Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1890, Image 1

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j * - \ !
Ralph McOaslkna of Grand Icland Meets
' With a Horrible Death ,
A "WholesaleStnrrlaKC ol Indians NOIXI-
Eancrort-A 1'onlooti UrldKOt -
inched ut .VelirasVa City-
GiUMI ) i.AXD , 'ob. , August 21. ISpcciul
TcKgraiiito'l'itn llir.-A horrible and fatal
ueclilent occurred hero today by which ono
man loithh life and "anothervas scrloxnly
Injuivtlhlluat \\ork on the sewerage con
nections , The pipes are laid at a depth of
nnout sixtec.i feet , nnd on account of the
nandy subsoil the sides haxo to ho cribbed.
The men were atorU \ placing pipes -when the
cribblnRgavo way. I'.xt GoldinR was caught
but extricated himself , although badly
Kalph McCashhnd , nbout sixteen years
of age , and nson of Contractor McCashlnid ,
who has dial-go of the men , was
caught boUoeix two timbers , across the
chest anil crushed to death.
It took two hours to reach the body , and an
Inquest Is being held this ctenlns. The
mother of the dead boy hat been lying : ery-
loiv for some wetki and Ills feared that she
will bo unable to stand the shock.
Ortdfello-WHl'iunlo at liVciiiniit.
ritKMOST.Ncb. , August -Snetlxl [ Telr-
gi.iin to Tnr Btr. ] The trl-city celebration
of the Oddfellows of Omaha , Lincoln nnd
JTrcmoiit , bild hero today , uas a success.
Unproiiltlous wcithertnado the Lincoln dele
gation much smaller than was anticipated
but , the attendance fiom abroad vns about
Uvohxindicd and JHty. An cxeurslon twi
of live coaches came up from Omahr. over the
Unjon 1'acillc. 'Jho Oildfillows of rronont
tin nod out , ind eavonll ainostlie.nty icccp-
tion. Jlanypubllc anil prhiitc bull dings \\ero \
decorated. Thocclebiation was held in the
uilv pnrlc , vliox-ooverjbody eiijojodtho day
iinmenselv. Unnulni ; . suingiiijr , m > -
clibilltvnnil basket dliiixcra constituted the
progrummc , _
A. Wliolcsnlc Indian
KANCitorr , N'cb , August 21 [ Special to
Tun BBC. ] Slaty couple of ludims xvcro
nnrriul yesterday nt the Wlnncbdjo Indlai
reservation , about eighteen miles noitli of
tins pi ice , by County Jndgo Downs of Pen
dir. It \ \ 11 necessary that they should bo
nurrird undo" the civil regulations of the
United States to entltlo them to tlio aunnltj
fiom the government. The Indians on the
" \Vlnncbagound Ormh.x reservations bo
paid off today nnd tomorrow.
A Pontoon Uriel go Att.ichcrt.
N lKA ! I Ci tv , Neb , August 21. [ Special
Q'clepram to TUB DEC. ] Stcwtut's ' pontoon
bildgo was this afternoon attached by the
bhcrlfl for a debt of foOO , held by tbo Ne-
biaskn Cltj ' bank.
I ay at lllnlr.
BLAIK , N'jb. , August 21. [ Six-cial Tele
gram to FIIB dr.i ! . ] The Uvclftlx annual x-c-
vnlon of the Washington county veter.itis
closed h cx-o todij' , n 1th 330 enrolled. It Is
claimcil to have been the best arranged , for
jrocojsloii rnu cntcrtninmeiit , ofnnyprevl
ous one. "ho 'attructious today conbisted of
max chine , spoalcing , dancing , lawn tennis ,
Insoball , etc.
At the election of officers this afternoon ,
Thcotloro Hnllcras elected colonel , J. I1.
Curtis lieutenant colonel and II. 1 . Mundoif
major for the ensuing jenx- . The tiino and
vlacoof holdingthonoxt xeunion was left to
the olUcex-s foxselection. .
The Nebraslta City nirovcro defeated by
the homo to.xnx ; score , 7 to 11. Battcrv for
Nobx-aska City. Hovell and Sidiicjj'foimali ,
\Vclbiuinanu Lacoy.
.Another Temporary In. ) n nut Ion.
Ni niiASKA Cirr , 2cb. ( , Axigust2l [ Special
Telegram , to Tim Dei : . ] The attorneys for
the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy linvo secured -
cured another tompoRiry injunction restr.xln-
Inir Kebnvslca City f i oinlisu Ills' the § 100,000
bonds voted on Tuesday to aid in building n
wagon bridge across the river. The petition
claims that Nebraska City lias now a bonded
ilubt of ? J11,000 ; that in October , IS7J , the
city voted 85100,000 to the Nebraska City
brldco comp.xny , and said company in txnn
Bold its charter to the Burlington railroad ,
which hns built the bridge nnd now claims
the icmalnder of tbo unissued bonds of
tw.ouo. '
The object of the Q's persistent fighting of
the bridfe'O bonds Is a imstcry , but it is
claimed to ho on nce'ount of oxiessl\o \ taxa
tion The case will be argued August 'J7.
Alliance ! looting nt Alum.
AIMA , Xeb. , August 21. [ Speclxl Telegram
to THE HKI : . ] The alliance of this county
hold a meeting at the opera house today.
I'ovcrs , candidate for go\crnor \ , nnd Ic-
ICeiphnn. for congress , were the speakers.
The addresses \\ero of the usual order ,
praising their own plat'orm nnd abusing the
republican party nnd candidates. There vas
n laigo attendance. Toulyht they are hold
ing a gxtind rally.
Throe Hoys Arrested.
FAiHiunr , Neb.August 21. [ Special Telo-
prain to THE BTE.Thxvo youths named
UlacUbavo been arrested for broikinf up a
camp meeting of the United Brethren of 1'ly-
mouth in this county.
Hcilnus Clmrfres of Ilribcry Against
Ctiluuifo Coaiiclliiini.
CHICAGO , August ! 2l. ISnccial Telegram to
THE BUB. ] Luxvycr Ailolph ICnius filed nn
inten enhiR petition today In the suit of A.
M. Wright , president of tbo West Side rapid
-Uamslt company , nguinst thtxtcoinpiuy and
the city of Chicago , In which Mr. WrlgUz
seeks to test the legality of the ordinance.
Lavvyei Ivi-.ius' petition asks tint ho bo made
a party defendant with tho. company
und the city. llo represent ! many
property owners along West llau-
dolph street mid Ogdcn uvcnuo , over which
thoroughfares the Wat SIde rapid transit
. . seemed a fx-anchlso to build an elo-
Viitecl uillway.
"My ( ictltlon Is for the purpose of prcieat-
ing Mr , Wiight and bis eonipmy from get
ting snap judgment , " said Lnw\cr Klaus.
I'hcj suit MIX collusixoone , but I , ivprescnt-
IHB nxjself and seoa'3 ol property owners ,
propose to know just how mucu bribery and
fraud Ins been cominll ted t > o far. The tirat
uxldcnm of bribery1 was given by ex-Alder-
inau IhdcMioch before a notary public. Ho
U'stilled that Mr , Wright hud txvlco offered
him or iuiv friend he might designate stocker
or money for his vote In , the council. This
will to coiroboratcd on Satuuluj by State
Senntor Kckhart and other | tei > ons who
beard the conversations. 1 cannot tell how
nraiy poi-bons hnvo been bribed , hut the
books will bo oveihauled mid every man hav
ing any stock In the company will be com
pelled to tell how' ho came by it. "
Ke'nd In Vonr remrnmlu IlaK'n.
WASIUXOTON , August 21 , The treasury de-
pirt men t this evening Issued n circular pro
viding for the redemption before Scptoniber 1
of $2,000,000 4VJ per cent bondi at par nnd
\vlHuftorSeptcmbcrlprcpayto tlo owners
ol the bonds so received all tlio interest on
said bonds up to and including August ! ! ! ,
1891 , without xxbatoor inteicst. Tlio circular
Cf August 10 is hereby rescinded. {
nstenr's I'uplls MixkcsSci-
oral Marvelous n\icrlinotxt * .
ICopi/ili/Jit / iSMbiiJuints Gordon lltnnttt. ]
P ius , August iO. [ Now York Herald
Cublo-Special to Tun Ilr.n.l-Dr G rancher ,
one ot the most distinguished of Mr Pas
teur's pupils , liis.ns previously announced In
the Herald , icad before tlio Academy of
Science a report of several experiments
whiih , in conjunction vlth M. H Maitln , ho
hns boon making vlth n view to the d iscovery
f n remedy for that fell disease which las
hitherto completely bnliled nicdlenl science ,
'tuberculosis" ' The inatttr is one of sueh
rltnlimportance- tha Heraldcorrcspond-
nt called upon Jl Gnucher Uidny to learn
nil there was to learn.
"Yes , wo have reached In our experi
ments such a stage as Justifies the
lope that vo shall sooner or
atcr luuont our dtaponl the means to effec
tively combat consumption , " said Dr Giau-
cbor modestly , "as yet , hovever , wo nro far
from our ultimate ( joal-so much so In fact ,
that \vo should not have made our experi
ments had it not been for 1'iof. ICoch's com
munication totho Dcrlln medical congress.
The German profcs .orlt will bo remembered ,
read a papar staling that ho had found a
chemical \vhWi rendered guinea pigs Imtur-
vlous to tuberculosis. Coming from nn un
known physician , this announcement would
liaxo prob.xbly passed unnotleedbutmadohy
Px-of. Kooli , It \ > as of capital importance.
Mr ICoeh stated 1 chad been experimenting
fora year past. Wo began our expcrlmcuts
live years ago , though tlmtclpesiiot of course
prove that \\e are any further ajvunctd th.xn
"ttvnetly whaf.vehavo succeeded In doing
is tills : Wo haxo inoculated rabbits with
bacilli tubcuulosta in i quantity sxidlclcnt to
m.iko ufuUd lesult a certalnU ; then , vlth
our trcitmcnt , which of courfoe iaust
keep secret until we aie n surcitof Its value ,
weha\okept these rabblU allxo from two
hundrcl dn s , and on examining them nfter
death vo have found the spleen .sm.illaiid
li\cr health } , without nny truce of tubercular
baeilli. Itabbits which uo have inocullted
with an exactly similar quantity of microbes ,
and which HO have not treated , ha\o within
n few chys of inoculation jUowuull sj inptoms
of the Injected disease.
"Two hundred days in the life of a rabbit
would represent years in thaesistcnroof a
man , jou suggest. But wo nro not content
with analogies ; wo n ant facts , scientifically
demonstrated bejond all possibility of con-
trovcrslon. On that account we have taken
the precaution of injecting the max
imum bacilli injecting it , fuxthermore ,
Into the veins of the cuwhen it is certain teat
at once enter into the whole system. I lay
paiticular stroosupon this fact ; each of our
inoculations In this scilcs of experiments was
sufficient , not to kill one , but half a dozen
jinlmals Having succeeded in keeping thee
rabblu , which vo treated after inoculation ,
active for periods ranging from ono hundred
and tucntj six to ono hundred and thirty
tliys. whilorabblts not treated died twenty-
three days after Inoculation have piovod
the value of ouv treatment in so far ill rab
bits are concerned. Wo shall shoxtly experi
ment with monkeys , and If this test succeeds
vo shall bo Justliledln experimenting upon
human beings.
"Our experiments have jet another object ,
that of determining whether vaccination can
boused ixa a preventive apainst tuberculosis ,
In other words , by vaccination wo can render
an object refractory to disease ; that this can
be done vo have also proved itiicspectto
rabbits. Thus , you see , wo have at least ad-
xanccct a htago towards both the prevention
and cuio of tuberculosis. With reference to
Prof. ICoch's experiments , " continual Dr ,
Graxichcr who , It may bo s lid en passitit ,
although quitoa young man , speaks with tlio
restx-alnt and niodciatioa of a gray-headed
savant "I inaj say thatlt is my opinion that
his experiments hnvo not been undo en the
same lines ns ours. In fact , his test , having
been ni.xdo with guinea pigs , prove this pretty
conclusively ; and so much the better , for
there Is never too much of n good thiiif , and
two cures for consumption are bettci than
one. "
Iftlie BlekerliiK Continues , Congress
Slay JiitcrvcMiu.
CIIICAOO , Atigust21. [ Special Telegram to
THE BH.U ] Iho whole Chicigo press Is uni
versally criticising the world's fnirdircctory.
The Evening Jounial joins in the chorus mid
today snjs : "Thcro has been so much of n
diversity of opinion uud so many conllicting
interests , which so far have prevented n decision -
cision being reiehod on the question of the
falrsito vlthin the city limits , that It would
not surprise a good many if congress , at
pro'cnt In .session , was petitioned to so
amend the -world's f nir bill as to nlloxv of a
site belli gchosea outs ielo of the corporation
limits. Such Is the feeling nmonj the direct
ors thnt if mutters do not soon rench
n finish uithiti the city limits.
con gross may bo asked to so amend the bill
as to allow o'f a site being chosen outside.
"It was common talk on the streets this
inoiniug that the directors so far by their
notion had gh en every evidence thut t'wy
xv ere. committed to Jackson park , an J it is
claimed that some of them hnvo largo prop-
ertj interests In the neighborhood , while
others are heavily interested in South Side
street curbtoelc. This may or may not hnvo
an Influence on their present very evident In
tention to put the fair ut Jucksoa park , if by
any hook or crook It can bo douo , "
Aix Art Exhibition for Mexico.
HOMP , August 21. [ Special Ciblegram to
THE Btt. ] The Mexican govern meat has
granted a concession to ex-Deputy Orsinl for
an exhibition of Itoman art which U is pro
posed to hold In the City of Mexico. Thocx-
hibltlon Is to open Inlb93 and continue to
IbUI. The Italian government will support
the scheme. The concession to Deputy
Orsinl Ins created a grateful fecllnp among
the Italian public toward President Diaz and
his miiilstcis.
Sons f Vote rans at St. Joseph.
ST. JVv > i m , Mo , August 31. The national
encampment of the Sons of Veterans of the
Unite 1 StixUs , will bo held In this city Aug-
ust'J5-yo. Kv cry state and territory xvlll bo
represented. Tbogovcrnois of Missouri nnd
Ktmsiis n 111 be here and John M , Thurstoii of
Nebraska will mnlso an address. Bujldcs the
convention thcn-o will bo open competitive
dx-llls. militaiy parade , etc.
A HU ; Ilotol I Ire.
\V\TiiiTOW \ , > , Y. , August 21. A special
snjs the Thousand Islands 1'aik hotel and
line cottage * and Mores burned early this
monilnir. Is'o lives vvcro lost , but it is re
pot ted that some of the guests xvero Inl uied.
The loss will ho about $1.10,1)00. )
The tire caught from a steve In the kitchen
of the hotel ana destroyed twenty buildings
before It wus extinguished ,
A Kentucky ,
MKIMV XY , Ky , August 21. JohiiHciKlex'-
son , who murdered Gilbert Sattcrwhlto , a
prominent vliltc- farmer , near hero night bo-
lore last , xvai taken from Jail about 'J o'clock' '
tills inoiiiiiv by u mob and strung up to u
tjxo onthe edgoof town. Hccoufcssud ,
Tlio German 31liirrs' Omiur ss ,
DEIUIX , .August 21.-fSieclal | Cablegram to
TUB DEB. ] The German miners' congress
vlll meet nt Hallo on September 15 and its
sessions will coBtluuo to September W ,
The Pension Office Will Get an Increase in
Its Olaical Force.
Tim Dill Defining Ijnril Consldcreil lly
the House nnd Kcprc cntntUo
Masoix Govn lor the
, August 21. The senate this
morning , after spending some time consider
ing the 1'ltimh resolution for prohibiting
liquor selling or drmlcinf ? In the senate wing
of the capitol , toolt up the tarlfl bill. Noth
ing nns said about the Quiy older of busi
ness icsolutlon , the doUto on hicli began
The pending question In the tnilffi bill \vns
on Jlr. .McPhcrson's ' amondmentto the par.x-
grah ] ) referring totabloltnhcs , forks , stcils ,
butcher knives , ote , and imposes compound
duties on them according to value classiflcn-
tions. Iho nmondmontls to substitute for
thcso duties a uniform rate of & > per cent ud
valorem ,
plho bill was temporarily hid ft ldonnd the
conference report ou tlio bill for an Incx-ciso
in the cleilcal fox-co of the pension oftleo ns
prcsenttJ and ngiced to.
Jlr E\ax > tspiiiiitcd ( ! a telegram from the
inemben of the Grunt Monument association
in Xe\vYorlf protesting ixcilnst the removal
ot ( hant's ' roni.xlm to Washington.
Oho hoiibo nnicndmcnt to the scaato bill
to authoibo the construction of a bx-iilgo
acioss the Misshslppi x-Uer at some point
between the mouth of the Illinois and the
Mlssouii i-Kcrs vxs ( oncurred in. The bill
now goes to the tucsxtlcnt.
Con < tiJci\xtlon of the tariff bilhvas resumed
nnd the pending nmendinent was rejected.
Jh' lcljhcrsonmbxcd to amend tlio pira-
graph xolorilng tollies and rnsjn bystx-iking
out the duties and classltication bj lengths
and inscitin ; 2.1 per cent ud vnlorem
Without \otingoix the nmendinent the sen
ate went into exccutho session nndsooiiud-
11 on HO.
\ \ TIIINT.TOV , August 51 In the house
today Jlr. Hcndcisoiiof Illinois x-cpoxted the
rher nnd harbor bill -
, asking non-concux-iciicc
hi all the senate amendments and agreeing to
the conference requested by tbo semte.
Mr. ICex-rof lowx made the point of ordcx1
that the atnendnieiitsinu'itflrstbo consldcrccl
incoinmittco of tliowhole
MX * . Henderson thereupon withdrew the re
port , stating that ho would make it tomoriow
asprhilcged matter.
In the nioininghour Mr Buclmnin called
up the bill for the adjustment of the accounts
of laborers arising under the clght-hoxix' law
Pending discxission , the moniing houi ex-
plied and the house proceeded to considora
tlon of the Mil defining lard.
Mr. Mason of Illinois said that this vas n
fight Iwtwccn tbo packers of impure lard and
tlio pixtkors of rolliied compound laxd. It
\\asatnxdojlghtandhad no place in con
gress. Ho was as much ojipodid to food
adulteration as any man in tlio house. 'Tho
compound lard men ex'o churned with do-
feudln , ; fraud nnd counterfeiting. Thnt
charge was false. This bill struck down
oicry possible cluuco of exporting lard or
compound Urd from this country. The gen
tleman spoke about the poverty of the farm-
ci3 and proposed to l.xx the poor laboring
ineu of his dlstiict In ox-dcr
to help the f.xx-niers. Did the
gentlemen ever know of a farmer going
hungiy } Did they ever know of a farmer
btnndlng out in a stox-ra with his wife and
children in the pxcscnco ofalandlox-d and
shoriffl But the luboxinmau , who \vorkcd
fourteen hours a dav , must be tl\ed for a
cheap clean food productto help the farmers
of the country when no farmers' organization
had demanded It. It was jiropoicd to tax a
clean food product and fox\o the people to
jvxy higher prices for lllthy , stinking stult
inadoln ilats in Chicago , St. Louis and Bos
ton. Ho defended K'aiioanl ! a/jalnst sonio
strictures mixdouponliim and then px-oceeded
to argue in support of the Paddock pure food
Mr Allen of Michigan supported the bill
The agitation of this question had been px-o-
\oked by tlio caxtful , thoughtful action of
fanners milieu vanoxis nssemoues ami or
ganizations Whether tboy were i ight or
WIOHKthey called for it. It.xs \ not tiue , ns
stated by the gentleinan fx-om Illinois , that
this bill affected thonicnwhopioducedcotton
Mr Henderson of Io\va \ slid his friend
from Illinois ( Jlason ) unit tearfully pleaded
for the laboi'ing men of the cotintiy anil
had put them lu antithesis to the
farmers. Did the gentleman refer
to Tuirlnnk and Armour , who had
In a few ycax-s amassed millions
at the expensoof the faimersl Let the gen
tleman rcscr\o bis tears and eloquent ap
peals , for they wcro illp'arul ' in defending
men \ \ ho had been charging laboiei-s many
per cent wore thancompoundlai'd was\\orth \
llo assorted tint the fanners of tlie countiy
bad petitioned lu favor of this bill
Mr Foreman ot Illinois fmored plating n
tax of'J mills jier pound on compound lard
In ordur to IIIMIIO compliauco with the other
pro\Isions of the bill.
Messrs. Stuart , Oatcsnnd Wheeler opposed
the measure , and tlieu the house took a le-
cess. tlio cnlng session to be for debate on
the laid bill.
.V.IT/ lIA.VIf. VJttCVli.tTfW.
llio 15x11 niithciSubcct | to lo Taken
Up Alter the Turin.
"WASHINGTON- , August 21 [ Special Ttlc-
gx-jxm to TUB BEE ] Chairman Dorsoy of
the houfeo committco on banlting ana cui x-ciicy
said today thnt ho had Icon assured oy Sena
tor Shex-man that the senate would , Immedi
ately after the tariff bill is disposed of , take
up the bill giIng \ national limits circulation
to the full par value of bonds deposited ana
requiring the banks to isbuo only a circula
tion of 310,003,000 , T1W minimum of circula
tion at present Is $13,000,000. This bill is now
pending In the house as unfinished business
nnd u hen tbo senate bill is adopted it can betaken
taken from the speakex's ' desk and receive ac
tion us piivilegcd business.
Senator Paddock sava his pure food hill
will bo substituted for the lird bill , which is
now before the house and being bitterly
fought. Hcpiescntathes from the cotton
producing states feel that ono of their grow-
intr local ludustrks is tlneatened. ' 1'tio man
ufacturers of compound lard liol that war
has been declared against them , Mora than
a score of representatives have prepared
them-ehes lor this light. Among them is
Mr. Mason of Chicago , -who will inakotho
etloit ol his Hfofortho compound , Thcro
will bo seine opposition fiomthobo who abhor
internal rovcnuu taxation , but the bulk of
the tight iisulnst the bill will bo made by
these Avho tbo keener incentive of self-
interest nt stake. The laboring man is
opposed to Uaing the compound article sliu-
plj to Increases its cost that the blaughter-
housu product may thu\e , unilso the tight
goes , 'iho previous question will bo reached
ou Saturday at 4 o'clock.
The Steamer Uaulii ( io < * fl Asliore ,
Lese BKtcii , L. L , August 21. The
steamer Danln , of the Hainburg-Amcrlean
line , went ashoroat high tldu lust xxight. Quo
nxilo above Point Lookout , fro'u some un
known cause. \\X'ceklng steamer has bcnu
bent to gut her off ,
Thousand -Miners Strlko ,
uBust SI. Advices from Jlona
state that 8,000 miners in thouorhmgo dis
trict have struck. SociitU > t leaders are
fomenting discontent among the men , and it
is expected the movement nill spread.
A JJoiidon Salloi , Ijebtntlr Arrived
Irom tuiHn , BtHrken.
, Axignst il. ! [ N'wv York Hcxtilil
Cablo-Speclnl to Tnr BEE. ] At nbout5
o'clock this afternoon I stood nt the bedstdo
of KobortToigh , who hai \ > cen pronounced by
wonty London phhysrelnn to bo atrieUea
uiththo torx'IMe Aslatldcholcx-a. It vosonly
by special favor , if favor It lould bo called ,
hot this permission xvas granted mo , nor dlcl
Dr liaslctt House , the stxrgoon who accom-
'tinled ' me , allow ino toramita long enough
for an extended Interview. Ono fact I
: atberod from the ( &lck man , which
may account fof the disease
invlng inndolts appearance only after Tolgh
nadarrixed in London , hohiivinBhecn In his
usual health dux-ing the long passage from
Calcutta > "
"Yes , " answex-ed Tclgh to n ipxcstlon "I
put on dlfTeraxt clothes the diy I landcil
icx-o The coat nnel trousers I bought In Lon-
ilonbutsomo of the undcrjarmcutsI Ina
bxoughtIth \ mo fror.i hldh Is'o , I had not
ivorathcm oushipbonrd iiif.xct , I neror hid
wom them. Tliofluuncl hlrt I put oa Mon
day morniup was the only | ono I got la Hong
ICorg. " In view of this s'tatcnicut it Is easily
uuderstood bow cholera germs may bo car-
lied from Inlla doxumrit la sailor clothes
oven to I'realiout ' whcn-thelr infected gar
ments are put on.
Tclgh wont on to say that ho was feeling
much better , and the doctor thinks that In u
fov dnjs ho v. Ill bo out ot danger. "Mind , "
ho added latex- , cautloijily , 'l say ho will
probably bo out of dingcr , bxit theio may
coino a iclapse , glitch \ypiild carry him oft
liken shot. Abiatlc choli'ra ' , you know , Is a
elifec.iso you can never exactly count on. and ,
by the wiy. " he continue'd , "I think It is just
as well you got out of $ ! is ! room. You are
thoonlj person , cuiept the pbjrlcinns , who
has seen this man slncohlj was brought here. "
I took a farewell lookat-Jrdjjk before vltb-
dx-awinif. \
I can't ' say thtt ho sfruek mo sn acry
agrec.xUo spectacle. Hlsejcs wex-o sunken
and xery bright ; 1J.J8 face , bronzed
by ONposure , was draAn and haggard ,
tvnd his skin was as- dry txs parchment. The
sick is of medium size , intelligent look
ing and about forty ycars'of ago.
"Why should an outsider cateh the disease
nny inoro than a pnyslclanj" Inqulied ,
when wo passed Intoixn > adjoining room of
the hospital. ' "Uecauso 'phjslciaas ' Itnow
bitter how to take prec-autlons against it"
" \Vlnt aio these pieexxtlonsi" !
"Principnilv to sco that everything \\hlcu
passes from the patient is thoiouglily dlsln
fected.nud secondly , to have no fear. "
"Do 5 ou think , sxr , that this m.xix may have
spread the gorras of eh'oera ! before bo cix
tctcd this hospital ! " f I
"Unquestionably. Yoxj.sec , ho was wan-
doiingnhout ullday Jlonitiyhcrchoplcased
and hois nt tint tiino quite capable
of contaminating otheis. jit is very possible ,
however , that the measures which have been
taken in.iv bo sifllcleat6 \ exterminate the
cholera which lelgh , so ( to speak , put Into
circulation. " v i
"Then pierc is no eloxilt'about ' his being a
genuine cnsa or Asiatic cJiOlcral * '
"Not the slightest Our visiting surgeon
has thousands of thcio tlj > treat during epi
demics , and ho says It Is Asiatic cholem in
the most maHgnmt form i
Leaving the ho ; pitfitil-J\eitcdTtbe \ Brlttanlo
colTco hoxiso In "Whitccjiapel , where .Toigli
put upon landing from the steamer Sundaj
night. The proprietor , Thoma.3 Hill , con
ducted mo up two flights of staix's to a Httlo
room where the sailor hnd passed tno nights
"Workmen nero x-ipplng off wall paper and
dlsoix footing cvciythlng.
"Sn , a healthier looking man was never
seen. Ho w as always the first ono up In the
inox'ninp nnd heate like ahorse.Vbat did
ho eat the Arst night , Pollyl"cajllng stcrnlj
to a domestic. „
"Two cxips of coffee , three rashers of ba-
co'i , four tried eggs , nnd nine slices of bread
nnd buttoi , " rattled off tlio female addiebsed
with arithmetical piecifalon.
"That shows that ho used to cit nil the
time , " went on the proprietor , "ami ho never
slid a word about being kick , not a woid. did
lie , Polly1 !
"No , " naswercd Polly , laconically.
Continuing the mtestig-xtion , I wcntdo\\n
to the Victoria doeks , where tlio steanw.
Dukoof Aigylo was lying. I aslied the first
oftlccr about the case and hopoohpoohed the
whole story mil dcclax-ed that Teigh no more
had Asiatic cholera than ho had.
" \\liy , " ho exclaimed , "these. London doe-
tors don't know what Asiatic cholera is , and
aftcrall vhy should they ! Wo do , though ,
don't " tuxulngto - lookIng
we , captalai" a heax-ty -
Ing seiman standing near , Captain Miller of
the City of Ojifox-d , another steamer Just la
from Calcutta.
" \Vell , rather , " answered the latter"l'o \
seen a man eating his breakfast In perfect
health at 9 o'clock , seized at 10 , dead nt3 and
buried at 5. Tuat's what I call Aviatio chol
era. "
Just then Marine Inspector Scott cairo up ,
and joining in the talk , expressed the most
positive opinion that Telgh never had had a
shadow of the real Asiatic cholera. "Ho's
fallen ill because ) ho lifts no lungs and no con-
stitutiou , and has contracted in India other
diseases about as bad ns cholera Anyhow ,
that's ' mj opinion. "
Statistics show thnt cases of English chol
era have bccji moio numerous than usual
In London duilng the past two
weeks and the deaths fi-oin
diairhoo.1 have numbered 303 a wcehngainst
nn average of 2JG. The same returns show
12 $ deaths per \\eek III Lbndoa above the
average of deatns tbo same week for ten
years past. This may or ntxy not bo signifi
cant. .
Another Opinion ,
LONDON- , August 20. [ Special Cablegram
to 'Inn Bcis. ] The local government board
whlUi has been inve-stlating thocas > oof the
sailor who was yesterday imported iu uilcr-
Ingfrom tVslatio cholera' ' nnd taken to the
Poplar hospital , announces this evening that
tbo symptoms in lcigh'3 ' carfo , although cllnl
cnlly undistingulahablo ff hi tlio symptoms
of iholcra , uro often observed In cases of
cholera iiostras , which ofeux-a in London
every year.
Binvos AMII , August 21 , [ ispeclal Cable
gram to THIS Bni',1 The reslgmtioii of til
goiernorof the pioviuco of Cordoba hns been
accepted. The government haj introduccc
in the scnnto und chamccr of dnputiosth
proiwsnls x-ccentlj submitted by tbo ininlstc
of linanie.
Heulrnx ( | } [ uss AJI fnidfiial Nnxi'inan
7.0N-DOV , Augustv 21. Roqulcm mass fo
the late CavJInal Jfc vraan waa celebrated in
Bxwnpton oiatox-j yesterday. Cardinal
, ddlvorod nn ixdlrcjj. durlug which h
sula it was certain i.o livln ? man bad so
cbingej IhoreliKlous thought of England.
The f-'iiUnu Gioing Ji boral.
VIENNA , Augxwt 21 [ .Special Cablegram
toTauOcr.j-It Is statoJ tlixt the Sultun
has agreed to u number of iffoiMis InAi1-
mrnla Involving tximrnunalautcinoiiH and tbo .
admission of Armenians to'a slaic la the ad- |
niiulstratlouof the \ llaycti , I
fotHng Startling Turm Up in the Investi
gation of ( kniuissioner Ilaum ,
Ie fuile tin AIlcKaiioim for tlic lm
POHC of Aeitililixg I'ulitleal
Oipllixl lltHTiilo HIM Will
llxs llriuus.
511 FoiirrrrvTii S mrcr.
WAMIIVITON , D. C. , August i !
Ono Oiy's woik into tlio investigation of
; ho charges piefcned against I'enslon Com
missioner Raum has been sunident to show
; he nnlnius of the attack made upon him by
[ tcnrescntntixo Cooper of Indiana Mr.
hooper hns plajed a game of bluff fiom
.ho start , In the first place ho bid no idea
.hut his asseitloiis on the floor of the house
would lead to a real buslncss-lilco Investiga
tion by a special committee appointed by the
speaker. Cooper thought ho would create
a scnsitlon nncl uiake n reputation
uncng his constituents , but directly that the
investigation was ordered nncl the speaker
announced the committee the Incliara demo
crat begin to hedge. When Commissioner
llixnm took the witness stand ho finiiUly
stated to the committee that more thnn
a jear USD in private buslnobs transactions
with Pension Agent Lemon and prior to the
time ho supposed ho would ever become com
missioner of pensions bo cngiged In t > omo
manufacturing business vlth Lenon nnd ,
needing money , borrowed 1JUJO at a
baiilc hero upon letters of cndoiso-
incat , but not until ho
gheii to the endoisor nmplo collateral
sccurit ) lie stated that this was the only
llnanciiil fnor thtt Lemon had ovci granted
him nnd It wis ntthnttlmon physical impos-
silillity for him to fa\or Lemon itx his pen
sion business. Commissioner Kaum
stated that the charges tlnxt ho had
sold stoclc hi his icfrigerntois nnd other com
panies to pension oftico employes , with the
unJerstiuding tint ho would promote the i
or givothem fixvois , vvas utterly and wholly
untrue , ns he had never sold any stojv in any
company to pension ofllcc emplojcs. nox1
had anjonoclao sold any stock in anything
tint he was intetestcd in to an ) pension em-
ploj es , nox- did the latter hive any Interest in
am business the wi tness AVIIS interested in.
When the committee icfuscd to require
the commissioner to go futtner into his
piivatcafTniii than \\as necessary in order to
meet all of the charges made Mr Cooper
sprang to bis feet and xvithclrow from the in
vestigation Today's proceedings praotleally
biought this investigation to a close.
Tbo charges yore lnt.tiitated by demo
unts who were chschaigcil fiom the
pension oftke b Commissioners Tanner and
Haumnud who soupht xengcancc thiough
roeklcss charges la tip mouth of a demo-
ciatic member on thujloorof the bouse.
Senator Plumb's i evolution to prohibit
the &alo and drlnlcini ; of liquors in
the senate wing of the capitol is in
tended to coucct an evil which hns
giown to large proportions and which
isnheady nominilly under tbo bin of the
comnntteo on rules , which is in chaigo of the
subject. Speaker Itecd's orelcragnlnst drink-
iiiL'iulhu noxiscwing ia practically o dead
Icttci' . InUeiid of tlio dunking being
'done nt th6 'coTiNter , jbovvuver , it Is
done nt tables , but tlio results uro
about the same In the senate end for seine
tiino at least thcro h as been no attempt nt
ponccaloicnt of the sale of liquors , and any
thing from ginger ale to IJenedlctlnO
iniy bo had on demand. It has really
irioxyn into n scaiield and the resolution
elution ot the ICnnsas senator
is a timely protest against the custom. .That
Senator Plumb should lead in thecrusnJo is
amatter of surpiiso to some , buthls sincer
ity is not to be doubted , llo does not indulge
innnj legislative tildes for moroshou , and
this attach upon tlio senate bar U > taVcix to
ireati that if it I * possible ho intends ted rue
it out of business.
iiniT onnrus.
The following transfers in the Seventh in-
fantrj nro made : Oiptam Henry B. Tree-
man , fiom Company H to Company K , Cap-
tiltx James M Saniio , from C'ompxny 1C to
Compiuy II ; Pirst Lieutenant Charles A
Dootli. fiom Company B to Company 1C ,
rii'atLieutcnant George S. Younp.froinCoin- .
inny K to Company B. Captain Allan
II , Jne kson of company Ivlll itmaln
at Tort Wash n We , Wyoming , ns " .it-
tichcd" until further orders ; Captain Siim
will join company II on its arrival nt Port
Leavenworth ; Lieutenant Young xvill pro
eeea to Join company U , Also the
following transfers in the Sixth infantry
Captain \\illiam \ II Wherry from company I
to company U ; Cnptnin Stephen . Iroes- !
bock from coinpany 13 to company I ; Fiist
Lieutenant KlclmruE. Thompson Irom com-
jixny P to company I ; Fiist Lieutenant
Ihomas 0 Townsend from company K to
company I1 ; First Lieutenant Hcuuen II ,
Turner from coinpany I to company K ;
Second Lieu tcna ix tUl inoro F. Taggart from
Company 1C toComp my G ; Second Lleuttn
aut Chailes BecUvvith from Company I to
Company I ) ; Second Lieutenant Geoigo A
Dctelmientv from Company E to Company I
Lieutenant Tagg.xxt will join Coinpany G at
N'owport. IC.v.
IHU.n.r \ , Losn nis nnvvns.
Xcbraska's Wild West showman is shorn
of his Indians , us piedictoel In a BIB
ipeclil some time npo. The two
Indians , Little Chief and. Short Horn ,
\vboatri\cd in New York on Tuesday , called
on General Obelrne , the ixs'Ustaiit ' superin
tendent of immigration , and had a long talk
with him , in vhichthej charged tfio officers
of liuffulo Bill'b show \\lth ciuoltj to the In
dians. 'Jhey confirm the chaices already
made against the showmen bv oilier Indians
whohavo returned lately. The men went
west to their icscnation last night. General
Obeirnewill aijaincall the attention of the
Interior dopoitment totho allegations made
by tho'Iiidlans who have been connected \\ltli
tra\elingshows , nnd vlll piesuit these last
statcmeiits. tofrcthcr with the othci testi
mony which lie hns collected.
HDisratches from California nnnounco the
uis < ovcryin an almost Inacccssablo canon in
Arizona of a settlement of Indians who weio
not heard of before nnd who had nc\er \
seen nny white men except John D. Lee , the
leader of the .Mormons In the Mountain Mea
dow mnssacro. The announcement is at
tracting much attention from scientists
Captain John Q Bourke of the Third
cavalry , who Is thoroughly familiar with
Arizona and its ubouglnal Inhabitants ,
says that instead of only recently being dis-
coveicd those Indians have been Known slnee
177(1 ( , when tiny vero Usltcd by rather E'ea-
lante , a Jesxilt priest. Ho left banta Fo and
crossed New Mexico and . passed
through Utah and then south to
the Grand Onion of the Colorado.
Father Ctarcla alio cnteiect their country
nnddescrlbcMlt the same year , coining on
foot from tbo mission at Los Angeles , Cala. ,
ami it is more than probable that Don P.inlo
do 1'obar , a Spanish explorer , visited them us
eaily ns 1511. Jho Aviwuplos , Captain
Uouiko sa)3 , are a small but wy
interesting hand of the Ilualpli trlho
of Indians , fhoy ha\o no connection vlth
the Apache Indians , nrc cntltely dltfuicnt
in manners and language mid until quite
lately have been hostile to them Tbej tiade
to some ex tent with tbo Piutoaon the noith
side of the cunon , vlth the people
of the village of Ora bo o
the Mogvl tilbo to the cast nnc
with their brothers , the Hunlnlos , to the
wcit. 1'lioy wow visited and doacilbed by
the inllltni-y expedition under the commaiu
of Lieutenant Joseph C. I\es of the cor pi o
oiiplnocrs , UnlUiil btnles army , In 1&.W , whoso
report c.iubo found in almost every llbrai >
In the country.
lly the adoption of the bill providing an en
dowmc nt of colleges of agrlc ulture and mo
cmnicnlarts to the extent of tl5OUO nea
each uiiil au Increase of UWacar ) uati
the sum of V ? * l nnnimllyU leached the
following colof lo xl InUsiest will bo
bencllttedi 0.ustilnl ( collogCUni\OMity \
of Is'eurnslm , nt t lntho IO\MI state col-
ego of iijtrlcult xnd nicvhnnlc ) arts , nt
\nies ; the South > tJiisjrlcultural college ,
t Hwoklng.s.
The sihodnlos ao population rcturni
rein the city of Llheoln nro beiiis examined
t the censxia onleo with the
lev of ascertaining whither tto
liaises thit the census retinas
vore pnlded nrc true The statement I'O-
iectlng upon the honeatv of the return * from
lint city uii < t made by the werctixry of the
tate prohibition commlltco , who Is inclined
o tlilnk ( hut thoi-e wixi mi hitomiieiuto In-
rodac-txou of nninm Into the tehoilulcd which
is pirtj dcsiixM tohiivcpx-ohlbitecl.
Mn. Lenoi'cH. Stoops has lK en nppolntexl
lostmisticws at Qulnton. Thuiston i-oiintv.
The Grand Arinv of llio Kepubllc ut West
'oint bus rec'omniendecl the establishment of
pension bo ml nt that plnco nncl the
-ppoliitnioiit of the following plnslriniH :
) rs Thomas D. Thompson and llc'iiryH.
juinmoiMof Wcat Point nnil William 1) ) Gib-
jonof Uceuivr. PFHU\ . HEATH ,
: it. i t'.Ti IA/ : / * 1 7'i A * .
The Pension' Commissioner Tcstlllcs In
lilm OxviiMclinir.
\Visni\nTov , August 21. The Raum la-
cstlpatloa wixs resumed this morning
hooper , who made the clinr os , madon bilof
vplanatlon of bli position , after which
Inuin took the stand. The witness denied
hat nny employe of the pension oflleo save
dinsclf c\cr owned stock In arofrigerntor
loinp.iny and consecnuntly the charge that
unploycs had boe'n promoted because of
uca ownership % MIS faHo.
Cooper then deinniideil to see the books of
hocominny , butltuum rofusoel to produce
hem. Hois willing that the members : of
bo committco should inspect the stock book
jf the comtmnv , but not that it should go into
horccoids. Raum said Cooper RIXVO to tbo
> x-css oerthing ho got hold of and ho h id
innJo public documents Intrusted to him for
.ho inspection of the committee on rules.
Coope i insisted on seeing the books him
self and upon the committee refusing him
the privilege gnthox-ed up bis books anil
> npcx'3 and left tbo room.
'Jho committee tben resumed the iiwcstlga-
.ion on Its own book.
Ccmiinissioner It mm said ho hail boi rowed
> ry > 00 on the endorsement of George n.
licinounnd hid renewed the notes fiom time
time. The refrigciator company was
orgmized last January and was composed
of men of high stnncUnR llo ne\er pivo
.irioi'ity to nny claims for Lemon or any
itlicr attorney. Lemon was anxious to liwo
: iis cases befox'O the pension olliro pushed
ulong Ho presented anumberof slips , oiuh
relating to a case which wai reported to bo
ready for action. Tlio witness wixs asked to
make up twenty flvo or thirty cases and pic-
sent his views Thh was done. Witness
presented Lemon's letter to the committee
mid it vas It enclosed thirty
romplcto penbion eases , datctl Nox ember 10
last , ana expressed the hope that the bine in
would begin the practice of considering suc'h
coinpletcel cnses inimeel lately , The letter
was referred to the dcput > cominibsionci for
a icpoit and ho reported ngiunst the plan ,
therefore witness made no oroor , written or
verbal , for talking up Lemon's ' eases
in ndvaiico of the regular order.
Kaum siiid that after furtiier cxaniiua-
tion and consideration of the inittor
boon December issued an cider coiuern-
iiiK comjilctcd Hies , on which \\ero put cases
that seemed to bo the most complete and
ready for adjudication 'Ibis had the cftcct
of greatly expediting the work of the olllce
Captain "rcmon had nothing to do , bo as
serted , with the preparation of this or any
subsequent order.
Iloprcscntativo Cooper was requested by
the committco to return nncl x-eaumo his con
nection with the ease , which ho did , and the
committco adjourned.
Secretary of tlio Nuvv Tracy Talks
About Oiu- ( east Oefcnses.
NEYIOKT , U. I , August21. [ Special Tcle >
gram to Tin : Bin. ] The United SUitei
steamer Despatch arrived at Newport yester
day 'with Secietixrj of the J\'avy \ Tracy on
board ,
"Mr. Secretary , have jou read the articles
on the helpless condition of our seaboard
towns and cities in case of fox-elgu Invasion J"
was nskcd ,
"I have read them with great interest and
not nword has been oxagerited ( , " was the
reply. "Tho argument is all In fax or of pro <
tcctlng our coast by nauil warfare. In tbo
flist place the warships are a movable force ,
easily concentrated at any point whcro nn
army shovs power. They ixronot stationary
targets as nio forts and batteilea. Thoj ha\o
offensive as well as defensive powers. "
Thosccictary favored heavily armored bat
tle ships such .n nro under consldcration.ablo
to coi c with thelatcst foiclgix Inventions ; * ' \\o
should ha\o a fleet of armored vessels toproy
ipon foreign commcrco and for coast and barber
bor defenses I nppro\e of a modified foim of
the original Ericsson monitor. "
Asked of the expense of such a iinvy as
complied to nn elaborate svstcm ofshoio de
fenses , "It would bo farless , " replied the sec
rotary. ' Kvcn if vo could mount nnd main
tain heavy enough KUIXS on shorotokoep nn
enemy ut a respectful distano1 from our cen
ters of wealth without a ixmixl force , n for
eign licet could completely bloekado our prin
cipal ports of entry nnd simply by keeping
out of harms way paraljzo our entire sen-go-
Ing tuiele , "
"Then jou licliovc in Im-bor defcnscsl"
"Yes. in many of our harbors they iniy bo
used with great effect in conjunction with a
navel force. Harbor defenses shoulel bo sub
sidiary UHlio naval fox-co which shall at least
bo sutllcicnt to watch , lux-ass and if ucccs
sary combat a hostile llett. "
It CrentiMl Hxxrprlsp.
" \ Vi9inOTOAugust 21.Great surpnso
was occasioned by the fuiluie of the senate
this morning to talto up the Quay resolution
fixing thoordor of business. Senator Quay ,
when asked tbo reason for the postponement.
said :
"Somo of our friends thought It best not to
talto It up today. I shall , however , call it up
A Cycloiio In Ohio ,
CIIICACO , August 21. A Dally News
special from Tort \Vuyne \ , Jml. , siys It Is 10-
portcd there that a cydono early this morn-
It.g struck at a point six miles cast of ITos-
toria , The vires In that vicinity are all
down nnd no particulars e'Jii bo obtained.
Fostoria Is eighty miles east of this city oa
the Nicliel Plato railroad.
GxiatrinnlanHYeluoinc ; Peace.
Cmor GUTKMXLA , Aujjust 21. People
are jubilant because ) apeaco ngrcornent has
hccn signed. Uaiilas has acceded to the
suggestions of the diplomatic eorps and ac
cepted their plans. Ho has signed a
piotocolwhich xvlll bo published heicwlthhi
tivodayn , when It will tw rallllcd.
New York
NKXV i'oiiu , AugustSl. At a meeting of
the executive committco of the Grant monument
ment association jcstcrdayix resolution xas \
adopted protesting in behalf of llio people of
tbo state und of tlio city against the proposed
action b > congicss in regmd tothe icmoval
of the icmultis of General Grunt.
rtanlr of
Lovnov , August 21. [ Special Cablegram
to Tun HEB. ] The Bank of CiiL'land has re
duced its rate of ills con nt from 5 percent to
4 per cent. Thct rate of discount in the open
market for both short and three months bills
is 3 f per coot and money 8J per cent.
The French Aid llio Hnltnii.
Ti'.aitn , August 21 , [ Special Cablegram
to TH is BUB. ] The French inllltury mission
helped tbo sultan to work the artillery in the
recent conflict with the rebels at Zciniuour.
Tie rebels we still uncowcd.
Western Eoatla Snccnml ) to llio Grain Rat )
tiling , but File a Trotest.
The * Interstate Commission Ap
proixulicdVith an Olhi * Urn no U
In Otic llinul and n Club
in the Other.
CIIKHOO , AiifnistSI. ( Special Telogtaiu to
True Uii j It xvat iininlniously ugicod at
todiij's nieotlnuof tlio president. * and coun
sel of western roads to abandon llio ulrondy
formulated attempt to fight the cominlssloif
in its order icdiulng grain rules from tha
ilissourl liver to tlio Mississippi and CbU
'ngo ' lulls plaeo a petition for a rehearing
u tlio cwo vlll bi > piwonte'd to the I'om-
nisslon by Clnlnnm Walker ot the Inter-
Into Coinmoixo Hallway association , Chnlr-
nuxti Mldgcly of the \Yc3tein I'roight
association tzrnud either Yleo 1'ixsU
dent Newman o ( the 2Corth\vestein \ ot
t'lco President Klploy of thoSt 1'iml
Tlio petition nsl.s In the Urst place that ft
'ohcarinf ; bo had bofoio September 1 , the
ilatesct by the commission for the reduction ;
't tlicu siU forth nt length the rales In clTect
'orlho hst t\vonty \ yeirs , showing u steady
dcoic.iso until thl * yen1 , when grain rates
iv era reduced inoro In proportion thin nny
thcr year. ThU Inst reduction loft the
grain revenues of the Hues Intoieitotl at less
linn 1 cent n ton n mile Iliu average , cost
jf moving giaiix by western mils win 0
mllli 11 ton nillo , while In sonio
ises , suc-h ivs tliu Kioux City &
oitliein , tlio cost wtxsll mills a ton u tnllo.
'J'hc older of the co.ninlssion reduces the
xvcragoiovcnm * to losUlmii 7 mills a ton a
mile and will entail destructive loss on the
roads. Especially Inlov of tlio poor crops
his i car , th no would bo no chmc-o for llio
roads to recoup themselves on such ixn Im
mense toimniro ns last jeni's wop nIToi-dccl
\Vhllo extending this ] iotltloii ns nn ohvo
' .iraiich In one hand , the rouls grasp In the
> ther nelubla thosn.ipo of u poJUvcioriml
ou the pirt of nil western roida
except the Alton , Uoik Island niul
Union 1'ncillc to put the r.xtcs in In unj event.
It ivns intendeil to keep this latter fnotnRO-
cret until the petition liad teen presented to
the commission , but it Ic.xU'd out mcldcut-
'Jhc Atchisnn refused to attend tod.n's con-
'cnuce , sanding word that If niiy line put In
the reduced grain xitos It would consider
itsilf fie. from the agreement to advnnca
rates on ourythlng1 but grain east-bound
Irom the Missouri x'hcr on August ! i > lids
compelled u change in tlio programme ,
nd the Alton , Koclc Isliud ami Unlou
acific ngrced to iinUo the commission's
i eduction thiough logiihnnoticcto the \Vost-
oin Freight association , \vhleh ineaU next ou ,
September',1 Chiirinxii Cooloynnswoxvd hi
advance , when here , hoxv bo would tieat the
fotthcomlng petition for a rehearing. S.Ud
ho : " 1'ut the i-cduccd rates into affect Sop-
tombcrt , nsoidcicd by the commission , nncl
then conio tons with any o.a plaints , and if
they nio just HO v. ill sco that the ) nrc 10-
inoved. "
The mcotins ; rewmc ? its session tomorrow.
The advanced lumber rates on 11 basis of 15
cents from Ohle.igo nnd iiJ cents from soutU-
cin points go into ofTect September 0 These )
x-atcs are nn advance of 50 per cent on these
now in effect , nnd it Is believed they will bo
permanent. It is the end of u lojlngbtruggla
maintained for over a year as bctweui ixoitbv
n nnd southern pliic ,
-r - > - i v ,
Called to Now "Vorlc.
SvMtiA.KEUtah , Auijust21. [ Sp"i3lalTclo
jrr.un to Tun Bin. ] Uv-Supoxlntondont
Bincx-oft of the KIo Onmdo Western has boon
cnllcdto Is'ew York to consult with Vice
President I'c.xbody of the samoroad I leliaa
been olTcxx-d important positions on tliu North-
cm Pacillc , MichlRnn ( Jentral and the Kue.
IUE nitrn ur : ) i\8 TO rjcairrnx' ,
.1ccinniilntiii < ; Uviilcnco Causes
O'llrlcn's Cnse to Topolp.
OTTIWA , 111. , August 21. [ Spoclnl Tele-
pram to THE BEP.J Already the rope begins
to tighten about Billy O'llricn's ' neck , for to
day two of the assertions undo by his coun-
tel xvcro knocked in the head by thoovidenco
of the prosecution , vhlchoixined Its c.xso by
introduoini , ' the evidence of tlio night clerk
Clifton and Henry Bium , a Chtc.ujo drum
mer , who tostiflod as to Moox'o's belnj ? at and
Je.i ving the hot el nt about 8:30 : ou the night
of thomunlor. Tlio finding of the body , it )
horrible wounds nnd their nature ,
the discovery of the Woody coup
ling pin nnd of Miss Ivqto l'ord'3 '
purse near the body \vcro graphically told.
Itwas not , however , until George Holmes. *
son of O'IMon's employer , unj manager of
Holmes' livery , was c.xllol tint O'Brion's
case bepnn to topple Inhls opening1 sUto-
ment O'lliion's counsel stated thnt uo
ttould pro\o that O'llrien reached his homo
from the Ilolniw quarries , south at the
river , via the rallro id bridge , at 7 o'clock on
tlio night of thomurdor and that ho saw
Holmes , si , mil his wife tit the ll\cry at. A
o'clock and 8 : 0. Youns Holmes testlllcd
that ho saw O'Bricu coining from tlio Auigoit
bridge at 8 o'clock nnd tint his patents could
not have been seen nt the livery nt 8 or 8W !
because nuno of them wcro there after sup
the Ilofj s 3 > riirt Hnuket.
ATCIIISOV , Kan. , AuRxistSl. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB HEn.AT. ] B Qulgle } ' , formex-ly
superintendent of the Atchison vater com
pany , nnd more recently traveling passenger
agent of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy
In California and Oregon , is bothering the
banks and defrauding' Ids friends through
out the country with bogus drafts. These
are Oiuwa on his fathei In-law in Atchison
and endorsed by friends ho chnncos to meet
In his tratcls. His father- laxv declines to
nay and the drafts nro sent back for the en
dorsers to take up. Ono of his victims is
Abicl Lconnnl , Kplscopal bishop of Utah ,
and others nio lu San Francisco , Denver.
Fort \Voith , Kansas City , Chicago and
other places. The Tort Worth victims have
started the ofllcors of tlioluw in puraalL ol
Qulgfoy. lie Is seine place In the west.
A Scliomolor the Partner.
ST. PAUI Minn , August 21. [ Spcchl
Telegram to THE BIE. ; ] Kdward Iluchof
Aberdeen , S. D. , Is hero xvorklnj * among the
business men on n unique scheme for the re
lief of tbo farmers of hisbtate. HOSDJS
wheat raising has proved diicouraghiRly xin-
prollUiblo and something must ho done for
agricultural relief , and proiwses to the busi
ness men of St Ptiul and Minneapolis that
the fanners bo provided \vlth funds to purchase -
chase sheep by the organl/ntlon of a stock
company , llo proposes ( lint the capital
stock of tbo organization Khali bo 1,000 shares
nnd thatBubscrlptlons shall become binding1
Whin45,000 shall bo raised ,
htraimlcil In I'rison.
L.OS-DOV , AiiRUst21.Special [ Cablegram to
THE Disc , ] A dispatch from Krziroum to the
Dally News says that the government Is sup
plying the Kurds with Martini rides. The
Cbilstians tiavo cut the telegraph wires.
Four AiincMiUns who had in ado tnuuisehea
objectionabloto thoauthorltios wcro strangled
in pilbon ,
I'ooplD IJrnvncd. .
Lovtiov , . .AugustAt ! ! ! Conuay In Wulea
n boat containing fight persons was swamped
lu the rher and ull its oc-cuianu drowned.
Tlio Jiul ) ) < in nVlii. .
LOSDOV , AugustSl [ Spoclal Cixblegruia U
TUB BEE. ] The Tilbury dockraon's strlka
bus cudcd in ft victory fur th