Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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If Ttey Qo Into the Strike Thcj Will
Btrike to Win.
Itiiiiiui-ed Transfer of 3Ir. JIo > 'rll or
St. Joe to ( he I'ntillc Diilsion ol
the U. 1 * . The Audit IIIR of
George \V. Vroomnn , clialrnun of the
grievance committee of. the "Onion Pacific en-
plti < MTs , hut arrived , and with a number of
members of tlio brotherhood discussed lu so-
rrot tlic rrcat strike lu the cast -with a view
to making such preparations as night bo re
quire ! nhAild it ojctenfl to this section of the
The switchmen In tholocal < yards arc seri
ously wondering whether the ntrlko li going
to roauh them , and few of them would bo sur
prised II they should bo ordered out.
Said owe of tliomi "Jf tbo stilkc readies
the Missouri river wo will fuel it In Omaba.
It nilfrht affect only the Northvuntern , bat
that mud and the TJuloii Pacific are so closely
tilled ttmt the latter would undoubtedly try
to h.a'idlethe Northwestern freight , nnd that
.Would . mnke trouble here.
JTh < ! situation is becoming serious and it
U very -nmniblii tint thei'e will to a general
etriio in which the federated bodies -will
join. Tbo action of thoOitr ) lln trying 10
put the union switchmen In the place of thri
striking Knights of I/ibor swilcluiien , and
the same action as to the bralceniPu and flro-
men , ts hound to makt trouble. Tliew luen
of course refused to like the jiUoesof the
strikers und were tU > n discharged , and
this rrciniltMl them into joining the strike.
This will force Sweeney and Suryentto tale
ft hand in thopimoflndebmiiGl them to pool
ISKUW with tbo knights. 1 wouldn't bo ? ur-
] irised to see tholaiiphts put through all
right. These other fellows , tuoi > o who re
fused to tuki * their places and -were drugged
Into the s'rlkoat ' the eleventh hour , will pet
discharged. If it is to bo made n goivral tie-
up of th < * whole Vandcibilt system it will bo
one of the most complete affairs of the kind
"Tho f ilk-rated Twdies' representatives meet
at 'lerr" Ilnute Saturday and then It wit
probably be decided what IB to lie done.
There i * one thing suro-if the switchmen eo
intothis they will po in to win. They won't
moke nay 'men chumps of tlieuisdvpsiis they
flid In Ihc Burlington strike. That wm a
wrctclu'illy in.iuuKW affair , uud that was thu
came of Its failure.
'The 'neii v.cut out Itisinfill bodies nnd gave
the eomjitny time to 1111 their placos. The
switchmen didn't RO out for weeks , and in
the meantime the places of tlin engineers and
llromeu been filled nnd the new men 1'ad
f OHIO ten uvlc'Jjfe of the yards , so that they
coul ! b'lp out those who wore put in the
Bwilchtnui's places. Even Stone admitted
that they \vrro not seriously crippled until
the swifhmon went out
"I tell you they were fools to po out The
coiuiun'x offered the men in these yards
Etiiiklarri pay If they would romaln. and tney
hnvehadit all over the system. They were
nettled to those other fellows , but they wont
outvriththein , and what isinore , they have
( .tajod out with them , nnd that Is all the
thanks they received. Tlry vlll never lie
such fools ajMin , for they hurt the switch
men's ' union tor that move more than it will
recover from In then eU twenty-live years ,
oven If it should ever ice-over liom It. The
war I have it figured out is that the
strike will result iu a sei-oiid strike on the
partof the various unions and brotherhoods.
If that wmi's there will bo music , but if it
don't , the company will hnve things moving
soon. AVlicn the iwitchrucn leave tliev will
tie up the road. They will blockade tbo
yards sotlmttniins can't fret through.
"At tlw time of the Jiurlincton strike they
ran their trains all in and left this nwd un'd
yanls clear. Thnt isn't the way they will do
UKaiu. If our folks can't arbitrate tills mat
ter they will have a strike that will suaxK'nd
every tli lair. "
A Northwestern official stated that the
rumor ofan iDiponJInKslrilieonthnt. line was
already cutting tbo couiiiuny jtio,00 > ) adaj.hy
( ultlnir down travel and roilueiiif "shipments.
"The ] iu blic booms to bo utraia that It will
l o sldotraclred if it pees with in , " ho said ,
"and the other roads are prettlnt ; what rightly
belongi- us. I don't think tbo strike will
roach the river , bat I xvill say tint I consider
thoouUwU very serious. "
W 11 i all n ? Ii M
"Whether or not the ciiRincers , firemen nnd
s\\ltchtiPii ! oa the iMilroails leadlup into
Omaha will strike depends entirely upon the
outeotno of the supiouio council that con
venes at Terre Hnute , lad. , toihy. If the
ft : matters of difference ara not settled at that
mectiniin general wallout of all the federa
tion men will follow.
A prominent Ivnight of Labor at a lute
hour last nieht wild ; "If tbo strike is de
clared -wo will make 110 mistake , as we did
wlica the trouble with the Burlington wis
on , A-rr.inKcmeiitshiivo already been per-
fectud lij which , If notice is si-rveil , every
engineer and fireinnti will step from his cab ;
every \viU-lmmnwilloavonisivvit \ ! < h : every
union ttlojrtuph oi > or.itorvill laive hit.
liej , mid ui twi'Htv-fonr hours woili show
the inouoy Itlujjt. tliut labi > i mubt bo recog-
Howevor. the Itnights do not predict any
trouble. They are confident tint everything
will hi-settled m a satisfaitory manner be
fore Moaduy.
. Oeor oV. . Vrootnaaof rs'orthPJntte , chiilr-
niau of the Oiccutivo comniittoo of the
Urothfri.'iodof Locomotive lindneers , spent
UienlgU at Council Bluffs , and \vai in at
tendance upon the meeting of the ° hrothor-
hood npinocrt > and flremeiiof that oity.
In Oniiihalho Central L.ibi > r union 'held a
nos < ioii that JiiBted tiutil nuurly midnight.
The stJita'vas discussed ntloupth nnd reso
lutions denouncing the Yauderfollt system
wrro ailupttvi. 'J'lio union plodjo.l financial
aid to the stilkers upon the east-oru roads , George \Villard , X. S. Miilinu ,
la\la Morris , Julius Meyer and William
O'iirienas acommittooto call a mass ineet-
ingto discuss the situation and ralsofunds to
luithortho interests of thomtinwhoaronow
out '
3 * IT M
A.uilits tlio AucotintH ortlic * U.
1' . 3
The removing of the headquarters of the
Eupurintoadcut of motive power of the Union
Pacific fi OKI this city to Choretme ivill rwult
in quitca roJuotion of the foroeof the oSlco
at the shops ,
HarctofotMiill the nocoimts of the entire
tnochuiileal department have been audited in
theolllce of tha stipi'rintijndeiit of motive
jioi\or , but hertuifter this vorlt mil he done
in the oSlee of Auditor Vouiig. Chief Cleric
Orandall , who has boui in charpe of that
part or the -\vnrk will ho fausf erixid to tlio of-
lice of the auditor ul o.
All the records of theoftioe , including those
of whc\la ailos , ew ines , cars , etc. , will betaken
taken to Cheyenne. P. K. EaHev will be
transfcirtxl from 1'ortland , Ore. , to" ho chief
alcrk in the record offlco.
The oHico of tlie assisUiut suparlntendout
nnd the hoadnuaiU'rs of i he diusion will it >
jmlti ntOnuho , niid tlietvti no indication of
uvy tnnslcrof the men in Iho shops.
The shops are ruuuiinj ou full tlmonlne
nnd one-half hours six day * in the veok , and
und with the yards lull of car * , with
plenty of work to licijp the whole loico occu-
> Io il < ioe lo the J'aoillo.
A tolosram was rt ccived yesterday from
Ore. , stating that C. J. Smith ,
. . irof the Pniltlcillviilon of the
11'iicillo road was ul ut to rtsign nud
xvould l * iUfceodod ly ( Jeuai-al Manager Mc >
Is'tlt , late of the St. Joe .Szlirtiiid Inland.
Ttie ji-pati'h could not ba venfloJ be aiio
Ultra \roa noaRIoIal at } - - - - - - -
fmniliar with the ifu > e.
A fonx * ol naen is ut iirosant at "worlc
j > rt > ] mrliir thu ( nilfrixjunds on Shai'iniui
. . . . „ . . . _ . irteiuher 1
to4. vbirli proiuisen lolw the * ln r.t fair
< nrf lield under tbo immurement of the
-las county agricultural uorloty , No
> ire epaa-oJ to uiuko it a success.
A. largo number of enthusiastic Sixth -witrd
republicans attCHdcd the meeting of the -ward
club last cventnR nt the oornor of Tvvsnty-
tilKtlinndLaltc. In tlio nb once of Prwl-
doutChrisSpecht , Vice Prwldont Louis Lit-
tloflcld owuplod the clialr. E. C. CXwpersat
atthcsecretarj's table
Tlic executive committee Instrucbeil to
procure nflue
It was dpcJded to hold a rouslncmoetmiT
tjvo tvnels from lt st eronlnp , and the exec -
tlvc committee \vn instructed to oorreKpwd
with sotnc of the candl'latw ' for stiit MUcos
witn ulew \ to having thain addrabsthe
Mr. R , A. L > . Dick -vriw present and ad
dressed the mretinK on party Itwucs.
RcvoHttiVnril Ucinocrats ,
The Seventh Ward Democratic clut > met
lastnhrhtnt Uidam's Ml , corner ofValnut
iiinlTwcuty-sUthiti-ccUi. There xvcro calj-
about thirty rotors present , In.ttheynmdoup
by entliuslusm what tboy Incked rn tiumbcr * .
Tlie t > erinfxnent orpHtliHtion eomplctod
by the election of Judge .Martin Lanedonns
president ; J. J. Polnta , vic-ciiresldent ; H , H.
Neveotn , suMretary , aad Cliorlcs Johnson ,
treasurer The executive committee tp-
iwlntcd hv tliO president wu.nisU of M. D.
Itochc , J. B. Hupliw , S. .T. GarUaerVilliam
Itoiiu and PntricU 3. ftcfirnc.
Tbo club -vvas iwlilrosiod bv T , T. llaho'ioy
at some lenscth. llohcid the rrmt | > lica < i
luirtr should 1 defeated for th i\5 ) u thnt
ovonif Hincndineiilli defeated ttore ft-ill
he dnngcr of a npubllmn legislature
lUMilnp n statutory | irohbltton ! law. Ho
uulophwSd Br > Td nnil 'declare ! that lilchatils
vis a sli-ncUk-r , tin iiutJ-proMliltionist iti
) inaha and u jirohililtioiiist in some other
iarts of the state. Ho siild tliat everybody
; uew vliwo to find James E. Eoyd. He
vonld vito u sUitutorr prohibition hill If he
vercpovcmor within fiftt-cu minutes after it
\ \ ' . TontiHcnd and .T. P. J llyati also spoke ,
h o latter boinc ititroduc'Od us a U fo ton xre-
mbllcun , hut this year worUlEff for dcmo-
rntlc succ'ossnt tlio i > olls.
V Milk " \Vn ) ! ! Snitt licil anil tin :
Driver Seriously limited.
.Tames Miller drives n milk \vagon for John
lansetithe dairyman , amlin tiyins topet
oft the motor tracu nt the corner of Sixte < nth
mid Doiipe sti-eeLs ycstcrdny afternoon In
imcto escHjwa jussiri ? train' he drove his
vugou fairly in front of * jih costbound
cable train nnd wiu unable to Et-t across
leforo tlio Rrip ear struc ! : liini. The par
struck the hind wlioel of Ills wapoa on its
side , IriputciitnK the toain ' 0 that tlioy
stnitcd to run. . .Millervm dragrcd nlonp
U'iththcmilitmtxK wore rapidly being
jtuptiudnn the Htrcot. but ho held on to the
ines until jiartit'xcaufht the horses rma res
cued him Ha was but slightly bruisc-d. The
luina e conslstd of a srnnflioU. wheel niid thee
o s of ullonsof inillc.
JtannliCft , of J3l'ioJ.y ttottom Unter this
enptionriir. St'Nr > AY BEE will contain
a collectlttn of ghost stories tliat nerv
ously iiiclinud people should bhun.
I'oni I ol Public AVorks.
1'ho board of public works held a meeting
yesterd.iyifteni < ion. _
Bids for si-worinc district Xo. 110 wore
first 01 > oncu. That o'f Prank L. Reeves was
signed by lilnisdf and Con ( InUnsrhor , It
wais unaccompanied by a chcclt.but after con
siderable di cusloii the lid wns allo vrd to
ro in. On niotioii of Mr. Purra.v , however ,
; helioaril afterwards ordered that in future
all bids must bo af uoinpanicd by a certified
i-hoi'l : forthesurncnlled for in the ailvertise-
uient. Tlics soMCr bids inchiil [ > d a number
> f small itoim. There -IMV three bids , and
Frank L. KeovcsA : Co. vcro awarded the
The folloivinp final estimates wci-callowed :
I. E. Rllev , & Co. , pavins Thirtieth street ,
from Snauldinp to Ames avenue , SUOS7.0J ; F.
Ryschorl , gr.uiing J mmctt street , from
Sistcenth toTwcuty-fourlh , SJ-l4S.5i ; niti-
nins < fc Slavin , curbintr J > 'liit.n sti-eet , frotn
tbosouthliiie of the Goodman property to
Castullnr fttraet , fllW ; C. D.- Wool worth ,
curbing liiuuuv street , Svam Sherman
avenue to Twenty-fourth street , SSO'i.O- ;
Hush Mu r j > li.v , curhi us T weuty-ni ulh uvcnn e ,
fiora one-half llo\vnrd street to Lejven-
\vorth , Hjlil.J.H ! Kd Gillahan , pi-allnj ;
Twenty-second street , froa L.cuven\vorth teSt
St Mary's avenue. iSaH.iJJ ) .
d Bttrus'icport sliowoJ that ho had laid
lOJi , ! lineal fret of cross walks from July 1 >
to Aumst IB , and for this hu presented a bill
of SiiK.JJ.
.T. O. Corby piwenlcd n bill of ? 315. ! for
piirson sc\ver.sdurliiB \ the mouth oC July ,
It wus apprcvcd.
The ivberut of J. 33 Smith & Co. , the. pav-
liipcoiitrnctora , was $ I,457.1U. Itvas found
coircL-tund approved.
Tor furnishliis catch basins for senrers , the
PaUoii-Vieiliiifj iron works was allowed
The inoinbnrs thought that there was a
neiessitr for ivjulrlu tliu Klerenth street
vinduct.nndthesc'cnUir.v . Instructed to
notify the city councilor the decision.
Th - ly ( > cliort gr.idin ? matter\vasfixod up
bvllermnn ICouut/e nt'recmtr lopuy the labor
claims of Sl.ii01.01.V \ hcu this is done ho
will be alloyed to receive the ballaneo duo
the delimiting couti'nitor.
cone-hoi 1'ullman
Throufrli palnco
lcej > eis. tlininf ; curs , f reo rodining1 ihnir
cars toCUU'ujro anil iiilurvening1 point
via tlio prwt ItocUIblanil i-outo. Tlclro
office lliU2 , Sixtcoiilh und Fiirnum.
Dhtrict Court.
Jlcrisan 33asoh haa bwuc-ht suit apiinst
David J. find Catherines Hay den t forcclobc
a mechanics' * leinupon propoity in ICouutze
Place. Last Xoremlier 13u--eh funiishej the
Haydoui lural > er for their house , and at the
pitioutlinie he ullogus that il50.1S is due
anduiinid. |
MuryA. and .lolin P. Taylor never dij # ct
aloiifr veil together nnd no\v Mary his coin-
mtnec'i n suit to remove the yoke that pills
In her petition for divorce she solemnly
avcrs > tliut ou April i2T , 1SS ? , slio united
hcrhvxnd and foitunavitli \ Joliu's at Daven
port , la , and that ever since that time she
hat hofli a trno , lovinir , chaste and ol odlunt
\vifo , hut ivith John it has Iweu quite the
otherwise- what his wife says is true In
five counts bhe dmrges that he has -nhollj
foniotlcii Ills niarriayo obhpations , and be-
bides beiii ) ; an all round hud man on
Kcuoral principles , lioisa conflrmed drunk-
arlWltli Werner Kobelt thocaso is reversed ,
and \vlillo he has been a model hushiiiid , he
svears that Ids wife Caroline , whom be mar
ried ut Rutland , Vt. , ou the J th day of Jan
uary , HiV , has pone ivronp wid that she
na ? notonly forsaken his b"d and board , but
has prone to live witliono William Thombon
at COS N'orlli beventoeuth Btroat. Werner
piays for a divorce anil prays that ithe issued
lustaii tfr.
William J Paul hai hroufcht suit agilnst
Case .t ICeunodv , contractors , Paul
allogfs that on the Oth dnv of October
lai C o it IJcuiicxly agreed , to erect
for lilin fifteen dwelling licuses , for
wniuh thoywaro to receive Kil.fuO. Work
ivas commenced manv months Ufroandslnco
that time the philntill alleges that lie hm i > aid
ovcrS'Aoy.iW , hut still the buildings arouu-
linished and that only quo m.m is working
iMion them. The defendants refuse to ooui-
uleto the Job und state that they vlll file a
lit'u forfl5 , U. W hut Paul vants is a re-
utraluiuj order to proviut this Hou from
going ; on record ntfiihiit hU property ,
County Court ,
In the county court jcstrday thoBohn
sasti and door company commenced a suit to
recover $300 from W. B. Bripre , The de
fendant , so the plaintiff ullrgas , was em
ploye * ! us a salesman from the first of the
year until ftnv days ap > , and dorinR thnt
time ivas paid : iiid in ox CMS of his salary and
uslu > nill not pay It baclt , prucoudluijs have
beeu brought to collect tlie amount.
Pours' Is. the purest audbestsoajievor inado
ltil ( ( icmlrmaii Hurt ,
The train that biouht the rauueil cicur-
sionlat * homo y < * terday afternoon WHS bo
luttxl wi hour auj forty-five mluutw by rea-
a n of a frvlght train ou the main Hue of the
t'ulou I'ai'lDr jfolnj ; through ahridjo east of
Grand Ulund. In tlie tvcddout the engineer ,
Bob ( Jcutlcniuu , who Is very well knu\vu \ in
w lii-re ha resides , U rv ; > orted tohavo
been st-riousk Injot\- It ivni Impjuibln to
Fftdpfitiita information Irc/tn / ihf
oflltlais regarding the \vreck
Bnckeri of tlio 1'ncino Short Line
Kntcrprlne Viatic Known.
CntfAoo , -Autrut'-2. ! fSiwctnl Toleprara to
THE Btr j The great , railroad inystory i *
now practically eiplalned , The I'aciAc Short
line , now liulldlnp between Sioux City and
O den , Is backed by the MiiulintUn trust
company of New Vorlt. Ko other Milro.d
line has at present any interest In It except
thntclo c truffle nrrangemonts have boon
insde with it by the St. 1'aul road , as ad
mitted a short tlrtio npi ) b.r Provident Miller ,
and probably alsou-ith theOrcath Northern.
" \Vhen completed tlio road could
oanlly divide the through business Mith
tno Union Pacific , it bavin R all ttio r'llon
I'nrlflc connections and three others , A.II In-
tervlewn year np ) with Chairman Blancliard
of the Central Tr.viHo aaioc-iatlon , and a di
rector of the I'.ieitic Short Line seems to
hHie nttrarte < l vast attention to the road and
its poaslMlitliis , and tie consequence Is that
theSt. I'.iulNorthwestornandGreatXcrtli-
crn roads and two larce banking houst-s are
innkin r spirited lilds for the property. Chalr-
mnii Maiiflmrd Is Smnly impreaiod vlth
thcfutui-o RToatnc'ss ' of theroad and does uot
with to sell , but the Manhattan trust com
pany favors n sale , which will probably be
inaJf utnlarg-o jiroHtto ono of the prcocut
Can't AKIPC on .Arbitrators.
CmrM , . \ug-ust 22 [ Special Telegram to
THE Kru.J In eon onatico with the iiRroed
adianccof rates from St. Louis to Texas
common points ton bnsls o ! $1.33 , instead of
the , n-ew t T > J-cent basis , the Central Traffic
iissdc-IatJoa today grivo notice that it woula
quota tlio advuiu'C from iu territory. The
Tcsas tnon lici-e have not jet agreed ou arbi
trators to adjust rates ns between St. Louis
andXew Orlotin sand Texas.
The XIMV Kitllronil U ) , I'iko's 1'onk.
CHIC mo , Aucust 2i. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] In speaking of the recently
completed railway up Pike's Peak , J. J. Car-
torof Wolroie , N. V"a member of the tutcr-
uaUonal Ticket Agents' association , today
saldi "A ride ou the new cog wheel road is
a desperate undertaking. The speed is only
eipht miles an hoar atlho highest and often
but throe mlka are made , but the as cent is
about twouty-fivo feet to the hundred. The
boilers of the engine are set at an angle of
about 40 = ivhcn the engine Is on a level , but
when ascending the grade they arc about
level , and the sitnoway with the seats in the
raw , but you sit perfectly level when tr.ivcl-
the peak. When rimningat amcdium
speed the ti-ain can bo stopped within four
feit niidvhtn runiiin ? at the minimum it can
be stopped instantaneously. "
The World's Fair Muddle.
CHICAGO , August 22. i Special Telegram to
THE 13 rr. . ] The line of demur katioii has been
drawn between the world's Columbian expo
sition directors and the national commission
ers , and unless the xwver of each is not very
soon known It is cot at all unlikely that there
will be a clash between thctwo organizations.
As the duties and powers of the t\vo bodies
at present stand they are rather ambiguous.
The cotmnitUjoon foreign exhibits made an
effort to gain n little headway in the vrork
that they suppled was part ol their duties
as members of the foieigti exhibits commit
tee , but thiry were informed that they were
RX'tttnt ; heyond their jurisdiv'tion. Ttie re
buff , itiHSHid , catnt from several of the mem
bers of the national commission , who are
member ? of the foreign exhibits committee in
the nation til organization. Secretary Butter-
worth todny wired from Washington that
members of the national cominissiou had re
quested that a conference bo held nt Pnila-
clclphiato determine the relative duties of
the two organizations ,
J'our I'ooplc Killed.
, Pa. , August 22. A horrible acci
dent , occurred this forenoon on the Mount
rcnu gravity railroad , the mountain route en-
cirdlucMount Peun , S'JO ' feet above the city
of Reading. About 10:30 a car containing
about eighteen passengers was taken from
the station to the top of the mountain. There
the car was detached from the engine. It
broke nivay and ran doivn the mountain at
the rate oi about eighty miles an hour. AVhen
the car reached the station at the foot of the
incline it jumpedtho track uudrollcd do\vn \ a
fjflv foot embankment , \vhoro it landed up-
si do down with the passengers imprison od
inside , Edgar M. Lcviin and Charles Het-
tuiv , coudviitor , Miss Rosa Pfeifor and Miss
Harriet Hinkle were Idllc'd. Miss Hiram
Chittcr nnd Mrs , W. A. Sclimel will die.
Amended Alien Contract La I ) r
WASHIVOIOX , August 22. The amended
alien contract later law was picscntoJ in the
house today from the committee on labor. Its
principal features are ; It is made unlawful
on the Dart of an alien to enter the United
States under any contract to perform labor or
service. If the master of a vessel shall bring
auv such alien into the United States he shall ,
"being suhjott to anne and imprisonment , be
required to return the alien to the port of
embarkation. ] tshi.ll not he lawful for any
person or corporation to encourage any alien
laborer , mechanic or artisan toemipratofrom
any foreign country to the United States by
a promise of employment throuprh advertise
ment or otherwise. The provisions of the
act shall not apply to professional actor * , ar
tists , lecturers , regularly ordnincd ministers
ofthu ( ro = pel , learned professors for colleges
and seminaries or professional singers.
Pour KillRil bjn Iluutiwny Train.
UMIOHILXT GilCal. . , August 23. This
morning at Cascade the air brakes on a trata
standing at the summit leaked and Uie train ,
consisting of a caboose and several cars ,
started drwn tlio grade. At the base the
train crashed into a ftfifrht , killing Con
ductors Kinsley and Connelly nnd Bralccmen
IJwiner and Lievir and badly injuriiiff u couple
of others. The Cascule station was thrown
dmvii a precipitous 1.111 and it and seventeen
cars \\ere jiilfilupiua mass. The Atlantic
cypress mill the Overland Flyer were warned
in time to avert a friehtful disaster.
Ijiir o IVmciOfTcringsi Loolccd for.
WAMIISOTOX , August iiJ. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BID. ] Secretary "VVindonVs of
fer to pay all the interest which may accrue
at maturity on the -t1 per cent bonds which
are now offered for redemption , willllkely re
sult , ills said ut the treasury department , in
IX ) per cent of tbc 4)jS ) being ofteroJ xrithin
slitv days , Cell money is higher in New
York than It has been fortonyiutrs. This is
explained by the heavy gold exports to pay
fororJers ly importers vho arc antioipatinR
the adoption of the McKiuley bill. It will
probably take four months to relieve the
none } inaikot.
_ _
AVIndoin on tbo Money Strliifjonov.
Nuw YORK , A ( rust C2Vhon Secretary
" \Vludoin was soon tonight concerning the
stringency In the money market and tlio of-
Tect of his order for the redemption of4
p < T cent bonds , ho said : ' ! have biwii in con'
sultutionlth anutnberof gentlemen since
my arrival concerning tha effect of the meas
ure and the reports wore favorablo. Hands
seem to 1 > o oo-ning in freely , and I believe
this action will afford sufficient relief. "
'Down Iho .Mountain Hide.
, Cole , Atipust Ii2. Xtiar Lyons ,
C ilo. , thbs morning a stone train of sevencai-s ,
vhile going down giade , bwamo tmmaniure-
nhl > utid started on a wild run dovn ths
mountain side. The engineer and firetnHii
uud four tr.iln men jumpej , three liningkllloJ
anil the others seriously Injured. The killed
are 12nplnoer Norton andCarUepatrers Ktsr-
Kiison and Gurken , The \vhole train was
liilod up in a promiscuous muts of mint at the
foot of the mountain.
J oltorbs.
\VAHiixfiTox , August 2J. Hiinsbrou 'h ol
? \'ortn Daliotu ItitroJuofd in the lioufae today
n joint rf filuticu proposing uti atncndmmt to
the oiustltutiou providing that neither the
Uniteii States nor uny Mut shall pane a IHW
nuthorirint' tiie-OHtiblUhinent or maintain-
unco of a lottery or uny K'buine fur tut ) din-
tiihutlou of prizes liy chiuoe.
ICillctl hy a I'rciualur * ICxilo ] lciii.
ATIUKA : , I'a. , AuK'Kt ' ; > . > DurU ; a h w
haltleat the .soldier * ' eiicuuipuieut tolu > u
cuiinou wu prematurely dlwlur rtil , iiis'uutlv '
WiliugVtllBcbiiiin , fuUIly tujuruikr Jaiaw
24. Castanwro and tearius off the thumb of
Cauiuauat.r UaOriclL.
fX A ZTfi <
A. Novel C dcbrntlun HfUl In tlu City
Cirr or MEMCV , AiiRust22. [ Special Tol-
ttgram toTiu Bnr..J Orteof the most novel
celebrations ever held im the American con
tinent took place In this city jestcrJay. It"
was the celebration ol the SOBth anniversary
of the torture of Cunuhtenoc' , last emperor
of the race , by Oortez far tlie purpose of jnnk-
Ing him divulge Iho lo-.utiwi of the treasure
supposed to have beeu Iniried by Moutcruma.
The coloration took place on Hazeo do lo
llcformi , where there had boon erected two
Aztec pavillious. Tlnvu batallions of infan
try formed adoullo IIne through\vhleh Pres
ident Diaz aud his cabinet pwsedto the Alice
temple where the povornor of the federal dis
trict , citj council , military men and otters vere
received. Addresses wro delivered inthoAz-
toc languages , and poems were read. Indians
for miles around camp , bearing feather-
worked standards andnttlred In costumes ,
such as were worn previous to the full of the
Aztc ? emperor. Theie were native hands by
scores , and it Is estimated that incliidluptho
inUltor\'bands tiiero were at least four hun
dred inllitnr.i musicians present A fUr Pres
ident Diaz liad placed a wreath on the sutuo
of Cuauhtemoc , the Indians nearly burled
the base with flowers , arranged in nn artistic
manner , Ojcn ulr dunces werepiven , Indian
music being furnished by native bands.
Hostilities Liable to be Itcricwod.
Six SILV.OOK , August 2J. The proiwsi-
tioa for peace male by the dlplomatlo corps
to Provisional President Eeta was simply an
abandonment of the autonomy nnd inde
pendence of Salvador. It Is amrmed hero
thnt there propositions were suggested , by
President Barillas of Guatemala , J\'nturilly ,
there is much dliploasuro tnanifestod iu
political circles. The hostilities which have
been suspended are licble to be resumed at
any time , as President Kzeta has declared
that ho will not submit to the dic
tation of Barillas , and it is cur
rently reported that lie has definitely
decided to reject the proposed treaty
A prominent ofllcial connected with Ezeta's
government said It was thought hero that
President 32zeta has not been fairly treated
by the diplomatic corps , especially by tlie
United State. * minister. The uceotiutious for
peace should have taken place ou the soil of
Salvador , as Salvador was both the victor
and the aggrieved party. It wis reversing
all International procedure and making the
vanquished party dictnto terms to the vic
torious one.
The Customs . ViJiiiinlstr.-Ulon IJI1I.
[ CopyrialitiSMbu Jiim'jt O'ordnn Jlennctt. ]
riiAKuroiiT , AtigustlH. INeiv York Herald
Dable Special to THE Bir. : . ] The Fwnlc-
foit Zeitung publishes the following official
statement of the inoetincr of the committee of
American consuls and the treasury ofllcials :
"All reports thnt the Paris conference de
clared for any nodltkation or mild appli
cation of the customs iiJ ministration bill are
unfounded. Thus conference has no authority
or desire to modify the law. Its purpose is
only a uniform interpretation and a firm and
equitable enforcement of the act and a
guarantee for the lawful protection of legiti
mate trade Ijotweea Europe and the United
States. "
Consul Committee's Denial.
BKIIIJV , August 22 , The Frankfurt Ga
zette publishes an official statement from the
committee of United States consuls general
who recently held a meeting in Paris , in
which a denial is given to the report that the
Paris conference declared in favor of a modi
fication or a mild application of the provis
ions of the 31cldnlcyi . A consular con
vention , the committee sriy , has noauthority
and no desire to seelc to modify the law , and
its only purpose was to secure a uniform in
terpretation and a firm and equitable en
forcement of the measure in order to guaran
tee lawful protection for legitimate European
trade -with America.
Frost Injures Crops In Manitoba.
MoxiunA-t , AufjustS-J. A cipher dispatch
received today from Manitoln by a leading
broker stated that a frost , ranging from two
to five degrees , liad prevailed over the whole
province of Manitoba and the territories and
that about 7i per cent of the crop liad been
injured more or less severely. The general
opinion hero is that the Mtirnated extent of
the damage must bo purely conjectural as
AVill Snpport the Ship Owner- * .
McLnoruxn , August 22.-Spccial [ Cablegram
toTiiBBnc. ] At a meeting of 400 employers
yesterday it was resolved to sup ] > orttho ship
owacrs against the strikers. Uho employers
in the capitals of the ether Australian colonies
nies are about to malic , similar declarations.
Inconsequence of the strike prices of coal ,
sutrar aud provisions nro rapidly advancing.
A. Hurricane lit Styria.
ViEsnfi , August 02. [ Special Cablegram
to Tun BEE. ] The duchy of Styria was
visited by a hurricane yesterday. The wind
blew \vith tremendous force nnd much damage -
ago was done. At Gratz , the capital of the
duchy , the buildings in which the national
oitiioition was beiug held were completely
hand Culture in I2nelu.nd.
Loxno.v , August 2) . [ Special Cablegram
to THE Bnn.J Gladstone , speaking at
Ilawarden yostcrdny , dilated upon land cult
ure in England. Ho said there oi3ght to bo
inoro fruit farming and that he believed the
value of the land , in npito of lucieasol for
eign imports , was destined to improve.
A Pointer Tor Russia. .
BEUUK , .August 22. | Special Cablegram to
Tn'nBcE. ] ThoPostsays UmtKussia ought
to prove herdct > Ire for T > OJCO by consenting to
an arrangement by nhlch tbo three great
powers shall simultaneously withdraw their
troops massed ou the Irontler.
MADRID , August 22 , Cholera is spreading
along the Mediterranean north of Valencia ,
where there aroin thenoighhoihoodof twelve
new cases dailv. The disease has appeared
in several villages in the province ol To
_ _
Granted a V.icatkm.
LOKDOX , August 22 [ Special Cablegram
to THE Bcr.1Vhite \ , secretary of the Amer
ican legation , has been granted n vocation
and lias started with his family for the
Unltqd States. .
A SuiiUcn Steamer.
ST. NAZAUINE , August 22. The French
steamer Ameriquo today ran down and sank
the English steamer fled Brook off this port
Three peitons were drowned.
Irit-h Potato Crop Ilnlned.
Loxnox , August 2J. The Irish iwtato crop
is ruined and the condition of cereals is had.
Cue death i * reported from eating diseased
potatoes. '
HoVII1 Go t i Finland.
KAKVA , August 23. { Special Calilesrasi to
Tun Unn. ] Emperor \yilliani continues ii
excellent health. It is reported that he will
nialie atrijito Tiiiland.
A Fire ut
V , August t ) . [ Sperial Cable
gram to THE BEK.J A flro in the customs
varobouso hero yesterday caused a loss , of
tiWMOW , Icrouors ,
A KiiKHlnn SnrvpjOnlnrctl. .
K , August 2. . [ Special Cablegram
] The Uussuin povernment ha
ordered a survey for a line of raiUvuv from
Tiflls to Kara.
BrnNOB AIMLK , August ii.In the senate
"Vlotmto Fidel Lopafi , miniiterof finance , am
( ! en nd Lavolle , nilnl Ur of war , have ro
Nine Ijlvof , ho t In n
Augtut 2i. 7Ha tou-nof Swuy
near Ouduutmrg. HiiUtfury , burned today au.
nine live * were lost.
/V Ilopoit
. j.t i ! t.'p. ? .al CaMafffa.a to
Tut BLI. . ThotNorth German Gazctto
di-iiie * thi roportlhat EuiperorVilllamwUl
visit Viumaln September
r\ Leprosy 'I here.
Qi'iuiw. . AufraitX. . Investigation lia < i
shewn tluit therein no leprcwvoii tie Inland
\ntlnwtl. . '
TolllKi'iioiUho Moliiiiley Dili.
3'BAXKroHt , Aui st S-J. The American
oomulHrcontereiiCO on th s McKlnley bill has
opciiod her .
_ _
A ft tfu o.n\ 11.1 vi : i i's.
Ijnbctr Ij > y Mfotliig.
The MM tin ? in Knlghta of Labor hall to
arrange lor the ] iropir ! ohiervance of Lal > or
day was well attended. Samuel 1) . Roycr
v w elected chairman nnd 32. O. Mayfleld
iecretan' . After listening to n serenade from
hoMncic City cornet band and a desultory
iscusslon itwasilucidcd to participate iutho
. nbor dav { inrade. ilesw. . James llpath ,
V. Kolzer , and Samuel D. IJoyor , were np-
tolntod a committee ou fiimncoa , and Mr.
loyer vas elected troasurer. A commlltoo
of arraiigementJ' ronsisUng of Messrs. C. C.
'auitlin , G. AV. Uhmkenship , .lanifs Kuin ,
ViUluiuBuirctt aud iSamuel P. lirl ham was
U > loiiited. ) Mossrs. Christian ChrMliiustm ,
2. 0. ? lnvficld and Snmucl P. lirighnm wci-o
appointed a committee on resolution * . t
NotcsAbont the City.
lllchnrd llowo ntid sisters Mls 4 Mary
nnd Sarah lloive of .lohnstoivn , 1'a. , who
ia\e been rsponding the summer vlth Dor
mrJ tliiphe , returned homy yesterday.
.InmeiP. hnyet ha ? heeii ajipoinloil chief
of the O. H. Ilatnmond lire depirtment.
John 1'lynn has returned from Chlcusjn.
Philip ICotn has resumed his old pOMtion
on the killiijK tloor nttheG. II. ilumincnid
mckiup houses ,
31lss Emma Seltzer will return to Chicago
John Casey has returned from Sioux Clti * ,
a. , and reports the crops pood.
A cow belonging to E. II. Shonnan was
: illed Thursday afternoon by the fast mail
train at Savage's crossing ,
Itev. llobert L.Vbeeler left yesterday
\VaVcilold to visit a brother , lhanco ho
joes to Sioux City , where he111 deliver n
ecturo In the Vital Pi-osbjterian church ou
Sunday moni'iig ' ,
James Flcini shasbeenntiDJintod consta-
) le to succeed A. U. rvk'Crackeii , i-eslpaod ,
Mr . C. D. WiUoa has gone to Iova , oa awe
wo weeks' visit.
James W. Bell , aged twenty-sis , llvinc
near Bollvuo , died yesterday. Tuneral
will talie place at a p. m. today.
A banana peel nearly dislocated Charles
Klkiris' left ankle near Twenty-fourth and K
streets yesterday morning.
Mts < l'i'iiipl'ri ] Const it ut ion llcvisrrs.
Jir-Kiox , Miss , , August 2.2. The judiciary
committee today presented to the constitu-
, ioual convention Its report upon the const- !
.utionnllty of the fundamental conditions im-
> owd by the act ol Ibid , readmitting Missis
sippi into the union. The report Is under
stood to have been prepared by an ox-thief
ustice , a republican , and declare * the luiidu-
nental conditions to be unconstitutional nnd
lot binding upon the convention. The report
iesovcr till Monday for consideration. The
jonvenlion created a new committee today to
j'j called the eotmnlttpo on rivers , harbors ,
evces. waterways and navigation. Adjourned
until Monday.
The AVool Market.
HOSTOS , Inss. , Aujrust 22. [ Special Tele
gram toTiir. BKE.I Tlie wool market ruled
steady H'itha fair demand on manufacturers.
The sales for the wock are S.TO'.OJQ pounds
of all kinds. Hue grades are held more
irmly than last wcelt , but buyers icfubcd to
respond and sales of wasted Ohio , Pennsyl
vania aud rdichiifan have been confined to
small lots. OhioX fleeces are quoted nt31(3
J2c , XX fievces at jartjia1 c and XX and
ibovo nt U4c , Michigan X fleeces nro flnn at
2s1eit ' , te. HUG washed combing is held at
3Si ; ! ' . ) c , hut is slow to sell. Fine delaines
are dull nt .ISf/ifyie for Michigan anil Ulu.T ( > c
for Ohio. Sales of unwashpri combines are
marto at 2.r ( ; (2ac. ( Territory , Texas aud Call-
fomia unwashed sold lirm at lfijfil1.c. ( ,
Pulled wools steady at40c. Seoul ed sold in
various lots nt UO OOc Foreign quiet , with
sales of Australian aU'.G ( < ? U.4C.
V. B. Lewis and Herbert AYarrcn of Madi
son county , arrested upon a charge of having
broken iuto tbo store house of the Deer
Creek distillery In 31adison countv and talc
ing out four harrels of whisky , were brought
to Oinaha yesterday afternoon and a.r-
rallied for preliminary cxatiiinntion. They
were both Md under bond , and were placed
in the county jail
Two of IVlalione's Atlniii-ers
DAXULLFV. . Va. , August 23 , George
Early aud Bayard Woods , colored , were
hanged at llocky Mouth , Jfranklin county ,
today for nison committed in October last.
The negroes lirol a large tobacco warehouse
because the owners refused to allow General
Jvlahone to spoal : thereim
Tlie MnrlcctVpnt.VsainstHiin ,
Nibuviun , Tenn. , August 2 : . ' . Prank M.
Allen , teller of the Capital City hank , is re
ported shoit In his accounts to tne amount of
10,000 or : * 4j,000. Alien has been spocrulatins
in Uoclt Island stock with the bank's money
and the fall in the stock -at New York Thurs
day caused him to make a confession of his
"Wanted nt Kansas City. „
\Villlam T. Tootzwell was arrested ycstcr-
dny ujxm a request from Kansas City , where
bo is wanted for prrai'd larceny. The
sheriff arrived from Kansas City on the
evening train niid wok charge of the pris
AVant Xo Wooden il
At n meeting of tlio Central labor union
held last iiighta ixsolutlon vas adopted de
nouncing the proposed erection of a cheap
ivooden uuildiag upon the high school
grounds. The it-solution will ho fornardcil
to the board of education.
Tlio .Fire Ilrcnr : ! .
GRJHTOX , S. D. , August 22. A fire which
started iu a barber shop this afternoon dc-
stroved two-thirds of the business portion of
the west side. Loss , RM.OM.
. /.I KA ( itl.
C. Paine of Tall is at the Merchants ,
0. H ICinc of Ogden is at the Milltird.
D. K. Penney cf Chicno is at tlie I'axton.
P. Pierce -\tchison is at the Casey
U. Burger of Bes Moiaos is at the Mur
ray.II. . J , Washburn of Chicago Is at the Mil-
E. SL Coftia of Ordis in thoclty.attho Mil-
L. A , Field of Kearney is registered nt the
Cas.ey ,
James Ilelllcy of PlatUnoutli Is at the
Casey ,
John O'I\'ell of Xe\v \ York Is a saost at the
L. A Cook of Milwaukee U a fjaost at the
Alerclunts ,
T. A. Minor of Craigvras at thoMOKehants
last night.
A. T. ICrwmg of CHuton , Is. , Js a guest at
the Paxton.
P. T. Lmo of Minneapolis was at tlioPai-
ton last nit'tit.
T. , \ . Thompjon of Chicago h. lu the oity ,
Goer e It. Hatoh of Dubuque ihln thooitv ,
t theMujray.
tt. A. Todd and A. L. Clarlt of Chloapo are
at the Murray.
W. L. Plarceof Pwria , III , U In the oity ,
nt the Murray.
\Vlmn Pnbj war sick , wn CHTC Sicr Cwtorl- ,
U'htin sliB van u t'lJ1J , sh crlud for Ci-storii ,
\Vli qdm IUKWIIW Miss , site oluii ; to Cuterla ,
VTUes cho had Ctlldrtn , lij ( a vt IhuniCoaUirla ,
There is nothing its equal for relieving the SORENESS , ITCHING
or BURNING , reducing the INFLAMMATION , taking out REDNESS ,
and quickly bringing tha skin to its natural color , o ,
BEWARE of impos.ion. : Take POND'S ' EXTRACT only. See landscape
trade-mark on buff wrapper. SolJ only In our own bottles. All druggists.
The famous Cocoa of Europe.
The Coming One of America.
Van IJoutcn's \\tns \ \ fifty per cent more of the flesh-forming
elements of cocoa than is obtained by the best processes of
other manufacturers.
E !
. . . i.i 1-1 ra
Doctors nnd analysts of the highcs { standing all over tlie
world , certify to this immense saving , and by VAN Hou-
TUN'S special process only can this be attained.
HOPTKVB Ooon"onro tried. altrnyBUned" ) jiosspB ostlio crcat ndrnntaco f
Ifivmsuo tnj irMHiirlTiction tlin iwrrons jfiton . No trondor , thrrcfnrc thntitt ul ) parti
nftltovorlil , 11. i > ntji t Oticoa H r citmttioiiiliKliy \ mrdlriil IIUMI , luMt'iul < irt * u
tiiiil c'unVr ir < it lier cf > ct tttor eliuctttiitott. fur lillly itnc li ) ' vlillilrun nr udiilif ,
Imlc nnd lcl.rlrUiiml jioi.r. . A l ( larVx Hnrui1' : nnJ ( .i/rnocy ir si
Cures all ( lir-dideis ol tin1 hloiimch , IJvcr , llcnvol , IvidnojM , lllmldcr.Ncrt-
ous IHsenKOH. IJOSM ol AHIIPI Hi' , iiciulnulir , Coimt inn tlnn. Cci llvcncH , lixllsri-H-
tloii , ItilioiiKiiess , l < cir , rilou , lite. , anil renders tl i Hj'stcin lvn < * Itnblu to conRAD -
RAD WAY'S 1'IIjLP a to a run1 for tills i'oiniliiliil. ] Tln-y tonu up tlto Internal srirct Ions to
iiolion. rustoiuirciDTlli t < i tlu > sloniucli. mid Piinlilnlt tnticrronii ! l f imcUotis
. I'llce t'.V 11 box. Sola by ull ili-uf ists , or mulled by KAIIVVAV & . t'U. . UiWnrrvti Jlix-ot , Now
jorlc , on ru-i'lplot
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Seventeen yenrs cirorlrnto. A rccnlar rrndliitc In modltlnc , m dlpkonnolioir Instill Ira illnj with
tlio tratOit sncrc n ul ! Ner\oun. C'tiifiili ami I'rlvnlu disii : efl A iiuiiujiu'ittiiirocuurunl' d lor Cat'irrli.
P | > criraUrrl/lni / t Mnnli'iort tJrmliuil Wcitnc. . . Mclit Ij' ' ) n , Inunileno ; > inlllH , tiirlc'.n . unJ nil
dlscu'ds ol Ilic Ilciod.Min iinJ ITrlnaryOrKunt S , 11. 1 tru n innU-o "MI t. > r \ITJT can11 UnJ itnt and fall
to cur. ; . I ouMiiUllun Hou. lluuKiil ; aa'tluiuf L.lfo ) Btnl true. Oftlcd houo U a lu. to 6 p.m. bundaf ,
ID a. m. to 15 m
contains the first article upon the cruise of the "White
Squadron , " written and illustrated by. Mr. 11. P. Zogbaum ,
who sailed on the "Chicago" the representative of SCKIB-
NER'S MAGAZINE. "The Country House"in the Home Series ,
by Donald G. Mitchell , an article on Heligoland , both elab
orately illustrated , are among the features of an attractive
Price , 25 cents ; $3.00 $ a year. For sale by all Dealers.
' 1 nr. QHKAT . - UK. iriAitu
UUV An unfall-
Inu euro lor si in-
. . fiialuaknnH. .
Bperum orrlitiu
liiipi'toncy and
nil d ! < a.iHW " nt
Julio * ni o
gucnco of Solf-
Pain In tlio Back. nirnni" < o of Vl lon. I'romaturoOia
Ace. nnd ininj oilier dt enws thai Ipi4 to tns.'iiiltv
orcciiiiumptlon nO 11 iiroiui'.urti BIIIVC.
{ jr-rull ) i Ttliul ir In our | > ami > klet , nl"li WP oi > -
Ire to trnil fruo hy in'ill to mry one. ( ff'l'ne xiip-
flUc Slodlotno tk fold lit II tor imcKairP , or Hit imik-
igu * lor ffi , or will bo ont Irou by mall oti rcu-'ljit of
ttio monoy. lijtlilrcH lnc
On tcnount of 'UiilorfullJ ' wo Imvu adojiud tbo
tollow rnii | > er , Ibo oulv
Eden J\/u \ / [ ee.
Grand RtopcningSatiirday , August 23d ,
Ilolne u llfo-lllo ; leiiroflwtion of tlio i r uvuwl
tii'iidbot Kuiopoln their rnlit'of Mule.
A faithful portrn ul uf his iloitli. :
Ie Alvlna ZKII-/IC. the t'linioni. MuEli-lnn.
Guurco Edttinds. tinfaiumis Ooiucdimi. Idt-
tln All tlii. ! iintl ( illuTMuiBnill uppour.
OO OI.R AVON'S m > r ; riK'TS. on
One Uinie Admits \ > o All.
p Qpzra
Will preiPit tliBfulluwlhK furre mmpdlci :
iundijr and M mil ) -"TIIK C1TV DIIIHCIUUT. "
'tuotlnr-"KAa\ BTIIKKT"
Thew are Uio pnoplc hu nil ! | r , vokc' Kmir nnd
vall-iURMlnMt inlrtli Cliarlla ltrt. ( Win. I oil er ,
Itnnrln Martlnvltl. Vim. V. .Mink. Alt. Hampton ,
Cli B suuuiaii. Hurt lluvoilr. lun'ii'i Ji-okKm. May
Irwln , rinr Irwln Au'ulla Gluvur , ilH le CltiveliiuJ ,
MnyniKouo lt < n l'iuiu . tud Juilu Hudlcr
KuLiilur prloo bantu wllllo i > ut oil mle Saturday
8l r | lilno ( InXjil
O t nr d/nlotoloa ! ji
us i BTtrui-Kji..i , ci-u.g
1t' < I till Ullt il 0 tl4\J \
rsii ( * h [ tick it > d inU Tnr ) -
cr in or * | t w liult4 | ( rim will
fl.rtet . fnnii U C k i rr * * tt >
w M * < iiwm tit M , . . M * . rau
j. ( or MW rM >
Ut * * uiU.
t PEED ,
Gontrnl AgauUNt'lJizislm und Iowa.
31O B. 16th St. , - - Oinalia
Graduate Dentist.
A Ijill ; Set ol Teclh , on Rubber
For Five Dollars.
A perfect fit cnnriintoeil. Troth extracted
Rlthout iinlii or dnriscor. uml 111 out iiiiai's-
llKitlcs. Hold nnd HlUcr tlllhiS' ut loucit
riitfi. Itildpciind Tiown AVoiU. Tci th with
out jilalea. Allworlc vrnrruiiU-d.
p. JOlli fetroet elevator. Ujxncvcu *
IHTH until H u'vlouk.
"Jlr n tlmr'iin'li ktmwl < 1ct of tlm riatuiul lairi
wlilrlipivciii ttKioporuUoiKiif ill.'finii nud niilrl *
lion , mil IM niinri'ltilai > iill ( ( llintliif ) pr > i > ur >
lien of null noltxiodn. ( . Mr r.i > | Mliui luuviiloi ]
our iTcnklan tulilcwdtli a dullriilclr 1laion l tin TIT-
njn which muy MIVH in jrmnr liiiutv d.iitiir lillln II
U by llm Jiillok ( > u > iimuf udi mime -of ilii't tliut u
ciiTiotllutlon luur ) > urndiiallr liullt ui < until rtrnnj
eiioiieh to ronUt fvffrr tundi'iify ti dl * < tUH Hun *
( IrtHlsuf Hulillu nmtudlfH urotlontlni : ar tuu 1 un rr dy
tunttacL vlnT i r thi > r ! weak | HIII , > Wn nior
( M'liiw inunr u falnl nkiift tijr ltc ! > nu lju rflroi well
fnltltloit wllh iiiirn lil'nxl , und u | PK > [ IU , } ngurUliol
frame " Civil ScrrlcH'finKftto
Made lniily | vllli Ixjlllnuiiutti'r < innllk SulJ only
In liulf tioiiiid tlu > , liy eruocu. lulwlixi tlin"
HI Hoi. . > aiitii | : , I lu m
LU , , London l
ins ff' ' lii r Twcli
oillhful I rrir ! < -
11 in y liijii 111- li ! < l | M ( | |
mn I eiurtrf | .oniBricitlv : nnj iirhnir r > r iiur n *
uul KIH < ' Im bfiil l < y mull f'ir t. I : . it t > r it tl'IIIKjl
f > r Miiinip Itiiuinii ItHllonlluiuimuv j h , jj *
lun fetui < t ll'i ' > tui , Mum
AlMolutHlrn < ll l > lp ixTfirtlytafe iniirt i > irrrf ilf.-tiuli
l < > tf l'U' > r\i nfvvrfall.l. n > < i iHjutii t IMU
nunmuat. n I.IUN liU 11 I < l. ' Itullii A V.
bjll lij Kllt'u W.