Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Local Oparatora Try to Bhapo the Wheat
Market , Causing Much Action ,
O IH Narrow All Uny Provlnloits
mill Actlvc-Cntllc and
S Tim DtuiKcr Iilno
on Monvy 1'iisMotl.
CHtcAflo , AilR > nt22-lSDCclat Tolezrntn to
TUB ll : r..l Wlmrtt hail a * ohcckcroil course
rtKuIn today mid up to 1 o'clock tlio nation
.wniino < itly wlltiln l"o rniiKo. I'rlcoiworoon '
n lilRhrrlovcl tliiiiionyostcntuy. owln very
lurKcly to tlio Jiimi ) whlcli tlio market innilu
Jtisl ut Iliostiirt. Tliuro waru many Iiilluunco.A
lit , worU nn linth tides ( if tlio niiirkot nnil iniiuh
oftliu action wisiluc : lo attuinpts of local up-
cratoi-Mlosliiipo.tliu inurkut. Tnulo ni | | > uaicl
tolio pictty evenly dlvltled nnd news catnotlio
Kaniciiy , This hold until Into litlho diiy ,
Mln'ii i lie sentiment tiirnud ly ou the
hnyliiK side , nnd best prices were made. A
fcnturu of tlio monilnvis : HIQ liuUa ul thu
stnrt oncold wiiittliOrln the northwest. The
weather mnp showed a Ulllln frost In purls
of Miinltoha , iilfio nt Morchuud , Huron
nnd other points. Dcconibor wloit , ,
\vhlch WL nl tfl.fl ? nt the cliwo
ycslordiiy nnd snld lo iiudrr that jirleo on the
rnrl ) . opvuril wltll u Rli'iit Hurry nt Jl.dT'jfii
1.C9. Sopli'iiiburwns iiioiind ll.ol and May at ,
fl 1 orbcltor. lllminX : l.liui pliiimi'd Insola
fii-ulv nnd K'nt iirlocsoiv ! ' , e ; then iifti'r n per
iod of dullness thcro was enough hcllluz l > v
Iliilclilnson , l.ojnn A Co. , Andrews , and the
i-iowd In put prices down toJl.OI't ' forStiptnin-
lii-r. JI.07 for llM'UiulHir niul Jl.ll'.i for May.
Thf SL woiotho low prices of thu diiy. I roni
II o'clock minima bccnmo nuno bullish nnd
frost dlspali'hi'S worn rjonllriued. ( loud nu-
tliorlty In the northwest claimed thiit many
ilelils wi'ioyotliiHliniio to bo ciiuilit by the
. dloputcliGBiinld that njiicii of
rieo/i- Other
Iliu North Dakolu whunt which looked nil
lUht wn.s vnlKliltiB fr"tn the Ihn'shi'i-s but
mti.VouiidH. ] rillibury wlied that wheat
iiioiiiiilUtiMlotoii.N. I ) . , waiooiintptluttwi'iity
ImslicK prnuio. but waslhrc-slihif ; out iihiuit
I'lSht liushrls. The cable ? , which wcro simply
Hun i > : irlvbnciiiiiu8tiont | laterinul llvcrpoul
closud "til iipiillnrotinil. Mlniiei\Kill | < ropoili-il
Inlorlor iiilllorH diMiiiiiidlnx nuw whoat. I'hu
pi-leu of Ili'conibor llrsl rallied from $1.07 to
Jl.i4' . UmiiicdtiiiuUto JI.DTl.rngi'lo at
1IW : ! p. in. nnd tlion oil tbo bustsriMiRth ! of the
tlay io c lo > > ? * hcforo 1 o'clock. Othur
inontlis advanced with Ikecuiber. Thi-ie was
( teed strunath In whuat lo tlioclosu. AiiKUMt
\vusVnioti-ilat JLOPiJ SupU'inbcr ' sold at Jl.ll. > 1 ! ,
closing at $ I.UJ ; lloruiubur lonchi'd } I.OSni ,
closing atl.08iij } Jlay touuhuUtl.lUjust ul thu
Close ,
There wore several thliiKH to help corn to
day , but tlio tnnrkot , althon h very active at
limes , tuisnol. very broad nor very strong and
most of t ho action up to thirty minutes of tlio
rloMiwas within less than ? .ic ramie. In two
leading months Ilu > September and May ranyo
was about eiiuiitly divided liy the closing II sr-
iiresytstei-diiy : that is , prices went about as
far under curly as they rose above
later. Tlio llrst cause of llrmncss
was the cold weather : this did not touch the
corn hell , but gave u siiKt'estIon to tiiotrnilii
of what may follow. Tliun the rtjcolpts wore
tnoriithtiii llftycars short of the estimate.
AK | H. Iho outward inoveinent wns liberal ,
wltlislilpments if 30I.OJO bushels. Added to
llii-M' , thlnss were Him and higher cubic * . 1 he
beailsli inllnciico of tlio early mailict wis tlio
folliiiKby I'aidrldxoaml HulchliiMin. hater ,
when wheat was firmer , UonistooU , AppleKalo
anil others letl thu wood Inlying , which resulted
In lilRhurnrlucs. Tlio action was : bsptembcr ,
4I ! u lo 4l'io ! ' t )4'ioi ! ) October , 4'ic ! ) to M'tc to
luWlits ttVj ) to lll'io to WU ) i May. f > ) ' e to
K1.14C toKI'iO toKIKc toM'-icnt I o'clooU. Tht'io
was no special news In corn the last hour ; llut-
chln < \vaseccentrlc.buyliiKWheiilheiiiarlcut
dcelliio. t'loslntf
was nj ) nnd BollhiKon thu
prlcis wt'ie Ucto 9 cnndcr tbolie.stllKurfsnnd
almost on a level with tlio elo-.o yi-sturdny.
Atimist was up to 4'J1iC ' and closed nt40' c !
t-eplomher 40 ! e. closiirj at 40 , c : October
elosi'd at f > 0c ; December W ) ; c ; May touched
KftftMc nnd closed atKJUo hid. Jlay coin on
* curb wnsatfi'OaC.
I . *
- Tlio oats . urkct wns narrow all day nnd
thoic wan a jt d demand for August or cabli
oats , which Kept the prlco for the month at
BTMc , although the nominal prlco of : i'i ! was
quoted nl one lime when other months de
clined. September sales wore at IMJic to JlGiio
tjui' : oto iMl'iii n t the clOMi. Tliuro wns a ti-iido In May oatsoarly at 40fio ! toU'.l'io ;
later the prlco touched , recovered to 4o ( )
and closed at : .07 e. Lojun & Co. sold May to
Connsolnian early.
Thu early dispatches Kavo but 18,000 hos re
ceived at thu yards ami prices JO to l" > o up on
a Mronjr , actlvo inai-Kct. At tliosamo tlmu
corn was hlKher on colder weatlicr and these
Iniliicnccs started provisions stronp and
hlKhur. January pork was up fully 20o at
II2.72U and after toudiltiit * ! 2.7.'i sold off to
H2.CC1ami closed 15o up for the day tit tlS.luK ;
May lii."i. : : ! hard closed linn anil sllirhtly
hlRiiur ntW.i34 ! for Septoniher and t JKH < & 6M
forJanuury. Hlbs sold to higher iarly at
tfl.u > and closed ut JU.Wli for January , with
beptcnilor i
fit VK STOCK ,
CHICAGO , August 22. [ Sncoial Tolcgrntn to
THE UIK : I CArn.K Demand fair nnd prices
steady to sti-onK us comptired with the atl-
vnncooftho past two or three days. The ad-
vnnco.of course , Is largely on natives that suit
beef trade. Common and
i\lirt ! ) and drcsicd
medium stock , allhouRh sharing In thoup
turn , ) ins not advanced equally with corn fed.
Toxnns were quoted rather oaslor , but no
lower ; millvu butchers' stock uudorwent llttlo
or no clmnfic nnd business In the stoclior and
fecdor line was quiet. Top prices wore 91.00 ®
5.00 for first elass teprWM.OOai.n : for incdiunis
" " und J.'l.00i.7r ; > for common ; bulls , cows
nnd mixed , } l. ! > ' < 3i.OO : ; Texas steers. JWOSM.IS.
Sloddanl & llowaid ranso steers sold at Si.10 ©
U.tS , nnil woio the only ransters on sale.
lions-Theio 'Nan 0110 of these sudden and
unexpected upturns that frequently happens
when the run shows a sharp falling elf , and , as
Is usual , too , In these liuituncos prices ruled
wild nnd uneven , ranging anywhere from . * to
l. > c higher. ItoiiRh and eominon sold at iKUWTA
JI.W.ldlo prime mixed and pnokois sold
largo ! ? at H.nt'lill.K1 , with prlmo heavy and
bnlcher welghta nt } I.154J4.0. ! Light sorts ,
J./.V. . I.V * , ' / . ! t.
Nr.w YOHK , August-1. [ Special Telegram to
Tun I ii ; ! . ] STOCKS Tlio shylocks hold the
keys to the stock market yesterday , but with
all their IwlstluK and extortions they did not
f tighten holders of stocjcs very badly. The
prices demanded and p.ild In ninny Instances
wcro almost unheard of la Into years. The
depression nil through the list was not un
natural under the pressure. AVIiuii traders ro-
sinnedbusliiesi In stocks this morning things
looked nioro hopeful. London was a buyer of
spcclnltlcs , and for thu time being money
promli-ed onster. Stocks oiionod with a hound
and thu market acted Mionidy. Industrial
shares especially wore very buoyant , with
Chicago OHS uptoKIU and Sugar up to VS 'c.
"Vandcrbllls were up 'i lo 1 iercent from last
nlisht. Orangors wcro up \ < t lo 1' ' , , led hy
Hurllimton up from par to 101'i nail Uook
Inland up from MSi to N" > . Iteadlm ; was up n
full point lo4IV . Then came a renonal of the
nionuy KtrlniziMii'y. hoans ran tip lo ! i per
cent per tiny and Interest. This was u cheek to
the recovery which lind set In and caused a
partlnl collapse , There was a drop In prices of
railroad slnires fiom 4 to 1 per cent nil
throiiiih the list. Ulilcneo Uns hroku back
nearly 2 points lo the level of lust aluht and
bunar went from 7N'j to 7.X It was thun an-
" - jwuneeil that a breat banking hou u would
foil the Kovcinment $ J,0'O.OJO ) bonds and loan
inont y at 10 per cunt la thu street ,
'lids and other Inllncnces iiL-alii
turned pilccs upward. Huiitir recovered
in 77 , tiranxur bhares sold at fiaotlons bettor
than nn early advance nnd there was a gen
eral recovery and moru healthful feollns nil
nroiind ntinlihlay. Money manipulators to-
vented their tnetles of yestortlny In stOili
ch-cles. Money was forced it | ) to'iofl per
cent per tiny and lupil Interest , or nearly 200
per cent per annum , lloth money sharks and
_ bears appear to h-ivc. done their worst and
the stock market came up finely after U
o'clock. l.nkuPhoro recovered to liI4 . Dana-
da Sim I h era to.M , AtohNoii to 42. llnrllnaton
to UK. Hook Islnnd toK. , Ht. I'aul toTl'i , Mis'
tourl I'aclllu lotlIiaclvawanna to uaU , Oli | .
I'as ' tof.4 nnd Sugar to 7 * . TiumMvas a
little falling oir frtim best prices at the close ,
but all iicllvu stocks showed fulr not tains for
tliu tiny. Money cloned at A per cent. Sides of
gtooks were 174tiOO hhiiroa ,
The following wcro the closing quotations :
II. S , 4 coupon. . . . . .t''i Northern I'nclflc S2' (
It. S. K rcKular IU do profurri.M
U , 8. ( ) ( . ri' illir.UU \N.\V. . . . . . . . . . . 107\J \
I' . S. < Sl coupon..IIH ilo pri'ferrt'il 113
I'acltlol.sor 'Ui II ! ' New Yuik Central , , ,
Central I'ndllo. 91 ! I1. , I ) . .VK.
L'lik-ni0 ! It Alton K'S ItOl-tC lllllllll
ChleuKO , Ilurllniiton C. .M. \ St. I'aulMi
.10IK do prefornM IliU
' " " " ' ' '
. . u"t"\V" . . . . .114 St. I'tiuli Ouialm , . , . SO
Illinois tVntrnl. .110 do prufcrrcil ) . . . . . I'O
) . , 11. * W Union I'arIHe . Kfli
W. . St. U i I' . . n
do iiroforriHt . y ,
Mlchliiiiii Central . Wviiturii Union . b !
Mlssouil I'Actltc .
MONKV TlKliti ranslnxfroiiibtolll jcrcontj :
last loun ut : i pur cent.
I'IIIMI : I'Al' MiHT per cent.
-yulot und tlriuj slxty-
day bills , H.b2ij ! ilemunu , W.NJJi.
MlnliiK Stocks.
Ntw YOitK , August 22-t.SpeclalTclciram to
TIIR HiiB 1 Tlio followlnstnrotho mining stock
Ouotntlotu !
" " tnka . ' . .Ifino"I'lMon'.x. . Atlt Trfttl"
Itr.rn llvnr < ui iviiun 4'JU '
Ontario . . . .lim ittorCreel. . . . . . . . Ill
I'lrninulli m |
J'J * ' / ; J/.l ItltKTS.
UIIICAOO , Auiuit Jl 111. , p. m. closo-Whrat
innrliPt Ntrous : cash , Sl.OI5 * ' , Sotitombor ,
I.O.-.I Mny.f 1.1:1. :
Coin Sttiatlyt casli , 40Uo : Soiituiubcr , 40Ho :
May , Kl'Je.
OatH I'lrmj cusli , 37icj ! Seteiahor | ) , 30 , ' cj
May , iiy'ic ,
Kye-KIrm ntOiactMc.
Hurley - . toady nl 7aa75e.
I' rlmoTlmolliy Steady tit } ! . " > .
1'lav Seed i : y nt 5lw'/i. :
. .
I'lirk sijciulyi casti , tll.ViVtl Jnnunry.
iJarii "Stonily : rash. IC.20 | .Tnnnnrv. sO.ttJ'-S.
I'loiir-l'lrm , wlthotiteh.-inae : winter whnnt. spring nhuut , S1.70B > 5.10i rye , S,7i ®
tj.00.Hulk Mi-ats-Slmiildcrs. t5.7.HV87 < jl short
clear , M.WW5.M ) } short ribs , f5.KV : .V40.
Iliiitur-Stcauyi cruatnury , l'JQSlctlnlry \ ,
L'hecso-rirm : full cronm clwdtlnr1" . 7'i ' ©
7C ! | llal . 7 > 4'i ? ci Yoiiiut Anicrlvns , B'ittOi ' : .
Kins rirnti fresh. l..BlGc.
Illtli'st Uncliiiiiseii : heavy anil llsnt croon
snlled. 8cj sallo-1 hull hliles. ( ! o : ureen sallett
calf , lit1 : dry llliit,8i ( > lei drv tulled hides , 7o :
drv calf , SfcOu : tluaeons , oneh. : ic. )
T.illow Uncliuiuctl ; No. I , solid packed , 4cj
No,2iliO ! ! cake , 4ic. !
Itccplnl1 ! . Shipment * .
Plour. Mils . iv.'itio ' il.noi
Wheat , uu . 57.HO ) IIMUI
C'orn , hit . ini.ofl ) : P.IIIO ( )
Ollls. 1)11 ) . 2XW ( ) 2I.VODO
NKW YOIIK. Aitcust 23. Wheat 1'i'pplpts
2fi.i | ) liisliolso.\tortH'Ji.MB ) : ) : ! si'l | closing ll'l
fftllHc lilithor ; No. 2 icil , ll.Oi'i'itl.O1. ' ) In ele-
viilor ; Jl.tCUW.l.tO'inlloat ' : Jl.iTiViil.ll * * fo. . I ) . :
options elo ed l'iPil ' ( ( i hlHlierj No. 2 red.
August , flloslnx at Jl.Wi.
C'orn-ltfcelpts , IS.8.V ) hushtils ; e\porl , l.tlM
hushels ; spot < it ruiiitor ; No. 2. WifyWi ? Inrle-
vnlor : .WiftJU'rU iillunt ; iiiizriided niKetl , .ViK
© ViVr ; options closed ( I tint August clowns
ut M'.e.
Oats-Koc-flpti , liniOO ( bushnls ; exporl" . 23
bitsholH ! spotflosi'd llrmt'ri No. 2 whlto. 41W
45' ' , c' ! mixed w.Mteru. 4&ai.'ie ; white woslorn ,
l.V/iiVlL'j options sleniiy , Ausnsteloslnz al Illc.
ColTeii-Opllims ulosctl lualy ; lOpoInlsnp
to. * > points down ) lower cables. Sales : ! 1V01)J )
liac * : Aujjust , * 13.'i ) ; i-i-pteinhor. $17.05017.70 ;
spot Klo , easy ; fnlr carKnc , $20.75.
Snsaraw , t-attein , fair ; rt'lliilnz , t l.-lCc ;
ccMililfinrnm , ( V ) test , ; ii-loe : elf ; rollncd , lower ,
stiiiiilnrd "A. " 01-10fj cut loaf , 0 1-lCe ; sniuti-
lated. C. . ' i ? .
I'otroleuin United closed for September at
ST L * .
K BS-I'lrms vrcstrrn. I84fWO' ! ' c.
I'lirU-l-'Iruu mess. iU.IOftlll.'i-i.
Iard--Sl fonnor ; Wfstern stfani. $1.ri7V5.
Itu Her I'll munwcstimi dairy , Ufjl Ic ; eteain-
cry , IXlSmc.
( Jheeo t'linij part sklnn , 21tfr ' > 14e.
ST. Louis. AiiKiist \Viionl--Cliwo ! : Irtos-
ular ; oami , $1.00 ; StMitemlicr. Jl.01'4.
Corn I'Mrm : e.ish Iric ; Srptt'iiilifr , 45'iU45iC.
( Juts-l-'lrmi c.iHhi7o : : May , 40'ic.
Pork-Steady ; $11.75.
I.nril-Siti'adV ! Jli.OOaO.10.
\ | : . .
llutler llnohiiiiKuili creamery choice , li ©
18c ; Elgin , 2 a''lc. ealry , lOitlSc.
KANSAS Crrv. Aujrust 22.-\Vhent I'lrnr.
No. i ! hard , cash , Ole ; Au ust , ISaWUc ; No. 2
led , cash. UTo.
t'orn Weak ; No. 2 , cash , 4501 Auzuat , 4ri'/jc
Oats-\Veak ; No. 2. cash , 3GUMiVSci August ,
: i3ii ! ! hid.
lavKiii'ooi , . Aucuit 23. Wlii'nt rirms do-
iiiiind linprovlii ! ; ; holdorsolTorsparlnKlyiCall-
fornla , No , I , 7s ( I'jdjftTs 7d per cental ; red
westi-rn sprliur , Ts 4d < io7s Ti'/jd ; red western
vlnlor , Ts MJ"J > , ' S M.
Oorn I'Mrni ' , ilriiianil fair ; mixed wcsleru ,
4 f > Vi'l per eental.
MiNNKAroM .Aiiitiist 'S Whont TJeeolpH
61 ears ; shlpmeuls , 4'.l ' ; deniaml for cash wheat
moderate ; prices prottyx still' , ( . 'lodntz : No. 1
hard. August , tl.lii ; on'i : No. 2
nortlierii. Ausust , 81.02'i ; Si-ptomlier , tl.OlTii
on track , ifl.O.W.I.lfl | No. U northern , August ,
LOO ; on trauk. il.iu1.0l.
CINCINNATI. Ausinst .VJ. Wliont-StronRur ;
No. ' . ' rcd.I.OO''ai.O' . ' .
(3ornVoak ( -r : No. U mlvcd. r 'll."P So.
Onts Stronger ; No. - mixed , MUWlai c.
Mit.xrAUKKi : , A ? nst 22. Whcat-Qnlet ;
No. 'J uptln , cush , $1.0I1.01' Hotuiiiler ] ,
Oorn Steady ; No.H. Mo.
Data Steady ; No. 2 while , Wiic.
1,1 1's TO vie.
CIIICAOO. Augusts ! . Cattlo-lle-olpls , 11.0)0 ;
nuirkut iii'tlve and steady t'i slride higher ;
sleeia * : i.onTori.oO : cows , liullsand inlxe.l. $ l.r > )
® . ' 1.00Teans ; and raimosteers. K.VIK\ja. ' !
llous Hecelpls. 1,700 ; niarKut strong ; rousli
nud eomnion , R'JO.iil.00 ' ; prlniti puckers , * I.O.V ! }
4.10 ; heavy and hulchera' wi-l hts , S4. 10141.2. ) !
light , I.IOI.'S.
Sheep Koeelpts , 7,000) ) market steady for
sheep ; lambs linror ; natives. 'fl.iMKC.'i. ' " > ; west
erns , fl.WOl. 'i ; Te.xuns , Jl.luSI.'Jo ; lambs ,
ST. Lotus , August 22. Cattle Receipts ,
700 : shipments l.SUO ; market lilsher ; f.ilr
lo fancy iiutlvo stoois. J.I.UO'ai.bO ; stoek-
ori and fcedeis. Mnuri. ;
lions Iti'celpt * . 2.10D ; shlpniontH , 1.0)0 ) ; nmr-
ket higher ; heavy , * .0034.10i mixed.
KANSAS CITV , Anetist 22. Cnttlo Itocolpls.
4t'0 ! ! ; shipments , 2a.l ) ; market .slroni ; ; steers.
yi.'JMii.T.'i ; I'ows. $1.0v3.S. ) ; stoukera and
feeders. ! . ! > .
llo s Kecoliilx. H'.COI ; Khlpinonts , S.'M ; mar
ket steady ; all Ki"ulus.t'1.50I.U3.
Sioux OITV , la. . Auquit ! S. [ Special Tolo-
Ki-nin to 'I'm : UBB. ] Ilo ? * K'nMilpK : i.nno ;
market very niiuvvn ; best 51JIOJ lihrherothers
stoadj- , selling from $ : i.K > ® l.oOj bulk , J3.bJ.
O3I. I Sf.i L.IV12 TO UK.
Friday , August 27.
Good lioof steers were by no means plenty ,
hutthoro were several load KOO. ! eaoiiKh to
hrhiK over $1.00 and as high as Sl.lW. Tlio inar-
koton suuh couhl he ( uioted n llltlo stronger.
Thocomnioner grades did not show any Im
provement. The cow market was steady as
was also the market on feeders , stockcra , etc.
Total receipts 1,1(10 ( head.
Today's Iradlnz In hogs was very uneven
and for that reason illtllcuUto report sat l-ifae-
torlly. At the opening tlio best heavy sold
W2 > 10u higher , but the advance was lost later-
the market closlnit about steady with yester
day. 'L'hegood tt lit and mixed hogs did not
show nny advaneo at any tlmo during thoday
while the common gradns were very slow and
closed In MHIIO cases ftMOo lower. Thu total
rocolpts worc'.j'JO. '
I'rcvnlllusi I'rluoi.
The following U a t-tblo of prices paid In
this market ( or the 'r.ulo olstojk mcntloauU ;
I'rlmo steers. IllOOto IHOiats W.'ll
Hood steers. 12.VJ to I4.V ) rtn 4.fl ]
( lood steers , lu'ii to 130J ms : I.H >
Kalr , InoJIollMltis : .5l © l.oo
uoiniiioii , MJJto fJOUiBs : i.2" > ftaro
Common dinners I.OI ( / 1.0(1 (
Ordinary to fair cows 2.0J ( ijl'so
Kiilr to Rood cows 2. : l ftix'.ll. )
Good to choice eows 2.7.1 Ci'l.OO
t'holcoto fiincv cows 2.111 © Vi.'V
Knlrtoeoodbulls 1.75 < T 2. ' ; >
dholcoto faneylinlls 2..Y ) ( ftLOO
l.U'htslookei-s niul feeders 2.0) ) ffK..ftO
I'Veders , O.V ) to 1100 Its 2.2.1 6J'J.S5
Knlr tocholi'o light ho s 11.41 fft'1.70
h'alr toeholee heavv hogs ll.fvl Hl.ur )
AVlM'llltQ Cost Ot'
The following tublo give * the average cost
ot liogsou thu dates niuntlonud , Inclu Inr , ' thu
cost today , : is b.uud upon saloa reported ;
.Tuly2S MGI < j AntcustU
July-JO I7U AuRiistll
JulyJii ) IM AUKiistU ! . 370 ! }
Jaly : AuKustui . aonu
i wi AtiKtist 14 . a r i'J
I 4S'i AlIRlHt 15 . II Kill
August 4 I 44 AllKllst Iti . : i ( U
August'i .it Auuiist is . : i r , ! > ! i
August t ! August ID . U 75
August' AuL'ust2o . a 7514
U Ul Ailiilt21 . a 72 < j
Highest and of
Today , Yeslcrday.
lllshe-t. . . . . H 0,1 HlshOJt . .Ji m
I.oweat . : > 4" > Lowest . U 45
Sfouk Kuucipts.
Oniolal Yrsterdav. r.sthaated ToJay.
Cattle. , . 'ij caw. 1.205 Rattle. . . 54 caw , 1,103
oas . is > cars , e..OO Hogs . 145 cars , 0,500
Horses. . , , l ear , W
Averujto I'rleo if llojs ,
8hown | lbo average prlco puld for loads of
lioirson thu tlays Indlcalcu lu 16ST , lb , ISaU
and inn ) :
l > y the welglilmajtcro of the Stockyards com
pany !
' ' '
Swift tc Company . . . . Wl
Tlioll. II. Ilini4i : : < inil company . In
The Arrnoiir-riHlahy puoUhijc company. . 2 > l
l.coK ( > tiehllil ) . . . V . 21
Hamilton t Stephen . 22
Honlon & lTiidei-wood. . . . . . . M
Heekur A IH > apii . 10 ! )
l/obiminii , t Tnuturiimim. . . . . . . 13
OtliiT huyers . . 72
Total . . "lWS
The Armonr-Cniltihy picking company. . S,2i :
Omaha pai-klns conipuiiy . .
SwItttSe ro'npany
Thod. 11. HiiiniiioiHl company
.1. I' . Squire. ' * & I'o . . . . . . .
KastSt. Louis 1' company
Aiulo-Aiiiurlcan Packing Co
IIalstoad& Co . -Ill
llrnlnnril Hrothori . 4bll
.lout's & Slllei . , . ' 1S2
U. \VlUon . : u
Ulbson&Whlto . . ! t
Ilcnresoiitutlvo Snlcs.
No. Av. I'r. Nn. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r.
7. . 1171 W IK ) ! ! . . ( ) : > ! .J 70 4..1IW SIM )
i. . 710 : i cio i..m ) a 70 i..inu : 400
: i ! > . .iio ) a o > i. .1070 : t 70 w..mi 400
: i. . wo a in Ji.i'Att : t 10 ? : > 400
8. .1101 : i 40 I7..iho a tois. . .1217 4 is
.22. .1041 IIIIS 1..10JO a 10 4S..1S1H1 400
20..KW.1 a ( V )
I..OIQ i no i .12)0 ) a w > 24. ion 240
1. . WU ) I 00 2. .10" ) a CO . . fi.ll 24r >
8.1:10. : ) lee 7. . MI a 05 1..IJIO 2.v >
a .wis i m n. . svs a 10 II..HIOO 2 IB
r. . . p. a ino 2. . ina is i..w 273
1.1120 i si ) a is a. .wo 27s
4. IIIW ISO 5. WVI ' _ ' II HI. . iSl 27S
LM. . K > J 1 K7'i ' II. 10X1 a ! B a. .1010 27. " )
21. .1000 i ui ) ia. . on a 25 a is
llltl.t.S. '
I. .1203 t M 1. . MO ICO 1..1G70 I ( ! S
: i..i'joi ) ITS I..II.M 2 uo i. . 40) ) 200
i..injj 2 as
1.MOOO 100 1. . Ml 100 CO. .770 1 IS
a. .1100 i4.- > 2. tool 145 : i..oij : if > o
i . 2 ? oo i . as co
12 2J3 3 CO 2i . 2M U CO
4. . 515 2 25 ] . . 710 250
25. , 000 2 G5 a. . 1030 2H
No. Av. I'r.
Kent & Hls'cll 0. Co
1 eow f.70 { 125
41) ) cows ic > l 200
77 steers ; l-.vjj ; i 10
.1. K. lUigg-
: ! cows IHIO 225
UJ Hteers HT ; | . I ) 10
Standard Cattle Co
SOHteei-s. i-orn-fed 1312 445
C. IMiller -
Si cows 10115 205
: il steers 1183 tilt )
Oows steady.
AW.OOeiiltlu top.
Heavy hogs hwlier.
Cattlu about all sold.
( /nmiuoii mixed hojjs lower.
Heavy ho.'s snld as hlith us $1.05.
U. L'olllns of North lleiitl was among these
that were In with cattle.
C. K. Miller of Merino , Colo. , had ten cars of
rnnso eattlo hero today.
H. AI. Jackson of Avoca. la. , wns hero looking
utter two ears of cattle.
Joseph Ohrlsman of llro'-'on llnw was at the
yards looklnK after a ear of cattle.
[ _ H. Hodges of Atlanta was ninnni ; the ship
pers hero today , liu marketed two cars of
II. K. Downer of Araualioo. a prominent r.nd
regular shipper , sunl In two carb of lie a and
one of eatlio ,
T. A. Mluler , a rcsular ( .hlppor fiom Cralp ,
hroiiKht In two ears of hoxs , one of which
topped the nun ket atll.Oj.
AiiKiist Anderson , nf the well known ( Inn ot
AndeiMin > Johnson , Oakland , drought In two
cats of how and took back a car of cattle.
The CulTou Market.
YOIIIC , Auguit 22-LSpculal Tolosram
toTiiE ir.1 : CiifFKE Options opened Irregu *
Vir , 5 polntH up to 20 points down ; closed
steady , U ) points ui > to ' points down : lower
rabies. Sales , 25.IXK ) baus , IncluiIliiK AilRiist ,
51i.20i Peptotnhur. JI7.ii.YiU7.70 : October , ? ll.ft"i )
Cil7.05j November. tl5.Vtlfl.iO ( ! ( ; heeciabcr , 11(1.40 (
WilU..r > ' ) ; .liinii.-jry , tl5.XXftt3.U.t ! : I'ehrnary , JI5.70
@ 15.75 ; March , fI5.r .Viii5.7i ) . fc-pdi Hlo iiuietand
easy , fair cargoes t'.D.'S ; 7 Hat bean , ll'J.OO.
llAV-7.0.ia ( 'J.OO.
> IlIHTUIfl' JI2.00.
Uiioi'i'Kii KKED - tl3.XX3U.OO. (
I'oui/rnv 1'cr do/en , choice lions , M.HVj..1.2Jj ;
eholco mixed , f'.ftWla.OJ ; roo.stei > . W.roii
hprliiRclilekcns. II.R.ViW.(0 for small ; $ J.i'.1
for medium ; t..5uiii-,7o for large ; lUu
JLi rtl. . ' * .
HurrKii-Crcamcry , fanoy rolls , print. 18 ®
10o ; urenniery. faney , solid paekeO , IMJlfie ;
croamervi cholet > , 1UW120 ; dairy , fancy rolls
anil prints , uyiio ; dairy , fancy , fcolld puuki'd ,
12itUo ; dairy , choice , l U.10e ; country roll ,
funcy. 8O ( > oj cliolce , 7 < t Sti ! Inferior , 'JtUAi.
Kous U'o for ktrlctly fresh ; stulu not sal-
llitiF.s , I'Er.ia AND TAIXOW Green salted
hides , No. l. heavy. 7 < S8o : No. 1 , llcht , 0\ ®
7Ho ; No. 2. light. ( VltOiioi dry Hint hides , 7Ji
Do ; cult liiavti 7&9ui Utuuuifca Lldus
Sherp peltirrpon. . cnrli , | slicop
iioiti , dry , | , er Hi. li * ' Ho , '
ltti : : w.X 1'er Ib.tfjo. .
UAJII : l'ir tlon , prnlrlo cliu-kcns.
3M ( | ii.nlliirtH. ! K.oo5 . 'WOt if d. ti.iViti.rioi
mixed tluck ! < , tl.noitl.floi plover. M > < Xe.
I'KACMK' ArkiuiHa * . 'i li lt ) ) , 75cQ1.00 !
California , per box.
OiiAi-Ke-Onllforiila. per or.ilc , $1.2586.001
Illinois , per tO-lb biisket , 40o ,
I'M'MB-l'uiplo 'Ihianr , Columbia , etc. , per
hex , J.W2.00 ! ; Wild aooso pluui ! ' , M bit box , 73
BO , c. '
NliTAlilNr.s-l'er ; crate , H.7.W3.00.
I.BMON8 I'rrhox , Kodl Malotl , fanay.HOOia
10.00 ; eholco Jk-sslnni. J.'JUWJt l.oo.
I'EAlis-lluitlctt , I'allfuriilti , per box , t3.00Q
3.25 ,
I'ltt'.VKS Oorinnii. per boy. S3.0U ! I'lcnch
tl.7.VW.- > | rtx. I.TSaAW. _ . ,
TOMATOES I'er bit. , 75eMl 6X
ONIONS -New sotilliorn , per llhl , $1.500.1.00.
( UntiAnr. 1'cr ernto , il.ver.vtio.
I'OTATOKS Xebraskii and Iowa , ner bit , $1.00
C.I.5 ; Colin-ado and Sail Lake. fl..VJ.
SWBKT I'OTATons-l'er bu. $ . ' . 'O'-'O'V ' ) .
KVAi'oiiATi.n Ai'i'i.KS 1 nncy. IIQ : per Ib.
lliuiitKuniEs-l'cr - < it box. JI.50.
tJOCOANUTS-l'er 111) ) , SUW. .
\VATKftMKl.oss IVr 100. JIS. xa20.00.
CANTKi.ori'K 1'crrto ? , Jl. " > i.
Ai'i'i.tiJ-l'niicy eat | IIB.W.IWM.YII fancy cook
ing , J2.7. ! .2.-i ! flintrc , * 2
OIIAMII : I'lincy Hotll. $7.W ,
llANASAs 1'cr ' bunch. $ : .
TAI.I.OW A No. 1. 4d No. 2 , 3e ! } ; pi ease ,
white , ; ; ' , ( ? A4e ; yellow , ' "i&iu ; Htuiirlnu , 4i' .
DllONHti-tJuotatloiis mo for dt'lhery la Old-
engo.i lt-f ) hiilTalo. per ton. JlO.OC@lH.oo ; tlry
country , blenched , Jlu.OOOia.uo ; dry country ,
( linny mid inoaty. JWBIO.OO.
Wooii 1'liiB unwashed , llfllf.c ; medium un
washed. 18 2Icoaisu , ; unwashed , 1SB.2JC.
JKM.IKS 5ept'r Ih.
DnrssKi ) VIAI. : Choice incHamC(2,7ci ( light ,
MflV ; hea\y , I'U'U' ' .
l.iN.-r.r.D on/ Haw , ( We ! uollotl. cic.
llosr.v StialiH'tl tvo-lli oaii' . per Hi , DC ; new
comb honov. fiiney , HOTirc ; clii > lci < , 145bl. ' > c.
IliiANS-llaml-pleuctl tmv v , * 2.wii > . > .7'V | hand-
plcUetl navv. ineilliltn , .2.xjU.IO ; hantl-plcKed
country , $ t.T.tl2.l)0 ( ) ! ROOI ! cluan , (1JU1.M | Onll-
fornlii , per Ib , 4 He.
1'isn 1'or ib l'erch,7c ; liuiralo , 7o ; plukorcl ,
8'Si'S pike. fc | trout , Oo ? ! white. Pet eroiiple , Itle ;
c'alllsh , lie ; coil hleali. l'-V ; lloanilers , lllc ;
CICKOII stiliuou , be ; black bass , 13' ' ; lobsteis ,
I'licsn I'oitx 1'resh hams. JO llm. nvg. . 7c { ;
1(1 His. avp ; . . K" 1" liu avir. . He ; slinuliluis Jc ;
pork loliu. 7'ie ' ; pork Icndt'iloins.Uc ; leaf laid ,
not leiidcrod. ( i1 jrs spate rlbs4c.
SALT MSAW-Ulns Mess pork , now , $12.75 !
clear j-m-U backs , heavytl2. ' . " . ; incdliini , { II."ij
short cut clear potk. JD."U | : fnmlly pmk JIO.B3J
butt pork , pis pork , iU < .nn ; new e.xtia mess
beef , fj.50 ; new extra plate ln-ef , 9-t.fO ) now
plaits bcof , JO.'iOj new rolle.l boiit'less beef ,
t7.5t ) : now rumps , Jj.cO ) now boneless rumps ,
OILS ! lblK.tra \vlntcrstralnQi1. . 4"e ;
ivMru No. t , lard. IMici No. 1 , laid. IKc ; No. 2 ,
lard , : > le ; extra neatsfoot , 4'e : ; tallow oil.-tic ;
imit > nuatsfoot oil , CUe ; A 1 tallow , 5c ; stear-
llll1. ( iC.
lAiiii"Tlerpes"Conipunil ( ) , B'jc : pure leaf ,
Clc ! ; kettle rondctvd.uiiO.
HMOKKII MUATII Sii ar cured hams , 12 to 14
Ih a\ > . llic ! ; iiicdlutii 15 to 10 Ib arc. lie ;
heavy.20 toi2 Ibavp ; , lie ; sMniifilslleliiK. ISIo
2u Ib nvi ? . ll'i ; California hams 7aac ; shoul
ders , 7Uc ; shoulders , skinned. OJiOj shouldeia ,
It 111 S 111 ! , v r * ? l ir. * li.tiiittl.uu li-il.i Of , * litiHllffnet
, , .
bacon , clear , 5 to 7 Ib strips , Cc ; bieakfast
biicon , rib. C'tc ; dried beef haius , bets , lujjo !
icetiliit. SJii1 ! clods , ic.
| ) UV-SAITMIATS I.efin baek , ( i'.ic ; extra
short clearfi'ie ; bellies. 10 to 20 Hi nvp , ( I'lC ' ;
short ic ; .shoit eleais , tie ; loiiRcleurn ,
fi'ic ; sliouliler.s , 'lU'c ; baoksi , > jo.
l'uisii : lliif : : Slei-iu.MK ) to ( XO IbsavoniRO ,
native , UUC'UXiu : 4tK ) to MX ) His average , native ,
CdliVic ; cnus unil helfeis , 4W to MJ His average ,
native , fi'Jc ! blntltiuarturs , sttors , lOe ; hind
quarters , cows , 7c ; ftiriMjiiartiT ) , steers. I'So ;
lori'tiuarttTS , eows. lies tlrcsbbd hogs , 4iic ;
choice ( I rested iiiiitton , l ) ' , c ,
l'itisn : HKKK t'UTS ItolKs' c ; heel tonder-
lolns , ISo ; ttlrloln butH,7e ; bmiolcvf strips. 7'ic ' ;
roun'dsriimp ( olT ) , lie ; rounds iriimp onr ) > c ;
le ; beef rllH , HSfes-c ; lo-f nbs No. 1 , lOTiiillc ;
sttet-t lnoads ( perdoz < , :5c : ; Klilneys ( each ) , lie ;
ox tails ( each * . lie ; llverscenclii , l.'ic ; beef hearts
( cacln , 4e ; beef tongues ( each ) , 40e ; strip loins ,
K llolocna , 4e ; liolojna In wcnsands ,
4jc ! ; frankfiirts , t'ac ; ; toiiKtu * , 7je ! ; blood , 4'ie ;
llvt-r , 41jfj hfitdclici'M1 , 4ijc ; Polish , 7o ; pork
( iinsnuo ( links ) , Cc. ; nurk HIIUSUKU Ouuat ) , In tin
palls , Oe1. _
StrnAii 1'eii Ih. Cut loaf 7'ie ' ; Cubes 7c ;
Stiintlard , powdered , 7'ic ; X.\XX. powdcrctl ,
73if ( iramilntcil , Manuiud , d c ; Confi-etlon-
crs' A , 0 ! . c ; White. Kxtrn c , C'llmn.v. ft'ile ; I'.x-
I I'll. (5. \ ( tn'mlii. : r lfi' ! A inlu.iv fttlc , rittili < , i n.
. . . , , , ,
5lio ; Hark ! ' , He.
JlAi'M : HtidAii-1'er 11) ) . .V ca'lccs , IMlb boxes ,
We ; 10c cakes , HJ-lb bo\e ? , laijci 1-lb bricks , ao
Ibs In box , pure. I4c. i
C'OJTKIJ Uoaslwl Arosla , 2. > ! 5c ; llunola ,
2. 'ic ! Mcl.atii-'lillii XXXX.riiic ; Oerman ,
i Dllworth's , 25c ; I < ion , 2.V e ; Mallpouoli ,
anil common Hlo , ift''lc ; Mocha. 2iu ) ; Java ,
pc'iiulmj O. U. , : bo ; Java , coed Interior , 25o ;
Molcan 2lc. !
DIIIKII I'ltuiTS Turklslc pninos , than
hhtls , IbKi , JJic ; oi'lxliial lilitls. 'ie less ; liosnia
priiiies , ( XI Ib. hexes , ItWMo Hi" " . T e ; apples ,
evapoiiiti'd , new rliic chilce | , \ evaporalod \ ,
now rlnc iirlme , I2c ; apricots , fanny. In sacks.
2UCblackbiriles ; , nt'V , he ; raspberries. 25 box , ; : le ; eunants , new , ( lUei orlKlnul
casks , He less ; Vostl/v.a currants , extra , In
CAN.NKli rilUlT 1'cacliCH. per do ? ; . , { 2.002,2.25.
llerrles 2-ltiooseberrU > h.JI.IO ! 2-lb strawber
ries , 11.15 ; 2-lb raspberries. J1.2J ; 2-lb blueber
ries , I.DO ; 2-lb hlnckbt'i rl s , 91.10. I'.ncapples
Itabiimii chopped. * ; ' .1U ; Bahama sliced. J..IO ;
llnhama u-ratid , $2.R" > ; standard sliced , } l.2.VTii
I.BUf Cherrlf.s-2-lb led , llaltluiorc , $1.10 ; whltn
chcrrloH , M.I55. I'eat-s 2-lbl'i. : !
CIIKISK : Wisconsin ! ' . 0. , twin Hats , per Ib. ,
lOo ; Wisconsin ! ' . ( . ' . , vonii' ' Aincdi'a , Ho : brick ,
12c ! ; domestic Swiss , llQl'e ; Kdani In foil ,
each $1.00.
DATUS IVrsIan. 00-lb. box. 7c.
KAISINS London ItiyuiH , Callfornlii stand-
. : "hoi ihoo " $ x'(10 ( loose
artl , perhox. W.5 ! ; > o , ;
muscatels , California standard , $ -.00 ; "horso
shoe. " 8'2.i5 : ; 1 ! > tnr"loosi'iiuscalelsiI.iOsfetl- ) ( ;
less California , $ ! . ( " > ; O.illfoniln seedless sul-
tiiniifi. In sacks per Ib. , tc ; Callfoinla musca
tels , In Haeksfo ; now Valencia , t'c ; viilcnelus ,
old , Cc ; cmdiiia taver , old , 7c.
SviiiM'S Amber Syrup In bbls , No. 70jnide ; ,
: iOci half hbls , No. 7U pradf , : e.Vj 4-Kiil Isocs , No.
70 srade , $ l.i5 : ; 2al kills. No. 70 cratle , 7Se ;
Kal cans , 1 ! ) In case , per CUSP. ? , I.OO ; 'i- ' ai ean ,
1 ( > Incase , porcase.H.lOj while clover drips , in
libl . ; ,2c ! half bhls , 'lie ; 4-sal kt-KS , each , J1.15 ;
2-jral palls , each. Kie ; uwk candy drips , la
hbs.i5c | ; half bhls , ; i7c4-nlkejs. each , (11.00 ( ;
2- : il | ) alls , each , ( We : California honov , hbls.
: i7o ; half bills JWe ; 4-Kal kcss , ! . . > : 2-Kiil
kills , aic ; i-gul , 10 lncabcI.W ) ; 1-gal. 10 In
ctisi' . 94 Si.
C'notoiATi-12-lb boxes , aaa ric ; German
hweut , SXpUu ; 1'arlslan , u-V-1.
t OCIIA roriu , y
IlltdMA I'erlb , ISc.
C'OCOASUT INjj-Ib , in pkgs , 2 E27c ; hulk , 22
SK.KDS Mixed bird , l-lb pl gs. 5oi canary. 5e ;
hemp. 4tc ! : anise , le ; i/oppy / , ITe.
S'i'iois : I'eppor Hlngaporo sifted , l&SIOc ;
sliot , 22f. Allspice , lOc. Cloves I'emin ; . ' , fe-
loctetl.20c. Casla-Ohlna , 4-lb mats , lie. Nut
megs , No. 1 , 75c ; fancy , large , 85c.
l''AiiiNACiotM : GOODS Hurley , DUc ; farina ,
M ; peasHe ; oatmeal , I'tWaije ; macaroni , 1IK&
lie ; vennleelll , IMJille ; rice , choice , fi'-jCj
fancy , ( lc ; head , .r 'jc ; sago and tanloca , CS7c ;
lima beans , Cc ; snlll peas , Ue ; splglltl , Ilo.
.MOI.AJ-SKS Hbl.s , N O fitiioy iergal..V/i257oi
choice , 45fc47e ; BOiitl.SMKS-'Kc ; Oubn baiting , 2S ®
LOc ; black strap , -IKii-'c.
WHAITINO I'AIMIH Straw , per Ib , l'/jiE2io ,
raj , Il'iu : .Manilla II , .vatic ; No. 1. 8e.
On.s-15'J iirlmu white , lie ; 150 water while ,
IL'e ; 173 headlight , I4'ic" 71 gasoline , Hie.
Kti.KoiiA Hbls , IJ.c ; granulated,2o ; In bhls ,
bODA-rkgs , CO Ibs to box , OUQj'/icj lrgs ,
4ic. !
ViNrnAii 30 gr. elder. 10ci ; good , 12c ; white ,
v.'lnc. l.Vv. fancy , friilt,8i ; .
STOVK I'DI.ISU } 2.KX5(5.87 per cross.
llAls-Ain.iierlt)0 ) , JI7.7.r ) ; l.tnvltton , per 100
$17.75. Union biinaiu : UK3.'I5 pur cent oil' list.
HAi.T-Ialry ) , 2 0 Ibs In bjilj bulk , J2.10 ; best
Kiade , ( K ) 5s. { : ' . : ) ; bcxtKruilu , 1003s. 2.40 ; best
gradu , Iti 103 , } 2.2U ; rork suit , crushed , ;
conimon , bbl , f l.-'J.
SOAP Castile , mottled , per Ib , 0IOo ; do ,
\\hlto , per Ib. Uc' .
1'icKi.KS Mcdlnni , per bbl , fj.Mi small , JO.riOj
gherkins , $7.50.
CtDKli-1'er bbls , ronncd , KM ; half hbl , VIM ;
hard elder , jitiro , per hbl , tfl.dOj orange elder ,
half bbl , W.W ; pear elder , half bill , l.M.
C'oitiiAdK Manilla rene Allsl/es from 7-1(5 (
to 1 In. , 15c ; sisal rope , all ol/es from 7-lti to 1
In. , ll'.io ; "now iirocess , " allslzej from 7-1U lo
1 In. , be.
TWINKS Cotton twine , "Hlbh , " very flno , U
Ib bales. 2ic ; cotton twine , "Daisy" brand.i )
Ib hales , ISo ; IUMIIP twine , HH > bides , IHc ; mil
twine , 20ecandlowlok ; , KcMU-ftcottotiolothes
lines , 85c ; tio-ft cotton clothes lines , JI.05 : C.O-
tt cotton lines. * l,40t)0-ft ) hisal lines , 11.75 ; ( W-ft
Jute , f 1.03 ; wool Iwlne , S'ic.
UT8 Almonds , l.V ; llrazllF , 14e ; fllherls ,
12ic ! ; pecans. He ; walnnls , l-lic ; peanut
cooks , tlJio ; roasted , 12VicTciinesseo : peautlls ,
be.HnooMS 5-tlo , parlor , W.01 ; 4-tle , f2.75i-tlc ; : ,
tJ.25 ; a-llo. plain. * l.hSj waiclioiibe , ; toy ,
JI.25 ; whlsVl,0ai.25. ( (
UI.IVKS ( jaarti ) . per doz , H.OO ; pints , per duz.
KM ; bulk , per RII | , ! ' 5c.
OA.NNKII MUATS Corned beef , 1 Ib , JI.20 ;
eorncd beef , 2 Ibs , f-UOi lunch tonKues , lib ,
fc'.iio ; lunch longaes. 2 Ibs. $4,75 ; brawn. 1 Ib ,
11.20 : brawn , 2 Ibs. I'.OO ; ox tonsufs , Ui IDs.
$ i 00 ; OY toiiKiirs , 2 llis , f-UXJ ; uhlpped beef , li
Ib , round caua , fl.fO ; j-oast beef. 2 Ib , round
cans , f-j.yo ; potted huni , U Ib , round cans , r/ic ;
liotted haul , U H ) . round cans , JI.20 ; tluvlletl
ham , > 4 Ib , round cans , c > 5ci deviled ham , ! 111) ,
round caus , $1,20 ; putted ox ton ou , ' , Ih ,
round cans , $1,20 ; comprcesod ham , 1 Ib ,
tijuaro cuns , JI.'O ; compressed ham , B Ibs ,
Eiiiturocuna , t2.73 ; tripe , 2 lh.rouid ! cans , jl.bu ;
nilnced rnlops. 2 Ib , round cans , (2.20 ; tune
less pips' ( cut , 2 Ib , equaro cans , tlM ,
VEdKTAiu.KS Tomatoes ; Hb extra , 11.10 ;
6-lb fctandarU ncstern brands , ( Oo ; gallons ,
strictly Htandurd , 13.00. Corn-Finest Brown ,
tl.CO ; glltcUtfod sugar corn , vrty llue , JLW ;
eholco5-th snuarcornII 10 ; S-lti oxtr.i wr t-
era brands , fl.ocit 2-lb standnrd western
bran K t'Jo. ' Minlirooms Mb I'reneh , extra
Hnf , W : ftoi l-lb Krrneh , line. I .Ko : Mb
Krcni-li , ordinary , ln | ? c. I'cas Tres , line ,
per pan , arc : deml-nnc , per can , lOc ; 2-lb
sifted , ; 2-lb earl v Juno , ll.25 | 2-lb mtif row ,
standard briind , ll.lU-lbi | aked , OOc. Htrlnff
beans 2-lb bleb KMidc , Hefupeo , 8Vj ! 2-lb
Uuldnii wn.x beans 70c ; S-lli Rtrhu bi'tins , oc. ;
I.lmabPdim-'J-lb soaked , 75c ! lloston bake I
Vcnns-iHb Lewis , Jl.Vij Tiown brand" . $ l.i5. :
Hwoot potatot < s---lbNow.ler < fyll.t > 0. I'ninp-
kltiH a-lh , tl.lO. Okr.i and tomatoet Jl.ui ;
nkra. Jl.tx ) ; ourcot-tvo. } 1.2)
risn-t'odllsh , extra OcorKe . now. TI'IC ' :
grand bank , now , 4 > ic ; stiver , 2-lb blocks , ( i'lt'i
Know wiilto.S-lbbrlfks , nuws'.fci turkey cod ,
larso miiUiln bricks nc ; snow whiles , eratos. 13
fi-lb uou'H. Mie : medium sealed borrlntf. 2.C !
No. t scaled herrltia , 20o ; domrstlo Holland
lierrfnK , 40ci Ilamburi ; spiced heriliiK , IKte :
Hussltui BaMllncs , f-plccd , K " , Uusslnn sar
dines. pluln.'iOc ! Imported Holland ln-rrliu ,
crown brand. K > c ; do fnnoy inllkcis , txio ; maek-
erel. No 1 Jlioto. half bbls. Jlim : bloater *
half bbls. IIMiU : whllo IIMi , hidf bbls , $7.tH > ;
trout , half hbls. } 5.W ) : family wldto ll b. JilfOi
salmon , JM ; perdo/l-lb mackerat IhcrrliiRl
2-lb hiolluil mackerel , $2.00 ; : i-jbln mustanl ,
? 2. 0 ; y-Ib In tomato same. } 2.iX ) ; fi-ib Mayo
ines iiiiickercl. HMJ ) ; l-lb brook trout. (1.25 :
Il-lb brook trout , $2.Wt 1-lb salmon. $1,25 ; 2-lb
wldto llsh. K.25 : l-lb white llsb. I.IK : 2-lb lob-
Biers. $1.15 ; 1-11) ) lobslots , } 2.l5ii2.'i' > ! 2-lb
oysteis , 12 oz , fM. ! > 5 ; l-lb oysters , ' > oz , jl.15 ; 2-lb
oystcisi. 10 at. 91.10 : l-lb oysters , r.o/ . JI.10:2-lb
select , 12 o * . J'.al , { 2-lb Haratarla , 10 oJt..v.
1-lb Haratarla. fttw. 81.05 ; I'alrmont , 4oJI.05 ;
1 ulriiiont , soJI.K > ! | . | b clams , llttlo ni'cks ,
$ I.I5'Mb : ; clams little necks , $1.75 ; Il-lb clam
chowder , KM ; l-lb crabs , $2.2. ) ; 2-lb crubs ,
HI.OCK TIN Small pit ? , Me per Ib ; bar , Me
per Ib.
( 'ii'i-r.ii Planished boiler sires , ffle porlh :
coltl rolled , ! Mc per Ib ; slieelliiK.Kc per Ib ; Id I
and Hals , ; ) le per Ib.
UAI.VANI7KI ) Slli'.UT HiON-Ilsoount80-10pcr
rent ; pat. plan. Iron , Nos. 21 and 27 , A , 10ie ! ;
TlNl"l'iATB-I. C. , 10x21 , M.7.V , I. X. . 10x14 ,
TiNl'rATi-Coko. : Ih20. 112. * n.25.
HtxiKlNd-t'liarcoal , I. t' , , ll.x'JO , 1IJ , $5.50 ; 1.
X. . * < ! .75.
SIIIIKT luov-No. SO. $1.00 ! No. 27. $ : i.70.
Sii.iiin-Sli'lclly : half nnd half , lOo ,
ST. KI , N'Aim llnse. J'Wi'i.
WlltK Jup. bail ) , $ ! . - " > ; talv. ; , { ' 1.S5.
Dry ( iitds. )
Hmvv lluowx CnrroNS Atlantic II. 7 ! n ;
Atliintlell , 7i ; Atlantle I ) . Old1 ! Atlantic I' .
fie ; Auroral' , or Uncle's lleiulnc ; Cabot \V.
Ci'ac ; DarlliiKton. 0J4ti ; rurmers' No.1,4J ©
4Uc ; Iloosler I.L , .Vte : Indian Head , 74e ! ;
l.awicni'e hi , , ft'ie ; llenrli'lta 1.1 , , iMie.
I'IM : lliowN CorrONS AtlunHc I < f/ . fie ; Au
rora II. ti'-ic : Aurora It. ( Pic : Atlas O N H. 7'tp ' ;
ehni'M ) cloth , 4c : rilnton II- ' , f > Ue ; 1'eppctell
It. ( Pic ; I/m doii ( J II , 80.
lli.i\riiKii : I'OTTOSS Hcrkeley eambrli'-No.
ro , DC ! Host Vol. li'4i'j llulti'i-i'loth , XX. 4'ic ;
Oal'ot. 7'/5c ; l-"list Cull. liV'jc ; Krull of ( ho boom.
M , ei Hill Semper Idem , fcc ; llousokt'iMier.s'io ;
Kin ; ; I'bllllp uaaibrlc. luc ; I.anxdon ( i II. H'ic ' , ;
l.oiiMlalc.8a e ; I.onsdalu ( ambrlc , lOc ; New
York Jlllls , Me : Oak Iiwn , 7'.ic.
Not-1'uniioroll 45-in. lOc ! Peppeiell , K-4 , the ;
1'eppcrell , 0-4. (1-4. ( 20c ; I'epuerell , I'M.'c ' ;
t'tlca , 48-ln. ISc , I'llca. ' fiS-ln , 17'ie ' ; I'tlca ,
? ' -ln , 2lrj IHIca. 81-ln. anc : I'tlca , IKMn , 2S iei
Hleached-Ni't-ropperoll. 42-ln , I0c ; 1'ep-
perell , 4i-ln. ( lie ; iVpperoll. 0-1 , H'Joi ' I' P-
liorell. 8-1. 20c ; IVppert'll , 0-1 , 2-'c ; IVpperell ,
ll-4.2.'c ) ; Ullcu,8-l , , 24c ; Ullt-u , U-4 , 'Ma ; Utiea ,
10-4Use ,
Ci.sniiAMR Amoskonn , O'ie ; Amoskcai !
ilross , hUcj Hates , ( li'jc ; Warwick dress. 7 ? c ;
Lancaster , ( i4c ! ! Ulcnalre , ( HScVlilttciiton ; ,
tlll'i.s , h'sC.
I'liiNTK IndlKO blue Net MailhaVash -
IliKlon , ( U-i AiiH'rlcan , GV ! Arnold. O'ic : Ar
nold II. lon cloth , 2i > o ; HllfolA. I2c ; Merrl-
iiinclc , i , IUu : ( loltl Inaf,8'5e ' ; HamiltonMio ;
Allen 1'lnks , OSio ; Allen Chambriiy , fits ; Olou-
cester , 5'ic.
I'lil.NTS-l'niicles Kddystone. 0'4u ' : Steel
Klvur. tic ; Huniapo.t'je ; SI. I.edjei-"iji : ! : . Shii t-
IIIKS.Mnitlia Uashln ton , 4'ie ' ; Mei-lrmat'k ,
4'-ie. Turkey it'ils I'onntalii , tiiie ; Otirner , 7c ;
( -'lenfleld.s'jc : IK-rlln. ( i'ie.
DKNIMS Nt.'t AmoskeaR , Oo10'Jc ; York
canilet , l''c ; Hverett , blnndaiil. 13'ie ' ; Hay-
miiKei-'s , 7'ic ' ; Old Kork , XX , 10'H" ' havnvnee ,
tStl. Wiu ; Lawrence , 0-oz , l.'iUc ; fancy stripes
anil checks , ll'ic. '
COTTO.NIIIS : York Nankin , lOVJc ; riveretl ,
8-0 ? , ISc ! l.ewlslon , ID-oz.Wic ; Woikinsman's ,
lll'.c ; Coikserow casliinorc1. S2c.
WKIANS- Net'-'l'hlstle. ti'.iilied ; Cross 7e.
Coi.onr.n C'AMniiics-Crown,4iC ! ! lied Star ,
I'ii'j Kollcd Cliivor , 5oj Slater , Ou ; high colors ,
Ie extra.
CIIAKII Storcns' 11 , 16-ln , 54c ; Slovens' H ,
IK-ln. ( > e ; Slovens' A. 10-ln. 7c ; Stevens' 1' , 18-
in , 734'e ; Stovers' M. 18-in , 8He ; Stevens' N. 20-
In.bljc ; Stevens' NN , 25-lnl'ie ) ; Stevens' SUT.
2l-ln ) , ll'ie ' : bleached Icnxlr.i.
Provisions and Stocks ,
303 South 13th Street. - Omaha.
Accounts of Hanks , ll.inkcrs and Corporations so
Our fncllltliM for rOM.KCTIONS nrc excellentnncl
wcra-tlhcoiint forbnnkt when balance * warrant It.
lloston Is a Hovvrvu City , iiml bnlnncvs with 11.1
from tiinks ( not loc.itod In olliar ltuaar\o Cities )
count ai n roicrvo.
Wo clrinv our own c-tchnnso on I incton and the
Continent , nml ninko cable transfers one ) plnco money
ty tclegr.iiiti tbruughout [ bo Unltcil Bliitoj unit Ciin-
Wolinvo n mnrhet for prlmo flrst-clnss Investment
Securities , nnJ Invllo ] in ) | ) sals from States , Coun
ties nnd Cltlus when Issnliix boniH.
\Vu do it ccnerul tanking buslnoss , nnd Invlto cor
Arr inn PcMllty ,
Youthful Indlucrclloiu ,
Lout Manhood.
BB Your Own Physician I j
. /menfrom the cfftcts of yotithful
i Imprudence , hnve brought about n ilatu ot ,
[ weakness tLat hni ledncvd thocenerMr
turn so much OH to Induce almost ? TL. ,
[ other ilbtfase , and thu real cause ot tlio j
[ irouMo scaret'Iy BUT btinjr u | wttuthi'y
are diwtcred for tt ? pry thing but the rltjht
, one. Kotwitlntan'llntf tlio nmnjr Taluat > ltt
> reinedii-ii tliAtniutllcal Hclonrv lituproducfil
I for thu rc-lief of tlilsclu 4 of patient * , none ,
; of tbonrtliuarT niodcv of trt-atnunt ttTictn , j
practice wo ImTo ex | > rinienttl ; with J
S ( iioV'TUoaccom nylnaproacrlptlonliof- !
; fcrcd as A rerlnln nnd Mieedv rnr * * . as
> hutidrc < lcof casriliuiuripHictirohaolt 'cn <
I tviitorfHl t i > erfect hi nlth liy its uo oftcr J
"Icthur rcmodlcafollril , 1'crftctly tuioln. ; <
odkntH mint bo uiud iii tlio prvi > arutlou of ]
il prt > i crl'lloiif [ '
It Krrthruijrlon coca , 11 cluchm
Jrnibcbin. 11 drorlnn.
IIclonA4 [ liiotca. l-2Urachm ,
( lelnotnln , 8 grains.
Kit. Itrnatlm ainui fi'fftlcohoUc ) ( frftlui
Kit. U-ntnndrii , 2 kcrui'Ies. '
Uljoertno , " . Jllr.
_ lakoCOpillK. Tftkel p111at3p.m. ai > iliin *
otheroa ol fto 1/ttt. Insoroecahcalt will ,
i beinoen aryforthoimtteutto take twol > lll * ?
t at iK'dtline.inakitiif thonumberthn'flactay. <
[ IhliremoUrliadftiifedtoc'Ti-rycondiltor '
; nervousdt'LllItrami wcAkncnaluflthcrL _ _ . ,
> midfHiKKrlully m thoao onsen remltintf from i
ItntiruuMice. The recuftratlru i > oer of J
; thlirrtitoratlTOnretrujra ] > tonlshriip'aiidlt }
> UBO continued for A ftltort time changes the 5
I Innzuld , deblUtnUHj.iirrveleci condition to \
> oneof renewed life nml tlpor , I
i Ai oftrecon t ntlv Inrucelptof. letters of 3
; Inquiry rdatlvo to thU remwdy , we vrould
' ( \y to\h < iH who"uuUHircffrloohtftlnltof !
I UKij \ rumUtln c 01 A nt-curtoly fc'aUnl pack- '
> mz containing CO pill * , carefully com *
E iKjuntJt-wtl be cnt by it-lurn * naltfrom I
; ourprUate lnborntorycr Y > O Kill furiitih A )
> ddrt'H or call on
Hew England Medical Institute ,
21 TriMiiunt Hmv , ll"iin.Mn i ,
Oonjrlrht , 1 , tir K. II. HII.I.FR. Wf
Bncclfle for HyitriaDlKln-M.FHi , Kuuralgfa.WaUfr
lulneKB , Menti J cpreiiloti. hofiwntutr tif U.tliratn , re *
Kuutiiif in tn Aiilty a.iJ loa'linkr to mUerj * dix-av unj
deAth , Prpmatuta Old AK I'arreimesii. Ione o [ Power
In cither roi , Invuluntary Lee eH.nml KpertnatorrtHca
caui ( l liy ovtMicertlQ\ ? Iho hrtln , > elfl l > u6 or
OYtr-lnilulifcnco , hrvchbox rontalnioripmonlL'i trcau
ment $ labnr * or Hi fur 8 > . * nt by mulliirrpald.
With t-ftrlj order fur ilx hoifn. Mil rtral imrrlme r
puar&ut t ) to refund money If Hie truMineiuftil4 to
cunt * Uuarojitwa tiuuvd anj benuino n U oalj ly
1110 Faruaui Street , - Oiualia , NcU.
U ovr.H A M1UION DlSTIUtll'TEl ) .
State Lottery Company ,
InccrporatPit l < r llio tritl l.itur , for nlncntlnnnl
unit rhnrltnblo pmm | ci. Its franelii i m.i > lo n | > ntt of
thoprmml ttiU ) ruiKlilntlon , 111 IS7V , Or nn o cr-
nhclniliiR popular vote , mid
To conltnuo until
January 1st , 189O.
Soml-Anminlly ( Juno nml December ) nnd iti
Grnntl Single Number Drawings tnlto place
In each of the other ton months of the vonr
anil nro all drawn In public , at the Andemy
of Mus.cNowOrloms , La.
For Integrity of Its Drnvvlngsnnd
Prompt Payment of Prizes.
Attontcil nx fnllonsi
' \ViMtolicrebr rcrllf y thnt w > iipcrirl < o HIP nr-
iniitfOnuMit for nil th < ) nioiithly nntl rPmt'iintiunl
tlrnnlniis t tint l.inil linsimo ; : l. < itt 'ry cuniiniiy | ,
nnil In porvui iimimuo niul control tin ) ilrnnliiB <
tliuinii > lM , < . niul Hint tlio Minn nro romliicKMl with
luiiH' < ty. fiiiriii.K. nn I In uouil tiilth townnlx nil piir-
tli ! , unit noniitliarlrotho rnniimnjr lo u > o tills ot > r *
Illlonio with fnc uliiiiloi ut uur tlnnnturo * iittnchrJ
n Itsiul vcrtlMciiiont ? . "
JVo , tlioundor lftnol banks nml linnkcr . will pnr
nil | irl/o < drawn In iho l.uiilnlnaa r intj l.utleili'1
lilch mar lo | iri > M < nti > d ntuur ioiinter :
lf1M1.W.\I.Msl < Hyl'rl'8.1.oiilniiiiaNiiflllnnk.
IMI.I UK I.ANAl'.N.l'i-es.StiiloNaliou'l llniik.
A IIAI.y > IN. I'ics New Orleans Nafl Hank.
CAIth IvOMN , I'l-oij. fuloa Nallomit Hank.
At the Academy of Music , Now Orleans ,
Tuesday , Sept. Ot'i , 181)0. )
CAPITAL I'KIXH , $300,000.
100,003 TloKcts at Trteutv Dollars each.
Halves. $10 ; Quarlois. } 3j 1'uiiths W ; Twen
tieths , si.
LIST ot' puixrs.
i pitix.i : ot-'f. . iion.oio
i -iti/.i : OKuo.uons . ino.wii
1 'UI/.K ( ) ! ' W.KWIa
1 I'lll/H Ol. ' S.\OWIs . 2.-.IIIO
21'UIX.IIS OK UMiU nru . 20.UH
l > 1'IIIXKS or M.O nru . L' . " , . A )
So I'lll/.KS OK 1,0)J ) lire . BA.OIM
Irtl I'ltlXKS OH1 ( Ml nru . HUOJ
ZUU I'HIXKS OK ilOi.r. ) . HMliI
f 0 PHIXHS OK .Wnru . lOO.COJ
100 PrlrpHof J.'iOOaiu . M,00) )
tlMl'rize ut : nuu . ; w.oixi
10J I'rltcsof sconrc . ' 'O.OOO
Hill I'llu'nof flOJnrc Kl , 10
RRl Prizes of KMum IW.OJ
3,134 Prizes amounting to $1,064,800
KOTI : . Tickets dr IIIK CnpUnl I'rlros mo not en
titled to tormlnnl prl/en.
JfKou Cl un It.uns. < ir nny fiirllier Information
dc-slrod wrlto U-t'llilv to Iliu innler lKiied , cloitlr
stfitlna yuiirro.ililoaro , with t ilo , county , Micet mid
innutiur MOID rapid return in.ill ileP\ury will liu
U3Miid ) by your enclosliiKun cnvulopii bearlnK yuur
Addressi M. A. DAI'I'IIIX.
Now Orleans , I.a.
\Viishliiittiin , 1) . C.
Hy onllmry lotler , eontnlnlni Movr.v Olimn. : l -
? iii'il l > y all uvprtMS coinpnnloa , Noiv York KM-liniiK'e ,
Urnlt or IKIJ-HI nuto.
Address Reslsterod Letters Contalnlns Cur-
re ncy to
Now Orleans , I.a
HlMi\llliil : ; , tlml tluipnyincntoflirlzniliRU.Ml-
JkNTKI.ll 11V lOfll NAYIO.N'AI. IIANkH Of Sl'W Or
loann ml Iliu llcki'ti nroKluncil liy Iho | irvlUent of
nn Institution n lieu rbnrti'ruil rlk'lit nro rcrounlied
In tlio liUHi-'itioirti ; ; fu'ruforu , Uuvtaro uf nil Imllii-
tlons or niion ) IIIOUH icheuios.
UKMKMIir.U. Unit tlioproiontcbarter o ( The I.ou-
IM ma Slntu lo ti-ry Uotupanwliltlitno miriii.Mi !
COtniTOPTllH I' ' . S. II.IH dwdfil to oe u OX-
TIIAC'with the State of I.ou'nlaon. and npnrtof
lh Ciinstltntlon or the ktntu. DOICS NO r expire UNTil -
Til , Till' ! KIKSTUK.IANUAIIV , ItfXi.
Tlio l.rK > Alaturi of l.oulslnnn , n bh'h adjournpil on
tlinlOt'iof.Iulyiiflhls ' ycnr , lininnlcrndunAMKNl-
JIKNTto thu Conttttitloii or I'm tite : to liosuli-
lultlud to tbo pcoilo ; lit nn olcctlon In 1SX' . wlileh will
onrry thu elmrlor nf TI1K LOUISIANA STATIC I.OT-
riuonlc , Ncrvoiu , Illnod nnd Pnraleil Dlipnira nnd
Dlcoasea oftliu llye , , Note , Tliroul niul Cliust.
Special Attention to l > iHi > nKoi of Wo
men nnd Children.
Tlio doctors hnro lu > d years of ei : | > erlenco In the
biNiltils | : of llroo'ilyn niul N't'\r York , ami nro nmnnx
tlio most successful uuJ wlcleltau.vii siicchilUti In
the country.
'to Vountr nnd Muldlc-Accil Men.
Io. t SInnlioocl. N'crvous Doblllcr. Spermntorrlnun ,
Bunilnal I jsws , I'liyalcal H.'cjiy. iiiNIn from liulls-
cretlon , | iroclnclng Hlt'opl0 ! > ? nos . cleipondenry , | ilin-
pit's on Ino f.\co. nvcrrlon to society , easily tllscnnr-
nuuil , Kick of rtuiilduncc , dull , nntltfor stiulv or bnsl-
HU8niul HiuM llfu u liunlcn , unfely , porinuncntly
unil speotllly cuiuil.
IltooM nnd .Sicin
Syplitlls , n dliensn most ilreudlul In Iti remits ,
comi'lelely ' cr.itllcated.
( < enito-Urlnary Snrtrcry.
Oonorrlii1 , filcc-l , Svphllls , Hyilrooolc , Vnrlfo-olo ,
niul Stricture , rnilloally niul sitfuiy curoil urllhmit
imliior iletentlon from bnnlnoti , All Ho.xual He-
K/nuitles and Impediment : to ninrrlnfo siiucoisfiillr
All Itectal dUenios nfoly nnd iwmnncntly cured.
Hours , 9n. in , till H p. m Knnduy , 10 till 12.
N. II. IVrsons tumble to visit us nmy bu treated nt
Ilielr lionioH by rorrcspmidriicii. Medlc'Ini'Miiiid In-
xtructlnns Ment by OAprusa. i.'onsiilt itlon free.
Bend 4 cimU In stumps to Insurerui > ly.
218 Fill ontli St. , Ojip i = ; iti IIoyd'H
Oporn MDIISP. Oiiinlia , .Not ) .
1302 Farnam Street.
Olty Passoncor and Ticlot Apont.
Wfaincssor BoJyBLdMind , ftfitta
ofErroriorEioetjjala Older Yont
JbVol'tll'r" unf.llt.-ilT IIOBB TIIElTXHIT-UiKan l i"llir !
tulllj fron ( U MUUi and I r lji Connltlii. ITrtle Ihta.
tfterlptlt * llooh. riplinilloQaad vroaf * iuillrU ( ialilrRC. . . .
4ivA.a ERIC MEDICAL co. , nupKALo , ; i. v.
BurfrrliiK from Hie I'llccWof youllifuirrrcjrii , onrl
( end a valunmii trcutlwi ( u'ttlcill vuntnlnlm ; full
partlrulnra for hnino cure. I'll P. I ; .f rlmri ; > * . A
tplcnillit intillpnlwurktchot'icl l > n irnd ) py uTfry
man who U IICITKIIH ami OcMlltulPil. AildtrM ,
I'ror. i'.c. vo\VMu.niootiu , conu ,
in iu uuAneuHio i
kl p i heiri ai.iu.uCouiorubU. .
l .Mf.lwb.i l iulll t' " > .
Omaha Manufacturers ,
Hoots and
Wholesale Manufacturers of Hoots & Shoes
ASCII ! * tat llo lnn lluMn > r gliop I'o. , 11M , IIOI nnd 110 *
llnrnojr drool , Dmnlia , Neb.
Hl'OM ( ! ! ' . _
lager liccr Brewers ,
IMl Ncrlli Utli BlroM , OmMin , Neb.
. , . r = 3
CuriiliC )
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window CM" nnil infinite tkrUehK John Kpenelcr ,
litopi U'lor. ins itml lift South lUlli utrcct
A. HOSl'12 , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 IkiiiRlat Blrrol. Omnlin. Neb.
C.inl , Coke , Ktu.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
B. K. Cur. Uth niul Douilat Streets , Oumln , Neb.
Shippers of Coal and CoKc ,
214 South IKtli Slri-at , omnha , Noli.
CO. ,
Wholesale Cigars ,
403N. I6thPtn > t " 11011111" 11.19.
Dry Goods aiitl X
M. K. SMITH te CO. ,
Dry Goods , Uurnlslilng Goods and Notions
Corner-Hlli ntiil Howim ! i
importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
aenUTurnltliliiKConiH Corner lltli uiiJ lluruor
Htii'i'tu , umnhti , Nub.
K\VKY i"c STON10 ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Karrmin Btri > olOnmlii , , Nclirnskn.
Oninlin , Nulim kn.
Wholesale Grocers ,
IoATcn ortli 8tr < > < < tiUnmlm , Nii
r , I'.to.
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber ,
YarO 1310 N IC.tli St. . OuiMin.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Ktc.
Impoiteit anil Amt-rlcnn I'ortliuiJ Coinont. 8tal
imeut for Mllwniikuo llyilrinillo Cumout , anil
( jiilncy Whllo l.lino.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpets nmlpnrquol flooring Oth
tjtrculu , Oinnlm , Nulir.iika.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , tile. , Etc.
Corner Oth niul lloiiKln * Street * , Onmh.i.
= = = = = =
Mllllnury niul Notions.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
203 , 210 unit 112 Sou ' \ lltli street.
Notloun :
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1151 Ilnrnor strei't , Omnha.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Asle ercane , clo. , Onmlm. A. II. Illsliop , Munngor.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Cnrry a nlco ntock of lulntlnK. wniiM'l" niul writing
paper. utlimtlou Klvvn to curd
, Rto.
A. L. DEANE & CO. , Agcniifjr
Hills' Safes ,
Sit find 52.1 Sun Hi 10th St. , Omalii * .
_ - _ _ - , - n i 1.1 ToyH , Ktc. . . . . . . . . - . - , . . . . , . f n ii"niNrf i
II. HARDY fc CO. ,
JubberK of
Dolls Albums Fancy Goods
Toys , , , ,
Ilouau Furnlslilnii floods. ClilUUim'H Ctirrlngcs. 12CO
KnilKim street , Oinnlm , Ni'b.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilallldu ) ' wlml mills. UlBnnd SBOJonc St. , Omnha.
( I. I' . Kins , Actlnu Vuuiuiiur.
Iron \Vorlcn.
AYrouglit and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Knulnoi , brnsii work , ucnornl foundry , ninchlnonud
blurkainltli work. Ulllcu niul wiirkn , U , I * .
Hy. and nth itriii-t , Umilni. : \
Manl'rs of Fire and llurnlar Proof Safes ,
VaultH , jntl work , Iron luitiers nnit tire ornpoa.
U. Andreon.prup'r. Cor. lltli undJncUton St > .
Knf-h , Doorn , 1C to. I
- H
- > -
M. A. DISimOW tc CO. ,
Wholeinlo ninnufacturura of
Sash , Doors , Dlinds and Mouldings. \
Branch oWce , 12th and Iiara itrooti , Oinnlm , Neb.
Soiit.h. _ OmgilaEL.j
Of South Omaha , Limited ,
National Bank
Capital , - . $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 44,000
National Bank
Capital. - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 18OO - B7BOO
Onicemnnd Dlrndiinc-JIt-nry . VMM , I'roitdontj
l ivliH. llcwl , Vko-l'ii' lcldnli JuiMOi Huifhu't'r. .
V. Mor o. JohiiH , Culllnt , It. U Uuvliliu , J. N , ft
I'utrlckY , U. ti , llu Ut. , cjihlur ,
Corner 12tb and Farntin St ) .
A Qcutral IJauUiaic lluslucss Transacted. .