Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1890, Image 1

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    1HE E
fi Terrible Ojclono Suddenly Sweeps Down
Upon That Oity.
Btrcols Killed \Vltli Knllcu Tioes an l
HiilldliiKK and All \VlrcH Dim n
Another Tiixxn Ucpot tell
\\lpcd Out.
\Vn KFsiivttitr.Pa. , August 10 At " . o'clock
this rtfleiiuion the most terrible cyclone over
exilic-need In this locality struck this city
It came up the rix'crnnd the suddenness of
its coming xvas ouo of Its awful fc.ituies
' 1 he heavens xx-ero as black ns night and the
wind blew with the most frightful xoloclty
Whole rows of tieoi xvero blovxn
doxvn Tollovvlng tbls hundieds of
houses xvcio unroofed , initially bloxxn
over or completely demolished , nml , worse
than nil , the visitation of death was , sent upon
n number of people
Lar o dlsttii ts in several sections of the
city nio in absoluta ruins and women and
chtldicn me In the stieots crjluir uud wingIng -
Ing their hands In absolute dismay.
Tlio dam igu xv 111 reach hundreds of thou
sands of Passenger trains and loco
motives at the depot weio blown over and
cxeij xxiie in the citjolectile ! light , tele
phone and telceraph Is down. The devasta
tion is to bo compaied xvith nothing Iu the
mcuoij of the oldest Inhabitant.
Uxi-rj body Is rejoicing that no flros ns j ot
h.uc taken place , for the stieots aie impaHa
bio with tiecs mid fallen buildings , and en
gines couldn't bo di.uvn through them.
TOUI men aio known to have bcou killed in
thollii/md xxliu rope vvoiUs
A housoonbcottstiect oceuplcl byminci .
who tmd Just ictuined fiom woi k , fell in and
thrco of the Inmates xxeio Killed Tlio hu o
stack of the K\tlo planing mill fell on a man
and txxo horsi s and all weie killed.
A little colnicd ghl was killed by n falling
building on South Main sticet.
Two men sutlcred death b.v the falling of a
portion of Htcpmaiie'a bievvctj and at'iinf
received the same fate tbioUKh the alinoit
compl"lo demolition ofS ] j 15iowu's biici :
business 'iloek ' on Alarm t street.
ThereMU undoubtedly Jlftccn or sixteen
otbets lllled
Mnnj peoplesuffc'icd heavy loses and ic
xx 111 bn months before nil the dam igo can lie
bo icpahed. liuildlng mechanics 01 all Un.ds
can iliul ( implojineiit heio for
xv cells to come , us it is nhe.ady
known that fully txxo hunched
buildings have been blovvndovvii or otherwise
dui'iagcd M.UIJ of the Miuctmos were of
huge size and of great v alue. Appio\imito
losses only cm bo given ns follous llayiul
who rope works , $ . ' "i,000 , S L Hi own ,
$ . ' 0,000 , St Muij's Citholio clmtli il.-i.lHll ,
luuii > shaft , IO,0'JO , llolh nback shift ,
? 'i,0)0 ( ) , U'blto Haven ice coinpinx , , OJU ;
Ahlhoni's | ioilc puking house , t" > ,000
hi addition to these hmiclieds of clti-
? ens feiilTeicil looses uinniiig tioni fiOO to
t"it)00. ) The MUII.IJ shalt fan houi-o
xxas blown doxxn mid the fan stoppcl Thuio
are txxenty-oiio mon In tbo jnim1 , but it is
hoped they can ho got out safelv.
Lalu , 7.IW p m Hepoitscoino from Sugar
Notch , n mining town thrco miles liom heio ,
tliattbo duatriu tlon of piopcity is teriiblo
and Jlftcen persons xxcie hilled. At Parsons
and Mill Crook , four miles from here , coal
breauus in all dliections haxo bi-err moio or
less dnmageJ.
' 1 ho number of killed w'ill tenth ten Tele-
Itmph whes aio doxvn Iu all diiectioiib mid
commuiilcauou K all shut oil.
The naiiii s of tLoio killed afar ns kuoxvn
nre :
EM MAUmIJJ. bnl cr.
JOHN1 rUHV , hborer
uuiJULJ , BINDINMIYKI ; : : { , saici-nun.
SAMPUl , UOUSi : , machinist.
.TOSUPH lCiUN : , milkman.
Gem go Hamilton , John Klcliihuff and a
Iluug.uinneiiteiod ub.un for shelter. Tlio
largo doub',0 doors xxeio blown in , killing
Hamilton instantly and fatally injuung Iho
other tvv o Dctlin Vandermarlc had his head
clashed and libs and legs bioKun und cannot
iccoxer. .
Mat Cramer xx-as fatally Injnied by a fill
> , lug xv nil.
Jesse Ilouserhud his legs broken anil xxas
liileinall.x Iiijuied b ) a fnllliig roof.
M HiinUiiiaii xv as liijui'cd Intel nally.
Amhioso Constlne , a liquor dealer , xvas in-
Jurvd Inteuially.
Major button tonlgllt Issued apioclanm-
tion ciilliug thu Ninth regiment to scmblo
nt the armory tomoilow to aid In police su-
perx Islon of tbo city
The estimated loss nt midnight Is $ . ' 00,000 ,
although It may i each u higher figure. Thn
sullcilng is guat. Atcrilblo ram stuimsctin
shortly after thoc.xclone mid dionchedtlioex-
posul piojioitj xvhith lies in its Hack At
midnight the tain is pouring down in toi
l-cuts ,
A special to the Hccord from New Milford ,
Susquchnnnn count } , says a cj clone struck
that icglou at piecisely the moment WlKes-
b.u ro xvas sti in k P.iwner Colo's house'was
demolished ami Mi's Cole killed Thofauiily
weiuhnpiisuiied in thoxvicvk and ahxxeio
batllv hurt.
A dispatch to the Hecord says a Celono
struck llnrvejx ille , killing two poisons The
* , Methodist Episcopal church and adjoining
f imrsonugoeie blown down. Niailj all the
nouses mid buildings on farms xveie unroofed
und crops mined
Teiiib'exxns ' thoscctioln the Iln/aid xvho
ropoxvorlts The dead and dj Ing lay on the
llooi and tlu li hcmtiemllagerles nail Rioans
filled thu loom U he ex clone struck thu roir
of the laigo bucK building. About two hun
dred men wcio emploed in Iho vvorus.
The inof and side xvalls xxcie
ci Ubhcd and lay In ruins all
about. Uricka and pondcious macbinei }
xx cio scattered all over When thostouu xx is
Imminent tbo employes mshcd for the doom
but many of them were caught In the ruins
As soon ns calm succeeded the awful c } clone
* > UI.Q moil rushed Into the ruins and can led
the Iiijuied into the poition of the building
which xv ns and laid them upon
thojloor , xvhllo pb.vslchns were summoned.
St Mary's ( . ' .ithollc church is a total xv icek.
The llilliuau breaker wns blown Into shreds.
It will lake months to repair the ( him iges be
fore thomtnois xxill bo nine to resume xxork.
The boiler houses , eiigiuo looms and other
bouses shared the snmo fate. The damage
will amount to thousands of dollar 'Iho
storm lifted the Deluxvnro fi Hudson round
houses and inuiod them axv.ix , brick nncl nil.
The houses adjoining wcio nil demolished.
A PoundsIxiiulii Town Annihilated.
ScitvvTos , Pu , August 10 Ti-ainmcn on
Inromlng tialns ruptut tlmt the \ 111 igo of
Suiumeivllle , thhty miles west of bcitiuton ,
xxasstiuek bvucyilnno this nfteinoon and
totallv nnnlhilatid. Un inci r 1'islu r. in giv
ing an account of his experiences xxhllo pass
ing thiough the 0clone , said the eiigiuo was
lifted from the truck , the iab b'ovxn ' off and
all the windows in tbo em crushed in
bv tin tculblo force of the wind , Two of the
train hands wire soiiuit'ly lujaied. Any
iloiinlte account of the stoi m or tbo damiuro
done b } it is dltllcult to obtulr , us all the
xv iivs w oat of rho clt } ai-o daw n
Nntional Capital Notes ,
\ \ "V.IIISQTOXAugust 10. SpouUer Heed
Inis ugnin casujcd to 1111 a vaciuicv on the
H'O'-lal ciunmlttco to tux'estlgnto tlio char o *
iignlnst CommUslnucr Itiiuui und has up-
iiulntcd Hcpieaentatlvo l.ovvis of Mississippi
In phu o of Voder i > f Ohio , reslgnod. Tbo
committee xvill meet tomorrow to begin the
The committee on commerce today reported
favorably to the house tbo sonata bill to pro
vide fcr the inspection of live cattle nnd lecf
products intended for oximrt to fo l c couu-
An Alibi Will lie Attempted for
Om XIVVA , la , August 10-fSpecial Tele
gram to Tnr UnTho ] second day of tlio
Mooio immlci trltilis nton end The tales-
mon examined today seemed to bo from the
bade finmlng districts , and .it the adjouin-
incut of court live men , In ndilltion to the
three accepted yesterday , had been taken bv
the stnto. With a siiiRiilnilty of conduct ,
xxhich In n great mcaiuiu takeon the g.ubof
injstorj , the defense makes but few efforts to
exnmino prospective jurymen , but seems Indifferent -
different n change of tactlis xxhlch Is only
UNpluinoil b } the whisper that uli lUlbl will bo
attorn pled.
This rumor is strengthened by tbof.iet that
the eight men have been accepted by the dc-
fi'ise Popular Interest is still .it foxcr lit it
mid the ictei of tin alibi being set up Is
laughed nt It Is argued that hiul O'Bilou
been Innocent hu would scarce mix child in
Jail with n heinous crnno and undone
no off 011 to gain his IIIn itj 01 clear his il'im-
tatlon Uesldo , the evidence uhlcli the state
xvlll ptcsenU Is of such a iliuucier tlmt
O IJlIcn must indeed bo n bold man tocu-
tluior to escape upon such u pueiilo pleans
that of absence fiom the scene of the crime
It is not Inipiobiblu the opening state
ments uill bo maclo tomoirow aftunioon.
t.rni : iiui.ittnit
of IVcHtcin Mnos at Chtungo
to IHsoiiss fii-iiln llati" ) .
CHICAGO , August 19 [ Special Telegram to
Tin : BIT jWhat j oado fair to be n sensa
tional meetingof the mcsidcnts audattorneys
of the western lines today r.UlieT flattened ,
on Ing to the absence of the Kock Island niui
Atchison. The meeting was c.dlid to gU n action on the order of the interstate
commission reducing grain rates fiom the
Missouri ilver to the Mississippi anil Chicago
cage It vv us announced that Cliiiliiniin
f oolt'j of the commission uould bo present
and even Hno Intel c ted , exc-pt the Atchi
son and Hock Island , was reiMcsentcd Chim-
miiti Cooley airhLcl in Chicago this
moinlng , Imt loft almoU iniinediatcly ,
hiving received u telogiani that ills wife
was daiigeiously ill in Ann Aibor.
X'ieo President Kipley of the St. Paul an
nounced tlmt Ch urin in Cook1 } hud itdxiscd
the miking of the rites as oulcied mid tlmt
the coiniiiHsioii would then llstou to com-
nl lints The most of the lines present were
i till in favoi of Heliting the poinmi'-slon but
ail xveikencd xvhen word was received ftom
the Hook Island that it would i educe the oulc'iod by the commission. This
In ought out n leal sensation xx hen it was
i l.ii. nod tint the Hock Island's action nulll-
lled the agi cement to advamlng castbound
mti's fiom the Missouri ai | August . ' . "i
TliU ngiLOinint spteiliod latcs on gtnin
highci than these ouleieil by the commission
and all lines piesent agued tint if the Rock
Islind reduced the giain tales the agreement
was not binding 'lliis MOW of thu CMM ) was
a \eiy serious o'io and pending notion an ad
journment \ \ as taken until Thnrsdii ) to secuio
the uttemlaueoof the Hook Iblimd
HllIX CM Excursion 4.
Ciiicxuo , August 19 [ Special Telegram to
TnnBi.i J A mass meeting of all lines in traftle tcriitoiy is to bo held to-
moiioxv to consldei the subject of hnvest
CNeuisIons Seveial Hues hu\o nheadj
adopted thorn and they will piobably bo made
universal At . i meeting of the lines from
Chit ago to the Ningaia fiontler today , it was
acknowledged that the thittv da } limit on
touiist tickets had heen illegally extended to
ninety il us , and all promised reformation
The meeting of Tcvns lines was unable to
ngteo on arbitrators to llx i.itea fron St
Louis and New Oilcans to Texas points , and
nothing fuithorxxus done.
Triinlc liliio .Meet Ing.
Nrw YOIIK , August 1 ! ) At a meeting of
the ti link Hue passenger agents today It w is
decided to gixo a 2 cent per milo iato for ten
or nioie pet sons ti ivellng on ouo ticket on
an } load of thu association.
Kighteentli Annual Creeling.
15111410 , N. Y , August lO.-Tho eigh
teenth annual meeting of the Traveling Pas
senger Agents' association of the United
States began It- , session this moiningin this
> oajs Dctei-tlxe Mutt 1'lnkoiloii at
< hicngo.
Cmcvcio , August 1'J [ Special Telograin to
Tin III r 1 Detective Matt 1'lnkci ton , in an
ntoi view this afu moon i Idle ules the assei t Ion
thitTascott , the murdeiir of Millionaire Suoll ,
has been captuicd ii\iho xveit , and concludes
\\lth the reinarKnblerMatemcnt "They will
never catch Tasiott : ho is > not \\.mted "
" \Vlij notl"
"Probibly those connected with the ptos-
ecution could tell jou as well if not bettor
than I could. There is a gioat history to
thatctibo and inoit of It h is bocn published
b } plece-mi'al some In ono p iper and some
in another. I'roh ibly the whole matter \ \ 111
couio out some dav , but it does not appear so
now. ( Jo iiiul see I'1 ! anlc Tascott , the father
He will tell.ou . ho is i ot vvoinedaud
never has been oer those numinous anests
of his eclobiated ulalion No , they will
never ret Taseott , in my ounilnn "
Mr I'inkciton intliuatcd that the murder
was n lonspiiaev , in whieh ncunlo dear to the
murducd man \\cio implkatccl.
wjii.i'i T.iiti.t , .
I'reiliet Ions' tlio I'l lee Will Soon
itcach SI.ID a llushel.
Ni.w YOIIK , August 19-An ndvauco of I
cents a bushel w as m.ido In wheat today.
Trading \ uisild and excited , ind the v.heat
ling was full of d.unagln0' rumors as to the
ciop both here and ahioaO , Iho bulls were
iimlldent of their position , and now piedict
l fit ) u bushel for this eiop Toieign houses
coseud slioits. heavily. Aftu1 thucloio of
the exchange business continued on the iurb ,
when a fuithcT advance ot li ill a cent re
sulted The pilees for allaetivo options are
no\v'Jj ecnts higher than they ucie u jc.u
All Alxmt a Souer.
Ci i \ i IAM , 0 , August lit -Them was a
desperate battle yesterday it Cortlneutal
crossing , Putnini county , uetmecn employes
of the Clover Leaf i.illroid und the \illugo
authorities. ' 1 \illiirolald a senor under
the tracki and the rallioul euiplojcs toie it
up ShenlT AVilson , in respoii'o to a call for
assistance , went to the scene of the trouble
with a pos-o of cltl/ons mid a lompiny of
militia , ( inns , levolvtrs and clubs \\cio
fieilv. used. Atout foity persons \\cro in-
juied but nouo fatully. 'I'ho noters v\iro
tin illy impulsed and nil Is quiet tonight ,
though 11101 o tieable is feaicd
Itepubllcam ] and ( ho Kli-ctl in I Ml.
\VvsiiiMiToN , August ill. A was pupoIn
cliculatlon on tlio Uoor of the hou e today nd-
drestHt b > tlio lepublicau mcmbt'rs to the
commUtco on uilcs leeillug tlio necessltv for
llnal iietton by congress upon the national
election bill mid oxprosslng \\llllngncss of
blgncra to continue tlio piesent hesslou until
Hueh action is hud. It la ivpoited Unit mow
than forty republican signatures \\ero nt-
taelied bolero tlio house met at noon.
Killi'il lj l iilllng llock.
Cut TFNNK , Wj o , August ! ! . [ Special Tel-
cgnira to Tun ULI ] ( Jus Liir.onwus killed
by n full of rock at the Iron Mountain stone
ijuany today Ho was engnccxl In loosening
the muss \ \ hen It wai precipitated upon him ,
'MaUes Anntlicr C
r , \Vyo , Aug 1st 10. [ Special Tel.
ccrain to TIIK BLT ] ) . U. Munroo , super
intendent of the Choycnno shops , will bo su
perseded on September 1 , a notification to
thileffcU havlngboen received fromSuper-
luUudcct of Moth e Power Mlddlcton ,
A Fiightful Accident on the Old Colony
Road If car Boston ,
A I'assoiiKer Train .lumps iheTinok
and LM-npIng Steam 1'ioin the
Does TonIblo
ROSTOV , Muss. , August 19 One of the
most dlsistrons railroad accidents which
ever occuired In the vleiuttj of lloston and
ouo tlmt livals the famous Woollaston dts-
astei of October 5,1578 , occuired this nftci-
noon on the suno road ( Old Colony ) , and
very neir the same locality. Iu the
Wooll istou disaster ilftoen were Bltllled
and neatly ono hundred and ilfty In
jured. Today liftcen persons wore killed and
twcnty-throo seilously Injured , tlneo fatally ,
and sexeral moro sustained slight Iiijuiics.
The train \viecked today \vas the Woodhnll
cxpiess , w lcli Is due in Boston at 1 05 p. in
It consisted of a locomotive , bigtrago car ,
smoker , the I'ulliuiu cir Puritan und loin
ordinary coaches , heavily loaded.
The train had passed Quiney station , run
ning about ten miles nn hour , and Just beyond
President's hiUlge the engine loft the truck ,
f i om some cause at present uudotci mined , und
plunged Into an embankment twelve feet high.
The tender , b iggage ear , smokei and Pull
man p issed b } the engine and wcio stietched
along for a distance ot 100 led beside the
tiack. 'Iho foi oinos t pissciiRer roach left the
rails and full upon its left side upon the
engine. riielov\cr fonvard poition went to
pieces und of the pissengcis in the car , some
lift ! in number , in my were thrown into the
reii coiner , fiom which eleven dead bodies
Were afteivv.uds taktn out. Iho escaping
steam and smoke from the engine lustautlv
lllled the car The foi ward cars weio foucd
upward over the out-bound tiack , completely
blocking traflle all day and night
Onlj three pet sous on tbo tiiiln nhcid of
the pas .eager coach weio injuied. These
ucio tholUemnn , u ho was instantly killed ,
and buried uudei the engine , the engineer
and the Pullmin car conductor , who v\eio
both finally Injuied.
In the thice ieir passenger coaches the oc
cupants received no woiso lujuiy than a
slight shaking up.
Iho Ihst p issengcr coach was the pimelpil
scene of dcith and agon } , and the oxpei-
iuices of the unlucky oecupmts wcio piob-
ablj never exceeded in honor and suffeiing
tunny laihoid vvicckot iccent jeuis. The
killed are :
MIIS OHCUTT ALLEN , Philadelphia
MUS MAUY u. ITNMLLY , aged bev-
cntv , Louisville
1' . .1 JOHNSON , Montpelicr , Vt.
JOHN UYAN , Ihe'imn of train , four
women , two men and two cliildien , unideu-
MK < * . A. C. WKL1.S , Ilaitfoul , Conn , and
11. L WELCH , \Vatcr\lllc , Conn.
ALICE .ma uA-rinuiNici : 'liNXiLrA .
The follow ing weie bacllv iiijuied.
Mit" Oscui FhN > Li.i.i , Louisville , scalded
over whole bodj- .
U. M. Coi'i' , Cleveland. O , scalded over
whole body and not expected to llvo.
U. 0. BAIIKV , Dorchcstor , foimeily pro-
pi ietor of the Boston Heiald. scalded on face
und bauds.
Those seriously Injuied number thirty and
the condition of two or three is critical.
It is repo.ted that the name of one of the
unldontllicd dead is W H. Giady and two
others are Mis H. P. Johnson and hcrflflton-
) ear-old boy. His aUo icported thata niece
of Mrs. A. U.Vcllf of llartfoid Is. among the
uuidcntillcd dead.
The coals of the engine sot fire to the coach ,
but the Iho wns soon extinguished.
A number of physicians \ \ eie summoned to
tbo spot and as soon as possible ) thoao living
w ere taken f i om their positions of poul and
those most soi lotuly hint taken to the hos
pital. The dead were laid on the grass De-
uo.ith a tieoNuntil the undertakers nruved
AH that human skill could accomplish was
done to soothe tbo la-L houis of tbodj in and
quiet the pain of those suffering from burns
and wounds.
In the nftci noon the crowd became so great
about the wicelt , tcaiingininuantsof cars to
pieces und securing mementoes , that the of-
llceisvcro compelled to duvo them nvvaj and
erect guaid lopes , The goneiul Impression
seems to bo that the wreck was caused by a
spic.iding of the rails.
The most unfortunate pai ty was the family
of Oscar ronuelley Ills vv ifc , three children ,
mother and miid were in the paity. HU
mother and two children wcio killed and his
wifoso seitlTuslv Injuied that she maydiout
any moment. Ills other child ana maid aie )
both injured.
Thruo persons so far liuvo not been found ,
and five moro may die , making twontv pel
EOIIS in all as victims of the teniblo wreck.
Kleetue lights and gasoline lamps weio
elected as soon as It began to giow dmk and
thowoilcof cleatin0' uway the wieck con
tinned all night.
William Fennel of Boston , who was a pas.
scngeron thofouith car of the tialn , gives
the follnvvlitggiaplili ! account of bis expcii-
once In the wrecked car , vshcto moat of the
dead and injuied lay : "Iho uain was mil-
nlug thiough Quiney at the rate of Unit )
miles an hour Wlicnnear I'losicloiit'sluiclgo
theiev as a rumbling sound , followed bj nu
awful erajli. The thrco forvv ird cais linclied
and left the tiack I'lic fomth kept the rails
and sv > ept along upon the biokeu locomotnc ,
uhlih lu\ lulls nav , ion iiiB Itself on top of
It. The shoe \\.u ten ilic and it scorned as
if the c u vas llfu d up twenty feet in the air
When the ear descended on the en
gine It sneived suddcnlj , the
occupants being thiovvn violently
about btiMiu came Into the car in clciibo
clouds fioiri the locomotive , scalding and al
mo-.t suffoe'allug the IHK > IIO ) penned inside
Men and women w cto gasping about mo as
they tiled to spe.i'c ' and shout as thov became
weikoratul weaKcr. As the steam lllled th ( Ir
lungs I could see them push their hands or feet
through the broken windows tij Ing In vain
to gel nlr. Itseejiiedas though eight or ten
died light there bcfoio mo There weio
foity or Ilfty passengers in the cai and all
seemed wounded rnoie or less , twenty-five
at least seiiously. I saw thu flesh
buuied from men and women us the stcim
enveloped them , and I hoard them gtoinlng
in their death struggles as the steaming
fumes became hotter mid denser. I'lnallv I
reached a hole in thu bottom of the car In
some way and ciawlod out. All about \vas
AV rock and ruin , the passengers from the other
cai i hid then liunllj gitbercJ themselves to-
gtlhor and ucio not to bo seen. But
over on the fence bordeiingtherailioul track
ucrc ten or twenty men wate-hlng the ruin
and powoiless fiom flight and astonishment.
I sen lined , shouted anil hworo nt them , but
they wouldn't move These mon saw
mo tear nt the boaidsof the car
bottom with all inv might , saw mo pull a help
less uoman from the car , saw mo caught ue-
ne ith n fallen bar of. lion and unable to o\tt 1-
cato inj self and they refused to aid inc. I
did what I was able In assisting others. "
Ilailroail Wieolc at Helena.
Hu KN v , Mont , August 19. This aftei noon
a fiol ht crashed Into n passwiuer train
standing * In the yard , killing Miss Potter of
Mlciilinui. a passenger , and slightly lujmlng
several others. Thiity fieljht cars uud seiv-
eial coaches weie wrecked ,
An Illicit DIsllllQi )
ST Lot-w , Mo , August 10. The biggest
illicit distillery la Aiknnsas , located In 1'lko
county , has boon destroyed by United States
oftlccH. The distillery was located hi a deep
mountain gulch and hemmed In on all sides
by rugged bills , Tlio distillers were discov
ered In the mountains near by und were shot
ut by the oftlcers , but escaped , Ofllelnls , ac
companied by a posse , leave ngalu tomorrow
for the sccuo ot the tifut ,
t' MHI'Jl.t&'S 1IVHIAI. .
C.n/ > I'DDII the Placid
oaliu-os of tin' Demi.
( ft.Wl < i ; Jitmt * f'onronflrNN'U.I
Augilst I'lN'ew [ Yoik
Herald Cable Special to Tnr Ilir.l A
giund lequiem mass was hilel at the 1'dgbas-
ton oratoiy to lay and formed the chief jior-
tion of the funeral service ovet the remains
of the late Cardinal Newman The church ,
uhleh was not of largo dimensions , was
filled bv nu overflowing ccvifi elation , udmts-
slo.i being lestricted to holders of tickets ,
hundreds of applications for which had been
refused. The edlllco was draped with black
and jellow and the cardinal's eollln liy upon
u catafalque erected on a tilbuno In front of
the high altar. The colmi was covered with
a pall of velvet and there wcio many can
delabra with yellow uat candles , which
ucro ranged along each side. Upon the
float of the coftln rested the cavdinu's
t.issellcd lint , his red biicttu being
placed on n pedestal below , on which also
hung the heraldic arms of the deceased , tluce
lieu-ts with the motto In Litui : "Hearts
speakoth unto hcaits "
Tbo body was enclosed in an elm shell w Ith
an outer cortln of polished oik , be iilng a sim
ple Latin insciiption. Man was celebuitcd
bDr Illsloy , the Konian Catholic bishop of
nirniinghnm. It was simjl and unaccom
panied by giegoriuu music , so tint all the
clerg > might take p.ut In It Of the upwards
of one hundred present no f-nvci than sixteen
were Hplscopal blstiops , and all wore poutlll-
cil vestments , the other cleig\ being attliod
Iu surplices. Among these present wcio Dr
Walsh , nrehbibhop ot Dublin , mid lopiuson-
tntives of riaiiciscnns , llcuedletlnes , Jesuits
and other monastic orders , while the general
attendance was n huge und aristocratic one
In the course of the seivice , Dr. Cllffoid
delheicd a shoit seiniou , In which ho spoke
with much emotion of Dr. New maa's life mid
chaiacter Five bishops afterwards pro
nounccd absolution , Incensing the cofllu and
spunUing It with holv vva'er At the con
clusion of mass the coINn u is berne to the
heaiso bj eight lajmen , oiatoiians following
bearing pipers Iu tholr liands Only a very
limited number of lelatlves and intimate
fiieiuls accompanied tlio hcirsoto Ilednal ,
vvheio the Inteimeiit took placoIn a , little
piivato cemetery. Tbo cardinal was burled ,
at his request , in the enith gra\o of rnthcu
Ambioso St. John. Magnificent wreaths
from Baronoas Burdctt Cputts and otbcis
weio placed mound , 'Jbo closing ceiemonj
was bucf and simple.
Doctor Galendo Ketarns to Halv.ulor.
[ fDjj/i / If/lit ISM b > i Jiiimt ( Innlon nrnnctt }
SVN SAI.VADOII ( via La Llbcrtad ) , August
10. 'New Yoik Herald Cable-Special to
Tin .Uup ] Dr. Oalendo , tlio rcprosentatlvo
of Sail Salvador to Guatcmrja , who was ar
rested and subjected to variuis indignities in
that countiy , icturncd , heio todav ,
coming on the United States m m
of-war Tliolis to La Libcitad Dr
Galendobiought with him tlio documents for
iiriauglng thoprolliulnailesbf pcico botvvcoii
San Salv udor and Guateinala for the accept
ance of 1'iovlsioiial PiCAldcnt E eta This
outcome of the ucgotlitlons Is the
result of the effotts of illulster Mbnar
of the United States aided byithu legation of
NIcniaguii nndi Co ta Hiciv and the entire
diplomatic coips. Salvadofls still watrUful ,
and should peaceful immuies fall , her auny
is to bo held in readiness for a icopcnlng of
The Guatemalan Situation.
ICopuitalit iSMbii James O'or.Joii Mcunc/M /
CITV or GuATr\ui.i ( via City of Mexico ) ,
August 19. ( New York Herald Cable -
Special to THE Bur 1 United States Min
ister Mi/ucr icturncd hero Saturday from
La Llbertad , haIng come to Snn .ioso en the
United States man-of-war Thetis. Ho says
ho will investigate the complaints about his
telegraphic coriespoudenco which have re
cently been made. Ho oppresses himself as
veiy much pleased with his treatment bv the
Salvudorians , but has nothing to say about
tbeiesult of his ttip. Consternation contin
ues iu this ctty. Piovislons und other neces-
saues of life nic sold at fabulous pi ices Com
merce Iseiy much liopicsscd Merchants
have sent orders to the United States and to
Huiopocouttcimantling and dcbijlng ship
ment of all goods oideied for Guatemala.
Tlic C/.ir Gives a Banquet.
ST. PfcTiinsnuiio , August 10. [ Special
Cablegiam to Tin Bi r ] A grand court din
ner was giv en bj the cvar ut Nurva last eve
Yesterday was the anniversary of the
With of the emperor of Austria and the mem-
beisoftho embassy at St. Peters
burg hi honor of tbo occasion were Invited to
and weie mesent at tlio banquet.
The c/ur and all his guests wore decora
tlous of v.ulous Ansti Ian orders. The czar
and Umpcior William proposed toasts to the
mler of Austila. Both uscd-tho Hussian
At 7 o'clock this morning the cnir and Ijin-
peior William diovo to Jaubuig whcio thoj
witncased tbo aim } ' nnucivetj.
The I Diiiineiop ill' IVnuue.
Pints August 10 [ Cablegram to
Tnr Bi.r ] Htbot , inlnistcr of foreign affairs ,
delivered an addiess on the subject of pro
tection ut Arras last evening In the course
of his rcm uks ho dee ! iml that ho would aslt
the chamber of deputies to icmembci that
rianco did not labor solely on her own ac
count She bad all ( Milliters of tbo globu for
her customeis , and these foi mod an element
of her nches and ( wlltlcal Inlluence 'I hew
\\at no giouiul foi uue.Vslueis at piueut
Trance Is IICMI eful mil vigilant , ami can con
tinue with contldeuco to develop her re
1'mpcror \ \ illlnin'fl .TKovomciiN.
Sr Pi Tnisiit'ito , Augubt J9. [ Special Ctt-
blegnm to Tin : ULB.J Ijlmporor William
will leave Nairn on Thursday for Oomoutott ,
thence no will go on Saturday to 1'eterhof
Ho vvill take dinner at tbo imptilal pnluio
mid ombaikatCronstudt onf the same night.
Chancellor Von Capiivi will go dliojt to Po-
teihof on Thuudaj to havouccnfcuencovvltli
M UoGiciea.
Tolsoiied I'olillcs n Seivla.
Bnoitvnr , August Ifl. f.V committee of
the Sen Ian progressists party attended n
banquet at Topla. Subsequently members of
the committee wore taKon.ill uiui then ( .ymp-
toms showed they weie sufltiing fiom ni-si'ii-
leal poisoning It ts snsiv > cted that nn.i ido
wns placed In the food mtootlonnlly with the
object of killing those who , partook of it and
that the cilmo was committed by tbo politic d
opponents of the piogusslsts.
'ilin TlireatiMiod Stilku In AuHlralfn.
Mr uoi nsr , August 10. [ Special Cublo-
ginmtoTitu Unf J The union oniccrs on
many vessels here have'14011 replaced bj non
union mm und the seamen have declined to
work w ith them after Hit oxph.itloa of the
time set or the notice tint hu : > been served
upon voasel OWHC13. Ills expected that tin
chipping trade will bj completely btopped
before bituiday.
A Crisis In Mnnttwldoo. |
PAIIIS August -Special [ Cablegram to
Tin : BbP.l A dUpateli from Montevideo I
sajs that the llnnnclal fcltmUlim there Is |
worso. National bauk sthaios hiiva falloii to
21' ' CJold is qnotod utK'f ' pel cent
premium. ,
Iho .Mellioiirno > lail.
MEiiiotiiM ! , August 10 , [ SpecialTclosfiam |
to Tur Hn-1 It Is likely that the mall ser
vice between this dtuud San IVaiuUco will j
cease Iu Nocailcc. .
Republicans Propuing for Ilnnl Work in
the Oongressioual Districts.
Adoption of ix Itepuit I'rom the Com-
nilttuo on Itulcs I'KIng Ijeg-
Islntion for Tills and
Ncvt U'iM'k.
U\sniNoiov lltmrvt ; Tut' Ovtviu Bi r , )
filJ 1'Viiim I.M n Si iu IT , }
\VAIII\CITON D U , August 10 }
Secretary Carter of the republican con-
giessionnl cnmpilgn commlttio said this
afternoon : "Uy the gciryminder piocess in
thovnilous states the dcmociUs sluco the
last congressiciial elections h ivo loilly nude
an apparent gain of about Ilfty dlstnets , and
If they could cany all of the Uyiltoiy which
they claim tboy would of course hav o a
majority of peih ips ildccti iu the next house
It Is not at all likely , however , that they
can gala moro than bilf this num
ber of the new districts and certainly
will low some dlstiicts which they now
represent. Whit the general lesult
w ill bo no ono can foretell at this lime , foi
tbeie are local issues of importance In orerj
congressional distilet The republican cam
paign committee is oigaiil/ing foi business
and beginning wotk In earnest It proposes
to defeat tbo wholesale geuyin mdcr se hcmes
of the dcuiocnits , und I honestly bolicvo wo
will elect a majoiity of the ne\t house of
representatives. The dcmociats mav bo
able to hold their OVMI In mostot the distilets
they now represent , but the gerivmander ,
being an unfair means of campaigning , gen
er.dly ivaets against these who have
bicught it about The record of the
mesent l.ouso of lepioseutatUcs has been
thoronrhlj satlsfaetoij to the comtry It
has favored the farmers and the liborers , it
lias lucieased tliovolamoof the eirculitlng
medium and bis fiilllllud the republican
pledges to the soldien'o nro iccelv Ing
encoui.igonicnt from oxery section of the
countiy , and the battle which will open in
eai nest next month vv III bo OHO of the most
Interesting in the history of tbo country"
Ucpiescntatlx'oCarter said that Mr Cl.ulc
sou , who Is to bo the real head of the com
mittee , would take hold of "tho rnmngcment
In e.u nest on September 1 , and that some of
Iho best woik would bo done to secuio the
control of the next house of lepiesentatixes
that has ever been seen.
COMING uotsi : iroi i VTIOV.
It wns only after a \ 01 } lively skirmish in
the house todnv that the n poit from the com
mltteo on rules setting aput tomoirow ,
riiuisday and Satin dav and Tuesd ir ami
U'cdiicsdaj of next week for the consider i
tlou of the bills to aid agiicultural colleges ,
pi ox Idlng for nn inspection of meats lor e\-
poitation , taxing compound lard and prohibit
ing speculation in the future dellxci.v of farm
pioduco was adopted. While ncarU all of
the opposition to the order of business came
fiom the democratic- side , soxeral lopublicuns
opposed itith gie it oiuncstiiess The latter
believed that the anti-option bill should take
precedence over all ol the other agrl-
cultuial bills on the giouud that it
moro tboioughly affected the fanners'
interests than any other nieiiuro reported
fiom the commfttoo on aviiuulturo. The
soutlicrn members and exponents of labor
who fax'or cheaper food for poor people blt-
teilv opposed tbo short time for Iho consid
eration of the pure lard bil. | They bellcx'cd
that this measirre nhould bo placed last Iu the
oidei of consideration and no limit fixed
upon the debate , as many amendments will
bo offered and a llnal substitute presented .In
the foirn of the I'addock puio
food bill. The Imd bill will
meet with very stiong opposition
fiom miuiy republicans , being class legislu-
tlou crovimgof rivalry between tbo inanu-
fuctuiors of bog laid and the manufactmers
of the compounci and rctlucd Inrds mid that It
is in opposition to tbo beat iiitcicsts of those
who must seek the cheapest jet most health
ful food article The south Is piactlcillx'
solid in opposition to the bill , holding tlmt it
Is n serious blow to the cotton seed oil iu-
dustiy , which furnishes ( M ) per cent of com
pound laid , and iu opposition to the interests
of the colored mm and liboier , who must
bux the cheapest grades of foods The tinti-
optlon business , being placed last In the older
ot consideration , will likely no tcumo to a llnal
IJepresenUtlvc Uorsoj has tocclx'od a peti
tion , signed by several hundred of the lead-
lug republicans and inlluential business men
of Doclgo county , eirnestlj requesting him to
bo .1 candidate for rcnominntion , mid pledg
ing him their host endeavors to secure his re
election if ho will consent to use to the use
of his name iu the nominating convention.
Mi. Dorscy havingrctcivei soimuj icquests
of this character , today addressed the fol
low ing letter to bis friends nt homo "IVtl
lioin fiom so huge a number of m-
nueutial icpubllcans In Dolgo asking mo to
announce-niself u candidate for reelection
affect mo most sensibly If it is the deslro of
the republicans of the Thhd eongic-ssioual
distitct , when assembled Iu convention , that
1 should continue my work hero I xxould
accept the nomination. If , however , the
p irtv would be strengthened by the nomina
tion of some other mini I vvill most vvilliuglx'
and gladly labor for his election xvlth that of
tbo entire stnto ticket. Iliiriuom in our
ranks is essential , and no man's ambition or
piejuclices must be allowed to stand in the
way of succesin November. "
The census buicatl Is devoting Its attention
to p.ijlng off the aimy of enumerators who
hive been chimoiiup over slnco they have
completed their vv 01 k for tholr pay. The do-
liy in Iho pivmeat isduo in manv cases to
tl o slipshod and careless way iu which some
of the omimeratois hnve Uono thcli work and
tJio buieau found it nccess.uv today to 01
der the suspension of the pivmuit of the
supervisor's salary In the fifth dls-
ilit of Pennsylvania owing to the
ciielcss condition of some of the schedules
which ho hau accepted from ono of bis
enumerators.flhe accounts nro being 'nacle
up In ail tbo states simultaneously uud ns fast
as each enumerator's account Is completed a
xoucher is cent to him directly Tlio iweiuge
paj of all inumeiators isf 10 , though some of
them in raio Instances got as high a100. .
Assistant SecreUiiy Chanillor has nflhmed
Commissioner ( hoff's ' decision disinUshu ; the
contest of .fames O Ilnitvvoll against the
homestead of .lames W Uoodfortho noitb
east ' 4 of hcction 1& , toxvnshipja noilh , i.ingu
IT vxejt Uh idion dlstllct ,
HobeitO Ilnidln has been appointed nost-
master at \ \ hlttler , Lincoln county.
Mr Doisov has i-ecommendnd the appoint-
mowtof O. M Moffat as postmaster at Hat-
nsiiuig and .lohn A. Panell nt Thodford
8. C'uU In and family of Iowa City and John
12. Bioaloj of Dubuijuo mo at thu St. James ,
.1. A. Aiuold of KVnruoy , Is ut Iho St
Jamo' .
Kc'nator Paddock today called up In the
semite the Uncolu pjrt of rntiy bill , whiili
was ntncniicl by tlio bouse upon motion of
Mr Council , uud the house amendment xx'.as
coiicuired in Tbo bill will now go to the
picnUuit fur bU signature Thn mcanuio
was orlulnull } Introaurud in the semite by
Mi I'.addrujc and xvas inescntcd In the house
by Mr Coif.ell
O M llarncwof I.lucolu Is hero
\V H Moulu and KiodV Pinker of ,
Omiiba are In thoelt > on their wtiy to Kuj j
inpo They hive t > ( * L'uiod pa spoils and x111
loax'o for New York tomorrow * . Mr Mori Is
will muiry Miss Mlnnlo Itlchardsoa of
Oiniha In Geimx'.i. Svvit/ieilaiid , und Mr.
Parkur xvlll art ai his bo t nun i
KtiTcitmy Nublohas denied the motion of
P Itdomburg of Huron , S 1) ) , for a ichear- i
lutr uud levlovv of the moit age caee , luvolv- ' I
lug the commutation proof ou u homestead
1'i.imi b. HI.AIII. j
rreslilentlal Noinliintlon ,
August 10 The pieiildoat
today scut the Xyllowlng notubiuUon to lUn ,
senate Levl 1' . flight , District
bin , to be register of xvllls In the t
Culuiubli , 7 *
n 11,1. IT r.iti.-it ) n.tntit.\\
A Total Collapse ol the Win ! * !
SrJiiMiie I'li'dy I'l eil let oil "
Citie 100 , August 10Sp [ > clil reloti. Ao
Tin llKi'l Tlio Chicago Mill , vvhosl < tl-
clpal editor Is a Sjutb pir.J emunls\ \ V\
nmlliitlmitoly conuectol with xxoilii AflStr
m liters , In a sensation il ntta > k of ox or a ool-
unin this uflouiOJii sa.xs "Iho linuulal
alTiihsofthoVoild's Columbian exposition
company haxo assumed an e-xiltlng plnl o
dining thu pist two xveeks Tor this ic.ison ,
It Is said by persons xx ho Imoxv , moio than
an } otlicr , hrvo the m my wcut changes
been in ide in the plans of the directors in ro
guiil ton site Iu this course till is hugely
duo to the uneortalutj that prexalls nt pics-
cut The clouds are dully becoming moio
ominous and to such a pass have
xx-oild's fair matters como that not a
few men of good Judgment mo
speculating on the total collapse of the expo
sition scheme. "
"Tho finance of the fair company Is the
real absoiblnir question , " suld a gentleman
tbls moi n Ing xx ho knows the hlstoiy of the
xx'oild's full movement sdneo Its Inception ,
" hut it Is carefully guarded fiom the public-
Dust is thrown In the eves of the people b }
the use of the site question , which is made
thoonl } subject of conx cisation between the
dhectors uud out * ! lers. The fact U th it the
popular subscription Is not the glorious suc
cess predicted There xvas subscribed about
$ . 1,000,1100 bv upward of U',00) ) poiMom 1'ho
subscriptions xxcio undo while the icMlilcnts
of C'hlcaf-o weioworl < ed up to a high pilch of
enthusiasm. Now the people haxo coon d on"
and it Is diflleult to collec t All the causes of
dissatisfaction taken together hnx'oeiusul at
least ri per cent of the sh.uohoUlcrs to nrglci t
to paj then assessment , and t em sa.v with
over } desire to Keep within bounds that fullv
one-half of the popular fund of * TiHH,000 ) xx ill
be lost unless theio Is a change1
"Now xvlint effect w 111 nil this Juggllnir of
sites und the knowledge of the tiuo condition
of the finances h.ix ciou the people when thov
como to vote on the constitutional amend
ment , whlcii xviil enable Chicago to raise tbo
aildllioiial"i,0KKil ( ) , ( ) ) It is cisy to forecast
The people will bo disgusted b.v Noxember
nc\t , and alreadv in my of tbo ill-
icetois are bc'jiiinlui ' ; to tremble lest
the pmposid amendincnt should
notrccelxo the roquhcil number of xotes
Iho xvoiking clisses , having been opposed ,
.lie not slow in siving thej xxill not \otefoi
the amendment , nndthej constitute thogic'it
mijorlty. M.mj people soiiouslv object to
the heax'y incioi oof taxes The diiectois
nio beginning to reilio the blackness befoio
them , but hoping against hope , seek to keep
the public Iu ignorance of the tumbles.
Suriily a mister mind mu-t quickly appear on
the sumo or the vvoild's fair will end in dis
ItOItUt'ft F.lllt MHK.CTOIIN.
llii'j Stret and Adjourn Without fee-
leolliiK n Site.
Cmrvoo , August IU. After a xvranglo last
ing until nearly midnight the dtrcctois of the
world's fair ndjoilined again this evening
vv ithout definitely settling on a site for the
gioat exposition. It was expeclcdon nllsUes
that the meeting xxoulcl bo a decisive one , but
at midnight the- question vv is left moro open
than it h id been for anj tlmo for xveclts past
Aside from hearing the icpoits of committees
nndcvpeits , the xxholotimo xxas ucailv con
sumed in the Interchange of widely dlttoilng
At times the talk grew quite heated and
again xvont Isoino in the extreme. Action
tukcn on but two motions. A resolution of-
feied by T. .1 Jeflery was adopted referring
tbo question of the site biek to the committee
xx ith instructions to ub nuleii all considera
tion of .TacksiKi park unless enough aiea
theto , sav 100 acres , could bo made ax-ail-
able at A reasonable cost to accommodate the
exposition Any other slto obtained
bv the committee to contain tot
less than -100 acres. The resolution also
contained a el wso cvpiessing a desiiotouso
in connection with nnj slto selected the pres
ent F-uho Fiont
Following the adoption of this resolution ,
another , proposed uy Lijman.T Gigc , was
canied , loJecthiK the cltx oiiliiuneo granting
pennissioii to pile or ml in the harbor adja
cent to the present strip of land known us
Iil.o Fiont p nlc. Gage's icoolution contem
plated anew oidinnnco , to be obtained fiom
the city council , permitting a moro roitritled
use of the lake front , detuils of which xvill bo
agncd upon lateiVitli matteis left in this
indutlnlto shape the diiectois adjauined until
A C'fJ \ ft H Yl'ltS IN.
< Taw t'rox en to Boa Coiitn Ious I-
ous Disease.
CincMfio , August 19 [ Special Telegram to
Tin Hi r. ] Kxpciimcnts luxe Just heen con
cluded In this city that xvlll bo of tno greatest
Importance to the picking industiy and to
x'ctcrlnaiians , many of xvhom have hitherto
thought that nctlnomv costs , or lumpy Jaxv ,
XXMS not a contagious diseiso and that the
meat of cattle alllicted by it was not injuri
ous. Members of the llvo stock boards of
several states have supii intended the killing
of a number ot cattle alllicted xvith lumpy
jaw and ov immcil the bodies.
A week ago llfty-ilvo xxero killed and yes-
teidav Uililj-fonr moio The object xxas to
asiertaln extent the disease afleoted
the cntiio system so as to make the meit of
such cattle unlit for food. Tlio result of the
examination that in about V ) percent of
the caselux estimated the disease xvas ob-
seived to Imx o uffuctoJ the iutei ual organs
and the lloah.
Mr. Aim tiKiig of the United States bin can
of uiiimal tnduntry xras among the ( listin-
guished expeits piesc-nt Dis Pnciuln and
Liia.ige expert micioscoplsts , took n numbci
of specimens lor examination and forcxpeil
inonts in inoi illation They expect to cor-
lohuratc xxhat has been usseitoJ by C5eim.ui
and Picii' h scieutibtsthat lumpj jaw Is u
contjB'iJUs discaso.
; ! Over a Team of Sfules
Cuvi'Mvv , Neb , August 19 , [ fepecial
Tele0'iam to Tin : Hi r j Mond.ij evening
Henry Suodgi.ass , whoso mules hud been
stolen and returned , cntciod Chailcs Gaul-
sou's jnrd and lucuscd him of the deed , at
the suno time opening liio xvithout any rf.
feet. At thu third shot ( Jaulton at
tacked Suodgrasj with a club ,
but was knocked down by Snodgrms
with the butt ol his icvolrer. At the ap
peal nnco of Ci.ariison's lilied man Snodgrnss
was f lightened avvuy and atrested the next
inoinhig , ai.d undoi a $ .UX ) bail was bound
over until tbo next dlstuct coait.
fitf.atnsliljrrlviilfl. ) .
At Noxv Yoik TherVeiteuiland , from
Autxvcip ; the State of Oeoigla , fiom Lilis-
At Hicmethaven The Kldor , from Xcvv
At T.nudon Sighted' Tlio Callan , from
New Yoik ; tlio SvvlUcrlund , fiom Phlia-
delph a.
Injured AMil i < I oaiilln n Tialn ,
Tin in 01111 , Neb. , August U [ bpo lal Tel
egram to.TiiL OKI J- A passenger on the
west bound tiiiln fell xxhllo attempting to get
aboard and xvas qulto badly Inn t. His naniu
could not be le.uned. Tlio train xvus Just
leaving Mi'rnu when the accident oceurud
Ho losldfj near Mindou and xvas on hU xvav
tj Ncvvcas'lo to work on thu H. & M. Ho will
Klllocl In n .Ml no Kvploslon ,
PAiiMntsnuKO , Ind , August 10 By nnox-
plosion in the McCracklin coal mltio today
Emoty McCt&cklln xvas killed and Prank
MrCucklln fatally burned. Another opera
tor ! * bVlllIuUic mine audls Uought to be
deaj ,
Ohlcf Sargent of the FircTOn Hns on Inter *
x low with tbo Vice President.
Uollnlte KIUMI as to ( lie
null of tlio CuntiMiMicu liiill
uatluiis I'olnt ton Mon-
Btoi St ilko 1'oilay.
Nrw YOIIK , August 10. Thcio wns nn nlr
of uiieaslnoss about the ( irand Centuil depot
this oveniugand for the tlrst time In scveml
dm s prep nations were undo for \Vobb und
VooihiiM to spend the nlglit In thudcpot. An
emergeney tin * apparently in ism to
induce the New York Ceiitnil ofllelnls
to nntlclp\to \ deNelopinonts tint might
require tbilr nttentlon at any moment.
The eiitiso of this amlety of the Cent ml nu\n-
ageis , nn nnxloty which iippoueil enlj In nil
unusunl avcisloa to in iking imy coin men t on
the situ it Ion , mis ncnlyut last oxplauied by
nn event of tlio forenoon This episode was
an Intcivlow between Vice President \Volb
und Chief S u eal of the Ihothuhood
of Locomotive Firemen hi this
confeienco Webb was jil ic'od In
the situation of doing moit of the
talking. In n loullul manner ho romiill-
nii'iitod SuytMit mill thu oigiiul/atliui of
\\hlchthohttor\ foi tbo mnii-
ncr In which it hid remained , true to the
( Vutid iluiinj , ' the stilko W < > > li ga\o
hugent every oppnitiinlty to miv that the
llii'iiun tippiorlitod thu ( omjilliiu'iit nml
would continue'In the futuie , as In the past ,
tuio to the liitciests of tbo iillioict
und not Join the ranKs of the stiliters ,
hut the vile \ ihlet ol the tlremcn did iiot sny
nnj thing of the Kind TlicrcMVin nn nppiront
unwillingness to tnllc at anj leiiLUi nil the
put of Sirgoit.
'J'hls Intel view caused unoslncss. Xoitlior
U'obbuoi Voorheos had much to si\ this
evening. Nothing further has be < Mi he.nd
fiom 1'ovNdc.rlj or leadeis of the ICulglits of
Ni H YOIIK , August l'i The much taRcd
of conlerom o of labor lenders occurred this
evening nt the St. Cloud hotel mid lusted for
two hours The \\liule situ itlon was fully
discussed , but no conclusion \\na iiacl.Cd.
Tbo discussion \vill \ bo resumed In the
At midnight the Indications nro that A
strike fai leaching iu its cbuacter uill toilay
ho inuienraUd on all the lallioaits of the Vamleihltt sjstiiu. Tbo four lubop
leideis in eoiifeieiuultli the executive oom-
mitteoof the Knights of Labor mo niemlcis
ofthesupiemo council of the feduritlon of
railway eiujdoj os. Tlio genual demeanor of
the memhcis of the confoieuco was that of
men euganed In a heavy tisk. They posi
tive ! ) refused to siy in whntvvaj thiir ilrllb *
ei.itbus had ivsulted , beyond the statement
that no conclusion vvii'u cached.
TIIK CKM'IttTs h I'll I UK.
Lnliut * IjcnclcrH iVril in Xew Voile
Vli'o L'lesltlent AVehli 1'ullcH.
Ni-vv YOIIK , August 11) ) . Mr Webb ol the
New York Central this moinlng said'
'Tor the past few dujs Iliavo been making
arrangements to got n new force of fliometl in
case those on the load go out and Inivo suc
ceeded so lartbatimy dohy fwra that causa
will only bo temporary. If uoc essarj I will
stop every pnrticlc of frolght tralllc , eloso up
oveiy yaid and keep them closed until I Imvo
obtained a sulllclcnt iiiunbcr of nou llnmen
to resume the fi eight ti attic. Ihis I think I
can accomplish \\ithin fort -elulit hours , as I
have IOIIR lists of men who will come at the
win'os wo vvill piy. My i o idlll o\pend
$ jH.iO,000 ( to win and in m.v action lam
b iclicd hj tbo stockholders "
It seems to butho ceiic-iil opinion of the
men tlmt Webb's action In icluslm ; touibl-
trato will losult in the train conductors , llre >
mon and svvitcliineii being called out and a
piodigious stiikodccbuecl \ . \ \ \ aftunioon.
1'ovvdeilj and other stuko leadeis were
seen ted ly , hut they v.onld say nothing as to
v\hit their plims In icgurd to tho&tiike
All Quiet at Albany.
AIUVM , ft , Y. , August 19 Theio hud not
been nnj trouble boii ) ted ly up to noon and
none Is expected Ficight trains me niovlu *
thioughtho cltj all light , biipc'imtcndent
Uissellbiys Itill bo hut ashoit tinio befoio
the full height tiatllcis icsumed.
Infoimutioii hits b en leeoived lieio that
Cicnenil Malinger Tom oj of the Now Yoilt
Cential bus sent a dispatch to Superintend.
out Bimo\\3 to icinstiito the all iking switch-
men. Iluuovvs ivfuied to conllim or deny
tba statement , but it is believed , however ,
that the dispatch wns received
Mr Devlin of the uxecutlvo hoard said "Wo
aio uniting novv to hear fiom New Yoik
what the basis of scttloment was , thin \vo
u 111 be able to dceidi ) uhat to do Jf It is
satisfactory the men will ( jo hiclcto woik ; If
notthej won't , and that's nil tbei els toll. "
KlTecthoribo Strike nt < ' ( ! } { ( ) .
On levee , August 19 [ bp-cUl Tulogrim t
TUB ni r.The ] elTect of the New Yoik Cen
tral Btilko was plainly miutfest on theMlcli-
igaa Central and also on the Lake Shore road *
today. Foi the Hist tlmo hlneo the stilka
btpan the Lnko Shoio rofusoJ to accept pcr-
Ishablo freight , and not a pouml of any kind
Offioirht ( w is solicited Thoie.isou of till *
abindonincnt of business is that tlio Lnko
bhoioconnci ts with the Now Yoik ( .cntittl
at BulTilo , vvluio thostiiko is nupaiuntly the
bottesf and whiio the ynuls nre iliokcl wltli
fulglit 'Iho Michigan Cential is bettor off
foi tlioioason that it connects with the Now
Yoik Cential at Niagara Falls , white thcio
Is no dlllK ultj of moment A small nmonut
of iierishulilo fruight vsas sent out over the *
Mlt hL'iin ( ontral , but , llko the I.aku Shoie ,
it solicited no business The Nlikol IMuto
h is independent outlets nve i the 12i ie , Luclc-
nwaiinii and Lchigh Valley ix > ids and Is uctu-
ally doing a hirgor Imtilnesu than bc'fuio the
sliiko bofiiii The Koik iHland hliiko In
Chicago ended toduj without trouulo
Tin ! Situation at Iliiiralo ITi
Bti'i vi o , N. Y , Auftiut 19 - ' 1 ho situation ,
In connection with tbo Ctnti ilstilko remuluu
unchiui'ed. ( All ejcs turn to Ne\v Yoik ,
whore It is cxpeetcd Mcusn Powdoily ,
hugciit , Hoxviud mid others will ted i > icacU
some com lusiou us to the best course , to fol
I'eturiKil nt the Coiiipanj'H Terms.
NnYOIIK , August 19.Tho Now Jersey
kteol and Iron company of Tienton , N J , re-
poiU the stiiKo ended , tbo men having 10-
tui ned to vv oik this moiuiiifut the coaipany'a
l'H Const luitloti.
J ( USIJN. Miss , August 19 Tlio most Im
portant business piesonted to tlm c Diivcntlon
todaj was theiepoit of the committed oncio-
dcntitda in the cent wtod elect ion cnso of
Mould and I'earman aialint Melthev
and Montgomery The mujonty of the
( ommittco lopoitcd in fa\or of
the I'MitosttuiU and the minority
ropoi ted In favor of the con tetters Attlon
waa dofeiied until tomoirow , when .Mont-
Kuinery. onoof thocontuatiea , and n fonnor
Klavi of , l''JU'i-sou ' DtuU mill tljoonly coloird
man in the co ivcuitlon , will bo heaul in Ilia
ovMibebdf. Jud0 | hlinrcl i < portrd a plan
of fiuiriauo today , which luovldes for
the prop i ) mint of u poll tat nud hnllotltii ;
on the .Vnerlcau plan A losolutlonuas also
pasfioil uquoillngthuudhl.iry ] commlttro to
report to vv lint oxU-nt Iho con vi nt Ion Is bound
b > the provisions of the ait of ci/iiK'iess ud-
mlttliijf Mlselsslpiil into the union.
' 1 ho Htenmor iloNep Ino Ovridue.
loen ) , August 19 , jSiicchil Cablegram to
Tin. lieu ] Iho Ostciul atoamor Princes *
Josephine la four hours ovoidiio and consldcD
n bio anxiety Is felt for her bufcly. She bn * (
lui o ui.uib.i ( of ya scuiim-s ou board.