Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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AI'VLUTlf-EMFXTJ5 tot thw column * will
be taken tintll 1 ? : K > p m. for tbe etculng
relit Ion v nd until K.i : ) p. m. for the morning
edition , uid SC5HAV HI.E.
rpnilMdCash In advance.
"I ? ATE AdvcrtUfmpnt'on thUpagf lll bo
JLV Hiarced for at the rule of 14 cent per word
for tbe flr < t Insertion and 1 rent per worn for
Irinrrihin. and ii Do jitrllii *
per month No adxertlvnK-nt taken for less
than 2C > cents for the llrst Insertion.
TXITIALS , fijturet , ff mboU , etc , , con tit ench
J. asoif Ttora.
fplIJ > E advertisement * mint run con e-ti-
JL tin ly and under nn clmiin t nee < will
they be taken or discontinued l v tilophtme
pAUTIESndvertUlnc In tlie o column * find
JL liniltiKthclrBU'wers ndclrfiM-d to a "num
bered letter" In canof Tun HEE will receive
a nuintc rod cheek to on nhle them to cct their
letters. Answers will lie delivered only nn
tires' ntntlnn nf this cho < k. r.ntlose answers
Intiiiel ' * * properly ddre ( ed.
I.Indvertl'fments under the bead of
A -pc < ml Notices' * nrp published In both
morn I lie nrid < m nine edit ion of THE llrr. the
rlrtulntioti of which acerecMes ) more than
ECUXKIpattc-M dally , uml plves tlio ndxertiser
the IK m-fit not only of tlip law elrculntlon of
Till. llki In Omaha , nut iilwi In Council IIIuIK
Lincoln and titlipr cities and town5 In tlio west
APVI.It.Tl'-OlENTfe for Rltuuttoin or for
male and female licit ) , not pxpcifllnc" !
word * MM-Inserted In THE SoNnxv Uncnt balf
tBtoiduiliiB tlip month * of July tmd Ancrukt.
Th - r < eular rates- will be cVmrsed for cnch
nilUltli n-il word nbovoSl words as well as for
conse-ciitlio Insertion * .
AdvprtUinc for tbene column xrlll l > o taken
on tlie nliiivf ediidltlorii nt tlir following bnM-
ne houses x bo arc nutlinri/Ki tolukcspoolal
not lc < - at the tame i at o * as can be had at ttio
iiiiiln olll'-e.
_ _ _
OUTII OMAHA in\Nrii : orncE So.
JiSn N Street. LI'ler llloek. _ _
1 OI1N Vi. HKLL. l'harinaci tMu South Tenth
C11ASK & Ti > l > V. f-tat'oners ' nnd Printers ,
_ J w sonjhl Mil J reel _
\717 .1. IHTGlir.- , I'lmnnaclit , C'4 Noith ICth
> > . Mrecl. _
Gro. W. PARH. I'harraacin , 37W Leavcn-
wortli gtrnot. _ '
TTfGHES' I'HAHMACY , 24ih and 1'arnam.
For rates , etc. , tre tirpnf frtl cnhimn on tlilt page.
_ Half rate * on Sunday. _
" \\7AN TKD A position In cltxby a married
TT jnnn. Tlloven jears' experience on tlio
road. Ilest ot references Address M I'l. Hee.
L I.-.M *
_ _
" \T7ANTED-Employrnent by a capable
TT s'ountt njarrled man XTltb 7 years exptrl-
pncc In business as shipping or bllllnp elerk or
some other position where thrift and nbilltv
arudcinimded. Address J. 11. 1'ord.llnxenna.O.
261 ai *
" \TrAXTED Situation nseoaplitnun Inn prl-
i i vnte family : city refetences furnished.
Apply 1134 fe. lh St. . room 7. as - " - '
"V\f ANTED A situation bv experienced
TT couchman , cnn furnish first-class refer
ences. Address M 10 Hue 24-t-2 : J
rpAlLOH w anted , 501 Half-Howard und 2atn
X 2.VJ 2. *
"OEGISTEKlUlflniCRlM. x\sUei ! 11 position In
J.lcltv. llest of refen-nces furnished. Ad
dress M 0. Hee office. 215-ZT
\\fANTr.n-lty an intellicent Iridy of es-
TT perlenco. a position in an ofilce. Addicss
M a Itee. 121 21"
By a flftetn-venr-old boy xvhero he enn
( fork for his board and practice telegraphy.
Otherwise xxorl : for xuises. AdCross 1 . A.
Ilroivn. 1H24 S IQIh St. . Omaha. N'en. li.10-SJ *
"V OrNO lady stenographer with four years.
J- experience desires position about Septem
ber 1. Address M 11 , Heo. 2X > 21 *
TXT A > iTED Permanent situation by resi-
T I teied artipcist in Nebraska. 2. > years' o\-
peilenoc. rapnbl of taklnz fullcllnrRO. llest
of references. Addriss"'M S , " care Bee ofliee.
_ 207-32 *
\\rANTED Position by expert stenos-
T i rnplipr. 5 years' experience in court , luw ,
rn1Imu < l und commercial xirork : understands
bookUK - nine and Is a notary public. Ad-
dressL _ 71. Tlio Hee. _ 370-23 *
\VA > 'TKD- Situation by n xrpll euucnted
T i lady ; xiill tiMlst in the lion ' ( -hold und in
struct In Hie German language and music.
Address 0. Ii. , Trx-mont , eb. 1I4-W
\VAXTED-3LiVIjK Hi : til' .
For latus , etc. , ecc top of frst column on Oifj jaot.
11alf rate * cm Sunday. _
"V\fANTED Accnts. either sex. to represent
ii us at all fairs , and canx-ass every whuro ,
for somMhiiiE new xvhlch t xvo-t birds of the people -
plo will xvnnt. Trice low. No competition.
Ko Investment requited , Wrltoqulck. Charles
-N. I'apc , Mpr. . HusJlolncs , la. 205 22 *
" \\TANTEI ) Man ns necnt of our patent
satis ; slro Kxl8xISinilies ; $ .L-iictall. All
sizes ux low. Kexvf.ts'le.s ; noxv patterns ; noxv
lock ; new factory. Not Rovernod by safe
ptKl. Ei cry safe warranted. Karo chance.
J'ermntierit business. Our terms nnd t-ata-
locue xvill conx'ln'in you Accnts cleir $ .100 to
/ * 500 per month. Write for exclusive territory.
Alpine faafcC'o. . Cincinnati. O. _
41 ; ; , " ( .01.0 JiV.00 ) it month oan be made xvork
PliiK for us. 1'erBons preferred who can f ur-
iilsli a boi-se and Rlvo their x > hole tlmo totho
business. Ppiiro moments jnny bo profitably
tunploi ed nlsd. A few x-acatu'ios in towns nnd
cities 'II. r. Johnson & Co. , 1WJ Main bt. , Richmond
mend Yn.
'ANTEli 5' ) urlcklnvers ut K'eaniey. Neb.
Apply at Oniaha or Kcaiueyolllce. Wagt-k
er hour. Tare paid fnuu any poults to
Kctirnev. iVp liax o d millions of hi 1 ( k to lay :
Btondy job all the season for fli > t-elass men.
Ulchards & Co. , Oniaha and Ko.un.ey , > cli.
_ ; _ 2.vr ;
"T\7AXTEI > Good bnthor.flr t-cnss , nootber
TT need apply. J. H. McKee , Hebron. Jscb.
"Y\TANTK1 Experienced tinners to make
TT pieced tiuuait ) ; steady employment to
peed men. Western Tluxvaro Jlfg. Co. . fill-CIS
a llth st. 237 "J2 *
" \ \ 7AXTIil ) Driver at Jos. Koscubteln'sfish
market , 207 S. 32th t.t. 271
ANTED Oradlnc team corner llthaud
Pierce Bt. H Unit. 2tiU ai
\\7AM'E1 A first olasfolloltni for ton and
T \ coHee , city trade. Apply SIM N. JOt IMBU
\\rAXTED-Uill clerk Tor x\holosale crocory
I T housu. Addret-s M 17. Heo , i'42-23
\ \ i7ANTED Itpsponsllilo , enerzetlc man as
i i eliu-L und solicitor. AddrubS M , 10 , I'.po.
A OEM'IS to 110 per day colleetlns Fruall
J-L pit-turcs forus tocopy nndenliirce ; t-at-
iKfaetloti jruurunteetl and n f4 outllt fien. A.
Kunne .V On . V ( ItoHde St. . ISuwYork. 300-23 *
" \AfANTKD faalosman In every locality to
\ T iiiannfartuix ) ana xvholesalo our new tiro-
res elder , mndn xvltbout apples. Excellent
wages nn capital n julrod ; 40 for particulars.
Cider Mfg. OoUox5 ; > G , St. Joseph. Mo.
014 a2s *
\\TA > TEl-H men for Utah und Nevada :
VIIIMS r ( W to KM. Albright's Labor
Accncj. 1120 rurnain st , 020
VTANTEU Men -trax-el for our Canadian
i nursorles.bUi sIlliiptoii.MuJlionAVii (
M7ANTED Good wllable nircnt to handle u
It IIIIK-II solllni : patent. Oikid ttiniK to
rl ht parties. Address llox IttJ , Kearney , Neb.
ClTVcHiivassers on salary and eoiumusuin ,
cxpcriunood agents preferiodi in list plve
( security or city refoi-onee , Aphlv O.Wtolln.
u. , Oinahu Watch Club Co. , 1S14 Capitol axe.
/"lOKNlCE Workeis. tinners and Job workers ,
V-Vtesadj morl , cexvd wases. Jimits A. Mil-
Kri. llro. . ILV und ISt S. Clinton bt. . Chieaco.
' '
'XlT'ANTED-Maii for inili-oud .
work. In Wy-
M mill i iir ; c < Hid xxucus. Albrlchfs L-ibor
113U 1 Vrnatu n ,
\TAN'i EI > Si le inn at f A par uionUi sal-
i nry and expe-n cb to sell a line of sllvor-
plateid WHT-C , xviitches , ulc. , by Kamplu only :
liorM- and t < am lurnKlicxl [ i-c * ; writv at once
for full pat lieulurs and sum pie c se of roods
tree. Mumlard sllvcrwure Oo , llu um. Xluas.
t > 17
\\rANTEI ; SCO luUut-ra for extra lend
t BUIIRS. Apply to P. H. Jolinson , 11 A. M ,
pat-i-eneer ilcpot , iMnulm I'b '
" \\TANTKn OHlviiulMHl iron pormeo ink -
i > et . Meudy work , rood nce * . JutumA.
Miller A Itro. . fa uud m south Ollnlon street ,
C'aljcutro b < i-a-2 *
\\7AKTEll llnoe ( Irst claw men to repro-
f < sent tboOniuhaltacln und out ot the i. lly
Call at thei-peto'ulonitse of Umabu lleo. oorucr
3Tth and rarnuin xremnd ( l < Hir t77
lirialtt , etc. . * f/oi uf t w nilumii n
} laf ( itit on
g < > od
A\rANTFI--tiirt for central hotis-worki
il jiiiibt b rood coc > l < ; watreull a week Ap
ply to M rV 11 ilciUc,2ulllaruey.
TT7ASTEH- ctpericnce-d Rooond itlrl
' > Apply 1724 Davenport
\\TASTEH--Olrl for ceneral
M Apply ag ? 1 urnatn st ,
\\TAVTEH--One first-cI M hewlery ffllesk
IT lad.l. cine Brst-cl.issjtloxe Utter , one miles1 ,
lady In dnnetlcdi > pt. . onnl -ili dy in ribbon
driit-M one saltxlnuy In Jewelry dcpt , , one ,
f.ale laclv In c-lnnk dcjil. . one ssli-stnliii In flnn- ;
nel dcpt . in not bhve luirt experienceHlideoiuo
veil ie'-iinnm > ridwl. Apply at Hoslon * tore.
1I4J > Ktli street MuiHlay , Aug. . between : <
und S p , m. * . . i
\ \ TANTEIi-A peed Ctrl for ( rent'rnl iion < > -
ii work. Mrs. r. . M Andrttetea ,
M. tc s.i
" \\7AV1 ni > A ell 1 from 14 tolrtj'Mir * eild to
IT do second woi k Apply at 73 SIBth street.
1V1LL pay ladles a salary of flu per weoic
to work fei" mo In their locality tit home ,
light work.rooyitiBy forpnrt time , n tit ? with
MHinp , Mrs H. 1 rMrrlngteMi. IKIX Tltt Chle-Hfo.
\\TANfr.D--rirst-olaiiBMpptlenefKl ci hlor ;
i ivfCM-ncoB requlled. AddruM ! 12. Ueu
oniee. "JSA'Zi
_ _ _
\\TAMED-A clrl for general litmsewoik
i i ( no ii'-blns or tronhig. ) Apply at n c cor.
\TANTl ) A coed pill for c < 'iier l lieu < -e
_ * "rk In small fmnfly , Sao Oilcuco el. 1J
L ATlY ) iiFents runtod. Entirely now rulitier
unricrpariiii-nt. I'avti-st pellliiK Udlns'
MKJdnltv In the world. I'moffrce. Address ,
Mr . iN. It. Little. Cliluayo. 111. JC3 31 *
\\7ANTrii-ri-t-dBbs cook. Kuqulte , 2410
T > CupiMI nvp. 1S7 ! *
T\fA > TT IT tllrl. fatnlly of three. , reti
i T lioustwork , ccxxl " wages. Ml 1'arU n\f.
'XA ANTEU "A compftent perron to do
> iiouM-woik. tpii t 1-uucHt and first class
rook A pnl v.MS s : . ' . > tli B
I'on iIiixT Housiis.
/ > inlet , cle. , we iopnf fntH cutumii on Utli poor.
1J1OU KENT Kleenut house. IS rooms' , steam
-l hcat. FUltolile for Ijourdlns lieinsc , four
blocks firim nostoUlce. JL } . V. sboUCo. . ,
21 < < Tlrst Nut'l bunk. 266-26
FOK 1SEXT Oottnire , ilrooms. . No. Clfi. N.
Kli st , city natui. f20. Equlio mcnnlngs.
T OOK IiOiv rent , desirable modern IK > UM.-
JLJ& . cot luges. Eutiulio i'airotto lental aneucy
Ids 15
POU KENT 9 room brlcK bouse , east front ,
on Gtorgln avt- . , just noith of Leaxcti-
ivortb ; excry cnnx't-nlcn'r ; newly painted and
repaired ; K In llrst clu-sii shape ; asphalt pnxe-
tneut. To responsible party. SJO. M A.Upton
Co. . 10th and rariinm 185
I7IOK liLNT-Larpe , biick tlxvcllius , with
- - modern Improx tiaents. near Trinity cnthe-
drnl. riirnltute for nlc. 1'or particulars in-
nuircdT Mrs. Cotton. Ill North IMIi street , or
Net berton Hall , room 1 , ! SO boutb 15Ui rtrett.
TIIAVEtxioor tbreo four-room flats with
city water nnd water closut near to tlio
business center which 1 will lent to respe-eta-
blo paitics at a xery lo * price. Huberts , 402
No. IGth. la'j *
T wish to rent n house or.storo see II.
an. role ( ontliieiitalblork. _ Hill
DilKAHLl.dwenincsall : part ? of the city.
Kent lancing from tlto SU monthly.
Smonton .V A Men. Iftfl'i Tainam t. Tiri-sl )
niO liL'STHouse of S loomsenH and
-L noith ftont. cemier 2sth and AVoolworth
nve nil nioeiurn eon venlentt-s , { 40 per month.
C' . r. llairlson.tOl X. V. Life- . _ 234
FOP. HLNT Hon e , 10 looms , all meideinim-
proxement'i. lare jard , GV. per month.
Couimission to agents. Dexter L. Thomas.
CONVEXir.NT six-room bouse. 2512 Calil-
vfell. Hunt unsellable ) . Applj 2T.H Caldwell -
well st. 0711-22 *
FOU ItEXT R-rootn house , coed icpiilr , nice
j nrd. cistern xi ater , rent f-- . Apply to 14CK )
South 7tb ax e , orto Jno. A\ . Hell , di usgist. 10th
X-KOOM house. South ! < thwc&t of shot tower.
O IKjO s5 *
-t-rooui bouse , fc. K. eor , llth and Vlnton.
4 vi
FOK 1JENT Good 10 room jiouse , ,
water , cas , batli. burn , furnace. In elesant
bliape , cheap. D.V. HboksCo I'll. 1st Nat'l liaulc.
.w. . RENT 7 room flat , ran c. 13th bt. CT )
per month. Apply at Tlie Fair , J. I. . Itran-
dels A. Sons 231)
TTlOU RKXT 7-rorttn cottupo xvith burn , 2Cod
-I ? and Jx-avcnwoith , E20 per month to peed
party. C. 1' . Ilarr3 on , Ml N. Y. Life. BuO
A SIX and -Ef-x-en room flat iiithMeum Jicat
nnd nil com enlene.-es for rent. K13. lioberts ,
402 No. 30th. liil-24 *
TT10K IIENT A bouse of all conveniences ,
-L ? tentrally located. Icejuhe 712N" linh st
; 441
TTlOIl RENT Sept. 1. cottaco xvith all modern
JL linpi-ui enicnts. 1521 iliei ni-m avc. 774
llOOM lints , 24tli andLtiuicnnorth.
IjlOIl ItnNT A ( i-room houte , near to contei
-1 of ImslneSiS , 820 ; also brick 5-ioom house.
t.aino location. SIS. TheMead Iniestuient Co. .
4121Ieebutldini : . t > 7i (
FOK KENT To responsitilo parties only.
thOhO line new brielc nnd stone houses on
Georgia nx'enue ; fifnen loomsand aieoxts ;
niciro conxenlence . and better Hnislied than
any bou e for rent In tlie cltv. Ii. II. Hender
son , 4U ) I'axton bloclc , citv. 4fti
T-IiOOJI house x Mb burn : nominal rent C.
t 1 . llarrl-on. l > n X. Y. Life _ hM _ _
FOI5 llEKT TH'lraMeroom' house , all
modern liuproxemcnts ; \t-ellent location.
Muldedsuid fiont aiid icar. t'onxeii'.ent tex
x holesale dlstiict mid m-x\ union depot Good
locaticn for phyblcl.m. Applj 1112 s nth st ,
S-TtOOM bouse. Kiel and Cuii Inc. J.r > per
month. C. r Haul-tin. 111 * X. y. Life. Kl
I'unatct , dcx , eae t ) i of fitt column on i7if 7105.
OOM$7. . t S , $12. CU7 N hthi
2.M 4
TTtOU KENT Comfortably furnished rooms
-I with or xvlthout bourtl , ut leasonable late.
SOS tit. Mniy'sax-e 217-27'
FOH ItENT NIrely furnLshed rootns xrlth
bonitl , gas , bath , steam. 1721 Havcnpoit st.
221 * 27 *
ENGAGE finnlkhod i-ootns xxith Btcarr. beat
for xiInter , 0 to ( IB. S21 S lOtb stfla I ) .
FOltltENT Nkoly furnished rooms. 8-1 per
week , Jlios ruiiiam it. liOii. "
f ) UOOMS llonwikeeiilnf , Sf20 st , Mary Si nx es.
* 147
FOR HEXT ruruihbod n > oiu with bpaid.
Ol'Tll front rooms with board In private
tumily , uliely louaiid , 2130 Harnej t-t.
li-1 S2 *
& furnUbed. xi about l > oard 1000
Capital aio. 328
"I7MVE front rooms. Fteam heat. fr . bath ;
J ci'cri thine nev : ah modern Improvements.
711 j-outh Kith , ! ird llt > or. 10UO-2 *
QJT. Cl.AniEuropeanlioti lirltb dintnpromn.
O Ptoinn In all rooms , 13tb-I > edge
Ppeclal rates by iroek or nio. 2- ;
171OR KEXT rurulbliud IXKHIIS , 1000 Douglas
"C'OR IIENT Ftirnlsliod ixiotns ; gasbuthaud
J- steam , 151'J Howard. itll
TJ1OK KENT Two south rooinb lllljlI armiui.
TCIOn IinXT UiIcU waicliousc , txio Ptories
-C nnd bnt-t-iuent , 2T.C0 seiuaru feet , with 1 ( > 0
feft of doulile trai-lc on C. 1' . lallxiay. south
-IJUi and Vjerce streets. Address O. Oskaiuj )
Omaha. Neb. iO5
. , * er Uf > or first mnmn i
"TTIOrR rooms i\lth closets , Mcoud floor , to
JC tnnirlcd couple ; no children. 7t North 22d
2X 1
rooms for bo
> I'tu , betvewn Jackson and Lenveu-
xuirth. _ "
T7 OIl inXT : inouii , tiiifurnwhed , 210 X IStb
J-Uu pi Ice UU. K-4
GltOOMi. unfurnli-hod und rooms ! urnKhe d
fur rent lu Ituegan block , cur , lUtli and 1'u-
clile. OK
roil mxxSTO 1 1 r.s T : n o r
I'urtalf * , ett. . Mr lop " ' flrt cotmnti on Iliin
"ITtOK r.KNT Tlie 4-story brick Imlldlne.wItU
- ior without power , formerly exn plod by Uie
Di-t ) 1'ubllslilrn ; ( o. , PIG Tamil nisi. Tbe bulld-
IIIR bun a lire-proof feiiiemt Imsnum.utxjiHplete
siciiiii tiutluj : fixtures , water on all the floors ,
Sasetc. Apply ut the ntllcc of Tbo lleo. via
AVlthnoll Wwk with 11 modern
yiuniroi uiiiunt * vorr chuanl&th aud i larney.
_ l & It )
STOItE room with Bteam beat for n-nt In n -
luliro.k block oil IblhkU Itoberti. 4ti. No. <
Htiist. 1Jl'-s' ' *
_ _ _ _ _
ITIt'lt Jir > T JlrlcU. wnrehoukc. two sinrui.
-I andbnst-iiieiit , 27IKW fcnuiirefeHt-txvjtli Km
ftrttif aoubie triitk un I 1 * ia.i.wuy , t-uutb I
futh r.nd Tierce ctivcts. Adurt > I U LHiip , i
Ouiiibu.Xeb. fill i
\VAVTFIl--PmlM wj.ntltiR booth prlvli-
li epis inMicar I'ulai-i I.xpirtltlon building ,
otien J < ept 1st to 19. applx' for tenn to
Matthew- Ixmn. Ctrand l l nd , Neb. 1MB 22
( RI : iw "ifith WixfinrBch. larce ? how
k 'window jviteatn best furnished. The P. i
Hall , ail 1'nx.on lilotk. ' _ _
DTK I ItOd.M for rent , llest location in city.
J Vault , LW Ilp offl'-o. | H-"J ( *
ITlol ! HENT Huildinir ixZ4 ! ft. 4 storie-Biid
JL1 buK-ment. on Jones > t between 10th and
llth. . xvith ] ! . II truck In alley ; best lee tjem In
tlicclty for wbolt-bale Imjulre1C > . irith
U. A. LiiidotilM. IS
0 n It KB for rent-Alo a lareo room 40xCO
on n-ofitid floor 1'iiuBC'a bulldlnc. 4-v5
Tor rnloi , rif. . < * t top oimt ooJiimn on Uifc pnoe.
3I-T x-our IKJUWS for ron w 1th Goo. J. 1'aul ,
J _ _ J900'ftrtiBti | t _ 414
H. E. COLK. rental agent , Cuntlnontal blk.
P J. IUEY , rental agent , 'JOJ N. Y. Life.
ET. COOK , rrntnl nccnov ; loans , mortf npos
bought , tales paid aud collections Koani
1I N. V. U bulHInc. 777 tUiT. *
MI SCK MJ/V.V nous.
'or rater , etc. , t > cc tup of f.nt roltimn r > u ttilf i i < je ,
"lOMKallancl take a nmssiipo treatuienti
V some t hint : now. I'arlors , W7 K Uttli st , ,
nest llnrker hotel SiC-St *
olMied nnd
n > attrt-6s s renoxated C. .I'eterson. If.
th hi. 84H-4
I ATKNTs Trade-marks.dcslEiis.lnlvel and
i. cop rlslifs , ii-i siii's and rejwtc'd CBM-I
proinptljcecured. . Infiinrpiuontiicorouslv
iii-os-i-cuted. Datnapeand royalty collet-tod ,
-onsnltntlon free. Omaha 1'uU'iit Apeucy ,
t'l-ouuse block , cor. 30th und Capitol ax e.
'TJTfrE GHS 11 tiers keep away from t'lil-
cnpo , strike " .till on. Ity order of ltt .
rordlns s-iieiotnry. ! Cil-st *
i LATENT laTwjersand willeltor- . . or\\.i-iies
A , Co. . lleo Imlldins. Omahii. Tour yours'
( \perlenccasevBtiiInersln U fr. patent office
'Irnncb ofliee \VniLntigloti , 1) . O , Uonsulta-
Inn free. 7S7
\ \ AS > AOLtrcatiiitnt.tllectro-theiniulbaths ,
i'l scalpand hnlrtretitincnt , manlctire and
tblrotiodlitMrs. . l' ( t. It ' . ' 0-J ] , itlini-11 blk.
A OTUT-Dr , Jolin .1 Siiiomon of 1414 J-outb
> - > IKth wishes to Infoi in the jmbllo that he
ins come to stay , eontrnry to the xvlshes of
tlie examinlnc fommlttef of physicians and
iho A\orld-lIeralO. His diploma they bud to
admit Is cond to none. IU1-27 *
I"orratcg , ctr. , tec tnjiof Jurl cojiimn on ttil >
WANTHD To ilnd n coed home for bubr
girl. Inquite atl. > 2 < ) So. IHh st.j up stalls , .
207-24 *
\\7ANTKH-To bnirow JfiO'iO for three
IT ninntliV time. Will deposit as coll'iteral
security inortsape-s to tin1 fate x-aluo of HOnK ( )
on real estate woith fc."iOOO. Will pay lOptr
cent for tuonc-y and J1K ( ) t on i mission. Addio s
Van Auktn. care ofooil & Hautroft
Nnfl bank bide , i lt\ . llit-
J"/r j-nffd. cti. . Kr top of tntt ntlumn an tM < 7x7(7 ! .
] 7\UnN"ITUlr. \ . household Roodsetc. lllchest
ca hpilce. 1111 Pumam. ( ' . " "O
J"or rate * , ctr. . Hf K'V " ' 1" " nilttmn onn
" " " " "
"WANTED rnftTrnls-tiod fl"on"f. or""u"irtly :
IT furnished , witliin two blocks of JKISI-
ofBcc. Au wei N Y ,55. IDstore , 212N. IGth st ,
241-24 *
nut house 8 room's hath
room between Lfuenworth and lass.
17th and 2Cth sis. Addrtss M 2. IJcc olTii-e
I'M 2fi
-Avios. irc.
B3 > T line lialr oods in vest ; hail dress-lnj ; .
wics. twlu-hcs. han ? " . hair clialns. etc. . a
Rpeelaltj- Prices the lowest. Davlcs hair
piodsand rnlllincr , opposite postolliee. I11S.
IMIi st Omiihi lMii-2'J
I'vrratrx. rtt. , Kt top ufrut riduinn on tlitt
"OENSION- Hiram A E-tunjes eNpeit In
-L pension cases. Oxer \carse\perloncu. .
HBTO oecui'cUovfrS.WIOiionf.lonM for ooldtrrs
in Nebraska and Iowa , their widows andliolis
Abnndoncd delayed or rejected cases a speci
alty. Claimant * for pens-Ions under the new
laxv should file at once. No adx-nnco fee. Of
fice b Crclghton block , ncM south of po t-
"V EW lax * ; pens-ions for almost all soldiers ;
-LN fathers , mothtrs , xudows and minor chil
dren of soldiers. Claims pushed bv U. N.
riiuRtuan , 11 * nnd SlTrt'iirer blk. . Omaha. Also
Washington and Cincinnati. Circulars frtu ;
15 yearurixilcncc. . _ ftfil _
NEW I't-nslon Law Alldlsabledsoldlci-sund
dependent widows , inhiois under 10 , nnd
pniintn of decenped BoldiersaiC' no\\ entitled
to pensions. Cull on mo and iilo yourclalmsat
once. \V.A\hltc room 13 , Continent nlbltit-k.
TT. I'ATCH , e-xclushe pension & claim nt-
torneoiei ; 15 yeais' t-xperience ; nil the
latest lnwh A. deeis-lons. OtlU-e removed from
to Chamber Commerce , ! ! M Omaha
PKEI ) OIILB loans money on diamonds ,
watchesJewelryete.S.E. cor. rarnatn&llth
Kor ratet , etc , K > f I ID of colnimt un tins j > uic
IJlNOliTII IMIi ft. , newly fui-uMied , with
Xboaid Mrs ChurchilL 12Q-gl *
Forralcx. rtf. , CM ( op of first column on thtt jayr
LOsT A llKlit coloied check chllU's saeque.
The Under w ill bo rewarded bvleaxlng
same at 1141 a aist st. 72J : *
LOST lletxieeti Douclas mm : t01C 1'uClfic. a
pi-ail untl coral pin seroxved top. Iteward
If icturnt-d to Jli E. K. Wiueote , imlOl'ucllio.
LOST Gold handled umbrella ensmxed
Mrs. T M alt. on Phermau nx-e. motor. Hu
tu rn Max Mej ur i IJio.'b ot 1COD Ginco nnd 10-
cclT lewurd. sua-a.1 *
O-T A"n English setter pup 4 mos. old.
Name , 1'anny. Inrd ( at 705 N.lUth st.
Any oncdetuinlnpit after tills notice xiill be
prtNoetited on diwovery. Dus lust M-en cor.
li'tli ' nnd fuming MS 214-22
LOST Deed ol bo ucres laud In I'n-sidiot'o. ,
Texas , and abstract of same.also deed to
lot In Sliplhyxlllc , Tiesiio ro. . t'al J.iax-oor
notify 41 ! N. Y. Life. Jlis. T. T. Dupnls.
lt-C-20 *
LO rill tlio parts'thut found a plei-e of
music on the eornt-rof Lake uiid24tn jileaso
lenx-e It at Mie d ug MOIM' Isft-iS *
SlOItAGi : .
yarratrt. rtc , . rtt ti'p ' of fnt rnlumn on tM
STO1JAGE ? eo us heforc btorlns goods of
any ill-script Ion. Omaha stox-o Itepalr
Works , 12ti7 lloucliis. Tel. Ml y4
rpiTXChACiil-Morapo ut lowent rates. W. M.
JL Uiishman , itll : Leaxi-nxxorlh. 1153
C TOIU\OE-lliatch 4 Co. , 1211 Howard. _
I ! * > H
STtUtAOC I'or merUmndlst ! nnd furniture ,
cold storage and freezing ! trackage David
Cole , M.Eil7 Howard st. i-'Ta
J'or rates , etc. , tee top oflist column on tills page.
T7\OI.TI \ ! tennis llpht mule- . : one heavy 1'iOQ-
J- pound horse. Uoom 1'J , Hoard of Trade.
"l lUli BALI"--Delivery wugon , 1H7 > ll'thbt. '
" \ \7ulilC lion. ' W. t wo horse xvncon 2u. double
> i xxork liMi-ness J15. Or xvlh trade for upend
pond llcht feide Unr buggy. II. E. Cole. Contin
ental block. , WU
HOUSE * L'cht ' drix-rrs , bargains. The late
file hasiniUe ; tbtuudiL-up. 11. E. Cole. Con
tinental hlo ( K O.V
H OKsEs JJU and up. II. E. Colo.
run SAM- : . .
etc. , KU tup f Jnvt column on I/iiVs / jaye
MXdOI.r- und tnachltii-ry for Vule > Lkramie
Jt'tiinilcal Works A portion t > J the plant of
ttiU property , txnisUtlns of one MO-li. p. x erti-
cul endue. 1 hoUtlnK eneine. 1 lurse Kuowles
Irrlztttiii ; puniti. vt-rtli ul l > oller. Mack , etc , 1
tiiili'S rock erushei , \\llfain jmnur frindliis
mills 1 Sturtemnt blower , iiiUcfllmH'oiis
hha.tlii ; . Imnzetis. pulleys and beltlnc ,
] iul > oiui > l4 < r , syphons labonitory outllt. tin
fun muchiitery ninuM-ni , iniT-cHjlfunoiib ma
chinist * and oilier tools , etc. , etc. At u bar
gain for the lot or lots to suit ptirehasnr-
Addrtss. : i ( > Ul : > Cortliell , LurHmle.Mjo
"C > OH ? A til"A lot of No. 1 fi-
JP Je ti-r'i. x anli. . SSth and Hurt st. ga
FOU tAl.E-A tplenilld lot uf po tolhc ux-
turuit-oinpletc , eoud at iicm.iuM tOWi ;
will ( .ell forfcVliu. Addrok. 1.711 , line otllc
\1 I'iloN' Au-t.oc "aturdii , 1" a lunu -
Vb im , ; .f IM trujii suits , ujjliiil-tcre-il pat-
ii r " -i. t. M..tdri.iur. rarpeth , Jti 1 il' ' I aji tel
uxe .at. ' t it y Au > t u t o 'J--S - > " 4 _ _
T lltlt > Al 1 l lieap < ne Ml'mrii jui In
JL rlujiik and oilier im-r btio. . * , ee lll ter .
U itbutU block , s-.v-i't
FOR s-ALr-OneNeir Vorksufitv en. ; nc SS
her e iKnter , noany ntw free Mn tcfs ,
llhnell block
ijTOIt SALK 1'4 tnllclicuxTs cheap , enquire at
TVt Ii and Thonuwri nrr- _ 1 ,4 A
I pOU SALlPjfew $ trliitritr& Son plnno.lie < t
1 make , party Itiivlin rltyi port on h. bal
ance desired. Inquire at 01 ! I'axton blk.
f UV5
M tKi'Aius KTO ,
"Fcrrattt , fttiteti < pcif > hxt cvlmm e > tlit *
PAHA OL nnd ujulirnllin eovcred "aiVd"re
paired. 11. IlHlor. llrsi 1Mb st.,2d door from
! ' . Onlx-iiiiin in t < uui. t7 |
AUT AM ) < VXG'u7\OK.
ctefcf top cilflint rot mil on thin T > aa" .
BY"an t-xpert iiniBaiu-iiJis bi-Vrof rt-ter-
enees. ca y terms ; can ulso teach tbe SHIUO.
Uox4KI , MpVupk. Neb 2HO JH'
BEPC1JB b'lyntf a piano exHinlne the new
Mjalc Klinball planu A ll ( > spc,131i ! Kouclas.
Gw' ' . . . teaeherof tbe banjo ,
xritli llo < | (0 ( , 1SB nouelus. WO
I'or mttt. ettt > et tt > p of firxt roluinn cm ( hi * i\-\gt. \
/ 1UATTELl-tin at lowest rute : business
516 1'axtonUlk. J. 11. Kinlmcr.
OE. k O. M. ANTHON V..J * N Y.Llfe bnlld-
Inc , lend money on fnrms In choice ! coun
ties of Nebmska and lt > a ; alsei on peed
Omnlin rt'Sildent-i1 property lowe t latesj bet
teiiusj no ( lelnji lutinej ready. Tftlep and
values piivstHl on here. trJO
/CHATTEL Itnnk. 319 b IMIi M. . loans money
won cbattt Is or collateral jt reasonable rates.
-T A : second niortemn" * on vacnnt .M im-
JproMd city prop. Coun-v w arrnntsbouRbt.
Money on hand. r.M.lik-huid ou , blSN.Y.L ! "
l A Land Reneral fhort timepape-r
V bouKht ! Rl o reculir 'near loans on Impro-
x cd pioperty . Geo.r.Blust iLo.,203 Hniuge bldR.
37A5TEKNnioiiey to loan ; lowest rates : no
_ i'deliiy ; large loans . a , spu laltj ; sluir time-
paper liousht , Omaha Mortgage Co. , piound
Hour Chamber otCoimnt nc. 415
OUIMJING loans , 6 to 7 pe-r tent ; no nddi-
JJoual eharsresfor oonanisslon or iittorney's
fees.V. \ . U. Molkleritbt National bank bldg
\I ONKV loaned nt low rates on furniture.
-i'-Miorsos , &c. , vltliout publicity. Ilnxvkejo
lux estincut Co. , 13 Douglas 'jlk.lCth and Dodue-
| 41J
_ _ _
/ 1HEAP Monov Hmall bnns wanted , npoly
V to 1'hlla. Mottgago i Trust Uo. 7 ISoard
Trade. H'.s iai
" \fONnV : n,00 or On Jay nn f urnlt ure.ninnos.
JlJ-horses , houses , etu J J. Wilkinson. CIS
1'axton .
bloclc. _ WO _
TTIIltST iiieirtcape lo.ins at low rates uno no
J-1 delay. 1) . V. ShoUs Co 210 1st Isat'l bnuk.
170 *
OANP City and arm loansniortpaie
bousbt. MeCaKt Imestmcut Co WlTi
E'i s-TOXi ; Mortsaee < ( i Loans of S10 to
fl.OJO ; fet our rates before liorrowhiK and
sax-e money ! loans e > nhoiM-s , furnltureoranx'
upproied M-etirity without nubllolty ; notes
liHuplit , foi new loan , rein al of old and low
est rates , call l2Cs.Slieely blU,15th i How ard.
TTJsT5l7ALI/y low rat - ,
U Of interest on first mortpases of Improved
real tntatefor tbe next i clays by the Kunsas
( 'It v Ini estment Oo. liooiu Jd Hoard of Tudej.
J. fl. I'ense , mnnacor. 072
TJU1VATE money to loan cheap. 0.1' . Ilar-
1 rlsiiu , Oil N" . V. Lift ) . 1 "S
\TOKEY to loin by H. r. Masters on cbat-
1'J-tel and eollalerulM-c urltlus for any time
from one ) to sl.uiontba Jn any aniouat to suit
Loans made on hou-ehold goods , pianos ,
onrain , lioises , mulcn , imuses. leases , xvare-
bouse leeeipts , etc. , a.t the lowest possible
iateswithout publicity oi removal of jiroji-
My loans are so arianse-il that you can make
a payment of any amount at any time und
reduce both princlpabind Interest ,
If you ewe a bauiiccnn your pioperty or
bax-e a loan jnu x\'i ' > Ii chaiiKcd , 1 Mill pay It
off and enrry ft for you. H.IOU find It more
convenient will up .tulepbona Nei. Kl'Jl and
joiirbuslnpss can 1 C iirrjmsed at lionie.
JIonuy ulwayion band. No delay. No pub-
. .
Room 4 , Wlthnell blkJ5tb and Hartley
MONEY loaned utlcnost ratcs.lons time on
impioieel Oinniia mil estate. 110 "extras"
no delay. Globe Loan &Trus.t C0..3U7 ri 10th.
MONEY to loan on any secuilty
for sboit time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Moitcap * Investment Com
pany , room 400. Taxtoii blk UiJ
WANTED First-class Inside loans. Lowest
rates Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , ir > 'M I'mnain. i'i4 '
astein money
Philadelphia Mort aRO and Trust Co. ,
alunj'h icady to loan and pay prompt I xr ; iir-t
mortpncc-s vanted. . Ueorco V. IF. Coatfca , rep
resentative , room 7 , Hoard or Trades. . . >
EASTEUN money to leun on city ni-opprt v ;
uiortgage jiape-r bousht. Il.ll.liey.N.V.Llfe
'd '
HIILDINC loansmiKleat lowestrates AV
> M. llairls , loom 20 , runzur blk. , opo j' . O.
REAL. ESTATE Lran Cash on hand , ( ilobe
LOHII A Trust , Co . .07 H llith s.t No delay
No txtru. thuipcs. llouse > for rent ; gtiod list ,
6UOir.Tli.tVM > AX1 >
J'or rate * , riteclnpnt itklcolvmn on
"VTOTK'E Tbe special summer session of the
J- ' clashes In penmanship und shorthand will
commence Monday , .lull 34. ClusspK xilll beheld
held In Iliu mornfnc , afle-noon and ex-eninc.
Call on or address for information. Standard
Shortluind Ituslness College , New yorK Life
bulldlnp. Omaha. Neb. ( M
rot ratrxcle. nee lop nf Urd column on f/il paat
WANTED Youns man til'bes tonmlc tbe
ucqualntane-eof n respectable xoutislutl.x
Object , friendship. Aclaruss L72 , lii-e. ISO
MAKI'IAGE pa pel eoutninlns coliiinns of
pei-sonnls and nnrtlealurs of sodcty that
pnj-sfi-om f.VX ) to Jl..r ( X ) at marrince , mulled
free. Addi c-ss the Globe , Altoona , 1'a.
K21-IO *
A etc. , rtc lop ur lint column en th
T\ll AXUOl ) . cluiriovtint , tianco nnd bide-
J-'pendent siate-xiritiug medium , IK : N. Kith.
' *
/COUNCIL UlufTs-I'rof.rorif-st.clalrxoytHit ,
v-'trance medium and inacnello liealor ; past ,
jiresent and future accurately given MJD
vVasblnston uie Council ItlulTs. iii-S4 : *
TT IS UKtonlshlnK ivith what sucees , Mrs r > r
JI.ddy Is nieeUns. Utr looms aio ulwujt.
crowded. A cteat many business pe-ojile an
testing her ability as a business , ndx-lscr and
owntimiiiselxvsboth in tllltid and hatlifltd
with tbe results. Call on this wonderful me
dium and be convinced , lly herudx-lce she
gtiaiautees succe- In-Ajuslncss and ail altulrs
in life. Send Ftmnp fur illustrated t-jicular.
1'ailors 1C20 IioupliiiKt. Houis , y a. m. tobp
m. ; Sunday , 0 a in. toi3 p. in. rji-Ui *
D1U NANML V. WAIIKEX , elalrx-oyant ,
medical and busings medium , romiile dis
eases u specialty. ll'.l ' N1U.U > > . , royms 2 and 3.
PASSAGE , Madum 1 Vizier. overCIO S. 13ttt.
Forrnfoi , rtc. . fft top uf .Jifft tvilumn on Will
SALE One of tbti finest meat nurkuu
In Omaha-hituaUiM' uuequnled : li st o
reiawns for belliiiB. Euuuire or write : 4 N letb
bt -47 2s
BAHltnU bhop f or t-aTtp cbulr , town of 1.500
summer uort In'7owa. ' Address. M Is
Omaha lleo. vm 2tS ai *
j ! i-ALE The f urn unie , fixtures und lease
of ullVrooni bote l ? Pteuiii heat , electric
Debts nnd oall bells , seed bar und billiard
rooms. 1'noe $4,000. Addru M15 llt-c oflie .
HAKGA1N I'urnltnre and undeituklii ;
buslne-fes , ] OU tulles from OmiJia on I' . I' . It.
R. if taktu lu next 15 dayt > . Addi ( < ! > ! . M , r > . eaie
Hee , 836 ! 3
POU fALEld ofrtjIilMiwl incut Market ,
p < Hid location nnd cACulleut bukiueiu. Me-
x' < ns cooling ruuHi and lixtun-k. No bettei In
thecity. . Addru > * M. U , Hue. gBt-24 *
FOU > ALE-rort-at-h or eichftMBf. forunin-
cumbcrod lunrt. fl.tKWof dry goad * . ploui > N ,
rlottiln and &IUKH und flAturfte * Acldrti- * \ \
A. 0. . lock box IS , Auburn. Nob. ! !
EE-TM1.\NT ith S room * for t.e ir
rent npplt to Ilyitu1 lleedio. fK i i
tTOU frALI ft-Ta st TAddrir. K O. IJcT
JCJ 11 aSJ *
HOTF.T. iv > r atn. Tw.i- tory brlf k N uno of
thi be tlmicK. dnlru an CTc-ellent p > od
business , on one of ttip lH t corners : n the city ,
AddieKs Commercial Hotel , Hroken JVjw. Ne.u
( M
Par inlet , tit * Krctitjinf frrt ocmiwiM mi lltir p cr.
\ \ iANTKD To trudea new thicHfo Ctt RC
\ i orsan for giiod kafe. Address } ! 14 llces.
S 34'
\ \ HAT h v ( > j-ou for In nils lot . hou eH ,
et < - Atldretw LI7. Hee. SM-sll
\\7AXTrn llor5Tniui btiBpy for lotVinort-
i T f pi . etc.V. . J. 1'aul. 1CW 1'aniBtu.
J a rroccry uwk that will Invoice
from tl.Vin4oll.NiOi IIH\O IS nwldeiH-c lots
nr I.1M ) nnd ra h t or balance. Lock.lto'c 4KS ,
't-nlral City , \t-li. ira I
: OT In Hp-IJord riacoon Plate ( intli ) H. , to
JOM-linngc fur iot In Curl linen or Lincoln
'lace V. L. Selliy. W Ilo.irJ of Trade. >
stocks , t-lpsr uitv bond , etc. . for
eottaci's. fartiK , lands , oto.
lt > .
Ploan stock ofdry poods , for
-two-thirds share uiltHto. . oiifthli-d
usb. Addrt > H ) ( ox 11W. rilnciitcm 111. S05-SR *
Mn jrold A\althnm watch ftiitl nork her o
o trade for peed side bur buggy. 11. K
e. Oontim-ntul block. b81
iTANTKI ) Mortcaee for 5yparsforbor .o
1 1 nd new bugj , cheap. Addres' L ST.Kev.
A"H TOItl A. iihnokt new , sultaltlr for one or
two liorN , will lACtmiiEc for lior-t" .
heui ) forcuhh. 11. K t'olu. Cotitlnt-nlHl
, r'r. ' KI lifi1" ' J > ' mlumn
ir > ( M ! 5 ME Or t'HcliHtiKO , n llvc-rtHini eot-
tuptID Los Anjtelus. ( . al. . fur stock of lint-d-
ware or hoots unUho < - . or improved Iowa
urtu. Adilie9 t. C. C. , 2.V2 Cuuifugt-t.
t > HKprcsi'iitlow prices for i-bolcc property
will never lie seen apaln In Omaha after
S'o ,4. "Mink the prt'dletion. " i-eo ns tit
ncc for n lic.'uitlf"1 ri-Bldoiuo site or an In-
L tinuut. 31. A. I'liton Oo. 1S1 24
I ryot have an.vtlilnp to sell or i ehange
call at CIS 1'atton block. l ss
BA1SGA1NS and Eaty Tonns-AneiORant 12-
rooin le ldiiicp. nil modern c-om etilcni'cs
* nd inr e barn , on I'timnm fit. Nuw , well built
-roiiiu < itlane , two block from motor , on 1 }
l,4j'J Ton : fine homos In cViunell HlutK on
notorllne Good lots , will bulltl haif-oson to
ultou Also coed tiackiice urojiony Tor
larln-tiints call on or nddiess J. 1.Ittle. > . HH
Y. Life. JU-VsU
( Jj2KK ( ) x\IIl buy nn east fronton l.orveavc.
Plut south of Dmenport. SI. A. Upton Co
ol ac > nts. IM 24
Foil x\LL' 12 sot-lions of laud In rsebtaska
lit l ( > -i than half xaluo , by owner. 0 U
l'ete on. Clft tUltlist. . M.lsH
" \ V HINWTOX. C. , Aiiffiist IS. ! ' . M
V > A. I pton O-o : Population ol Omaha ii
40.(0ti ( and will be &OO.OJO In 1900. your undo
' amiiLl. 1S4-24
"IJV.IIE SALK-Or tr.ido. Ilcnntlfulnew Jl-rooni
JJ liousc- only ' - ' bliK'Ks wcit of Lone : ne. . on
. " 4is < > M. . lilRh and klshtly and on pradu ; full
ot , cltjrwnter , cistern , tower , luv window.
> oniliit < i , doulilo fiiior , collar , till nnlsliod in
lrsl-rla s Mjle. Lowest cash price. Kiwi ,
iiall pnjniontdoMii. balnneeverj euj. . Will
iidu fur clt-iir farm Ijnd or cimaJia Jots
) wm-i. K. O. Merrill , 4.E.5 Walnut me.alnut
Hill. Oniaha. B70sl2 *
Land and Loan Co. . liuvo "sunps" in
ri-al estate , 3GlW-t 1 amain. I'.C-ZI
"V"\TANTnr > 134.71TJ people ( Omaha's present
TI jKijiulutluui. liibHUve in its
cnatiH's- . and to Xnowthut now Is tlie Ix'st
time to M-i-urcon pied leiius a lioint-in thli-
cltv. Tor ] ) UrtIculiirend ! my advcitlst'im-nts
C. T. llairKon , Vll > . Y. Life. 4 iS
BONIsy Dundee The opportunity 10 pet a
bcuutlftil home with n larpc- lot In tlil-i-lc-
jrant i-cildenep dlMtlct will MKIU bo a tlilns of
the past \Vohnven special bargain M. A
t'plon Cn , solo acints. Ip4 24
ELKGANT trncKaco lot. rCxre. front inK
pax ed vu. track In nlley. 1 or sale or h-iisi >
on IOIIK time. The Mead lu\tstmtut Co. 15ue
bid's. ) U7
A SMALL p-iyinent down nnd $15 per month
will buy u4-room liou-i-and lot on lt > lh,2
blocks from motor ; first-fins * ! chance to nc-
nnlrc a homcon easy li-rius , Apply toll. E.
Cole. Continental lilotrU ; Os4
TT Wit j-ALKor trade some fine properties. In-
JC ? cuinbeitHl ; will glxiiwful coed bargains
for good clear property. M. A. "Upton Co
/COTTAGE homes in most any addition for
V/Mile at from f 1,100 upon easy monthly pay
ments. T. 1C. Darling , 43 UarKer blk ; USU
FOU \LK-KIte 7-room house ready to
n.oxelritn with full lot. SJ.2U3 , 4AI3 t-ash. C.
P. HurrKon JU1 N. Y. l.Ifc. ! b7
EOIt OMAHA resident or buslncs-piopertj
Ililek block , food tenants , toiiier room
occupied by bank , rents- pay peed InU'icst nn
J.'lUKi'l , Jn a peed , thrliiiiK Nebiuska town ,
cross ratlixjad and a clivMon fetation. Addri s
L , .VI , Hee. ! ( H
JIKC'ULN t'Juco lots 51,2VJ. Dexter 0. Thointis
$1700. & - -onm hotlBe and lot ; JiOflO. O-roo-o
bouse aiu' lot , until 2iih of August , S. L eor.
3til nnd VIn on. Mrs. Kuhlniun. oaG 2j
$2.XiO ( will huj lots 7 and 6. Mock 4 , Mt-Cor-
mlekVSd Addi'ioii ; rtoubln coiner , slcMb
lots. W , A. Upton Co luth and rurniuu. sole
TJIOU ? ALE The cliolcn resltlcncc at NoT ,
-T Kir.t Georgia aie. , : nxl4U ft , E front,0 laizej
rooms , bath , cas , sewer , he > t mid cold water ,
e-loset and all eonieiiilem-us , oxvner coins to
leave city. U V. fholt-a t'o. , 2U lit Xul bunk.
$1,2. > 0 for Lincoln I'bice and Caitlmce loTs ;
cusy tt'i ms. W. L. selby. 1J Uouid Tiado.
T7 OI : e\LE lur coed lots in ttalnut Hill ,
-L fin\lVI each , on frrude I'l-u-e * .VJ , | auch
x\orth double the monty. Ftrlnser i Penny ,
Donsrlas block. IMli and liudeu. 4K ( ,
ltO ULS roll HAY llEAIiyi' MtTKIlb
Department of the h iisoiiri. Otllee of the
Cliluf ( .iiiiiitcrtna-iter. 8t. Iotilh , AIlssnui
Atitrustl'i l-'Ki ' cal Hlpi > jnisals.lii tt-iplleat ,
subJL-i-t to the usual conditions viil be ic-
celiedat this olbc-e und at tiie olllfu of the
Qiiaiteiiuii-tci at Tort Mipply , Indian leiil-
tory , until 12 o'olm K. noon central siunurd
time f ipU'mbet 1d IsUi and tlif-n ujirncd. for
fiunislilii ! ; in id < ] cll < rln _ ' during the ii-dil
xenr ending .luni . ! . Is'il. one million tlnoe
liundri-d tlidiisiind il..lK1.'KUi pounds of has l
1 ort Supply , Indian Terrltmi. 1'iopouK for
dtllx-eri in other pointxsill be ent rt.iliuc ! .
llldders must Male the places xvhere tlitv
propose to ma .edellit rles. The coxcrninciit
reserxTS theilpht to rciect : iii > oiullblds.or
totontiact furmi-li port.onUit-uiof asmax- tie
considered fortht be-.t Intcust of the MTX he ,
and to walx-t sin-li rlefeet * . ns me not In eon-
fliilltb thflaxi. I'rtfertiKO xvlll'beclxento
uitlcle of douiBstle prodiutUni or munufac-
tuio , tondltlons of qtinliti un < l price ( Inelud-
IIIK In the pilccof forelzn pnidiiitioti or inan-
ufaetuies the duty tbeie mi belnir e iual.
lllank propusiilt , and printed c.rinlu s six Ins
full Infuimatlon Mill bt f urnlsln-d on applicu-
tIon v > this oflk-c or to Hit tiunrtc-rniasterof
tlie post named , rnxelopesontalnlii 1110-
pusnl&Kbould bumaikiid "Proposalij foi llay
at Tort Fupply , 1. T and uddiossed to the
undois-lrncd. or to tlie I'ost Qiiiiilenniistcr ,
Tort hupulj.I. T. C.V. . I'O.-'l Kit ( , 'naiter-
niasttr , U. r. A. . Chief Quaileinuih.ter
T > It01'0'-AL' ' Volt I'K.Nc'ING. A'-Sl-TAKT
Quartvnnantcr's ( Jlbce. Umulut , Nebraska ,
Aiipiift2J. Ih'iO. ' Sealed proposals In triplicate/
s.tih.1eci to the usiuil ( Munitions , will b < n-
eeliudat tlilsoBlce. until Uin. . Monday.
12 , IStKi. for construeilns fence around the
Tort Omaha Milltniy Hot-nation , . Itnlli-
xlexv. ( b. Plans und hjicciflc'itlotis < nnbe
Rtn nnd ilrculbrciiitnliihiR in-triic tiom. to
blddn . bud blank fonns uf pn > ii'isul. > ob-
tulnod on npplli-ation t this ofiice The cox -
ornuivnt iLnrxesthiriuht to i eject any ornil
bias , rnxeloiifscontalnlnp proposals should
bemnilved "Pivpo Hlk for renclnsr. " and ad-
dre f-ed to the unfit ] -.lRtiod. I 'II. Ml I.I i r.
lirMI'IlllEy. CaptHin and Af.lsi.nit ( .uiar-
lenn lister. U A. nu.MU h i-21
Xotlt-c t < ; Cunt ractors.
Boalc-d tiroposal1 ! M ill be recalled bj the un-
dcrs-ipned. at theofueflof Henry yot.jtbl -
twt , for thcicHKistriiC'tlou of stJoeph r , Ikis-
pltul. until Fanlctubtir 4tii. IHUO , tt-twn o clock
p ui./if shield ay. for the xihole building orfur
dlircirent parl of the vork , as net fonli in the
flMH-lfluutlons , Wo roserx e the rUht to reject
nay or all bids.
u lflli * fcii rn M. Ai.PHOXRA.Supcnoien.
.Notice to C'onlruclors.
Hkls for bnildlnp a three ttorr brn k ' > d < ll-
tiou to my Hotel , lluii'i fi-ft , wiTllx r-i \t \i \
t my oftli-v , until Aunut a.tli l-'m ut , - inch
time the contract w ill be let u > Hie K * f.t j. l -
pons'lile iiiuclcr Plans and sp ( i 'in iiimcan
lift-wii at inv offlct Ittglit lf ri < < l to i < 1-et
uny rull nidn. J K 111 KM : .
Iowa. August lltli , IS-KI u-ia 4
A Jolat roolutlon was adopted
nturnof theMatc nf > onraikn.nt
tt e twenty-filet tw ii UK reof. and appn > x cd
Mar < b Jl'tii. ' A U. l > Mi , lir.-ixwinc nn nmrnd *
tni-at to etl > n twol-'I f"iirl [ ( undtiv , : > 1 of
Arll < le ix 1C ] of tlircomtltutliiii v-f nbld ttatn
anil that aldsocthm us amended shall rend
fIon ( 1 That nectlon fwoM" " of article * lx
( liof tlitMsnmtitutlonof tbf sUie of Nulirnska
be ninennt tl to m io read HSfnlloT 1
> e < -t m2 Thonupreino mart ohall Con-
fl l of fidDludcc * H nmlorlty of nlioinrtinll
bonoeeireHrr to form a quoruti or Uipronnunea
u decision. It htilhaie ! i.rUlnal jiirlidlet Ion
In cus4rolntlnc to lev ( inn- . ii H CBM-S lu
xvhlch the itite .h ll be a warty , nmndnmns
quoiMtrnvniu halMms M > rrusaiid nuehippvl *
lute Jitrl3lrt Ion n lr j'br provided bvlnw.
section ! : Tlmfection four (4 ( * of article sh
( W.of thceonstltutlonoftbt state of NoLrasKn ,
beanicndea MI as to reiul a folloxm.
S ( > ctliiii4 : The Judsesof tlie sniiremc court
shall boolpcti-d by the tietors of the state tt
IHIRP , nml tbelr term < > f ofHee , OAcept a
IK retiiHtler provided , shall lo for a prllud of
Uif ( . ' jtjuts. "
M > ctl mil : That section five ( Si of article six
fO'of tbo constitution of t hr state of 7t t rus-
Kn , be amended nous vi reid as follow *
fectUiuf * "At the Hist touctnl dei-tlon to
bpbelclln the year IH'l ' , iird Kftef tlie adop
tion of thin amendment to the constitution.
there shall bo elected three nil Jwlsto uf the
upreim > court , one of whom shall be cltxMfil
for the let in of one (1 ( > yenr. one for the term
of thrt ci3 > j'fHrs nnd one for the term of llxe
( Ai yi an und nt each ccneral elect Ion tbr re-
after there shall bo olwtt-d one ludceof tbe
" upromc court for the term of fiic(5) ) jear * .
Provided , tli.-it the Unites of tLo supiome
court x\h se terms hn\e n"l expired ut tie
time of holding the ccm-ruj nlurtlon of 1 : ,
shall continue to hold their ofrlci ) for tlio rc-
iniUmierof the term for which they xicre re-
pectively olcttod under the present consti
tution. "
section 4 : .That each person vollns Infax-or
of thin amendment shall Imvct written or
prin'od iiH | > n his ballot the folio wlnp :
'I'or the proposed Hiiioudnii'iit totliecon 1l-
tutlou relatltiR to the number uf supiuiuo
rhereforp. I. John > I Tlinycr , Oox-ernor of
the state of Ncbratkn. dn lictobv pticnotlco
InactHitdHnre with scuion ono (1 ( 1 article tlf-
tOMi'lft ) of the coiistlttiliiin , the provision's of
tin- not entitled' "An nit to provide thcmttn-
ni-r of prop "lire ill ntnenilinents to the e > i in
stitution "ml subiiiltt Inp thosanir to thcelo--
tors of the state. " Approved TcliruHTy Utli ,
A.I' . Is77. that snlil pioposert unieiidtiuiit xxlll
DC pre ontnd to tbe qualified x-gti-is of the
elate forapprox-ii or rejection at tbe
elhovlon tu be held on the 4tli day of > ox em-
bi-r. A 1 1. IsOO
In xrltnes * whereof I hnvo bcreunt < i set inv
baud and caused to be ntlUt'il tlietrrcat seal
of th Mate of Nobriukn. Done at Lincoln
till * 20th day of July. A 1 > . 1UK ) . nnd tlio twea-
tj-fourtb year of the fctntc , aiicl of the Inde
pendence uf thu United tuacs the out- hun
dred liftccnlli.
lly the Go ernor. JOHN M. TUAYER.
[ SKAI.O Secretary ol State.
Aucust td.lm
. A Joint resolution wai tdoptpa
by tboleplslatuicot the state of N'eiliiaMcu , at
tjietwinty-llrbt tcsi-lonthereof , and upproxcd
March ; uiii , A. D. issil , propping nn amvnd-
ini-nt to c ctlon Thtrtw > n ( U ) of Artielo blxfli (
of the constitution of Raid stata ; that snld
section as uuciid'ed shall lead m follows , to
il It :
fcectlonl : Thntsoctlon thlrteea ( ISiof nrll-
cle six ( di of tiieciti-titutlimof tiu-staleof ( '
braska be nuieiidud ao as to lead is followa :
tectlun l.l
shall e.u-h rc eixc n saliirv of lblrt-tlte bt-n-
drod dol'at ' ( W.viii per aim urn nnJ theludjcs
oftb' diS.rlct court s'mll rnceixe a snlnrj of
three thousand dollars (1.1,1) ( 10. pel iitiniim. und
the salary of OHeh slmllbe | iaable quarter. } ' .
section 2l. . ch posjn votlns lu faxor of
this aiiicndinent shall h.x e wiittcu or printed
upon bl b'lllot thr followlnz :
rortbe proposed aiiiendiucnt tothooonstl-
tutlon. relnt n ? uithc aluiv o. " judgeiof the
supreme and disfilet ooui-t "
' 1 hurt-fore 1. John M. Thavcr , covcrnorof
the state of Nebraska. Uo lu-re * > j cix e notice.
Inaecordanie with senlon ono [ 1J article Of-
teen in ] of tbe conn tutlon , ana tin" proti-
slon& of nil net < iitltluU "An uil to piovldc
the inannor of propusln ? all : inendiaentsto
the constitution and Miuinlitliic tbe same to
thuolectirsof the "tatr " Approicd February
Utb. A D. 1S77 , thut s lid puipused amend
ment will be submitted to the ejuiillOrd xottrs
of tblsBtatcfor upiiruial or rejcotion lit the
ccneral election to Le held on the Jthdax-of
Kovembcr. A. 1) isln.
In xiltiiass whole of 1 have hereunto set my
hand and caused to bi unixed the pn-at stal
of the > state of KobrusLa. Do-io at I.lncolu.
this day of July , A I ) IS w nnd iliu txrtu-
ty-fourth year of tbe state , and nf thclnde-
] icncletK of tbo VJulted States lbe > cue. liur.
died fifteenth.
Hy the CoM-rnor. JOHN M.
IlL.s.tAMlN 11. COHtlEnT ,
L.SEAI. . ] Secretary of State.
A Joint resolution wn i adopted
by the legislature of tie state of Nebraska , at
the tvrput.x-first tcMnion tbereoand approved
February 13th , A. 1) . l&si ! , propo-ilnf an amend
ment to thu constitution of Bald-Mute , and
that said amendment shall road as follows ,
to-wit :
Section It That at tbe rcncnl election to
be held on the Tuesday succeeding the llrst
Monday of November , A. 11 IKKl.tbere ( hullby
sumltted to the electors of this state-for ap
proval or rejection an amendment to the con
stitution of this state In words ils follovrs :
"The umiiufacturc , sale and keeping for sale
of Intoxlcntinfr liquors as. n box-eraKV are for-
t-vHr prolittilted lu this- state , und tholeslhla-
ture shall pi 31 Ide by law for tbe enforceincnt
of thlj pioilslon" And there shall also at
siirt election be w-paratelv submitted to the
( lector * of this state for tlielr approxal orre-
jiictlou un unioudiuunt to tbe constitution ot
tlio frtate In words as follows "Tho manufac
ture , sale and keeping foi sulc of Intoxicating
llquuis ns a btm'i-aso hliall be llouudeel and
regulated bylaw. "
bete.2 : At suc'i ' election , on the ballot of
each elector x'otlns for the proposed amend
ments to the constitution shall be wrltteneir
printed the words : 'Tor proposed nniind-
mtnt to the constitution , iimhlbillu : ; tbe
inanufactarp. sale and keeping for" sale
of Intoxicating liquors as a ucx'eragc. " or
"Against tbe promised umcndiuerit to tbe
constitution pioiubitlug tbe manufacture ,
nalc and keeping for bjle of Intoxluuting
liquors as a bex-iruge "
Tbeie hball ulsobe written or printed oil tl > a
ballot of each ulcctor voting for the proposed
ainendment to tlie constitution , the words :
"I'or proposed amendment to thuoomtttuilon
that the manufacture , halo anil kecpuie for
mle cf intoxicating llquoisiiia Deieragcin
this state shall be licensed and legulaicd
bylaw , " or "Acalnst said proponed unu-nd-
inont to the coisrtltiltlonthat tliu laanutau-
tnr , sile : end liiepln : furs.ih ) < f Intoxh'iillnpr
liquors as u bcn-ruge Hhall be lioeust-d and "
Bee a : If either of the tild pi opened , !
aiiK-udmonts shall lie njiproved by n majority-
of tbe eltctois xotin ; ut the Euld election ,
then it nhall consituie section tivt-nly-seiit-ii
| -7 ! ] ol article one Illuf tliucuiibtHutlon of lbl
Therefore. I. John M. Thayer , Governor of
the hlut of lit-reby pnu iiotlc
In accordance vlth Mdlna one [ i ] urtiule [ r.j
of tbe constitution .ind tbe jmnisloiis of tlie
aet entitled "an ai t to iinnidt-llie iiianntr of
projKiiiiirall umeuelinenta to t lit-i-onstlt nilun
ana submitting tbesume to the-i le'ttiirs of tlio
state" Approu-d rubruiry 1 > th. A lJ. 1S77.
tuat said proposed uiueiiniiieiit will be cul > -
mlttca to tlie qualified x-oters. of tblsbtati lor
approxul or rcivetlun at the crnerHl eluciiein
to beheld on tbe 4tli day uf Sotoinuur , A. U.
In witness whereof I hereunto set mv hind ,
una cause to be allUnd tin- great heal ot the
btatcof Xcbtiuiku. Done at Ljtneolnthlfcltith
day of July , A. I ) IWM.ana tlie ath xt-arofthe
ttiitt , ntidof tbe Indepenilenocof tlie United
fctutes tbe one > hundrcel ilfl'-entn.
llj tbe > Govuruor. JOHN U. TUAYIB.
* It. UowjiEiir ,
. ] bocrctur ) of. Stato.
Aujait Id"--
Mattel of kpplloutiou of Willlitni llo un for
Notice id hereby RITC-II that William Horan
did upon the I'nth day of Auctist. A. T ) ln'Ki.
lilt * his application Ui tlin llimni of 1'irc
arid I'olleeUonmilHslone-rs of Oinniia for per
mission to moxe h is Million from tbe S. K ooi-
ner of Nt h and How ard btim-t s. u , Ito -J'- -outb
I''lh ktict'U in thesuiiie Hard. UiuHlia Neb.
If tli < re bt no objei-tiun. reiiidiihtratKO or
puittst tiled xMihlu two weckii from
21st , A I ) law , tht bind IH rnilhslon muy b
grunted. \\ILLI\M llOuA. % , A pull ' -nut.
' ' '
In porternodVliolewli I > cslcr ! o
V alclics , .Inu-lrj , Cutlery
Notions , Ndicllk'fi , AlliuniSj
Coat-Collar Springs ,
I'aiirj Goods , Ac.
lirp < fct nwortun ni Tor
FltT rktof Be , I'm Mid 2ir exiunlrr
coons Our jarcit n-iitfnllr ll'iisirtuid '
- ' * - - tmli-Mlcrti.iil- ) .
St. Lou IP. Mo.
ELEQT iG BEk'f 1 i
- - ? feVT r
' sit - Zz ± * 3rZ L m.
jr-ci3 I.T 'H'N *
AND suspiitioc !
lur IkU leifc | iur
IKIK , r r ! < . , ritl , > Vrkk ii , r ' III r l ) . > llldk .ll
lap. ( .MillinMii ( iirrviiU of l .rtrirlf ? Ihr th mil irkAK
I-MTI- iinr , ( u mlirALTII lt > d tlliCIIICHkHTIIlM.TIL
I. ) . iHrrrut Irll IH.UI-I-Y > ( , ' I ux in ckb
1 * ntf | w i ry i Dlil | . iu4tif , V rn r * . | -r
t rr , B it. > < pl ft
t , e-"T * . atctj luus . . cxit 8J iu
ACiUUDKUIi. Lawyer ll'l UeariK.rnC
. I ! api , 20 yctn. ' KU - -ful ji-afi'-o.
I ree nopublir ty fje , aifat-u tien.
u luau ) tutt-i.
I UIi Ae.o Ml ill.I NelTON ft v.
I > il il 10th mi t Xl on mt-n-ti
4W d m ' Kxprm M I i m
t4fi n m . . i I'XPITSII r.-M p m
Hlo p m Clilrajro K i'ff i' ' ti i in
C.Mp in i e'UirKi'o I i-ral i 0 m
Ml IlLl.NimiS A Mo UIVKU Airltt-i
lllb mt M vm lrt
I > t mM- lajIfiiprtm )
. . l > mv r Kxpn-
, l > r < Xirtt - '
. Lincoln
I Wlh unit Mn "ii u-wl <
KnuiMuritT IMJT r -
K C NHtlit Ktp. tin t I' Trnn-
CHU'AuO , It I AL l' ' i ttlt
17. l'iloK | < t. llnli amiMnr j
_ _ " _
CUI pml. . . . . . . -t I 'an I l.ltnlli-rt
"Ix-BTti Olill Al.OA Noll'Mi lCy Arriftit
Omnlin > U I" d iiu llitU mil Marcr ! * t
tJ n in . .r. . ( litmiro ICrvrrx r 2u p in
V pin . VwtlbMl * iJmltivt l Ml > m
fit p m luna A Hiiimtitatli < n' ' Sun " U' p m
HO p ml . H * l n Hlf r I' 4 v f m
IM | i la . . . . ! > < l i : lcru HiVf" h a in
lnvei . luT A T VAl \rr i t
Oiunlm l ' I' df-put Hull niMl Mnnr M iimalta.
in . ra
p m Kxiire * < | i m
OMAtiA ,1 s'lill Itv Atrnoi" "
Omnliv t * P ilBjwt llHii nnd Mitrcr Pt'
( JO v ra _ M l < iul _ Umu"ii Hull . W p m
l pixT ? 1 FT TTM'j \ ' AULf v
omnha I ipiiotjjlh * nl Wali'iJr si o n 'ix
Mm n lu . Illicit Hlll E > i > ro ju p m
HO n ra . . .Hast4iikKi | > I Ki Miii1n/i jau p in
MO pm Wahon.VMnc-olnl'iiK.iM * vll \ r ri a m
610 pai Turk , \ Norfolk < ICi unlnr III' " , i m
l vef . SI' 1' M i el
Omulu I | 'i-pptJllijiuii\Viti ipr 't
7 i o ra ! Ple > ux"riljrAc < > iTnim uluti > n 11 - u , p ra
1(0 ( pm . .SKIUX niy Ki'riKx | ( Sun i 1 ' l p m
100 pm S-t Tnti ! Limited I 2. . > in
515 ii m1 llnncoft PnH ciitmr ( Kr * un * R 4 11 m
I 111 l'\i 1H Art f i
Pct'ol IHh and XVcintrr stx < nihv
111. rVTiiT r H lMU\a \ A k I' . K n > 4 .Hi p m
HSp _ ni . si I/lulu ft K ( . ' lijin ! I mum
lnvn i CliltAUU.'K 1. A ArrHcis
Transler I nlon Hc-ixit ( viun Trniiifdr
C. , J p m Mctit Kxiirt-i * ! l.ii > in
SUM ami Atlnntlc Kxpresn ft M p m
510 [ pm1 . . U-'tlbnlo l.tmltcxl U TO ii m
l nvTi iCllli ArrlToi"
Ininsfi-r t'nlnn iK-tiot , ( tiuncll liliiHs Trnnntor
t < l ) a in1 i m
MX ) pm' ' . Ir-tthul * IV.niHocl n J a m
lump ni. . . . KnMrrn rijer 2 10 p in
I.'IO p ml Atlnntlc'Mall 7XOn ra
T'lO ji nijliir i AcfuniniiitHtl > n iKxi " "r c.0 . | i in
IjeHvriwlMK'AbO Mll * A S-T I'Ali Amr" * "
Iraii'tcr' ' I nlon UeiwU. e nunrll Ulattn I'rumfer
( i'0 { p la . ( litcnco K cpri- " 111 m
I > > 0 iiiu . . ChlcHfcO Kx-re | < 4i i 00 p in
Lcnvi. i i : .ma.v < it
Tmiintcr' ' t'nlon li-ot | _ ( < > iincll llluBB Trtuntnr
WirfVra I Kbn > iis Cltr liny Kxprnn ( i 4.1 p in
ItlSS-jiin ICnnMii Otf Mitlit Kjifit < ( SO n la
l * Ti'i" ' OJMAllAji VT LU ( I- , Ar ire "
1rHii-.l-r ! t'n ' rn III-IKII Council MuSi I'r a t-r
J ' p m
UnUiii l ip < i , ( ot mil iilutTii
riil < line Kxpn-HB I - J p in
Thlcnso Ksir | * s Ii M a lu
( M' lmi l/icil I II i
MOI \ rn i .v I-AI im
J.'nlon IWiKit. rojijcll lllult _
7.4J m T Moui City Accommodation I ) 40 a m
Ii II.S p m 1(1 ( iW p in
"Misi-Toem I' ri net. . TKAINS
Westward § :
. Ill | A 1TI I * III JI III II 111 II 111.
Onk Webslir tlinthva Et . f-.K ! , - , lS l \ 4 it J f.7 S 43 12 67
Drillit HIM . 'ft ' ! > < ICI fc 01 4 tli I'Ik ) B 4.'i 1 ( HI
l.uko Street. S.fl . ( ) ! u ; 4 IH i eu H tfl l ir.
\Mlllint Hill d.IH U. > ' ( Tl 4 III ! U' 8 SO 1 II"
Hujinco Place G.ti.Oj Uh II 1 1 I U ( F . . 1 ( IS
\\ont bld . . ti.Oj 1U MS 4 15 h 10 B V , 1 1U
. . h 1S4 { IS h Ml 1 14
XtUKOUt. . . . . . . . .16.2) ) 4 50 ll.US 1 17
r-ormour 1'trL. . . .18 31 4 a. II ( Mi ! 1 21
1'Oltlll . . . . . . . I..U 4 85 V U ! 1O 1 : \
mia ni IMU pan n in pm.
ivimi . . . . . . . 4.4' . ail 1 : i3
Mjymour larU . . J. . . . , . | B. 4AI ! > all 1 44
MllHCOt. . . 'B 41 , 4 5 , , II 1 47
' ' ' . . . . . 46l ! III 1 ! iU
Mesthiac . . . lSl" li'B.fiS ' liOjil , IS I ) J3 l r.i
l > nndt'u ' I'laic . IT 7 18 t 17 i V n.lT n 42 1 57
\Vitlniit IIIU 3 7 21 J.IO 5.10 fi SO fl 45 | 2 Oil
Ijiko Struct . ' 5 .ll . " > U * > 2 > V 41 * ! S IW
llruld Hill i--Si 7.1's DJ 5 Ifi ( ! ' I * f l
Oat Clmtliam'T ' HSJU.OS n at n M
\VcbnlcrHtuiet i , 40 : 4 : . . : ' --a 'iii'j ' w l ui i
Passage to jndlrcr. Grttl Btluin end art
carls of Europe MontrLal Liverpool roule , bj the
wattrs oi St. Liwrencti. shortest -jlzll. tiliu c < iw to
I'.ottou , to I'l iludi ipiiic. Lirerpool toa"dfrrni
Ilrtltlmorp. Tblrt j bte-anrro. C lr. < rx-"lcior.
Accomnioda'Ionn nnsnrj'fie'nd Weskly sallinpc.
All\3Z & < t-O. . < = \iesL Ak'ta.
l.arcr t. Tudnt und I'lut" ' In I lie. IVoilJ.
I a MLIllrtl HI Hi ( jBtl"IIH UtT CllPll
AUJ M DIOXIA sept n.
I'l UM-'bSlA 'i.t ( i i CIllCA IA Be.t | . 2U
liew YuritQ I'-instown ' and Liverpool.
TALOiiN , tlEcitl D-CLfiSC AKD
rut i 9 on j i it m * t > * id f r nn ttt * > pnur
I X' ur 4Uiitv < * kU rtniucitl nude ut i ailH t > r. turn
* * > tithe rthriutuiojMui * ] ( MJi KncrAicr. yf orUi or
rSoutli of Irtlai ) i N.if < it ct ii nut n-
nt 1 ivv nt /i \ lo nrj cif tnr t u-al
fcn-iuu. cr t KENDCREOli BROS. , Chicago.
Le > cal incuts at Uinuliu Harry H. JIoor
t. bin U- . Mates \V 1uill 1 H 1' "Dcuol , titl
7ens Hank , " .to . Uolf
Czb'n ' Pitsaget35 to S50 , accordlni ) to loutl'Cn d
stateroom. Eicurjion $65 to (95.
Sttcrauc to nrid 1 rora Kuroiio ut I/wett Ilatf .
S3 Droadnay , NEW YORK.
Jno. nieeen. Oeneralcstern Ac it , 11
TCniicliilili i-tnet. rhliugo Hairy I * Mocie ,
JOB. ( Junuu.
plajol on row-orJ
Lli MI < ii fi ] Hiia xvifetoWJ PtevtiiB R 'i
lut .V lilk iT.UniiitiH , und 10 ft UUJH n-
ii r O-IM taido , xv d . . . . { T.5
Ju.1 Gr.'i-n nrt wlfeto T.I 1 inn1 , w ri
llure.-cl ft lot It , Ituitlctt'i , uil'l w il 1 ' T
n S llool mid w IftiUi J T Lake lei IS ,
blk 4. Albrliibt'iiiniiei , xd 413
Robeit lMtzv ! < - iilruna ) t HUi , ft ' it
"C. " -liinn udil. d
n & Uotid ui > < \ wlle-lo < lui-t lua AiUt i-
him , lot 2. hlkd. Allirllil'H mint x w ti
G A.loiilln nd uift lol'H Hull un 1 i
ell7 fi lotMl kud , blk b , U-ius" m
! 'Urw il
K Jc-tte runtlulft-1 TliuiuuKlIai t r ' .
4 blk II , Jettfi'k add tu MJUtli Ui , , , t ,
wd MO
> I1. .Shrt-rai aid lfe tnC II T-tiTiy
tiurl lou 7 and A blk 1. lllilklUi , idd > o
" 11 < * i\ \ . ISO
I A C i > ur itM < I Klfelti L > It Ardil r I-Is - 1-i
I and 19. blUX ICutb fc Mjbi mlO , n d 1 2JO
C iLub ) ik. rxucuuu. to M M ICi l.trU-
Mm. n S lot 10. i-irlnp | Vullev. w d 675
J T Hell mid ivlii-t < i Pioil t-u < htr w 'i
lot 6. blk 4 , Jotter't uUd tu r-uuth
Omub.'i , xv d 5)0
South Umulth lHi > d ( xnuimnyti. J DJIul-
ton. Inl4. lHHlt ) JII7. btuith On.uba , xv d Ml
l.auiu S Mjutt-r and bubbuud to c II
lot T , > lor uiun 1'urk w d 2MO
Tiilrlxootraiufers. t 4 . ' ,510
The H'-XA oPlcf-H oi the grc i' Rock
I-'anel ' r < > uUloO , sixlfPtiih inAl urnwtn
j slrft t i.OiTia'rt ' arc theIinost in
' C au unu f > n" II. < in. 'J i < K Is , to i
c u t ut lowest ratoi.