Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1890, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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Conductor J. At Johnson of Wjmoro Killed
in the St. Joe Yards.
Ojienliiic of the I'jii.'lrto Short
m * nl O'.Vei -Stewart , Au-
( . used of Con merle111 HKi
Itiniinl Over.
\\'y.Moun. \ N'eb. , August W. ( Special Tele-
pnnn tn Tin : nun. ] J. A. .Tolumon , a roa-
duclor running out of lids city , was killcJ In
the St.loo yards last night. Ills train was
. being iiullt'iltip to theilepotandlio had ( jot
out on ton nnil started towiird the front end.
\Vhcn lie hnd gene a short Jlstniice lie Hindu
n misstep ami fell between the curt , U'ldeh
jmsedoverlihn , cutting lilm la pieces and
hrutAliij * him beyond recognition. Surgeons
were wilt for from thli city nnd bin remains
\vcro iilacod hi ncoflln and brought homo on
a special triiln at 5 o'clock this afternoon.
He will hi'hurled tomorrow by tbo the John
Mi'ConnilT division No. 'J.M , Order of Knihviiy
CimductorH , of which he was a member , the
funeral taking place at the First M. K. church
all I o'clock. Air. .lolmson was well liked
by all who knoAvhhn , ami leaves a wife and
four olilldrai. .Ho was Insured for a goodly
Hum in the llurllngton voluntary relief.
Bo.v st riii'lc lly
CI..VT ( JiMinN'o1j. , Antfiist 10.-Spoclal |
1'elcKi'iin to Tin ; Hii : . ] .I.uniMCrulckshann ,
sixteen years , son of the postmaster.
was Htruzlcbv lightning tills aftcrnuon , while
-tteiillng Ilio M. H. camp iii't'liiii ! at De-
veose. It Ii thought that lie vill recover.
A I'roiiil ' IJny I'.ir O'Volll.
O'Nm.i. , Neb , August Id. [ Special Tcle-
toTnu Bic. ; ] Thislias been thu proud-
tit day for O'Neill since she was founded.
1'ully live thousand people wore hero today to
lii'lp celebnito tlio formal opening of the Pa-
rlllc Short Line , At early morn tlio people
began to arrive and long uoforo 10 o'clock the
streets wem lined. The d.iy was cold and
cloudy , but It In no wiy cooled the ardor of
the people. At'JiOtho ' : ! Fremont , 1'lkhorn &
Missouri Valley brought In n large
nuinlxT of people from townships
vest , among tliem tlio Atkinson
und Stuart bauds and the baseball club from
Tort Nlobmra.
ThoStaiiton club came up the evening he-
fore and today tbo finne between them was
one ofthu liitorcstiiic features of the day.
Tlio score stood 111 to 1 in favor of Stiintoii.
At 11 : ! ll > lliu exeiu'r-ioa from Sioux City ar-
lived , hrlnuiiiKovor four hundred visitoi-a ,
atiioiijr them JNI.ivor I'ahnt.'r. ex-flavor Ale-
( Holland , John Jlondck anil A. S. CJarrot-
fcou. Donuld MeLeim , i ro ident of the
ShortLini1 , audoiieral ( ! Man.ifior MiI\enxie
tvoroon tlio triiln. These anil the business
men of Sioux Citv were tno guests of tbo
business men of O'Xeill and they nil ex
pressed tlioinsi'lvesjas ' having been royally
Tin1 people from tlio country wcro feasted
and ( 'lven smli a round of pleasure as they
have not 1ml for years. The excrcucs of the
day consisted of n grand march from the
Shott Line dujiot. tlio procesaion teiiiK over
a mile lonn , to the round , house ot the com
pany , wbc'ro speeches were made
by Mayor AlrlJriile of O'Neill ,
Mayor I'.dmer c ( Sioux City , NV. D
Matthews of O'Neill , ox-Jluyor Cleland
of Sioux City nnd others. Then ajiranil free
dinner was given. Tonight there is in progress -
gress the biggest five dance ever hold la the
county nt thu roundhouse. ICverybody Is
happy , voting' tbo day the grandest success
that lite town has over known.
Too milch civdlt cannot bo ilvcr , our citi
zens for their untiring efforts , und especially
County Clerk Hnrlctb anil if , 1 ! , Dicksou ,
who worked curlv and Into and were i-e-
warded by seeing tnolr labor * crowned with
brilliant success.
'i " Flo AVnivcd livaiiiliiatlii ! > .
, Giiv.xnIsi.ASi > , Keb. , August ID , [ Special
Telegram to THE HF.I ; . ] A. A. Stewart , who
was yesterday taken to Hastings by the
United States marshal on thu clmrpo of using
the mails for fraudulent purposes and for
counterfeiting , wnlrcu examination ami wns
bound over totbo United States court In the
suiiiof S',0X , ( ) . Ho was taken to Omaha to
await trial.
. C , M. C. Spoonor , who paid A. A. Stewart ,
alias Slovens , tweiity-livo cents on the dollar
for some paper-money , which did not turn out
as peed as win expected , is the mail who
caused the arrest of Stewart.
' 1 Iio I.nut ; 1'lnc Oliaiitaniii | < i ,
I.oxft 1'ixi : , Nub. , Ansiirtt 10. [ Special to
Tim Jlixl - Thursday was ( Irani ! Army of
the Koimblio day at the LongPInoChatt-
taunua msuinbly and u . many cundl ;
dates for olMco and | iollliclaiis ivorooa tlio
Rrounils , Ainonj ? them were Jtajors , Hill ,
Ncsbitt.Hrink , Allen nnd a preat many of
the minor candidates and politicians. The
Grand Araiy was presided over by Kev. K.
McClish , and after n fev preliminary ro-
mni'ks lie Introduced lion. J. I , Nosbit of
Noith I'latte , who delivered a very vigorous
and patilotiocxtcmpor.ineoiH addi-ess lasting
about thirty minutes. Tom Majors also , la
his peculiarly oilginnl manner , roused the
old soldiers and bii address was ipiito enter
taining. . .T.Vestcy \ Tuckorand Dr. .McClUli
also made a few rcmarK Hut the great
speech of the day was delivered la the after
noon by Conrad Ilauoy , A. M. , of ICankakee ,
111 , , la.sting one hour ami thirty minutes. His
subject was 'Our ' Debt to tlio llliio. " This
wm one of the most able and well delivered
addresses that has ever been made in tlio
northwest. The old soldiers showed their
appreciation of the beautifully rounded SCH-
tences , Ilio .Mi-ony climaxes , the apt illustra
tions , the line reasoning mid tbo effective
jx.'roratlim of tlie speaker by the Intense
Interest tluf displayed and the repeated
peals otapplaiisu from the vast audi
ence. Mr. llancy has delivered three
very stroni ; lectures In thu lust two
days , and the simple announcement that ho
IsgnhiKto deliver a lecture is sure to clear
all the tents on tbo grounds. A canp tire
was held in the evi'iilnir , wnen some good
inusio was rendered nnd all the boys hml a
story to tell ot their expojlenco during Ilio
war ; soiao binnorous , and some pathetic , hut
taking It all la all they had a grand day and
will golumio feeling that this reunion was
good for them , besides hearing : some of the
best orators of the day. The management
are very well pleased with the results of the
assembly so far this year , nnd the wonder of
every uoily Is how It Is that suchau nhlu corps
of lecturers can ho procured for such u now
institution ; out Ilio secret of it all Is that all
the members feel it Incumbent upon them
selves to do all In their power to make It n
Caautamiua assembly puru and simple , and
not nniko It a speculative Institution or n
An < Mllunoo lloycot.
FitiiMos-r , . Neb. , August 10 , [ Special to
Tim Ilii : : . 1-Tho alllaneo.iof lodgi > county
have begun n hoycot on the newspapers oltho
county wlilch refuse , as all of them da , to
worlt fpr tlio indepoiulont ticket.
Uidgely Alllanco Ko , Oil , ntlts U t moot
ing passetl the following resolutions !
\VheroiiHjS-onioof our ronnty pniwrs have
] > ublllicd artldos and nunlo con.incuts
njatiut tln'tiiriut'is' iilllnnce inn ! the uandl-
Intos on Iho people's iiidopi'iiiU < nt tlcKut.
tliori'foro lj It
llohalvi'tl , llyUIdgely Allbinee No.tllt , that
hcreade : v will nolctvr nnriuipiiort tonnv
p.iporiiut ; ponSts Innrkln ; uialii > t the
Inlov ' lH i | thu farmer.iilllanooiir
the oli'utliinof tbo c'lintliihiK's iiunit'd un tin
Veo ) > lt < ' Inileiii'iident tli'kot. and that tlio
worutary of KlilRuljr Alliance Nn , ( HI luior-
tlernil to M-III ! ucupyuf this resolution tu th
cilltorkuf jiir county papcts.
Thi resolution was unanimouslyadoptei
and the action of this alllanco will bo com
nuniratodto every other alliance and grange
ID the country. This nttcinptto tbrottlo tin
icwsiind coerce it Into thu support of tin
Indoixiident ticket will not work in Dodgi
county , nnd It 1 $ believed by many that thli
action will prove detrimental to the alliance :
themselves ,
„ _ County I'rohlblllonlHts.
, r.itnoxTNcb , , August -Special [ Toio-
tram to TIIK Den.JAbout forty third parti
jrohlbltlonlsts , men anil women , of Itodgi
countinctbtui ) today In utiut coiiveutlun
After a red-hot debate \vasdeclilcdto
nomlimton county ticket nnd maintain n
party orgnnlzati6il , ' 1' , K. LuiubarJ and
James [ vfiincily were nominated forrcrjire-
sontallviMiindU * . II. Ely ns county nttor *
noy. Thirteen ih'lwitc * were chosoti toM
to the KtJito convention. The iVsolutlons set
forth that the liideimndcnt prohibition party
has been nn Important factor In brmgltnr
nbout siibtnissloii and ivaolvod to conttnuo
the iifgatil/.atlon until prohibition becomes
the settled policy of the state.
I'icalu ntValioii. .
\VAtioo , Nob. , August HJ. f Hiwcl il Telegram -
gram to TIIK HIT. . ] The Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen and tlic Switch wn of
Noith America from Omnbn nnd Council
Hlnffs held their nnnmil picnic 'hero today.
At II o'clock a train of fourteen conchas on
the Lnlori 1'nelllc ; railroad brought the pic-
ulcers to town , about ono thousand in num
ber , of which onc-htilf were latllos. The
train win furnished free to the llromen and
switchmen of the Union Pacific railroad com
pany ami put In charge of II. Kmith , cunoral
yard muster ut Omaha. The ilay was delight
ful und was cnjoynbly "pent In the grove jmt
south of town la various kinds of aiiiuscincnt.
Tht ! Sortli IMjillo Trasedy ,
KoitTit I'r.AtTK , Xeb. , August It ! . ( Special
to Tin : lliiu.JTho cold blooded murder of
Mrs. Kd Newman by her husband nnd the
Hiiicldo of the murderer on the evenlnuof the
Mth causes intense excitement and hundreds
have visited the scene of the tragedy , It Is
genera tly understood that jetiloti unfounded
so far us known , was the cause. Newman
win a young man of violent disposition and
Is held by some tn have been of unsound
mind , f nun the fart that ho once attempted
to poison hitmoir. Much sympathy is felt for
the daughter of Mrs. Newman , a child of
nine years , \iho ! > left without n friend In
the world. Tlio tuneral occurred today.
AilaniH County l'rohil > iloiii ! ° tH.
IlAvmiis , Nob. , August II ! . [ Tele
gram to Tin : Hun. ] The Adams county pro
hibition convention this afternoon mot and
after olccliii ? twenty-six delegates to the
state and congressional conventions , passed
resolutions of allegiance to their cardinal
principle , rebuked old parties for hifcowarin-
ness and endorsed the national third party
platform , A resolution was also carried
rpcomincndlng that no county ticltet ho put In
the Held this fall , every effort to bu expended
on carrying the amendment. 13. A. waldrou
wns choien chairman of the county central
committee for the coming year.
Jlemoresi ( iolil Mi'ihil C'ontcH * .
, Neb. , August 10. ( Special Tel
egram toTni : Br.K.l The elocutionary con
test for the Demercst gold medal AVOS licld
last night , and drew tbo largest crowd ever
seen in the opera house. The programme
was most admirably arranged and the deliv
ery and execution original. There \vcro nine
contestants for tbo gold medal , " jour of whom
wcro nearly equal In their efforts to gain the
prize , which was awarded to Miss Sadie
Plschcfof Ila/zard , Is'eb.
lell'ersoa < oiitity
Fvinnruv , Kelt , , Ausust Pi. ( Special Tclo- toTinUiK. : ] The prohibitionists held
their county convention today. S. U. Alls-
worth was nominated for county representa
tive and .John White .and L. L. Jlillorfor
county commissioners , A committee wns se
lected to choose : i candidate for county attor
ney ami to soh'ctthe delegation totbo lloat
representative convention. IX'o resolutions
\\ero read and butlittlo interest was shown.
I a m' s Itiirlu ! Nominated.
MrCooic , Nob. , August 1(1. ( ISnecial Tele-
. toTnr. Rii.J : The semitnrial convcn-
tlon for thoTwrnty-ninth senatorial district ,
comprislugtlio ounttes of lied Willow , Fur-
nas , ( replier , 1'rontier , Hayes , Illtchcook ,
Cliuso and Dandy , convened liere todny.
James IJurko , cx-couaty judijo ot Chase
county , was nominated by acclamation. Burke
is a man aboubforty-eight vein's old , an old
-soldier inul nn -prohibitionist. .
Out Tlielr Uival.
HASTI.VOS , Neb. , August 10. [ Spo.5' ! ' ' to
TIIK Bun. ] An important sale wis today
consuinated whereby the Citizens' street
railway company of Hustings purchases the
entire plant of the Hastings Improvement
company , the rival line. The purchase was
from the eastern bond holders of the latter
company , the consideration beingS15OOOcash
nnd the assumption of certain obligations
only a small amount.
'I'lie t'auipalya
Nob. , August Itt. [ Special
Telcgrain to Tun Bii.j : The democratic
campaign was opened tonight by the lion ,
James Boyd and Hon.V. . J. Bryan nccom-
milled by a largo delegation from
Jamba. They were met at the depot by n
band and delegation , which escorted them to
the hall , \\herellon. W. J. Bryan addressed
aboutiiuO pei-sous.
A Convention Called.
Knmiici : , Nob. , August 1(5. ( [ Special Tele
gram to I'm : IJui.l : A call for the Thirty-
: hird district republican convention , consist-
ng of CJage nnd Saline co-unties , has been
issued. Jlcatrico is mimed as the place and
riinrsday , August IS , as the date of the con
vention. The purpose will bo to nominate a
candidate for lloat represeutativu from the
A'miVvok Will Not linn.
pk'v CITV , Neb. , August 10. Hx-
Senator Van Wyck , congrussional nomlneo
on tbo farmers' ' alliance ticket froin'tho First
district , clccllnos to run. IIo says ho dooa
lot want tbo o'fllco and will not run In the
face of defeat , ire thinks Council , republi
can , will bore elected by a hirjjo majority.
Siii"'eyors at Niohrara.
NiomtAiu , Neb. , August 10 , [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BKI : . | The Sioux City &
Northwestern surveyors are camped hew and
will make this their headquarters for some
time , Tlio Handolph engineers are following
close behind und run parallel for twelve miles
o tbouoilli of Hasollle.
The DiibiiiH Abortionist.
PAWNEE Cm , Neb , , August 1(1 ( , [ Special
Telegram to Tin : IJin : . ] L , . K. ICascrman ,
: ho Iiibos ! abortionist , secnn'd , his bondsmen
today , and was arrested on a peaeo warrant
sworn out by Coroner Collins and put under
$100 bond on that charge ,
Iieit die inl
kin ii ! * in riiri ii ni'ifi.
Sriii\fimi.i > , Neb. , August 1(1 ( , [ Special
to Tin : llKi : . ] ARcntlo ruin sotln hero ats
o'clock this inuriilni ; amhas ) Kept up through
out the day. The mospoct for corn was id-
most up to the average. Thli assures a full
crop la tills county. Late pe-tatoei will also
bo greatly bonclltted.
Valley County liulrpciidenti.
Oiu > , Xob. , Augast 10 , [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HIM : . ) The iiooplu's Indnjiondeiit
county convention was hold hero today lo
eleet nine delegate : ) to the state
convention at Surf-cut. Delegates were In
structed for I , S. Fritot Vnlloy county.
Onge ( 'oiinly I'rolilhltioniHlH.
Nreb. , August 1(1. ( [ Spuulal Tele
gram to TIIK liKK.1 The prohibition county
convention met hero today , and after belectlnij
a list of delegates to the | > rohlhitlon Htatocon-
ventlon ileciiled todofertho nonilnatloii of u
county ticket until September 13 ,
s' Alliance OrgiiiiUation.
Jk-r.i.i.v ; , .Veb , , August U-- ! [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : UKI.JA : farmers' alliance wis
org.iniziHl at Mullen today with sixteen char
ter members , C.O. bright of Thodford , or-
gaul/.er for this county , Instructed the now
order in the work ,
A Trip Around the World.
I'jir.voxr , Neb , , August 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : IJm.j : 1'mnk Fowler , a proiul-
neat young laisiness imm left toui'ht
, { , on a
two year's tour nronnd tlw world. IIo will
siillironi San Francisco for Vokohanw on the
City ofl'ekln.
Tlifl Dry Oooils . ,
NBW VOIIK , Ani'iist M.tpechilToli rani to
TIIK llrK. ] In tlio dry goods market early
elus.lnscontliiue < ltho rule and ast imiullbo
market onlr rolleeU > d the want * tliat vero
lirc.vilnir.rl burn was no clmnKoln tlio tone
which ion t luued ( ulrlj
Tvro Iluudtocl How York Oontral Switchmen
at East Buffalo Walk Out ,
_ _ _ f
All of tlic Vinulcrbllt I-ilncs livpcctcd
to Iti ; Tied Up 1C mi Inline-
dlntc Settlement U
ni-i.TAi.oN'.YAniist , ( { Hi. The strike on tlio
New York Cent nil road was further win pli
cated this mornliiR , At 3 o'clock ( lie switch *
men In tlio Central yards struck , and these
on tlio West Shore la this city followoJ suit.
Upwards of two hundred men arc In the
movement , and there Is n freight bloclwdu lit
Kast Buffalo.
. The clo < ln of the M'est , Show road for
frclpht Is the most serious uspucb thus far , as
It ' eompltitcly cripples the Central's fn.'illtioa
for forwarding freight.
The mea who went' out this inoriilinj nro
inembors of the Switchmon's Jlutuid Aid
nssodiition. ! 11 tiutional nrtranlzatlon , It liasn
mcinbcrshlp o ( about eight huiiilroil In this
city. It is said by tlio men Unit
the strilto Is likely to extend nil
ovortho VanJorbllt system If the trouble
lieix'isnot speedily settled , anil It I * ulo
stated that should i-oads outside of tlio Van-
iku-lillt system consent toi tnlto Centrul
freight the switchmen on thcso outside roails
will bo called out. In this ccnnuctlon It is iv-
ported tliat the Krlo wad has refused to
handle Central freight.
Atl this nflernooa the Central train homo
was pretty of ears , but the yanU wcro
full and eonsiderablo fon.fn&lon ncemsto jire-
vall , Business at ( ho JJast HulTulo ynnl.sla
at astanilstill.
The Kiillits in ICxociitlvcSession.
Is'nw VOIIK , Aujjust 10.-Tho oxccutivo
board of rlio K i'ghts of Labor went Into ex-
cetitlve session this morninir. 1'owdorly , In
the cour o of an Interview , said the executive
local boards vcro going over and carefully
considering cvorv plnvso of the No\v \ York
Centiiil situation. He said tlmt the
deliberations would eoatlnu'o until 3 o'clock.
Several I'lnlcertun 3Ien Arrestcil.
Al.iiAM' , X. Y. , Aupust II ) . This evening
as a freight Jrain manned by Pinkortons
passed throiiL'h tlio northern iiart of the city
several boys stoned the train. Two of tlio
Pinkertons fired Into the croud , one of the
balls pussinp through the iinltlo of John McCarthy -
Carthy , a ninldor , standing near bjv The
police jirrested three of the Plnkcrton men.
Shortly after the shooting attmy Kdward
Canary , a Pinkerton man , nssaultcd Chris
topher Lonjr with a club and hovas taken
into custody. Another Plnkcrton man \vlio
was . walking up tlio train swiiiKinif n loaded
Kim anil revolver was arrested nnd lulled.
IMnstrYorUiniui I'owdoily I'.illcs. .
yYoitK \ : , AuRiist Hi. The members of
the executive board of tlio Knights of Labor
wcro in conferoneo all day. Tonight Orand
Muster \Vorknnin Powderly said ; * 'We
ll I ave endeavored to llnd out why thoonicluls
of the Is'ew York Central dUinissed our mem
bers 1i 1 Iroin the sen'ic-o of thocompany , and , so
1t faras i our members nro concerned , we li.ivo
their t side of the case.Vo have been dolnp
all we can for a speedy and satisfactory end
ing ' of tlio matter. "
iliiblliiiit ,
IltTFAl.o , N. V. , August 10. To say that
the local striking ICnlyhts of Labor are
JuUlant would bo to put it mildly. They nro
overjoyed ut the turn affairs huvo taken and
seem more confident of success than over.
Live stock shipments from this point , de
spite tlio assistance ( riven by the West Shore ,
Lnckawmnaand Krio , nro at least throe
days behind ,
It was learned tonight the switchmen
on the Cntrul and West Shore petitioned for
) waiies before tlio atrilco hi the cn t.
itiey asueu tiuitan answer l > o returned to
their petition Monday , Anpust 18. No con
cession has been received ; "therefore , " savs
ono of Jlio labor agitators , "the switchmen
\vero ready to stiiko next Monday unywiiy if
this hnd not been precipitated. As it is now
the switchmen declare that the men must bo
ttikcn baL-k and vajjes nil r.dscd , too. "
U'aliawli SwilcluiiiMi Ret Their I'j > y.
UIIICAOO , August 10. The Wnbash .switch
men who -went out yesterday because they
had not received the previous month's pay
rein rued to work this afternoon , as they re
ceived orevthing ) up to date.
'I bo Ciiiulltion i r Io\vn Ci-opa.
DCS ] MOIXES , la. , August US. This week's
bulletin of tlio lowu weather service reports
the temperature as slightly below the aver-
nga. The rainfall is generally lishl , but a
few coilnties in ( bo southern portiini report
very copious showers during the week.
Reports by telegraph indloatothnt the rain
fall this morninc was widely distributed and
generally quito heavy. Corn U rapidly ma-
turinj , ' under inoro favorable conditions. Late
potatoes nnd pasturage nivo Itidicutioiis of
recuperation , Threshing ] is iau operation
ovorywliorc. Tlio yield of small grain is
below the average.
Union Labor Convention ,
Four Dow-.i ! , In. , Ansust li. ( ( Special
Telegram t Tin : HII : | At tlio union labor
convention of the tenth congressional dis
trict , held hero today , a committed was ap
pointed to wait upon u nniuberof ( cntlc'inon ,
union } , ' them I. lj.Vood o [ Websterand John
T , Itussc-ll of Croon , anil put in iionliniitioii
the men who displayed the most roimhtcnt
union labor tendencies. The convention was
satisfied with tlio anti-monopoly report of
Woods and Kussell , but thought they had
not properly supported the union labor party.
lloth are talked of as democratic nominee
ngalnst Dolllvcr ,
( ioi'iimii X'oli'riiiiH' Iteiinlon.
U.vvKM'iiur , la. , August 1(1. ( In view of the
national mcotini , ' of the German vctcram of
North America hero tomorrow , the trains
have liroujiht hundreds of delegates. Bodies
nro present from St. Louis , Chicago , Ht
1'aul , Kansas City and Dulmijuo. By. >
morrow oveiihijjJI.lKXl veterans \vlio fought in
the continental win's are expected.
An Aiill-Kllulc Delegation.
, In. , August 10. [ Special Tulo-
grunt to TIIK IJii.J : : The republican con-
gixsbloiial caucus of thli pl.ico toilay was
yery pxcitliiff , and u'sulted in the election of
a delegation opposed to Flick for congress.
Suicide nt Collar llapidw.
Cin\n : U.VI-IM , lit. , August 1(1. ( [ Special
Telegram to Tin : llii.J-J. : : LIlonnlui , ' , 11
shoemaker , committed suicide here this me rn *
liij ( by lianglng , Doipondeuey wai the
iI. I. limit loVlth TlircoViUoIn i.
O ftlecr MoAluhon arrested a barefooted
lunnilontlho comerof Fifteenth and How
ard about midnight , \Vhoii son n lied nt the
station tlirco watches , two pocket-books , a
rintjand a revolver worofoiuul In his pockots.
All of the projierty was now , undone of the
watches was iiHOlidgoldeaso with an KlK'u '
niovcmont , The fellow said lie hnd no shoos ,
and claimed to huvo boon stopping for tlio
past two weeks Avlth homo man on Tentli
.stroct , IIo Kr'ivo liUnaino as John Hringinan ,
and said ho eaino from near Indianapolis , lie
was seen by Hoveral parties on the streets
Friday , und wo ro 8 hoes nt that tiiiuIIo
was. evidently Insane , anil ho win loi-ued up.
U'hero ho picked up the propeily found on
lilin has not yet been lo.irnod ,
The Atlienu'uni notes , as nn Illust ration of
the degraded state to which musical art baa
fallen In ltalvtliu execmlvo anil fulsome con-
grutulatloiis liestowud on Miisoiignl , tlio ooin-
poser of "Cnvallorla Uustlciina. " The writer
of HKiicrtissful one-act opera U bolnjj fetc < t as
It ho woru a gi-oat coniK > ser , who had en *
rlclieil the world with many nuwtorplectis.
Kven iniisleliuiit neein to bo unduly excited
over the matter , for S < 'puinb.iti writes ! " .All
discussion U Impossible concernliiff this
ninth' , MhlchfusclimUi uivl which ntnlies
Tlio I'rcsen , ! . condition of * .
Nub , , August 1(1. ( The StiUo
Joumnl toinor'rdVf ' wllldovoto several eolumns
to the crop odtfyolc In Ucbnuku. Heporta
from nearly otcry county in the state as n
rule Indlcato a moro fnvorablo condition of
niralrsthiintM"stlniate made some \veoks
njm. Whlloinrly conditions were favor
able , lack ' 'W rnln In the month
of July hud the cITeet of cutlltiR
short what wtnlld probablv have been the
largest yield In the history of the stnto. The
section most untavotftblv nlTected Is the tier
of conn tics on the extreme southern boun
daries west frolnVobstcr to the Colorndo
line. Hero the drought was tnnst seven1 , ox *
tcndiinj from the middle of Juno almost * up to
the present date , nnd ItU doubtful if the
lelit Is Hufllcleiit for homo consumption , An
olTaot oecui-s , however , la the northwest
nnd north centwl section , whcro the avcniKO
ii fully up to and In many ewes exceeding
the yield of issn. Addeddo this Is n law'ly
Increased ncroaiw. la the eastern and cen
tral portions the outlook ciui bo stateil to bo
neither very pied nor very bad , probably
Ml icr cent of that of Ibbli. The
above refers inoro particularly to corn.
The < . of wheat was larger
than usual. The yield , with few exceptions ,
Is nouriy up to ihu avoriiKO and thuquallty IM
excellent. This is nlso trim of rye , llnx and
barlt-y , , while o.its . are much the 8am as corn.
The ciilturo of the sugar beet , which was
tried this year , nialnlv as un experiment ,
shdwsa wiMtifylng condition , taken as a whole.
NVbiMska will furnjsh fully half a yield ,
probably lietU-i1 , as ivgards cereals , Oioutjli
the hitter must In- taken 119 conth'Rcnt on Into
or enrly frosts. Vegetables will bo scarce
and His doubtful If vnoiijili potatoes will lie
mlscil to supply the eoiiEumptloa. It is doubt
ful if much griiin is shipped out , the general
expression of opinion bolni ? to ship in stock
from less fuvoivil eoniinuiitticsuiid to dispose
of the surplus la that way.
lilt ; Crops In l
ST. P.V.U. , Mian. , August 10. This is
great crop year for Mnncsotn , Besides
raising 4a,000,00i , ) bushels of wheat Minnesotu
will raise 60,000,000 bushels of oats. Oats
arc nn Iiniortnnt Item tills year to Minnesota
farmci-s , for , while tills state hud a MK yield ,
tbero Is a bif ? J > hnrtage in states south. The
prospect is that Minnesota oats will sell this
year at . ( Occiitsii bu.shel , or : i5 cents net to
the farmers , asn alnst only Hi cents net lust
year. Tlio vicld of corn is estimated at
; i 1,001,000 bushels as against ! KW ( , OUO hut
year ; barley , 11,000,000 ; rye , fio.OOO ; potntoos ,
(1,000,000 ( ; Max , ,0 < W,000 , bushoU. It is esti-
inattd that the value of this crop U SJ4OJO-
000 , as against ? liOH5MJ , : ( ) last season.
Nolirnniui , lowuaiul Dakota
WASHixii ro.v , August It ) , [ Special Tele
gram to Tun llni : . ] The following pensions
were granted today to Is'cbrnskaus : Original
Invalid .lames A. I'helan , Toeunnch : James
Matthews , Deatricc ; KicharJ E. Moore , Box
Cider ; IJIIas llarrack , Aurora ; Charles U
Smith , Lincoln ; Jacob A. Jury , I-.ln-
oln ; ( looiMO L. Jameson , Baxile
Mills ; Scmire K. Crosby , Arhorvlllo1 ;
Ylfred 13yer , lioyal ; Newell K. Coombs , To-
das , llestoratioH Henry T. Mtirln , Grand
slumi. ,
Iowa : Original Alex Dennis , Alartins-
jui'gi Thomas O. .Tones , 1'rescott ; Uuvid
Huberts Vim Meter ; William H. Katon.Davis
Jlty ; Klijah TJ. Case. Spudding ; Samuel
ourson.OrostouVHllnm K. Turvis , Cuin-
H'rlund , .fames larston , Sheldon ;
David 0. I-Inbbn'nl , itcceasod , Woodbine ;
Dciijiuuin F" . Cblttistcr. Albia ; Arthur 11.
Tohnson , West Burlington ; Jacob Keeprnn ,
Durlmin , and Hcrber- . I ) . Peck , Wall Liilio ;
Sanmel Hnrdingor , Audubon ; Jesse KUIiug ,
Vlapleton ; .luhu.s Alben , O < kaloa < a ; Thomas
B. Huston , lowu Falls ; Uanifl B. Savage ,
Lake City ; , Kussell Piirk , Ym-
nark ; Henry Coulthard. ' Coraiii ! , ' ;
lobn .1. Caldwell , Waukee ; A.
Andrew P. Hofer , McGregor ; .ludsonA. Cof-
in , Oskaloo. .i. lucrcaso Isaac N. French ,
: ; iay Mills ; Amlivw J. Murphy , Vale. Ue-
ssiie Alex II. , JJaverhlll , Cairo ; Jncob Up-
tiiKraft , Knoxvllle ,
youth P.ilcota ; OiiKlnal ; Samuel F. Hus-
scll , Alexandria.Increase Johnson O. Foote ,
The AVeeUly I'nnlc .Stntpiniinl.
EiV YIIIIIC , Amifit 10 [ PpcohilTulc rani to
Tim HKK. ] Tlio wwUly bank statement shows
.be following elianjus :
I.O.IIH , tlceroa-e . , . Il.OT.MiOO
Specie , dt'croiise. . . . S.O. > S.MKl
l.i'l'al louder * , docieaso . I. fW-iW
DuiMUlt" . dcerense . SvXVr.lW
Ol it'll hitlon. deeron'.o . J.VxtH
Thesi > cliangf.4 tli-eri'iKi1 the surplus re.iurvo
II.'ll.T-'iainl ' ii'iivnn deficit of iC.Vi.T'J.'i.UKaliist .
i surplus of 5I.S ( > , W ( ) lait week.
Tin' ON port K ( -.peelo from tlieiort | of New
Viirli last vtutk ninonnli'il toJ." ! of which
SIO..VWvas In pild and ? . ' " -TMKI in sliver. Tim
Important spi-rlo for the week amounted to
S ML' ! ) . of which "JIIJ.OSO " was la jold and 51K-
ll'Jln .silver.
J. V. Ilansou of Qretna is at the Ca oy.
II. B. Titus of Jfou- York is attliol'axton.
A. Silverbaek of New Vork is at tbo Mil-
C. R. Pugh of Dos Idotnos Is a guest at tbo
J. W. Collins of Philadelphia Is at the Mer
II. ! " . Wihoii of Wayne h in the city at the
1) ) . I1"1. Fowler of Sundance , \Vyo. , Is nt the
Piuton ,
F. A. Miller of 'Cleveland , O. , is at the
ICd A , Church of Lincoln is stopping at the
L. II , Long of Chicago u a guest at the
,1.11 JMerds of Kwliiff wis ut the Casey
last nif-'ht.
J. ( ' . .llallof ncnverls in the city , at the
H. D. Bristol of Milwaukee is registered at
the Pnxtoii.
II. II. Uoblnson of Klmball is a guest at
i'i ' PaUon.
Lewis fuesa of Utlca , N , V. , Is In the city
at tbo Casey.
A. Ci. llrown of Rock Island Is In the city
at the Casey.
K. C. IJrvimt of Philadelphia is in the city
at the \hllnrd.
Cliarles ICaston of lea ) Molnes was at the
Merchants last idj-lit.
W. y. Ilnmllton of Topcka Is registered at
J. M. Parker of Kansas City is registered
nt the .Merchants.
II. A. Oultcault of Ts'ow York is in the
i-lty , nt the Merchants.
Mrs. J. II , Patterson ofDunlap , U , is the
of Mrs Hoftry Hornbersrcr.
U' . C. Shcidon'iil'firand ' Haven , JlloU.was ,
atthul'axton IsUtdight.
C. II. Hayner.dirt Cluirlos JJachelcr of Nou
York are at the . un-iy.
.las. H. Kalninwhols connected with the
postonleo departmunt at 1'ittsburg1 , 1'u. , b a
the Paxton. " '
M. Sniitli , H Jj. Mnromlier , ( JcorA-o II
I'caiield and J. M. .JSvans of Chicago nro at
the Murray. ' >
V. C. Fisher of Denver was In the city las
night at tlid Murray.
W. ( ! . Albright .returned last night from n
business trip towwthcrn California.
CiCorKo ] . . IlqiVo/'dof AVoodUlvur Is stop
jilnp at the ( / : . ,
D. (1. ( Wheeler1 of St. Louis was nt the
Jlillnrd lust nlslt , _
Joseph l''roblstcuoral [ ngcnt of the I5elilitz
brewing campnny of Milwaukee , Is In tbo
city. .
John Steer of Valley , cb. , Is mooting Ills
numerous old friends.
Mr. and Mrs , II. T. Lally nnd Miss Mila
Lally start today Tor the eastern 'vaterlnj ,
places , \fo\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ : flint to Capo May nnd'thenco u |
the coast. They will bo absent about foui
Miss Florence Ilurpeo of UockforJ , 111.
who has been visiting her friend Miss Oer
IriKloFooto , roturiml homo Friday evening
Mr. und.\Ii-3/Siin : ICat/ and son , Jay , lef
yostcrday for Sioux City to visit Mr. am
Mrs. S. J. Ileivot * . Mrs , ICutz will reman
for the > rA palace.
- < -
.NVnrly I'rljtlitmii'il to Deatli ,
William Iloonoy , who resides at 000 Houtl
Tliirtleth , got on a tear last night nnd scaroi
Ids family half to death. His aired mother
who U troubled with heart disease and wai
slelc la bed , win so affected by her son's
drunken prco that she became tmeomciom
and at u Into hour \vu * reported to Uo dylny.
A. MagniGccnt Contest Botwccu the Cow
boys and the Sioui.
Milwaukee Shut Oat by
or the Clulis 1'ho
Tiirl' nnd Ilia *
iniiiul Nole.s.
I'luyi'd. Won. l.oit. Per
MlnncanolU . 87 M ill .fiO ! )
Milwaukee . 87 M : .WH
Ivansa * . Ulty . l iM : it .Wfi
Uoiivt-r . . . to1(1 ( ! ! ' . ) , f.H
Sioux Oltv . 'l j 41 .r.iw
Omaha . to : IH 17 .417
Lincoln . H7 : fa , III-J
Bt , Paul . N ! M CO
I'lnyed.Vnii. ' . l , ( Per Cl.
Hrooklyn PI is : i
iin-ttdii tin ra : i JEII
Philadelphia. . . . ! ' . " > M II . ( ill
Cliiclnnatl IK ' < " : i .
Cldeaaii W 51 4 .roi
iv York ir > -I ! Ii '
Clovt'land IU : l M . : itii
74 . ' - ot
Plaved. Won. Lost. Per Ct .
: r7 .Oil
Clilenj-o . txi M 42 . .Oil.Ml
llntohlyn . tfl M 4
New York . lit S ! 42
Philadelphia. . . . . . l > ( ) M ir > .Kll
I'lltsbiirB . HI t' ' ] f.tM .411) )
C'levoland ' . HI W M .41' ' !
iiuiralo . DJ iii ; ( it
1'lnyuil.Vnii. ' . host. I'crCM.
. . . .Ilio * 0 M : il . ( i.VJ
St. Louis 88 51 : il . ( ill
Athlctlo. 47 4:1 :
Jtocbe'ter . 88 4 1:1 : .
Colninbus . ( XI 4V 44 .r.n
Toledo . H7 411 44u ,4U !
Syracuse . 88 anM .40' ' !
lirooldyn . ! K ) ! M G !
Itesnlicd in a Tic.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , .August Iti. [ Special
Telegram to 1'nn Uni : . ] The Kansas City-
Sioux City paine w s called at the end of the
tenth Inning on account of darkness , witli the
score a tie , The score :
( iiuiHiin.u U I A 3 0 Slii'lllin 5i' , C..O U . ' ! 1 I
bwnrtrcl , p..0 0031Milnur , p U a 1 1 0
Total ? .1 luI'J ) 171 Totnl ft la a ) IS H
11Y INX1M1S.
ICansisClty. . 2 0 U 0 1 t 0 0 1 0 5
gioiiM.'it.v . o o o : i o o 01 i o j
Karnod nuif-ICaiKiis fit v J. Slon.v City X
TVo-lias liltN-tiiiiiioii , .Manning. Sinins < ,
UenliH. Kappel. Ilinno ruiit-Sinlth. liases
nn balls SwarUel \VIdner I. Struck mil
SivarUol 5. lilt by plt''her .Manning. Time
of giiine Ono hour and Hfty minutes. Um
pire Hoover. _
1 , .Milwaukee O.
MiXNi.iroi.i , Alinn. , August 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : 15ii : . | Minneapolis shut
out Milwaukee in an exciting game today.
The score :
it n i-o.i : ' n n o A K
Mtnnclmn , rf.2 I ! t U 0. hionnin. rf..U 0 0 0 ( I
llynn , Hi I t 12 I U IVUlt.m U 0 0 U 0
MfQiimlu , lf..U ODD II iniiyinplc , If.O 0 3 U 0
Itay.'h U I 8 1 \Voluli. \ . Sb. . . . U 1 1 1 II
Carroll , m u II 0 I olklmcli. K-.O 0 2 : i o
Miller- * 0 2 S S OLMorrlMojr , Ib.U Old 0 I )
lciwii ) > , : a > o o u s 2 .innt7cni > . . . .u 1 5 1 0
Diitril-ilo. U..I 0 ID ' " Alberts. ! lb..O I n ll 0
Duke , 11 u U 0 3 llrlllllli , i > U 1 U 1 U
Tolnli I 1127 _ ' Total * ( I 42715 : <
Mhinentiolls 0 00 002020-4
Mlf\vaukee U U
ISnrni'd riini-MIniienpollH I. Two bnso lilts
Ityan. Iliisisoii liall.s-lly Iliikol. by ( Irlf-
(1th ( S. StrnuUout lly Duke 10 , by GrlniUi ( ! .
rirslbasoon errois Mlnneapollii II , illlwaa-
Ifco I. Passed balls Jinit/i'ii. heft on bust's
Minneapolis , MHwuukco4. Umpire llonelc.
Ijlncola H , 8t 1'aul 1.
LINCOLNNeb. . , August 1C. ISpecial Tolo-
fjrain to Tin : Hii : . | Lincoln won from St.
Paul today with ease , lioth pitchers did good
work , but Iloaeh wis tlio moro effective and
bis support was the best. The score :
UKIIl'.rr I u i u II , U 111 HMI. 2U..O 1 4 3 U
Mncullur , B-.I U 1 2 0 tlnjulurt. e..U n 8 II 2
llnrl.rf a u I U O.MmMn . p 0 I 0 11 0
Hoovur. C..1 2 SI 4 0 JInlim,1b 0 0801
Uoucli , i > 1 I 010 U tVnlklnn , rf..O 0 1 0 U
Totals 8S-J723 I Totals 1 J 2T 20 6
11V lN.Vl.NfIS ,
Lincoln o ( I 0 : t 00 4-0 1-3
St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 J
linns earned Lincoln ! ! . St. I'anln. Hates on
ballOir Koai'h. 0 , off Moakln ' . ' . lilt by pltob-
er O'ltrlun. Slrnok out lly Hniiub. II : by
Meakln , 10. Tlmo of game l.W. I'mnlre
.Vatlonal lii'iiKiic.
Boston 1 S-M
New York.'J 004000000-0
Jilts Hoston 12. New York S. Errors
noslnn ; ) , Leu- York 14. Ilnttcrics Oetzein
and llanllo ; Uublo and Buckley. Umplro-
Cincinnati 1 021 ! ) 130 * -ll
Ulevelnnd 0 0
Hits Cincinnati 10 , Cleveland 5. Errors-
Cincinnati ( ) , Cleveland 1. HatU'rios Hhinos
and Hnrringtoii ; Young and Xlmnicr. Uni-
AT nnooKi.v.v.
Hmoklyn 0 1000200 0-
Philadelphia 0 a U 0 'J 0 0 0 4-10
Hits Brooklyn ( ) , Philadelphia Ii ! . Errors
lirooldyn 0 , Philadelphia II. Untteries -
Cnrruthers and Clark ; CJle.i-.on and Clements.
Umpire Lynch.
Chicago 5 00 013 000 0-1S
Pittsbnrg 1 0 1 0 0 il 0 0 0-5
Hits-Chicago 10 , Vittshurg 10. Error. ?
Chicago ! ! , I'ittsburg' S. Hatterles Ilutehl-
sonaniHCittrldgo ; Phillips and Docker. Uin-
piro ISIcQuado.
Players' I engiie ,
-\T I'lllI.UIKI.l'llIA ,
Pliiladelpblu..O 00 10000 0-1
Brooklyn 0 01 00000 1 a
lilts-Philadelphia 7. Jlrooklyn 8. Kitors
I'ldlndelplda 1 , Brooklyn 1. Batteries
Sanders and Milllgun ; NVoybint'imdMurpby.
Umpires ( JalTncy and Shondan.
nnffaio . i o o o o : i i o o5
Chicago . 5 2000200- ! !
Hlts-nutTiilo f , Chicago 11. Krrors Iluf-
fnlo ! , Chicago 4. Hatterles Cunningham
and'Mnck ; Hartson nnd Hoylo. Uinphcs
Snydcr and I'lerco.
Now York , . . . .o r ( i o a 2 4 o i in
Boston . 0 1 il 4 a 3 0 1 2-1(5 (
Hlts-X \ York II , Boston 11. Knurs-
New Yorlc 10 , Boston 11. Batteries Kcefe ,
Crane , Ilatllehl and Ewing ; Gnnibert , Duloy ,
Kelly and Uwett , Utaphvs Kurgusou niul
AT riTTsnniG.
Pitta burg . 1 0 0 'J a 0 0 1 .1-0
Cleveland . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 il 0 4
Illts-PittsburtfO , Cleveland 10. Errors
Piltsburg 0 , Cleveland 13. Batteries Statoy
unit Qidan , Orubor and Hutclllfe. Umpires
Knight uutlJoncs.
Columbus . 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 07
ayracuso . 1 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 1
Illts-Colunibui II , Syraeuso < i. Errors
Columbus 1 , Syracuse 'I. Hatterles ICiiau n
and Doyle ; Kcefo and llrlggi , Umplro
Uo < hosier . 0 002000 5 0-7
Louisville . a * \ )
Hits Uockustcr 8 , Loulavlllu in. Krrora
Koehcsterfl , LonUvlllo I. Hatlerle.s-Hnrr
and MoKeougli , liluvt nnd Hyan. Umpire-
At Tui.Uno.
Toledo I ) 41 I 0 ! J 0 0 0-11
Brooklyn 0 00 10 0 0 8 0-il
Hits Toledo 12 , Ihiwldyn fi. Error * Toledo -
lode : i , Hrooklyn 1. Huttoriea Smith and
Saic ; , Mi'Cullongli and Bowers. Umplro-
Rt.r.ouii o o i t o n i 4 0 12
Athletic ! 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 0-11
Hlto-St. LotiU-T , Athletic II. Krrorl-
St. Louli t , Athletic 7. Batteries Stlvotts
and Mnnyan , Seward and Baldwin. Urn *
plro Kmsllo.
Among Ilio Aiiniteiir.o.
Tbo City Steams and Kdea JIusee tcniui
will battlu at the b.dl park this afternoon at
11:110 : , The jfiuno Is for $ .V ) a side and the
entire ( riito iwelpts , and as both ICIIIIM are In
( rood shape nil Intei-oatingcoiiteat Is expected.
The following are the p.tiycrs and batting
order :
City Htoami Miller , ss ; S. Patterson , in :
.T. 1'nUm'soii , ! lb ; Heist , p ; I'urcell , e : Flora ,
ib ! ; Ilurloy , rf ; Hutlur , II ; Dim-man , ib.
Kden Musee's ICennUt on , 2b ; Van Aninm ,
ss ; MelColvoy , lib : \VHIinell , lb ; A. Baldwin ,
If ; Shannon , in ; B. Haldwla , rf : Stephenson -
son , p ; Ivtilni , c.
liiickVns Agnltmt Thoin ,
\V.\noo , Nob. , Auuiist 10. [ Special Tclo-
gr.uii to Tin : Bir. : . ] The 1-Men Mu co nail
club played a line ( uiiio of ball with the
Wihooi'lnb at the fair > roiitidn this after-
nixiii. but luck was against them and \Vahoo
\von by a score of 8 to " .
With Ilanilltini , Canada.
ICi\tiN'Kv : , Nob. , August II , To the Sport-
ini * editor of Tin : HIM : . Please state in the
Sunday Tiii : whcro Is'eiunan. now with Oma
ha , played Intt your ? Yours ,
A ClitilliMigc IVoin Riindniir.
ST. LOI-IH , Mo. , Aupust 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bir- : ) Jacob O. Oaudaur , the
oursinun , Inn Issued the following challenge
to Kd Ilanlon :
I will row llanlou on Crevocoour lake and
conccdo ten seconds start for ? l,0ilt ) a side. I
will guarantee that he will meet neither
thieves nor cowards. Answer care of tlio
( Jlobe-Doniocrat. .T.uon O. UAVII.VCII.
Snort lag Notes ,
Two weeks ano tbo Crane Co. club and
Hlair played a 10-iunlng tie ball game tbo
seore being ( ! and ( i , called on account of rain.
Today the Crane * go to II luir and the two
clubs will nluy to a llnish.
The West L'lwns have lost the" most of
their fnmics through their efforts to secure
one or two scores.
Captain ITyini of the West Lawns has
been very sick for the past three weeks.
The West Lawns arid the Models will cross
bats ut Manawa Sunday , August HI ,
Jt ix < i.
Moniiionth I'ark liacnfl.
MOVMOI-TII I'Ainc , August 10. ( Special
Telegram to TUB Bnc.J binmiuiry of today's
races :
Sovrn-ciehthsof u mile Arab won , Stride-
away ( the favorite ; second , Glory third.
Tiino-1:2IV : :
Thrco-tjuartew of a mile. Anpiistii stakes
Cliiitliarti won , St. Charles second , ICqulty
third. No favorites ; Casialia and Fire Works
bewitched. Time 1 : MK.
One mile , Kahway handicap Kurus ( the
favorite ) won , Major Doinn second , My Fel
low third , Buddhist , ICcniplnud , NinRiiru and
English Lady scratched. Time 1II. .
Ono and one-half miles , West End hotel
stakes Bebelot won , Her Highness ( the
favorite ) second. Druidess , mi added horse ,
third. Time 2ft"/ : .
One and three-eighths miles Stockton ( the
favorite ) won , Orillamtnc second , Philosophv
thiril , Banquet scratched. Time 2 : ' 4' .
Tinee-fourths of u mile , selling Autocrat
( Hie favo.ritc ) won , Samaria second , Tom
II > od third , Carrie C and Kismet scratched.
Tlmo 1:15. :
Seven-eighths of a mile Lailv Heal won ,
Brussels ( the favorite ) second , ' J3d Iloopor
third , Fagan and Autocrat scratched ; Tinio
-1 . 'J'J ' ' .
Fivo-oighths of a rnile Wlrlgrass ( colt )
Won , Key West ( the favorite ) second , Average
third , Honeymoon and Mary wood scratched.
Timo-1 : OJ > 4' .
Saratoga llaecs.
SAIHTOOA , N. Y. , August 10 , [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : Bii.l : : The weather was
clear and the track fast. Following is a sum
mary of the races :
First race , three-quarters of a mile , two-
year olds Void won , Mnbcllo second , Iluen-
enie third , Lord Harry , the favorite , not
heard from , Wenonnh scratched. Time
1:1(1. : (
Second raec onet-ldrd mile handicap , sweepstakes -
stakes iiecluse , the favorite , won , Bel d'Or
second , Wilfred third , Uuperta scratched.
Timo-1:42i' .
Third race , ono and one-fourth miles , Fox-
ball stakes Sir .John , the favorite , won ,
Wyndbaiu second , Uncle Bob third. Time
Fourth race , throe-fourths inito Ben Harrison
risen won , ICltty Van second , Oarnot third ,
ICatoMalone und Nannie I * scratched. Time
llfi. :
Fifth race , one mile , selling Hydy won ,
Satisfaction second , IJolieiiiina third , Hona.
the favorite , not heard from. Gnu wad
scratched. Time lMf. :
The Hee'rtTips.
First race Now burg , Lemon Blossom.
Second race-Aliddloitono , Assa.
Third race Miss Codey , IJellii.
Fourth race Tea Tray , ( tlcnmonnd.
Fifth race -Harthciia ( colt ) . Shonaran
( colt ) .
Sixth raco- Hover , St. Luke.
Flr. > t r.iuoMajor Thornton , Alatasjorda
( lllly ) .
Second race Pliny , Oolden l cel.
Third nice Forerunner , Varicll.i ( lllly ) .
Fourth race Kiifrcnin , 1'rolllgate.
Infill race -IVnrl Set. Husteed.
Sixth race Hamlet , Corticcllo.
I'Jntrlcs Cor 'Monday's Hnie.s. ;
First race , flvo-elRhths of a mile , selling
N'owburg , Dublin , Cast Steel , Kinj , ' Arthur ,
Lltbcrt , Shotover , Hill Herr.v , Sterling ,
Lemon Blossom , Snuaudo , IMirabcau , Cecilia ,
Tourist , John M , Alma ( lllly ) .
Second race , one and nno-sixtoouth miles ,
soiling ( Jarrison , , Harrison , Middle-
Htono , Ilcmot , Marie \V , Tapiulioniiock.
Tlilrd race , tbreoinllc , soiling- Miss Cod- ,
Klove , Itoiiiuua , Hehi , Uochart , Dundee ,
Fourth race , ono and ono-olghth miles Tea
Tray , CJIenmoiind , Firolly , Vivid , Signature ,
MauBeth Sorrenta , JCern , Dulto of Luluster ,
Fannlo H , Consignee , Sunshine.
Fifth race , three-fourths ofu inllo , selling
Sequence ( colt ) , Harthi-im , Sheua Van
( colt ) , Senaloii ( colti , ( Jlideaway , I'assnmore ,
Adiilr Trances AuHrlnn colt Coldi
, , , ( ) ,
Wood , Olendoloii ( lllly ) , Kushllght.
Sixth race , 0110 mile , Welter Weight
handicap-St. Luke , Leo Christy , Llnqulst ,
XaiiKbrr , Futurity , llanmlsuurg , Stonewall ,
Hover , Orey tiown.
First raeo , live-eighths of a rnlle , nialdons ,
two-vear-old.s-Xallonal , Misty Morning ,
Maml U. , Ben D'Or , Ciitiilonir , Major Thorn-
ton , Caprice , Queer CJIrl , 1'ardco Algebra
( lllly ) . liaii.s : ! , Oiiondago , Matagorda ( Illlv ) .
Sccoiul race , ono and ono-eii-hth inlloH Al-
moiit , Mora , Floodttdc , Kmlnciice , I'liny ,
Golden Keel.
Third raeo. five-eighths of a mile , two-
year-olds-Forerunner , 1'riuiaro , Saranac ,
Majrio ( U'ard , Lady Unik' , Sir Kae. Lovelier ,
Luin , lllndoootte , l.ukulilackburn ( Varlelln. )
Fourth race , 0110 mile , iiiaiiluas , three-year-
nhh i'rolllgate , Heform Algobru ( geld'lng , )
Ulenfallon , Kuieiila.
Fifth race , threo-fourth'of ir mlle ICinj ;
Iliuim , I'oarlsct , flunwad , Kxtuey , Hcttliia ,
Cumbysses , laila S. Kemombrance , l''aiibtlnn ,
Lynn , Bedfellow , Hustced , C'arnot.
Sixth race , one mile and seventy yards ,
Belling Cortlcllo , Ofaleco , ( iyniiinst , Birth ,
day , Ourryniode , I.ltt lo Crete , Koyul Carter
llamlot , Lutrctrco , Frank Ward , tjladlator ,
Barrister. _
M. Kubiiistcin , who Ii at pro-jent holiday ,
making In the Blade Forest , has requested
FranKullukof Berlin to both lot adjudicator
of tbo Rubinstein prl/.o for roaipnsitliii and
pianoforte playing. The lint prl/.o Is of the
value of $1,1)01) ) , and It will bo computed for
at St. I'eU-'wbui't' early lu the autumn ,
IIo Drjpg Out of Sight in n Woit % stcrlo 3
110 IJuyH n Tk-lti-t for Chicago Bur
Telowaiiii and Iji'lleivi to That
Oily Illicit No Infer
.T. , r , Illley , the well known contractor , who
lias bocu engaged In business in Omaha for
tlio past four ycuM , luu droppol out of
sight very mysteriously , and no iiiformitlon
can bo SL'eiirod regard I tig Ms wln'ivn'miiis. '
Mo received a tcl < 'train from Chicago
cage about 8 o'clock on tluiorf > nlnur of tlni
Mil lust. , announcing ( ho death , , f | m
ulster , nnil ho loft at fur
once tlmt ni.t . t < )
attend tlio ftincnil , which was ID be lid , ) HKI
following Wednesday. Since lie left homo i
nothing has boon hoanl of him. idthmmh.- *
numerous letters nnil teli < grims have IHVII
scut lo vnrlous places In I'liiiMvo.
Klli'y had been awarded tin- runt met for
building tlio now pavilion In Himsmui parkbut
lnul not alibied n contract , atth.-uirli he had
furnished a lioiul with KrnlV. . Cmy mid
Dentils CumihiKlininns sureties. Tin- bund ,
however , Is not lliiblo.fu' ' * the conliiu-t wai
not signed. Kiloy went nwa.v In a hurry mid
said ho would sign tlio contract when in- re
turned on the following Thursday.
Ho was building ueott u ' for 11. \ \ .
but tlmt Is now ready fur Ilio plasterers
Kik'.i told his brother-in-law
- - , Miles llmu'sj
to look uflor tlio work while he was umie , and
order whatever the workmen nyeded. Byrnes
liiut ilonu this , anil work on the cottage luu
not boon Interrupted.
Hlley had just been awarded the contract
for ereotiiiK the now Piviberlan ( church at
Hebron , Nob. , to cost $ r,0 ( > 0. anil slnro Ids tie.
parttiro telegrams have been received fiiim
that place asking why bo hail not put In an
appearance. *
A ) : : reporter called last ovciitni-at Kllov's
home , a cosy llttlo cottage atJ.VJI Pacttlc
street and saw Mrs. Kilov with reference to
the disappearance of dor husband. She
stated tlmt she could not Imagine what was
the matter. When lu-r husliainl wontawav
bo told hot- that
a letter would reach him at -
No. ( H Clark street , but she had written
there several times
ami ivceiveil no answer
It was learned that HI ley w.ii tieeoiiniaaiud
on his trip by John Kinds , who resides nt
llllll South Fifteenth street. Wnen Uilwr
failed to return on Thursday , as lie iii-
tended , Mrs. Kiley called mi'Mrs. . EtinLi
to learn if Ktmls hud returned linnc. :
Mra. tennis hnd received a letter from her
husband stating that they had arrived in Chi-
( ago nnd stopping at111 West Aliidison
Airs. Ulloy nt once wrote to the latter ad.
dress , and also sent several telegrams tln-iv ,
but all fulled to elicit an answer. His mud
andsoveral telegrams that had been wi-ived
for him were all forwiuik-d toChir.igo.
Mrs Ulloy stated that sinthoucht herhi't-
band's business was all right , as bo always
seemed .satislled with it , hut never talki-liif
it. When hofalli * ! to return she si-id baelc
therontrnct for the pavilion , and it hail been
rolet to the next lowest bidder. Jler
brother stated that ho knew tlmt.
111 ley was not on A drank , as ho
was a mini who could n t drink. I to was
troubled with catarrh anil dv.spep n , and his
stomach was in such eondlt ion t hat whenever
hedrauka gla s of beer he would be confined
to his bed fora wbiilo d.iy. Tor thin nusnn
he eonlil not fiot drunk If be wanted to. Uil.-y
had about 15 in bis pneket , und out
of this ho bought a round-trip ticket. . . _
to Chicago. Byrnes saw the ticket. ,
Ulloy went home togeta change of innler-
clothiiig in a small valise just before slur. ,
inn , 'and told IJjrnes to have Kosen berry
il uro on tlio pavilion plans for the mill work.
Byrnes did so and forwarded the Did
to Cliie.njo. Itiloy had been intnulli , ) ;
to go to Cliicapo , before ho heard of
his .sister's death , us ho thoiiKliL
IIP could do bettor on the iron work for the v \
pavillion than bu could here , lluwus sick all JL
day the Sunday hcforo lie loft and was hardly
able to bn out. on Mninlnr
Mrs. lilloy ir of the impression that ho must
bo sick if there is any tiling at all the matter ,
but she thinks that bho will hear from him
very shortly anil looks forhiin lioinoovcry nay.
Hhusnj's it isbls nature to Jcoap overvthln
to himself , and would not write until he got
ready. She is hoBinniin : to get uneasy , however -
over , and will leave for Chic'ipo in a few days
unless sonic word Is received from him.
Jt is not believed that ho was financially
embarrassed , an he had drawn no inoromoney
on the Yatcs Job than was necessary to pay
the workmen.
It Is regarded by Hiley's friends as very
str.uiffothat no vrrd is revolved own if lie
is sick , and they tire at a loss to account for
his continued absence ] mid silence , and an at-
mosphoi'o of mystery SIIITOUIILS tlio wliolo
in : VVIMJ inviiio TIII ; noio.
The Ilrllliiint HoliKiai ; of an Oiuahiv
Kyn and Kar SIH'KOCIII.
The Until of theodsayint'to ! thoelTect that
"there nro tricks In all trades but mil's" is
forcibly Illustrated by the sebonio of onorif
Omaha's eye and car .surgeons , which is set
forth in a confidential circular to Nebraska
jowclera and opt ii-lans. This specialist has u
plan , tlio operation of which proves ldihly
prollUiblo both to himself and tliu
dealers who Join him. IIo sim
ply requests Jewelers nnd opticians to
.semi their customers whose ayes nro affected
to him , anil in return he ajjreen to pny the
Jeweler a commission of Mur \ cent of tlio fee
received from such patients.
Thatlhoro Is money In the plan for all
parties to the tr.nmactkm-thu patient ex-
ceiited is shown by the following ex
tract from the latest "confidential" I'
of this eye nnd car Hiirjjcon to the jewelurs
un I opllciniis of the sUite :
"Thero have been sent mo during the (
year .sixty-three eye , and 1 liuvo ro-
turncd to the suiulcrs of such cases § IIM. , li : us
their slmro of the profits , as per my ajriw - '
munt. To one Jewelry firm In this city , dur
ing the past year , I have written my cbeekn
for .Jllll.HO ; to another , Sift ( . , ' . " > , and to another ,
* , ! < ) . One jeweler out in the state sent n
case ho could not lit with KlusiiUh.
I ipiickly discovered with my
optbalmoscopp tlmt cataract wan the trouble ;
1 jvimn'od it anil sent the jeweler f.Vi.
Another Jeweler noticed that a customer's
eyes wens p.ilnful and seat her hero. Tint
toriDile ( li.sciioii , Kliiiicoiiia , was I'mind to
exist. 1 oporaled , cured her njes
and paid the Jeweler his commission of $ ll.Y
Another sent a similar case , but the p.itb'--
wns unable to pay the full fei > , and 1
only return the n.ilf of tlmt. Tlu-
have covered the entire ll t of pit
conditions , nnd the conitniH.slon.s have ranged
fiviin jfj.rj ) nil. "
The oculist who operates this iniifinlllcent
si homo has an oil In ; not many bbicks from
Hume ) ' Hint t and In his "con lldontial" cir
cular refers "by permission" to bover.U
Omaha Jewelers.
Assistant Auditor lllllH.
Ve.stenlay a circular was Issued from the _
hcailijuftrton ) of the Union 1'acltlc annonnc-
Intttho appointmunt of Mr. I runk Vf. Hills
as assistant auditor of the Union Pacific vieo
D. H. Hunt roslKiied. The appolntmi'iit
takes effect Immediately. It was not a sur-
nrlso to the .friends of Mr. Mills who huvo
known the yoiinu Kentleman and watrhed liK
studious and eneixctio di-viition to ifiity for
iiiiiuy years. The promotion was undoubt
edly a deserved ono uml will gratify a num
ber of friends of both the road and the
Individual who have lonn boon hoping fur
this merited preferment.
ol * a Drunken llow.
William Ilartlett bocatno Involved In
drunken light on Welister Ktivot , between
Fifteenth and Klxteenth , nl 'ht. und was
knocked against the curbing witli hiicb foreu
that a four inch ( 'd.sli was cut In his scalp.
was sowed up at the stathm and he
locked nn. Ills colored assalhmt su.'cocdn.i
In oludlntf tlio ofllcetN ,
Btolo a Tiokor.
Anton Krojol Is camping on Fred I'Jerron'H >
trull. Ho ulleucw that Fred yo.'Uerday Htolu u
silver wulch ffoui him , 'J'liv ticker In vuluud