Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered t > y Currier In uiiy jiartof tlie Olty.
II. W. Tll.TO.V , - - - MANA.OKII ,
Jlr.sltioss Ofllco. No. Ill
NIplilDlltol , Jfu.33.
JUiATHt\ . .
N. Y P. Co.
Council muffs Lumber Co. . conl.
Mrs. Hiram I.ont , ' of Marecllnl. Mo. , is
visitlnif her daughter , Mrs. J. T , Holl.
Permit to wed was yostcnlny granted to
John C'eilnrblail nnd .Anna Muriu Swimson.
Tlio first Baptist Sunday school mul the
Unity mission udd a picnic In Kntrinount
, park ycstoiilny.-
Then ) will lui aspoclul meeting of theLodges
of i'erfortion , Andutit mul Accented Scottish
Kite , this ove'iilng.
Murthn Hnlloy , nged onoyonr , daughter of
II , A , Hiiiloy , elicd ycstimliiy at ! ) o'clock.
U'liu funeral will occur this afternoon.
A private loiter from .Tudtfe lifctl rcct-ived
ve t"rduy states Unit ho will bo nt homo In a ,
low days , nnd Hint ho will mnko no iiwiounei- !
incut com-unilUK tlio acceptance of the con-
Krossiunal noinlimtlon until then. It la gcn-
emlly iindlctcel that ho will accept.
M 1st .It-i.tilo Ilobb.i , datifc'hter ot Mr. nnd
Mrs C M llobbs , celebrated her twelfth
birthday yesterday lit the residence of her
l.aruiH , H'us ' Fourth nvonuo. Her quests
con-tituU'laliout ' thirty of her httlo frlouds ,
and tiii-y omened a very pleasant nttcrnpon.
BJAbout llfty Good Tcmpl.irs went over to
Omalm la-1 nlKht to hear the Templar tcin-
pL'ranrf advocate , Dr. Dunn , who lielilsncli a
Mkvcssful revival licro a few weeks uifo.
Dnrlnt ! his weislt'H tnenllng hero ho secured
over 1 , < ! 00 fclimcrs to" bis * touipcranco pledge
and ho thinks ho will do even butter In
Onmhii ,
An cinployo of the Oinnlri fe St. Uouls railroad -
road fell from a trestle yesterday , near Allu-
iicolo , n illstntico of forty feet , but the force
of tlio fall was broken by a projecting beam
about Indf way down. l.lrs. Bower nndVoy -
man of this city were summoned and found
him snnVtini ? from a fracture of fourrlbsand
a badly liisceratrd Icir , und a very ugly head
wound complicated \vltli u.slight fracture ) of
the iruutal bone. Ills Injuries arc very sc-
vero ttiouili nut necessarily fatal.
John Dunn deposited in the Manhattan last
idijlit $100 subject to the order of any city olll-
clal vho will conio forward and say that bis
son John bus over refused to pay tlio city his
rcKiilnr assessed line for running Ids saloon.
This Is Dunn's challcngo to tbu city to sub-
Btantintc tlio charge made against him that
Ills saloon was closed on account of his ncg-
leet to comply with tlio demands of the
city ofllcers simo Macrae- was mayor.
Peter Coylc. nirctl six years , died at the
residence of his parents , Air. and Mrs. James
Coyle , between Sixth und Seventh streets oa
Ninth uvcnuo yesterday morning from diph
theria , This family have ) been sorely iilllieto 1 ,
there being eight children slek with the
dreadful iliM'asu lit the same time. All of
them have recevuredvcx : ept tlio last ono to
bo attached , who uled. The funeral will
occur this afternoon at 'J o'clock. The only
services will bo held at the gruro bv Itov. T.
J. iMalloy.
At the spix-ia ! mecling of the city council
yesterday afternoon the connaitteo on tire
nnd lljjhts were Instructed to sign the con
tract with the clccti-lo light , company for the
additional lights ordered by the city. The
mayor cnlle'el attention to the uncqllecteil
8i : cinl tax , which amounts to about $ SIIXX ) ,
$ llr." ) of which is delinquent nnd will
Imvo to bo collected by the snlo of the prop
erty If not paid before ) September 1 , when the
last lialf of the year's taxes fallible. The
mutter of the notice of Gallagher and others
lu regard to it strip of landin.liiflwon addition
anil niiginal pint and 13. Fodlsch's claim for
damages from the ovorlluw of Indian crcolc
were icfrrrcd to tho'Judiclary committee.
For Hull ; .
Our retail furniture business , with good
established tr.ulu. Stock h ilrst cluss und
well selected. Heason for soiling , nro going
Into the exclusive jobblnfi tr.ido.
Any ono wishing to gotnto business should
Investigate this , as It is oueof the fowgolden
opportunities of a llfo time.
C. A. BCKIIC & Co.
ComiiKTelal men , New Pacific , Council
Blurts , is under management ofV. . Jones with
new sample rooms.
A YnliiRlsIo Kent.
In January last , T. J. Uca , in walking
f Franklin street , whcra there was an
excavation being made , fell and injured his
foot so seriously that ho puts the damage nt
$5,000 , nnd now ho asks the city to pay him
that amount. In his petition filed In the dis
trict court yesterday ho states that ho has
lost thu use of his foot by reason of this acci
dent , and that the city Is at limit because it
left this excavation in a dangerous condition
You can have your sun umbrella and um
brellas re-covcrcd at the Boston Store while
Ity and sl/.o.
Solo Agents , Leaders and Promoters' Low
Prices ,
AM Unhappy Matliiis.
Mrs. Emma Wehrbahn wants a divorce
from Arthur \Vehrhahn , to whom she was
married In December , 1SSO. Her petition
pictures Arthur us being guiity of almost
everything ucccssiry to entltlo her to a di
vorce. She charges him with getting drunk ,
being abusive , with having beaten her with
his list , tr.PiiiR to cut her with a ra/or , break
ing the breakfast ihshe-s. and further by beiiiR
fnlio to her by being intimate wltli other
women. Her last cliurgu la that he 1ms do-
uerteil her.
Hurt by tlio Motor. X
A , \Vhtttlesoy yesterday began suit
Rgulustttio motor compuiy. GolonelWhlt-
tlesoy itatoa that in January last ho was
ullgliiing from a ear , nnd using all possible
precaution , when the operator started up the
cnr In such a careless way as to c.iuio him to
bo struck , his collar boiio broken , and other
serious Injuries lulllcted. Ho asks for dama
ges with which to luy Sir.U for a doctor , * IS
for medicine and SIM ) for the loss of six
weoks' time. In addition ho wants $10,000
The City Will Dnuorntn.
Mayor Macrae called a special mooting of
the city council yesterday afternoon for the
purpose of taking the necessary stops to haves
the city properly decorated on the occasion of
the farmer ! . ' congress. The iiction to oo taken
was in relation to the ornamentation to bo
lilaccelupoii the city bulletin's.
The nutter was in formallv discussed nnd
it was llnally decleled to delegate the wholes
matter to Alelcnuan Casper mid let him ilu-
deU Vfon the character and style of the elcc-
oratlonsTmd go nhoad and put them up without -
out further consideration by the council.
Upon the vote taken tbero was not a uisscut-
'Imr voice ,
Mr. Casper has not deJluItcly decieled upon
the style of ornamentation , but bU well
known fertility In devising beautiful designs
can birdopciidcdupoii to get up something
that tlie city will not bo ashamed of.
General OnlorXo. t.
Hn.u > Qt'AiiTiii3 ! COMPANY A. , Pirat Hitoi-
ICNT. I , X C ! , , COUNCIL Hi.uri-s. la. , August
21,1SW. ! In pursunneoof special order No.
00 , elated August lei , IblK ) , uinamiting Irom
ndlutmit general's oftlco , the Kifth rcKlmcut
Avill go Into camp at the city of DesMolues
for live days , commencing ou tho'.Mh last.
CoimiauyAof said regiment , for the pur
pose of attending the encampment , will leave
Cpuncll Hluffs fiom the Chicago , uurllngton
A Quluey deotiit | a. in. Saturday morning ,
.August'- . ! , when and where n special train
will be waiting to convey the company uud
other companies of the regiment stationed
nlong the lineof sntel roud , to Alton Junction ,
thence on n | > eclal C hlcugo , St. Paul &ICjnsns
City tmhr to DCS Moincs. The comp.uiy will
bocijulpped and ready to move from Its
nrmorv , In heavy maa'hlng order , to the Chl-
cairo , JiurlhiKton & ( Julncy depot uromptly nt
(1 ; liO a , m. , und preimred with one day's ra
tions , to bo furnibhed by cacti member of the
company for himself.
Kvcry member of the company not provl-
ou'ly excused must bo In line at the urmory
precisely a 01X ; ) a. m. Dy order of
D. 1) ) , DAII-ET ,
Captain Comuiandiug.
A Btriko 5u tits Northwestern Yards Averted
by Dsstrved Concessions ,
The Cliy Will leoorate-A ) High
PrluiMl Foot DlrovucM and Court
News ( ienoral ami 1'cr-
For several days the'ro have been
vague ru more afloat In the city concerning
the probability of a strike ou the North
western railway. Inquiry contradicted the
general rumor and cuiillacd the facts to a
Ittlospce.-kof war in the company's yards la
this city , which gave rich promise of an
early strike of the switchmen , 'i'hli was
[ iwvcnted by tha conservative ; ietlon of the
: ui3ii and the fairness of the euinp.iuy's olll-
cers , ami now everything Is serene and the
utmost harmony prevails.
The cause of the trouble will the objection
of the men in the yard * to a new yardnv.uter
the company had appointed. About two
weeks ago Yardm.istci1 Moore was ellscliarged
or quit the company's service. The swituh-
: nen Immediately too'.c action to have one of
their own number appointed to the position ,
and Joined lu a recommend itlnn to Assistant
Division Superintendent Mills of Uoono to
mvo Mr. 0. I1. AndeiMon appointed to the
place , Amlorhoti was known to the company
as n very faithful mid clllcient man nnd Ur
very popular among his comr.Ues. He has
icon in the employ of the company at the
vurds for several years. The lloouo ofllcials ,
It seems , did not receive the employes' reu-
omnicmlatloa until they had unpulntcd a
man from HooucVllllam Warner , who was
n former conductor in the employ of the road.
Ten ihivs ago ho reported for duty. The men
learned at once that ho wns a non-union mun
anil opposed to the prlnoiplo of labor feder
ation , and fearing that he would exert a bad
inllifnco on the union hero , which Is very
strong , mid gradually work out the union
men , they naked fur his retirement. The re
quest was not complied with , nnd the
Switchmen's union appointed u committee to
KO to Chicago and lay the matter before the
head olllelals. This committee consisted of K.
Uonrty nnd V. Geiser. Tlioy visited the
general ofllces and hud a conference with
General Superintendent Sanborn. The gen
tlemen presented the case so strongly to him
that he nt once acquiesced In their demands
ami Issued an order for the discharge of Wur-
ucr nnd the appointment of Anderson.
The committee returned from Chicago ycs-
torelay inoniiiifr , nnd yesterday nf tcniooti Mr.
Anderson was notlllcd to assume the position
of yanhnastor this nioruhig undMr. Warner
was recalled to lloono last evening.
The men arc quietly happy over the victory
they have gained , and everything is moving
nloiig In the yards with extraordinary smooth
ness. ' ,
There nro some similar comjilaluts in the
yards of other roads In tlio city , nnd It Is
probable that the success of the Northwest
ern hoys will encourage the other men to in
sist upon compliance with their demands ,
, t Klein arc oiler ug great bargains
in every department. Wo show the best
line of cook stoves and ranges in the city ,
from $10 to $10. In liuwaro wo carry the
best only und sold at bottom prices. Carpets ,
"Ob , my I" wo boat the world , former
price of carpets id ets. , now -10 ets. , and so on
through the entire lino. We show n largo
line in novelties lu our parlor goods depart
ment. In bedroom suits wo pride ourselves
of carrying the most complete assortment ,
choice of 80 stylos. Hoolt cases , roelcors ami
dining chairs of every description. Side
boards , wardrobes and center tables go along
with this unloading sale. Get prices elsewhere -
where mid compares Mandel & Klein's ! 5iO
Ho Found illH "Wins.
Benjamin Blrchler , the Omaha Ilanscom
park employe who followed his recreant wife
to this side of the river Wednesday night and
located her and her paramour at 12 JO Second
avenue nt 10 o'clock , spent noirly all the re
mainder of the night in fruitless efforts to
procure the nrrost of the guilty pair. The
police force refused to do anything unless a
warrant was obtained , and by the times that
Direhlcr had secured this information it
lacked but a few minutes of midnight. IIo
was directed to the residence ot Squire
Sehurz.'wliom ho aroused from slumber , and
told his story. The young man was very
much excited and worried , and he apparently
made nu unfavorable impression upon the ju
dicial mind , und the warrant was refused
until moraine. The injured husband had
atiOut consented to ubido by this decision
when he wns Informed that several gentle
men to whom ho had confidentially told his
story in stage whispers were reporters , nnd
was assured that the whole story would bo
out In the papers in the morning. Believing
this would give the culprits uu opportunity
to cscnpo and evade Justice , ho grew desper
ate anil hunted around until ho found the res
idence of Justice HunOricks and ' liroko the
matutinal mips of the good natural Justice nt
! ) oVlocic , The Judge heard his story ami is
sued the warrant upon the husband's information
mation and gave it to him. Ho took it to the
city Jail and Deputy Marshal Charley White
went down to the place with him and nindo
the arrests. It was at the residence of Mrs.
Sarah Hamilton , a woman who has ligurod In
court twice within tlio last fuw weoks. once
as the plaintiff in im assault case la thu po-
llco comt , whoa Dill Jeffries was the defend
ant , and another time before ) Justice Schurz ,
when she was charged with enticing
the twelve-year-old daughter of "Peg-
leg" Viuinatlu into a house ot 111-
fimio , the hmiso ulleged to bo her
own residence. She made such a strong
defense and so hotly maintuiueel that she was
nu honest woman , making her living by wash-
lug and sewing , that the case was dismissed.
When the cfllcer went to the house lu the
chill of the early morning yesterday ho found
an entirely different state of nlVairs tlrin the
Hamilton woman had set up In her defense
in the case bo fores Bulimy. In a room open
ing into the kitchen were found tlio objects
of the ofllecr's search the recreant Omaha
wife and her paramour. They worn pulled
out with Httlo coroinouy anil made to dross
ana accomuauy tlio onicor to llio city Jail. -
At 10 o'clock ycstereluy morning they were
arraigned In Heudriehs' court. The man gave
the iianu ) of Charles .Hutch , but afterwards
admitted that his imino was Charles Young.
Thu examination was very Drlof , both parties
admitting the facts. The husband and olllcer
wore not sworn , mid after considering the
matter briefly , the court decided to remand
the prisoners to the county lull in default of
81.000 bond each.
The wife nf the Omaha ircm is a plump lit
tle woman , who gave her ago as nineteen.
Her Jliture Is decidedly petite and her mini-
uer dashing and piquant. She says she
married Bircldcr two years ago ; that he has
been a goo J provider and she has lived very
happily with him nnd was deeply penitent for
the had done him. Her
is a coarse , brutal looking fellow , Ignorant
uud addicted to the uses of the foulest lan
guage. Ho has boon employed as n cook at
some of tno hotels and restaurants In the city
ami has been arrested several tlmoa forintox-
( ration. The lust time Judge MctJeo gave
him an additional line of ji" for hisusoof
vulgur anil profane language ) In court.
When the olllcer took them In charge to
convey them to jail after they had failed to
obtain the required bond the woman brake
down anil wept oittcrly. She pleaded ear
nestly with her husband nnd made all sorts
of prcmlsos coneernhu , ' her future conduct.
Tlio husband was linu Inclined to weaken and
forglv * her , but the court took the matter In
hand and refused to iiermlt the felon to bo
condoned. A steady look into the leery fuco
of the destroyer of his domestic happiness
compelled him to acquiesce In the court's
opinion. As the woman was loeluway sobbing
she declared rotate-illy that she would take
her 1 fo at the first opportunity and would
tear her clothes up and hniijf herself with the
strings in her coll. During the hearing she
begged her husband to get her sonio poison
and ho went out and brought her lu u bottle
of Jamaica ginger.
Dr. C. H. Bower , CO X. Main st.
Still at Work.
The decorating committee in charge of the
work of beautifying the opera house for the
farmers' congress are still earnestly at work ,
with n largo corps of lady assistants. Among
the erowet of bu y workers nt the Ktscimm
building yesterday were many now faeos , nnd
new enthusiasm , If thnt were possible. The
ImJIes worked diligently all day and accom
plished n great deal , The decorating com
mittee arc L. A. Casper , D. J. Smith , J , P.
H IMS mid II. C. Raymond ,
\mong tbo donors of new nuterlnl j cster-
day were D. L. Hoycr , who contributed n lot
of roJtop ; O. J. Smith , blue grass and
rcdtop ; H. C. Hoflmnyer , some very riiro
specimens of grain , wheat , etc. ; J. Hoover ,
grasses ; Mrs. A , M. Bracket ! , grasses und
The committee ) will move to the opsrn house
this morning , and the rcmaltuter of the
decorating will bo done there. They will bo
roaely to commence work at 10 o'clock1 , nnd
they earnestly ink the assistance of as many
Indies as can conveniently come. There Is
plenty to eto , and the Indies llud the work
very interesting. There Is always sufllciont
help In the afternoon , but in the forenoon the
ladies do not respond to the Invitation of the
committee as liberally as they deslro and the
consequence Is that the work drags during
the fore pirt of the day. The committee ex
pect to see a largo number roudy to po to
work at tbo opera house this morning at 10
It bus been definitely settled that the dele
gates to the convention will ho given an ox-
cuwloii , mul the route anil places tobovisltoJ
llxcdupon. Hon.V. . II. M. Pusoy yesterday
received a letter from General Manager
Kiinbiill extending the courtesies of the Union
Puclllc railroad to the city's guests , aiidolTor-
Ing to take them to Denver and other plaies
of interest in Colorado. Mr. Clayton has
not been scon , but It Is umlerstooil
that the Invitation lias been accepted ,
niiel u very pleasant trip assured the dele
gate. ? .
This morning Secretary Clnytou will move
the headquarters of the congress from the
Sapp block Into the new Ogden hotel , where
ho will reiwln until the congress is over.
The Alabama delegation have sent word
that they will arrive on Monday , und it is
expected thnt the delegates will commence
nrrlvhu' by the Jlrst of the week. Quarters
will bo assigned them as fast IM they arrive ,
Secretary Knox has opened n register for all
those who nro willing to entertain any of the
delegates , and ho requests the citizens who
desire to extend tbo hospitalities of their
homes to these gentlemen to notify him , and
ho will assign them their guests.
If you wish to sell your property call ou the
Judd it Wells Co. , C. 13. Judd , president , OOJ
P. C. Miller , the painter ami decorator , at
homo to his friends , SIS South Sixth street.
A good hose reel frco with every 100 feet of
hose purchased nt Bixh.v's.
Father anil Son.
John Greeu has a sou , Harry , who has
caused him no little worry , because the boy
would tarry too long nt the ( lowing bowl.
Mr. Green took special pains to notify the
saloon men not to sell liquor to his son , but
the request was not being complied with to
his satisfaction , and so ho wis : on the w.itch
forthooffeniler. Ho saw his son eater a sa
loon kept by I'robstlc , und the father at ouco
slipped iu behind the scrocu und watched.
IIo heard tbo boy oall for whisky and saw
the liquor poiireil into u glass. Then his In
dignation could not bo restrained , and he
jumped out of his hiding place , much to tlio
consternation of the boy and tlio barkeeper ,
Fred Nusbuuin. Green at once filed a coin-
plaint before Justice Burnett and tlio heaving
took place yesterday. The father told his
story , and the son was nut upon the stand to
strengthen the prosecution. Instead of iloing
so , Ids testimony was to the client that he
was in the saloon , but did not buy any
whisky and did not drink uny. The defense
attempted to get off on the plna that there
was no proof of sale , but.fustico Unrnctt con
cluded otherwise and imposed a line of $50
upon the bartender.
As a sort of sldo chapter the son filed a
complaint against Kichard Laier , charging
him with selling n glass of beer to the elder
Green. This case will bo heard next Satur
day. This complaint was lllcd by tbo son
about fifteen minutes after the father had
11 led JiIs complaint.
Hose at cost. ' Wo are going to quit
handling garden hose , nnd have doubly the
largest stock in tbo city. To close out wo
will sell all graelcs and llxturcs at dead cost ,
for cash. ( J. B. Paint & Oil company , Nos.
1 ami : i , Masonic tcmplo.
Wall paper at 3 ! cents per roll ; not rem
nants , ut C. L. Gillette's , as Pearl st.
Scott Ilquso , Council Bluffs , transients51,00
per day ,
Assaulted a Ijiltlo Girl.
A warrant was filed iu Justice Darnell's
court yesterday morning churging Owen McGuire -
Guire , nu cngino wiper employed nt the )
Union Pacific roundhouse , with assaulting n
Httlo eight-year-old girl mimed Cora llich-
inond. McUulra was arrested but waived
examination and was soul to tbo county tail
iu default of > , < WO bonds.
J. C. Blxby , steam neating , sanitary en
gineer , 9-tIl Llfo ball-Unir , Omah.i ; Ji ler
rium block , Council Bluffs.
Monov at , reduced r.itoa lo.inod on chatto
nnd real estate security by E. II. Sheafo & Co
A Dcail Ilnliy.
The body of a baby was found burled in the
dirt on the corner of Fifteenth street and
Fifth avenue nt 0 o'clock lust night. The
ghastly llnd was made by some boys who
were playing lu the vicinity and were led to
hunt it up by the disagreeable odor. The
body was naked and barely covered in the
dust , nnd had apparently been there about
twodays. .
The roroner was uotllied and took the body
to Estop's undertaking rooms. From the
examination made ho was satisfied that the
baby was still born. None of the residents of
the vicinity know anything about it. For the few days a camper's outfit has been located
near the phico , hut they claim to know noth
ing about it any further than venturing the
oiiluioit that the child was placed on Tuesday
night. They base their opinion upon tlio fact
tlmt tholr dog became very much excited nt
something at that time and roiieatodly ran to
thu point where the child wus discovered.
There Is only ono woman in the crowd ana
she has a young child.
Thu coroner will Investigate the matter
further this morning.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , ,727 Hroadway ,
The Manhattan -sporting headquarters ,
Twenty-five carpenters wanted to work 01
now hotel. J. A. Muni'iir.
New fall goods just recelvcuut Heller's , mcr
chant tailor , HID Broadway.
Still AH or limit ; " . '
Savoral more Injunction cases were stnrtoc
yesterday by this law and order league
through A , Overtoil ns plaintiff , and Jacob
Sims as attorney , The defendants In these
now uasos nro U. C , Hepler , No. Wrj Pear
street ; Frank Dominisscy , No. 11)17 ) Mali
street ; L , Uorniau , No , ISu West Ihoadtvuy
Jacob Ilowarth , St.Joo hoiiso ,
IMayrel a'C'uinoily In Idl'u.
George Staloy , the bright ami clover eltu
leet comeJIan. says that hereafter ho will bo
tornptod to refrain from exerting himself h
behalf of nls fellow beings. I was In his
company , writes a correspondent of OiniloiiM
Stage Nutvs , strolling along one of the ( juio
streets of St. Louis ; darkness had bet In
and with no gloaming eleetrlo Unlit on the
chosen path of our evening walk , made i
somewhat dilllcult to distinguish rightly nnj
object a few paces distant. Wmlo nlowl ;
walking nlong , engaged In interesting eon
vorsatlon , u howe uud wagon were seen ap
proachlug at n nu'dium pace.VlicniUrcctij
opposite , I was startled nt George giving ai
uneat thlyveil , und at the same instant star
in wild pursuit of the wagon , yelling at th
top of his voice : "Hold on , you villain
Stop , you M'maul roll Look out , he'll hi !
you I murder I" and brandishing his cano
like a lunatic. The driver stopped his
Just then Staloy yelled , "Lcok out , Lo'l
btrlko you from behind I" The man tuinei
quickly , on Ito perceive an Indian cigu
ldsouiu , ifjs la the attitude of slnkiui ; his
oiimhawk In tha he-ait of n imaginary foe.
Tlio expressman Was carting It to Its pur-
timer nnd the llguro had worked up directly
u the rear of the- driver , which really dlel
nnko it look lllton moit murderous assault ,
'ho mnn burst out wiu | n laugh , as ho said :
Tm muen obllpeil to you , sir , but bo can't
uirt. mo : it's only a wooden man. " Ueorgo
nuttcrcd somethmg-nlraut having n wooden
icad , then came limping back with a half-
> roken toe'mul a bruiiod knee which ho got
n a fall , trying to prevent u murder , 1 wns
enjoy Ing a good laugh nt his expanse , when
10 took me confidentially by the arm and
snld : "Charlie , suv irothlng nbout this ami
ll stand a bottle. " ' Dut the joke is too good
A. Orncpumo Mlilnlgtit Scene In the
Convict Gravcynrel at. Auburn.
Thnt portion of Fort 11111 Cemulcry in
Auburn which faces tlio poorest anil
titwt elo.sesluto part of tlio city is known
is the "convicts' burying ground. "
Nothing divides it from tlio ccutly
.oii'bsuml towering headstones of iiiiir-
jlo that murk tlio spa'eo dovoteel to the
[ Iphteous dead save a line of rugged ,
sickly grass thnt ( ells where tlio luwn
nowors stop. The ciitrnnco to the
jixl's Aores of tlio convict dead la on a
< ldo street nnd Is guarded by u pro Ity
cottngo in which lives a grave diggoi-
uid liis wife , wivs the New York Sun.
The myslory atluudlii } , ' ' tlio burial of
William Konunlor wns only second to
A\o \ myslory surrounding1 tlio propiira-
-lons lor his dentil. Jt will bo roiiicin-
borccl that ho was tortured to death by
electricity early on the morning of Au
gust ( ) , and tlmt a fen' hours Inter the
cnivcs of the surgeons wore busy cutting
.ho body to pieces. There was some
doubt concerning tlio section of law ru-
Inting to the burial of the body , and
when the watchers about the prison
on tlio night following the exe
cution saw no sign of any fu
neral it w.vs generally buliovoel
thnt the body had been covered with
qiiick-llmo mid buried ibuncuth ono of
Llio llagstones hi the prison yard. Late
in the afternoon of tlio next day the
jravo digger in clinrgo of the convlot
burying ground received orders to hnvo
i grave ready for a body at 10 o'clock
that night. Tlio grave was dug , and
when 10 o'clock ramo without bringing
tlio expected body , tlio irravo digger
turned the light down low In the sitting
room of his collage , and went to sleep in
Ills working cluthus. His wife lay on a
bed in front of a window keeping wiitoh
on the street , so that she might wake
her husband when the body arrived ,
Meantime men In elmrgo of what was
loft of the deiul murderer's body had
placed it in an express wagon at 9:30 :
D 'clock , und Imd driven out of the prison
gate. There was a knot ot men on the
sidewalk who immediately showed signs
of excitement when the wagon appeared.
It was instantly decided that these men
wore reporters , and the ) driver of the
wagon , in necordnnuo evidently with the
orders of Warden Duroton to elttdo the
nowsisiiner men , drove around the bloek
and men back into the prison yard. No
other attempt was made todisposo ottho
body until 1 1 o'clock when the express
wagon again came rattling out , but again
there wore men on the biduwalk who
seemed interested in its movements , and
once again the wagon was driven back
Into the yard , and the big gates closed
on it. lso other effort was made to bury
the body until midnight , when the
wagon came dashing out us though the
driver wns bounel to got rid of. his bur
den at all hazards. Ho drove rapidly
up the street , tlio wigon swaying to and
fro and rattling horribly. The grave
digger led tlio way into the gloomy cem
etery by the dim light of n Inntorn. Ar
riving at the grave he set the lantern nt
one end of it , and seizing the remains of
the murderer pulled thorn out of the
wagon. It dldt take long to (111 ( up the
grave , for the only object to accomplish
was to got the bo'dy out of sight and
stamp tlio earth on it ,
ThcOlilcaco Atnn Once Joiien. Shrewd
Ilnrgain with A. T. Stewart.
A Chicago man , A. T. Packard , tells
a very interesting story of a deal that
once occurred ' between A. T. Stewart
and Potter Palmer of liotel fiuno , who
was once In the dry goods line himself ,
says the Now York Press. "It was dur
ing the early days of Palmer's career in
the dry goods business 1802 , I think , "
says P'aJkard. "Palmer enjoyed a good
credit in Chicago , but in iSTow York ho
was not much known , andfor that reason
ho went there himself to buy
his goods and pay cash for
them. Every day , mid sometimes
twice a day , the receipts of tlio business
in Ohiengo would bo sent to him nnd ho
would place the funds in a safe in his
quarters ut the Fifth Avenue hotel until
lie went out to buy , and then ho would
carry the money with him. His bank
ing biibtnoss ho did iu New York. Oae
day a friend aelviseel him to buy prints ,
ns a boom in the price was about to
occur. Palmer posted oil' to A. T.
Stewart's wholesale establishment and
was shown through the print depart
ment , in which were 420 eased of the
"After looking them over and getting
the lowest price ho romnrkiul as calmly
as If ho wore purchasing ono yiyd , Til
take the -120 cases , ' mid then wont to his
hotel. Thopnlocauhort alluttor hi the
houso. 'Who is tills 1 'otter Palmer ? '
was tlio quury. And us tlio bill amounted
to $200,000 the clerk , unwilling to take
the responsibility of so largo a credit
upon himself , reported it to Stewart.
"Tho next morning Palmer received
word tlmt Stewart wanted to see him ,
and thither ho posted. In the mean
time , I should wiy , the price of prints
had already advanced a couple of cents ,
and Stowai-t made up his mind to cancel
the snlo if by any possible honorable
means ho could do so. You know that
in the dry goods business 'cash goods'
sometimes means 'piiyablo in ton days
and sometimes in thirty days.nfnct upon
which Stewart rolled to help him out.
" Mr. Pulmor , ' ho said when the latter
appeared , ly ° u bought a pretty largo
bill of goods ycsferQny. 1 suppose you
know on what terms yon purchased ? '
" 'Certainly ; thirty days , ' Palmer re-
" 'Not at all , ' responded Stewart in
hisswcot , oily way. They are ten days'
goods , und on no other tortns can I boll
thuin. '
"At this Pnluior was silent a moment ,
while Stewart chuckled Inwardly at the
thought of the oasu with wnioh ho hud
saved the profit o [ the rise to himself.
Hut wishing to appear liberal ho said :
" 'Yes , that is the best I can do ; but if
you enn pay spot cash I can give you a
good discount. '
11 'How much of n discount ? ' quoded
Palmer , after the imnmuof a man think
ing of boinolhlng elbu.
" 'Oh , can glvo you 10 per cent for
spot cash , otherwise I must have the
money In ton days or no sale. ' Stewart's
manner was that of a fisherman phijlug
with a well hooked trout. Palmer re
mained lost in thought for about two
minutes , and then , while his faro grow
longer than over , though Inwardly ho
was laughing nt the glee In Stewart's
oyow , said , slowly drawlmr tv big wallet
from his inside pocket :
" k\Voll I guets I'll ' pay spot cash , ' and
tothoiiBtemrshmont of Stownrt Palmei
counted out the amount , loss the dis
count , and nbUi-il for A. T.'s receipt.
The hittor'H admlriUlou for ills Chicago
customer wont up like a rocket , where ,
to the day of his death , it remained.
Ever afterward Potter Palmer's credit
was Al , and ho paid lor his goods wLou
ho got ready. "
It Will Bo Held iii tlio Oolisomn Next
rim Siieitlcu Divitb ol' Mr * . Cook of
South Oniiilia l ounel to lluvi )
Hesiillcii IVom Nat *
ural Causes.
Omaha this fall Is to hnvo the most exten
sive , most thoroughly organized exposition
ever known In this city.
There wai a meeting Wednesday of the
stockholders of the Coliseum association. It
seems that nobody except those directly In-
crested kue\v anything about the gathering ,
At this mooting the iusoeliitioti was re-
Vf , I. ICtcrstcml , the prluclpil ; stockhohlcr
nnd president , retired from the nodntloii
met into his place stepped Mr. .1. I * . Finloy , a
gentleman or lai'tto means nnd broad ideas iw
to business imd enterprise.
Jlr. Flnlcy bought all of Mr. Klcrstead's
stock nnd paid spot caili therefor. The
other olllcew roinalued as before.
Then the fact was sprung upon all those
who up to that time had not been posted ,
that the association should immediately set
ibout to hnvo the groatOJt oxposltiou ever
known In the west.
The Idea mot with the hearty and enthus
iastic approval of all present.
The nmnnvor then stated that ho had been
doing n little rustling all on his own hoirlc ,
anticipating the decision of the association.
As a result of his efforts , ho produced a boua
lido list of signatures , reiiroseutlu ? ninny of
tlio largest manufacturing establishments ,
jobbing houses nnd retail establish
ments in the city. IIo ex
plained that ho had nlrc.ulv sold
one-third of the space hi the great buil'ini ;
for the exposition. IIo also showed orders ,
in the handwriting of those linns , for 1UO ad
mission tickets apiece.
It was elcclde.l that the exposi
tion should surpass in ovorv
respect that of last year , which , as will bo re
called , was the most brilliant affair of the
kind ever held in Omaha.
From the previous exhibition the manage
ment gained a number of now ldcn.4 . from
which It will profit during the coming ovent.
The exposition willopenaboiit September 15.
The only railroad train out of Omalin
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omalm , Council BlulTs , Des Molncs ami
CJhienjjo business is the Rock Island
vcatibulod limited , leaving Omaha at
4:15 : p. in. daily. Ticket ollloo 1G02 , Six
teenth and Parnam sts ) . , Omaha.
ON 'tllK Ullilj TOl' ,
The lletnaltisor Dr. R. Ayrcs
Await the UcHiiiTi.'Otloii Day.
The funeral of Dr. Gcorgo 13. Ay res took
place at 10 a. in. yesterd.iy , from his Into
residence , 230 St. Clary's ' avenue. It was one
fo the largest which has been seen In this city.
The medical fraternity was largely repre
sented by members of both schools , and Co
vert lodgoA. I1 , and A. M. , and Uoso Croix
chapter A. and A. S. II. , of which the doctor
was n prominent member , were present In
Mrs. Clement of Minneapolis , an aunt of
the doctor , accompanied by her husband and
son Foster U. , were also present.
The remains were encased in an elegant black
cloth-covered casket with silver trimmings.
On the cover was u silver pinto bearing the
inscription "Gco. B. Ayres , M. IX , Juno 15 ,
ISflO , Aug. 19 , ISM , " and the emblem of the
Knights Templar , a cross aiiel crown. The
The white nprou of a master MIIS.OU was just
beneath it.
The casket rested in the front room nnd
was literally covered with elegant floral trib
At the foot was the olTerlop of Tangier
temple of the Mystic Shrine , n star nnd cres
cent and the scimetar with the square and
compass pendant , nil of white roses.
Covert lodpo sent a square and compass of
white roses and the New York Llfo insurance
company contributed a largo wreath of laurel
Mrs. E. E. Webster of Minneapolis sent n
broken columr made of white roses and a
Urge number of otner hanelsomo pieces were
contributed by friends of the family.
Shortly after 10 o'clock the Masons arrived
In chni'KOof Grand Master French with Past
Grand Master Mercer as marshal' Hov. C.
W. Savidga accompanied them and conducted
the religious services.
Mr. Savldtfflspolcoof the well-known benevolence -
novolenco of the deceased nnd related several
Incidents as illustrations of this character
istic , The suddenness of Ids death was re
ferred to as was also the perfect manner in
which all his affairs hud been kept. The re
marks of the speaker wore highly eulogistic ,
nnd mot with a hearty response in the breast
of everyone present.
A largo number of those in attendance were
unable tocnterthohouso iluringtho services ,
and these recalled incidents in connection
with the doctor's life which wow ple.isant to
After the services bnd been concluded the
carriages wore entered and the louscortoj-o
wended Its way via Sixteenth street to For
est Lawn cemetery where the impressive.
Masonlo burial scrvieo was conducted by
Grand Master French , the brethren of Cov
ert lodge casting sprigs of evergreen into the
grave and those of the Scottish Hito supple
menting this with the red rose.
At a special request , muilo by the elector
during his lifetime , no display was made , the
members of the commandery and the Mystic
Shrine uttenelliifr with the other bodies.
The pall bearers were Dr. U. 0. Moore , Dr.
A. 1' . I ! inn. Charles Southard , 13. W. Sim-
oral , John Woslberg nnd Victor Musselmun.
Of Itovnlutioiiiiry Fame.
At 11 : 'M yesterday morning Mrs. Jane KHza
Green departed llfo at her raddeiieeWl \
Park avenue. She was eighty years old ana
came from a family that helped to make this
country's history. She was nearly related to
General Green of revolutionary fame
the man that saved Albany and northern
New York from Uritish control. At the tak
ing of Fort 'rieonderoga , bo was with Klhan
Allen when the latter mndo the famous re
sponse to the British commandant of the fort
why ho demanded a surrender.
"I demand It , " ho said , "In tno nnmo of the
great Jehovah and the continental congress. "
The deceased was born in Dutchess county ,
New York , and came hero twelve
yours ugo. In a q'liet but practical w.iy
she was noted for Uhiisthm and charitable
work , .
Her husband , Lowry Grcon , aged eighty-
nine , and ono son , J. 0. Green , well known In
business circles hero , survive her. The date
of the funeral is not yet announced because
of answers not having been leoeivod from
eastern friends. It will probably take place
on Saturday.
Tlio Fatal KfsiilU < > ( ' a Palna IMom-
lirniiu In the Imryn.v.
The Inquest over the remains of Mrs. Cora
Cook , tlio woman who died in a shanty nt
South Omaha , was held yesterday morning.
Mra. 0. "W. Clark , matron of the Open
Door , tcatillod that the woman had been ut
thnt Institution for sometime but had secured
a positron elwwhero ami had left in tlio early
spring or summer. During her stay there
MM. Clark had received letters from the
dead woman's mother whloh Indicated that
she had conio of a goo ! family , The letters
were from Leroy , N. Y. . The witness ulso
stated that All's. Cook had a husband nnd two
beautiful children , the latter being in the
oat , presumably nt J.oroy , Js. . , with their
grandmother. , ,
Mrs. MOniw , who lives at Sovcnteotli nnd
Jncksou strcets.und Mrs. A. I' . Stephenswho
HVC.H at Fourteenth and Ixavenworlh streets ,
testltled that Mrs. Cook had lived with them
for u short time , but had shown no disposi
tion to work. The hitter ulso said that .Mrs ,
Cook had complained of lung trouble and the
wltnesss bad procured inedlclno for nor.
Crls Peterson , In whoso place the woman
died , unld ho had known her for some time ,
uud u low elivys before herdnatu eU mot hita
I and nikcd Mm If she couldn't stny In hit
room. IIiMolel bur she rouldgo down to his
houswln South Umuliu and clean It milt the
wanted to , She ncci'ptcil thpolTcr , Ho giwo
her luonoy to pay her cur fiuv. She went
elown Monihy evening , and \vhonho Irft the
house Tup.iday morning she ( .eemcd to ho all
right , hut wlu'iilio relumed In the evening
slie > was dead.
Dr. UosewaUT testified that ho had made a
post mortem examination , nnd found that
death had lemiltod from the formation of iw
fidso niiMiilinino In th ( > liirvnx , trachou ami
hroiu'lilul tuU\i , which liad'lmpi-deil breatn-
The jury rcturnoit a verdict In ncvoi'ilnnco
M-lth the twilniouv of the last wllnosj ,
'J ho remains will bo held until the motlie-r
of the deceased may ho hoard from.
Hotel Colfux at Colf.ix Springs Is u de
lightful pbii-o to talio your family anil spuml
a fowduys or wok * . Spi.illil 'pint gronndi
for children , delicious mineral water und e.\-
rrhcnl meals. Kates by day or week reason
s < n'TU < Mftff.i A'jir.s' ; .
St. AtitR-M1 Snulal ,
The ladle * of St. Apties parish have ar
ranged a social to bo held In Howley's hall
this ove'tihiK to elisposo of the nrtii'lrt loft
from the ulcnle at Syndle-nto park. The la
dles have been very Industrious In preparing
nu entertainment tlmt will be as Interesting
to their patronizing Irlemls us creditulili1 tn
themselves und profitable to the parish cof
XoU-s About till ! rlly.
P. S. Cori-y Is side and off duty.
Yesterd.iy Dr. .John M. fllnscow received
notice of his bade pension award.
A son has boon born to Mr. ami Mrs , .f nme *
M. Gruntlmni nnd n daughter to Mr. and .Mrs.
Joseph L arrer.
lleitdonts iu tbo southeastern section of
the e-lty complain bitterly because of bclnp
without water anil lire protection.
Mr. Frank Xctifcraml Miss Nora Wllmoth.
both of this city , were married In St. Agnes'
Cuthollc church \Vcdncsdav niorniui ; lit ; >
o'clock , llov. KaUicr U. w. Jlorlurty olli-
Today will bo Httlo COM Holmes' birth
day. She will entertain her Httlo friends
during tbo afternoon at the residence of her
parents. Mr. mid Alw. Dwight u lloiules.N'o.
SIUS N street.
A llve-ly horse race between A. M. Crone's
racer and Samuel Coff man's ( loot-foot for $10
a side interested the commission men at the
exchange yesterday. Mr. Crime's animal
KOt to the 11. &M. depot in time to yet the
purso. _
About I'tiople : .
Davld'j. Bloom has gone to Crcston , in ,
Miss Maud N'cwcomb is visiting friends In
Alfred A. Gary Is rusticating at Colfax
Springs , In.
Master Frank Mclchcr has returned from
Atlantic , la.
Mrs. Joseph Which of Tipton , la. , is visit
ing Cusslus M. Wirick ,
Cashier U. IJ. Brunch has returned after a
] uunt through Colorado.
Mrs. Martin liinmc \Viota , la. , is visitIng -
Ing her brother Councilman C. A. IMelehcr.
.Charles Kose , a stoekbuver for the George
II. Hammond company , is hero from Detroit ,
Charles Povte and Wesley Dnnill of Sprlnp-
ville , lu. , nro visiting 13. S. and Charles 11.
Cashier W. A. L. Gibbon , who has boon
sojourning nt Hot Springs , Arlc. , bus re
turned nnd is able to be at Ids desk again.
Miss Arlie flufelt of , AVis. , who
has been visiting her sister and brother-in-
law , Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C. Gibson , has returned.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hector and daughter ,
Mrs , Maddorn , who have been spending the
summer traveling through tbo west , going as
far ns the Pucitlc , liavo returned.
T. Norton , who roisrcscnts Swift it Co. on
the Chicago board of trade , and Head Hug
BuyerButlerof Chicago and Sheep Bujer A.
, T. Knowiton of Kansas City are visiting the
packinghouses of Swilt &Co.
Secretary W. N. Nason of the Omaha board
of tnide , escorted Messrs. ( J. L. Spencer and
J. H. Little of Yellow SprhiRs , O. , Secretary
, T. H. Lindscy of the St. Paul nnd Minneap
olis jobbers' association , Major Biiill of Bal
timore and Charles N. HuldV of Omaha ,
through the places of interest In tbo city to
day ,
.Mrs. M. Schaenbcrgcr , Hover "Dam , WIs , ,
writes : "Wo have used Dr. Thomas' Elect
ric Oil in our family for coiif'hi' , colds ,
croup and rheumatism. It cures every time.
How John Qulfjlejy Koolcel the Orcnt
1' . I' . Itanium.
P. T. Barnum had an itching for the
show business nt an early age. Of his
lirat experience ho writes :
The lirst inkling that I ovqr Iviel of the
coming showman was when I was nbout
fourteen years of ago and clerk in u
country store nt Bethel ,
Onoof , our neighbors , John Qniiflov ,
had made n journey up into Lltelilielel
county , nbout thirty or forty miICH , to
visit his relatives. This was considered
u long difctanco to travel in these days ,
especially in winter.
On his return I asked him a variety of
questions , desiring to know whether ho
hnil scon anything now and interesting
in that distant jinrt of the state. IIo re
plied , "Yes , I saw Ksmclhimr which
struck mo as very curious ; I tnw n eloL'
of ordinary sh-.o which had two natural
tails , one about three feet long , ' '
"By George , " I replied , "that is n
curiosity"und ! the Idea struck mo at
once that if I had Mich a dog I could
exhibit him to prolitublo advantage ) .
"Do you suppose 1 could buy him ? "
"Why , yes , " replied Qniffly , "I hare
no doubt that * 5 or $10 would buy him. "
I became quite excited and wild that I
would start for Litchliuld tno nuxt mom
intf. Qiiiglov askeil mo to see him before -
fore I blurted , because lie might think o-
fomothlng that would bo itdvtmtn uouf
or me to Know.
At 70 : ! ! the next morning I mounted
my horse , bound for Lllrhlichl. It WIIH
very cold. I wore a warm woolen Unit
cap , a innlllor around my nci-k , and over
coat and thick boots. 1 rode vip to Quiff-
ley's boarding hou < o and c-iilleel him out.
"Well"said I , "John , 1 am oil for
Luchfleld ; I am determined to get that
demblo-tailed elog. Have you any sug
gestions to make ? "
"Yea , " said Qulgloy , drawling his
words as wns natural to him : "I forgot
to mention that the dog with two tails
was just coming out of a tan yard , and
ono of the tails was a cow's tall , which
lie carried in his mouth. "
My aspirations in a showman wore for
the time being utterly extinguished.
KlOlll'H Ot' ( iil'l lllll'V ' O.sllTH ,
"Stories of girl harvesters nro now in
orilor , " says a Kansas nowptper , "and
DlckinsonYouiity rather Jeiels the pro
cession with a girl of fifteen , pretty and
graceful , who has driven the fcolf-blneler
over 1,200 nures for her father nnd taken
cure e > f the four hor.scs hersolf. During
the Hnrlng she helped put In' l0 ! ! acres of
corn , dlel the work for a ( iimily of Hoveu
portions , wont to ten dances and trlod
twice to elojio. Who expects now to
Mart In the fall for Africa as n mission-
Citizens of Uaidd City are organizing In a
modified way , alter thu manner of vlmluntes ,
to put an ( Mid to sneak thieving anil house-
breaking. U'lifn they movo--It will ho soon
every loufci1 und every man without visible
means of support , will bo escorted out of the
, ITlOlt SAf.ToTwAitiMT ; fe > r a ioo7l * i-ond '
, le-iiniHlulllonN'o.HIM. . r > > 4l4tert'il lii Wnl- J
liu-i\ lly Dr. Atvhlbild. iliim liy KuntiiukJ I
. 'lij',1 : yi'iitMiiM. Apply tu Dr , Miu'riti * (
niOU ! < Alfi i or. Tiwit"-lliriI ! h TiuiH'lffitf '
lioujcs , by J. It. llloo. ID ) Mala it. , Couuoll ,
i muffs. _ _ _ _ _
\Vin pay re nt wiim you can luiy a tioniuon
I tlir.Hamc tiM'iui. unit In oiiij ofyourcltnill )
utauy tlninlo.i\Dyo'.ir family the home clcif
on thu following tomi4 :
A homo wiirtH fl.o.ijut Jl ! per month.
/Mioniti worth { 1,5 slat fli per inonlli.
Ahoiuo worth t..lUlnt , J''l iioi'iiuiiith.
A III'MO wurtli ) . , ; > ) iii jn | utr inontlu
A homo worth H.O.Uiit f H | , or month ,
Otlii'rprlct'il liiiiiuMoii the umn lornn. Th
novo iiiontlilv paymoiiM liu'luclo prlnclia | |
nnd Intcrost. lAir full tuirllciiliirs t-ull on or
nelilirsilho.lnelil& Wolli Co. , UOJ ltro.ulwny ,
Couiii'llllliilTs. la.
1/OU HUNT The' sturo room , No. IS , fronttni
.1 ? em IV.irl st. W. I' ' . Jinnes.
171OU ill'NTlitir o furnl.shed front rooini" ,
.1111 llroudwny ; lofori'iieus given mid lu-
tlATJ'.N'TSforliivontem ; postotllco box ma *
clilm-i ; consultatlon ( rot * . Oiuiiha 1'nte.ut
Ani'iii')1. t-iir Sl\u > ( ! nlli si. andC'iillol | ) av.
DR. . J. 1) . JACIC3ON , DpnUl SnrgBon.
All Ulndsof work dime * , You enn save ono-
half ( in yeuir uolil atlil silver Ulllns by calllnu
at room "OJ Murrluin lilock. ( . 'ouncll II In UK.
. 'Ihi-liljh.
i li iu.i'p * luoviijT 111)1 ) uf liilinnni'Ui'rii ) l.ri'ncLcJ
bjh m who Imlili to sdino n'oiitol npc'liiltr.
Penploiiro proKro'.ilro. fiillof oiisr j , nmt money
iiiiklnu tchciuoa. Tlicy Jiecil ] < ucliil tnilnlnt ; tut
! .a.iil In popular pilnnitlon , Her imlillo upliocl *
iimOoliiL'uiMiiil Murk fur licr Increnslin ; inlllHu * ,
\V09tUlll luiY.t.
Comnirnro * full luriu Sopt. Nt , Sin' nolorlt Iho
rrnlly prjcUiMil for lior f-tiuloin. Minimi HusN
nu n. SlKirtlinn I nnJ I'oniiiiinilili'oiir | ) < u < < . ell nr-
imlro.l : anil carufulljr coiuliiutrj. SluiliMitH mar
iMiior ninny time. Wrllu lur turilicr imtllciilari 10
W. S. I'uulnoii.
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
" "
Surgical Institute
Private Hospital.
Cor. Broadway anel aith Street.
Council ItlulK la
riirtbetroatiiH'iitiif alLsurjIi-al iinilplironlo
( IKenH's and dlsoasi" < of tlio lilooil.
Prlviitoellsoii'Os of thu iirliiury anil
OIKIIIH , as syphilis slrli'tuw , fj-slltls , siir- | !
iiiutiirroinu ) : , lo-t tnnnliooil , .scvuiil linpotcucu
: mdti > iiknesstreated ! Miffoiifiilly.
riiitlpuliirnltuiitlou p-ilel tiiill > eiihi < < > f the
huiKS MS Astliinii , I'oii-umntloii. Itiniu-liltla
I'ittiiirli , Kle. 1'iiralysls. Kidney dt > ensi > s as
lllatiotes. Hrlf-'lit'sDisc : ! ' , IlhemnatlMii , 1'llca.
Oanerr. Vnrlocole , Uyclroi'elo , Di-nmy , 'L'u-
IIHT. Diseases of the i-y ti nil eur. eiuh ; ( cot.
] ilnil : curvature and alldl-casmir tlio bonus.
W < > baVo a dupnrimiMit eluvotod uvcluslvuly
to I bo truatniCL'l of IJterlno illsoiiiM ; !
MeillclnuHoutbCCiircly piivkud and free from
observation. , , ,
Correspjiidonco confiilontliil. Aelilrfss :
Surgical Institute and Private Hospital.
Cor. KrumliviiriiniUiitlift. Cuiinoll lllnlTa. In ,
Boarding and Day School ,
Fifth Ave. and Seventh Street.
Can bo reached from any of tlio depots
on motor.
Conducted by the Sisters of Chanty
' '
'TU'RMS Vor l ) ' > tt-'il anil lultion ctn-
brae'lucall hraneho.sof a Iliiishoil educa
tion for young hulius § 75 for session of
live nioiitliB , coiniiicncing first Monday
In Soptcinbci1 anil February rospwtLvuly ,
For furtlior particulars acldroHS
felSTHtl StlPKOIOR ,
St. 1'VniiL'lB Academy ,
Council llhilTs. lotvo.
F. M. El
Anil BuiMins Superintendents.
Jfoniiis CM ami tli ll. > p It'ill.l . nz. Omaha
Not ) . , and Uoiiius 511 nn I -I1 ! Merrliim Illnelc
Council lllulVs. la. ComMiwn'li'iii'n illi'lU'il
" "
Corner Miilnu nnd llronilw.ijr. .
. . -.Icrslii fiiol'ii ( und < l''iin ' < tlc aichanio.
CollcvtUins in.ido un > l iulcic.sL palil on time
( Ippuslts.
S. E. Maxim. 1 < . J. II. llonryeolH , 1I.C. Cuoko.
Architects aiul Supsriiitciulents.
nnd BB N lioniiis ' 'll ! anil 250
V. Ufu Ilidi ; . , Oniiilia , .Mcri'liini I til. . . Con neil -
Not ) , Telupliuu.'j O'u. . oil IIIiill's. la. Telo-
I pliiini ) 1.7' ' .
J. 1) . KIIMI.NI ! > I.V , I'reu. U. I * Hnt'ii.vur , Vlco-irci |
CII.MII.KS It. IIANNAN , t'nililur.
Of Oouniil Illeiff .
Paid up Capital $15OOOO
Surplus an-n Profits BO.OOO
Liability to Depositor's. . " " " "
Diurcreiiwi I. V. Mllle > r. I' . O. UII-IIMIH.I. . u.
Phtteart , K. I ) . Hurt. . / D. Kilmiinsmi , l'liirlos :
O. Iliininili. 'rtiiinai'tKoiU'riil liiiiihliix Ijtisl-
ness. l < ; irgi)4t ) ( iipliid and nuipleis of anj
bank In Soiilliwesli'i-n lo\va \ ,
lintel .himrsoii , U i mull mull's , I'i. , for run t ,
1'iiriilslii'ii and In uuuil rupllrx. HiiMtholPl la
thoi'lly. C' < : ntrally loj.itoil. D.ilirt a llr t < ,
olust biisln hs , ThN Is a bargain for to mo * '
yooil hotel iniiii , Aplily to
Council ElufHj . . . . Icwa.
Jl.-Milli VjUlllj iiiiuiij ui'iu'iMl nml NKll-
VOI'H IIKHIM'1'1' . We-nkiifSH of Molly and
Mini ) ; Kiroutu nf Krniw or i-xri'ss-c'tln oiil < jr
Vonni ; . Itolniht , Nolilu .MANHOOD fully ra-
sliiii'il.Vti Kiiiirunti'o o\ory CUHIJ ur money
ii-fuiielrd. funiple ) CMIII-HC , UMI ettiytt' trout-
n-out. * lj full tour * ! ' . . ' > . H-oiiri'ly ' H-ulml from
i ij i-rviilloti. Ciink llmimilv ( ' . . IJniuliii , Nflt
und Kanltury Knjfiiiour. I'larm ,
ons , and Suporvluion of 1'ublloVorl < . Urownv
" U'liUiling. C'ouimll lllulTri , la. 1 _ X ,
I. Schurz"- Jujtlco of the 1'onco. Olllco over Amoriuim Kxpross , Ko.121 *
- ;
. Broadway , Council BluIIa , Iowa.
Ot Cirvin AttoniovB nt Praatiuo in the Sttito iimi Kcdora " "
IX WilUU I Courts. ' Itooms ? and 8 Suueart-Uuuo Uloalc , Couuol