Ft THE OMAHA DAILY B3SF , MONDAY , AUGUST 18 , 1890. SPEGIfiL MDT1GE8. ADVI-HTISnilKNTH for thru ) columns will ho t.itun until l 'M p m. for the owning Illttolinnt until 8:30 : p. in , for the inomtns Illtltm and HL'siiAv IIKI : . "pI.llMh -t'UBliln advance. iATKS Atlt-crllsomenttoii tldi ptRC will bo fHiaiiffil fornt llioratpof I'noiiiiiorword ' K. lot t lie llrslliiftrtloiinticll cent pertrnm for ( ich mil Hiimcm Insertion , and 41 W pcrllno . tier ni'ititti No ndvirtlstmt'Tit taken for less Ihn 11 no nts for llio first Insertion. JJslTIAI , , figures , symbjls , etc. , coilntcncli anono 11 ( ird , rpIIIM2 ndvcrtlRcmenti mint rtmrornecti- J tkely nnd under no clri'iimstnticri will they hf t ikcn or discontinued hv t lui > lioiic. * l ! > Altrir adtcrtlilnif In them column * und JL hiiilnxlliolranstrcrs addrr ed Inn "mint- ' ' llnu-will riiolvo hoicdli'tur Incnronf 'HiK ntiiiinbcrtil cluck ttionnblr * them KiBcttlielr ] i lrt. l . Answers vrlll > o tlfllttMid only t > n iicKiiitatlnn of this chork. ] iiclow nnntera In iMiiel'iM ] ( properly addressul. Alli iiilrortl'i'iiicnts under the hciil of ' "pcHnl otlclV' nro pnhllstiiil In both inornliiK iiiul iMenlnitedltlotiaot TUB Jltc. tlm f Ircnlntlon of which fimsre nti'S ! moro than 211.000piiptn dully , nnd nKos llio ndvettlscr the benefit notonly of the larun circulation of Tiulir. | : la Oinnlia. but nlso In Council lllll IT 3 Uncolii nnd otlior clllei nnd towns In thinnest MfNDAY IIA M'1 ll.VJ'llS. ADVl HTISTMnSTS for slliiatlons or for main nnd female help , not otccedltiK l vnrtlHiirrlimcrted In Tur f-uvnAY HKP at halt lutridiiiliiK tlm months of July nnd August U'hn icunhir rites will lie charged for each add Illon nlvonl aboto l uords in well as fer uoiiMCiitho Insertions. BR A.iNCHpFF ICES. AUcrll ( liiK for these columns will bolnkoa on tlie alKite inndlllons.at tliiifolliwlngbu ( > - | . ursnlioiiMs who aruantliorl7id to til < sjiccHl not Ins nl t he la mo rat O4 as can be had at tlio iiialaolllie. OOl'TII OMAHA HHANOII Oll'IOt-No. H > SSSI NStrcot , I.Wor lllook. 1 OIIN AV. ltn < I < , l'lmriuaclstWOSoutliTontli ' , J Urt-fl OIIASII.V TDOY , Stalloiicn and 1'ilntcrs , lltSoiilh ICth i-lri'ct. AV..T. . IIUGHUS , Pharmacist , 0 1 North 10th . Street. O. AV. PARH , I'harmtiolst , 1713 Leivcn- nortli Street. I'llA1IMACV ' , 21th and \V.\XT in > . l-'oi itiftKtic. , , itr tof o/ fiat witiiinn on tlita _ _ _ uarn The shoo buslnos by a yoinii ; man of Rood character , will soon hinn c-iiltal | to ln\ust. Address lode hov 019 , UuaMol ncs. Iq. 1U-10- wants situation Ti- W _ > purlinecfl man GaiiBHouood loforenc-is , Address f , . BO , Hoe , t 7-lU' _ _ "V\rANrnD-<uatU > n by jounpRlrl In smnll T family for general houEitt oik , Apply Ul South aal st. us iIP * _ VSrANTnn-Hltimtlonby a will educated ' i lady : will assNt la the lieu < .cli lil and hi nt met In the ( loriunn lanvua o and muslo. AiMri" " n ri.Trciiiont. Noli III-"M ii ; iiiitv. : I'cnutci , tic. , tre tnynf fivt rduinnon tlilt jtaye. Half mica nn Sunday " "V\rA Ji'l'l'D Solleltoit with peed refircnccs , TI niilv | titHt _ > UIIt\\jHl. Oh-Iili 1 " \ \r A TNT V31)-n ) Pit-claw clnthlnz salcsnnn. l also wlnilotv diessoi. iioao liiitthoroimhly oxpt'i Ivncotl aieii uocd npplj Xcbralia Clotli- IngCo. 1)12 ) IU " \17"AM'ni-lCO ( earns to vorlcnn Rntlo nnd * > haul brltluo llnilidoa C.U. I.il' . liy. Amily nt camp , t o miles east of I'liillllon , Nil ) , fcinltliUlllitt .Swl'o. 4W-10 * "lYTAM'KI ) Annctue man for eachscction TT hiilnry t"i to J100 to locally icmesiMita snccoHsfiil K. Y. coiiiiny | ) , linoipoiitt'd , to Bttpply dry RooU ( , clothing , shoes , jotvciry. otc. . to coiisumoH at test Also a ludy of tact , Hiihuy HO , to entnll members ( "O.tlK ) now enrolled , JlOO.OOfl paid In. ) Kiforunccs cx- cluiiKtil. Lnipiin Co-Opcrntlto nHSouIutloii crullt veil ratodllock boxdio , N , Y. " \\rAYf Kl ) Salesmen on s.ilary or eoininls- TT nlun tohandlo tlio Now Patent ( h dm leal Jnk KrihliiR Pencil. Tlio Kieitest selling notcltj overproduced Erases ink thoroughly Intttoftcoium ; noobruRlonof jiipor.CCO tolOO percent pinllt. Ono m't'iit'ffiilcsiunoiintoil to $0.1)111 ) blxdnys ; another S.'tJln tuo iioins. Uo iMintonu caer rllo jrcnonl iiRont for cncli Mate nnd territory. Siniplo by mailJS cents. l 'or terms mid full paitlculars udtlrcss llio IMonro ( Kuisur Mfg. Co , LaOro&soMf. . 115-M * A OKNTH } " > toflO per day collectbiR small Jplituiu forus tocopynndcnlarco ; > at- Isfaution uiiiranticd itnil : $ out lit fioo. A. lJimiio& . Co.M licadost. , 1\o\v York. 1UO-1 * D bnlcsmau iu every locality to IT in iiiiiracUiienml wholesale our now nro- cess clilcr. inntlo without apples. xcollcnt Yiagos , no capital required ! 4e for jiaitloulars. Bllasouri Cldor Mfj. Co.HoxKO , St. Jci'iOpli.Mo. . Oil u2b * JHOlMAKnUiuintul at onee. Rood job all JvMliter for u good nun. Geo. Woellwi.Hien- nndonli , la. Kti-ls' . I ? A PAM'SMAX wanted Jinn to sell line of vltli htam'p.GloLO . Cigar Co , St. Loiii Mo IT\7'AN"ril ) TiOOnionfor Ut.ib anil Nevada ; M wwct JJOO to J.V.O. AlbrlKlit'a l.ibor AKOIICJ , USOKaratim si. U.M * \V'ANrTn ) A llrhttliiss harness uniKcr at. IT Aulinra. Xeli. Tln-o. ttolclmolor. IHI-17J ANTOJ DniK cliu ! < rojilstureil In fft- braska A , H. Hunt , North Heml. Xeb. \\TANTKI ) 50 men nt Lotihvlllo Noli , by W tlioOlilcitgo , Kotk island i.l'aclflii HV In iniitorl.il yard. lii.f ) . ' " Men t ilruvd for OUT Canadian inii-sorles.fatonoAWcllluBtoiiiUiill oii Wla _ : _ ill ) _ 01TV ciinrnRsors oafialrry nnd commission , exuoi lonced agents prcforiul ; must RVO | security orclty loforcneo. Avlily OJItoIla. > n. , C'liuihu Watch Oliib Co , loll O.uiltol me. , _ _ : i.s.i a . . . OOHX iOiVorkoi ; , tinners and Joli w orl ers , stoidy votk , Rood waxes. Jamet A. Mll- lir.t llro. , l.-J und JJlb. Clinton St. , Clilcupi. _ M7j : j _ A GrNTS-.VautHton W dnjs' tlino.SIVl.no /Xpniilt In 4 col < or no piy. Add. ttltli ttantp J.irvls iCouip.iuj , Kuclno , ffls. \rANTri ) Jlun for railroad woruTnVy - f ciinlnj ! cowl Maiea Albright's 1 ibor niciu ) . 1 1.1' ' 1' amain st. _ 83-tJl \\7"AN1 1 D baTosincn at t T. per woiitlisal- ' ary and o\pcn t's toscll a llnoof bllter- iilatcil ttnro , watclim , ctc.Uy Mtinplo only , hort.uandtiamfuriiUlic < lfrco ! > vrllo at oneo for full partlculai'S und suniileeiisoof coeds flee , fatiindaril bllvorwurv Oo , Hoston. Musa. _ 81 ? W AN'J'ED 200 Inhorers for ostia road Apply tu I' . II. Johnson. H. & M , l , unmha. WS WANTED O.ilviint cdlron cormco ivorU- irs : steady tvoik ; tiocHl wanes James A MlllUiV llro. , 1J ) und Ul fcoutli Clinton Mruet , t liicauo. _ " \\rANTFn 'riiicofrstcl.issmoii to rcpto- i > sniit llio Oiu.i ha lloo la and out of thoetty Cut ! at thoppechilolllcu of Omaha lleo. curnor Klb und I'm mini .inoiiiullkioi , 07 ? \VANTUD rii iArji ; mini * . I or lute * , tic. , nt fop of rtnt enlilinit oil IMa ; Half nittn HI ) A lr ] for itnor.il ; houictvnrk ut 'apltol uvu , f.13 10 * V\T\NTLl ) A7 y 1 rT fi > r Roiivriit lionsc orl > | TT KOIII ! WHKCS. Slu..I J fn\Uoioi. | lliuii. lltontuiilN iMlh bt jKjl-lii * \\7AN'JKD-nirl for ll"tchen and TaimdTy , * * work ) uo tare of children. 11.W S. uMli. , , ut Ilitl Oapltul iiMiiuo ir.'l ' "j Tl LTi pny Iiidhsa taliiryof * liTport\c4 i ( J-toitork fo mo In tholr localitv atliomi' , llcbt i > rkionilpiij for part tlmo. U'l Itc with np. Mrs. H\\ \ iiirliuliiii. box TOJ t-'lilcaso , VWAN'IKD A Kood Klrfto do KOiieral houM > IT u in It In a family of ttto , Apply 1"1 ! ) > < toth \\7A > iTEl > A irood tiorkln ; houseKcopcr , T V nuift bo ticitt und lint class cook. Apply at 5N b. .1) ) m WA.NTF.I > A Klrl for ccneral good wages puld. B. K. Cor , 'JOtli und JSt St i ron M > r nitu.cleue topof fnt column on (7i ( OK lUINT-Povcn room cotttiRoJin X 18tb * U nuar ChlcaRO , Mijior uiontli. S I.oh- 10IV11 , ft" ! * T II.WKtwoor three four-room flats tvllh 4. city Muter and water cltwct near lo the business cantor which 1 will rent to rc pi'C'ta- bluiuirtlu at a very low price , lloburis , 4ifJ No.iatji. IX--'l * A SIX nnd seven room Hat withMeiitn heat ind all coinunlcncosfor nut , 10. itolioiti , V.o. ? \ . Htli , jai-'l IP VOW wl hto rent n liouw or.storo no tt , _ E.ColO _ , Ojnlltiontal liloek. _ U2I _ IiTOIt IIKNT A Imimo of nil rnnvpnlenccs , tcntrallylocntid. Inquire 712 N Jinlist TJOA HDINOhoii'O of 12 rooais , nil RHd ( re- JJ iiatr , hard und neil water. Corner I Ith mill \ \ vbater. l > i-u > _ TjlUK IIKNT ( f room liouxr , city water nnd - * - MTccn , nt a barcnlnto rriponMlilo iiirt Us , 1'atkfr t , Aiply 81 ! ) . I'atton block , ir.'l ' , nil parliof the city. Kent rnncliif ! fiotu (13 to ! VJ innntlily , Sinratoii A. Allcii.lOO'iMl'arnntn st. ilion _ _ rpo lir.S'r-lIoii o of 8 room" , on < t nnd J north front , cornet tt < th nndiKihnrtli ntc. , nil modern conveniences , SI ) ncrinonlb. C. I' . 1 1 ni 1 Uoin " 11 N y Mff S-'t IilOH ItnXT Plrrooiiicottacc , modern Im lirotcnioiita. litli .ii IJodgo antl I'apltol me. Tlio O.I' . Pat Is Co. llj-10 ) IilOU Iir.XT House. ID rootni. nil modern Im- liottiiit > iit < i , lirxo yard , t.ET ] i r inunth. Com niUslonlu agents. Du.tlcr L , Thonia < . OONVr.Xin.NT Rl\-rnoin houfc , 5TIJ Cnhl- well , Kent rcisonablc. ApplyS. ! ) Cnhl- well st , l'i-2J ) ' ITOIllinNT l-room cottapa lOII California -I si. ncur aith , } | j ; KCVUII room cottage ! 1I1 N Ulli niurUhlcagoU. , K'I. TTOHHl'NT ii-room Innse. coed rt-jnlr , nlcn -L' yard , cistern water , rent t."J. Apply to HOT South ? lh ate , orto Jtio. W.ltoll. drugslst , 10th OlNn lite rooms for rent , 2d door , coed repair - pair , city aiidclstern water , 8 7 S , 18th. liouso.SonthSHhpWestof shot toner. UKNT New lO-rooinhomi' . allniodern J Iiiiirovi'incfiti | A | ip I y toOttiu McCalTtey. Sl-fniiiriiipyjt. " d > tT S-rooiii home , S.ll. cor. lltli and V p 45-1 HK.N 1' Hood ID loom lionse , senor J Wilier , sns , biilli. birn , furnace , in nlopint shape.ihcap n.V. fcholes Co.SlUlst Nul'l 11 lunU. tr.'ii ron HUM' 7 room Hat. ten S Kith st. { 30 per month. Apply at Tlio Fair , J. Illrati - IjlOK ItUM' 7-rooni cottiRotvlth liirn , ' . "Jnd J- and IjOnvonvroith.KO wr inontli to coed party. O. 1' . I liitrlson.nl t.N Y.I.I fo. 'M FOll UI'.NT 1'our now house * of 10 roonm each , city water , pis , bjtb. iiiinplrtn. I'irk ' ate nnd Mason sis. ; cheap 25th and llarney sts. , II ronms ; 4-roim ( house , ! KiI4 boward. ! ! > ; stum. 7HN. 16th , tiO TO , 5-room house , 511) fe , 25th , 818 00. Gco. L'aul , 1CW l''ainam O.u-18 'JM' Sept. 1 , cnttiiro vllh nil modern -L1 iniiuovcmcnts , 1521 Mierinaii avo. 774 TTIOUUnNP Dcslraliledffolllnas in Council -L HlnllK at reduced routs ranflnjj fromj'l to 170 per month , i : . II Siicafo & . l'o , rental nfcnts , Utoadivay aad Main t > ts , Council llltilTs 631-ASO rpWr.NTi'-tlirco room hotel , near the I'nloii ' J 1'oclllotlcpnt , furniture &V 0all on tlinn tf Hocurlly is pood. Co-OptiitUe Lund \ . Lot L'o . aiT > X Iblli st , 071-18 IPAT 7-room home ncir 'MJtli st. Or- chiiil lllll. SlOpcrioonlli. SUl'iiMon Moulc , Nob. MortjiRo loaiiioiiipmiy. 11U GK005I flats , : ! lh US-am' iflOU Kl.XT House 'J rejoins.2 pantries , well and chterntatrron \ tor. lot. liliand Will- lainsiilsol four room house , JHcueli , August Handotv , lloos hotel. OVJ-1S * I71OKISKVP 26-ioom new houses at 2C'nn < l L "Ut Unlltvollst. till inmloia eomoiilenecs with bain , J30 to good parties , oil ) I'axtonbllc. 1111 LOOK Low rent , desliiblo modern liouses .S-iottagos. Inqulio I'-iriottoreiiltl siRpncy IT,1 H 15 71OU 11TXT AG-iooin house , near to cintor -I- of biiiliioss , } 0 ; uKo brick 5-room house , nineloi utlon. 115. Thu Jlc.ul InestiuentUo. . , > FOll HFNT-To responsible parties only , llio&u line nuw hrlulcand slono lioti'-ib on Qcorjla itenuc ; illlocn rooms and nltotes ; inoio contciilinccs and hotter llnMicd than iinyliou'-o for icnt latlioclty. 11. II , lleader- 6o n , 00 _ 1 ' .i \ t on block , utf. _ 4M fT-llOOMhoii o t\llh bum ; nominal i cut. O. I K llai iNou. Oil X.V. l.lfo. _ i l FOU lIKX'C-IJe'.lriiblo 8-ioom htiuso , nil norlcia improvements ; CMeHcnt location sodded yard fiont ind icar. Conienlcnt tf tvholchalodlstilct and new union depot. Ouo ( ! louallcn for plijHlchn. Appl } UlSSlUthst. 2-llOOM liorso. Iftl nnd fumlnz , 3H per 'inoiitli. t' . I' , Harrison Oil > . V , Llfo. 8sa FOR HUNT KOOaiS Fin-rate * , ttc. , tu ; fopnJlitt rotoin oa thts jiaae rlKIDodjto Rt , coraor TtventlRtli , Desirably fin nMicrt looms in small Jxcw 7'njlaiu family , atlth orttithout ho.ird m-il * IH1 * . S.'itli t. parlor lloor to rent ; also fur nished basement , fcOl 10 * riTHITi { ; nicely fiirnlslicd rooms for light J.Jioiisileoplii ! . 1IIJ ! H. lltli , _ JriU-Ki * T > InASANT lurnMicd loom , suitable for JL ( 'ciitluiiau and \\ifOi lofuoncts icnulrod CO'l ' h ITth st. 03119 * FOK HlINT-T oplcamit fuiiil > hi d rooms mullein contoiiltnccs " 013 Douglas. - 1UO 10 * r : ] ) ioom.V.45 ! loth crn utposiiru. l T7-lb * "VTFi7V furnlKhcd looms and board , : t 111 JL > b.it li , 1017 DotlRO st. ICO 21 * "IT10H HKNT-l'mnishid loom vlth lio-inl JU1 1011 Douglas M. 0&5-1U * TTIUKNlbllKD rooiiislwi O.ipltolaTcZ JO o : > 8-a ) * dcslriihlo nxiiiisslng ] ar c-nsullp. will boa id In private famll.t t > llh il ( is.uillioino loutuil In modern reulduicc , ' 'llso llarmy st. u : 7-ih "IJ10R Iir.NT-Two rooms , suitable for2orl JL ? Ki'iitlimen , In cnttnpr. live blocks from Hio bnlldliift cheap.J.'IS. . Uht at. Utllh * TIUVIA' furnished rooms , slnsloor oiisiiKu Hbiitlund sas , lMlHoi\ardd , ! lloor. TTIOR IIKNT-South loom , tilth linirdln prl- J-J v.itofuinlly ; references. ! S07riiriiim. ten 18 * nKOrsTroom In private f .null y , ull inodorn 1 ' .O.M Hint. IC-M-.1 ! JOOMS Tiirnishcd , or unfit inUhul , 1'JOC l aiilla jivo. _ 8n.- ! . KKNT- Desirable rooms 1SI6 Dntlgo St - E fiout rooms , steim lieat , ens , bath1 cto nib In ; new ; all modem improvements 71lBoutliH > th.irdllooi : 1OT- : . " _ OT. O IiA I li Ku i open n hot ol.wlt lijll in nf room lOKJth-liodge , fcieclaliat.sby | \ or mo "iroll lifTNT-VuraHhod i ooias. ljl)0 ( ) IMuel'is Jl : < VB _ " | j\OH \ IIKNT l-'umlslict' looms ; .Ms.bath ant JL'sienm. I.r l1 llo urd. Kit ITIOU llEN'T- Two boutli itioma I9I. ( larnnni JL1 Tb-S al'J * [ .RASAM1 looms ; uUoboirdlns. ( , . 17h ( Uli-alU' 11HN1 Hrlilc tv.uehgusc , t\t o stories and hisoineut,2.OUOsiiunio , feet , with 100 feet of dou bio track on U. ) ' . ralltvay , south " 01 li and IMcrco sttccls Address U. Oskanip Ur.ului , Xoli. ( U5 JllATvn t-ikcn the onllio 1'ronzer biflUltng , on 1lh st , imr Dodso. Very sty llsh niu handsome inoins , tahlo appolntmoiity the bin. Open on the ISth Hcfuienius. .Mrs. II M. HurnUon ici-lb : * _ , 1 ! S Capitol uvu " i oitnii ; > r r < rrott , itc. , r , top of Jtrof miirnnoit f/il / jtatie. fjiOlUlI.N'l- ixioiiKJ , unreriiislicd , SW X 1311 JL1 st. . pi Ice { 10. _ bt-t "jTilTITlfKNT- iilifiunlsheJ room * , 11 % Cn'.i ' . JL1 ' * btr-'JO _ /flJOHs iiiiifuriil < ihcil anil looms fuinlsho' ] "Jfor lint lii DugKiiu block , cor. Utli and I'.i- clfc UP ; s AX i l\i \ lattf , etc. , uc laji DFivt ( vliitnn on l/ifj / * j-uigf , bTt'iurST inri-sTi.Vy . LVloTi'lidbirinr "aT or without powoi. fnimorl ) oeeupletl bj tlio ol'ubllKlihu i'o.OKIl'arninv bt , The build llie-pioofcoiueut l fcleuiiilieutliu ; llMurcs watir onall KHS. me. Appiy ut thu olllce of The Hto. tU ) STO11E rnoin with Btcam heat for rent in Fs- tubroulc block on ICth si. Kobe r IsIUJ , .Nci qr.tli hi _ 1U-21 * TjlOll HEM' or sole-Very ehuap-Hrlolc -1' btoreundllutuf slrooms. . uiijiurnlKOTM , Jlary'iiA\u KiiqulroSaml. lliuiu , 131S l' r- > .t. 103-15 IjlOIl Hr : -llriek warthoiiB * , two storlos J' anilhaNcnient , 27,000 squnro ft-ot. ultb im fcot of iloublo truuk on U , f. mlftruy , mull IVth und I'lirco btrooln , Addrosj UU kiinni Oiiiiilni. Net ) . _ _ 1)10 ) ( JTOltl- j ntrirJB , liitli.'OilKiimch. . luuo how 1 JH'iiuliiuasl 'iiiii lioal furnUhi'il. Tims. I" Hull. 311 Pax'.ou block. fta \\7ANTFI--rartlci ) wntdlns boolli prlvll- cZR InHiiRiir L'nhco KTposltlonlnilldlnK. pen ifept 1st to 19 , npiilv for tcrini to laltlictvs i Loan , Grand Island. Neb. 00"K " \K lTuoO > j"for rcnl ] le7L location"tTcily" ! \J Vault. LCO , llcoolllce. BU-Si * [ 71O11KKNT llutldmif Ofixl24 ft. , 4 dtorlosnnd i biisonii'iil on Jonn Ht , betneen 10th and tth , with It. H. track Iu alley : best locution tn ho city fnr n holcsalo. Inquire U10 is. l" > lli su I. A. liltidniujstj \S \ CfTfor reiit-Alsn a larpc worn 40x00 ou H'oniul floor Ilainuo's building. iM O Hl'.NTAIi For ralca , tl ( . , ftt lo | ) of flrit eolwnn on tli < * ) xi0r. T I. T vciur hoti'es for rent with Oeo. J. 'itul , l r U. COLE , rental agent , Continental bile. J L tct J. 1 UFArcnttil agent , 203N. Y , Life. El' COOIC , rental iseney ; loins , morttfiKCS loiijiht , tn > es paid and collections Kooin 111 N , V. I ; . bull1lt ! . 777 a31 * 'or rulci , ilc. su ( op vf fml column fin 1/iM / > ATHN IS U'i : co | > \ rlnlits , rolssiu's and rojcctod casoa roinptlysuunrcd. Iiifrlii uinnitslsrorously itosocutrd. DiitntiKO and ro > nlty collcctutl ! 'fiiisultatlon froo. Oinalni 1'utunt Attdioyi Ctoutisu block , cor. 1GIU and Capitol avu. TOTICK-Gnllticrs kcc ] ) nway from Chi- cnpoj RtrIKu still on. Hy order of Uo- hiK bpciPtury. _ P'1-'J. > * liM' lawjcrsniul sollpitors. 0. W. hues A Co. . lloo biilUlhift , Omnlin. Tour > inns' \pciloncnus cxiimlnors In U.S. patent oflluc. Irandi olllco at Washington , U. U , Uonsnltn- Junfioo. _ 737 _ M ASH AGH treatment , clcctro-tlicnirulliitho , sculp ami hulr treatment , tnnnlcuru and chlroiiodlst , ilrs. 1'oat , H 0-21 , Wltlmoll bll ( , " 17 011 SALE National cash rc Mcr , latest J1 tlisliiii , UBcdll monthi , Kunrantitd perfect , tli.\iuldrc".s ! 1121 ill I'ariiiini st. IipiM'J ' * Vrol'IOB Dr. John J.Solomon of 14Usonth l11th vlshes to Inform the public tint no uis conic to stay , contrary to the wishes of .hoevriinlnlngcommittee of phystclaiH and the Wotld-llcrild. Illu diploma thcv hid to iidmlt I second to none. iwlr r * I\HSOiiiLiANI30US : WANTS. rorratet , ttc. , tee topof Jiist tolumii on tlits j - . Horsoaurtliusny tokcop for i whllo for Us use a few hours each div. J' > . Zlttli',011 N.V. Llfo. OIJ AVANTIil ) 10 IJU11. rarrntct , tic. , tee tnpof fnl column on Hits BOOK and stationery Imsliiesi wuntod by a lurtj fi oin thu cast. Co-opurutlvo I.nudA. Lot Co. . DOT Jf ICtli st. DM IS " \VANlKD-Oool ( poiniiu'rclal p-ipor. Nn- V > bruska aiort ago ioau Oo.Gl'Jl'.ixtonblk FUUNITUltn , houicliold BOodM.oto. HtKlicst cisli pilce. till 1'iiriiain. U" > 0 ITA'SIOX AUliXCY. For rait t , ttc. , Kf topvf fnl column on tliJ TMiie , A SturKOt , ONjiort In jiciisloii c.isos. OvcrIG xc.nsflxpi'ilciicc Unve scTUiodov ( > r3.000iotislons ) for soldlors In Nchraslca and Jann , tliolr widows and halts Alimdoncd , dclnyid orrojocted CIISUM a speci alty. UlilinnntH for volitions tinder the now uld llloat onco. No udvanco fie. Of- Crolglitou bloclt.ncxt botlth of I > st- olllco. _ IntSONAIiIdnlloll : I lci\o town tonlslit , let inulio.li f fein you today , bum olmtd K. H0-la T.W law ; ppnslons fnr almost nil sold UTS ; -i fiitlii'i.s , niotliurs , vldovs and minor chll- ( Ircn of soldlors. Olalms pushed by K. N. riliiKinnn , IDnndSiriunzcr blk. . Omaha. Also Washington and Cincinnati , Ulrculuis fiiu ; lAjunit'cxpcrluiicc. Kil " \TEW I'tnslon riw AlldUibledsnldlan mid -Li doiirndcnt widows minors undoilO , and parontsof deceased boldlUisaro now entitled lopon lons. Cull on inuund Illu jour cl ilinsnt ojico. O.U"Hilto \ loom U , Continental block. JT. 1'ATOll ' , cxoluslvn jienslon & claim nt- torney : o\or 13 years' oxpoilcneo : nil the latest liws & decisions Olllco icmovid from FicnzerblU toChamburConiniorce.H r.l.Oniaha I'"ui raits , etc. , net tun of column on tins /jltNOUTItlOlh St. . newly furnished , with Aboard. Mrs. Ohurclilll. lil-23 ) * GOOD board , nice rooms , all modem Im- pro\cmcnts. rullinan House , U10 Dodsost. WJ-20 * STOHAOI : . Vorrnlrr , etc. , tec lop of flitt rnlumii on this STOJtAGTI-Sco us before storing goods of any description. Omtvlii btovo Itenalr VorKa. I''OT IIQUK ! is. Tel. OOP. L'll rpICAOKAGi : Rtoraso at lowest rates W. M. JL Uusluuuii , Kill Iioi\oimorlli. IXXI QTOltAGIMJi auuh i Co. , UU Howard. k ? tr 4 STOKAOD-ITor incicliundKo rind furnltiiro. cold storazo and freezing : trackafjo lnld Cole. Sfi-hlT lloward &t. 'J7a roit s/vTji ; iioitsKs WAOONSKTC. J'or rait * , etc , sec loji of ft st < ofmmi on ( ft Is jfi/c. ( TjlOH SALE Fine d.ipplu pray family cir- J rlngo horse blv years old , welsht ID-iOlbs. ] ici foully kind and ccntlo , blnlo haincbs , iih.utoii and now btudobaUcr one horse \ \ upon , fnrs.ilo cheap uU4a.3 Walnut ave. Walnut lllll. _ S71 ID * l OHSALi-rill\uiy : ) ) wiigon. 1507 NlOthst. J : _ ( Xll sl4 WOUIC lioro Jfl ) , t o hoi -.0 . w upon * 20. double work hainosi 81" > Or will trade for a good llzht slilo bar buggy. II. E.Colo , Contln- uital blocl. . fctX ) IjlOItSAI n llandiomo ] iony , kind , Rentlo ; -L lady can drl\oor ildc. JJ1S louilii' < c < t. -rs , Inrpalns. The I ito J Lllruhasinnde thuiu cheap. II , U. Oolo. Con- tlnuntiinilnclc _ UoJ HOUSES } JO and up. II. K. Colo. K& _ KOll SALiH-KUIlMTtrilK TO. For nittf , ett , , * < < fop nj flrst rolionii on l/ils / juju. TTlOIt SALH Or trade I urnlturo ofrionm JL' cottns" ! nearly now. AdihesjJ. r.Kousliii , cam of "Tlic Fair. " city. IM la * _ iou sALi-msci : ; ijf JAN ii5 u . For t utc * . ctf , PCI ( j of flrsl foliimn tin I/it / * ( IHfcALIchcriiH-O'nosct Ainorlan ) c- olslons"ind ! other law buoUs , SeoMaslois , " \Vi 1 1 inel IJblock. _ 090 21 _ "jjlOU SAI.lOne Now York safetv einilno , fl. JliorM ) power , noany now , faJo Mitsiuis Wlthnell bloulc. _ U'JO-1'4 GOOD t\e\\rllor | for sale or rent , Inquire 1112 ( I an ujy. _ Ibj-li ) IT Olt SAI.n or oxrhuiiRC "h5-lnoh Hxpcrl JJ column ! i blcjclo , full nleUel , pattern IS3 choaii. ltu\ 17Auinr.i. . ? > ub. _ UOs 1U * ITlOHSAliKSlmllchcous cluup. inqtilro al J-1 Iirillianiirhoiiiasonavo. Ui4 12 * TjlOU bAl/i : Ntnv"htcTnwiiy iV Son piano besi JL' make , p'irty lcu\liv city ; pirt cash , bal ance tlmo.lf desired. Inqulru atU13 1'avton bile. iff r/rc. , ( ! ( „ f t top of flrtt roltmin on lifaxqc / \ \ I > A11APOI.S and uinlirollas covered and ro- iialrud. 11. llnlor. 110 H. IJth St. , "d door fiom 1' . O. Unlyinantii town. OoT _ UMIIKV.IiLAS and parasolx repaired anc : oo\orvil , Kty tlttlni ; and coneral mpnliltig at HcllhrsKiin shop. 110 N. fiith. teOa''l ' 3fUS10 AHT AND liANGUAGU Fur 'fllf * . it * M ( op of flfitt rntiim oiil/ifx / BriOKI ! l)3iir < n piano e.Mimlne thunuw ticulu Klmball piano. A.lIobiio,131J Uinulua r.O. K. ni.r , l.nN licK.toae1icr ! : of the Innjo , > lth llirtpo. 11ii : Douglas. l.'U ' MOXIOY TO LOAN. For iiifiV , etc. , ftt lop t > f JliA column on l/ifi / OUATTKIi leans at lowest rates ; liuslnoss cuulldentlal. 110 ravtoabllc. J. II. Kiulnuur _ tm _ / 1IlATTih ; IhiiK-,3l'Jb. ' nth t. , Joins tnoney V-/onuhalloliiircullatural at reasonable i itua JUI _ irUl'-ir ' > \ HetMind niortKOKus on vauuiit > V lin- JL ; proved city prop. County ur antslMiiilil. Money on hand , I'.M.lElulmidbou , bbN. .l.lfo. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1V.1 . _ _ /"lOM.MlTltU I All and gunural short time paper lwi reuiilar fiuturlnaimon linpro- . ( Jeo. l'llluti.t'o'Wlt.uiiKiiliriag. . IM7 'I7 > ASTKltN" money to loan ; lowest raws ; no -LUiiclayi lurao loans a specialty ; bhorttimo paper Uuiiyhu Oinnlm Morttja o Co. , ground lluur Chamber of Cumuierie , US RT.Mi ESTATE lon5it Vcry lowest nit o * U. J. Ciiaxvell. BtC N > XVhifo. fife'-nH rjKIVATE tnonoytoJoju cheap. 0 , I' , liar- JL rlson.Dll N V. life , , . ( , JUS orfiyrtoTcT'iirBylH. ' ! ' . "STmtpM on chut- tpl and I'ollulMa ) w-tn 11 lot for any tlino romonotoslx months til any amount to Milt Mirrower. . , , Iionns nmdoon household Roodi , pianos , nrcans , horst' " , inulL" . . nniisc , lease1 ? , ware- louse rccilpti , etc. nt the lowest po'-slblo ' atos.wltliout iiubllclry'or ' removal of prop- 'v. ' ( y lonns are so arranged t lint you cnn tniiko a piytncnt of iinv iiinniint at any time und reduce both iirlnclnilMhd Interest. If you owe n balniieuon jour iiioporty or M\\O a loan you wish ihunired , Iwlllpaj-H olTand rarryft for J oil. . It jou llnd It morn convenient call tip telephone. No , 1021 and cnir business can lo ilrran inat \ homo , Money alwajs on hand. Nodclay. Nopub * .lelty. Low cst rates. R P. Masters- , Itoornl , Wlthnollblk.,15th nml ILiruuy 'ts. foNTTV Joined at lowest rilesIons time on u-lnipro\ Oinnlin. real estalo , no "extras , " uodelay. Ulobo 1,0111 &TrustCo..fJW 3 ICth. "JIIONFA flOffl orWdnjionfurtilture.pl ino < . JLi I horses , houses , cto. J. J. Wilkinson , OIH rnxton block , DM LOA3S City nml arm loins , morlgaco paper boiislit. MeOnso Inxcsttnciit Co.M \ inJILDINO loans , 0 w 7 percent ; nonddl- JJonnlcliarzcs for commission or attorney's fcis. W. H. Slelklo , riwt National bank blag OG3 . TirONLY Joined at low rales on furniture , JLUhorscs , Ao. , without publicity , llanltojo ln\LstincntCo. , IS3Douglas blk.lGUiuml Dod 413 OIIHAI'Monoy-Small lonns wanted , npuly tn I'hlla. Mortgage & Trust Co. 7 llouid Tnde. SWIM K'EYSrONE Mortgage Co-Loans of JIO to $1,000 ; pet our rates bofoie borrowing and sate money i loans on horses fnrnlturo.orany iipliio\cd bocurlty without nubllclty ; notn bought , for new loin , i ono will of old and low est rates , call Ka , Shu.ly blk.iath & Howard. uw ) JilHSr inortpapo loans at tow r.itca and no . delay. 1) ) . v. Sholes Co. 210 1st Nat'l bank. 1)70 ) fTNUSUAl.LY low rates U Of Interest on first niortRiKPs of I. . . . . rc.il Citato for thonovtW d itn by the Kansis ( 'II v IntostincntCo. lootn ! Jullo-ird of Trade. J. H. 1'case. manager. 1)72 ) "IfONEY to loan on nn/security JJJL for shoi t tlmo at low rntis. Jiowest latcs on persomt property. The Henderson lloitxajro lavchtuient Cora- pany. room 400.1'axton blk OTil " \\7ANTK1) ) Two loans , $1,000 each , ono yoir , M scLiiredby Ilrst class second mortRneos on Imniovid real estate ) . Apply Honni WJ , llrstKnt. Ilatilc. 015-17 "IVTANTUD I'hst-class Insldn loins. Lowest IT lates. Call and bio us. Mutual Invest ment Co , 1WH l'iriiiiin. W74 Oil TAP eastern money Philadelphia MortRatje and Trust To , always ready to lo.in and piy pioniptly ; first inoitKiRes wanted. Goorco w I' . Coatus , rou- resontatlvo , room 7 , Iloaid ofTiade. 1)73 ) L'EKN money to loan on city in _ papcrbouglit.il B.lroy.P .i.L. 0711 UILDING loins miido at lowest rales. W. B M. ll.urls , room ) , 1'ieiizcr blk. , opt ) . I * . 0. 1 > nALrSTATrLoan---Ca li on hand. Olobo J * Lo in & Trust , Co J07 H. loth s t No delay No extra charges. Houses for rontj good list. AMI fll'l'liU'ISITING. For ralci. etc. , scf lop of frst cultnnn on I/IH / p we. "VTOTICE The spcel ilsutniin-r session of the Jclus cs In ponmanshlp and shorthand will commence Monday , July U Classes will beheld held In the morning , afternoon and o\enln ? . I'allonor address for Information , Ptandanl Hioithiind Itusluoss College , Now Vork l.lfo liulldlnir. Omaha. NobJ Os3 VKIlSONAIi. rnnvlegcte.fcc lop of Kwt columnan this jxwe. JNKORMAT1ON wanted of the whereabouts of Dennis Kedmonrt. who left hninnJiily 110 , deranged ; ape , Mycarss holsht , 5 ft. OorlUln ; small cliln uhlsKi-iH filthily Kray , dirk h dr , sandy complect id ; had on light coloicd flannel shirt , dark test , daik Jeans pa nt , heavy wide , No. ISsbocs , and no coal. ; walked laino In ono foot ; Irish accent , bond any Infonnntlou to Mis. Dennis Kcjmond , North 1'latto Neb. 023-10 i > nilsLNAL ' 79 , " document fiom "A. IV to "our particular friend" rcc'd In "N. I. " to day ltli. ( bond "S. 0. " message "IP. . " to reach "A. g , " ISIh , "A. O. " "A , " "K. N. " at onco. Importunt , make suro. "I. " "O. " ' 'S. 0. " V. 1SJ-18 * MAltKIAQG paper containing columns of pi rsoiials and particulars of society that pays from $ .V)0 ) to * l/rt ) at marriage , mulled free. Address the Globe , Altoona , Pa , BJlslO * CIjAHlVOYAN'T. ror rates , etc. , etc top uf first column anthts jn < te. lit WOOD , clalrvojant , trance nnd Inde- "pendent blato-tMltliiK medium , 1UN. Ilith. LI-IL ( Jlayton , clairvoyant , cm by hoi unn- dei ful t111 pott ercra lit any request. La dles , OOc ; clint ins , 81. HHfa. Kith. i : 5-l COUNCIL IlluIIs I'roM'ouest.elalitoyant. truice medlimi and mnn'netlo healer ; past , picscnt nnd luluro aetnritoly Klten. SOU WashbiKton a > e. , Council lllulls. lay-Ul * IT IS astonlslilne with what success Mrs. Dr Kddy Is incctlitR. Her rooms aio always ciowded. A sreat in my business people arc testing her ability as a bnstiuss adtKer and own themselves both tnyslllled and satlslicd with the results. Callonthls onderf ul me dium and bo comlnood. lly her advice she Cnarantees success In business and all all'ulrs In life. Send stamp for Illustrated circular. Puilon liuM DoiiKlassl. lliiurs , 0 a. m. to8 p m. ; bund ly. 0 a , in. to 5 p. in. lJi-.M ) * FOUTUNK Tellor-l'osltlvolvthe l.ifitclnnco to consult tlio wonderful card reader of St. Louis , Madam Slovcr , On account of insli of unslness she will remain until the Kith ; posl- th ely no lunger. U03 N. 1Mb st , loom ' . ' . ' U20-15' MKS. 1)11. nilDV Tlio dlstliu'iilshed trance clalrtoyant , 1 ito of lloston. lias romoted to 1G20 Dotishs st. AVhlie en tranced will leteuleteiy hidden mjhterv ir life , Prepares Egyptian talisman which wll o\creomu jour inemles , rcmo\o family troubles , restore lost alTectlons , unites Hit ( .epuated , helps all In tumble , etc. Fie , $ and upwaids , N. II. IVrfeut satlsfaelloi Kunrintecd by mall , Send stamp for Illus trated circular. Mrs. Dr Eddy , lOM Douglas st. Onmlii. _ 81 0W * _ _ Srn , fer.K Mrs. llartlnlmeH , tnncu mo dlum , elves ad vleo on business , mimlage sees all ibatiKCS , asks no questions. Hatlsfue tlon KlM'ii or no ihaiscs. t'lrclos Thursday evening. Parlor 'J3 , bt. Clalr Hotel , 1 1th st. 007-20 * _ U. NANMi ; V. WAUUKN , ol-ilrvoyant , medical and business medium. I'emalodls- casLb a specialty. 11 ! ) X. ICth st , icigna U' nnd : i M AfaSAGE. Madam Delzlor. otorOlOS. 1'ltli. r.7 S. : : Foi rate f , etc. , ice top nf ijiift column tmtlitx juof. ; ; . f - - - . T710K SALT A block of iH'iii'Ml incrchnndlsn JL of * 7,000 , dolns u liitshk'M < iiTf.l.iOO ( yeai ly. lialliiH north of Uniah i , riVtmlk- ibt of Sioux Olty , on N.V. . K , U. AdJtess A. 0. & Cocare0. S.blioukbeiTJ Co , Sioux Olty , la. FOU HAIjK or trndV-ho ; finest oxcluslvt lillllaril hill in the sllilo ; 5 tables Incntci in a tot\n of i.UQO . inhabitants. Aildrens Ij ai ep. _ llO-fO * TT OK H\In - llnid in'o stook , formerly -U on nod by T. li. HiirrliiKton ( if Kearney Nell , ; nice ulean stockfut about $ " > , ( K)0 ) ; cheat If tuUeu ut oncu.V.i * | " JacUwuy , Ke.iiney Neb , IITJ' " . ' _ _ OHIA lUtoro In ilno Ipr.itlon , lilg t radii IIIK my IiiK well ) will ln\nloe about f"0i ) orteOO Co-Upoiutl\ I.und uiwU-'Uit ' Co , L'OJ N. liltli bt " l'-hTALMJANT tslth' ' S'l ' rooms for silo o * * ient , apiily to 11) remitted Co. TTOH SAKK-Clcnr eonfoetloneri , tt Ith fi fur - * - nUluil looms , aida Ulli. ritCi ID * HL'Ci htook for etili > ( Hit chcair nnnuli ' , ll.ias &C'o. , Council ItlnIN , In tte ? 10 "VTOTirU A Kiooery klocU , well nssorlcd - amounting to ( I.-W. loealod in ono of tin best hnxlnciisht , nids In 1.ctcr , Ncli , Is olToiei for sale If tnUen In th no\t ten iljytt btoro loom for rent ieasonibl)1i' ) . MyreaMin for sol I IIIK ; Tlie Into pixijn Iclnr. li.'e \ \ , l , died July : : o.lbOtl.lilreh ( < t. forfiirlhurinrtlouliiiHt'iiiilu AVest , P.Miter , Neb , S77 ID * _ * KHU ) TKAIir Hood now htock liaidwaio u - * - wlioltsale iirlco for Oinalm impitrty. In tolieJiouoa I ) , V. tholes Co. , ! ! ! . . 1st at bunk. 1'T-IS _ ] -JOTFIi forhftle. Two-story brlcki Is ono < i Ithohest liolcls , ( loin ; an excellent OOI bmlnuhs , ( in one of Ihn host corner < In tin ) city. Address Uoiiimorcl.il Hotel , llrokcn How , Neb T/OIt * 1U.u roi Hirm/w.etc. / , ttc Jnjio/ fit codimiion Mi to p < tuJ. v LrANTKO-Horso and bnsirv for lots , wort- i-s , etc. tt , J. 1'iiiti , looy I'm Him. l > % l sj "VTfVrtciin Rcni-ml steel : of dry peed * cloth * -L > In ir limits nntl f > h ( os , Imts.iMpsrto. , for real estate nnd money. Hot ll > \ I'ranUort , Intl. _ AVVAM' HBitictrjHloek Ilitxt will Involco ( loinil.'iiiiiintl uo : liivo U residence loH ftirf 1.3-0 titiil cnih for balance. Iiock Hot MA Cintriill Ity , Noli. _ 4M ! _ " 1 "UT In flciTford I'liuo ( in Stuto ( tMllil St. , tn 'oxrliiuifrc for Kit In Ontlliattc nr l.lnoolii I'lnco. W. I , , hclliy , III llo.ml of Trade. 801 ' \\nr\T Fi7\o Jim for etc. Adiln-sUjVT , lion. Ml si IrAN " \\rAN I' Hloelts , clear lots , bonds , etc. . for II cottaRes , farms , lauds , cto. Atldtc < 4 Ijtf lice. 8 IMl I MI ) sold Walthain watch nndvork horse i trade for good < ddo bar buggy , 11.13. Cole , Coiitlnuital block. jiat i ll Mortgnea for B yetrs forhorso uwbiiBiiys clieip. Address I7.11eo. ! SH-Hll TTlOUKXOIIAXOn II' 000 stock of hnrdwnrc. JL' fioin llrst luinils , nt whok-.Uoprloc'ii $ .1,500 cash required Jan , 1 , l.-'U ' ; Mill taku for bil- niico of eqtilty Rood clo.ir Nobraika or Iowa farm land or Onriha pioperty with small In- cuinbrnnce ; full line of siiinplos can bu seen InOiniiha. Address K II. llmnlllep. 72.1 J'OH SAIjU-ltliAli KSTATI3. lontilci , etc , tec tap of fist co/uimi / on l/il / j > ifl . II" YOl' hn\o anythliiR to toll or exchange * rail at 018 1'iivton block- . l j . TJA1IOA1NS and i.i : yTeiins An elcRnnt 1J- iJiooni rotldunee , all moilein eon\enleiiei'S and hirue barn , oa Kainainit New , well built r -rooin eat lave , two block from motor , only Jl.r.O. Pour line homes In Oouncll lllulTs. on motor line. Good lots , u 111 build lieu os on to suit you. Also uood tracUano piciperly. 1 or iiirliealars call on oraddiuss J , 1)lltle , BU N. Y. Life. UB-all TJIOH feALH-Ortrade. Heantlfiilni' li-ioom JL1 IIOUMI only 2 block * woiluf lamonM * .on Cass si , hliih and slslitly and uiiKrido ; full lot , city \\atcr , clstem , toner , Iriv window , poiclips , double floor , cellar , all llnMied In llrat-class Blylo , J.owest cash pi lee , S.I VX ) ; pniallpiymeat down , b.ilanco very cisy.m tiitdo for clear farm land or Oniah'i lots. ( ) nor. 12. 0. Merrill , 4fi3 Maluut ue , Walnut lllll , Onmhi. bTOsU ! ' SATiK 12 sections of land In clltnslu at less than half \aluo , by owner O. II. Peterson , CIS a. Utli st. OI'isU BA110AIN Now. well bulltstx room eottnKC withsimll ham , full lot. on Spaiildlnust. . Druid 11111 , plato Kltss. eluctrlu hell , ctu. .Monthly p 1 } ments 01 ulherwl&c to suit. 0 1' . Units i'lb b , irahst MI.-18' fi-roorn cott.iKo , full lot , In It i- ker 1'lace , one block west of Olltton Hill , onlj-IOV ) , } 100 cash and $ ir > o\ory .Inionths. Inquire of owner , C. G. Men 111 , 4IUS Walnut ave.alnutlllll. \ . 8W 10 * STAIt Land and Loan Co , hat a "snaps" in ic.d estate , 1GOUH rarnaiu. lHHJ-3 ! IT1O11 SAMA llariwln ln North "Omal7Ii7 JL ? cor " 6th anil S.ihlei new foui-ioom house and uirnoi lot , fence , tiees and city water. $ I.T > 0 , tci ins easy. Knqulie Saml Hums. 1118 I'.ii nnm. 101-13 "I71O1 ! SALi : Hlh and Tarnum , six dlllerent JL1 now houses , otciy contcnlencu tncliiilltiR ( ? as. furnucf , etc. LUgant J , 1,7V ) to } l,2. > ( ) , JloO tor > U ) balance at 7 per cent to suit 1) . \ . fcholes owner , L'll , 1st Nat. Innk. 437-19 WAXTrn nl.70-1 proplo ( Omaha's present population ) , to bellee III IH commerclul greatness and to Know that now Is the best tliuoto Bt'curo ou Kood terms a homo In Ihls cltv. ri'paitle.uliirsrtl.idmy adtoulsomc nts. 0. lHariKon , ! ) U N. V. l lfe. 4W ! EIrUAItT tracUnxo lot , 1I'K , fiontlliK Iiiitcd st. . triclc In alloy. Torsaleor h mo on long time. 'Iho Jlead IntestinentCo. . lleo bid's. 01 FOR SAM HOG P , ,12nd st. , tlcsnnt brlok hoiiM ) ten rooms , llcsl bargain In Oinaln. 10.000 , W.OOOeaslibaliineo d pei cent I ) V. holes Co , SM , 1st Nut. bank , 4J7-I3 AbMALLajmentdot\n ] and ? ! . " > jier month lll buy n 4-room liouso and lot oa 16th , " blocks from motor ; flnt-cl.iss chaneo tn ao- nuIre a home on easy terms , Apply to II , 13. Uole , ( 'onlliionliil block ; US I TV7"AUGH& A\istoifloldie.il estate S Oinana , / 1O1TAOU homes Inmost any addition for v sale at from $1,000 up on easy monthly pay ments. I'.K. lirllus ) , , 43 llarlscr bllcj OsU FOU SAl/H Nlco 7-room liouso ready to move Into , with full lot , W.'JW , WOO cash. O. ] ' . Uarr ison JI1N. ) Y. l.lfe. 1M7 T710II OMAHA resident or business propeity JU Hi Iclc block , ( jood tenants , corner loom occupied by bank , rents pir peed Intorcht on IMl.oiw , in a peed , thrl\lns obra9ka town , crosrallioad and a division station. Address Ii fhl , lice. 'M JINCOLN l'laeolotal,2.)3. Dc\torL Thomas 7bJ $1,700. fi-rooin hoii'o and lots 62,000 , 0-rooni hoiibo nnd lot , until U1 > th oC AuRUbU S. Y. cor. lltli and Vlnton. Mrs Kulilm.in. M ) l 3 FOTt SAI/H Tlio cliolco residence at No , lOiincnrgln nvc.u\110 : ft Ii fiont.O lirco ; rooms , b ith , iras , suwor , hot and cold water , closet and all coincidences , owner ( join , ? to leatucity. D V. blioles , Co. , 21J 1st X.it. I ) ink. J1.SV ) for Lincoln I'laeo and O.irtliaso lots ; easy terms. W. L. fcoluy , U llonid Tuule. TTTOit bAM > -roisr irood lots inV ilnuflfiTT , JL' w\ir > 0 each , on gr.idc , 1'rlco IVX ) each , ttoitli double the monoy. Stringer & I'enny , Doiulus block. 10th and Doduv. 4 % Notice. will bo received by the board of print. the olllco of secretary of stiitoon or biv fore Ausust 21st , IslX ) , at , 'J o'clock p. in , for printing and binding in cloth WIW copies of icporl stnto bo ird of ugrluiilturu for the year 1800 , of four bundled II < IKPS each more orless , and MOO copies of repoi t stuto board of horti culture for the year ittJ ) of thieo hundred panes ouch moio orless. himplcsof worknriv be&oon nt the ofllco of sectetniy of stato. llfglit i curved to reject an ) or all bids by the state print Inp board. Lincoln , Nebraska , Anijast 9th , IS'K ' ) . ulldlOt UKN li. CowDBtir , bccii'tiry. lo Contrnctnr > . Pealed propos ils w 111 lie i ccelt ert by the city council of Omaha , XebrasUn. until 13 o'clock , noon , AiutihtSOth , IsIR ) . foi all matirlal , InbOr. etc. , to finish and complete , the. ontpi'ntcr and Joiner tuuk , oinnmentnl lion work , plistui. IiiK , steam linitlnt ; . and plumbing and cas lit tin , ; , in the city hull boliiK ended al the coi iicrof JStli and r.uii'un sticots , Intheillyof Omaha , KebrnsUn , a iecably to plans ami spicllloallons to be scon at tlio ofllio of I'ott- lerX. Helndorir. auhlteits , i : U 1'nrmmi slieot , anil undei Ihuh dlnutlons. Illds lobe ac-oiu- panlud by a ( Oillllul chock ciuul | lo fltopir cent of ( ho amount of pioposil , Hila check to bo foi felted to cltv of Omaha tn en)1 pioposal Is accoiitid nnd the fulluio of the blihliir lo sign contract and furnish siuli bonds us shall bo rpqulird by the city council. bumratu bids \t 111 bo iccohml.tshlch limy bo comliincd ; albo lump bids. r o oontlul labor will bo allowed. The entclopo encloihu bid to bo marUcd " 1'ioposal for - work ofOlty Hall. " and addiiMsod to i : . P. DavH , Chairman of 1'ubllc Pioporly and liulhllni ; C'oiiimltteo , care U. 3. Goodrich. C'omntinlliT Apply to aichltects. Towleri. llclndorlT , for all further Infoi matlini The council nsortts the right to lojecluny or all bids , to aciept or decline to olo-.c . a contract in In their dlscic- tlon they shall deem lust for the city. lit oidoi of the Coininliti'o ISIgned ] JoiiNGiiotEd. Cltv riork. August Olh. 1600 , _ uTilllt Notice to < our raotors. Foiled proposals will bo received by the sec- rctnrv of tlio boird of odiieatjou until ' . o'lloekp. m. Monday , August IStb , Ih')1 ' , for the crcotlonof the folloulns school buildings , h aciordanio with iilansauil speclllcatlonslolo seen at the oltlto of the seen larv Ono 1'Stoiy ttto-roomfr.tmo building ut the lllckoiy school Kite. One 1-story two-room fr.uno building at thu SaiutoKi sehool allo. Uno 1-story two-mom fratno bulldln ; at thu Central I'arli school bllo. The bond resents the right to reject any or nil bids. Omaha. August Dth. llifl. Uy order of llio Iloaid of rdiicatlon. aU'dlit ( JMAHi.KsOONOtnii , 1-ecretary. Kotlcuto CoiitrnctiirSi 111(18 will bo received In tlio ofllco of the hoard of PiirU commlhfiloiioiitiiojni.'ill l'a\oi : billldlni ; ) upto IU o'cloik noon of TliillMluy AuKiistSI. IW * ) , foi the election of a patilllui in llaincom 1'u r I ; . Hans , details andspoclfleatloni can ho scei at the ulllco of Mimm A llourKc'ols. A uliltcits rooniH , W and ( MIS New VeiL LI To Hit tiding. A coitllled chock In the sum of llto himdiri dnll.irii ( * VUl ) Hindi ) pnjablu lo the boaid o nirk ioinml > 4diinui inn-il ai company i'in.1 bid [ IK an Ktldoncouf PHII ) faith. f 'Tho Loard reserves thn rlifhl torrectnnj | o all bids. GL'V R DOA.Ni : . uKd'lt j-eerutary. _ Notlo- . Not lie is hereby Riven to all pen-ons , it horn MKII or vuncnriKMl , that the co-paitncr hli hcrctoforo uxUtlnit between llieundirDlgnid under the firm name of lliennnnA. Heisley , " Is this ilny dlhMilt od , by Hut mutual cutiM-nto liolli inrtlus hereto. 'I In * ftdil I' , A , llciiloy toiolleci all otitHtandlng iltilins iluito Hit ' Hald linn , und toiishiimeand liny oil" all out- htandlnx obligations of Mild llrm , dim to the thlid ( Ird ) persoiin. Dated this loth day of August , 100. .lAMKS 0. IIHEV.SA.1 , I'.A , RfflLtfflYTIMBORRD [ .enrol CIltOAdO. uut O A Q Arrlrci Omnln Popot Will nml Mnwn Mrcet * . Oniitliit. CWiim Chlcmo Swum ' % . riilengo lpr i' . I tu p m l'1l > p m . . . . . . . .Chlcniro Kxpr o * * , . . U.H ) n m 6 , Wp in , . . .Clili-iigo tvott . . . iK iMUUNtiroN , * MO. lllVI.Ui Arrlri'i liopol luthjinJ Mnon . . . .Dcnrcr Tny Mp 4 tfi p tn Iil5nm ) lionxrr l\pros * . , . . , , Ml p m t.M jim . .Dt'titor Mglit r.xpri'U .i V n in Sl'ialn ! Lincoln Ifirnl t < CO p in TSlr I .K. If Onmlin. liopotUHIi nml Mn'un clt I Omaha , ' i am ! . .Knnutfllr Di ; Uriiro * * , . .1 tVIDp in p ill 1C P Nlnlit ii | vlntt P TriMK I It n IU " | Arrives Uninliiv , I Depot Will nnj Marcy iiltoct _ _ I Omilm. ZJO jimI I ) > c7l nil H7or . . . " . . . . , u 05 p m 7 top ml I'nclflo Kxpre-i 13 It p in OVUninl Denver ixi : > re- < 3 M p in 61" ) a m . . .Mnen-tlljr litprt i \l \ DJ n 111 Olft nniL Vnlrlleld K < o. tp\ii > i't Sun 1 4 X < p in M'liYM | CiTltTAt)0 ) , If I .U'.UU'lf "TArrlfu- Omnliit ItM' jilepot , Will nml Muroj Sli I Onmlin. ClOpm ! . Nil-Ill llTpro- * 7. KHAiiin Vl'.Sniui. . . . Atlnntlo Kttn | > ss . . . . tl.Wpm I'M | 'ml . te tlbiilp Limited . . . llMt it in fToirK'TtrVScl'Ai'IKU fArrlv.M P. iloiKit , Wtli5.nt _ Mitror SH I Onuli't 7.16 a m | . . .dlnux ( ltr IVnuiliLur . . | SIo | i m [ . _ St I'jinl JC | iri- . . _ llOft'i n ra ' " ( ( TniiX T Ti xv\i inor r.vnviM Oinnlm | Depot Ifttli i ul \ > eti-urMu I Oimilm. Tun ) p in ( . . . . st I'ml l.linlltul . . . _ . . ! UJt inn . . i vTniroi" Oiiiului Ifj ; tlupnt. Will mil Mwr SD I Onuttit 0 l.'i n mm . . . ( Mrniio K\pn > s ( i Al p in m Vuxtlbulo IJiiiHc P VI11 m 6 15 p 11 luirn Accotiiinird illoii > Kic Sllllll 70J p ni 9 10 p m . . niuterii Hvcr 2 4" > p m ill HOI n ni i . ( IIKAUU. .Mil. . , A SI I'AlU' ( Jimilin Mjr depot Will nnil _ Mni-r M < . CUOpTir ( JilciiMi Ittprim P fi n in 4. trip in I riitrinn lil'i p in l.u-uei i ( HIAH.si Wuls i Arnvoi Oninhi. 'l' ' t' . > li > | Ht. IJlh uii'l Inri'jr M Draitlm " p m I Si UinK I nniiiin Knll 12 IU P m .i'ntc I ' Arrival . > nnilm | Popn't Iitii an It I n'i a\fSt * . t ) n i > ncr l > K ) a in . .TilhcU Hills iCTiire" . l < 1)0 ) n in Hn tltitr Ihp ( lf utuliirl U p in Wtilioo A l.lnt uln i'a cr . 102ila in 6.10 p in \ork V Norfolk ( Hi t ) ! [ lU.1Jnin lHi I' , M A. O I Arrlvot Dcpi t l.Mli mid Vi I'lmer 3t Jr ( ) > ml Sluiix Cttf Art oiiiinoitntlon Vll > p in 1 ( X ) p in Uloui City Kxpreni ( Ci Sun ) I HI p in loop ml , HI 1'nul I .Im11 oil . . . . VJ. > n in 5 15 n m | IlincoftJ'nuoncir tl"x "iiijj 1 Sl > n in IxinvoV I'tt Illu I Arrlxof Unialii. _ lint 15th nml Uiitnlor tfti _ 1 Onmlii O.TOn iiT ] . St liouli A 1C 0 lC\pr I 41,1 p ni U IS p in' I ' lii > iil < V 1C I Kxjin)3H I I 10 n in I.imirs " | CIlloAdO. II I A I'Alll-K Arrival Trnnncr ! Lnluii Dnput rnuiu-ii Illulli 'IraiiHfor . : ) p m , . .Nlnlit Kiprnn U L'i n in - ) a in , .AtlniUlo KiprtM5 i.Vi p ra 600 p m Vc tlbnlo I.lmltnl 1U10 n in Lalvei iCdlOuO AS'OHTllWIil i-.US Arrlxcs lmn < f 'r | Union llopot. Council Illinn rlrnniier tiTii in I'hlrnuo K prp < iH , I i'J p m 5 ( HI p m Voillbulc Ilmlttiil SI n ni 0 ( XI p .11 ' " ' ' .ICn tcrn tljor 8(10 ( p m I..Mp in . . . . I.AtlintloMull . . . . . . . J S n in 0. U ) p m oft n Atcoiiiiiimjntlon tTxc. Silt ) } l > III p in 1llC'AlO , 5111 , ir hl' T'Ali , . I'lilun Depot I'ouni II Ilium | 'lrniiHfer flf ml t'lilciiKO Kiprosi nil n in _ Ji. tJiUngo r | irp _ _ . ; CIO p in r.onTf r if or. siTJou.t L'rnn [ ur | IJnlun JH iot , c innc " ( ) 01 K m | Kniiis ; I'lly Pny Kxpru * * . 02S ] > m' ' ICnmns Cltjr Nlsht H proj _ OMAIlAAhT r.tlUl . " " ] Arrivui I'rniMtcrl Union Dopnt. Cuiincll Hluili I'lrnnifer UJpTnl t LiiiiU t'uiHin Ihll IIJIS pin Ixsntes IOHirAll ! > . IlllltfV.V .V OlTlrfrV * , Arrlxoi rrnniforl t'niini llo | it , roiinoll llliilN llnnxfi-r ! Mlfiiii | l'lilcnKo'rxpri'81 . . . . ' U.1) i > ni 0(1) ) pin ! ChlrnKO Kxpro" ! ! 811) ) am _ 7Oj > nil . . . tr' t ii' tonl.cK"il _ . _ . _ . . .IllJInm TA3HTCi | i IOU.VCir\5 I'At'int * . .Arrlxo . Traii'torl Union leiotCoiincll | _ lllulfj | ' 1 rajiiji f or 7.45 a iu bloux Cltr Acooinuioitatloa fll ISli m 0 M p in . . . . dt. I'.ml l.iprcna. . . . j 9i5 p m MlhaOLill PTvc'TtIC ! jUjlUllllA.N 1 fsAl.NsT j fn Westward. In m .n. niti | iiilp in ii , n , ii 111 p m Wotistcr St . . . . ' ( ) 4'n7 SO ) Ml i Til s it ) I. I ) Onk ( "Inillinin. . 4.ILi 1ST 84. U : llnlltl lllll . . . , 7 10 8.01 4 ( I' ) 8 I ) I W l.uko Struct. . . . S WI7 HI 8 (17 iiOl fi Hi 1 01 Walnut lllll . . . 7 ( fi 8 W I 10 uU'i f 'll ) 11) > linnilcii I'laco. tn fl n 4 l.t ( I IN 8 M \V t blilo .w S 11 I l.'i l.HI 8 to 1.10 l.nwn 8.1S4.IS sr.i 1 11 .Mincot 8.2) ) 1 Lm II ( K 1 IT Hejmour 1'nrk . 1.211 I 21 I'ortnt il IT 1 10 pill ipm. I'ortat 8..15 4 I' . O.A ) l.HJ Sujrtnour Park S.JI 4..1 U . ' ( . 1 II 6.11 4 f.i II1. 1.47 .nnn 8. I'll ' 91)5 ) I SO Yi Side S.Vi 940 I.Vi IHiiukio I'lnro ( .17 7.13 S.57 5 Of (1.17 ( 9 K 1 ' .7 Wnlnut lllll i > "J 7.51 11.00 5.10 a 20 9,15 200 I.nko Btreot C22 7 ! > 9.03 5.1 111 2.1 9 48 501 Driilil lllll Y2S in J.60 20) Onk l/hnllinm 'S 7W . ! ) ) 5.18 5..M 0 M 203 WibntorSlroet. . . . li 10 7 ( S iu 11)0. ) ) . A Joint resolution was adopted by the legislature of the state of Nebraska , at the twenty-first bosslon thereof , und nppioved February 1'ith , A. 1) . 18H9 , proposing annmond- inont tn the oiistltutloa of sulu slat P. and thatHuld umondment shall road an follows , to-wlt : Seutlonli That at the general election to bnliold on the Tuesday aiiceeodlns tlio first Monday of iNovcmbor , A. I.18DOthoro shall by suinlttrd to the electors of this state for ap proval or rejection an amendment to Iho con stitution of this state in words is follow * : ' 'i'liu manufacture , salt ) and keeping-fur salu of IntoxloatlnK liquors as a bovornKonro for- otcr pruhlbltud in this state , and thu lofjlsla- tnro shall provide by law for the enforcement of tlilj provision " And there shall also at said election bo separately submitted to the electors of this stale for their approval orro- joctlonan amendment to the constitution of thualatu iu woidsas follows : ' "Jho nianufau- turo , sale and IteophiKfor s.ilo of Intoxicating llquorw us a bo\a-JKu ( shull bo llounsid and itsulatcd bylaw. " bee. 2 : At snoh election , on the ballot of each elector toting for thn proposed amend ments to the constitution filmll bo written or printed the tvoids : "Tor proposed amend ment to the constitution , prohibiting the ininufaetuio , silo and keeping for sale of Intoxicating liquors as a tievoragc , " or "Against the proposed aincnilmRnt lo the constitution prohlbillng thu manufactiiip , sale and Ueeplni ; for aula of Intojdcutlng liquors an abuveraRo. " llicroRluill ulsobu ttrlttonor printed on tlrj billet of oath ulcv.tor tollng for the ptopoied nmondment to the constitution , lliu words : "Tor proposed nmcndmunt to tlie conitlt iitlon that the in iniif.'utiiru. Halo and keeping for halo of Intoxicating liquors an a betcr.iKOln this htiito shall bo lluen'icd und luKiilaled by latv , " or "Against fin Id proposed amind- inent to the constitution that the manufac ture , Kilo and Uceplni ; tori ilo of Intoxicating liquors us a bo\cr.iKO shull bo licensed und resulatbiK by law , " Hue. ,1 : If either of the fi'ild proposed amendnionli shall bn approved by a majority of thn uleitors MitliiR at Hie suld olectlou , thinithhall consltuln section ttvonty-scten [ 27 ] of article onu [ llof thoiunstltutlon of this state. Therefore , T , John Jl , Tlnyer , Ootnrnorof the state of .Nebr.ihlcii , do hereby Kirn nntloo in accordanie with section onu [ I ] aitleln [ \ : > ] of the constitution rind the prot Islona of tlio act entitled "an art to provide the manner of proposing all aincndinciits to tlio constitution mm bubmlttlnithounme to the electors of the stalo. " Approved Kibinnry lllth , A. U. K'i7 , that said nioposed amendment will bu tmN- mlttca to tlio ( iiiullllid valors of this stata for npprotal or rejection at thn general election lo bo hull ! on thu 4th day of November , A. U. ieno. In witness whereof I horcnntosctinv hand , and cauniitobo iitllxcd lliu Krcat seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln IhlsJiItli day of July , A. 1) ) 18')0 ) , and thn 21theiruflho stutonnd of the Indopendcnceof the United Mutes the ono hnndiiu flftoontn Ity the Ooternor. JOHN M. TIIAYEB. IlLKIAMIN H. COWDKIir. [ bKAu ] becretaryof Stito. August Idlm I'llOCIjAJMATIOV. V/nnnr. fl , A Joint rcsnlutlon was adopted by tlio ipRlslaturo of Iho at ito of Xobi.islia , al the t , i ni\-llrat session thireof , und approtei March.iutfi , A. D. 1U.S9 , proposing an uineinl- muntlo section Thirteen ( I D of Aitlclo blx (0 ( of tlio constitution of s ild state ; that said veotlou us aniondud bliall road as follows , to- wlt : Section 1 : Tint section thirteen ( LI ) of artl- do sU ( rt ) nttliurnnitltutinnof thuHtntoof Nu- bruski bo aniondud so as tn ioiJ ; as follovra : bciHIon II ; Tim jiuUosof lliesiipniiiKiourl shall eai h luc'elte a salary of thlrttlvu hun dred dollars (51.VO ( ) per annum nod the Judges of Die district court shall recrltu a salary ol tlirotithousinddoliarH ( 1,000) ) pur annum , and tint iilury of oicli hlnill bopa > iblo quurUrly beetlon'.1. Knoll IICISQU toting in futoc ol this amundment hhnll batu written or prlntct upon his billet the following : "For the proposed amendment to the consti tution , relating to tlm salary o > judijiu of the supreme and dlstrletoourt ' 1'heruforo , i , John M. Thaycr. poturnoro the Ktitu of Neliinski , do huiuby Kite notice In aceordnnco with Huetlon onu (1 ( ] nitlcln IIf- tocnll'il of the ronstltntlon , and the provi- BloiiHof aniictuntitlud : "An uut to piotldo the mnniior of proiiiihlnj ; nil amendmuntii to the ( oimtltulloa and Hiibinlttlng the same tn the elect > r-iof tlio Htntu. " Approved Kobrimry mil. A , D. IbTY , tli.U Hild : proponed aiiiund. mont ttlllbo submitted to thoiUallllod | toton of lids htnto for approval or rejeotion , nt tlio k'rnrral election to Iu held on the Ith day o Novimber , A. I ) . ISM. In wltims whereof I have horountosot my hnnd HiidcHUrgil to ho afllxcd the great t > ea of the Htatn of Nobratkn Uono nt Lincoln this.Olh day oMuh , A U. IHAI , and the IH.-II ty-fourth ycarof the state , nnd of tlio In Jo pendnnc of thu Uullotl Hluto * the unohun dreilflftcrnth. HythcOovnrnor. JOHN M. Til AVER. HI..NJAMIN H. Cownr.nr. ( hitAi.l Kcciotury of SU.U. Augui tl(13ta ( I HOOhAMATlON. , A joint resolution nns ndnpted ly lh ICKlslnturuuf t lie Mutt of Nn .1 ( ilwcniy-lllst si lon Iheroof , niul Mnri'h Jill It. I A. I ) . Iv * , an amctnl- neiit toiectlon twli (2fiiiir ( ] | ( ) und Hto i'il of \rll Irnlr fllj of tlm constitution < > r i.nldstnto mil that Raid velloa us aniendud slull read as fol Uut * , to-wlt i Peetlon I Tim t t > c tlon two rj ) of tutlolo U ( tof ) t boeoiKtl tu Htm o ( tlio t. itc of cbrasklk jonmcnded loasto le'id as follows SoctliinS : TlicMiprcmo couil shull con- dst of lite (5) ( ) Judge1" , a nmtorlty of whom nhall .MjnpcoMnry to form iiiUot | utnorlopimionnca i deiMslou. It shall lutto orlclnul lurlsdlcllou n vu p rclnttiiff Id roM > nin < , ( It llnmciln which the Mite shall ho a party , m itidiunas , pm tvarranto , habeas r rpu , und such uppel- atn Jurisdiction asn < ny be pros Med by law , $00110112 : Tlintftpctinii fuiirlM'f luilclmlx 'Cof ) the const It ul Ion oft he nla teof Ni'braskiv , , ) ii ninoiiiHMl ( i us lo lead iisfollowK ! hei'tlonl ! The Judnesof the supreme court shall bo elected bj Ihei'leclois of the stat n at arge , and tlielr terms of olllci1 , evceptns hrrolnaficrinot Med , shall bo for a vet iod of II to (51 ( jeius" Seiillon.l : That section the ( "oof artlcloilx ( fief ) tlieconititutlonof thost.ttnof ' kit , bn amended sons to read us follows : brotldtiC : "Atthn tlibt npneinl election to bo hold In the ) cur 1MI. ) and after the adop tion of this iiiiinmlntrnt to the con-lltiitlon , them ahull bo elided tlueo t.l ) jniliii of tlm HiitiraniO court , onu of whom alnll be cleclud for thnlorinof onn ill year , ono fur llio terra of tlirtoM ) jeirsnnd emi for tholurmof flv { iilyoart. and at inch isent-ml eicel Ion t hereafter - after there shall bo elected ono Jttdtfti of llio minintnncourt for the term of fUuO ) yeira. 1'rovldod , tlmt the Judges of llio tlpiomn cniirt whose terms hate not expired at tlio time of lioldhiK the cemjritl pipit Inn of IMH , shall coutliiun to hold their olllco for the ro- inalnilirof the tirni fur tthloh tlioy ttnrtiro- jio olltely eliotcd under the piesont consti tution " heel Ion 4 : That onch | inr m votlimlu fntor of thli iiinendincnt shall luivo wiltten or prlnled upon hlshillol IhcfidloitlnRi 'Tortile propo'cil ninoiHlnu'iil In t hcconsll- tutlon rclulliiK to the nuintior of biipii'iiio JllllKCl" 'I beicfiire , I. .Tohn M Thij'cr , Ooteriiorof the state of J < obraska , do hereby ho notion In uccordaiu'olth sect Ion one ( t ) uitlcle llf- Idon > r > ) of the constItutton , llio morlsloiis of thu aotcntUli ill "Anai't to protldo Ibn 111:111- : nurof iiropuilhV all amendinonlB tothocrn- stltutlnn and siilinilt tlnii thu samp tothoelet'- tois of the state" Appiottd I'oliiniry Utli , A D. IbTT. that said pniioscil | itniuiidniiiiit t\tll lie presented to the iiialllU'd | toteri of the slnto for apiuoval or njectlon at tint ccncril elect ion to Im held on tlio 4tlt day of Notoiu- bcr. A 1) . 1 00. In ttllne s tthereof I liaxn horoiinto set my band and taiiscd to bu allUed llio nrnatneal of thn stnti ) of NobtasUa , Uonn at Idncoln thNMtli dnyof July , A I.l 'H.and ' ) thu twnn- tj-fourth jonr of tlui'tato , tinil of Iho Indo- iii'iideneK of thu Unltid btutes the ono hundred - drod llttenntli. lly the Outi-i nor , JOHN M. THAVEIl. llLNIAMIN It OOHIIIlllV , LapAi , . ! bourctary of SUto. August id1m Xotho to r nrncois. llldsfor building a tin ee slory brlclc addi tion to my Hotel , IIO\t > feel , will bu received nlmy olllce , until Aliens ! Mill , 1MX ) , atwhich tlmo HIP coat i ail \t 111 bo let to the lowest rcs- iionslhlo nlildor I'luns and specifications unn lie seen at nn office. Itlght icsert cd to leji-ct any or nil bids. li U. lIUUKi : . 0.11 mil Imta , Ausust lltli , 1SDO TVPEWRJTER FOR RENT' EXCHANGE- FOR SALE- JoS.RMCQEATM , IO &FARNAM STJ rOMAHA.-f PRICIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 13O2 Farpam Stroot. HARRY P. DEUEL , City PnESGiitror and Ticket Agent. NERVE -AND BRAIN TREATPilENT. ufforco ac ox coni&nsononionlL' * treat. nicnt. 81 a box , or All for 85. rent tiy inalh ropnlL > Vltli cncli nrdtr ror Hx IIOXM. will r ml jiurchiui-r R > nran ( o lo refmul moiu-y If the treatment fulUW tum Guarantoeii lni > uutl nntltfuuulnu bulUuiilyUv GOODMAN JRUG CO. , 1110 Fainam Street , - - Omaha , Neb , CARRIAGES DELIVERED toanjr iliu.o in tlie Umti-i M tn Alto , Iilf ' mi tn , ttirjclct , h -tk f in-l Ulrli' Tritj * . let Ono or nit > re t wholoulo rrlc rn | I. . 0 | ) drrrtfmm L (1 Hnn r' 1 no te , rj 2 1V 1 Mftdit a SI Chirafo. f3 t tlOuvrd N n l < e. tarnri Tor new r l * lugiu IU Urvtit UUotjr In tli world * FEMALE REGULATOR , s iniiltJerlalii tou day or mono ) fundcil. liy mull $ - ! Socnrnly fnalcl from ob- lurratlon COO 1C HKSllUt r CO. , OinuIm.Neb. Allto tollh Cli.iiH.-c. Not 11 fficut many yoiir&iijjoa poor younff iimu iib fatiKlyin law in tlio cflko of a btiao&sful innctltioncr of tills rlty w lie had fotintl tlinu oulsido of his bint- iic to speculate and bc' iu tlio aniissinj { of si foi-luno , says the ( ' ) ilci"o : , Trlbunu. One tiny llio lawyer ( .allodlliopooryouiif ? stuilont Into his loom and ( old him that 'nonnlod to buy a tract of. Innil in a BCC- tion IhiouKh wliluh a corltilii piojoclod mill end would bo built. ' hoon . J'lio law yer explained Unit it wouldn't do for him to niuko tlio puivlmso bctaut > o : is Boon as the ) > coplo tvho owned it know ho \\iib intoicstcd they would mark up the prlco to Iho htnrs. Thclnwjor ( juvo the voting niiin SlO.OOOto nmko the dt-iil. The younjf man took the money ami bought the property without any tlillleulty. In duo coui-boof events the railroml was built nnd tin otiyli the hootion ] ) uruhtiMsd by tlioyoiinff man. I'tlcos went boiinliij. { Dunn } ? tlio o.xoltomont the old luwyor called in the poor ntxulont nnd said It wns about tlmo to lix up tlio p.mrs so that ho , the lawyer , tnlKhtucqulro the tillo to tvhicli ho coiiBltloied hiniholf on- titlcil. The yomiff Btudorit ] iullcd out a check book , Illlod up thoblankh ( making tlio check payable lo the lnw\urfoi ) % 10,000 pi us the intoroHt , and handed it to the lawyer , siiylnjj , "I believe Unit in tlio iiinotint of money ym ( , 'iivo mo nnd there is tlio Intcruatfor the use of it. " The poor young1 man h.ul puichusod the tiaul in his own nuno ; , as ho hud boon iiiitruuted to do. When the prkos on the ground wont up the younyfctu - dent sold oiioii h of tiio ground to brlnpr him $10,000 and had a largo uhuro of the { , 'iound left for himsolf. What could Iho lawyer iloV The tu- clt'iit who inado thlHsutldon lca ] lntofor tune Is today a inilHonalio. * NIM-IO antl Liver IMIIu. An Important discovery. They uU on tlio liter , Ktomath and bowels through tlio neivort. A new jirinclplc. 'Jlioy speedily euro lIIUotnii ) * si , bad taste , torpid llv r , jjilcs and itmitliiatlou. Splendid for men , women nnd children. Bmullnst , inllilost , surest. ! ! 0 doses for ! J5 c jnta. Sauinloa free utKuhn At Co , ' IMlianil Tickets nt loweHt rates nnd superior accommodations vin the great ] ( ook In- Innd roulo- Ticket ofrtce , 100-2 Slx- centh und Furium atreuty , Omaha.