mid flics PIOUS PIT : cnTI TI Jit er n , or Jtej. ona itlio llul- Inco , I the I'Ct. II to omo VI11 6103 , | ne-cs to ot to of oct ; tbo ( that ) ilvo cri-1- 10110 i ho Her , on to nine , leaao lln to' : there ro- Ircaii , and the Ittod tbo rein in- Biitot , ro- otlouM M- tll fturt , ; n nof ther krd to . lubblo pently been ph un new ohoilv bat la orI Col- i want peel to cllnetl him" i ralu Hcan Ill's so iwfully ytWns rather might would iilel not cr tc ! ! tict slio vctit to iidht bub pus undo liivo t.im- uvoto toAt- | t Ion. kl to the vvhlili Li in vvns Inticll to , subject Itocii a.\i Ictoil tlio Is ivunty COIIVOH \ se'lcctcvl nlllcixvo [ commit i , Im ri im I ill JlltlOH. ' In ml tliii Itli gnat ui il i uiul Hug waj 1ST . . .1500,000 . , uo.ou i ovie-nte < rustco n ( krty , col- LStCo " 1C. Ins Sts. l' > , KO X ) nit * llrowii , tsuror. J J IE5TH STREET VIADUCT TAX How It Will Bo Assessed Against the Property Benefited. RULE OF KINGSTERS AT FLORENCE , \ Ctalin of Arolillrct Mojorn Ilic. Con nly null the Disposition of tlir ltc < | iiC8t to Settle K. x The tax levy for the Tenth street \ladutl has bean completed by the illy engineer. It Is the lien ; lost special tin le\y over prepared In the lilttory of the city. It consists of fortyflvolurgo pages ol HfjurcH , and repre sents the work of two cxpcrtaccouutants for three vvec'c ' ? . The compilation shovs the tax per front foot as follows : Of Tenth street between Jackson nnd Farnnin , SO , Parnam and Doelt ! < \ ? li between Miuou and Hickory , si , and froui Hickory south , SI. The rostof the territory mns cast of Wuvcnth iticct , south of the vinluctand north boUveenlJexIco and Jackson and Seventh and Fourteenth strccto. The list fontnini 1,000 name tinil tlcscri- ) tiom and the amount of tholi vli . < 2ITKX , ! ) . 'Iho tux in tint territory 111 which tlio amount per front foot Is nut spcdtleilabovo varies from Ojconbt totl.2-Uonou.il lot. 1HK IIo\v \ tin * CIU/.oiiH 1'ioposc ID Iluot It Out of I2tlstcnuc. It was tlio Intention of the Florence coun cil tolinlJ 11 necting last evculnjj , but , owing to the alMmcoot Councilman Larson , n post ponement wai decided upon , 1'iwslUy ' n special i"eotlnjrwill bo called for sonic time this week , but thoclinnccs are that all matters for consideration vv ill so o\cr until next Jlonehy night , when the iegular Bcinl-mo'ithlymcetins will bo hold. 'Jlireo of tlie couiicllincn , Messrs. Larson , KejuohU und \Valkcr , liivo declared for bet ter law and cider , and propo o to Invc It , though SQUID olllilal liu.ids shoukl drop into the buskot. A prominent citizen of Florence who was In thoeit'v vestcrduj suld "Tlio Ill-it blow in tlio way ot bioaliliif ? up the most rotten ilng tint lias cvddlsirraecd aiiv rominunitMIS \ btrue'lc when Justice liuiisoni was foiced to rcclirti. "It isiommon hllc that IIP was standing In with Major Tiuc ) , Citv Attunicv ISller aid thoriii ) . ' , iiJidan effort to coin ietliw bit-alter * wai woiio than usclo'ii 'Maiohul ' Muttox 111 testify that , of hi- , o\vn Unovv leJ0'O thcrovvns ju xiudeiilnndiiiK botvveen thoto tluro voithits bv vUiIch , if they weri > ancstul , tliev shotilelnot JHV any of the peimltlo'i for violntinir the liquor law. 'So ' VK-H vvoro the ) or iui/al , it I ? said , tint 11.11U01H un il Kller \ \ cio to see th.it the snlooiilioepeiuiio not pinse-cuted , but by chance , If a prosecution and conviction vivs foiced upon them , Tne-y was to rctilt llio lines. " 1'ho hotter clement of llio town Is up in arms und it Is nf.ict that the vvoc ! ! outllt must go " .Vn attorney lias been retained , anil should Hansom and Kllcr fail to luuel in their reilR- n.itioiis , inii > tticliia.entehiii ( , " " \\IU bobiouglit upilnstthcin. "i'hot'iwn Is sufCerlnpc on the nciount of certain nrdlniuucs tint slioull have bicn liaisedinontlis SIRO , but Counrilmoii Lar oti , ioiiiolJs { \ViilUcriofthe' to votes for them asloiiKos the ( juestiau of tlioir onfoiceineiit is to Ijoln the innels of the l.uvlesscloint'iiL vhloh is lie.ideil by Tracj , Eller , md lim- som. " "Hansom's ' reslgintion Is now In the hatiilsoC Coiiiiciliiinn Wallicr , und \\ill boac- cepte < liniilMr.Uowln , , a : o-.pe'ctablo ireu-- chaut of thcto\Mi will no doubt bo appointed tolllltlm vieancj. "Mavor Tracj sccnU the danger from afar nnd has alrcidy taken stops tovardHcniipat- inn. Ilo bus loi'keit up his stora , iiackcel his f-doiiH unit shipped them toOinnh.t. It is pic- dlcteelth-xtheforo the iic\t rcfrulm meeting ? of tbo e-ouncil his resignation vlll luvc icicheil thohands ofsomoeouiiellinan. "With Kller the case is diiteicut. Hissal- nry , * drt pei month , is too iiico a llltlo iic-.t- cfg to throw a\v iv , nnd ho pioposcs to Inng on until hols deliberately Urea Ilo claims th.it. Ivirson anil Brawn nro with him nnd that vUlh tlioir support ho cannot bo re moved I usondenies this iindsayshe is for law and onlur. " \Vhnt \ lli iAtlnriics ) Cluiin tlio Co mil 5 O\vis Him. At tlio meeting of tlio boird of commissloa- cra last Saturdiy the attorney for 1Z. K. JIe yer8 , the architect of the iic - county hos- plt.il , iiresented a communication asking- that n committee bo appointed to adjust the claim of Mr Meiers against the county. The eoin- inunicutiou was ordered on iilo Mr. Mejcrs' counsel w.w seen and naked what was dnlmed by his client Ho said : . 'Under his contract , Moycw is entitled to an additional $1,000 uiKJiithoaeveptaiccof the huilellnjr , together with jier cent on the entire test and mother 1 per cent on all extras that sbould bu allowed. The total amount , there fore , that wo elalu is , iii lound numbers , { l.tfc.0 'Tsow , some time airo , Coininissloiir-r O'Kciflo ' ( Mimed that theionnty Ind to piv for the makliiKOf ccitain hluo plans vhieh lie snld Mi .Mijers should hn\c \ exicutol. "E\e > n if this he tiuo it would amount to nveiy mall matter eomrared ultli our bill. While I leinonilHT of Mr. O'Kiollc having in Jde this c'lmn on the. s ill' , yet I do not Know that the boinl ( him mvthlng What wo want Is to pet tosethei with the hoard , or acojuinitte'o ' ivneuontin rthcni nnd to settle Ihe'so claims n piiMitf , for I am sure wo c.m do so. I want to get some ) nionev out of this thing Vfteruo iiavo settled thii then wo vlll tuin our attention to the lourt miittir , into which Mi Mnershns been dnvwn.nd , let niotolljnu , that when that court matter come1 * up | ii'foiuiif ( to the in- dlctnicnts ponJianajJuniit Mr Mexcra ] we will gl\e jou follows [ members of the piet > sj nil the ne\\s \ you wanjj1 ' A. ClKiIco lilst of Suinnicr Jtosorts. Intholukorcfjlonsof Wisconsin , Min nesota , Iowa nntl Iho t\\o \ Dakotius , tlioro nro luuuli-etlsof cluirinlnpr localities pro- cminoutlr llttctl far hummer hump * Atnonjj mo follow ing f-oleeted list are mimes fainlliir to ninny of our readers us the pufoctioiiot mnUiciu biiuuiiei1 ro- sorts. Ntiirlj till of tlio Wisconsin points of intercut aio within a short eli&liuico fioinChli'ttgn or M ihvaukoo , nud 110110 of thoiu nru ro fira\\ j fiotn _ the "but y mails ol cl\llizntlon" that' they cannot ho le.ie-lied in a fo\v \ liotmof travel , bj frcque iit trains , o\er \ tlio finest reid in the nortluvcst tlio Chicajjo/Mllwaukeo A ; St , I'aul r.illway : Oconoinowoe' . U'is. Clear Lake , Iowa MinoiquaVis Like Okobojt , loiva. Wuuki .ln.Vi . failrit | UUe , lona. I'olniyttl , Wis Frontcnac. Minn Tanuhavk Lakes , Lake Mlnnctouka , VN. Minn. Lakeside , Wis Ortomllte , Minn KilUmrii Cilv.Vis , 1'ilor Lake , Minn , ( IWlsof the WIstthito Bear Lnlrc , cousin ) Minn , Bcmor Dim , \Vis. \ DlK Stone Lake , Da ManlsoiiVis , kota For dftnllcil Information , apply at ticket offlw , isoi Fiirnani street , llairferblooK 1A NAsii , Gen. Agent. J , E. PuiM'ON , Pa 3. 1'hc funeral of Mrs. Kdward Xott took place yostenhy from the late wsldcnco of tno dtfciusud , Klfl Pierce itrect. Service * v.-erohnlil iu St. PlillonieuiiS catliedral , nftor which the remains vcro Interred lu St Murj's annotery. Iilu. Jsott nt > the wlfo of Kdward Xott , the well Known switchman of the Union Pailllo jnrd < < , niid her de-ath win Iho culmi nation of a sirlos of misfortunes which tuv\e Intel } \ Inl'-d that Keiitlcman s family Mr. Notthliuailf roichtly sutilncd the loss of n Unit ) , aiul for tlb last Hit months Ids son 1 as boon sufferinKffotiiiujurled sustained by i ins jiin over bj uttiee * car. Uhu DrotluTUcHkT of \Utohnieu , jynipa- 1 . Nottln hi j nRlictliti . turned out in aboOynt the funcrnlof hliwlic , no Aim oi-i"7i ; > uovrioN , I'lnnn ( inbuilt tril ( Vr the New on IlicIIiuh Sihool CroimiK Mr. llobinson , Mr. AV. V. Morse nnd others inloiesliil in the bulUIng of a teiUporaiy structure on the tlgh school campus , wore on band last nl bt to labor w 1th the board of education. The gentlemen are \cry enthu siastic and earnest in their efforts to secure sdiool facilities for the children who reside in the Ucinity of the high lehool "We must have a place to send children of the primary grades to school , " said I\lr. \ Kotmison.Veme \ not nsklnjr for this Uini > oriiry hulldhiK on the hleh fcchool Rroundn with the thought that the building vlll remain there for any lenjzthof time , for vo vant to see a line jicimnncnt building there. Hut ue are vithout school facilities , and tli ! looks to us tohe the most practicnblo ut present. " \vhen the hoard vcm callcel to order the first business tuluii up u-aia coinmunluatloa fiom CV Busih , uiio aildre'wd tie boaul in a leiiKth ) piotest ugalnst his illschaigo fiom the iioaitlon ol Janitor of the Paul school The communication vaa placed on tie. tie.Miss Miss Mary Sti'rr of Beatrice handed lu her Thotoininlttco on salaries submitted the folloulnu iiiort ) Sihryof siiimrintendent , < V l > U.'UixiinUiieleiit of buildings , $1VX ) ; substitute ? teachers , $ KX ) , secretary to c-lcilc of bo nd , . 1(1 ( ; teacher of druniiig , ? 1,40U ; teacher of music , f l , : ) . ( Jomlilciablo discussion nroso over the sal ary of the simoilntfiiilcutof btilldlncs. Some of the bourl seemed to think the salary was too lar e. Moult ISIoirison anotln favor of cut ting this saliry down , for the icison that the supeiintenileiit lias toumiloy two tc-juia nud gets jialel for only one , Mr Dubiock ns also opposed to cuttliig the salary of the stitierinteudenL of biillil- IIIBS. lie slid th.it the bond Ind refused to economize nhoiihalnilps could havoheeneut that should have been reduced , mid note \ m.iltoa cut upon the s.ilan of the suxriii ] > tctulent olliuildlngs would berry uijust Mr Smith rubied In \cryinergetic anel iotnewhat snre'iitic manner , siyliift that it luis unfaii for Mr l.ibcoi.lv ! to charge that riemheis of the Iionidcrc opposed to ttio ( iittlnjr of s.ilailes. , nnd tliat ho Ind Uuii about th < enl > one in favor of eeonomy. Mr. llubcoik had bein in fa\or of cuttlnji the snlailcs ofprindpalslii a vci'y unjust nran- nor , Rlviiid'teiu hoi's who hut elmrKO of sK- Icen-rooiiibuileliiiKS no greater salary than [ lioiowhohavoeharce of twe-he-rooni biilhl- iif , " ' . Sin\th lliought that Bahcoik should not assume that he vas thoonlj economist on he hoird The coiiiinitteo on text boolcs iccomniemleel .hatVXJ of Mis Eller's Ait ndueiton be mrolui'.cU for thopruniiy departireiit , the est of tlicslntrs not to eue-edover ! b cents ae-b A Itci i > omo discussion the report was. adopted. All Wooley , superintendent of buildings , sulJinlUeil plant and speciluations foi .111 ltht ; loom te-mporan biiilditifjto IM ereitcd on tholnxh bhnol c.impis , ushoitdistaiu e west of llio blub school bulldiiif , foi the ncconitnodttlouof tlio piim.irj pnpiN. The plans woio re'forred to the eoinmitteo on iniildniK's and pmpertylth instruction to submit rciointnmelallonsnt thcnextineetiii r. The ho.ud then aeljourned to meet 011 Wednesday eeuiiig llou Some ol'ith Uoliiij Directed to 01 tier Ton ii . \VlllJnni Husicll.a wealthy citizen of Yank- ton , A luneli owner anel hip stock dealer , is lu thociu revMnKtho cistwhllo enthuslum la the proposed raihoad from Orniha to the Onialii ( aiilt.ilWs and business men are appaie-ntlv blind totuo f lets , " said Mr Uus sell "Une Hist ol these is thatn reid to thoJhn nverallej \ could Ue built and put on a puijias bisis within .1 vear , so great are the lesoinces of tint feitlle ( ountry. The second fact \\hich \ Onnha seems slov > to note isthatbioia Citj Is alter the trnde o ! thateountrj and is ce'ttlup it Siouv Citv is no tloaeb. K\ery ro.id thut touches Cm ilia and Sioux City , tlio Keith western cxcentcd illserlniinatos uguinst Onmhnnnd In favor ol Sioux City. As an Instane-o of this Milvvau Iceo trains comliipt to Omiihi aw held four houia ut Siout Clt v , nnd i ites and all the v. ms ! uo beinp iiulled for that plaee 1 Omaha Maiitsanyof tint "DaVota trade she * i better hcgm ilgurin on it pretty soon. " UKhlCn Ol1 IMIVTT. Tlio rjltilo llojic AMilcli Clojpcl His aiurtli'ious Cjiieor. Ills somewhat remarkable thatfe\v Ijncli ings or legal executions have taken place in this city iclics of vbluhhavo not fouiidtheir waj to this city. Tlio else of Pratt in Blair , whose life \vui snuffed out bj tin anpry possu of citmns n fov dajs ago , fonns no ex- ceiition to the rule. Lew Hlbbcn is iu iK > ssession of a photograph of tlio murdei-er aftii ho had been placed in his cof- 11 n The latter was placed on endbersMo the juilwallnnd the occupant as shot by the camera , b unjthing butluin < Uome Mr. lllubcn has alio the noase uhlcli choked out Piwtt's life It b inndo of three- quutoriiic-h ioi > o and w seut from a small eierilck which w.vs used in 'he ' election of u building near the jail Whoever tied thJ slip knot must have known his business , because - cause it inuy well bo doubtoil If a piofos- sional Iniifjnnu cwild have done the work inoie nrlistictilly. _ Win ! i ) Yonv Choice ? llio repertoire fortho\V. T Cailstoiopcn comp.inv enjjasement which uosins on next Siiudaycvenhiir at Bond's oiwra hou o v.'ill be is fo'lovx ' s SunJay and AVeilneselay , "Tho ( Juicii's Luco Handkorcblol ; " Zvlonrlav , \Yulacsd.iy matinee and Puday , "Tho Brl- , ; nds ; " Tucid.i\ and Satuieiay nntincc , ' Dillon , Tlursday , Mlrmlnle ; " Saturclaj , eifier ' The MUcuilo" or"Dorothv" s both opaM-s nre jnv.tt successes bj tbU company tbepubli"lll boallo\ved Ui say uhirh one shill bo i\e'ii by i lining its dioho at the bo * onkoUiiih \ over h.istho nr.joiltv on next S.iturdiv eve -ii vvill bo selictedanel the re sult uiinouiited iiiTiiK Dm : on Sundav morn- inn. Cni | > lliilloltn. The tempciatuii ) of the past week his been below the iioimal , with newly aa avcr.igo amount of sunshine and rainfall , but slightly below the boisonable auirago. Tlio folloiup nix'tlioiniufilh * reported : Falrburj O.0 ! " , JTowoO'M ) . CrctoOSO , David City 0.70 , Wcs- tonO 70 , OnnliaOSl , Tclcannh 05 , Oakdalo 0.0 , ' , Haisett I ) . I'-1 , Marquctto 010 , Mhiden O.J'i , Omud Manil 0.0 i , laventin 0.20 , North Lnap 0 0(5 ( , Aorth Platte 0.0\ Valentino ' O.y , , lln > SpimgsO.A'iOorins 0 ' .1. Antelope Weather cool v.ith serao rain , but of little help to coin now lluffulo lloe-u. seem to bo doing well ; "hay ah nit a fomth of i ciop Hurt IIacropverj peed llutler rllie com crop is not mnturliifr us rnphll as itbhoiil.l . on account , of the cool nlchts ami noithvvind . Ccdiir Corn isdohifwell CumliiK Cool neatlier kcips tlo corn from rl | nlnt ( as fist asit faliould ; gmss growing line for late pasture. riontler A. line nun , but too late to help "corn , which almost n total failure. Hall-Weather cool nnd dry ; drouth still continues ; coin about n fouith of a crop ; oats , hav and wheat Inlf a crop. Hamilton- Con ) 10 to 15 percont.nnd In the south pail of the county reporUxl to ho fioai nt til ill to a half crop Potatoes nearly a failure , fccarccly any K'a53- JorTcrson-A. lack of raluwill cut short com , potatoes and grass. Ivearnov Corn rapidly improving Potn- totti Avlll ho a fourth and hay a third of an average crop. Ncinibu Corn crop Is in fair condition nt present llock Nlshtsery cold , hut no frost ob served , AMicut throshlti } ; sho\\s an average ) of toil bushels i r acre , ( . 'oinislu flno con dition , Grass health ] : but thin. Saunders-Tho showers of the past "week liel | > o < lgrajandi > otatcoondirfully. \ . Com Kettliis dri fcicotl's liluff Coruand potatoes nearlj a complete failure SlieMlihm-Wlicut U hrlnt ; thrashed nnd % vlll n\eiiixo \ nearly ta bushels IH.T IIPIO. Valley Ta tine * iwproAlnjf unelortho late ralus. Corn looking iKiter. 1'otutoes poor. Wties ol IVlcloii Suiieilntcndcnt CJllmoro of the Missouri 1'acitlc freight } ards is fondly hci > ing fortho uel of \vuteruelou season. 11 is life has been mndo mlwrablo by Iho romplilnuof shippers regarding tno damage ! melons that arc found In the cars , "Tho bouof tills countryllkovvatcrtnolon * . jou IcnonV'sitldMr. ' Ollmoro yesterday , "and llioy do not always take the trouble to pur chase them in the mnrliet , but they watch nhout th e j-nrds w hen a ti clou ( ar conies in , nud , although they cannot get the melons out of the car whole , tLey ran slip a land through beUvecti the stilps , for inolons nto usuilly shipped in stock cars , ana with pocket Imllo thej can slice tbo fruit npinto 'inall pieces and take It out If you go out then : In the jard jou might scoseveral melons In thw-o ears with the lnMdocnr\cd outof them. Thc'o lo es nre trilliiifr , butthc shlppew inako about as much complaint over the loss cfa nelonns a stockman von Id over the loss of n steer , and I shall be glad vhenvve have finished the sea son. " THROWN PUO.U ' 11IKIII OAllT. T\vo IJoM } Seriously Injured In n. llnna\vny. Louis and James Pcacoclt , sent of Mr. John Peacock , who resides nt ItKO Kouth Elglitecnth stwet , vvcro out drlvIiiR lost evening \vltli their broncho and dogcart As they passed dov\ \ F.irniun street near Llgh- tuonth the pony became uiimanaBeablo nnd began to run nnd kick vigorously Haifa , block fuither on , when the animal as Roinf ( at full siccel , the cart struck a teleprnph pole und the two boys were throiuilolenllv "to the paMinent. 'iliey \vere both veij bndlj stunnodaud , vvbcneiir- riedluto the drnp store across the strcettboy apiKiiedto boalmoit lifiless. Janies , the .lounger onu of the bo s. is Wind tie soon repnlned consciousness , Aviieii his Injuriis vvito found to lie notveij se- lious The other bov sccmcdto bos\ifl"erin T fioin intirnal Injuiie- * . A phj slcian vus culled and the bo > seio rcino\cd to their home. An examination showed tint Louis , vilio was vomiting blood quite frul > , jnd three broken ribs \\nssoriously Liaibcil inother plaees. His injuries were pro'iouncod b ) the attending physle'ian as not UehiK ihnceious , however , and his sjweety i ceo very will proba bly follow I ouis i'eaeoik lost his watdi in the accident. Invited nConllnKratlon. At 0.30 last nl ht the lite depaitmentwas called to extinijulslni lirosmouldetlug' in the basement of Austin's shoo stoic , at thocor- ner of Thirteenth and Howard streets. Tliero was a Rtvat tleal of smoke i < suing from the basement , nnd in nshoit time the buildiug would hiivo been In lull ) ' The ce'lhr was filled vsith old boxes nntl ntlscolhncous nibbnh , nud some hitter voids passed lietweui the health oHlecr , vvho Chninined tlw premises after the llroxMis extiiiKUishcd , and ono of the ) > ro- priitors Thooflicir claimed that ho had oiducd the propnetoi-s of thostoio to clean outthcMi b.isciiipnt long : igo , but itvvas found la--tnight in aver } dangerous und shameful condition Mho damage to tlio build Inland stock was light. i I'emilts. Tlie follou-In ponnltsero Usuel by the supoiiiitcnuent of buddings jestcidiy : A. 1' . fiikev. oiie-sloiy ( rainc coltaKe , rilf ion Hill . . . . J 1,000 William ' chiiinuelM'i , biklv bi'-onunt to dvullliie ISInth mid Ujplt il.i\eiiiio . MO William Al. lluthiniii. Ucstory and InTnieiitiiteliouc , 101J J-eavoii- noitli lUcUs . 2J.OW Total Hntl a Siuilcof A luan giving tli3 iinaie of Herman Hob erb wasiiri-osted jcjteiJiy by Olllcci- Haze onthe fai\tccnth street viaduct wlthasac't ' of shoes on his b.icl : "When taken to the station It was discovered that he hal li'vo pairs of nc\v shoes , some of them No 8 and some No 9. Ho claimed to have purchased them of a Kansas City traveling man. Per Koopiijv ; ( Jiiinll inir Device * . Henry Hombergcr auel John Muidock , otlicrwho known as "Hilck , " vvcro anestcd last evening on tboe'liarge of keeping gamb ling devices. They wcro bailee ! shortlj after their airest. o lie Kntlllcs the lioioe l and Hzcta \ \ 111 I'roli.iblj Do MkcnKc. Uu.vTrMvT.t ( vh City of Mexico ) , August 2.1 [ Special Tclcgmm to TJIK BKKJ The plenipotentiaries asscrnhleel Satuiday for the hist tiao. Tllie party In conference consisted of Mr. Jliziur , Uniteu States minister , Scnor Arclleno , minister of Spain ; M. Rejnaud , minister of France , and the German and Belg'an representatives , together -with the plenipotentiary of Xieiragui nud also that ofCpMiRiea Iiuompany ivitli Ur. Galeiido , olllciiil delegate of Salvaeloi , tboj met at tbo prebidcntiiilpilaioin oulcrto have a confer ence with President Baiilhwandhis cabinet , toratifj and sicm the prellmlmry of peace \vhich has b on In preparation for the last Iho elajs The president received them , and being Informed of the object ot the call , said lie was ready to ratify the agreement , nnd with his secretan of foreign affairs , Seiior -Anquenia , signed the protocol. The highly batistieJ ministers then dispersed Todav the -American minister , lu company with the fapmish minister , will o tobalv.idorto pa1- bent the matter tol'roUsioml President K cta and rcqucbthlin inthonanicot thodiiilomatle- tody of Ceiitial Ami'iica , for thosakoof hu man it } , to iitifytlio njjiecraent and condi tions us accepted by Guatemala. As the treaty Is very honorable to Sulvadoi it Is thought theie is no doubt of Ezeta's bigni- turo and sanction for Salvador. Senor diilcndo will KO to Snlvadcrvlth Ilnit > tcr Jlizncr The United States steainei Thetis takes them from San Jose The full toxtol the proposed treity vlll bo made public m u diy 01 two > pl > raskn , Io\\a it nil WiiifiOK , August 'Jl [ Special Tele- gum to Tin : Hi i.J : Pensions wcio today gianted the follow ing Nebiosknns : Original \Vinhiiin\V \ Waricn , Auburn ; Hamilton 1) ) Lucas , SteeleCitj , Ah in A. Caulklns , Indianola ; Williim Mergenthallcr , Palim rla ; llcarj Shcpirel,0inahi ; .John Schetler , LAills Cltv ; John Uastman , DonlpUun Reissued V'llliain K. L'olcs , Fall field Reissue and in crease James S IJobinsou , Tecumsch Io\\v Oilglnal Ihonias W Smith , Le- MarsCeoigo ! Ti\K Denmark : Johns Wood , Ottunixva , Joseph IIuU , Brookljn , Junes \V. Me-Main , Algona , Join P. Iluhlll , lirandlUvir ; . .lcsio C Hamaker , Oskaloo a ; Junes Lubcy , deceased , MinchcstcrThomas ; ( ! Slnffaer , Sauvora , William H. Seeley , Sutlicrlaud , Janios A Bridges , McdlnapolU , Ihoniis U. smith , Woodwird ; John 1'runcls , Spirit Lake , Am on A. Ahhoy , Mnquokcti ; lle-nry \V CovvlcsVashlngton. , \ . Ite- issue-John 14. Miller , Ottumvva , Henn 1'cnnir , Plymouth ; \Vllllam \ A. .Martin , JlartinsbuiR , Isaac Buel. Mitchell , ( ihleon Uojer , hinei-son. Original v\iilov\s \ Mary , widow of James AV. tivm- mei-s , IJurWoy. South Dikota Orlgiml r.lam Honor , Custrr ; GcorgoV. . Uird , Dcsinet , James 1'loyei , Plojo Orlcinal wiJows , etc Minors of John McXninaro , Lagrange ; miaou of Albeit 151 isj , MadUon. Tlio 1'iipil I\uclled ] tlio Master. [ foij/ri0ht ) tSfnbu JitntdtOantin lleimttt. ] P.mAugust 2."i [ New York Herald Cable-Special to Tim Bu.l Mile. Courbet slstei of the celebrated | aluter , ti.is diseov crcd the existence of an establishment whlel has wen for some time past turningout can v asses signed Courbet. These forgeiles vero on the whole admirably done , and were pu upon the market by a Brussels dealer who was birpplied principally b ) two artists oiio ofhoiu had been a pupil and close friend of Courbet , This latter has so vvol succeeded la Imitating lilama-stcr's vvorktua ono of his forgeries was ae'conted for the l > aris exhibition last vear. vhilo the rOa t'ourhet vus referred to ajur.\ . A flroiit TliimolCoinpletciI. POUT HiuoN.Mii h , AiifustS ) . The vork men enpajea ujwi the tvo cud * of the St Clafr river tunnel l > tv\t cii Poll Huron am barilla , Oi.t . , t-liook liuuds \ \ ith each othe thirt nionilinr und > rtlio st C'lalr riverund made tlu > ) ; i'"t subtdrni.ean IdThvvay echo uiththc irehcurs This mirlts the e npiei- : tion of thOHiinlest rive rluniul in the vorld nud tirotuMtlifgivit * < p txwof ounieer- Irg in thu tn mil v It is tle'M'n feel l mger thantht f'JLAM n US tti Jllt.Kid. Tlio Old Ueinocrat le Ilght InVls \ - o on sin OponoO 1'it Again. CniCA < io , Atipust . ' . * , [ Sp ehil Ti lejratn to THE IkrThqold ] Vllas and llragif fac tions , which hwo divided tlic df mocraoy of Wisconsin for so many j ears , nre at wnronco inoiv , and thl ! tlnii the contest Is a bitter one. General IJra s vUlie * to bu circled to congtoss a ltl and the Vlliu faction 13 strillnR to compass his defeat. The present ccngi-ossman , Chcilcs Barnig of Dodge county wants to bo re turned. Irap ) ; has his own count ) , Fond du Lac , and a part of Iho delegation from \Vnu- \ esha. llarulg hns Dodge nnd tbo light Is \VashinRlon.oDodpo aud AV.ishliiRton ogctherhavoa bmo nnjorlty in convention , Banv Is doesn't ' know much about the detail f politics , but lie lias the help of the 'IKs people. llarnli * Is u dis- lllcr nnd icctlHer , and in cornpaii ) vlth his bojs sells any amount of vhlsk ) and pin tlirouitli the county. They run wti- 'oinanddo the orlK'liialp.ickiRe act , iflllng inj quantity from n pint to n barrel , Kverj Sauvig wagon is un nctl\o electioneerlni { irfiument against Cenoril BigK. \ . The Hai- vi ( [ bovs hn\o \ taken to thesbndy roids in out-of-tho-wnj localities nnd talk o the farmer * They nro doinir mlssloiinryoil : vlth tlio ciens tlint go with ho steam thicihini ? inadilncs , and theiesult vill be that the farmers and tlio thresher * , and the Jugs , ntidthillarli ; bovs will heat ilinoutot thoilelepitinn fi-oni uashhiirton t vUll ixquiiva good nnny pickaxes ol coin uico to do the \\oik , bat tint amounts to lothingto thoUniivig s , "IHIC ctllls.3' ' Two /celde-nts at Arc id la. Ancvuu , Keb. , Autrust S3 [ SpecialTele gram to Pun HII : : . ] While n paitv of joum ncnvcro bathing near the Arcidhi roller nills , AB. iunison , ono of Arc ilia's most imminent business men , inado a dive from a irldge that crosses the stream into whit ho upposcdwasa verv deep hole , but which > roveel to bo only nbout two feet deep Ilo undo a leap of from twelve to fifteen fell and struck Ms held on solid bottom , causing in- uiies of the tpino which It it > feared will > rove fital. biturday evening a number of boys were' foollni ? with a loaded shotgun A\huii It was discharged accident illj and the full load of shotstruck nboy In the anldc , tcirlnga bob hroughthe Joint. Medic il aid ivas called nt onto and it Mas found necessary to amputate ho log. Thoboyla now doing -well. Ilo Is a son of J. G Corj , onoof. Areadia's pioneer nislucss men. Aiilimiatlc Couplers Demanded. WASHINGTON' , Aug-ust -Representative Caldwcll , from the eoinmitteo on railroads and canals , today rcpoitcd to the house the Dill agreed upon hj the committee to compel railroad companies engaged in Interstate commcicewithina rcasomulc time to equip their cirs vUtli such safety 01 automatic safety coup'ers ' as will not require train men to go between the ends of cirs to couple or uncouple them , and with automatic biakes , so that the iceel of tialas ean be controlled b ) the engineer. The repoit sub mitted by the bill points out the fearful loss of life and limb b ) keeping In use the link nnd pin couplers and hand brake on freight cms , nnd sajs : "From the sUitbtlcsot rail- reid accidents of this natuioo Invu the Uiriblo Intimation that 20,1)00 ) young men la the nation must suffer painful or fatal acci dents from thpsotvvo ouses annually. 1'eople's Con\enlloii /ltcIilscm. . ATCIIISOX , ICan , August 25. [ Special Tel- esiamtoTiiB Brn ] The fanners' alliance and Knights of Labor of this county met as the people's convciition this afternoon and nominated thrco democrats aud one republi can for the county oMces and one democrat and ono republican for the legislature , 'llio convention unanimously adopted the St. Louis platform aud the following resolution in addition Kosolvecl.Thatltli ( ho sense of thlscomen- tlini that thu nominees for the loxIMitturo Maud pleelpi'd not to vote forthe retuinot John J liisdls to the United htilo sciuite1 Senator Ingaibs Ihcs in this city , hut it in Washington Just nov andhis fiienels did not appear at the convention to Interfere w ith its uork In any manner. Oldalirnm's Destitute Condition. \VASIIIXOION- , August 25 Senator Platt clnirmia of the committee on tc'iitones today laid a letter before tlio s > cnito fion Secretary Noble trinsmlttlng a telegram from Kingfisher , OWahoma. The mcssigo states that fully tvo-thlrds of tno people need aid ; tn o-thlrds of the farmers need seoe wheat ; many are no\v in want of food vlth no wile ; nothing to sell and piosp cts gloomy. Secretary Noble savs the depart ment has no ict > oui cos with which to relieve the destitution and thoiefoio it laid the in fonnatloii before congress. Tlio message was signed by rcpreseiitatlv es of the intcrioi depaitnient , who had been sent to investigate the inattei , The Senlplnp : llu.siness , SA.IT LJKK , Utah , August 25. [ Special Telegram to .THE Bii. ] Lomaxis heio from Omaha and Ilurlbut from San Francisco to coafci with General Treisht nnd 1'osscngei Agent Eccles vlth rcforenco to the scalping business , which lias recently giown to cnor mous pi opoi lions. General Brooks arrived hero todayon ntwo vveelis , stay from Omanii Ho will inspec rortliounUs inicfeiencoto 1ho addition o two or thiio companies of infantry and wli go bathing in tie lnl < o and c.imp out Stoanislilp Arrivals. At Southampton The U'eria , from New &U4 lAt \ At Glasgow Thp State of Nevada , fiom New York AtNowVort-'Tho Ethiopia and State of Nebraska , from Glasgow , At London-Sighted : The "Virginian , fiom Boston. At Philadelphia The British Prince , from Liverpool , The Sen Wins Investigation. WWHIJ TON , August " " > . Inspector Gen eral Dtimont has received the report of the local Inspectors who investigated the case ot tlio Sea " \\lnp , which capsized In Like 1'cplti vItli such fatal reports. They find that Cap tain , \Vcthercn viohted the ordlnanco by starting out as ho did In the f.ico of an approaching preaching storm Ihoy therefore recked his license , nnd have reported to the United States attoinej for prosecution , Hrlck Sciiree inXett Vork. N > vv Yonif , August 35. By noon tomorrow nil the brick in this city Avlll ba\o been used. Six million bricks are dally used iu Now York , Biookljn and Tcioy City , and the hriclinmUcrs nloiif ? the Ilud-ou mid about Philadelphia have cut off the supply. The union woikmen of tlio thieo eltles boycotted the Hudson river managers , nnd this h the icsult. Ono hundred thousand men vvlll ibo compelled to quit work. C3 Cut OiTa CoiiMCiiblo'8 Head. BOISI : CITY , Augusts. ) At Beaver Ciuon yesterdav a number of Italians v\ent \ on a spreu hilotrylnff < o lue-soive oilier Constable - stable Stoddanl wai set upon by tha 13focs \ nnd rut inn horrlblo manner , hf held be-lng severed from bis bohSix men have beeii arrested anel nlynchimrli feaicd. A'leniin Cora Ji"nlp Opened. " \Tinxx4 , August iV The corn fair opened todiu and was well attendeel In the estl- mateil crops of th" world America Is cteilitod with II JOiH,000 ) bushels of wheat and l.tVK ) , . 000X/ ( ( ) bushels ol maize , upalnst 191.010,000 liushcK of wheat and 2,1I3UOJ,000 , , bushels of inalzo lu 15SO. Airi'Htcd forllinst ! Four Donor , la .August S5 [ Special Tel cgram to THE Bre.J On ad\leos fiom Cherokee , Fred ICelth was arrowed toda ) with a Mtole'ii horfcoand ( .irriago in his insses- sion In the urriaijo uaj a witclicl full of Jewelry and another coiiuilnlni ; burglar s tools. _ TrlFN Agalii anil Tails. JthiH AI KEFVh , , August i A special from Marque tie1 , Mich , says that Iloi/h tj , i Ibouandlt held for nvirdcr , last ilht i ado [ an ithcrunsuctCssful ttttenipt to ( ) m'iilt s > ul- clJo by severing llie > artcriN nt his wrists ntid battering hljhcndngnlnst the walls. TlicVffitIior lAorocnst. Tor Onmha nnd vicinity Ptilr ; warmer. Tor Xobitiska fair , except local show era nextreme southeast poitiou. Tor Iowa Loe'al rains ; cooler lu soutlieiut , stationary temperature In notthvvewt portion ; variable winds. For South Dakota ( Jenci-ally fair , noith- westoriy wlads ; slightly warmer ; cooler la eastern , warmer hi western portion , noith- oilv winds. Per Wisconsin-Light locil rain * * ; varinblo \lndsslightly ; e-oolerlu westem , stationary .ciuperaturc In ciistein portion. A Heavy Customs Ktlziirr < MoNtiiKM , Auust2. ' ) . One of the heavi est seiiiires maeloby the customs oniiorn for some time is Just icpoitod. The firm In volved Is onoof the most prominent in the jutternnd cheese trade in this illy and they are ncuiHeelof iinporthiK the best American cre.uneiv butter ana enteilng Has nnlafeHor nrtle'le Thcsclynro ii.vol\cs many thousands of dollars. Mollior anil Cliild Killed. TVCOVIA , Wash , August JV At Carbonado vcsterdav Nis. Mary U'llson ami infant child weie instantly Ullletl by nf illlng tree * Mrs. AUlsou , with the babe in her arms , was in .lie'ce'inetcry sitting on the grave of ono of iir children , when the tree fe-11 on them. Son * ol'Vcteraiis. ST. .Io = sim , Mo. , August J" > It is c tl- innteeHhatone-liilf of the expected nttmei- nnce nt tboSems of Vctenns nmji arrived ; hls nioiniiig Iliis afternoon v\us \ ttlte > n up thoe\eeutive'coiiinitt ) < t' of the orilei in tinnsuetioii of routine business iV Cat loud ol I'rnlt Itnriiod. SinMV , Neb , Augusti" > . [ Spedd Tcle- piinn to Im : lli'K.J A carload of fruit con signed to Boston paitliM wa ? totally de- stioyed by flre only this inornlnir , e msed bv sparks fi-oni im engine. The loss tothe mil- load company Is about $2,500. , I .ital 1'oller lOxploslon , CoilMiit' , 1ml , August 115. A boilei ex plosion occuucd in U'hito'a taw and gi 1st nlll inl'lke'Teik , llrown comity , Satuiiluy il ht and t.lptrsoin . weio badly injured , of whoiiifouiMvillpiobably die. \ Dcstrnutivo Climtl Uiust. Ki. I'A O , Tex. , Augast 2" > . Bctvvecn ; \vcntv-five \ and thirty houses were washed way last cvenlnp in Junv and shty fiini- les reudoiHl ( homeless byicloud buut. Txvo [ HJi-sous V y were diovx ncd. " \Vlieolmoii in Convent ion. LncKiviiiT , X. V' . , August 2. i The national eonvcntionof the Lcagueof Anerkan Wheelmen - men began nt Nilgai t l\ills today. Thclirst race xull beheld tomorroiv if the weather continue.arniandfulr. \ . Idaho Democrats. Bet r Gin , Idaho , August 2) . The demo cratic state convcnthu met this afteniooii aud effected a temporiry organization. Spread til' Cholcia in Spain. MvDini ) , August 25 C'holeia is spreading In the citv of Toledo Thiitccu cases and flo deaths are repotted. Both the method nnd results -\vlica Syrup of Tigs is taken ; it is pleasant and refresliing to the taste , and acts pently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys , Liver aud Bowels , demises the sys tern effectually , dispela colds , head aches mid feveis and cures lmlitunl ) constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind cxer pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto nnd ac ceptahlo to the stomach , ' prompt in its action and truly heneficial iu its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable suhslanccs , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syr up of Figs is for snlo in 50c and SI hottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN fRANCISCO , CAL. IOUISVIW , KV , /IfW YORK. N.Y , ntlrntilnf cntliotorfil'I ' llrcr. ens tliccllff'l i\e < r .in . ro liOHC'Ii , unil ur uuciuulct iisii.ii AMTI-B1LIOU8 MEDICINE , In malarlnl iIIMrlrl * < liclr - lr ic ( nre nlilul ) rec'OK Izuil.us I liey | > uisc s pot- ullariroi ] > crtie < i lnrri > c-liiK' th > HjNlvin froiri Iliul polxon. > : ! csruiill.v miKWr coated. li > wo siaull , X > ricu,23cl > . Sold Iverywliero. , 0& 41 Tarlc Place , X. Y , Mill bupald to any competent chemist who wit VkJ , onunolytli , n rutlcloof ilcrcury , PcUsh , w other polsoni In S lft' Spcclfle (3 S. S. ) JVT ) EATIKa 30RC Hcncltti-on , Tcr. , Aug. S3 , 133 ito cljU. tnn nionthn I hid tn cstlng aero on atonfj. . 1 was ttoitcd \ > f tlin teat local fhysjclins , but cUalnenl no tilicf , Iho eora ( jnOtui'.ltovvlcj vortp. I couclailcj Itnallj to try B 0 8 , ( inl Mils cntlrtly enrol after nslnj a fc\r bottler , j'ou linvo my chccrfal ) xrnl ( lon to imb'.Isli tbo abovcftlicmcctforthobcrtStof thcf Jmllarlj' nfllcti-d" C B , McUMOBi ! . llcndcrsun.Tci. Ttcatipeon Dlond no j Skin Dlpcwwrmtlcdfrcc , jj'Ji l"f CO. . AllntUn ( K AMUSEMENTS. Qpera HAV M . M ni Monday and Tuwkiy , August 25 and 2d THE TALK OF ALL ANTE.RICA. E ! The Bijou Theatre , Now Yoilt , t i mpinjr , Intlic Vurcol niniily Sin oi tin1 CITY DIRECTORY. The CiNMtoiit I'oiuii nn of CiMin'illain t"\er 'l. ' A ' . .null f ioiu St irt tn 1 ini-'i ' \\1I.L \ \ bA\\Lr.U \ \ MANAfll.lt. CORNER 1ITH AND FARNAM STRtETS. Giand Rcopin Saturilay , August 23d. THE WORLlDl N W A X Hcfn , ; ulifo-llko nprtuliii tinn of tlir < i > \ \ tied ho ids of ] urn pi * in tin n inlios of * t iti * . KESMMLBR ELECTROCUTED , A fulthriil purtr iv il < > [ lil-do itli T\f O ST A. Ci 1 L II C ) \\r S lid Alv lliu/ ui-/.lo tin j nliioiis M i.'irinn Omr i'lilu iiiN. tin f.iiii'MiCiinieilhin J lt- t In All Kl.-lit nnd nt In i si.i is H ill nppi ir Orj r.MA'-lAi M . ClUl t - OH TxS'i M'Y IVAMM : Aiinsrs , - Ono LJimo Aeliaill - lo A.11. INTER-STATE EIPOSITION ( Coliseum SeptembBP 22 To OotobBr 13 , For Space or Privileges Addresser or Call on BELLI Room 04 Paxton Block. " \\7AMI21 > Acenn to mil the I'lnle * * CUtlio * Line if the only UK * aiprlmpiiloilllmt Iml.N . tlie clothes \flthout plan u iM iftcl X f \ pmroH * * * | > Ueiil recently - contly Isniu'il Bulclonly i > byn entito whom tliooxcluitUortKhttd 1)1 XTC KUf'n on rotctpt of.V ) ct w pond a * liO mmpln linn by mull tilM t Iretilnrs prU ll t nn l ternm to ancnti mi uro > oiir ttrrltorr nt once Ailrtri'H1 * tlio I'IM K * f ikUTHtr * KlNKt'o ,17 HormonStorcostor .Muss to eny i > lM.eiii llin Liiiimi Mdif AI O i\aiij Jumgerk , Hiryclrt Sjfet fi ao'l Girti Tfic ) IM Oner r more atwhPlMlo t rlrikrut J \t O I > dirw frttin t (1 SprkriT'iU jtory C IV. 3J di on M Chrair' > f ? to / | 10rtl S nd c tiinip f r new ( < " Tt. ( * r e3V ! 'twj h the world- D8. BAILJY , Graduate Dentist. A Full Set of Teeth , on Rubber For Five Dollars. \ perfect lit Biiunntt'od Tooth oxtnctoil vlllinul pilii or cliiiiffPt. and nitl out iin.ie-s- thoties Ciuld mid sihe > r lillliiKi it lowe-st rates Hrldpe ind Crown Worl. . Teolh with out ill ite"s AII work w.in.iutul OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM nntianco IC.th street olovutor. cvon * ns1 until 8 o'clock. . nrplilno Ilnl.H curdlln Kltolilidayi Iicpl7tWcurel PU J STErUCHH.Libtnoii.O AGOUIIUICIi , Iav\vir 11JI Iloiriinrn t. , Chle-anii , JiJ yi'iirnf suon s > , ful nriolro Advlio 1 uu' iiupublioitj bj u nianstutis HOUSEHOLD WORDS ALL ( OVER EUROPE. "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " Now that its manufacturers are drawing the attention of the American public tothis//j/andcvcr / since its invention , the bestot all cocoas.it will soon be appreciated here as well as elsewhere all over the world. All that the manufactur ers request is simply ono trial , or , still better , a compara tive test with whatever other cocoa it may be ; then VAN fc HOUTEN'S COCOA itself will convince every one of its great | superiority. It is because of this superiority that the ? English paperIftalt/i , says : "Once tried , always used. " 5 ttf roitol.ltheovikffecliof Tenaii < HoiT ! eu eccm t < iiitlr VAN JIOUTl'VK COCOA , S rhlthUabnil\nTllK.VKItoftJi ! NEIlVESanJa rclroiliinnnndnouriililnit tioternce. [ U 2 NO OUR.E , ! MO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omalia , Neb. c n trxirrlrnrc / rfi/uhr crodui toln in"ll In" , a * rtlil | mm il ' ir li 'IMllru'l n wltli 'i ui \ crcu < tin nl ml I'Hv to > ii i n-c Alt umtx ntiiiroK aruiil ! > > rl Mrili > ! ' r 11 rrln i 1 'Mill hc-niliial We ku- > Mint IKISTI ) utiMiCr ] Mine u n 1 nil iilti ti > i iu'i il M n nl I nn ry Oiun = N I' , iKunnrt run r urcrjr mo 1 mi l > rtak nml lull ITLT < i uli.ii ! u irg. ufLlluitviitlre. . Oluec li . . ur y a uj lu 3 y m SjuJur , Ida w t'J ' U iu ftLLAH LINE OCEAN STEAMERS ft PMiiiqcta nndlrom Grc l Grltsln and H pvs ol Eiifopo MontfMl-lUcrpjnl roule. bj th UtarjolSt Lin fence. thoMcttolill. Ulnacowto lloaton , to I'liilmMiiriU l.licr | < eel ti > ami front HMiinero. T Irtr Moimorc. ( ln excelsior. Accommodation ! nnnt.in"icdVc \ U | salllnfl AM. \ \ V O . . < ton \\cst AK'ts. C J. Snrif.ii i' i , r lUi.n"1 ! st chlcnRO , In. fiLASGQYLONDONDERRY / , BELFAST DUBLIN , LIVERPOOL & LONDON , FHOM .SMV VOIlK KVEIir T1IUIHI1AV. Cabin PJjs.TS35 to S50. according to location ol stateroom. Ejcursion $63 to $95. 8te > ernto tonml trom 1'iiropORtljiwfi' t Ititol. AUSTIN BAlDWItUROGeneral Aacnli , B3 Dro.iiliMy. NEW YORK. Jim lllc.'Oi ) ( ipiiorul Ui'itiMtii ut , II Kinilitlpliin ol i hit ugo lluiij I. Moo 10 , 1 H ( 'l larct't. I'n tc-t nntl Hiu * In lhorlJ. \ . 1 n i iu rn t in ilitinns un \ tilt l HCW YORK. ICNDOKDCRRir AND GIASQCV/ / . rrinoiMV AIM < o i HMOM \ pt | is. H'llM'sMA < ' | > ! (1 ( | tlillSI \ rjeiit 3) Now Yolk , Quoenstouii mill Liv'ev-pool. TlmCilniirilol I Sent JUth Ocl litli CUV OlIIOMK I SALOON , SJCOXn-GLASS AND STEERAOS i \li > * oit hmnl it t in * to en 1 fn m the t rltt It tl rtOKK , trGllSH , IRISH AND AU CQI'TlltlfTAl POtHTS Lx ur ont kit * riitntt > i un U uin Utliiit ttt ttiru l < it In r tin iiictiirf > * qii ( ( . iMk * UiTiriti ) > ij . North or Nn.tti i finInnil N tnlKOt Ul't-nllnr CIRGUIAR LETTERS DP CREDIT AND DRAFTS nt lent i iiirifnl ritti * > ll' ' n n ty of HIM I M it MTIIU. or to HENDERSON BROS. , ChlcnKO. l.oi-ul uurnU ut Dm ihi llntrv P. Moon ( I ) ulos M lies Vr \ ulll II 1' licit ol Lltl- /cnMliiik etioolf Brownell SI-MlXARYfoi YOUNG LADIHS. t'lTiipnif 10th mil Auth \ ti ion sn OMAHA , - NEB. 1111101'VOKT11IN.TI \ ( \ , VlMiroit Titiiix-.uuiir.uri : : > iiuurrn : \ THE27TH YEAR BEGINS WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER l/TH ' 3 0 Pure it ilo ueMind i > utl < n iis npply to thai Hi 1 1 r established ICCl ) . A Rthuul lor llio Matter Mni-atton \Vonsff An unuitially Too corps of l'rufpbiorafor Itt'VVl Litera ture Art find Mufctc l > > njut inllkt1 * Location Col- uinMnIn In ntO aor t jmrk Ju t north of city Until * > orp t lr * > eii\bounU l tue ur M nn abun lam t uf npaco for out- < leer oierctso Himl < ouo bnllilinti Murnt tone of * heel nrfll * nt A < * hrl tla.n hone * Uh All thufrt-rMoin an 1 nil the anfotrunrt * of a wUlorddrwl ionic \\rtto for cutrtlop-.u' VtMre a \ \ A Ullll.\i ) ; I'rfallflU COLUUUIi , MO. 'Jev ' Building ? , Now Furiiituro , NewPlnnoi Now Equiinnonts , Beautiful S tuition Oi > fn "tpt 5(1 ( Full nml fiiporlnr I'nrulty Di-inrt-I icmi for Knulhli , Uitln ( .rink ( .priiinn I touch , Llciuo , Jlmlcrl - ileM'ml fur InfiiniiniKiu tn Sll&S JI N. 1IASM.1.1 * lrlnrlil | UomiiEt III.IMIH.I INSTITUTE 01J OLR LADY 01 : | THE SACK ED HEART. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS , ILU This InstliiittItuati'il In OIIH of llio inostl ii'iiullfiil suliuilxof ctileiiii | olfriti ou .aitli't IMMV uilviint i > * ii ulil iltuii , ; h rmiKli iiml UM'ful iMliie'iitlontulli's wil | | ho ip-iiiuul | 't ' 2 , IH'O lei ] i illle'lilui-i iid- ANIERIGAIlCQKSERVATORY.CHIGA9g llllthKlllMI Mill , 1IAIHSII 11 h. A Jll kb t hf. AlllirutuiitaolMuxU lr.unal1i..MlllilraiU' 11 ixlicr IrulnllK rhnol LTnauiiUAjiil uitrtintiii > t atlnoili rait I CCt. UaUlucinmllcilfruv , i. J. lUTlSUIiLI. Illrftlar f MILWAUKEE COILECJ Mllwniikr-o , Will I'or VOIIIIB MiinicMi 1'or catalogue ) udel 0. Ill ' KJXt.SLKV. I'll ' I ) I'ns't. CONSERVATORY . . . OFMUSIC I clipnrtinrntB nf Munloat Inelnit tlou. Blcnlcrn I in- , Kliio ArU , etc. U i.liULUui > , Jiuki jnvlllellL H R lnrtriinl'nrlcfnearClilcacfil.UoarillinK e-fjyciiooliorairls unil Young l.i < lps | I'orK * * ' catnloetioiwlilri ) ( > . 'IJIAVHU I.ti. I ) . . . , . Uoreuul > iuslll.or77MuJltoiiMrLi.iciilcnioIl ] | ILLINOIS MILITARY ACADEMY , " -JlBSJli" CircularodlEMtV J. STKVK.NS , A. II. . 1'rln | ( trMedia \ , I' Mllltnry Amilemy fjoyn iplVJU. llniukulliill ilrl3 ! Circulars fro * TIIJ : i loiiui : " . Tlio nswOIn our il.itM will make ft Ions lny. No mnn oromnn now lUlng ulll over ( Into a ioouracnt v.llljout nsiiif ; tlio ( H'iiro 0. It stJinili intliu third piico in 1600wi.'rolt ) nlll rcmnlnten ycar'i nnd then move up to toooiiil plocs In 1000 , | v hero itulll rc t for ono hundred jcars , Tlicrclsniiollicr'U" luisulsfjcan'j toctny. I It Is unlike thenyiiroO In oiintntrsln thorcsp"-ct that it liai nlrmU moved up to first place , where It nlll iierniunrntly ri-miln It Is culled tlio "No. S'Mllch Ann Wliixler A Wilson SciviriR Machlno. Tlio "No. Jl" w nj cndnrsi il for nn > t j hco bj UKJ oxpeTtsol Kurcpu at thu 1'uriJ Kxposltiuu of ISbO , \ \ hereattur n erccontcst with tl.o Icmllnt' na chines of tlio world , it wm nunrJ'd ' tlio only I Grand 1'rizc Riven to fnmily sowing mnclilnc , nil I otlicra on cxlilblt havliu rcctlve-il lovvtr n Qrdj | of cold modils , cto. Thn Pronch Government I BlsorccoRnlzt-Jltstuporiorltylij ihcele-corntlonoll Mr NalliunlclWiiMliT.rrealle-ntoCtliuoonitiany , I nlth the Cross of Iliu Ixclonof Honor. Vho "Ho. 0" is not an old innctilne lu.rtjv Uon. ) bit 11 an entirely now mnclmiu nt. < l tlioj Grand PtUeat I'nni uns nwanhilltas dm kMad-l rstadva'icu In rcvvuiK rnachlno mcai.uir.m of th | ngo. Those v > ho tuy It cun ret assured , there.I fore oltiaviui ; thaverj Intuit and lio-t. VFIICKLEU & WILSON M'F'O CO , 185 and 167 Y/abiwh Avc. , ChlMgo | P. K. rLOUMXN k CO. 220 North bUtconth htreot. I 1 IQ C'an lui cured In .Jto I 1 L , 1 O day \ > y u u uf tn M Ii > ii8 Music Hi in' ely at tj it \ > li'itc'un1. I \l I lo.S lo tliu K'enu n it' fly Writ" i > re ill un I iiu } BlruutiOiuuhu.