Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Tholnnkclcnrlni'sycstcrdny amounted
.loo Lockwood , the Gnrncnu dlnmoml
tliiof , wtitt released from tlio county jnll
yesterday morning , Tltu jiolico picked
liltn up and Judge Hulsley ordered lilm
out of town.
Jack Prince cnmo up from St. .Too yci-
tcrdny and ( spent a few hours in the city
trying to ncijotlitto a deal for the lancing1
of tliu CollBoum from the stockholders.
At tlio protuiittlmo I'rlnco is running a
Colipcuiu in St. Joe.
The national lady romintesionerH for
Ncbrnsku to the worliVn fair nt Chicago
liavo 1 > eon nominated. Thuy are Mrs. J.
H. HrltffjH , Omiihn ; Mrs. S. C. r-sintf-
\vorthy , Hmvsiid ; Mr.s. Laura A. LJntos ,
Aurora , nnd Mrs. M. A. U. Miiftin of
Droliun Dow.
United Slates Commissioner Anderson
jcstd-day I su < ul u warrant for the arrest
of ono 1C. F. Graham of I'Vcmont , wlio is
clr.irgcd with uslny the math for the
tmrix'Ho of carrying on u fraudulotit
luHinu"H. Tlio complainant in the enso
cliirj'OH that Uralinin sent out circulars.
In whli'h ho could furnUh "tfrecn goods"
that WCTO aw good IIH gold and would
Fin nil the rlyld oxiunimiUon.
Yesterday 1'lctro Mnrlo 1'uno wni before -
fore United States Commissioner Antler-
ion , wlicro she MVOI-O to an Information ,
clmrtfing that 1'otcr Murctillii called ut
the Utnalin iioatollleo , and , by milking
falfo ropi entalioiiH , Biiccccdvd in ob
taining lior lottc-re , which ho opened ,
read and destroyed. The warrant for
I'otor's arrest was given to a deputy
mur.-lml. who located the mun , tinding
him actively rngngod In the occupation
of runnlntr u banana stand.
New complications hnvo niiscn In the nf-
fulraof tlio Coliseum. The association hav
ing fulled to p.iy the real , amounting to
something over f > CO , proceedings havu been
begun to oust the association.
Ito publicans At tout ion.
A meeting of the Douglas county republi
can clab will be hold at the Imposition build-
liif : , corner Foiu-tcciith niul Capitol aveauo ,
l'"Yiilny cruninir , August 15 , nt S o'clock. A
full mooting of the club is dcslicil , ns the
oxccutlvo conunlttco ivlll bo appointed and
other linpoitant ousinc-s transacted.
Spu'ches will bo inado by William Uurlcy ,
Prank Hansom nn ' others.
All rciuiliunns aio requested to attend and
Join the club. THOMAS Suoiu : , President.
1U. L. l oiinn : , Soo'y.
The fast mall on the Union Pacific from
Grand Island to Council Bluffs inado the
gre.itestruu on record Wednesday , making l.'iO .
miles with eight stops In two hours and flfty-
nlno minutes. Tlio old timed Jack Dolan vas
ut the throttle of his favorite cnplno nntl
Pitt O'llrlcn wiis conductor. Tlio train had
to meet the Q for tlio null and as it sicil [
uloiiK tlio line , people .saw lightning without
tliumlcr. The fast mall .system has been la
operation slnco Deromurr lust but never vas
there such time inado a ? this. Otters are now
out for old Jack to engineer u 11 } Ing ma-
It Must Ho Kci > iilretl hy tlio City anil
Hull way Company.
"Ttio city engineer and 1 have made a care
ful examination of the Eleventh street via
duct , " said Chairman Blrkhauscr of the
board of public works , "anil Had that it
should bo repavcd Immediately. Tlio rest of
the structure wo llnd to bo nil
rlKht. Wo shall RO right to
work to iiml out how much of
the r craving the sticet car company Is re
sponsible for and then Ret them to arraiiRO
for doing their share which will probably
take some little time , for It's always hard to
get any of these corporations to net in such n
matter. As for tlio city , It Is icudy to do Its
part without delay. "
llcrolu Efforts to ( Jet Him Out of the
Tolls of tlio linn :
Detective Pat Horrlgan mid n representa
tive of the Boston store have loturned from
Marshall , Mo. They went there in response
to a letter signed , "A Citizen,11 stating that
soon after the robbery of that store a quantity
of silk and other gooih hnil been sent to that
place , presumably to relative of Prank I3ruco ,
the ciook captured lust week by Sergeant
They secured a search warrant , but after
considering the situation , concluded not to
use it.
U U not Rener.illy known tkit the father of
Km co Is In till ) city. Hocamohoro soon after
bis son's nrri'st and since his arrival has been
devoting every minute of his time to hia boy's
Intel ests.
An attorney has been retained to defend
the young man and ho and the prisoner's fa
ther are now looking up evidence. Ills not
Koncrally known either that Ilruco's partner
whose riuht name , by the way , is Howard , Is
In the city , but ho U nnd at present Is stop
ping with u friend In the western part of the
The Holding Power of the Hope-
Ordurtl fur Ktl. i > . Xenl.
Tor more than two veekspnstl have had ,
stored away In n box in my ofllco the rope
with which I shall bang Ncal" said Sheriff
Boyd when interrogated on the subject.
" 1 won't tell you when I gave the ordqr for
It" continued the sheriff , "but it was long
enough ago for it to bo made and shipped
hero at the time I have designated. It Is a
nvo-clghth Inch , pure hemp , eighteen feet
long ami warranted to stand a pull of 1,000
pounds ,
"No bir , I'm not showing tlio rope
to anybody , nndlwt Is more
I do not think It the proper thing to talk
about these incidentals so far aUc.ul of time.
I have but ono idea about this now decreed
hanging of Neal and that Is that I propose to
hnvo everything in perfect ntul complete
readiness by U n. m. on October 'J5 for the ex
ecution , whether It conies on" or not.
"No , I hnvo not us yet given the order foi
tlio scaffold-anil you mustn't expect mote
tulk about it when 1 do. "
AN lauosrrioN.
Jlalstrd's Knomlc's Set-It to Mallei
and Injure Him.
In the report published Wednesday of P. A
Batch's loss oa K. O. llalstod's board account
endorsed by Frank llnrnard , by a confusloi
of names an Injustice was done Mr , NV.iHei
Bcllard , who win represented as having endorsed
dorsod llalstod's note to Mr. Butch. Mr
Bellard had nothing to do with the clalu
against Ilalsted. *
The following letter from Proprietor Balcl
of the Darker o.\plnlns Itself :
OMAHA , August 14 , To thu Killtnr of Till
HKK : \vlblt to stuloln justlcolo Mr. Walte
llcllanl that ho has pum Ills bills ut my liote
promptly ami without demur ! Unit the irirtj
who endorsed tliotl Jnotolii payment of E ( J
llitlstril's bill Is Trunk Hurniiiil , foriucilycoa
ncetcd with the .Mcehunlcs. " nnd Traders
bunk of Oinuha. 1. A , II A mi.
Mr. Bollard furthur states tliat the debt o
Hoisted had no connection with the huslncs
of the Don Carlos lumber company. Halsted
was not connected with the company at th
tlmo ho boarded ut the hotel and incurred th
Hiilstca was simply nn employe of the lam
Dor company mentioned und is now prosecut
Ing witness against Hlazcr. This is his on I
connection with the unfoiluuuto career of th
Don Carlos lumber company. The transac
tlon nt tno Barker had no possible coanectto
with the affairs of the lumber company.
Mr. Halstcad BIWO no check , as has bee
alleged , to Mr. llnlcU on a bank in which h
find no uionoy. The account has beeu settle
und the bill has been paid.
The Clerpy , the Medical Vacuity nnd tli
1'ooplo all endorse Burdock Blood Bitters u
( ho best eystom renovating , btool purlfylu
W(9 ( ( u UV ) WCrld. Send for testimonials.
The LtnrlltiRtotfMllwnukco .Squabble
Ovrr the Union Depot.
There Is no prospect fern speedy settle
ment of the union depot squabble. Ono side
makes stitonicnts and the other denies them.
This naturally widens the breach.
" 1 can cull your attention to another Im
portant feature that bus not been publjcly
discussed , " said an interested party , "and
ono upon which the entire controversy
hinges. You say the Burlington pcoplo clnim
that nothing lint been done , showing any
disposition on the pirt o ! the Milwaukee
road to come In nnd use their temporary Joint
depot. I am afraid they nrd crlvcn to prev.iri-
catloa because I know positively that the
Milwaukee has been trying very bard to
tnnko a deal that will permit It to
run its passenger trains toll" ! Into Omaha.
Hut the HuilliiKton want-i to charge that com
pany n big lent for terminil and rent facili
ties which it dors not nc-eil niul has no dctiro
to secure. All itdomands if simply the pilvl-
li-ffo of running Its trains into anil out of the
depot nnd fnr tnnt wnvlleftt ) is perfectly will-
hui to p.iy a ru isonnblerentil.
"Tho shoo that pinches the hardest , how-
e\cr , U' worn on a different foot. Tlio Milwaukee -
waukoo is , and for a long tlmo has been the
liurlington's strongest competitor on Omaha
business , therefore it wishes to keep the Mil-
vaukr-o out Jml as long as It possibly can.
\Vlien the oii'rinf'cr.s' stiilio was on two years
njo the Milwaukee took nearly every bit of
the passcnper trnfllc in mid out of this city
away trom tlio Durliii toti and only because
of the fact that Its trains stopped ut Council
IJlulTs , which inado a transfer nccejsary , did
the latter succeuJ in getting a portion of that
tialllc back.11
A.lolly Oroxvil.
General Passenger Agent Loinnx of the
Union 1'neillo came in from Denver Wednes
day nnd says the ticket agents whom ho
helped to escort In u special train of luxurious
1'ullman caw from Chicago to that city last
Sunday nnd Monday , are having nn elegant
time. They loft Chicago over the Alton road
Saturday night SIX ) stron ( . ' , took on an addi
tional car load nt St. Louis , secured more ut
Kansas City andsomo that when
the party rent-hod Denver It numbered -150.
General Passenger Agent Ohnrltoa of the Al-
on , wns comnunder-ln-chU'f of the excursion
5 far as Kansas City , where n flue
noakfast was tendered thorn Monday morn-
ng at the Midland hotel nnd from thereMr. .
< omax , Innsinucli as the balance of tlio run
vii3 made over the Union 1'acifle , NIIS llr&t In
oininand. After a two days' meeting of the
nteinntlomil association of ticket agents , at
) onvcr the boys propose to titKi ) in all the
nountaln resorts as far west as Salt Lake
icfore return ing home.
Notes and I'ersomilq.
The general freight oSloos of the Cliieaco.
it. I'.uil fi Kansas City load will oo moved
Jclobor 1 from St. Joseph to Kansas City.
S. M Hcrr , supeiinteiidontof the Gales-
mrg division of the Buillngton has resigned
o uicept a bitnllar position with the Milwuu-
ice road.
Engineer Kobor's of the B. ft 1. , who fell
ft his engine near Aslilund Monday night
nnd was badly Injured , is at St. Joseph's ' hos-
iltal and getting along nicely.
Ed Williams , for a long time chief rate
lerkof the U. & Al. , has resigned to take a
tetter position with thoHio Gr.iude , Septcm-
icr 1 at Salt Lake.
AVhy It Is Popular.
Because it has proven its absolute merit
over and over ngnln , bccnuso it has an un-
Jiiuulledtccord of cures , because Its business
s conducted In a thoroughly honest manner ,
md because it combines economy anil
strength , being the only medicine of which
MOOUoscs Ono Dollar" is true-these strong
loints have umdo Hood's Sarsapaillla the
nest successful medicine of the clay.
The Sacred Heart academy for day
lupils , situated on St. Mary's .avenue
ind iiTth st. , is nn institution devoted to
.ho moral und intellectual education of
young glrla The eourso includes ovory-
ihlng1 from an elementary department tea
a finished claissical education. Ucsidorf
the ordinary academical course , music ,
painting , drawing and the InnKiuigoH are
Uuight. French is Included In the ordi
nary course. DllToroncoof roligiou is no
ob taclo to the receiving ofpupila , pro
vided tnoy conform to the general regu
lations of the feiihool. The hcholiibtic
term commenced the first Tuesday in
September. Clashed begin nt 0 a. m. ,
und pupils nro dismissed tit li:30 : p. m.
KltOM TilU orilini AVOlt D.
Flon. John A. AluShaiio Arrives to Set
the Hall lit Motion.
Hon. John A. AlcShane , chairman of the
democratic state central committee , has
returned from his Hying trip to Europe on busi
ness peitainlng to gold mining property in
Mexico and in which ho and several other
Omaha capitalists hnvo lar o holdings.
"The trip was ono for business almost ex
clusively , " said the ex-congressman. "I vis
ited Paris , London and made n little run over
to Ireland. At the latter place I found the
people nlittlo down-licartod over the small
potato crop , though othern Iso very hopeful.
I learned more dourly tnan ever that Ireland
and Scotland are bound to hnvo homo rule at
no very distant day. The fact was
conceded to mo by many men who stand very
high amoii ttio great Jiicu of Kuropu nnd
who would , I think , under no circumstances
whatever , make such an admission If it was
not inevitably foreshadowed bv the facts ,
"In the llnanolnl circles of London and
Paris I found that American properties of
nearly all kinds weio becoming more exceed
ingly attractive ! with the passage of every
day. In other words , America's stock is
enjoying a swifter rise In value than that of
any other country on the globs. Tnoieforo ,
I consider it nothing mom or less tbiui a cer
tainty when 1 say that the purchase of Amer
ican mnimfiictiiries , lands , stocks , etc. ,
already imulo by London nnd Purls investors ,
Is but the llrst few patters of rain pieceed-
Ing udelupo of English and Ficnchgohl seek
ing exchange for such things as I have desig
nated ,
"In Pails I met , Too Millard and fnmllv ;
Lyiima Hlcliardson with his family. JC
W. Wells nnd Mr. Nelman of Schuy-
ler , and a largo number of other
Nebraska people. I also had chats with
Oukes Ames nnd several other Xew York
magnates whom I mot In London.
"Paris is very gay with her races , etc , , Just
now. There is where you see life for all theio
Is In It , nnd I should hnvo liked to have seen
anotbor month of the whirl. London Is a
trlllo nioio sleepy In point of gaiety than what
1 had anticipated. The thunder of a mighty ,
n. tremendous business drowns out the laugh
of the merry-making In London "
When asked whether the fact of his nrri-
vliiu homo on the day of his party convention
hndaaysIcrnlilcance.Mr. McSlmno said ;
" .No , none whatever. I n.n entirely nnd
completely out of politics. I have no idea
what the convention will doand have no pre
ference of nuy hlml regarding the mimes
which may come up for oftlce. Inn attend
ing strictly to business nowadays llftt , last
and ull the tlmo. "
Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous
dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr.
Miles' Nurvlno. Sampled free at Kuhn &
Co's ' , lath and Douglas.
Dr. SussdorlT trenta successfully nil
discubcs of the kidneys , bladder nnd
rectum. 1501 Furnnin bt.
I'HOUUOK ( 'KICKSi < Vlli : KIIl.M.
There Is No NceU to 1'eel That They
Will Klsc.
Omaha housekeepers have beeu excited the
past ten days over the rise In the local provl
ulon market , and that the predictions made
that the cud has not yet been reached. There
seems to bo no necessity for worry eve
prices. In fact It is known lower than higher
prices nro likely to prevail ,
"Tho talk that potatoes arc going to cost -3
and I per bushel Is nuro nouseaso , " said the
1'oycko Bros. Co , "Potatoes are worth foi
cliohw Nebraska and Iowa stock , in sound
lots , fUrfl.45 per bushel. California and
bait Lake tubers sell nt Sl.50. There will bo
a very good supply of lute potatoes from
Utah , Coloiudo , Nebraska nnd northern lown
nndo would not bo surprised to see potatoc
selling In this market nt 60 cents pe
bushel tnU felL 1'rulta are scare
s tlio eastern crops nro scant nnd n partial
allure , but California tms an ample crop and ,
vhllo some kinds of dried fruit may bo
dghcr , there will bo an excellent canned as-
ortment to choose from nt the usual prices ,
r pot-Imps ten per cent higher than last
car ; Butter , eggs , cheese and poultry are
ihcap nnd likely to remain nt reasonable
trices. Melons are plentiful nnd line in
aver , and there is not any reason to com-
ilulii of present prices for produce In the
nnrket. "
The butchers report choice cuts of moat
omowhnt higher , but there has been no
real or general advance in prices.
llvorythlng < jens Wremjj
n the bodily mechanism when the liver gets
ut of order. Constipation , dyspepsia , con-
amlnatlon of the blood , imperfect nsslmlla-
Ion nro certain tocnsuo. But it is easy to
prevent these consequence * , nnd remove their
cause , by n course of Hosteller's Stomach
Blttora , which slliullatcs the biliary owm
and regulates its action , The direct result is
a disappearance of the pains beneath the ribs
md through the shoulder blade , the nausea ,
icailaehes , yellowness of the skin , furred look
f the tongue , nnd sour odor of the biv.ith ,
vhich characterise liver complaint. Hound
igcstlon nndn regular habit of body are
ilcssinifs nlsoscetin-d by the u.scof this colo-
u-ated restorative of health , which Is Its host
runranUo of safety from malarial epidemics.
s'ervo weakness and over-tension
- are re-
leved by it , and it improves both appetite
nd sleep.
Through coaches lAillnnn pnlnco
leopers , dining card , trey reclining chair
ars to Chicago and Intervening points
'in the great Rock Island route. Ticket
Olllce IGUi' , Sixteenth and Fnrnuin.
Gco. S. Smith Accuses Money homier
Corlictt oT Dishonesty.
An amended petition containing some of
ho most sensational statements ever placed
on public record In this city bin been lllcd in
ho district court case of Annie UT. nnd
Gcorgo S. Smith against Charles Coibett ,
William F. Potty , Frank Elmoie , Edwiud II
{ atekin and S. Jt. Shirk.
The plaintiffs are kusbind and wife , mar
ried ' and have three
Uu'iity-thrco years aio ,
children , the oldest nineteen and the young
est live years.
During Ihc past live years Mr. and Mrs
Smith nnd children have been
occupying a liamKoino pioperty , their
lomebtuad , situated In Preston and
Williams addition. On Juno 13 labt and for
several months prior thereto the husband was
gteatly debilitated and wholly Incapacitated
'or transacting busiftcss. While hoas in
this condition it is stated that the defendants
Untekin exceptcd wickedly and malicious-
y conceived a scheme to defraud plaiiililTs
out of theli property.
Mrs. Smith nlluges that at the time stated
she was approached with i-espoct to elliiig
the pioperty , but knew none of the defen
dants. After certain deeds had been ex
ecuted by her bho learned for the tlrst
; imo of the conspiracy to i-heat and defraud
her and her husband of their propeity. She
says that she also learned that Charles Cor-
[ jct was n money leaner and dealer in moit-
gagcs and notes in , Omaha , nnd that Petty
ind Klmoro were his accomplices.
The Smiths set ? , r > 00,5\5iXl , cash nnd other
mortgage security us their llgwcs on their
Defendants then proceeded and by numer
ous leprescntations of a fictitious nature suc
ceeded in swindling the old folks out of their
nro pert v.
The man Ed word llatekln Is Corbctt's
The piincipnl incentive held out hy Cor-
bett and his partners is alleged to hnvo been
"valuable east siJo property in Pieiro.
Dak , " upon \\hlch Coibett claimed to hold
10 per cent mortgages , which through tele
grams sent by his conspirators was made to
appear ns woith 5)0cents ) on the dollar
The prayer of the plaintiffs is that the de
fendants bo icstrained from sellhif , ' , trans
ferring'or oncuinbciing the property out of
which it is claimed they have so despicably
swindled Mr. und Mrs. Smith and that the
deeds of conveyance f'Iven by the latter bo
declared fraudulent anil void.
Annoiuiuctii nt.
C. B. Moore & Co. huvo been appointeil
wholesale agents for the celebrated \ratcn of
Uxielsior Sprinys , MUsourl.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for tlio accommodation of
Ointihn , Council Bliill's , Dos Moiues and
Chicago business is the Hoclc Island.
vestibule limited , leaving Omaha at 1:15 :
p. in. daily. Ticket otlico 1002 , Sixteenth
and Furiuuu uts. , Omaha.
s n VTII oji'i ii.i si : t vs.
A .MiiiinlUueiH Showing.
Superintendent . N. Babcoclc kindly fur
nishes the following interesting mulsuipris-
Ing comparative stockyards statistics : Dur
ing the llrst txvclvo days In July last ! ) , : ! ( ) < !
cais of block were hmulloJ at tlio yards and
during the concspomllng time this mouth
4tf3 caw were Handled , an increase of 1,877
or41.W ( per cent.
During the twelve days In July , ISSO ,
there were handled ! ! ,1U ! cara , and during
August this year for the corresponding days ,
lMi , n gain of l.i'JO cars , or Mi.lni.
During the llrst'cight months of the yard's
year , from Uoiumbcr 1 , Ib s to August I.
1 toll , the receipts of hogs were 7U , ( ' > ii. > and
cattle ' 'sri.S'lO , and during the cowesiioiiding
months of the year Ibs'.i Ul , ending the llrst
day of this month , the receipts of hogs wore
( > Ji,04'J , a gain of I'JT1) , ! or lfi..v > percent and
Us" , 18. ! cattle , a gain of Ull/JOJor U3.ll.
During the month of July the Armour-
Cudahy packing company shipped 9,11 cars ol
packing house product , nn average of thirty-
hlx cars per day. The largest shipments
made In any ono dny were forty-eight car
loads. The prepaid frclghtnlonoamouiitcd
to Wb,700. , The value of the shipments was
about $ lbK ( ) ( ) ( > 0.
The magnitude of the business at this point
may bo understood when it Is remembered
that this is only ono ot the four largo packing
houses in this city and that It takes nenily
twice as many cars to bring in the animals us
to bhip out the product.
\ot es Alum t tins City.
Mrs , Brenoff. complains again to the police
that her husband lias been engaged in the
pleasurable time of mopping the lloor with
her and kicking the lilo nearly out of her
body ,
A. C. McCraekcn has been appointed
special p&liccniuu at the 0. 11. Hammond
packing house.
Hov. Ilobert L. Wheeler has received nn In
vitation to deliver ton lectures during Sep
tember in Uox Uutte , Sheridan mid Cherry
counties in favor of the independent ticket.
O Illcor Thomas Loonoy- yesterday shot two
dogs thought to be mud.
City Clerk John J. Hynn has Just drawn
warrants for fcs.UW in payment of claims
against the city.
Last night sixteen candidates were Initiated
la Enterprise Iod0'o No. 7'J ' , Knights ol
A meeting was held last night In St. Agnes *
hall and ull arrangements were completed for
the third annual picnic and liwu party to bo
given in Syndicate park Saturday afternoon.
Do not b Imporcd 01 by tnjr of the iramercns
ImlUtlona , lubitltulei ) , ttc. , wl'xlch ara llcKxlmn
tbo lorM. There ia only ono Bulft'a Spcclllc ,
and .hero Is nothing lilo It. Out remedy con.
taln no Slcrcurjr , rototh , Arcenlc , or any j u-
onoui ( ubitatico whatever. U liulljs up tbo Kin-
irul bealtb from the Cut iloso , onil has never
failed to enullcato contagious blootl jHilioti and
ila effects from Ibo ejdcm. Uo itiro to get tbo
gcuulnc. Scut ) your addicts for our Trratlag on
Blocd andEklu llkcwc , vulcb will to mollx !
free. BWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlsota , Qa.
Aii nupcriureicpiien rrrovoi in rnlllloniof Jiomci
formuratlmnmimrtor nf n irntury. lll n et by
the Unlleil biit * ij < v-niti'iit Itodonod Mr thu
hr of Ilia itri'iil im'.tcritlui m the Stromro t ,
Puri'it and Mo t lloilihful 1)1'ilcoN ) Crunin ll.ik-
Invl'otTilur ilos notconuln nminonlft.lliua ornluin
HolJonlr In rins
I'ltu i : iiAici > n ioivniii ! co. ,
Now York. Chliaifo. ban Krunilaou. St. loul )
Kabo is for women who
break their corsets. Kabo
can't ' be brol'en. The store
guarantees it not to break
For a year ; and the maker
behind the store. e
And Kabo doesn't kink.
To kink is almost as bad as
to break. The store guar
antees it not to kink for a
year ; and the maker behind
the store.
If asingle"bone" ( we call
it " bone ' it isn't boneof
Kabo breaks or kinks in a
year , take your corset back
to the store and get your
money. And , if the corset
don't suit you after wearing
a week or two or three , go
back for yoyr money.
'There is a primer on Cor
sets for you at the store. „ .
CHICA.OO Coflsrr Co. , Clilcarjo and Now York.
ll'atttr Besant.
Extract 'i ' front tht Rtfptt tit the Folhliou eIVntcr
"Typhfld ( e\cr in our cities is m a great part duo
to the sewage in the vatcr Jupplj. "
"Wecannotthut < ur ejcs to the relation vhich
exists between sewngoin our streams and typhoid fc\cr
in the cities that are supplied by them , "
"Thirty thousand people die of typlioid fever
= nr.uUly : in Uic United Stales of America. '
" Tht pmity cf Apollinaris Uraler cfftrs
the test smtnty ajpitut the danger * whicftare
common to most of the ordinary druiking
APOLL1XARIS. " The annual
siimpticn of this favorite tcvcragf affords a
ttrtkittg proof of the widespread demand which
exists jar ialle water of absolute purity. "
NOTICE. Thf wetl-bwtm Ycllnu Labels of
t/ie ApcUinarii Ccmftny , Limited , are
frttected by Perpetual Injunctions cf tht
Supreme Court.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
Tlio most widely nnd fnvornblv lno\rn ( spco-
Inlisls In the I'nltoil St.itca 'Chi'lr lonit cx-
liLTliiR'o , roiiinrk'iblu ttsill niul unlvi'riil ; sno-
ci'ss lit tlio trcatini'nt inul euro of Is'crvoui ,
Chrnnlo unit biirKli'iil Illson'i's. entitle tlioso
ciiilnt'tit pliVHlcluns to the full vuiiQiluncuoC
the nlllliMcu evotyvrliuri' , Tliuy Kuarantno ;
A Uinn'AIN AM ) I'Otfll'lVK OUUn for
the uwfult'llecls of curly vlooaud tlioimmur-
otis cvllR tint follow In Us t i.iln ,
spi'odlly.eoiniiloiiHy nnd pomiaiii'iitly eiirod.
Ninivotjs mitiurv : AND HIIXUAI. Dia-
OUDKUSyluld ruudliy to their slillUul trcat-
mpiit ,
Kiitiiautieil uurud wltliuut iialn or dctoutluu
from hutiliii'ss.
nnntly und succuMtiilly i-urcil In nvery case.
tiYlMllliltf. UOMJKIlllKA , OLER1' , Hpor-
tiiutorrhoi , Si'ir.lualVi'il : > no-s , Lost Miinliood ,
N'lulit KiiilhsliiiiM , Doauyi'il I'lioultlos , Kumnlo
Wunknuii and all ilullcntu disorders pouiillar
to I'ltlior so\ positively inin'il , ns well uviull
functional dlMinlura tlmt rontiU from youth
ful ( ulllr or tlni cicossof jnnturo years.
< sTlir'r III/IJ auanutoul | ) or umontly
O i IVl l U IvL. oiircil , roiunviil co'iijilotu.
without cutting , caustic or dllatttlon. Cures
alTectotl at homo by natluat nlthout a mo
ment's twin or annoyniico. . , _ _ ,
AQIIPIJ nil'IJ Tlio awful " ( Toots of
OUKll LUIUi , 'lriv vlt'O which lirlncn
orpniilo wPiiVness , ilfslniyli , t'Otl' ' inlutl Iiml
boily.vlth ull Its drcatlod ilia , | ioriauncaly
CUH'cl ,
HW < J HKTTQ Atlilrcs < tliosowliohavolm-
U i\J. Ills 1 1 O n.ilri'd thomsi'lvoi by liu-
proper IniliilRetioo uuil Military h ibllnvliloh
ruin both inliiil ami limly , iiiililtltix thorn for
buihu" < 4. Rtudy or mitirluni' .
MAHIIIKU MK.N nr tlioso c nlurliu on t hat
happy llfo , awaroof tiliysloaltlobllity.qulcjjly
IB Insed upon fuels. 1'lrst I'ractloal oxporl-
oiue. tii'contl K\ory citso lisiioi'lallystndlou ,
thus BtartliiR right. Third -Slmllclnes are
pirnnruil In our laboratoiy exactly to suit
uaui case , thus olTcotliigviiroa wliliout Injury ,
Drs. Belts & Bctts ,
roll l.Alnvt Os'l.V"lr I.O'liici IVrloilli'ul I'llll
ll.elrcnih rt'ini'dy. net ull Ihu uii'nitriiiiluj'iiteiii ' and
euro > ii | < | iruaiuii | trutu wlmtovnr cnu < i , I'ruiuoli )
iiiuniJtruiillon. Tlitjvs pllUnhuuld not b'l tnkcn diu *
liKprL'tfiinncr , AUI , 1'lllto. , Uoyiiltir i'tou * , Hpon >
ciT.Clur Co. , la. ( ionuliioby bliuniun \ McOunnull.
Doilt'o it. near 1' uuiualiit ; C A. Mulclior , nuutti
Oiauiiu ; U. 1' , Ullli , Couucll UluOa. I. , ut J lurti.
Protect nnd Improve * Your Sight by Using n Pnlr of Our "Perfection"
Spectacles or EiBplassBS [
.A. xlO
They are The BEST in the WORLD
Wo iralc a specialty of high grade goods , using the regular ecu
list's Pre&cnptlon Frnme , and only first quality crystal lenses , which
nre scientifically ground to correct the various defects of vision.
Every poll * is fitted Practical of '
by n Optlcinn many years' experi
FOR Thirty Days \YcWill \ Sell SPI-CT/VCLIiS and liYEGLASSES at
Worth $5 to $10 ; now $3 to $5
For $1 and $1,50 ; worth $2 to $3
BLUE OR LONDON SMOKED GLASSES , for shading the eyes , from BOcUP
Beware of using common Spectacles , which are sure to injure your
eyes , but take advantage ot out'reduced prices und buy the best and
liayo them properly adjusted to your eyes.
Established 18O6. 16th AND FARNAM STREETS , Omaha , Neb
The Omalm Medical and Surgical Institute
KortlictrcatmontofnllCIIltONlO'ANDSUIiniCArj DHn.VSH3. llr.iPOf , Aiyllrinpoi f < ir duformlllos nnl
TruH u ! , Uo t Kacllltlc < , Apparatus iiml ItomollLM for nicsos'fiil Ire itinuat of uvory form of ril-oiai : > m-
ilulrliiKinciilcnl oriuiKlcil ticatmcnt. 0X13 IllJ.N'imnO AND T WIJ.VTV-Kl VI ! UOUMH KOH I'ATIIIN'ld
lloiril nnd AltiMiiIinc < > . tnicoinnioditlo.i9 In tll3wo < tVrltu for clrc'iiluu on Doformltlu ) nnd llr.u-ci ,
TnihBCs. UliibKeul , Cilrviitun'j of the Spliio. 1'llos. runior' < , Ci'icor , Ontarrli , llronchltli , Inhnlatlnn , Klt'i"
trlclty , rnrnly lsidlc'y : | | ' , hlclnoy.lllailler , Kju.Cor , hkln nnillilouil.nnilitll siinrlcal nn'ritlii | . DIjI.'AHDS
Ol'VO.MKNn. . Hiuclulty , IScok ufDlsomot ot Wuiuon froj.Vo \ IIITO IntJly nliljil n l.jlnlnilopnrlniuia ,
for women ilurlnKconllnoniont ( ntclctly | ) rlvul3 ) Hn\f \ llull'iblo iMstllulo iiinkliiu n tpuciilty ol
I'ltlVATH DISlCAHI' ri All bliioddlHuasea siicus ( ully tieuti'il ' * * > p'illltl < ! ptilion roiuovc'il fi ) in thufljatcm
vltliout incicnryNewHB3tomtIoTroitinontfor \ < m ot vital puwer. 1'arllrj uniblo | glilt tianmylij
trontodut homu ljr eurrt'iponluiicv. AllcoiiiinunlMtluni cnn'ldunllil. Mcdkliu or Inflruni-Mti neiit hy
mall or express Mcnirelni.icksl , notnnrk * to Indlc.'ito uontcntior inlor Onoi > i > r-onil Inturvlmv prcfcrrcl
Oill nnd comiilt mor fend lilstory of jour c' o , nnd won ill lerul In phln Mrappcr our HOO.C TO S1KX
I IIUKuponl'rlvnto Siieclul orN'orvouaUlsoasoa , luipotcneySypUllli Uloot , niul Vutlto .do , nltli question
list. Addrt 99
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
Corner Oth and Ilarnay Streets , Omaha ,
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Set of Teetli , on Rubber
For Five Dollars.
A. perfect flt KunrnntPcil. Toclli oxtnicloil
without pnlti or diinccr , nnd will out uiincs-
tliollcs. ( liild and nllver Illlliiif-i ut levi > t
mil's. llrlilnoatHlUiovui \ . Tot-th wltli-
outplatia.ll woilt varranteil ,
Kiilrani'o , lOlh struct oloMitor. Opi'uoMm-
lngs until 8 o'clock ,
"SA > "ATI\O , " Ibe
iln fill Sim
Hi'ineilr , li > mid vltli
n H'rlltrn ( iiiitniu-
tr to cnio nil Ru\ *
nje DI cn ifBiich ( la
Weak Memory , Loss
( fllnilnl'oucr.lluid-
ndje , M'nlefiil iicfe ,
BofOTO&f' After "UsbT Loot .Manhood , , Ucry
' "
riiul'p"raiiTiiil tium Uli. oiiiiiicM , I.nBBttudc ,
nllilnilu * atidloi > iiuf power ol the OencrnllvoOr
Knni-.liieltlifrBex.ciiiii'edbyover-iifrtUii.yoiilli- .
ful InUUcretloim , or tliocicc ( lvo usu ofloustco ,
Ofliim. r ftlmulmitK , which ultlmutclir luud to
Infirmity , C i ninitl | n mul Inmi.liy. rut up In
. convenient form to curry Ititbc ett pocket. I'rlco
< * lnpacl.n2 , or (1 fnr 8V With oery SSoriltrwo
; l\oa written i/iianiiitri > to eura or refiina
tha tnitiii'U , boniuy nmll lo any < Ulri8d. fir-
culnr fne. Montlou tlilt tmr. | Adilrcfs
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , Uruoeh Onro fj.'U.b. A
417 l > -u h"in Strut ,
KOHKAI.K IV l\l\ll\ ) V.i | | in
ICiihn A To. , Tor. llith nnil Don Bins Slroots ,
J. A. KullorJIs fo.C'or. 14th itiKl Doii.'las bts.
A. I ) . I'niter.V Co. , I uiinoll Illulls. Iowa.
I 111
It tintiirpniicil In Ilin front'
inuiit nf all furmt of I'HI-
VATi : lll K VHIW.Ioit.Mnn
lioo lhTItltTUKK , , or pnln
In rfli'lvlnir tlio lilaildor
. iVI'llll.Ib curi'l lu.0to.
d yn bkliiDlHiniioi , Culnrrli
nnd oil liUBuuci of llio
Illcxi'l ' Heart nrnl l.lvcr. ! '
ninlolllsc'aics cured ullliout
Instrumnnti or "locillri'iit-
iiunit" I idk'S frum 2 to I
only \\ilto tor clrcu-
Inr.H tit liuirtlculn | : nn bout
i , .i-ll of the ntjuvu ilboium ,
niul iliowlnx in my of Ilia
tuoul ruiuarkable cures. Of.
liic. N K Cor lull nnd rarnum 8ts. , cntnuuo on
ilthorilret't , Ouiotin , KcU ,
IJulcd liny in cnrlots , Write
H. B , RliliSli & CO. , Turin , Iowa.
ni rrii i-ra IN
Clironlr , NYrVdiif , lllnocl snd Snrclcil Ilioii o nnit
Iltnsc'3u ( UloKjc liar. NuJO , ' nnJ I'ho t
Hlicutnl Attoiitlon in lliN nsm ol"Vi. . -
inori and Clillilrru ,
Tlio dorlnrsluvo hail ypar 'if oip r'onpo In the
lu > 9)ilt ) iluof llnio liii iiml Now V 'rtt iintl nro ninont ;
tlio in Nttuei-iufulaiKl IJulj kuoJii jprelnllili lu
lliucounti ) .
Io You UK nnil Jlltlilli-Acod MOII.
Jolt Manhoid Ncrvoui lioblllty Siinriiiiitoirliii'rt ,
Bimliril ) < osHO < . I'hraluul li < ! / . nilMiit ; ( ruin India-
craliin , | > Miliidii ! ? tloiiplc'tsiii'n , ili'iiiuiuli'iior , | ihu-
pli'H mi tliu futo arcrNltnti nocliuy , onsll ) iliHi'nur-
iiuid , luckot ( ontlilcncu. dull , iintlt lomtuilr orbuxl
iii > K , unij llndi llfo n tiirdon aufcl)1 ) , pcrmiiucntlj'
aiidsiioi'llly cured.
lllooil and Skin DIHRIIHCH.
Frplitlli , n dlionni most drcaillul In IU roiultH ,
compluU'ly orndlcutod.
( fiiliO'Urlniirv Stirirory.
( ianoirlin * . Rloct , RytiMII * . Hjrilmcolc , VnrUO'olo ,
niul Strctnri' iiuiloully nnd i.iffi ; cured wlihmit
piiln or ilutL'iillon Iruiii lni lii' : H. All Sexual I u-
fi/rmltln aiiilliiipi'JInii'iilb to iimrrluiiu siicio fillj !
All lUclal dl cn c safely nnd permanently turoil. ni. tlllSp. m r-iinilnji > , IU Ull 13.
N 11. Tormina uiintiluln vlull us in.iy Imliuntnl nt
tlielr licmct l > f corrufpuiiilPiuo JlodUlnps und In
Btruct'imsHont liyi'ipruii. 'uniiiltitlun free
Bfiul Iccnti In ttami'ilo ' lusuroreply.
U18 I'iit ctilh .St. , Opimlto Unjil'H
Opera Ilou % O.nulin ,
Capital Prize - $7,5QO ,
$26,370 $ PAID EACH MONTH ,
Address 11 I7. RHODUS ,
, - - - . ,
tuuir I'lui In In t ink I buiti , ilio. Hit ;
Junin | , Hiejtlei , brcli * lDl ( Oirl , inert
lei On * cr niott it hulttkU | rlf itut
I 0 , 1 > . di l ( run L. U Hpdeir' * lio-
totl.m W.Miillua bt , Cliicifu. tin
i : uJ t ullMlinipful niw Cil4-
l | tu 'III Ur ul f.-.Uf la U. | wcilj.
t'nitcr tht liia crtn nl af the
MeuVnn Ir.leraticml lianlingCo. ,
Incorporated By the St.ilo clChlhunhun ,
Ice , lor Charitable Purposes.
n rrabllc nllhoelty cf Juarez ( fflf #
mcrlv I'uto aelNorloi Mtiico ,
Wdnesday Atioj. 20th , 1800.
undi'r ttic pononni miniiK i in of Uen.
H. MOSItV , un.l Mr. C VMII.d .
J..i'J : , lulu KCiitlomcn otlil
CAPITAL PHI7.E , $60,000. ,
Only 60,000 , Tickets ! Only 60,000 , Tickets I
I Prize of $60.000 $60.000
ll'rlzoof 1U ( 0 10,11014
IPrl/oof [ , .w > . . .
31'rlzosuf 1 ' OtO < 'iloli
lOI'rlze * of 'a oiuii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WKX
Ml'ri7Cor ! 3(0 ( each 6.IXX
liorrlzc'of w om'h 6. x
WiOl'rlicaof 30 cncli 7tXX
JOOrrliciof fcMeach 8 fi.OOO
110 1'rlres cf Mlomli it,00g
IDUl'rlzcaof " . " > oiuh " , &OU
Trnnlnil I'rl/oi ,
COSTormlnaUtolftl Oi0l1r7por0oafh. ! 111.080
t'WToiuiIuiilstollO.OOOl'rlzoorjlUuaili. ' t.WO
1914Prltes amounting to $120,970
\\"r * . the unricnlGiinl. hereby crttlfr tlist tlij
flaneo Nncloiml ol M * xli'o.inlillnmhm ruin on il
mill ( rnin llio Mcxu-nn IntiTimUclnt lliuiKnc Uo.
Iho nccOBKrr fonil < to ciinruntou tlin piMucnt ol
nil | irln" < ilrnn n In tti < * ( lriiii I.tilrfliuliiiiii-z.
\ \ o furtherci-illfT Hint woKl.lmiiiTilH' . nil till )
orrnnceinutitf. iitnl 1" firmiti mm HUD i. l tuntrol
oil tlioilritT-liiK1 * "I tlil ! < > ttfrv , n > l tlintlliu ruiun
an * coniUiclcilvlth iHin'si iIutriCtfa , ftiiil 111 KOOil
lultll towitnl * nil imrttff ,
JOHN S. tVlOSBY. ConunlsHloncr.
CAMII.O . \unm.i.ip , '
Suponlsorfor the Gou'ri'itiontj
If nnr ticket ilrawlncu prltn lr > tfnl to the umli > r.
to tlio Wiicrthereof , fn-o cl ihnri ; .
lluuAU H MitoMtov ,
1'roi. Kl I' Hunk , LU'uiu.ToX
Forclnb rnti * * * or nnr othi'r Inffrinntlon , vrlto U )
tlio unilcmlitnuil , itntlnii your inMruxHCluiirly , wltli
MullCounty , trent nnd NinntnT. Atnro r.i ] > Ul ila.
llvprywlll do iicjiiroit bf yunr unclualnK tin cnvcN
Clly of JtliirfZ , JioxIcOi
KOTirt : .
Pen 1 rirnlllnnfix fnr tiokot liy ordlnnrv lottcrS
contnlnlimMoncrOrilpr , IMHIPIa \ nllrxiirvpH roint
imiilci , Nt'n \ ork Uxiliiini : ! ' , lilink ilrnlt or 1'Ottsl '
liuto. AtldreeH nil ri'L'Irtori1) ! lottprn to
City olJminv , Mi'tlco.vlu 1.11'ucoTCI.
or THE
TIT 3.BT8 ,
| _ T And In tii ) IT IMC ruittirrUMl with nuy ot
Cuni , uuy miuic' ( ho feuiuu name *
: TJ i o yf -M
liTH , 18JO ,
i the CHVNII Sr.iii-A\\'irAi i\nuinint- :
NAIIV 1)IIA\MMI till' C.M'iT , 1'lllHK lolltfOU * * -
lltindrcil niul TnvntjrTliuuintiil IKillnri. f
$120,000 °
Hy ( ( n of miitract tlio oiimptitir mutt deposit
lint Mini u ( nil prlrei Incluili'il In tliOHelii'ine btfora
ixtlllnKu fliiKlullcUct , uinllL'cuhu tin rollo llii'OIU-
clnlieriiilt : rtr
CiitnucATr- licrehy cprtlfr tlmt tlic llnnkol
[ .on < ton itnil Mexico IIIIH on ilepoHlt llio in ( 'CHsnry
fiuiiH to liiiiinintco HID p.i > mont of nil prlioi
drunn by thu U < tdrlnd < t In lli'iiilli-londn I'lililleu
Al'OMNAll CAsl'l I.I.I ) , Juturvinor.
Kurtlior , llio rominny H iOiilri"l | l < > ill > trlliut
( irtjlv prrcrnt. of tlio luliiuuf nil lliellc kilula
lirlzts nlir ; or portion tluu It Klvcii by tny oluai
1'rlco of TlckPlt , Ainc'iirnn Jlnnor :
KKilitllh , tl.
CltibltnUii fMwurlh of 'I'lcliclii forlJO.
i.isr < > ! I'll I / ( . - ) .
I riijtnll'rlionr | | tlMlKXI . UI12000O 1
1 Ciipltnl 1'il/oof W.dlli , . IB n UU
1 I'npltnl 1'il/oof VIIIMII . U ' . 'UU ' , < X )
1 lliuiuirrl/cnf 6WJ . li t.lllK )
\'rl7uiuti"MIO \ . i > ru If Mi
M'rl/innt 1IMJ . niu
yil'tUmot f l . ire 10,00(1 (
OOl'iUi'sof 200 . nro 20lJO ,
iMirrlzi'iof 1W ) . nto SI.OUO
o'"j'rl/u | ( > f -10 . urn 2lltQ ,
JI20KX )
I'll/o ' 118,000
KH'rlzuiot Sl'A ' ) iipiToxlinutliia to IIU.U''O
| > rl/n 15.000
COrrlmof ( IO uiiiroxlniiitlHK | to ll'U.OOO
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 9,000
- OH'i'cr'iilniil'a'of'IllTuiu'lilud by'Vl'.D.iiOO
prl/u 5I.9CO .
i'M I'rl/pn iiiuuiutlnK to JU7.1SO
.All 1'rliri nuld lulliu Unltuilijtiitii fullfpalUIn a
' '
niUiilic-r of tlokoU li llmltnil to fOIWJ 20,000
CM limn nro lulil LyutlicT l.ullui H ) unlrk'tliciumo
frltcmlt by ordlnnrr li'llor , rontiilnlnu mnnnt
> nlrrH ( .Miiudb ) ullcxpiunK cuiiiiiinles | , or N tor *
' ' '
'ftr''c'rrn1nfr mint Invirlitblr to lent rriiliiti'WJ.
ttvclfla for Jljr t rla , rl lneuKSIiKewi > lplnW k .
lulnori , MenUl luprrralon , Hollfnliiif or HID l.iiln , r *
In lnanlt/n.i < l Icadlnto mlsoiy lie av anl
ue-iiu.iTfmsuuru ' Old ACs Jlatrwimis . lost oflicnci
laelUicr rex ( Involuntary L.oii > e , niul Hitrmniorrlurt
caused liy oTericrtlo of Iho liraln , rcIfilUFu ct
. iftchhftx cdntalnnoriuinona'i
OTer-iuduicrenco. ircnU
meat. Si ahor , or nil for $ i , rtnt hy nio > | r ( pall.
\UtU \ eftctl urUur for tit ttoxci , will * t < l i.urrhiiNT
( nmranteo to MM und moni'V If tlm troalrm ntfalLi VJ
tmu. ( JuarantvuUttUiJ auUueitulng eulU vaijrty
It 101'arimm Street , - - Onmliu. Xr-l > .
rrlmory.Ftconcliiry tr Timury irrnsmi tljfcurrj
In CO Io iO drjfl.Vu tlliiilnalo ull ) Kjson IMIU til
ijktcM , fo tfat thcio rtn niMr boarvlumof tin "Ill-
fa o liniiylurni. runli < c&nlio tnatcilntl < ' ' < , ( for
mno punitn rfF fllB Bl B IffBl" ' . C'UlwIIti '
ruio'llirni or * H HI EjfB4tS'rtlf nil nil
IDOIKJT andiiay cnllratiK | > niiuf ! ) comlnfftalir ml fni
rnd liotel till * . Wo dull , 'leo lliow-cr ilfor IUMJ
can not cuie. ? ! rntloiiiniHar | > cr , A < 1 Iri1- * ! .
COOK JII'HliiH' t'J i Oinultti , f > ctmtif i >
Buff ( * riiiK from tliiifili-cunf jinilhful i rp m , orlJJ
ri licny. wiu > tkur wruknci-s lo tinuiiliKKl , ie ( , 1 vlll
' ( tut a valuublo IrtotlH ( M-nUili ( oiitiiliilnK ( ull
; iartlriiliira ( r hninii run' . I'ltKI. cf clmrt ; . \
plMiuntoi ' ( vnrki hiiulil l \ > ail lyvinf
Mnn vho U M'rvuiiu mid ilililllUilfd.ddnu ,
I'rof , I' . i'V < ) > VMn.nio'idm ; ' > Umilli
SYPHILIS ( it i iociiml la'JO tout )
ilnsby DUO of Uli' iiuir-
vuIuiiH MiiKloKiMiiwlv. VMwfuruuiKo Uwlll
not euro. UAU'L'IDN toKotlhu evnutiiu roiiv-
fdyVrlto or cull on 1O. . Joslyu , 'JJU ) l r- ,
uoy Street , UuuUu ,