Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Tli&y Naitu Bowman fur Congress , and
Ware , CJulHson and Draper for Judges ,
New M.dlioillMt Cliuruli lilds
of tlio OIIITJV House lv- !
nnd Ooiicriil
The JcmwruU of the Fifteenth Judicial
district met In owiventlon nt the court house
In Council Bluffs yesterday forenoon , to nom
inate three candidates fortho bench.
It Avas long pait the appointed hour when
tie ronvontlon IVIIM called to order by Judge
Hector of Fremont. The delay was nvidently
caused by the attempt to fix up most of the
convention work In the ante-room.
Judge Hector made a brief address in which
the prediction of a glorious victory wm pic-
tilted , nnd the convention wiw urged there
fore tOEf'rct ' three of their Iwst men ns can
didates. Tliero were some clever republi
cans , but they wouldn't ' do , ns they were
tindnrsuch party discipline that they would
provountruo tflthe Intercstsof the people
Ho sujrtf sted m temporary chairman , Charles
lilcliards of Montgomery county , nud moved
his election , which was can-led. In llhoman
ner , W. C. Campbell of Shelby county was
made temporary secretary.
Mr , Richards was surprised , but rallied to
avery neat Httlo speech. IIo believed that
a Judicial convention wai of much mora Im
portance than a congressional convention , nl-
ttioiiKli there was generally moro interest
The following committco ol ono from cnch
county was nppoliitccl on rreilciittnli : II.
U. lAmlc of Aiiilubon , Juclpu Willan.1 ofdisj ,
I' , t'owlcs ol Fremont , J. F. Williams of
Mills , U. Stevens ol Montgomery , K. 'I'liilcy
of I'uttnxrnttnnilo. if. H. Louis of Shelby.
I'UKO county wis not represented.
The following wcro niiined ai committee on
permanent orpmlntloiiVIllIam ! Mallory
of Audubon , Dr. I , . A. Thonms of GIIS.S , I1.
Co\vles of Tremont , .lohti Cowglll of Mills ,
Jiunes 1' , MtilUnlioff of .Montgomery , T.
Benjamin of Pottiuviittauilo , James Gregory
of Shelby ,
The committee reported In favor of ti. L.
Dc'lnno ol Caii county as jtcrmunciit cliulr-
mini amiS' \ C. Campbell of Shelby county as
permanent secretary.
The following vcrc immed ns n , judicial
ronimlttco for tlio jcur : II. U. Funir , of Au
dubon : Dr. EJ. A. Thomas , of Atlantic ; Fred.
Hector , ofBnrtlott ; J. P. "Williams , of Glcu-
wood ; \V , \ \ , Mcrrlttof KeU Dale : H. C.
Scott , of Clni-ladn : .fames Crow , of JNIIndcn ;
W. C. Campbell , of Hnrlan.
Judge Rector stated that It was necessary
for moro consultation and caucusing , and the
worlt could not be done In n hurry. IIo
therefore moved to adjourn until 4 o'doclt In
the afternoon.
Benjamin Teed opposed adjournment. IIo
wtu Iho only delegate from I'UKO county , nnd
would liuvo to leave the city nt fi o'clock.
With him business wns business , and he
wanted the mill toco riuhton grinding.
'Ktiouph tltno was taken up In discusslnpc
tlio matter to have made tlfo nominations.
After several motions , amendments and roll
call1) ) , it was at lat decided to adjonrn until
1 o'clock In the afternoon.
On reconvening nt 1 o'clock nn In
formal ballot \vastnlccn to bring out the can
didates. Auilubnn KnveSfor Delnno ; Cuss
1O for Cullibon ; 1'reinoiit 1) ) for Draper ; Mils
n for Mitchell , nnilC ) for Stir buck ; Montgom
ery 7 for Draper jl'ajro 7 for JDniper ; Potta-
\vattninlo , W for " \Vuro ; Shelby 10 tor
Mr. Delnno emphatically protC3tcd ngalnst
hlsnaino bclnf ? used.
A formal ballot was then taken , each
county voting for three candidates. The re
sult vrmt
Audubon 8 votes each for CullisonVnro
nnd Draper ,
Cuss 10 votes for Cullison , Ware nnd Mitch
Fremont 0 votes for CullisonVnronud \
Mills Rnvo Cullison \Varo7 \ , MUelidl 2 ,
Bruporlt , Stnrbuclc .
Moiiticomcry , 7votcs forCulllsonWaionnd
Piiffe , votes each for Cullison , Draper nnd
I'ottmvattamle , 24 each for Cultison , Ware
nnd Draper ,
Shelby , 10 votes for Cullison , Wnro and
The nominations of Ciillison , AVnro and
Draper were made unanimous and adjourn
ment was liad.
0.V. . Cullison Is of Hnrlan , Shelby county.
IIo wns ono of the candidates two years u go
and was badly defeated.
George K Draper Is of Siilnoy , Fremont
county. Ho had been n law partner of Judge
Q'homcll until the latter was placed on the
\V. II.Varo Is ofCouncil Bluffs. Ho was
wis elected to thu legislature oC tins state
last year. IIo Is a lirother-In-l.iw of Walter
3. Smith , the republican candidate who will
inuko the race upihist him.
Mnndel A Itlcm arootfcr ng crcat bargains
in every department. Wo show the best
line of cook stoves and ranges in the city ,
from $10 $ to $10. In tinware wo carry the
best only iind sold at bottom piiccs. Carpets ,
"Oh , my 1" wo just bent the world , former
price of cr.rpets (15 ( cts. , now-10 cts. , and so on
through the entire lino. Wo show n largo
line In novelties In our parlor goods depart
ment In bedroom suits wo pridu ourselves
cf carrying the most complete assortment ,
choice of ! ) styles. Book cases , rockers and
ilininK clmlrs of every description. Sido-
boanltwardrobes and center tables go along
with this unloading sale. Get prices elsewhere
where and compare Wandcl .Si Klein's ' UiO
Broadway ,
A good hose reel free with every 100 feet of
hose purchased at Hlxby's.
Vou can have your sun umbrella , and um
brellas ro-covcrcd nt the Boston Store whllo
you wait , at a nominal cost. 1'rlccs run ,
Wie.H.OO.JHJ , Sl.W , * 1.50 , 11.75 , fj.00 , J.M ,
K.50 , $2.75 , 1.00 and § : ) . ! , according to q.ual'
ley and ulzo.
Bole A gents , Leaders and Promoters of Low
Prices ,
Ttini Io\viium ! fop Congress.
The elcmocrats met In convention yesterday
in hope of making n congressman for the
Ninth dlnrlct. Colonel J. S. Tam of ( Juthrlo
called tlio convontlonjto order. JH el go Harris
of Missouri "Valley was mndotoniporary chair
man und Colonel A. T , Whlttlesoy secretary ,
with Frank . \llonof Audulxm as assistant.
Judge Harris vas called upon for n spurt of
oratory Ho scored the caucus rule in Wash
ington met urneelt'io ' democrats to name a
man to represent the Ninth district of Iowa
and not merely represent'Washington , lie
thought there was something wrong. The
farmers wow not so well olt as twenty years
ago , 'I'lio ' eastern money londcM were con
trolling the western farmer * as serfs. Ho
didn't want to htivo n man who would de
nounce the MclCmley bill and then turn
n round and vote for It , Judge Hoed was a
good mnn. IIo had lx\Uon him ( Ju4'o Har
ris ) and It took upoodman to do that. Still
liu hail not been ncthiK for the
Klnth district , but for the east.
Judge Kced was n good man to
etay at homo und watch the interests of the
people there , but It wis high time to send an
other man to Wellington to watch the Inter
ests of the ironic thero. Judge Harris urged
tlio policy of tariff for revenue only , and
claimed thnt when the government tooic u
farthing moro tlwn that It wns robbery.
The work of organization then began. The
temporary ofllecrs were made permanent nud
tlo following committees appointed i
On Credentials W. S. Trinitrons of
Auelubon , J. S. Shurdovinof Adalr.O. W , B ,
Fletcher of Cais , M. T. Carter of Guthrie ,
K J. Miller of Harrison , H. 1' , ( Jniy of
Mills , J. A. Itcddlgcr of AIontRotnerv. K.
fcjtiipfi'lof I'uttaivattainlo.V. . U. Campbell of
On Resolutions Phillip lllekclhnupt of
.Auduton , Dr. J. 12. Howe of Adalr , 0. F ,
CbaaeofOaiH , Tam ofCUithrlo !
C , A. IlolUr of Harrison , l > . 1 > . Kelley of
Wills. O. Dennis of Montgomery. J. N.
Casady of I'otUwatUmlc , Q.V. \ . Cuillson of
EluUbr ,
Whllo tlio committees were In retirement ,
Coiierasuutt * W , JU.M. 1'wojvraa caUcd for ,
Ho said he thought that the eloinovmtfl In the
Ninth dKtrlct had a soft thing of it. It was
easy to beat Heed. Bomutlinc& a record
helped n man , but noinoUiiics It daiiincJ a
man ns noon as I twits read , Mr. Pmcy sniel
ho felt prnudof havhid been to congress , nt
le.nt his children were , but ho would not
want to Inko , To Heed's record , even If ho
couhl bo president of the United States.
IIo wa glad that the bloody shirt was
out of the way. IIo didn't ' wrovhotho \
nominee of the cmncntlon rnlcht bo. Ho
should sujiiKirt him with speeches In c\cry \
county , '
There were numerous calls for some of the
prospective nominees , Mr , Pnsc.v checked
tliU. "It will du for .liulpo llnrrl ) nnd my-1
self-- old fellows who have uoen beaten for
conitrcss AVC can talk , but It's hardly fair to
Ki't ' theio asplrlnp jouni ? men to commit
tlieinsf.lvos , Let them wait until they are
nominated. " ,
Then the cnnventhm Rot to woik nftaln ,
The coininltteo on credentials reported
a full representation nnd no contests ,
A committee consisting of Messrs. Pusey ,
Heed anil Delano was appointed to wait on
Col. Kolb , tbo president of the farmers'con
ress , and Invilo him to address the conven-
tlon.An Informal ballot was taken , resulting :
Jndco MlllardM votes , rccelviiifzlhe cntlro
vote of ShelbyOntario ; , Cms und Adnir
counties , nnd ono from Avdiihon.
Thomas Ilowinan 31 votes , TfromAudubon
nnd 17 from Po'tawattnmle.
li. T. Ocnuiij. 10 votes from Mills und
lontpomery counties.
D. Al. Ilarrl ) , 10 votes from Harrison
\VillliimGronmvcg \ , 4 votes fromPottawat'
N. II. JJauman , : ) votes from Pottawnt-
Jlr. Lurhm AVells spokcin bclml f of Thomas
Ilowinan , statiiijt that he was not a cantll-
date , and that ho could do more tlirou li his
papnrto help the jmrty than ho could nt
Washington. Ills name was therefore with
Mr , Pusey presented the name of TJan A.
I'arrcll in a very neatly turned nominating
Judge Harrissnlelthat a remark mmlo by
Mr. 1'useyhad knocked him ( Harris ) cut of
the race. Mr. Pusey hud said that the peop'.o '
hud got through sending haiidsomo im'ii to
roapiOTS , and weru bound noiv to send men
for business. Judge Harris , feeling his
peed looks weni hh iiuln recommendation
before the people , felt compelled to withdraw
hU mime.
Mr , tjrissinan madn n lengthy nominating
speech , in which ho bccaino so Interested
himself that he forgot to name lib man. As
ho took his seat hotvos an Iced wlio ho was
nomlniitin ) , ' , and disclosed the factthatlt was
N. H , Hntunan , the noaiinco of the Avcca
The coinnilttco 011 resolutions reported
several pages of typewritten matter , The
slate platform was endorsed. Judpro Reed
was arraigned for fc'travlntjlils constltuemcy ;
for supporting the McKmley bill ; for oppos
ing free coinuco of silver ; for makliifr im
proper appointments. The resolutions
denounced the McICInloy bill , urped tarllf
reform , and the placing of the burden of tax
ation upon whUkoy. tobacco and other luxu
ries. Another resolution opposed the bank
ing system. Another urged stringent
Icgislatioa iiK-aliist corporations and specula
tions. .Another advocntcel the frco coinage
cf silver and making it legal tender.
The lint formal ballot resulted : Williird
81) , Parrell 20 , Oenuiig 20 , Bowman W ,
Oroiiowct4 , Uauinaii 2 , No choice. On this
ballot Adair gave Bowman Hand \Vlllard4 :
Audubon , Bowman und \VIIlunl 1 ; Oass , 10
for Willard ; Guthrie , ! for Bowman , 5 for
Willard ; Harrison , Pnrrell 4 , Willard 5 ,
Gcnung 3 ; Mills , ! ) forGenuny ; Alontgom-
ory , 7 forCiciiung ; Pottawattamlo , Bowman
; t. rarrell la , U'llliitd 1 , Gonuni ? I , Bauinan a ,
Groiiewcg4 ; Shelby , 10 for Willard.
The ballot madullttlochange
It resulted : Millnrd 40 , Bowman Ki. Genmig-
17 , ( lronowi'J { ' , Fill-roll I.
! Mr. J. N. Casady put in an enthusiastic
word for Bowman as the cliolceof Pottawat
tamlo county. Then the Tun commenced. On.
the third ballot Pottawnttamlo came Into line
with 2-1 votes sol id for Bowman and his total
reached 41 out of tlio necessary JS and Mout-
gomory county had boon passed. It Imd
enough votes to nominate Bowman and the
uiiiiouncomont vas watched for breath
lessly. It came with a thud for
Bowman , ho petting but 1 out of the 8 ,
tlio count beinp : Bowman 4Willard 39 ,
The fourth ballot resulted : Bowman ,
\VIHnrd.T3 , Ccium ? 12 ,
Thou Bowman's men -wanted a breathing
nnd whispering spoil , The suggcjtlon was
yelled down ,
The fifth ballot settled It. It was going
very fast Bowman-ward. Mills county ,
which had been passed , threw its weight
Into the balance and started a whoop
by putting U votes down for
Bowman , and Montgomery following
with six more , nnel only ono for Willard ,
clinched the nomination. Gciiung's fellow-
el's swinging to Bowman made the nomina
tion of Thomas A. Bowman secure by (58
votes. The deciding ballot , before changes
were madestood :
Bowman. Willard.
Adalr . 4 3
Audubon . 5 3
Cuss . _ jo
Guthrie . . _ 8
Harrison . 0 C
. . .
iMontgomery . 8 1
PotUiwattainio . " 4
Shelby . , . 10
Total . J ( 41
Adalr changed to a solid vote , ai did also
.Audubon nnd Guthrie , thus making the flnul ,
Downian 08 , Willard .
Thn nomination was then rmdo unanimous.
Thomas H. Bowman , the nominee , is the
owner of the Council Bluffs Glolw. IIo has
served in numerous pulllo positions , having
been mayor of tlio city nnd county treasurer ,
Ho was never known tohnvomadoa speech ,
and so ho did not appear before the con
vention toovenplvo thanks or mnlto pledges ,
and adjournment was taken -without either.
Nearly all tlio deleirates had loft the court
room when Colonel IColl ) , of tlw farmers'
congress arrived under escort of the com
mittee. A small uudionco quicldv gathered
and a brief address was nmdo by him.
N. v. r , GO ,
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
All wishing to attend the butcher's plcnlo
at Lovelnnd , Iowa , will llnel tickets nt train
at Broadway N. AV. depot , Sunday , August
ill , nt'J o'clock a. in. Coininltteo Union.
Commercial men , Now Pacific. Council
Bluffs , is under maiiagementof AV. Jones with
new sample rooms.
P , C. Jlillor. the painter and decorator , at
homo to his friends , SIS South Shth street.
J.C. Bkby , steam heating , sanitary en
gineer , 'JU ' JJfo bulldtnc , Omam ; 'JOi ISIor
riam block , Council Bluffs.
g of tlio Opera House Exhibit.
'I'lio committee who have charge of the
matter have decided to present nil the fruits
and vegetables nsed for elecoratlug tlio opera
house by ( 'ivlnc the stuff to the three char-
Itublo Institutions la the city : Tlio Iloino for
the Friendless , the Woman's Christian hos
pital and St. Borimrd's hospital , Tha worlc
of dismantling the building will bo com
menced us BOOH as the congress U over , and if
there UTO nny persons who 1m vo contributed
to the exhibit and desire to keep the stuff
they nrorenuestod to come and get it away as
soon after the close of the session as poss-fblo.
II. C. Hay iiion a will have churgo of the
gojds , and will distribute all that Is loft
equally among the three institutions namea.
Money at rodueo.l r.itos loaned on chitto
und roalestato security by U. H , She.ifo & ( Jo
For Sale.
Our retail furniture buslnosiwith good
established trade. Stock U llrst class and
well seleeted. Iteason forselllni ? , nro going
Into the exclusive jobbing trade ,
Any cno wlshlnjf tORO into hnslnms should
invustlpito this , as it Is onoof the four golden
opportunities of a llfo time.
C. A. Bcimij & Co.
TIieNew Methodist Church Bids
The building committee of tbo First Moth.
oillst church , who have charge of the matter
ofaccptlnglho plans nnd awarding the con
tracts for the new structure , hold a meeting
in the ofllco.ot V. S. Mayno yesterday after.
noon behind closed doors. There has been so
much said about the plans hud the difficulties
the committee have encountered In getting
tbo architects HU } aatmctfin vit&Iu , J.ho
f.30,000 , limit that It 1m * liccti ilctormlncil not
to iflvowit imy further in formation ( or pubU
cntlon until the \vliolo dlffloulty Is Mithfiic *
torlly uljuatctl. I'liobuilding fointiitttoiu-on-
stall of J. II , E. Clark , LV. \ . Tutlcy * , W. S ,
Mn.vneCliarU Louring nml O , W. IJroivno ,
ntnl the director ! ) of the diurcli hiivo ordered
them to Ijiilhl a SSJO.OOO edifices. All the
plans submitted linvo been subject to this
condition , nml nil of tlioni luivo fulled to coin *
ply with It , rungltiB from S-VXX ) toS10 , < ioo too
high. Now plans wore asked for nntl Mnxon ,
BourRCols &Cooli submitted it now sot which
ciw bevorked \ Into jtouc tiiul inortnr for tlio
prescribed SIO.lXU , but thouulldlnKls not Just
what the clmrc-h people want Tlio meeting
yesterday \vixs to ilotcrmino whether the
Kills yl.niH should bo rejected anil tlio now
scl adopted or nnotlior nttenipt bo innilo to
have tlio liillilln ) erected nccordliiK to the
llrat set submitted. The ImlUlltiKcoiiiMilUco
feels conlKlciiL that It m rulso tlio extra
amoiuit an J liuvo the building constructed ns
lint contemplated , nnd has asked thiio inako
the efloi-t.
Wnltnnpcr at % rcu td par roll ; not rem
nants , nt 0. L. . GiUctto1.s'd , ! l'o.irlst.
Scolt HouseCouncil Bluffs , trnmtcnt3l.OO
per day.
J. a. Tlptoii , renl estate , 5'J7 Broadway.
AVouilerfiil Detectives.
All of yesterday there pervaded pollco
lieiulqunrtcra thnt peculiar alt * of mystery
vvhteh so often promise's n big sensation , und
so seldom develops Into ono. "No , thorols
nothing Kolnuon. Anybody up stalral Oh ,
no. " It-was ovldent that they thought they
liiul nblphun on , and had the reporters off.
Tlio fact wis that the hen was off and the re
porters on. Early yesterday morn
ing the pollco arrested two men
on suspicion of bcliiff tlio burglars
who pot Jlrs. Mutcalfs dlnnionds and money.
The suspL-cta worn "Count" ( lunsolus , n
printer by trndo , who has of late been In the
saloon business , and u yoiitifr. man mimed
( irovyvlio , is a brakuinan on tlio Union 1'n-
clllc. Both nrowell known in Omaha and
not nltoftcther unknown hero. The pair wcro
hurried to pollco headquarters , locked In iiri-
viitorooiiH Histairs and kept tlicro all clay
without pIvniR thorn oven the satisfac
tion of knowing why they wc > ro ar
rested. About 3 o'clock in the afler-
noou Mrs. Wctwilf appeared nnd identified
Outisolus as the man at whom she shot.
Shu went out and In a short time returned
nnd declared she wis mistaken. Ho wna not
the man. Still the pair wcro kept until
nboutfi o'clock , ivhon they were released.
They started at ouco for Oinahn , and n spot
ter wns scut from hero to watch their further
movements. As bit of Uctcctivo work , it
wns inoimincntal.
Hose at cost. Wo are poing to quit
handling garden hose , and have doubly the
lareost btoeU In the city. To close out wo
will sell all Kradcsnndlixtiiros at dead cost ,
for ciisb. C. B. Paint & Oil company , Noa.
1 and 'J , Masonic tomplo.
New fall goods Just rccelvctlat Heller's , mer
chant tailor , 310 Uroathvny.
Convjressm n Kccd Accept * .
Congressman Reed furnished the press last
evening with the following brief letter of
acceptance of the rcnomination for congress
tendered him by the republican convention
two weeks ago :
COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. , August 2" , 1SOO.
lion. J. J. Stcntlman Dear Sir : On the
14th lust. I received your telegram advising
mo that the republican convention of this
congressional district had placed inoln nomi
nation as n candidate for representative in
lunnouncoto you , and through you to the
district , my acceptance of thatnomination.
I will not at this time enter upon any dis
cussion of the questions at issue between the
political parties of the country. Butuctween
this and the election I will avail myself of
such opportunity as I may have to present
my views upon these questions Iwforo the
people. For the present I deem it sunicinnt
to say that 1 am In accord with the principles
of the republican party iw announced in the
last national and state phitfoLias.
I take , this ouportunlty to extend to you
and the members of tlio convention over
which you preside my appreciation of the
honor which , without solicitation on my part ,
they have conferred upon mo. I am , with i-c-
spout , etc. , Josci'ii It. UECD.
Dr. C. H. Boivcr , 20 N. Main st.
The Manhattan -sporting headquarters , 418
13 roadway.
Cut-On' Island is Ours.
Ofllcers Fultz and Murphy wore sent over
to Cut-Off Island yesterday morning to do
patrol duty and take formal possession of the
territory. The mayor and. Oftlcer Wyatt
wore over there on Tuesday afternoon and
held numerous conferences with the resi
dents and property owners' and they ivcro all
anxious to have a substantlil local govern
ment established. Ten of the cloven saloon
keepers volunteered to come over today and
pay up their monthly liceuso of fci . " 0 , and
observe all the ordinances of the city. At
the present tlino there are about two hundred
nnd llfty people living tliero and the- saloons
constitute the sum total of the business
houses , but grocery and dry goods stores will
qui < ; hly follow tlio establishment of good
local government. The people who live there
ore law abiding and peacefully inclined , and
tlicro Is little demand for pollco protection
except on Sundays , when the saloons nro
made to furnish the drinks for all of Omaha.
The number ot li.clits ? nnd brawls thnt occur
tlion gives the place a very bad nnmo and
makes lifo and property unsafe , nnd the people
ple feel very grateful lor the protection the
presence of the ottlcors afford.
Oillcors Pultz and Murphy are careful tit >
rltrht men of good judgment , and they will
nil their dlnlcult positions well. Tlioy will
not leave the Island to report , but will re
main there without communicating to the
homo government until Sunday , when they
will bo reinforced by two other ottlcers.
The island Is now joined to the Nebraska
shore , but prior to 1ST ? It was a part of Jowa
and lu the corporate Mmits of Council Bluffs.
In that year the Missouri river changed its
course ami switched about three thousand
acres of land over on Nebraska. The property
lay Idle and -was considered part of Nebraska.
An Omaha syndicate of wellknown capitalists
was fanned several years ago under tlio name
of the East Omai : land company. U'hls com
pany secured n patent deed from the govern
ment of ii.OOO acres of the land. Uo taxes
were paid in 1837,1883 and 18S9. Last year ,
however , the land company paid the taxes to
Pottawaltanilo county , in which Council
Bluffs is situated ,
Ulr. DoLoiiR , of tlio land company , says
thnt the members of his company will do
nothing , as there is nothing for them to do ,
Inasmuch as they recognize the fact that the
property belongs to Council Bluffs or Pottu-
waitnmlo county , The land company has
spent thousands of dollars In Improving the
property by laying wiitor mains , establishing
n. sewerage system , grading and paving , and
$1.000,000 inoro li to bo put In the property.
The Carter whlto lead works , Adamant
wall plaster company , Mirtlu steam food
cooker company , the Omaha pearl liomluy
company and many ether largo factories uro
now tbero.
Teachers' Meeting.
All teachers who have boon elected to posi
tions In the city schools for tlio ensuing year
and who have not heretofore taught in thorn
nro requested to moot the superintendent at
his oftlco atO a. m. , Saturday , the aoth Inst.
OChlldrcn to enter the tlrst grade In tlio city
schools who have never attended school
should bo present oororo the close of the second
end week of school. First grade classes will
not bo formed again until the last of January ,
A I'lnnsntit Social ICvont.
Tuesday evening llss Eunice 'NVolls gave
n pleasant social party at the residence of her
fnthor , Hon. LuciusVolU \ , on Oakland ave
nue , in honor of Miss Baldwin of ICcokuk ,
The residence and lawn wro brilliantly
lighted and there was dancing on the lawn
and In the parlor , ) , Dainty refreshments
wtvo servo ! the Ice cream bearing tlio in
itial "W. "
Dr. Blrnoy cures buy fever. Boo bldg.
Through coaches Pullmnn palace
fileopors , dining card , free rccliningchnlr
cars to Chicago nnd Intervening point
\lu tlio grout Hock Island route. Tlcko
ofllco 1CU2 , Sixteenth , and Purimm.
Confliiiifitrom Fifth
liccamo the capitalists vvould rather loan It
out at fi per count than risk It In nny vtiituro.
What has happened slnco the passage of tlio
silver billl Wlillo tJiVsllvcr bill was pend
ing , speculators , 'not ' only In Wall
street , but also on the. llrltlsh exchange , In
Hollnnd und every where , wcro watching the
outcome , anticipating n , ( treat rise In mining
dtocld nnd silver bullion. A very largo quan
tity of silver bullion xvm exported from Hol
land and held lu Ke\v York. On the llrltlsh
exchange one party made a very largo fortune
In India rupees , nnd thtrols no doubt that In
Washington there were many \ \ ho made vast
sums because It win given out nil round that
tliero would bo millions In it for tlioso who
had stock ) , AVhnthas been the result ! The
government has bought n very largo ntnount
of silver bullion and increased the volume of
ironcy by Issuing additional certificates. The
price of money rose right away und Is much
Higher now In Now York than It has heon for
years. M'hyJ Because the moment you stnrt
speculation you feturtn demand for money.
Those wlio Invest expect to inakon crcat deal
of money nnd are willing to pay a high prlco
'or money in onlcr to realize bii ? profits on
heir ventures. In the ordinary course of
business I know this by mv own experience.
In ISOS the rate of Interest"for money was 15
per cent In Nebraska. Today wo can borrow
at (5 ( per cent on good real cstato security.
Whyl Decnuso .there has been a depression
n all the markets of the world. These of you
ivho want to borrow cheap money should not
bo deluded by the free coinage Idea. When
silver advances up to the standard of f-'I.U ! ) nn
ounce I venture to sny that free coinage
would not bo demanded by any of the mining
nen , because they can do Just as well by sell-
ng their silver In bullion.
Asllvcr brick would bo worth as much in
lie metal as It would ho If it wcro coined by
ho treasury. Why should Uncle Sam pay a
bonus for bullion J Why should not undo
3am hixvo the benefit of the difTovcnco bo-
, wccn the fnco value of bullion and the value
if it after it has been coined Into silver dol-
.arsl I do not know of any fanner who has
got any bullions to brini' to market , nor do I
know of any merchant "who had any. The
Omaha smelting works , after the silver bill
had passed , nro reputed to have made over
$100,000 , , but I have not heard of anybody out
side of the stockholders getting a dime out of
' heir profits.
Tlio speaker then quoted facts nnd hgures
to sustain his position , and was subjected to a
crossfire of questions by a number of green
back delegates In attendance , which con
tinued for nearly an hour.
Wesars. Chaffce , Davis , Osthoff nndLowry ,
representing the Omaha city council , at the
clew of tlio crossfire between Mr. Rosowatcr
and "Calamity" Wcllcr , through Mr. Delano
of the Nebraska delegation , extended an In
vitation to the congress to become the guests
of the city of Omaha , for a trip to Omaha nud
South Omaha.
The invitation wns unanimously accepted
with thanks , nnd B. F. Clayton , "Calamity"
Wcller , L. A. Casporatid W. S. Delauo were
appointed n committee to decide upon the
time of making the trip and the nrrango-
ments for it. The committee mot nnd re
ported the programme of tbo trip as follows :
Lcavo Broadway depot on Union I'aulflo nt
8a.m. direct for South Omaha ; return to
Omaha via the Missouri Paclilcwhore
the excursionists will bo taken In
carriages on a drive through the city
and a return to Council Bluffs ,
The report of the committee was
adopted and the delegates to the number of
100 declared their intention of participating
in the excursion.
It wns derided to Iwld a session in the even
ing in order to get the work out of the way
for the excursion today !
Adjourned until 2 p. m.
The Afternoon Session.
The Increasing interest in the work of the
congress was shown by the attendance.
Every delegate was present , while the quota
of spectators tested the seating capacity of
the house to Its utmost.
After the preliminary exercises , Mr. B. F.
Clayton , chairman of the finance committee ,
made a report. ' Hero nVo the figures :
Accounts rendered . $134 to
Printing reports . 150 00
Postage , etc . 15 00
. Total . $509 60
Balance on hand . J12o 00
From Council Bluffs . 250 00
Total . $75 00
Leaving a deficit of $2M.'JO ,
The committee reported in favor of a $2
assessment upon the delegates present to
make up the deficit ,
ThU report was acceptable , but ono mem
ber of the committee wanted an amendment
added. Ho said this assessment would give
a small sum , about $75 , more than would bo
necessary to meet the deficit. The member
of the committee , Mr. Jones of Alabama ,
moved that the balance , whatever it might
be , go to the secretary as a small part of the
reward duo him for his faithful services in
the Interest of the congress. This motion
unanimously prevailed.
The 11 rst speech of the afternoon session
was delivered by Hon. William Freeman of
Maine on "The Agricultural Interests of
Maine nnd tlio Eastern States. " The ad
dress was one of the best of the session nnd
wns heartily applauded. In Drief , Mr. Free
man's ' remarks were as follows :
"At the convention at Montgomery , Ala. ,
last year , some ono placed on the desks of the
members a piece of paper convoying the In
formation that New England produced on
her farms only enough to last her population
Just seventeen days. It will bo my province
to undeccivo those , if there bo any such , who
entertain such an erroneous idea of the agri
cultural products of the oast. This congress ,
in order to act intelligently for the interests
of agriculture , in all its branches , should
possess a knowledgs of every industry
which draws Its life blood from it. When
wo consider that two-thirds of the population
of the United States aiv cither wholly en
caged In agricultural pursuits or indirectly
interested In them , wo need not stop to in
quire what class of people U capable of wield
ing the greatest power m tuis nation.
"It is true that there is not so largo a pr6-
portioti of the oopulatlon of the east cngiiged
in agricultural pursuits as In the west , yet in
New England , which is honeycombed with
manufacturing establishments and other In
dustries , the agricultural Interests form no
insignificant part of the Industries. "
Iho speaker went on at length to present
statistics of Maine and New Kngland , showIng -
Ing the number and value of farm lauds , the
statistics of the various Wads of crops , live
stock facts , points about fruits nnd factories
closely allied to the farm. Continuing , no
said :
'These are some of the many Industries of
the eastern states which draw tholr life from
the husbandman and which could not exist
but for his labors , nnd which too is necessary
should prosuer in order that agriculture
should thrive ; that a market may bo
found for all the agricultural products not
only of Iho east , but , which the earth yields
from her bosom under the skillful hands of
man In the south nnd west , on the Pacific
slope as well as on the Atlantic roust and
across tbo borders of the great gulf ,
"Agriculture in Maine Is on the increase.
The present census will show that her far
mers as a class have been prosperous , while
throughout the wh61o country it is well
known that , as a gondrnl rule , farming Is In
u somowliat depressed condition.
"It is true and wo do not conceal the fact
that there has been In'tho , ' past n largo enil
have gene to swell the population and Increase -
crease the wealth ami Intelligence of nil the
states nnd territories of tlio union. They are
vour honorable nnd distinguished citizens ,
They help form the props and foundations ot
your best societies. They are supporters of
religion , morality and virtue.
"Notwithstanding this seeming drain from
the very vitals of New England and Malno
thiiy both continue to increase in wealth und
population. "While the sons and daughters of
Now England have in the past been instru
mental In founding now states she will yet in
the future have a surplus to ppuro , if neces
sary , to Uutld up other btatcs , and still grow
and Increase In business , wealth and popu
lation ,
lation'o draw no Invidious comparisons be
tween nny sections of our common country.
Wo yield pro-eminence to the woit In her
marvelous growth. Hut tlw west can not to
wholly independent of the cast. The east
taps her granaries nnd furnishes her a tnar-
Hot. The south too sends the cast a portion
of her cotton nud her crops , receiving in ev-
chauijo many luxuries not raised lu the sown
nml also ntrontm of gold to develop her Ion ;
glumlicrtng rosourcos.
"Tho Interests of all states and section *
nro Identical no far as tlioy go to make w
n great people , It matters not on which
cldo the balance Is struck tlio
debt and credit are ( or the mutual advance
ment ami benefit of nil , nnd nil are ono.
"Tho government Is the heart of this re
public the dtates nnd territories are the
iirtcrlcs and blood vessel ) , 1'roin ' Its pulsn-
lions ( low the streams of life which nro neces
sary to preserve and stroiiRtliou and glva
vitality to every member. If the most re- ,
meta state In the south bleeds , Jlalnii fccli
the hurt. Lot Texas bo In vailed by a liostllo
force nnd Mnliio will rise as ono limn to her
dofenio. Hy so doing she only protects patt i
of herself , bono of her bone and flesh of her
"Wo in the east believe In one solid gov
ernment one great and glorious country.
Wo bellevo that the Hag that float ? over tlio
capltol at Washington is the Hag of the south
and of tbo north , of the east nud of the west
that its glorious folds uro unfurled to pro
tect nil alike the emblem of our nation's
greatnessprosperity , majestyandpowcr the
Impound freedom of a united people. "
Sir , Freeman's ' speech \vn exceptionally
well received imd a hearty veto otthunkswis
extended to him for his effort and for his In
terest in the worlc.
An Intermission was then taken and an op
portunity given to the delegates to contribute
to the fund for the relief ol the treasurer's
William Clayton , Ohio Knox and Henry
Dye were selected as assistant secretaries of
the congress.
lion. II , IT. Work of Indiana , under the title
"Imponderables , " read a vigorous paper on
the needed legislation for the benefit of the
farmers. The following Is abrlcf abstract of
his remarks :
"During each succeeding political campaign
a class of corruptionists with political aspira
tions go bunco-steering through the agricul
tural states , telling us that there Is nn over
production of fiinii products ; that other
L'ountries do not \\unt our staples and wo will
create a homo market for all we raise ,
' What I A homo market for Til per cent of
ho world's ' cotton , of which wo exported to
the amount of & 2i > 0iiiS.U2 ( Inst year. A homo
market for one-fifth of all the wheat produced
on the globe.V'o sent away Siri.,000OOU
worth of breadstiilTs lust year ; of provisions ,
SIUO.OOO.OOO , wliilo other agricultural pro
ducts swell the amount to tlio enormous sum
of $ i'J2liiill ! : ) . Talk about the operatives In
.irotcctcd . industries consuming all tlieso ex-
jortattons. If tlioy and each member of
their families wcro us largo as Jumbo and
: uid llfty times the means for paying for the
same , they could not consume it.
"At present there Is n tariff bill pending
which. If it becomes a law , will enable the
manufacturer to run his hand still deeper
Into the pocket of the farmer und further
Ipplo agriculture. Mr. Hlalnc says of that
if : 'Tliero Is uotnscction or a line In the
bill that will open a market fora bushel of
wheat or a barrel of pork. ' But nearly e\cry \
line a tax on the farmer for the bcncllt of the
manufacturer. The cry of 'Infant industries
and homo market1 is getting stale , and other
delusions arc in gicat demand.
"Thcso sumo sophistries have been
sounded over and over again to tickle our
ears und to have the effect of quieting our
minds , allaying our fears and have ns still
longer wait for 'tho good time coming , '
promised by the protectionists. Wo are
asked to suffer a Httlo longer , sharpen our
appetites by self-denial , walk upou hackle
teeth , sit upon Hints , sleep upoa thorns , make
ourselves as miserable as possible and keep
us uneasy as a loose shutter sons to npprccl-
ute that good tlmo when it does come to ltd
fullest extent.
"Tho national congress , composed largely
of everyday hypocrites , have by their acts
shown their base treachery toward the
larmer fovtho past twenty-live years , and
can aptly be compared to Zebudeo's V.o i ,
vhich laid three rotten eggs to one good one ,
"Brother farmers , rlpht about facoand
look to your Interests hi the future. Unite
with the other hardy sous of toil and right
these wrongs. Ditch this cav of Juggernaut
built In the cast by fostered monopolies with
their false god of protection mounted there
on , and which they are attempting to roll
west and south , commanding us to fall down
and worship it as it passes by.
"Put men in oftlco who will return to hon
est legislation , giving nil branches of Indus
try their just share of recognition. Then the
American farmer will bo ar happy as the
days are long. "
After allowing the various delegations to
express a wish for the next mootliiKof tlio
congress on adjournment was takea until 7UO
Iho Delegates.
The following is a complete list of the delegates -
gates In attendance :
Alabama Colon el II. 1 ? . Kolb , Montgomery ;
I'1. L. Nesbit , Oswichco ; J. \VardAbbo- -
vlllojA. B. Brassell. Montgomery ; D. F.
Sessions , Union Snrings : W. V. Mctcnlf ,
Montgomery ; I ) , AV. S. Anderson , Clinton ;
T. K. Jones , Greensboro.
Colorado John Churches , Golden ; P. E.
Ley nor , Kampllold.
North Dakota II. P. Hclgoson , Grand
Illlnols-J. M. Stahl , Qulncy ; J. B. Folcy ,
Gibson City ; D. Kcnyon , McClano ; J. W.
Barber , Albion.
Iowa J. T. Stewart , Shcnanclouh ; J. P.
Bowdish , Marion : C. W. BloJgctt , DCS
Moines ; J. T. Tcmpleton , Forest City ;
John Scott , Nevada : F. I-1. Taylor , Nowtou ;
James X.oegalck , Kurlville ; B. M , Bills ,
Vinton ; W. G. Kent , Fort Mndison : Kd
Campbell , Falrfleld ; S. L. Bestow , Clmriton ;
John Patterson , Burlington ; Daniel Camp
bell , Blanco ; O. Mills , Lewis ; J.T.Carter ,
Bharpsbiirg : P. Bojlson , VVnvevly ; William
Holsmnn , Guthrie ; J. F. Babcoult , Now
Hampton ; J. B. Matthews , Taylor.
Kansas N. W. Taylor , Jlnlbcrry Grove ;
John Kelly , Wichita ; Joshua , "Wheeler , Nor-
tonvillo : II. W. Shroedcr and wife , Oslm-
loosa ; A , P. Porsythe , Liberty ; C. H. Lewis ,
Fontana ; A. W. Smith , Mul'lionon.
Maine William Freeman. Cherrylleld ;
Charles B. Hounds , Calais ; h. S. llartlctt ,
Missouri Lev ! Chubuck , Columbia ; It. M.
Barnett , Uallatin ; Kobert TdeCulloch. Jefferson -
son City ; J. C. Evans , Harlem ; U. W.
Nlcolds , Marshal ; A. Ij. Perrin.jr. , Ca.nden
Point ; P. D. Elno , Kansas City ; F. W.
Vertlcan , Portshorn ; U. S. Hall , Ilubbard ;
Green Clay , Mexico ; D , F. Harvey , jMoberly ;
B. W. Ilannan , Pickering.
Montana \V. \ II. SuthorllnVhlto Sulphur
.New Jersey Ralph Egc , llopowell ; J , J.
Mitchell , Wlilppony.
Nebraska W. S. Delano , Leo Park ; .T. Mc-
Curtv , Friend ; E. E. Sanuorn , Spvlngllcld ;
E. Stoddard , Douglas ; 1) ) . M , Carpenter ,
Pnplllion : S. C. Browstor , Irvington ; C. W.
Key , Ashland ; II , A. Fisher , AVahoo ; C. C.
Turney. Bertha ; It. F , Jones , Lyons ,
Now Mexico M. W , Mills , Springer.
Oregon John P. Robertson , balcm City ;
Samuel Layman , Woodburn.
Pennsylvania lion , John B. Smith , Kings
Indiana W. "W. Goodwin , West Labanon ;
II. F. "Work , Now Washington ; D. P. Muu-
roe , Salada.
South Carolina T. J. Moore , Moore.
South Dakota J. 'J. Hamilton , Montrose ;
S. G. Updike , Brookago ; llobcrt Hills ,
Tennessee C. A. Mee , TCashvillo.
Michigan . S. Porter , North Branch ; D.
D. Bu ll. Union City.
Wyoming , Isnao N" . Bard , Little Tear.
Wisconsin ColonclU. U. Warner. Windsor
ser ; 15. F.IIOS , Wuukesha ; John Bender ,
Hhodo Island-Charles P. FUigg , Provl
Ohio J. II. Smith and W. S. Shepherd
At the evening session the first matter con
slderedwns the selection of n place for hold
Ing the noxtsesslon of the congress , A num
bcr of the states that had been nominate !
withdrew , leaving the contest between 1111
nois , Colorado and Missouri. On the call estates
states Missouri developed the greatest
strength nnd was , by motion of tlio Illinois
nud Colorado delegations , selected by acclu
inatlon. 'Jno time of holding the convention
was lined us the llrat Tuesday after the sec
end Monday In November , Ib'JI , the place to
bo decided upon by the Missouri delegation
"Tho Farmer In Politics"was the oiiblect
of the only pa per read at Iho evening session
The author was AlonzoVardcll of bouth Da
liota. lie urged the farmers to take unlte <
and energetic action for the acconipllslimen1
of four great reforms , viz. ; Tbo abolishment
of the national banks ; the government con
trol of railways and telegraph ! ; the restore
tlon of lands granted to corporations , and the
adoption of the Austrullun ballot system.
The paper broughtabout a lively discussion
in which n number of delegates took pint.
The delegates will Jolu the excursion to
Omaiiu this morning and will hold the Una
business session of the congress this after
noon ,
Tlii I 'rot ; CM in nn ; .
10 n. in. Resolutions anil memorial * .
lcinrt.s ( | of committee.- * ,
Ail dross ,
. "Kiirinliu tlie ItcH UualntM , " Hot , ! ' . It.
i\oi-toii , Wisconsin.
' Axrlcnltural , Interests of Maine. " Hen.
iMIIiim I'm'Mirm , Malno.
Zoop. : m.--"Tlio Progressive AjjtleuUui-l t"
liv lion. William llticliiiol. proKldcnt of tlio
"Itnpimderalle , " llon.ll. K , Work , Indiana.
. - .
, 'I'olltii'id Ol > llititlof ) ! of tlie farmer , " Hon.
Alnnin Wimlull. South D.ikotii.
'I c.tlsliilloti for Tanners. " IJon. Joslnli
liOOOii. -Miscellaneous
I'M ' MIU irport of the cniiniilttuu on rcsolu-
Ullts ,
Call of (1m ( stales for Ivii-iiiliiiiln siorcli | ( *
poakLM-M to ho di'algimtcd liy the nri'ttdi-nt.
ind In nocaxiitn rim OUT Urn tun minutes , to
o timed by tliosooii'Uuv
Dr. Blrnoy cures hay fever , lieu
31 rxojtt _ jtn\"jrittx ,
The car men ut tlio Union Paclllo transfer
vorking for thu association railway lines ,
vent to worlc yesterday decorating thulr car
hopi with sunflowers lor tlio bcncllt of the
. ( . locates to the farina n1 congress whnn thcv
ms through on their cncimlon to Dcnvorto-
norrow. The phaw for the work wcro
.rafted by Morris Stcvvurt , foreman of the
nnls , and all the boys worked heartily to
omploto the work. It Is a very handsome
ilcco of ornamentation , and la greatly cn-
eyed by the passengers on the Incoming and
nU'olng trains.
Tlio grand jury will hold Its first session
or the September term of the district court
n Tuesday morning. Tliero are a great
nany cases to bo inquired into , and the In-
piisltorswUlliavoa lonir and busy session.
Tlio city schools TOmincnci ] next Momhy.
The Skinner whisky c.iso pending In Jus-
Ice Schuiv. ' court , win adjourned yesterday
afternoon on account of the democratic ron-
cntlons. to which the court nnd all the at-
orneys Interested were delciriitci. U'he ' hcar-
ng will bo resumed this morning. At that
Imo several of the Sarpy county authorities
ylllbc on hand , and if the court decides that
Skinner's saloon h located In Nebraska , ho
vill bo Hiked to pay up the ? JOO demanded by
ho Nebraska license law.
Jt Is reported that an Omaha saloonkeeper
VIM spending tlio night in the MuUalf place
vhen it was robbed and Unit he hint placed a
nrRostunof money In the euro of tlio man-
igcmont , and that this money was a part of
, ho amount stolen. It is also said by the
'ornier owner of the diamonds that they were
lot worth the amount claimed by the woman
ind that she actually paid nlm $120 for them ,
indho purchased them of a diamond broker
u Oinami for $ SO. There arc some very re-
narkablo things about the alleged robbery
/hat puzzle the police considerably , and the
report that the Omaha saloonkeeper who was
staying them is not In n condition to report
his loss adds a little to their perplexities.
Permits to wed wcro yesterday Issued to
Lombard Plnpgcniid EllzabetliMestoninrker ,
both of Neola ; George H Spencer of Omaha
and Mary C. ForJ of Berkuy , 0
J. .r. Bell has disposed of his Interest in the
New York raeliet fctore at 75'J ! ' Broadwiy to
tils partner , J.I ) Stevenson , who will con
tinue the business at the old stand. Mr ,
Bell is contemplating a visit to the Pacitlo
coast , nnd will probably locate there. The
new proprietor Is a progressive and energetic
business man , und -will push his Imsliicss to
tlio front.
T. TJ. Burnett wns discharged by .TudifO
McO co yesterday mornim ; upon the hearing
of a charge against him of tiisultiiiKU lady on
the street.
McOuire , the assnllant of the little llich-
inond girl , was arraigned lu Justice Karactt's
court yesterdav morning nt ! ) o'clock , but
owing to the absence of Colonel Uailey. his
attorney , the case wns continued until Mon
day at II o'clock. It is proh.ible . thnt Me-
Quire will wulvo examination and permit his
case to be passed upon by the grand jury.
There is a good deal of anxiety among the
local coal dealers over the. prevailing prices
of coal , which are lower than it can bo sold
for am ) allow n prollt. The wholesale prices
in the cast are steadily and rapidly climbing
upward. Dealers are sclllnganthmuitcnow ,
and vill continue to sell It during the month
of August , at $ ! ) per ton , but they will make
no contracts ut that ilguro beyond that time.
The Now York Racket store at 73DBron < l-
wny. Is now under the exclusive control of J.
D. Stiivenson , who will cnlarpo the stock and
offer the public better bargains than ever.
The Racket store has its fountain head la
Now York city , in the largest wholesale and
auction house in America , nnd is enabled to
give Its patrons prices that cannot bo dupli
cated. The stock embraces everything In the
dry goods and notion lino.
L. A. Dovino and family left yesterday for
Jacksonville , 111. , and Akron , O. . on a two
weeks' visit. .
W. H. Olomachor returned yesterday from
a business trip lu Missouri.
Mr. S. P. McConnick , of Tabor , la. , Is In
the city attending the congress. lie has been
a resident of Fremont county for tlio past
thlrty-threo years , and has taken occasion to
nssuro the delegates to the farmers' congress
that ho has never seen anything nearer u
failure of crop ? than wo have here .this year ,
when wo will have a aurplussutllciontto feed
two or throe states ,
Snlt I'olnt , W. Y. , April 10 , Iffi0.
I BUfTorcd fix \vcoks with ncurulglu ; nhalf
bottle cf&t. Jncoba Oil cured me : na return of
pain In three ycar . Have told It to mnny ,
fcna liuio yut to bear ol n slnglo case U did uoi
tt'ilevistirpeimaruiitly cure.
0. JAY TOMl'KIN'SDruggist.
Orccn lslaudN. YFcfc.ll. BSD.
I Eiifferocl with ccuraldlii In tlio licnd , but
found Instant relief from tlio application o/
Bt Jacobs Oil , vrhldi cureil me.
E. I'.UELLINOl- . Chief cf Police.
"TTIOU HKNT-llotol .liiinoson , all fmiilshecl.
-L1 I'ossi'sslon silvcn October I. I'or Infoinia-
tlon lulclrtiiiHvia.Bludcnto \ ] > f , orUlirlsritrnul ) ,
" \ \fANl'fiD At nnce , a ( slrl for Kunoral
> housowurk. Call at IQI ) 'ttl avo.
TTlOp S.VJjU-Or will tr.iclo for u K od rn.-ul
JJ tuurii. rttiilllon .Vn. ISIW , registered In Wal
lace. UOr. . Archil.iH , cl.ini by Kentucky
Olny , 5 jt'araold. Apply to Dr. .Mimran.
"OOH SAI l * or Kent Garden liinil , wltl >
JJ honsus , by J. R. Klco. 10 ! Main bt. , Uouuoll
TjlOIt I1RNT T > voiiowniOlorii.ij ( ( > iii IIDIISOM.
JUdood locution , Aiiply IKU l > lflli UYCIIIIU , J.
U. Duvlilson ,
Viay ] ruutwnun you can liny a homo on
tlieKiiino tnrini , anil Inuusoor your dcntli
utiuiy llniii lisa vo your lanilly thu Iioiuo cluar
ontliu follovrlni ; torniti
A liiintu wort li 4I.OUJ : it * 12 per month.
A Iioiuo wiitth SI.WJ nt * I.S 1101iiHiutlL
A Iioiuo wiirlli 4..lK)3 ' atS'JI per mouth.
A licvun worth JI.'WO at if per month.
A homo worth < I'WJ nt if HIor moiitli.
Utliurin-lci',1 lioiiiosun tliosaino turins. Tlio
iilmvo nioiitlity iciyiuoiitH liioliulo prlitcliial
iinilliiti'riist. Vnr full iiiiilluuhrs call on or
ivililri < mllioJuill& WclU Co. . ll'W llroiidway ,
( Jounull Illuira. Ix
f jlOIl KRNT Tim stnrn room , \'o. 19 , fronting
JJnii I'narl ' st. W. UJuino-i ,
llotoUiuno.Hon , Oouiirll 111 u Its. liu , forinnt
Furnished mid In Koolropllrs. llu.uliotol In
tlioolty. Oenically loaiU'd. : Dalnit a llrst.
cliwi iJiislti'sj , TlilM IH n bargain for bOino
good liotul mun. Apily | Ui
Council Bluffs . . . . Iowa.
Tor S5 yews 1 mffcrtil from boll ? , crydpcUl
mid otbrr lilooil cITcctlona , Uklng diirliiu tbit
tltno ( neat ( lor tllloo of dUTctcntmollclna will-
cut chlng EO nc ; ptrttptlWo relief. Krlcndl
Muccilniota try S. U.S. Itlmprovwl mo fron
Ihc i t rt , aul nttcr takinR in-crtl bottles , w
itorcd my liralthaa fat iw I coalj hope for li
ay ixgo , vhlch lo now icvcnty-flvo yctai.
MRS. 8. XI. Luois , Bonllng Green , Ky.
Trcatlio ott Dlnodtml Skin El'caEcsnmlltil frcA
BWIbT Hl'KOIMO CO.Umiti.Ua. .
Surgical Institute
Private Hospital.
Cor. Broadway and 20tli Stroot.
Comiull IliulK la.
Vor tliotrcitinoiitof all Hiirslo'il iindohionlo
( lIvoaseiiiiKlillnoaso * * ot tlio blood.
1'rlvnto ellscancsot the nfliuiry and
as syphilis , Hlrloturo , cystllls , | iur-
iiiittorrohon ) , lo-itiniiiiliood , so.xiuil luipotonoo
and wealcncsi treat tul 8iicoc < sftilly.
I'lirttciilarnttciitlonpiiUlto tllsuuws of th
liniUH. us Asthma , ConsiiniptUm. llroncliltla
Catarrh , Kte. Pnnilysls , Kidney ( llsoa1. as
Dlaliotc ? , KrlRht'HOlMiaso.Kheumntl'iiii ' , Piles.
Caneer , Varloeele , llydnuclo , Droiisy , Tu-
inrr. Dlseasi-s ofthni-yo nnd eir. Olnli fi-ot ,
Sjilual ciirvatiiroandiill cllsousosof thu bonus ,
We liavo niliipartmcnt devoted oxeluslvolj
totho IreatmeiMof Uturlnoillseasos
itodlclnu tout securely packed and freedom
Corti'spniiilonce confidential. Addressi
Surgical Institute and Private Hospital ,
Cor. UruaJwiir oiul ZULU at. Council lllults , 1 % .
Boarding and Day School ,
Fifth Ave. and Seventh Street ,
Can bo rcuclieel from nny of the depots
on motor.
Ceimlucted ly the Slstora ol Clarity
B. V.M.
TERMS For boarel nnd tuition em-
Iraoing all branches of a finished educa
tion foi- young ludicu $75 for session ol
five months , commencing firat Momlsiy
in September nn l February respectively.
For further particulars iiildruss
St. rruncls Academy ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
OverC. H. Jito uoiiilu AOo's Jewelry Stor *
Electric Trusses , Bolts ,
Chest Protectors , Etc.
.Agonta Wanted. Dr. O. B. Judd. (
606 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
J. I ) . Ei > .Mi'.vi > . 0 > f , 1'roi. K. r. . SIIUOAUT , VIce-prcs
CIIAIII.K8 K. II XN'A.V , Cllllllcr.
Of Onimnll I3luff .
Paid up Capital $160OOO
Surplus and Profits SO.OOO
Liability to Depositors. . 3BO.OOO
Diur.criiiwi-r. A. Millar. I' , O. ( llouvm , lilt
Slinidirt , K. II Unit. .1. l > . Hiliniiiiiiiii. Uhurlos
O. 11111111.111 , Tniiiwiot funeral Ijiiiilcliibuil , -
IICSH l.nrni'st ' capital ami Biirilus | of any
bank In tfuutliwcslurn luwii.
Corner Jlnlno ind Ilrnnilnr.
Praluis In foroliin mid < l inosto ! o\ohinO. : ! !
Collection ! ) iniitlo uud Interest paid nn llm
8. H. Muxnii. Ij. J , II. Hoiim'olH , H. U. Cook a.
Architects and Superintendents.
lloonHnn ? nml ( MSN.I . Hoium 210 ntnl 250
Y.l.lfti IIUlK , , Uninlio. Mprrliini lilt ,
Null. luluiilionuUU. oil ItlillfH. In.
I pliunu : T. ' .
DR. J , B , JACKSON , Dental Bnrgoon.
All Wild not work dmio. Vonoon mvu ouo <
lialf onyonrcolil iiiulnHvcr IHIIiiK liy oilllnj :
utloum UMiiri'luiii Ho:1Counull : ! BluIlB.
F. M. Ellis & Co. ,
And Bull ling Superintendents.
Rooms -l.t ) anil 4'K Boo Itulld nj , Oinnhil
Nch. . und ItooiiH'.MI nud StU Murrlam Illoci
Council HlulfH , la. OorrutpiinJuiioo
II Hydraulic and Sanitary Kiifflnoor. 1'lans , Uutimates
i , Council DliilTri , In.
JuUicoof tlio I'uiioo. Onico ever -Amorloan Exprubj , No. 421
"Urniidway. Oouiioll HlufTii , Iowa ,
ya ut I tiiv. I'ractluoln tlio 8tat uni Fader
Stoae & Sims- Court . lloorusT uud 8 SUuijar 1-13ono Block , Couna
Ululis , Iowa ,