* * V ( - t V' THE OMA3BA DATLT BEE , BTJND.Afe , . A.TJGUST 31. ir PAGES. 10 , ES. FREMONT'S ' NOBLE WIFE , 'Tho Prabiwoithj Characteristic ] cf u Justly Famous Wonnn. ADVICE TO GIRLS V/HO / DO THE WOOING. Woinnn'n Intimate of Tlmc-Imitr- niico Fbv Women A Kew Work for " \Voiiien Ij nruetl Cliaiti- At mnny limbs nnd in varying clrcum- sltuiccs of novelty nnd dilflcuUy 1ms Mrs. Josslo Bfliiton Frotnont exhibited true brnvory. Her unhesitating solf- adaptability toquiuk-clmnglngand often painful conditions through liar long con * Gortshlp with General Fremont in widely Icnown indeed for this no less thnn for lior boclal and literary gifts Is she justly famous nmontf women. Her praiseworthy - worthy readiness In all dxrk crises so to meet wlverhity un to mltigato Its Ijlttor- ness Una been often exemplified , but novcr BO notably ns in the hours when her recent turrllrto aflllction was new and woll-nigh ovnrwliolmlnjj. After a pro tracted jdn.lffflo , In which every mem * " boi % 5r "tlio Prcmont , family took purl , uguinst nbsolvito poverty , relief t length cnmo in the act of tlio present congress , hy wlilch the general wan reinstated in the army nnd retired oil halt pay. In nntlcljiution of that legis lation u much-needed alteration in the programme of living -was tmido last spring on the "basis of freer oxpontll- lures ; A bettor house in a plctunntcr Btreot of Los Anpolos wns rented and occupied ; in this pretty house , which General Fremont did not live to sco , his devoted wife was fated to receive the unexpected Intelligence of his death. Stunned at first , she quickly rallied her facullioH , and toning up her spirits clcnrly saw nnd said that lo despond was idle despondency could not lielo ; who could arm would face the now , and for lorn , and dark situation. This has been told before on the authority of her neighbors and friends. And now , from a private loiter that wo have aeon , It may bo btatod just how tills courageous woman did fnco tho- obstacles to her pence and comfort. First , she resolved to surrender the hotter house she had but lately taken ; this she promptly did , after securing one about half the BI/.O in a street fur ic s pleasant. To this Inferior house she moved without a visible regret. Her pride was not in the least humbled as It wns not houses , or furniture , or lands , or any such things in which lior pride wiis centered. In poverty , as she Is , still the things of the mind arehers. . And so it is that in this small dwelling1 , with , , only one servant , who , from the proud service of twenty-five vonrs , is a member almost of the family , Airs. Fre mont tind her maiden daughter are now contentedly living. Here they uro patiently waiting on the justice it must not bo called generosity of congress that IH expected to provide a little for tliolr necessities. Another item of reduction of expanses f In tlio Fremont household Isnotnndo- Horvlng of niontion. "Congo , " n , tine young mastiff , who hits long boon tlio constant companion of Mrs. Fremont on h arjjleiwu ro walks , has boon sauiiUced. His aristocratic mouth iviig about as exacting - acting of food.asa man's , nnd it could not longer bo supplied.out of the lessened family stores. It wis n sere trial , but faithful Congo has liooii plvcn away , nnd to a daughter ol old John Drovra ( Hb- crty'a martyr ) , who lives with lior her mit brother high up on a shoulder of ono of the lofty mountains ! that sentinel beautiful 1'asscdoniv und glorious San Gabriel valley. 1 The Girl Who AVoo < > . i I may 113 well bo frank tit once tmd Bay I do nqt like the maid who does tlio vrooln , writes Ruth Aslunoro in the T.ndios' Homo Journal. She is usurping : tlio privilege of lior kn'yht , anil If I j voro lie I sliould turn nnd lleo. "But , " Bays Ethillndn , "ho needs oiicoiirage- inontl11 Perhaps ho does. But not lee much of itVnonyou want to give 1111 invalid something to increase Ills nppo- tito you do not offer to oat for him ; hi- titouu you otTer u dainty bit , a little spicy , or a little acid that quickens tb.o tiisto und makes n great hunger oomo. Trout your sweetheart In the sumo way. Lot linn bo conscious that you are pleiisod with his liking ; hut do not for a minute take away his pcrogatlvo and do the wooing. .No man 1ms ft true appro- elation for good , things too easily ob tained. Wan Is yet a little bit of nsav- rtRo , mid the hunt is alwuyn a delight to him. Your eyes may reflect his love , but tlioy need not imiiounco your't * llrnt , thereby sending out an iiiVltatlon.'My dear plrl. aalc almost nny man jou know \vhatlii8 | iiyot'lto llowor is , nuduttor , ho has thourlit ( , , ho will toll you cither the violator tlio rose. Ono fi"ow8siir- vonndod nnd protected hyjjrecn leaves , and to pot it porfoot that is , with n tftoni you have to reach do\yii imd iiltick It carefully , hut hi a determined way. The other la guarded by sharp thorns , nnil though it stands up in a most dijjiii- Jed way , it resists , oxcont by its cnebur- agin u sweet ness , the ono bravo onouffh to tnko it from its parent trco. You can Icavn a good lessen in a flower gnrdon ; you ran POO the liollyhouks nluiit and Know thul thov two the forward bonuties of till ) world of'llownrs ; you BOO tlio lilies with tliolr bowed heads , nnd are con- rinri'tl that beauty without ftilth Is o ( tlo worth ; you are aware o ( a dnlnty perfume - ' fume , and know that the llltlo'liidy , ivhofo qualities surpass her charms the lui iumcUo Ik aietir ; you csvn BCO tlio imwcull.no in * ' " plrl 'Johnny-jmnp-ups ; > u nan wo the positive ono iiithagnudy tiUlowur ; you can BCO tlio ( jre siv'o ono In the pcarlet geranium , and you can think of them all und conclude this , the ones worth having , svoot of porfunio and rost/ul / In color , nro not the ones that protrude themselves 011 your vision and Bay , as do some llowors uud eoino maidens - ons , "Tnko us. " IVbninn'tt list 1 unit u of lime , Pcriiapi It Is not too inueli to assort " that thomajority of women "liavo very iiuuloquiito coueoptions of the value ttnd pxtcnt oftlriTo , says \tritor in Eltirpor's lilivilt * 'Plirt tn 1111 r\f Kiiatnnati Iminn i 4i\ undorstapd Just what llvo minutes will do , nnd what It moans. It may mark the limit of banking hours , or the de parture of an important train. Prompt ness Is 60 largo an essential in business circles nnd n few wasted moments may mean -so much of gain or loss or wasted opportunity , that men nro forced lo lunrn the value of llmo and less fre quently than women undor-estluiato Us Tliowoman who , In finninlno parlnnco , "accomplishes" much Is the woman who has learned to use and save her minutes , Mfthy women wJio are equally iudustrl- oils think nothing of squandering ton or Jlf teen inlnutcti in an unmeaning' , unsat isfactory chat with an acquaintance , nnc Uion wonder at the cjo oof the day what hns hccoino of the hour * . A very ffMV miwpcnt half-hour * destroy the 'fl uaofulnoss. Almost asdoulorahlo the Wiwtyr of time lu gossip is the woman who never 1ms time for a pleasant chat with lior friend , and whoso mind is BO crowded with social or house hold cnrcs Hint she imvardly grudges the time given lo a caller. There is a happy medium lictwcon thcso extremes , which it is well worth every woman's while to strive for , Tlmo means golden opportunities for eo many helpful Interesting occupations. Bnl/ne says that in Paris everybody wants to find a twenty-fifth hour among the twenty-four. In our blessed America wo are looking away beyond that , nnd would welcome tho.additlon of n round dozen hours to the calendar day. Insurance 1'or Women. The question of insuring the lives of women is exciting n great deal ol inter est just now , says the Philadelphia Leader. The women claim that every privilege and advantage grnatod to men in the present progressive ago should likewise no granted to women. A well known Insurance agent said ( ho other day : "Wo insure women , but wo have not made It the feature that It could be made. "Wohnvo not Bought for women as we have the men , and on account oE the physical risks which beset woman wo tax her $3 additional for each 31.000 of Insurance. There is a prospoetively Inrgulmsiness ahead for this line of in surance , nnd if vomon agents would work It up II would not bo long until women would moot on nil cnuallty with men in insurance business. Wo do not limit our women who insure to the bread-winners , but wo can show by our books many women of wealh. Neither do wo limit ago. Wo have girls of llftecn and wo have elderly ladles. Wo have three young Vassal- students who are insured for SoO.OOO each , and two married women I can recall insured for 8100,000 each. The additional lax on women's insurance is retained in some cases , because it is not generally accept ed yet that a woman's life has n mone tary valuo. And yet no woman who is partner in her husband's ' business , the widow who supports her fam ily , the daughter who hcopa the wolf from the door , certainly has a monetary vnluo and It ought to bo rec ognized. To remedy the evil I would recommend good trained women ivgonta to handle this department. It is a Hold of work not yet impro-ved by women toil ers ot the city and ought to pay well , "Single women 810 extra on every thousand. You sco ; young women are jreat risks. 'Inch'health is not reliable , They are apt to marry ' ' "Or smoke cigarettes or break their icnds playing baseball or dlo of dissipa- ; ion , " interrupted an Indignant young ady in the vicinity. "Well , the rate is less for mothers with children , " said the representative soothingly. "Wo charge such only $5 extra a thousand , that is , if they are women of fifty or thereabouts. Oyor : hatngo wo grant them the same privi * ego as mon. Statistics show us that women who llvo over fifty years of ajro ire oven hotter risks than men. Wo iavo special insurance blanks for women nnd wo deal with them harder than wo do with men. Her morals must bo emi nently satisfactory , and her family his tory Is closely inquired into. Many an sxecllent woman , morally and physical- y , has been rejected by our company on iccount of the ( lollcionciosof her family. Wo make no effort.to secure women , but hose who apply are courteously treated , and If they are willing to take the extra ax wo willingly examine and enroll them. " A New Work for Women. In jPnris , that great city where all one's needs and caprices nro catered , to , hoi'o are professions for -women entirely unknown in this country , says the "La dies' ' Homo Journal. And ono is tlio pro- esblonal packer. When you think of jolng away. Is not ono of your slu-hs as to .iow . you shall got all your belongings. , n your trunks/ When you reach vour destination don't ' you find Lhem creased , mussed , and , if possible , what a tiny woman near mo calls "in smithereens ? " "Well , the packer comes in , you tell lior what you want to take away , and then let her do lior work. Sidrts are skillfully folded , bodices have sheets of tlssuo paper laid between them , and tlio sleeves are stuffed to shape with it ; slippers have their toes filled with raw cotton so thoy.do not reach their destination liattoiicd- out ; and hats and bonnets have tapes at tached to them so that they may ho pinned to the box or troy and -will not move until you are ready to lift them out. This Is a work for which a Imsy or rich woman will pay well , and a woman who becomes export at it , can In the going-awny time make that mysterious amount known as "a tidy llttlo bum" very easily. , The packer conies to the house , takes oil'her bodice and assumes a loose jacket , and then she is ready for her work. Who , among the many vrho are asking for boinothing for a woman to do , will start in this profession ? It is.a a work easily learned , and oilers a vari ety that must appeal to every woman. Neither is It irksome ; hence , a. profes sion which oilers more than the visual advantages of n woman's skill , beamed Cliuml > crmnllH. The chambermaids huro nro a feature thnt I find noeullnrly embarrassing , bays a. Chaulauqua letter lo the Now York "World. Every one. Is an educated young woman , who works for wages merely as a summer snap. The ono who takes charge of my room IB as pretty as a plc- txiro and so ladylike that T want to offer lior a chair and ontortala her when she comes to do up my room. She said : "I find the work Bonitnvhat arduous. There ale twenty-live rooms In my charge , but , oven to it Is u relief from the strain of constant blndy at the lilgh school. My sister Is with mo , and she is really benefited by the exorcise. She has just flniahod her college course graduated this spring. " The precision of diction which dls tlngulshos the conversation hero strlKos the new-comer forcibly. Neither tha abbreviation of a word nor the elision o alottor is tolerated for an instant , undoi any stress whatever. The other night lady was Buttering presumably yrcu torture. She was m the throes of tha fcovero retribution which followsrecklos enjoyment of the wily cucumber , In the walchos of the night she knocked at th door neAt inlno for admittance ant medicine. There wasn't nn apostroph in her remarks. She clutched at the panels of the door with desporuto touch nnd Implored between articulated groans : „ "I beg that you will lot mo in immodi ntolyVlll \ou not open the door ? cannot wnlt'foto. Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg. Woumii orttioVyaiiilotton. . Margnrol Solomon , the last femulo o the historical Wynndotto Jmlhmtrlbo i Ohio , died recently at her homo noa Upper Sandusky , 0. She was born i 1810 , hor'pnrcnts being descendants o the Turtle and lloar trlbos. In. 1822 with her parents , she moved to thi county , then the most favored abode o the Wyundottcs , and settled north o Carey. At the ago of eighteen ho wa married to David Young , ona of he tribe. Eight children wore born to thorn all of whom nro dead. In ISil she bo cnmo a widow , and Bovuntecn years late married John Solomon. No uhildroi wore born to this union , Mr. Solomon dying in 1870 , STORIES FROI OVER TIE SEA A Mountain Quito's Seventy Hours in a Tomb of Ice ! . JE DRANK THE BLOOD OF HIS HORSE , Iorrll lo IJ'iito In the Sntiara Shrewl 1'iirh BcitBnw A Beautiful fllrl Hull I < 1lf iiter-Wlioro Pl he.-ues are Pull Ores * . Iho following account of tno escape of Christian Hladaa Lnuterbrunnonguide , a sent to tlio London Times by u corrca- > ondontat Murrcn : "Linda , having accompanied a gentle- nan as second guide over the Tsehlngel jlacier , was dismissed at the village of : ! ! cd , his services beingno longer re quired. HeloftRicd on Sunday , the 27th Imt. , at dajbrcak , alone , with Iho object of returning to Lautorbrunnon , Ho crossed the Potersgrat , and , Instead of taking the route of tlio Tschliigol jass , hocho30 tlio shorter ono across the ; laclorbetween the Multhorn and the rschingolhorn , where ho foil into n. cro- asso about ! or8 a. m. on Sunday. On Wednesday morning Unit is seventy-two lours later a gentleman spending the summer hero , in ascending the Tschln- jclhorn with Frltx Graf of Liuterbrun- ica ns guide , passed the spot where lilnda was engulfed , nnd noticing an Ice ixo an the cdg-o of the crevasse , peered down and sawLlndnnt the bottom. A ope was lot down , which Linda \vaa \ fortunately abb to secure round his waist. With dllllculty ho was raised to the mouth of the crevasse , hut bolng a very heavy man , his two rescuers wore lot powerful enough to bring him to the surface. It was then decided that the gentleman should remain on the glacier while Graf obtained the necessary tackle uid assistance to rescue the ico-entombed nan. Thcso were obtained at the Steln- jcrg liut , or chalet , nnd when Linda was lauled up ho was found to bo nonrly dead. Ho was carried to the Steinberg lut , and was removed to the hospital at rntorlnkon , his recovery bolng doubtful. During tlio seventy-two hours Liinda was in the crevasse ho had no food , for 10 was so tightly jammed between the walls of ice ho could not got at the pro visions ho carried In a hag on his bade , lie was , however , able to lick the ice with his tongue. It is estimated that ho was found at a depth ol fifty feot. No ono will bo surprised to hear that hi s liands and feet are terribly frostbitten ; Iho marvel is that , situated as lie was for so many hours without food to sustain animal heat , ho wu not frozen to death. .Again , It is remarkable that the rescuers should have iusned ever not only tlio exact spot where Linda fell in , but just in tirno tosavohini. Lindais fllty-three years of ago. " Much amusement luisbeen caused here hy the trial of an action in which N. do Caste , the deputy for Brest , sought to have his daughter who IB forty years of ago declared incompetent to manage lior own affairs , writes the Paris corre spondent to the London Telegraph. The lady was married to a Jf. Ei < iuirou. M. do CJasto is the champion of 4'\Vomon'ti Rights" in the French chamber. Not only would ho give women votes , but ho is anxious to sco thorn , sitting in parlia ment as douutles or fconators. A fort night ago ho introduced a hill to that ef fect , but It was rejected summarily with out discussion. It was , therefore , with iurpriso that politicians heard the ab negation of his cherished principle of women being as good as mon it not bet tor in managing the affairs of the na tion , ns Avcll as their own. by seeking this interdiction iigainst Ills own daugh ter. M. do Gusto set up the plea that JIadamo Gsqtilrou was hysterical. The lady's reply wis emphatic and disclosed a peculiar system of education. " "You JTam and " say nervous hysterical , was the answer to her father's request ; "well , it Is not your fault If I am not driven crazy. You were not a father tome mo , you were only a professor. You wearied mo almost to distraction. Dur ing the night you used to como into my room and put questions to mo inEnglisli , Gorman or some other language , and half asleep as I was you insisted upon mo answering in the tame tongue , with your hoTjby about the equality and the rights of woman I learned when I wns sovcn things which only married people bhould know and today you demand my Interdiction. " If the lady's ' description of her up bringing be correct Master Pip , under the hands of "Uncle Pumblcchook- "Groat 'Exiwotatlons , " mis In clover compared with her. After hearing both sides the tribunal of the Seine lias re fused to give M. do Caste the Interdic tion ho asked for , but as a safeguard of liis daughter's property It appointed what is called a "counsel ! judlciairo , " era a kind ota family council , lo look after It for her. . Sarah 33oriihardt , were she so disposed , could publish a highly inter esting volume about the strange and stirring ad ventures -which she hns had while making slurring tours In the prov inces and abroad , Her latest oxpcrlonco of this kind was in the town of .Angers , wlileh sends its bishop to represent it in parliament , writes M , Paris correspondent of the London Telegraph , According tea a report in a newspaper published la that clerical center , the gifted actress and her colleagues were preparing to leave the local Grand hotel , when they were grossly insulted by n cholorio man , who called them cahots. Tills reprehen sible observation was caused' by reason of the attention paid by a hotel porter to the extensive luggage of tlio theatrical company , the onward progressof the irate person , who was also going by train , being thus delayed , M , Garnicr , who waa accompanying Mine. Bornhardt , overheard me epithet applied to the troupe , and immediately chastised him who uttered it. Then there was a strug gle between the two , Jhno , Bernhurdt left the vehicle Inwhich she -was seated and pndoavored to interfere , but she was huatled and knocked down. Tbo angry vltupcrntorof the mom tors of the dra matic profession , after having freed him self from M , Gurnlor's grasp , wont about looking for witnesses to testify that ho had been btruck first , but he found iiono. In the meantime a policeman put Mmo. IBornliardUafoly in her cab and sent hot to the station , where she was roiolnet by M. Garnlor. The great tragedienne vas thus enabled to getaway safely will her companyto Miirsoillos. That part of the sandy and sultry Sahara near 13skra | hns boon the scone of a tragedy which was caused by the want of wntor , says the Pall Moll Uti- zotlo. Some days agon young soldier named Frossard , was sent fronui topographical graphical ttatlon -Algeria to BIfifcr : for victuals. lie was accompanied by i mounted Spahl and two mules , Jly i stratigo inadvertence tha little curavui ran short of water after It had been ou in the desert for a thor | tluio. * Frossard iccordtngly Toclt 1 the Snalil to leave lilm hla l - and lo take the mulct with him th > > nearest oiisH M a supply ol the necessary fluid. The Spahl u irt avid on through the scorching BrtmU or ft day nnd ft night before ho oqno to the oasis tf Oartha , but vhnnr tuiniu ? to where lie loft IVossiird hft lo tL _ ' . . . had to go bact iiC .lit ) , oasis. Thcro ft small oxpcditlo * ' n ? MUtel out hy the local shcllc ntiii nf | * xSM , ing search tlio body ot the yoi'hit ' * jUwr was ( mind half devoured by hj ofl' ' * ClltCH3S 01 lllOODtll ) NllWBJ * U5 nov * _ 4. i- covered not for WM * Tl appears that the Boldlor hud UUl Jatl V > liorso with tils swoul and then flhv lr * llood. Ho hnil llketvlsocut out tin xai.linaVslinim mil put llioin asiilo , "bit JjuV ao COUW use thcin as food ho TC j , cither surprised liy * the boash Of tlio dp icrt or Buccumbed to the Intense lisat coi nlcd * with a loturu oftlili-st , ' Some strniifc | _ . . . $ have como to light In connection v , lthM. "aoinnrdorof Eposlto Doboropo , au llif , ' , U1 , on Friday , M the Furls 001 rcn pot . ( lent at tlio London Daily Ohronll.i lfiho victim wns a , liaiidsoino young i ello\v wlw Inul for some time bionoV K.i 'il to a nrotty Italian girl in-uod. Ylryliiia Jol Oroco , sixtcoii voaw ol.lSovrdays ] since Do- horogo informo lhl tircuthuurt that lie had abandoned 1hc'iintt > i.tloii of marry ing hor. 'I'lij girl eorrmuiilcatcil the fact to her father , adding that she was about to beeotna it mot lior. A family council was laid , Of nslstuig of Viruinie , her older sli tor , ijod nineteen , lior father , and USD of hiri brothers. It was decided tha1Doborojo should carry out his promise of mnrrlngo or die. The two 'tnclofl worn charged with the oxccntioT. , ot the scntonco pro nounced by thn fimlly council. Armed with revolvers , thbj proceeded to the house \yhluh tlio younmnn ; worked , sent for him and asked -vvliothor or not ho In tended to-\od Virginio. Deborogo hesitated , hut tlio uncles Insisted uiwn an itninodinto reply. Doborogo still hesltatlner , ho was immediately shot dead , BOVOII bullets having cntci'od his head , and breast , Virginio and her sister watched the execution , vhloh was car ried out in a public thoroughfare in braid daylight. Tlio two girls and tliclr uncles havouoonarrested , but sliow no sign of romorao. On the contrary , tlioy maintain that they htivo done tliclr duty , and tlutt Eeborogo lias Blinjily been punished as ho deserves. A'horriblo case of kidnapping is re ported frorn Torok-ltaaso , in EEungnry , sttys a Vionnti letter to the London Dally Tolcgrapli. A few days ago a party of peasants were enjoying their midday meal in the shade of a tent wlion some gypsy beggars came to solicit alms. Among thom was a little blind gill , five years "old , itho excited tlio com passion of ono of the peasant \roinon. \ She drew the child toward her and spoke kindly tolt. At the bound of her voice the little ono throw herself on the woman's ' neck , calling out : "Mother ! mother ! " A yenago tlio lat ter kid lost Ler Ittlo daugh ter , but had long since gi\en her up as dead. At lirst she failed to recognize her In tlio blind girl who ac companied the gypsies , but tearing open her dress she sought a mark on tlio chest which , sure enough , was there , and loft no doubt ns to its being her own lost child. She had boon taken away by the gypsies , who had. put her eyes out so as to pi-pvont any recognition of her parents or friends. As soon as they perceived that the little one know her mother again they made off , but wore subse quently captured. The peasant * would liavo lynched them liad not the gen- durmciio Interfered and cscoitod the wretches to the lockup. . If nointlitarysuccuss lias been achieved by the Chin field foicoiuuch interesting information has been collected relative Lethe numerous trfbes inhabiting the Chin mountains. Besides the Chins bhomsolves , they coinpriso "Ylndus , Chlii- bens , Wolcluings and Chluboks , says the London Times. Nearly ever tribe speaks a different dialect. From notes made by Lieutenant lUiney , ' comnuiidlng the Chin frontier levy , and published by the government , It appears that sorrio of those tribes are ubnost as barbaric and ignorant us thosovages of Central Africa. 1'hoy wear scarcely any clothes , and Iho historical fig leaf accurately represents the full dress ot soina o ( the villagers. Their dwellings have 110 furniture ; they have no Uws , no religion and no" government , except an uncomplote vil lage system. Moulcal science and sur gery are absolutely unknown. Their habits are repulsively liltliv. Certain tribes are contlrniod drunkards , consum ing great quantities of beer brewed by thomsolvca. They , hoover , display re markable mechanical ingonuitv , con structing wonderful bridges on the cnn- tllovor principle. In some tribes tlio solo arms nro small knives and bows and arrows. They are skillful archers , kill ing tigers and bears at eighty yards , The womea of all the trlbos have their faces hideously tattooed to prevent tliolr being carried off by tlio Burmsms. According to theKnglishnotlon olius- 'tlco a lady who lately llred nt lior faith less husband , and \VJH prevented from killing him only In ; tlio Interposition ot n simple button , vliicb stopped the bul let , was guilty of conduct which deserved - served punishment , nays a 1'arisdispatch to the London lj ily Telegraph , A French magistrate , however , baa only fined a dcllnauunt of this kind . 4 , re marking nt the same \tlinc \ that she was well deserving of 3j nipathy and retrain ing from cautioning nor against the inadvlsnbillty ot taking the' law Into her own hands. Certainly the wlfo told a pitiful tale. Her hubliand is a comparatively voaltliy man , but ho turned her and her daughter out of doors , refused to contribute to their support , nnd allowed certuln fcmalofricndsof hU to send thomsonio oonimon dry bresid as an olcomcuynary dole ot the satirical- order. .A climax , however , was reached , from the French point of view , when ho allowed himself to bo subjugated coin- nlololy , as hH wile stated In court , by a I'ruislaii. Porhnps this fitnteinoiitmado a deep Impression on the magistrate , who in probably n patriot , and he was thereby induced to go out of his my In order to express sympathy for ono who was defrauded of her conjugal rights by a Teutonic ilval. Thomas "NVickors , a tradesman estab lished hove , has just astonished the medical world , says an Eastbourne cable to the l\'o\v York Morning Journal Some time ago ho made a curious at tempt ut suicide by driving four long nails into his hoiul with a h-.tiumcr. They penetrated into Ills hralnlo tha extent of throe Inchts , nnd wore with drawn with great ditlloulty. To the amazement ot the doctors : Wickers has completely recovered from hlHsolMnfiletedInjuries and Is able to attend to hlsbuslno-Has he used. The doctors proiiouneo Ills cuso ns being unpaiullelu in inodlcalannals. i One of the biggest women on record has died in ParU , SJ.VB a Paris dispatch to the London Daily Telegraph. She was known as the ullionomenil : Fo- miile , " her renl Jiamoboing A'lotolro Tautin indhorngroHnlyiiliictuen , Mllo. Tauljnwasnot a gljuitow InhoiL'lit , but her girth was cnoiuioun , and It took eight strong mon t. ) lift her out of her chair vhuimhouBoilto bo convoyed ( or exhibition to a muUc hall. Tlio indi vidual who cnrf" m lior found that she dd not pay /her oxponsog owing to the cost entailed by her transit to and from the cnlo conc\rt , HO VU'toIrd retired from imbllollfoan-3 lived quietly with her parents. Lately Vho Irul un at- taclc of erysipelas , to wV-m she sue * cumhcd. Her funeral was IhS event of the day in the suburban locality wherein she resided , and grc atlntorest'\\aH \ \ man * llested by the neighbors \vatglilng \ the lugubrious preparations for Ui\b burial of the poor ' 'Phfiioiiionon ' , " vhoso remains wore carried to the henjw. and niter- ward lo the grave , on the shoulders ol ten ol the most robust monln the employ of the Company of Metropolitan Under- Ulcers. j Thirty thousand Inhabitants of Jlad * ltd , mostly vomui , assembled roccntly outslilo tlio great prison v.ills opposite the scalTold upoii which a woman wis to bo executed. According to Spanish cus tom , this wns done by strangulation , fiiysa Madrid dispatch , to the London Standard , The criminal sits ona wooden bench bcloro a post , against which the neck Is pressed and broken by an Iron collar. This execution excited tre mendous Interest In all clnisas of society ana particularly among the lower or * dors , Many iverodlssatislled with the foiitcnco , bocnuso It was bollovcct that Ihis servant girl had not boon nlono in the murder of her nged mistress , She confessed her share in Iho crime , but accused another woman , who was sentenced to penal servitude , vitli being the principal actor in the ragcdy. The Madrid papers on this > ccaslon gho vivid discrlptions of the lorrors of the present system by which i convict is shut up for thirty hourswith 'riars ' and priests saying masses and irajors , and keeping the wretched Timlnalln the awful presence of his or icr approaching late. Tn this case the voinan had lobe carried to the sc.ilTok' . lalf insensible. The city ol Kostroma has n sensation ) f its owa in the shape of a cruel father , 3gor AlexicIT Smirnolt by name and a drosky driver by profcEsion , says the ow York Sun. The son of SiiiirnolT , n. ioy of ten years , failed to pass the ox- uninatioa athisBohool. Being afraid o come homo with the rcnort of his ill success , ho concealed himself for two days , llut his father found him and chained him to the wall ota dark , moiit , lirtv room , which was full ot vermin. ! ii the corner of the room there waa a air of rotten straw. Ho VMS kept in that condition for fully six days , until his nolhor could 110 longer cmluro the sight of his suiToring , and took courage lo re- > ort Iho case lo the police authorities. L'ho boy was liberated nnd taken to the lospitatand his father was arrested. Oti further examination the room in vhlch the poor boy wsis chimed was ound to bo a regular chamber ot hor- ors.rl'hore woto rings fastened to the ceiling and In the floor , by which Smlr- loll would hang up his children by their lands and foot , or stretch them In a nunner that they could not struggle or irolect themselves , when bo inllictcd chastisement on them with a knout. Sympathetic spectators gathered the oilier afternoon around a young man vho fell down in front of the LOUM-O in what appeared to be an epileptic seiz ure , sajs a Paris dispatch to the Lon don Daily Telegraph. One of the by standers stepped forward and proposed to carry the invalid to a chemist's ' shop not far off and another otl'ered to vsslst. The ono who spoke first took up ; ho epileptic's hat' , and throwing slx- icnce into it , said to the crowd : ' 'I tun L poor man myself , but If each one of , 'oudidas I do this unfortunate crcaturo would have something to "help'"relievo his sutforings. " Impelled by this gen erous example , ' , the crowd .showered coppers and. ' small silver. , into the hat -until - BomotMng-jhiraver J.O , shillings was collected. Great , , was their astonishment when -wo constables walked up nnd seized both the honoAolont originator of the vims collection and thd epileptic suf- 'eror. Tha latter , us soon as he opened iis eyes and saw the policeman , forgot that ho was an invalid and tittemptedlo iscape , They wore both taken to the ocli-up , and were idontified.os two well mown lazy mendicants , named Cnrnot and Dcsmarets. They had enacted the same dodge successfully in tlio Ihio Snlnt Honoro during the forenoon , the epileptic and Ms colleague on that oc casion lleeclng the charitable to the extent - tent of 8 shillings. The chemist's assist ant , who relieved tlio pretended sutVoror in the Rue Saint rionoro , happened to linsS tlio Louvre while his second por- 'onnanco vns going on , Susecting ] a fraud , ho told the police. JIoiico their arrest. The hoi ilno of the hour just now in Lisbon is a Gorman girl , Fraulohi Johanna Wacstriek. Fimilein IVIacstrlclc was born roar Uorlin , but wont with hoi- parents as a child to Portugal , says the London Globo. "When she was seven teen an iinprossario , struck with her size and beauty , offered to train her as a fcnialo bull-figller. | The agent sent his pupil , who is not yet twenty , to compote at the show of female beauty whleh took place this spring tit Lisbon , where she carried oil the llrst prUo. The adver tisement prou-d an excellent ono , for ever since the iinprossario has boon bombarded with letters from persons of all classes , wishing to know , when the beautiful "Torora''iH ' to make her debut. She lias not yet appeared In au arena , but lait week she came out in a trial fight at Oporto. A huge crowd collect ed topco tno unusual sight. The young lady quickly laid two bulls In tlio sand , and rode oil followed by a band of musiu amid thunders of nnpluuso. Crowds of people collected bcloro the windows of the hotel at which the , "toreiu" was ( .laying , and far into tho'night she was obliged tc appear on the balcony in re- to their calls for her , Dr , Blrnoy cures catarrh , Bee Bldg. Trailing In the olden days , when railroad coins panics used to believe their conductor- honest , says the New Tork Sun , nn olllcial , whoso run was from Buffalo cast , was willed into the president's room at the end of ono of his trips.and , the big man kindly said to him ; "John , tlio receipts on your runs have been growing beautifully loss for some time past , " "Yos , sir , Ijut travel is very light , you know. " "JaitV I hadn't hoard o ! thnt. John , you have lately built n nice housoV" -yes.11 'You have a diamond plnV" 'Yes. " 'Kcopn iiorso and buggyV" 'And' your salary Is only $00 per month , John ? " fc\rtQ B { t * ' * 'I don't ' think you would steal from the. company , " "Oh , no ! no ! 110 ! sir ! " "liut J'vo ' a proposition to make. Sup pose you give Iho road your receipts , and you take every thing clbo coining In ! II you don't I don't ' BOO how wo nro ( folnif to pay running OXIKIIBQS ' over a month longer ! " 13p. Blrnoy euros catarrh , I3eo bldg. WP A STWIANHOOD WW IT JUb VK LrtrlylieunrnndAlniBi. fm klnpotncr , bit Vlnr. fcil h llthf llrr ll r d.V rlc c l cir il. Iut > olir * 1 , triB2tliiDd VfwlIim.TrittltiuDt fr * Andit<d. Uttreiy , lr ( ll. KliC'ltt ) , JT1 I'liUou Bt , N. V , DraBBtt8&Beti8 Physicians , Saracens and bpcciillst ! , 14O9 OOUGIa S a OMAHA , NEli. Tlio most arltloly mid favorably known spoo- iallstslit tlio United States. Tliolr longo\- lieriutu'Ui roiiiarkiljlinklll nnil mil verbal suc cess in tlio tro.itinont ami euro of Norvoim , Olironlo mid Siintlcul niswasoi , tmtltlo thuso eminent plii'Hlelims to tlio full conatloiipoof the n.llluti"pverywhori | > . Tlioy ctmrmtci : > : A. CEUTAIX AMI I'OSl'L'lVK OUUI ! for the avful I'iroctinf uarly vleo ami tlio nxintur- OIH oils tliat follow In Itrttnilii , 1'UIVA.TK , 1U.OOU AMI aidN PISEASKS spi'ivllly , i-oiiiiilctnly nml nortiiitnoiilly cuivtl , NKHVOUS fiiiiLirv : AND sKxi'Ar > Di6- OltU lilts yleltl rcailllto tlmlr skillful trout- IllOllt. i'ii r.3 , I'lsruNA Axn HEoi'A uncnus Ruiiriiiitt'ououri'il without pain or dolontloii Jioni liimlnrss. U VnUOCKMv AND VAltlCOCHr/fi ! Dorina- ncntly und successfully cured In ovoryoiise. 'linn. ooNpiiliiEA. uijiar.r/or- ! | rmtorrlio , Sotr.iiuil Uualiiinss.I.ost.Maiiliood , tKiiiHtniH llccnyuil Kurnltlui , 1'vniulu woiiknoss : and all uclluuto ( llordurd lioonlliir tooltlior MX piHltUcly outv < las ell in'aij fuiictlDiialdlHonlurM that result from youth- fill folllos or tnccxccts of nmtiiro yours. STRIfrill ? I' ' OttiMinlcctl poriiianu ntly 01 LMW i u L\.II otircd , n'liioial con liloto , without ctittlus , ciuHtlu nrdllutatluii. C'uros affcctoil nt homo by nation ! without n mo ment's nuln or aunojiuici' ' . TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MfcN. orpimlc woikiiws , ( Icstro/lilir both nttail nml liody , with till Its dreaded llli , Cil rotf Rl'TTS A'Mwatthow who 1)1,1 1. ) paired tlioimolvrn by liu- ptopcr ItKlulRBiioo nnd solitary InbltH , wliluh rnlti both iiilncl und boijy , iiiilltttnj thoiu for liiislnpss. Milrtvnr niirrliiijc. MAUUII.I ) MEN or tlunu cntprln ? onthiit hupjiy llfuuwarui > r physical doblltly. ( nilckly nsslMed. OITR 5UCOE33S fa based iipon fmts. IiMrjt 1'mittcil oxporl. fijL-e , Second Kvtdjcuso Is sin'iilallystiuU'otl , thus stinting right , Thlnl jModloliH-J : iru prupirad In our lalmriitury fxaclly t < ) stilt tauhcuso , tlin scirectliiK euros without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB , Ifi Chronic , Nwvo ii.nioxl ( nnl Surirtoal It oa oi nnd Dlxaiio * ottho J'ja. Uu , Nuio. 1'lroat tmt Cii * t , Bixiotal , Vt tent Ion to Iisoaso § ol'AVi- ) men nnd Clilldroii. Tlio doctors U\TO hud yoaM of experience In the lioijill.'ils ot llrooklyn ml Now Turk , nnil uraninunit Iho most Hnccurjsfui and widely known ipuclnlUta la tliucounlrr , 'lo V on 11 n n nil Allildlr-Accd AIcii. I ot Mnnhood , NorTOim Debility. Spcrnintorrhcca , Sninlnnl lxiiso , l'liy lenl Hxny. nrlsinifroiiln | ! < ll < - irutlon , proiliiuInK slvcpluninesK , dcsiiomloncy , plm- plcn on tnof.iconverMon toaoclcty , o.nlly dlscour- nKcd.lnckof conlirtcnco , dull , undtforiiliiilvor busl- non. . , nncl ilnds Mfo a burJon , aifoly , porniinoiitly and ipooillly ouml. I3lo < icl and Slcln DmjnsL'S. 8 > phlll8 | n rtlicnsomost ilrondful In Its rosullt , couiplotcU cniOloatuil Ce ill Urinary Suriicry. CJcnorrJiro , Olcet , Srplitll ) , Ilyilrocolo , Vnrlrocolo , itnd Stricture , radically nml safely cured without ptitnor dclcntloii from liuilnosi , All Soxnal IK ) * fcriultlts and liiipeatmciiLato iuarrl u09ucc afnlly rumnvutt. AIIHcctsI rtUc.TOH iifoly nnil permanently enrol. "l fours , u. in.till B I' ' , in gunitiiyn , 10 till 1 ! . N.I ) , rcrsomunulilo to visit tii nmybo treated t tliolr IIOUICH by corrc pondi'nco. Woillclnosnuil In- tructlonnontby express. Comultitlim frio. Send 4 ctnts la atnmpa U ) Innuroruplf. 218 Flfti-cntli Sr. , Oiipnslto lloytl's ' Opera IloiiHt * . Oinahn , Noli. , Biwuell Hall. SEMI MY for TOUNG LADIES. Corner of lOLliruul Wnrtlilnglnn SK , NEB. OMAHA , - - - lUSUOr WOKTimoTON , Visnon. TmHKV.HOUKUTDOIinilTy , S.l'.l ) . llicroit. : THE27TH YEAR BEGINS WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 17TH , 1890. ' IVcatalogue and i > urtl < wars apply to tlio Hector. Fall TBpm opens Sept , 17 Courses In LniigimKC , literature. Hlst-orv , ScluncoAKrloultiiro und lIiiKliii'orlnit. ' lab oratories In Chemistry , I'll yblcs. llotuiiy..ool - i > By , outomolony , GeoioRy , Acrloultuio mid Oltll EiiuliiuiTlnp. Mbruryof liuoo volnmoa und IKKJporloillculJ. Till t Ion alsalutdy/ifO. Tlio now Ryiutinslum Inpartlally t iilnued and will l ) ioion | lo kttt- ( Iciitrt. for mtiiloBiiu iildn".s ( tlie Stowurd , J. 8. gAI KS , JJncoln. rotiIjAl > iKSOStT Dr , Ixxliiu'H rprlocllcnl I'llls tlicKriincliroiiiuily.net on tha menstrual > itoiuaiul euro nuppruBilon Irom xtiutoter cnuso. I'romoto menatruiitloii. TlioniilllitlmiiM notlM taken dur- IWproKniinoy. Aiii.I'lH Co. , lloyoltr rr < ii . . Spoii- .ctr.UlnrCo. . Is. tJwiuInobr Hlcurniuli A MeUannall , Umluu Bt.noarl * . OiOiuaba : 0. A. Jlolclior. Houtli Omaha ; M. l , Kllts , Council IJlLtta. fJ , or : lor t i FEEICS SPECIHCT A CURE for i DflOI D ROY DELIVERED L to any I ! * In Ib * 4Jnlul frutvs. il u , till/ I'un > | rf. llrjrcltliftleiinl ( Girli' Tricjr In. Onti > r liwn t % hal ali t rlra kut C , O. I.drr lfrom V.U. HptirtrUe- lor , MW. | M.JIMII , . Cl > niU. I ) to | Wu l. IwuJ le. .limp fol li r t < l . " - - - tnlho HERVE AND BRAIN ii Involuntary > , . cause 1 by oruriirtlui of Ilia Imtn , ilf. - huso or orerlnduli7tnce. Xoch U iu ' ment , 6l * l > ox or iior | l , rentiir null j WltU tacl order for rli box w. will ntm4 iiuri ruar&t4o ( o refund non y If tliw troatinrnt t rur i uuftiuitewl-uuotl mil itunuiu. ? mill vuty LI GOODMAN DUUOCO , , llldt'uruuin iitreot , - - Uninlm , ttub. THIS O. No matt or woman now living will OVPT datni Jocumont without uiliitj tlia flgurn t. Itttanili In the third plica InieoO.vhorolt will rcnuln tra yoari and then mova up to t-roonclplivoala 100X wluro tt will itit for ono hundroil y r . Tbcro liMiothcr " 9' which lunnlnooomolo Btor. It liuullko thonn'TO 0 'HOT ' O.itoa In tha reaped that It hni nlrraily moved up to first pliico , wlirrt It vlll pcnnnnmtly remain. Itli calloU the "Ito. 3" lllch Arm AVhcolcr & IVIluon Soxtlng Maohlno. Tbo "Ko. O'Vvna rndor ! l for flr tlilno b > - ll cxixrU ol Eurol 3 nttho 1'nrln HxiHidtlonof 18S where , alter amvurccoutdt with llic leading in * clilDcs o ( tlioworll , It wns im-nnbd the onlj Qrniul 1'tlio Klven to family sowing nmohlno * ! , nil others on exhibit liivlntf rooolti-J lower rvwurJt , Of gold incOals , etc , Tlio Frcncti Oovftnnu'iH nUiorccojiilzcJltsBupcrtorltyb ) thinlocoratlonot Mr. NntliinlclU'licdcr , IV'sUlcutof Ilioouinputiy , wlthtbaCrosiof the Lotion o ( Honor. 'llio "No. 9" Is not nn old , mnohlno Improved u-ou , b-jt is n entirely now muclilno , aad tha Grand FiUontPnrlmn-jiwnrJL'd Itns thoRrnnil1 o Imtnvtnc miiclilncmcoliuiitm of tin Kii vlio buy It onti nut n inruJ , Uiu * . fo , ot lavinethocry \ Intostntid WHEELER & WILSON ISoimd 187 V/abtwh / Avo. , P. K. PLODMAN & CO. 220 North Sixteenth Street. _ _ Jas. Morton & Son 1511 Dodge St. AGENTS FOR Win. T. Wood & Go's . Ice Tools. Prescott Sliding Dee ; Hangers , Washbtirn & M'f'g Co.'s Rope , Yale & T Co.'s Fiiu " > YCrturti -rturti , 7.50 Each. \Vith \ a Guarantee to TalB VOUNG MALE MOCKING. BIRDS. $5.00 Each. . Young1 Single Yellow-Head Mexl can Parrots , EitraPine Birds $20 Each. Gaurantec for good talkers , MAX GEISLER , r 4-17 S. 16th St.Omalia. fLLAHLiaEDCEJIN SrEAMlS Passage to andiron Great Britain and all part * of Europe" Montreal'Llverpool foujo. by th < wntor of SI. Lawrence , shortest olall. Ulaseow to Boston , tol'lillnclnlplilh. Uverfool ti ) Mill from Httltltnoro. Thirty blonniijtB. Clo i oxcclelor , Accommcilatiom uniurpuisod. Wpakl salllnB ' \1I , % V < t . .Gon. West. Au'ts. C. I.BiinH il * . . - liqi-nSnll wt Chlrngo. li Electric Light Goods , Balls , An- nunciatoreAlarms , Etc. ( Illustrated Oalalosuo l''rro. ) . 16 U Capitol Avenue , - - Omaha , Neb , DR. J E. Specialist , I un uria | HfJ In UIQ troit- luvnl olnll funiH of I'lll- VATK DI.SKAHKH.Io tM > n liouil , TUIinUKUur , I Hi "I " In mli'lrlliH ' Iho blmlilor. HVI'IIII.IB cure < l In 14 tQ.VJ ilnrii. Skin Il > in ! > o , ' A ilairli nnil nil DlHk'auw 'of Iliu Illnnd , llciirt mt I.I/or. Ju- nulol > l n o ciiroil without lixtriiriicriiH cr "locil treat- inunt. " l.inlli'l ' from 3 to i 4.nlr , WilM for clrcii- K purlieu tarn about ami fliowltiK miuir ut Ilia most rtiumrkftMu curii. : Of * l\cat \ N" . It. Cor , 14th nnd t'uriinni Ht r ontMucoon 1 + clllicr trret , Omnlm , N'ub. We Offer for Sale. Kour Ihoimiiiid tons uliolco lluled liny , K.O. It. curd , Btrnniii'M ijl < llntf. lutoii or Ifornlclc sfitloiisoii U. M.fcHt. I' . II. Hi. l lotito wilt puroliiiMri iitlcos tojjiilulod hy thu inarkot Cull anclKcu us | STRAMGE BROS , , x CITY , IOWA CHICHCGTCFTS PENNYROYAL PILLS. RCO CH01Q DIAMOND OAAND * * I rH lI * . Druiral.t for | ) luiiior < l ltr i"1lu red iuUllwi b tr , all win bluaHUUm , TitUvtia utir > Kul lo.ti | ) T i' ' ia ul rij-i "KelUrror ImlliMn ( UH r , h rttu.-iii ) nll. > ii * > ( > * TO WEAK WEN imn i whi ) U m-rroin nml ile 'llltaUi ' | . DK. CLUCK , fyc and tar , . litliuud furmiu. 'loloi'looo ! '