THE OMAHA DAILY GE : FJRIDAY , AUGUST 22 , 1890. IHUS CLARKE'S OFF. DAY , ' 1 ho Black Ser Mtcn "With Eosebylho Iowa Corn Huskora , A L-ARGE CROWD DISAPPOINTED , TlicOniiirt fiailly At , VnHniici ! AVItli tlio UccTiit IJCKRIK ! ' of Viuiiitctl PHH TuiT ntul Din- inoiitl M > tc * . Per Ct. ioit , or7 .fi-3 im too . ' . 38 Slonv City H , YcstorJay was n beautiful day for a ball game , blight nnd sunshiny , but with n cool north bive/.e that madolho coiidlllon. of things delightful. A good crowd turned out to witncsi the rc- Inspircd Omaha ; } walp the Corn Iluskcra , but they couldn't get tlio lialr off vorth a < rotitlnciiuil , nud when the struggle hail ter minated all tlio cnplllnrjr trophies were dang ling from the bolts of thu gang from up the river. I3ul torurtall along talc , tlio game the JJlnck S' > .v put up was sadly at variance with thoreront legends of v.mntcil prowess that Imvo O'jine ' HO..UIIL' in from Kansas City nml Denver. In fart , lliey didn't play nHttlo bit , al though the error column shows u rather Im maculate facade. Clarke pitched for OinahoT * and the ball seemed to lloat over the pinto with tlio speed of a canal boat , and Uio way the Ilusltors laid their war clubs agalust It was heart rending. 11 wu-s Dad's oft day. On the other hand , Wild Uill Widncr was atartllnglyeffective. IIopltchodaKoodheady j-uiuo with the exception of the eighth inning , when , tlirough a fooling of security , ho be came llstli'SH nnd Indifferent , and tbo result wus a thrco-saekcr by Newman , a single by Hanrahan und a double by Clarke , und three * runs. runs.Vldncr bus a peculiar delivery , and the fans guyed him luimordfully. But Us swaybacked - backed curves toyed over the pan after a fashion that iiiudu the lilncli Sox exceedingly KOTO. After expectorating upon the ball he gives It a twist , then jiokus his arm up sa if ho was polngto tlirustlho upbore iiinotigthu clouds , then bo unwinds himself with u Sul- dcuo kids Unit would disgrace a mule , opens about u yard of his mouth , and there you are , gentlemen. The game opened byCaiiavangoinj ? to flrst on balls. Ho was forced nt second toy Walsh , and then ICcnrns , too , icccivcd apresent from "Wild Bill , and things looknl auspicious. Cleveland then caressed tbo bill with a Htnark that could Imvo been heard , oh , n good deal further than that , and Walsh ambled home , "Willis hero dropped Into tlio play. Ho drove tlio ball to ( ieniiis nml the bony youth from Kerry 1'atcli lined it to llrosiun , and Cleveland expired , and a shut from Tim to Shcllbnsse caught IConrns at the plate , ho injudiciously having tried to score on the play.The The corn-fed children Immediately tied the score in a double how knot. Jakey Strauss , the man who slcopi standIng - Ing , poked out a puny single , and on Black's two-cushion drive scored. Black is fnt , rapped and sassy and ho es sayed to niulio hissplendldhitathreo-sacker , butlCeanis , by nn expeditious retuin Of the ball to Ihiiir.ihaii , thcnco to Cleveland , nipped the emulous lowan a foot from the . IJlackprotended to" thitilt ho wasn't out , ami ho said something very uiiprolt/y to Um pire-Hoover , and Umplro floovcr cried : "You shat your mouth , there , Hlark , or I'll 'set' you on the beuchl" Then Bluck miulo u face nt hlinniul the game went on , or off. ( HcnuandlCapucll cndeiHho Inning. It wus hen fruit forOnuha in tuo second , but not so with Powell's men. Clarke was scnillng them iu over the rub ber us "big as hair trunks , und Brosnnn hit him fora single ; ( "I on Ins went to iirbt on four wide ouos ; tlien Wild Bill hit him for ono. the Sleeping Beauty struck out , nnd Dlaclc P'ulod her for another , nnd four runs bip enough to earn their own living , every ono of them , ran across the plate. In addition to this luslltulo with the hat the Black Sox made a circus ol themselves , nnd instead of four ruiin the Hnskors really should have had but one , Again , In the third , after slatlicrinpr the Omahus with kalsoinliio , tbo Original 1'aclc- nges hopped on to that Oswcgoan ofoursund thumped out another brace of tallies. Thu fourth was barren of results for both sliles , aswas the fifth for us , but in their half of this latter inning Glenn smashed out it threo-l'aygur and scored on Captain Tim's th.rd safe drive. That was the Corn Huslfors' last tally , Theyltnew vvbcn they had enough , and from that on con lined themselves to ex- tinguishinijtlin lllnchSox. In tbo seventh , however , Clarke reached ilrston ivn error by Uenlns that actually stopped the school house cloil < : then AValsh ami Ivoarns hicoil ouo out a iilecoand Dud came homo. In the next inning they did'it some ir.oro . , nud got mi u little palpitutlou of hope in the grand stand , Willis win the first batter up , but ho was down the next minute , because AVidncr in duced him to strike at a trio that curled around his neck , Hut Wild Hill got left on Jack Xcwman. Ho nibbed the ball around In his shovel- plows for a moment , then lifllnp his right leg unlit his knco touched his chin , ho poked the ball up so hl h with Ids right that when hu pulled it down It was wet with dow , but ho let go of Hand it c.mio sailing toward Kuwnian like u shot froma pun. Hut Jiifk wm waiting for it , and with all the strength of htsiiundruinaniu biceps , li sinotolt. lt stopped only when it landed against tlio ceutorlieltl fonco. Jaek could have i cached home , lint lie was halted on third. General Haiinilinn came next , und ho pushed out a .single , and Newman scored , Clarke followed with Ji lucky two- Backer and Roddy ran home , Dail arriving thorca moment laXr on a blunder by llros- nan. nan.And that \vasnll. Sioux , City went out In ono , t\vo \ , three order , und the Omnlia team failing to snatch uny moro laurel leaves In Uio ninth tbo game vas over. Thoonly brilliant features of Omaha's work \vas Canuvau's supurbtlelding tind Ihnrii- lian's majinllh-ont second hasopiny , Sovcrnl of the others OM very cix'jitnblo bcrvlce , but iiutaing wondurlid. w MunacorTlin Ilurst nml his Minneapolis team were interested luokcn-ou from the grand staiul , Hocm-r'sumplrliiRwasall 0. K. The same teams iif.ilu ( this afternoon. Thu scow : " SIOUX CITV. AII. n , lit. sit. en. I'O , A. t. ftrrnii * . rt , . . ,4 oo lllach , in. . . , o J 0 0 lUmiiiilf. . . , , 0 U 0 1 KniUH'II.IUi 0 fl U II HruMiau. I'll S 4 1 1'OWfll , Jtl 0 13 1 1 0 1 4 ' . > Wlilnur. p. , 0 150 0 J 2 U Tqt'afa . . . . . . . . . . . .31 8 la 0 I 27 19 8 BCOIIK IIV JSNIM13. Oiunlin 1 00 OU 01 30 5 tiluitxClly , , . . . 1 4 8 01 00 II . 8 HIUMAIIV. Kurnod nins-Ouinliu aSlom. City 5. Two- U ( < MlCliulc. . lllaok , I'uwcli. Thrw-uaso NoWiiHi'tHonii ) , Double plajr.s--fioiiliu to llrosnunlo hhcllli&iue. Jtusn on lialts Off Clark * 1 , off WUunri tilruckout-Uj'Ulurlii 2. l y Wldnor 2 , Tlint ; of namflOimliour nnJ llfty'llvomJiiiitt-s. Uniplrt ) llooxor. llp'iivcr 1O , KnnnnsCitj : O. DBXVKII , Col. , AtiMHt | Si-SpooInlTcl [ ' gram to Tin : Ilcc.J Following is the score of today's ganio : H'MMAIIV. Kamedriim-noiivor ! , ICnnws City 5. Two- bimcliItH Mt'l'lulInn , Curtis. Tlircc-lmpobltn jiiiillli , I'looil , lliiinn run Nlrois. Haso < sliilcn Deliver 2 , ltoii MOtiv , | . Left nn bnN'i I ) ! ilviT.r > . Kuinas Ulty 5. l > uilblii ami tl'lplo ulnvH Matinlnx M HtianiHVliltotiMil li McC'li'llnnto Hcynolds. Hiisei on liulK Olf Ri ) ( l a. oir fonwny H. Hit by ball liiinn. HtmoU out Hy riiiiiil lhy iTninvny fl. riwsiil biilliOiinolinoVllnoii. . TlnK , Two hours inhiutcM. Umpirc-Junic. JVIIUvnulccn 1-1 , St. Pniil it. , W13. , Autrust 81. [ Spochl Tolcgnunto Titu Jiui : , ] Following Is the score of today's ' game : MILWAtM.Ki : . 11 11 o A i : Jl IIJ I'oormun.rf..l I 2 0 o Murplifilb . . .U U I'l'lllt. Ill 1 0 1 U 0 Alilifj , m 1 0 Diilrjrmplo , 1M .1 'I U O Daly. If I 1 S'liwli. < . . . . ! 1 II I I Milii. : , rf U S \Vokh. Sb. , . . 2 1 a M'l.auuhlln.Ml ' : i .liinleu , II ) . . .a 1 7 1 O'llrlcn. Sb..O 2 KrU'U.u : i 1 3 oh Irqulinrt : , C..O 0 II AllMrts. oil , . . * 1 2 " * I 'JII Mi-iikln , | i 0 i 0 Tliurnlon , ] ' , . . . 'I I I 'J ' .ItiU , , . .11 IS 27 15 TutnN 3 887 UV INMXdri. MllvraitKco 0 II 1 0 0 0 0 0 2-14 St. 1'aul ' J 0-U 8UMM4HV. Kariiinlrniis Mllwiiulicu 0. Two-liaw lilts Slioeh. Thornton , Dougherty. TInei'-liiKo lilt-Dalryiinilp. Ilasos stolen AVcleli , Krlrg , Douhlu iil'ivVlch , Kiloc , Jtintzcn. Ituscs on hallu-MUivuulico H. St. 1'iuil a. lilt by plti'lmr Mulm. Struck out lly Mucklti . I'lihM'd liills-Jantr. : > 'ii 1 , UiiiiiLi-t ] ; I. Wild pltchus Mu ) Uln2. Tlino or | ! aini ) Ono hour und forty minutes. Uniplro-llonslu. Gossip About tlio I'lajui-H. The Sioux Citys indulged In ti hiRli ] ump- InKtnaU'hnt the ball park yosteriluy nf tcr- \VldncrmaWng the highest jump , live feet and one-half. Hilly Imrdick is at his homo in Minneapo lis. His services do not seem to bo in ilo- ninnd , and it is probable that bis pitching days nro over. Hoover will ofliciato as umplra In the Sioux City games today and tomorrow. iSlannger Powell thinks JCimsis City will bo la the front when the race cud.s in Octo ber. Omaha will bo satisfied just to .Milwau kee doesn't get there. Kansas City has released Charllo Hoover and Lincoln bus signed him. Ilo is a good catcher , but ROOS into spaiius too often , so says Ken Mulford , Mmer Smith lead1 ? the Kansas Cltys In batting- with an"avcrago of . ! WO. lllck Car penter comes seeond with .203. lulling in Its attempt to throttle the Na tional league , the BrothrrhooiUs now seeking to overthrow the American association. This is to be accomplished byciitthifj adrift three of its own weak clubs. Will the plot succeed I Well , hardly. lianraiuui says that Dave Kowo is on tbo way to the stablead his silly Hrotherhood twaddle is largely instrumental iu accelerat ing his journey. I'ivo clubs are still in the Western associa tion race , whllo at this time last jenr only ono had any show to capture the UO.K Oinahu. Ocneral Frederick was on baud yesterday afternoon despite the humidity of the atmos phere. If there is one thing moro than an other the general dotes on it is a gooil frame of basoDall. Xcw Doekstader says the Otuahns will yet take the Ihur If they wincnouch caincs. Never thought of that. Only live woelcsinqroaod the baseball sdi- sor. of 'Ulwill ix'adi iticlo e. AVillisdeol.ires he'll knock n threo-sacker outoC Widner this afternoon , Just to show theex-Columbnster that there are a Jew hit ters out hero , if Jack Crooks did say that there wasn't one iu the association. Jack , by the way. is lining them out iu great style for the Uuckoyo. team. Thu Bostons will probably play a picked team of professionals and amateurs hero ou October 1 J. ' Manager Scloo writes THE BIE that he has Uio winners In tlio National league , It be gins to look that way. National l.ungiic , AT 1I03TOX Boston . 2 00013101-8 Cleveland . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O0 Hits -Boston 11 , Cleveland ( ! . Errors Boston 3 , Cleveland 18. llatterics Nichols anil Bemue'tt ; Beattin and Xhniner. Umpire - Towel's , _ AT 1'UtI.AnKLl'IIIA. Pittsburg . 0 0030 000" ' 1-4 L hiliidclphia..t 1 0 1 0 0 0 I L8 Hits IMttsburgfi , Philadelphia 8. Erroi-s 1'ittsburpr , I'liUtulttlphla : . . Batteries - VifkeryandSohriver ; Huaiil "and Uoclier. Uinpifc Glcasou. _ AT sew VOIIK. New York . 2 0000 0010-3 Cinciiinati . 'i 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 * - ! > Hits-New York , Cincinnati . Errors- New York 7 , Cincinnati Si. Battorlda limlo und BucKley ; Ifliiuos and Hurriugtou. Um- plro Strict AT IUIOOKI..TX. ChlcaKO . 0 00000000-0 Kruoklyn . 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 * - -I IHU-CbieaKo n , ilrooklyu r. . Errors Chicago ! ! . Brooklyn 0. Batteries llutoldn- sonntiUIvittridgo ; Lovctt and Daly. Umpire McQuade. AT iwron. Boston . I 0201 001 2-10 Buffalo . 0 0 0 0 0 00 I 01 Hits IJoston 12 , Buffalo T. Urrors lios- ton , lluffuln ' . ' . nnttories ICclly and JMar- phy , Tivitolivll aad Muok. Umpires GatT- iicy anil Sheridan. .VTI'IUIAIIKI.I'III.V , Philadelphia. . . .S 00 03 31 00- Chicago . S 00 00 401 0-7 Hlts-l'lilludoliihla 9 , Chlcuj-oll. Errors IJliiludelphia 2 , Chicago . Batteries San ders ami MiUl aii , King und Ru-rell. Uni- phvs Kerguaon uud llolbort. AT NMIV YOHIC. New York . I 0 00203 2-1U Cleveland . I 0 0 0 0fl 0 0 01 Hits-New York 13 , Cleveland n. Errors New Yorlc 1. Cleveland 7. Unt lories Crane and Kwliig ; IhifWey and SutclllTe. nnd Jones. AT IlltUOKI.l'.V. Brooklyn . . 0 1 0 00 0 03 0-4 rittsburari. . 0 OUOIOOO 0 1 lilts -Biwklvn 9 , Pittsburgii. Krrors llmoklyn 1 , lJHUbui-g.r . IJnttoriei Horii- iiiKUiitlCookr Staloyand Quiim. Umpires Ucurce und Snyder. Anicrloiiii AT COLUM lll'S. Columbus 9 0211 0-12 Jlroohlyn 0 li 2 00 0-4 Hits-Columbus 15 , Brooklyn S. Krrors Columbus a , Brooklyn 7. llnttorios ( lant- rlcutand O'Connor ; l-'ord and Uowcra. Um- plro I'eoUcs. IT i.orinviu.n. Athletics 0 10 000 00 0-1 UuisvllloJ' CO 000 00 0 U , Hits-Athletics 4 Louisville 0. Krrors Athletics S , LoulsTlllo 2. Ilattwins-Mc- Million uud Baldwin : Struttou and Ullgh. Umpiretjurry , _ , . AT ST. LOUIS. . . First paine 4 300 00 010-7 , . . , 0 si O.y 0.4 1 1. ) " Louls ° - Hoc-hotter in. Krrors ht. Ijouls T , Rochester4. Ihitlerio-s-StivetUi mi\ \ ll3t' ? ? ' Til " ' < l"mdMaKn > jh , Uinplro liinslie. Second ganio- " fit. l ouls ( i < % 0 o 02 1 ! 1 Hochestor 0 0 07 I- h Hits St. Louis a , UooliosU > r 8. Krrors j St. l-vula ' . ' , llochealer 1 , Cauie culleJ to ratoh trnlr. , Ilattcrlos and l-'roat' , Itarrand MeCtulrc. L'mplro Kuulio. AT TOLKIIO. . ThoTolcilo-Syracuso game was postponed ou account of rain. Till' HJ.'KKI > It Ufa. Knlrbury Knees. PAiitnt-itr , Neb. , August ' 'l.-tSpoclnlTclo- gram to 'I'm : UEK. ] The inoellnjj of trotting horse breeders was largely attended today , Horsemen from nil over the stito nro still ar riving. A a rule , the contest ) have not been exceedingly close , but nro ramarhublo foe the lowering of records. Today , In n trial- race , Cass , a yearling , by Seth P , went a hnlf inllo la 8tJ. or 1 9f lower than the record of Charles IInti match nice of two-year-olds , ono of 1'yle's horses WM bjntcii by Alex In 1:20 : In the second bent. Kddio Hayes \von the two-year old race In two heats. 'I'lino 'i : ! ! ! ) ' ( . The three-year-old tiikc.i were onally won by Knto CalTi-oy , dis tancing both Kitty Vcra nnd Saulns1 Councilor in the Ural heat. Time ! JH1 : . Iu this slio beat her own record \Vcilnesdny by tbrco second' ' ? , nnd tlio state record of three-year- olds by livasccoinla. In the race foV Teals of 1SSO , Hob bio 1J won in JJia-Ji , distr.nclng the Held. In the atntUnn rica ; , IJvron Shrrldnn won la three straight heats. Time - : ! ) ( ) . nioniiiiintli I'.irk Mo.vMOfTit PAKK , August Ul. ( Special Telegram to 'I'liu lii ) : : . ] The weather was eleiirand the track slow. Summary : Ono mile Blodsoo von , Chuuilso ( tlio favorite ) s > ccoud , 13d Hopper third. Time 1 : ( . " > ' ! ) . Ttiiee-fourths of a mile , selling Bertha Caniiibeliwon , Ktnnia J ( the fuvoritc ) second end , Adventurer third. Time Ifi1 : \ . One and one-fourth inilos , Delaware hand- leap Ithono won , Kcporler ( the favorite ) second , L.aVinn Hello third. .Too Courtney and I'rincoKoyal scratched. Time 2:07. : Tlireo- fourths or aiullo Kildcer ( the fav orite ) won , Hoodlum second , KiiiKinun third. Titno-1 :15'.f. Soruu-ciglitlH of a mile Worth ( the favor ite ) won , Slugearii second , ICcnwood third , Arab scratched. Time 1 : U8. One mile , selling Ctiesapealc ( the favorite ) finished llrst , but a foul wus claimed mid al lowed , and the race was given to Vendetta. Oomvood second , Duke of Highlands and Brussels scratched. Time 1:45. : Tlio Saratoga Nr.w VOIIK , August 1. [ Special Telegram to Tim BII : : . ] The weather was cloudy nnd the trazlc heavy. Following is a summary of the races : Plrst nice , ono inllo King Crab won , Driz/le , the favorite , second , Ben Harrison third , Dollikons , Pearl Set , ZSlora , Belle d'Or and ( lum\rad scratched. Time i:43,1 : , Second nice , three-quarters mile , equity stakes Cleopatra , the favorite , won , National second , Monterey thirJ , Alderman , Mac , Obcrlln , Den d'Or and Ulackwood scratched. Titno-1 : lii ( < . Third r.ico , one and one-sixteenth miles , handicap sweepstakes ( Jytnnnst , the fuv- orlto won , Ofallco second , Maid of Orleans thi ill , Frank \Vard uid Han Chief scratched. Time 1 : floaf. fourth and three-sixteenths miles , I'ocahontas stalces Hocluro , tbo favorite won , Siiialoa , second , Kiifilish Lady third , Itupertn , scratched. Time 'J:0l. : : Llth race , ono and one-sixteenth miles , selling T.yim won , Satisfaction , the favor ite second , Bohemian third. Time 1 : , r > 3. Grand Circuit Jtnces. Poroinu'.ni'sin , K. Y. , August 21. Sum mary of today's races : SijiWtrot , $1,503 Stevio won , Miss Alice second , Golden Rod third , Globe fourth. no.sttlmc-S.lOlf. . , 2:13 trot , Sl.fiOO ( unnnished ) Mocking Bird took flrst and fourth heats and lam- brine Rluld second and third. Best time 2:18. : U:21 : trot , ? I , MO ( unfinished ) Justina won the onljbeat. . Time 2:21 : ii. I'nrk Kaccs. " \VASIIIMITO.NP.UIK , August 21. The track wasexeecdlimlv heavy. Summarv : Bleeders' stake , two-year-olds , mlle he nts Belle Cassctt won , Happy Plot second , ' Uaymond Wilkcs third , Bonnie 1'hallas fourth. Host tiiiie-iJ-.SlJi' . * iW trot , mlle heats , , $2,000 Fay won , Prineo AVarwIek seeond , Roi Flame third , others distanced. Best time 2:2"j. ; ! tiiil ti-ot , mlle heats , SI,000 Voucher won , LinilsSpraguo second , Dick Smith third , Elista fourth. Best time 2 : ' > ( li. Today's Tips. AT SARATOGA. First race GuarJenn. Sir Uae. Second rare CSoidcii Heel , Hamlet. 'J'hird race Variclla ( lilly ) . Fulerna. l ourth race \Vnry , 1'earl Sot. Fiftn race Hirthday , Major Tom. Sixth race Golden IZod , Cambysscs. AT .MONJIOl'TII. First race MonteCristo , Cboncy. Second Pace Wood burn , Howard. Third race Lasanto , Castalio. Fourth i-ico Tea Tray , Stridciaivay. Filth race Monsoon , Quotation. Sixth -Schoolmaster , Futurity. ISatr ies Tor To lay's Tlaues. ATSMATOQA , Firat nice , mlle nnd oao sixtcentbmaidens , two-yoiir-olrts Misty Aioruliiff , Gold Step , CiUiimona , Sirltuo , Bagpipes , Mirabcau , Cut- along , Second race , ono and one-c'iRlith miles Little Crete. I'llny , Cecil It , Golden Keel , Floodtide , Hiimlet. Tblrd race , ono nnd one-eighth miles , maidens , two-year-olds Tom Donahue , Canricu , Bon d'Or Stratagu ( colt ) , 1'ardeo Algcuru ( Jllly ) , rak'i-na , L. H. A'nriella ( lilly ) , Queer Girl , Pasara Lucy Jackson Fourth race , tbrco-fourthsof a inllo Kay- inoml. Faustina , Wary , I'eforin Algebra ( KcWiiiK ) . Trestle , Pearl act , Sir WHiain , Eestacy , IJill Dee. Filth rac ; , one milo Bon Chief , ICIng Ilarcm , 1'olloivshlp. .Major Tom , Gifmvail , Uirthduy , Longevity , Koystono. Sixth raco. three-fourths of u mile , soiling G W , ( ioldcn Roil , Sallie 0 , Harbor Light , UniubysscM , ( jciiovievo , Kollin llawlcy , Black Diamond. ' AT nuiaiiTON . First race , sovcn-ciglitln of n mile , sell- hiK CastHtccl , I eng Jack , Dalesman , Anstralaitd , Cheiioy , SuiHhlnc , Llthliurt , Goneiiillloiil.niRer , Monte C'risto , Hilly Uol- lan , I.lazioMoore , Tourist , Juuovove , Willnrd , Slnaloa ( colt ) . ijocoiiu raw , one nnd one-eighth miles , \\lltor ; weights , iniiidens Sixjnrer , Hob O , Duke of I uinstor , Wtthlo .lobnson. Carbine , ( JonsiiriiCiJ , AVoodburn , Ucuaril , Marie W , niuiidin , Third race , throe-fourths of n mile , t\vo- ycav-olds , soiling : -Itushlight , Soiiucnco ( colt ) , 13arthc'iia , Castnlla , Lepanta , Ludy Ilnwklns ( colt ) , Vii-Bic , 1'crt , Xwiobia. . ronrtli nice , ono nnd ono-sixtoontli miles , ownors' hiiiiili'tip--Strldem\'uy ( , Tn Tray , Seymour , I-dttlo Miia-h , Firefly , vivid , Glory. fifth ruco. ono milt' , selling Lilcndnlo , Dciuliirnio , Uluve , Kblls , Monsoon , The Bour bon , CifiioraKiorilon , Kern , Kyrlo U , Klnir I tiler , Mlddlraton ? , Quotation , Fannie H , Sixth rare , ono and one-half miles , over six hunlloH-JolmCruy. .Iiihn MiillinsFiiturlty , Selioolinastor , Vtini'lusc , Xangbar , Dr , Chase , NYhrithka , hiwa and Dakota WAhlUNOTox , August 21. [ Special Telo- Uiiiin toTinIliK.j : : The following pansions wcro grunt oil today to NolftMskans : Oriiflnal John M. Stott'ler , Ncllgh ; Francis II. Con- ley , Lincoln ; Both Hinds , Schuyler ; Cbarlos Ctupoll , IJwlten How. Original widows- Sarah A. , widow of ICihvln Patrick , Oninlni , Io\va : Original Solomon Abels , Green- castlis ; August UikoyColumbus ; ThonunJ. PricJ , Carlisln ; Frederick BectohU Kxlru ; Charloi ICnlglit , Mount Ayr ; Anuio B. \Vlldor , Patterson ; Jncob , IMlos , DesMolnoH ; f cvl Johnson , OiMiid Uivcr ; Daniel Perry , Sidnoyj Joseph liowker , Newton ; Cornelius I'tttlt , Fontaui'llo , Original widows , ote. Special act , Juno , widow of Clayborn Wood , uKCiuylty , Lucv T. Coon , former svldow of Kdinuiul L. llyruin , GardenGrjjvo ; inlunra of Andruw .1. Miullson , 1'oJU ; Lllen- dor , ' wlilow f Wnltor A. Bariiet , Woodburu ; minors * of Lester Vi\n IIiniM' , Ciwco , South Diiknlti : Driulnal-GiHJrge \ \ . ih-rs , UlRhiijnnAddboii ; 1 Aibuns , Tym ul ; TnuiKolt Cioldiuimii-r , Flfii bui-g. OrlKlnul widows , i'UMuy H.vl low of Frank i'ow- Ic-i'.Uunnoiul , Mirgaret , nothr ; of Ucurgu Ddd riclt , S' 'Ji cll AS ADDRESS FROM PflWDEBlY. t < 1 i The Qcnoral Master Workman Issues a Long Stafeni'ont ' on tlio Strike ; ' ' ' ' ' _ A REVIEW OFifrHE WHOLE SITUATION. ; , , ' _ Illinois Cctttrri'l Trnlnmrn Meet In ttful ' I'ott- Chicago I'oriiiiilutc a - flon fop an InoronHO ' Ib Wnitcs. r v ' Xiw : Yoiik- , August 21. Tills day has been to the labor lenders hero llko n pause In n battle. Unthcr sny It baa been to them n Jay of preparation after the declaration nnd before the sot-to. Never before has 1'mv- dcrly boon personally In hearty ncronl with n contest llko the ono believed to bo coming. Ho hrw never ordered n fcstriko nnd fools sotuo prlilo In tlio record which ho feels Is his. There Is little iloubt , however , about liti detcrminn- tlon In this rasp , His niensny ho ii hero to stny , nnd the executive bo.ird says Its head- qimrtcrs during the strike , 1 1 ono Is ordered , will bo la this city. ' It is deal-that I'owlcrly nnd bis cabinet Intend , If the strike N general , thnt the responsibility shall bo brought Just us elosn as posstblo to the rank nnd tlio. This purpose underlies UioonleM of the board to Muster Workman Leo to convene lite district assembly , nlao tlio order which has gene up the river to Albany to convene their district nsscmbly MonOay. At these inoetmij the Iccnl mscmlillps will volco their dis position as to n , general strike , nnd the result will bo thnt n fair concensus of opinion ninong the men may ho hart. The reilerntion's su preme liodv will not meet till Saturday and will probably communicate its determination to the knights hero that night or Sundnv. The Albany district assembly , whose nutkm will bo inilncntlid in the evident plan laid out by Powdcrly to mtiho the men 'themselves tie- clnro the strilto , docs not meet till V. IW Kt'lf.vl A fnll' f > nm > lltalnit f-.Mi , Tacts and circumstances is tlmt the grand btroke , If It Into come , will not fall before iirxt week. Today Poxvdorly has .been preparinir the following , wliich uw mndo public tonlcht : "For some time the management of the New York Central & Hudson Ilivor railway has been illscharRlng employes who Imvo been active in labor affairs. It happens that all these who have been dl.snn.iscd are members of the order of Knights of Labor and have atone ono ttmo or nnother been olllcer.1 of the order or Imvo served on committees wliich wnLott on the officers with n vie\v to preventing grievances. Tlicso discharges became so frequent und wore so clearly ovidcnco of a settled purpose on the part of tlic company to disrupt and de stroy tlio org-auixatloii of the Knights of Labor upon the Central system that the ex ecutive boiiyl : of district assembly 240 , In which tlio Knights of- Labor upon the Central svsle'm arc enrolled , found it necessary to call n Special mectliifr to consider the situation. In the meantime the trcnenil executive board , having been apprised of the condition of affairs * , sent ono of its members , J. .T. Holland , to'Xrw York with instructions to use all efforts to brinp about an amicable adjustment of the dllllculty. On his arrival in Kow York , Holland , after a conference with representatives of the district assembly , in the course of wliich lie obtained full kn'owl- cdgo of the trouble1 from the standpoint ct the men. waitq'd on Vice President Webb. Holland stated to Webb that ho had called iupon him to endeavor to adjust the unpleasantness between the com pany and its ICnifi'hls of Labor employes. Webb denied that there was any trouble ox- i ting between the company and its. employes. Holland told liim that ho , as a member of tlio executive board of the knli'hts had'conio ' at the rcoucst of the men , made through the order to which they belonged DiMnc't-Absombly am. Webb brusquely doclrtrc'd that ho would not discuss the matter with any ono not an cmployo of the company nnd closed the interview. Find ing that nil olTotta o , effect n peaceable settle mcntof their grievances was Impossible and bein p convinced , thut it was only a question of time and convenience with tlio company when they would ono and all bo discharged unless they forfeited their manhood and abandoned their privilege as citizens of a free country by renouncing their right to join their fellows in an organization calcu lated to protect their just rights without in truding on those of othcw , the district ex ecutive board had no alternative but to order a strike , which it did. The r iblio is already acquainted with the details of the af fair and n repetition is scarcely nec essary. The earnest and 'sincei'o efforts of tlio general olllccrs to secure ahcnr- inir for the discharged men were unavailing , The correspondence which passed between the grand master workman nnd Webb -has been published. Wednesday morninv , August ! , .lohn Devlin , executive of the board , ana myself waited on Touccy. general superintendent , and endeavored to have the matter arbitrated or investigated. Toucey was emphatic in his refusal. In the after noon of that day Webb was visited by the saino Kcntlcmou and ho reiterated what Toucey had said In the mora ine. It was suggested that during tlio Investigation the strike bo declared oil nnd .tho investigation bo proceeded with. That was refused. Then the following propo sition was made by mo : 'Webb , could you sit down with mo In the presence of the men who were uncharged and allow mete to question them in your presence , so that I might know the facts of the case nnd bo bet ter able to urrivo at a decision ( ' This Wubb emphatically refused. Devlin then said : 'Uo I understand you to assume that the public nnd employes have no rights that you nro bound to consider and do you laok upon the matter simply as though the railroads wore , your own property ) Bemuse if you talco that view of it there is no need of our saying anything further.1 Webb hesitated nnd took refuge In silence. The public may have formed er roneous impressions in regard to the position of the knlguts in this controversy. Wo do not nrotuiid to dictate to the company that It shall not discharge employes , but in nil fairness a discharged man should bo told why ho is dismissed. During the session of the last state legisla ture the Knights of Labor of New York were actlvo in the passage of the weekly payment bill. A comimtti-o from the knights , representing the employes of the New York Central , were faced in the legislature com mittee room at Albany by attorneys of the railways uud browbeaten , questioned and terrorized. Some of the members of that committed who "were at the time em ployed by the yb\v York Central were discharged without cause or rather without n given cause , There exists not a shadow of doubt In the mind of that cominittcu that thes.0 uijii were singled out for endeavoring to sccui the pacHitijvi of Uio above mentioned law. .After thprnlighly Investigating the causes which'-led to the strike and after making evcey effort In their powvr to induce the . nrbltruto or submit to nn Investigation ) > y impartial men of the question at Issuouwiincly , whether tlio men wore discharged ; bWaubO they were Knights of Labor niul for.tho purpose of destroying theirorganlzatldi ) . As they lielicvo or main tain , or for Jiist cause and proper rea- Buna , u UIU Ulliu lln u * uu wiui'Miij iiuju. The general executive bo.ird have by unani mous vote ik'tuVtnlnoil to stand by the men , wjm whether their strike was opportune < > r not , had no nltornnttvu consistent with" .tindr manhood. I have no doubt but that It is the determination of the management to destroy the organization along the line of the New York Central un less the organization subserviently herds the knco to thu will of the Vanderbills. During thi ) controversy Voorheos and Webb stated and ropcatod the statement that the men were not discharged became they vvcro knights , and thcv espcct the public to ho- liovo them simply bacnuso they say so. Hotli these gentlemen deny certain things in relation to their conversation with me , wlitrh both Dovllu and myself are prcs paix'd toinakoanidavlt to. Kvorytuing Unit oouUt In honor bodono to terminate thostriUo on an honorablu bails for Ihuso men jvm done , and the alternative of unconditional and absolute surrender on the purl of thu men or a protest against the tyranny uf , tlio rail wad olUctul * was presented to us. I Under the circumstances stich n surrender would bo unmanly. It would beovimlly nnd unworthy of UK * sons of men for wlinin two 'hcmisj'bores EtnvirU'd ami died for Uio i'.Kill jf mmuuiiU Wo did nut su-tf lUo quarrel. The general executive board knew nothing of U until It was thrust upon them , ami now thut wo have to face it we ask the entlro order of the Knights of Labor to wine to our nsdUtntico with mentis to win the strike. Wo Imvo to light a power which owes its lofty bearing to tlio wealth it has taken from the employes of tlio road. Untold millions are at lt command and wo want money to carry on the struggle. We tint only ask the Knights of Labor to como to our aid , but wo ask it of nil inombeM of all organized labor. If wo nro so easily van quished tlio company will repeat Its experi ment. Wo not only ask lalior ( irganl/.ations , but we ask of the great public away beyond our organization to como to our side. Wo are lighting against a power far nioro dangerous than that which l.tld down Its inns at YorUtown one hundred years jgi ) . There the light was with one king. Today It Is against n bundled , ono of whom wtd m an nftcr-dlmii-r .speech not long ago , 'thero nro llfly men in this country who Imvo it In their power to control the currency of tlio United States , control her commerce , and nt a day's notice stop every wheel in the whole territory of the UnitedStates. , ' The Htragglo is far more momentous tuna it was dmlngtho Amoi-lean revolution. Then our fathers fought for liberty , now wo are lighting to maintain It. Then the enemy was ,1,000 miles away. Todav ho Is entrenched in our own dominion. Ilo has his lingers around our legislature.Ho stands at the doors of congress to out legislation In the Interests of the masses. Ho presume * to dictate to the executive ot the nation. Ho attempts to strangle and corrupt the Judiciary , and ho UK > S all this by no shadow of divine right , but by tlio power of money wrung Irnm the bend ing bni'l : of the railway laborer , wrung from mortgages on the farmers' land , wrung from the business interests of America , wrung Irom the very hearts of the best and noblest notion's poor. It is against such n power as this that cares for no right but its own that wo struggleand whether wo win or lese in the present contest the battle wlllnot go on until tlnit power Is weakened forever or the public Is "dimmed. " The real animus of this strike lies In the fact that our order has been struggling with questions which concern the control of trusts , corporations and syndicates by a government of the jieoplo. 'no allied forces of the Kuights of Labor and farmers' alliance are marching on to Washington to secure legislation favorable to the whole people. They are going there to secure the repeal of certain unjust laws which stand in the way of progress and which antagonize justice. It Ls in the hope of turning our nt- tcnUonmvny from these matter. * that this warfare is made a part of the allied forces. It is to weaken us when wo can do them the worst harm and the country the greatest amount of good that these unnovances are visited upon us. Wo nro not the disorderly mob that their papers paint us. The orderly and law-abiding conduct of the men on strike has won the admiration of the public , and yet the boat feelings of the community havobcon destroyed by thelntroductlon of an armed force under the command of Uobcrt I'inltorton , who boldly holds no commission from stale or nation to recruit or arm men for military duty. Had the Interests of the state of Now York required it there are many thousands of old veteran soldiers within her borders who faced death a quarter of a century ugo. It was not necessary to will upon them , mid yet a hireling mob of the worst characters in the land has been quartered upon the people of New York to terrorize her citizens , to provoke them to anger and wrath , to shoot down thosu who asked for the right to bo' heard in their own behalf. Tlio conduct of the men since the strilto began lias been most or derly nnd commendable , and until its close no Knight of Labjr will bo found in an un lawful net of any kind. Wo nro pledged to maintain the law. Wo will obey the legal commands of the state , but not of a corpora tion winch dulies public opinion and has no regard for justice when dealing with its em ployes. Conciliation and arbitration can deal with the most intricate questions of dispute. The unchristian attitude of tlio Kow York Central oflleials is illustrated by the manner in which they violate the Ijws of the land through their agents. During this strike Itobert Plnkerton is the agent of that railroad company. Ho adver tises for men. They respond and are hired without regard to the nullifications of man hood. Apparently brute force alonoissouKht for nnd such creatures as will ilo nny deed of desperation nro best appreciated , Adolph Vollcsholtcame to mo August 10 and made nflliluvit that hovns hired in New York by the ew Yorlr Central as watchman nnd sent to Albany and upon arriving there was handed a commission appointing him deputy Bhi'fiff without expense to the county and priven a club and pistol and told to URO them. Pollcshck could scarcely speak the English language. It will bo well to ask why blank commissions with the sheriff's name nttached tire placed at the disposal of Robert Pinkerton to bo placed In the hands of Ignorant men who believe that under this authority they have a right to shoot citizens to death. In order to test this ctiso still further nnd to learn if sill citizens would re ceive the s.wio treatment , I telegraphed Sheriff Tappan of Kencssclacr count v asking him If ho nwould swear in 00 deputies to protect the lives of our members. Ilo replied that ho did not think the present situation would war rant the appointment. Webb applauds the action of the Pinkortous in shooting and says they did rkht.V. . \Vnlter Webb never did ono stroke of work to secure the wealth ho now abuses. It cutno to him by inherit.mco and ho does not fully appreciate it and re gards It as something to bo used for himself niono. The older Vinutcrbilt was a work man , and knew something about the feelings of a man who toils. It was during his days that the record of the Now York Central for generous treatment of workmen was made , and not under the present rcslmo. In conclusion Powderly says the Knights of Labor hold themselves in readiness now and will continue to hold themselves ready to yield to tlio will of the people In this matter. The company , on the other hand , holds Itself above and superior to public opinion. I would hero ask the men still in tiio employ of the New York Central & Hudson lilver rail road whether It bo not to their Interests to stand by and support these men who nro striking to' vindicate their right to organ ize. The general executive board will conduct thisjcontcst with all of thi'ir ability within the law und without violence. To do this wo raiuiro funds and thnt at once. Public spirited citizens who bellovo in fair piny are asked to contribute to the liberty fund in aid of the striking employes of tbo Kcw York Central & Hudson Hivor railroad. Send all contributions to John W. Hayes , Philadelphia , Pa. T. V. Powtimii-T. CM. W. , 1C. of T , . Powderly to Clilel' Arthur. New YOUK , August yi. Powderly has written the following letter to Grand Chief Engineer Arthur : "Thero is at present a strike inn progress on the New York oCcn- tral. Iu this strike h involved a principle which you cannot afford to ignore , and the princlplo la that of fair play. Many of the men on tbo strilto are Jlrcmcn and belong not only to the Knights of Labor but to the Urother- hood of Locomotive Firemen. They are manfully contending for a right to maintain their organization. They are now at a stand still , and in some instances their places uro being filled -by the Urotherhood of Locomotive Engineers , who have stepped down from the footboard to pick up shovels which were stopped by the llrenicn. Are you willing that this should continue } Are wo to understand that this action is to receive' the sanction of the organization you represenll mo luiignis 01 I.UDOIuesiru to know where you stand on this question , for youjire authorized to voice the sentiments of your order. The members of the various brotherhoods of railroad employes nro desir ous of knowing whcit ) you stand , for on vour answer and wo doslro that it bo a pub- lioono ilppend tlio future of your organiza tion. If your members continue to do the work of the llremen wo shall knqw that it Is with your consent , and the future will bo plain before us. Wo do notnsk for your ofllrhil Kanotionof thostrlko ; wu only nsk for fair treatment at your hand * . The limn who takes the place of another in tills contest isuntruu to the CHUBO of organ ized l.ibor. An organization Mrhieh approves of such conduct must bo rcgardinl In the same light and wo want to know from jour own lips whuro to assign the Urothcrhood of L-xwnotlvo - hu- glneerb in the robtor of labor orspinUutloiiK , VVo have asked other organizations of rail- rend umployiM to t l o sides with us , They nro rwpouditig nobly and the futu'ro of labor seems to imilralo that bi'twoan us till thnwi will b > u far hotter undeisUimlliiKluun uvur twluro. Hut your voice must bo he.ird oil HIT ou the Mile of the A GREAT DAY AT CRESTON , Formal Opining of the Blue Grass Palace and Exposition. THE GOVERNOR'S ' ADDRESS OF WELCOME , Nearly All tlio Counties In the itoprosL'iitcil Description of tlio I'nlnoe A Grcnt Sucoex.s AsHiirett. CRCSTOX , la. , Angust 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tun UKI : . ] Creston's blue grass palace was formally opened today by Gov ernor Holes , nnd the ten days' o.iKdtIon began under the most favorable clrcuni- btnnccs. Although the rain has iwured down for the past few days , the weather was clear and delightful this morning , and a largo crowd witnessed the opining ; ceremonies. The governor's hddross of welcome was n very graceful political speech , somewhat con servative In tone , und more of a non-partisan naluro than was expected. The pahii'o Is a bouquet of bounty , and tlio exhibits are much moro olah- or.ito and urlistlo than hut year. All the counties in the league uro represented but ono or two. Tomorrow is Aunlr uud Tay lor counties' day. They are well represented , having some of the llucst exhibits shown. KogerQ. Mills of Texas is the orator tomor row , besides .several prominent speakers from Adalr and Taylor. The stnto baud of DCS Molncs , the llnost musical organization in the west , arrived lust night , nnd bands from all other directions nro coming. The city is splendidly illuminated with cluster. * of tri- culorcd gas and electric light globes , and crowds are arriving on every train. Now ex hibits are still coming in and every present indication points to a grand Miccess. nusciui'TioN OF Tin : r.u.Acn. The palace of 1SOO is so far superior in mag nitude and beauty to that of lust year that it will bo dlfllualt to convince the public that It is erected under the anmo management. Last year tlio novel little palace of grasses , which was indeed a novelty , attracted thousands of visitors and piled thousands of dollars into the association's treasury. The money was all spent in making this year's palace throe titmvt grander and moro elaborutu than that of last year. Tlio new pulaco is t.'iOx'-Jiii ) fret in ground dimensions , and Is surmounted by seven towers. The entire btructuro is decor ated on the interior with grasses , ilowcra anil grains produrcd in southwestern Iowa , and presents a very striking appearance. A good. hubsUmtial In-idgo and balustrade. * , running from north to smith MO feet , give thousands of spectators a line view of the races. Tlio palace faces the race tr.ic.k , imd is northwest of the amphitheater nnd gran Bland. The building contains two storie.s , with 1)0,7 ) 1 square feet of ilonr space for exhibi tors. In addition , the south wing is used as an auditorium , scaling 2fiixi people , in which will bo given sermons by eminent divines , concerts by leading musicians , lectures and speeches by distinguished men. Tln Christian Convention * DEsMoiNT-.s , la. , August JI. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BJI.J : : In the state Christian convention today the following ofllccrs were elected : A. I. llolibs , president ; J. II. Vaw- tcr , vice president ; O. L. Urokaw of Albla , correspond ing secretary ; A. M. Ilnirgardof Oskaloosn , recording secretary ; J. Madi son AVillinms of Iowa City , treas urer. Tlio reports of the colleges , Drake university and Oskaloosa , showed both to bo in n sound llnancial condition , and both out of debt. Tlio morning sessions were taken up with routlno work. In tlio afternoon Jim Hawk , n Chinaman , formerly a student of Drake university , and preparing himself ns u missionary to his native land , de livered an interesting sermon. In the evening - ing W. J. Lehman of 'Minneapolis preached. A Prohibition Nomination. LnMAiis , la. , August 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tun UiiE.J Tlio Eleventh congres sional district prohibitionists held their con vention at the court house in LeMars today to nominate a candidate for congress. G. W. Peck of this city was elected chairman and J. B. King , secretary. There were live can didates in the Held. V. G. Farnham o ( Akron was nominated on the first formal ballot. Only cloven candidates were present and throe counties represented. The LoMar.s Saloons Closed. LI.MAKS , la. , August 21. [ Special Tele gram fo Tin : Bcn.J All the saloons closed their doors this morning In response to a no tice sent out by the temperance people the fore part of the week , giving them three days in which to close. It is not known whether they will stay closed or not. The temperance people are determined to sco that they do , and claim to have the inouuy to back them up nnd enforce the law. I.ivo S too It Assessment. DBS Moixn.s , la. , AugustSl. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BUB. ] The returns of the live stock assessment make tlio following sum mary for Iowa : Cattle , number , ! IM1I45 ; vulue , SiJil2-17 : $ ; average , $7.11. Horses , number , l)3'.YliU ( ) ) ; value , & ! 7-2l1S3S ; ; average , .S- . ' < i.-li. ( Mules , inunbcr , 43-IOU ; value , $1,1.V ! ) 008 ; average , $27 , ! > 1. Sheep , number , ! ! SO,0. > ( ) ; value , $331,117 ; average , $1.10. Swine , num ber , 2,850,011) ) ; value , SIi9 ( ! > , SOt : ; average , § 1.01. Killed Whllo Iteming Ills Way. ATLANTIC , la. , August 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BiiK.J George OUJrien , aged twenty-one years , who lias boon employed us a cook at the Hotel Anderson , was killed by the gurs last night. O'Uricn was beating his way to Dos Molncs on a freight train , and it Is supposed that ho fell between the cars. His paicnts rct > ido hero. Caught in the Crush. IlAMmmo , In. , August 21. [ to Tun BIE. : ] Samuel Holmes , un attorney and well known as a strong temperance advocate , had his leg broken last night while attending the meeting of the salvation army nt their tabor- nuelo on North Main street. Several of the brothers and sisters got the power nnd their actions excited the crowd which in a ivibl rush to see all of the show begun to crowd and climb over ono another. Mr. Holmes was caught In the crush und sustained a broken log. Original I'aultiiRO Doalei-H Arri-.stoil. MiMMiuitt VAU.KV , In. , Augusts- ! [ Special to Tin : BuiSeveral : | of the original pack age dealers hero who have not closed were arrested and tnkcu before Justice Hull. The informations ivcro sworn out by prohibition ists , who are determined to enforce tbo law. Some of the bouse. ? have closed for good since the arrest of the proprietor. * . . Third DiMtrlot DcniuerntN , WATEIII.OO , la. , August 21 , ( Special .Tele gram to TUB LJii.J : The Third congressional district democratic convention today nom inated Carl R Couch. An eloquent nominat ing speech was made by K. L. Hole * , son of the governor. Kcmarkcd H. C. Joiner of Allen P. O. , Hlllsdalo'Co..Mich. : "Nothing gave my rheumatism such quick relief as Dr. Thomas' Kluctrio Oil believe it infallibly for rheuma tics. " _ < > A I'rolTVretl I.oan from Frnnoo. MosTKViniio , August 21. [ Special Cable gram to Tun BKE. ] It Is reported thnt a Krouch syndicate has offered a loan to the government of Uruguay for the purpose of enabling the government to withdraw the paper currency no\v in circulation. When passing 10 ! ) N. 10th notice tlio black novoltlos our uhovlnclow. . Ulook & Iluyiuan. _ I.niid ( ii-ant 1'orfclluro 1)11) ) . WASIIIXOTOX , August 21. The conferees on the land grant forfeiture bill have prac tically reached an agreement. The terms of the ngn'ouient uro generally upon the prin ciple of the bill an it passed thohousu , tibsoluto forfeiture of nil land oppo- and conterminous with a portion of railroad not now vomplctod. JJ/ICT.I 1IMAT.S J'KACK. lln Will Kocp Ills .Soldiers In TIM Ilo GelH It. [ CVipirWSWfiJimMi / | / ( < > nti.w ll'mult. } SAN S.U.VADOII , ( via La Llliortadi , August 31. ( New York Itornld diblo-Spocinl to Tut ! llin.JProvisional President litctn said lust night : "Dr. Oalendo hns placed In my imnds n protocol signed by tbo diplonmtid corn * In Uuntemahi regarding the stipula tions for peace between that republlo ami Salvador. To better understand several points of the treaty , I have sent with my reply my commlssdon from my government with tfio end in view thnt everything may bo dellnltcly arranged for pcnco. My reply Is In terms most conciliatory. " At tlio conference held between Pivldont Ezota and the representatives ot Costa Ulc.i nnd Nlcnrnugun many important matters were discussed relative to the terms upon which peace negotiation * were to bo based. Among these was a umnlmous decision of the thivo countries that they should each In dividually request the United States govern ment to send a separate diplomatic repre sentative lo each of the capitals of the thrco countries. Telegrams wore sent from hi'iw to the Coatn Ulcati government at San do Co : < tn Ktcu anil that of Nicaragua nt , * l Managua In order to Imvo the agitvinwit ratified nnd replies I'roiji both countries have been received ncnuloscing in the propmcd reqtic.U , bjtli governments at the same time stating that they would at once main- the iv- iinost of the United States. A friend of Don- cral Bzota. after a protracted Interview wltli the provisional president , reports tlielatt'-i1 us having said : "I have maintained and still maintain n dignified position toward Guate mala consistent with the honor of Salvador. \Vc-ro I to reccdo from the stand which has iv- eel veil the approbation of my people I would consider myself as falling In 0110 of thclirsi pledges I havogivi'ii my follow-countryim-n. 1 have informed the Amcrirau minister , as well ns other members of the dlploimitio corns , whatmy terms of peace are , and I tdnill adhere to those terms to the letter , and shall not remove or withdraw u single soldier from the frontier until my terms are acceded to. 1 htivo not caused Salvador to nssumn the attitude of n vaunting conqueror , but have advocated her cause as an offended party claiming the right of redress. " General K/.utu's friends said : "K/ota con siders his position ns provisional president of Salvador as being virtually tvuogniied by the United Ktatos from the fact that If such worn not the case the United States minister would not have conferred with htm at all unless thn United States government bad authoriral its minister to treat with him ns a nou-de-facto . " power. _ President Ayala ASSIIMU-H I'oiver. PA I ! , August 21. The Guatemalan lega tion has received arable dispatch announcing that Guatemala has blgned peace with Sal vador. The dispatch further states that Vice President Ayala bos assumed power and Is arranging for an election for president. Idaho Boisr. CITV , Idaho , August ' ! ! . - Tlio reptib llcan state convention reassembled tills morn ing nnd adopted a platform. It endorses the administration of I'rusidcnl Harrison ; favors tlio protection of American Industries ; re joices over the splendid victory achieved by t ho national republican majority over Ihnene'inios of silver nt homo nnd abroad , and favors n rinid enforcement of tlio election laws. Tbo following ticket was nominated : liovcmor , George L. Shnup of Lowlii ; lluiitc'iant gov ernor , N. I ) . Wiiloy , Idaho county ; congress- man. Willis Sweet' , Lath ; secretiiry of state , A. / . I'inlibain , Alturas ; state treasurer , Frank U. Canin , Boise City. Kansas V , Kan. , August 31. [ Special Tel egram to Tin : HHK. ] There is no longer any doubt of the defeat of Congressman .lohn A. Anderson for renoinlnntion in the Fifth dis trict. Cloud county today elected deltgalo * instruclod to use. every honorable moans to defeat him. Intelligence from Washington county is that tbo primaries that were held there today went agalwit him. MarshuU count } ' will also bo against him. These and tbo thrco counties tluit voted for William A. 1'hllllps Jast week will oontrol tbo Gln.v Center - tor iioinlimtlng convention anddufcat , .Ander son. The probable noininco will bo William A. I'lillllpi , whom Anderson deprived of a rcnomimition twelve years ago. Caused by DomoHtiu Troubles. PMCIIIVII.U : , Gala. , August 21. William Kowlands of this city shot anil killed his wife last night nnd then suicidi'il. The tragedy was tbo result of domestic troubles. Absolutely Puro. A oreatn of tnrtnr linking jinwior. llfgbcul of loavenlns BtreiiKlh U. S. liuvoriimont Ko- port Auz. 17 , IS ft. A M U'S'E M E N fS. ' goyd'p Ilovn ft HAVNKS , Manngora. 3 NIGHTS , BEGIN NIN TuNDAY , AUG. 24TH i * " * "TUB UKST COMI'ANY OK C'U.MIt AOTUIIS ' . " IS AMKUH'A. Will pro ent tliofollowliiufiirroroDiertloi : finmtay nml M < m.lny-'l'HI. . CITV JIIIllK-rOKV. " Tiiisilay"KASV HTIIKKT. " Tlie onrn tlio | ici | > lu who will irvuko lonitnnil wiill-Kiulnliiud mlrtlr. ifllmrllo lleod , Wm. lollo , luimcln Mnrtliii-lll , Win. K Muck. Alf llnnitilnii , Clias hfuiunn , Jlurt llini-rly , .Itmepli Miir Irwln. Flora Irwln , Auii > llii ( llnvur , lksln rioii > lunil , .Mriyiu Kolsn , Uosii Fruncu , nud Jn lo Hmlli'r lli'UHliir prices. Bran will bo put , on mlle Satiinlur innrnliiK. Brownell HalL SEMINARY for YOU.XG LADII-S. Corner oflOtb andY < irtlilniloii Sts , , OMAHA , - NED. IltSIIOl' WOUTIIINGTON , VlSITOil. TiiKltuv. HOItnitT DOlIKItTY , S.T.I ) . Uix'TOii. THE27TM YEAR BEGINS WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER I7TH , 1820. roreataloguoand particulars apply to tha Id'utur. - „ . _ FEMALE ACADEMY J'rr | ralorranlconirlAtor ) < iuriM * " . lllrrntiire Innffvnycit mujlcarl. K. F , JIILI.IIUJ , riliiclpil.JttckaunvilJo , III. 'OLUFfiE ' -TJ , - . . . _ . - „ , rHrgatt * < a fOUYOUHCLADIEB. UM , , il i.l Art lie. rottn'i iltiiiKli .1 < .fiTfl < - i Anr. I i ( , . inT'J ' > en | Uiutiful - ' ' nw luililmi ! I ' ' .I'.1 IJ' ' ' t . l.W IIAim n.l'/c > . , rOt.UMBIA , MO. iri > nli > rkniar'l ( ( rjiioraitl tti iyt ' 'culiilonuoiulrtriHXl.TJIAYHII.I.IJ. ; ii. , _ Uorttaul'arU.llUurTTMaJU'inmnjci.C'lJlcaso.III. y iruHli ufiifTc7DYMy uw.rl' . : Clrcularut IIICNIIV J. BTKVISNH , A. 1J 1'rln. Muillu , I'n.Mllltnrr Arua mr , I"'T . . . . . 1 llrooko lUII.Klrli. Clri-uUrn fret. rii\V VtlllK MIMTAItV ACA010MV. i Col. I' ' . J , 'iV'rlnlil , H.M. , A.M. C'uruwvllbN. : }