Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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Daily ntul Sunday , Ono Your . lip JO
Tliroo ninnthi. . . . . . . . ? M
Siii.imr Hw. One Yr-nr . . . -f CO
Weekly Hoc. Ono Year. . 120
Oin hn.Tio ) Hen lliilltllnrt.
South OiiHilin , Conor NiuuUJtli Slrccti.
Council HHiffc. > y I't'arl Slieel.
OlilciiffoOfHpf.illTCImtnbcr vt cpmmp ; e ,
NvVorl \ < .IN ins 13,11 mid l.V Tribune lluliainz
' " blicot ,
All cfiiiiiiMinlPiitloim rrlntlnj : to news and
rtlltnrlaliiiutt'T should bo addressed to tlio
Kdlturlal Ih-iMrtiiii-n
All bti ln - Upt lets nnil remit taneosihoiild
bniicldiT".i- < Tlii-lti-c l'uill < iltix Company ,
Oiiinhn. IimllM. elK'oUs mid mistufilccm tiers
tiihfl made payable to the older of tlie oum-
v. ny.
Tlic BctPulilisliIng Company , Propilclors ,
-Tlio Ilcc irid'iTt Vurntim und Scventoenlh Sis.
mntnofNotirnikn. I _ _
Oouuly of Douglas. [ a "
X. P. I oil , cnslilcr nf The Hoc PuUIMiinir
Cnmiiiiiiv. due1) ) solemnly swciir that the actual
Hrciilnlloti of Tun IMII.V IIKK for the week
IB. IS'JO.wusnS follows :
Montlny. Auitimt II . IH.Mi
Tiii-Mlny. AtmtmtU . . lO.'TJ
- \Vn1iiiwilny. AiiKiuti : ! . HW- !
riiHfH liy. AniMistll . 2i > .ljl
rriility.Auaint M . -0M
raturunyususi 10 . . . . -'u.iu'i
.Average . UO.BfiO
N. P.l'Kir , .
Sworn to Ijcfore me anil subscribed In my
prcsonre IhlilUtlidny of Anjrust , A. I ) . . 1COO.
IsnAr , , ] \V , 1C. KUHT7 , Notary rubltc.
Ktato ofN'plirnsWa , I „ .
Coiuityof IJouslas. I
firorpc 11. Tzseliuek. bolus duly sworn , clft-
pnM'S -mil snvs tint hols Hivrotary of Thn Hue
I'nlillslilriir t'otnpany. ' that Hie tichinl avanisn
< 1nlly circulation of TIIK IMII.V llit : for tlio
niuiitlior A ugiiHt , ISM ) , IS.fiT.I uoiilcs ; for Pt'ji-
ti'inhor. lv-l. ! lf.7IO coplPM. for Oc-tolior , 1M ,
35.KIT cuplii . for.S'nvcinljor , IR O , IJi.niOeopIrs ;
fnrncrpinhcr. I Mil , W.m poplcfl : for .Iniiiinry ,
3t ! . 1W.V , cnylrs ; for Kolitunry ISM. loiil , !
ooploH ! for Jltirr-li. IHK ) , 20.RIJ c'onlci : for Arll ) ,
3MH ) , " 0Vj | coulos : for.Miiy. MiO.SO-lMcojilPs :
for .7 VHP. Is'JD. 80,301 copies , for July , 1800.
ai.rca I | > | O.H , 01:01101 : : H.TZSCMUCK.
H wo MI to liaforr mo nml mibsorlboJ In my
presence Ilils2 < l ilnv ofAiiRiiit. A. H. 1H .
[ silAl.l Ji. I1. FIII. Notary 1'u ' bile.
\Vrru Vnti "Wyokout of llio i-ace , ill- ,
llryiin might ns well rotlre.
To IIIMIKSKCT : : in congress four him-
-died thousand of the best people on earth
is mi honor to to proud of.
Ix promptly passing1 tlio anil-lottery
1)111 ) llio house strikes : i stunning' blow
at tin odious democnitic indiHtry ,
MAIN'I : consoles uorsolf o\cr Uio pros-
poclivo loss o ( a con i-o.sHinan by pro-
jcoLini ; nc\v liigliwtiys to thu Cnnudiiiu
border to fiicilitito the jiifj truuc ,
A COMBINE of city and council ofllcltils
against dishonest contractoi-s would
proveono of tlio few pulilic trusts which
taxpayers would doliyht to honor.
DKSriri ; the profound harmony pro-
vallinpr on the fctu-faco of iniorial ]
Euroiw , it is pusslng1 stran o that the
war clouds i-ofiihO to vnnlsh in
' Tan linio has como for Mississippi and
Jllsdourl ilvor cities to form a tlofonslvo
nllliuico to protect their interests ngalnst.
the macliluatlons of Chiuago inorcon-
urics ,
TAKI3N as a whole , an incrcuso of thirty
per cent in thopopulation of the country
In ton years Is entirely satisfactory , 'beat
ing' the record of the previous tlecado by
three millions ,
TIIK seventh annual report of the bu
reau of tho. statistics of labor of Now
York shows that the inorcnso in vrngfcs
has been from twelve to fifteen per cent
a year during the past live years. This
advance in the labor rnarlcut is certainly
gratifying. _ _
Tin : fact that Omaha siipplicstUo gov
ernment with over one million ounces of
silvern monthone-fourth ofthonmount
heretofore required gives the city a di
rect profitable interest in the financial
operation of the national treasury.
Tin : pathetic announcement of Colonel
Wattorson of the Mg fire in Louisville ,
wheretlio warehouse and plant of the
Kentucky distilling1 company were con-
sumcil , will cause tlio mouth of every Im
ported colonel in Nebraska to water.
Colonel "Wattoi'rionsaid : "Over .1 million
gallons of whisky wore burned--enough
to glvo every Inhabitant of the United
Stales a good drink. "
A uni'OUT comes from Huenos Ayre :
tint flvo hundred million dollars In currency
roncy passed through President Col
man's hands while lie was in power , and
that the country received hut very little
benefit from it. President Column's
policy seemed to have been to take al
- there wiu insight. If ho saved thi
trilling nest egg ho will be ublo to
worry along and make a living ,
Tins revised river and harbor bill ask
for niiio hundred thousand dollars to bi
expended in the systematicalprovomon
of the river from its mouth up to Slou : .
City , but the cherished scow line ro
col veil no consideration. If this rovlsoi
bill passes , the only hope for tlio scov
line will bo to Induce tlio secretary o.
war , who directs tlio expenditure of the
money , to put It afloat on his own ro
A MOSSTKI : meeting has been hold In
Loavonworth , the lirht of a series , conv
posed of Kansas citizens who arc oj ;
posed to the prohibitory law and win
want rcsubinisslon. Hon. A. A. I'onn
one of the most prominent business moil
was president , and twonty-flvo soli
business men acted as vice- presidents
The meeting was characterized by In
foctlous enthusiasm which showed Uio
earnest protest of the community against
the farcical prohibition law of the Btato.
Tin- : total bonded debt of the thirty-
eight btntosof the union In 1SSO was In
round numbers two hundred and fifty-
flvo millions. "With forty-four states in
1600 the total debt is only one hundred
and nlnty-flvo millions , m average de
crease of nix millions a year during tlio
docndc. Of this amount the western
status show a decrease ol nearly oijrht
million ? . This is a remarkable exhibit
of progress and proajwrity. It is nil the
more notable in the west where , In tlio
lust ton years , enormous turns were ex
panded fit all clnssos of public works to
Iccop pace ulth tlio marvelous growth of
the country.
The new liuv relating lo the mlmlnls-
ratlon of the customs Is giving foreign
muiudiclurcra n grout deal of anxiety ,
his Is particularly the cuso In France ,
rom which the most vigorous nnil per-
lutont complaints Imvo come that Iho
aw will vork nn Injustice lo French
manufacturers doing husincss Avlth this
oinitry and vllully affect commerce bo-
ween the two nations. .There was re-
cntly hold in I'arlj a consular contei'-
nco which received complaints from
icarly thirty chambers ot com-
norco pointing out the difficulty
of complying ; with the provis-
ons of the law without til most
iestroylng trnilo. It was tlio conclusion
) fthh conference that the law did not"
pprcsB honest importers , nnd that Its
mlynltn was lo protect the revenues of
ho United States. Solar us tlio lines
nnd penalties provided by the law nro
'onccrnod ' they are for the most part
simply vo-onnctmcnls of old laws. Mr.
Jew , the American consul general at
Condon , is quoted ns spying that , to the
loncst importer and dealer the law has
10 terrors , but to Iho fraudulent con-
Ignor or consignee It is a measure
vlilch will instiro to him llio
iither severe porialtiesprcscribcd thcre-
n. The huv has received a great deal
f adverse comment in Ilils country ,
but whatever defects experience ) with its
iponition may show it to posses ? , the in-
ontlon of the law Is to protect at the
lame lime the Interests of the govorn-
nentanil ot honest importers and deal
ers against fraud.
For years tlioro has boon an urgent do-
iiaud for radical reforms in thoatlnilnis-
ratlon o ( the customs service , and ro-
leatcd efforts were made tosecuro thorn ,
iut to long as the house ot roprcsciita-
Ives was in democratic control nothing-
otild bo accomplished. It wis well
jiiij\vn \ that tlio government wus losing
ovciiuo annually to n very lurgo
unount , all ot which vent to
the benefit of dis-honost 1m-
lortcrs. There vrns nn alarmingprov -
ileiicu of uiidervaluatlonH , The report
of the secretary ot the treasury for 1SSO
stated that fully ninety per cent ot Iho
mportatloiis of sillc vopt'oaontcd consign-
noiits on foreign account and were as
: i rule undervalued. Secretary Win-
dom In his report last year sa , id that
the tliiliculrtes so emluirrassing to the
customs olllcors and the department ,
growing out of the infirmities of the
arilT schedules , are Intensified by the
iiadequacy nnd faulty character ot the
, a\v3 relating to ctisloms administration , "
which were derived from two hundred
md sixty-three of congress passed
during a period ot ninety years , and the
seorotarj' declared that under these
: iu'8 it was practically Impossible ) to
senuro uniform and just valuations.
There was no ad equate means afforded
jy the Inws for tlio pmilshmont of fraud
n thu on try of merchandise. The gov
ernment was required to prove ufllrmiv
.ively not only that the goods were
'alsoly cntored , but that such entry was
inado with fraudulent intent , and to ob
tain suoli proof was as a riilo impossible ,
For ton years secretaries of the treasury
iiad recommended that the statutes
30 so nmondcd IB to enable the tjov-
ernmont to obtain the forfeiture of
inorchandiso , or Its value , upon proof ot
fnlso entry , placing upon the claimant
the burden of proof to show innocence ot
'rand in the transaction.
Such was the state of affairs which
Lho present congress wn3 called upon to
[ eniody , and the ways and means coin-
nltteo promptly and laboriously ad
dressed themselves to the taslc. The
noasuro whluh became law was most
carefully considered nnd discussed in
both the house nnd senate , and equal
care wns given to its consideration by the
president. It may prove In oparatlon to
be In some respects defective , but It
Is not to bo doubled that It will bo found
a very great improvement over tlio old
laws as a protection to the government
nnd to honest importers. It is possible
that congress will give a respectful hear
ing to the representations of the French
chambers of commerce ) , but undoubtedly
the law will remain its it is until ox peri-
once shall have demonstrated what
changes tire necessary to bottcr promote
the Interests of the government.
There is some uncertainty as to
whether the railroads will carry out
their original determination to fight the
order of the interstate commerce com
mission reducing grain rates from the
west , vrhich is to go Into olTect Septem
ber 1. The firm attitude of the Union
Pacific , Alton and Uoclc Island roads In
opposition to such a contest has had a
very decided ellcct in producing In the
minds of olllcials of the other roads In >
tcrcstcd some doubt regarding the
chance of succeeding in such a figlit. It
would appear from reports that tlio legal
advisors of the Union Pacific and Rock
Island had reached the conclusion that
it would bo impolitic to make a contest
n gainst the commission and suffer ccr-
tnln defeat , while as to the Alton it has
the candor to say that in.stead of the
rates ordered by the commission being
below what Is just to the roads and rca-
somiblo , corn and wheat nro in the ma
jority of cases now bolng carried at- very
much lower rates. In making thlsstate-
mont unquestionably the Alton olllcial
know what they are talldng about ,
The most significant indication that
the purpose to fight has boon abandoned
appears in the fact that a delegation lias
gone to consult with Chairman Cooloyof
the Interstate commerce- commission
with a view to having the order of the
commission modified In ono respect.
This relates simply to the live cent dif
ferential at St. Louis , the maintenance
of which is desired , but it Is doubtful
whether the commission will mnko this
concession , It has taken Its position
after a thorough Investigation of the
facts und a deliberate consideration ol
the arguments for and against the change
ordered , and the reasons upon which the
order is based nro so cogent ani
wmcliiblvo that it Is hardly to bo
supposed the commission will bo Induced
to make any clmngo. Tlio modification
which the railroads nsk for might not
essentially affect the general scope o
the order , but having taken a clenvlj
do 11 nod and decided position the vise
thing for the commission to do is to nd
hero to It. It can hardly do otherwise
as to any feature of its order regarding
rain rates from the west without sub-
ectlng llse-H to unfavorable criticism
om the public , while gaining nothing
the estimation of the corporations
nd their friends. The promise is that
lie order will bo Instated upon as it is ,
nd that it will bo obeyed.
The opinion obtained in Washington a
ock or two ago that there ) would bo no
cglslatloti at the present session of con
gress for the improvement of rivers
nd harbors. The house had passed a
iill carrying appropriations to tlio
mount of between twenty-two and twon-
y-threo million dollars , but when estl-
lutes of revenue and expenditure began
0 bo made , from which it appeared
hero was danger of a considerable dc-
icltfor the current fiscal year , word
vent out that appropriations would bo
urtailcd by cutting off these fgr river
in el harbor Improvements. It vis trim
the last bill for this purpose was passed
n 18S8 , but It was argued that as about
ivo million dollars of the amount then
ipproprlated is still unexpended it would
jo safe to postpone further appropria-
, ions until the next session.
I5ut thcso arguments were lost on the
onatc , which on Saturday passed the
Ivor and harbor bill with amendments
hat materially Increase the aggregate
ipproprlation of the liouso bill. Sena-
or Edmunds tliought half the amount
proposed 111 the measure , with the
ivo million dollars remaining
rom tlio last bill , would bo sufficient ,
ind ho suggested Unit' the treasury
vould bo fifty million dollars short at
ho close of the current fiscal year oven
/ the duty were not taken off sugar , hat
his was met by Senator Fryo with facts
mil figures in evidence of llio advant-
igcs to commerce of improving the riv
ers and harbors , which produced the In-
luencothoy were intended to. The en
gineers had reported demands for n
nuch larger expenditure than the bill
provided for and this fact was a potent
irguinent in behulf of the measure.
The bill must now go to a
conference committee , and it will not
.alec long to develop tlio intention of the
najority of the house regarding it. The
iredieted failure of tills legislation ,
lowovcr , is not likely to be verified , and
v compromise which will somewhat rc-
1 uco the amount in the senate bill is
The determination of Chicago to place
n. commercial rope around the nock of
tlio west should arouse to action every
shipper west of the hikes. If the city
succeeds the commercial prosperity and
.ndopcndcnco of every city from the
akos to tbo mountains will be Imper
illed. Organized resistance is impera
The right of the Avest to secure ship-
nonts without paying tribute to Chicago
lias never Icon questioned , but Chicago
has conspired with subservient corpora
tions to levy what is - practically a
tax on all goods passing through
the city. The fight over the now uni
form bills of lading , -vvhilo apparently
confined to the railroads , ' is In reality u
desperate effort by the Chicago rail
roads to make that city a basing point
for all western shipments in transit.
Dispatches indicate that the western
roads have entered into a combine with
Chicago merchants to prevent traffic
being1 billed through Chicago. If llio
conspirators succeed in bringing about
this result , throe million dollars a year
will bo wrung from the consumers of the
west and placedin the pockets of Chicago
But this is not the worst feature of the
conspiracy against the prosperity of the
west. By making Chicago ti basing point
for traffic originating cast thereof , the
jobbers of growing western cities would
ho placed at the mercy of Chicago job
bers. Jobbers at the Missouri river
would bo placed at the disadvantage in
ndjaccnt trade territory , because Chicago
cage , enjoying the favor of the corpora
tions , could undersell the homo dealer
at his own door.
Such a system of discrimination should
provoke a storm of protest which the
corporations would not dare ignore.
ESTIMATKS of the crop in the corn
states vary greatly , That there will bo
a tremendous shrinkage in the harvest
as compared with last year there is no
doubt , The shrinkage is general , vary
Ing from seventy per cent in Kansas to
forty per cent In iUissouri and Illinois.
In the list of corn states Iowa stands
highest , her crop bolnsr estimated a
seventy par cent of last year's ' , while
Nebraska estimates range from thirty
five to fifty percent of the crop of 1880 ,
The estimates for this state are too low
While the region west of Kearney and
portions of the Republican valley hiiv
boon blighted by hot winds , the more
populous eastern counties escapee
serious injury , a"d with a month olfav
orablo weather will yield handsomely
The yield of the state last year wai
about ono hundred and seventy-five
million bushels. Of this amount prob
ably one hundred and. twenty-five mil
lion bushels were marketed at an average
ago price of sixteen cents a bushel , ro
alixing twenty million dollars. Ksti
mating this year's crop at fifty per con
of lust year , or oighty-sovon and a 1ml
million bushels , the financial returns a
present prices will exceed these of IBS !
by flftoon million dollars. All of whiul
proves that n short crop is not always a
great calamity.
\VniLij there has been a great deal o
stagnation in real estate during the pas
olgliteon months by reason of the mi
certainty and danger of further do
prcssion In enso prohibition shoul
carry , tlioro Is nevertheless a gratlfyln ]
volume of business recorded inthooflic
of the register of deeds. During the firs
six months of the year Omaha real o
Into transactions nggrogated r.Ino and
half million dollars , an increase of two
million dollars over the same period o
1SS9 , The record for July and thro
weeks of August , usually the qulotos
period of the year , shows a marked ad
vance over the BIHIIO period last year
the footings for the past weoU reaching
half a million dollars , equal to nn In
crease of forty per cent. Ifo city of
equal population In tlio country affords
such profitable opportunities for perma
nent Investment. Prices of desirable
niAIMresldonco property in
Omaha do not approach the speculative
u'lcosot Denver , Kansas City and other
.nflatcd towns , The fact Is , the prU-os
n Omnhu have "never reached the boom
tola provalcVil'ln ' the west , and this explains -
plains the unshaken confidence of homo
and outsldo capitalists la Omaha real
estate.Vhllo ECoros of builders are
holding off till after the election , the
number of buildings under way equals
that of List year. A majority of these
are residences , a fact which strengthens
Omaha's right , to the title , the City
of Homes.
IT Is painful to observe that the faith
ful in Io\ra and Illinois are being favored
with federal commissions to go abroad ,
while second rate po'tolllces are doled
out to the patriots of Nebraska.
GAtrAGinu : is not only
willing but anxious to step down. Pos
tal duties prevents him from giving his
entire attention to the profitable Inter
ests of the council combine.
JJelow 1'nr.
St. I'aul I'lnnter-l'ras.
Quito a number of western senators seem
Inclined to climb Into Secretary Blalno's
band wngon. Meanwhile Httlo McIClnlcy sits
away back la the road with his thumb in bis
AVIiero Is Calamity italic V
'fcUamah Jjiirtonlan.
Corn 50 cents per bushel , with bogs nml
cattla In proportion this fall , why can't wo
howl for a republican administration I Calam
ity Jane organs UaJ it so when corn was sell
ing at 15 ccnti
_ _ _
Why Stanley Favors It.
luinsai Cltii Ttnift.
A cablegram announces that Stanley up-
[ ilauds the scheme of building a trans-Sa-
linran railway into the heart ol Africa. Well ,
that Is to bo expected. Who would not advo-
cute such n project If ho had stubbed Ills toes
nfjainst cactuses and cobblestones In the
wilds of tlio dark continent aa much 113 Stan
ley has ! The explorer knows whnt hols
tallilnp about.
In tin ) Ixirk OHOO iv
C'/if nil/it Tif'tu ' lie ,
Ills innjosty , Emparor William , does not ap
prove of cremation. On the otbcr bund ,
George W. Swnckcnliehn , nn intelligent
farmer of Berks county , Pennsylvania , por-
Imns as well qmuiilcd to judge in tills matter
as tbo yomip man In the emperor business ,
not only believes In cremation , but says ho
expects to have his own bodv burned when lie
dies. So wo are all at sea again.
The Greenback : ( ioilln.
Acio I'mit W'ltrltl.
George O. .Tones , the faithful priest who Is
kecplnp the greenback coal alive upon the
altar of Ills fathers , has called his feeble fol
lowers to meet him in Indianapolis on the
27th lust , to resolve about something. 'Iho
greenback party has been a shadowy , shabby
organization for some years , nnd now that the
sil"er inflationists are at the front whut hope
can they have of a successful Hooding of the
country with Hat money !
i '
"Wlioro Olilo Stands.
Clettland LMdtr.
"Ohio must be anchored safely In the list
of sure republican states , " says the Pittsburg
Commercial , "by the time the presidential
campaign opens. " Ilavo no alarm. Ohio has
not gone democratic once In a presidential
contest during the lost thirty years. Nor has
she endorsed n democratic administration
during that time. Ohio will go republican
this year and next , and In ' 93 the UucUcyo
bourbons will ho everywhere on the run.
Eh ? Well , now , don't bo too sure about it.
If the father of hla country should comehaelc
and run for president , and you had to write a
campaign lifo of Um maybe you might find
that , you did not Itnow such an awful sight
about him after all. What you want in that
case would boa plainly written , trustworthy
and understandable account of the immortal
George's youth and manhood , his training ,
his achievements , his character as a man ;
no cherry tree , or cannot tell a Ho business ,
hut just the straight truth about him , what
ever ghost stories might bo needed you could
flx up to suit yourself. And the place whom
you could find all this would be In the Ameri
canized Encyclopedia , Brltnnnlca.
Not the Encyclopedia BrUaimica , you un
derstand , but the Americanized Encyclopedia
Britannlcu ; sounds pretty near tlio thing.
'hut it is a mighty different thing.
Same way with FranWIu and Jefferson ,
and Hamilton ; with Patrick Henry , and
John Hancock , and Francis Marlon ; with
Henry C ny and Long John Wcntworth.
Look in the original Encyclopedia Britunnica
and you will Ihid some of them mentioned ,
hut mighty little more , and some of their
not oven that any ono of the old
Georges gets a column where an American
man trcts unit n do/cn words , liut pick
the Americanized Encyclopedia Uritunnlcii
and you w ill sec the dlllercuco at once ; the
sjmfty Georges take a back sent on tlioii
Enpusn thrones , uiitl the men of deeds and
brains who muuo this western empire , are
coming to tfio front.
Want to know what wo are driving aU
Well , we'll tell you. Wo menu to sell you u
bet of the Americanized Encyclopedia Brltun-
nica mid talto your subscription to the DMI.V
BBJ : for ono year , both at the snino time.
Pcrhnps we'll ' clo It and perhaps wo won't ;
but if wo don't you'll miss it worse tlmii wo
Can't afford it , did you say ! Oh , come ,
now ; don't bo In too blir a hurry. You
haven't oven heard what it is uoiut ; to cost
vou yet.
G You can stand S cents a day , surely ! Why.
tlio unily papers alone costs you n cents and
you must Imvo a dally paper , you know ,
whether you got an oucycloporilaor not. Jusi
put 8 cents Into an old stocking foot each dn.\
I'or a iiumtluind then udd 10 cents ifit's i
short ouo , or 2 cents If It's a long month , or 2 (
cents for February , and bo ready with the
whole $ ' . ' .50 when our agent calU on you. For
that S8.M ) and your iiromiso to pay the sumo
sum monthly for the next eleven mouths , ho
will filvo yon tbo llrst llvo volumes of
-Americanized .Kiioyclopodla Ilritaunlci
right then und there unil wo will undertake
inourmuno , to deliver you the last llvo vol
nines within four months , and will put you
down for ono' year's subscription to Tin
Chum Iltn , dally and Sunday editions
Itcally , if you \ydut n fatter thing than that
you'll Imvo to raise It for yourself , for wo
cnu't give It to i'ou.
What is the Americanized Encyclopedia
Ih'ltaimical VfrU , you Uuow what the En
cyclopedia Hritahnica is. don't you ! Tlio
.Americanized .EuCyclopodh Urltiimilca is Just
that -with all the subieuts of interoatto Amer
icans rewritten nxbaustlvplv and brough
down to date , the subjects which Americans
don't care about condensed within iviisoiinblo
limits , a whole kcries of hiosr.iphiiis of prom !
ncnt living men added , and u complete now
sot of maps. You won't llnd ns much nbou
Lord Tnnnoddy or Jlughy Junction In fltho
Americanized edition as In the English ; hut
you'll llnd n heap sight inoro about lionjamli
Jlarrlscni and GroverCleveland , or Obhltost
and Kulanmzoo.
Ton volumes of it , about seven thousnni
pages , or fourteen thousand columns , cqun
to about 110 ordinary volumes In amount c
contents and alwut ono thousand ordinary
volumes in Interest and real valuo.
Want to hour some morel "Wo could tell you
any quantity ; but advertising space is Jus
thu same m monnv , and If you want inon
than two columns' full , wo shall have to add
another cent to that dally el ht. Our repro-
simtullvo will lw round tosuoyou before Ipnj ,
mid If you need more talking to ho will pi vo
you just us much ns you cuu stand. If ho
shouldn't , como soon enough to suit you a
jiostal curd to us will bring him in a hurry.
XIM8 01 * TIIK XIHtTtltrKNT.
Hastings I * cUniorlng for electric cars ,
Uothcnburp tjto have a new hotel , three
stories high ,
The prohibition IsU of Holt county will
hold u convention In O'Neill August 20.
There wcro in the. neighborhood of llltoen
carloads of stock shipped from Wllcox last
week ,
The engineers for the Sioux Citv ft Korth-
western arc survey rug in the neighborhood
of llnrtlngton.
George llenham was loJfjed In the D.uvcs
county Jail the other ilay charged with steal-
lug four head of cattle.
The Lyons Mirror has again changed
bauds , being purchased by M , , M. nud U. J ,
Wiirnor , sons of the late Colonel AVnrncr.
The old Hastings Athletic- grounds will bo
Eold on the 21) ) th of this month , The grounds
nro laid oft hi town lots and will bo sold to tlio
highest bidder ,
Mr. II. 0. Bcatty , who was recently dk-
charged from tlio hospltnl for Vho Incurable
insnno , Inn been reinstated by the board ot
public lands and buildings.
J. W. Robinson , a prominent farmer and
bog raiser residing twelve miles -w t of
Hastings , says ho will raise at least two-thirds
of an average corn crop this season ,
This fall Adams county will have a thor
ough agricultural fair. The society is offerIng -
Ing no purses for speed and all the money
p.nd In at the gates will stay in the county
M premiums.
ThoB. &AI. Is malting a great many im
provements In the yards \VyinoroIn \ tlio
way of laving new tr.icks , building now
stockyards and adding five now stalls to he
round house.
The best yield of oats yet reported by a
Sarpy county farmer is thirty-two bushels
pet : acre. The average Is not better than
twenty-live bushels , hut the crop is of o.\-
ccltant quality ,
Thooniccra of the Holt County Agricul
tural Society nro making lurangcnicuts to
have a grand exhibit ut the stnto fair and
0'Xclll citizens iu-o also working n scheme
for mi exhibit that will surprise the mitlvo.i.
Arapnhoo's peerless cornet band carried oil
the honors at the Superior reunion last week.
winning the $75 prize offered for the host hand
In attendance. Seven uniformed hands en-
lured thu contest , and the Arapahoe boys feel
good ,
Tbo fourth annual reunion of the North
western Nebraska Veteran association will
bo held nt Ansloy week after next , The citi
zens of that place nro making great prepara
tions for royally entertaining the old veter
ans , and It is safe to say that tlioro will be a
largo attendance.
According to the O'Neill Frontier the crop
prospect in the great county of Holt , com-
prislug nnuruaof Si)0 ) ( > square miles , never
was better , Small grain Is a fair crop and
corn , despite the fact , that a few croakers nro
reporting that the late dry weather injured It
very much , will bo nn immense crop , larger
In acreage and yield thau In nny previous
luvvi. ;
A largo number of dwellings are being
built at Clinton.
An old settlers' reunion will ho licld at
Keosauqua , August ' . ' 0.
Centervillo has awakened and will have
waterworks and electric lights.
The conference of the Herman 31. E. church
will bo held at Burlington , September S-10.
Extensive preparations ai'o being inado to
rebuild the burnt-out portions of WliatChuor ,
The annual reunion ot the Eighth Iowa
cavalry will bo held nt Kudyvillc , Soiitembcr
' 'o-Uil.
The county recorders and ex-recorders of
Iowa will meet iu Des Moiucs * September 2
nud U.
George Muller , aten-ycnr-old boy living at
Clarimlu. was thrown from his pony and
The Grand Chapter of Iowa orders of
Eastern Star will uo held at Colfax , Septem
ber 10-11.
The reunion of the Seventeenth regiment
Iowa in fan try will bo held at Brighton Au
gust 2C-M.
The Ilumboldt county fair will bo held at
the fair grounds at Ilumboldt September ijj ,
24 , 25 and 20.
A call has been Issued for the holding of an
independent congressional convention at
Avocn , August UO.
A Storm i ako man threw a brlclc nt a stray
gopher and succeeded iu breaking an $ S5
plato gloss window.
The Investigator is the nnmo of a new
weekly paper at Atlantic , established by
Hudspetii Brothers.
The annual meeting of thoprand lodge , In
dependent Order of Oddfellows , will bo held
at Ottuiiuva August 7.
llolly Tyrrell , an Albla boy , while attempt
ing to board u moving freight train , fell
under tbo wheels and lost a leg.
'I'ho northern Iowa reunion of the Young
People's Society of Christian Kmleavor is In
session at Osage with ' . ' 00 delegates present.
A vicious bull attacked .fames Cayno of
Altannd the latter came out of tlio con tltct
with a broken jaw and thrco fractured ribs.
The mayor of Burlington has issued nn
order to the depraved women and gamblers
cf that city to remove cr reform by Septem
ber 1.
"While Emma Kent/enbcrgor , a fourteen-
year-old Mvennoro girl , was sent to the re
form school , Carroll AleCauley , a married
ninu , the cause of her downfall , was allowed
to go free.
Rcyond tlio
The wreck of tlio bark Savonant Wilsons
Point , liritish Columbia , has been sold for
? 1,410.
Stephen Nlcolettl has snoj the Los Angeles
Herald for alleged libel and puts his damages
at r > 0,000.
The Fresno rnsin crop \vlll bo ! ! 0 per cent
greater thiiti last year , and S50 cars will bo
necessary to move it.
Tlio prohibition convention of Hutnboldt
county was held in Kuraka recently , when a
full ticltct was nominated.
Leila Ltit.ts of Ios Angeles has been held
for the murder of Mrs. Swan ton. It was a
case of malpractice for ? 15.
The T.os Angeles board of education Is de
bating the question of introducing military
training Into tbo public schools.
The Imperial flour mills at Oregon City
started up hist Tuesday and nro now turning
out 500 barrels every twenty-four houu.
H. B , Bciidiscn of Kuroha , Uuinboldt
county , has begun to build two three-mast
schooners for the Ganllnur mill company.
There Is only ouo democratic fcdonl ofilcc-
holder In Oregon United States Surveyor
General Taylor and Ids successor has been
borne heavy shipments o [ iiign-grauo sul-
phurot ore in Alaska mines have been re
ceived nt thoTacoma smelter. Ono steamer
recently brought 3.M ) tons.
The Shasta Courier says a survey Is being
made by Chlot Kngmccr Hood of tlio South
ern 1'adllo company for a big tunnel through
tiio Siuklyou mountains. It will bo live niilus
Louis Slegcrt of Xelmlem , Ore. , went lo a
neighbor's place recently to help put out a
Held lire.Vhilo hard at work his own dwell
ing caught and was destroyed with nil Its con-
Ueorgo M , White , llfty-two years old , at Mill
Creole , U. T , , fell from a haystack to the
ground , twenty feet , mid was Wiled. An ex
amination proved that the man died from tlio
The Salem Statesman says : This eonsu-3
business would bo a good joke , ludicrous
enough to laugh nt , if It were not fortlio fact
that Oregon Is likely to lese a amgrossmau
by reason of the miserable botch.
U'lllhmi Hunter , a loung man twenty-two
years of ago , was drowned In Columbia
slough , about llvo mlles from I'oitlund , in
four feet of water. The drowning was wit
nessed bv a young man , who said Hunter wan
swimming on his luck , when ho suddenly
sniik. Ho supposed ho was taken with
cramps ,
A. T. Allcndcrof Isloton will enjoy a largo
income from bis 1,000-acro , mnuh on Aiidrus
island. Already ovorfJt.Oiii ) worth of fruit
has b < ! cn shinned. The yield was lljiht , but
tlio advanced prlco-i have u tendency to make
the snasou n profltubln one. Mr , Allcnderhas
501) ) acres of potatoes this summer. About Sfl
per cent of thotn have BO far bean marketed ,
from which ho has realizedovcr810lW ( ) .
Tiio Carson TrllmnoBays : A Wnshoo Valley
loy mnn boastoaof his power to charm bees.
IIo foil asleep inn hnyllold , and some mis
chievous companions stirred up nlniinblu-
bitis' nest to mark the power of the charm.
It didn't work. The bee charmer hud to
run a rouploof hundred yards and Jump Into
a crook to get rid of tbo iicstifcrous insects.
The bee Is a bird that It doesn't do to monkey
A Young Girl Compelled by Ifor Undo to
Marry Agniujt Her Will ,
Allot her Hotel Itnt > bcrv-l'oUl Water
ccci l'lj.rliiis-Advont- !
1st Camp MoclliiK-
News mill Notes.
LINCOLNNeb. . , August 17.-Specal [ !
to Tnn Hir.-It : ] is currently reported
that on Tuesday last a 'wedding was cele
brated In this city at a fashionable church in
\vblch tlio bride , a beautiful and pure girl
whoso nnmo Is above reproach , win coerced
Into inarrylnp " .young man from Missouri ,
for whom she had I.D love , and at Iho same
tlmo was engaged to another gentleman.
'Jim young lady was the protege of her uncle ,
who was recently a. prominent stnlo ofllclal
nnd ills declared by the gosslpers that the
intermeddling ot her uncle and aunt with
the girl's love affairs nnd the commamlthat
she should marry the nian from Missouri
brought about last Tuesday's marriage. Two
liours before she was married it Is further
declared that she wrote n most loving and
tender farewell to her other betrothed , tell
ing him that she was forced Into the present
marriage und could not help herself. The
minister who united them Is said to feel
grieved over the matter and declares the
marriage an unholy union over whieli lie
would not have presided bad ho known the
true state of affairs.
The police nro looking high nnd low for
Charles Adams , the notoriously tough black
smith , who beat his wife last night until ho
loll her temporarily demented. Tlio woman
was found at Twenty-first and J streets early
this morning wandering about In a dazed
condition and nt first It was thought she was
insane. Kho presented a terrible appear
ance. Both her eyes % vcro blackened from
blows , her Jaw was badly swelled , while her
face and head were a mass of cut ? and
bruises. The police took charge of the woman
mid brought her to the county Jail , where
Mrs. Long examined her and found her bodv
to be as badly bruised as her head. When
the partially recovered from her dazed con
dition she told n most revolting story con
cerning the cause of the brutal assault made
by Adams , .Sho said that a young woman
had Keen stopping at her homo for a fovv
days and her husband had bccomo greatly
smitten with the female. The young
woman i-eclprooatcd the unholy advances and
Inst night the wife discovered' state of af
fairs that made her fairly frantic. The hus
band got angry with bis wife for her Inter
ference and rupronuhcs nnd kicked and heat
her into insensibility. That is the last Mrs.
Adam ? remembers. The police went to the
homo of the pair at Twenty-ninth mid JV , hut
found it deserted. They therefore concluded
that Adams , thinking ho hud killed his wife ,
hud fled , fiklng with him bis Illicit love. It
Is said that Adams and his wife have bad
several quarrels before , but the husband.
being a powerful fellow , managed through
the force of his blows to bring his wife Into
submission. They formerly lived ou Q street
between Tenth and Kluvcnth.
Another hotel robbery occurred last even
ing , Messrs. C. I. Barnes and C. M. Thomp
son , who were stopping at the Peoria liouso
on Eightn and P streets , being tlio victims ,
The one suspected is a man giving the nnmo
of Coultz. IIo came to the "hotel at 2 a. m.
and was assigned to room I ) . Ho slipped out
this morning about daybreak , and when
Messrs. Uarnes and Thompson , who were in
room' ' , arose to dress they discovered Hint
they hud been robbed. Fortunately cacti had
left a sinnll sum of money in his pocketboolc ,
Hnrnes havinp & ( j"i and Thompson $ . 1.8(1. (
Tlio suspected thief is stiort and stoutly
built , has a light moustache and is about
twenty-live years old. lie were u dark suit
of clothes and n straw hat with a str.ilglit
brim. When ho came into the hotel ho at
tempted to win the sympathy of the proprie
tor by pretending thut ho "had been over
charged by a hackman ,
Ofllcer Bartram's eight-year-old boy was
accidentally shot this morning by ono of the
city scavengers and narrowly escaped being
killed. Tlio scavenger 'showing the re
volver to the oDIccr at his home , when the
follow unintentionally exploded a cartridge.
The ball struck the boy In thu breast just in
front of the heart. Fortunately It struck a
rib and followed that bone clear around to
the spinal column , City Physician OliTen
was called and found the ball lodged agalns.t
one of thu spinal processes. Ho cut the bullet -
lot out.
cor.n WATCH CR.\XKS.
The prohibitionists of Lancaster county
held an alleged county convention nt
Hod llibbon ball last evening , but
Instead of having over three hun
dred delegates them were only eighty-
live. H W. Hardy wnschobcn chainnaa and
It.V. \ . Maxwell , secretary. At llrst a num
ber of speeches wcro made favoring the en
dorsement of the .lay Burrows ticket nomi
nated at the so-called people's party county
convention. This sentiment received n black
eye by A. X. Wyckoff arising , saying that ho
had conferred with Uurrows imd others i-on-
corniiig such endorsement , and they objected
to it , saylmr that it would drive away tha
votes of the anlt-iH'ohlbltionista in the people' . )
party movement.
This u paraly/er.
The delegates , after recovering from tlio
mitten ( 'lvcu thorn by the so-called people's
party , decided to go through the hollow
mockery of nominating a ticket of their own.
Thu following were then placed In nomina
tion !
For senatorsA. . 1ST. Wyclcoff and J. C.
For legislators Xuil Johnson , O. C. Beach ,
WankMayes , 1' . Scott and ( ii-orgo Ailoy.
l 'or county attorney H , C. Mocltctt.
1'Air county commissioners Lorenzo
I.oavlU , Larklns and A. L > . Frnzlor.
A county central committee was then
chosen , nud aftt-r everybody who would ac
cept a nomination hud been given such empty
honor the convention adjourned.
It was a very tame affair.
MUCCA I'lUlltlMS ,
Shortly before ! o'clock this afternoon
about a hundred Mecca pilgrims who have
hc'm utttmdiiiK the imperial council of the
A. A. O. N. m. H. nt Man Kranclsco arrived In
Lincoln on their return to their homos In Uos-
ton nnd Now York. The Scsostrls Temple
lodge of Lincoln hud made elaborate prepara
tions to entertain the pilgrims , as it wus ex
pected that they would arrive nt noon awl
remain until -I p. nr. As the train did not
roach the citv until nearly the latter hour ,
there was no linio for anything more than an
informal reception at Uio depot. A number
of Omnhu citizens catno down to accompany
the pilgrims tothoMatomutrnpolls. Among
those were noticed lilchard Smith , Louis 11.
ICorly , Hu ) > olcon 1) ) . Apple , lion , Thomas It.
13ruimcr . . ) . Mount und Moiiti Meyer.
Emma Clark of Glllcapio , 111. , writes lo
Marshal Mollck of the Lincoln pollen force
inquiring concerning her insane brother , E.
II. Clarlc , who escaped Irom the insane
asylum at .lucksnnvillo u week ago and left
for unknown . parts , Clark was in Lincoln
Inst l-'ouriiary and caused the nollco ron-
sidemblo trouble * through his peculiar actions
and disposition to steal any thing ho rould lay
his hands on. Ho lay in tlio city Jail for two
weeks , the police not knowing what to do
with him , Ho was taken buforo the insanity
hoard , but instead of sending- him to the
asylum ho was given transportation to Omaha
to get rid of nny further euro of him. Ills In
sanity was caused by Ills vicious habits.
Tlio Seventh Day Advcntists of Lincoln are
making elaborate preparations to attend the
camp meeting of the brethren of that faith
which is to bo hold at York September 4 to
10 , inclusive. Nearly every minister ot that
denomination ! u the state will bo present , and
in addition to there will ho the follow
ing from other states : Hov. K. W. Paras-
worth , Dos Alolnt-s , la.Hov , L. U. Chad wick
and KovV. . II , Wikehain , Battle Crack ,
Mich. ; Hnv. M. H. lirown , Mailbon ; Kov. F.
Mead , Minneapolis ; Kov. K , Lew , Mlltovvn ,
S. D.
Ofllcer Bartram has returned from Cort-
laud , whither ho wcnttto learn what ho could
concerning Fred Ashmore , the waif from Now
\ orh who wi Idllcd here by the cnrs n fen
days HKO. Tlio onici-r ; learned Unit the Mrtto-
picnt oftlio dying hul thut ho hnd n inotlirr
in iseworUvus truo. Itenlsoiwcrlnlnol
that the boy's father wiisilcudnnd that lie hflil
been sent west two yonrs UK" , when onlv sixteen -
teen years old. That he was bound out
to n farmer named lloi-Uoln , who lives
thirteen miles southeast of Cortland
Hochotn Is worth HIM ) and promised not
only to pay the boy for hit work , but also to
send him to school nnd sco that ho received u
peed education. Instead of this , the bov w < n
united upon , ns nro many oilier orphan boy
lie was ninilolo work clKlitccn hours n d.'ifi
allowed only live nml six hours n night ID
sleep , nml during the two years Is nlli'pc > > l to
have not received a slnpto day's schooling. The
boy was anxious to get an education , but
was cursed and browbeaten whenever 1m
mentioned the subject to the rich farmer.
Finally young A slnnoro ran away to como to
Lincoln to sco the lawyer who- bound him out
tollocheln ami toniceitnln whether ho could
not be changed to some other fanner who
would cither pay him for his work or allow
him the privilege of golnff to school. Just us
the train on which the boy waa stealing n
rldo reached Lincoln the lad , who hnd been
robbed for two years of his natural sleep , fell
Into a slumber nnd tumbled from the bumpi-H
under the wheels and via crushed to death.
The pollco report Unit there la n pailierhiff <
of suspicious clinr.ictt'w nlrcmlv Iu tlio cltyt
wlio are iircinrlng evidently for a rMi hir 1
vest by criinlnnl menus ilurlnc the stfilo fiTliC
Usually thcso fellows patbor to plunder tlio
rooms of pucsts nt the hotels or lnvnlt Into
hnuseswhliothu family Is absent at tlio fair ,
or pick the pockets of ppipln nt the prmiii.K
At a sosslou of tlio iiolk-u enurt luMd lust
evening Squint O'Connor wus put tuulcr { : , iii )
boiulrt to appear bcforo the district court for
stealing a gold watch from u fnllcn woman
named Kvu Unswortli , .Tolin C'roodon , the
fellow who was ciniRhtln tlio net of Mcnlini ;
two gold watches from 1'awnbroUcr Ciold-
water , was also an-.ilgned nml bound over In
tlio same sum ,
Mr. and Mrs. TO. C. Snyderof Omaha wow
In the city today sccIiiKtho sights.
Mrs. Goldalcrry failed to sustain the son *
salloniil chorpos slio made ajjniiist her hus
band , Manse Ooldsborry , nnd Instead of hatIng - -
Ing him sentenced to the penitentiary , us she
declared with n great llourisli of trumpet is
she would do , , liuljo Foxworlhy decided last
evening that there was no case whatever
nKiilnst him and discharged him , Manse J
asserts Hint Mrs. ( Joldsherry lias inado ho inn l
very unpleasant for him , and that was S-
main cause for his leaving. IIo tells some
hard stories about the woman.
In this country there are 3,000,000 nlllnnco-
nicn. If Mr. Kern could set a great universal
lly paper and catch all theso.votcrs , his elec
tion would bo assured.
Ho w would It do for Allen Hoot to call the
Independent convention to order again , and
nominate a congressman ) Jlr. Van 'NVyck Is
out of the Held.
Although Judge Noiris has inado aftuinvlt
that ho will not accept the congressional
nomination In the Third district , the Hart Ing-
ton Herald demands that ho must bo nomi
nated to save the country. In the meantime
Judge Harrison Is cutting bait , while Ihiincr
nnd Mciklojolm are Hahing.
Grandpa Powers Is billed to make a speech
every day until Koveinber n.
Our esteemed double decker isstillglvlng
its unfinished re-port of the Uemocrntlj stulo
convention. A few more days and It will
have printed as much of the report as Tim
13EC printed the morning after the conven
Dr. Hear will stump the state. IIo also
threatens to Invade South Dakota. Ho ex
pects a largo majority from Lawrence
county , i
Dr. Abbott , the Fremont stuto-smnu , ilonic.i
that he expects to organize u U'hite Man's '
It is unnecessary to state that Mr. Charley
lirown has not asked for an engrossed copy
of the platform adopted by the untcrriiictL
lie Is waiting for the next convention.
living Politics with Religion.
Cumin-Man Kalcldnicnjit ,
These who attended the morning services
at the Methodist lipiscopnl church last Sun
day wcro treated to n very nice , pleasing ,
logical scriptural by the Rev.
Judge Henderson of Frontier county , an eld
friend and schoolmate of Pastor Dawson.
These who gathered at the same place In the
evening to attend union services and hear
liev. Dawson preach were most Ignomliilously
sold ; lor , Instead of the promised sermon , a
very ordinary politico-temperance lecture
was indicted upon them by the Judge , 'i'ho
lecture wns out of the ordinary only In oua
respect the ludicrous attempt of the speaker
to harmonize prohibition and democracy ,
ho avowing the belief that two years
bcnco the democratic platform would coutuli ;
n straight temperance plank ! Verily , the
gentleman's credulity is marvclloiH. Hut It
is not our object so much to comment tin ;
this speech a temperance lecture , or eveii u
democratic speech nro all right in their respective - '
spectivo places -but wo tlo wish to enter our
earnest protest against the use of the
churches on Sunday nights for political
speeches of any kind , and ulso ntj.iinst Iho
pernicious practice of calling people together
to hear the gospel preached and then yelling
politics in their unwilling cars. Wo helluva
It is nil right to mix religion with politics ,
but it is poor policy to mix politics with ru-
liglon nnd rank sin to substitute In the pullt )
a political harranguo for the word of CJod.
Wo believe thcw views nro In direct har
mony with these entertained by our church
members and church-going people ; a number
have so expressed themselves , and the next
man who attempts to talk polities in the
church will probably meet with a cool recep
Miss Margaret Alford , the young nloco of - fl
Dean Alt'ord , who lias Just taken llrst runic 111 , , i J |
n claislo at Cambridge , has never found that
study Interfered with her health. Hhu bus
studied about eight hours n day on nn average -
ago , and enjoys long wnhcs nnd plenty of
open-air exercise. She Is also fond of muslo
nnd used to Jlnd time to practleo the violin.
The vaulting ambition of Miss ICato Denn
of Mldillcport , ( ) . , a good-looking twenty-
two-ycar-old girl , gotlicr Into Jail at Pomoruy.
Miss Donn wus arrested forgoing into a pis- :
turo Held , making n hridlo of her apron-
strings , mounting u horao belonging to UIMI
Hamilton anil riding the animal mnn-dishlnii
around the Hold , She varied the pcrJViC-i.
niic-o by otvasiotwlly pulling a smnll hey or
girl up behind her and giving each whirl
about tlio pastum. Tlio Justice of the pcaco
senU-ncod Miss Denn to Jail for fifteen days ,
but she win released the no.xt day on u writ
of habeas coipin. Tliu young lady seems to
have mental und physical endowments for thu
circus ring which might bo cultivated with
great success ,
Subscribed and Quarnntuod Capital..f.OO.OOO
1'aldln Capital : ) ,000
IJuys nnd soils itncks nml bonds ; ncgotlnlcn
cnmmitrulnl paper ; roculroit null oxpculos
trusts ; iiuU RH Iranufor iiKi'iit anil tnislco tit
corporations , tukua clmrgo of properly , col *
lQ2ts taxci ,
Omaha Loan & TrustCo
S E Corner lOth nnd Douglns Sts
I'utd In Capital * 50'XL '
Huhftcrlltoiliindnunrnntrnl Capital 1 < ! , ( iy < JV
Liability of btooktiolili'N iM.OCV *
61'ur Cent Inlnrott 1'uM on DopojItB ,
ritA.MC J. LANUK , Oattlilcr.
Oftlpomt A , U. Wyninn , pieslilunl ; J.J. lirown ,
vlca-proildoiit , T. wymnn , troasnrur ,
DlrccUirni-A.U. Wjrinnii.J. II. Mlllard. J. J
Jtnuvn.Ouy 0. Minimi , K. W. NusU , Thorn
J. lUmWl , Ucorco II. J.ako. a"