fever heat , und quarrels are.
frequent , as shown by the meeting last night.
1 say Irrepressible- because It comes up In
every shnpo and form , and Is
iudlssolubly connected with almost
every proposition advanced for the
Interests of the schools , 1 s.iy irreconcilable
because every effort toadjust the difficulties
has failed. It is crimination nnd recrimina
tion , charges and counter charge ? . Some of
these clmrtrcs nro now n mutter of record.
Retraction h Impossible , and thoivforoan
apology made by either ccntloman would ho
an Insult. 'Jhcroforo I say thu discharge of
onontidthc retention of the other would lead
but to disaster. Inowdecllno as a member
of the hoard to go Into any investigation of
these charges. Tlio evil has already been
done. It cannot bo undone. The predica
ment In which tbcso gentlemen lliid them
selves is on oof their own milling1. Incom
patibility of temper and contrariety of opin
ion sooins to bo their lot. .Alter careful and
thoughtful consideration of the subject ,
and niter using every endeavor to
settle thU dmlculty , I am firmly con
vinced there Is no solution of the
present problem , no way to protect the
schools and save them from Injury , but to
obtain the resignations of both these gentlo-
mea. Tor these reasons I present this reso
lution , and for the same reason I as It Its
adoption. "
Messrs , Sehoentgen and Dlaxslm seconded
the motion to adopt the resolution.
Mr. AVolls declined to go Into any investiga
tion of the charges that had been bruited
about the streets , but ho favored the resolu
tion as tlio best moans of solving a difficulty
that was demoralizing the school nnd threat
ened almost the disruption of the board and
tlw breaking of lifetime friendships ,
Dr. SlcNuughton suld hoobjccted to being
made the victim of nnattsick uiid then being
brought In as a guilty pavtv. Ho could not
sec why thopontlomcn of the board who hud
understood the situation all along could
introduce such u resolution. It wns particu
larly unjust and unfair , out If the board hud
determined to pass the resolution , he had
nothlnir to say.
President Stewart discussed the resolution
by saying that bolmdno mes to grind , had
nwdo no promises , hud no friends to reward
or enemies to punish , but the resolution
looked like a compromise between the mem
bers of the board , whleti vis likely to do an
Injjstlco to a man who hud proved himself
capable and worthy , and n grunt wrong to tlio
schools. It was evidently an oltort to restore
good fi'clnit ; tiuttvoon tbo members of the
board by doing n great wrong to tholnterests
ofthohuhools by robbing them of their Lead
nttho last moment , when the greatest de
moralization must follow.
The resolution was carried , Messrs.
Sdiocntgcn , Wells anil Hunter votinguyc ,
mil AValto and L'resldeat Stowurtno , Blaxlsm
refraining from votiiiff. This left the schools
vlthoiit a superintendent or principal , and
tlio board iwseda resolution postponing'tho '
opentiujof the schools until Wednesday , Sep
After Instructing tlio president and secre
tary to pnrcba'o nine of Prol. 13allenscr's
physiological inaiiiilldns for xiso In the city
schools , the board adjourned to meet Monday
nftcriiooii nt5 o'clock
The situation is Indeed deplorable. The
publicschools wcro to dnon tomorrow , nnd
now right on the threshold of what promised
to bo asuecessful year the whole system Is
thrown into a state of dciuorulinition and
disorder. With no superintendent , uiid 110
prliiclinil of the high school , with disgraceful
wnuijrlliigs and bickerings In the board. .
Council UlulTrt is Indeed liiu bad way. There
are heard many differences of opinion us to
who h most at unit , hut thuro can ho no difference -
feronco as to the result being a hard blow ut
the public schools , vhlcli have for so IOIIR
liornosiii'liim inviublo reputation as nmoiiK
llm best Intlio state , Nuturally tlio public is
Indignant at tliohltuatlon , and they look to
tho.sowhohnvotlio school system hi charge
as responsible for the dlsiniuoand trouble.
The prediction Is heard that I'rof , Stevens
may bo yet chosen immiicrliitcndeiit to sue-
scvod I'rof. MoN'uuijIiton , It would notni'oin
jiosslblo that a school board would ono day
kick a man outof a subordinate position nnil
the next day Invite lilin to o vii | y u higher
one , but itsooinslii lhos day sail things arc
possible. I'rof. btoeus has been liero iiiit-dly
moro monlhs tlmn I'rof , Mc.Vaiiiihlon bin
K rs , , Supenntoaiicnt MnNitnghtou hiw tin
established reputation m an educator , and
evennowlho school boaul docs not ask him
o resign because of his imtltnoss , but Mmply
because they nro willinglosncrHko him for
the sake of making u eompromiso between
quarrc-Hiitf members of the Hoard.
I'lMf. McXiuiffhton ox presst'j ' himself M not
ntoiiiltnutp n > lBti , but f.ivon dimply lettins
tholoardlhi-ow him out , Ho does not talk
rcsUuiuco or fight , but prefers to let the
board talw the action by which ho will bo re
moved from the position of Hiporlntcndent.
.A. I Sllttl lvmo" l now , and ho does net
eeomiucllnodto make It uny amootliur by
tlouTO'B ' ' ° fcnu ct rt "lccul ( rwljrtift.
Prof. Stpveus will probaUy follow a llko
course , lotreiitcdtho former ordoi-H of tlio
boaul w,1 , u silence , and It upp-ura that ho has
won a point by It. 1'erlups V flowing bU
nolitr heiiiajMMu , Rccoud ixjlnt.aud . seouro
theloitlon [ of uperliit iaoit
in talltlng about tbo rumor of such n possi
bility , Mr , Huuter.ono of thoboord , doclarcj
bowill never vote for Stevens lor tiny peti
tion la tli uchwLs. Mr , Dlaulm exprc fc t
like feeling , and If they stick there could bo
no possibility of such an occurrence ,
P. C , Miller , the julnternnd decorator , at
homo to his friends , 913 South Sixth street.
No\v fall Koodiitistrccelvoiiut Keller's , mer-
chanttallor , UlOUroadway.
Money at reduced Mtes lonno'l on chitto
nnd rcalcstata security byE. II , Sheaf o & Uo
LnvrcncoIIoUt left lost evening forChl-
ago to loin the other postal clocks , whotako
n special train for Denver , whcro their coii <
volition meets September ; ; . Jlr. Ilolst Is u
representative of the tenth division. Ills
wife will accompany him , und they expect to
bo absent abouttwo weeks.
JohnMaher , the man who received tbo con
tents of Ofllccr Nojes' revolver yesterday
morning , is still alive , anil on account ol his
wonderful vitality gives promlsu of ultimata
There Is little moro to add to tbo Informa
tion contained In Tin : DEB'S account of tbo
shooting yesterday morning ; . The details
simply show tliat the Mahcr brothers , John ,
Ed nd Jim , Billy AValtcrs and .Tohn Sclief-
ferly had been attending a dance ut 1'etor-
eon's hall , and had left the place after mid
night , They wcro rot Intoxicated , but had
Icon drlnldngagooddealatid woromahlng a
very frco use of their tongues. The racket
they wort ) creating attracted the attention of
Oillccr E , 11. Noyesvhoso beat lies on
Upper Iroadway , lie came behind
the party and ordered them to
liccp quiet. Some words followed ,
and John iMnhcr asserted that us they were
only singing they \vcro not disturbing tbo
peace , nnd the ofllccr had no right to order
themott the streets. They refused tokeop
quiet , and Noyes threatened to place tbo
whole party under wrest , This excited the
angerof John Jluhcr , and hobecraii to abuse
the olUccr , Koycs took hold of him , and n
scuffle immediately resulted , during which
John- Maher struck the policeman a heavy
blowln the face with hisilst. This win the
signal for a general attack upon thooftlcer by
the whole party , and. they assaulted him
vlcloasly. JSvery one of the fellows > ? ot III a
crack lit lilm. JoliiiMahcr wrenched bhcluh
from hltn and struck him over tbo head and
across the neck. Ho was knocked dovvn on
the sldcwallc , and they vero all Mi-king and
striWng Win. Noyes cnlled loudly for help a
numhor of times , and bis calls wore heard by
parties on tno streets several blocks away ,
Believing that they were intend
ing to Mil him , the assaulted ofllcer
drew his revolver , a 82-c llbro Smith &
Wesson , mid began firing. The first shot
struck.John Alilier In the loft breast , enter
ing his body about half nn Inch from tlio nip
ple , and passing around on the Inside of tlio
ribs lodged in his left lung. Ho fell to tlio
sidewalk and the remainder of the party
started to run , and the oillcerom piled his re
volver at them Itwns supposed that two of
the shots took effect In the body of Jim
Mahcr , but a close examination ly tbo sur
geons yesterday afternoon show that but ono
bullet struck mm. It entered his right leg
as he was running , striking lilm Just above
the shoo top , and ranging upward came ont
below the knee , evidently wlillo tlio limb was
beiitln the act of tanlngn step. It then en
tered thu fleshy partof tliologabovo thoknee ,
ranging around thcbone , and lodged in front
between the knee and thigh. It Is a very
painful but not dangerous wound.
After the shooting John Maher fell to tlio
pavement and laid there , and .Tim continued
to run until lie reached the corner of First
andl'ierco streets , whcro bo was taken In
charge by his friends and conveyed to tlio
resideneoof hli sister , on thccornorof Piereo
and Graeo streets. ThuDrs.Bellingers were
summoned and have had chargeof the cases.
They wcro the first physicians on the ground ,
but neavly every physicini In town \vlio has
a telephone was roused up and ordered lo
come to the Ogdeii houso.
John Waller was thought to bo dying , and
at ao'elock ITathorMulloy was called iind the
rites of the church for the dying wre admin
istered to him. Hols still at the Ogden In
ono of tlio rooms , and cunnot bo moved for
some time , even if his symptoms continue to
bo favorable.
Yesterday morning ODlcor Noyes filed in
formations in Justice Scburz's court charging
all the implicated parties with assault with
intent to kill and they were all put under ar
rest , including tbo two wounded brothers ,
who were placed In charge of an ofllccr , who
will guard them at their present location tin-
til they can I'.o removed , Ed Maher and John
Scbcfferly wcro arrested early In the day and
confined ( n tlio city jail , but It wus not until
afternoon thot tbo onlccrs succeeded la find
ing Walters. Ho was placed under arrest
and nil three were taken to the county jail.
Later in the afternoon they were brought lo-
fore Schurz for exanilnation. They nslccd
a postponement , which was granted , and
their bail fixed at Sl,000 , each. This was
filled by Dan Carrigg and the three men wcro
released pending a hearing.
OfllcerNoves was badly bruised , but Ms
Injuries woronot ai severe as they were first
suppascdto ho. The question of whether ho
was Justified In tlio shooting has been gen
erally discussed and the preponderance of
public opinion upholds him. in tlio free use of
his revolver. Thcro are several who saw the
assault and they tell confiding stories about
it. somoof which incline towards n censure
of the olMcor. But the fact must not bo over
looked that Koyesls oho of the most careful
aiidconservntivo men oa thoforn.
Jlr. Hess , a Kansas City rail way conductor ,
is reported tohavesuicti
'This morning about 12 rflO I was avakcnod
from my sloop , in room . \ at the Ogden
hotel , bv the nolso of loud and boisterous
voiced directly opposite my room , on Uroad-
wny. M first 1 listened from my bed , but
hearing some one of them say , HI d you ,
I will run you nil in If you are not careful , '
or Bomctldiigto the eilcet of the word 'care
ful.1 This wis nlinostdircctly opposite , m I
saw them when I went to the window. They
wen above half of 0110 block , Uill talking ,
but there wa ? nothing demonstrative from
any of Ilia parties , I heard some ono say ,
' \Vo quit singing wtien you told us ,
and were uro not disorderly now. ' At this
tlino they all stooped , though the oflleor
seemed to bo undecided , and wai using pro
fane language toward them Then there was
u snulllo , mid they oil closed In together in
the street , whun I hoard scmo ono commence
to hollow and call for help. At this Juncture
the parties scorned to become frightened and
begun to run , when the firing of a pistol com
menced. Tlio one -\vlio llrcd the shots ran
after the parties while firing. Afterward I
heard some ono say : 'D ' n them , I got two
of them , any way , ' "
A guest of the Ogdcn , who claims ho saw
a. greater portion of the affair , states posi
tively thut , ho saw tbootUcerontho ground ,
and ho was receiving ItlckHnnd licks from sev
eral parties ; that tlio Urge-sob man ( Smith ) ,
who had wiilliedup the street with the
crowd , had gouuoa ahead and luul no part in
the difficulty , and that when tbo firing tonk
place they scattered In all directions. Ho
states ho saw Maher full , nnd tbo other
youiiB man limp away , tlo added that in
nil opinion the assault . unlooliod for
and inicxported by the olllcor , but that In
bis opinion Noyos wits rather rough in his
inuiiiicYboforu thu trouble. The gentleman ,
stated hu know none of tbo parlies.
Scott Homo , Council liluCfs , transients 11.00
per day. _
Hose at cost. AVe aw going to ijnlt
bandlliiB gardenhoso , and have doubly the
larscssi stock in the city. To close out wo
Mill sell iillgnuks and llxturosat dead cost ,
for cash. 0. B.i'alnt . & Oil company , Nos.
land U , Musoiilotcmplu.
Kor Hnlo.
Ourretall furniture business , vlth good
established trado. Stock In first class and
well selected. Iteason for selling , uro KOlng
Into the exclusive JohblnKtrndo.
A n ? imo wishing logo Into business should
Investigate tills , as Itls onooflho few golden
opportunities otullfo thno.
U. A. Hur.iiE & Co.
'Ilio IlirtliUad Flown ,
It vas oipcetcd that u very Important case
would be licurd before United States Com-
inlsslcnor Hunter ycslowliy afternoon , hut It
did not occur , for the very important reason
Hint the principal , who was to bo called upon
to answer the diurgo of defrauding tbcgov-
ern meat out of about . ' ,000 pension money ,
wan absent , It wru8upioscd | that Murshul
Mills would bring the woman In on the noon
Wubadi train from the southern jwt of the
reached the commission.
tate , hut a dispatch
or'a onico abouttho hour flxod for thp arrival
( tU vrlaguor , dated C lu , In , sUUn wlth
. "JifaesSKXSiPK : * X.
characteristic liruvlty tbat the marshal
couldn't como because the "birds bad
lown. " , ,
The ease U ono Inwblch n woman has
jccu drawing a | > cnsoii ! for a number of
years m a soldior'K'widow wlillo married tea
a iccond hiislmii'J. The Intention wm to
irrest both the vortiun and her present hus-
Jiwd , nud they would have been brought
h ere yesterday hud they not success fully
eluded the federal onlccrs. Tlo arrest will
only boa question of a short time , for Jlar-
Bhal Miller Is following a wry lot trail.
A good hose reel frco with every 100 feet of
boso purchased nt Blxby's ,
J. G.Tlpton , real estate,537 Broadway.
If you wish toicll your property call on the
.Tuad fi Wells Co. , CB. Judd , president , ( XH3
Notice ,
Idcslro to notify the public lhatlwillnot
bcrcsxnslblo ] ) for tiny debts contracted by
my wife from this date , ns she has deserted
my bed und board , FKAMC H. Swjix.
Buy your lumber olTboJuddcfcYcllsCo. . ,
813 Broadway. .
riioThird Xllstftct CCIIHIIS Iteport.
Supervisor I-llght has furnished the fol
lowing figures from the tenth United States
ccasusroporthlebwill bo of a good deal of
interest to the general puUlc :
Tbo following shows the population and
the soldiers resldiiiiiln the counties of the
Kinthcongressional district :
Or. Birnoy cures huj fovor. Boo bldg.
Council IllulTs.
52-Inch nil wool ladies' cloth Sic a yard ,
30-Inch nil wool , stripe and plaidSic , worth
Most complete 11 no of Hack goods in tbo
30-Inch black brilllantino 39sworth tiOc ,
regular 50cgoods. BOSTON STORK ,
Council Bluffs.
The Franklin prinllnp house has remoed
to Its commodious and elegant new quarters ,
No. 209 Main ctrcet , second floor. P. Aius-
worth. .
, the Cliiirchcs.
Bcrean Baptist Church Subjects for to
morrow morning , t' 'otidltious ' of Successful
Revival ; " for the evening , "Hardness of
Heart. " Sunday scliool nt 11 :15 a. m. Prayer
meetlag Wednesday evening.
First Presbyterian ComerofVillow nvc-
nuo and Seventh street , Itov. Stephen Phelps
pastor. Tlio pastor'uos ' returned from his
vacation and vlll preucb both morninif and
evening. Sabbath school at 12 m. Young
people's meeting at 7 p. in. Stranger ) and
others co'iiliallv invited.
Rev. H. Cocker of Fort Scott , ICnr , , will
spenknt the young men's ' meeting today at4
p. in , Brief talks , good kinging. Como and
enjoy the meeting.
First Baptist Church-Near postofflce , B.
II. Coolcy , pastor. Rev.E. 11 , Curry of Fre
mont , Neb , , -will orach at 10:30 : a , m. and 8
p.m. Sunday school at 12 m , Christian En
deavor 7 p. m. All cordially welcomed ,
Twenty-ninth StrcctlUisslca Rl.iW.Buck ,
pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 8 p. n
All in that vicinity cordially Invited and wel
Church of Christ ( Scientist-419 Broad
way , near corner of Mala street , up stairs.
Services every Salbath morning at 10:45.
Inquiry meeting every MdayovcnlngatT :30 :
at onr residence , 3W High School avenue ,
corner CjJlcu avenue. All are welcome. Seats
free ,
Congregational Services this moraine ;
preaching by the pastor. Subject : "Tho
Intercession of thoSplrit. " A cordial invi
tation is extended. There will bo no evening
SecondPrcsbytcrinn-Scrvlces today at3
p. in , r'renchlng liy Rev , II. It. Snjder of
Allegheny City , Pa , Sunday school at 4 p.
m. All friends of the vork urged to attend
the 8 o'clock services , as matters pertaining
to the future work of tbo church will le con
Broadway Methodist Episcopal chureh"ccr-
iiorof South First street nul Broadway
Uov. Do Witt ( J. Franklin , pastor , Last ser
vices in the old church today at 10:110 a. in.
and 3 p. in. .All old residents , members nnd
friends of tbo church are cordially invited to
attend. Sunday school at It ! in. Ei\vorth |
leanuo and class mcetin ? at 7 p. in ,
Fifth avenue Methodist Episcopal church ,
corner Eighteenth street and Fifth avenue
George II. Bennett , pastor. Quarterly tncct-
liipiind communion services will ho held at
10 : ! iO a. m. 'There will bo no evening ser
vice , Sunday school nt U :45 a. , in. ; prajer
meeting Wednesday at 8 p. in. All ore , In
vited. .
Kpworth Methodist Ipiscopal church , Avenue -
nuo B anil Twcnty-litth rtreet-GiwgoU.
Heimott , pastor. Sunday school at 0 : SJO a. in , ;
prciichiiwntSp. in. by the pastor ; pmjcr
meeting Thursday oveiilng at 730. ; All are
Saint Paul's ' church-DlvIno service today
at 10-15 : a. in. The rector will ofllelate and
preach. Young men and stranRora always
welcomed to Ihesesor.vlces. T. J. Jlnchay ,
rector. . 4
O'ho ' Berean Baptist Ladies' Aid society
will meet next Tuesday at 2 p. in. in the
Hurtuimi ! and Itoynlty.
rlho following from the New YorkCotiilor
wlllprovo of Intrivdt to the musically In
clined : > *
Jlessrs. IIn linan.Tcck A Co. are afjaln re
ceiving thu congratulations of their patrons
and friends upoii ailcll'tionalsiicccsseaof ' tlielr
piano in Kiigland. Uveryono now Knows
that but u few weolts ago their Glasgow ,
Scotland , ugent sold a grand piano
to her majesty tbo g.uecn for
use nt IJulnwml Custle , and now
conies the annoxiticoincnt that three
other Hardniaii grandshavo been purchaied
byineinbbraor the nobility , whoso royal pat
ronage has given the Jlurdinan Miinoln iiij- (
lund u most enviable jiosition. liy tlio'Mnmp
of her nnnroviil tills Instrument Is wised in
the estimation ofthe British public to a very
high position , and their business there has
bocn sounprecodcntodly lurKo that on ono
stvlo of piano the new scale somi-Rratid
they can fill no more orders la .America until
after January 1 , IBl'l. ' Up to the present
time tlo royal and noble personages who
huvo selected Hard man grand pltnos for
their use ar !
llor majesty the queen.
Herrovul blshness the Duchess of Fife.
Her Krocetho Duchess of.Moutroso ,
His fcTOcethe Uulto of Jilehuwiid and Oor-
Thls Is a showing of which the firm mnj
well feel proud. Eml Mr. Peek does feel pront
of It , nnd gUdlyshoivs to these interested
the orljflnal document slfned by Kciiinaro
chamberlain of the household , nppoltitlngMr
Vdlluj'ton , their agent for Great Uritaln
"I'lunoMater toIIorMaJesty the Queen,11
The Mucllor Muslo Co. . o. 1 1 Jlaln
street , Council IlluffuaniWueller ASchmol
Icr , No , liOlDodjcj street , Oicaha , iiro tao
ngcnts for these celebrated pianos , Como
iid sco them If you -\vanta piano that b a
> luuo.
Dr. C.H. Dower , SON. 3talu st.
Dcntti of J.V. . Ilorff r.
Mho sad news -was rceelvcd hero last night
f tlio dentb of J.V. \ . llcrgcrvhtch occurred
t Ins home in Bast Oakland , Cnl , August'0.
lo was aged fifty-eight years. Mr , Bersor
vns for lovcral years a resident of this city ,
ndwcllknown in business circles , being for
a tlino connected with the Citizens' State
mnk. Hov s tor a tlino nssoclutcd with J.
r. Hart In tlio Insurunco business here , and
lien went toTopcka , Kan. , whcro with othera
bo organized a company. Ho was ono of the
nest prominent members of thu First Baptist
church of this city. .At the tlmo of his death
10 was auditor of the Onklimd Dunk of Sav-
ngs , a very large institution.
Dr. lllrnoy cures liny ( over. Bco bldg.
The Dntcrrlltcil AiUliosneil by Their
Congressional Nominee.
The democrats of South Omaha fired the
first g-im of the campaign lost night , and to
isslst them In the 11 ring thoylmd the local
contingency of this city , manned by Gcorgo
ricrnoynnd George J , Sternsdorff , the presi
dents of tbo Siith and Mghth ward demo
cratic clubs ,
The Omalia delegation wont via a social
motor train , along the sldo ofwhich was
spread a flont , bearing tlio words , ' 'For
Congress , AY. J. Bryan. "
At South Omaha n delegation and a brass
jand met tlio visitors and escorted thehi to
Bloom's hall.
Judge King was master of ceremonies , and
after calling the meeting ; lo order , ho Intro-
Ineed Mr. llryan , the democratic candidate
Tor congressional honors , who , after telling
the oft told history of tbo party , spokosub-
stinitinllv as follows :
"Tho democratic party prefers highUeeiiso
: o prohibition. Tlio democrats nro iifrnld
ihat if the prohibition niiiciiilnient goes into
Lbo constitution it would bo repealed , and for
Llils reason propose to defeat It at the polls.
The use of Intoxicating liquor is n personal
matter , and even-man has a rllit ( ; to use It ,
"Wherever prohibition has been tried it has
been afuiluro. The chance \vould result in
taklngaway the present restrictions. You
cun't enforce prohibition when a man cim go
out with a handsaw and got drunk on arail ,
Every sun thut sets places the defeat of pro
hibition ono day nearer ; Every man
who Is before the people for nn ofllce
must declare his position. 'Jbo republican
party fails to state whcro it stands upon this
important matter. The democratic party
docs not fail so to do. Now , I have dellnod
my position on the prohibition question , and
I want to speak upon national questions ,
"Tho democratic party Is in favor of a lav
by which the people shall elect their senators ,
I believe the tlnio Is now rlno for taking this
power from congress and placing It in the
hands of the people.Vo oiiRht to dcelaro
that no man can own a foot of laud in the
United States until ho has sworn allegiance
to the ( lug that floats over him.
" 1 am opposed to trusts. When the pro
tective tariff is the cause of the formation of
tnistsl ninln favor of reducing the tariff.
"The most fatal blow aimed at frco govern
ment Is the passage of the federal election
law. _ I would rather have thocortlflciito of a
justice of the peace than ono issued by n
board of arbltmtors appointed ly the gov
"Tbo democratic party Is opposed to n tariff
that pays tribute to ono man and
takes it from another. "When the
government takes a dollar from
ono it adds it to the wealth of another. The
republicans toll you they are protecting the
borne Industry. I tell you this is not so. The
democrats are the men who nro protecting the
little homes out hero on the prairie. Toillus-
trato , If you buy a dollar's ' -\vorthof goods
you now pay 47cents prollt to the manufac
turer.Vlio pa.vs this profit ) You do , and
you pay it ns tariff. If the farmer could only
keep 100 bushclsof his wheat and eendforty-
seven bushels awuv to the man Avho claims
the tariff , ho would be better oft than ho Is
today. Is it nofc slavery to think think
that one-third of everything you produce
is exhausted in the way of paying tribute to
the tariff tinkers f The only reason why you
stand this is because they don't como and col
lect It of you ns they do a tax. As the mat
ter stands now every man , woman and child
pays into the govormnentflO per annum moro
than li needed. This increase of the surplus
that Is constantly piling up is what is mak
ing tlio poor man poorer and the rich , man
richer , "
Tbo speaker then paid a glowing tribute to
the nominees on the democratic ticket , re
ferring to them as honorable , able and gener
ous gentlemen , after which JI. V. Gannon
and C , J. Smyth spoke upon local politics and
the meeting adjourned.
St. I'aul Endeavoring to Rcllpsc Min
neapolis by Annexation.
ST. PA n , , Minn. , August 30. [ Special
Telegram to THE nun. ] U'ho intense po
litical , industrial , social and financial rivalry
between St. Paul and Mnncapolls broke out
m a new spot today when it was learned that
St. Paul had hatched a suhoino for the an
nexation of Dakota county , on the opposite
side of the Mississippi ' .This would give
Kamsay county u largo increase in area ,
would dia\v South St. I'aul into ttio city
limits and glvo tbo county sufficient popula
tion to ontltlo It to a congressman. It Is un
derstood that the Dnlcotu county people
have been mollified with thy promise of a
legislative enactment keeping their taxes at
ab'out tlio present rates. This county is the
smallest inthostato and its representatives
In the state conventions have been obliged to
knuckle from sheer foxvo of numbers to the
delegations from Henncpin county , in which
Is located .Minneapolis. The annexation of
Dakota county would give liamsay county u
population very nearly equaling that of
llcuiiepen ,
An Adverse Keport ,
, August30. The house com
mittee on comnioroo made an adverse report
on the bill to repeal the net incorporating the
Maritime canal company of Niagara. After
reviewing the. condition of affairs along tlio
line of the canal company , the report says :
"Tho committee deems it hut fair to the en
terprise of such n magnitude that it should
bo given a reasonable time to demonstrate
that those who have undert alien It are pros
ecuting the same in ( 'ood faith , and that in
their early more-menu they ought not to bo
hampered by captious nnd carping critics. It
would i a gross breach of faith for
the United States government to penult In
any \vuy \ the embarrassment of the project
by considering unfounded propositions from
any source for n repeal of tbo company's
charter. " _
Krnnlc fihiiirllij\v'H ; Hotly llccovorcil.
SM.KM , Neb. , .August UO. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hun , ] About 8 o'clock tbla
morning the body of Prank Shlnofluwlio
hus been missing since tlio .Mat , was found
In n cornfield ahout ono hundred and fifty
yards from the town school house
and a lialf mile from nla lioino. The
coroner was notified ami he Immediately sum
moned ajury , who have been investigating
thocasoup tot ) o'clock this evening , but ad
journed until Monday morning to procure ad
ditional evidence. It is evident from its con
dition that the hody had lain where found
since the tlmo of his disappearance. Ilio
only mark of violence was about the huso of
the skull , which appeared as if bit with a
blunt instrument.
The \Vcatlier Korconst.
For Iowa Generally fair , warmer , south
erly winds.
For South Dakota Fair , followed by local
showers In the northwest portion , southerly
winds , warmer In eastern jwtlon , stationary
temperature In western portion ,
lioulsvllle's Free Wagon IJrldpcc ,
Lot'isviLM ? , Neb. , August 80. [ Special
Telegram to TUB IBE. ] The celebration of
the completion of tlio free vagon brldjjo
across the 1'latto river at this point will beheld
held September J.M. It will bo a grand har-
beeuo and political rally.
I'atnl Ttallroad Auulilotit In Ohio ,
SIIAWXBE , 0. , August 530. Two mnn vcro
killed and another fatally Injured by the
wrecking of a construction train on the Cin
cinnati , Shawucofc Hocking road today.
Unless Tlielr DcmmidH Are Compiled
With They WIIIKtrltco.
CHICAGO , August a ) . [ Special Telegram
o Tun UGH. ] TLo union carpenters of Chicago
cage will quit work tonight nnd will not re
turn till their dcinntid for 3 % cents per hour
shall hnvo been compiled with ly tbo bosses.
'Jlils ts the decision reached by the carjien-
ers council nnd ratified by the different
unions. Of course the alternative ts that they
may fall In their attempt to compel nn In
crease ct pay nnd resume uork on the bosses'
The losses-members of doth master car
penter associations predict tholatter result.
The men can sec nothing but success as the
outcome of the comliiBstrxipglo.
As to the number of men who will go out
opinions vary. J'rosldcnt ' O'Connell of the
carpenters' council says that P0t | - rent or
more of the working carpenters of this city
will obey the council's ' order. President
Goldioof tbo "old bosses" thinta that 1XH , ( )
will bo moro than the strikers' strength.
ljaul MHhlson of the "nc\v \ bowes" sidd :
"All the men now outof work will goon the
stilko , and thercaro aboutll.OOO of them ,
Doth sides are evidently preparing for n
loni ? struggle. Wanyof tlio bosses have de
clined to llRure on now work.
The "old bosses' " association has nskcd
for pollco protection for the non-union men
ami It has been promised on the condition
that pilvatodetci'tlvongeiu'y men ho not em
ployed , ICuch oftliolinpoitantobs ] will have
tclcphoniu communication with the
nearest pollco stations. Tbo pollco
have been Instructed to report tlio number of
bulldinp iticouno of construction on their
respective paste , together with the natiio of
tin ) contractor , and vhether union or non
union men are thereat em ployed.
The loss carpenters today Iwicd an ad
dress to the journeymen carpenters warning
them aicniiistu striicoimd predicting that it
would ho a f.illnro and result In much misery
during tbo winter.
A ropcgnno Conclusion.
Cnicino , August : JO , Tliat there will bo a
general strike of union carpenters Monday is
considered a foregone conclusion and the
leaders are preparing for It. U'ho carpenters
tiave enlisted the nctivc svinpatby of the
Bricklayers' ' union , the most powerful organ
ization m Chicago. U'his union will demand
of the master builders a settlement of the
strike by arbitration , Should It bo refused ,
n general strike in building trades Is looked
Democratic I'rlnmrios lit I
LOUISVILLE , Nob. , August ! tO. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : ! ! ii.j The democratic
primaries vero held hero tonight. The dele
gates to the county convention atV abash
September 3 nroV. . 1 ! . SbryoekC. S. Plater ,
.lolrn Ossenkop , L. . 13. Boedker , F. K.
Slander. S , B.MoLarau1. , Helm and S , P.
AV. a. iMoimt I'utflln a Good Sized Hill
for Oaclc I'ny ,
In the absence of Chairman Anderson ,
Commissioner O'lvceffo occupied the chair
yesterday afternoon while the county com
missioners held their regular weekly ses
J. II , Taylor lilod n protest to the grading
of west Le.ivcnwortli street , Ho alleged
that the grade -would damage his property
fully $10iK ( ( ) . AH the pipers pertain inir to
tlio case were referred to the committee on
An Invitation from the Central labor union
to Joiii in tomorrow's parade was accepted ,
Tlio commissioners ride , in carriages and
form a part of the procession.
JobnTajlor vas dissatlilled with an nwai-d
thnt the commissioners recently made when
they appropriated a strip of his land for a
liubllc highway. Yesterday be served notice
that ho should appeal from the decision of
the board.
\V. J. Mount put In a bill for backpay ,
Avhicli was rejected. Mr. Mount's claim set
forth the facts that the sum of $975.05 re
mained due and unpaid , nnd that the amount
was for services rendered as county commis
sioner from July 1. 1887 , to December HI.
1SSO.Tho following appropriation sheets were
passed , after which the board adjourned :
Ko. 79 of the general fund , ' § 3.278.75 ; No. 80
of the poiicrnl fund , $3SS7 , and No. 57 cf the
hospital ftiad , Slia.fiO.
One of the most marked evidences that
Omaha Is assuming the dignity and practices
of a city of the first class is the opening of
the regular season at Eoyd's opera house.
In times past three nights has usually been
the limit of time for first class companies ,
Now that standard attraction , Carlcton's
opera company , will play all of this week , beginning -
ginning tonight in "The Queen's Haco Hand
kerchief. " Reference to the advertising col-
uimia will show the varied reper
toire , and the appended cast will
show a list of artists that can not bo sur
ras sal by any organization In America :
Tlio King . Jean nlo Winston
Tlio Queen . Harriet Avery
Irene , her attendant . Clara Lane
The Marchioness . Clara "Wisdom
The Premier . J.K. Murray
SiiiH'ho , tutor tothelCini , ' , . C. A. IBifelow
Minister of War , . It.DeMcsa
Minister of Pollco . Diishano Cloward
Minister of Justice . Miles Park
Don Quixote . "Walter Wo&t
Major Doino . JIarioii Lniitjdoii
Dancing Master . Mr. Sliufcr
First PUKO . Jeiinio Willnrd
Second I'ago . IWHlard
Cervantes . W. T , Curlcton
Theater peers will have an opportunity to
night of witnessing for tlio lirst time in
Omalin the conmly , "Tho Fire
man's Ward , " presented by littloOllIoIteil-
path nnd her company of comedians , slug
era mid ihmcers. Little Ollle 1 ted path , the
slur of the company , wni fora number of
ycunu member of I'ulmer's Madison Kquaro
column v , nnd although only a miss of four-
toonyoara , is spoken of by the eastern press
us being exceedingly clever. A tank of real
water , row boats , stciimflro cnglno , a p.iir . of
horscscti' , , are among thoauxilliaries used In
iho production of this play. The engagement
h for live nights , bcglnnlm ; tonight. Of
Miss Uedpath , the New York l\'ews nays :
"She baa made ono of tbo hits of the season. "
Hroolclyn Times ; ' 'She captured the audi
ence completely. " The prlco of reserved
scats for tills entertainment are : Orchestra ,
M ) cents ; balcony , U'l and 1W cents. The box
ofllco will bo open after 11) ) a. in. today.
Awl now comes "Olo Olson , " the new
Swedish dialect comedy , nt first a rather
hazardous experiment , now a howl Ing and
most pronounced success. The audiences
which greet it everywhere are only
mcasurableby the extent of iho
Indeed , It lias been freimontly found
necessary to place the orchestra , in tlio
wines of the stage , and even then
hundrcdsnro turned away. Us success can
only bo compared to thouycloiilc success of
"Sain'l of 1'osen" and "Josh Whltcomh" In
their palmiest days , The company hm been
carefully selected with an nye to Individual
illness , and an excellent performance Is thu
result. Olaon will appear at Iloyd's ' on Sun
day , bcptcmber 7. for ono night only.
The Eden Wuscohas secured iiflnollno of
attractions for the coining woolf , Manager
IMvlor has booked none but the very cream
of attractions , nnd the people appearing this
wockaroat the top milch. Tbo Colorado
queen of pigmies , little Annlo Nelson , will
appear in theatre No. 1 , Tlds young woman
is , nineteen years of ago , yet she weighs but
thlrty-ono pounds and l but twenty-seven
inches in height. As a freak she would
draw attention , but she Is also ono of tlio
cleverest soubrottct , and without doubt the
Hinnllest n the .American stage. She \vlll
nniuso her audience with cholco BOIIKI and
ballads. The Howlette trio , the llnest of
comedians and slack wlro walkers , will create -
ate amusement by tholr novelty ikuuh ,
"Fun on a Clothes Lino,11 Domonlo , the con
tortionist , will bo here this week , This man
apparently bus the powers of a serpent , and
can head his body Into almost any shape.
In addition to the above attractions , I\'owton ,
the king of clubs , nnd Lorraine In legerde
main will appear , Thus will u company of
talented arthts apnour daily In the three ilo-
partmcnU. Thu admission remains tha
Hurno ono dimo.
to Hcouru n Quorum.
.A meeting of the council was called lait
night for the purpose of receiving lids for
the finishing of tlie city hall and for the r .
sngoof a number of Important ordinances.
Members llochcl , rUwnbcr , Chuffec , DnrlA
hooper , Sander , Mcronrty , Oat heft ana
Wbeelor , ono short of n quorum , were pres.
cnt. The scrircant-ut'arins mndo a skirmish
indcapturedO'Connor , butbororo ho coul4
andhisprlzo Morearty stripped for South
Dniaha and the nuortiiu was nirnln broken.
The members swore awhile at tno absentee *
and adjourned , promising to resurrect and A
a ; , ! the onllnnnco lining members for ro >
'iisul to attend nil regular and callei meoU
An InlcrcstlnR Halt rilcil in tha
Fodernl Court.
-A voluminous document llled In the United
States district court by ono Woaton Arnold ol
Peorla. , III. , prays for nn tniinction tore-
strain GeorgoL. Vooisey otal from o [ ratlnB
the Nebraska City distillery. 'J'ho dwuracnl
sou forth that 'NYoston Arnold , the plalntlfT ,
) urcbased the projiert.y of tlio Ne
braska dtstlllini ; company and after
ward nisijincd It to ( Icoiw TJ , Wool-
soy with the provision that ho ( "VVoolsfy )
should not use tbo pvoportrforlho jiurposos
of adlstllleryor in'rinit his heirs or assigns
to use it for that purpo'u durlni ! the romam-
itiKtwcnty-tlireoyearsor the orlglnalcharter.
Woolsuv has decided , however , since ho got
possession of the property , to organize an
other company and open up In tlio llnuor
manufacturing business , using the machin
ery and plant of the old company. Arnold
now asks for an Injunction to prevent
him from breaking the provisions ot tlio
contract under which the assignment was
This Is , ln hort.a light between the whisky
trust and onoo t the original owners of the
Nebraska , City distillery. Arnold represents
tbo trust and Wool soy Is a resident partner
In the original company. Woolsey believes
that ho can Ignore the provisions of the trust
assignment , nnd the trust will try to hold
him to the contract nnd keep the distillery
Dr. lllrnoy euros liny fovor. Bco bldg
A. Quartette or
n'fho police arrested a quartette of suspi
cious characters last night giving the namoa
of H. 13 , Richards , U. ( inlvln , GeorgoT. Hood
and Harry lltchards. Hood Is n smooth look
ing fellow and had two skeleton keys in his
pocket that indicated the character of his
occupation. Onoof the others Is an old-tlmo
Jail bird nnd is considered n b.ul man gen
erally. The police force regard lite quartctto
as a tough gang and tholr arrest is looked
uvon lisa lucky haul.
Judge Shields Issued the following mar-
licenses yesterday :
Name and old row. .Aijo.
j Fred ICastnor , South Omaha . 83
I Frnuklo Clzlouko , Omaha . 20
j Edward G. Fisher , Omaha . 2O
J Clara Carver , Iowa City . 23
j Charles B , Johnson , Omaha . 31
j Charity Lewis , Omaha . . 19
A lady's saddle , voiy olican.
'Canho seen nlb-'b Avctiuo A ,
fJlOU HKNTllotol Jameson , nil furnished.
- . 1'ossi'ssltni ul > cii Octolior 1. l'or Informa
tion iiddressU'm , Sledontcpf , orUlirlt StrauU ,
_ _
AVTAJiTUD At once , a Rlrl for ( 'oncral
IT lionsevork. Call ut 1011 Ilduvo. j
T1HVO Rood ciirrlnse blackHtnltht at. Keys
J ItrolliL-rs' factory , Council llliilVs. Steady
worlc. ICuysllrollior. .
lJlOKS\TjK OrwllI trade for a good road
JL'tisam. HtalllonNo. IIUI , n-Klsterod In Wnl-
luco. liy 13r. Anthibalil , d.un by Koatuiiky
( JUy , Byoanold. Apply to Dr. Mticiito.
1C1O11 SALE or Kent Garden land. wltU
JO Hleo. 1IU Main st , Council
Bluffs. _ _
"WOUUENT Two now modern 7-room liousen ,
JL'iixid location , Apply ( iii FKln avenue , J.
II. Davidson.
" \\rilViJiijroiitwnciiyouoftti buy nboinoon
Ti tliOHiinio torius , anil IneiiMoof
atiiuytlinoloivi ) your family thu homo clou *
on tlio following tcriusi
\ homo wortli 11,0'JJ at $12 per month.
\ homo worth ( l.r > 00 at * IS per niontli
A homo worth J..OU'J at 921 pur month.
A. homo worth M,0)0 ( ) a I * : Wpur month.
A. homo worth 11,000 at Ml Mir mouth.
Other pi-Iced homes on tliesaini ) terms. Tlio
nbovo monthly payments Inolndo principal
nnil Intorost. Fur f u'll naitleulnrs call nn OF
ndilresUlioJiild& Co. , CW llroudway.
1J1OIUII3NT Tlio store room , Ho. 19 , fronting
-1' nn I'mirl st.V. \ . U. James.
Surgical Institute
- .AN D -
Private Hospital.
Cor. Broadway and Uflth Stroot.
Ciinnull Itlulls , la
I'or Ilio treatment D ( nit su PR lent unil chronlfl
dlsoasc Hinl ( llsi'iisosnr tliu ll ( il ,
1'rlvatu tllsoa''i'H Df HID urinary anil sotual
or uin , u nyplillln , utrlelitro , o.ystltl-4 , spor-
iiiatornilio , ! ' , Io4 uiiuilioo'l ' , SUMIIL ! Impottnca
mid \vealciiess trratuil Hiit'ressfnlly.
I'lirllculnrattcntliiiipiilil to illsisaicn of tha
IniiKM , an Asthma , Consumption , llrnncliltla
1'iitarili , Kle. I'uralysls. ' Kldnoy cllseasj'8 a
lllat > cle , llrlRlit's DlMiasoJOioiiinatlsin , I'lloa.
Cancpr , Varloci'lo. llydrooetii , Diimsy , Ta-
inor. Dlsoasus ot thouyoand ( Jlub foot.
Siiliiiil on rvatuio and all lilsoako-i of the nones.
Wolmvoiidoii.irtTOCiit , ilovulril oxolnslirols
totlintrcntinoctof Utorlno dls-easoH.
M edict n c BOII t koourcly | iol ! ( l ami f roe from
Coriosnonilonco uonllilonllal. Acldrcssl
Surgical Institute anil Private Hospital ,
Cor llroartiYiiyaml Mil nt. Council Ilult ! . ! .
Boarding and Day School ,
Fifth Ave. and Seventh Street ,
Can bo reached from any of the depots
Conduc'tcd liy tlio Sisters of Charity
TJj'UMS E'of boa-'tl and tuition om
hracIiiK" nil branclioa ot a Ilrilshcd cilucn-
lion lor younjrladloa $75 J' ' * KHHion ol
live monlhs , commoiicintr Ilrat Monilay
In September and February rospootlvoly ,
For furthorparllculai'S address
St. Fruncla Academy ,
Council niulTa. Iowa
J. I ) . EIIMUXIIHUV , I'rci. K.U Bill'OAlir , Vlco-prci
ClIAUIEH K.llA.NXA.V , Clislllir.
Of Oonnoil ,
Paid up Cnpltal . $1DOOOO ,
Surplus ana Profits . SO.OOO .
Liability to Depositors. . 8BOOOO ,
DUBCTdiist I. A.MIllor. K.O. Glcason , K. I *
Shusart , I K. HiirtJ. 1) . Kdiniirisoii. Obarlct
0. Illinium. Tmimact ncniirnl liiinklnx liu l
noKH. Jirsnit tnpllul imd turplus of unj
bank In tmitliwustcin Iowa.
F.M , Ellis & Co. ,
And BullJlng guiorlntendcutn. |
Rooinn W nnd * H llco nullillmr. Omalifc
Noli. , and Hooms 21) uml S4fl Morrlam WlocB
Council Ululfs , la. UortespocdoucD uollalt 4