TEE OMAHA IDATLY BET : STJND.AVr&IJGTJ8T 24 , ISQO.-SIXTEE PAGES , 15 THE ( OMT10S OF TR1DE ITcusy CcntiniiGs Olosf , Eat tlio Axe iblo to Supply the 33eiao , _ < L CROPS /IE NOT SO SERIOUS AS REPORTED Well I'lcn-oiL IVItli LUcOtll- luolc , mi * ! Collco * Ion * = < Arc Ix ! cetl- Jnjly ( ) > od IMUuella ticous Market , Vote * . The i-lnrinp of the n * ocln.tOil rN banks nfUmalinfertile \reek \ ondlnfr Auxust 23 , aiB-cprtoJby .Mr. la ! 1iw , naun r of thml aint ! ? house , foot UT > ( .V l , rs.R , nn Increase of 4I.S [ cr tent. Bnhuceiwcro S3 , MS. tdlu-l. Nroncy continue close , but ttis brinks linre Ixxn. nUe tonupiily the dcirmnd. Tlicro is 4 stroup domniil from out&ide which L.a3nmclito do wilh. tin present stringrcnt conJltiunof the money uti rtcL. I'rSino rner- cunlllo fapcr Is tultcii at S per cent \vtth \ a slight staling for tlio bcit ctntonwrs. Mo n o.v rates in New Vorii eontlriue stiff , n-ndtlK-w urono indications of n , freer market thlsfull , On the contrary " te bollovctl that t -will bnrl oscr tlnn it now Is , and tint this condition wlllprevail teL large cxt * iit during the next fcwraonllis. Thorn is nprowlny fueling that the cron oulklil3 notfLs seriowi-shas 1wcn reported. 'Be ; liKvvyr-Lrmf Us put to < lny Liavo bocu oftlt'citM benefltlo tliopnstiirciiimilln mnny iiwlnncs till iiotcsoimi too late to help thocorn , trhi > eastern pirt of the state will linvo : i filr average ) cwj > of tills Important ot'iml. lint tliosoulherntmd western counties art ) kudly bunied in sections. lit ( .pots In tlifso districts there will bo a fMr crop , but In parti of certain eountJeitliercYvillbe a very small return. A. hnKc-ropfhlsyennvHlbcs f.ir better fian a f ull crop Inst year , o wine to the gji'Mt n'l- ' vntice in prices. Corn -vvoitU nearly three Olrnes njiiiucb as last yc.ir , and it is tot-kiln hat thecuslimliioof His .veur's ' crop fcolar more tan lUvam j-oir cpo totlio continued , coot \\oathor \ corn Is mi- turln JlDVvlf , butlt will bocery dcnso and licivy , lanTilnp ununusnLlly solid crop. Tlie Jobber ) are very \vell \ pleased with the oulloolf , ' 1'rido In dry goods , groceries , "bootsnntl shoes niii haiJaro Is very fortbotliuoof year. Ilavdwnro has let up iulbo ] st tea days , but tko ilccreiso lu "businessvas expected , Collections In this "branch of trxdo are ropottotl cscccilInRly R-oixl. The boot and shoo jobbora ropcrt "business as entirely saxisf.ietory , tut na- noiinooa blfilunipin lo.itlier poods. In the cheaper ( iradss the Lncrunscls from 3 to IS l > or cent , nna the bcttei tjrnJiss have ml- - vancoil from J to i i > er eon t. ColUYti > nslirtvel > ociu-vcn better than was cspc 'tdl l > ytbo Ictithnr dealers , nnd requests foroxtoifsioas of tlmvhavouot been us KCH- cnd ns It xvuibelUveiltlieyivoulJtUrec'xvec'Ic.s ngo. 'Be twile InecrUlii. soclions Is coun- tonnuiiilln crdorsto asmall exwnt and cut- tin ? some of the "l > acordcrs ! , "but this is In the burnt dUrictaiLtiills o\ving to the con tinued ] ioor outlook fern crop. Insteiul of ereatln p nliinn anioiiR- the ] ob- licrs , Uls vciy iwt tvnils > toinakctUcmcnsicr. Itshowtliatthori'tsUUrj. iirocontluctinK tlieii- business on business fi'J tid | > les mid nro not inclined to recltlessnciJ. On thavholo tlie Omaliajoulicrs are tticllncdto tlio belief that In the longrun the sltuntion will lirovo U'ltcficlnl to Omnlia in. ( but It will tliro vtrivdoln araillnnd Miort time orders to tills rity thrit iintlcr otlup clroumsttinces vouldpo to Chicago nnil Is'c\v Yoi-k. In dairy produce butlea- his been ailvaiidiifi OuriiiBtUo fist \\eeltiiucl Is now very firm at peed , juices. Creamery is bringing lllft < lsc , dairy He nnJ the louver pi-ados .WHlo. Choice practcsconnluuob KCllut asligbl advance o > tlio provtiilinir market price , KirsslmvcLakeii stroupupwarcl tend cutty nnil uro 11 o\v til-mat 15c. Molons. urea drug in the market , and aroofTcred atFO wr 100 iu car-loid lots , Jrtees nugol from that tliniro totH' , aecorJipRto the size oftho lot. The receipts of tbo wok liavo amounted to iilwut tVL-nty-Ilvo CUM , tbo saaio as the wcclc bcfort1 , Culiforniafrulti nro scarce , nail tics price rcninim undaiigecl. Owlnjr to the low prlco. tlie tnurkctras \ run rory short during tUo jwt t\\o \ \ orlhroo vvceks , and. sbiiiiH-ki"s are now sondinir their fniit elsewhcw in the liopo ofobtainiiig a better ttgure. Knstem. fruit , 1) not on the market to n.iiy extent. | ( V few f wpcs lnvo been recclveU. , but It Is rathorearlyas yet for shipments lobcpin la cuniest. I'oLatoes * n-o very flvra at { I . - ' . " > for cbi co natives , awl tlio western , iwduct is sjift atH.iiO. Thcro U ti very sliot-t crop nnd tlio jirlcoUl eontlniLO hisl' ' . 1'b ° supir imrJcctis flnn but tlicejcpectoJ advance bus ColTcea liavo changed butlittle. . German is firm at 25'c and -ArlmcMo's nt SJjJj'c. " " - ( Dried Iraitsimdcatinea floods are away out olslBlit. Therols n sliort Jiwltct aiul the lirloo liso Wgli that , tlicy are out. of reach of tlio jwcrnsocomumer , fapiccs arouiiclinnped. lilcc istlrni. O.'ho croji is short audI * being inauipulatej. 'Jf/t ' JI.I J.I " > ; STOCK , Saturday , Aiiust ( ! } . Kstlmnted recclpt-sof cattle 1.700 , UK conv- i rudvltlilai4\c.-tvnl 3' Hid lh > t xt iuJiy til UiMWft'li. The mirlct't opened slunUm < Mei'uis , stnniKoroii. tlio bet 4'ons mill s > tcady antlionminiou gniclesoP cows und fccilurs , K-.tlninted recdpts or ) iojs . lirleiil > ilUwi sll.T8V oin | > jtnil ( vltli 4''Uli jcsturuu v micl iVti iitiixila- ) lust vi'tMc. Vlinvt-oliclosii vvltli uho n. nrl.fi.crv < esc toioolilwlict tlinn It a iittl i-oii.MilnK. Tim liDKSwUl oiiMoiulnyiit SU aw. l > iiiu tire ® : i.MJ : Iiu'sthj * jwomtfj , mostly (3.7ixniis5 ( ; , V'e < liiM < lny SU 7-c. ! < i lnrfly ut. il.T'K.M.K' ; Tliurlny U.4.VU.IH. l lk 8si.&Va.Wi 1'rWny e.ur > fll.icf. link ft.7K : ; i. ! > i l-'rida.y wus tl lilglml Uujof tlio week. Prcv tillnis Tlio follonrliiK t * atitlour prices pnld In till * nurketfortliu rjd-o oltitiik iiieiitioned : iruotti i II.M < M5 J ( , ( > 0 iHJQ Common cannon , . . l.W 100 tlrtllnary tufiklrcutvs. , . . -tu li [ > o < ilii OIIIH < - ' < ! cuws. . , . . I.IAI Cliolccto finoy co vs. , . . . , „ . : i't5 Vitlr lOKixkiUiilIf 1.71 AKi t'hnlccto f.uicylulls UjjlltlllU'lUTi nllll fl-OlltTi , , . 2.M I'lH-OtN. OMtO II * ) Ib * . . 2J9 I'alr to cliulca llflit ! ios UAI i'alr tu rliulrc * liu vvlioKJi. , . I'ulr tu cluilcc iukc.il lin s. . , . Uoni | > rativo The followlnj t-ubto slinws the rinse In prlce nri Itnss ilortiizlli taaiicl Ust woete ; Till ) \Vvct. Met. Mon.lir fa ti 10 HI H3.S Tn iMiliy..i faa -to < * a M 15 | ) IO \\-nimti\aj. \ \ . . . . . a M 608 tti 1 X3 < iH5 ! TluinJay a so trldi ; . ' . s a fiturJir . . ' ! W _ ; iiit > iinwiiiffinDioiivri t-lm averxijo cost of lion * aiihoihteMino-ntliiiif | Uncluliii { tliu ca-t liiil iiyis , ( bjstwl ii | > i. > n Vklmrepouttl ; JulyS ft Cij | AuRiht U . , . . .B 01 AllSlht KI. , . juiysrill ! ! ! ! " . ! ! ! li : es Alicu.l 14. , . . AUKUH i , „ : t M Aii u i ir . . 3 . Ansuit 1H . , . t 4. . , , . AllRUSt IS. . . t . * > AIIRIUI IU. , , , 37S i a. „ . . . . , . il N Anuuit U ) . , , , X / t ? \UHUit U. , , . . . , , . Hljliost ami Cji\v0.stSnloi \ dTi > 'lii/ ' . ra.ttle. , U can , 1.311 MctrislrTO 'i-i , . 11) ) car * . U.UUO t'lirolmsci. flio lit tlio iiimiSmof licnd ot chuu l j-cjltr ( < lay , ontlitsintcrkou tlH'jvvoiglitinaJttitJor tlio t- . , . , Swift * CViinprvny . tint il.ll.lliiitiniiuO cotnpiny . . . . . . . . 40 Aiiiioiit-CuiIiiUjriinallug cotiitinii- . , 2'W IX > P Itdtlisclillo . , , . * ? . . . . . . . . . iS > IIN Morrh . . . , , . . . . -8 lliK'ker At lnr ) > ? n. , . . . . . , 40 Il iintm A rrauuriaan n , . . . . . . . . ( . . 101 Tutnl . rhc Armour-Cii'laJiyu ' | : UiiK company. , Oni h.i jui'lf hi ? coinpiiny . Swlfti. Co'itprtnjr. ' . . . i. . . . . . 1.O4I Tim 0. ll.lliuniiinndcompiiiiy . 4DI J. I' . ! < , | lllttAC < > . I.SH Aiialo-Aintrl-enn tracking Co . 1,72) ) Waller * I'lHi-jioii . 13 I'urlnliy IlriUiera . . l.O.Vi llrnlii.ircl llrotliiTrt. . . , . 72 Total . . . . 10,069 loirc ( _ cntntlvw Sales. STREW. N'o. Av IV. N'o.i. . Av. 1'r No.\v. Pr. 1. . MB 1W i. ! 6..i ; otisn : S . .1IIM 3K 4. .131S 1 1.1 iu..i.ti 4 ; i- > I. . MM yr. JS.fr. . . 2fl..ixiO : 4 ari : uu fr. l t t VSl C0..a 7l ) 4 40 2. . via 3'rt IIT. .IStt so 41 .1:101) : 4 40 ! ' . . W4 iv..iir ) : 4 45 : * . . KT 72.1159 4X ! > : i. . i tt i ! . .n : 4n > 18..14.VI 4 fiTi r . .ll7 ; ci.mil 4.u K..t < M an 81 I"1 * 1 4 r T 4o Boiillil 4 53 ff llRl 4 (0 ( .uiit * i ; x > row , 1J ) 14. . 877 2 Oi > 15it 6.VJ Itt 1S. .KL 20(1 ( 15. . 071 U 40 IK 21 .01s. 210 2. OU ! Z 40 IK Lit. . ! * > 3 210 J. lU.'i IK 25. . 6.H 2 10 El. . ItS i ! 40 I . . 10IU 1SJ 1 . 2 IT L.inio 3 > . . Ml I * ) 14. ! itni 1..1VS.H ) II. . Sfi 5W 14. , I'lU ' 2'O 2 , . ton a oo 1. . OJU . ' iu la. .loos r > i ( tnn U OO 1. . 793 1 W 3..770 1 13 2 , 020 1 23 I. . 1110 1 10 1 . . 180 I 15 ! i , 4'Jl ) 1 2J 4. . MS i r : : . . 740 I : s _ ' , . 70S 1 Uo ; . . 7u ii. 1 . 640 I 15 2 .10CO 1 0 2. . k5 113 . . 510 1V ) 11. ; isi sro D. , 2 2 50 I. . SO 2 03 4. . 1J 2 .00 ] , , IfiO 2 50 1 , . M ) S 53 liuirjns. 52. . CM ! i : n 3. , 0 2 40 5 , 072 2 SO 8. . f5 > ISO 5. , 752 S 40 2. . JGO 200 It. . t.T ' . ' iO 17. . Mil 2 40 111 ? 1.1,9. 2. . 710 ICO L..103) 200 1. . 510 200 1. .MM 110 I so. . MS sro 43. , tOO 3 70 tllXl.D , STOCKEI1S AMI 2. . 4l."t 210 25. , WO 2 WES'IKllX Ar , Pr. { - M , UtU > 4 2 13 John 3teciuur- II bk'Crs. . . . . .1033 lioos , Jfo. Av. Sli. Pr. Xo. A.V. Sll , lr. tti. . .I.-7 20'H ) Pr.ra 01. . .SKS 120t77i ; ! 77 . .LMS fO 3 no. , .278 100 Ut-0 W. . .SI ! ) MM 3 ra 51. . 51 . .171) ) t < ) 3 5S oa. . ,2JD , .1111. ) 2:0 3 GO ( VJ. . .247 40 . 5M41) 3 00 ( ) . . , CWI 120 .IS ) 80 3 0. % . . , 2(11 ( 100 02 . . .l'.H 240 3 00 07. . ,2J ) : su ' ' . 'J1J : ( ) 3 CO 2M 120 7 < ll' . .tr.ll 240 3 CM ) 4si 21.11) W. . . . .IUi140 3 00 71. , 2.V1 120 : iso Li .377 ItM ) 3 275 40 : ijo it , . . .240 5U * ) 3 OS 120 UM ) in. . .2r ; nn 3 IV ) 2011 203 : t SO I.M. . .llh : 0 3 ( Vi tv > . 23 40 a so 6.7. . . .tK)7 ) See \l \ 5V. .2SS . 240 HJfili ru . . 2111 liJJ 3 5V.m. J2ii : IM ' .21' ! lr,0 'A m. . . . 120 : tsi i- . 207 ice a ( H .2:1 : 200 : i S3 " ' ' . . ita ? p u a i .261 I'.D : ; KI T4 . . .2U4 JiiO Jt I'M .2. ' . ' SSI a 83 8-4. . . I J 261 1-27 hU 3 70 ail ho a si B : : : .241) ) C.X ) 3 70 ' a 63 r.7. . . . : si jiw ; 7U nr. .M 281 a KS ro. . . 70 01. , .247 1MO a ai r.7. . . ! iao 320 is 70 so. .ISt 2SO 3 W so.H. ro. . . , .ys ; 120 : s 70 ( H. SB 100 aw iu : * rn in n jn T4. . . .22) ) 4 < 50 a 70 .2(0 ( M a 63 (57. ( . . .245 ( M .28 ! lid 3 S3 SS. . . .22-1 - : r20 a Tsii 07 .241 K ; i B74 rw. . . .22S 200 3 7311 57 . . . . .2.0 ' . 40 : i SiJ ! cw. . . .2si ! 1 73 St . . . . . 2IS i a ) y IN 71. . . .27:1 : 120 a 75 Hi .an 200 : i no lift. . . .2.VJ 2KI a 73 SI .aa . - : i tw 07. . . .2.JS 40 3 7.1 SIfe ' 120 75 fem. . . . . . iis'i 31fl 21 .au : io .auAS 240 a 75 , -AS 80 : i w tw feO 3 73 39) ) tws. . 2. ) a 75 fiS 37 - : tj 7L. . . 2'J 40 U 75 C7 72. . 0 a 73 ia .233 HI i oo 71 ; . . 320 U 73 og 27S 300 : ) ! 40 : t 73 ' ' ' ' ' an 40 U 11 } N ) T3 51. . . . . ; 120 3 IB' ' } ( it. . .20 120 a 75' < SJ. . . . , tO 316 75. . .I'M ' a 75 . : w 4) ) IS5. . .211 240 a 75 7J. . .214 M ) a 75 nt. . .21.1 4D a 7.1 to. . . an 300 : tu'i nt.M. . 2-CI 32' ' ) a 7711 02. . . .20 to 4 ; i. . .218 l-'O a 7T'i ' .1113 - 3 tti T , " * . . .240 JOJ a 77li .If" ) - 4 00 Ul. 240 a 7ii ) H t W 1-30S A > 'tPKll'S. ) 31. 250 fi .131 - SM 7W. . .170 ice a 23 ia. . . . . .U ) - 3 40 Market .Mention , Cattle tteailr. ItanlzlnUi-olliors ot Canibtlilso inarlcteda our of lii'js. ' W.1I , CoinlisnvarlictcJ twocarsot boj-s from TCoilb Pluttc. , S. liu'ulslH'C hud n. cur of cattle on tlio innrkct from Inland. JUnclcnllolcl sent/over aca-rof hoj * from II , Frolillclicf r\cbrasbi City was hero look- I'.U" . Sniltliof Ilnldrcgo ivas on tlio luarlet M.HI' ' tliiTOCiirs Of l.ojis , \Voliriiian , u regular dealer ab N'clson , bmuRtitln twocnMof cittlo , D.Mcl'liooarosnlnnlpnler ' nt. Kdlson , nur- Icelcil iii'iir uuli of ho i ami cat tie. flK. , iX'iilo , fanner uti < l f coder , of Ilcr- tranil , liroiislit In a car of onttli * . 1I.A . Klslic'rof l'r.ij w wjn.flPnjnE ; the slilp- pcn lit tlio 'anli. llu marketed two carduf viitllo. Jl.Cunnlnsliiuii.a well known If > w-a piktron of II.1 msirliCt. tirousH OMT u car ol c'uttlo Iroiu ZMnlvern , J.P. I'ltllot tliofirm of PilUt Wj-n.nl , Silver City , Iu. , uslioralouVlug alteracuri'iieliof hoi ; ) : tnleiittli' . A..1. S'iio\vi1i-n of 1irney. . n well known stiK'Uniin. : wnlicru wltli a car of liorsi's slilfiiod from Xlllanov. John lli.tli'liaita nunihornf loads of cattle ; nilio.'jat ( tliu 3'nrils. Hoslilplifd from gv- enil jxilnls InkoiitlioastNi'tJiaska , Tlio limt nllroml nniclnH liavo received not to uecout iinv jiackSn ; hou " liro- tu tliu Union stocky unlti , Cbl- J , P. Jfiikliu , travellte nscnt for tlio Dcliv- vviri" : , lackn ; inn : .tl\ttirn railroad , ulth l > riil < iuarton nt Chivizo. wiw thu gitustof I.iH'al Aotit Juliu S-i. MurtlH. of the Jlock t lntul. 11. Collins , a North Itcnd hrnju , feeder otul Mlilij | > fr , H-H.SH cJiuyrinU : iij : KHVO sirlioorlul vlcr of Iliucropoittluilc liihls liiiine'llato ' lo- oillty. ll s.ir * that tliostanfl of eujn l-s llrst plaw nrouaidNVntli Uciul anil tin' yloltl lll f > ur | > tuH lliut oC last J't'iir. riirtlior nos-tllii- drouth luis sorlounlv aileclwl thu croits anil but little wtllbe rabutl lu tlia Durnt districts. t j/.i/.a irjjor.jiSAJ.ii I'roduyc. C ( > iur.--WQ4te. UVTS-'ttifclV ) . ij.vv-ir.tKi'i'i.oa ' Mli.i.iu-rr-tUXOO. . . . 1'oui.TinI'or ( lozi-ii.cliok'cihfns t clitiloo in 1 oil , * J..V i | l.W ; roosters , l MrtUi | chli-lwisr < I.V .LO for small ! . . . ' f2.aiSi2.T3 foe hrgoi livoplBcons crc.uiu'ir. tliulec , luviUe ; ilafrj' , fm'ii-y rolls auJ uriuUs. HiplSoi ilulry , faiiuy , > oliliacV | | l , I ll4c'j ilulrjr. cliol - ' , uitU'c1 ' , muiitiy roll , fant'y.i > teK. i eliolrr. 7i9. < o : Infi-rlor. afj'nj. f.aua-U'u for btrlutly frt li ; ilal j not , lal- Hi or * PKirs .t.ND r.\twv-aroon saltort lildei > . .No. I , liuavy. fiANoi No. 1. lltht , I'Aft 7tic : No.s.iixiit.ca.isiip : dry Jlluthidoj * . 7t , ( & SV | calf Klilc * . 7flto ; durnigva hldoj So li'.ss. Hhrop liolls , Hmn , Piioh , aic < i41.23 : in-liA. ilry. J > < T Hi. Italic. -rcr 111 , IAJC , iA ii-lvcr do i'ii. tirntrle rlilekcni 8 ,75.56 'LUl ; tnillardn , t'.Ot 'KJ ! U < al. * l.5ttliO ; , . . . | 'K CIIK& ArUimiius , ' bu box. Vtc 31.00 ; Caltfomla. ucr 1 * . L5ut 3,00. tJiiAi-m-Oalirornla. per orulc , Illluoli , per 10II basket , 40o. I't.fMi-r'nfpIc Dtlnnp. < ? o1iim1)la. etc. , per x . * 1.W > 2Uwild ; tnr > v iilunis , ' t ) bos , 75 . Vor o-Mtc , il,75 , Lr..M W ! I'prliot. ' IJoilt MolurL tunty , ! lorn : rhnlccOlcwilnn-H. H..VWt .l , J'KXIISUatllftt , I ullfornfa , per l > ot , W.00 & l'iir ' > r flcnnan. for l t. liX ( > I'rencli 6l. " -j.w : Krox.i,753si . . O.vif Sow soiitln'tn. ' iKf bill B 1'cr crnt i , M..va5.00 , M-NetlMxtilUIKl I01VA , t > r UlU 11.00 Onk ra Ii and . alt , . irr. K ! Pancy. lie ptr ib. I'IT f-nt . .tTK 1'orOoz. ' M.M. A 'i tES Kiiiicvi'iitln/H.ni PJ < .i ) : fancy cook- inif. ir jfciuico ; : ) , r-'i'W.v i , OIIAMIKSI'nncy 14 mil. 57.W. . llAN.lVA.-J-l'e r htnicli. SJ > ) t3.W. TAt.LOA NA 1. li'i No. 5 , 3 4c ! arcasc , white. it'tttlcs ' ycllow.2'i5Jte ' : : str.irlno , CMo. nilriMf-Cjiiotatlons ntn ( or ritllrt-ty Jtil'lil- c.v.'o.i-Dr.v litiiluto. pep ton. 8l4.tt ) 81S.i > Oiilrv country , tiloitclini ; 5 l .txBl.i.uOi dry country , ilainpainl niHatj..i > ifctU.(0. ( \V \ < XitI'lno tiuivaslii'd , H8tCo : tncdltliiittti- vra * > 1iod , Is - . , . liiK ) KD VKAii-CLiotco incdtum , O3Tc ; llsht , fic ; licnvy , 4irftl' ' c. , iNMct : Oit. Kuv.GOo ; boiled , file , eMir sirnlned W-U > ant. pur II ) . Ho ; now comb lioner , fniicr. irU cclioci ! ! % . 14tL c. llKA.vs lland-plc-Ki'd unry. tf'JACKjfei'J : liand- pIckL'tlnnvr , tncdhniife.1.2342.lOj , luinil-pli'kcd I'nuatrv. S-1.7V&2.W : ffiwdcloan , | i JO < 31.50 ; Cali fornia , HIT lit. 4 ! ic. . . _ iJ il-l'orlb [ Vrcli'c : InifTnlo , 7ct jilcsVorcl , ' ) ( : iilki' . ! ; tnmt , ft : wMtu. ft.1 : cropiilo.lOc1 : citilsli , ltd i-oJ btwilc. li.'i flomidur.- * . tic : : Oruguii snlmoii , Ibuj blucli Ijass , 15oi loTuterss lie. 1'1'OVlbioilS. t'ltcsii POHK 1'roah linrai , 20 lls.nvp.Mc ! ! 2011m. u Vfc.,8c ; U lls avfj , , v c ? ! thouliU'H , fie * ! jiorlc lolin , 'Hoj nofktvntlorlnlns , 0-ci leiif Intel , not icncliid. UVii'j spire ribs , 40. SAT.T.MKJITS HIilH-.Mesi pork. TIW , 812.73 ; clear liorliliacks liar\\1l2.2.SiiicclIuin. ; 311.75 : shortcut clcac jiorU.lli.iOifa.ijily ( ) ] irk Ji"iOj ! liiitt pork , pis pom , SUUV ) ; iictr citrn IIIPWS U-ef , i.i.fO ; new c.\tw i l tu In'of , M.fOi new plato bovf , SO.COj new rolled l oncle--3 buef , S',50ov \ \ rum JH , $30jnc\v \ Ixmulvsa 3Miui ] a , t\W ) . U1T.8-HW-- E\trahril , winter st Mined , 47c : extra N'o. 1 , lard , Bb > ; Xn. 1. l.iril. lie ; No. t' , lard , UlL-j culm neutifoot , 4 c ; tallow oll,41ci fuiL iieiLtsfootoil , ! 50c ; A 1 tallo YiSc ; ttoar- ln . Of. LAiiu Tlcrccj-Coiiipoiind , 5'ic ; pure loa.f , Clio ; kottlc rendered , tiVc. SMOKKI > MBAis Sugar cured hams 12 to 14 Ib mir. lliic ; mccllniniri to 15 Lli arg , Ilct licnvy,2 ti)22 llav&llesklriiiClssIlcliiKlS ) ; to M Ib iivR.lI { California liaws , 7'ici sliou.1- dors. ! i.ie : shoulders , sk InnoaCUcslionldcra ; , Clo Sib n\f. "Vic ; koapIuM hiini , licjlirenkfiu'-t bucoii , clear , 5 to 711) strip * , Sot breakfast Iiaconrll.sl4clrled : ( beef liaius , sots. WHci toaular , 8 > 4colods. fc. UitYAi.TMntTS Lean bxck' . C'jc ' : extra slioi-tch'ar , 5y.c | iKilllc * . It U ) Will nvROM l short rlbsr > ? iCi short clwrs.Cc ; long clears , 6Wo : mioiiMur-i.liVc : biel ; ; , r > Mo. Fursii 31KEK StrcMS. .VK ) to CO His avornco , nitIvpCNi' : .U3ii:40L ; : ) tofOOll- , nVLM-ano. uttlru , l9.r c ; cuifs a nJ liolfvrs. 400 to .too 11 * nvi-rapi- , native , rj'c , ; } inil ! inirtvrs. : slcors.lUo hlinl- quarter * . VOWH , lo : loiifmiarttrstuiTA 4' ' c ! nrcqii.irtfrs , cmvs. to ; dre beil lios.s. 45iO ! KltEsit lliir : C'UTS-KolI , S'io ; Iwct ( .ondor- wins. Ho ; > lrlolnbatu,7fbonui' : | Mrlps.7'oj romxN ( i-iinip nil ) , Gc | ronnila ( ruiup on' ' , . ' ? ; loiiriili.liuiilc ( olT ) , 5'jot bourloss ruin ] " , 4ci rliuols , it c ; ilite ) : , 2Sci buck halve * , 4cs tliouldor clods. ( Her ; k-cf loins N'o. 1 tsti'or ) , 13 614chci : > fltlrisXo. lln-fllo : ln-of lolnn No. : i , I'c ' ; Ucif rlli . Glj i5cs beef rllis No. I , s . 'i > t brunds fpor tlo ; ) , lT c : kidneys ( cac'lii , 'to ; ot tails ( -iu'lil , 3c ; LI\orv uc'litl. * > c ; lipcf lioarU 'eiclil,4o ' : , ; beel tunguoM ( iiirfli ) , lOc ; strl j lolus , . , 4ej , 4' ' o ; franUurts , H'si" tiinttu1. 7'ic ' : bo ! Kl,4'c , ! IlvvrtHcjlit > uilclivc' ' > i > , 4'Je ' ; 1'ollsli , c ; pork suisiLllnls ; : > .C-e : twrlj saitssigo ( tucatj , latin Groceries. M.M'l.i : HiAit-ForH ) . 5c oaKcs , Mlb Vxts ) , I'lc ; lOcculos , : sj-JD boxx-s , 12 ci l-l brleks , a ) Ibs inliox.iiuro , 14c. CoirKC-liaaMi'd Arosla , S ! c ; Bunota , J'll-ic ; MoUiiuMIn XX iX,5iD ! : Ocrmu.ii , aHcllorUi's ; ] , J P ; I ion , Si Mallpucli ; , SHoMoclia : , : X'i O. U. Java , : o. foiruK-Urevn Fancy Golden Itlo , K'ic ; faiifyiilcl | iealerry.'llsOiUIoclioicct < j fancy. KfecjIUo , prime. 32c ; lilo , cnoil.Sl'iot ' Santos aud common lllo , l ajlci Sloclia. iiJara , feinilnuO.G. . : sc ; Javu , seed Interior , 25c ; M ox loan 2k1. Unitii I'liung Torltlslt jirunos , lcs.s than lilids.lssO , r ciorlsliial libdsic ! less ; JljMua ] iriiiies ) Ib. bo.vi's.lftO to IK 7jc ; upjilot , uruixiratvd , new rtiischulctv Be ; cTtii > orat < il , nuw rliic vrlmc.l2iiiprlcits ; , fancylu sacks. Mu ; blackberries , nov , toj rsfsjiborrlt's. 2.5 Ibs. to iHn..Hc ; currants , now , Otic ; ( rliliial l lesdVi | > stlzztL currauta , extra. In C'-\.vxii ; rinui I'cnchcs. pcrdoz. , J2.O022.23. lic-rrles 2-ltc-co'.i'Tjfrrlos.fl.lO : 2-lhsirawber- rlo-4 , 11.13 ; U-HJ rihnljorrlii ; ! , il.'la ; 2-lb bliiebcr- rlc-i. I.IK ) ; 2-lb lilnlclcrrii : i , S1.10. 1''ncwnnIcH ' llulinuin clioi > in < ( l.Kll ! ) ; llnkama Hllcocl. t lO ; llnliania i-ratod , ? ± .os ; Ktmiilnnl siloed. | I.2.'V3 I.W ) . Clierrli-s Mb ltd , lUlt I more , 11.10 ; wlilta cherries. Jl.0.1. 1'enrs 2-lb , J IJi. Ciiir.iK-\Vseon-4ln F. 0. , tTfln flats , ner IV ) . , ! 0c ; WNconsIri F. C..younzAircrlcalU- , m-r f. ; ikiinoKtic Swlsj , I < ai7ci EUaia In foil , ench 11.00. HATKS IVrslan.'CO-lb. lax. 7f. JtAlsixs-Loiidoa layers Callfornlu , stand ard. per Jjot. S2.IS ; "horse slioe , " K.c ; loosa iiuiM'atols , < . : ullfomla .standard , ? 2.K ( ) ; "liortw slioe"ftJJl'i : " .star" Jmst iimscatel.sl. } < i < lsee ; < l- lo.ss Ciil If urn In , ll.IVS ; Osillfornln si-cdlen MU- tanas In sactcspcr Hi. , cj California niusca- If Is , In sacks. EC : nsw Valencia , flcj rulcuclas , old. tc ! ; oiid ura layer , old.Tu. -In libls , T\a. \ TOnrnflo , 30o : li.'ilC libls , Xo. TOemde. : c3i.'i 4-cal ! ; : , Xo. 70 sriulo , JiKalkltt , No. 70 criKle , 7 So ; 37o ; liall bbl9.aiX'i 4-sal kezs. | l.0f > ; 2-pni kitts , KKi ; i-gal , JO In case. 11.59 : 1-KaUG-ln cu.se , ? 4."i , CJHOCOIATK 12-lb boxes ajffiSSci Ccnnnn sweet , 2J J24o ; I'arJslan. ' Xa. COCOA.--l'cc Hi , 3 ! _ COCOA.MT ! l'erllln pkgs. KX32SC ; bulk , 2 ! t-KIDS Mixedbl r < l , l-llplcci. t c ; canary.ECJ 5ciiciif. \ . lie ; oatmeal. I4Sa ic | innciironl. UXJ llu ; vemilculll , lt@Ilci rice , tjliolcc , .liici fiiiicj' , ficihoad , .r > ' 5e ; MISO a.iid tnploei.l > 3Tc ; Iliiialierins &C ! hulitpcnsUc : splKittl. Ho. .Miiisi < rH Jlbl . .NO fnticy per sal , i."Tc ; i-lioleo. 4.X'47 ' ! ( tooilxSt'c : : ! Cubabakaiii' . 2&g c : blac li bt rap , SUQfle. NViiAi'i-iNf ] L'Ai'Eii-St raw. jer Ib , HWH-iei rntr. - Manilla H.V.WJcNol , ! , PC , OILS -l3) ) ] > Hnio whltf. o : IV ) witor white Ko ; I''i licaill Ivlit , H'ie ' ; ? 4 Rasollno , IIIc. KraiiulatctiSc , ; inbbls , . SODA 1'kgs , CO Ibs to box , 5i03Hc ! ! kcss , li-jC. OOfr. clilcr. Wo ; goodISc , : willtc , WIIIP , l.Xi ! fniicy , t rult , ! . " > 87 I > CT cross. 100 Cioi bos Krade. 18IIK. lisa ; rocfe sa.lt , crushed , il.bO common , bbl. ll.- ' . . So i t'abtllo. mottled , per Ib , O IOc ; do while , peril ) . Hi1. L'ICKUK * Medium , pcrbbL , W.M ; small , fO XI phcrkhiH , 17 * 1 flDBit-lVr bbls. . rcnnrd , M.VI ; lialf UHW-M liariloklcT , ituro. i > cr bl > l , JO.iO ; oraneo elder half lilil..iJXJ ! : pear ciilcr , liuUlibl.K'-O , JlanlllarojH ) Allslzts from 7-H to llu. , JJc ; slsul ripe , ullslzoj from 7-lfl to hi. . llScj"noiroi'i'ss"tilLhliei from 7-10 to 1 In. , So. ( . 'OTTOS Rnri Vi'ln. , Wo. T\viNjs-fottf \ > a t iiie"llllb. " > ery line. ! { Ib bali-s , i.'upottoii : fuliui , "Palsy liMiul,1 11) balos. is'o : k > iiiit\vlni' , t Hi bales , 3 c ; BI : ! twine. 20cieunillonick. . ' . ' . 'i.-4l-ft ' ) cotton clot he Hill's , Kiel a-Hc ) < tionolutlit < i lines tflKi ; CO ft ciittoiilhii's , ? ! . 40:1,0ftslHuIllnui : , 41.75 ; UO-f jiiti-i.O ) ! wcol tA\liiiv t'.i ; . New Almonds. I5c : llraills. He ; , pfcnn.9 , 13c : waliiuti , IS c ; | x > anu i-ocks. Oijt ; niast d , lii-ic ; iciiiios.si c peanut * , bo. bo.iJiXMSD Jl P.ATS Cornea beef , 1 ll > , ? l.50 rornoil be C. I ! (1) ! , 82.10 | tunch toaffiKs. 1 Ib M.00j lUllch llnRUl 'S , 2 IK S4,7j ; brawn , 1 Ib Ni brawn. 3 Ibi. Si.CO ; ox tonjrui'H. IVJ IDs i ox toiiK P , 2ll > s. ft)0 ) ; cit lKdl ! 'ef. Ji ) i Ib , mil ml cans. 4l t ) : rvmst bwsl.2 11) , roim cam , te.SOj poltt'il liiiiu.i , Ib , roil ml cans. CUc tx.tieil Jiam. 4j 11) . mund cui.s . , Sl..t ) ; ili > rllei ham , U " ' round cans. nv > ; ilovilii ] limn , \'t Hi roiinil c'lni. ll.'JU ; potteil o tongueII ! ) round onus. IIJX ) ; i-oiuproxsod hiini , 1 Ib Miuaro cans. U.-ll ; eonipromcit hum , 5 llu MI uaro cms , i..7. > : trljwj , ; ' Hi. round i-amSt-Bi inliuvil rolup\2 Lt ) , i-oiuid tau . ti Ubunc \ Iu.iplK ! 'fic c,2 lb.wium' | cansfJ.s > . YioinMiir.nn 'ruiimtoc- --5-Ib extra , ft.tO R-lb htundunt iirc.ttiriilra.ins. ! i o ; * tlon , strlttly Klnitiiard. Jll . C'oru IHiuwt iru , choice -11) uar itirn. 11.10 ; ' . ' > 1L > ITII liramls , II. UO : 2-lb HtnndHnl vest op hranJn. uv- . Mushrooms I-lb frcneli , e\tri : lint' , 23 < ( K.Vs 1-lu r'roiifh. tliio. Mt'tZv 3-11 ' pur euii. 2.Vo | lU-iiil-liiii' , pvr iran. Kt'i 2MI ) i.lf Uil. * HM ) 2-llicnrlyJuiu' . 11,2.1 ; Mh iniirrovr bi'Ulis ' . | t > lil ll tn\t i C. I cfur- < -i' ' , rv'i 2-lG ( Jolilc-n wax Iwiiis.iUv ; J.tl. . strnu b" ins. flio , l.ltim lx- iiiMli kintl.rd , ; x' ' | LloHton b.-ikel I'can * J-lbl.t'\vIs ' \ , II.VSj Cniwn brtnili.tl.in. Hvvcct ixiliito * * jIb New Ji M y . ll.u' . 1'uniii- Uiin a-Ih , SJ.lii Dkru uml Uiniatjf. Jl.U ; okta , H.Uj I \fieat Martct Scnsitlre , witli Frquent SpurU pf Activity. CORN WAS FAIRLY BRISK ALL DAY , Oats Knirowvltli little C/iaiiRo / nt t'ao Clusc A IJiilllHli In. I'roTlsloiis t'attlo mill CIltCACO. AupustSJ. ( Succlal Tele ? ram to Tut HKE.1 Tbo wlieat niarkettoOajxvithnnl o ftillo\f. Tlie action "was i artlj- duo to freih ion and Jn pitrtto the atlrlbtito of n few ending houses. On the vliolo there was ftrcat trcngtli , with freijuonl sjiirts of activity , The market -wassensl tire and responded freely o dtlicrblff bityinj op tlio sollltii , ' crowd and appeared to 1 rcndy foru turthornd vaiico at n inonicnt'ji notice , or a , l/reak of S or 3 ecnts tx'foro ' the elcsc. Kscept a. vlM o ] 'iilji5 nt a sharp nclvanco there wns iiolhlnit pcn'atlonul up to 1 o'clock. Fiieroviis \ no c n < l 10 tu'vj. or dlspatclm rnlhor , clulniliiK pomotlilni ; n wfroin various sourci's. TIiobnllMi foellii at tliccloso yes- ; onlay Inercaseil on tltr cin-banTl this inorn- ngtrndc wrisreaily forhlilier U nn-s. 1'roit yraji-pjiorteilnt Detroit , ( .ratio Haven and Miirqtieitt ! ) Jlloli.ono jK > ; nt iionr I-rifayettc , Ind. , midii fur i > olnts In t'anatln. Tompon- t ttw vrnhlttlierliitlio n ri l\west.btit a iic\v \ bull feature presented llsoU-benvy rnKifa.ll over ortli O.anla. to Inter- fete with hurve .t. . ] > I'mt.'lu | > s nl < o clnlrneil tint 7O per cent of Manll < l > \vlioat \ was uncut when tlicfrcozo came. The Illinois crop tc pnrt wni bullish HO far ns It wont. I'orc'Icn markets were linn and Liverpool cIoH'il 'jd lilslicr. Kour Vork cloipudM.OOO bushels of wheat. Out InsiH'etlonlH'rowiiHlll , OJO bush' ehaiuliililpinoiit.sN > , lK ) ) bii-liel * . llradstrcet tixiiri'saBtirnliis of f ,4W , ' to buslitls takltijja most lUiorul estimate of 4l" > , oooooo for the total crop uml a reserve of H.OOO.O'O bn liela July 1. Of tlie local liontrs llut-chlnKonHalil- wlnanil Fnriuun and lx > 3inVC'o. wcro Ictid- tsitbuurs. Dnnliain A Co. sold vbeat , as Old li.vhltc A Oo. September started around 1,0(1 ( , sold at (1.0. ( nntl tip toil.wwj liocomlior nil to ! o'clock sold at 3I.U01 , to d.OOMat the niienlns , nr > lnft.10li. oil to il.09i tol,10'i to S1.CUH toJl.O'W ; May sold to It. u to Sl.U'.i to fl.UH tojl.ll. Tlicro vns some reallzlnK I" xvhoat the Ia5t few minutes anil prices clcn d souiuvvhat Irrcpular , with calnq for the day ranelns from Ht3 to ] ' Jc. August wus quoted atlhf close at$1.0C'i to ll.Wi. i > eptt > iiibvr lit 1.00. Dccumlcr atli.WSntitlJlnynt ) Sl.tt'i. Tlio corn market was fatily mKk all clay , nm tifter showing unu-li btri'iiKtli caily , clo oil at bott < ira prkvs for tlio day tuid about the closing prices of yt'itpnlny. ' Mur-li stronztli eirl.v : was trnee- tililo toiislinrp nclriiuce in wliciiiancl reports of frost from ISIIclilzjan iinluts. Tlicro VMS Rciioi-alcovorlncc by small shorts , iiadbuvlnR byshlppltifr botihi'fntrnln iraio unusual llrm- iii'S * to ept ember. Tlio pi ice for tbtxt iiiiJiilh row from 4'l.Ko ' at the ru > nlnj ? to nVC ) und dropped back to 4Kic nttim close ! .Vagust vm vltlt t-i'nteinhor ' oru sliailitiii'lorall day ; Oi1- tobor lonclitil 5 > > * io and oil' to rA1 , cjlo l no'.c ' ; MayAIV toJIc , to.VfBnit theclosi- . flio oats mark ot was nit rnw today and little clianso as reported attlu > i'loe. Ausust win lii'ld ut37l4Ciis on ycnlcrday ; fccplpiiilicr MiUl titTiisuaii(13i ( ( c and olosi-a at iHi'jvi Outnlivr clo eJ nt.'SJ'ic , ilay 40cto W , c , tott > ? jc toWc tit the close. Thorewi'i-elS.OOOliotrtioxpwtoOat tlie yards ainl receipts readied li.Oiii. Tlilscuiisril prices tlieio to drop , r > o or HKUl. . patclics to that ulfVct ( ild not cnntwl tlio provision pit. The bullish fecllns In wlii'iit ' and corn hiren < l to tills trade , nnd llrst jificfs for all products wore bottortMn elo > lnu' flsums yes- trrday. JuimarvporKwns at ( Jli'D. but sold off Cc later , clobhis nt JI2.CT. ! May vis : nuototlat B13.42i ! nnd oT ! totKUKIJ , clnshis ut &M.X- . , \ > lilloupteinbcr. ! . was nt Jll.OO at tlio close. Jan nary lard snid at Mill and sfll.'jO ' , elosIiiK tS l.e ! . KlbsK.fJ ( > iiincltO.O. > all day opening un.fl closing atlUo A. CH jn * JE s TOOK , CIIICAOO. August 2-l.-Ir > e < Mal Telcjranito Tim RFE.I OATTIK Afow jood native cattle onsaluwcntout at thcstronfost prices of any clay fortho weelc.as tvolotsotprliae shipping steers sold ntio.OJnnU.i3.10 , and fair to Rood stoclf atstcady to sti-ons prices. Dutcliers' stock and Texanswere'uncliatiscil. lloos-Kougli anil cohiinon sold lOo lover. Prlmo heavy and butcher ffelRlits and light sorts only aliout.Jc lower , Eouffli and eomnion Kold ittlLTu iLS ; ! ! , audfalr-to irood putkoriat Sl'.WTOl.Wi ' ; iirline hciivvnnd lititclier wcicbts , S OiW.3 ! ; light torts , YMWZf.B. ' \iscr.it NEW YORK , August 25. [ SpecIalTolcjrarnto TUB HEE.I STOCKS This week closed In stocks without rui.r grains of comfort , torlMilU or for holders of stocks , Tlio money market ivas uotinanlpiilatcd as on tlio previous , day anil tlio nominal rate vns aU la 4 percent. Tlicro was an irregularity In prices from first to last. Tlio street l okoil for a.ii unfavorable Tjauli statement and ItcnmoIn tlmo to cause a set "back all tlirousli the list before the close. 1'lrstprlccs wow lilfilior In a few In stances , sucli us hnko Shore , Tiortliwostcm , tiiiRtir and New Un.lmiil. There tero losses In Atctilson , 13urll 115(01 ( : , St. I'aul : unl otlicr.s. A belief that the vrorsfc fi-aturcs ut tlio strike liavo brim discounted.that tlio treasury ac tion will b nll that can bodesireil , afrowlnn liullIslifecllni ; InLonilon : nul thu action of Oainniack anil other tmir * In potllng ; In tliolr bliorts , navotlin iimrki'tqulto a firm toni ; until nftor 11 o'clock. Him tlio l > rink statement t-howln ; a decrease i > f iionrljS,000.000 , hi re serves and nearly 810l , K ) , < > 00 lu deposits , sot prlccshaclt again. Attlio close Northwestern " W13 up ! i" u.t lOsii. .New EtiRland U at 4G < i und I.ako Slioru ! i ut M\ . > 'ct losses vero inorw ycneral. Suijarand tlio < 'hlcaKO Gas Trust \vcro each oir 0. per c'tnt , l Four U , Atclilson S , LncUa.waniia ? i , 3I | - nirt raclticv ; , lliirlliiRtonKock , Island and fat. I'aul usicii X. ] ier cent. Tlie folloiving were the closing quotations : tTs.4.scoupon. . . . . .125 INorlhorn I'aclJlc. . . . . . D H US. 4-rctulir 125 doiircfcrrcd Mi US. 4Vi rwnlar Ill * O.AS.W | J7J US.4Hcoujxm 1U3 , iloprcrorrcii 112 rjcltloHoC 16 llK'i NcwVorl Centr 1..10m O'litrniraclllc 1 I' . , D. & K l Jf Uilraco& Alton 1W 'Uocklslnnd ' ClllCIUJO , 0. . 31. .VSl.I'nul 10U AQulnoy . 101 ( Inprofcrretl IW DI. . AW. ' St. rnnUS.-Omala..SO llllnijlsC'ontnl 110 i iloirorrroa | 10 lilt. Jt\V. \ . 't'nltra ' l'acltlc.v. . . . . . W Kannn AT n 13r. , . . St. I * . Jk I > U' ' arclilBinConi'rn'l" ! ! ! ill ' \Vostcrn Union ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " * : MONKV lasy nl'Jf&l per ceutj la.-t loan * 3 percent. 1'ni.ME JtKnoA7 < iii.B rirnit "H3" jier cent. STKW.ijiO ExcilANeiE Quiet antl steady ; sixty-day bills , * l.bi-il ! deinana.fl.sOJJ. MlninsStoeks. N'ETrVonit , Aujusts ; . TiJpecIal Tolejram to TIIK DEE. ] The ) follovrlns are tliomliilns stock quotations ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -Alice . . . „ SiA 'KureknCon . ( Jj . \JaU3aCon . . . . . 21.r > lIoiueMaVo. . . . Iu ) li.miB . . „ . , . 100 .HornSllver . . SM Caledonia U.ll. . . . , , 1 ! O 'Mejlcna ' . SM fiiollnr. . 3IO Ontario . < ] ( frownl'olnt . . . . . S.'iO IMyraoutl . auo foil. C ta. nd Va. . . ' * > ; SutWr Crtgt. . us ConmumivcHltti . . . . . 2JO I _ J'JIOOVCf : OnICAOOAnctist 23.-1:13p. mclose Wheat , steady ; cash , * 1.0IUl.W-41 ! September , U.Wii ; May. il.invi , Oorn-Stcady ; cash and Soptom'ber , 40'ie ; nay. xfG. Outs-Steady ; casli , WKci Seftemler , Jlay. :0'ifettle. : ( Ryo-KJrm at-CV ; . Hurley Easy at721 I'rIinoTliiiothy-Knsi-at.11.4131.45. 1'lu.x ! * i > ud-Ka > jr at } l.8 . Wli ny H.1S , I'ork-Stcady ; cash , ft 1.53 ; .rannary. 812.W. . Lard .Hull ; ca li. ttVHi Jununrr.t < ) .l < JtJ > . . . . Ploiir Firm ! \flntcrwUriit. SHS Mhesit , Jl.SOij.'i.T.'ii rye , } J.rx > ai.vo. : : Hulk Meats Shoniqr ! | # . M.7n.VT' ' ( | short - HutUT Uncliangcdtsicudyi creamers13 ® 2lcdnlry. 1 217c , ' I'liet'-i ! l'iiflianpe llCrmi fnllcroatn choil- diir * . 74 ! < ® "tfc ; tlit.sIIVMx : : Vouns Ainurluiis. KSSJ T'licliaiiEcrt : flrni ; fresh , 1.115c. UUlni I'lnn : liouvjr anil llplit croon ci hut ted bull h Uli'i. A Vjc ; K roe : calf , b'idieli'i ' nry Hint , 2 > : X , ' | Urr fl'i-ltiHl hides , 7o : ilryiKulf. SiftlK1 ! cluaconi. , utieb , lXm. Tiullowi ! adT ) | Js'o. I. kollU picked , ( ) Jc ; No.ir.lc ; cake , , | C. Kocolptt riour.hbla . 1J.OW Wlioat , nu 1MOJ Oirn. bii. S4l.to ) MLftH ) latsbu ) 13i .ttn 18J.OW Nnw"tinc ) , Autrtist 23. WlimU Ucoclpts , KViO lnislul.-ieMl ; < Jrts , l.y ) i sjiol hl.'licr : No. 'i riI , tl.l'Tiil.lOU ' In elevator : fl.ll' ' ' 3l.lUMm allOHtl tl.lO'tl&l.ll'i fo. b.t uptinn. cliuuil 1 * fti\chl-3uT ; . 2 ToJ , Suptombur. cluolnj tut tN > ni-i : < xi : lpti , I2.WO biuhelHioxpurtt. | .C > 0 liilslifli ; hinit llniij No2 , MlVftVlUj * in i > lr vitori ; . .ifawIVnlloati iinraclci | tuhi'd. ii\- ' . K . . ' ! options clo > ej 11 rni ; Aiuukt i-l.y.u- at fxj , t Uttn ; Uvcelittk , ll-t/CTbibh" Is : exportsIl2 i liii lii'lt ; spot flrnier Nn. J whlt < ' . 44' ' jl i- , mm.'tl weicrii , 10-tl.x vwliltc Mcstctn. 4.5 i" , , j opt. < ins ktruiistr , A uiti t clu-.3iij.i ) , i- C'otTco ' Option * closed ktvudfj f 'Xpoluta / up : "fattier i > nMH. 5 > ili - 1 rooh.iir.il , - -yri | si,7.jix ; \ ; > : sDotltto , Urin : . , . . Suirnr Itaw , firmer , fnlri roflnliiB. 5 : contrl- iitSiil * , l ) test , fiSi't niu i-ovuil i , 'VX ' t , TH. ! ro- llncd. itvnily n ml mow active ; Mutidard " \ . " l etltlo.'if.Rl-llX.M . . IVtrolouiu United closed forsfopteiuLwr at Sil'ii * . Kum-Klrm ; wostorn. U'jiJkso'jc. ' ' HI'o rli-Stvaily ; mess , ta.MHstSb. lanl-SiMiit | wo tern * te > inn. * 1.CO. Duller rinn ; western dairy , 'JBUfl ! ercani- , . l'hce e strotijspart sklm < s , 4ft. " . c. ST. Louis , Atttfiiit . \ViiHt-HlKhproi h , ll.OI\i | ScplemlKr. SIOlVl Dc tmlHril.Osii. . Corn Irfpjfular ! cadi MV'i Soptotiibor , 4J ? o. OitH : Ijowor : cnsh.JTe : May , 40o. l'i > rk-qiilia tJll.7V I.anl-Qulot nt ! C.l > 05.IO. \ VlilnkyJl.jn. . llutter Steady. butnuleti creamery cliolco , JT31SCI Eljln , UIOi'.Moi dairy , lOUlSc. KA > AB CITY. Aujiist U.Vliciit Stronc : No. 'J linnl , cnsli , Ode ; Ausvisl , WVHos No. 2 led. cash. il.PO. C ( ru Weak ; No. . , cash , 45oi AugiisU hid. t UMStwulyi .Vo. lea h , 3 ® 80Kc | no bid ) , J MttVALKf.K , Attuiisfc S3.-\Vli \ < < at < 1'l No. S swlns. onsh , l.os .j ! Seiiletuler , 8l,0ti ) Corn Finn ! .No. S , W'Ji- . Out * Klmij Jio. " vlnto , ST J'JSSo. rcod-Uiin l-'lftn ; | rklll.- ' . Itj-c-l-'lrm ; ND. 1. Sic. Ilartoy Kaslur ; No. ' . ' , OTc. Sl. U'hoat SlronRi No. . fern Harely uteatljr : o. J mixed , KPS&IKc , Utvti-Emlor i So. S mixed. S'4C. ' \VIilsUy-tl.l3. I.ivciifnnu Ansn t 2Tl.-\Vhett Vlrmi de mand fallen t > 17 ; holdori olTor spnrlnily ! Cali fornia , Xo.l , T < T'idliT ' Ml JMT coiitlll ) nd wostrrn sprlnjii Ts 5 > iil4Ts ( Od | red western winter , T J'id. ' Corn StroiiKj doinanrt fallen offi inlxod wus tern , JsO'.til per ccntjil. JUxsr..M'fn.t , Aucint 21. AVhoat-necolpts llllenrs ; slilpmi'iits. IBca h wheat ytrons and htclivr. C'losln ? : No. 1 linnl , AIIKIIM , il.ll ! on trnc-k. 8I. ! No. I northern , Aurnst. * l.fi ( t h-ptcmbor. jl.OIJiiontracit , 11.07(81.12 ; Xo. 2 northern. August , fcl.00 ! ontraol : . B1.U1CS1.03. JI1 Jlt1'fltUfi , CtilCAOO , August a Utttlo-Itoocluts. 5,000 : market stronger ! natives , ? XD03. > .10bii ; toher.s' ' stoc-latul Tt > xiiissti'A'lxno ' ransi-rs on xale. llo s ISiH-i-lpts , 17,000 ; tnnrket lower ; com mon and la l > y paiikcrs , & 'lv > a4.W ; iirlmo lioavy , * 4.1ixati ! ) : light , l,10l.2.'i. . Sheep llc-celpK 2,0 0 : market steady ! natives , f4.0o3.V30i westerns , M.IOI.'J3 | Tovans. ? l.W4CJ.a ( ; stoclccrs , * ; L5' > iMlW. ! Sr. Louts. August S3. Cattlo-Hocelpts 700 ! shlpiiK'iits.TiiOi market .strong at an a l- vaiicei fnlrto fiinc * _ > imttvn steers. fJ.Uu3I.TO | stocrlicrd nnd feeders , SU.t)3.1 : { 0. Ho3 Hifelnts 2. lid ) : wlilpiiicnts , 1.213 ; mar ket Heady : heavy , tl.00.l | } ; mixed , W.003 3.W ; light , W.9.ai.lO. CITV , Axtznst It. Catttc-Hocelut * . ini'n.t'i. l.i > " * ) ; spot lowers steers , JJ.2,1 c < j\vs , * l.DJe .DO ; stockcrs und feeders , . Ifojs KecoIpK T.sfll : shlpmeats , 5,000i ma.r- ket loiver ; all ( radui , Siot'X CITV. la. , 'Aiisjiist Kt.-tHpcclal Tolo- pr.-i.in to Tun HKI. ] llon-i licuelpt * . 2.KW : market .VjlT'tP l < nviToti'bc t , selling at J.J.U03 3. Ls , bulk at JJ.77S-iiW-SO. The Weekly Hank Stntcnieiit. YcmK , Aueust'Z ! . [ .poclal Telesiam to TnuliB.-Tlio ! : ] weekly bank statement shown the following chungcs : lli'scrvo. decrease ! I1K17.2. % ) I.oain , lUvrnase J.t'll.lWO ' Lcsultciiilpra , iloorease L'.lit.O'JJ JioiJiKlt1- . ilec-n'ii'.i * Q.uVi.uu ) Clreulntlcii , Increase 23. : W Tlioli nk umv hold tfi..112.UT.1 li\s ? tliui : lliu roitulreuii'iits nt Llio ' , ' . " > per cent iut > . The exports olhpoclu f ruin thu port of Nf.vVork luix week tuninmteil to fJ'a.lC * . of which r'.lt wasln colil and $ i iJ.Vj in illvor. The lniort > , ofspuclu for the week simoiiiitoct to J. l&.i.y.otwli It'll SLOJica , was In gold and WV4- M3 In silver. Tlio CofTcp Markot. IE\V \ VflitK. August 21 fpDelal Telegram toTiir. HKE. ] t'OFii : : Options opened steady and unchaiiscil to lopolnts up ; cloicil sti'acly , 5 to M points upi better cable * ! quiet , falos 1.500buuv Incltlttin ? A.imi-,1 , jl . : l ; Srntem- ber. Iir.70ftl7.ju ; t eloli r , MT.IOHit'i'J ; Nuvuin- bcr. ilii.'KillUI ; Di'L'L'inhor. ' iVJ.Ki0.mJnti. \ \ . uar.v , fll.a- ( .lC.IO : Fubrutirv , Jlil.W : JIarcli , fl.'i.Ul ! jVurlU lVH. ) : .May . lft.fr . Spot lIe tlrin : futrcarsoebai'-U''i : 7llat bcantl'J.UO. Uho Dry Hoods r , AupusliSJ.-tSiJcrlul Telegram to : . ] The jobbing tra < lcwus tjulto nc- Uvo dtLrla ? the forenoon , but bi lnuw with agents \vasrostrlutod principally toorders ty inull and telcsrapli , transactions ! nnthbspol bolntllulitnsn < ualon Saturday , Thorn was no new feature on Vlmnxo In the market. Tlio Improvement Jtocuril. The unfavorable weather of tbo pat week has hod ti demoralizing- effect oa the i-eal es tate mnriet and hns decidedly checked build- ing1 oiwratioas. The cold spell is only tem porary , however , and an Immense i > mount of building will yet bo commenced nnd much of it completed during the present season. The following figures show the tables of renl estate transfers , building iwi-mits and bauh clerlups for the week. UK L ESTATE THA-NSrKIlS. Mondnj- . ' . H07.0M TiicMlay . . ; n.-j- , oilni'sd'iy . . s.1 : ) ! Thnr-duy . lii.ftll Krlday . 4 .i.r : o Saturday . 51.TO Totul . US8.70J 11UIL.MXO I'EItMITS. Monda > - . ! in.CS Tupidiiy . o.UHO ASodnoiday . . r.iro Tliiifedny . 12.03 l-rlihy . _ . ! il Saturday . . . 2.V ) Total . JiW-M II.INK CI.IAUINC ? . Monday . . Jl. 00X267.00 Tuesday . l , < V > Dy.il.ri \\odnesday . SNVi75.W : Thursday . Mvnw.'t ' ; Friday . . . . . . . „ raicijs : Saturday . 6IOr > 71.ci ; Total . $ -.315.07 0) ) Anlnereaoof 41.2 per cent over the cor responding week of lasi , yenr. Dr. Blracy cures cntnrrli , Boo bldg. - > Elchard Michaolis , editor ol the Chicago - cage Freio I'rusyo , has -written a roplv to Bcllniiiy'a "Looking Backward ? ' wliich no\v appetird from tlio preso of Rand. McNally A Co , , under the title , "jLoolcinfr Furtlicr Forward. " In this book ho talies up KoUnmy's story and carries It on , Ho brings out the iii-rru- ments ngtiLnst communism showing that the latter restricts personal liberty , docs away with tlio Lencfits of competition , and tcnda to create un imbcnraljlo tyranny , oxorcigod by the govcmin ? authorities over the rank and tile of tlio industrial army. Dr. Blrner cures cutnrrh , Boo "bldg. George Rullcdo A Sons. Now York , liavo issued n volume of P , T. Barnum's funny stories. Dr. TJirnoy euros catarrh , 33co Til 13 HKAI/PV M/VUHBC. TNSTHUMB.NTd plaool on ruoord durln * yestordavi Jo-epli Kuvan ct til to Louis Chroedor. HwnxvG'U-1) ) , ami so nu 1-U-ll aim nboutJl acres tidjoliilni ; liu\v iie , 1-U- qci . , . Heirs of J d liull toO K CoomUs , lot Ul , lilk m. fliull'rflicl add , w d . flV ) \VTloknoraiid vlfo to OJantyen , lot : a. blkll. Orcli : nl Kill , w < l . 3,000 O WTIeknor and vlfo to O Jantzcn , lot . ' { I blkll. On-lntii ) Hill , w d . U.OW IllrUiiiuter & HKiincir to J HiMlcsnn , jr , , lot 1 , lillc 1. t'ovoll's itdd vo CreU'litxjii llelulilJ. w d . fa G II llogji anil vrl fete 1) ) U Dunbar. lot Ulc 1. CM llowVmlcl.wd . 9X ) I Hfhrot'ilor. trntco. to Cnarl < * s SOKC > bart. lot U. lilk 19 , Ilruwn l'irkwil. ; . : I. SclniK'ilor to C 1 , L'omrd , lot U , bile 13 , llrDWiil'arh , w d . 2W \V J Stevens Ui Victor Wilte.sfcot ( lot S , blk I' , Amber , anil 10 fuel uUJoliiluj on * tskli > , vr d . 7WO J \V McC.ir.Jcllnii'l . wir.'to K.S Uood , lot ii.blk K Alljrl nt's BIIIIUK. wil . TO J \Vlilnnery \ and wife to N A Knlin , trustfi' . loll' ' . hlk4. lots 11 and J , blkti , t'rolshtoii llelfflitH. wd . l.MO OUNl-Miu and liiilmnil to.V A. Kuliii , trustee , liitk 12 : iml 15 , blk 0 , Crelghton llclslils , wd . l.Vjfl G I'.K-iiii'ii ' to < - ' tiWInlcr. Into. llo or ' fciili in lluscall k Kuiura'bul ) In ti K Itujjwrs' Ukalioruo , w i | . J.ttll ClirUt J.anrltt aulwlfitto ClirUtl'lirK- Uii-fii , ua--tlinlf lot -Jl.Uak lltll , Xo. i , wd. . . . . . 3H J liKi-niii"ly an < l < vlf t-i JC Ilnrntnl , fist liulf JoU 1 und J , 1)11 ; 11 , Ambler I'lii ' 'e. wd i. . . 5-0 r < oni'f r town aitu voiiiu.'inir t.n II K f'iii'iiicl. lot U. bloi'k - , lleanlugton , rii'i. wd . 71 trauivfcw. . . , . . . . . .t 51'JT5 BANSHEES OF BLOODY BOTTOM Some Mighty Qaecr Goings on in tha Vicin ity of a Missouri Towa. " " < LEFT A PICTURE ON THE PANE , A. Stran o Memento of the Death ol llimtiiuul anil Cliililron lls > 4 Del - l > ar Snooks An Ohio Witch Ghostly I'viiulCHi Soiuotitno ago there appeared nn In- cresting nrtlclo In the Glooe-Democrat ejrardlng a strange' nnd unaeeountaMo apparition witnessed by a mover whlto camped nt tlio Sulphur Springs , two rillos north of this city , writes a Sweet irlngj , Mo. , dispatch to tlio Globo- Democrat. Tlio nrtlclo wtis > copied by , ho local papers , and tlio alTalr became oretty pouorally known. The vicinity is justly entitled to the nl- Ltorntlvo nnd somewhat euphonious ap pellation ol "Bloody Bottom , " \vlileh the aumerous murders occurring there nnil icar tlioro liavo caused It , to rocolvo. DuriugthepasUlftccn years no less than "our niurilcra nml ono sulchlohavo taken place Avithin one-half miloof the springs. bf tlio hnl ( dozen houses within halt'a mlle of the place' , four ol them have boon Lho scene of a dark and. bloody tragedy. Cn addition , knock-downs and ilsticulTtf Liavo taken place tlioro by tlio score. The llrst on the list of tragedies was , ho suicide of old man llurrlson , which occurred about fifteen years ago. Harrison risen lived with his sonabout lihlf a mile southeast of the Springs , ami committed julckloby hanglnjr himself to a. hod-post. The next was tlio murder of Bar naul , proprietor of Darnuni's hotel , Kansas City. Bnrnum was stopping- in town , , and Ublng the water for Ills health. IIo walked out tothcsprings ovorv ovoninjf aft-cr supper , anil ono oven ing1 ho failed to return. Two days af tor ward Ms body was found in a small Itikp scvoi'itl hundred yards beloiv the jriiig . His skull hau lioen sniashod in with'a blunt hatchet , which wits fountl near Ills body. A towel was tied tightly about his throat. City doteotivcs v.-ero nt horc to work out the mystery , but no clov to this day has over been found as towho killed Baanum. The wuiio day Hiirimm's -body was found avhit { jirl , frranddaufihtor to tlio old man Harrison "who hung himself , was either killed or committed suii-ide. She -was living with some negroes about- half a tnilo from tlio springs. It is thought slio know Eumothixig about who kllloil Uarnutn and was murdered in order to keep her from telling. The negroes claimed she shot , herself acci dentally. The fourth tragedy upon the list mis tholdlllngof Tom I'ollard , a mulatto , by \vhlto man. I'ollardvas called out into the pubHeroa.il , and in a few mo ments found himself struggling1 in the lai-t ajjonie- : death with fuveml bullet holcrf through his body. His nmrduror did not liang. The no.xt trngcfly cttusod tlio death of Bon Pee , a woll-to-do fanner , who was brutally murdered by 1111 illiterate and vieioiw Gt'i'inan. 1'oe was in the hou- tilkinj : totha Dutchman's wife , when the husband catno in the buck way. IIo. brained I'oo with , .a , Binglotroo and finally pushed him out of the hoiiso. IIo then emptied the contents of an olrl musket into Poa's Ma. Ili.-j vietltn Klny- geredoutof the yard and fell a corpse in the road. The murderer got clear. Thus it may MJUII that that the vicin ity of Sulphur Springs * is not only enti tled to bo called Uloody Bottom , " but that the strangu nntics of the- spooks and hobgrolillns which nightly congregate at the deserted house have sumo cseu.- for their visits. One man who lives only a nliort dis- tancefrxMii the springs fortifies that he saw , on several oectsions , a hull of fire , something near the size of a ninn's head , itiss around the hou- in riilil ] suceos- 1011 fora few nilinitus and then disapear. A farmer passing the buildinjj- ono night slates that he not only heard groans and moans , but ho actually saw jnastly-Looki nj ? ereiitures pissi us to and fro before the windows. Jvlnny jiorsons are very inuoli worked tip over UIOHO re ports , and one or two perstins have betm trying to get up a posse to j'O out boine night , but people , ( feiierally , seem to bo satisfied to allow the unourthly visitors to have full possession. A inysU'rv'surroumlet the homo of the late .Inincs bougherty , atSwissvnle. says a Piltsburg dispatoh to the New York llora'.d.Vilhin ' four weeks the father and thrco cliildiva have died. The mother refuses to remain any longer in the little homo. IVEidwuy between Swlssvalc and Hawk ins ( stations on the line of the 1'eniijyl- vania railroad , and oa a street whleli leads toward the railroad tracks bad ; ol the publicscliool building , btatuls a little onp-story frame hou > c. Surrounding1 this littlohomo is a garden of probablj half an acre. This , until a few days ago , has boon tlio homo of the Doughertys tlio father , mother and three children. It was al ways the father's delight returning1 from a hard day's labor at the ( Jurrio furnace , where ho wus employed , to moot his lit tle ones down near tlio river bank , Taking a shortcut through the Holds and over hills lie would take the children ono at a time , place them on his back and carry them to.his little eot- tago. llohadulwavs boon a most dovotet husband and kind father. July 5 , the second eliHd was taken 111 with u ( over. It lingvred for nfow davs then died. In just ono week from the death of the first child another one. ; little boy , was stricken down with tlio Bamomulady and died within a few days Hardly a week had passed after Clio death of the second child when the las and youngest child and tlio father's favorite , was stricken with pnoumoni : and in a. few days passed away. The death of tlio three children occur rinir In as many weeks wa-sa , bevoro blow to tlio parents. Last Monday mominp the husband departed parted for hi work at the Carrlo furnace early hi the morning. As ho loft his wlfo ho bade her tlio usual eroodby With the parting salute , "Bear uJ dear , " ho vanished over tlio hills on hit way to work. This was the last seen o him allvo by hit * wlfo. That uftornooi while engaged at work on a high trestle In ono of thu doparlinunts at the ( uriuico lie nilsfeud hiafootiiii ; ana foil baolvwnr ( to a pile of iron Iwlow. Ho was Idllet Just before the sad now was brough to the unfortunatO'Woman she hitppeuet to bo near tlio window in the front o the house. She was horrified to soot in printed 01 an ordinary panuof glass In tlio windo\ lujforo her a. pleturo of her husband u lifelike as if ho fetood lK fore her him solf. On hla baclt wasthefiivorito Httio girl and In hi * hand his tlinnr-r pail , jus lus had hwn Ills custom in the duyri wlii all wad bright. 'I ho woman was frightened by th sight at id way in tlio ucl of uotifyinj , her neighbors when n message stopped her on the threshold and announced to her the death of liufliUHhaiid. The news * complutolv prostrated her. The husband was burled yesterday , and Mrs. Daiigherty UMt the house before nlffht , saying she wus nfratd to remain thi're. She Is now with friends. Crowd * of people hayo vlslU-d the house. The erajK1 still llultors from the door , and ono stx'ctator after another lllt s up to the window to seethe sight. Kvcry ono expressed himself totht oltVct ( hat it Is it wonderful Itketir-s of Dotijfhorty and his favorite child. The plot iira has the apih'itranco of bolng 'round in the ghiw. It is near the eon- , ct of the pane ar.d is in Mich a position tluit It would madlly bo seen by a woni'in titling inside the room and.wali-hlng the , ) atli over which her hushaml would ro- ; urn home. Down In a vault Uolo\v .police head * quarter.hi ! eomp.tny with bovorul tons of felonious junk of thu most promis cuous descriptionlies that grisly gallery of portraitures irreverently known as Lho "Dis8 Debar Spook Pictures , " says llu' Now York Morning .lournnl. Thot-e'thoy have lain slneo May , 1SSS , when thev were ruthlessly t-nrteil away from Luther K. Marsh's Madison Ave nue "Temple" to bo tmod as mldcneo lurainst the portly princess Ann O Dilltu Their existence was nlinost fo gotten until the prlncvud initdo n domain ! on IVonerty Clerk Harriott for their sur render1 They stand ranged around the walls of the vault in ghastly array. An an cestor ol Mr. . Marsh's , who flourished before the Hood , painted by itands cheek by jowl with . .lulluC.isar , jy Vtindykc , Ciecro. copied by H'.ibend from ' a photograph of the di'cvusi'il fur nished by the winceys , is llanKod hy Numa I'oinpiliti.o , by this tmook of Hoi- boin , and a grout aunt of Mr. MorMt , who died in childhood , but appearj to have attained an advaneed tigo in the ether -\vorld. Opposite those ia a striking likeness of Luorotitt Horghi , contoinplating a goblet of narls green , hy an unknown spook. At the furthc'r end of the vault are the spirit portraits of Nebuchadnezzar , Samuel Morse , Ivan the Terriblellarba- rossa , Ltoujanihi Binns , D.uicl ! Lambert , Willhtin the Conqueror , John iirown , Columbus , Hritham Young. Attiln , Captain - tain Jack Husfoy nnd nuin.'i'ous otlior heroes of ancient and modern times. Queer rumors are ullotit arcuml head quarters of curious goings on in the mult in which the spook portraits ave stored. It is oven said that they In vo an unemiiiy way of walking out of tht'lr ' framcH and behaving in the most riot ous fashion in the MiiaU houi-a of the morninx' . Mr. Harriott swears Unit on entering the vault suddenly a few days , ho surprUod the slr.ulo of liarbarossa or Jack llus'ey , ho isn't suru which , en- jnyliifT anapou the sofa on which Captain - tain Unger dissected Augtust Bohlcs In Uidgo t-treet. Tlie bpoolc , whoever ho was , whisked buck Into his frame so suddenly that Mr. Harriott could not positively identify him. Ollk-er Van Urden , detailed in Mr. Harriott's ollico , says ho eaujht Lu- cretla Uor in in the net of bestowing ii mo-it shainukM.s wink on the anlcdilu\ tuieesU ) ! ' of Mr. Marsh. She evidently recognized Van Onion as an olllcer , for on his approach she de sisted iiiMittitly and retlxed hDr gaze on the Paris green. Mr. Harriott objouts decidedly to sueh conduct on the ptirt of the spooks and Miys that it's a positive , nuisance to have to"run the rlk of an oneounter with a gentleman like Ivan the Terrible dvery tlmo he hiiboeetflontoffolntotheeollar. IIo will be heartily glad when the ques tion of their ov.'iiorcdiip ia Hnally nettled Ijclwooa the priiiL'ot'S and the oxeeutora of the late S.tmuol Liowenborg. The little community of lower Twin crook , in Nile township , this county. Is just at m'OHiMit stirred from center to cir cumference over the advent ol what they boltovotnha a veritable witch In tholr iniilit , sayn a I'ortomoulh , O. , dlnptitch to the C'ineinnati Knquiwr. Tills woman eanio to the plncu some time ago , and slneo has bL-on leading a mysterious * life , and has b-icoinctho talk of the en tire neighborhood. In the day time she wanders about the country from ouo house to another , entertaining 'the silm- pie housov.-ivos with strange tales of dis tant countrio- ; which she hits visited , and of straujjo supernatural plfnomomv which she ha. * witnessed , and of sjmo of which she has been a part. Her stoolc of witch lore is boundless , and she Un derstands the charm us well as tlio iiio- dichml properties of every plant in the Held and woods. At night she in some way disappears , and , though on several oceasions she has been witched , she has always managed to ohido her Bplcs and make her nocturnal visits to witoh- hintl unattended. Uec-ontly sh J has been mtiklnR1 some astonishing oxhibitlonrf of herart in con nection with a Mrs. Stun Cooper of that neighborhood , who for years has been suffering from a nervous atVc-etion of the muscles of her neck so that she could not keep her head fetill. The witch told her that she was under the spell of a uertain man of tlio community , whom who de scribed , and that if uhe wotiltl oxainlno the bed and pillow whoreou shu tslciH.sho would Ibid thirty-three witch balls. The examination was mndo and curiously enough the oxaet numhor of ball. " , ingen iously formed from the feathers , were ) found. And now a night has been appointed , when nt the hour of inidnightthene hall a are to bo hurned , and at such time , the witch declares , the man who is wielding1 the spell will clio at unco and the woman bo cured. The puoplo are anxiously awaiting the hour , and in the mean tim'o the man described by the mysterioua woman is moving nervously about and unpleasantly conscious of being one of tlio main characters in a most scrloua tragedy or a most ridiculous farce. Clem Smith , a colored tiddler well known in Annapolis , Mil. , was , it is said , npnrlhi'd of his approaching end through a dream , which , interpreted , meant that lie nail only one day longer to live. On tlio day bodied ho related the dream to some persons with whom ho workedwho noticed how melancholy lie appeared and who commented on Fiis gloomy con dition , says a dispatch to the St Loula Globe-Democrat. Smith had been work ing nt Day Khlgo , nnd was taken ill on his way to Annapolis. IIo died shortly after reaching home. 1)IUI'OSAI.S KIM FKNC'INCJ. A.-'MSTANT ( junrUMinasttM'ii otllec. Uinnlui. NutmiBkn , Auiust ) . MO. "oali'il proposal * In triplicate Hiilijci't to the iiMinl coiKlltloiM , will l > o rt - < ' < > ivmUt till-to Illeo. until 13 in. , .Monday , Hcpt. 12 , JMJO. for coriNtriifHIiiK funt'o around tin ) Fort Unmhu Mllllnry Ili-oervat inn. nciir Hollv- . view. Neb. I'luiis and sprc'ltlnitlom r-unljo seen. Hint clri'uhirs I'liiitiiliiln Instruct onA to bidders , nnd l > luik ; furinof iirojo-ils | ; oli- tuliuxl on tippllratloii to this iimccTlio gov- Miuuunt r i > rvoi < tinrlslit to rcjtvt Any or all 1)IK ljlVI.'IciH'Sl'OlltUlNllU | II | ' < > | > MIS | KllOUlll inurkiMl "I'roiiu'.aU for I'l'iiclns. " ninliid- < lKoil t4) llui uiulcrblKiifil. I'llULKS T. ill MI'IIHKV , Uai > tatn ana As-lstunt Quar- tiiriiiaiit'ir. U.S. A. _ uugjullt h'ju-'l. Nntlcn 10 UnrilriioKirH. ilils will bo rrnnlvpil Jn tlinrdlllcoot of park ( 'Uiiiinlwloni'ra ( rourn fi.Il I'uxUin buililliipi ii | ) to3 o'ci | > ck iiwiii of Frl- < luy , Auiriikt'Ju. 1HM for tliuuruotlou of uiuu- hlrMtanil in ) lunuoiii 1'urk. Plum dotulls and spnolllcit'omrun ' be fcn nt tlioiinir-K'if M iixon k llnurzcotf. urclilU'CU. roonistw * nnd ww Ntw York Lift ) Imlldlnx ' A o-rtllU ) Icln-ck In the HUM of tire hundred il'lliirn ' , * - ' 'i inuilii nuyuljlu to tliu beard of jiurk ' oiii'i liiloni'rsiiiiiHt ifcuinpuny cuiUbld jinn I'vidi nro ol K'xxl ' futtli. Tn ' board reserve * tinrljjnt tor Jcot ullbldi. OL'V K. UOAMi