i THE O1LAHA. DAILY B3F , . [ FRIDAY , AUGUST 13 , .1800. 7 SPEQ1HL NOTICES. 'A rm.UTtSEMKNTS for thc e columns will J v be till , on until 12i : ) > in. , ( or tlio orenlnR edition itml until 8-tn : p. in. , for the morning cilltlon ntiil busDAr UKR. -Cosh In advamo. I ? AIT.0 Advertisements on this pnRO wlllbq JXclinrrcil for lit tlio rut oof IS cent per word for the lirMliiMillnnandlccnt per word for rach mil sequent InM-rllon. imil tl.iV ) ) > er line per month , rvondtertlscwenti taken for less ( bun ill rrnls for tlio II rut In&ort'un. ' INITIALS' ' , figures , symlols , Uc , , countcaoh JL JIB one word. rplli'hn niVvfttlTrnents tnti t run eontpeii .1 t vely anil under no elrrtimst.'inceg will lliey to taken or discontinued by telephone. IDA UT I KM \rrtlscln In tluio columns nnrt JL linvln ? their answers iii'dnssed In it "mini- lorrd lottir" incarcof Tin : lift ! will rcrplvo a itniiiLoidl chicU tnr > nnlIo them to prt their liltrr" . Answers > vlll In delivered only on present tit'un ' ofthls chock. JMIC'.OSO answers in unvolop3 | pioi orly addrcsi-cd. Til. advertisements' under tlic licml of A 11 nodal iNotlces" nrotiiitillOipillnliotlitlio mornlne mid orrnlnij eduloi.snf I'm : llrK.the rlroiiiat.onof which nupieirntos more tlinii to.frotuii crs dally , ntiil elves llic advertiser Ilio lend t not only of larsocTtulntlmi of TIIK III i : In Oninliu , btitnlso In Council HlulTs , 1 Incoln nnd other cities and tovvnslu tlio Nest. HtNOXV IIALK JIATl'.S. ADVP.l TIriF.MF.NT9 : for situations or for nuilo or female. help , tint cxcoctllnc SI words nro Inserted In TtiBHi'.MiAv HiK at half rnlcsdurli K the innntlmnf July nnd August , Tim te uliir rntts will Lo rluirpril for viich additional word tina II words us well ns for t onset tithe BRANCH OFFICES. A dv ej t l elnR for tlicnorril iimn * vtlll bo taken rn the altne condlt'oii" , at the follovrlni InislnffslioiiFcs who me nutborlzed to take s-peclal rotlce" . nt the BUIIIO rates as can Lo bad at the main olllcc. SOI'TII OMAHA IIHANCII orricE-No. 651 NStr > ct , lister lllo-V. TO1IN V' . j. riiuriuaeist , bSO fcoutb Tenth J stiret. / 1IA8T | : & . EIIV ) , Stiit'ouurs ' and I'rlntors , 111 South ICth Street , r J. HfClILS , Pharmacist , 021 North ICth . Htrcot. Gl'O.V. . I'AUU , Pharmacist , 1713 lcavcn- north StrYel. H PlIAIiMACV , 24th and Turnnm. SITUATIONS WANTKll. . , rtr tnpof fr * tMs Half intcs on \jVANTnn-frltuatJon by ynunpRlrl In ftmll T > family forgontrnl liouscwoik. Apply Ul Eonth KM st. ltrlb * VVANTKD-aituatlonby inlddle-asfed widow T i Indyas hnusckcepir for widower ! no ob jection to children ! best of references Rl\cn unilicqulrucl. Aiiply'Jlfl llrlstol. OJS-ll * worK by experienced man , good references. Addicss 'KS'i Sovv- ard st. fc0-nj " \.y ANTI'D-NIplit work on books or papers. . V > Hetof books to lioep , cheolclnllsurlneor wrltlnjiof any Ulnd. tun fiiinlsh reference and ha-ve had experlenie. Addrcas L 41 Hoc. M3-I4 * WANT-MI ) MA TjK 1I13LP. I'd tatct , ftc. , rrf top nf first rnlumn OH Dili page , Itstf mtc * an Si \\rANTnn-nooinenforUtiih and Nevada ; > l vvar'iH Jioo to $ , ' .50. Albright's labor Agcnuy , 1120 I'aiiKim st. VM " \17ANTnn-Hiirberfnr Saturday nnd Pi un- Yt day. No. OKI S. Kith st. 1)21-1.1 ) * " \\7ANTIM-nvpcrlonreil dicss poods alcs- TI 111:111 who understands dressing win lows , Addiussl < 50 , Ileoolllce. 6M15 \ \ ; ANTED-llrcad baker. 30'J North toth st , l KVS-14 * \VADTnn-A Inker at res itro.mvvny. t'oun- V ollIllulTii. Day woikonly. 6l > l-lo \\7ANTnn-A watch linker who Is al o a > i praet lc.il druggist ! w ill pay liberal vil.iry tothu rhlit man. Aililiesj nilholiu , V AMn , 4i3 lleo 111(1 } ? . BS-17 "T\7ANTEn-5ollcltois with ( rood references , npfily tit 1000Howard. Olii-lfij - fft class harnflss mal.or "t Auliiun , Noh. 'JL'heo.eldnieler. \ . lilu'- " A first chss nnvvspaper stoieo- tvpor. Oooil Hltiiatlon to a steady and rellabluman. Apply nL once. State .Touiiiu Co. , Lincoln , NebriiMc S5J-14 \\7ANTED Kint-cl.tss clothlns salesman , ll aim , wlndovvdtesser. none biittlioioiiRldy fxperieiiccd men need apply. Nebraska Cloth ing Co. 012 IU "T7ANrniCrnckorbakers. > . Apply at the H Uaincau Cracker Co. , 12th aud Jackt , .on. . usrn " \\7ANTKD-A man lo rcpiesont us at Vank- 11 ton , Kouth Dakota. Address L , ) < ) . Heo. 14 * ' Ilruij cleric registered In No tn ibKu. A. II. Hunt , North Hend. Neb. JL wanted An experienced mower , Aikhoss L M lJcoolllc.e. b9l-llj WANTKD Vour or llvo Eood men to tnu u on commission fur a Fiileablu line o roods. Aildicsu hock llo40 , Itlulr , cb. 609-15 WANTKD ICO teams to work on Rradoanf haul bildKD timber ou 0. K. I. k I * . Uy Amilj nt camp , two miles east of 1'apllllon Nub , fcmltli , Utllett iCo. iio-H > ' WANTED Galvanized lion cornlco work iTs Ufd sheet lion Job workman. Good waKOsniiTTMeady work. J , O. Mob'arlnnil.IU and -"Jl W. Lakoht. , Cldc.iso , 111 , JIS-1V W IANTI'D Men t.'travclfor our C.inadlai . .Stouoi.Vclllng \ tonMuill = iin.\Vl U15 G1TcnnviiRscrs on salnry nnd commission oxppi li'iiced UROiits iircforrpd ; must glv U'ciirlty oi city ipfcrencc. Apldy O.M toll a m. , Om.ihii Watch Club Co , 1UU Oapltol nvc. a > .l 20 CO11N1OK Woiliets , tinners and job vvorKers , ste.idy VMIIk , peed wuues. James A , Mil- ler& Ilio. , U"J aud 1JS. ( Jllntonst. , ( Jldcn o. ' - Ani\TS : -J.IOoutlUon I * ) dn7 ' time , tl'ft.O piollt In 4 vvcrUs or no pay. Add. Mill kt.uuii. J.uvls A. Coiujiany , Kuefne , > Yls. 010 WANTED Men for railroad work In Wy ( imliiV ! Kood wiies. : AlbilgUt's I.abo , 11JU1 aiuanist. WANT KD Salesmen at ! i per month bat nry and o.xpcnses to fell n line of silver nlntcd vtaro , watehei , etc , , by sample only noise nnd Irani furnished ftco ; urltu nt ouci for full pnitloulai-H nn < l Minnie cusoof ( 'nod- fiec. Mamluid Sllvervvaie Co , lioston. Slnas IU7 _ \\7"ANTii ; ) 200 lahorcM for cxtni 101 IT KIIIIKS. Apply to I' . 11. Johnson. 11. & RI passviiitonlcpot , Uinahu. CIS " \\7ANTKH-Salcsinan In every locality t i ' manufacture mid vvholosalo our now pro cess elder , maclo without apples. n\uelonl ! wii es , no capttnl ronulmil ; particulars fri-o Mlbaourl UlUer Mfg. Co.llox5jJ ( , St. Joseph.Mo , 1)14 ) ii'Js' WANTKD Oiilvanl/ed Iron coruico work ers ; t-teady vvoik : peed waciss. Jiiincs A. Miller . < : llro. , li ) aud 131 bouth Oil nton Btrcot , t'hloujjo. " > -ii--v * _ ; - ? _ . \\rANTit : ) Three lirst class inon to repro- 1 sent tbo Omaha lleo In nnd nut of theelty Call nt the special ollleo ot UmiUr.i lleo. corner 17th und 1 ainum Jtiuuud floor. 1)77 1 1 lny Ivr iflUn. ( ( c , , 8 fop nroliimn ! ( n Half tutcs on Sunday. \VAMT.O-fllil for Ullcheu ami Iniindry viirl.j no care of children. 11UOS. ailli. b a _ \\T.\NTEI ) DrosMimUeraud apprentices at * * ' . ' ' * . HUU'apltdl uveniieUtf.'l _ _ V\'AN'iri"A glil forcener.it lioiisowork ! > > in.i ; ( | WUR04. Mrs. J.J Bavllle , eor. llaiu- Illon ilnd N.'I Ih st. tvl lh \\rANTI-t-Olrl : V QHM7 * WANTkLJ A Rood vvorUliu liousekeoper , must bo nuut und llr t class cook. Apply at aij. S. 'JO pit TI7ANTKD A tlrst-class c-ooU nnd second > Rlrl. Veriuun or IrUlu Mrs.V. . A. I'aUon , 00 S. i''it h ao. . Itil'lT * \\7AN1 r.D-'lndli't toact tutppncral ape i > ilk-use call at once , no b. lUh , room A. KW-H * ' . ) - | ; family of two call iiioriiliiKs. oot a.tli ! ! tt. 6UJ-U > 1'urkilvo. ' 87Ji5 " \VANT1l-Qlrl ; Kcuojuil housuvrork at I 1 coiner Cuba & . ra bU.Kcuojuil It. Salisbury. A GOOD cook vvunted at iV-'l Douglas , imply iVat onio' Ml-ta * " " r\7A"N"TKU A uuri > o girl ; good wagns. ted N. * ' . .III fat * hDU 11 \ \ ANTti ; > liiiiiicdlutely. a ttrM'Clnhscooki ' waaen fi per Htel . Apply Mrs. Patrick , Will aud Lalto , . KM It * \\r ANTED-A good cook. N. K , cor. Slit nnd V > Wcbitor. HIM ! * " \\rA7S'Tlt-Olrl ) for general housework. No. V > IHIH. IStlist , 414 * \Y ANTti ; ) A girl for ceiiprnl hoii ework , \ iuod wages paid , S. H. Cor. 20th andilonca. FOIL iiNT"-nou.sis. : ; 'or f atn , tie. , tee topof flat c dinii nn lal neil UiNTSovcn : room cottujto.'llj N ISth L1 st. near Llilcngo , $ .15 per mouth. S. I.oli- nnn , K''J I'1 VuL' wish to rent a bouse or.storo b < > It. K , Cole , Continental block. ( d TtKNT- lioiiM ) of all con\eiilunces , - centrally located. Inquire 712 N 19th st " 171OU HI'.NTroom IIOURP , city water nnd -I' si'reen , nt Inrsuln - a to responsible parties , 1'ntKer st. Apply BIO , t'nxton block. Wl M , d eTlTn7sT all purl * of The city" . Itint rnnslii ) ; fiom SU to WO luoiitlily. Hiiiciilon fe Allen. l jO'i Parnnin nt. _ W H rPO HI , NT House of S looms , cast and J noith flout , corner istli and Moolvvorth nvn. , nil inodern conveiilonecs , S13 per month. C' . _ ! ' . llarrUon. Oil N. Y Life. _ ' "Jt irMMIu-xlTTenco , inoJurn Improvonicnls , i'US JL l * t. Mary's nve. . * ( K per month. Inquire at reinUes or at A. Heller's , 1111 rarnain. ttii iMK 11KNT Six room ( 'ultimo , inodctn Ini- piovonienls. ! 5tli st. Uodge and Uiinltol ve. The U , I' . Davis Co. Ul.10 " 171OH Itr.NT lloiisp , 10 rooms , ail modem Im * Jinovements. . larzo yanl. i'ti ] ) er nioutli , Comnilsbloii lo agents. Dexter L. Tliomns.ttt2 ttt2 IjOH Ul M' .Vrooiu hoii'e. sooil lepalr. nlco J. jiird. fisteiu uutor , n > nt * ' J. Apply to II' ) ) South ? th ave , orto Jno.V. . lloll , druggist , intli ( Ifl4 I-room house , S. I * , cor. llth and Vlnton. ffl 45 ! ) JT'OH HTNT Hood 10 room noiisc , sewer , water , pas. bnth. barn , furnace. In nlerant sliaiie , I'lieap. D.V. bholesJo."lUl3t Innlc. OSS | nOIIliNT ! 7 room Pat. TOO S. IHth st. JIM J-1 per month. Apply at The I'alr , J , L. llnin- dcls A Kins LIX ) TJlOU KIZNT 7-rooin cottage with barn , Kwl JL and Leavenworth , W ) per month to good party. O. 1' . Ilatrison , Ull N . Y. Life. 'Ml EIKVr.N-iooin now house , Koiintxo I'lncc ' , only $ : i pur month , 11. II. Cole , Continental bile. 692-17 "I71OII HCST "opt. 1 , cottiiKowlth all modern JL' improvement" , 1M yiietmau ave. 771 T71OH UKXT Iloiiso. y i-uoius , 2 pantries ell JL.1 nnd cistern water on cor. lot. 4th and Will- nis. Ausust Kandow , Oooi hotel. 700-11 * FOK KENT Desirable dwellings In Counell HlulTs at reduced rents lanpltip from M to JTO per month. K. H. bheafe & Co. , iciital aeents llroadvvay and Main sts. , roiiuell lllulTs. fiSI-ASii sofi looms , all modern 0011 J vcnioni'cs. Addiess Sirs. Norils , over Kelley - ley , fcliger i Co , fcSJ-14 * FOH Ui.NT ; G-room cottaeo with water and bath room. 1213 I'qrlc lld ave. j.'il I/IOU iTflyr 7-room hou o near 30tn st Or- -l ? cli.ud Hill. 510 per month. Sl'Jl'uvtou block , Nob. JlortRUKo loan conip.inv. 170 G1JOOM fluid , Situ amTLcavcnwotth. IK-nSO * < T 'jb-ioom new bouses at "O'JJ and ii ; > M C'aldvvell st. nil modeiii conveniences with barn , i U to good paitlcs , 51'J ' I'axton bll ; . TOIl IirXT C-ioom house , SM-'Caldwell St. . JL1 elty voter , cistern aud wall. Apply 2. > U Cladttell st. B-JS-I.V 171OU ItHXT To responsible parties only , JL' thosn line now lirluk anil stone houses on Georgia avenue ; llfteon looms und nloovos ; nioio ( niivonletieos and bettor llnKlicd.than any hon o for lent In tlio city. 11. II. Hender son , 4TO I'.iMun block , cltv. 4U1 - lioiiso with barn ; nominal rent. 0. T. Hni lison , 1)11 ) N. V. Life. 631 FOU liNTHe.liabk'riiiini : : lioum- . all inndnin linjirorciiicnts ; uM'cllent loeitlon gcidiled yard front and uiu ( 'oiiM'iilent t wholesale district nnd nrw union depot. C.ood locutlt n for plo slcl.in. Apply 1112 h 10th st. 400 -liUOM hoii'-e. t-il ami Ouinlnjr. $ , li per nioutli , < ' . I' Ifairlson , Oil N. V , hlfo. SM FOK lil'.Zs. L--llOOMd f ; tec tnpof flrtt column on f/ij ( NIOHIA' Furnished Kooni All cnuvonlcnees private fnmllv. And a good place for the ilitlit prison. ICta Sliciinan avo. Ma-11' FOi : IIFNT Nlcoly furntslied room , pleas antly located , Hiillnblo for two VOIIMK men ; boaid If doslicd. 2C5N. Udht. OW-11' POH UUNT Two pleasant fninlslicil rooms ; modern conv eukncus , 013 Uouglns. 020-10 * "VJ10K ItUNT-iJouth room , with hoard In prl- JL' Mite family ; references. 2J07 J'ai nain. KK 1S rooms , 1S11 Capitol avenue , wl t hboaid If desired. _ 670 lj ' 1300M ami bonid , cheap , for two , In private JLXfamlly. ± ! 18 urtat , 813-11 * 114S. " 3th st. patlor lloor to runt ; aUo fur nished ha&ement. Bat ID * nlcny f mulshed rooms for light JLliqtls oUc c | ilinr. 1112 g. llth , _ 4bJ-10 * FOK HKNT rtirnlslicd front room. f2 ! : > per v\eel { . lOOSraiiiain. b50-ll TTH'IINISIIKU cottage , 0 looms , S. 10th st. JL1 Inqulio G02. 112-17 * IlCinODGKST. Suite of handsomely fur nished parlors with superior board In Miiall No\v I'ngland famliy. Other rooms. 7i)7-14 ) * TDOOMS furiilsheil , or uufurnUlied , . 1000 JU Uapilal aye. iiZt "IJWONT room In private family , all modern JU couvoiilonces. : o.4 Hurt. IKO-ll * 'f. OIiAlU nuropean hotel.wltli dining room , J3th-lidgu. ) ) fcpeolal tales by week or mo. ItKM'-l'urntshcd rooms , 1009 Douglas 1110 ITiOU Ul T rurnlsiicd rooms ; gas.bath und -UstMim. _ 15l911ov\iu-d. tMl "ITIOU liNT ! : Two south rooms 1913 1 urnatii. J3 7i8 nS * IDl.UAsAM'ioomsj al oboardlug. li'srf. 17th. ' . ' ' J- ( i''li-ali ) "TOH UKNT Hrlck vurohousp , two stoiles J-'and basoinent.'JT.CoOFriuaro fet , with 100 feet of double truck ou U. I' , rnllvvay , south -Oth and I'loreo aticota. A ild toss C. OsKmiip OraaJia Nob. UK rooms , 1003 Capitol live > 7 n21 For rates , etc. , tec tcji of first mtiinin ou f/il / < DAY IlOAllDJ. ) per week , on ICth nt motor , at Saundcrs st restauiant , 1M N. .Nth st , Wff 14 * _ KOU HKXT-noO.- UXKllUNTsUKl ) ' ( , . , ) ) fir I roliiiini on l/ifs / fiatie , lTN"Tij i'ooiii5runToriiUhid ; , " To"N uTh ft. , plluoflO. Ks4 UM'UllNISlinn rooms over lunhtaro stoie. 1C.1 llovraid , b4t _ " 17101' "KENT 5 uufurnlslicii rooms , ] 81.-i t'ass. JJ CI7-1.V _ OltUO.Ms unfurnished nnil looms fiiintsliud for rvut In Uuggan block , cor. Uth und I'a- clflc. ( , 'U ' Toil linNT STOHES AM ) OI-TICUS' 1'ur iatt , tte. , rte luji t > j fn > t roaifnn nn Ihit " J. or without pov.er. lorinerly occupied Gv the lieu I'ublNhliiK Co. . Did Km mi m bt. Thu build * lug bus a Ilio-pioof cement baseinent.eoiniiluto mcum huatliu tl.Mures. water on all the lloors , Kiis , ote. Apply at the ofllco of 'Ilio lleo. tl5 ! TjMl ) { UiTN'rlTilok waithouse. fvvo"sTofies -J-and basement , S7.COO siiuuro fi-ot , with 100 feet of double track on l ) . I' , railway , south Mtli und 1'jerco itiects. Addreu U. UaUniup , Omaha. Nub. 010 K 'roitPS at 70'J bKith. ' 'UxiiJi'acli. larzo bhow tv tndovrs , steam heat furnished , Thos. r. Hall.llll l > nxtonJlouU. _ 8J3 " 1T1OK UnNfIluildnii , ' i\i | ft. , 4 storlos and J. bnbPiiiciit , on .Ione4 lit. , botvvcen 10th unit llth , with U.K. track Iu alley ; best locitlna In the city foi ivholisalo. Iiiiiulro 31U s. l.'ith ht. U. A. l.lndnnlst. ia7 _ or l.S for rent Also n Intzc room 40\G > ) conil iloor liinn.'u'ii { luillilliur. : ! | s. , . . , f/o. , netap of first ciiluinii un tliU fn\jt. \ T Sl'yoiiriiouTes fbrroiVt'wiVii'Oea JTl'iruH JjlCo'j I uriium st _ 4u : HK , COLE. r ntnl ugeut , Ceutlnontnl blk. _ tta _ JJl J. 1KKV , rental njont , 203 N. V. Lf | . ET. COOK , rental njrency ; lo.ms , inortcasos boiijMit. taipa paid and collectionlloom ! tOlN. V. Ubutniiiir. 777 a2.'i * For ratei , ttc. , tee tap of ftnt ruJiinin on this jxi'jf. OOMlVult and take n > IIIUS II B treatment ; soniuthln new. 1'urlor * t07 bouth Uth bt. , next Darker hotel. iUD-17' T\l ASSAOEtrcattiii'nt.olectrivtJicrmallmtli" . J-'l. ftcalpiind halrtroatmont , niaulcurp and chiropodist. Mrs. 1'ost , U Vd-Jl , Wlthnell blk. J _ 4.11 sll NOTH KDr. . John .I.Smoinun of IIKHoitth llth wMiosto Inforiu the ptibllo tint tin linHcoinotostaj" , eoiilrnry tn tlio wishes of thu exunilnlnx committee nf pliystelnns nnd the Uorlil-IIiT.iUI. Ills diploma they had to iidiult I.s second to noun. * HJI-27 * ' [ NfOICMATION wanted of the whereabouts .1 of Dennis Kriltnoml. who left home July : ) , treraiiRedi nae.M jeurs ; helulit , r > ft. ' ) or lo In ! small ehln whiiUi'is sllahtly srny , dark hnlr , saiuly eoliip1oetedhad ; en Unlit colored llaniiel nhlrl.darlv % est.dark jeaiii * punts.heavy wide , No. 12Nhoes. und no coat ; walked lame In one foot ; Irlih uricnt. Send any Information to Mi-3. Uetinls lie } tnoiid. North 1'latto > > 'b. UJI-IO \\rHilt Iho party who took black and vrhllo > i fhawl fium llansc'im I'ark motor Tues day aftirnooupleasereturnbatnoto Iteeolllce. Oil l.V IJATi.ST : lawyersnndsollcltois , o7\\7\\ck \ J. k Co , , lleo building , Oninliu. Pour years' pvpptlonco asexntnlnt'rs In U. S. patent ollho. Ilr.iueh odlcoat Washington , D. 0 , Consulta tion free. ' ! * " ICOUS WANTS. , tic. , ice f p uf jflri ( _ o J j _ i n n < " | 7\Il \ ( SAM" An elcsaiit uprlKht pluno cost JIT.'iwith { iiianiifacturer'siKiiiiraiitt'e. paity Icavlna oltv. no icasonablo olfor lefii'i'd. Ad- dreis I' . U. i-ai. 1)11 ) 17 * WAN'l'KU 'JO HUY. r rtalrfrtc..trctnp < > r ITANTKD 10 or LM acres , about 10 miles I west of town. J. 11. Kvaas , uOS N. V Life. & 43 14 U to lluv-A Rood fcccoml hand buckbourd. 211U Seward. 813-14 * P ANTiii-food : ) cnmtneiclal paper. Ne braska .Mortgage Loan Co. , 51'J ' I'a.Mon blk LMtl GMJUNITUUE. hnuscliold goods.eto. IIIuMiest C cnstiprice , llll I'niuain. ! ) , I'lJXSION AOi\CV. 1'onatf , etc. , trcttip vf trl coliirnuon thli PKN'SIONS-ltlram A KturRe" , expert In pension ca os. Over 1(1 ( vears oxpcrliMioo. Haru seeureil over 3.000 lii'n lens for f-oldlers In Nubiaskaand lovvn.tlieli widows und heirs. Abandoned , del a ) cd on ejected cases a speel- ally. Clalimnts for pensions under the new law should Ilio at once. No adv.inco fee. Of- HenSH Crelgliton block , next bouth of post- olllee. 819-slu "VTEW law ; pensions for almost all soldiers ; J-i fnthcis , mother.s , widows and minor chll- dien of soldiers. Olalnm pushed by IX N. f'llnumnn , 19and2lKienzer blk. . Omaha. Also Washington and Cincinnati. Circulars fteo ; 15years'experience. Ool t'onslon Law All disabled soldiers and dependent widows , minors under 10 , and parents of deceased soldiers arc now entitled 10 pensions. Call on me. and Hie vourclalmsat once. C.V. . Wlilto iooml3Contluent.il block , JT. PATCH , e\clnslvo pension & claim ut- toriiey ; ovorlS years' e\peileneo ; all the latest laws A. decisions. Ollico icmovcd fiom 1'rcuzcr blk lo CJianihcrCommercc.K .M.Omaha 221-sl * liOAUDING. for _ rattf , etc. , ret top of cfiliiiiin on thP'ig \ GOOD board , nlco rooms , all model n Im- piovcmeuts. I'ulltuuu House , lyio STOIlACrH. for i ( ties , etc. , see top of fit st column on ( AM KTOKAOi : See 113 hefoio storlnfj goods of any description. Omahi feto\o Uciulr Wet Us , 1207 Douglas. Tel. 080. 'Jll T CAOn storage nt lowest lates. AV. SI. Itusbmun , Hill Lcavenworth. PJ.1 t TOUAGK-lJianch & Co , 1211 Howard. STOIJAOK Kor merchntidl'-o and furniture. col.IMora.ro and fleecing ; trackage Divld Cole , i > ri-SI7 Howard st. 27S roit SAM- : HOUSES WAGONS KTC. , tte. , see lop of firM ooliinin on t/ite / V-I'lno dapple < ? ray family car- iinso boiKO six years old , viclpht 10.10 Ibs. perfcetly Kind and t'ontle , slnulo haincss , phailnn und now StuilcbaKci- hoi-f-e wagon , for sale cheap at 4 S Walnut ave. Walnut 11111. 871 111 * " \\rcJUIC lioni)0 ( , two horse wagon fJO. double IT work Im-ness Jl.'i. Or will trade for u Rood ll.'htsldo bar.bugsy. H. U Cole , C'ontlu- cutal block. b'Q 'I71O1 ! HALL A deslrnulo cairlnio team , .1 ! yoiinp. well watched hoiscs , will bo hold cheap. Address L i $ , lice , 840-11 * ITIOItbALh llnndsoma pony , kind , Kcu Jludy can drive or ildo. laid Douglas st. ifrji 1st A UOU1J phaeton for sale. ' 'j 'O Uuvcnpoit st. 4 IS 15 * 1\O\l \ \ tAI.Itlood drlvlni ; borso , bupiy und Jharness ; Cheap , Inquire at Windsor Stables , 141tt Davoniiort street. 82C-14 EoitSiS-Ll : litdilvcrsb.iralns. ! The late fire bus niado them cheap. 11. K. Cole , Con tinental block ICU HOUSU3 $50 nnd up. H. E. Cole , 03 ANTJil ) TO KKNT. for ivies , etc. , see top of fiitl column on tlit wot. GTNTLIMAN : : and wifu dcsiro iHwrTli looms In u hoiiMjof modern conveniences , Oull ut 1411 DoiiKlus. HTOli FOil S/VIjK VU UN IT Ul 112 13TC. J'or rates , ete , , fee top of Jiitl column on thtu POI } ! SAIiI' Or tiade. Piirnlturo of fi-room cottiiKo ; nearly new. Addiess J. r. Honshu , care of "Tbo I'ulr , " oily. 6CU Ij * or rent Furnishings In "iPt room bouse. Host location Iu tbo cltv All modern conveniences. Inquire at I'.W ' ( 'apltol Avo. 4U'-14 * FOII HALT : Tor iaf , tie. , etc tup nf Jtitt rolumii on tills jams POU PAl.r. A fu-sli milk ciiw. J..I. Pavlllo cor. llanilluni anil N.'JIIh bt. WI-10 * fiOU SAM2 Good orcnn ut one-fourth co l 1 Inqulru at 2ili ( ! bt. Jluryt , ave. b iO-17" JjlUlt SALI' New Slolnwny X Hon pluno.hcst JniiiKo , party loavln ? city ; part cash , bal ance tlinc.lf dudlrcd. ImiulroatOlS I'avton blk iS ItHI'AtUS KTC. I'or infra , ic. , crc ( on of Jirtt column on tht * PAIIAF-OI.S and itmhri'llni covered nnd"rc - p.ilicd , II. llalor , DOS. 15th St. , ! M door fiom 1' . O , Onlv niiiii In town. 9" > 7 U.M1IU1U.LAS und parasols icpalrou anil rovercd. Key tilting and Kcnoral lopaliI at Ilrllin'sifUiishop. Ill N. 10th. G-i'J.i''l ' ART AND IjANGUAGK. 2'or rnte # , etc see tnp ot flint colftiu on thti " " B a n ball piano. A.llospc,15U Douglas. G " io. : r.onilnNIIKOK.toachorof thobanjo , with llope , Mill Douglas. "j'J ' A10NKY TO LOAN. f'oriutft , etc. , HC top uf Jlitt column nn thli / 1IIATTKI < Icanont lowest rates : business WconUdential. Olura.Moublk. J. II. Knilnjf O'iTATTI.Ii Hank , 31' ' ) H. 1.1th bt. , loanw money on chattels or collateral at reasonable rates. tot ) MONKV to loan hy H , 1' . Masteis in any amount from $ u > to JIO.uxi , und for any tln.o from ono to t > lv months. Loans in ado on household good4 , planoi , organs , horse * , mules , housce. leases , waie- hoiifo iccolptri , etc. , at the lowest posslblo i utcs , without publicity or i omuvnl of property Loans FO arranged that yoiicun make a pa } - ment at nny tlmo and rcduco both principal and Intucbt. ou uny Inlcrebt only for the tliuoyou itMillio inonoy. If JOIIOHU u balance on jour property or Imvo a loan vou wish changed , 1 will pay It oil and carry It for you. 1 do not advcrtlsn to lo.in you money at J auk rates , but confidently claim to give you lower lutes and oai > lur terms than can bo ob tained elsewhere In the cltv , Money always ou hand. No delay. No pub llelty Lowest rates , n. F. Masters. Itoom t , Witlmoll blk.i : > th and llaruey KIS. i _ 1 . TK money to loan cioap , O. I' . ifa rlson Ull N. V. l.lfo. 078 MONT.V loaned at lowest ruleslong time rm Impi oved Onmha real estate , no "extras , " no delay . G loba Loan & Trust ( 'O..W S llltli. J-'lliorses , houses , etc , J. J. Wilkinson. Ol > 1'aMon block , no ) . . . . money to loan ; lovvot rntcs ; no . -iJilelay ; laifo loiins a bpuclalty ; hhort tmn paper bouKht , Omaha Mortgage Co. , ground lloor Chumhcrof Cuiniueico. H5 T OANs City ami rm louiu , inortgaio -t-/puper boiuht. McCuKo Investment Co. l o /10MMI.KC1AL und genond TiorlTlluin iier ) VJbouRht ; nUo rrzulnr S ycarloansonlmiiro- TedproiiBrty.Uco.rHlustiCo..UItuiugobldi ) : . CW7 KrVrvrONKMortSMP , Co. Loans of | IO to 11,000 ; pet our rult * ( lofore iKirrowlnji and BtTILniNO lowR'fo 1 poreentl nonddl- ounl charces for commission or attorney's1 fees.V. . II. Mulklo , rirjt National bank bids MOXLVIo.incd at IMv rates ou furniture , burses , A.C. , without ] iuhliclty. Hnvvkevo lav csliucnlCo. , 3:1 : Douglas btu.loth and IhidKC , 411 fUIEAl * Money Snuill linns wanted , aprdv Wtol'hlla , .MorlgngtviA Trust Co. 7 Hoard T ra d o. Stvs 'M Mi I7MKST X second 11101 tc'iRes on vacant Is Im- -1 litovod elty ( iron ( oimty warrants bought. Money ou hand. r.M.KIuhaidson , blSX.V.I.Ife. wi _ a II US I' iiiortaaco loins at low rules nnd no delay. O. V. sholcs Co. L'10 1st iNut'l bank. I TNKSt'AIiIiY low rates U Ot Interest ou llrst niortRnjjes of Improved real estntcfortho next ( Wda > s by Hie lun a < i Cltv laveMmenl Co. Kooni AiHoard ot Tiadc. J. II. 1'cuK' , iiiiiuaser. iCJ MONKY to loan on unv sicurlty foi short , tune at lovr lutes. Lowest intes ( iupeisonulpiiicity. | The Henderson MoitisiiL-c Investment Tcm- puny , roiini 400. t'nxtojiti 1 k IC1 " " " ANTKO First-class Inside loans. Lowest . . rates. Catt and sec us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , I'M Curium. 1(74 ( 011 I'AI1 pastern money I'lillndclplda Mortmao and Trust C'o , always ready to loan and pay promptly ; first nioitgagc1) wanted. (3 OIJKv. . 1' . Coatcs , ii'ti- reseiitntlve , loom 7 , lloaril of Trade , D73 EA * TiilN money to loin ou city nroppity ! uioitgngo paporbought. ll.U.liey.N.V.I.lfe. 07G Bt'H.DINO loans maiie fit lowest rates. W. JI , llurrls , loom 20. , I'un/.tr blk. , opu. t * . 0. KAij PSTATt : IO.UH Very lowest rates , 0. J. Cusvvell. 810 N. Y. Life. tAi'-al8 Hl'Alj I'.STATn I-onus--i'usi ! on hand. ( Hobo Loan A Trust , t'o " 07 s ibtli .t No delay No e.\truchiitea. lloiiMsfur rent ) good list. lin B110UTJIANO AND TYl'LJWKITING. , ( If. , ice top nf frt enlumn on thu pdiK. "VrOTICH The special sumiiipr Cession of the J. > clashes In penmanship nnd Bhcrthmid will commence Monday , July 14. CIuwH will bu held In the moinlnp , afternoon nnd nvenlnir. fall on or address for Infornmtlon , Ptiindnrd bhorthand lluslneHS College , Now York Llfo hulldliiir. Onialia. Nob. lf-8 IMUlSONAIj. rorratcxttc. , irrtopnf flrt column on lliti MAHIIIAOi ; jiaper contalnliiR columns of pci-onnlsaiul partli uliits of society that pnj-B from f.VX ) to J1.MO at marriage , mailed free. Address the lllobe , Altoonu , 1'a.MislO MislO * CIjAIIlVOVANT. rorrates , etc. , tec top of flivl column nn tMi JT ; * . clairvoyant , late of lloiton. Has removed to Itj'M Doinrlas R | . Whllo eu- traueed will leveal ovi i v bidden nivstury In life , 1'iepaies Egyptl m t alls-man which will o\crcomo jour enumn's. lemuvo family troublesresloro lost 'iilU'ttlons , unlti'S tlm soji iratcd , helps "II In troiiulc , etc. TCP , $1 and upwards. N. 1) . I'eifeot satisfaction guaranteed hy mall. Send Htanili for Illus trated elioul'ir. Mrs , Dr. l.ddy , 1XW ( Douglas st , Umnlili. ' 8IO-10 * Sr. ] , S1JI3. Mrs. Uailli.ihnos , ' trance me- ilium , gUes advlco ou business , man Inge , sees all enanKci , asks , nn nueslhius. t > atlsfu > - tlon given or no clwupps , . Clicles Thursday cveiilng. Parlor S" , fct. ( . lair Hotel , 13th st. . I'onist , the people's old , lellulilo clalrvoyntit fortunn-teiler. Kueloso btump forpurtlcnlursorcull ovei MO b. Uth st. 4V115 * Mitt' . Tccles. thcmoat v oiiderfiilclalrvoj'iuit and foitune-tellor In tliooilil. . has 10- tuined from lioston. Love , marriage and changes told to all. CO" S. Uth ht. 43d lo * DUNANMIJ V. WAUH1JX , clalivoyant , mcdlcul and liuslnc i medium. I'omalo dls- a specialty. 11UX lulhst. , looms- and 3. j UsO JNL AfabAUK , Miulaiu flcUlcr. ovcrblO H. llltli , a : . : s. a CIIAN'CKS. Kortmlw , etc. , fee tup of tiitt coin inn on tills jnge. 10II PA MI A Rlooltof pciiernl moicliniullio of ? 7,0t , iloiiiK a business of J.K.IWO yearly , inlli's north of Oinalia , M miles west of Slou\ City , on N.V. \ . II , H. Address A. 0. & Co. , caio 0. S. fclnjukbuig & Co. , bloux City , Iu. 88 Si AUAKEchiincoIf sold soon A first class pnyliig bakery , confectionnry unO c.ifo. rstclass location. Addrcsi LSI Itvo , fSM5J P OH BAI/K Ori\eliaii3u ; I.urtfo nrinufact- Interest In a vvisll o.stalilKhod hu l- for Oninliu propeity or Nebraska lanilb. Itciiuvvu & Co. 874 15 TT'OIl PA LC Cipnr confectionery Ith r > fur- VJL1 nlshi'd rooms , SM S 12th. biw IB * DUUO stock for sale dirt cheap. Knmiho Hark' , Haas & Co. , Council Dliiirs , In. iriT 10 "VfOTIOK A fiioccry block , well assorted , JninountInK to 31.20J. locate I In one of the best business Htauds In n\titi r , Nob. , Is ollcreil for hiilo If tiiKon In tlio next ten dnys ( store room for rent reasonable ) . My reason for soli- Ing : The Into piopilotor , It. \\e-t , died July . ' 10,1600. Addicss.for furtherpaitlculais.t'airlo \Vest , Kxutcr , Neb. b"7 19 * "IjlOUHAT K Onoof the best payliiR snloons -t ! ln South Omaha ; Rood location. Hatlsfai1- f.ictorv mason given for bcllluz. AddicsaL liU lee. _ 1T10II TKADn tloodiiPW stock hardware at wholesale pi Ice for Uranha nr > iiutty. In- olcc WU.tHJO. 1) . V. faholes Co. , ill.i , lsti > ut. bank. ' _ _ 4J7-lri ino'U linNT In Do Witt , .Nob. , to responsible J- ' paitle-i : BOOI ! vvnpoii und paint shop. 'JOO ! . A steam cnglno In connection with hfiuii foi iiiunui ? iniichliicry In shop. Kliop Is well sit uated , I'm further Information innulroof 01 uildrcis Willlum bpcilins , DoVltt , Sub. :3H-tl : HOTHI for sale. Two-story bricks Is ouo ol the best hotels , ilolns un excellent ( food business , ou ono of the best corners Jn the cltv , AUdtcssC'omiiicrcIal Hotel , llroken How. Neb TJ / ' OH bA I < K reed store. Addiesa iTc > 7 1 . . : Good p'lylns croccry . . . IM n part of city. blcKiiess icasoii foi Inquire ! ! l7K14tli. TQIOllSALK Dairy on Amos avu. open for -I-1 i uiit or trade. .1. R lloeh. 5.'f.iu17 * I'or nf . etc. , . lop " / } u ,1 c fiinin onifi p "I OST-Lady's cold watch , lost while drlvlnt J-JUunurd If left at Itili t'ussj bt , tioo-U' 3O.ST Sliver mounted iiinbrolla from I'n.x -Jton hotel , ovculiu of Aug. 1. . hllver plate on bnndlo marked with n.inio K. S. ( i. Kay Liberal toward for rutirii ) to hotel ollico. . LOST Ainr. 1.1 , pass to Denver and Chicago Hetiirn to O. T. Votncllus , baKKnsenmstor II. k M. Ky. , Unmlia. Liberal reward. DUO l.V KOH KXtUIANGU. for ralef , etc , , tee top offrst column on tlitu paut. Wit AT have you hit lands , lots , houses , tie. AddresliZI } lleo. Wlll JT OU r.XCIIANOn-.Opod clear lots for soot J. residence ; will ussuniu some encumbrance Hlchly Impioved i'JJ jibio farm In IlulTuli county , forntcehoiiHi ; Uilsplaco unsiiiiiassc fora block farm ; g ( < od buildings. Kooni 1 board of trade. I OT In lledford I'hicnnn Htato fiOtlil'st. , ti Joxehungo for lot liMC.irlli.ij-'u or Lincoln I'luce.V. . t-tfelby.lj Uo ud o ( Trade. bl ! \\TANTii-Oood ; ) rk'nr farm lands In NoT - T > braoKii for niercliiinlso. ( ! croucrlen or con cr.it. WllisauiiUoiSbt. , Oiu.ili.i. bM ) II * fir OUhavostoclvSoTKOods of nny Mud to -I exclmnso for Rood western Improved farms without delay or loss of timu , vvo can tat you a customer. Giro full partkulurs. U A. L. l.cil s'aunili'rs st. , Omaha , KiS-14' V\7ANT blocks , clear lots , hondi. etc. . for ii cottages , fui ms , lun Jj , etc. Address La" lleo. bit-kit IMAM' n urocory stock that will Invoice f nun 5I.50U toil. S < ni ) huvo U > roslduni'i ) lols for il.'JCO nnd cash for bid.inco. Lock llox 4iJ , L'untfiil t'lly , Neb. 4M i'u * _ S Olill ) Kold \ \ urthuiu vr.iteh and vvorTjiorso to triulo for teed uldo bar buggy. U. K Cole , I'oiitliiental block. 801 _ GOOD land to cxelmiiKo for city property or iiiurcliundlso. Address Wiaturn l.vlmnh'o Co. , t'oluiiilniH , .Voh , KS iri * _ TTVOIt KXOHANU Neb , fjrm and cash for OnialiH hou&o and lot vrorth abe 1 < 4'J , Hun onico 'BXOfl'AlTuir-ltLul e tate for horio und bugcy or carrlugo. Ilcnawu Sc. Co. B71 13 " \\rAXTKHt-A SWOK nf merrlinndlso which > > will luvolco from lUoiK ) to J.'J.dOJ In px- ? liuiKe : for a brick roiMonce and one-nero lot lnl ) < ceoln. li , This lioiiso rdst il.Vtvv ) and Is cuinplt'lo and moderji In every niullciilnr , i iv line water supply , Muamlieat , bntli room. vita nnd Is clear ut liii'iitnbranco , with tierfpet title , can make up any dllTeruiieo vrlth itiHid Ili-sl miirUir/e li'ipor. Apply at No. ll'JJ.N. 'JQth st. , from li to VI dally , i. K. U. 7-S _ _ " \ \ \\TKD-Mortna IP for ft years for her o und new bUKKys chenp. A fdress I.W.llce. Ml-411 i\t : IIANtlt.Jivmutncl : , of hardware fixim llrst liniids' , at liole nleprlcc < ; J.I.V1J ciioh lequlteil Jan. I , bill : will taUo for btl- nnce of riiully good clear Nebraska ni Iowa farmland or Oinahii propeityvltlisiiuilllii - eiimbraneoi full llnoof snmpli'1 can be seen luUmaliu. Addtess K3I. lleoollke. 7.1I 1'Olt HAIiliHHAh I'oi rtic ( < . c < c , tee tup nfir t ( olunni on Uito i > ii/f. iriOIt HAI.K-Ortradp. Hcaiitlfiilnow ll-room -I house only s blue kvi t of I. owe a v c. , on Cuss st. , hliih and sightly iilid oncf.ule ; full lot , city water , elstciii , tower , bnvviliidow. porrlus. double lloor , ccllur. all llnlshcil In Ili t-class st } to , Lowest cash prlie. g.L'OOi smiill payment down , halunreery i'.i y. \\ill \ trade for dour farm land or Uin.ili.'i nils. OnniM. I' . (1 , Menlll , itta \ \ aliuitai'Vnliiat Hill. Oinnlia. 70 s I , " _ B AltO .MX Now , well built sl\ room cottngo wiilismall barn , full lot. on .spaullln ( . . Druid Illll , plain glass , ctectrlo .lu'll , etc. Monthly payments or otherwise to suit. ( ! l\ llutts sis fc. i.Mh st H'j-lh ' * 171OII HAU- : mnin eotflKC , full Int. In lln- l1 kcr I'liuo. nna lilocl. west of Cllflon Illll. only Jl.flTO. } tt)0 ) cash niul $ i" > nvory .Inionlhs liuiulii'of owner , U. U. Merrill , 41.CM \ \ nlntit ave . \\iilniit Illll. : > 111' _ nTlOi : SAlT.--4lth and I'ainam , nldHTeient X1 now houses , ovcrv comonleiieo liu-liidliii ; RIIS , fiun.up. ete. I'.tcKiint. i.t.'i.lu to $ < , V.V ) . f.UH ) ti > $ , vxihnlaiiio at 7 per ci nt to .suit. I ) , V. bholi'i owner , -Jll , 1st Nat. bank. 4'7-H \\rAN1TD I.U.'DJ people ( Omaha'sptcM'nt M populatlonl. to believe III Its ( oniiiiiMcliil ( treat ne < s and to kiiovttli.il now Is the he-it time to secure on focd terms u IIOIIKI In this citv. I'or partleiiiais trail my iiilvui tUc f. T. llarilson , llll N. V. Life. T'LHIANT tracknso lot , lISxIIEJ. fioutlns jia\e l St. . tiaek In alley. I'or sale or IIMSO on long time. 'Iho Mead Investment Co. , lleo bld'g. 1)17 ) irtOK SAI.n IIOfl H , .T.'nd st. , elegant brick JL' boiis-o tell looms. Host bargain In Omaha , $10.000 , W.OOJcash Imliiuco ( i per cent. 1) . V. fcholes Oo. , ! ! IU , 1st Nat. bank , 427-1 $ AvSAIATili iKi.vmoiit down and ? ! . " > per month vvllj buy a-l-rooin lionscand lot on 101 h. 2 blocks fiom motor ; first-class clinnco to nis- qulro a homo on easy loimS , Apply to II. K. Cole , Continental block ; Osl \\TAtJGI1& WesteTileld.renl estate.S.Oiiiiina. 7 1OTTAfin homes hi most any addition for Wsalo at from tl.OOOup oil easy monthly pay ments. 1' . K. Darllnic , 43 llarkcrblk ; u-U 'ij OH t > AIU Nlco 7-ioom house leudy to J1 inovo into , with full lot , S-Y-OJ , WOO cash O. ] ' . llarr Ken .I'll ' N. Y. Life. IH7 eiV YOU have 11113 thins to sell or exchange J cull nt tils I'nUun bloek. 1'ivi ' LINCOLN IMaco lotsSlS53. Dc\ter I.Thomas 7KI Ujl.'iiO. rrooin liouso and lot ! $2,0i , li-ioom Phoiisi- and lot , until aith of August. P. i : eor. llth and Vlnton. Jlrs. Kuhliiian. M > 25 A CHOICE hliuon I'arn im. oposllo | .Mr. 1C. I * "toneV Jlno ii'sld nce , lHuxl-C feet , Hint wo will sell vury ehe.ip If taken hufuto A us. 1. Umnlia Iteal nst'iteand Trust compiiiy. 0 S. 17th M. . lleobullillna. 70 ! GltKATb.ux.ilns tj.owwlll buy a linuical- denee , f..MJ down , balance on time. Also a line residence lot ihoiip fori'iisli , AN ) a tine iisldence In Ivouut/o I'laci- . Kor particulars apply at the Nub. Sleam luundiy , s-c cot. IGtli. llowaidsts. UJ1 ITiUirSAiTK- ClTolcii ro < ld'iici ) lit NoT ' J' ID'il Oeor 'la uve.,3J\IW ft H front.ll Mi-go looms bath , ffas , sewer , hot anil cold water , closeland till < > oiivcnloiiL u4 > owner goliig to leuvoclty. 1) V. Sholus Co , 2131st Nut.b.iuk. 5W $ ! , ' . ' ' ) for Ijlnooln 1'laco and CuitliiiKU lots ; easy teims.V. . L. holby , 1'J lloaid Tiado. AI1AKOAIN To any \vantliiTa doslra- able lioino. WehaVua nine loom hoii.se , large bain nnd currlago house , ono lilouk fiom thu motor line , but twelve minutes from 1'arnam st. , tint wo can hull chuup , und will takc.i lotor nsmnll hoiiso and lot , In part p.ii ment , and gl vo easy terms on the balance. Omaha Heal KstaUuiml Tiint company , 0 S. 17th ht. . lieu biilUllng. Tltf _ $10 CASH und f4 per moiilli foi honsa and full lot at fiora $ &J to il.QK ) each. W J-PauI , IGlr ) l.'nriiiuu. . 411 FOUSALi : I'our Roodlolhinaliiut Hill , Mxl.'iO each , on grade . " 1'rlco ' * .VJ each , worth douhlo the inonoy. Strlugor A : I'enny , Dousilns blook. liithand Doduc. 4M .Not ice to Com motor3. Sealed proposals will ho received by the city council o ( Omahii , Nebraska , until 1U'o'clock , noon , Amurtt I.Utli , 18UO. fur all muturlal , labor , etc. , to thiNh and complete the oaipentur and joiner -work , ornnmontal lion vvoilt , plastur- Ing. steam heating , and plninhliiK and ; ; is 111- tln ? . In the city liullbolng ercctod at tlio cor ner of ISMi and I'arnain stirets , Intlioeityof Omaha , Nuhiasku , aitieenbly to plans and Hpeellleationsto boscou at th" olllcu of I'ow- Icr.V llchulorir.ari'hlteets , 1102ruriiiiiiistii > ot , and under their directions , lllds to ho iio--oii- ] panlcd by a cortllled I'hoek equal to live per cunt of the amount of pioposaf. i ? ild cheek to bo forfeited to elty of Omaha In case piimosiil Is accopled and the fnlluio of the bidder to sign rontraotand fiiinlsh hiieli bonds us bh.ill bo leqnlled by the city uiun 'II. Bciiuiutu bids will bo receivedwhich may bo combined : iilsu lump bids. No convict labor will be allowed. The envelope enclosing bid to lie marked " ' "I'roposal for worlc of City Hall. " nnd addi/-sed to K. IMuvl ) . Chilli mini of I'lihllit l > ioorty ) und Hulldliig Committee , erne C , H. ( loodrlcli , Comntroller. Apply to architect- * . I'owli-r & llolnilorll , for all further Information The council reserves thurl ht to inject any or all bids , to accept or decllno to close a contract us In thcli discre tion they shall deem but for the city. liy 01 dor of the Committee [ Slciicd ! JOHN GHOVES. Cltv Clerk. AuRiistGtli , 1SDO. a"dl4t Notion to < ontrautors. Scaled pioiiosalu will lie received by the sec retary of the board of cducntloii until ' . ' o'clouk p. in. Monday , AiiRiistlStli , bOJ. for the oii'ctlon of tlio following suhool buildings. In nccordaueo with plans and i-peclllcatlons tobo been nt the ollleo of tliusocrotary. Ono 1'Story two-loom frame building ut tlio ) llel > oi.v school site. One 1-slorv tvvo-ioom frame building at the bni.itosa HiMiool slto. One l-Htorv two-loom frame building at the Cential I'aru school bile. Tlio boil d reserves the right to i eject any or all bids. Omaha. AnzustSth , 18'K ' ) . liy older of the Itoaid of IMuoatlon. ul.'dct CIIAIIMS C'OMIVKII , beutetury , .Notlco ol' lis ) < ilntIon. Notice K hereby given tlint thoeo-pirtner- shlp heretofore oxistlng butweuu the nnder- Hlsned , and doing business nt boiitb Oiunha , under the firm iianio and .stylo of Mahoncy. iralKV Co. . Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. .1. .1. M.ihoucy withdraws from the ( 'o-parlnurshlp. und tlio business will bo con- ( tuctod In thufutuio by SI. I' . 1'errall und 13. C. llaywood. Dated at Smith Omaha. tlilH nth day of August , A. 1) . Ib'JO. J. J. MIIONBV , M. n. I'KIIMAI.I. , a4d3t ! * 11 U. ] | AVV\OOI > . Xotluo of Indebtedness. Notice IH heirby given that tlio total tndobt- ednessnf tlieOmalia ( ollsoiim Iliilldhi ; asso ciation amounts ) to thu hum of tvventy-llvo thousand nliiu bund red and bovputy-smen anil nlnoly-tvvo oiie-liundredtlisdollarstfjl ' .w.'j. W. 1 , Kir.It TIIAl ) , I'icsldeiit. M . . MlM ) AVeeretary. . C. I. MKAKS. Tiensiuur. aimlMit * .1OIIN .S. 1'UIM'H. Miinugcr. Notion. lllds wilt be received by the board of print ing ut the olTk'o of necrotaty of Mate ou or bu- fore August 21st. 1 Still , at J o'clock p m. , for printing and bidding In rlnib wnj eoplosot ii'liortNt ate hoard of agriculturofor the vi ir IS1of ) four hundred niges ( ah moioor Uss , and .10001'ojilcs of report ht it ( > board of bortl- ciiltuip for the year ib'JJ uf tluuo huudiud uagca each iiuiro or less. hurhples of work may bo seen nt tnoofllcoof xeciotai v of htate. ICIght iqsurved to reject anyoriill hlds by thohtatn prlnlliiK boa id. Lincoln , NebiiisUu. AugustOth , 1111. alldiot lliv : R Cuwnmiv.hucretary , 1'artiiornlilp 1) sgolntlon , TlmIrm ( beiotofoio known nsfieo. 1' must A. Co. , ilnlnc liui-lnehs at LILI Kiiingo llulldluz , ( inialia. Nubrnhk i , has this day heen mutually dUnohid by the iiartni rt Mild deoiuu 1 . lllnst and Mnlcom II. 1'oti'rson nrotoeontlniio the biuliiiuvH , pay all debts of tlio Una that now appear on the books of Buld Him and col lect all dubtb duo the same. P. Ili.r.ST , I II t'KTLIISON , . . . Sunn. Omaha , Nib. , August IU. l"jU. alM3t FOn RENT- EXCHANGE FOR SALE' IMtOOInVMATIOV. A Joint rosolutlon was adopted by the legislature ot tbostntoof Nebraska , ul the tvrpiity-llrst session theioof , and npprorivl rebruary l.ltli , A. 1) . mi , proposing 1111 amend- inont to tlio cotistltiltlim of Kalil state , nnd thtusfild lununduicitt shall rend as follow * , to-wlti Section tl That at the Rpnernl election to bo held ou the Tuesday succeed in * the lint Mond'iy ol November , A. D.INO.tbi'ro nboll by Mimltted to the electors of this slatoforap- | inival orrnjectlon im atneudiiieut to tlu'con- sllttitlon of- this -Into In vvnrds ns follow si Thumamifnclim > , mlo and keeping for snlo of Intoxicating Ihiuors ns a bevor.iuo nro forever - over prohibited In this latp , and the lcislla - lure shall pravlde by law for Iho eiifnrceiuent % f thlJ pro ? Hon. " And them shall also ut iiiidelection bo fopnrntclv submitted to the electors ot tills stale for their approval or re- Joctlon an amendment to the constitution of the state In vvoids us follows "Tlio mnmtfnu- tuie , sato and keeping for sale of Intoxlc'it hit' Hifti'tr ' * as a lioveragu Bliall bo lloensod and ' .Ui At such election , rn the bnllot of Mil Ins for tbo proposed amend ments to the constitution Hindi h > ' vMlttoti or printed the voids ! "I'or proposed nmenil- ment to the constitution , prohibiting the mamifuetuie , Halo and keeping for suln of liitoNleatliiR Illinois as a iieveriiKO. " or "Against thu iirotiosi'd nmendmciit to the con-it I tu l Ion prohlbitluj tin ) nitutufiictiiic , salu and Uceplnrf for b.ilu ot Intoxicating "I hi ro shall iitaobu written nr printed on tbj b.illdtof each elector voting fut tlio MiopoMil ninendmrnt to tin ) constitution , .tlio uonN : "I'or pi dposod amendment to tlm constitution that Hut mutnifiictiiici , s.ilo and keeping for Riilncf liiiMxlcatlnn Illinois-is a bevei uri In this stall Hlmll Im lieeiiTd and regulated bylaw , " or "Against sdd proposed amendment - ment to the ( ( institution th it the niiifmtai'- t me , sale and keeping for sale of hitoxlcatln. ? Hiiuors us a bnt'liigo shall bo licensed and rcuuliitltix ly 1'ivv. " See , 3 : If either of the said proposed amendments shall be apptoved by a maturity of tbo elcctms Veiling at the n ilil elei'tIon , then It shall ciuisltuto snot Ion l'J71of atlicloone Liot ) thoct stale. 'I heroforo , I , John M. Thayer. Onvornor of tliostjuoof Nibraska , do hereby giro notion In nccordani'U with HIM-I ! ui ono [ I ] aillclo [ 11 ] of Hie constitution and the urov ( sinus of thu act ( ii titled "an in t to piovido the manner of proposing all ami nilmrnts to the lonstliiil Ion nnil .siibiultliiu UIBX.IIIIO to the electors of tlio state. " Appiovi'd robriniry llllli , A. I ) , Ihi7 , that snld nioposul uini'iiilmeiit111 ho xub- niltted lotlipmialllled voters of this state fotv iiplirnvnlor rojoctlon ut the venom ! election to bo held ou the 4th day of November , A. U , 1800. Iu witness whereof 1 hereunto set my hand , nno cause to be alllxod the Croat oal of the blateof NobrnsUa. Done at Lincoln thls'-'iUi any of July , A. O. H . and thnSlth vourof the Rtute , nnd of the ImlepiMidcuCo of the Unltod titiites the one hundred lltteentii. liy thoOovernor. JOHN M.TIIAYER IlLMAMIN U. UOVVllKHY , l&u.vt. . ] bedutary of Stato. Auuust Id3m . I HOOLAMAT10N. WliniEAS. A lolnt resolution was adopted by the IIMM ituioof the stale of Ni'Hraskn.at the tvveiitv-llist session thereof , and appioved March : wili. A. I ) . ! * ( ) , proposliiK an iuni > n > l- nu'iit tosi'i-tlnn twoillfiir41 [ ( ) [ and llvo 1,11 of Arll'-leslx [ 1,1 of tliDciintltutlon of sulil stain and thats.ild section us aiucndod bhall lead as follows , to-vvit : Section 1 Tlintsection twof ? > of arth'lo six (0) ( ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska boninoiided to ns to lead as fallows : "section : ! : Tliosmpremo court shall con sist of llvo ( . " ) judses , a malorlty of w homslritl uonecessary HI form niiiioriimortopioiinuiieo a decision. It shall have original 1ui is llctlon In discs relitlnK to lovpiiuo. civ II cises In which the btito shall bo a | > .u ly , ni.imlanms quo wttrrmiii , habeas cm pus and sui-hiippel- late Jiirisdlcllnn us nniy be provided hv law. beetlou'J : That section four ilof ) nrtlcloslx (0)of ( ) the constitution of thosintoof Nebraska , be ameiidi'ti MI us lo toad ns follows : Scot Ion 4 : Tin ! Indies of the Mipiomn court shall bu elected bj tboelectois of thu state at lar e , nnd their teims of otllee , evcoptas iicrulnnfier piovlded , shall bo for a iierlod of liveC vears. " Scetlm.l : That section five ( . " > ) of articles ! * (0)of ( ) tin ) const tuition of thostato of NoLl.is- Kii , bo amimled sous tn rend ns follows : SoetlonS. "Atthe Hist ( 'rm'r.il elcflloti to lie bold In the year Ih'jl , and after the ndop- tlon of this amendment to the ( on-ilim Ion , theio shall be elided three ( .1) ) juil is nf Ihu supi i-ine com t. ono of whom nhill be elected for tliKtormof ono (1) ( ) yo.ii. one for tliotciin olthh oi.l ) ) Pur > > nnd onn for thutormot llvo ( . ' ) ) yi ins. and at eaob Keiiprnl election therc- after tliiroHluill bo cleutedono Jiulr'o of thu suproinecourt for the term of llvo'i ( ) yoirs. I'rovlduil , that Iho jndRot of tlio xiipiomo court vvliosn terms have not expired nt the tlinn ot holding tin1 seneral oleetlou of isul , hlrill ciiiitlnno to hold tholr otllcu foi the ic- malndoi of the term for which they WIMP 10- lie etlvely elected under the prosonl consti tution. " Section I : That each person votinsln favor of this amendment shall hav wilttuu or prln'ed uiion his ballot thefnllon'lnK "Tor thu proposed 1111101111111011110 tneeonsll- tutlon rolathiK to the number of c-.ipiemu 1'lioieforo. T , John M Thiyor , Governor of thohlntoof Nebraska , do lioroby Rlvo ncillro in accordance with section one (1) ( ) in tic-lit fif teen Ti ) of tbo constitution , the niovlHlous of the not entitle } : "An not to protulo tlm niiin- ncrofproiiuslnjf all iimcndmonts tothocon- stltiitlou nnd submitting the sumo to thoetau- tors of thu state. " Appiovid rebrunry Uth. A. I ) . 1S77. that .said proposed nmeiidment will tie ptesonted to Iho qualified voters of the slate for apptov.il or rejection at tlm roncral election to bo held on the 4th day of Novem ber. A 1) . 1V)0. ) In witness vvheieof Iliuvo hoiounto sot my Imnd mid caused to bo afllxoit the Krcntscul of the btato of NobraiKu , Done ill Lincoln this l ! < ith day of July , A D.IS'K ) , and tbo twen- ty-fomth jiarof Uiobtntc , and of tlio Indo- pendi nco nf Iho United btatos the ono hun dred fifteenth. IIv the CJovi-inor. JOHN M. THAYEIl. UI..VIAMIN li. Cownr.nv. LSiAi , . ) fcouietary of Stato. Augustld3m mot IJA.MATION. WntnE.ts , A Joint resolution was ailoptPd by the ipRblatutoof tlio st.ito of Xohiaslri , at the tHi'nty-llratbusslonthcieofand approved Marchllin , A. P. ltM > , proposhi ) ; an aincnd- ment tofOL'tloiiTlilrteon ( ll ) of Article hlx (0 ( > of the constitution of H.ilil st.itu ; tliat s.ild BOotlou aa amended shall load us follows , to- wlt : boptlnn 1 : Tlmtsoctlon thlrtoen (11) ) of nrtl- cliihlx ( ti ) nfthut'onstitnllonof tliosl.iloof Xu- braska bo amotided so ns to ioi < l as follows : Section II : The Judjosof tliosupri'iiiocourt nlmll each totclve n sulnry uf thlrty-Hvo hL'ii- drpd dollars ( $ .L.VO ) IMT annum nnil tlio ludgpn of the dlsnlct court shall reuolvo a salary of tlircnllious.uid dollars ( 1,033) per annum , and the ailary uf o.ich shall btfpayablp iiiaitirly. | feotlon 2 : lOaoli iicisinotliu ; in favor of this uinondmont shall have written ur pflntud upon his billet thu following : "For ed thopnnstl- lhoproj)0 ) amoiuliuont to - tiitlon , rulatliM to tlio saliu v o > ' juilgia of the biinrcmo and district nouit " Thcioforo , 1. John M. Thaypr , povornorof the state of Nebraska , c'o linroby lv o nntlon. In accord neo with heotloii one Ll ] nrtloln llf- teen [ 1" ] of the constitution , nnd Ilio provi sions of an act rntltlod : "An act to provide th ) nuniior of propislne all ainondini'iits to the constitution und siiliinlttlnK thnmuiiGto the doctors of tnoMate. " Approved I'obiuary 13th. A. I ) . Ib77 , that wild prupusud iiinuiid- mnnt will bo subnilttcd to the iiuullllcd voters of tills state forappioval nr rejection , at tlm cencral ulrctlon to lo hilil on the Ith day of November. A. 1) ) . 1800 , In wltniHi vrlioreof I Imvo liorpunto sot my hand and paused to bo alllxi'd thu Rii'st soul nf the Htato of Nebraska. HOMO at Lincoln. thlHCbth day < it.Inly , A. I ) lo .l. and the twi > n- ty-fourthycarof tlio stale , nnd ut thuindo- Iiundonceuf tlio United hiatus tlio ono lain- diednftpcntli. liy thu Oovurnor. JOHN M. TIIAYER. IlLMAMIN K. 00I > KHV , L.SRAU ] Secretary of State , August U3m Notid' . Sealed bids will bo lecelved until AusustC.1 , for heating school biilldlnp In HolilicKu , Neb. , with htcum or botwalui , I'oi purtl'Milnn ud tin's * . \\.M.llAIJII , ated't Fccrctary Hoard uf IJlu.-ntlon. DihHoliitlon of I'ai'liicrHlnp. Tolior.i It May Concnrii : The cnp.irlnrr shliliiiii > lofoioe\IstliiK between , * ' IO : > SD nnd I. ltanda/7O , undiirtlio Una niiiao uf ( . Itosso A. Co , hnathlrtduy IKTII dlssulvt'il by mutual consent. Mr. Itnsso will collrct nil ui-ifiuiils duo Ilio firm of I' lu-so ! , < c Co. , and jiay nil debts of Ilio bald Unit of U. Kosso A' t'o. 0. Kosso , niy , h niuloiy nr c r 1 1 a l } | i mam nil/ I „ n it < l In SO to HO d-\yi , B \ . , iiiniliijti ) all poUon i uin UK f ; < Uiii nj thi < t tli. ro i u nut , ti ion it tin n of tliudlxa pin nny fuiin. raiilm can lo tiratnl ot liomans vicll ailiii > ( fur tlm K.IIIM pilic am ) imil , r Ilio nitnu Kiun.inKo i hut Kltli tlm o ! o ( ircfci to ruinoln iru Mill ti ntnu t lo . uro tin in ur n.fnml all monry and jiay ( iitini zn > v i/t loinlni , railroad farcuiiaiiottl hills. OHH MAGIC EEIEDYSS : to rurc the ni' < t otiBifimti < HM . Ve ihaliiicQ Ilio world furivc.iiovuriin notnii . hlniollu li ! < l < , ri uf nuiVc oatruuifl | < t > r RitOi 11 > In i jinn muitlit forMatn rcr fountl nntll our M i rli3 It inidjr un illi r vend. Nnnn other ip inilne. "V\ilt for ttfiicntK. COU1C ill JIMtr tU , , Omalni , X < lu < il ; < i. li ALL THE WOHll ) TlltKE IS BUT ONE CURE DR , MINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , RHILWMYTIIVIEGHRD M.lltJKIIAN TUAIMJT AVInit tlio Times SIIJ-H. In Its notes on the i count great tvvolvo- iiiiilng giiino between Oinaliii and tlio Cow * loys tlio Kansas City Timoj observes : Clarke was fined " 55 by the uiniiiro fof wlieu 1m was on buso. .Too Wnl si i never played better ball Iu UU career on the diamond than now. For such n tf.imo the crowd was n small one , not over nine huudicd people bDitiy pres ent. ent.Catcher Catcher Moran is a liard , cnrno.it worlcor , and of Iho youiifj backstops In the associatlou is probably tlio premier , IlufjU Nieol was ono of tlio spectntois vei. teiilay. Ho is waiting to hear from ISItitrlool the Now Yorlcs , with -whom ho h ncgottut * ini , ' . CliirUocan set away with moro "bum" ttliiii'than } nny tvvirler in the association. Ho Is a disgustingly par.iistent and untuison- able kicker. Cnnavnn of thoOmuhas isono of tbo Rtat pl.iv ors of the association. He 001111)11104 Hat- tine , ouso ruimliif , ' nnd llcldln &U111 , and lit addition to tills is ouo of the most gen Hi ly ] ila\ers that ovcrdonnod a uniform. llk-k Carpenter did not have a i at third base a romarlwblo fuel. that twelve innings were played. Kliner Cleveland seems to have an oyn riveted ou the ball , and theio is no pltcliur la the association who rejoices to see him coinu to the ( ilatc. "Ued" llniirahan seems to hnvo been bet tered by his lelcnso fiom Sioux City Ho. uovor | iut up such a game for the Iowa club as ho ii phii in now. .Umpire Hoover tnailo his debut bolero a Kansas City niuUunco yesterday , lie hut a hard iramo to umpire , but was satisfuUory to both hides. With the audience he iu ido a very fuvoraMo itnpresslon. Iliirns nud Smith collided In point ; for Willis'liy in the sixth InuliiK und Klmer tell as if unconscious. Tlio bill i oiled oft and Willis tried to get to the plate , but Klmor ( jot up in time to ( jet It to.ManniiiK whoso Roooi throw to Donuhuo nipped Willis ut tlio ( iiiito. Neither Burns nor Smith were hurt by llui collision , but the latter vvius momentarily stunned. Moro limit nny other Western association player that hus been hero tills season , Pitches Clurlco exhibits tbo traits of tbo hoodlum , ills rein irk to the crowd after iiiiiUin" u bli iu Iho seventh iniiiiiK , "How do you like that , you HlilTsf" w.is. very ICfiry Patch , mid for ; such rowdyism bo should Imvo been oi'doroil out of the if.ima. It would bo well loi'Mim aifor Leonard of Oin.ili i to Instruct I'lurlto in decency as well us points of the tfam > Cnliavim gave a voiy clever uxhiliiilon o ( hcad-ivork in the Hist fulling Miinnuitr ivaa on third whou Ilurin hit it long lil U liy to left. Can.ivau r.m for tbo ball und could h.wo got under It easily , but ho saw that ( ho ball was iioliiK foul i.o let It full to the L-iound. Hud ho caught tbo ball MuiiiiluK would Imvo hcorod. As it was , Hums hit to Ciai-ljo auil Manning was cnuh'ht at the jilato. * v ( aiilion. Tliu uiiiloraii'iiecl Is tlio solo pfoiirloloc4 ami owner of Kntnlc Ot'U'n Dlrct-lory Co , 1'coplo in my employ romvn'iitiiifi tlioin- faolvoa us pai'tnot'ri , or iifiuiiif ; for money or trade ailviincea , or oIToi'ln to ni'gotf * nlo contracts of the above compain' , un * loss thov liold v\rit tun CTO.U'ii'Ials ' from mo tire frauds. KiiAN'K N. K. Ottrr.Q Tlcltotn nt lowest rutos nnd Buporloe nccominoilation-i via the jrroat Itock Ia- Itiud routeTlokot olilco , 10W Six- euiith und Furniun htrcutt ) , Oni'ih'.u fcTho following iiorinln were Nsuod by thu sticrliitondentol | bulldlngi yesterday : John I ) . Divls. ono and one-iiuuiter Htory frame dwoltlii ! ; . llluekblid und Walnut MIOUH . . . $ 1OOJ Two minor periulls , ' 11 Total I V.71 'Pio ] now offices of tno jrt'oat Hook fs land route , 1CUJ , Slxtcoiith and Furnaw etrcot , Onmhii , uro Iho llnuut In tlio city , Cull nnd RCO llioin. TiclcoU to till poluv wist ut lowust rutua ,