THE OMAHA DAILY BEF , SATURDAY , AUGUST 10 , .1890. 5 HE SLEPT \ViTII \ THE CAS ON , Rowntreo , an Employe of Mayor Gashing , Found Dead in Bed. V 'tHE MAYOR'S ' DOG DIED WITH HIM. T ) lor , Formerly of Oinnlm , Killed in n HiirlliiKton AVreek at , AVyoi I'our Others fcevorply Injured > Clinrlra Ko.vntrcp , n nolfiian , In the rm- ploy til Mayor Cashing , \viufou till In his room j ( 'sturdily inornliiff Ho hiul been emplnjccl by Major CuihlnR for about two years us n general man-of-all- voik , mid Ind been In tlio Mbit of sleeping in a room In the stublo Since Urn family Ins licoii riw.iv fiotn lioino ho 1m been sleeping In BSlimll liult : loom on the second lloor Thursuny nlglit ho wont to tlio Imrbor i pimp \\lth n couple of Ills countrymen nncl rctuincd about 0 o'clock. IIo fastened nil the iloon nnd ulndows about tlio loom nnd Imlhvaybcro ho nlcpt , put ii lovolver under hi ? pillow , turned /jut the ens and Jumped Into bed Ycsteiday morning the cook c.illedhlni for und noticed a stiong iinoil of gas pemullnir tlio upper part of the house. 2t win traced to tlto room occupied by Hown- trce , but the door wns securely locltcil Tu o carpenters wlio u ere omploj cd ubout tlio pnniNcs climbed upon the back poitito nnd openoit the window of the loom occ-upied b ) Hountiio. Howiccn hiiig on the bed , hut \MIS evidently dead. They tlicnuub nround nnd broke open thodoorof the loom. Ulie mud ! of pas wns stllllnp , nnd an exami nation shuxml tlio mm hid been dead BOIIIO liinu A pet dot ; belonging to the fnm- ilyhlth liud been In the loom , had nlso been .ispli\\liitcd. 'J' at once notified and made nn OMiniiii.itlon of the ptemlses. Thesis liad been found turned on vvbea tlio carp'm- ters MitPrcil the loom nnd the gas escaping rapldlv The let w.w nioderntely tiplit , and Hhaidlv seemed piobable that It could Imvo been tui in il ou unconsciously after tlio llirht Ind bc'i'ii ( ' \tliiKUlslicd One of the sui vants paid the deid niin had btcu accustomed to the use ot gas. No cause loitlcl bo assigned which would nccoiiut for the thcon of sulcldo ns the m in liad not l en despondent oflato Two of his counti\iiipn stated they \vcro with blm last night nncl ho secinrd to bo in his usual sphiti JIo bad no ciitinglcnicnts of tlio lientt , so fin sis known , nnd had no Incentive to commit suicide. IIo had no iclntlons In this country , his only connections belntJ three biothe'iso \ live ut West rimdois In Helglum , his blith- l > lnc c. The Inquest was held at llcnfcy &Hcafc\'s nt ( > o'li ( It lust ovcnlnrr The cvidenco in- troducrcl as very nieaKor , ns no ono Jtnew onytbhiK about how the unfortunateinanmot bis death , and all tint could bo le.irnedeio the luitlculiusas to the lliullnsof the body ' n < stntcd abo\o. In view of the circum stances , the Jury returned a verdict of acci dental death by nsphyxintlon The supposi tion is Unit the deceased not veiy famil iar lth the use of pis , and cither eaiolcssly or uimittniirly tinned on the gas uftur hohad tinned out the light , A AMlKOIf ON U1I10 liUULiIXGION . Itobci t Taj-lor , Forint'rly oT Oiiiaha , Ivlllcil nt Ncwo.iitle , U'jo. A \pry cllsastious accident occurred on the U. & M. road at 0 o'clock Thursday cvpnliif ? Newcastle , 'jo. A coal tialn Rolng In fiom the mines nt Cumbria ran away clown the mountain and elushoil into the c-onstiaction train \\ltli such forcoas to completely demolish one engine nnd eighteen cars l no men weio hurt , ono of them being Kobcit Tin lor , brother of J (1. lajloi , as sistant audltoi of the loid , uho was out in tlmt eountiy enjoy Ins a shoit vacation and had been up in the vicinity of Cam bria , spending n day ntnoiiK the coal mines. Ills Injlnles weio so serious ho died at 3 o'clock jesteidny inoiiiintf Picvlousto U\o jcars npojouiig ; Tnjloras employed tis n clcilc in tlio tieas- utcifr oil cohcio.biitleftnnd veattoSonard , ' \\heie hh patents leside , and has since been in the ollico of Judge Norvllle , u loe'.il attor ney of the company. After leeching a ills- patch Infoiinmi ; him of the cilam- Ity , .1 G Taylor made ninngcments to leave for Neucastlo ycsterdiy , hut befoio ho could UM\O unother tclPBiiimcnmo , bringing the sad news that his biotherwaa dead lie thoii oidcicd the loinalns brought to Seuuicl , nmluillgo thoio to attend the funeral. As soon ns tlio ne\vs of the accident iciched lioadquniters Division Superintendent I' was not illeil and left Alliance ut once with n wiccUiug train nncl a corps ot surgeons. The other men iujuicd aio train employes , but theii names have not been gi\cn. JUS i\plM : lOIK.'d ill TOXIIS. AVilliiim Hutchinson of Benton , 111hio dealing In cnttlo nnd horses in Texas last Boptombervas taken \\Ith a very sovcie tit- tntltof tholoiAinorlius and diariliocn , com- IiiR , ho Mipposed , fiom a change of diinUiiig watLr A local imigK'ist udvisod him to talto Clminbeilaln's colic , cholera tnid dlauhoca ouio The second close , ho saj'i.afleoteel a com plete cine , und ho now takes pleasuio In recommending in toothets Forsalo nt " 3 nudfiO cents per bottle bj diugglsts. I'ubllo At a meeting of the bond of public works nlaj atteinoon MeU'night biotheis weio Blven the contract for guillng Spiinjj , ( Jrovo nnd Chli.igo streets at U 0-10e. ( Park was awarded the contract foi sowei distilets&O , I ID and 111. I'nt AVnlsh , who has the contiact for tno oxti'iiMlon of the Koitli Omaha sewer , pie- hcMitc-d his bond In tlio sum of ? 15,0)0 ( ) Mr KicrstfMd stated that in view of tlio fact that Ihocontiiictcalled for the oxpcndituio of Boino $117,000 , micl that the thin of Kan , C AValsh , ofv bleb 1'ut AValsli Is a member , had consulemblo tioublo with the county In the hospital deal , ho was of the opinion that the bond should bo increased , or moro sureties ticlJed. The other members of the board \veio of the sumo opinion , and the bond \\iis refc'iied to Mr. Walsh with Instructions to pioouro additional signers. Jlie c.iso of ujssciiint , who Una tlio con- tt.ict foi tfiuiliiiR Jimmctt street , \v s tlU- cu scil at homo IciiRth Mi Kui.iy suld tint many of tlio men uliooikcil for Kysschart \\ciopo\city stilcUcn Mr Klcistenil said that ull labor claims should to p.iUl out of tlio $ .IJM ) Kjbscliiut from the city , nnd the biilanco tin ncHl o\or to Ilonnaii Kountzolio te - holds " the assignment of Uyiscli.iifs\\iuant "Mr. Koiintrn's Inwjcr as present nnd staled tlmt If tlio city \\oiilclturn ( ncrUo ( Ifouiit/o ) uoulil pay nil the lubor r clilnis , mnovmthiK to $ l"tll. The inoinbcis comlde'ivd the iimposltlon nnd Instructed their attorney to clmw upacontnict to this effect nnd submit It to Mr. ICount7o for Ills HKvptnnc'o. As the matter now stands Mr. KounUo claims tlmt Kysschtirt owes him fl.WMt for boil owed monoy. buttlieiolsn ciedlt of 1WX ) that comes about by Ryss- i-liiiit hii\lng sold Kountzo illit to that nmount. The bo.inl ailjourncd , nml nt 8:00 : this inoi nliit * the members will meet nt Major I'uiaj's house , \\hiMicoUioyVilleo nud inspect the woik tlmt Is now beln t jur- formed , after which they will return to their ollico and hold u re ul ir session at 10 o'clock. I'urmlts , Tlio foliouln iwruilts wcro Issued by the 6UHiIiiteiidcnt | of buihlliiBs yesterday : V. J. 1'iiul , one-story frame cottaii\ Thirty- fourth and llurtletto Htrtots , i 4U B. 1 * . .Mor * > < i two-story fr.iiue addlllon to ilnt'lllni ; , Tlilrtj-bc'coiicl und Dodge MicTN . KM 1'ho minor po nulls . 1,100 Total . $ S,030 , I llUoinjM\lfotouso I'oz7onl's complexion pou der bevauso It Iinpi-oves uer looks and Is"- us fnigrant as vlolote , The only rullroud trnlu out of Omnlia i mi expressly the accoinmocliition of Omnlia , Council 131ulT , Dos Moines anil Chieago buBlnoes U the Hock Island \estiliilullmitel ) , leaving Omtihn nt1:15 : f p. in. daily. Ticket ollieo lUOJ.Slxtoonth nnd i'unuuu sts. , Oinuhu. JttMV i8NAKU CJjl.UIlS A. He Goes Slrnl ht Up nnd Denui , Not Arouncl tin ; lunik. While oxploilnp In fcc.ireh of Jams a vci-y 'loop ' and thickly wooded ravlno with tall troosnbo\o on oltlier hldo nml undcibfUbh almost entirely ehuttlnp out the light of the sun , und rcmlofiiiB tlio nlnco cold and damp , yet almost Btlilltiff for want of a circulation ofnlr , I sud- dcnlj cunio upon u co4nmon blncksnnko about four feet in length Btiukini ; fust to the side of n tree , writes n correspond ent of the Scientific American. My first Impulse vras to stop short nnd sco nil I could bofoio ho should lake fright tind drop , bu tiftor wulchinff him until tired , I bcgnn to try to dlstmb him. thinking hoould let go of the tico nnd drop , 113 lila head uns btit.slx foot nlo\e the ijtound. This ho did not intend to do ; it was not his etjlo of dolny buslnoss ; ns I nftciward becnmo commend. Nor would ho mo\o until nil the sticks nnd stones at hand had been tin own nt him , but one. hojjovoi * , touched him about the middle , causing him to loosen fiotn the tico about ono foot of his oody , which ho enrcfully lopltu'od , The lice , 1 should sttito , was a cottomvood about fifteen * Inched in dianiotcr , with the ordinary rough bark common to this tree \\lion of this siy.e , vcrry jierpon- diculnr and str.iiglit , t nd with actlstuneo of about thlrtj-llvo foot to the Ihat limb , Fntlin"to ( , hit him finthor , I ne\tcut the longest stick nctif ino ( about ton feet ) , nnd , Belting a little closer by climbing udon n fallen trco top , I tiled to touch him , but the limbs settling do n with my ncight , put mo again out of reach. I climbed the steep hillside , nnd do\\n dlicctly in front and within bix feetof him , \\hcrol stood for some tlmo taking a more accurate sur\oy. 1 found him in almost a prependleulitr position , but with very slioit and abrupt curves in n number of places. Tlio straight places in Ills body \\oro lilting veiy closely in the conjugations in the bark for six or eight inches nt a stretch , nnd taking advantage of every olT&ot in those con jugation : ) , both to the light and loft , jot \\itlinolntcjntion whatever to oncuclo the tico , whjch could have been easily don by u smiLe of his sl/o. After a long examination and study of tlic-:0 : traits Int lust ic ohod to mike him do something , so L touched him gently with my btie-k , when ho began mo\lng-his entire length , llrst turning lus head downward. IIo carried his head and some tlneo or four inches of his nock erect , as if crawling on tlio ground , nnd picked out a route down the tree , not moio tn.m six inches fiom whoio the rest of his body wns going up. Iloloitno udmilage lie had alrcidy posoiaion of , and taking things \ery deliberately lie thus gamed the ground , not moving the length of himself in less than a minute. 1 thus had bcforo mo the \ ory rare spectacle of a snake climb ing both up and down n trco at the banm time. I lm\o no doubt but that ho could luuo gene to the very top of the trco juntas well as six feet , and have eomo down as well had lie so debited. I do not think his object was to sun him self nor to catch birds , ns the dead tree toj close by olloicd n bettor position for cither , but to got in a portion to catch Hies , in which the place abounded , prob.ibly attracted by the coolnubS of the glen on a veiy hot .Tuly d.iy. 11 oiiio Glow n l < 'iuit. In imrked exception to the general bcnoit\ fiuits this spason , the crop of nntuo plums , glowing in orcliards within fifteen miles of Omnlia will ex ceed two thousand bushels. Some of tlio principle gionou aio Messrs Solinnan of Spring Valley fruit faun , Thompson ofCliony Hill , northwcbl of the city ; Messrs. Kicc , Ilall , Wlss and Mnir of the Blulle , and II. A. Touv , C'ro'-cont City , la. Piof. J. L. Dudd of Ames , la , , and the late Charles Gibb of Quebec , who tra\olcd the woild o\orintho interests of hortieultuio claim that the finest wild plums found anjwheio , ire from this vicinity. Today llioj are for sale bv the Omnhu grocer nt SI per h.ilf bushel basket , and will likely bo in the market dally until the labt of September. With OMsry ptospcct that Michigan apples will retail in Omaha nt $12 50 per bushel this winter , it would bo well for our hoiibokeepeis to put iiwuy some of this homo pioduct fora , cold day. FROM OC1J/\N TO OOU VN. An Unhrokoii lit no of States from tlio Atlantic to the 1'nolllo , New York Tribune : "How many pco- iilo reall/ , " remarked the geographer , uthat since tlio admission of Idaho and "Wjonung wo have a belt of states ex tending all the way from the Atlantic to tlio Pacific. This was accomplished , in fact , whenjdiho came in , a few dn5s in advance \Vjoming. . \\onderwho will bo the first traveler to go from rvlalne to California without setting his foot oulsido of aso\oroign bttito of the Union Thciomay bo a little goodna- tin eel \alary on this point \\hen the matter comes to bo generally understood ; and I IKUO no doubt tint foity or fifty years hence numoioua claimants to this honor will cotno to tlio fiont. It might bo intoiosting , also , for people wlio think they nro acquainted witli tlioir own countiy to undertake to name , in outer fiom east to west , or vice \eiMi , the states which lie along the 1101 them bolder of the United Slates. Of oouit-p tlio admission of six htatcs tote to the union iuono is without prece dent , and there is no possibility of its having a future parallel. The only portions tions of the country not under the gov- einincnt of some state uro the District of Columbia. Ariyoim , Now Mexico , Utah , Oklahoma , the Indian toriitoiy , and Alaska. Tour states formed out of thc'so seem poaslblo withln , perhaps , a quarter of a century , but no moro for an imlnllnltc period in tlio future. To look bu-k nt the past , Florida , Iowa , nnd'i'o\ were all admitted in one year lw. That was the nuaicst npproieli to the adinihsicin of six which I'lCbident Ilarri- bon has had the honor to pio- claim.Vohnonow twonty-Ihobtates cast of the Ml-bib-ilppl liver and nine teen wo t of it.Vhon four moiowe t- etn btntobiiro constituted that ri\or will almost exnetly divide tlio union in two , so far us the number of states is con- corned. In extent of tot tltory theio i , of course , no oompaiison between the "huh Ob. " . NIMIO nnd Liver Pills. An ImpoilantdUcovory. They not on the li\er , stomach nnd bowels tluougli tlio nerves A new principle , They speedily euro bllllousness , bid taste , torpid ll\er , piles and constliutioii. Splundid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. SJO doses for .S cents. Simples free tttlvuhii iScCo.'s loth and Douglas. This I'Uh Test $1,000. Mr. Wilson told me today n llsh story that U win thy to go on t ocord because of its evident tuithfulneis , sajb the Now York Press. A party of gentlemen num bering Hfteon , from Omaha , Demor nnd Kansas C'lly , inado up a pnity last year to charter a ttpoclal car and nuiUo a trip to Yagoll Wheel Gap , wheio the trout fishing li line at some seasons of the joar , The estimated cost of the trip was $2,500 , nnd they had such n good time that they prolonged tholr uttiy. and wised 81,500 , moro to piy the additional expense. Although they llshed per sistently and intelligently , they caught only ono tiout , nnd that ono just ns they wore loading for homo. Quo trout at fl.OOO oxpoiibo Is a llsh story that should go into the annuls of history , THE NATION'S ' FREE SCHOOLS. They Humbar 219,003 , , Employ ing 317,292 , Teachers , of Whom 128,314 , Are Males. TWELVE MILLION SCHOOL CHILDREN. Tlio Annual Htpcn c of Maintaining I'ublld Schools In $1:12l55U.-2- Aboitt . * ? - per Inhab itant. WASIIIVITOV , August 10 [ Special to THE DEC ] Mr. O'Uoimcll , of Michigan , who Is one of the most intelligent and effective mem bers of the house committee on education , and uho lias taken n great Intcicst In the bill to aid In the establishment rmd tompoiary support of common schools \\hlch Is prac tically the Ulalr bill-has given Ttir Hisr cor- icdpondencsomo iutciodtliitf Information on the subject. Mr. O'Donncll thinks that U education In cvciy nook and corner of the United Stitcs pels the foothold it should have \ \ Itliln n ic.isonnblatorm of JOIM , the federal govern ment will have to'givo nnterlal assistance , tis theio are whole counties In old states uhoro the Interest- educational nlTalw ha not only stood still for enty-flvo yeais , but in many instances has gonob.u'laviml The committee on education has m.ulo n great deal of inquiry as to the practical oper ation of such schemes as the Ulalr bill and the propositions embodied in three or four gcncial educational bills now uoforo congicss , and Mr. O'Doimell has at his tongue's end much data which will be with unusual Interest by not only the educators of the country , but all who ha\o an Inteicat in the education of the public. Mr. O'Donncll said : 'Tho number of school buildings In the United States in use for public schools is il'VWJ , employing il7'J03 teachers , of whom as.Jl I nio males. The average , monthly sal- uiies of the milo teichers Is 11 71 , mul of the fc-milo instructors Ml 21 Tlicso Ili'uies ox- lilbittlioliijustic'u of the tllstlm tlon in ro- muncratlon of the tuo o\ud for the same labor. "H is cstlnnted tint more than one fifth of the nation's population is of school ago from sit to fotuteen jenis aggiogiting l'J,000Ol)0 ) children , of whom " . 'sOO.IWO aio in ilullj attendance ; about u5 percent of these of selioolitiLjo attend dally. The nutiual ex- Dense bf the publid buhooii in the United States amounts to $1 " , -l"-"iJ This outlay is piovided bj icvcnuo from state anil tax Ulon and pn inanont funds Of this laryo expenditure - J , 111,711 is paid for toacheis1 salaries , 81',5W,077 ' for genoial expenses , and $ J1OUOOI)0 , ) foi sites , bullclmijs mid liuiuios The running expense of the lice school s > stern - torn of the United States Is iiDout SJ per capita for each inhabitant , $10 00 lor each child of school ago , nnd 615 1'J for cie-h pupil actuallj tatcncliiitf school. 'Ihoaluooftho ptopeit ) used for public schools is STJi",48l- ! U3 IM\o ifckoa the intotpstoti this investment - vestment , cost oftcvtbooiw and "mtciials used'by the pupils , the total expense of our public schools will bo found to n ieg.ito fcl.M.OOO.OOO annually , about $ . ' GO per each in habitant , or quite 3 > < i cents per da > of daily attendance. The expenditmes for colleges , denominational nnd puvaio schools \\ill lai ely migmunt the cduc.itlonal outlay of thUeounliy "Xotwithstanding the gcneroalty of the people in ptomoting cducitlon among the coming men and omvn of the nation , the last census tevcalcd the uimclcomo and alaunlng fact that thcioeio 5OJO.OOU , in- liabltunts o\ci ten yoais of ngo who could not lead , and 0,000,000 of the same ago who \\cie unnblo to wiito. It is to be fearedHhnt this army of ignorance has not diminished during the pit dci.ulo , and that the number of illiterates has been augmented \\llh the iiuioased population of the nation "I hold to the p Uiotlo doelai itlou of.Tustico Ilailnn that the sifetvof om Insti tutions depends upon the intelligence ol the musses "Congicss has in the pist dealt geneiously in 1 lying the foundation for our school s\s- tem , the buttress of our ilization The ilonntloiii. ami grants foi schools amount to t 7Us'lMl t nues of land , for universities , lOiJ.s ) acres ; for agriculturil colleger , 1,1) ,03 ncics deaf and dumb usjluins , 11- U71 ac'ies ; nmklnpa totil of " . ! , 10.lbl7 uc'ies devoted to educational purposes "Tho total clistiibutloa of cash asjgrcs "i'hu hill on the calendar of the house pto- poses to distribute among the several states and tcuitoiies , on the basis of illiteracy , the sum oft" " , 000,000 to bo paid In dilToiei.tsuins duilnt ? a peilod of eight yens. This aid to education \\ill not oppress tlio people. Istl- } mitingtho populition of the connti v at 1 > V 000,000 the total disbin-soments under this bill will cost each inhabitant the sum of SI Ib As the populations ill bo larger eich jeur it will bo seen the per capita cost \vlll hj los- seuo.I piopoitioiiately "In the not them section of this country In stitutes of learning have llomlshcd ; the strength of that poitlon is in ltsjrand system of common schools In the southern pot tlou of the nation the facilities for education have not been so fnvoiablo. The Inttei st.ites hao pissed through a lletoidotl A quaiter of nccntmv siixo lour millions of its in habitants \ ; ei o i ilsecl from soiltudc to fiecdom , they mul the e bofoio thorn had been In the mid night of ignoianco for jcars. tonents ot blood weioshed , and fiom the dogiaduticm ot bondatjc they emerged into the sunlight of llboitj Thousanlls of thcsocio Invested with the piorogatives of citizenship , niiu-ht demanding edui ition for its basts The people of that section ha\o done much tote to meet the requirements of the nc-\ condi tions , and h ivo broadened the avenues for the seekers after knowledge. I'eihaps they might have done moio. "i'hooftlciil ictuins of tholato icglstn- tion in Louislan i exhibit the fact that the \otlngpopulatlon of that otato is classified 1J7,1 J htnato and l .iHft illiKnato. Ten ) ears ago tlioio was Ki.OjJ majority in that ttato of voters w no could loid their ballots ; this j ear in the \otmg population tlioro is a piopontleianco of these voteii who cannot icd tlio ballot they deposit in the boxIn the past ton jo.irs the Incicaso of votci-i shous that of that number 1J/.71 can ic-id , and twice as mnnj t4,7U ! cannot. This appalling statement is not to bo attributed to racial i easons. The number of white voters unnblo to read incicased 7M5. Iji that state 'illitc'iacy is gaining on intelligence.1 i Mr O'Donuell , who Is entitled to as much credit it not mom than anybody else in the house for the giowth of sentiment in favor of the government lending assistance to public schools , belimci that some measuru con- stiucted on the I3lair bill plan , but which doo-s not appiopiiato so myuh money , will bo promptly passed beloio long. I'l itiu S. HUATII. AGnod Kcasnn. Dr A. T. Doll , who has baen In the practice of medicine at Xorth English , la , since Ibilt , says ho often jncsoiibes ( Jliambei Iain's colic- , choleri and dhrrhoea lemedy , because ho know sit U icllablo. now onions of tno preat Houlc Is- Inndrouto , IbUJ , SKtoeiith nnd Furnun strcot , Omaha , nro the llnust In the city. Call anil BOO thorn. Tickets to ull points east ut Icmcat rutoi They Aio These of our cltbenshoaro assorting that our Into trouble with the postmust- or was caused by jealousy of his position on our part uro dolnn us u gruvo injus tice. True , wo were n , Imuliihito for postmtvster , nnd true also , wo wcro a miglity bight bettor man lor t ho jilnco than the present incumbent , but wo nro not jealous. WunnniuKor i of used to ap point us , and o lofuho to wentWnnii - makcr's clothing , It's un o\'on thing thus fur. The tioublo began as HOOH n.s this man entered the postolllco. Ho liehl back our niiiil and inado us weary in iiiiuiy other \\uys. Wo pounded him Imll to death 0110 day , nnd for two mouths ho \\asn nunlol poatmaator. Then lie got snssy and hhot rt us unil wo loft a liullot in hid bliouldor. This lasted him till the other day , Ho got on his ear and tiled toprlukus with uboulo knife mul in sheer HoH-dofonbo wo shot oil n part of his loft ear and banged him with the butt of the revolver. It was in the in terest of the whole v .bUc. He'll bo on dock in n week , mul for the next three months lio'll work llko , u stoorand ba us pleasant as paachos. . MI3N HIIIjDTHIJlH UUU.Vrilv All on Aocoiint of a Olrl's I'orrorin * niiua on 11 Slack tt'lre. Mr. Hanilolph annouucod that the Indy would pcifotm on tlio slack wlio. Slio Inhnicod herself on the wlro nnd tripped bivk and forth , wlillo the auilionco looked on with that apathy nnd nil1 of being hull lioruil whloh i-hut- iiclori/us nil shows which are thoroughly fnmlliai1 to the theatto nnd circus patt on , All nt once the fair performer diow n few plus from the bnj window of her dress nnd diow Unit garment olT , leaving her standing on ono foot , chid in an oluuornto laeo skirt. The audience nwnked from HsindllTcr- cnco , and tlio show b.cumo endowed with nnewintciost. Moro pins were extracted , and over her brad wont the skirt. The audience bccamo excited. Next the bus dress improver came off. It had no longer tiny diess to im- piovc , and Its oceupition wns gone. The audience began to speculnto as to wlioro the disrobing pi CM es > d would end nnd iv pistol bhot or a dog light would not hn\o feorved at that moment to dls- . tract attention. Ay this tlmo the lady on the who Irul pot down nppaiontly to the snowy gar- inont which as niluptcd to the imilo fotin is known as the shut. The audience craned its neck , so to sncalc , and as the Indy showed an inten tion of removing c\on that gaimotif strong men hold their bu < ith in dismay , wonder , nnd cmlosity , whilp the weak nml modest ones co01 ed their faces with their hands. Well , the what.d"jec.ill it came off , tuul nothing moro shoeing was revealed than n handsome and \ory iluipely young woman chid in tlio leguhition tights and trunks that nro well-regu lated slack wiroand trnpo o artists aio \vont to wear. Headache , ncunlgn , cii/zlncss , nervotis- nei' , simim , sleeplc3sne-s , cuicd by Ur. Miles'Nervine. Simples fico at Kulm & Co 's , loth and Douglas. Well Supplied \\ltli (7iiHlniotlicrq. The children of G. W. Meadows of Harrison , Ga. , ha\o four Ihlng groat- grandmothers and two living grand- inotheis. The \oung st groat-grnml- niolliei'is sov only-eight wlulo the old est is ninety-two ; the joungcst grand- mothcr is lifty-flvo and the oldest is llfly-elght. 'i'liero is a pcculuioity con nected with the o\cntful hfo of tbcso oldest grandmothes , and that Is that each ono of them had li'n- ' right arm bioken. The ladica arc all widows. To Nor\ons Debilitated Men If jou will send us vom addto-.s wo will send jou Dr Dye's Colcbiatud Voltaic Belt und Appliances on tiial. They will quickly i-estoio yoj to vigor , in inhooil and health. I'amphlet fieo. VOI.TVIO ULLT Co. , Marshall , Mich. Snyilcr's Ijiiuk at tin Knees. A most inarvollouslj lucky man of the season isKinnkSnytlor of Now Yotk , who is interested now with John Daly'a at the Long Unineh club , bays the IMiihulelphlii Times , fanjdoris n bright joung New Yorker , who is called the Senator. Ho lost $10,000 on the lioises last j ear. ITecamo hcio.luly I with $3 in lus porkot , and at his ( list nice , by playing the Hold ngniiist the fiuoute , lie won 3250. Fiom that hour ovcrj thing lie touched turned to gold. No uuiglo hoi&c ho bet on lost , anil the odds he got were simply tieincndous , nnd John Daly told mo tonight that HVink Snyder was now a capitalist worth i > 100,0ji ( ) , which ho had won binco tlio racing fceason bogan. Winslow'a Soothing Syinp is the host of nil lumedics for childisn teotlung.3 cents a bottle. 1G02. Sixteenth and F-.irnam streets Is the now Hock Island ticket ollico. Tick ets to nil points cast ut lowest ratos. Tlio Clioloi a licit. American ni\nl ollicors who have adopted the choloi i bull in the tropios Und it so bonuliciiilthntthoj often retain it in all latitudes. It is simply a bioad band of llannol woin night and day the year lound about the wiiist , so as to pto- tect the btomauh fiom sudden changes of tomporuturo. It is an excellent prevent live of blomach disordeis. cunns PROMPTLY STIFFNESS , STIFF KECK. Violent IM Ins In INorlt. rriuuMiip MilJuno 11,1888. Myrlfo buil M ili ut pilna In lur neck , wlilchstt3 \ < n son umliUII film wiisrnrcd ullrcl > b ) bLJuiobiOil JAMI.s S10\Vli In lurrlblo 1'aln. Amc'MfR Co.CliIcipcc Mas-.JunolS , 188S Irani ocrixtitiiuicrj ljulio was made Bllllunilsorc- UmMo puln 1 u.u CUILC ! pruuiptly by bt Jncolia Oil J c ill LKI.r.Y , rnjmaster. AT nntnobTs ANII DPUFRS THE CIIARLCS A. VOCELER CO. , Dalllmoro , tit. nomio cookery. Use It for Soups , Sauces , ' Made Dishes , ( Game , Company's Fish , etc ) Aspic 01 Jelly. Keeps perfectly in nil cli mates for nnv length EXTRACT of time , and Is cheap ci nnd of liner 11101 than any other stock Ono pound equal to OFBEEF foity pounds of lean heof of the vnluo of i uliout fr 50 Ocnultioonly with ns Mm LicblgN slgnatuio as bliown. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "Il n thorotieli knowloLia of Ilio natural Inws whlcli tovcrn tligopcMiillumof illynotlun mul nutri tion nml by u direful npiineitloiinf the line | > r < i ; > c r- llcaoftp | | nuloilnt I'uii'.i Mr 1 UIH | Imi liroilclol our l > rc < akfu t tabli > a with n iloilralclr llavorc-il luvcr- n o which limy in o us luuin bt > uv iloctur'a tllln U la liy III" Jiidlcloin use ofnth urllcloa of ( Hi t Hint n coiHtilull'in niiiir Im crailtiiilly luilli up until ktrunit onouiih toreslsi orurr IgiUinejr to tlltouxo lluii- clriMls of lulitlo malinlk'i iiK'ilonllnK aniimU in roiuly lo nilHck wliuroitr them Ic u wmk t olnt Wo mar fxrniiu many a fiiltil Bliift tiy kc-unhiK our ol > oi will forlliloil ulth iniro liluuil : nml n urupurly nourlslicJ frnmo ' llvll MrtlcodnrUlo M iih ) nlmplylth \ holllnk' < r ittor or milk buM only In liulf iiuunil tins , byuroerrk , Inboloil Hun JAMLS EPPS & ' - CO./-ZSXiMi AMUSEMENTS. Qpz ra UOMI. % IUVM : * , Miuiusors , TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 1O & 20. Appearance ) of tocloty's I'morltu Organiza tion , PRIf/ROSE& WEST'S ' MINSTRELS , 60 MATCIILKSS AUTISTS. 60 Vr > > cnt UK all tlmt U Now and Good In Modern .MlnstroUy. Itu.'Ulur prices , buutsuu tale Moiulu/ , Tliero is nothing its equal for relieving the SORENESS , ITCHING or BURNING , reducing the INFLAMMATION , taking out REDNESS , and quickly bringing the skin to its natural color , 0 BE WARE of imposition. Take POND'S EXTRACT only. See landscape trade-mark on buff wrapper. Sold only In our own bottles. All druggists. , POND'S EXTRACT CO. , 7G 5th AVE. , NEW YORK. UNLIKE TEA & COFFEE-GOOD FOR THE NERVES. Tlie claims of cocoa as a useful article of diet arc steadily winning recognition. Unlike tea and coffee , it is not only a stimulant but a nourishcr ; and it has the great advantage of leaving no narcotic effects. Hence it is adapted to general use. The sttong may take it with pleasure , and the weak with impunity. "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " njrVAV HIUTFNS COCOA ( 'onco tried , nlnnys imcJ } IOHTOH no Injurious cIToct * on tlio timouisjstcm It sno wonder , therefore tlmt In ill parts Of the MorM "tlili iirrnlar'i Coconis rLroiniiutiiliil l > j nteillqul men lii. ( > nil of lea niKl cuifuo nr ullirr CHCOII * < ir clunuliUi'i lor dully n e l > i children t > r ntliilt * , halo mid nlcUi Ich mul piior. 'Lament silo in Ilio norlil " A lt for VAN HODTLN a ttntl tile no oilier fy THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MEDICINE FOH FAMILY USE IN THE WORLD lust mil } slops tlio mo-t I > M niditlti , , jiilns IIKK * ! fulls lo ho ease to the snllcioi ; a few npnllcutlons ii'l Illu luiu'lr ( insliiff tlu > jialn to Insl.inlK sto | > , A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. Intimill } t.ilicn In titles ot fiom tlilitj to sl\ty drops In h lit t tumbler of wulcr will cure In i few minutes ( rirnu * Spnsinbiiirtomiu'li C'ollc. I'lutiiliMico lie u ttjiiin , I.iUMoni 1 ulnt- IIIR-pi'lls < HOL.EBAMOHHUS DIAURIICEIDYSENTEliY , Sick lie idiiehc Ninsoa Vomitln , ' Vcixouiiic'ss MenplessncnMul ill i und nil Intt rnulpaliH uilsln from cluin u of diulor w.Uoi 01 otliu c.nisos SlCsutsaBottlo. Sold by Crugglsts. -KOK KOKD niiri'MATt M , D SPI I'SIA. SIll : TMl DISPOSES Ull.lOl'SM KlUM Y ( OMI \1NTS I L.U.NQ UtSl.ASlS , IMFUIIU Itl.UOl ) . ILIR & COMPANY. rnoiMiii.roiis AND SUM. OMAHA NEB. Brownell Hall , SEMINARY for YOUXG LADIES. Curnoi uf 10th and AVoithhiglon Sis. , OMAHA , - NEB" m-IIOl1 WOUTIIIN'GTON , VISITOII. Till UolinUTDOHKHTV , S T.D Ui CTOII. THE27TH YEAR BEGINS WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER I7TH , 1890 uo mul putlc'iiluta apply to the lUctor A school lur the lufriirr education of WOHKN An imu&unlly flro corps t f 1'rofct.Hort fur 1E30-91 Litera ture Art ftnJ JuutJc by BpctlnlUtH Location Col rinljla Mo t in a sa ncr park Juit north of clt > limits. TorifttrfCj abound liluecrr H-i an abundoiceof cpace for outdoor ox on bo Ilnndxomo liulldin9 Mural tone of fchool excellent ChrUtlaii home with all tbe freedom an 1 nil Iho oaftt tptirird * nt a vtll ordered Aomo.'rltofor catalogue Ad lr3 W A 01 IJIIAM , Jreldtut , COLUMBIA , &IO. MONTICELLO. New Dnlldlngs , Kow Furniture , New Pianos New Eciulpmeuts , Beautiful Situation. Oponi Soiit 2ii 1 nil nndnurprlThnciiltDopnrt - muits fur l.iikllKli l.uln ( Iri'ok , duriimn rrtneli , Biluicc , Mnelc Art , clo t-oiul for liiforiuatlunlo J1I&S U l I1ASKKI U Principal , OOIIHIUV , II I IN'OIS t > Miiru's Sohool. K'iio\\lllo , II. , A Clnirclibchoul for CiliN SI. Alb. in w Soliool. Ktioxvlllo , 111. A Cluuuli ' choul ful Itojs. Now liuUilln s , now ( iiiiilturc , nowuppirn tin Tlio liitusl iin-tliuiU of iiutntal inil pliys li il cillliliu l.vnntliln , ' up tu thn liriio lloinu c'liiiifiiilmil iiniiiiit ire fnrmuiy impl \\.jirri.Nu\vuju ; \ : h Itcctoi and L'uunilur AMERICANGOHSERyATORYGHIGAGO , , LIIIIKkUIMI lltll. MillAMI AU , Ik J-tlkDIM b | . AlllnniiLlmur Muklr ) iiiitlc Vrt.licUnito Ira hern' llullliMLrbilluul. L'iidllril | t UadvunU eiiat nuiUrrulu cu.t.Cutulot'Jiiiulleainio. J. I. HU131ALUI , lilretlur. MILWAUKEE COILECE MlhvanKoo , Wli I'nr Yoniic Women. I'or catalogue add p. H KlXiiJ MV. : I'll 1) 1'rcs't IN I IRIjnjD CONSERVATORY . . . ! SLLB6xiy58& } OF MUSIC All diimrtmenli of llnlc-il Initructlan , llwlurn TAD- guak-ei , 1 lu Aru , ltd. 1. tf. Liuauu , Jackiouvllls. Ill VN rSt. Louh. A l Urst-clnss lioy'.s linino ichool i : < | iilimcnt9 | pcrfuct protmrosfor imr rllctoor rorbualnosa.tuiPkwara loy rcoolvuil. btli > rnr opent tit-tit 8 ! : - ) W HOT B li bTl viu , A. M , Hunker Hill , 111 . SI orznul'nrUnPar ( ( hlcnco ) . Hoard Inn t bclioul for Olrls ami onnj Ijidloi , fr'orEM calnloKuooUdrurXl. 'IIIAYIJU. I U 1) , KJa ilorct nl'oru , 111 , or 7JiluiJliorisue < ; teulia. 0,111 , ILLINOIS MILITARY ACADEMY , u'7lK.fcrl ! * Clrcularof IlKMtV J. bll.VKNB , A. 11. , 1'rln , Media PA , MIMtarjr Aradomr , l'o ; llrooku Hull , ulrU Claulari ( ret ALLANLIilE OCEAN STEAMERS Passage to and from Gre-il Britain and afl parts o ! Europo. Montreal Liverpool route , by the waters olSt. Lawrence , shortest ol all. Oliiwowto llooton , to 1'lillnilHliihla. 1 Ivcrpool to and from Unltlniort' . lliirt } btcamers. riva oscclsior Accommoilntlons nnaurp i9"crt Weekly salllngf At , I. \ W A. 4'O. . Gen Went. AK'to. C J lsii v n p H1 ! < ( hlcnffd , II li I.iirrrcut , Fitftlfftt nml Flno f In tlie World. I iut * < urromo lutlmij unexcelled NEW YORK , LONDONDERRY AND ULASGGW. ANCIIOIUA , AIIR 23 | ruu\KS3IA Sept I ! I.IIIIOI'IA , AUK M | U1SVOMA , bi'ft 19 New Voilt , Qitfeiibtown and' Llvcipool. ThoColobntod I Auz 23(1 Sopl 20th. Cll'VOF HUM It | Ocl Ibtli 5ALGOH , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE ittcton lo\utt ttrins tn nmi from tit * princli nl SCOTCH. [ UGLISH , IRISH fifiO ALL CQfTItlENTAUOl1 ! ! ! . Lxeuijtltmttcl it rrlucftl ntatlo n ntlahln t < t rt.turn liy c ItUerthu plcturutquuC lydo Hivii Utibty ottli or n ill ) of In liutrt Niiflc-soi dl'jinltnr CIRDUIAR LETTERS OF CREDIT AHD DRAFTS nt nvttst ctiricnt riti * Aiplv to nny of our Innl OKenU.ortu IIEHDCR8ON UROb. , Clllcnco. Local n.'i'nti nt Onmhii Hairy 1 Blooro Ihiuh'sMiiiis 1' Vdill , 11 1' . Doud , Utl- un s ItuiiK , Otto A\olf. GLASGOW , LOKBOtlBErtlYBSLFfiST ( DUBLIN , LIVERPOOL & LONDON. ' KHOM NEW VOUK KVEttV TIIOHSnAr. Cabin PJiJnqo $35 to $50 , ncconllnij lo location cJ ttateroom. Excursion S63JO $95. Stccrn o to an 1 Irom Kuropo at Lowest Itntci. AUSTIIi BALDWI.'I i , CO. , General Agents. 03 Oroad/.ay , NEW YORK. .Tno. Illivcn , Ooiior.ilestoin Atfent , J3 liandolpli SticDl , L.hle.i o Harry Ji. Moore Ju > t'uniie NO RIBBON Permanent Alignment bEED , Strength. Sold Under a POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. GEO. SMITH & CO. , General ARtnU Nebraska and Iowa. 31O S. 16th St. , - - Omaha DR BAILEY , Giaduile Dentist. A Full Set of Teeth , on Rubber For Five Dollars. A portVot fit Kiiiirnntcccl Tcotli cxtrnrtod without p tin or cliiu.'or , and will out unui's- tliotlcti. ( Jolil nnd hlhoi fillings ul luwt'it jatos. Hi ldo ( mid Orowuoilf \ 'J'ectli wltli- out pUtcM. AllwoiU wiirr.uite'J OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM I'M trance , loth street clovalor. Ope-u men- Ings ' - "FREBGOlCTFICr A POSITIVE anil pormtnont CURE for all dlieatei of th URINARY ORGANS. Onrca where other treat-nont fulls , Foil direction ! with ear h l-ottle. Frl't , ono dollar , fiea eifnaturo of CL - ForSoloByAII nouDUlcll ) " T HyorTiTTTDf uliorn h"H OliluaKO , S > ) yours' biicccssfill prni U'u , Advlee L'rocl nuitibllclty. | bpoolal fuollltlus. lu uiuny tatod. NPBEOEDENTUD ATTRACTION U OVr.U A Mtl.MON Louisiana State Lottery Company , rnlcM lir tlio l < Mntnr for i liuitlnnal nml clmllnMo | ilrpi'c l ( , frnn hi'inn lonpulnf Die pri' nl Mitit lonstltullon , In ltA li > in oftr- -laluiiiiui'oiniliir vote' , nil I To continue until January 1st , 1890. Its MAMMOTH mmVNC ! 9 tnltn phoo , Sonil-Annunlly ( Juno an 1 December ) ami Its Qrancl frln lo Nuinbar Hr ivvlngs tnlto phoo incich of thaoiher ten months of tlio vonr auclnroall clnwulu inibllc , at iho Ac.ulo'uy of Music , Nuw Orloms , til FAMCD FOR TWENTY YEARS , For Integi'ltyof Its Drawings nnd Prompt Payment ofPrUes Alt 8t"il n f illow \ \ o tlo liorrUr iirilfy lint un niiinrvhi tlm nr * rniuiMiu'titt for nit tin * 111 nllil > nml * iml iinnurtl itrniMiui if the l.iuMiuii sulo 1 i tlort ( M ipany , nml In p'rMin inniiri mul imitrol the ilinulttitn tti < 'iii c'ln' , mil ttuit I'm 'Muni iirnniiiiliii i > lwlili In n ! > fill in' " mil in k n. | f ilth IIMVIII l nllinr- tlo nut n ii < itlio-l > o thur niipnny l > < I D iliioepr * llltinti' lth fiio ilmilcx ul our ulistiitiirc" lilt lohc-J I ) Hi iulMrllatinc ! > iit > 0i\t ( MIS W't ttio nnitorilunol tunk mil Innkit * nlllinr nil | irl c < rtrmn In ilio louliiiini > > iitj , l.otuilc.i nlilrli umr luin | > < int < ! nt mriuitnlcMt It M \ \l NM M I'r > I , < mKniiii\nfl limit. I'll Kill I ANAl \ , I'li' utiniri Hunk. A UAI,1)\\IN. ) I'li's Ni u III leans Nut I ItanU. C AIM , KOIIN , I'KS. 1'tiion National llnnk GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING At the Acacloin/ Music , Now Orleans , TucsUny , Sopt. Uth , 1800. CAPITAL 1'RIZIi , $30OOOO. 1W001 Tld.cts at Twotitv Dolbirs o mh II ihi's JIO ; tjnaitc'is M , lontbs , J. , I'mn- tlctlii , M. l.M' W l lll/is : I iMti/r m fiUMMiis . . . . jioonno I I'lll/i : < IIKIOMs . UK ) CO ) i I'lii/i : < n f iiiwiH . wixw 1 I'lll/K Oh > 'iOJCII ' < . . . 3MHJO 2 I'lll/l 5OK UJUO. ) mo . MOO ) 5 1'iu/rs UK fvii.n n'o . J.DIJO 2i I'lll/l S Ol' 1 ( Mil mo . . . JMIOO 'Oil I'KI/I.S ( II Mil IIW . . . ' * KUO .in IMIIKOK co in- . . . loooo MM I'UI/.hS tlK M nro . . . . . 100103 AIM'llilMVTIU > I 111ZLS 1011 1'rlrc or f ilOnio . . roroi ItW I'llytuf OJiiie . . . . tJOO.1 lOJl'rlZLSor AHjnrii . . U.OcK ) TIIU1INM. I Itl/l f f I'M rsof fleHnri- . IH'H > 0 Hi ) l'rl/i uf lOOiito . . I'MUJ J,13 1 Prizns ninountlng to $1,05-1,800 Neil 1 Ickon ilrnwIiiK t a.illnl 1 rlrui n o nut on- tltleil lo IcMiiilinil prlrcn AGENTS WANTED. t fTiinrtt n lUTts ( > r nny fnrllirr liiforniiitlun dt lrtMl wrltu It Kllih In ( ho uinli IH'HIIPI ' ! iluuly Ht itln your ri" ltloiii n. nltli l ito lounlv , ntn cl unit iiiiiiilii'r Mori ) ruplil rttiirn mull di llu'rv Mill lie ntiuiutl l > > > uur uiiLlualii an tuvoli po be irlntf your lull iuldlc' 3 IMPORTANT : Address ! \ A. UAIII'IIIN , Now Uileans , T n Or M A. DAUPHIN. \\uililnKton , D f. My orllmry le'ttir cnntaliitlu MiiM\Oun > lt la- HUCd liy nil ui | > rui9 cuiuiulilo , \urkkxihuiiuu , Uriltur I'oMil nulo Address Uetslsterocl Letters Contalninrj Cur rency to Ni\V : OIIMIANS NATIONAL II\NK , r\ow Oile.iiH , La Itr.MnMlintl , tlnl tlinpnyniintorprliot N ill'Ml AN rim m loin N ITIOVAI niMiSof Nim ( ir lllinn 1111,1 ciu * Liinii. HI it Etiiiv < l li ] nil' | il I' li'i II t Ul nil InstlluLlun who < u c hirlcrtl ( rluliti are n IM niilznl In tint MchL'iU o uH t u'rciloto , bei > iuu uf nil hulUt lloniuranoiDiiuiiiH si lu 11113 1UMI MHMt tlintihi proxntrlnrlornf Tlio toll l l 111:1 : tate I ult < r > ( 'onpnui nhlili tin ) SlH'ltl.MI' (01 111 Ol 11115 U S lias d. c ( In ! to ou u CO.S THAI I wltlitliu State or lualNltina unit ninrtut the ( niixttimlun ut tliiirlntu liol'sMl ; uvnlru I.V ' 111 1111" 1 llts'i ( ] | T VNtlt \ IM. . 'llm II uuliiluri'ut1 l.onN muiliicli nUJnnrncil on Ih Illtli uf liny of tills ; i at Inx.rlLliulliil AMI.MI MLM to tlio ( onil lull n nl tliu stall ) t ( > In mill inllttil tu Ilio p ( ujilu nt mi iMct tin n la Ih ! ' w hull \\llt ( nrry lliiKlinrlc'rnf Till I.iil ISMN \ M VThl.ul- 'irilIHMI'XM up tolliojcur MNKU.I .N 11U - lIUil AMI MMJ1 111 N BUFFnilUlS 1 U01I i DcMlllr. Vuilhful InJlHcrilloni p t - I.out Mnnliood. BjlYouijlwaLPhysjcjajjj j Wany men , from ( lie effecti of youthful < Injru(1ncp [ ( , hruebtoUKlit about ailnUi uf ' vrvHKiiciitlmt lini itjuifil the cvncrnl tjt | torn ยง o much na to Indutu almost irtry > oilier ( IjKrvse , And the nnl rnuio of ( ho ; troublb Bcarmlj evtr 1 eliitf BunjmUJ , tlcy arc iJjictoroil f > r uver ) thlnjr but ( tie rl lit ! onn , Notifllhstandlnp the many TRlt--1- ' ' rnritcIlLMtlinc mid leal nrlinco Imwtrud for tlio i flit f of thin claa * of patients of tlio nrdlnarjr HUMen of trcnlnunt enprin curn l > urlnunruxUn tire eolUKe and tiofl ( Itnt tiractlca tto hnro uxH.rlniiiili ] 1 with ; and UiHoovt red new nnd rani ciiti flt d renn- < ilitti flio an nmprmjltiir prtocrlt tlon 1 of * 1 ferud uia rtTlnln nnd Miurtl > < nr , fti huntrod ot otvkts Inoir pntclloe hn > u Ixon re tniiMl to pirfrrt hnlihlrltii uia utter all i HiurrcimitlUfl rnlhd 1 nCottlj pui-utn i rrreUlciiti tini-.t ho usuj In tlio t ni arullojuf i tnlitpitf diptinti ll-l-rythrnjtylon COCA , 1 t dracltm , , ! t'mj''lnn 1 2 drnthm Jli-lunliid Molrn 12diAOimi , ( kUnntii. 8 ratni tut lentnndrn , 3Krui Its ( ilT nne.o Hit MikuCOIUn. | Inkplplll fltSp m , nndnn ntlurun k'ntt | iluil Ittm mBcafcts ll will . i , . , . , . iiryfrrtm intlont1otnl(0tv/oiHU ; " - " initiTthrtoaday iiiiiriht iiMiroatoiriny ationisnuijr.nn un > usm ntlnuvl ft r n fhort tlmorlnntr * * tlio j lanzni 1 dubillUd il iirrvt-lcfj cojijlUoa teen > on > f rtwTI 1 ) tr ivnd > lKor J Ai aioronstnittlr lit rwclpt of lotlersnf : ; Inriufrr M tatlto to tliU r tiudy , vo % % ould r Fay t jthtin who would pr for to oMnlnltnf i tu by u iiiltlrr ( I nm uuly wah d va < k- > bifj rcntftlnlitt CO fills , carefully coin ' | i mnuV I will I MI rt ntiy \ if turn rnitfl from jurprUntft Inloriitrry nr wo will furnish ft mck ntri H , wh i < It w III euro iiiuut casoti , fur 85 Atldrisa or tall un ri2\ ' ( England Nodical Institute , S t TrtMimnt How , ItoMon , M i mjyrfuhttfl \ l > r K II 1II1IPK. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 Farnnm Btroot. HARRY P. DEUEL , City PaEsoncor nnd Tlokot Atfotit. Baled Hnj In cnrlots. Wrlto II.B. RMSH&CO. . Turin. Iowa. TO WEA Bt M E W" Buffi rln frnm iho nit i tmf yimllifiili rrore , I'uilf ircny v.iuillin winkn Ml ( > xt i"uuh' l , < If , I \ hl MMiil a Vi uablu Inattfu ( rt nlt'li ' rditoinliiK full pirllrulini f' r homo cure , I'lU'.l. ot > linrxi * . A flliiKlll iniillrul i rk fli mill l > i ml Ivivrry limn \vlii | 4 iifirvoiu nut < trl > llllat il. ililnMt , I'jol. I' . ' , \V'J.iH.IIlooiltl ; .C'0111U CV P W 1 1 IQ inv ' r nilIO ( lionly IIHK of tin nuir- v < > | oiiKMuRloHi > iiiilv ( * .VWdOtor lie- mill will nolciini. I \ \ ' I'lON to I llmui mi no ri'iu- uly.Vrltcor ciiill mi I c . loilyu. 'JU llur- uvy btreut , Uiuiiha ,