Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1890, Image 1

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I * H
TLe Terms of a Treaty lotweeu Salvador
and Guatemala Arranged.
t Hy.cta llepeals Ills Orders
to Ailvanuoon Oiiateinnln , AYhlch
Causes n Coinplele Cessa *
Honor IlDStlllties.
[ Cip < irlfiMcil lion lin Jama nortnn 7) ) iuirll (
S % vSi. Uouvia ) , ( La Ubcitnd ) August 18.
Now York Ilei.ild Cable ISpechl toTiin
lrn.l ) General Carlos Ilzota , piovlsionnl
IIK sldent of Sim Siilvndor , hns Just i ecelved
ntclegnun from Dr. ( lulendo , the confidential
ngent of Silvador now in Guatemala , sa > lng
tlmt the terms of a treaty of peace
have been in ranged Dr Union do sajs in
his despatch that the treaty H most fin onblc
to SnUador ; all the points demanded bj
K/etn bavo been conceded by tlio Uuntamnhui
goveinincnt. Dr U ilendo will lca\o the cit j
of Utmtaimln for this city tomorrow to ar
lange for tlio turns of the protocol
Owing to the icceipt of this news ,
J'lesldont K/ctu has lepcnlcd his orders
to his army to aeUaiico toward
the city of ( Juatcuuila , and conscqucntl }
thi'iohaa been an entire cessation of hostil
Nli'irngua and Costa HIco luul decided to
beeoiuo the nlllos of Hilvador and had
pledged thomseU as to do all In their power
to help "Crctn IlonJaras had , as wns
kno\n , several dujs ago pro nils oil to hce'otno
the .illy of Gmtcnnli. Itas slid tod.iy SnUador , NicMi jguii and Costa Hico
weropropirlng to foi m a union on the basis
In the pliui of unillc.ition set forth In the
congii-ss of the rupioscuhitUcs of tholUo
Ceutuxl Ameilv.iii republics.
IL is thought hero that the knowledge of 1'rcsidont Ilirrlllas to
n r eto the treaty of peicc aul listen to the
dcnrmd-J of Kzeta I'icsidciit Hzota said
ciulj tocliy ho hud decided to advance on tlio
Utiulomnlin capital , owing to the rojectlon of
the ofllcei'3 of the diplomatic corpi ,
\vhowero trying to ariungo u pc.xco tint
would bo honorable in the terms of Salvador
Kzeta was highly inillgn nit at tbo terms pro
posed by Barrlllas Salvador considered
herself the offended puty and claimed the
right to dictate the terms of peace
She also claims that the acts of Ilonduris
displij-cd bail fiiitlinnddouble dealing The
diplomats , uhoso oIToitii failed to bilng about
nn nmlcMblu settlement between Guatemala
and Sahndor , wcio muih annojod at the
piospects of aiencnnl of thm\m
Advices rceeived hci-o ted ism that oiicof
Guateinnlii's n'iurlsons on the frontier bec.irao
Insuboidlmite on Satuidaj and a desperate
light ensued The soldiers weio indignant
boemso thoj had not been rugulnil ) paid ,
and when the \\aslhially subdued ninny
dead and wounded woie found on the Hold
WHM..W fin : iiimti cn < t.\\ii , .
Dalton , an Ami-i-lcim S\v iniitir ,
AocoiiipllHlics the. l''cit. ;
IKKJliu James Gtinlun llenn'tt.l
xr , August IS. [ Nov York Ho raid
CnbloSpecial to TIIL Hu.-D.i/ls lil- )
ton , the Amoiicdii svlmnicritUfacuttlo
color of death , leg joints blue fiom hours of
kicking , and eyes all but sightless fiom silt
water , touched bottom on I'olkstono beach at
UIS , and suuounded by a inultltudu ot boils
and bathers , btnpgoieil iHlioro Ho was nt
once laid upon the sands and \\cll rubbed by
oxporicncoilhands , wlillejsjnipatheUic'rowds
looked on cuilously.
"So ho did swim the channel after nil , "
s.ild one'hllo nnothor quickly icplleil :
"Huw do you know ho did I" I'll it last Is the
ono question In every mouth this o\enlug.
Li'ivln , ? for a moment the plwkj
hcio of this much discussed ovyloit ,
I will stito the facts as fin ai I
know them Dillon loft Folkstouoery
caily on Suiulay inornui ! , ' in a life.-1 it ,
rigged with sails , called the Ocean
King. Three moil neconipinliJ him ,
two boatman and a young man
\\lio was to bo the
of the perfoiinance.
In spite of a stiong wind they reached Bou
and o'clock the nftor-
logne safelj at I sumo -
noon , the wind hiulng suddenly calmed
down , tDaltou Jumped ouibond and
started on his long s > wlm hick to 1'olk-
stone , whuto ho arilvod as related
above \Vliut happened In the mean tlmo is
only known to the t\\o boatmen and the hls-
totiiin ThoOcem King , beluga sailingboat ; ,
was of course obliged to taek fiequeutlj
and \MS sometimes us much as hilf nmllo
illstaine from the s\\linnicr His really close
companion wns ono boatinin iiiulittlo teiitler
nho roweil the enliro distance from l-'riuoo
to linglimd us close ns possible to the swim
incr , serving as his guide and hlstorlm.
This is the substance of his stor } At 4 11
m. on Satuidnj , the weather belnge\tnmelj
favonble , Dalton lumped off the stein of the
Ocein King about ono hunched jards
from the of Ioiilo0'iio ) pier
on the last w.i\o of tlio Hood tide , \vhich took
him tovv.lids Capo Gilsnoz Ilocoiitluued
suiniiningwith the list of the tide lie had
noailv como abroastof OHIO ( iiisncz , whore
ho hid to contend \\lth the sittong ebb tide
setting vciy fist o the southwest tippm-
cutl ) swimming quite cu&ily , and by one
or two short rcMs at (1 ( p m. By 7 o'clock
Ualton was swimming well. Ilo uskcd for
somoiefiwhniont anil took a cup of meat cv
' "tract , which was inido hot bj of i
r spitlt Uettlo.
The weather was beautiful and the sea
comiunitlvol.smooth. . Very slow progress
was m.ulo from Capo Gtlbiioz on account of
the itliong tldothutns tunning1. From S to
0H ! ) , though dink , It was seen with the aid
of a lamp that his rate of progicss remained
about the baiiio. Troin 10 to 10 30 lib ad
vniuo was vorj alow and the night
had grown cold. Small quantities of the
extract wore now ndnihiUterod often. Hj
11 : . the bwimmor wti outside Capo Grlsnu
with the wlml lalslng considerably , later
blow lag eold from N , N 1' . Lightning w'as
now phiIng fioqueiitlyaud by 'i o'cloik the
water \\assmoothu1 , but not much fiogrcsh
was nuulo.
An hour later n shower foil nud Daltou
took u rest on his h wk. At daybreak ho h id
dilftcd a long vay to the eastwaul. In
ansnorto questions ho replied cheuilngly :
"O , I'm till right" At 0iO : ; Varne light
shlpi were tvaclicd , Dalton belngprottj well
f.igged , having been In Iho water fourteen nnd
and a half hours. Nlpa of beef
ten continued frequent. The ebb tldo set
wcMt f will A'uriie. At an unusual pace at 10
a. in ho was swimming ilKhtngnlnst the tlao
oIT IK the nnd\vjlted | \ for It to turn. 'Iho riM
U.d him good , nnd ho went of ! ngninollna
hour and n lulf liter , much osluuisteil and
his strokes getting weaker , but ho stuiggleei
on inuiifiilly nnd by li o'eloelt was abreast of
Bund ( Into , At it o'clock hoiis tailing
ongor vests and U was qulto painful to sco
Us distressed condition ,
Only ttitlilu the UH mlle or so did ho
chnngo his stioko , tislng the bronst
stroke a little ( is bo rested. Ills face wore a
seinl blind appearance. U'ithln nquarterofa
milo from show ho struck out qulto power
fully npaln. Such uro the features ot the
swim , according toioport , but the question Is" ?
what is this evidence vortli , considering the
very imperfect opportunities he hid for Judg
ing I spoiroto many people beioIio take
great interestln s\\lniinlng , and I do not exag
gerate in saj Ing that the Rcncnil verdict Is ,
"notpraen. " If Dalton really nccoinpllshed
hounriinllcd featof sw inunlng llio channel
on hit. buck , why did ho not tuko such pre
cautions as would phico his laurels bejond
doubt ? I leivo it to otbera to answer this
: iucstion
Coming luck now to Dalton himself , I
found him inbednt the swi-nrnlng baths , Ids
eyrs bandaged but othciwiso looking asell
nsposslble. Spcikingof llio swim ho slid
with astiong Oetmnn accent : ' " 'Ilio fli-st
part was tbo wout and when I was abicast
Cnpo Oieiinj , about thlitctn miles fiotn llou-
loguo , I thought I should line to uoip \ i
had not onlj been s\vlniuung \ against the
tide , but hail stiuek no less than four cur
rents of different temperature , uldoh is
a gtcat shock. At one moment \\ould I
bo comfortable intlioniitcrnt sKtj degrees
and thoncAt would bo chilled through by a
curientas cold as forty-eight devices. My
long cxpoiienco makes my Judgment of
water tompir.ituro as accurate as a ther
"Keeping n northwestern course until wo
were 01 er the ildgeof tlio-snml bar in mid
channel , the llool tide lunnlng eastward , wo
wcie 1.11 ricd over four milcbcatof the A'arne
liht ship , n hcio I caught the full swing of
the channel llde , luiiulnir five miles an hour
to the ivcst That tide catricd us about five
miles \\estof Uimglnget.s' , uud tneu I had
n tough tight to the noithwaid until
II 00 this morning , when I got
Into the full Hood , \hiclilcamodown
Miaight torolkstouo VMth all tbeso devm
tlons 1 swam at sis.ty miles "
"Do you expect to nuke another big
"Oes , I shall do something more dlfll
cult than this bcforelong I shall swim tbo
Irish channel. "
'Wot if I can prevent it , " put in a nice
looking lady in black , who \\iis watching
anxiously at tbo bcd ldo. Itas \ Mrs. Dal
Present ! ) the doctor entered , inado n care
ful examination and pronounced Dilton in a
magnificent condition after smb. au effort
His pulse ttiis stiongat TO , his lung notion
perfect , and bis tonipurnturo O"the } only
dlsco\eraljo ! damage being soicneas of the
o ) os , duo to tbo salt \ \ ater.
"Did you usojoui hands much ? "I asked.
" .Not atall"imsm > roiHlie piofos.or , "that
is the great seciet of swimming on thebn-'k
If jou uio joar arm jou luevitiblj cause
\viitcitodisho\er joui face and siitTocato
jou , anel if yon keep jour arm * folded behind
vniu buck us 1 ilo.nn ent ulnnir mnt'li lint. .
tor. "
As he talkedDalton slowed great anima
tion nnd seemed to be feeling cnpllullj. lit
even begged the doctor to let him get
up nnd tuko a sttoil along the beach CJr
tainly foi n man who hid Just s\\nm \ sixt\
milct , and retrained twenty-four hours in u
chilling sea , ho shoned most mnivolojs re-
cupcratl\o powers I spolto this evening
with Cuiitain Locke , who bud noted as Dal-
ton's mnnntor ; , and ho expresseel the greatest
regret th it the nfTair hail not been
dlftercntlj conducted. Ho further declined
that if the public showed a disposition to
doubt vhut had ic.ilh been ucioinpllbbcd ,
Dalton Mould swim the channel again in n
month erse In such a inaTmer as to satisfy
ovcijbjdj- ,
nimpcioiU'illlnmat VIM ,
ST. PLTKii'liuno , August IS. [ Special
Telegram to Tim Bib ] Einpcior William
anhed at Kerva todaj lie were the uni-
foimof the "Vlboig loglinent nnd thedccora-
llonof the Kussinn orelci of St. Andrew 'Iho
c/in was In the unlformof the Ah sunder ug-
nlent and em liU \ \ as the dccpi ition of
tbotlerinan older of the 131 ick K.iglo Iho
o/aiowlteh. tlencialon SchouMiIoff , the
lliibsiaiiainbissador toOeinunj unit a mun-
bei of ether pioniluont pemmages acconipa-
nied thoizuruiul iccelved his niaje-stj at Iho
laihuiy station.
After the members of the ozai'snnd em-
perois suites hud been picsented to each
other tliucznranOcmpeiorncrediivea to the
Iolvivtwfllll.v - \ \ e/arinu extended .1
hc'Uty uolcomo to the imiieiiil guest A
latgo cioivdliliedtho louto from the station
nndeheeied the < ir and Hinpetor William
and Chancellor A'on Cnprhi.
Honois to Cniillii.d Nc\\iiian.
Lovnov , August IS. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB Brr ] Theio wcro special sermons In
all the Cnthollo ihurilies jcstculaj on the
lutoCnullnnlN'eMiuaii Atilawaidcn "Lead
Klndlj Light" was sung and Gladstone leid
tholeosons Criiiinnl Manning will deliver
Uiofniiual oiation in B ran p ton o into rj on
\Yednesday TheChioniclo sijs tint ilgr.
Stoturill succeed Ciirdin il ISTein m. Kev
Air > Iusie , nn Amciicnn Ippiscopiliini of
Pails , de'clined to tnako special mention of
Catiliiuil Nc\vman's \ death sajlng lo could
ncvor forgi\o N"u\mnn s &ccess > ioii.
Cold U'onttier in MivnUoha.
WINMJI , IMan. , August IS Uhero was
n cold spell hero last night , tbo thermotneter
cliopplng to tbiity-tlueo degrees. Hcpoits
line been icecluil Horn nil points reached by
telegraph , hut only f loin thieo phices wns the
fiee/iug line leaencd Another ue
sio the bulk of the vheatcut nnd lu
night the hu vest will bo completed.
Admltnl Uottrbul'ri hlntuo TJnvi'iled.
PVIIH , August IS. [ Special Cablegram to
Tim III iTbo monument to late Admiral
Courbcl urn oiled yesterday at Abber
Ullo. M IHlenne , under secictaiy for tbo
colonies , lu his speech dcvlaied that
vheii u nation possessed such fballors
and wairiois oaCouibol It was tlttio for her
toomcigo ftomher Isolation and make her
\olcu hcui'U iincl her rights respected e\cry-
A Potato I'umliio ( u Itolnnd.
DPIII IN , Auqaist 18 fSpecinlCablcgiam to
Tun Hi i ! . ] In blcibboreen a measure of po
tatoes which lust y < nr sold ntkl now sells at
lOil. The crop Is ccitain to bo exhausted by
October , lliofuinliio fe\er \ lus nppeaieel in
the Bliskct Islands on the west coist of Ire-
i Hull Storm In France.
P.\m , August li A cyrlono nml hail
storm In the department of the Aubo jeater-
day iiivauid eighteen communes , destroj-
ing hu vested nnd growing crops. The loss
Is estimated utnoail ) 25,000,000 franco.
Dix'kni jii Tluentea to Sti Ike.
L.OM > O > , August 18 [ Special Cablegram to
Tut : HBK.J The men belong'lng to ttio South
ampton doek laborers union tluentcn tostiiko
unle they are given an advnnco In their
wngeito l > d per hour for icgular day
and lo bd per hour for OUT tlmo.
TH tlici I'olo in a
Pints , August 18 , [ Special Cablegram to
TiiElh.n. ] The FixMich iieionuut Ucsancon
nud Astronomer I Icunito propose to make a
balloon oxpeulltloii to tbo nottu ixilc , utailltig
Tlio Kuropcnii \ \ nr Cloiul. .
Bitu-sm , August IS. [ Srecial Uablegratr.
to 'lui : IUr.-Tho ] Nonl da-lares that the
niglitmaro ofvarjn Furojiohus decidedly
\utibhcd , bo th politically
Seine Very Interesting Cbrreapondenco on
That Subject "Made Public.
Tlio TMrcl Vice Pie iiileiit SIIJH tli
\Vero f'e r Good
V'oiiK , August IS. The concspond-
cnce between Vieo 1'icsldeiit Webb of the
New York Central and CSraud Master \Voik-
mnn Portderly i\as made publiu tonight.
August 10 I'ovulerl.v nddiessed n letter
to U'cbb , saying lie Und ken Investi
gating the euuso of the Central strike
and asking for an Interview on Mondnj to
discuss the matter of nrbitnitini ; tlio ililfer-
oiucs whlcb existed between the Xcw York
Central nnd Its Knights of Labor emplojes.
Wcbblnreplj grinteelun lutcnioM , but nt
t he s.ime tinio Wished , the matter to bo pre
sented to him In writing. I'oxulerly replied
next day , snjlng that he hud been called
a\uy fiom the city and that ho wns
obliged to commit to paper ulmtho vould
r.itlicr dlseuss pcisoaally Ilo says : "If I
ainconectlj Informed old nnd faithful cm-
plojes of the New Yoik Centul hive been
summirllv dismissed fiom the servieo of the
coinpiinj beeaubothej weie active members
of Iho JvniKhts of Labor It Is rciies | tnted
to mo up to the time of their
discliii'o ! ( thej wcio fnithful to the
inteiests of the e-oninnu } and not
one nintk of ilisciedit stands against the in 10101 d of inn of thee \ \ howc'iodis-
chained pnor to August b , I 'JO Tint til
bilct istnostatcmotit of the men The f re
dismissal left but little loom foi
oubt in the minds of the men that they M ere
iinl.iiijrcr olelisehaigont n in onion t's ' notie-c ,
and hence the stulie. The whole
question hinres niwn the dis
charge of Knights of Liboi because
thuy aio .such If it can lie show n that these
rain -\\cio \ woiklng nn injury to then cm
plojers , riuht-mlndcd ijeoplo Avillsnythej
veiotie.itcd light , if the ; ucic ellsohurged
fore.iuso the v.ilhoid companj lias c\erj-
thing to g.un and notlilng to lese fiom an in
\ebtigition If thev dcbeivcd disnibsal from
the sci vice of tno coinpnny 110110 ol
u ? will ask for tlicir lehistnteineiit
If , lio\\o\er , they -\\eio displiced because -
cause of their connection with the
Knights of Labor It should bo known , for If
ills to Do the policy of the ICcw York Cen
tral that no Knight of .uibor be emplojeel a
statement to tint eflcct will clear all doubts
nnd tliero enn bo uomoio futuromlsuiidei-
itaniling. Mhcro then is noth
ing to mbitr.ito so long1 as
jou bolel to that opinion. The interests
of the public , the Inteie tsof the company you
icprcMiit and the rights of men to oipmi/o :
for bclf-piotootlon JITO all Itivoh eel in this con
test. The nolle ) ofthoouleiof the Knights
of l ibor is tovoik neaccJiilU It is not
the polio } of the ordct , no inittor whit
its enemies may sav , to enter histilj
upon strikes. 'Iho i > ioont , strilra nnv bo
tiohitt il to in refut itiuii of thit hist nsbcition ,
but until an inrcstlgntion into the cause or
causes is had must remain a disputed question.
While hundreds ot iisos 1m vo been peace fully
and quietly aeijusted through the iutei'vcn-
lion of the Knights of Labor , although not
heralded broaelcist as they \\ould have been
luul they ended in stiihes , goes topio o that
our aim is to acid sti-iliea ratlur than to
pre ipltatothem Thoiiiteicsts ofthopublio
lequlio tint ftcijcht ami pissenper tnifllo
should work smoothly. The interests of the
company icquho exactly the simo thinp ,
and in addition that such tiafllc pro\o \
icmiineratlve. The Interests of the -\\orkiug
people are the SAIIIO sis others , but tlulr
light to oi.mizo ( and select the organization
they wish to bolon' to is. fully as dcai to
them as their iiocuniaiy Interests can possi
bly be. Ile-io Is uiiortrunl/titloii , the Him of
nlikh is to woik for educational und legUla-
tivo advantages , called upon to dolenel Its
members who up to the time of their ehs-
misMlhudvoiked oiilj in an cducitional
utiel legislatho direction buiolj i\c
ha\e u right to question why they
N ei-o discharged Kaek tiiiin , no matter how
humble , Is as muuh a piutof tlio public us
anj othei man True , the NTe\v Yoik Cui-
tinl Is hlbutarj to the com foil und well-
being of the communltj , but the community
K\\Qi \ to the corpaiMtlon in questioii Its
stiGugttinnd wonlth aud of that coiuiimnlty
at ! JO per cent are iNOikiug people
ple nnd belong to thit same ele
ment of society that dare not orgau-
I/o for their own welfare. Somes
one has said since this stiikobegin : 'Money '
is not eveiytbing in this woild. ' Ho was a
milrdnd dhector , 1 believe. Ho spoke truly ,
foi llbcih is far dearer to the laborer , anel Ismit ho struggles foi j tint is H hat Is
denied him when ho is disdmigcd
foi being a Knight of Labor. If
libertyas once valued so highly
Unit men offoiL'd up lifo and trcabino
and sac-led honoi to giiln It surely their chil
dren should not bobl.uned for stiiking forlt.
\Vhethei thej struck \\iselj In this case is
vctto bodoteiinlncd. Vbols to determine ?
You maj feel that you are right , the mm
mi } feel that they arc right lioth nro jir-
tU.ius , nnd if an iinpaitlalorchct is to bo
leached Imparthil men must nril\o at it by
heating both sides nnd then judging. The
men nro willing to submit theii case to such
arbitration and will not bo unreasonable ) .
Will jou consent to do the sainol Iljou
wl 11 agixo to submit this mattci to arbitia-
tion wo can meet , arrange duUiils anil njrieo
as to ho\\ the pintles niiij be selected. The
newspapers report jou as icjfu'lng to
submit to ni Intuition , but joui letter
le.ids me to llclic o you weic inlsijuoted ,
uud I still hopu for u speedy tcuulnation of
Uio sti'iko tluough nibitratiou. "
To this communication from 1'owdeilvYlco
PiesidentebbrepHetlasfollo3 \ : "Keply-
iiiK , I hive tosnj thiitno person dIscharK d
fiom this comnmi } pnor to August b and 10-
ferred to In jour communication was
dlsehnivcd because ho as a
nicmbur of your older. The
immediate superiors of each of said persons
reported to the division supoiiatendent or
superintendent of motive power in oicncaso
n good and sufficient tausofor the dlschngo
of such persons , and Iain hifoiined that the
dnlbiou supoilntendcnt or uuixuhi-
tondent of motlvo power Investigated
each ease piior to discharge , and tbo
fact of such dUchargo having been
repoi ted to tlio tniiuiKCincnt of the eompuiy ,
they wcio fuilhei investigated and tlio uctlon
of the division supenutendont or thosuiieiln-
teiuioni or inotuo powci fully appiwod
The inimiRoinent of this company do not
deem it consistent vlth its continuance and
piospeuty In uuslucss mid \\lth iho dis-
cliargoof tlio duties It owes to the people , to
submit the prciiriotyof its action hi the elis-
cluirgo of nil ) of its employes to arbitration
1 haoread your communication with eaio
ami I think tab foiegolng ansuors the iwiuts
niescntcd b > you and dullaes the position of
this c-nmpuiu. "
\Vobbsald to a repoi tor toulu'ht that the
fieightsenlco-\Misc-oinpleto and tint c\ory- \
thing nas working smooth botuconhero and
Uufl.ilo. All fielght received yesterday haj
been cleared ufi and loft for its destination ,
Tbo places of all tha strikers liul boon filled
trul tint then * MO * not a single vacancy on
the road. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'liikerton Poiot ) InuieaHed : > t Allnuj ,
Ai.inviN. y. , August 18. Tlicio vas 110
trouble in this vicinity today of nnj nature ,
although the crowds tonlpht at souruliross-
ings between thls.cltj and West Allan ) \voio
us largo as usual , The Pinkeitoti foreo at
AVest Albany was Increased to liOO men today
nud an additional number of rifles was dis
tributed union K them. I'hslciaii9 tonight
buld the boy Uwyer , who was shot by ul'iuk-
citon guard jcj > terday , was in critical
The o.xecutivo board of district assembly
Dili posted a bulletin tonlgnt Mning- the
union meeting hole ! at i ust Albanj this oven-
Imr , consisting of 101 engineers anil Jiretnea
on the Hudson < Sc Mohiwk division of tlio
Central road , It vua uaaaimoubly resolved
that they would stand ty thoICnlghts of
Lnbor In their stnigglo foi the nnlntennnro
of their organization , nnd that they ( ilodgcd
themsolees totlo all in ( hair power topreull
upontboso working Ufoti their engines to
conio out with tbcm.
A Crisis wTTTinrTlpnilioil Today.
Birr no , N V. , August IS Train Mnster
Mnloney \vorklng-liiml at the Hist
Hufliloiurehlo talso live freight lloclaUe.
lie suiccceicd In getting out t el\o trains.
Dresscel biof cnrs wcio crowded
on the Kust llttffnlo sldliif nud
seine of the meat must bo spoiled by
the eleliy. Stockmen suffer llttcrlv ,
thousands of dollars worth of stock cannot
bo sold beciuiso it cannon lie shipped
Grand Master Swodncj of the Su Itch-
men's Aid association , Chief Con
ductor Ilownid of the Hrollier-
hood of Hallway < Jomhu tors , Chanel
MaUerVilkcson and Orunl Mco
1 'nsidont ilorrlswy ot ithc Biotbcihood of
Kaihvii ) Tialnmcii. C. Prank Surgcaiit , head
of the Brotherhood of I' reinen , constituting
the caceutHo eouinilttco of the m prime
council of tlio fodcrntlouipf Unllti aj HiMthcr-
hoods , loft for Neiv Vcrlc tonight. 'lhcnlll
lai the matter before ) \Vfibl \ ) tomorrow Ono
of ti\o thingsvlll result. Eltlioi
"Wobb will uphold Division Siipcrlntcndcnt
Ruiiorts lullngln thocnsoof the dlsulnuircd
sultrhiimn or ho will iirbitnto with the com
mittee Iftno Inttei'-alFttell nnel geol if
the fnimcronhvill , bcL'Kturnul to Buffalo
niulJchn Devlin , who will bo on from the
west in time to tnlce ehiirsoof the strike to-
inorroir , u 111 order out till the men belonging
A stiikeof tlio SteirnIiilioid { Protective
union of Xew ISiiBlniiil , fedeiatcd v\lth Leo's
D. A. 2111. Knlnhts of Uapor , injv follow ,
Dolcgitcstodn ) canynjscil thcloinl assem
blies and found tlieni favomble to icnctering
assist incc It needed. In other uonU the lake
iliemcn nnd grain shovelCiJ will strike nt the
drop o ( the hat If the Ovnlrnl men aio all
called out * ?
A committee from thoi switchmen's ' union
iMltoil upon the ilionff this moining and as
suiod him thit th rewould be 110
dlsoreleily conduct ; Mi tliu pait of
the stiikois , and thht if the Mieiiif
conslduecl It iicecssiry ho would furnish ns
in my men up tOiiODns liaivnnUdlio \ i\ould \
beie.idy to be sMomln as deputies to help
niilntaia oidoi Ihe coiitnlttco said the
switc-hmon Avantcd it understood that thej
did notappiovoof any violence or disoiJerlj
01 unlawful conduct
All Depends on Grixtlll Manor St\ccn-
Cnicvoo , August 18 Wpeclil Telegram to
'Inn I3Li : . ] It Is staled DJ i-allronilmenhoto
tbat nhether or not a general rnihond ! > ti lite
" \vlll bo piecipitited dejjtjtidson the imcstl
gallon now being ; inatlo b } Grand .Mister
Stteciioy nsto the dlschuige of thito suited
men ot Iluflalo by tlio New
York Central. [ f the strike
should como it v ill bo stupendous and will
piobibly InvoUe c\cry tmnk line between
the cast and the west. * >
" \Vohaio iiot sought this position. " snld
Oiand Oicanhcr .lobn ji. Hall of the Switch
men s Mutual Aid assmlatlou todaj. The
No\\ York Central roncl has foncd "itupon
us. We do not desire to strike , but If
\\o \ must Itill mean that cveij resonice
nt ceiy point \\l \ 11 bo used to belp us win
On the line ot the New YJoilt roul
outside of Bu Halo our association has but fc
members AtUnflulo wo liae 40J membois ,
lompilsiiiK nine-tenths [ of the switchmen
them When the lluiBlits of Lalior
went on their stiilwL our men wore
Instructed to maintaltiTa strict neutral
ity. They \\cro crdeifd to ictnin tbolr
liositlons ana do tliolrwtialjworlc liut undcr
no chcuinsttineea todo tjio orlc or ttllio the
iilaccs of the knights \vho v ere on a strike
In this v ay they would not be hcl plug the
ltni'lits } b } Joinlneln the strike nov t\oukl
thoj bo assisting the company to light
the knights bj tailing tlio striken'
places.Vo sue Infoiraed that the
compinj's superintendent at Buffalo ordered
seine of our members to ilo \\orh\vnieli \
piopeilj should ho\o b&n elonc hj men \\lio
weioon ustriliB. This they icfused to do ,
and theicupou thej were dlschaiged Thcv *
icpoited the mittcito tlio local lal aoiid ail
the association swlti-lnncii vent oa n strilto.
To Investigate this stito of affairs Grand
Master Su ecnoyeiitto lluffUo. Should
ho find 'hat the tluce neil wore discharged
for any other reason tliun tef using to talco
the striUrs1 place ho Mill ordur the inca buck
to 'lorlcand cndeu\or to adjust the cases of
the discharged men Should bo Icam tint
the men \ \ cro dumisied only boc-nuso tlicv
icluscd to do thn strIkcioik
a stri'io ' of the switchmen may bo
oidcied Mo \ u opinion Is that he
will tlncl that the men vero dischaifted for
oilier causes than u rofusil to take the
knlphts' places andthitho will older than
nil back tovoik \ hi any event a sti ike of
the switchmen will not bo orlored except by
the supiemo council of the l\deintionof
Knllway Trainmen TheollIcci- tba brother
hoods composing the federitionill nicot
should Qiiiud Master Sweeney think it neecs-
siuj "
"Will Iherobc any notice of the btrilco be-
foiclmndlf it is to occur i"
"No , sh , there \\lli bo no announcement.
The strike \\ill bctheauu wiiccineiit "
Consldcrnhle Alarm Kelt in
CHICAGO , August IS. [ .Special Telegram to
TIIL BJ i . ] There vv inoro ual ihrm ex
pressed by Chicago raluond men toelnj on the
spread of the New Voik Central stiiko
thin tliero his boon since Its In
ception. Hlthcito theio has been
no delay In sending outlrclsht , but todn the
Viinclcibilt lines urged their iiioinlniiit slilp-
pcis to delay A dnj or two If possiblelii tliolr
shinmctits. ' 1 his caution. Itis undontood , it >
O\VIIIK tone fcAr ofa spiead in thoatrikc , but to
the fart that the New Yoik Centril Is now
choked up Mith fieight which Itis unable to
mo\e. The vest-bound Chicago lines nro ap-
p.iiently ns much intcix-stcd in tlio Jfow York
Ccnti ill strike asiu-e thosacist bound.
' I'licspiiitof striking is In the air nndtho
men aio apparently ready to go out nnj Mlieio
ulthout w.nningvii thn waj a western
gcnoiol niatingei e\piessed It todaj "Look
at the roicut stiilcoa on the Illinois
Central , fAV'abnh , and Kock Island
None oC them hud any thing
like an adeem itouiusooiid in no ca oero
tlio general olllcots o * a company consulted
and naked to right the leal or supposed
grievances. On tlio Illinois Central tba men
\\tnl out bcciusetwo men \vero discharged
forpoodeauso ; on the \Vabash they stiuck
because the pay eir was two dajs late , and
on the liOL'lc Island the &vltchinen
stiuck because two United
Order of Deputies voro um
plocd Itiete is uo gumdinR np.ilnst
u biniiu mm enu x > c juiti : ui-xiuui
innj bo spread nil over the VanJerbllt
toiron-ow und un ) of ui > may catch It tbo next
day '
Ccloliioil ) Indluii
BISMIUCK , Is' . D. , Jlngust 18 George
railbiult , clilof of the Indian police at faUud-
ing Kock npinc'j , is dud. ( Ilowas the Daniel
ISoono of llimcsota and a man of great in-
llueiuo nmongtho Indians. Ho saved the
Ihes of many \\hitcsilnriiig hulinntroublos.
A AVoik Iiiiiu Oltulicl.
THIMHAD , Col , AuifUhtlS. A. work tram
going to repair 11 bridfe that luul been \uished
out just below lUielii , on the Union i'ai'UU1 ,
wn0 Itched at this pluue , thoingincer falling
to stop tbo train in thno. One man was
killed nud eighteen bully In juicd.
A Itillish Ui itn on Mlnlnu
LOMPON , August K [ Special Cuble rnri i ] The XmYSbiijs : "Tho Uch
ring sci blue book blows tbo pitiful bopluU
lilosto whk-h Ilhiincis reduced hilr.\Ing to
Justify a liU'h-lnndul proceaellnK iVmericu s
Ualiu U rqngnnnt to common SUIHC and onlj
needs to Iw stated to defeat itsolf. "
Iliiruoil lu Jli-t
I'a , August lbA house occu-
pleoby Nldiohu BUI don , nuar line , ImrmJ
} c'steulu.v and the uwnir jKi-ihlud In the
llamcs. His bolio\cd \ la uas latuxluated
% ud Upset the ; lauij. ' .
T\vo Men nl Lincoln Instantly Etlled and
Three 1'oisoiis Scrlouslj Injtncd In n
lliiiia\\ny nt Oiniul Island le- )
tiliuotUo Mtoinis nl Alnui ,
St.uifuul and OileiiiiH ,
LINCOLN , Neb , August IS [ Special Tele-
toTnr Bir.J A torilllo boiler c\plo
sioii occiu red at Fourth and N streets this
c\ening , that resulted hi the instniit deith of
Charles Diiieeii and Columbus Maggurd and
tbomalinlngof Hcnij Liculhig
At ? the pliio mentioned the gas company is
putting In new works and tlio pit is about
half buikcd up. An engine stool on tbo
west side of thoovieauuioti mid win mnnlpu-
Intul l > ) ChalesDi'ucon in the lowering of
miteriil to the woikmcu. Dcnecn-was on
tlio dnj shift and was working nftet time1.
About tiventy feet to the south of him stood
Cohunbis Mngpml and I * . Gibbons , who
bail Just como lo the pi ice- , tied theh team
ami wcio making preparations to haul sotno
material. At this June/Una / Dcneon Is slid to
haie turned a sti earn of cotei water into Ills
boiler , which was still red hot , when the ex
plosion occulted
leiiccn-\\.as ) \ cut led about forty feet cast
into the pit with a laigo poitiou of the boiler
Ills left aim was torn almost from the
shouldir , Ills chest caved In , nnd his body
otherwise mutilated ItaalliVIMS Instantan
Jlnginrcl , wlio was talking to Gibbons ,
uns btmcluvith pieces of the Using flag-
nimts The top of his liiud was blown off
nnd the brims scooped out of thocivitj. Ills
companion , Gibbons , was tirilnjuied , but was
lnocl : < ecl clown nnd his vest nnd ihlrt tom oft.
Homy Hcediig , vlio stood lo the vest of
the boiler , was sti ink in the Ice \ \ itb n frag
ment and bidlj cut
The explosion was accompanied with
n deafening' rcpoit and about half of the
bollei rns found a block west of the pluco.
\\hero \ the boiler fcinicily stood nothing was
left but a hole m the ground about four feet
Denoeii was about thiuy-lho 3ears old nml
leaves a wife and thieo little ; Bills , aged
seven , live and two jean 'iho siouo ut his
late lomo on 1'oxirth and II sticcts
was most hcartiendhip. The beieiud
wllo was fiuntio with gnef
and the little children wire uyhig for papi.
Mr. and Mrs. Denfon ha\o been m.uiicd
eightjcsiri , andduilngtho past foul jc' ' " '
have lived In Lincoln. 'Iho ' na rents of the
deceased reside at Cohiinlius. Columbus
Mnggirduis n yonnp nnn of
nineteen. Ills pamits Iho south-
cast 01 LllOCltl. 11U Vis u uiuuiui UL um
veil Imovn OliverMayfcMi-el wlio runs a sut
of moving wagons In Luicohi md Omaha
'Jheinutilnteclremilns of the l\\o mm v\ero
tikcnto the morale , whcio an intnicstI11
lo held touiorrow.
Stubbed byn Xr.amp.
ANo , Kiih. , August 18. [ Special
Telegram to THE Bin ] 'Ihls afternoon a
serious cutting affray occurred In the Union
Pacific yards , in which Charlis "Young , a.
manlust from Onmha , locnivcda bad ound
In tl.c right sldo of the arm pit , It being four
Indies in length and about , two and a half
inches in depth , -which plod piofuscl } . With
out pioniDt surgical assistance ho would hive
sooiibleillo death Ilo made lilt wd > to the
ofllcoof aphsicianho die scd and &ei\ed
up the \\ounil The mnn stood Iho opeuitioii
Without flinchiiiff and shoUecl much uorvo.
The -wound was inlliutecl.lth \ u inzor
by a , tramp , \\lio lus n "peg leg. "
The tramp and Young hid a fcords ,
ivhcn tlie former flont \ him -\\lth the
ivcapon nnd Infllctod Ihe ? wound described.
The police staitcd Immediately In pursuit of
thotiamp , who ran assooii ns. he had lotn-
inittcd the deed , nud vhen found was hidden
In iiiiolilbai non rouith stieot Ilo A\as ar
rested and lodjedln jail to aw ait trill.
A Ficiuht 'Jraiii T.ikfM tlin lilt.
Eikiionx , Xeb. , Autusb 13 [ Special Tclo-
prnm to THE BtrCorductor Lundy of
Union 1'icltlclociil frdgUtNo-.T. , bad n llttlo
expcnenco hero todaj that docs not happen
often touulioad men. IlnUnfj a car to .sel
out the hr.ikcmnn cut tlio tiain nnd
took the licnil end to kick the co.i
In on t'lO lioubo trai-lr , vheti in
some uiiaccoimlnblo in inner the rear end 01
the train stnndini ? on the main line stajtecj
east Its depirttno v as not noticed until 11
wnsgoing out nttho lo\\eri'ndof the yards
L'ntihingit on loot was out of thoquestion
Tlio linad end v is got on the main line .11
quidtlyas possible and stJitecl in hot puuuil
of tlio nina-way. It vas raught about thie
ouartcis of a mile out , uud as It was ruiinlr g
bill Itwusgolngat nhlglir.itooffepccLl
A "Wild iin < l \\'oill ) > Humor ,
BLAIK , Xcb , August IS [ Special to Tin
lin ] Some stiimger with jnoio foity-ioi !
wliUlcj than seiiao inside of him tried toiaiso
a seu-o hero last night by saj Ing ho passed a
mob of two dozen men on the waj fiom
Omaha to to Ijnch the sheriff am'
deputy on .ncount of the hanging of Pratt ,
tbonumlcrtt of Town He did notscuio the
shciUTttortha ecnt. Parties that claim to
know the trouble Unit Pr itt bad -ulth Town
sn ) that itis \ .ill e.iuse > cl fioin a lltthi dilTei
onro of amount due Putt on settlement
Thit bo had ne\er paid nnj attention to tbo
girls any more than ho VMIS coiitiiimilh
witching them , which tbej Aid not lllco , utid
Mr Town discharged him on this account.
I'oiica I'ariigritplis.
Pova , Is'cb. , August IS ( bpccial to TIIL
Bis. ] A new Independent paper his been
started in this city. Its editor Is H. W.
"XYood , who was formally oao of Ponca'b at
torn 03 1.
While the ban eit around this locality wll
be far Inferior to what It wns last year , yet
from icpoits the prospects forDlxon counfj > - oi-c ii-nir\nrh tnnrn - Tiintnhlf , t linn inrnriit.
parts of the state. On Inquiring the ii\er.ifio
iimnbei of bushels tothoacrothecioiisuou'd '
pioduce In this county , Tiih DM. corit-spond-
cut obtained the folloviiiB' flguies : Corn
tHbntj , oats tvcntj and wheat twelve The
hay jlula uill'bi ! about ono half the usual
Dcstinuilro storm nt Alma.
A.LMA , Neb. , AugustlS [ SpecialTelegram
toTiie BEK.-At 4 o'clock todayaheaiy
lain nnd v hid storm cnmo fiom the north
west , doing considerable damage In tills city.
Several bains mid fences weio blown dovui ,
small buildings ovciturncd und chimneys de
molished. ThoirroUes-tdunnKO \ denote
tlio Ccngtcgatluial cnuteh , it being so baillv
r.ickcid thai It will tequlio sovoril liundiicl
dollars to repair it. It is a new bjlldlng aiiui
roit HWX ) The stoim IVOR necoinpanlecl by
bill. It is reported that a great dutil of dnm-
ajo viu done In thovluinlty of StiuforJ , this
tounlj , und uho Orleans.
'las at Alum.
AI.MV , > 'ob , August 18. [ Special to Thn
Hun. ] At their meeting sonio tlmo ago the
supenisors of this county pi < od a. io.olu-
tlon to thoeflcct that after alloulng cluiins
against the county the county clulc bhuuld
not let Ihe warrants go until the personal
taxt'n priot to hbO , If any , were p.iiil by the
pirilcs lu who > o names tliuiurmis ; \cio
iliMMii. Ill the mcintiino the county cHcik
up the warrauU , uud cu ditnaud of
such refused to pl\o tljs Ivor until the
Lives wcro paid 'llio ws-'lts wow ro-
plevlncd. mid now It will f V the I"1'1 *
diction of the court todcteitlie \ nutter
A milrs ul tliiA V
II\snsa , Neb , August \ ISncchl to
I'm : Di i ! . ] lion E'hllip Ail'f Omaha ,
who is at present engaged in . \IMiig \ Per
sonnl Hlghta clubs .ctnbiaeliig tlio Gemma
clement of the Socoml oongiowlonnl dhtiie't ,
iiifoitiH Tnr Hn eotrespmident tlntt ho will
compute his \\ork In Admin count ) this
\uclc. Uoaldos the Hastings club , vlth u
oE ni'iulj tuo hundred , lie hn *
established u noihLug club at Uuiiliind and
1m uir.uigod toorgunl/e'Oiieat.luiinlta Situi-
tinou'iiliig of thK week This evening lie
will oiguiiuo ft club ill IJIuo Hill with n
lingo membership. Mi Andres is of the
opinion thit Ail mi'- , county uill gl\o ti good
iniji > rlty ngihut tlio prohlultlon amomlinont.
Ail.uus tomiU's exposition uml fair opens
in tills cltj Ho plc-inher It ( or tin oe il i.vs The
nro cxc-cllent foi n magnificent
i'Y.iiih M'aylor , one of Adams oount.i's en-
tei pi islni stock moil , li < i\ei thU wuk foi
Independence1 , In , tonrumgo for the build
ing of n intto ti iek on his farm ono inllo north
of tills cltj , slmiljii to the ono nlthuuboxo
tni'iitioiioel ioint ) The ntvessmy grand
stand * , etiv. , . ill no erected for the conven
ience of Llio public. At tlio sumo ( line hu pio-
poses to tii iko It mi iittr.ictlvo point foi over }
iioitcimm In Nebraska nml tlio wont.
It lias been mopcsc'd to eclebiiito the dedi
cation of Adims count's huuUoino coiut
honso hi prodigious shle ; to Imilo oveiy
funnel hi the county to tlio feast , imluding
their ives utid b.iblus Proem o n bnnil mill
spe.ikeis ; icMsluu oxorluo nud onbody
lulu In one guinil time. The Ad mis county
bir mo nuxious to ilo the houois , nml the
pent lemon comprising the bar are enpibloof
waking the jiflidi- suice'M and should bo
allowed toilMingWih tlieni'.clvci .
Tlie plmici ins of Acinus lounlj will meet
this \\c < 'k fui tlio puiposo of oigunl/inga
mod leal ! > oclot ) .
ng l > iij lit Iioilfj I'liir.
L)0\o I'lNfi Xeb 18. to
) \ , , August -Spcdtil [
TiiKlli.K ] Yestoulay closul the oxirc-lscs
of thoLoiic Pine Clmutnuqua nssoinbly anil
\\luitaclillgUlfiil tlmo all the niomhon luno
hud , both as 1111 iiitellcotual and physic il
tiont , bo described and apnioclatod only
by those who ha\o bcoii hoio through tlio
\\holo so3slon The stockholder held their
rcgnlir nnniiil mcoting on Situuhy uud
clcvtca .1. T Piuyoii of Oin.ih.xV. . W.
Younp of Stsmtoti , II K Wiuien of Nelih | ? ,
JchiiDdlo of Omahu and C ! li Glmer of
Lonpl'ino ns dhootoii JimnedUUly uftir
the election of those dlicitoi < a dlrcctois'
mcothiKwns rilled and Uov .1 T Dm > onof
Oinih.i was elected president ot the ussocli-
tion for tlio cnsulngyunrandltot J Cj Evans
of Abin donlll , supoiluteiulciitof iiublicln-
Tlmo UMS also nn orjfint itloti formed ,
called the Xoith Xobi.islt.v Chnutauqiia Ilt-
craij aiidSulcutitio Cinlo assoelition , wlilih
cmlKie ) ' 3 what is now known iis tlio Thlul
conetesMotml dlsttlot of NobiT-kn M H
Malloy of Long J'incwas olertod inosiilcnt
of this us ociatioii nnd Miss Mills of Uordon ,
Neb , coirospoinliiip secretary Tlio object
of this association is to estibiish nud tniln-
Uirn Cliiutiiumui circles in this dlstilct and
to cticoTJiigo o\ cry body totukoup tliis class
01 loaning.
S. "Miu-iicr ( ) nlllltcd.
n IIiu , Iv'cb. , August 18 [ Spciial
Te lcgrain to Tin BKI ) Aftoiavcrj pretty
lit tlo contest Jin ikSVarncr \ , n farmer and
stnUrurt prohibitionist , today iccd\ed the
nomination for lloat rcpicsciitative lit the ro-
pablican poiivontlon hold inthlscltv Acinus
county hid fouiccen \ot'nnd Wolwtor but
ton , but as reported in Tin. Bun the other diy ,
Monnix was willing to concede the choice to
the smaller county , pravidiuv .they could
unite , J. S. White , a farmer of Dluo Hill.
\\nntctl It. Punk , an implement dciiltr ot
Hod Cloud , uns in tlicsanio fix , only woise.
The Infoimnl billet showed Ilyo on aside
and it took nn adjournment to bcttlo whclhoi1
there \\ould i bo harmony or whether they
would letAdims count\ walk off nithtliojul/u.
Itnns atleiiRthconc'linlcd to tno it to Warner
oflicil Cloud utul he iwencd the full twenty-
fem votes on the ilrst b.illot. Thl * makes
both cindid.itoH for confess , both candi
dates foi the Icfjislatvuc , both ( indllntcs for
state sotmtoi mid both cindiditcs for lloat
rDptcscntatho nil openlj aiinauniod ndvo-
citcs ofthoprolilbitoi } aiieiulmcnt.
District Hc'iiiiioii at (
GuniNMoon , Neb. , August IS. (
to Tun BurTho ] progiamino for thodis
trict reunion of old soldieis at CanipTnijor ,
near ( Jicenwood , lins been complclcd. The
oiicampmnit opens August Jl , with the morn
ing c'ccicise's under llio dhoctioii of the Wo-
nun's. Kcllef coins 'In the afternoon the
rebel fiiioiillas Mill nttic-U the cunpwhllo in
tlio orcnhig foiiittors will bo ciptuied , court-
tiiiitlnlid and druinincei outof cimp. Oil
Tuesdaj tlio foicnoon will bo consumed by
sicnkois. Aftunvnuli theio vlll loa ) mocl !
tiial and coin k-tlon of.pies and then a pontoon
teen bildtfoill bulild and a slinm hittlo
nill occur. On the third met Hst < liy the C3
A li post wlllconiluuttho oxorclios nt the
phtfoim. At 8j ) in another shim bittlo
will bo fought after which eavnp will be
Kiirmxvti ) at Grand Island.
GHAM > FSUMI , Neb , .August IS [ Special
' .Telegram to TiiiBn.J A team belonging
to Feuliiuind niiphiscn In cnnio f riD'iitcncd at
ciswLtih nnghio nn Rye-amoio stieot todnv
and ran away , it'.ultliijj In the deith of one
of llio hoi st s bj lunuliiR1 through n barb u ho
fence. Jill IJuclusen rmd his family were
tlnown from tlio vcOiklo and Sirs. Dutluscii
and one of the ihilelicn rcro seriously if not
fitallj iiijtiied. Mi Duehricu's uriiis
oS'eb , August IS [
to Tinnn. . ] The Gaifleld countv
tcacheis' Initltuto closed ycstonhj' . Tlio
iossionlasted tv\o \ \ eoksindvasonooftho
most suecessful tnrcr helil In the county
1'iof Iliissoy of Auror.i was the conductor.
Tlio copious nins of tlio past ock lia\o
done the Blowing ciops niueh t'ood. Com
\\llllio 111010 than half a crop In Garllcld
A Xcwspnpr'p Siie-d lor Mbcl.
NK1UIA9KI Cm , Tfob , August 18 [ Specld
Tclegnnn to Tin Bn ] The mctnbei-s of the
XebriSKR City bnnd , baehed by the Turn
Acreinsociety , todni took theflist steps In
coinineiK-ini , ' a suit for libel lunlnst the 3 > ri-
cuse Journul , which they claim r.ithcr so-
\otoh'critlciicd ! thoplciilc held Suudaj , Aug
ust 10 , near Tidnmgo.
Plio nt Ci--iiul Ihlnnil.
Onivi > . hLA.M > , Keb. , August 17. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BFK.J Tonight n llro broke
out In I'ctrrllulnU's liuplcrnent hulldiiip1 ,
dcstiov IciR it and the en the stock. Loss
about glD.OOO.
llorno nud Mules Stolen.
CjnrM N , la , August 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bcc. ] Thursda } nlejlit two
mulrs and onohorsowcie stolen from Henry
.Lss of Chapman. Notluo to the por-
An IlvoilhiK I'inio Aiiliclpnted.
CIIICAOO , August 18. Thotosult of tomor
row night's meeting of the world's ' fuirdlrcc-
totsls clustlticd to be an oxeUing ono , it Is
said , and the ( rathciln inuy not break up
until \Ycdnosduy inornliig. Tlio doiumouis
to receive attention nro .Diglncar Ortlng-
Btuvd's report en the lake fiont blto
and Mr. Ohnstcnd'a ' on Jeaxou 1'arlc ; also nn
olTerof ii she fiotn the South and \Ve t paik
commlshlonom All thouo icports are noIn
ttio ImiiOs of the clhectoiutotind ulll bo hopt
seout until tlw Dual meeting tonorroiv.
Patterson Tor
AtdiiMiN , ICiin , August 1Special 1 [ to
Tnr BEL ] - M Putteison of r > luo liaplds lias
been nomlnntod for the letfl-datine by the
furmprsalllnnce cf the Eighth xvprokcntntlvo
district. Ttio platform oiipobca thoio-eleu-
tlou ol Scantoi lugulh ,
"Wftlttr "Wiloy , the Grocer , Meets a Miilniglk
Visitor With n Shotgun ,
U'licieujiin lie Suddenly l liul Mini *
EJ s < ir Uiouylit Down Wllli allnUly J
Nut I''nlnl.
Last ulpht between 12 and 1 o'clock Walter
Wlloj shotiind sorlotisl } wounded n ImiKlnr
nt tlio coiner of 'llilrtj s th nnd Vinnniii
Mr Wiley ami his pailiierVilllnnis keep
ftsiiMll gimcrj stow oil the south shlo of
rnrnnui stieetiit I'lilitysKth , and the'j lima
heeii troubled boioio by burglars Ono
\\cell \ njjo last nlpht the stow uns broken
01 en and rilled by t\\o \ inon , who escaped ho-
fore Mr AVlloj , who slept In the b.iscinont ,
npprchendcd tliolr prc'sence I te su\\ \ them
ciosttho strectuftcr th1ml ( ( ; one throiiKh
the btoro. mid Iheeliibliot thoiiionl > to bo
aiiHwcicd by n shot from the de-puiting
thlo\cs. Mr \ \ 'iledctoiinhied , \ to
place no mow eonlldonco In a
rovohor , but silonio piouired a double bu1-
reledshotgun nud loieled it lieavlljlth Ko.
1 biultshot
Lnit night , at the hour niinoil above , 7\lr. \
U'lhy n\Milfeneil by seine one movliif ;
about In tlio stoio roomalxno him , and sel/-
liiB his Run ho wutiouslj ciipt out iinil
oroiuul to the fiont door As he did so
he noticed tint the slilo uludcnvns
open Bielng that the fiont deici vns
still secuielj ilosoil MiVilo > took Ids jx i-
tlon at the back of the stoio and awaited
further elm olopincnl1) .
In n fo\v inonionH tlie feet of a mini cnma
out through tlio window , and as the burglar
gained his feet mid niiscil up MrVikj diew
up Id ) erim tiuJ cried "Jl.ilt ! "
Sceinntli ittlio bur hr meant to mnkeolT
Mr. Wilej Hied und the iiiiiu fell to the
Mr. AVIloy luilkul sb\sly up to Ills slilo
anellookcil at him ns ho In the ne'lllnu
rain , wrlthinpln inin.
" 1 don't ' blnme j oil for sliootnii ; mo , " suid
thoburphir , as Mi Wiloy jipproichoJ
Oftleei Onstivsoii soon on the spot and *
thopitrol WtiKon eonvo\c'el the man to the
eoiitnil station An examination , of his
\\ouiids shoved that tlmo buckshot bad
passed entirely thn > njh hlif > 'ht leir
lie K'uo ' his iniino iiist tu John u'ntson ,
nnd later as .lolm IIuul , nnd sajs ho luus
woikod nt the No Yoi Ic ehop lioihe , luul
soiiio weeks n o nsa piiiwnsheriit tlio Cnscy
hotel Ho is of slight build. lijht ! tomplex-
Inn , and\\ore u liyhr coloiodcont und slouch
hat Ills wounds nro not ncu'ssmily
fatal , or c\en very ilnnpeious , . uut
fj iniii 11 H0 1 fit'ili 01
Ilo snjs his people Iho in Chi-
CIIRO 'Jho jiolico'-m that ho tins been a sus-
pulous ehaiictoi about the city lei faouial
'lliero wns vciy little boot ) found irt liis
pockets A cloven clgirs line ] about fifty
pennies coniptiscil the Inul ho made. In
ureakliic the cash elrwer loose ho hail cut
ills hand on i sharp 'mil nml diops of blood
wcio siiiinlded all about tlio room.
D It is lelio\cd tliit the wounded limn had n
pnitnoi In tLo Job , foi some ono wns hunul to
call to the prronp of men who ntln iYd nlout
the stoio from the uccdiiioitli of Fttinum
street. Tho\olce called out defiantly for the
mini vho did the shooting to come clown
there iiinl K < t a slinlltii doie
Jlr.Vilej \ , who did the shoctliiR , wns con
siderably cxcltod ovei the ev < ut , but hound
hisncifchboH felt that ho had Oono the prope *
I'icliiiiiiinry I'rnctlco Jit
Chin p Douglas , AVIw.
sWi-i , August 18. [ Special
Telegram toTui llr.i ] Iho drill of the do-
ptu Uncut of Dakota illlo team. United Sl.itca
aimy , for tlie prictieo of shooting prolhnl-
inuy to the icguhr competition for places on
tlio division of the Missouri rillo team , to
commence next 'Iliuuilny , has been ben.m by
lieutenant \ \ 0 Clark , twelfth Infantry ,
tio\v nt this place 'Jim unusual fuituies of
tliedrlll nrcthatllieirnibiiro not used nnd
no Runnowdoi is burned Lleutcnnnt
Clark's method consists of systematically
tnlnliiR his team to estimate ! nlsUnces that
mo within lille iiu e , spihitini , ' , skliinishhiK
\\lthoutiUlcsoi caitild'cs ( , and a Kenoinl
coursoof frjinninticsandexcii.isesslmllir to
piesuibeel lor athletes.
Klllul Instantly liy the CIII-N.
Utah , August IS. [ Special Tele
gram to 'lin : Hi.ii ] Inis afteinoon Mrs
Clara Hewitt was ROIIK | to hci homo Just out-
sldo tlio city limits and wis vnlkint ; on the
UUih & Not them railway about a mile nnd a
Inlf noith of the union depot , blio INIU dent
and dll not henr thonppioieh of the excur
sion tinln i'oiiito Hot Spline's , ninoinilei
fiomthooitj , nnd was lilt by the eiiKlno
\\hito \ L'oniffnt full speed Shawns knocked
fioin llio tiick nlth lcnrfiil foice and killed
instantly. An Inquest \ \ \ \ \ be held tonight to
determine the culpability of the cnglnc-ei * .
I'lOSl III ( \Ul'tlnVHt. ( .
ST I > AUlMhm , j\unust IS [ Spec hil Tole-
KinmtoTjii Hir ) - Iteipoits fiom Iho north *
vest territoilesandiiloiiBthonortliorn border
of Noith Dakota Indle.ito that frost wns
l/iottj / St. Vincent , Minn , wus also
lstcd ! by qultoa hoivy fiost Iho temper-
atmo touched thiitj dearies at C'lilpury.
\Vhnt \ the effect on wheat will bo c.iiinot jet
be told in Minnesota und Is'oi th Dakota the
roapus wcie In the Holds nnd it is believed
the daiimt'o wus but slight In the country
further noith , ho we\ orhcro \ the ( jr.ilnvi
still hi thusUlk , it b feared the effect \ \ iba \ \
Ilie \ \ < > iilli < M Ffirocnsl.
rorOniiha nnd "Vicinity 1'nlr , cooler.
For Ncbiaska Pair , prceedul \ > \ local
Bhoucis In southeast , \\iiiiner in northern ,
cooler in southern pottion ; sllglitly vnuner.
For lovm Light locnlshonors , followed by
cleiirliiK ; northerly winds . st.itlonary U inpcr-
aluroln boulhust , uurmcr in noithwcst por-
IPorSoutliDdkota Generally fnlr , wanner |
northetlj winds , becoming Mitlublo.
No Slum for u I'rlvp ,
K tNSAS Ci rr , Mo , AugustlS The Journal
tomoi row will any The Dener lottciy com
pany , which recently opened liemlquarteisln
Kansas City , Kan. , has uicntcd its oftlce and
Its ofllcers Ua\o ilod the town after hiivlngro-
ccivcd .10,000 by the sale of th-kets , leaving
all piUesunpald Thocompmy wan drl\cu
out of Denver , Col , a month ago and came to
Kansas City.
Cm il Id nl Newiiiiin'N lU'inaliiH.
Liosnov , August 18. Thoe-oftln containing
the remains of CaidlnalNownmn wns today
placed onthncatafiilqnoin fiont of the altar
la the orutorj tit 1'dgbaiton 'lln < futhcru ,
asbistcd by UUhopHllHlcy.CllfTord. O'itcllley ' ,
lloelloy nnd Dugbhuw sanir a dlige. 'Jho
dnkuof Norfolk , Lord Colerldgound bovuuty
were picsont.
MoniiUerj Jlnrncil.
Uri omnr , Mifju't 18JMount Althostnon-
abtei > bw bicn paitiiilly destiBjcdby llio.
Bet\eral building > uio KUttcel , 'Iwtlva
inonka lost tliolr lives ,
Colo. , August IS A veiy light
snow fell lu this elty tonilit ! | the "rut of tu