TBO3 OMAHA DAILY BEE , SATURDAY , AUGUST 23 , 1800. 8 THE CITY. The tank clearances jcslcrduy wcro & 7il : m22. The tody of Cora Cool < was bu rlod In the potions' Held yosturilnj' . The St. 1'aulfc ' Omaha Is opening n fine gravel pit on HH mainline about three mltos Kouth of llubtard. The material Is to to used for ballasting Us traclca. A hide-track has been put In mid the pluco ts indicated on the titno- caul by tao significant mmoof "Grit , " I , I'.lltAUfeM'JlS. Mrs. Ocorpe W.Shaw and mother liavo to * turned from tliolr visit to Minneapolis , ac companied by Mrs. & 1ia\v'i nieces , Misses Leo and Florence Itcddlug. ' Mr. ami Alri. V ! 1. Kleastcail Iclt yntonlay afternoon for Battlu Cronlt , Midi. , to spend Sunday wltli Hon. O. II. DJWO.V , They \\lll return llio lint of the week. Mr. H , IMV.llliins , amcmberof the city foioo oftlioIiitorUc-iMn , Chicago , called nt Tim Uri : olllco yobtenljyvlille on hli way to l-'reinont. where ho will rejoin hli wife , \jtip lias been summcilnf ? with relatives , \\ita her he will lolurnto Chicago in atom tu week. This moinlair at 9 o'docli ' scats for tliooiiKigoiuimt of llmsel.'i ' comedians vlll bo put on saw at Hovel's opera house , 'i'ho this rclcbutcd company of comic I'layon ' will commence Sunday oven- iiiKntuicontltiuoimtilTuoiilny ovoiiln ? . On I'otUr's ' nti- Sunday uiulMomhv evenings ) slcul coiiifdy"TliotityDircctoryvlllbotlio , : bill uiidou 'I'tiesJ.iy evening "toy Street. " No other inch company wan ever orpa- I/otl iiiiVnu'rie.v , nnd thu puss of New Voric city pronounces llieni perfect in their line o f bushiest. Kussi'll hwto ngi-cit extent dls- caiilodtlio hoiMOplay ItiiUls soprotnlncnt in Iloyt'a pieces nnd las damoiistrtitcil tliixt broad ttinit'ily niiy boinudc butcossful when stripp" ! of Its coarscniMa. ItiiililliiK Permits. TiiofoHowinspuMilw wcro InuaJ by tUo BUpprintoii'ioat of building * yesterday : I'rcd AldiTinnii , onu-nlnry franio ( Ot- tliKi1 , l.lKliti'fiitli iitiilCunlur sliocts .8 500 I'rcil Slrk't ? twiistiii-y fi'iitno ru ldencc , huvdilei-nlli nnd Williams struuts lfi. 'J ' ' ' 10 1'our inlniii pi'i'inlls Totlil 82,400 Dr. Siistdorfl makes a specialty uf. dis eases pecitlUu' lo women. IGOlFanm.nst. All the late-it secret society novs in THK SUNDAY Bun Tlic Kctiii'iilujj Statesmen. The Ornihrt counclliuoa who < lnvo been Jimkctinur In the u-cst forhvo voolo past rc- turnedyeslorilayaf tcmoonut 4 o'clock. They nro Mnsra Chalfcu. llliinwr , lUvis , [ Caspar , Moriarty , M idscn , Oithoit , Olson , O'Connor , Shrivel1 , SmderVlioelcr , AlcLcarlo. Ac- coin pan } iiij ! them are I'lumllag ' Inspector DcnnK Street Coinmlisioiier I'lnnncry , JlajorUalcoiuboaad Harry Counsinan. SMolils issued the following mar riage licenses yesterday : Nnruoa'.id aJdrois. Aije. ( Samuel Try , Omaha . 21 | Uarilo Johnson , Omaha . 18 j John Fry , South Omaha . ttl ( Lena ICnr , Omaha . lii ! j Henry Becker , Douglas county . 2S | UathQfiiio Vos1) ) . Uouglai county . iJ'J No occasion to talk about Newport or Sara toga to Iowa people so Ions aa they ha\o so attractivoft resort as Hotel Colfaxat Colfux Springs. 1'atiwiixoyouv homo institutions. Health , comfort and enjoyment uro piefor * ftblolo sljlo. , Music : In tbe Park. The Musical Union bawl band will give another - other delightful concert in Ilimscom parlc his afternoon at 2oO : o'clock , when the following magnificent yroawtamovill bo rendered ! MIIT1. March Tlio Devil mid Ills Imps . Suppc Ovuiluro-llutllii aa It l.aiKlisunflUrlcs . . Conrad ; Medley -Koiiioiiihr.iiico ( 1S83 . IlocttKor WalU Ureuimof Childhood . ffaldloiifol TAUT ir. Bolfcllon-HoRcnr Sliulunt . Mllloelcor OiiMittu-Tliorirst lIutiitTliiofs. .Kllenbei- . ' Mi-laiijo This urTliat . Wlwuid o ANIglit Alarm Iby request ) 1. Aciilin mid poniuful nlKiit..All mli-on. St. Cry of rli-'sl" 1'iro lior ot ruh out. IiarKO uml Miinll pony strllo botllrj. .Vxvsiy wo go. 4. Arrlvu ul tlio tiro. A Uiirrullnt oflioso. 0. The uiKliio works well. 7. 1'lro out ; rod up how H. Oil" tor home. tl. Thu tJrciniu's song. 10. Homo again. HUT in. Ovi'tturo Tjiiflrnm r.nilra lns-.Inl ! Hlinlsh : rautnsla I.a 1'aloiua ' Yi.idler li'iintiislu Ijoltlo I.i'ii ' Uliu'lubui buliis mid vailiitlont ! fni1 c'oiuot , nluolu , i-llnt : and ll-tlatularliietH , Calop llelglilio ! . . . . \Vuln8'irtcn \ : Tlio Oinaluv races Sept , 2nd , Orel anil 4 tli will bo culled at. tlio old fair grounds onShoimmi jivo. ; $2.850 nro the purses olTcrort , Specil projframmca mny IJu hadat JohiiUauinei-'i ! , itll Vni-nmn st. Eoatl Max O'ltell's opinion of Ada Kelian In Tin : SUNDAY Linn , ntid nlong with i tit number of other items of Inter est concerning' theatrical folk. Ills rutnorcd In railiroj' circles that tlio two towns of Coviiigtoiuma Soutli Sioux Gjtv- IUIYQ joined liauils siui ] profoio to call oo uiiitcil town by tlio nimio of "Jlorjcau" In lionoroftlio wntlciuan of tint lutuo who Is now at tlm liMil ot llio coiiSilructloti depait- incntof llio l'icilli ' ! Short line. Scvcr.il proailucitt railroad olUclal who wcra tlhcnssiiiL' tlio smttcr , stated that action of this kind vould bo virtually throwing n bomh into tlio camp of tno St. 1'fltil.SsOin.tha which li.ul oxpunduil a mint of money In its l > rldKi3 and yards at that point and to toivult thonaino of this station would en- tall uowlitoraulo cvcn5o anil reopen an clil BON wlilvh li.ul been inexislcncosliieotiiont- tempt otthol'aclllo Short line to rob the bt. & 0inalii : of Its territory. Ono limn rtinnrl < 0i | that this niovo to uhsinRO tlio thonaino to McLiMii would bo like shaking n scarlet utulorBiirjiietit nt a Rt'iitloinun cow and oiild undoubtedly bo resisted tothouttnott 1 > y tlio St. liml &Oinah . His unJontood that It is the Intention to nsktholcBUliituwto take sUuinJuuUcliaiigo tlio iiuiuo of the town. /I JVcio Story oj vlil/iur's / Cabiud FrunUG. Cai-pcnter's copyrightad\Vtish- ington letter in Tin : SU.VDAY 13ci : con- tttltis como now uuualotojot the nation's notable nun. Pack I a\llllon. \ The park commission nut yesterday after noon to consider the biilj for craitlui ; the pavllllcn iu Hanscom park , All of thomoiubufdCKcciitMr.Mlllanl vcro present. The bids were oponca anil fouinl to boas follows : J. Ur. ( lould , § 13 , 0. ) ; 0. W. I'.tr- tililKC.fia.tW ; Slovens & Douglas , $17,001) ; A W.lMicliH &Son.gl,9'J9 ; James Hayucs , 515 , HI ; Stevens & Sou , ' Jutlgo l-ilo ! moved tint tlm contract bo ntvurilcd toStovcua & Son , their liiJ bclnjj tlio lowest. Mi * . Umiiger said lie iHOiiot llko the plans uiloptod nnd was willing to pay tUo architect for the plant aca'ptcd and lot the election of the l.tillUiiigKO for tlio praont , After oino discussion the hlil of Stevens A Son waa accepted. Thoseerctiu-ywas Instructed to advertise for bids for llio erection of umuslustand. . I'lin.H wowproscntcilundlt ivaa estlnutcd that nlmlWItitfOf thoUlnJilesla-d could bo crt-otcil fotM.UW to fl.'OO , llridk'osvtnolalhcJof , and nt last the sec retary was instructed to o\vn \ w corvo- t-iionucnco with vurlous livklKO milluors tor tlio puvi > osoof Kotttimdoaljiiis and tivtocs , It I ) proiwsoil to build three ii-on lirUgea , ono tivei' thu uiu > or lake and the others near the cvntorof Uo pane. Railroad fares on all ruilroads lu No- traolin to visit the fair at Ouiahuitnd | oo ono of thu grandest labor union pro- jcsblous , at'o cue furo for the rouud trip. TO THE BLUE CRASS REGION , The Stately Magnificence of tlio Soutli Omaha Excursion. HOW THE CARS V/RE / [ DECORATED , I'lio I'rciviHlnti Slaclc ARUit3t Drouth anil L < 1antlnb fliiil the Niiincs of ? Iai > y uf tlio Gentlemen and JiUlio ! in tlio I'm * if , AtC:30 : o'clock yesterday nunilnjas jolly ictol excursionists anil M well cqulppeil ex cursion twin ni ever left ilia state , started overlho Uhic o , Bftrlington & Qalnoy rail road for Crcaton , In. Tlio inanaKcaunt of the ujiloa stock yards and the packing houses , had Joined wltli tlio llvastoehcxelnngoto nulcetlio excursion to the Ilutsr.i33 ( ulaco worthy of the metropolis of thu MlKouil valley. Preparations had boon made on an cxten- slvoscalo , rcgirdlon of expense or tvoublo. A eoiri'iiltteo on finance ) nil r.ilsed nearly f 10,000 , ivlilletlio cotnmUtco on ai-rangeinonlJ chartered a. .sracial train , hliod tlio Musical Union baiil ofOiniha , aiul souaroJ thoGroi- cent ( iniirtottc. Tlio live itojlc 'cxclmngo bought aa clcRaiit banner for the occasion and procured tasteful Udgoi forcaclunoia- bor. bor.Tim eara werd as nicely and as artistically decorated on'ho outside as they wow well Illlol wltliin. They vcrc decorated as fol- 'J'ho left slilc of the rear car hail the display ot the lueUliij ? house of Swift & Co , taste fully arranged and completely wverlnir tlio side of the coieh. A cmv.xw , reaching fro-n endto end of the car , bore tlio work of un nit- front and rear platforms were racks of lac quered cans ot puio leal lard , whllo alouff tlio si l"s of the car wcro ro\va \ of hani < , poilt sides and packing housenrodncts. Ontlio opposite sMo , fully as nicely decorated ami as pro fusely covered with hniiis , sides nad fac blin- ileio'f the house , was on canvas inscribed In bold , plain letters ; "C'oorgc II. llainmondit ( Jo , Beef r.wkcrs Hoff I'rodacts. " 'I'ho cro\va special brnul ot jiaro leaf lard \vas coiiipicaous for its design and display , 'Hie next car on cither sldobadan Imincii5o canvas struiilacr , nrtislloaliy xniliitod , "Tho ArmourUuflahy I'.ii'klng Ooinpanv , 1'achcrs and Jobbers of 1'iwlsluiis. " Tiers ot can- vascd hams , sides and meats , wcrowonin with the ( lap , banners and bunting , whllo tholiibds of UrdsinoU'd-inonta and canned Kooda were1 gtiily festooned -with borders made of many colors. The third cur "as decorated by the Union Stock Yards company and the Live Stock lixchango. A large canvas , cxtcndiii ; from end to end of the car , einbullisheJ uy the hand olan artist , boio tlio words : "Live Stock l > ichauKe , Union Stock "Yards , South Omaha , Nol , " and a fine , largo lithograph of the stock yards. Festoons and decorations ontho top and hanging doun so as to almost conceal the \vhech \ , made the car really an olijcct of admlratlgn. niiKioo No. 1'JJ , In charfc'o of the old re liable Daniel A. Orecdon , vns decorated with hums , packing-houso products , festoons and buntings till ono would ha\u thought the out- Jit was a comlslonary foroa aiiay. An Ini- incnse ham , fully thrc'o feet long , fiom the Armour-Guibhy Packins houses , swung under tlio hudlight attracting every oiio'aat- Uutloii. The cars were Just as attractive on the out side as they were made comfortable within The committed on arrangements , knowing tliat most of the excursionists Mould bo com pelled to stait without breakfast , had a vell- sin > i > licd larder placedln the front car. Agent \V. 1J. Cheek anticipated every win of the excursionists. Thu following is as complete a list of the ' ciL-urslonUts as It was posslulo'to obtain ; Agent W.li. Cheoli of the Chicago , liar llngtoii & Quincy ; Superintendent . N Daljcock and wlfo of the stoclcyai'ds : Join JO. Obcrn and U'illiam II. Biodriclt of tin. union stockyards ; Uhailes II. llmdilck stock agento'f the Fiomont , Elkhoni & Mis bouri Valley : John AVallworlt , Omaha packing company ; Supeiintendcnt A , O. Foster 1-Vnnli.Muiphy. M. Welch and Oswald Ilydo of Swift & Co. ; F. M. WhitllerVillian Ilcimctt. AV. A. Sclirei and \ . M. Crone o thoCJ.lt. llamnnnd comiiany ; Suvcrhitcnd ent Edward G. Cudahy , Clark L. Forsyth 'llioinw F. Kliiiella mid O.iptiilri William 1J Hell of tlio Auaour-CuiUhy p.icltlng torn tuny ; Joseph U. lllanehaivl and \vlfoof I'almcr , Blaachard & Co. ; J. A. Hake am wll'o of Hake & Ueddiiifrton ; Walter \\ooi \ ofVood Eros. ; Samuel J. CciTiuan of Cofl' mini. Sanity c Co. ; J. Samuel Gosnoyiuu wife uf Ptiikloclc it. Gosuey ; J C. Eikcnh.irv and -wife of Gllchrcbt , Hanna & EU-kenbiry Nathan Ji Acker and \vifo \ of Hayes tV Acker ; All. Waggoner and EdwardL' . Unllei of Waggouer , lltrney & Co. ; Hruco MtUul looh of the Sontti Omaha biockinan J. U. Abbott and wife and A. L. Bralnard o Ravage , JCelly A Abbott ; Harry L. Dennis o Uorsuy brothers & Ollftoii ; .1 nines relevant wlfo ot Foley & Uhlltendin ; \ \ ' . F. Merril of Braiuard , Kuhanlsoa & Caipimtir ; 7. C Shelli'y ' of the lloyer-Shclloy Co. ; Jiimei S Horn of tlio .lames 11. Caiirpbcll Co. ; Kd ward A. Stearns of the Drovers' Journal ; II L. Mulfordof thu Union Stock yards bank Draper Smith otKecaan & Smith ; George Ilurlfo , Ncls Puriiigtoa and Ilcrman Scliiuol \ng \ ofOeorgo Hurkoit Fra/ierj II.Talinago of. Byers brothel's ; JVlmaJackson of.Iackson Mnley & OK. ; 0. A. IJoyer of A. 13. Uoyer V , Co. ; 0. II , Sutherland of Spelts , Hitchcock vV Co. ; W. II. Stephen and wife of Ilamiltun Stephen ; Willun ! Uundcrwood and J. Ucn ton of Button & Underwood ; AV. II. Me Cteargy , of George Adams \ ; BurloMai ; shalJamcsP. Jloloney ; XCuddliiKtou , David Mohone of the UnionKiclllc nmsicalunion band of twenty-live pieces the crescent qiiartetto of South Omaha , con slstinc of Leo N. Truitt. CJeorgo II. Stindci laud , 10. C. Rutland VV. F. Lulclnsof Soutl Otnnha ; S. P. Brigluun , the ropresi-ntativ THU Brn ; L. J. Cariwutor , .1. S. Dawson , C. W. Miller , James Mangnall , A. B. Haley , Noill Corcoran , .fames 11. Lowrv , Hhcillt iloyd , John Van Ivhk and wifi' , IV J. Ucitck , James Steohenson. Eli Cl.iytonV. . 11 , Ilorder , Jolm Corcoran , Dtnlel WillUnns of tlio Oinalu packing coinpiny , .lolm O. Illi ch. Julius Mojer and Dr. U.\V. \ ll.iker of l'corlaIll. , Decorated \vlth attractive bid cs. headed by the Musical Union baud under the elegant silk banner , on one side painted In gold lot- tors "South Omaha lixduniKelth \ a largo bull's head In the rcnteraadoa the ro\ersoi \ "South Omaha L.l\o Stock " \ Uxchangc , sup ported on a staff capped with a gold butcher knife oa Inass cross bar and attach * merits , the live 'stock cxchango with Its 100 members presented a magnlticent appear * unco and was as interesting to lo\va iiiendi us it wai creditable to the Mdjio city. Tlio train passed through the union ilopot lathis tity at r : n o'clock nnd arrived at Grcston at 10:15without aciident. .After diphtheria , scatlut fever , nnotimonl.i , or any other severe illness , there U no better tonlo than Hood's sar&apnrilU. ( JUAtlSru Tj TKAOil I.US , Tlioso ol'ilio Coumy Instltiito Ilcturn Thanks ( o lust Mictor.s. M thocloslng session of tlio Douglas county teachers' Institute Thursday , the folio wing were unanimously adopted : llesplud. That o tcnilorour thunkito the boaul ol education , for tlio use of Iho hlli scluxjl : that o cordially iminrolMu Uiu fullli- riilioptitts by the pi ess of this oltj" ; that o bliicon ly thank tliu comiiiltloo for thavouiM ) orktudy and it-cniaincud that the li'iiehiT * K\\o \ itiifuinuul Impartial Irtiilitliut wo e\- im .4uiir tlinukrt ow. 31. tl. liohi-liimsrliof the Uiimhti I'oiiuiiorx'Iul CU | | KO and 1'rof. Uvorttult. Uiitlilnui uf the Uninliu busnui , * colloao , fur tholralnablo aiilstunco In li-ucli- luz biMilcUuenliiK and iiuiiniiinblilii : that no wiwi.lro In I'rof. ' Lonsan awl SlUs Ulloy. t o of llio iiblestninl most mieiWrnl jiistnictoM wlii ) liuto uvcrubslktoil la iiur lintlttitci tliut thcciioritiind clniracler n | t o orUof Suii- liilfiKk'iitMatthews , inorlu our licurlc ! t coiuiiKMiilatlun , and , tiHlrli'iids of otliiciitlon , woili' | < ln our united ejurtu to aid him lit all thoi'iiUoavori no may niuUo for tliu advance- muit olcttucalloiilu this county , Ctmnipaguohasa larro amount of carbonlo acid in it ; It Is healthy and nourish luff. extra dry liui > crial is the best. LrVHLiY S13.VSO.V. . 1'lans ' for Half u .Million Dul- lorw DcltiK ICxnniliiDil. "New work reprcsentln over glXOCWln landsomo luti taatial iinprovotncnU for Omahnha3co.noIn forraoto ijsuo permits on , " ' said Building Inspector " \Vhltlock yesterday morning. ' 'Of this lialf inllllotior nwroolncn worlt , " continued tlio itupictor , "Iurn at llujrty as yet to tell you of but this much of iti "Twenty thousand dollar ! of It Is repre sented by nave-story nnd basement ware house to bo built byV. . M. Uusliman on IjCavenvvorth streets between Tenth and Eleventh streets , "ITHty thousand dollars will po Into a five- story nnd basement store building at Six teenth nnd J.iolcson stroots. It will represent the faith and enterprlio ol W. V. S\\ccsy. \ "TlwplnM andspcdtlcatlonsof tlio entlro .S.VJ'J.IKW or * roe , K worth of Iniildlnira show that they uro to be of tlio very b t kind , ad mirably" equipped wltbo most mo lorn Im- lirovemonts. In a majority of lintuneoa , thcwo tic\v oiilldliiRSlll ho richly ornoto-as hand- hoino ai any to bo found bitwecn Chicago at.d l-'ninc'lsco. San - . "It has como to me , fnrthcnnon1 , that in nearly every instance' nossihly every one the projectors and owners of those nowbalUl- lii < ? s Invo their tenants all engaged and under con tract. "Talk about it being dull In Omaha 1" cx- ( l.dincd the Inspector with a flno ( oiitempt. "Tlio reason it npiiears dull Is perhaps bc- wo liavo PO intny jiooplo who nro able to go away and spend t\\o or three months on a summer vacation. I know to u certainty that novcr lu the history of Oin.ihahas there been such an cvHlnaof. citizens on bug vaca tions us there lias been thli summer. "But I am gettlnsolT my subject , Itdocs rile me , however , to hear thcso people who novcrcvenbuilta cow shed orn doghouse in tno town sad don't own a foot of property , keep wagging their tongues about dullness in Onmliii. "L.a < ! t year was a fit-cat one for building in this city. Well , now , Justus soon ni I can go lliroujrh tills massoloowwork-anilrvoseen cnonKli otlt now to know that It will , all bo approved , and gat it on my hooks , the grand total of building improvements up to tills lime , the present year will bo fully as much , and pcihapa a llttlj inoro than it was for tlio same period last year. This in round numbers waa ? . ' , .101,01X1. tf anjbody dimbts me lotthotn conic rinht liero to my olUcotmd look over Iho bookswhich arc open to the world for inspection. " The spoMalpreiniuiM that are offcrocl lit UIQ fair tills ymv nro Immense. Do not fail to { jet a premium list/ and compete - pete fur ono or nioro of them. JI.Vtl O t. " XYlmly A.ipcnl to Ilavo thu ll.iukcry Building Inspector \Vhltlock has received the following comnmnioitlon , which he pro poses to have frain 'd and given the moat conspicuous place possibltj on the dark and mildewed walls of Ms official ( [ uartcrs : "Diui Sin : I feel ao thoi' ' h 1 am con stantly in Joopirdy , and appeal to you for protection. "You are well aware of the per ilous condition of tlio old l > ulldiiir [ formerly known as Heath's feed store , now called 'tramps' harbor , at 1018 Oais street. If consistent with your convenience , exaimno the second lloor that mass of spontaneous combustion and I think the asticctit presents will inculcate upon your mind tlio hazardous position in wlilrli we sojurn. " \\'ore \ \ It in some cities of athinl class it would have been condemned months ago. I do not wish to have any feeling ofemnity with the owner of thobuildlnir , but it there is not itninedinto steps taken towards its repair wo will pro ceed with a petition to the city council. Now , if you can do any inoro than you have done In this matter toward iiroteding ; us In tlio way of llio yon will confer on the Inhabitants of this Uocle a gicat favor. Your obedient servant 0. 13. U. " Mr. "Whitloclc says tint a permit was i sucd Thursday for putting this baildin , ; in shape. Miles' \cf\c Jintl l lrur Pills. j\H Imi'Ortaut discovery. They acton the liver , btoniadi nnd bowels tiirouKh the ncircs. A new principle. Thov speedily euro biliousness , bad ta to , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , women aiidi'hiMron. Smallest , mildest , surest. , " ( ) doses for 2 * . cents. Sainplos frcoatKuhn it Co.'s ' , loth and Douglas. It is reported Unit 1.5,000 jwoplo will viblt the fair grounds on Sherman ave , , Sopteinbei- 1. AVOUNUKI ) DUSTER. How Jutlgn Hc-lslny'ti Imllsht , si Wiiiiiiclecl Iurilar ! , Apiu'iirnl. Judge lleHloy likes to sco a wounded bur- glnr Juntas \vcll as anybody , Hoga ed with great curiosity on the pwstinto form of Woodniansco , while tli.it .vorthy was lying on a cot in the police station nursing tlio buc't- ' hhot wounds In his leg. He manifested so nach lute-rest in the cuso that Sergeant Onnaby doilarcj that bo bliould have nnothcrono it the whole fciue had to bo detailed - tailed to catch one. In accordance with this decree , the secnnj " \\oundoil burglar" winbnnu-htiu yesterday nioriiins about I < > Vljik and hid upon the very same cot \Voodmaiibce bad occupied a few days before. It was an interesting case. The burglar had lioenshotin the neck whllo jottinir out of a icsidcnco on North Twenty- fourth street lie was very seriously injured , and his w- coicry was very doubtful. Tills was the brief story poured into tlio Judge's car , and uo carefully tiptoed over to gel a look at the midnight nmraudet- . _ The blanket w.is caiefully pulled hick nnd there Iny a feather duster siinllliis peacefully at the disgusted oxpmjiouon the Judicial features. ' Th.nt Is v.'orso than seeing the Onmli.is lese , " dcclaiud hi.s honor , "but there is iiolhiiigto do only to play even on soinobody oho. " And ho did play oven. Ho battened to Iho court room , and in less thun nn hour gave fowteon people permits to talk viith the buiglar Uhla h how It happens that so fragrant weeds tire lie-ing incinerated about thcstut'on. No'niily about them mentions it. Both the niclhpd tiiitl results wlieu Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is vletisnnt and refreshing to the taste , ami nets ecntly yet pmn.ntly on tlio Kitlncya , Liver and Dowels , cleanses the syp- lem cHl'ttunlly , dispcla colds , licnd- aches uiul fevers nnd cuica liubitiml constipation. Sjnip of Figa ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to tlio tneto nnd nc * ccptnhlo to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its cilccts , prepared only from the most lienlthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qtuilitieu commend it to all and have inado it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs ia for sale in 50c and 61 bottles by all lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- euro it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. aUFORft/A HO SYRUP CO , 3M fJUNCISW. Ctl. JOUISIIUf , KY..p - . . . N \Y \ YOU * . N.r. Iti lupvrlor aielcivc proron In millions ol hnnui ormoro tlmn ninmrtcrof cunturjr. Itli mod b * lie Untti'il ' Hlnlm .loitnunoiit. Knilomnl by the irr.l * of tm ! crc'nt un'.vprMttui n * tlio HtronifeM , ur t nnd Mo.n llunllliful. > I'lloo'i Oronni link- UK I'Dvrdor ( loci not c0ntuHin.unioiilUi.luia cr nluin. uldotily In rnnn , I'liiir. n\Ktxn I'ownnu co. . NowVork .bIcC4D. Sin Vinnclaci ) . SL Loull 1'liysicians ' , Surgeons and Specialists. DOUGLxA © BTR.H13.T OMAHA , NKU. „ , * * * ? . The most widely lUHifax'orabl.Vlttioirn spco- Inltstsln tlio United Smtci. Tlirlr lon cx- pcrlunco , roinarUillo ) skill , uul uulvoraal sno- cess in the treatment and euro of Norvoiis , Cliroiilo and Surgical Dluaisot. entltla tlicso eminent pliytloliins to tlm full vonfidcncoof tlio ailllctcdiivcrywheif1. Tliuy cmxrantooi \ CURTAIN AND I'OrfiTLVC OUKK for tlio awful cITeiitsof cmly vko nnd the numer ous evils that follow In Its tuilii. 1'KIVATK , IOtD AND SKIN DISEASES speedily , cntnpictnty iintl ticrmniipiitly oin-il. MCHPOUa IEUIMTV AND SKXUA.L IHS- OKI > Els yield reiittlly to tholr sUlllful treat ment. i-iLiis , insTurv AND uncmi. ULcnts KUiirantt-ed cured without imtn or dctontlou Ironi Iii8liims. I ! VDUOCGL12 AND VAIIICOOEI.E porma- nptitlyantl lucviiisfiillnrcil In every ease , SVPHII.IS. aiNl ) > llUlIi.V ! , OhEEl' , Siier- initotilioii , Scnilniilcakiin5s \ , Lost Manhood , MshtEmissions , Uccayud Paotiltloa , Fornalo Moiiknoss iind nil 'dullcato Ulsordorapeculiar tnelthor BOX paslltvcly uiirod. im well sum It functional dlsoidora tluit result from youth ful folllos tir tliooxccsiof miituro years. TIir'P lit ? 1 ! U vir.intral jiannano i.tly 01 l\l\j 1 U IV I , curort , romoal uo-milelo , ultliout oultlini.caiistlc orilllafu'.on. Cures olTectod ut lionio by putlontvlthout uino- niL-nt's pnlnor unnnyauuu. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MhN. A QJITT7 f'TtPI ? Thu awful olTocts of A OUlVL L-Ulxlj cariy Vleo which brlti orfrunlo wcakni'ss. d "itroylu lioth inliul and tody , with all its UrcadcJ ills , pcrniaucnty til rod. UUC mnvr Aaarc-ajlUosowlioliavolm- UIxO. Mill IJ paired tlicmsfllvi'i by lin- jiropor IndulReneo aiul solitary hibltR , which ni in lintli mind and body , uuilUlni'tiiciiifor liuslnc-is. filudvnr ntiurlu ' . AlAliUII.I ) MKN or tlio u tmlorlnj on thnt Imppy llfo.awuroof physlc.il dcMlit/yqulcltly " 5SlSlCd > OUR SUCOBHS Is based upon faoW. rir = tt Practical experi ence. Second Every oa o Is spec-hilly studied , tints starting rluht. Third -Modlelnea are ( irepnred In our Irxtonitory exactly to suit each case , thus cIToutlnx cures wit hout Injury. Drs. Eetts & Bctts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA NEB For iinproicil Aceo- LIEB1G noinlo cookery. Use it for Soups , Sauces , ' Made Dishes , ( Game , Company's i'lsli , etc. ) Aspic 01 We.it .lolly. Keeps perfectly In all cli- males for nny Iciif-tli EX1RACT of tlmo , and is cheap er and uf Jiiier il.ivov tlitni any other stock. Ono pound en mil to OF BEE.F forty pounds of lean beef of the value ol aliout $ " . .r.O. Gen ulae only with is von signature as shown OF YOU NICK jinADi ! iir , imsin AGDH. f ) < Mirt < IOll . ( > CK I1 > 1 US- Hiiullulo uuil you iicui no appetite , f'lllj I 01- ! UllIUMATISM. DVSPIPSIA , ( 'o 8rll Alll > , n : i M-AHV Hll.lOLSM'-l-- . IllDNI.V t'OHI'I.AI.Vrd LUM1 UJSUAfitfl , iMI'l'HH 1SI.UOO. 1L.JII A COMPANY. ANDriOI-K-MAMIl-ACTUUtltS. VliOIMIII-TOIIS - - OtvLAHA NEB. PARKER HOUSE , . BOSTON. J. HEED \VHIPPLEitCO. _ _ _ _ , Pfoprletois YOU NO'S HOTEL , J. REED WHIFFLE is CO. , P.oprlutors. Rt7iidr-iaA.N PI * AN. Conkinjinnil Soivtoicxcuili-il t > 1 none. Cumplilo In iilliipiiulntiuunla lio-t lurntluii In llincHjr TUo IJuitoii Ir.inMil > t lay * . " > \\Hlpiilo tin prlncii ot InnilloiU * . nti'l | Mtrin f I'urktrt * imy iintlcl.'iitu n return lu tlio uaat oia t mei ot lt loiindcr , Murvor I ) . I'nikor Jlr. XVIIII'I'I.K will cjntmuo tUo niinatfcmntir Younit'ii liurctuiurc. FREUCH SPECIFIC , A POSITIVE and piimaitnt CURE for ill aiw&Beiof tl. UHINARY ORGANS. Ourji with Bteh faili. Fnlldlrec Ions where ether treatment bottlo. rrUe , one dollar. Bee ilfnatura of 1 Ij. BUHL. llor Solo By All DruBSlste. H BOWING Already in several departments New Fall Goods. In Hats the entire Fall stock is in , find the new shapes in still and soft hats arc on sale. Our hat trade has grown to immense proportions , and we have stocked up this Fall to meet this growing trade. Our assortment is bewildering , We show ahout 260 difTerent styles of hats. Our new 950 Derby is a gem far be' ' silk trimmings , perfect in every respect , and of them , a large , medium and narrow brim , mere arc thousands of our customers to whom wo couldn't sell another hat now they are soused to our 950 hat , and know so well what value they arc getting in this hat. We want new customers to try it. No hat store will match our new 950 hat for less than $2. For those who want to pay more we have finer grades , they range from $1.50 , $1.75 , 51.90 , and so on up to $3. We sell none higher than $3. It is foolish to pay more , There is no Deri/ made that is worth mure than $3 , The hats we arc selling at that price arc equal to Youman , Dunlap , or any other high-toned name hat , for which other stores charge you $4. BOYS' CLOTHING. 1 his department is fillingup rapidly with newgoocls and before the opening of.thcschools , we will have our entire fall stock in. Our Boys' Clothing Department is second to none in the United States , and we do not boast when we claim tliat there is not a concern in this country that will meet us in prices. Parents who have no money to throw away come to us for their boys' ' clothing. They can get good substantial garments , well made , such as boys want , at al most one half the prices they have to pay elsewhere. Our fall catalogue is ready ; \vritc for it. It will give you a great deal of information about clothing and other goods \vc keep. olid * Corner Kourteentb. arifl Douglas Streets. Our store closes at 6:3O P. M. : : ; Saturday at 1O P. M. SEMINARY for YOU KG LADIES. Corner of 10th unil AYortlilngton Sts , OMAHA , - NEB. IllSlIOlVOUTIIIXOTON \ , VltlTOii. TiicUiv.i.Onr.HT IIOHKUTV , S.T.I ) . Utcioii. THE27TH YEAR BEGINS WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 17TH , 1890. Foreutalo ui ; im < ] i > artlou"ars apply to tlio Ut'clur. Eitabllihca l i K'lu.ol for the MKlicr eilncttlon tf WOIEH. in irofefsorfor 1S90-91. Lltoia * or unusunllv Mio coi per turn , Art aud Music by fpeciall.ts. Location Col- ninbl t , 'ID. , In . ' . 'J acru pntl justnurtlior city lltnlu. Voirst tiicsnbounil.Uuo Kri's , unabundsnccof p c for out-door ( ii-rcl'O , HnJr.uiiio buHIInt * . Mutnl tfinoof rcliooi ckcf-llfnt. A Christian homo yltli ill tlia ficedom nmlnll Iho onfeKiinnls of a wollorderu4 ome. Wrtto fop cnlMojrtie Address. W. A. OI.U1UM , 1'rt'lilcl.t . , COLUMD U , 11 0. St. , Mnrij's School Knoxvlllo , I ] . , ( ISK ) ACliuioh School for Olrls. Bt.Alljiiii'sSohool. Kiioxvlllo , 111. (1990 ( Al'liiiich School for lioys. New building , new fumltiivo. now nppiiru tits. TliuliitiM incthoiUof iiionMl iinil pliy.-t leal uultiiro. I-crythln up to tlio tlmo Homo ' omforli mill homo faro foi ovoty punt IIKV.O W.IjKI-TINGWEI.1. , I ) . I ) . Jtoctor and roiindor. rst. LOUIS. \ inn ACAnnivxo . HILL i\V UL.Ul nrst-cliiss IIOJ'.H lionioscliool. ijiilpiniiitH ; * > erfcit. | > tcpiir 'sfor any' r llreo orfur tmntuuis ; Imckwiird boyiriviMreil : ith I lev. S I. . > c > nr < ipeiiH Sept. S fiSOOO AdUicia briTUii , . \.M.Uunktr 11111,111. "MON"TICELLO. New Eulltllngs , Kovv Turnlture , Nov ; Pianos New Eciulp.nenti , Beautiful S.tuatlcm. Opens Sept. 91. Knit amimi'oilor facility Dopirl- inciUs fur Knllili. l.-ittn , ( irook. ( ieniuui. Kr ncli , bclcuco , Uusli * . Art. etc. tend for Infonnntltiu to MI&S II. N. IIASKK F. , 1'rlnc.lpal , ( ; iiiiiiv. ILLINOIS , try , Iirmtlnv , . . . . . ciiiets low. \rcataluUuuuJtlicisL > .A\\i.lili > , l.ili'u. AMERIGARCONSERVATORYGHICAEO , , ( tlllkt 1IIMI IIAll.UIHMUIU. . AJAI KMI1 M , Allliruiiilii.'Hiif Muhli > , lr..iim.oAitll > tl .rtc ' ! . licra- niliilniSchool. Uuaurjiattfi'tt nilrunturis atinoiliriu ] : cost. CdUtlutftmulleitll t' . I , J. ll.ll ISHKDT. IHr.-tlor. MILWAUKEE CJUECE For Yoimir Wonioii. For ciitiilojuo udil O , H KINUHI.KV.rii I ) , Proa't. CONSERVATORY . . , OF MUSIC All ftvmrtininta of Jliirfnl Instruction , Mcnkrn Ijin- UitfOB , Jluo Arts , etc. H. i , liuiJAKi ) , J ckBollio.Ill . . iKOIll. ILLINOIS WIUTI.lYACA3EMY , MoiiiK : l.VrI- . : ClrcplaroJHtSMlV J. STIIVUNS , A. 11. , 1'rln. McJIa , I' * , MllltnryAcideiuy bp > . llrooUollnIl.rflrl3 ilr.ularfrco. . THEDUEOER * ( Sg V FACTORIES LARGEST HAMPDEN ; s WA1CKE3 ? M IN THE THEDEST. ISM K WORtD. THE 7IME DEST KEEPER. SEND FOR THE DUEBEfi cazjis OUR BOOK , WATCH CASE "FnAUDS MFG. CO , , IN WATCHED.1' CANTOII , OHIO. 1 * nniurpmiiMl In tlio trout- inont cil ull furim of I'lll- VATKIHsJHAMM Uint.Mim liooil.bTIIHTI III : , or ruin In relolvlu llio l.liiililor. sVl'llll-lri ciirod in tor il'iyH Skin IM o i oi , I nlurrli IllHl Ull UI. C"HI Ol ItlU Uliiuil. Hi art iKiill.lvur . < - iiinlulMsuasoaciiri'il vrlthout Iriiinonti r "tuctl trcnt * muni" I.u < lii from 'J to 4 nnlx. Wiltu [ or ilrcu- hrs Blvln | 'artifiiliir b ait rucliuf Hi" nlioMi ilistniri. uiul tluivthu many c | ili'j &kT mo < l rcmurkaulvcurci. Of- , X , I : Cjr lull iir.a Kiirnani Eli. , cntunco on I , Omalu , Ni'b , C V/D U I 1 I Q l"ia ! ' ° ctiri'tl In VjtoC ) O Iinil-il .J dnyn by use * ot tlicimir- vi-lous Ma.ii' Ri'iiK'cly. gwJfur uciu > t it will nntcuri' . LAI 1'IOJi to jjot the i nu'iiu rin.- l < ly. Wrltu or cull on I . 0. Joilyu , WLJ llur- uvy lrcutOiuaUn. .S SPEAKING OF VVATCHtS , 00 YOU KNOW THAT MAX MEYER , & BEO , A re soiling more -watches than nil the rest of the Omaha Jewelers put to * BC-ther ? Butuo-vonder LOOK AT THEIR PKIOKS. SOLID COLD Fine Cold filled WATCHES AnicilcanlVatch as low as $15 , ts for ladies or and all the fintr grades gdils.only . $14.55 $ would from , $25 $ up. Worth double be cheap at $25 the money. Solid Silver Nickel ffatclics , \Vatclics \ , ladies $2.50 , $3,75 or gents , from and $5 , $5,75 np. Allot tlioiO Tvatch- \Viitthei , Clock ) ci nro StrniMml- unit crs uiul nronur jlry roinlrctlnt rntied KOOI ] timers , U3t t'rlcos Vi'o will sell line Rciwmljcr the spectiirles ntrciluc * oil lonpur. prlvusn few day * Place. MAX MEYER A BUO. , Cor. 10th and Fnrimm St. ' , Otmlm , NTcl ) The Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute ' -T.hlZ. i ' 1 ? 74 > - " * - rortlio trcitnipnt of nllCIIIlON'10 A Nil SUIIIOAI ( < DISKASB3. Ilrnco , Appllino i for iteformltlmnna 'I'riiKH1llu t riicllll't4 ' , Apitirnlns ant llunieillt-i foruc - * fiil troatuivnl of uvor/ form of ( INunso ro * nutrlnitninllcalnrmiriile.il Irciitinont. O.VK IIUNIIIIHII AND TWK.NTV-KIVH I.'MMS ) Mill I'ATIISNl'a. Itoiirilniitt Attomlanco , llo't nocnminiilatloiu In the wo t.Vrlt9 lor clrcul.irn on l > . - [ < > rinltl i nn < l llrnros. Truncs. Chili l-'fet. Cnrviitiirni oftlm Milito. t'lloi. Tiiiuurs , Cinc-jr , Cnttitrli , llroni'lilllf , liilmlntlon , Hlco- trlcllr , I'iiralysl < , KpllLMHy , Klilncr.ll ! : UlcriroKir : , Hli In nnillllouilnnil nil minili--it ci'i'rnlloim , 1)131.Sli3 ) ( ) ! ' \H.M IN' u BK | > cliiliy. llouk of l > l mn < iVumon > ( frcu. Wo hum tattle iiilloil n I.yliu-ln ilt'inrtniunt. f \MinioiMlnrlni conllnomont ( ilrlctlyprlvatu. ) Only Uult.i'ib Mpclloil Instliuto mikliu u nfwiiillr o 1'lllVATH DISIJASM ? . A llblooihllHi-nx-s miccos rully troati-il Hjp'illltlc ' potion ruinnruil Ironi tlm nystoin without . Nun IloMtoratltaTroitinunl torloii of vltnl poucr. I'.irtliM iinubli ) tolilt UK nnr bo tri'Mlwl ntlminoby mercury. corrciiximli'iice. Allo > ii.iinntcittoniconll ! > tunt.lal. .M IU-lni nr liiitruniiiiiti mint l > nnillor c-V'rc.B jeourilyiKuki'il. nu iiirirki toliiilU-atu contontiur nonilur. inu ) inirionil lijti'rvloiviiniiCrrocl , Cull nnd coniiiltus - | orn-m * history of jour < -n o , ntut wo will icn I In plain rrni | | > nr our IlllOICTO MKN I''KKI ! ui'un 1'rluito bpvulnlur Ncrvuus IHioHoa , Iiupotcncy , SnilillU ( ilojt , iiaJ Viiclcocolu , wltli quoatloa Mat. Address AddressOrnaha Medical and Surgical Institute. Comer Dili and Hurnoy Streets , Omaha , Nobrnskn. OMAH/LCOMMERCIALCOLLEGE ROI-IIIBOUGM BROS. , Proprietors. COUNKR 15th AND HOOCH STrf * , OM.VIIA , NiB. : \\'o \ dcslro to ami ami co that the Full Term of thouollut'o opens Sent. 1st. Stu dents uro eomiiiK from all quarters. Additional tonohora luivo boon omyloycd to do the work , ami every facility provided. Board ( jlvoii for thrco houra work day , or 3--.00 per week If pnld in mono.y. I'ho NIGltT SCHOOL bo- iior rrina Monday ovenlni ; Sept. 1st , nnd will continue till winter. Wo pivo Bpouiul attention to fill ini&inosH bniiichos including Sliortliitnd , and Typo-writing. Two lossoiiHfrcoin Sliortliand bvmail , Typu-ivfitors for rent. Como unil apondnfow months with us , and lit joursolf to imiUo seine mono.v , Cull at the college ov write us for circulars andi an ologitiit specimen of noiiinunshii. | Address , Rohrbougli Bros. , Oinalia.