Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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rorlune Onoi Moro Deigns to Smllo Upon
the Omnba Team.
nf tlio ClntiH Tips nnd UH-
H fur Today's Itaoes Oilier
'I'nrf'ntut Dinmotid
IMiiyod. Won. fxiit. Tor Ct.
V ! f > 7
Mini ( Kill * Ill Ml
.0)7 )
Denver HI 47 .few
hlwit I'llv ' M 4il r > ,4-tl
OiiKlliu K1) ) 41
Jliicoln HI : M
fct.l'UUl HI SM
Dame fortune smiled her sweetest on
Colonel FiiKin yesterday , and tbo brawny
Corn Iluskcrs weroathlH mercy.
As in Thursday's gntnu C'linavan led oft
with abase on hills , nnd Walsh's ' lilt sent
him skating on to socoml. An error by
Hrosnan a inoincnt Intcrallowed him to reach
third , nnd he scored while Kappell , Hhick ,
Oenliis , lirosmm nnd Powell were running
J x' doun lielw ecu llrst and second.
Newnina inudo Hie second out from Kappel
to lirst , tlion Bluck gave both Kcarus and
C Icvelnnd thi-ir base on halls , but Willis
Btrnek out and they were left.
1'or Sioux City , Strauss went to first on
-bfills and ntolo second. Ulack flow out to
f'lcvc-l.inil , bulGlnm was given a life by nn
i-rnir ol Kagln. Iapoll ( | roai-licd llrst tlirough
inupid himdliiig of tbo bull , and the basei
m-rro full. Hrosimn then lilt , tlio ball to
\Vnlsh , and Walsh throw homo to catch
Mtmiisa , but made a bad job of it and Sleepy
.Inlioy got in.
Off of Powell's grounder Walsh , Ilanrrilian
nud Andnrwsinadau brilllimt iloubloand lite
\ Jdo wns out and the game a tlul
Omalia did not si-oro again until the fifth ,
when slnj'les by Walsh , Newman and Clove-
laml scored the former.
In the sixth Andrews got borne on his own
nun uiiinivairs uvn-miugcr.
In their hull of this inning tholowans tied
the scow again after two men were out.
Kappell lilt for three cushions , llrosnau
jvas presented .with llrst and Powell sent
them noro-i.i tlio pan on a timely drive to left
fortlirco biiL'i , lie trieil to reach homo on
the bit , Inn , but wns neatly thrown out by
Cnnavan to Newman to I'V ' lu.
Tliat. WiiH nil the runs Siou\- City pot , but
Omaha raked in iivo more , thrceln the eighth
und two In the ninth.
The score :
Itims cnriioil Omiiln 5. Two-base hits
PnnnvanS. AndroHs. Tliruo-basu lilts Kiip-
iiall , Powell. Double pluys Walsh to llauni-
Iniii ! < > Andrews ; Kunprll to ( li.'nuis to l'o\v- \
U. JSnsti on halN-Oir Fiitfln 4. oil'IlliioUfl.
Struck out Uy Fnijlu 7 , by Ulaek t. Tlmo of
gnnujOne hour and forty minutes. Umpire
. - Hoover.
Milwaukee H , Ijlnuoln 1.
JiIirWAUKiEVls. . , Autrutt'J. . [ Special
Tclpjjniin to Tan Hci.J Following Is tha
Kcoro of today's ' gaino :
- Kiinunl rum Mllwiiukpo 9. Two-haw hits
I'ooriniin 'j , JimtZHi. ltise.s ; stolen i-ehocli
Jantzon , Double plays Ularti to l < 'IuiaKaii :
Iluses onealli'il halls Milwaukee , I.liii-iilnl
lilt by pllcliixl iKill-llrhiilili'Cdin. Olurr
Struck out Uy llavlcs 0 , Koaebli. I'HHSCI
hullslliiover \ > . Wild plt < 'li-Iavles. Tlmo
of liuino Ono hour and thirty minutes. Uui-
111 , St. I'anl I.
LINCOLNNeb. . , August 2i rSpctalTolo-
gmm to TIM : Ui'.r. . | .Minneapolis won from
St. Paul today with e.iso. The locals lilt
Mains Inird , pounding out four homo runs.
The scow :
M'lnnonlMllit ! > 2-12"
at. o o o i o o o o a
RUM M ill V.
Him * earned Minneapolis n , St. Paul 4.
Twlmsolili.sV > iiwlo , OHrltu. Homo runs
MeCjualil , Mlmiehim , Ityn. Mllliir. Stolen
linKi'V-Mliiiioaiiolls J , St. I'.iul I , liases on
linllv Ity Kllfi'ii 4 , Jluliis 1. Struclcout
Hy Mllon r > , Jluln-,2. Left on liases Mm-
iieuiiollslO , SI , Tilul i ) . Unipiru JIcDorinott.
i. A Good Oniiio lor Sunday.
The Cnine.snnd Nouparelh play a if.mio for
$30 a sldo nud gate receipts nt the ball park
Sunday , August 21. This will bo for tbo
City league championship , anil nsuotb teams
claim the title the ktriiBglo will bo a hot ono.
" \Villlatn.s \ , the Cranes' now twlrlor. will bo In
the l > ox for them , vrhilo Jolen , oft whom Ne
braska City secured but three hits Thursday ,
will do the rotating for tbo Nonpareils ,
Folio whiff nro the positions ;
Onini's. 1'osltlflns. ' Nnnp.milK
Williams IMtel loien
Swart/ , , Uuti'h. . . I'l-relval
La\\scin 1'lut. . . Toner
Carrlxaii oeonii. . . . . .Hliamilmu
KUVIMIM ) ! ) Third. . . . . .1. Malioni'y
Ktuyro SlinrU. . . ! ' , Mubonvy
MonuKlian l.cft. , . . . .Itrmlfonl
Wlumuii Middle , . Dilrr
Kelson UU'ht. . . . . .MoAulliro
Game culled at Oil5.
A lining : tlo : Aninteurs.
TJ.Niox , Nub. , August 23- [
gr.xm to Tin : DISK. ] In the game of hall hero
today the homo team defeated tlio Nebraska
Cltj-hooU und ladder rmmhiKtoniii hynscoro
nf UtoiW. Union's ' hattery was Frans and
n roves ; NehrusitaCltyVoiloll \ uud Gllllam.
Umniro--llcli3on. _
MISSOURI VJU.I.KV , la. , August 2J. fSpoeial
Telcifi-.iin to TUB IUil : : ' 1'ho Valley hall
team defeated the Xohra&ku City club 'i-ro '
today uv a score of (1 ( to 11. Batteries Iloy.
morimtl Craves ; MohlcrandSIdner. They
play ngnin tomorrow ami Sunday.
National Iiovijjiie.
Boston . 3 300 00000 6
Cleveland . 3 003yoOO 8
Hlts-IliMton 0 , Clovclnnd 10 , Krrors
lloaton 0 , Clovciaud 5. Unttorlos CJeUeln
und UenucltYouui ; ; and 1 miner. Umpire -
IMttsburg . 0 000 00 000 0
l'hiladolplilu. . . . 0 1 0 0 0 3 U * 13
Hits -PiUsburs 0 , Philadelphia 13. Errors
- plttsburg 4 , Philadelphia 0. nattorlcs -
) slwmo nnd Decker ; ( Heason nnd Schrlvcr.
Chlciu'o-.0 o'-0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1
llrooldyn 0 00000000-0
lilts OhlcmjoI , IJrooUlyn 2. Errors
ChiciiKo'O. UrooWyn Jl. Hnttcrioi Stem
nnrl IClttrldsoi Terry and Daly. Umplro
AT suw vonit.
New York 0 3'30noOOO-4
Clndiinntt t 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0-J !
Illta Now Vorls7 , Cincinnati J. Jlrrors
New York K , C'lnelnnntl 1. IJattcrlos-Dally
nnd UncKley ; Mullanoaud llarrlnutoii. Um-
AT nosiox.
loston . I 0-10
Uiffnlo . ' . .1 00100000-5
Hits Boston 8 , Unff.ilo Ifl. Ilrrori Baa-
on it , Buffalo ( i. IJnttcrlos Madden , Had-
lourn and Murphy ; Cunningham and Mack.
Utiiilrc3 [ Uutlnoy and Sberldaii.
AT l > ltll11Ct < l IIIA.
> hlhdelphla.l ! 03001000-7
Uluengo . 0 00000000-0
IIIU I'blladelpbla 0 , Chicago S. Errors
'hiUtlelphlix 0. Chicago li. UattcrliMKnell
and Cross ; IJaldwIn nnd IJoyle. Umpires
VrKllsou and Ilolbert.
Now York . 1 fi 0 0 2 2 0 1 0-11
Cleveland . 0 00100400-5
Hits 'ew York 10 , Cleveland" . Errors
New York : 1. * Cleveland I ) . Hattorios
3' Day nnd Ewlui ; and Urowti ; MeUill and
ireniiun. Uniplrci Knight and Jonoj.
nrooldyn . I 0 10 0 0 ' 0 S 0 7
Pltuburg . 0 001 0 a 1 00 5
Hits Ih-ooklyn 10 , Plttshnrg 10. Krrors
ilrooklvn 7 , Plttsburg S. Datteries Woyh-
ng and \Vinslow ; CJalvlu and Mnul and Car
roll. Umpires PciUX'o and Sehroeder.
Amcrloaii Amochitloa.
Toledo . 0 0 U 0 0 2 0 0 0-11
Syracuse . 3 4
lilts Toledo 1'J , Syracuse 3. Krrors To
ledo 4 , Syracuse U. Batteries Sprajnio
mid Lago ; McUulloimh and Bnggs , Uui-
pires IJousoherand McLalu.
Till : Sl'REH ItlXO ,
Knli'liury Itaees.
, Neb. , August : JSpecial [ Tclo-
Ri-ain to Tun line. ] The races of today
close one of the most successful meetlncsof
the Nem-.wka Trotting Horse IJrccders' asso
ciation that has ever hocu held in the stato.
Tills meeting has been a remarkable ono
from several standpoints. In the yearling
rac6 tbo best record thut has been made here
tofore was made hy Counsellor , owned by
Sulilnot lloati'ico. Ills record was beaten
l.'C seconds , thus placing the state record for
yearlings at 1 : 'ATho \ record for
tbreo-year-olds was also beaten. ICato
CalTrey , owned by F. . I'ylo of Huraholdt ,
brought till * record down two seconds , leav
ing Uat : ; ] ? ! . In the 2:10 : stallion i-aco
Id ivan , owned by A. J. Halo of Uo.ifrico , dis
tanced the entire Held , making bis niilo In
" : 'M. The starter in three races , , .IudO ( ! IMe-
Urcary of Hastings , has received much
praise from all sides I'or the justness of his
decisions ana the prompt way in which ho
suppressed any attempt at Joclccying or
There was a three-eights of a mlle
running race for two-voar-olcls this
morning between AV'innio Walker , owned by
Hohcrt Marks nf IMrbury , nnd Quail , which
was won hy Winnie Walker. Tiniu 3' ( . - hi
tlio races o'f previous days there were a num
ber of horses Mint out , and in view of tills
there were several consolation races for these
horses , and they wore intensely Interesting
from start to finish. In tlio consolation race
for tliroo-yenr-olds there were three entries-
Johnny Bogjjs , Moni'rluf nnd ICittio Ver.i. It
was won hy Kittle Vcra. Time 21 .
In the " -iSO trot , the entries" were
'ICing of the West , Lycurgus and
McFnrland. Five heats were trotted ,
Lycurgus won , King of the West second , Jilc-
Farland distanced. Tiniu 20 ! > . Another
special consolation r.iea was n 3:10 : trot , hi
which were entered Gladiator , 1'lutus , Ap-
nanonso and Tix'nton. Tlio nice wai mile
ncuts , hest throe in five , Trenton won the
flrst , third and fourth heats , Appanooio second
end , I'lutus distanced. Time liM't.i' . In tlio
; ! -inimito class tho- entries were Oeorp )
Monday , owned hy Lnild of Beatrice , lliirloy
Hurley , E. I'ylo owner ; Hnrrigan , owned by
lialloy. Fah'bury ; Maud 11.
owncil by Swift it Co. ; .loo , owncil
by Swain & Son ; Headlight , owned by
Dennett , Elimvood ; Fieddio C. owned b'v
Jones , David City ; Dinah , owned by Pirtmiti ,
Omaha. There were live he.its. FreddioC
won three with Hurley Hurley nccond.
The visitors all expressed themselves well
satisfied with the treatment thov have re
ceived from thu imnnueini'iit anil from the
town people. Uxtra eu'orts were put Jorth to
ciitcrtuiu iw ninny 'u1 * would appear , and their
efforts have been successful. It Is the unani
mous verdict thnt thcro was exhibited hero
the lluost lot of trottiuj ; horses over soon to
gether ut ono time in the state.
I5riihlon ; licaeh Haccs.
BmniiTcjx Bnvim , August . [ Special Tel
egram to TUB Itnis.J Himinury of today's '
races :
Sevcn-eicliths of a mile , selling Litlibcrt
won. General Houlangcr socoml , Sunshine
third , Chceny ( the favorite ) not hoard from ,
Long .Tack , Tourist , Dalcainau nnd Cait
Steel scratched. Tlmo 1 : ! i/ .
Ono and one-eighth miles , welter weight
handicap Wooduuru ( the favorite ) won ,
Carbine second , Reward third. Bob C and.
Uuko of Lehihter scratched. Time 2:07'i. : '
Three-fourths of n mile , two-year-olds , sellIng -
Ing liarthena won , Lep.mto ( the favorite )
second , Virgio third , Ttnshllto and Zcnobla
scrati'bed. Time 1'JO. :
Ono nndoiio-siKtoeuth miles , owuors' handl-
cap Seymour ( the favorite ) won , Little
Mineli second , Firefly third , Tea Tray ,
Stiidenwny and tllory scratched. 1'lmo
1.VJ : ( .
One mile , selling Elovo won , The Hour-
hon .sceond , King Idler third , ISblis , l\mnlo
II , ICyrlo U and Hemet scratched. Time
lir : i.
Ono mlle , over six hurdles -Futurity won ,
/anghar ( the favorite ) second , John Gray
third , John Mulllnsnud Vancluso scratched.
Thno-il:01. :
Saratoga RUCCH.
SAIHTOIIA , N. Y. , August ! i2. [ Special Tclc-
Bi-am to TiinlJiiK. ] The weather was clear
but the track muddy. Following isasummnry
of the races-
First race , one and one-sixteenth miles ,
maiden two-year-olds Sir Kao the favorite.
won , Golden Stop second , MIraheau third.
Second race , ono nnd ono-clght miles
( Jolden Keel won , Floodtldo the favorite ,
second , Cecil B third. Tlino-UiOl .
Third race , ono nnd ono-si\tcenth mlloi ,
maidens , two-year-olds Jtoti d'Or , Strategy ,
colt , won , L. B. Vnrielhi ( Illly ) tbo favorite ,
second , Tom Donahuo thhil. Tlmo 1 :1S. :
Fourth raee , threo-n.nirters ; of a mile
Wary , the fuvorito , won , I'curl Set second ,
Trestle third. Tlmo-l :19 , .
Fifth moo , ono nnln Ounwad won , Major
Tom , the favorite , second , Kingllngomtblrd ,
Sixth nice , throo-quartcra of n mlle , selling -
ling filnck Dlumond won , Cauibysses , the
favorite , second , Genovlevo third. Time
The Iiidenentluiiun ICiocs. :
Is-i > EiT.xni'.vci : , In. , August Ui , [ Special
Telegram to Tun DEB. ] Tlio prospects for ft
hrilllunt moQUngaromostflattorlug. Jack and
Itoy AVllkoi will stnvt to lower ttietr i-ecordu
of2:2.1nnd3lOimdAxtellwIllsivoanoidilbl. ;
tlon each day. I'Vurplnsscs have boon ndded
to the announced programme. Margaret and
Allorton will repent the Detroit race , and
Drown Hal will compote for honors. The
crowd Is already assembling , and everything
points to a most successful meeting.
Pot'oiiKEEi'sin , N. Y. , August 27. Belle
Ilamlln failed In her attempt to breaK her
record of ! iISvitli : a running nmto. Her
tlmo waaSiin.'V.
! 3 :24 : class , f 1,003 ( postponed from ycstor-
dy ) Noul Whltheckvon , Justlna second ,
Chelsea third , others ruled out nud distanced.
Host tlmo 2:10)4. : )
2ia : class , $1,500 ( postponed from yester-
day ) -Mftcktni ? Illrd won , Manihrlno Maid
oi'cnud , Kdllh K ttilrvl , J , 13 , Uichnrdsoti
fourth. Hest tlme-'J il".f ' .
Js23 rlaia , fl.OilO llcnrlcltn , Won , York-
towi Hello second , Ulchmond. .Tr , third ,
Lout-ford fourth. Ilest time SJilSJ ,
13d7 p.u-0 , $1.500 ( unlliilsliUil ) Kuinia won
the third and fourth heats , AVnrdivoll the
second imd llatsorn WilkM the 11 rat. Host
\VaNlilnuliiM I'ark. I.IIUCM.
\V.WIIISOTOS \ P.UIK , AiiBiwl 2'2 , The event
of the day WM tlio Palo Alto-Jack mutch race
fora purse offT , ( lOO. 1'alo Alto won the r.iee .
easily , taking the thrco ha.its. In the last
hont Palo Alto won l y thred lengths , muklng
the unprecodcntod tlmo for the wee of 'JI ; ! ( ,
the fastest previous tlmo being ; nude at the
Wort Sldo driving park , Maud S
boating Trinket lu ! ! : iif. : | PaloAlto
ulso equiUlcil this tlmo nt Detroit
a few weeks aio. ; Tomorrow Huuol pees to
lower tier record and tliat olMiiud S If possl-
hln ,
l utwrlty stake , thiw-ycar-oldi , trotting ,
mlle ho.its Theroso I'lialUmont took tbo
ilrst bent and the r.ico In a walkover , Pula-
tinof.iillii tonptMir. No time mmouncod.
Hopeful stiikea , thfcis-yoar-otd * , trottlnir ,
mlle hoaU Lilsscttoon , Klyrina second ,
Monetto third , lady Uello fourth , Best
time -J : .
U sM trot , mlle heats , $1,000 Alabaster won ,
Kmnni 13ileh second , Kinbajsy third , Blalno
fourth. Hest timo-'i : iC- !
Match race , mlle he.its . , 2:3) ) trot , ( un
finished ) Nnvtdnd von , Dulto second ,
Chief Medium third , Prize fourth. Best tlmo
ATSlUlTOfll ,
Kh-st race IChiKston , Kitty Van.
Second raceWilfred , Clio.
Third race Los Angeles , \Vary. \
l-'purth race Outbound , Ofaleco.
i ifth raeo Lynn , , Oeypeto.
First race Reporter. Worth.
Second race Sorcerer , Reckon.
Third r.ieo Tournament , Judge Morrow.
l-Vnirth r.ico Erie. Orlllainmo.
I''ltth race Miss Dennett , Kiiima J.
Sixth wee Autni'ratUotnorra ,
Seventh race Volunteer , Hravo.
Eighth race Revolt ( colt ) , Average.
I5ntrics I'or Toilny'v ' llauus.
First race , thrco-fourtha of a milo Hill
Dec , Ivitty Van , Pram I1. ICingston , Gurnot.
Second race , ono nillot handicap sweep
stakes ( himv.ul , Kedfollow , Clio , Gipiy
Queen , Marnwter , Mora , Wilfred , Alinont.
Third race , three-fourths oE a mile , Con
press tiotel stakes Ballyhoo , Wary , "Dun
Harrison , Los Angeles ,
Fourth race , ono nnd ono-fourth miles ,
handicap sweepstakes Ilanilot , Costa Rica ,
Marauder , Profligate , Sunuybrook , Ofalcce ,
Filth race , three-fourths of a. mile , soiling
D.ver , Ganymede , Hottlna , Raymondj
Ocypote , Suslo S , Chapman , Bohemian ,
Hallyboo , Lyiin , Marie Lovvll.
First race , ono mllo. Koporter , My Fello\v \ ,
V.'orth , Tulla lUadihurn , UelwooU , 1'unzle ,
Second race , three- fourths oC a mile , select
stakes Iv.l Tosca , Kthel , Sister Lindn ,
Kei-kon. Ambuluueo , Uncm'taini..v , Florlnioro ,
Michael , itussell. Surplus , Soreoror.
Thlril race , one nnd ( me- hair miles , choice
stakes Tournament , Judge Morrow,2torotta ,
Fan Fan ( colt ) .
Fourth race , one and ono-fourth miles-
Eric , Hopoi-ter , Orllhimme , Jliss Dclle.
Fifth race , five-eighths of a mlle , scllhifi
Miss. DennettKmma , .lKudorar\IlleticsC'Jr- \
ebus , Josiu W , Blue Griws ( Idly ; , Aella Colt ,
Uertha Campbell. Benjamin.
Sixth nice , ouo mile , sidline Duke of
Ilighhmds , Teddy Veiitiiro , Vendottn , Mcn-
roe , ( iomoi'1-.i , Autocrat , CeawooJ , Brussels.
Seventh of mlle Kls-
race , thivo-quarton a -
mnt , Volunteer , Worth , Autocrat , Ituncocas ,
Montague , Niagara , Ui-avo , I'uzzle. Wrestler ,
St. James , Count Dudley , Lady Agues ,
Souviro. '
race , ilvc-clirhtlis of a mile
Atropine , Itevolt ( eolt ) , Algernon. Mr. Sass ,
Magara ( roltVnr Dulie , Twollps , Sotncr-
sut , Aver.iire , Koyscr , Uneortainty , Aaullon ,
Flitter ( lilly ) . _ ,
Rend TliK SUNDAY DEIS for all the
news of Interest to tlio lovers of gentle
manly sports.
Missouri Vtilluy
AI.I.F.Y , la. , August -Ji [ Special
to Tun Ilcn. ] Tha old sottlen1 reunion
yesterday at Magnolia was the largest gath
ering of the kind over held in .Harrison
county. Fully 5,000 pcoplo were present
from all portions of this and adjoining coun
ties. Si eeeho3 by several of the oldest resi
dents ; music , and a general talk over old
times was the order of the day.
The original package dealers who were
arrested a day or two slnco wore released ,
there being no appearance of the complaining
ivltncsses. It is tlio general opinion that the
prosecution was dropped upon their agreeing
to close their pUees , which has been
promptly done.
J. H. Wattles of this city , formerly general
superintendent of the Sioux Cilv & I'aciflo
railway , lias been appointed and HAS accepted
the position of general raiuiujjer of the Sioux
City tr.iuslt company. He takes diargo next
Booth privologoa nl tlio fair grounds
can bo had by applyingto Arthur
21 ! ) S. 14th Htroot.
Confessed lo a Murder.
SALT LIIKI : , Utah , August 21. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Dixj James Stuinpf
walked into the ofllco of the chief of police
today and confessed voluntarily of liavln ; ?
murdered nn unknown nun on January 4 last
In Nashville , Teim.oa the river banlf , four
blocks north of College stivot. The deed
was doiiowilli a club , and lifter robbing tlio
victim of WO the murderer buried him whom
lie fell. Stuinpf says ho tired on mgino No.
.110 of the LouUvillo Si Nashville railroad.
Chief Young lockc d him up anil is Investigat
ing. Stuinpf says ha is much relieved , now
that Ills out.
The Crops jn Ciimulit.
TOKOXTO , August 22" The Ontnrio ilepart-
ineutof agriculture has hsucd n bulletin in
which it U estimated that the 5 leld ot wheat
exceeds tint of last year by 5"K , ( > 0,0)0 , ( ) bush
els. Pall wheat throughmoatofvostrm On
tario is of good quality , twlng unusually line ,
uud tlio crop of spring wheat will probably
ho bettor than fair. Barley is llgnt and tbo
yielu of oats is expected to bo light. Of rvo
there is a fairly good yield ami tlio crop la
pretty well secured. Com will yield fairly ,
A Soliliorri * Uouiiion ,
DKsMoiXKrf , la. , August 'J2. [ SpjelulTclo-
pram to TUB BEI : . ] A three days' soldiers' '
reunion closed today at Avon , seven miles
south of DCS Rlolnes , which has been wonder
fully successful , Nearly four tho'isaiul ' vet
erans uud their families were ennipcdln the
beautiful grove. Thcro were numerous camp-
llros and addresses by speakers from Various
counties in central Iowa.
Advices from < J iipnii ,
Axcisro , August 2 , The steamer
Oceanic this afternoon oarrlvwl from floni ,
Kong and Yokohama. Japanese papers stall
tliat cholera la making headway tliroujhou
the country despite the efforts of the fjovorn
meat to arroat ( ts progress. The total nuui
her of cases has been about three thousand
CO per coat of which luivodlod ,
Two JIouIHowii lo
LOSDO.V , August 2i3 , [ Special Cablpgran
to Tim BEK. ] An explosion occurred today
in ono of tlio outhouses of , the govornmo n
powder mill \Vnlthain , Two men were
ulown to fragments and sovoi-al others were
_ _
7uilielal Nomination * ! ,
CKniH lUi'iiu , la. , August 22. [ Spccia
Telegram to THE But. ] The republican con
vcntlon of tlio Klghtoonth Judicial dlstrlc
Avas held hero today , and James D , Ciffcn o
Marlon and S. Stacy of Anamosa were placoi
in noinlnutlon for the bench on the Jlrat ba
lot. .
This year children's day nt the fni
will ho September 1. Kvory child wli
visits the ml r will IK > presoutcd with i
sourvenii1 the complimontaof the Doug
las Cour.ty Agricultural Sooloty.
Tortliera Wyoming Excited Over Recent
Discoveries in the Big Horn Mountains ,
Venturesome IlntHcr.s , After "V'cnrsof
l'alliir < ; , .iCympel tlio Mountain
ITast nesses to Vlclil ITp
OIUtcrliiB Sctirel.
31crr.U.o , Wyo. , August 21.-fSpc9lul to
ixJ AH northern \Vyoinlnijls \ in a
ever olexcitement over Uic recent dlscover-
es of rich gxiltl placer digging * mid silver
nines in the Dig Horn mountains. The legend
of the Lost Cabin miiicJ has been a favorite
tory -with old prospectors for two-scoro
ears , anil led many into the wild fastnesses
of the Blj [ Horn r.ingoiu n vain search for
ho plnco where , In lima past , a bdnd of In-
ropld miners word said to liavo braved the
lungers of the iluys of hostile Indians and
ranctrntml a country yielding fabulous stores
of gllttorltip j-ohl , only to fall , with single
exception , victims or savage fiu-y. One man
escaped to the Yellowstone , crazed with
i-ipht and privation , and lived lon enough
0 tdl n r.unliliiii * story to the fur hunters
vhom ho encountered of the wonderful gold
lelds of the mountains , the miners' cabin , the
attack by Indians and his escape. The lone
survlx'or exhibited several nuggets of the yel-
o\v inotal In confirmation of Ills disjointed
'J'ho tale ot the Lost Cabin wis , published
and the Dig Horn rungo of mountains , cx-
endlup from tlio Montana line a full 150 miles
award the center of Wyoming , became there
after associated with it as the scene of the
rngcdy , and numberless prospect holes nnd
other evidences of later visits hi'gold hunters
ire to bo seen in various parts of tUo range ,
nd ( rating 'that the legend found many creil-
ilous readers. Plugging interest in the sub-
cot revived four years npro when an aped
iidiau rode Into Fort Kuogh , Mont , with
1 nucgetof virgin gold shaped like anlctcle.
\Vhcn questioned ns to wlioro It eamo from
10 was silent , and no amount of persunsion
could west his secret from him. It was
earned , however , that ho hud traveled from
the direction of the Big Horn.
Karly last spring it German who lud had
ixpcrienco in prospecting prepared for a sumner -
: nor campaign In the mountain region across
iho dlvitlu from the headwaters of the Little
ilorn river , ivhero "color * " had been re-
jortcd , and soon fouiul u favorable looking
ipot about a quarter of a wile from one of
the tributaries to the Big Horn river. With
pick , shovel nnd pan ho went earnestly to
work , and the result ol his llrst day's ' labor
wns beyond his wildest dreams. Secretly ho
.oiled clny after day in his now El Dorado ,
iiying by a gondly store of dust and coarse
irold. JIo was not long enjoying lih
jood fortune alone , however , for a
; > artv of cowboy Invaded the ramp while
ooklng for uuttlo'imil surprised the solitary
miner at his writ. They carried the news to
: hc valleys , awl early in.fulythe frold fovoi1
iind begun to spread among the settlers along
Ijotli sides of the mountains , and soon a vcr-
Itnbl ) stamped ) ) sJob in , until mnv the lottlc-
meals on the cutorn slope are practically de
populated and many have goiio to Buffalo ,
while others uro outfitting for an early move
on tlio camp.
Totluv your correspondent met County - Attorney
torney NV. J. Stover of Sheridan county , who
resides within'slxty miles of thu scene of tlio
excitement , andjho stated that u party cu mo
In from the camp' last night with the news
that placer claims , wcro being staked off all
over that district , and the yield tit gold was
almost bcyond'thebelief ' of those who were
not there to sc6 it. Ono nun , Jlr. Stover
said , cleaned up.10 from six loads of dirt ,
while others vcru steadily vanning out an
average of 810 per day to the mini. Owing to
the fact thnt the dirt has to IMcarried aiiunr-
tor of a mlle to water , tlio work Is necessarily
slow. Besides , the ordinary rocker Is useJ ,
which dooj uotiultnltof rai > id worlc. When
sluice ooxes are put In. some startluijj results
must ensue.
Additional interest is taken In njlning mat
ters iiuro iUMt , now owing to the discovery of
a largo vein of silver ore in the mountains
six nilluswestof Buffalo. Ttls a free-milling
ore and specimens taken at random from a
lot dug out three feet from the surface assay
$14 to the ton. Considering that this mineral
can lie worked at small expense , the iind I *
looked upon as the forerunner of extensive
silver mining operations in this vicinity and
everybody Is enthusiastic over tlwoutloolr.
TJIE SUXIJAV UKE publishes exclus
ively In Onmhii the Now York HoritU
copyrighted cubic news.
I'at Ford's Experience With tin Kn-
/jllsti Detective.
Councilman Patrick Ford and ills wife and
sons arrived homo Thursday from a two
months' trip through Ireland , England and
Scotland. In conversation with n BEE re
porter , Mr. Ford said :
"Tlio ship wo went over In touched nt
Quconstown , but wo did not land until
wo reached Liverpool. Some ono
who went aslioro nt Quecnstotvn told a
reporter that Patrick i-Yira of Now Vork wai
on board , and the first paper I saw when wo
reached tlio hotel at Liverpool hud a picco in
it saying :
" ' . \monj tlio distinguished passengers
Just arrived from America are Mr.
Patrick Ford of the New York World , ac
companied by Ills -wife and two sons.1
" -1 laughed about the matter , but I soon
found thuttho mistake had put the police on my
truck. Every where that I went 1 noticed the
same fellow shadowing me , and Ihially when
I went over to liclfast ho caino upto mo ono
day when I was out at a fair
and asked mo if I was an American ,
Itoldiilml was , audlio nskedmo to take a
driulc , Ho made mo hot , anil Hold him I
didn't want to drink with him. 'Lot us
drinlf to tlio health of the queen , ' s.iid ho. I
said I had nothing against the queen so long
m slio behaved herself. 'Hut you should
remember that she h the queen of Great
Drltain nnd Ireland' snld ho , 'That makes
no difference to me , ' said I , 'for I renounced
the queen of England over twenty years ago ,
when I took out niv naturalization papers in
the UnitcdStntes of America. '
"Well , the fellow continued to follow mo
from placonndflnallv lit Knnisblllenl thought
1 would K ivo him a shot that would settle
him. I made Itivpoint to read a letterfroin
JIayorCushln s.othat the shallower could
hour it , and then I remarlied thut there was
somod - fool followmR aio about , but If ho
ImowhowlittloIlciaVcd for him ho would not
put himself to so.irrttch . trouble , That was the
lust I saw of thddltndow. "
" \Vnat places of interest did rouvlsltl"
"WoweroatCorlt , Dublin , Belfast , Hun-
doran , the lakotf bf.iKlUurneyand In nearly
cvorypartof Ireland. Then w > visited Glas
gow , Eilhibur'hl' ( ' .Liverpool . , Loniloa and a
proat many othbt 'places in Kugland and
Scotland. " V
"What is thocoinlition of the peoulo In
Irehfnd us coiujiuccl with that of former
' 'Tlio pcwantn-'of Ireland is la much
hctter condltidH .than . when I there
lived over tlifti-o , thirty years ago , or
vvtuml visited iJreJand sixteen jem-s ago.
Tlioy live bettoramUakobettcrearoof thom-
seivos than thoyrlia then. Thoitsnts uronot
so hlKb , and there are not so many people
crowded upon the small farms as there used
to ho. In many plaaa where lean roiuemhor
of there being half a dozen houses now you
will see only ono. Plenty of tholimdlordshuvo
torn the houses down and have fenced the
land In for pas turns. Tnoyounir inea have
nearly all loft tlio country , and out of Jlvo to
tea fan family you will Hud two , or llireo
there and the rcit in America. "
"How do the people fool toward Gladstone
nnd tlio homo rule patty now I"
"If a general election were Called to
morrow ( jladstonovould sweep tlio conn-
try. The lory government would not
dare to risk lt dmncea with ttio piK'plo. ' Tho.
land league and the homo rule party linv < :
douan ( front deal to bolter the condition ot
the IHth pw'a-snnlry. "
"LMvou ' hoar of any evictions whdoovor
"No , not ouo. Thoi' > : jilltioi or the people
In Ireland U not so bal as it hasboev p.ilatod.
There H n trroat deal of poverty In the
snhurbs of the cities and In the country ,
but not to much as onu wonltl
suppose ffum Iho newspaper ncooimts ,
I fo'ind ' out one very'Itipdnr thing. The
Irish landlord as nrulolH ntr ( * iit ilwl moro
uiijutt nnd tyrannleiil with hlHtennutH' liniii
thoKnvrllsli landlord , even whom their farms
"How are thn crops thlR year In Irolatnl ? "
'Tho irrulji crop was pwil , but the potato
crop Is almost u failure. There was too nMoh n for Iho potatfws. "
"llowdo tlio leadintfrltle * of Ireland com-
l > mi ) us to business with the rltioa In this
country I'1
"Dublin , Corlr. Belfast nnd ollior lending
I'ltlM aiMquitu lively. Tlio business portion
of tk'in presents a very busy avpuaiMiicohnt
there Is a great deal ofjwvorty intliosiiburbs.
I iMilu't see many Idle men In Ireland , but
there are tlioiwnnils ol them In Liverpool ,
CthwownndUmdnn. Thtro isa yivat iloul
of pivcrly in Ulast'ow , "
"How is Iho cost of llvlugas compared
with this country I"
"It costs more to live In Ireland today than
It docs itiOiniiha. 1 paid s3u div for each of
us at the Clreslcr hotel In Dublin , and I
would ralher have ono itooil inejil at the 1'ux- '
ton than two that I fjot In Dublin. ISvory-
thliij ? Is high thori' ' , Beef is''D cents pound ,
mutton 18 cents , egi.s 20 cents u
dozen , bdtter 23 cents a pound ,
and potatoes one cent n pound. U'aijss are a-
llttlohlnlior than they used to bo , Imt not
enough lomnko up for the difference In the
costof living. 1'ooplo drinlf more in Liiter-
pool mid London , c titidally , tluu they do
lieni. Ills nothing ati-iiugoto sco a crowd of
monniul wonion ilrlnlcing ami singing nil together -
gothor inn saloon ovorthoiv. "
* 'o w , slnco you haveloolwd tlio country all
over , if yon wrro going to select a
" Were you tn select a place tolivelnwith
plenty of means to support you , which would
you urofcr , Irelandor Oin.ilul"
"It you \vonld nivo inon clear deed to the
bestcounty la Iivlnnd , willi the provision
thatl should go there and stay , I wouldn't
takolt solongus Ihada cluncoto get baclc
to Nebraska , Wo were all crazy to pot
lionu' , " said the politician of thoThinl ward ,
emphasizing' the rcniarlt by a vigorous punch
on the lloor with a line 'black thorn cano
which ho brought over with him ,
Pits , spasms , St , Vitus' Uanco , norvon.snijs
nnd hysleriu afj soon cured by Tt , isliles *
N'ervlne. Free hninplca at Kuhu k Co's , 15th
and Douglas. _ _
Tim SUXDAY BISB hns the most coiu-
ploto tolcffrnphio service of any
west oT Chicago.
m\'n ifjrjrjn' ; ; O
Trntlcs , Gooil Colleciloiisnttd n.
Jlrl lit , Oiitlonk.
Nr.\v \ Yoitic , August Si ! . fSpccial Telegram
to THE Br.n. ] It. 0. Dun A Co.'s U'ceWy
Hcvlciv of Trad o says i Tlio feigns of mone
tary disturbance , which vfera noticed In
previous reviews , voro not misleading. At
I'hiladolpMti money \vastljjht , at Chicago In
stron ? demand , at St. Louts unusually scarce
at toS per cunt , utNow Orleanstightoninu ,
at Denver nnd St. 1'aulln { j ° od demand , at
Mliwaukco mow active at 7 per cent , firmat
Kansas City and rather light at Detroit at"
par ceat. Thoobvious and only sufliclcnt re
lief is the liquidation on money speculations
in stocks in wheat , corn , oats , cotton ,
leather , hides , coffee , wool and especially in
silver bullion , which have loclird up ciior-
moussums , In the silver line c.bou t flOOOJ-
0)0 ) has been locked up to- wait for
higher prices , In gram several times
as much and in other products many
millions , while the condition ol the market
for securities was indicated by tlio fall ,
averaging about § ' 2 per Miavoin asinulo clay
on actlvo stoelrt when money bcc.mic tiplit.
In addition tbccnonnous Imports Intended to
anticipate the pending turilt bill hnvc vlr-
tnnUy loclred up fornii Indeilulto time many
millions paid for goods uud in duties on them.
The volume of lcitiimtu ) business through
out tlio country continues largo , exceeding
that of last year by 10 per cent outside Xeiv
York , and the desire to market products w
qulclily us prices nso causes u greater dc-
imuidfor cnrrcncj' from tlio country than
usual , OmiiiK the past week the treasury
lias paid out only $ ' 11,0)0 ) moro than it 1m
takenln.Vlicat closes Iconls higliurthann
week ago. but the advance was much grout cf
before the break camo. Not only hnvc ex
ports bson ari stcd , but ltjHOOU , bushels of
American wheat was ahippod to this
coutitry from Liverpool , and trades were
in progress for more. Corn rose only 1) ) (
cents and oats declined - } ; , cents , but poik
products vero a shade strongor. Coffee and
sugar \vero held without a break , but cotton
fell 5-1(1 ( of a cent on sulei of ai)0,000 Dales ,
and oil declined S 'founts. Exports of pro
ducts from IN'GW Vork for three weeks of
August are 2:2 : per cent smidlcrthnn last year ,
nnd the ivcont changes donotsutlleo tobrin
catablo staples down to the parity of Jjroiwi
prices. The iron industry Ktillsbous 11 strong
ilomnnd for ikished prod nets , with souw
stiffcnlnp : In prices , but the supplyof pig inn
is so hrgo that prices are shrilled in tlio
urgency to soil. The market for wool Is dull
and prices a little lower , the supply of for
eign Roods offered bclnp1 very larye. 'i'ho de
mand for cotton jjoods has boeu fair , but
prices do not change.
Cajnblo observers publish warnings thata
bait IsnccJoJ in thulcatlior and hide market ,
prices having risen so far as to threaten re
action , The reports from other cities , with
very few cxc-optlons , Indicate thut a larger
trade than over heforo Is in progress , with
satisfactory collections and a bright outloolt.
Crop icports nro less dlscouraijinir , though
the yield must fall below early anticipations
as to grain , New Orleans reppils very on-
couruKin r prospects as to cotton and Oalvoa-
ton as well , hut Jncksoiiyillo rcorts ] a dull
trade nnd a discouraging outloolt. M St ,
Louis business U of a fair volume , but some-
vhnt nffouted by Injury to crops. At Kansas
City trade Is healthy , lurtiouhirly in live
stock and lucking. Milunukco reports that
crops will average fairly and Minneap
olis mllla linvo n largo output ot
Hour lit advancing prices. The receipts of
yrain deeds , dressed beef and cheese at Chicago
cage urn somoYjhut bcloiv lust year's. In
butter the decre'iso is40 iwr cent , In hides JW
per cent and in cattle consiueruiilo. There
is u heavy Increase la hos , , nprainof 100 prr
cent in hml und some increase in'curuil
meats and wool , and sales of dry ( roods and
other raprrhanUiso exceeds last year's.
I'hiladelpMa notes the largest business In
leather , butwpolls quiet'.ln gencrid the con
dition of legitimate business is encouraging
unless monetary pressnro or labor controver
sies intcrfero. 'J'ho business failures througli-
out the country during the past seven days
number I'.Uas compared vith 1U" list wcolc.
For the corresponding last year tbe ilg-
were : ! W.
A Doy Dhappuared.
Two weeks ajo last Thursday Rudolph
Stephnn , son of ICarl Stophaa , residing on
Ilomor street near Ninth , disappeared and
has not slnco been seen by his parents. Two
days previously ho aho disappeared , but re
turned , 2o ? cause can bo assigned
for the stain go proceeding. He
Is a lad about ten years of
iiRO and was dressed In a dark suit of clothes ,
tlio pantaloons of which lud uiuloix'onokoino
repair. In his right car ho were a small
i-lng. The nolico were notified of the disap
pearance but haven't been able to ascertain
the whereabouts of the lad. Any informa
tion reitardliifj him will ho thankfully re
ceived by his parents ,
Laugh at tlio simp Hliots lit the quaint
ami humorous phaso.s of lilo tohl by the
funny men In Tun SUNDAY Bin : .
A nOw schcdulo ( fovcrnin ; the street
sveoping department lias been finished by
the city onglncer. Under It ovcry p.weil .
Hticot will Iwswcpt , wlieiwsiiithopastonly
ccrtnin ouci huvo liwo felt the brushes.
Thosu streets boutidod by Tenth and Six-
tt'enth and Hownnl nnd IJodgo , tngt'ilioiMvith '
some tliat are used nearly as inuoii , will bo
swept twlcon week. '
Xotulilc Local J'Vit ' JiIf J-iT2x-Coronor
Drexel tolls In Tun Su.VuAY BKK ol
some slartllnjr inclilonla tji his ofllciul
The fulr at Omaha , whl/ili / will bo hold
tit the fair grounds on Slwrimii iivo. ,
Sept. 1st to > ltli , ] > ronii.soj to bo JISUI'COHH.
Pi'otniuin list anil otho Infonniitlonwlll
bo given liy iiiilylnf | | { to John Duuiuot * ,
Btt-rotary , fa 1-1 Furnumst.
The Sccato Ptusos'tho ' Bill for the Relief
of Railroad Land Settlers.
Tlie Commit let ; llcport on il
lire 1'iosentod anil Aliout ll ir
the Senate Aiii
H'ASIIINOTOSAupist K. In the scnato
toil.ty the t-tirln" Ull viis taken up , the pond-
InKcpni-stlonbeliiiC onthoaiuendiiient to the
pnmtyraph relating to Jllw , llk < blanks and
rasps. ThonniiMiduieut h to substitute for
clasillled spw'ille rate * a uniform rnto ot 5
per cent nil valorem. IJojecto I ,
The tarltlblll was laid adduimdthc house
bill to amend the act of .Tuno''J , 1871 , fur the
relief o ( settlers on railroad lands was tuken
finmi the calendar and passed.
The tariff bill was Hum again talien up.
As oiw "paragraph nftoi' another was taken
up amend incuts were offered , principally by
Mr. Md'hewon , but they were nil rejected.
Tlio Diimgrnph relatln ? to shot uiit wai
passed over informally , Mr. Aldrlch stating
that thollnaiH-o eonnnittco had some niodiil-
cations of ituudcr consideration.
'Iho paragraph rotating to wood screws
having boon readied , Mr , Cnrllslo said that
It was nn article which American manufac
turers were spiling uliroud very imu-h lower
than ttiev wore silling them at homo. JIo
prodnoxil prlco lists in support of his state
ment. This win mother illustration , ho
said of the policy adopted by the other side
in iillouing-ilrawhucHS on exported articles ,
lie wont on to snv thnt tlioofTcrlnjr of Amuri-
can goods abroad at cheaper prli-es than tliey
wore ollerecl at hnuio w.w not coiitined to
goods where n drawback was allowed on raw
Sir. Stewnrtsnlit that the nssiimplion that
them was iinythlng wrong In tbo sale of
American manufactured goods in foreign
countries cheaper than utliumo arose from
wantot Information.
Ko amendciout.i were acrced to until para
graph I'M'M ' reached , which viw , on niotlun
of Mr. Aldrii'h , aniendod sons to read "bul
lion of ( 'old , silver or otlii'rniotaltiotspcclally
provided forC ! > per cent udvalorom. "
i laving rcichodtlioiiiaraph | : us to lead
ore , the senate adjourned.
" \VASIIIXGTOX , Augmt SJ. In the nouso
today the conference icport on the bill iniik-
inyrau nppropi'latlon for an incmincd clerical
force to carry out the provisions of the de
pendent pension liuv wis nireodto. ;
Air. Anderson ol Illinois subwitteil the re
port of the committee on rivers , and harbors
and the senate nincndnii'nt to the river iiiul
liavlor bill , recommending non-coiifurrcnco
In those anii-ndincnts and agreeing to a con
ference aikod by the senate.
The liouso \vcntlntocoiiiinitteo \ of the
wliolo nn the measure.
Ivlr. Ilendoi'soii snid the senate amend incut
Increased tbo appropriation cjrrioJ bvtlio
bill about SsV11" . ! " * ) . It was this Imiri.iso
wltii'h tlw committco nskcd the house to non
concur in.
After roiH-nrrlng in about onc-hnlf ofthc
senate amendments thceonmiltico row.
Mr. Alasou ot Illinois rising in a question
of iii'lvili'gc , sulil that homoduy.Miigo a resolu
tion had boon adopted aliening thiit a certain
Ruiitlumau uad been fraudiiloutly iisiiiLrtho
niail ? to nvatd Kcntlinoiit in 1'uvur
of tbo Conpi-r land bill and culling
on the imstoAlco department for
liifonnation on the subject. A resolution had
been sent to the postotlleodepartment
a request that tlie puiioi-s in regard to the
matter bo transmitted promptly. This had
not hi-oii done. lie had called at Iho itopji t-
incnt three or four tunes nnd had been In
formed that probably tlw j > would not bo
soiitutitil Saturday night. Then they would
bo of liouso , as tliu pitvloua question on lliu
1)111 ) was orJotvd tit1 o'cloclt toinorroiv. His
diargo wis that improper inlluunco had
been brought to bear upon a department
of the government to retain certain papers in
its possession , Ho moved thata committee
of three niemtera ba appointed to wuiton Iho
postmaster general and nslc that the papers
be furnished in tinio to ho used in thouebate.
Bcforo nny action was talcm tlio house took
a recess , the evening sens ion to bo for tliu
coiisilcrutlou of pnvaU'pansloii bills.
Motboi-s willlind Mrs Winslow's
Syrup thebi ? trcnwJy for their cliildron. 2 >
tents a bottle.
Tun SUNIHY llEKi will tell how the
pastors of Oinuhu are carrying on their
crusailo n aiiist Satun. Gunornl rcUjjioua
Wlicat Hai'vost or tin ; World.
PHSTII , August -atatistics nathered by
the Hungarian mlnlstcrof aRric-ultuw place
the vbeat harvest of the world at 7 "iOUOOl , ( ) )
hoettilltres and tlio quantity re < iulrcdbv ii'i-
iiortiiiK countries nt 1 ' . ' , > , < iOi,0u ) , ( ) licctoiitro ? .
i'bo total quantity availnhlu to meet the im
port ilomunil iaeatiniateil at li' > , OTltM ) ) hecto
litres. The minister of ii rlculturolnysstrtss
upon tbe faet that , ou-inij to tlior.inall iiuiiii-
tlty of stoixjil grain , tlio snrplm Is snialln-s
compared with import rcipjinmionts.
I'nrt IIKRSO Aurooinpii t.
LONDON , August S'i. [ Spoclnl Cablegram
to Tun TJ IT. 1 London iupcr.1 arouimnimoiis
in their approval of the I'ortutfcsoiiirm'incnt.
'J'lio Daily Neva sajs it will ho velcoiiu-d by
the public as a ( ' of snnshino after the
failui'Ca attCHilintj the govemincnfa Iioine
policy ,
'J7n IVihl Jnilunii of ( ) mah > i \ltK\
1lubll ) nooonnu's letter in'I'jiK Sus'OAY
HKIS and 11 ml out ivluil the people of
think of you ,
I'lio Kuilley bil > i'l Miiit D
Nnvr VOIIK , August 13:2. : .fudge Ituacli tia
entered unorder in tlie supreme court discon
tinuing tlio action brought by Colonel Dudley
to recover damages from the Times I'ublbh-
ing company for alli'K'ed libel In puhllshinir
tliu "llloi-te of FiV'V' ' lottery. Tbo onler was
entered by consent of counsel ,
o -
Cal i Turn la I luiii neriilu.
S.JOSK , Cala. , August 5J.Tho demo
cratic state convention today completed the
tjd.ot.V , U. Hondrlcld wai r.oinliiati'd for
Mcrotarv of state , Adam Herald for treas
urer and " \V. G.C ! ravei fur attorney general.
DHNVKK , Colo. , August 2-J. Tlio linlepcn-
dent-ltbor-fariners' allianeo convention that
has been in session hero several days nomi
nated : ! full state ticket tilth John u. Coy of
-Larimer county for governor.
Tlio Count rvi.iy On nil1.
LONDON , August S,1. [ Spodal ( 'alileprram
to TUB Bi'.c.J The Tolcjrrni > li's 1'arm corre-
sjiondent denies that thoCointo dul'urla has
iwstwoned his visit to An.urlca. .
Hot. Weather ami AceiilentH ,
Tahono dtanoos on headaches orsiiiistroko
This hot wriithur Is fearful , liutif yuu will tulra
a few of Kraus'i'rt ' lleadaeho Uapiuloi ouch
day you will find the toniporaturowlllbo reduced -
duced and tliu lllcelihood ot sunstroke or
lirostratlon absoluUly countoraetcd. Kor
snlo by all druKjlatii ,
Tlio Solid South
lasolM on the gro'it "Cicrnuui Uomndv. "
rTcluBrarns and letters are reoelvud ovorv < 1ny
tlurlncthls boated term for ICrauso'a lload-
ucho Capsules. Thopcoplo fiiim that section
say they rcducotho lemjwraturo Jinil prevent
suiistroltos and headaches. Tor bale by all
druggists. _
Hun Htrokc.
Now Is the tilling the uiveptod time , to jiro-
vent suustrokiM , huivlachca , etc. Uy roduelng
tlio tcmpemturo all those dlUrovtlng civils
will bo prevented , ICrauso's licadaehe Cap-
Bulos aw tlio thing. _
One or two Krnuso's Headache
Uikeji during ttiodavwill prevent any luiud.
ache , also attacks of luustroko , AlldruggUts.
Wakes tbo lives of many | .copb intjonihk' ,
causing distress after catlnu , aour stoinach ,
slek headache , licartbnrn , loss of nppetllc ,
a faint , " all goua" feeling , had t.isto , coated
_ . timguo , nnd Irregularity ot
DlStrOSS the bowel * , njsuopjla doe <
After llot fQi
- . . . . requires careful attention ,
tiUIinjJ ji , , ! a remedy Ilkn llood'a
Sirs-nparllln , which acts genlly , yetemclcntly.
It ( ones Iho Momaeh , vofiil-Ucs the diges
tion , creates a Rood np-
petite , lianbhes lic.idichc , .
and refreshes the inlml.
" I have K'eii tronhledllh dyspepsia. 1
had hut llttlo ni'pcllte ' , nndvlut I dhl rat
illslrcssed nip , or did inn
llttlo Kood. After citing 1
would have a faint or tired ,
tcclluc , as though 1 had not eaten
anything. Jly trouhlo wai aggravated by
my business , painting. Last Cr iii-
spring 1 took Hood's Sar- , , .
paparllb , which did 1110 nn StOmaCH
hninenso ainuunt of Rood. Itgavoino ail' 1
appetite , and my food relWicd and satisfied
tlio craving I had previously experienced. "
GEOUUC A. PAor. NValcrtown , Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Solil by alUlriignliti. $1 j ilx for f3. rrvunctl | tinlj
by C.I. I10UD& CO.Aiiulhocailcs.l.j\vcllMiui
! OO Doses Ono Dollar
N I'otnlo Crop.
August ft.1. fSpi'i'lnl Cahlogram
to'l'iiK HKI : . ! KeiKirts fiviii twenty-llvo con-
toi-s of popiitution In County Donegal snow
tliat the potato blight Is the gravest in con-
Hosted districts lilie 1'alc-uiTagli and Oivodiuv
wliero the crop Is n total failure , but oven in
in the Honest parts of thoeounty there is less
than ono half of an nvenijw crop.
Austria and I'caee.
ST. I'iriniiriio : < , August 'J2. [ Special Ca
blegram to Tun nr.i : . ] TheN'uvcio Vreinya
siys : that after the calming effect of the Im
perial meeting the policy of Austria in the
Unlkans remains tlio solo meaneo to peaco.
Sincere friends of peaeo , it adds , ounht to
conm to an agreement to remove this constant
source of danger.
Slv Killed , .Many Injured.
, Pa. , August 122. A runaway ear
on the Mount I'enii Ciravity railroad which
ascends the mountain near lioro.dashod down
a five-Ditto ilecllno this morning , Idllini ; nix
persons and injuring many otlii'rs. '
T Honor O'Kcillj's Memory.
llo-sTOXM.iss. . August , i ! ; ) . Mayor Mart has
issued a e.dl y > ru piiblh * mass nieoting for
Scptomber _ ' , to civo cxpiusslun to the loss
sustained by tlio death of John IJovlo
O'Jtellly and to tuko nppruprl.ito action
l-'lvc i\Mii'-iiuiil'lrt ; Drowned.
A\'iini \ : ToNi : , I.I. . , August ! S. Vivo em
ployes of tlio HchaetTer browlni ; company nf
N'inv Vork who were part of a parly who
were holding their annual excursion hi'iv ,
were drowned hy the capsizing of a bout.
Continual loim.
" \V.\siiiNiiTONV August ± , ' . -Tliosouatotoda
conllrmed the following : Abraham Paiko
of Xow York to bo assistant iittorney Ken
oral ; Andrew StiMiinlun to bo postmaster u
Sigourwy , la.
- n -
I llko my ivifo to use Pozwni's complexion
powder hetMuso It improves lier looks anil la
as fragr.iut iw violets.
Tlio Duntli Itounri ! .
Jlovrov , Mass.Aiigint'JA Pnif.I'Vedorick
Houry Hedge of Harvard university ilied yes
terday , aged eighty-five1.
A rinlce bint < > 1 * SiiiimiLT lUnorts.
Ill the lalco ro'Iiisof ; ( Wisconsin , Min
nesota , Iowa nnd the two Uukotiu , thor
nro huinlrod.i of eli'irmlnp ' IncnlitlcM jn-o
eminently llttoil for suinmur hoiuo.s
Among the following seleetcd list are
names fumillai' to many of our rentiers
as the perfci'tionoC northern suininoi * ro-
BorlH. Keavly iill'ot the Wisconsin points
of are within n short { lintaneo
from Chicago or Milwaukee , and' 110110
of tlioiiinro no far away from the "biwy
nitirls of civlli/ation" Unit they cannot
ho reached in a few hours of travel , hy
frequent trains , ever the lliiest road In
the northwest the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul ruilwiiy :
Ocononiowoc , Wis. Clear Lake , Iowa.
Minoeiiuu , AVIs. J/ako Olto'joji , Iowa.
Wnnlceslia. V.'is. Spirit Lnlio , Iowa.
I'olmyru , UMs. 1'rontenac , Rliim.
Tannbawk Lukes , Lalco Mluiietouka ,
\Vli. Minn.
Lakeside. Wis. Ortonvillo , Minn.
Kllbourn City , \VK , TrlnrKnlce. Minn. ,
( Oellsof the WIs- AHdto Hear Lake ,
coii'iiu. ) Minn.
Heaver JJiun. Wis. Dig Stone Lake , Da-
Madison , Wis. kola.
Viir detailed infiirmatlon , apply at tlcltet
onicc , IJ501 Faruaiu street , llai'rfcr hlocic.
P. A. NASH , Oon.
J. E. I'llliSTON , 1'llSH. Ajjollt.
O. & M. I IV.
Fall i\oiii'.si ; ( > tID I liu Keashuro.
The Ohio t Mississippi railway will
boll tickets from St. Louis to Old Point
Comfort and return fur oxruision k-jiv-
iny Sc > ptembU' ( " > and , at the low rnto
of $ ! ! . ( ' > ( ) , ( jond fui1 rotiiru Scptoiu-
her ! ! D. For furtlii'i1 information rail at
0. S : M. Ik'kol ollli'o , or apply to A. J.
Nyttlo , yiiiioialvstcni ] ) a.ssuiij'or ajront ,
IU.j Hroadway , St. Louis , Mo.
Ni'brasltn. Iowa ami Dakota I'onslciiH ,
AV.iillixurox , August " : ! . [ Speeinl Tolo-
grain to Tin : HRK. ] Pensions were louay
granted the -following NolituslroiiH : Origi
nal invnllil ( Jeoi't'o Allen , St. 1'aul ; Jacob
I'oit , HedC'loinl ; .loel Frost , Kniorson ; Huch
T. Crockett , North I'hit to ; William T. AVII-
cos , Lincoln- ; Charles ( ! . Konie , Tlldou ;
Kphmm 0. demonLlncnln ! ; OUilt Norlin ,
MliuU'ii ; .loiintlinn I ) . Ilullaivay , ( JiMiiiilum ,
( iottfried Lindor , ( 'cniervllln ; Milan I ) .
Si'iitou , Cedar itapid.s ; Chaiicsi A. Itoshcn-
l > cck , HurtliiRton. liiercuse Hamucl K.
Silver , Tecnimeli.
Iowa : OriglnnlJohn W. Hovey , Hutli-
den ; Oeorgo D.iy , OakSprhiRH ; OiorgoV. .
I.inkens , ShiMiando-ih ; Wlllliiin K. Tnyioi1 ,
loivnFalU ; Cliarl < "i W. Rowley , l.eigli ; John
I.lddle , Heacon ; Orlin U. 1'owi'w ' , I'raiilo '
Ilird : .Tuniim II. Jolinston , Ackland ; Will-
linn T. Hoop. Dawson ; J-'nrran ( JliniljJr
North Dos Alolnra ; Cbarloi W. I'olk'y ,
U'ilton .liiiietlon ; lOmnlc-r ilou'ciVomoii -
ilnlo ; John McK.n'llii , Stanhopo ; l''uimtalu '
K Itiisi'h. Derby ; J. Jnhn A. Slmiiuiui , Uskn.
loosuVllliiitn ; I'ulfroy , Miwon ( Jlty , In-
crease-.limits \ . Wivfn , Kxllno ; Lewis Kr-
haiilt , .IfflVr.-ion. Hel.siuo and Ineicaso-
Jainoi ( irecn , Noivtoii. Oflgluul widow-
Sarah A. , widow of Uufui II. Lucoro ,
South n.ikotn : OrlglnulKdsou O. Parker -
ker , Illgliinoro ; John N.Crowloy , ICIlendnb'
Aboolutoly Pure.
A orrnrnof Inrtirliaklni ? powtnr ,
of louvenln atrnn lli U B. Oovorumuiit 1U-
pert AUK. IT , 1S4) )