Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1890, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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TLsAntl-LcttarjBm Ocilain of Adoption
\ -
Two DiMiioornllc iVsiilrinlK for the
Speak ci-nli Ip fcnpnnll/3 'Xlic-lr
Oil nnejeH t'ttf Mint Position
nt the Nott Sc lon.
Wj niNOTNlH'iiuu 7un OMMH Bir , 1
6ia WirinrnvTii Srnni.T , >
AVvinvoTdV. U U. , August ' . ' 1. )
Senator Siwycr sail to.liy tint tlicrcs was
noqut'itlonof tbo piwagoof tlio antl-lottory
bill , iUeonsldoratlonliiivlnj ? been pro\lded
fit hi the order of business adopted by the
npubllenn somtorj Mr. Snwjor will
ubindcn the bill reported froinhlo wnunlttco
nml will accept the boise 1111 in passed The
enl > dlJTerenco b'tweui the two is tli.u in the
senate bill fonUn papers contulnliif ? Int-
tci > mlvertlsc'inints nro cnnpclilly iuohiMt/
fwm thu mills in a dlitlnit pariti-.iph ) This
uniC'tidincnt Mr Savyor now e-omldois en-
thely tuinca-SHnrj- the p usajrc of tbc law
lll authomo tlio pirtt'naster goacril to pro
hibit thotimsinlislonof theses pipora through
the imlU at soon as the ) roach the Uniteel
StiUos Und the original sen ito bill pissed
containing this claiBo tlio house e'onfcr 'oa
vouldli.ivoobJCLteHtto it on the ground of its
behitf iiulieceHsarj. Now that Jvlr Saivyor
vill call up the house bill there * need
of course bo no eonferoncc , as the
pisMU'O of the hill will bc > rnirhh is toned
Under the existing liw vrohlbitliv the ale i
of lottery tlclcctt in tlio Uutriet ot Uolumhln
tlio district commissioner nnel poll a1 are try-
Inn to rid the dty \\ashhtftoti of this
fraud Ditccthes invo bson | ilaejilupon tbo
lotterj billlobbilsts auel < i.udshnvo
been inn la upon their hcuhimrteis ToJ.ij
the pollc-3 rilded thooniioof . \V \ Gould ,
tlio iiiiiiclpal iirreiit of pie loniumy lieic ,
whew lottery tlokds hive boon soil foi
many years , and cleared the ofllco of its con
AN txvrt.i : nt mi nni-i : .
Thli c'cn roisvill provo tbo frre.itest
educator of tht public mind , M \\ell tit tbo
most fruitful ori < rlnaU > i of p.ull.unuitan
methods , of an ) congress hi tlio liUtoiy of
the federal Kover.iineiit It has )
demonstrated to stales men anil legislators in
peneril thit there is butoiio waj of lU'eoin
jilishln anvthlne ; in.i legislative bed > , anil
that Is bj illieition
Hal ttio lioase of ivprcscntatlvcs been
meal-meutheil ) ) In itsorf'inl/.itioii ; therecoull
not possibly have been any nuiteiiil loRisla-
tloii during this or the ne > t soision ,
tthcniks by boldness for the ilfilit tlio
republicans bn\e \ accoinillsheil as much , if
not inoio , important legislation as has gone
upon thej statutu books .n the lesult of tlio
worker nnv congress since the war. Tbo
house set an exninpb iu the form ition of its
rules , wh'ch ' isbr-ini : followe'd bj not enl )
oven leuW.itUo b < xlv in tills e-ointii , but
lcKi < > iati\G bodies in iiuui ) foici rii countries
A rule which limits dehite and hi hij about
the | ruvio is consideration iiftei inituiv eon-
eideration of u bill , and the pmeroftho
spo.Acr to count n eiuoruni prisonl ,
nltboutib not voting upon n question ,
are not the only ininoitmt features of ttio
lulcs of the house. Thcro are ahiost ado nether
other fuatuivs which arc lulh as coimne itl-
ablv , umoni ; them those iirohlbitlii ) ; dilulon
ino\i'in < Mit.s , lefenliiK lulls to lomnilttots
aftcrlntroduetlon vltliout pi-ex low announce-
incut , and thoexpolitious iniaiierof ilKuoi
Ing of measures wlneli have reached tlio
speaker's desk for final u-tion
Hud the semite Ixen fr.inUinovighith itself -
self and fair enough \\itb \ Iho country 113
niles would Inve been amended so as to cut
off unncccssiry anil tinie-lvllliiig de
bate , and verj Imporltuit iiu.isuics
promised uy the icpubllcans in
their national convention and on the
rostrum during the iMinpiign of U'-a
/ > i would have been adopted. UIio upper bmiieh
of coumfss. houcver , couviiiK after the
higher body 6f the English p irliamont , ron-
slders Itself n b.iliincc-vhccl or "Uiut-ofi1' for
the lower branch , and refuses to bo euitailul
in anv of its deliberations Altho ih tlio
Amciicnp congresswnsvery closely cooled in
general form after the lurliainuntof Kiifrlmid ,
it isstoadlly i'liprovlngslneoits ' biith , until
in the matter of direct woik , ac'eern-
pllbhing the wishes of the people , it
fai oxi'Cls imjlegislntio body In the
world. The onlj Kn lish sj-stcm that is
tenaciously ndhereil to iu the senate Is the
one which ghcs almost unlimited couit slcs
nml refuses to limit debate. The senate <
itself hesitates to do nnjthinj ' , which could bo
construed into u lick of eonlideacoou the
part of cue senator in another. The seuito
uocs not want to acknowledge that It could
bo possible for a member of Its body to abuse
an ) prhlleges. However , them is no ono
but will acknowledge that JJUMI thu rules
tire not amended so as tobiiug ulxmt thc >
previous question. Senators have taken
u \ erjnchancej step in ttiat dnec-
lion nnd hmo ha ] their evcs
owned to tbo fact that even a senator of ttio
United States o in bo small in his pirlisan-
ship and personal likes and dislikes If the
rules lira not ainonilctl in this cougars , be
yond anv question of doubt tua tales will bo
amended two years hence , and besides limit
ing demto in the senile , there \ \ ill bo opem
session for the consideration of noinlnntions
nnd other OMCiitho business , tha publication
of wliich will bo Incompatible with the best
Intelcsti of the goven nieut.
Senator Maiiilcrson slid todaj that It uas
not the purjHse of the republicans to Injbo -
lom thobcnntci ntthls session for adoption
am proposition looking tovard the consnlcr-
ntlm of the election bill Tlio uji cement
which Is being signed bv the republic-amis
simply to bind the member * of their nirtv to
gether and giiaiiiutco tlio consideration
of the elation bill upon the recon
vening of the senate in IXccnibor
and seeuie atliialvotoupoultIxforothe holl-
ilav roccss Thoordcrof busiiipsi , the M'tia- '
torHiiid , wh'ch ' hid b-ea lurccdiipon pr.ial-
cally bj both sidis would bo u matter of leo-
ord In piecemeal hy unanimous consent in ttio
senate. So no time ne\t week a republican
uill ask uiiaulmons consc-nt to have the gen
e-nil tariff dibato close bi September U and
tint the measure then bo Ulc-nup uiielertho
ll\o-iiiliiute \ rule , to be disposed of by
Monda1 , , September S This the do.uooi its
vlll iixico to , as the j' held n ooufercneo iiikht and rcicheil tint tinderstimdlng.
V lieu the tariff bill Islluallj pised by the
scuiite tlio measure's which have inutinlly
been agreed upon by the two tides for con-
blderatlon lit this sosslon will bo taken up
berhitlni and disposed ot without opposition
ns to the question of consideration Sen Uor
.Mliidcrson htitedashis ImliUdunl opinion
that congress \\iuld not flnallj adjourn b < > -
iG'tho week which UiginsOctoberilanutliat
hu did not look fur aljoumment bcforo tuo
end of that \\c-ek \
Sonntor IngalU thinks , however , that the
session niaj clo- by September 'J5. llosakl
today that as soon as the tariff bill was
mlopteil bj the senate the work in conference
nnd diicusslon of the conference ncivement
iil < oii that \\oalilbocutsliortniid
that the ullliinito adoption of the liver mid
Inrbor. antl lottery , nppropiiatlons nnd O'.hcr
bills vhichuro to lHjp.issed ut this session
-\\ould \ pass Iu m in succession without nuj-
eltortlo kill time , ixscverj ono was anxious
to get n way ,
Uhupropindcrmecof opinion among re
publican senator * Is thut congress \\ill ad-
journbeUuvii October 0 and 10.
srooxiii's A\iivmiEVTTo me Tiuirr.
The amendment to the tariff bill \\hlcb
Senator ypooner ofVlscon n introduced
tin other chy forms anew era la twtlnK thy
en * o of legislation looking to ttio protection
cf so-called Infunt industries.
When tlio MelCinli'y bill WM flrit under
cllsciiision in tha wnts and menus e'Oiiiinltteo
a nuiubor ofenlthy \ capitalists from 1'ltts-
ling e'liuio hero and promised tlio commit
tee tint if an iiur- . IMP wai iimdo in the eluty
cu tin pluti ) thei would invest eiioiiKh money
Iu the tin i > hiU ) mdustrj-to ttio prom-
Is etliat tbny would lie nblo to manufacture
Mthin live ycart all the tin used in miking
f mull ai tlilo.s of hovsuhold use unel e-ans for
juickliig iiHsiuh like utensils. The I'ltt.s-
burg men worobacled bj thoowncrs of tlio
tin mines In Dakota , and their arguments
i we'll put thnt thocommlttco listencel
to Uieiu and llually ended the matter by pine-
Ing the additional dutv on tin plate \\liic-h \
tlif-A'K''iitleineii asUod. N.itunilly there was
tn Iniiiiodlnto lilck from thouinnen andother
users of tin pluUx , und the doiiiocrntlo orator
did uot ml the opportunity to jjrcuipUlla -
u it ! out what wo ilil be Iho perctntaifC of In-
rrease onn tin milk pnllby nddlnira sixteenth
of ft cent to tbo prlco cf the , initerlil.
Thcro H no doubt that the Increise vlll nJd
to the cost of the raw nuteriil med ty puck
er * of ciitincil goads for a year or two , but
this Increase HI bo nothing in comparison
with thobeiiellt tobo dori\cd from theses-
tabllshmcnt of enormous tin plate plants in
this country.
Anil IITO Is vhcro Senator S | > ooncr's
amendment comes In. Ha proposes that the
Increased duty shall remain in tha bill , but
that a proviso shall be added which stipulates
that If nt the end of six yeiM capitalists uho
hmo put their money into tin plates 'mines
fall to fel.uiv that thej rune nmnutieturod
one-thirJof the amount of tin imported Into
thocountry In nnj oncyenr , the dtitj on nil
grilles of tin plates used for the manufacture
of cans , palls and such other thin ? * , shall
ccnsotoe\ist In other words , tin plate of
twenty-debtpnvige and under shall tie placed
on the free list at the end of six ) ears if the '
tin plate miinufucturcH fall to demonstrate i
thetruthof lliclriissortlon thatthej' will bo i
libloto manufacture one-third ol the tin plate
needed In this country This v. III bonn exnet
nnd specific test of the protectho pollcj- , and ,
if the tin mc'n can cairy out the'lr promises
thej will notonlj be able todtho the fonlgii
proluetout of the foreign mailtet but they
will also ho able to reduce the price of tin to
surh a d 'gne thst the fonlen inanufiictuier
will n o Ion if r Hnl It proiltabluto attempt to
compete with them.
Two iHHitlemoiiwhofntcniledto bo promi
nent ennJid lies fin the sponsorship in the i
next cnnuress iu theeIMI \ t that both is eon- ]
trolled , by thn demeic'rnls lnuo disfigured
their pilliicil faces ly their work on the
l.iul uill this afternoon. 'Jliev aio Ilutih of
Missouri and SpiliiRer of Illiiniis. Until of
them cllil verv active work In behalf of thai
Cemvrei lard bill , \\hieh wns Hinllj adopted,1
and tin rob1 , faupht bitterly the Interests
of the south , which mo to bo I
seilously afreUed oj tint measure ]
j if It becomes a l.iw Kveij roircbontatho of i
! a eotton seed oil district oposed [ the measure
anil did It so earnc-.U < , .is to bzcoin ? greatlj *
otlcndcd at those\\ho\veioofTciislvdy active
i inbobalf of the measure. Knongh southern
jncmbf is voted njr.unst the aloullcm ot tbo
miisure to h.ivethe bilanec1 of power in the
mutter of electing , t speaker In. the next house
if it is dcmucratli' , nnd they ek" hrcd after
the wok \sis over tint they did not propose
to support either Hatch or Springer uulor
nn > condition of I'irc'umstances
MissCnroliiio Childs of iCobraskahas been
promoted toe lass I inthcofll-o of the llrst
asiistnnt putm.uter Rennral.
Secoicl Cmiptiollei Glllicrson has decided
tint m in j' cifliceri wlien trivelhig oicr 'land
plant ra Ire id scan not bo allowed sleeping
ear fan' 'Jhis derision Is Used upon tha
new army inllcn e law , which \ \ as lemndeled
from the ol 1 lufor the express putposo of
in iking an allowance fur sleepcis. The
comptrollers nanou c-onstiuclion dcprhcs a
prent numijor of nflkcrs of that allowance.
J \ \ Scottof ICeninej'is nt thcXatlonal
Ilobeit SV Brce'kotis of Wuuning basic-
sU'iiecl from position In thn dead letter
ofiice of flic postolllce dopirtmcnt.
Ke'pivseiil'iti\o Doisc-y toei.ij succeeded in
securing consent from the vur ctepaitineut
foi the chief quiutvrmustcr of the depart
ment of the Plitte to lun some tents to bo
used nt th" Grand Army of tlio Hcpub'ic ' re
union it Ttkaniih.
fourth elus postmnstei's \\crn appointed
for Nebraska todnas follovs At Lvnch ,
John I-yneh ; Tedfonl , .lolm A F.urell ,
Harriibui-i. ' , B inner county , I'nUIn M Mof-
The following fourth class ixistimstere for
\\eiciippointed todiy : Hn'lo Centre ,
lilaclihaxvk eounty , I' D Fiiuh. MceMiuthi
j : \\dson , vesigiieil ; ( jiiiinvillo , Cluton
count1 , , II O Kucu/el. vice T .1 Kraskmskj ,
reigned ; ICinross , Kcokukcoimt % , So'umon '
Kcster , viio Jinmo Int'iain resigned Lin
coln , Orundy touiitM K lluntii , vlic 31
h Harrison , rusi/ncJ , I'acknooct , .lc > iTcrsnn
countv , J A Clirkvico J II. . -
signci ) Small , U'avae countv , A E \ \ > nui ,
\ke dcorrT3 L.uighinin , icsigncd.
Piitents wen' today oulcrc'J ut the pcneial
line ! ofilcoon the Kntcrpuse lode and Sui-
piiselodeiaininu clilinsln the Black Hills
I'lie pitcnts will issio to the UeadwooJ Cn-
tcrpiise inlnini ; c-ompany , of winch Joseph
Ilattcnb.uh is president and Herman 13is-
ehoffsceiitarv ,
A dulvinailioutels to bo established on
the Ulack Hills & Vort I'ierrc railroul fioiu
Lead Citj to I'ledinout.
iuifr\i fits WIFE.
Slic , T\\o \Ve-els 11 AVielow , Kills Her-
hi > ir iiv I'oisfiu.
XnYor.K , August iT rrodericlt Ditt-
tmir died two weeks ago , cm-sing bis wife ,
\\liohad \ dostrojedl l- > homo by her drunken
habits. Xow Mrs. DHtmii , nftei attempt
ing to poison one of hei children , has aul- j
elded by tiklii ( ? P.uis gioen.
Dittmarnndhls \ \ If o lived happily together
for u number of ycais. until the nornin bo-
( ran to drink. Her bad habits made it im
possible for tlio family to live long In one
tenement Dittinar felt the dKgrace
keenly , in el his health iavo w.iy.
Mrs Dittnur attemptcl to poioon
herself attci one of hersprce- . , but her hus
band presented her 'ilnooeeks aio slio
becaino the liousoliccpei of TO IIJgo strce't ,
nnd theri'she took her insbnid , who \-as In
the list stages of consumntlon UittuitU's
mother got him to po to her "borne , leaiiiig his
wife and famil ) at ; ! Uidge street.
A few minutes before' Dittinar died ho
c-nllcd uixm hu mother to ultncss thocurtcs
that ho heaped upon his wife. He uskcd her
to tuko clmrgii of his ollo-t boy uud never lot
the bov'smothe-r sco him 'ihe rthei bov lies
dismviied With his list liicath lies wished
that his \\lfe might ncior knowpoaeo until
liquor hnl killed her unl avenged the ) wrong
she hud done.
Miss Dittmir , after her Imslnnd's death ,
\\eMit on a prolonged spice. Then sbo pur
chased so-no Paris green nnd trk'd to poi on
her younpr son Jicob 'Iho bov struggled
inidiefuscd to take the pol on The woman
then swallowed tlio close hcisolf , and a short
time after win tn'iien to ( .loin einuur hopital ,
\ \ hero slio died
Dr. D.rnc } cuics catarih , Bee
.V SoarcHy of Jieii niicl Mtilcri ils lc- )
IftjiiilC ICallrimil Micililln ( ; .
SU.T LMIE , Uuh , Augast Jl [ Special
Telcprara to Tun Due. ] Thu en ineus , Hie-
men , conductors and braltemesi of the Hlo
GraudoVostoin \ have detorinincii to federito
anil act In u body in the nutter of relations
with thornllroad loinpany.
Iho latent iiiojcit on foot Is tobullj a Inrgo
hotel and raeM track on the slwro of Gicat
Salt lalio by a Chicago sjndlcito. A
reprc3eiitati\ois incorrespondeneo with Divis
& Stringer of this city in relation to a
grant of land for the sice und The
water is shallow around there and the sand
very line , but it is not so far fiwi the citjas
Gniflelcl Beach. A short line horn
the Utah Ce'ntral would forma communica
tion with tbo city The local linn stites that
the scheme is likely to bo cu-riel through , ns
tbo people in Chie.igo uro grcatlj talon with
it. One of the syndicate was hew in the
cuily pait of the ycir and \MMit over the
U'ork on ttio L'tuh Northern has
stopped for want of nuterhl mid
men. Says Ucsldenl Kngiicvr McCart
ney 'I hive hunted from Wvoining
to California and from Montana to Xo\nda
for men to pet our woilc ahead , and cannot
get them.Vo \ are oiTcrinyt a day to cxim-
inwi , onllnnrv shovel men. Jist : think of
that. Two dollars n day an I cannot get them.
\Vo could put 500nt vork tornoirow if wo
li.iil them , but that is the dlftUnlt.I . mp-
jxsovehhnll ) ) hn\o to brinif them from the
east this year. We have brought ft large
number of men Into Ut ih to add to Iho iwpu
lutlon. "
' How about the southern Hud"
"Ob , the won : Is progressing well. We have
the men there * and i\ei won't allow them to
get away until such time as the woik is Mu
lshed. "
Uullding a broad gnugo from this city to
CiarfluU Ueic'h lias been before the bouiil of
directors at Boston for some time , and the
boird has , onstwng recommendation of Mr.
HoiseKuto ' "id other local otHeials , tit last con
stated to allow the changing to go onnuu
tno work of completion the southern line has
been uce-omplLslied. Ihutivlll bo bytboond
otthujuar. There Mould bo sufficient Hmo
toliavothlscliaiico undo bofow the summer
traOlc to tno beach begins.
Dr. Blriioy cures catarrh , Bee Bltlj.
itr1 ro ir/ / ,
Atiollicr Open Icttor Troin thcGeii nil
NEW VoincAuKii4t SI. I'owdcrly lonlpht
wrote ) a reply tq the statement ol Vice I'res-
Ident Webb ns follows i
I ee jou have at last ventured to break the
loiife'silonco that his soiled jour lips In rela
tion to the causes w blcli led to the discharge
of fifty or sixty etnplojos. Yournllefed ex
planation Is cveB lt s credltiblotlianourpl- )
lenfo. Hdoeinotln any way e\euo the
stand you Inve taken. Vour statement
Is eminently orthof a man who can sec no
cause for nn Investigation in ca-es of drunk-
onness. Incapacity , breic'h of duty and In
subordination Granting that thc ocry
men wew dischtiri-od for the iea ons jou ns-
sltrn , in order to shieldoui } clf jou clnrgcall
alike- with offenses , the wont among which
no Just tribunal uill sustdn jou in
your position All those men
hmo n right to know whether they vcre dls-
chniKcelfor ciusc You cannot assert vlth
mij degree of uccuracj that any one of the o
mc'ii was ellsmlssed for the causes you set
forth. Von must depend on the statements
madotoNouby jour subordinates ( jour su-
pcilntcnucnb and foremeni TJ.I me dojou
the favor to ihow jou what manner of men
jou hu\o toiely on for joursupplj cf tioith.
.lohn Bilggsh u foreman In ttio eniploj of
your eompauv Ho has the Idling nnel dls-
cbnrglint of workmen Upon his word \on
detlelo the fnto of the poor fellows \vhoap-
peil to jou agaiiut the dcilsionof tno will
.lohn Bilggs Appended to this connuiilca-
tion jou will lind mi nflldavit
fron a number of emplo\es of
the Ni'W Yoik Oeiitrd ivnich miy
cause unbiased people to think that drunken
ness is unusable- a cliunkird will only
slime his whisky with the man who inspiies
j ojr stitements You will furtlK'rrnoro le irn
that in order to r'iniilii in tlio employ of "tho
best coiponitlon in Araei ici to the men" the
poor laborers hu\e to ii.iv several dollars each
month to get a fuvor from the 111111 on whoso
sUtemcnts jou 1cm. When asserting that
you h. o dhchniKcd nniinfornny ouo of u
dozen causes , without tcllhg him which ono
applies to him , I nust leuiu why simple
words based on hcir-oij should stand un-
cini'stiont'il , 01 tint it should have any uioro
weight thin that of an honest man ,
foi from nvo to tvcntj years the
dUt'hmgcd men weroln the cmploj of the
comp.injou represent. But it wns
onljhen tlioj-Joined the Ivniphta of Labor
tint j-ou elisco\eicd they wens dmnkuds ,
incompetent and Inattcntlvo to duty. You
continue toa-s eit that theio is netlilng to
uibitr.ito Can \ou be so blinded by jour
associations and suiiouiidlngs as not to
reah/otliat the tivuelini ; public ought to
know which of tlicso men nro drunkird * * ,
\\luclilHciiiniictent , and soon , so they may
not trust their lU'cs In the hinds of such
! cliiraclcrs , In cither jour service , should you
i scu lit to again biro them , or in the cinploj of
I an > other concern ! Weroyou n student of
. cc'onoiulc cpiestlous j-ou would kno\\ what the
sweating sjstcin means. Vou would know
tint it is classed among the
1 viorst features of the competitive
i sjstem Underjournose , beneath jour own
I eje and carried on bj thovcry incnon vhoso
bate \\ords\on dlsmUs old employes , exists
i n form of the t.i\eating sjstem which Ilnds
i upanillel only In that practiced on the sew
ing trills of London. In the fnto of the plain ,
i stu'esmatihlic vordsof jo'ir supeiior In of
I fee. rimuucey M Depew , von denj the right
of arbitration. Let me reiaind you , sir , that
' he clois not or did not sustain jou in the po
sitioiMou have assuinccl Depots \\ords ,
spoUenvhcn the question of a national aibi
i tuition wasbefoie the countiinilicuto
vliereUepew stood it tint diij lou nlono
claim to have an\ rights In the matter , and
notblri : but thofactthat jou are the iwsbes-
HOI of immense wealth warrants jou'io talcitiR
the stanelou , ha\e taken. Men who aw
located on the line of the Vaiidcrbilt sjuteui
would not have clone so hail not tlio hope of
obtaining and retalninit cmployincnt uccn
held out to them by the company Ili\iug
induced \\orkuien to malic their homes along
the line of tlic loiel the mann cmeit of the
I conc'cin uio inotullv icsponilble for their
pie ence attheso points and should rccoenizo
that thej- have some rights in the piemises ,
the Icist of which is to bo heaid in their own
delc'iise. Men boso words I never had
, reason to doubtmilto tbo statement to mo
i that they arc cillcd up before their foiemcn
i or superintendents , asked if tlipy were
Knights of Labor , and when they fiankh
[ idmitted the iact they were discharged
It is not arbitration nlono that
vou refused. You have refused , iirst.
to arbitrate ; second , to investigate ; third , to
hco those men in my presence nnd satisfy
joimcif vhcther your foreman toll jou the
ttuth , fourth , jou have dolled tholawsof the
state In ignoring the board of mediation and
aibitration ; lifth , jou have refused to listen
to tbo voice of the public , which asks for simple
ple justice and cares nothing for tlio personal
ities of either pnitics to the contro\crsj ;
si\tli and last , you have shown that Human-
lt.\ has no claims upon jou whatever. You
h iveiefusod to satisfy the men whom you
have discharged , and that let vlll nlwa\s
stand ns a protest to your claim to true manli
ness Had you satisfied the men there ) would
bo nothing lor us to ask Vou areas much In
dutj Hound to satisfy them in this matter as
jou are to satisfy the lefrallj' constituted au
thorities of the coinpauj ,
T. V.
J > . At H. Yiircl Jlen Go Out.
AHUM , N. Y. , August 23 A number of
the night force of 3 ard men refused to go to
worlc tonight hi the Delaware & Hudson
} aids here lids action brings the number
of strikers up to 100.
vitttinumxc oj'tfov VE.ILI\O.\\orth ( Will OITor nn Amciiil-
inciil to llls _ Hill.
' \ \ VHIMITOAiiRiist 2J. Roprcsentatho
Butterwoith i\lll \ offer the folio \lnjf amcnil-
mentto his bill to prohibit deillti gin options :
"Thit in any prosecution for dealing
in futuies for a violation of tlio
pro\ibous ! of this act it shall
bo a suftlciont defense thcioto if the
defendant thcicin satisfactorily [ iro\es that
nt the tiino of catering into any contract sub
ject to such prosecution such contract \us
m.iilo with the United Suites or any state , or
any county , or nunicIpaUty , or nt the
time of making such contract ho was a
fanner i nil bad the artlclo so sola In actual
coui-c of production at the time of making
suchcontiact , or thit atthotlmo of milking
sue'h contrae'tho\MS a manufacturerbr pro
ducer actuall ) outraged in the production
of the aillc'lo so contracted to bo
dchveietl , and that such contract vas
nnUo with tlio intuition in ( , 'ood faith on his
pait to .utuiilly deliver the article In co-n-
pliunce \ \ ith the contract , and that tlio de
fendant making such contract bi.l the
ability nnd reisonablo oxpCLtntion of being
able in tno ordinary eouiae of his business tc
produce ami delher tlio article contracted
about Incompliance with such contract , and
nt the time hid the/ ability and reasonable
exp < ctatlon of being nblo in the crdlniry
cour > o of hlsbnsircss to procure and deli\oi
thoarliclo coutraiteU about in compliance
with such contiaet. "
hy .Natho * ; .
p , August i I. Advices received
hew from the 2\'ow Hebrides Islands suto
that natives of the Ambi islands tnissaciu-d
the crew of .1 Gorman labor vessel. A Trench
war-ship subsequently shel'ecl i village on
the Klnnd.
.Advices from Samoa say that the consuls
at Apia have issued a proclamation , Iu which
they warn the nntK es aijainst any Intiigues
to icplace King Mataeifa.
\citoine nt in the \Vlirnt lit.
CIIICIGO , August 23 Wheat was wild am
excited at the opening this mcniinp on i-e
ports of cold weather in the Dakotas nuc
frost north of this phuo. December openci
wita a sc-itteiingsaloor two nt fllCP.j , bn
theie MUS no ivjul buslneiss transacted until I
reached $1 03'4 ' It touched * l 1D'S ' " . fo-\
minutes after it sfirtoei , but fell back to
$1 ii' ' ) % at 11 15 , und bild strong around tha
A Crazy Uaiiolimiu'h Hlouly Deed ,
LiviNOsTox , Mont. , A igust ti ) , A rancher
named Qulun , HUng1 twelve nillos west o
heie , today killed his wife aud flvo childrot
with an aio The ? bodies vcro horrlblj
mutilated. The man was craiy , nnelhot
dUcovcrod VAS oatlagan arm of ono of hi
children Q.itnii wouW allow no ono to ap
pruach him , mid was llually killed by ono o
the men In self-defense.
The Tire 11 oor' .
Nr-ssCiTT , Kan , August 23. Iho Ne =
City sugar mill burncd today. Loss , 1150,000 ,
A Iligh Premium on Hypocris/ , Perjury
nnd Jugglery ,
} \'ScmtorStlrlltiRor tybraslca Pulls
the Mask lioiu tJm , Hideous
I'noc of IMurlsws niul
1'luiis I'liraiulN.
Porno wcolis ngo Tur Br.t publMiceU letter
ver the signature of Hon. ,1. It SUrllii ? ,
vho represented nilmoro nnd Yoik counties
ti tlio Nebraska stnto senate of Ifes ? Mr.
Stlrllngwosau ardent prohibitionist nnd Is
on record Iti favor of all prohibitory legiila-
Ion of that session , Includiiijf a bill to sub-
nit a prohibitory nmendment to the romll-
utlon. In the fall o ( ls " Mr , Stirling
no\od \ toOoocllniul , ICnn.hero \ ho resided
unto within the pist month He hud ample
opportunity to observe the practical opera-
ion of prohibition In Kansai nnd hlsconelu-
ions were therefore of great interest to i > eo-
> lo in this stito and especially those of Ilia ho represented , who know
lim to bo u mm of unlHiiuhliig integilty and
n noay influenced by mtrtctiary consider
Tlio following supplementary letter from
Mr Stirling will furnish intcrostlinr lending
o people both In Kansas and Nebraska f
AN Ql'K1 I'll Lit.
Fo the indignant ministers of Goodhmd ,
K nnsas :
Gentlemen . I recently rei eh eel n copy of
the Goodlnnd } > 'e\\.sof tbc 1-lth inst , wldch
contained a stntcmeiitof your tncetiiiK and a
* opy of the icsolutlons thereat adoptcdwhleh
areas follows :
1'ioin the Goodlniul News Aug. 14 , ISiO :
The inlnlsteis of the city called and held a
temperance meeting I'lidm night , spurrelto
attlon hynnartiile in I'm. OMnv llri' vrlt-
ton by ono .1 II. Stirling. The following ics-
oliitlons posted :
I'psolu'd.That v eltl/um of the state of
Kims'i imelof the cllv of ( modlnnd. UP npol
uIth linlliriiitionHIP HsscTllnns dint lined in
Mr ,1. II Stlrllnp'fcle'tlnr to 1'itrOMtllA Bus.
tint prohibition In ourcitj Is a fnlluro , and
tlnt'llio condition ot thins , s hero , " as de
scribed , "N : i falrhulpi to the operation o ( the
.tuvgem'tnll } ; " and that tlio sentiment of
tlio uutllc. Is not In fa\or o ( the unforccinont
ottlio liw. "
1 lint this question , Ilio prohibition of tlio
drink tralllc. In Its uc'onomli auillts moral as
pect. Isof Hi > .t Importance lo \lrtuouiul
-obilctj of tlio people iindllii > purity of the
home. " nhlrh "Is thu flrst concern of all peed
gou'rimieiit , "
That , thlsndmltted , the next question call-
in ; for prompt answer Is , " uro toil going
totlo about It ? "
llin lleen i % ma rcstrlclhe measure , does
not roitilcl else dealers \\oultl lot bo , ns tboy
arc. unlfoi nilv In fuvorof the license system.
That prohibition inlCaiitis Ins proved as
complete n success ns any Inv upon our
stituto bonks iiRiilnst the commission of
filmo.-untll Interrupted In Its operation by
thotocunt original package dc'cNIon
flintwe leini * lth great satisfaction lint
coiiRrths has passed tlio Semite hill oUIoiltho
\ \ llsoiililllhlclu wlic-n Mzuodby thi ! presi
dent , \flll pl\c us relltf fniiu the rmbarriss-
iicnt of Haul su iirmiioc'Oiut dciKIon iiullhnt
wo thank those ho votet ] for the blllfortholr
There was a committee of ten appointed to
look into tlio sale of Intoxicants , composed of
\ \ o had secured , thonaniea of the gentlemen ,
but ns some veits placed ou , the committee
vlthout their consent , we wore asked not to
publish them , and we understand that some
of the appointed ones ha\o refused to net
\\lth the movement.
1 should liavo replied earlier , but as the
nous wns slowin reaching mo Ihoi > ojou
will pinion my seeming dculectlon.
And so , jou rcpil with indiimition mj
statements to the effect thilt 'prohibition in
jour city Is n-failure , " and "tho condition of
things there is n f air index to the operation
of tholaw generally , " and that "tho senti
ment of the public generally is not lu fa\or
of the law. "
It is passing strange that a plain statement
of the truth should so anger you.
I tnko it for granted th itou must have
been tlioroughlj acquainted with the condi
tion of things spoken of by me I wish ,
therefore , to sny to j on that any man or set
of men thus acquainted with the operation
of the prohibitory law inourcity , who will
make the assertions \ ou did , as last above
quoted by me. doubtless would , for less than
one-lnlf of thiitv pieces of siher , deny their
Christ. Ifpiohibitlon is a success in your
city I am ut a lobs to oven guess w hat you
might call a failure of the prohibitory liquor
law. Permit me to Invite year attention tea
a fo\\ facts concerning the liquor business as
conducted in jour city in 1SSS and since , as
well as the way the law been enforced.
Urning the jear 1SS3 from four to six
billiard hills and temperance parlors , aud
four "drug1 stores wore doing an extensive ,
bold and brazen liquor business in j ourcitj
Drunkenness ran rife , and especially so
during the fall of that j ear. Whisky llaslis
and beer bottle ? vero as numerous in the
streets , alleys and bjvnjs of youi'dtj- the
pio\erbiul vermin in Egjpt ; jet not aslnglo
prosecution was instituted fornll this flngr.uit
\ iolatlon of the law Occasionally some poor
unfortunate victim of the vicious , Illicit
whiskv trade of the city would bo gathered
In In ttio minions of the law und promptly
flneu , but the dealer was never disturbed
At that time , while publicly spealtlng in j'our
countv iu nd\ocacj of tbo cunaiJticy of the
republican nomineofor county attorno ) I ro-
IK'atediy denounced the open andeKtcnsi\e
lliuor ( business done in Goodhnd , nncl freely
crituised the indilTuenco and Inactivity man
ifest by the count } attorney concerning the
dull ) flagrant Uolatton of the liquor law.
Earlj-iutho year lbS9 the count ) attorney
Instituted prosecutions njjainst seven liquor
dealers of j-our citj Six of the parties weie
tried at thu Apiil term of court oc that your
Two of the pai ties were acquitted , and In
twoof the other ciscs tiled , thcuric3 ] disv
Brecil. Ono of the cases was afterwards
tried nnd the p.uties acquitted. In one ease
ono p irtj was coin ictcd , but no sooner was
the \erdlct of gniltv returned than a petition
u > -klnir the court not to impogo the jicnalty
wliiih the prohibition law imperatively
prescribes , was circulated and extensively
signed by prominent leading members of
j our churches , and later the s nno \ \ as shntne-
lessly presented to the court , but , the court's
fcunio of duty , as voll us respect for the lmv
aud honerero Mvstly gix-atoi than your
people's senscof common dctencyand respect
for the law , therefore the defendant \\as
sentenced by the court as the law duvets In
such cases.
How is that for tiubllc sentiment ?
After the Jury disagreed In the ICocl case
ho wished to piy the coils ana hmo tbo cusu
dismissed , and strange as It may seem , the
most uetl\o aud persistent friend Mr Noel
had In urging the dismissal of the case was
none other thin tlio Nov. Mr. Lewis of the
Cotigregrational church of your city Ho was
supported in such course by some of the pil
lars in his church. ThotosT ) was dismissed ,
although the evidence was overwhelmingly
against the accused.
How Is that for jour boasted public senti
ment I
I would hero add that Mr. Noel folded hli
tent and loft the city but a frow daj-s piioi t (
thocomcningof the Jul } term of couit , uni
that up to that tiino ho continued to do an ex
tensive and at times qulto riotous whisky
business within the dally observation of Rev
Mr LoMis iinil hiswoithy followers.
htlll no protest.
blneo that tiino there hn's been no effort
whatever made to enforce the liquor lav li
Goodlaml or In Sherman county , tilthouRl
ever since then at least lulf a ilo eu liquor
millshiuo been runnlnj at hijh pressure in
you city , as jou veil Uno\v.
llnvo jou jot forgotten the sad , untimely
death of Mr I Will ) ou dare to sai
that tiiotlmuho met his doith ho li.ul no
spent vUitlnjthninaii } villainous ruin dives
of jounlty untilho IKH.IIIIO ! oveicoino vltl
theoifects of the vicious intoxicants obtaincc
from your tnmy dealers , and , that \\hilo ho
was in a liolilfSHStUoot | lnto\k-itioulio \
started for homo with hU team and liuwllj
loaded \\a \ on , and when but a short ilist.inco
from your citj ho full from his seat in the
wagon , beneath tlio wheels , and was so se
verely crushed tint death resulted in a foxv
hours I No. NS'ith your slight regard foi
truth you ilaro not gainsay It. And ulnit is
more , jou did nothavotho ( ouraijo to raise
your voice ami arouse jour people to n eon
hilousnesa of thocnonuity and fliociliiB ro
suits of thu liquor tnifllc in your city
Soon after the death of .Mr. Bray a citlzei
of jour county , Mhllain a ttato or Intoxlca
UCD , broke Into one of the jrocerlcs of jou
tity niul carried nivay seine trlllliiit chmp
lowelrv. As soon n howassufthlcntly sober
to rviili/.oivhiil ho b.ul done , ho nlvlscil his
Irlonh and hnil them rcstorttho stolen arti
cles , Hut ho ivas prosecuted nnd coin Icteil
of larcenr and sonlcnoivl to lv months Im
prisonment Inyourcounty Jail.
About this sainclhnettiiothor iitrtv , while
Intoxicated , broke Into a "billiard "hall" In
the nighttime Ho wasarii'stod , prosecuted ,
onUctediuulseutciu'od to two je.ira In the
KMiltentlnrj- li now serving his torm.
Jut the llijuor dealers of your city \\ero not
nterestcl and you were not Indignant
Yityoah < MO tlio i-n-klesj disregard for
nith to tate "thai prohibition in ICninas has
irocd a * complete a success as miy I.uv upon
uriUituto books against the comin'.sslon of
rinio until Interrupted by the recent original
taclnire decision. " Voa will beir in mind
uit each nnd cveiy instance of violation of
iu prohlbltcrj' l.uv herein referred to oc-
nrrrd lone prior to the original p.ickipedo-
Ision lluuo nwntioiiPd only n fun of the
: rent nuny InsUucos of violation of the
quor law in your city , iu you well Uno\v
3otibtle ! > ou romouibcr the MSO of tlio
runkcn barber who \vns promptly ( nndery
ttstlv ) prosecuted for havinicbcntcn hlsulfo.
'his bnito ll\ed in your ell ) fornionths and
doubt II ho was at anv ilnio dvil ) sober
Uslntonipermec as veil os his slmneless
nd brutal trcutiiicnt of las \ \ ifeuis \\e\\ \ \
siiou'ii , mid the sumo \\a.s \ Juttlj attilbuutilo
o the oxlenslvo and chpr.i\ed liquor triltlc
if our dty. Huijounovir gitw notlco.ibly
iiuiKiitint about the mitter and never inuto
n honest elicit tolmvothotiafllcsupprcssod.
\\oirivoustand \ \ up In ineotlnir and
c'llhowfiiglitfully Indignant yon bccinioitnd
npublli'lj \ and forcefully you expressed
lie same , when \ou learned , not lonu since ,
hat a men ? ( liita , the son of ono of jour iiusi-
ess men. was found upon the threshold of
no of hell's feed stalls that abiund In jour
itj in the deplorable state of hclpluss di'iiuk-
n ness }
Vour resolutiolis will not deceive any hon-
st , obstrvinit citizen of tooilland or bnermun
ountj' , but might , as doubtless they \vero \ In-
endid , give u f dso I'lipiession a\\aj" from
ionic concorniiiir the true operation
of the liquor law Voti must h.ivo entertained
it least iismakiniridiMthatthc I iw
iolatod , els-c whv app > nnt\ourcommitt 3 to
' the s.ilo of intoxicants. Von remind -
mind me of the yioveibml London tailois
j'ou miij ha\e heard ot them Yonrlndipnii-
tion < ' ) when jou read inj letter in I'm. Hi r
must have been u sight foi tbo gods AVhv
did \ounot denounce those old and icpunble
citizens of jour citj' who attended yom in
dignation mooting , nud pnblidy stitedlhat
thc'stntcmeuls in mj letter concerning the
liquor business of youreity were truol
I uish to rensseit tint the prohibitorj
liquor law of Kansas ncter has been and is
iiotno\\ enforced In jour ciU , nnd the condl
tion of thiiiRS there is n fail index to the
operation of tlio law pener.illj In miinv of
the towns tlio violation of ttio liciuor'iw Is
oven moio rink than In Ciootllundhileiu a
few others itmaj bo a tilllc bitter Itls nn
expcnsho luxnrj void of any corresponding
good It is the lepltnnito author of more
crime than tlio licensed sale of lleiu or caiipos-
siblj be , I lemam very trulj- etc ,
J. II. Sriui.i\o.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Becbldff.
Kcmouil r cho Great Imctitor's Ho-
iiiiiins to Mil Ntttivc Laml.
Nrw YOIIK , August 21Tho remains of
John Kricsson , the Swedish inventor , were
taken fiom the Marble cemetcrj' todaj anil
escorted to the river front where thej * were
ilaeed en board the ciuiscr Baltimore. The
escort uns comjwsed of nnrincs liom all the
laxMlessels In the harbor and othei
military bodies and ci\ie soL'letic- < ,
anil vas In command of Hear Ad
tniral Braino und ( Jcneuil llo\\aid. The
cruisei Ba'timoie. ' which \\as selected to
bear Kiicsson'- * ashes to his n itivo hind , wns
anchoivd inthehaihor with other nival voa
scls near by. As the tup Xinu uciriiiK tin.
remains pissed on her way to llaltimorc ,
minute guns \\cro IhcJ fiom the battery on
the Nantucket. The colors at the u ivy \ ard ,
nt Castle " \\illinm. \ ( ioveinor's island , Torts
Hamilton and \VniKwoith and on all the
naalcsscls in the harbor w o dlspla\cd \ at
Inlf-mist. The naalesel hoisted thn
Swedish coloi-sto the fore and fallini ? into
line escorted tlio Baltimore down to bandv
Sen til Dakota Politics.
\ugust23.-SpecialTclc- [ -
grain to THE IJrE.j Thorepublieansof Da\i-
bOn countj- met in convention at .Mitchell to
day anil nominated what considereil the
stiongest ticket that has ever been put in the
Held in the county. The principil nomina
lions arc : State senator , II. C. Preston ,
representatives , George Walcon and Charles
1' Kavmond : treasui-cr , \Villlam.\I. Smith ,
sheriff , David Cole ; auditor. H. T Robinson ,
register of deeds , J 13.Vells \ , count y Judge ,
.7 L. Harinett ; state nttoiney , A E Ilitcli-
cotk ; suiKiiiitendent of schools , Hairj-
liras ; sunoyor , J. B. Gilbet , coronet , Di.
li. T. Dott Mnnj visitors arc In the citj
preparatoiy to attending the republican state
convention beginning on the 27th , und the
mal suffrage convention , uhlcli opens on
the 2ith. _
The Incitement -\vns Katal.
LotisvjLLi : , Kj" . , August 23. On seeing
her two chlldien In the citj' court dock ,
Sarah Ljons , a colored vonian , dropped
dead. She had been * stnnnuned to nppcir
in court , but did not know what the
matter was. The two boys , Geoivo and
Moses Ljons , with fl\o others , hud betn
urtested for lobbing a grocer\ store Old
Mi's. Lyons cntoiul the court room and
peei ed anxiously in the direction of the pi U-
oncrs , and thin , pressing her hand to ber
side , she staggered out into the torildor In
frontof tlio eluk'aolllccanil fell hea\llv to
the floor Dr Puscy uas sent for immedi
ately , but she died just as ho reached her
sldo. Ilcirt Oisease , brought on by excite
ment was the lesultof the autopsy.
Knthiisiistio AVjoiniiijj Hcpiiblleaii4.
LAIUMID , Wjo , August 2.T [ Special Tel
egram to'f III.BI.F ] rreshfroinhis ilobitc
In the western part of the state -\\lth ( Jeorge
W. DnxUr , the demotratio candldato for
governor , ex-Delcgato Joseph M. Caioy ar-
rlvcdin Liratnlctolay , and tonight aildresseil
hero the lirgest audience before which ho
over appeared \Yj'omlng. . Hundreds were
unable tosccuro admission to the hill. It
\\as a tuinultuouslj enthusiastic meeting nnc
fittingly Inaugurated the campaign in Albany
lounty. Uurej recited the efforts v.'hlch the
icpublican paity hid mido to secure state
hood for \Vyo \ iiing , and niado many convinc
ing arguments in behalf of the principles of
the republican party. A speeih vas also
wade oy Judge J. \ \ ' Lacey of Cboyenno.
LOVDON , August 23 [ Special Cablegram
to TUB Ilncl At a meeting of the Lau
cashiro miners' federation today Mr Wood
the president , who was in. the chair , stntcc
thattwo messengers who c.imo direct from
the emperor of Germany had valtod upon
him and solicited Infounatlon as to the con
ditloa of British miners. They stilted tha
slnco the resignation of 1'rlnco Illsinarcl
the emperor had become dcmoi i-atio and do
slredto placotho labor lavs of Herman ) 01
an equality ulth the o of Unpland 'llio
lucctlng ununhnouslj * icconiiiieiided thatth
question of eight hours u da > - be submitted
to iirotoof Iliitish miners bufoio unlnterna
tloml btilko Is entered upon
\Voatlicr Oo | > Ihilldiii ,
\ YAiiinTOAugust il 'Iho wcathc
crop bulletin says the weather dining th
past we < k iu Minnesota and Dakota win to
cool for Into irops Although wheat ha
been ncnrly cut , Mine fluids of late town in
thee\tiemo north have been Injured by
fi-ost. l.lf lit fronts h.-ne also extended over
the extreme northern portions of Iowa , but
cause no material dima o llcccnt ralm greatly improved tlm tondltloti of
crops throughout the corn bolt , cxt ndlng
from Ohio \\esf\vard to Knnbas and Ke-
bniska , and In this scuion thu condition of
corn und potatoes is much Improved und the
ground in good condition for plowing.
Tlio Sultan Acceded.
TAVOIEH , August ai [ Sjioclal Cablegram
to Tin : IHi ] The Spanish miiUtor , who
visited I'ez for the pui | > ese of laying before
the sultan of Morrocotho dotnnndsof bpaln
forsatisfuctlon for the tiring upon a detach
ment of Spanish cavalry by Arabs near Mo-
lilla , bus returned to Tangier The sultan ac
ceded to all the demands made upon him ,
JH nit JtlKltK"i
'lie iVrniitiKMils oftlic DoflMiHf Cio\v
Wonkoi anilVpukcr. .
Otrvwt , III , Aueust S3 [ dpeclnl Tele-
tram to Tin ; Bi-r ] Fho main fwiluros of
odny's evidence In the Irlnl ofVllllun \
O'llrlon for the niur ler of D.ivid Moore ww
10 testimony of O'ICano ' nnd Duckctt , two
ouug men vho swore po'ltivcly thit tlioj *
iawO'Urleii and Pord pass over the brlJgo
oqethcr Into the pirkaboutSWo'clojlc : ! thut
venlng and that they also 'uwtho U'inler-
ngwoinm near the brhljjo abaitt the sntno
me , thoagh they couVl not sny whcra she
out 'Ihoy llx the tiinoerv closely
t S.30 nnd saj' another nnn , on
hoin ttU sunpo ed tlw defense will rely to
sslst itipro\Ing the nllbl , was thvro vlth
1C ! ! ) .
The pollco ofllccrs nl o toitlllol toha\lng-
iken O'Hrlcn's clothes fmni his rojm nnd
iintwhca found llioyvcro \ stained * w if bj'
jlooil and bore o\ldence < of having been ro-
entlj'Mshed. . Iho cxiieits lud pivviou ly
woio thej' found blool on those clothes , the
wnerslilp of vv bUh bj OMlneii Is not ques-
Scveril wllnosses nl < o testlflcd to hnUni ?
ecu Mis Foul on the inorniig after tlio
nurdcr destroy the momoiandum book Ulten
rom Mooro'jhodi nnd cent lining liU mine
i his own Iniuhuitlnir , the pieces of \ \ hk-h
hey testltlcd to having immoJiatolj picked
> P
There can bo no question tint Mrs. I'ord
vas prosentnt the niurdcr At this point
ho state rested , their CJIAC and the loin t ad-
ourncd until Moiul.u Tne opinion
s that the slito has thus fur tnndo out u
tiong case iirninst O itrien , hiving pnned
ubiUiiillallj all tlioj announced they \\ould
H'oie. Should the Jun rcion MH Koid's
cstlmony tiltcur < ti'ida % , thcw wnild seem
o bo little If a u ) chance for O lliien to
escape" .
O '
Dr. Ilirncy euros cat at rh. 15co blilj. ' .
TO i'ititt < t.\ fine
I'liiitslimrtit ( if it'i" , { Virginia
U'oninti I'mU il llnj. ' . 111r II iisliiinil.
Win H.INOV \n , August it 1'ho tlial
of Mi's .l.icob Moignn in Tjler euunty has
come loan end vith ft vudictof iiiurdtr in
ho ilrnt di'gioc * , iiul l'ie ' vonuin has been M-U.
cni'i'd to the pcultontlnn for lite1 , the llrt t
case Intho histoiy of the stale in whlih a
\ \ oman has been given tint puMituwt. The
nurdeicil nun NUS a coutln of tJeneril John
Morgan , the oclc'br.itcd coiifcdmito
raider and ca\ilrv co nun under , and the
ciiinons aroldblooded one J'bu womin'a
lusbaiul h.ul been absent from homo on the
dale of the intird'T , Maj- > , 1 ,
anil on his leturn sit : ilown
to supper , not knotting that his food was
lolsoncd. Wliilebo was citlngbis ifo ont
jtliindhiinund shothlin In the b.nk. Mor
gnu fell over and his wifucut his tin out with
ibutuher hnifc. Sholhenran to , i neighbor's
tiouso and said a Mr.ingerh id iciic to
acr hone , htd n Ued for supper , and Imdshot
iicr hu'band in the breast She i mined ! itolj
lied , she dcxlared , and anothei stiingci en
t < > ied the house anil cut her husbind's
rhu state succeeded In iKlngthc ciiin1) )
upon Mrs Mfiigan , a neighbor testihin : ;
tint sbo stint foir or live ila\s bt-foie tbc
niurdoi that her husband would bo dead in
sldus \ Another noin.ii hit called at the
liouse while the table was br > iiu sot , -mil was
about to aiinlc a c-upof to i \ \ iienlr.Mor
uan took it from her It was shown ( tint a
ilfto tnthchousG WtM loilod the dav Iwfow
the murder , but win oiupty aftei the i rime
\\as coniinltted Wlnlo In Jail Alls Morgan
vas heard talking to hursclf , saiing once
" 1 laid the plot and IKed tiiin "
Dr. Bhiity Hires fiitu'i'li , RLO bldy.
K or if JT r . JM a * ,
An AireU Tor Ji Iiudcr Committed
I i bt Vi'iirs - < K" '
StMiuin , Pa , Aiust 2-l.-ST [ i Tele
gram to Tins Bur ] 'llns town is much
c\cltcd over the nncst of "bialdj" Drown ,
a noted highway robber , nho is vantid
In Scrantonor the niurdcr of
a policeman about eight jears ago ,
together -with 1'atriilc "Lawliss and Martin
Liwless , vho.iylaid an old man in Seliujl-
kill iount\ mined Peter Mouse and dc-
in indccl Ills money TJpm his refusing to
give It up , ono of them nhot him in the
head , and after knocking him senseless
they tool ! his money and left town The
othois were afterward eiptuwd nnd wilt to
Jill foi t > e\oa jearsbutIJro , n succeeded in
eluding arrest In IbsS bo tinned up In
bc-raiilon , and when a polkctnnn at
tempted to arrest him , Bio n
diew a levohor from his po 'lict
and shot the oWcordead
Notwithstanding the fact the authorities
offered WO reward for his ciptuii' , ho again
made his escape .A fc\\ days iigolhe fugitho
mndohls appeiuinco.inShamokin , and wiillo
undci theiiittuencoo'f liquor ho committed
assault. When taken bofoioa justice of the
iioaco ho was still intoxiiited , and at tlio
nearing his tiuo identity was established
The murderer was brought to Sanlnui ; jnll ,
but ills expected that In nfcnv d.iydhoMll
be baodedovorto the Scranton authorities
A Illayo at ICoarncy.
1C i kiivri Neb , August 2-1 [ Spcciil Tele
gram to Tin : HPI : ] P X. Decker's grocorj'
caught fire eaily tils morning and the stoik
was destroj'od The buildinir is nearlj a
wreck. The lire is supposed to h.i\o \
originated fiom anexpbsion of a lamp left
burning in the rear of the btoio. Lois nboat
,500 , fully insured.
Tlip sriincj llnh Hoen Ilal'-nl.
YORK , Xeb , August 25 [ Special Telcgiam
to Tun Brr ] The en tire anount iiccessarj'
to sccuiotho location of thoU. 15 college his
been raised ami the school has bfen formally
located in Yoik. It will open hue Septem
ber 1" and work on the new building will bo
commenced inthuspiing.
Dr. tJirnoy cuios catarih , Bee bldg
I'ooplc'8 1'riinary at I'lixtun.
PAXTOV , Nib , August 23 [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bur ] 'Iho people's precinct
primary this afternoon had a largo attend
ance Seven delegates wojo chosen to nUcml
the convention on the 30th Speeches eres
madobyli.1 Coates.N. II. Mileb and John
1C. Welch.
The Irri ntidii ConCcri'iiur.
Iliuo\S.D , AiiffustJ1. [ Special Telcgrara
to Tin : DBC.J Allconiinittccs appointed by
the recent irrigation confcienceat Aberdeen
will bo called to meet in tills city August "S
to w.iko fui ther arrangements for luracdlnta
opemtlon. Sevciil experimental \ills will
bo at once put don \ and fainiors aided in ob
taining means to Iriigalo their farms by ar
tesian \\ells.
Discussing the Tarin Hill ,
PunAugust2J. Ameetinyof the cabi
net was he-Id today , nt which the measuics
v.'hlch the Ainciiean go\otnnicnt propiscs
to aloptto insurothe ivholMomu comtltion of
salU'd meats ut the tttiio of o.\iiort wns ills-
cussed , i'urthci dubato was held ou the
draft of the new general tail IT bill.
Dr. IHrncy cures catarrh , Uco bldf.
Ijoprosy in inIliHh Colniiibln.
Ihi.iFix , N. S , Auust23 ( Several cases
of leprosy hive been discoveicd atUnglisb-
to\\nVlctoila \ county , Uritlsh Columbia The
victims have been constantly associating
with their neighbors and U is fiared that the
disease ha * boon communicated to a great
maij' people1 ,
1 ho Death Itoll ,
Itie'iiMovn.Va. , August U. John II. Allen ,
the well known tobacconist , died hero this
Six PinNe isro , Cal , August 23. Hx Con-
( rressinan Horace P 1'nco die el hero UKluj
iroin a complieatlon of kldnej' and heart
.V Jlanol' .Man )
Sheriff .Icnosof Beatricecuinuupto Omaha
yostardaj'and returned In tbo evening with
Funk ( ! St Clalro , alias P O Adams , all us
I"1 O. Sefton , alias auroral other names The
man was arrested upon a clnrgu of grant !
laiu-ny , It IB clilrneil that , ho robbed a room
at the Uandall bouso aud got $150. A. reward
of * J"iM ofTewd for lili nrrott an f Ofllcori
HuiUon and Tori picke'el him Up on thft
stixeta jwtcnliy morning.
Tlio Paintle and I'min,11111110 I'i'r ' ttid
Afternoon nml l-hi-nlutr.
Monduy , Septombi'r 1 , will be Iibirdi > In
Nobniskii , ami the labor orgnnl/utloiia o (
Oniilin. uro untlcipitlng.i dny of givat pic.ii-
uro Complete nrrmtrotients hmo been per
footol foronoof tlw llueit iiir.ido eser witnessed -
nossed InOiiiilr.i , and the PI\VIM'IIIIIO for the
entire dii ) is most excellent ,
Jiimos M Ivennoy hw IKJOII < e loite > l M
grstud mirshilof the * day aud will donbtuss
acquit.himself Iu this impoitnnt position very
A lstimt marshals , < o fir ni appointed ,
nro as follows CltMriimkc i' , South Om.ihii ,
Xo ti" , S D. Haj'cs. Onmhn iotiilN > iiti-li H ,
I'otcr HescnjOmali.i tillon' union , \Vlllliiu \
Molliuati , wcxvl niiiihlnlMs , , Imuo McManus ;
Uiike'didoKUlwidiiiuto iilllance. Valley , Neb ,
( .J. V Urown.coleiuul . b > rbeM'union , Omnhi ,
li , t .lohn-oil , national order of miuMiiivh ,
No ill. JaniM n Il.ittlolel , 'JVpognphluil
union No IWV , C lloyer , piiinte'rs union ,
Max Cte\or , ciKirmakci' . Onmhn , O 0.
Ucli her , tin , ihoot iron iinel eomlco voi Ue'ri ,
Chiilos Th.iip ; phistcror * , No I , Ste'rllnn
1'eldloniin , Knlgbti e > f Labor , iwi'mblx Xo.
l'50l , Coiuu'il lUutli , C J Kisthllid Ulklc-
liiNe'i * ' union , himuel Stovor , Ki lit * Of
I alior , a"se mbly No. .1'MJ ' , Joseph Miller ;
ICiiluhUtof lalior , ussomblj No''Ml , MV. .
SUilics , Knights of I ill bar , aivc'iiiMj No.
lOT'H. ' li Thorpe ; Knights of Uilior , ns-nni-
bh NoT , " . , On.irlej HinoiKpilst .ch.ilnuaii of
atnletie sports , ICdward U't'onner , elmtrnmu
of birtxMio , I Vi ink.
All riinmbnltoiM detlrln ) : to parttdi atoln
tbol.ulior el n p irulo nro r iin' | tcnl lo send
in the'ir 111111115 of thoiiilssMint miusli ils to
U'illhiinSeining , socntirj , Llalo t'ltj hall ,
b % U'odnc-il IN , August - . " > mimhiil , .lanew 51 Ken , j- ics
( j\ip-il-s his mils anil all assistant innrshiils to
nice ! \\ediK'Mlav , August 'Jr , nt p in at
( ? d"l'lly hill
1'ollonlugls tlicpro iaiiuno ns It isiiou ar-
I'nii'Cisloii of all labor unions , KmghM of
Ijibur , ii'nl fariner-i' alliuu'o nt 'i ' a in. ,
thioughtbcpiiiiiipal streets of the ntj
Al Till KVIU 111101 Ml"
linn Chailes II VanVjcklll dellvortha
oiatlon it 1 p in llillooa miciiMin niul
p.n.icbiite dc onlliy 1'rol 12 i. ' Ton llroxk.
Japan esc' elatliiuoiks \ and Innbi e uo
I'lotting. on' ' nilicthiealiMU. . be'st u\oln
thuo , pu-so < 10J Flnt piic % . ii ) pci cent ;
sc'Loiul , 'J > per cent , tbiid , ir > per cent :
1 oath , I" pu'e-oiit iiitiince : fee , * , t , luhlcd
totliu pin so
Half iiulu dtish by nowiboys , purse $25.
Flist pii/o. $10 seiond , tr."iO , ihhd , to ;
foiu tb , .VI ICntnnico fn e\
Kloiiuiloiiiee , puiso ? . ' " ) . First jnl c.JlO ;
suund , " . ' 0 , tlihd , ft , louitb * frt )
Half mile blcyelo race for ininleuri , piizo
jjold medal
ll.ilf mllofoot nco , open for all , pur e { 15 ,
rhst pii/o , $10 ; scconil , Ti
Ono bandied jard footnco for amateur * ? ,
pnzegold nied il
I'oliiemaii's r.ieo , 203yui Js , piUo 1" ) Flr t ,
$10. si'ciud , < 5.
Tut mi n's lae-e llftj j'anlscight not loss
thin'JIM poinels , piUo . * IO. l'ir- t , 4-7 , ! > cc-
onil , > t
On1"1 bundled \nrd sin-It rneo , pii/o ? 10.
I'hst , M saouJ , ; third # i.
St iiiiliuKidgbju'1'1. ! prlvllogo of weight ,
pin se T > .
Hop , stop line ! Jump panoo ,
I'utliiifi the shot , puisosi
All uitries u ill close at Iho f dr gioumls nt
-o'cloilt p. m except trotting i.iiohlcb
\\ill c-los < ! e > n SilurdiN , August : il ) nt date
Citj' hill , foi.101 Thirteenth .uul Dowlas
At the Iiirh -linnl giouiids at ? .1(1 p m.
there mil be u inonst < > r couert bj the bauds
irid a LI and dispi.iy of llroenks. .
itu'c'ioinnittciJcoiiiprisoi tbo foi-
itli'iiien deorgo AVillaul .lutlxii
' i , \V. bahilujr , II. II KirbV U.
Jlu'ssci , Junot > Yuiriu , J.unes Kennej" .
in a
here I C ( niitU-N In tlui Stato.
Louis llcimrrd , ] ires > idcnt of the personal
of Nubraski. rcturneil
dajfiom a meotlnif of the state central com
inittoc of the lei-ruf. Ilosays that excellent
\\orkls being1 donu nil over the state , and
that branches of tholcague aronowlu thlity-
four counties , embracing a membership of
The following counties ha\o branches of
the league Cousin , Sewaul , Uichaiilson ,
Kcnincy. Otoo , llonnrdVob > tci , Johnson ,
Pierie , Dolge , I'crUins , Adams , Ga e , li\on ) ,
S.mndei's , i'ork , Siiliuu , Madison , HiiimKon ,
Liucastor , Cnss , H.dl , Dumly , Nuekolls ,
U'ayiic , Duffulo , Colfax , Moiriek , 1'lntto ,
tjartn , Cundiii'V.utiiiiRlon , and Stiinton.
A Kieat manj Gennaiis and Bohemians ara
found who have not jot token out their Hrsi
A mee-tinifof the executive committee nml
ofllceis of Iho league held \\ith a siecin | |
\lewtor.iUingfunds to push the work of
the league where itli most needed
AS Al'IriiVOS1AN. ; .
I'atiiulc DulTv " 1" Houtli OnmtiA
Cluirr-l ; v. itliit hei-hiuw Crlino.
PalnckDuffj wiMiirrcitod and placed In
) -ul in South Omaha lust night for a criminal
assaulupOT the irrson of Mrs Kclstrom.
The ludj' .ia diU ing lienno nftcr elnrk , whca
Uullj overtook her nnel uslcedfor aildeln tha
1m PH by her side He as taken In and Mis.
Kulstiom had driven hut n hhoit dKtanco
when she wnasei eil b.v Uuff\ and eh.iggcel
ftointhe biiggj anii into a clump of tiecs
neuilhu load Her screams atti.icted as.
bistance and seieral men arrived in time to
captuio the villjlnoiis uis.iilnnt nnel bounil
him h indnud foot an 1 tairiol him to the Jail.
S'nik. 3IUMO Toiliiy.
The Scciithvaiu ! \ coi not bind Rivera con
ceit at Jlaiibcum park todiij at 2.JJO p in. ,
\ \ ith this pi ogiainiao :
March Iti'iocci ' Poinm.imlorf I'ottpa
llotn ill/a Alpine Pulllchl . ll.ilfei
( ) vorliiro-Iiniiiiinitil | | < lij n-iiiifst * Hull ty
CJuarli'tli Tlio jiiRS M > Miilli r nnc
Messrs. lU son , I'nlloii , r.iiKstrwiu unel Uieeiu
.Modlcy < ! otcli AlisArr ( bv Itlnlcy ) . .
i-cl < ( U.ui-IU-ai Ktiulcnt Millockcf
WallIjiuMUu ll.iil.tu
Sc'MiiltcdcllKloiisj-Ai i by ( IiorRudrtin
Me'r.i. . DiiUMin. I'alMn , Itlcluids , J. 0 ,
( Jieeii , O ( Jiuiiullvti \ ,
l'\in in.
Foi cct'oii-Io lim tlm
I'.itiul IMo \ \ ite-h I'.n : ilc ( Koiumll hlh
I'antasladflln'liiiis ) A n by I'ottu-
( Jalup Monojiol . llerinana
Tlic Train U'rc-ukc-rs.
Supcrlntcndont linrrhas offorol n reward
of $100 $ for the arrest of thoparilu who
urcckodthc frei ht train neir Ciiaud Island
last Friday morning. Mr Bur Is of the
opinion that the perpetrators Intended to
wieck tlio east bound pisscngur , which luul
it not been lito , would buvo been iihej 1 of
the f i eight. Hob UeiiKlcinau , the cnitinwr ,
who was injured , still remains at ( Jraud
llo Throat encd to Shoot ,
Julius Donzon sworoout a warrantln . ! -
tiecKhaw's court jcsterdaj for thu ancstof
John Svitchlcr uon | the grounds that tha
latter hail attempted to take the life of the
foimcr with a bhotgun
An Kiinliio TJiniH Int o a frc ( < M Cnr.
At 0 ilfl last nifiht switch cnelno No 117 *
on the Union Pacific ran Into n street carat
Ninth nnd l eavenwortli , ' 1 hero was no oua
scrlouslj injured ,
hKiln it ( in lain ,
Willie Harrington , aluel nboutsixtecn years
old , was arrvsted last niyhtwlth u icry line
curtain In ills possession , Mhich ho hnu L\l
dcntly ktolen ,
G. A. Lindqucst
Merchant ; - : Tailoring
u ul run on Fci/t / 1st , unO hultcs his i 111
fid lids anil patrons , its \vi-l I IIH the Kent till
public In e'all and IIIHIIK t 111 * now M K i ( ; tliu
ixjitud unci ihjineHiiu wcwlt nt Uuryililntf
tlisl clasii.
ESTABLISHED 1874. . . .3165,151851