Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Ho * Mr , Bakock Would Hsvo Them Equal
ized in tlio Bohcola ,
An I2.\Orcin1 > cr or Ilio Ilonid of I3 lu-
cut Ion Who Ililnkn It Is lIxccRslvo
ItclatUc hulinul I\t ! ciiHca In
mid Oinulin.
en the question of salaries wlilch
r lr. Itobcoclr , of tlio boird ot education
raUw.1 at the committee meeting
SaUiL-il.iy night. that grntlonnnsnlil !
"I On not mean to say ttiattondiors'salnrles '
tire too lilgh , but I do say that 1
would like to see them equalled Inn more
reasonable manner. Ai you may Icnovv , the
snlaricsof principals nrc ihcd liy the number
of rooms over which tlio principals liavo su-
t > ervlloii. ThntU to say a principal receives
$ Ti | > pr month nioie than the ordinary leather
u | ii tlio Riounil tli at shots n principal and
tlion slio yetj f.1 per month la addition to
tliU for o\cry room over \vlilcli
slio exercises supervision , In thj
way , wo flnd that tlicro arc about half a
OO/.PII pilntlpalswlio arcs Jr.iwIiiB $1,400 , bo-
c.mse they Imvo cbatxo of tlitrtecn rooms.
'J'lic teii-ber'a salary Is fTOpor montli.Vlth
§ . ' 1 iicldul us recognition of the fact of prluel-
pilshlp and $5 ( or c.ich 1-ooin , tlio saliry
ainouuH toJHO per uioutli oi-Jl , 100 fortcu
"Now thcrcsison Iolje < tto thU rnotboJof
fhliifsjlaiH ! tliat it h unfair for these
vim superintend smaller builcllncs , Jtio-
qulros just as much nbllity to Miperinten J an
eight , nr ton room buildliigas it Joes to supor-
iiitcnd 0110 of thlilccii looms , jet only
itimit live or six toathen in Oimlui
get tlils l.400 salary based upon tlio number
ofiooni1) , fur thcio SUP only about that nuny
school buildings -nhlcli contalu thiitecu
"Now , my phnwould bo to cquilUo this
imtter , jinil it couU bo donoiu this vav :
I'lluoli'ils ' of schools oT two rooim or less ,
S'fiO pn1 ( iunuinovorUvo ; rooms anil bilow
four , JAR ) , over four rooms and Mow six ,
$1,000. ooi six and below olglit , $ I,1UO , all
oa-rcUlit.fl.aX ) .
"Iouhl pay no pilnciinl tnoro than SI/100. /
This inlpht cause seine tlhsiitisfiietion utiioiif ;
these \\lio \ oic now KCtlinyJl.'lOO , but \\oulil
cliultlin tlw licirta of a ( irrtat many who
idill o tliat they nro not getting paid
M well for the work they
do aaio tlioso fo\v lucky onci who got hold
of the lui'tje buildings 'j'lih iihn,7fniloiU-il | ,
uouldilo away with the \leious practices that
some have resorted to of AH-unslliif ? nml
scheming to got us maiii loons under their
tupotvlHioniis iwisl
" 'J'lieu' Isrntliely too ranch scheming and
\\Iio-iiuUliiR amoiiB our tonchcra nud tlio
mcmliers of tlio boiril. I want to see tbe
dullness of the board of cJucnllon conducted
Just , as I would conduct any other business.
nnd I want to sco all this lovoritolsmlpcd
"Tlicro h ono sum way of Rnuzlng the
vorltof tlio Heliools , " contluucil Mr. ll.ib-
loclc , "and that Is by watching the results.
Take , for Instance , the f Mduntcs of the high
telioolvbonttuiil nonnalschoul' ? for a jear
and \\\\n \ \ then cotno back lii'io to tuliO an ex
amination for tholo-nost wade cortlllcato
i-.sue. Tlicio are barely thirty -three per
cent of tliim successful , and shovs , to my
mind , that the schools are not thorough. To
bo suio , every thlnp works smoothly , but I
am foiivinted that tlio ptiiills aio pushed fas
ter Una tlielr abilities - svlllvairnnt , in cider
to inul'o a good shoeing and glvo the schools
a hluh standing
" > loie than this , -no have toomnny teachers
for tlio nuutbir of nuplh in the .schools ;
the uveia o number in each loom
t ? ontliely to small. In other
hi'KO cities , they pay larger snl trios
thanwo dolifro , but the avci.iKO cost per
pupil is much less than in Omaha. TaltOtlto
. Ohlc.ipo 11 port for instance. It tliat bo exam-
J Incd It willfliow that they pay piliirlpals
Jk much moi-e than wedo. jcttho avcragocost
Jr nor pupil It scarcely moix1 than half what It is
r In O nmli a. "
An examination of the icpoit of the Chi-
cnso board of education showed that the uv-
attcndatico of pupils Ourini ; the
last tcliool > cir\va3TO'l.0 , ns commiod with
9,005 In Om.iha. Tlio cost per pupil , based on
tlio mcr.iRO dally nttciidtnco , was & ! . ! ! ( > in
Chio.ifta nnd ? . ' ! I40 inOnnha. The average
nunibci' of pupils to each teacher \\os llftv-
two In Chicago , while it is but thlity-lho in
The report also slio ws that In Clilcapo the
principals of the larger buildings , having
from tweho to twenty- four rooms , are paid
$ . ' ,2M ( a 3 fir , valla print-hulls of tlio smaller
buildings are inld from S..WJO . down toli)0 ! (
iior jcar. All as.sistant prlueipnls raoivo
tll > IO per your ,
"It was a poor slroko of economy , " said
aa cx-niembcr of the school board yesterday
mornhifr , "for tlio board uhich has Jubt taken
Its inorcaso the of our
schools , ulthout receiving any coinponsatliiR
retuin. The assistant principal bhoultl perhaps -
haps have been given us much as his piedc-
.cessoi- had icctlved.bnt I don't ' scow hy other
salaucs should have boeu raised.
"Jilts salary business , In nine cases out of
ten , Is not Insed uiiou the return \\hicli
teachers glvo for it but is Rovcriied by the do-
slroof numbots of tlio board to ( jUas much
money as they can for tlielr relatives , filends
or favorites ho may bo cnK-igeil m tuo
"Thiswould bo all richt if tlio inonoy cair.o
ontof the nockotti of tlio mi'inbots who vote
it , Imt , as ft conies out o [ tlio pockets of the
people , the generosity Is far ftoiri bcinf , '
worthy of consideration. I think every ono
of our liluh school people lire oicrpnld bo-
c.iu > eltis by no means niiparont thntthc-y
mo compelled to woilt hiudor than tlio
teachers In tliograiled schools. Ifor my part ,
1 know tint teaching In the hitjli school is
ihild'.s pity when compaiecl vith that of the
tower classes. AMieii thci-cforo the hi h
hehool people reecho almost Uvieo as much
\Mitjosjciirlv , it Is pijlnpa very liberal
premium for the supoilor education which
tlici uro snnposed to possess. "
ItVlsOHorr-tlby nlmily to ISilNcnl , tlio
Condom ncil lYlan.
3-M Ncal , the numloror , yesterday re
ceived n long lettorof scvornl fliicly viltton
piiRia 1'iuiii an Oinabiiliiilj sI iihiR liei-sclf
"Mis I1. H. S" 'Jlio ktturvii3 sent ton
no\\spaiioroHlco In this city with the renue't
that nil possible lnllucni-o ho useil to se
cure the slioillT's appioval for 1U reaching
The sheriff compiled with the request and
tliaroniluiincil iniinviis ( l\cii ibo missive
The content * , accwdlntr to tboDhei-ltl , ai-o
j > r motherly onloraiuliiill upon the niur-
( luftr to tcelc Uhrht , tiii't and hope in him ,
nudpreuti-o for ile.ith. The letUr refers to
him us "n i or boy , dear to somcboilv's
lioait , " and \\lio "sltouM bo allowed ajytao little -
tlo coin foil niul attention us honow stiuidj
bofoiv tlio i-apldly apiironchlug' sliiOo\v oj
tlouth. "
ACIioIco Iiltt of Hiiiiiincr
In tholuko ro Ious \VlsconsIn , Min-
ncbolix , linvtuuitl the two Uiikotns , there
nro huiuhvdj of duvrmlny localities pre
eminently flltod for bummer homos.
Amonjjf the followliiff bclueted list are
utxincs faiulllar to ninny of our roailora
iia the iwrfuctton of northern biiiuinor ro-
soils. Js'mirly allot tlio "Wihcoiisiln points
of liitorost tuo ivituin n short dbtimco
from CJhit'ugo or Mihvuulcoo , and none
of UiciiinroBO faraway fioin the "busy
mniti * of ul llizntlon" thivt tlioy cannot
bo i-onchod in u few hours of tmvol.
by fivqucnt trniiiH , over the flnost road
in tlio nortliwoit Ilio Clik-jifjo ,
Mihvnxilcuo fa St. 1'nul railway ;
Oconoino\voc.\\'is. \ I.iUo : , Iowa.
MlnocquaVU , Xjdco OkodoJI , Iowa.
" \ Vnuknslm.Yls. . Spirit Uiki' ' . Iowa.
I'olmyraVIs , VronUiiac , Minn
Tnnmhnwk LtiUci. LA leu .Mliiactonlca.
AVls. Minn.
na\sldo ! , AVls , OrU > n\lllo , Minn.
lllmihiClty , Wit. 1'rlor Uiko , Mtnn.
( IVllsof tlio \ VU'VYhita Bear Lalto ,
consul ) Minn.
Ilp.i\or D.un.Wls. Jllj ? Stone Lalse , Di-
MaJIson.WU. . koUi
Tor detailed Informitlon , apply nt tlcUct
OCUco , IMlfmiuuustrwt , DarkerlUotk.
lA. . NASH , GOM. Agent.
J , E. I'ltusro ' , Pass.
wiiuitij I'ooijS or POISON
An a They Must Up'.Plllea Within Sixty
Herewith Is given the locution
and the ownership of the ie lots that Imvo
boon declared nuisances by reason of having
llngnint water upon thorn. The property
owners nns given sixty days from Iho date of
Iho oftlclal notice , which U now Mng pub
lished , In which to ab.itotho nulsnnco. If in
the iiKHintlmo the lots Mmll not have been
filled Uio city tvlll do the \voik nml the ex
pense will bu assessed sia apwlal tax against
the iiroperty.
Tlirco lots northwest corner Twenty- fourth
nnd llunlctto. Owned by Doughs County
banlt nnd Sarah G\\ycr.
Fourteen lots between Nineteenth nnil
Twentieth nnd Center nnd Dorcas Ottnoil
by Georpo Murker , Samuel U. Rogers , J. S ,
McNallyJ. Seymour , Eilnnrll. Sontt.
T\\o lots on ( Jhnvles.biUvecn Thlrtjfourtli
mid Tblitv-llfth. Christine Anderson aft"d
Ono lot southeast corner Chi capo street
and Txvcnty-ilghth avenue , latthew 1C.
Drake , owner.
U'hroo lots cnst slilo Ttilrty-tblrd street , op-
poslto .font's. Albert L. ( > IMVCS , Albert M ,
Grntcs , Jlllton F. Hovs , Andruw Anderson.
T.ix lot east of ' 1 wcnty-wond , between
ItiilMIoMiirdand teavcuwoith. LilwarJT.
Half Ipt east sldo Twcnty-flfth street , ho-
twccn Mnrc-y unil Aloso t. habulKi C.
.Four lota on I3mt street ( W3t ot I'lilrtj'-
spfontl. Kroilorlcl : 31. Lowe. Curolliio
Chilitlamon , Ida M. St. John , Ficdorlcl : D.
Klght lots hc-Uvcm Elghtcentli and Nine-
too'ilh , Center and Dotcti" , Simuel li
UoBors , ( iottlicb Storz , James M. McMihon ,
Da\lil toy I an.
U'hi-eo loU soutlnvest corner l ornnm nml
Twenty-elffhth streets , llyron Kccd , Umm'k
A. ( ilb'bsand Ilnnlct A Jonscn.
UVo lots on DodRo olivet between Twenty-
clRlith street nnil T\\cnty-clglitli incuuc ,
Mattin Oburfililornnd Norm in A. ICtilm.
1'lireo lots Thirtieth nud Dodge stioets ,
ninma C iijbs , Ada P. Ui.iko.Kllzubcth Hatch.
'JVo lots A\ctt sldo cf TliU tcenth stieel
north of Williams , Oeoigo Wears autl
Ono lot on JIartlii sticctcstof \ Twmty-
ninth stuot , J. O. Slatter.
Ono lot southeast corner Owlus nnd
T\vcntj--Hfth streets , GtihardS. llcatina.
Five loti northeast corner Hickory nud
Twmty-sovciith slrcot. Shull u&tato ( being
Seven lota on cast nnd west sldo of Mlllanl
trc'et , not tli of Francis , C. B Ilnvrns , A. C.
Foster , John S. lianas , James 0. Meentb ,
C ? . W. Wcgcnth , Joiepli 1 . Mc cith , .
IIoWicpp , 1 G. Bi-cwer , W. 0.
umlll. 1) ) . Kliodcs.
rive lots on east \vcstsldoof Twenty-
ninth stii-ot , north of JM Ciclghton avenue ,
Adclln JNI Majnaid , Anna Knhnn , Mnrgurct
Wood and Anna W Miltoy.
Tux lol3V , South nf Burditto nnd03t of
Twcutv-flrt street , Mejer llollinan.
U'ux ' lots ! W nnd 3,1 , noith of Cuming and
castof , Jouii A. Creigh-
'J'\vo \ lots v.'eit side of Twonth- fourth street
and \vost of llnrnoy , Alary U. Kellogg , Jo-
II. Millard and William WulUcc.
Dr. SussclorlT makes a spoolalty of dis-
cases peculiar to women. 150 1 1'urniun 6t.
' 11IK ' ' '
Delesralei li-oin In Kli9 Couuty td
tlio Stile ConviMirlon.
The Dontjl county prohibitionists ba\o
thrown themselves Into the breach and uro
now in politic1) ) . Iho state convention , to put
upa ticket , Mill ho hold in Lincoln OH tlio
27th hist 'Iho Omaha contingent Unit will
help to mnUo that tlolrct is composed of tlio
following ladles and pcntlemcii : John Dale ,
Mrs. O. W. Clarlto , S L. . Diekover , A. L
Stcnccjphor , G. A. Tony , John Trench , (1
13. Thompson , Uav Kill , G W. Van ,
I. l'hipi Hoc , W .1. Stephens , W. "W. Me-
UnndlHli , 11. W. lilt-hnidson , ( icoigo II Gib
son , E. U. Thomni , W. A. Anderson , MH.
M M. Lantry , K. Li. I3ic\\-htcr , 1C H. Aicyurs ,
J. B. Vnndoicook . II. Il.izxnul , levs. C.
M , Da\\Ron , ( Jcorgo Blown. I' . S Mcnill , C !
W. SavidKO , M. L Holt , U' , J. Palm , II. A.
Crane and A , W. Lsuuar.
How ItAVas Transacted Under
DiiiHly'n iliulstHct Ion.
' '
Deputy United States 'District Attorney
Cnlilridjj'o about completed the annual re-
pott ot the district court for the year
ending Juno W ) , 1690.
It shows that there were 100 crl-niual pros
ecutions , Of thcso shty-nlno vcro for of
fenses against tlio internal revenue laws ;
ton woio against the lawo of the postotllco
dcp.trtincut ; ono aiminst the pension laws ;
thicovcro for cmbu/zlomcnt , and tlio 10-
tnninlng seventeen were of a inlsccllaneoua
Of the TOO cases tiled clghtj-onocoavlc-
tionstrn sccui-ed , thieo defeiidaiits wcio
nciuitud ) , ar.d sixteen cases ucro discon
Iho amount of fines Imposed ivas S3B15.SO.
At tlio boglnning of the present fiscal
tbrro vero fifty-four c.iscs pending In the
disti let court.
Distriut Court.
Duff Green has entered foieclosuro pro-
cecdinps in the district court agilnst Oeorso
\V Hull and seven othcis on u nioitua0'o
tjiven tosocnie the pavmcntof fri,0l)0. ( ,
Albright Iand and Lot comp.iny has pro
ceeded to foiectoso on inoi ( frames ri\cn by
Ohed i : Ilcusierct alnnd U' . C. Palmer ct
ul , to secure saiall atnouiiUof inonoy
rorodosuro pioceoilluirs wore begun bv
ld\vlii S. Hood against Charles J ICnlHli
and otucrd to secure the payment of small
The Omaln lonn nndtrnstcompinybioiiKlit
suit atramst Hamilton Urothtrt ) > to foiecloso
amoflimics lean upon pioncity in tlio city
and to collect a debt duo for lumber , 'Uio
ainoant involved Is S-.iiOO.
G. II and J. S. vjOllini have commenced
suit apiiiihtVillUtn II Siualdinp et alto
foieolobo a inort'iRO ( on Omaha propcitv that
si cures the payment of three notes of &JOO
cadi.M. A DisbroWit Co , nlleo that on Foh-
ruary 1" > thev fuinhhedUaso t Kennedy lum
ber witli n Inch to bulM a house , and as the
amount of nioaej wlilch the lumber rcpio-
sentcd has not been paid , they hnvo com-
iiieiicodsultto rci-over i > llsl.
M. A DIabiow& Co. Invo hrouKht suit
toreco\er liO , vhlch anioiiut tkuy ilaim is
onliiKthuinby ' . II. Smith.
Robert 1J. Mooio , late general supeiintcnd-
cntofttio FrankN. K Ort ! publishniB com
pany , has brought suit aK.iliist His ex-cm-
ployerto tviover$76lof bk salary.
J. II Mllhrd , as tinstee , yesterday com
menced suits In foreclosure nfjiilnst John II.
Hamilton , Charles' ! ' . T.ivlor.I'Ved W.Melcliei- ,
JI II. ( 'oinstiolcand ) J G. Dubola. 'Ilio sov-
eul inortipigors bought lots in Jerome
diiniij ; the tin-ins ot b.0 and have tailed to
: iuUo their | i.iynieut .
Count } Court.
In tlio county court U'illiain lUliot Smith
ycstonUy commenced suit against Herman
itodfleld nnd Julius Hosenlwrf ? to collect $ ! s'J
duo on a bill of goods , sold iiiul ilelivciod.
On the AM day of June , bsl ) , 0 I. llenfoni
sold D T. ( ierdcs ol ht reid cuts , but as
they v ere never delivered ( Jcrctts bos brought
s > ult toreco\er \ $ .tX ) damages.
wew issued by the
superintendent of bulldlnRJ yofitcrdny :
JiKopliandO < 'orol . iht-Uer , four-story
biluli wiiivhouse , IWJ and Ull Jones
Btrott . J . : . * 13,000
0 .1. Miiudiri. onu-stniy funio cottae ,
KooUiind U'oodstit'OlH . 1"00
A 1' . I'uUoy , 0110 and tino-foiirtli story
fuunu collude. L'ltfiou Hill . 1,100
A I1. TuUoy , uiio iiiul ono-fnurtlibtory
fiunocottiiBO.OUttoii Hill . 2,200 ,
Oao minor purnilt , . . . l'- ' " >
Total . 8100J5
coaches I'ullman palace
uloupers. dining caw , free reclining chair
cars to Clilcngn nml intorvonlng point ?
\la the { jrwit IlocU bland route. Ticket
ollloo 100- , Sixteenth nnd
An i\ctii-slon ;
Them will bo a grand excursion of the
South Oinnha live stock exchange nnd busl-
men ot South Omaha and Omnha to
, In , to the opening of the blue Brass
julacoon AuRUstW. The train leaves South
Omalia at 3W : ) a in. and Omaha at 0:40 : a. in. t
lU tbo Chlcajo , Buiilastou & Quiiicy. Ou o
faro for the round trln , Rood until September
1. . ISio. Thollvo stooltcxfhniiRclias eaffaRcd
the Musical Union bund of twenty-five mem
bers for the trip , everybody Invited. Come
ono and nil and help boom youth Omaha and
Omaha ,
The funeral of Mrs. Wlznbath Kohlmeycr
took piaeo yesterday and was largely at
tended by friends of the deceased and her
family In this city. The reinilns wow borao
from the residence of her son , Mr. Charles
Kohlmoycr , corner of Thhllcth strcot nail
Amos avenue , to the clmrobof St. Mary Mng-
dnlcn whero-a requiem ma s was celebrated.
The deceased was the mother of the well-
known member of the G , A. 11 mentioned
above and of Mrs , Wicdcrlcclir nnd died after
n short Illness in the eighty-third year oJ her
ape. Interment took nlaio in the German
Catholic ecmoteiy. 'Iho pill bearcw weio
Messorn William \Veehback. Anton 33au-
inclster , Joseph Dcckman , P. KarbachJ. ,
Leonard nud A. Anatnuslus ,
W. \ , Mitchell of Warren , 0. , who Ind
been for live weeks confined to his bed in tlio
Millnrd , died Sunday night.
Mr. Mitchell was a traveling * man for the
"Wlnllcld manufacturing company of Warrca ,
Ilfo , and wai twenty-eljrht years old. Miss
Mitchell , a sister , has boon at hh bcsldo for
tbo past week , as was also Mr. O. 11 Giiin-
inesy , the mumper of thocomiiany which Mr.
Mitchell HaU ieii-esenteit.
S.V. . Spntlln. who for in-iny yean wai a
member of the linn of ID. M. Slccln & Co. ,
died at his home , ISO * Lc.ivemvorth street
yesterday nftornoon. TUe deceased leaves a
wife and live children.
Peter Johnson , a Swede , dlod at St.
Jowph's hospital S.iturdnv morning , IIJTO
ilfty-slx ycnis , of drops } ' , ills remains were
turned over to Undeitnlcr U ring Saturday
oicnlng , and up to last e\caiiig dc.'cusvil's
relatives had not put in an nppcaianco. Mrs.
Johnson cnllul at the hospital Sunday nud
wjs told of her Husband's death and directed
to the undeitakcr's oflleo nt 1W'J ) rarnatn
strcot. She talUcd English Indifferently and
it Is thought did not nndiu-stand the sul
import of the Infounation given her at the
SOVTJI ojiAir.i X irs.
lie ! tcr Stock Kates.
The latelllKOiiteal and Judicious labors of
Manager W N. ISabcock , of the Union Stock
yards , have removed another of the impedi
ments to this maiket. Last year , the rate
fioin iiorthcastorn Xc\v Mexico was $10 toH5
higher to this maikot than to ICausis City.
Mr. liahcoclc has succeeded in KetthiB the
Union I'ucillc company to reduce its freight
tolls on the Gulf system to l" , the same
fiuifjntr.itoas lo Kansas Citv. This oneiis all
noitluiiiloia New Mu < dco to South Onuihi's
Shot nt and I'liiril.
C. IJ , Smith Sunday night interfered , vlth
OfllccrPutilck licardon after the ai rest of
tin obstreperous woman. The oflirer
lost his fctnalo prisoner but whoa
Mr. Smith attempted to flj the oftlcorbroticht
his ro\olvcrlntoncti\c usoandcaptuiinKthe
fleeing Smith run him in the cooler. .ludKO
Kill ! ; impoicd a line of S > 0 and costa. In de
fault ho \ \ as > coinniittcd to the county Jail.
l > riicliiiirry.
Thoniccttie Light company this vcck will
begin making Its improvements. A brick
and stone buiMlng fiOxCO feet , t\\o stoties
high \\fll \ bo erected diiecllv cast of the JJIPS-
cnt buildiiu. . 'The llrst lloor will bo used for
a new dynamo and cn itio rooms. Thofcoo-
end lloor will bo used as auorkshop.
Sluli- U aloli.
Mr. I'lnnniRnn stolen watch fioin John Dee
of Omaha , and had only landed In the city
v hen Marshal Jlnloney took him in charge.
Ho is uo\v In jail awaiting for Jlr. Dec
llrnKcmaii Injiii-i'd.
James P , IHckoy , a da.v hrnkcmnn on ono
of the stock yards crcushlle switching
Sunday afternoon near the lonud house ,
AMIS sti uck and Knocked off a car , sustaining
a bad cut and biuiso on the left hand , face
and leg. The injuiiesoro dressed and
Ilickey was tnKea to his homo on Tenth
stieet , Onuha. _
School House linilcoii Into.
Vandals Sunday night biokolnto the Third
nnrd schoolhouse and bi-oko off ard carried
away the -water glass nnd steam gauge fioin
the boiler. Some bilek work was also torn
down , The damage \ \ ill amount to about So.
The J iinipr I'lunic.
The picnic in Turner P.nk Sunday -\us a
Bratifylag success nnd s creditable to the
tui new as it was gratify ing to tlio committees
nnd pleasing to their guests , 'Jho attendinco
as laiijo and the pleasures met every o.\pec
otos About the Tity.
The Evening News has put on n now dress ,
moved Into its new oflko in the Pioneer
blookand hereafter will hive its press work
done nt tuo Stockman olllco. Editor \Viiiner
A. Itoot's many friends uio congiatulating
hhn.Dii tils success.
At the 1'rcsbj torinn parsonage Saturday
evening at 8 o'clock , the Kov. liobeit l-i.
\Vhcclor oflleiuttiig , Mr Herman W. J3iu > cli
and Allss AmmM. G Kennedy , both of thU
city , wiu-o mar lied. Mr. Dnseh K one of tlio
trusty men at the packing house of Swift &
A hurplar attempted to effect an entrance
Into Daniel Sullivan's house about 9 o'clock
Sunday night , but was sr.irccl away bj per
sons who \\PVO waiting toe.ii > turo lilm.
A couple of scores ot yoiiii people spent a
rlciisiiut Sittirday tlio residence of
Mr. anil Mrs. J. J. Ncxuoniu , hi the 'J'liinl
\\ard , UiORuebUof Miss Muud Neuccutb.
Mrs. L. M.V. . Ovens , of Baltimore , Mil. ,
dclivcicd nil Interesting mission loutiuu in
the l'ruabterian chuich Siinil.iy ovciilu ; , '
Air nnd Mrs Huriy B. Mentefcodosiies to
thank their many fricmls throuB'h the col
umns of TIIK KM : for kindness shown them
uuring their bereavement.
Tlio Crescent ( nuutctt , tlio flnest inusk-al
organization in tlio oitv , will KI\O another
concert in Blum's oiiera house. Friday eve
ning , the iJ'.itu. Tlio ( juiu-totto will bo as
sisted by the best talent anil by Prof.
Sutoihib' mandolin club , of Omaha.
Ofllcor Joseph Ilumpal has bought n liouso
and lot on Twenty-fourth nuar B streci AI-
Tvo cows were killed Saturday afternoon
nt the B. AM. . dossing west of the city , ono
of the niilmuls belonged to Chiulcs Cum-
mlngs and the other to Isaac Levy.
The dolcp.itci from the four liohemian so
cieties met hi National bull Sunday nftor-
noon mid am > oiiited commlltocs for the dauco
next Sutiiidiiy evening.
ThoH'.oStoek cxi-hnnifo vlll hold n spe
cial meeting to nrniniro for an excursion to
the Uluo Gr.iss palace , Crestou , In. , next
Alioiit 1 * < 'rions ,
Jfrank I ! Adams U vIsitiiiR In Hcono , In.
Rev. IJelno A. Ihown has retumccl ftoiu
Miss llulda Lumber has returned from
Pimell , I. T.
Miss Amm Adnms has pone to Iliintpton ,
In. , for ufortiilht's | visit.
GcorRC K. Jewett of the fl. H. Hammond
fnrto , who has been vibltlng ut l-'oit Bridgor ,
\ryo , , has returned ,
VteA llowloy , V , J. HuRcr nnd Bern aril
Blum will spend several days hunting at
The Cni'ii Mipjily.
SIOCKIUM , Is'cb. , August lU. To the Kdltor
of TIIK BKK : In your statistical table of the
amount of old corn ou hand , published In yes
terday's Uiu , Stooldintn Is omitted. There
nro 20,000busucls cilbbod at this station , anil
presumably that vill bo shipped , although
this is not certain , 111 cnttlo feedei-a mny buy
It for local consumption , There tire , also , In
the hands of fanners in this vicinity , mostly
in InrRO lots , fioin KO.tKW to 25,000 bushels of
old corn , most of vhlch will bo consumed at
homo , Homo aio i-ofusliiB to sell fit 50 ceuU ,
while a iovf are selling at 40 nnd 45 conUJ
The proving crop In this county has tin
iiro\ed since the ruins , and \\lll iiiako nearly
half a crop. J. I ) , H.
Tlio now ofllcos ofvho fjroat Rock Is
land route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam
Btruot , Oinalm , nio the IIneat in the city ,
Cull nnd bco thorn. Tickets to all points
east ut lowest ratal.
i TE1131S.
Fatls for New " \VorUn Jlnko tlio Col
onel Miserable.
"Do j-oti ever rcail Uio social columns
In oui'iiowspapora ? inq'ilred ' the colonel ,
ns n stylishly ilrosactl lady swept out of
the cnr , says the Atlanta Conslltutton.
"I hcnv my vlfo rehflitip tliein , " replied
llto major , who was fitting onposlto.
"Well , Hint's vhat I mean/'bald the
colonel. "Naturally , a grown man with
slpng of bcnnl on his fai-o wouldn't bo
expected to ilovour that hind of thing.
I hear my wife niul fflrls vendlnp It oi-
cnsloiinlly , nnd I liav listened patiently
nnd learned some liUoreslinp wets , A
mnn can nhvnys Icnrn i-omothiii ! ; if lie'll
sit rlpht still nnd listen. Now I'll ' hot n
hess that none of you fellows know what
"Sho nnd bonnet ' "
n foronothlng'"saiil
the In&t iiii&scrrpcr.
"Correct , " wild the colonel , "What
else ? "
"Woll " said the
, major roilcctlvoly ,
"sho had on a tlrcb ? . "
" 0 no , " exclaimed the colonel.
"Thnl's whcro you nro wrong. That's
whnt you miss by not educating youi'soH
In the bocloty business. Tlio lady didn't
bavo on n dress. " '
"What do you talco mo for ? " nsked
Iho major. "I'll take my oath tlio lady
laid on u dress nnd a very pretty one ,
too. "
"You are mistaken , " snld tlio colonel ,
"Well , what did she hnvoon ? " the sail
passenger innusrcd in his mild wny.
"A sown,1' rcmnrl.ed the co'ionol.
"It's funny , Imt there aiv no diosses any
inoic. TrocliS went out of fashion when
I was fi boy , and now if avnman Imsji't
poton a gown it isbocaii-o hho is wenr-
inga morning or an o\ening toilet. Dnt
generally it is a gown especially in
Atlanta. When I hear my wife or the
girls rending the papers it looks like tome
mo that the whole face of the cat th is
covered with frowns morning frowns ,
evening frowns nnd tea gowns. Thirty
yeius ngo a calico frock used to bo good
enough for my wife , hut now she haste
to hnvo gowns just lilco the girls. I
don't ' blame her inucli. bho ain't quite
ns frisky as the girls , but sho'9 lots bet
ter looking. "
"Woll , " said the major , "I expect it's
the sumo wny at my house , but my wife
is soold-fashloncdin her ways , especially
when it comes to nuiidng eg-g bread and
wallles , that "ho don't poster with these
lieu-fnnglod tilings. A frock is btill n
frock to her , and bho don't want any
llounces and furbelows on it either.
"My opinion is , " bald the .sad iwsen-
gor , "that if the women call a chess a
Ko\\n \ they known hut they are about.
\Vlion my wife Biy gown.'a gown it is.
A man that isn't cut biased can all'ord to
lot tlio women ha\o all the satisfaction
they can get out of calling a dress a
gown. "
Frank Stewart , Kock Island dining car ser
vice , now runs Hotel. Colfnx at Colf.ix
Spilngs , nnd If you want a sumptuous Sun
day dinner tlicro is the place to go.
lie Rot Many Dollms Prom the .11:1111-
inoii ol' Unrighteousness.
"Uncxpectrdlv I found mytolf forced
to run ever to Boston , " s-iid a man the
other day to u New York Tribune
writer. "It was so Mann and disagreeable -
able that I determined" to go by boat ,
although I know I would bo unable to
got a stateroom. I fancied that I bhould
enjoy bitting up until late , \\hen T could
get a nap in ono of the seats in the
cabins. ] Jut when the sun vus : down I
found it cold on theater , and was
di-Hcn into the cabin from Iho deck , J3y
II o'clock 'I ' was so sleopv that I could
not hold my head up. The wind
outside , followed by the warmth of the
cabin , acted like an opiate on inc.
"I hunted up ono of the under stew
ards and asked him if ho could not ar
range for nio ono of those mattto&bos
which I saw , as ho had done for othois.
Oli , yes , they were for any ono if they
wanted them.
' "But , I said , 'I can't sleep on ono of
those thcso things as they aro. Can't
you jret me a sheet and a blanket ? "
" 'I dent , know , ' ho answered doubt
"But he did know when I slipped a
dollar into his hand , for in a short limo
ho came back and nyylo a bed for mo. I
dropped oft lo sleep at once , and was only
awakened bv feeling my'lilimlcot roughly
joikcd off mo. Sitting up in my impio-
viccd bed I saw the retreating form of
my btouard carrying the blanket. Ho
went up to a man , made up a bed for
him , took n dollar mid started olT.
See here ; ' I cried Indignantly/what
do j ou mean by stealing my bhinkplV'
" 'O , ' ho mild , 'did you want it ? '
" 'OfooiiHo T wanted it '
; didn't I pay
you for the use of itV' '
" 'Well'lio answered coolly , 'it's so
warm I didn't biippoto you cared about
it. '
" 'I do ; it's cold now. "
" 'Uh , ' ho said easily , 'thero are
plenty more of them. I'll get you an-
othor. '
"ITo walked up to a sleeping man ,
deftly pulled his blanket from him , and
brought it to me.
" 'There , ' ho bald , 'if you \Mint anoth
er I'll got il for you. There arc plenty
of them. '
"I tucked myself in carefully this
time to bavo being robbed again , and
turning over , went oil fora second bleep. "
" \VIioiirvcr Her Iliisnaiiil Did.
A "Washington lady , inyiitlng from
Now Ilampihiro whcro she is spending a
portion of the wumnu'r , speaks of the
lack of progress which prevails in many
of the funning districts of the state , say's
the Washington Post. She is stopping
at n farmhouse in a very imiot nndlonoly
neighborhood , wheroa ion summer boar-
dct-i ! ocea&onally go. Thoownorsof the
farm , Mr. and Mrs. , are In moderate
citcunistiincos , but in many re-pects
they aio baiUy behind the times.
"I asked these people , " writes the
Wishing ton lady , "if it did not seoin ex
ceedingly monotonous living where they
saw so few people , for their nearest
neighbors were nearly a nillo away.
Mrs. replied thai they were sometimes -
times a little lonehovoe. I suggested
that as they were so near to llnstim they
of rouiM ) wont to that city occasionally ,
where they could see moio of what \\ils \
going on tlio the world. "
" 'Oh , j cs'said Mri. , 'I always
account in ' v my husband whenever hc/'oes
to Bobton.1"
"In that case , I suppose you have gene
there tlirco or four times this year , at
least. "
" 'Land , no , " she replied , "it is ex
actly thirty years this summer since Si
las and 1were last thoro. ' "
And yet she always wont tcBoston
whenever her husband did.
When Haby wim lck , we gave her C/utorli ,
When tlio * & CWld , ilie cried forCaatorb ,
When ho became > IU.i , slio clung to Civstorla ,
Vfliuo tlio b&J Chil Jron , slio garu Uiem CastorU ,
1 )
l.i > rik iJ .ii Mij. WBtoruU. .
Insect Stings
Sore Ey < 3S
Sore Feet
Soreness *
B'rufc '
Mosquito Elites
SiThBurn g
* *
MANurAC'njnco ONLY oy
ll.iKfwnt. .
The well-inown Yellow Labels of
the Apolhmiris Company , Limited , are
protected fy Perpetual Injunctions of the
Supreme Court.
lieiuare of lot lies bearing the genuine
Apollinaris labels but te-jlllcii with a
sput tons at lick.
vififch , if genuine , is branded -i'it/i the
name of the AJiollitiaris Company ,
Limited , and the words "Apolhnari *
BrtHineu " around an anchor.
O it r A T
1 liv An unfnll-
111 ll \ \ 0 l ! < IH' B ,
Spornia iirrlui-.i.
Imp itiMiov. ) n it
all ill'C.Ku * Hi it
fnlloM n t a * a-
iiiun < o of Solf-
c" i > f Vl lnn F'rcnntiucOlcj
AKI * . nn > l tniiii ) iithor illionxcs tlinl It-niltu Infinity
ortiiiiMiiiiplInn nnd n i rumi'uro crnvo
{ JfHill pirllcnlipi Inii'ii piinphlet which \it ilo-
fllm Io K-nilfrto I ) niiilltoou-r ) out1 ; iy'J hubpo-
clilc MPillrtnoli snlil at (1 per imrkiiro , or > > lxi > uk-
iui" < f < r ? " > , nr will I'O ' ion ! true by null on rccvfpt of
the niont-y. li ) nih'ris .liiK
1J10 FAiiN'AM S'litnirr , OMAIIV , Nnn.
Orinff > iint of cmiiitorfolti ivo line ndopteJ tlio
yellow nrnpi cr , the only Kcnulne
rrnui the "llrtltrnl Itrrlnr. " "I'lion tlio
fir-it n > niplonis nr l.hor Complaint tin * ints-
f ulili'il Mlll'iTiT niipllcs liluii Jilll , i-alnniul
niul cilluriiiliH'TJil poisons , in tint ili'luilvo
Jiopp of olitiiinlnir ii-llt'flv hi'iras tln-i pnw-
ITlIll IHlltflltlirS lltlt IlKHlUMlllI till ! lIlMUHU
nudili-lillllata tlio constitution. Dr. lutt
liaslnul tin ) tDiiuiK'i to lKii < > r tliN Itllllnt ;
] imotli < > t' thu 11 III M-liool. Ills ii'iiicdlt ,
< liiun finni tho-v < Rrtuliln ItlliKlloin , am nl-
iiiixt iiilrniiuloiis ill rrnmiitliiK tint liinlii
dininhoil ) . llio IcItcraofoiiK'd jmtli'iit-tlii
the lli > ctiirfllioss ' slniinriutrll litoorgint-
Ittiilf toliMKPitliiMniiilrl 111 lilch l it few
ruin xliililt. lINljM-r-l'lllsur < -iitalIovir
tlioMorlil. Tliryia iMifimiiil hi ' \ try town
unil Uiiinli-t In tiio Unltnl fetutm. "
Butt's Laves ? Pills
C'oinorof 10th \\oitliliulonSts ,
TiiLitcv. KonritT DOII nitTv.s T.I ) , in OTOII.
rorc.xtnlo uc anil jiui-tlculurs upply tu the
Hue tor.
Cstalillthti ) I8DO.
A sclioul [ ur tin' lilulicr education of VOMHM An
unusually lluo corin or I'rofeioors fur 1SCO-S1 I ltcru-
turo , Art and 2ftuiilc ty pptclnliBts L.ocallun l'ul >
iiinbln , Ho , In a 20 ixcni f irk juat north of city liinlls.
Forest tteojatioun ) . blue crA8 > , nn abunilanco of IPACO
for out-door oiermo flnniliiome buildings Io tl
tone of Kcliool pxcrlli'nt A Clirlxtlnn homo wltli alt
the f retdoin niul all thu snfo Ruitnl * of a \el ] orderud
bouic. Write for cattlofun AdlreM ,
W. IL O1.LI1IA1I. I'fi.ldait , CULUM9IA , 110.
New Bulltlincs , New Furnlturo , New Pianos
New Efiuipiiont'i , Beautiful Situation.
Opcn epi 2'1 I'llII nmlisuperiorrnculty Ilopirl-
iiiunl/i fin KriKllih , l.nlln llrt'iik diiriuan. 1 runcli ,
tttunto , Music Art , elc cml for lufurmiitlon to
Mbd 11 N. 1IASK I.I.I , , 1'rlnclpal.
11.US OH
, ,
Itlll K Lit I Mi I1AI 1. . lUDttm AU. . X Jit kM > 1 M.
All farnuvluHur Mutte Piumutli Aitl > t Isintu fia < ho * 1
Uluctur *
Milwaukee. WU
I'or Vounz Women , rorcutaluguo add O. H
lvlM.bliv. : I'll. D. PrcVt.
( tcpirtiiH'nti ot llnslcftl Initnutlon , Modirn T an *
, iViw AiUf vto. ti. i'.Bi'LLAKp , J cluou\illo. ill
M mtrunl'nrMneturrilcaco ) . Hoarding
cliool for Olrli anil Yonru I.ndlei. l-'or
cat loauoau < sro < J. 'IHAVIHMJ. n. .
UorE ul'i > rH , 111. , orniludlscmfclrt'Ot.Clili.ak'O , IIU
Clrcularot IIU.NUY J. 8TKVKNS , A. U , 1'rln.
Media , I'n Military /f-ndmnr , l > oj ,
llruuku Hall , ulrlt Clrculnru free.
QVOl-lll 1Q Can J'Ocurcil
OI rnii-.ivJ duyn ty usoof tluiiuar-
\uloiiH Muglo Koiiinily , j xunjfur iio.iso It will
notcuri * . I'AUTIUN tojut ; thu Kt'iitilno rem
edy , Wrltocr cull on I' , 0. Jolyu. 'JOU Uur-
noy Street , OiujbuNubraaka ,
. . . , . is5 , * - good revenue !
53 * * " -T O Sv / * < sNf "
Y i ; © V (0 (
* ' " % / sss - > . _ a > f
< Sr
55 < 22 P' . ' % ti i- ;
resu s
l is ec solid c&Kc
Try \ \ in your next * house-cleaning e ndbch&pp/
Can ba secured ly iho small investment in one cake of
SAPOLIO when you liavo a house o ; kilclicn to clean.
J'roni the paint io the poly cnul pans , and including the
windows andfloorst it is the very lest labor-saving soap
for scouring and cleaning. 'All Grocers sell it.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
-i : r
1'ortho treilnipntofnllCUUON'IC AND 'UUQirvi , nm.VSi:3 : lineup Atipllnnroi for ilcfnnnltioi nnj
Tru o llixtKnollllIci , AnprtrntiM niul ItPinoilloi foratiot-Mful triMtmciit ol I > MT foriii < > t I'I IMO ro-
quIrlmtimHllFilorniiritlctltrantniPnt. ONII IIIINDIIHI ) AM > T\MN1\-I ! tVK IIIHIMS I Oil I'A III.N'ld
llonnl niul Attrailnuu Host nutuiiiniolitl < ii In Ilin wuit. U'l'lto fur on Ih-tonnltlix niul llrtru-i.
Tru'ioi. I'hil ) loot. CurnUiriof the Splno I'llo I'lininrii Cmror Cntirrh , llron hltli liiliulntlwi 13lui !
trlclly. 1'nnilxK KplU piy , Klilnot lllnldcr.1 vi > Skin iiml Illmul niul nil nurk'lil npi-ruloiM DHCASIIS
OFVOMiN : unpiHlnlly ll nki > r DI'CTP \Voniun froVo IIIVP lilnljr nildi * I l.vltu Inilnimrtinuiit ,
forwnniPii < lurliiif conllnonu'iit ( > tili lly prlviti I ( inly U'tlitiKt MiMlc-il Inntltuln in iklnit n nii | > iMully of
riUVAll ! l > l I.Asl.All ( bliiinl ( IHci e * miccr < ( ully tro.ili'il vphllltlc pnl < on n > nin\Fil from tlioitem
wltliout nipriMir . Now Kouoratho Tro itnn nt for Ion of vital powc-r 1'iiitli1 iituhlo IDlnlt tiHtniiylnj
trontctl nt hoiiin t > y rorrtMpuniliMii u. Allc 'uiniunUfttloni conllilontliil. MoilUino or In ttiiino'iti rout by
mull or oxpru s noruri'ly pnckoil no in irk * totmllmtu cvmtunH nr rcmlcr Ono porion il Intcrx low i > rofi-rro 1
Cull niul cniixult us nr bond lilstoij of rour ou > o , niul nn will si-ii'l In pliln nrnpinr our Hum ; To MK.V
I Uii : : upon 1'rU.ito spoclnl ur Nor > uu > Dlsouua , IiniioU-ncj , byplillU liloot , n nl VurlcouMt } , nitli < | U04tlon
lint AUdrcss
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
Corner Olh and Ilunioy Streets , Omahu , XobrnsUn.
Are fcelhncmoro watches tlian all the rest of the Omaha Jewelers put toGether -
Gether ? Butnc wonder LO iK AT 'JH IR PRIO1.S.
SOLID GOLD Fine Cold filled
WATCHES AincricaiAVatcli
as low as $15
cs for ladies or
and all Hie
finer grades gcnls.only .
from $25 up , § 14.75 , would
Woitli double be cheap at $25
llic money. Solid Silver
KicKel Watches , \Valclics \ , ladies
$2.50 , S.3.75 from
. or gents ,
and $5. $
$5,75 , up.
All of tlip o wntch-
\Vntclio * Clocks
ca are Htemnlml-
rrs unil iiro warranted
Jewolrf ropnlrcd at
ranted good tlniors , I.onoat I'rlcia.
\Vo will foil line llcmcmbcr tlie
oi1 prtceH ti few Place.
MAX MKYntl & BKO. , Cor. liith and rnniiun St. , Omaha , Neb
By the way , orders are being taken for this great work.
This Encyclopaedia cannot be purchased except in connection
Ten large volumes , nearly 7,000 pages , over 8,500,000 words ,
Our Proposition !
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE offers a year's subscription
of the paper , delivered at your address , and a complete set of
the Americanized Encyclopaedia Britannica for $2.5o a month ,
The first five volumes delivered on payment of $2.5o ; the bal
ance payable at the rate of $2.50 a month until the full amount
of $30.00 is paid , the other five volumes to be delivered within
four months.
All our present subscribers are entitled to participate in the
above proposition.
Call at our special office where the work can be seen , or
drop us a postal card and a representative will call.