Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE OMAHA .DAJUY BltHf FJKIDAY * AUGUST 15 , 1890.
Peter Schmidt , an Aged Oitizju , Tangcr-
ously Injured Near Nebraska Oily.
Kntl Sliiiotliin Aculilent Alllaneo I'lO-
nlu at fJot hwiMirjt Kniiib- ]
llcan Coiniiilttco .A
at Fremont.
Nrnt ism CITY , Neb. , August H. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : DEI : , I While returning
liouio from this city last night I'etcr Schmidt ,
aged seventy-one , w.w thrown from the
wagon by Ids runaway team , sustaining a
broken collar bono and severe Internal Inju
ries , which will likely prove fatal. Mrs.
ICoinina and IJov. rather Schn-Ifol , who wcro
also in the wagon , received severe bruises.
Death ol' n HoinelpHH Wnlf.
I..INCOI.SNeb. . , August II. fSpecial Tele
gram toTm : IJii : : . | i'Vcd Aslnnoro , the lad
ofcighti'cn , wbofell uniler the cars yo4er-
dny atid was rrusbf.'d , died this evening. Ho
was out'of thu homeless waifs sent west from
New York several years ago and has neither
relatives nor friends.
A.Sad Accidental Fremont.
Fai-M'iv-r , Neb. , August II. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Bix.J-Whilo the Stiortsmcn's
tournament was In progress thU aftenioon u
scrtouian-ldetit occurred to n young man
named Mr-tllng. llo with others waslylng in
tbi' ( .MMSS waiting to shout , pigeons , when
another ynung man named Madison acci-
clmtlv shot Metling , seriously wounding him
and sliootnig out an oye.
Allianeo I'lcniuat
Ci ITIII s-nnin , Xeh. , August M. [ Special
'JVIftfrani to Tin ; Uix. ] Tlio alliance on tlio
south side of the river held a picnic at 1'eek-
liain's ( -rove today which was well attended.
.1 Kulton ( jantt of North I'lattc , John G.
Anderson ot Falrvlow and others spoko.
Ilankt , railroads nnd monopolies in general
wcro handled without gloves.
u Central ( .onimlttop ,
FIIKMOVT , Neb. , August It. fSpoclal Tolo-
grain to Tin ; 13tn.l- : The republican central
committee of the Third congressional district
met here thU afternoon. Thirty-two counties
were represented. Chalrmnn Barnard jro- )
slded and MeNHh of Cmning was chosen sec-
rotary. The time of the congressional 'con
vention was fixed fur September 1" and Uo-
lumbus uiuininiouHly chosen nn [ no place. Co
lumbus wai refjafdod as neutral ground niul
thus bail a walkaway. The basis of ivpre-
buntatlna was fixed on the same basis as those
of the state convention.
MeNlsti of Cuinlng offered a resolution
rrronmir ndlng that no ta-uxiea bo ad
mitted to the convention. Smith of Brown
moved to lay it on tlio table ,
which w.-udonoby a vote of 18 to 14. Dor-
key's men all voted to table it , and tins vote
was a test of the comparative strength of
Dorscy and the Held with the committee.
Four Innd olllcers ) and postmasters were
pivsent with proxies , which they voted in
lavorof proxies In Dorsey's interest , .liid o
Harrison of Grand Island and Judge Homer
of K > 'anicy were on the ground , Meilceljobn
failed to arrive.
Krrmont Normal Cominr-iit'etiicnt.
FnfMos'T , Neb. , August II. ( Special to
Tin : Dm : . | Commencement exorcises of tlio
Fremont Normal nnd Business college nre lu
programs this week. Tnoy have bean of unusual -
usual Inturojt and largely attended. Alonduy
evening tbo exercises at the chapel wore by
the iibyslcal training nnd elocutionary class.
Tuesday evening the literary contests took
place unuer the auspices of the Krosophenn
toclcty. In the oration class John Pearson
won llrat prize ; in tbo declamatory class W.
1. Kills won ; Miss Dora Oiers wits the win
ner hi the essay class and W. I , Olljiliant iu
Lnjt night tbo commencement exercises of
the graduating class In business department
were held nnd wore largely attended. The
elass was as follows : Anna P. Byrne , Lara-
mle , Wyo. ; Alndyslus T. Waltz , Musiiiiakn ,
In. ; Abbey White , Fremont ; Alfred II ,
Siiiiro , Newman Grove ; Ueruard P. Fan-ell ,
North Bend ; Kdwin H. Barnard , Jr. , Fre
mont ; Kdwnnl Nee , Prcniont : Klorunco
Urnce , AVnhoo ; Henry Ostorloli , Hooper ;
Molvln A. Perulua , SUinton ; Minnie John
son , Yorli ,
The cominencomcnt oxercisiw of the teach
ers' department were held this ovcnlng. Thu
class consists of twenty-four , as follows :
Clara Asnins , Baneroft ; Anna-P. Jtyrne.
Lnramlo , Wyo. ; J. A. CuuiiiiKs , Jewell ,
ICuii. ; Dora A. IJIci-a , Froinont ; M. I. Kills ,
Ponder ; Lillian A. Ferguson , Seottvillo ; At
lanta 1T Puller , I iad C'lly , Dale. ; C. A. Fill-
inor , Ulhlion ; iliuiry 13. Punk , Dontphan ; K.
O. Clarrett. UedllcliI , la. ; Uuy II. Ciniliiim ,
York ; Clara U. h-xvin , Wnvorly ; Nor.i B.
Johnson , SUinton ; M/zIu l-olller\Vcstl'oint ;
Joseph S. Miller , Topeka , Kan. ; S. H. Oil-
iilinnt , Aurora ; Lonella 13. 1'cgan , Adinah :
llattlo A. IJockwell , Steamboat Hock , la. ;
Walter K. Sillers , Fremont ; I > ouis Town-
scnil , Colcridgu ; Lena Wndsworth , Fremout ;
Susan A.ValUor , Seward ; A. T.'altz ,
Musimatn , In. ; Blanch J. Will , Ccrcseo.
The week's programme will close tomorrow
night with u sociable at the college , after
which the graduating class will give a grand
banquet , when members of the class and
prominent cltl/ens of Froinont will respond
to toasts ,
llcililrcgo llnpponingN.
rtoii > wm : : , Nob. , August M. [ Siwcial to
Tin ; BIT.I The teachers institute of I'hclps ,
county convened hero on Monday nnd will
hold two weeks. Mrs. Minn Hopwood , county
superintendent , Is conductor , with Prof.
Unit unit wife , of thplliddrcgopublioscliools ,
Prof Kunkle , of Lisbon , Iu. , nnd Mr. Jayne ,
of Thayer county , as instructors. About
seventy-llvo teachers are enrolled.
A refreshing shower fell In the south part
of this county niKlit and wet the ground
several Inches , It will help late corn niul !
broom corn. During the storm the cldmnov
on ( ! . W. Stover's residence was struck by
lightning nnd shattered. Mr. Stover was
shocked , but is not serloijsls Injured.
Teeuinseli KvimtH.
T 'infiii , Nob. , August M. [ Special to
Tun Hir. : . ] The farmers are feeling happy
over the i > i-ospV ct * of com. The recent rains
hive insured thirty bushels to the nrrcwhich
will bo much larger than was expected.
Ki.nlthandJ lucker , the third party prohi
bitionists , have folded their tent and quietly
loft. town. 1'olltics wo unnsunliy ipilet.
The joint normal institute between Nemahn. '
and Johnson counties , which dosed yaster- 'J1-
day , was well attended and much enthusiasm
iiKintTested throimli the ontlro Kesslon ,
Knlill ( > rn' IMi-nUj at York.
Yoiih Neb. , August -Special ( [ to Tin :
llin. : J The old ( .oldlow of York county held
n picnic yesterday in Miller St Harrison's
grove , one mlle west of tills city , which was
largely at tended. Addr ses wcro delivered
by lion. N. V. llarlan , (1. U. Franro and
other * and an interesting imigniinnioof sports
c irrlcd out. An entertainment was given In
the evening at Dell's Inu
hall to a good sized uu-
KtimtOMH II ) , Norfolk IN ,
NOIIHH.K , Nob. , August 14. [ Special Telo-
grtun to Tim HII : : . ] An errorless giuno oof
baseball was played hero today between the
Norfidk andStnnton clubs , resulting In favor
of Stunton by a SIMIM of H ) to b.
AVII1 I c-gallzo Artcntlno Currency.
I'AXjkHA , August H. [ SpecialCablegram
toTiicIiixJTho Nacln of Buenos Ayivs
says that other illegal Issues or curreney
wyond tlmtof the udinltted 10,000.000 have
been mado. Isow that it has boon discovered
that bomo $9,000,000 of iKuior curivnov bavo
bocn sicrotly and lU'gally isaueil the Argen
tine congroia { 3 mulling liastu to legallzo nbo
The Defeat ) f. lKiinr llnrzlllas.
VIBNSA , August 14. [ Six > clal Cnblogram to
Tim HKK.I The Fremdenblatt says that the
defeat of Signer Barzllias la the recent elec
tion in Komu wu n great success for tbo gov-
iratnent and jirovod thut tbo majority of the
populace opH [ > sthu IrrudciitbU.
, t
The UntiRlilop of Marshal Caiirobcrt
\V'dna Naval Iilontonant.
[ fopi/rfi/M / IS * ) l > u Jama Gonlwi ItrnntllA
PAltt. , August 13. ( Xow York Herald
Cnblo-Spc-cinl to Tun BKi-Tho : ] mar-
riagoof Clarlo Conrobcrt with Kavnl Lieu-
tcnmit Frtbre llonstand do Nuvaccllo , which
was solemnized thU afternoon nttho fashionable -
able church St. Pierre do Cbadlot , was made
the occasion fer the popular expression of the
nu miration and even deference
Frenchmen for the twosurvlvlng marsbnk of
Prunco , Cunrobert nnd Mao Mabon. The
ceremony was celebrated In u little dimly
lighted chapel of tlio virgin , which was
packed with distinguished guests ,
In the church had gathered a thousand or
more people , who did not hesitate to ratso a
cheer for the two wnmors whoso names tire
Inseparably linked with the history of Ilio
century. A-i they passed through the sacred
bulldlnc outsldo of the church was a largo
crowd who made thu welkin ring with shouts
of "Vive Canrobert ! " "Vivo lo brave ! " as
the marshalwith Ids bowed nnd feeble ilfjnro
clad In a glittering uniform nnd wearing a
OlMtid Cordcoii , Legion of Honor and decor
ation of Ananciado nioveil slowly from tbo
earrla o to the por.'U.
Tbo old hero , who leaned hnavllv on his
cane with one hand , with the ether waved
tils thanks. Canrobert's eyes lire still bright
and sparkling. Ills hair , which falls upon
his shoulder ) , is < tttll plentiful , and his color
freshbut bin back Isloweiv'd with tbo weight
of vearsanil Ids fuco Is deeply wiinldcd ; his
white beard is now worn long and full , while
his mustaches , that once stood out
In waxed stiffness , are now drooping.
Mnrsbal MacMalion , who also wore a mar
shal's uniform , formed quite a contrast with
bis older eoniraile-at-nitns. His head is bonus
civet , with shoulders thrown bad : squarely.
Ho was not cheered as ho entered the church ,
but on Ids exit a hearty shout weal up for
bo hero of Magenta.
A brilliant e < irtef0 was that wjdi'h fol
lowed the bride and her father Into the
chapel as they took places before the nltnr
rails , ini'liidlng'as it did Marshal do Miic.Mn-
hon , Jurlen do la Graviero and
Huron Duperre , nil in uniform and biiarkllm ;
with Juwi'iled decorations. 'J'lio lirido who is
a brnnetto with an interesting , vivacious
face , wore a severely plain wblto satin dross
without ornaments , and with a long train
held by two little girls.
As the nuptial cortege loft tlio church the
crowd cheered mid waved their hats excitedly
to the possible disconillturo of half a do/en
photographers , who had waited for hour.s in
the rain to take the mnrshnls , C-am-obcrt ,
after the ceremony , gave a lunch at his real-
deuce , Kuo dn Mnugnan. During the day ho
received telegrams of congratulation * * Iroin
all parts of Europe , among the number being
ine.ssagcs from thcjiriiuvof Walesthodultoof
Cambridge and Prince Victor Napoleon. The
soldier , who has fueod death on many battle-
llclds without a sign of emotion , was broken
down by those tokens of sympatbv nnd wept
like a child ; nnd when ills newly marrli'd
daughter left nim to follow her husband , the
marshal sank back in hh chair , bis whole
frame shaking' witli f > ob < .
nioT AXI >
Terrible State of Affairs in an Alabama
Ala. . August 11. Late hist
mglit Deputy Sheriff Hanson of Shelby
county came to town for help. Ho reports n
tcrriblo riot in the neighboring counties and
at tlio bhclby iron works. llo says the riot
lias been going on all week at the iron
works and that three men and ono woman
wcrg killed m a meleo. Tito negro laborers
about the camp are In a fearful .state of
anarchy. The riot grew out of tbo presence
ol the dissolute women who haunt those
camps. A body of special officers loft last
night for the scene of tlio dot.
Murdered In Soudan.
Nuw YOIIK , August M. [ Special Telegram
toTiinHnr. . ] Word has been received in this
city of the deaths of 1M. . Gates , E. King-
man nnd John E. , Tordann.uist , Presbyterian
missionaries in South Soudan. They wcro
murdered by Arabs but no details beyond the
simple announcement of their tragic end has
readied America. Gates and his two friends
wcro nil from Now Jersey. They came to
Now York and mot seven other missionaries ,
nil bound for Soudan. Among the iiartv wore
K. Klngmun , John E. Jordanqulst. Hey G.
Coddlngton , 'Warren G. Harris , Airs. If ,
ICIngman , Miss Jennie Dick and James Trice.
All of these missionaries wore young and full
of enterprise. They knew Unit no Christian
teacher had over returned from Soudan , but
they felt a special call to go und labor thero.
They were not scut out by any church or
missionary society.
'I lie I2mampiiicnt. :
HOSTON- , August U. At the grand army
encampment today a report of the pension
committee which details the work of Its mem
bers in securing and aiding pension legisla
tion in congress nnd its successful efforts in
regard to tlio passage of the disability pen
sion bill , was presented and adopted.
General Sherman wus : requested to step
upon the platform and us ho walked down
the alslo there was a storm of applause and
cheers. General Sherman then in a feeling
manner presented Comrade Warner with u
beautiful candelabra clock nnd mantel ornu-
menrs. Warner eloquently responded.
Affairs in lliirnoN Ayres.
Aruu" , August 14. [ Special Cable
gram to Tin : IlKi.l : Tliosovornment intends
to prevent the militia drill iu Cordoba even If
ll is compelled to force the governor of the
province to resign. It is also determined that
nothing shall prevent the forced liquidation of
the provincial national b.uiUs which violate
tbo terms of their charters. The government
will reveal the truth ns rcunrdn the lliiancial
position of tlio country. Thli depresses uf-
fairs now but , affords hope of real improve
ment In the future. At the sale of Rood Ks-
tancia property yesterday , unexpectedly Idyll
prices iu gold were realized.
Trouble In Inclinii Territory.
Wvxnwoon , I. T. , August 14. A runner
arrived early this morning after traveling
llfty miles from Stonewall. Ho reports that
a row was narrowly averted at that place and
hostilities between the two parties wore only
preventeil by the superior forces at the com-
iniiiiil of Ciovernor uyrd , who so overawed
tbo disfranchised whites tbnt after some dis
play of arms they prudently withdrew.
KMoii4h | Is known c > f the result to assure A
Uyrd's election anil the success of the so-
called Indian party , but the election will
probably bo contested.
The I rlu an fc'ccrct.
WAHIIIXOTO.V , August II. The director of
the mint said tlds afternoon ho expected to
'J1purchase 500,030 ounces of silver tomorrow ,
and ho expects also to pay n trlllo moro than
the London market rate for it. Ho defended
the policy of refusing to make public the
exact price the department pays for silver.
The price paid for silver , he says , never bad
IHKJII made public heretofore , so that thuro
was no new departure in thu matter.
I'loridii Ih'iiHH.'rals.
OCAI.A , Flu. , August H , The democratic
stnto convention yesterday nominated ox-
Governor Hloxlium for comptroller and xX -
Lieutenant Governor Mayhnin for Justice Xof
the supreme court. Resolutions war adopted
denouncing the force bill and recognising In
the offering of the nub-treasury bill before
congress tlis crying necessity for a revision
of the national bunking laws and affording
relief of somirUlnd to the farmers and musses.
Kllloil lllHllrollicr.
llimi.ixomv , la. , Xngnst II. [ Special Telegram ! -
ogram toTnu HKK.A ] balky horse at Ku-
hoka , Mo. , involved two brothers , Is'ato und
Joe Wilson , of that place , In a quarrel In
which Nnto illsvmbawuled .loo , killing hhnhi-
sUmtly , Kuto has disappeared.
Constitution Adopted.
COI.VMUIA , S. 0. , August 11. At ttio domo-
crntlo convention this morning a new' consti
tution was adopted and thn plan of primary
elections for delegate * to the state nominat
ing convention was defeated. Adjourned ,
I''iigliuu'i * nnd Tramp Kllli'd.
DXSVII.I.K , ivy , , Auguit II.-In a freight
train collision on Urn 'Cincinnati Southern
road lost night I'ngh.eiT Simpson und an un
known tramp were killed.
Newspaper Talk of Their Attitude Towaid
an Ordered Reduction.
Speaker I ( end's Inlluciioo Against
the Amciidineiit Oilier Members
I'avor It Qnay'rt 1'Iaold Oc-
incniioi Jji tensive
ril3l'miTniNTii : Srunirr ,
WASIII.VOTOX , D. 0. , August 14.
It is announced in tlio nowspipcrs hero that
the trunk lines will decline to reduce their
rates of freight on food products as they were
ordered to do by the Interstate commerce
commission. This order , It will bo remem
bered , was issued after mi investigation by
tlio interstate commerce commission under n
resolution of the senate inquiring into the
cnuso of thu depression of the prices of farm
products in the we.sti-rn states. The
commission ascertained and declared
that ono great cnuso was the hied
rates chanted for the transportation
of farm products to the seaboard nnd were of
the opinion that these rates were excessive
therefore , an order was issued requiring ! ! ! )
per cent reduction from Kansas City. Omaha ,
nud other points. The railroads hold that
the roinmlsslou 1ms tbo right to determine
what rates ( hey shall charge provided there
Is no discrimination nnd aunouneo that they
will resist this order in the courts. Commit-
sioncr Morrison was seen this afternoon ami
in reply to nn Inquiry said that ho had
read the announcement , in the newspapers ,
but ns ttio order did not go into
effect until September I tbo commission
would assume tbnt the railroads were going
to obey it until it was aotunllv violated , then
it would be time enough for them to glvo the
subject their attention , and dceido what
course to pin-sue. In other words , they do
not propose to cross a bridge until they get
to it.
Tlio senate coinmltteo on tlnanco will per
mit the river nnd harbor bill to nave the
right of way tomorrow nud Saturday with
the understanding that It shall bo disposed of
Saturday n iyht and In the meantime will take
up the reciprocity question. T'bcw will be a
meeting of tlio committee at 10 o'clock Priilay
morning for the consideration of tlio Halo
amendment which was prepared by Ir.
Uliiino , and the Pierce amendment winch \viw
suggested by the president.
COMINO ovnit.
Mr. McICinlcy has signified Ills willlngnow
to accept tlio reciprocity proposition of .Mr.
Hlnino ns uu amendment to tlio tariff , in fact
ho has always been favorable to and lias been
the only member of tlie ways and means com
mittee who lias shown any tendency thut way
until recently. Mr. IJu'rrows , trio second
man on the committee , has aho , within the
last few days eamo over to the. reciprocity
idea and thcro are hiRns of weakening among
other members. Jly the time tbo house comes
to vote on tlio proposition It is believed tliero
will bo a majority in favor o-f It , but the
speaker Is very violent In bis opposition and
will usp all of his powerful influence to de
feat any attempt to aricnd the bill in that re
Tbcro lias been nn itnmenso amount of
lobbying in tbo senate today nnd it has nil
been on the republican sido. The speaker
himself lias taken part in it , together with
Uoprosc'iitatlt'o Belaen , the chairman of the
republican congressional committee und other
equally prominent members of congress. Not
for many a day has the house of representa
tives taken so mueh interest in the action of
tbo senate , and all the earnest effort and
anxiety was directed toward tlio caucus that
is bumg held tonight. Speaker Kcod and the
republican leaders of the house aw deter
mined that Iho senate shall pass the Force
bill , oven though this session of
congress bo prolonged until Ihu be
ginning of tbo next. The resolution
introduced by Mr. Quay found so much favor
among the republicans in the senate , who
wore anxious to dispose of the tarilt bill and
go home , that its adoption by tbo caucus
seemed altogether probable this morning.
Mr. Hoar and Mr. bpooncr , who have been
acting as midwives for the election bill , were
seized with a panic and rushed to the linuso
of representatives for reinforcements , which
they did not have much trouble m getting.
The republican members from tbo various
states immediately started for the other end
of j tbo eapitol to interview their senators
nnd urged them not to Bin-render in
the 1 face of victory , ns Mr. Hoar
has 1 described the case. Mr. Quay
was thotnrgct fora great deal oftho nttaclcbut
ho met the criticism with bis usual placid demeanor
meaner and seemed surprised that iinvono
should think ho bad done an unusual tiling
by knocking the plans of his party in the
bead. Ho s.ild to everyone who approached
him that his reasons for introducing tlio resolution
elution were simply to expedite the public
business. It Is apparent , lie said , llrst , that
the tarilt bill must bo passed by this con
gress , nnd second , it is perfectly evident
that the federal election bills cannot
bo passed. "I am satisfied , " said Sen
ator Quay , "that a majority of
tbo senate Is opposed to any change in tli o
rules and wo cannot expect to pass the elec
tions bill , ball am opposed to sacrificing tbo
tariff bill for It. The tariff bill is an im
mediate necessity. The elections bill can
wait. Tlio tariff bill ought to bo passed at
the * earliest moment in order to relieve the
strain upon basliiesis nnd permit the manu
facturers to make tboir contracts nnd tne
merchants to purchase their goods for next
season. Our markets are now being llooded
with foreign goods and the woolen Imports
alone of Init iiiontli show nn hu-reaso of < U
per cent. Meri'liants will not buy anything
and manufacturers will not soil anything
until the question of dulkH will bo settled
nnd unless the tariff bill bo passed and put
Into force within the next thirty days the
business of the whole year will bo de
Tin : puijsinnXT .s\i XOTIIIXO ,
Senator Savvcr of Wisconsin went to tlio
white house this innrning to nsk the presi-
dpnt to issue n proclamation extending from
October I u > December 1 , the time for the re
moval of cuttlo from ' tbo Cherokee strip. The
senator spoke In'belialt ofsomo friencla and
acqualiitances down in tlmt country nnd
urged that owing to the long drouth nnd the
IHIOI- crass tlmt the cuttlo wore in very poor
condition to move and had not
been fatted any. Ho said too that
most of thorn belonged to poor men and that
It would bo a great hardship lo ferro thorn
away from their pastures and put them oir
the train Just when they were likely to pet
some good food. The senator represented
that tliero were only two railroads running
into the strip that It would boimpossibla for
them to haul away the cattle by October 1.
Mr. Sawyer says that tbo president looked
him .straight in the eye while ho was making
him the speech , but oft'orod him no reply and
did not indicate what his intentions were on
too subject.
The pcopla of Nlobrnra are very anxious to
have the prvsidcnt issue a proclamation
throwing thu 1'onca reservation open to set t-
tlement. In a letter received hen ) today at tt t-
tention is called to the fact that the six
months' time for the allotments of the lands
to the Indians li'is oxphvil nnd the settlers
want to provo up mid take thom'cossnrysteps
to secure themselves In comfort bcforo the
cold weather sots in. It Is also said that all
thb lauds north of Knox county and the two
east ranges north of Holt county have boon
surveyed and that the Poiu-a.1 h vo hml their
lands nllotcd to them. It appears
that thu original 1'onca rcsorvution '
ranio to the Indians under the
treatyof ISM. In IStlTi the I'oneascedod from
tlu'imwcrvation nil of the land lying wet of ,
the rangelino , between townshins If.'and a.l "
north ranges 11 mid 12 west , that is about
: iOJact-us ( ) in return for which the United
States ceiled to them fractional townsili.s ) | ill 1 ,
north range a west and township in north ;
jniiiftM tl , 7 , 8 , ! > and 10 west. The cxteiiKion
, , Sf tliu northern boundnry line of Nohrit > ku
under the act of iss.1 us will bo leinomhcml
provided that a proclamation should he ismied
lifter the allotments wliould bo made to the
1'onca.s and mii'li otliurlmllans as tlmt act ;
provlJiv- * for , divlarlng the Indian
title oxtliu-t und Lui'U not nllotcd ojwjn
to ROttlenipnt but It socinn that the
act throwing open tlm Sioux ivsorv atlon to '
Hitttlomunt , which was npprovod by the presi I-
dent hi Itis'J ' , was supplementary to thu
boundary oxtpiisMn net nnd that the Sioux
reservation not-reform ! to provides In section
IM that It shall take effect when accepted by
the Indians , 'Cupsoqucittly ' t.ho six months
which the prfMdent ha * wlttiln which the
proclamation 4s5iwd clatc-s from the accept
ance by tholiiilUna of tbo Sioux reservation
net. Senator Miinderson today wi-olo along
letter to the president calling hli attention to
this nutter nnd ( irglng him to luua ilioiircos-
sary proeluinatlonascarlyas iwsslble , unless
some reasou uoti now manifest exists for
f urtiier delay.
Mtuc-ntt-A snot's.
Koprcacntntivo Carter of Montana Isi to bo
secretary of the repiihllnui congrosslonal
committee and-Mr. Ularkson is to run it.
H. L. CnmpbeU'of Omalu registered at the
I. M. Marsh of Grand Island is nt the
Prank A. rioteher 6f Town , n § 1,100 , clerk
In the pension olllco has reilgnod.
I'CllllV S. IIl'.ATlI.
nvtin itt\a ,
'Saratoga llncoj.
SAitiToai , X. V. , August U. [ Special Tel
egram to THE Hue. | The weather was clear
and the track fast. Pollening Is u summary
of tbo races :
First race , five eighths of n mile , all ngot
Lady Pulslfer won , Objection second , Ocy-
polo third ; ( Ji-npvlove , Princess Llmo , Kmi-
iicneo and l-Viivit King scratched , Time
Ii : l4' .
Second race , three-fourths of n mile , Ton-
iics-joo stakes Miitwray won , Valleru second
end , Iterthii L'iiiiipb'11 third , lllack Lot , the
favorite , not hoard from , and Black Wood
left at tlio post. S , 1'uUllno , the Duke
of Montruse , lilly and Helen \Vallaeo
scratihed ; Alderman Mae added.
Third race , 0110 mile , welter weight handi
cap Olio , tlie favorite , won , Allen llano second
end , Mrs. Domn'tt third. Time 1:1 : P. .
Fourth nice , milo and a half , Ualmoral
stakes Lavlna Hello won , I os Angeles , tbo
favorite socnml , 1'looiltlilo third , KuglUh
Lady , scratched. Time aT. ; : \ .
Fifth race , milo and seventy yards , soiling
Dyer won , Cm'ticello , the favorite , second ,
Satisfaction third , Vengcui" and Letrotia
scratched , Time 1 : Ib1 .
IMonmouth I'nrk Hnces.
MoxMotTii I'.VIIK , August 14. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BIE. : ] Summary of today's '
races :
Seven-eighths of a mile , Orange stakes-
Cynosure won , Volunteer second , ICeniplund
third. lieportcr ( the favorite ) not heard from ,
Joe Courtney scratched. Time 1 (17 g ,
Threes-fourths of a mile Chatham won ,
St. Charh'S ( tlio favorite ) second , Hoodlum
third , Hands Off scratched. Tnno-1 :15.
One mile I'an Km ( colt ) won , Tulla
Illaekbnrn Sfciiiid , Dotnuth third , Banquet
( thaf.ivorlto ) nut heard from. Time liv : ! > ? ( .
JLi'lve-elphths of a inllle , selling Fearless
won , Kriima ,1 second. AOelina third. Ad
venturer ( the favorite ) not heard from.
Ono and one-nightli miles My Fellow won ,
Tristan ( the favorite ) second , Grlmalill
third. Tlmo l.Vi. :
Ono and one-fourth miles , soiling Gray
Dawn ( the favorite ) won , Lotion second ,
Sam wood third , Gray Gowu scratched.
Time 'J : (
Itoelioster Itaccs.
Rociiimn , N , Y. , August 14. During the
afternoon Hello llamlin trotted against the
pacer Hal Pointer for a purse of { 1,000.
Pointer won In i :13'f. Harry \Vllkes failed
In hh effort tobeathls recorder U:13 : > . Sum
mary : ;
Jir : class , f..OOO , divided Pcmlico won ,
Alfred S second , Mocking 13inl third , otbeis
drawn. Hestllnie-2 : ! ' < .
yll : trot , $ -.1)00 ) , diviiletl-Rielitnond , Jr. ,
won , Prank B M-rond , Jessie Hanson tliird ,
Wonder fourth , Best tinio Is'Jljf.
The HooN Tips.
First nace Cuprico , Queer Girl.
Second Unco King Crab , Granite.
Third Hneo-Konictu , Maud ti.
, Fourth Hace Major Tom , Sti-yko.
Fifth Kacc uVrqhltect , Kuueuia.
Kuco Uiuiwad , itaymond.
First Ilnco T'niipahaunook. King Idler.
Second Knee defendant , Gratitude.
Third Uace-Tattlcr , Ilrait ,
Fourth Kace Tea Tray , H.illston.
Fifth Uace Sorrento , ( Jleimiound.
Sixth Haeo Bassanlo , I eo Christy.
Entries Tor Today's liaues.
First race , one-half milo , maidens Land
scape , Caprice , StansaTanelaro , Gunlona ,
Hiltipodl5cnl'Or , BtratOBj- ( colt ) , Queen
Girl , Allsty Morninif , 1'ardeo-Algebra ( tfcld-
inK ) .
Second race , ono nnd one-sixteenth miles-
Princess A mile , Gymnast , ( ! rinlte , Fcllon--
ship , King Crab , dec'il II , Pazzio ,
'i'hird race , one-half mile , maidens Mnud
B , Maggie Ward , National , ( joldstop , Mir.i.
beau , Lum , Itometta , Botheration ( Twilight ) ,
Saxon-Easter ( illly ) .
Fourth race , ono mile Ban Chief , Mnor ]
Tom , JMald of Orleans , Stryko , Faustina.
Fifth race , three-fourths of a mile , threo-
yoar-ohU Profligate , Olcnfallon. Architect ,
Bob Miller , lioform Alcgbra ( gelding ) , \Val-
occa , ISugimia.
Sixth race , ono mile , selling Letretia , G
\V , Sunderlnnd. Haymond , Cortlcollo , Gun-
wad , Siilllo 0 , Vcngeur , Rollln Uawley ,
AT nuioirrox.
First race , three-quarters of n milo , selling
Crispin , Uunerul Gordon , Ossa , Hadinnt ,
King Arthur , Middlejtone , Lemmon Blos
som , IClng Idler , Sterling , Gomarr.i , .lulln
, Miller , , Lakewood , Mir.ibcau , Diuito Filly ,
Second race , live-eighths of a milo Ans-
tr.dand , Veva , CJralitudo , Kllkeimoy , Dirego ,
Guard , Tioga , .lumestown , Defendant , S.ini
IMorso , .Mamie B , Dalsyrian , O\veu \ Golden ,
Lady M , Mnrio K ,
Third race , seven-eighths of a mile , soiling
Tattler , limit. Shotovor , ( Jount IJudley ,
Vendetta , Wooulmm , Uessio , IC , Warlike ,
Urban a.
i'ourth race , ono and one-sixteenth miles ,
handicjap Tea Tray , Uallston , Bralt , llo-
iiaiizii. ! Trolly , Iceberg , Dundee , Harrison ,
Fifth ruce.'ono milo-St. Luke , Parthian ,
Sullio Harper , Glenmound , Howard , f afette ,
Blcdsoe. Little Mnorcrivld. . Cotillion , Sor-
routo. Pilot , Garrison , Ovid.
Sixth race , ono and three-fourths miles ,
handicap , over seven hurdles B.issanlo , Jim
Murphy. Leo Christy , Futurity , Xanglur ,
Kcho , Dochurt. Dr. Chase , Iliu-rodsburg ,
Ucpartce , Stonewall.
8' Nomination by tlie ICiinsa.s
l''ai'iiiern' ' Alliance.
ATCIIISOX , ICan , . August H. [ Special Tclo
gram to TUBftf.-T'ho : nomination of J ,
T. Willetts for * governor by the fanners' ' nl
llanco in convqntiftn at Topeka yesterday Is
received with uuU.crsal . disgustby the demo
crats and aUaiic-it | people of this locality. The
democrats coniidontally looked for the nom
Inatlon of Charlm , Kobinsou. who was the
tlwt governor < < the state. They could have
united on him , , VuVllletts ) : is nn unknoivi
statesman , wluVlia ? no fame Iwyond Jeffer
son county , \vhcroholives. , The iiominatlot
of Willetts imiKM it a three-cornered tight
Kx-C ! ivernor OorgoV. . ( .ilick will in ul
pmbabllltv bo nbininatcd by the democrats a
Wlchlu next
For Omaha .ijjild Vicinity 1'alr ; slightli
* '
warmer. ,
For Iowa l\ilr ; southeasterly winds
irarincr In'tl'stationary | lemper.ituro it
western portlo'h1. . "j
For Nebraska \Vnrmor ; generally fair
scntlicrlyvlails ,
Foi'Bonth U.ilfota-Falr , followed by loeu
showcw in wastcra portion ; stationin-y tern
peraturo in eastern , warmer in woitorn per
lion ; southerly winds.
No Mont
August II. [ Special Cablegrai
to TUB B KB. 1 The admiralty denies the ro
inn't that one oftho torpedo boats wliioh lof
Heligoland after tbo transfer of the Island i
Trnii *
SAX ANTONIO , August ii.-In : the demo
cratloconvention today Sloi iou Hog u-a
iiiiinlnatod for governor and Uoj. U , l-endle
ton forlloutonant govoruor.
VliM'cnr I''at-tiry ( llui-iit.
MIUV.MKKF.a \ [ .Aumist U , 1'aut Ilecht
Itier's vinegar fucloi-ybu rnetl touljjbt. I < os
iojTU.UUO. .
Proceedings of tlio State Convention Held at
Its Molnos YcsUrd 17.
-Tlio II n I ted Hln to. ' Attorney Octicral
Ordci-H nn i\pnoal InTlielr Cases
-A $111,000 ldl > cl Stilt An
Important Arrest.
DCS Moisc * , la. , August ! ! . fSpoclnl Tele
gram to Tun Uin. : ] Tlio union labor Indus-
.rial state convention of Iowa met in this city
oiluy with about ono hundred niul llfty dole-
Kiiti'3. The Second ami Kourtheougre.islonul
llsti-iels were not represented. AV.I1. llobb
of Civston was temporary rlmtrimm mid
cad an address on the political situation.
\Hcrtho iippointmeiil of working commit-
ccs , ( loacr.d Weaver VMS t'.illod for nnd
undo n short speech , in which ho assured
tlio convention tlmt tlio prospects
voro good for the success of the indi'pondoiit
iiovenient throughout tlio west nnd south.
Juring his trip Ilirmich Kimsm ho had ample
time to test the feel iiitf of the m-oplo there ,
ami fniiii this niul the ac-tlon or the Tonclca
convention ho was five to predict that tvery *
congressman iinil four-fifth * ofllio legislature
of ICiiusa.i would bo union labor men , not-
vithaliinding the fact that this republicans
claim x'.oo.i majority. Jlo spoke of the meet-
ngt lield lu tliit ; state , \vlioro ho had
ulilressc'd tliuusnuds of people nnd hai'
seen prurc s li > ns llvo miles long. 'J'lio move-
nunt 1 $ not routined to iNcliniska is
illvo , mid the hull-pendents tliero nru ronfl-
Icnt of electing two out thrci1 conitrossmeu.
south Dakota will carry this il.iy fur union
abm-men , iiand tliroughoiit the \vholo coun
try the tendency Is not toward the old par-
tics , but iniuiy from them. The following
ilatCoriii was ndoptoili
U'o heartily endorse the demands and
declaration of principles adopted by
: ho i farmers' and laborers' industrial
union of America ut the meeting ut St. Loafs
W December < l last , anil we favor Kovoriuneiit
: oans to bo matlo directly to the people at a
rate of interest not to exceed two percent.
Wo denounce tlio MoKlnley tariff bill as
irossly an just to tnxpiyorsimdprodiicers ; the
Lodge bill us designed' deprive the Hoopla
every where of their lawful riplits to control
the election of their ofllecra , and wo denounce
the usurpations of Speaker licodus a bohl
utompt to destroy tlio iiulepoiulonco
of our roprescntative.s in congress anil
to nrrognto to liltnsclf the control of federal
legislation In nttor violation of the constitu
tion nud tlio established usages of a century.
\VofavorlhoAustrallnu ballot system and
demand its adoption In this state , and w do-
iiounco assembly for with
holding it from the people ,
Wo denounce the present co-lores' ! , and par
ticularly the Iowa members thereof , for de
feating the bill for free coinage of silver.
Wo demand the immediate pussiga of u
service pension bill.
The following noininat.'ons wcro made :
Secretary of state , K. I' . Uiwvn of 1'otta-
wattumlo ; auditor , 0. I1. Davis of Davis ;
treasurer , A. J. Ulaltoly of I'owelioik ; at
torney geiwral , D. P. Will ) ofl'ajjo ; su-
premojudge , M , II. Joncsof Davis.
'J'ho Itivor l anil Cases.
Four DOUGH , In. , August 14. [ SpecialTele-
gram to Tin : BUB. ] A special dispatch
from Washington today brought ttio news
that the United State * attorney general hud
ordered tin appeal taken In tlio great river
land case , decided adversely to tlio settlers In
the United States court here last Juno. The
bottlers who have been working hard for this
result are Jubilant , and .say they have good
hopes of having their title conilrmncl by tlio
supreme court. 'J'liey will present their ease
on different lines from tho-iO already passed
on by that tribunal. All movements toward
securing1 Indemnity have heen abandoned ,
and matters will remain just as they aw until
th'o supreme court renders its decision , which
may not bo for a couple of years yot.
A $12,000 MboISuit.
Mistoum , Vit.Mr : , la. , August 14. [ Spe
cial to Tin : Bii-13. : U. Tyler of Lojan
has begun suit for libel against Ahnor Stern
for the sum of fl'.OOO. Tyler innilo iippliw-
tlon for appointment as notary public. . Stern
then secured and tiled with the governor nflldavits , stating that Tyler VMS not
a proper person to receive the uppointniont.
The result Is a suit for malicious slander.
A 1'ctislon Crook Arrcstiil.
DM MoiN'iis , la. , August 1-1. [ SpecialTele
gram to Tnu Dm : . ] A man named IT. AI. 0.
Holston j , nllas Martin Olsen , was arrested In
this city today by Special Pension
Examiner \Vcbbcr , assisted by Deputy
United States Marshal Ethridgo. Ho U
charged with defrauding a man named AVI11-
Inni McLaln out of rc"siou inonoy. ' Tno
iraiuiuieni ti-ansacuon tooic piaeo in I'ort-
land , Ore. , several years ago. HIoLnlnvvas
Idlotle , and after securing a nonsloii in the
unfortunate man's narno llolBton had him
conllnod In a poor house In Philiulelphla ,
whcro ho remained for two yean before ho
was finally restored to his relatives. .Mean
while Holston was drawing tlio j ; nsion
money. Thcro are several otln-r
chargi's ngainst the arrested man.
Ho bad nmonibU effects wlileh wore seized
by the ofliciuls , letters from ex-President
Hayes , General Ho.-iocnuis , Colonel
Laniont and others , Ho used those to deceive -
coivo the ignorant. Tlio authorities
have been 011 his track for over
t\vo years , The rapture wis
duo to thelino work of KxnminorVobher. .
Holston has liecii the husband of no loss than
nlnowivos , and suppo'cil to have an unex-
plaincd connection with the murder of onoof
thorn. Ho % vas u charter member
and organizer of the Charleston , Jll. ,
Grand Armv post , the flrat i ) st organized In
the United States. Ho will bo taken from
hero to Portland for trial.
KviiiiH"Vinvei * .
UI.OOMKII-I.I ) , In. , August -Special [ to
TinRii.l ; ! At the homo of Hon. J. U. 'Wea
ver , In this city , tbo marriage of his daughter
Sudo and II. 0. Kvaiis was solemnized Tues
day nljjlit in the presence of a lartfo number
of Invited guests by Ilov , Ed Uoblnson , a
brother-in-law of the briilo. The ( jrooin Is
the editor of tbo Ottuinwa Kim , a democratic
otvan of tlio Sixth congressloiuil district of
Iowa , -which lia-s been roprcscntcd well In
congress by the father of thobrMo. Socially
the affair was a very pleasant one , thotfucsU
beiii } : all from auioiiK the old friends of bulb
the WO.IVOI' and Kvniis family , and the usual
wcdd I UK accessories bcln well suited to tbo
standing of the contracting parties nnd all
other circumstance. , . Thofouuif couple will
Immediately boffin housekeeping In Ottuinwa ,
where both have a great many warm friends.
Atliint io
ATI.A.NTIC , la. , Ausust -Special [ to
Tin : RIR. ] Francis Murphy lun boon Riving
a scries of temperance loctiirei In the opera
house this -week to crowded houses , Much
Interest nnd enthusiasm Is shown , nnd ovoi
one thousand have signed thopledgo. Mr.
Murphy has tho. able as-l.stanco of the minis-
ten of the city and is doing grand uork foi
the temperance cause in this dty nnd vicin
The thirteen oritrlnal paekap > dealora In
thU city have quit the businp > siiiid Ilio Isulg-
ing pocket oftliohootleuKfrls malnswn.
Tbo dty council is selecting a si to for the
now jtM.lKK . ) electric light plant and work will
begin ut once ,
Tlirown IVniii
CuvniN-t > AIa. , Ausust U. [ Special Tclo-
graiii to TUB Um : . J-Thh morning , uhllo
CScprgioMuller , the ten-year-old son of Prof
Muller , was taking a horubiclc ride ho was
thrown , lljfhtiii on bU and lilllod in-
wtantlv , The npi o ltlon Is that the lioiso
boeanie scared at a pimln train.
Hull Dcllni-s HiM JNxltion.
Dns MOINKS la , Au/ustll. [ Kpwhd Tele
gram to Tin : I Ji'.l -.iptulu Hull , the rqnib
HCJII noniinvc fon'ouuri-sh from thitdUtrlct
i'-'l. ' . iiM' to the Jurnu-M' ' nl
llanco , d llnln ' h's ' v on tlio vuriou
lHuit of tlio.l . iv Ho . ''S , In f.ivOr o
i ixilim - " > 'fflM'i ' Mlv rnnd th" pur
of th'l-jj- . ' > * -.ilv ' ofT'Tisd , and tlu
of certUicat t' veruuii' it. II uu
lottos the farmers *
alllaneo prltu'lplci on
other mutters.
Mri. Itroseo .AiljudgiMl
MiRsofiu , I . , AtiffnstU. [ Speelal
to Tin : BKI ! . ] .Tiuljjo duv-ioii Hied hit opinion
ycVerday ropirdlnK IfHroiCOi nnd pri > -
lounced her Insane. She will probably bo
> c hold In niHtOily of the SlieritT until the
foinliiKturiiiuf court , when Uiocaso will bo
-rled upon n apieal | from tliu coiuiuUslou of
iV Iiil ) niito | .Man
Di-itt'gt-n , In. , Axignst 11. [ Spei'lid Tole-
to Tin ; UtB. | Jatiici Steeuliaa been
iilMliij > aluco Monday , nnd hl wlfeia loft
U'stltule. Hot tnircitt for a srn'liiftiiui-
elilno company nud lus bwu iiiaklnK colloe-
/ \ llrnkiMiiiiii I'atnlly liijtin-d.
CIITONIn. : : . , Ausust II. [ Spcelal 'Mo-
to Tin : HIK. : | Ur.iUomim Thonuia
Jinlnnimvhllo switi'liiugat 1'arkto , Mo , , ut
t3:3ii : lust niftlit , AVIIH run over nnd both leg-s
wiw ui.Hliol. llo died thlt morning ,
ir//1NIC y j-'jiijiii : i.u.i .w/.v. ;
An Iinincimo DlMtlllury in Lioiil.svllle
( iocs Uln ) Sinolie.
I.ofHVti.t.i1 , Ky. , Atipustl-l. Tholinincnso
distillery of the K'eiitiicky il.stllloryconipiny ! ,
owned by ILirkhauso &tio. , I * natron lire ,
with Indications that it will bo totally de
stroyed. Inthotvarehouso aro10W ! ( ) barrels
of whHey , oil of which will bo lost. ' .L'ho
whisky Is viiluod at ( iMD.ttH ) , nud the build-
nii ? will iuii * thhup to SlOi.OOJnr mores.
1 p. m.-The distillery proper is tio\v
loomed and tlio e.ittlosheiu are also burnlny ,
The warehouse Is gene and thousands ofbar-
reh of liquor * are feodhiff the blaze ths'.t
low and thi'ii seems to pli'rco the cloiuls in
-hoslcy , .All the HrociiKiiiOH In the city nre
.hroxvmg water on tlio property in the ndgh-
Tlio distillerypronortv eoiisiited of an im-
incline distillery coiitalnhiK -
iiiai-hliiory ex-
Lending licle froai the stireUs al
most two hundred and Jl fly foot. M'lio ' lower
part was of frame while the front
\via of brick and throe stories in height.
Kist ofthoofllceaiid adjoining it were two
Ini'K'ovarohonsc3iii which wore stored i"i,0 ( ) ( )
Inrrolsof uhishy. 'i'liosobittlillnt s wcro en
tirely of brick , three stories hi h , ii50 feet
drop and about one hundred feet
llliU * 1 h \\-ju llppt * Minh ilin t.rt \
started \viiscaiihcd bytliorarelMsneM of
anoprovlio smashed a lamp while ciuleav-
orln r to get out of a leaking barrel. The
\varolioiisestverono-\tto the luiyest lu Louis-
Tbo distillery proper was ninety-four feet
by thirtythivo and nhalffoct mid to this had
been built two additions. All these buildings
arc destroyed.
While the flames are still buminRllorcelv a
ronj h estimate is made of the loss , which
inuk < M It fully SW , Oft ) . It was almost. If not
entirely covered by Insurance. As the dls-
tlllei'y has not been in operation forsomo
tlinp , notblntr will bo lo t by dolny in start-
IllR tip.
Itvas : ? o'clock before the firemen pot con
trol , and this was not until
wire-house , the distillery proper , tbo cattle
sheds and a slaughter house und the pork
inciting o.stiiblislinicnt of Conrad ( fc Seller
uJjoinliiK , wcro completely destroyed. The
pork | iackiii | , ' company's loss will bo $ .71,000 ,
The total loss to the Kentucky distilling company -
pany Is estimated atHK > ,000. This a IrrespecJ
tlve of the loss to thcpoveniincnt la unpaid
taxes , 00 cents n gal -vvhiclnvill amount to
$ JSIViri ( , inildn'a ( total Ion by the lire of
not ininjh loss than -,0)0OW ( ) ) . The Insurance
is roughly placed atfroo.OOO. .
ca. Town niul Dalcolu 1'Rii.sloiifi ,
\VASiiiNiiroK , August 11. [ Spceial Tele-
firatnlo Tin : Ike. ] Pensions WCKS KnntoJ
today as follotvs : Nebraska Original in
valid ; Morrison D.tcon , Chnmnan ; Axtin
13. Nlc-hols , Ci'.ib Orchard ; George
S. McGiew , T oiidoiij John Alchnn ,
1'airlleld ; AVilllain M. Reed , Way
orly ; Alex Ulchcy. I3enkclinnn ;
Chrlstophor Turner , Sctvurd ; Walter 1' ,
1'uwell , Norfolk ; .Fncob Tilbury , Iiim-renco ;
Horatio L. Si'warJ , Omaha ; Smfonl 11
Ha/n , Curtis ; Loren 1'urlw. Orleans , Increase -
crease A Vllliam 1J. Srjiilro. rairliury. lie-
Issaoand increase (1y. . \\'il > ou , Usxiiijjton.
Orifrinidtldows , ete. Jl.iry .T. , widotv of
Jacob Pil bury , Lawrence.
Io\va : Original Ilenjanihi P. TJtzenliurg ,
Hus.scll ; John Nelson , Clear Italic ; Brice
Keasoner , Iloaronslleld ; JohnItobliisonUayi ,
William II. Thompson , Alcdinpoliu ; .loliu
Drovii , Djllns Center ; James IJobison , Lone
TrCfi ; DavljlVolIoy , Crcstonj.fanws ChurchIll -
Ill , Alalvoni ; Alex Kcinliart , DCS Rloinos ;
Isaac Allen , AVIntcRet ; Thomas . I. Hadabah ,
Kdf cirood. KeUsuo-Adam
- Hart , OsterdocU ;
1'eter G. McNamnrnVillliim Mitchell ,
Homy Hoicl ; , Kljjoiimey ; l rcdorlck 1'oter-
mini , Maxtor ; JohnC'alnsscii , Ullnton. Orlrl- (
mil -widows , etc Jilinor of KilwlnYnlkor ,
Ottuinwa ; Mary C. , widow of ( Jottlieh
Manor , Aliist-allno ; Tbercsio Myew , former
widow of .FohnUrbjIno Kirkvllfc.
South Dakota : Original Invalid Nathan
C. Austin , Vermont City. Hoissuc Medid
V. Miller , Washington.
Aiidaeioiis Jiuttrry
AVASHIXIITOX , August -Special [ Tele-
gnunto I'm : Ihx.J-Wtnlo tlio postal ofticials
\VasbiiigtonliavebecnHocldnp for means
to crush out tbo Louisiana State lottery , they
havodi.scovored that their own ofilco Is the
distributing point for the tickets. Through
an attorney the lottery company hus been
nhlo to secure upostofllco box for the receipt
of tliclr mail. After belnj ? taken from the
oftlec , those Icttura were taken to Iho uptown
olllce , wlileh is riKbt in the shadow of the
treasury building , and there handled. Ifc Is
now known that much of the worli performed
for tbo company is by persons \tiio lire or
ha ve been eoniiectuil with the postoflleo de-
partmontand , for tliU reason their ex perienro
enables them to evade tlu t ostal laws. It is
said that evidi'iicu Is now in the hands of the
district attorney which will enable him to
drive the lottery business from the \Vasliing-
ton jiostoflleo.
'AVn Injui-ed , Tivo Pa tally.
PiinvniBxcT , li. I. , August M. Ton per
sons \vero badly , and two of them fatally ,
burned thin inonilni ; in the explosion at the
lai-KUBoap factory of the Kendall mnnufae-
tui-ini ; I'oinpany.
About seventy operatives wore at work on
tlio lloor wlit-i'o thocxi > lesion occurred , lUen
and boys chine out -\vitli limbs and faces
bruised , Minded and stiiffgoiini ; and one or
twoor move severely wounded walked as If
in a trance with tlio bllstoriHl pei-llntr
from their bodies. The explosion wafl caused
by an escape of ( jns from the furuaees ,
In the < iiiitcnialiiii Army.
Cirv OP Mi ire , August II. Smallpox Is
eausiiiR many death in Ibo ( iiiateuialan army
on the San Salvadorlan frontier.
ltappjirs dlllleiilt to arranfio P < MICO ho-
twceu the two . Jllsiiei'.thoAnier-
cannilnlitor to ( iiiatcinala , will not act In
cord with theroHtof the dinlomallc ojs. | | > .
Tlie KniiNim IVoplc'H Tarty.
Toi'itKi , ICnii. , Aiiffist 11. The Copies'
party coiniileted the work of its convention
lastni&fbt by nonilnatlnj , ' tlio following olll-
cors ; 1'or Rovornor , .f. K. Wlllett ; for llcu-
tonnnt mornnr , A. CJ. Shinn ; for chief Jui-
tico , Ur. KlKlitinliMi forsiivtar.vof' .
it. S. Obborn ; for treasurer , \V. \ II. Biddlo ,
Calllin-nlii < 'mi vent Ions.
Ciil. , August i'l. The Second
ict convention this inorn-
In nomlnatc'.KeorKO . ! S. Ulanchard of KIJo-
railo for coiijfross , the Third renomlnnted
Conurossnuin Joseph McKcnnn , the Fourth
ndjouriu'd toineotln San L MiicUeo , and the
Sixth tomoctnt
A iipni nloTl ,
August 14. - [ Special Tclc-
praut to Tim lluu.l-l'ostinastora of the
fourth class were appointed lodny , afifolloivs :
i , Cusi comity , NobraHkn ,
Buy , viio S. Ilulfldi , rcinoroii : Ilurch. War-
shall county , South Dakota , Dun U. Stokes ,
vice 15. Ilurdi ,
SICIUUKNTO , Oila. , AiiKint II , At thoi-o-
publlcan convention last rilght Iho following
additional nominations were made : Tor llcn-
U'wnit Kovrrnor , John II. Ki-ddleU ; for thief
Justice , W. V Ucattioi for associate Justleos ,
14 C Harrison and C' II CJaroutU' . The con
vention tticn adjourned until I
The Qntid Trunk titid "Wabrdi Will Adopt
the Uniform Dill of Liuliug ,
The Union I'nullle noon \ot Oaro to
Aiila imly.o ilm ( iiiv > rniiieiiL
\ \ev Wc.stpra Kund
Cincino , August H rspr-clnl 'lYlegram to
Tin : llii.j-Tho : : boycott of the shippers
apdnst the eastern nud.s U ended. This ro *
suit Is , however , duo to no action of tlioshli * .
pers , but totlio fiii-t tbnt llto Hrnml Trunk
nndVnbash today decided lo put tlie utiifnriu
hill of Udimr Into ofTcet September 1. This
makf.s all the eastern and southern lines u
unit , there being now no line left which refuses
fuses to adopt the bill of lading and Inhose ,
fiwor lo discriminate.
After today's mooting of tlio central trafllo
nnd trunk lint'Joint ' committee , Chairman
IJhnchard said ; "On the subject of the
uniform hill of lading , I made a strons roc. .
onimendiit ion that , the word 'iion-iuxnii.ibhV .
bo stricken out. My opinion was unnninumslv
concurred In and the bill of hiding in that
form \VIH : unanimously adopted to RO Into
effect September 1. Iloth Iho Cli-iind Tmnk
and NYabash voted in favor of tlio amended
bill of lad I HIT. 1'rovlsloiui-nii also made for
prompt mcctitiK'i of the commit leu to con-
sider. liny oilier iiuiwlion abuilt the bill of
lading. Tills action WUH taken bv means of
theuiiiinimous passage of the following ivau *
lutlons ;
WhcMi'as. There has been presented tnthtn
iiii'i'lliistboeiiiuiiinnlcat lout ilali-il th > t 1Mb
and Utli lust , of llu ? clialininn of tlm nvi-ni
jni'i'tliDjof iraile > ' . '
n | iii"-'eiitalIvi-.i In t'bli'ago
ii'lat ln < to tlio milfuiin hiII of Inillng ; ami ,
WhiMvns. It Is desirable1. In the iniitiinl lii-
toicsts of onrrli'i't ' nml forwarders , that tlm
siilijc-cts prc uiiti'il In Ilm said coininiinlra- .
( Jens liufnlly anilpriiiiipMyeoiisldoiiHl
; theru-
1urn lln It ,
KesiilviMl.'llinllt Islhi si'iiso of ( Ms com-
tnlltuutliatlhi * iii'fiiiiiiiisnt commitloi > on tlio
uniform lillloT liidlnuihoulil cunvcnr. oik'nu-
llsi'iissiiiul glvu iiearhiK totlulowsnru -
si'iittMlthcMi'ln ' : il thiM'iii'llrMi prnetli'iibloilntii.
"Another most important aubject was that
of iron rails , -which were reduced on i-lns.s
onMiiy5 tobo effccllvo until Septemher 1 ,
The action \vas \ to advance Iho rate on class ,
making an advance in all classes of fwm l.'i
to 2U pur ecnt. The wlviinco applies on pi K-
iron and mamifiietuivil iron aitaies. On the
subject of dressed beef ratc.s the Grand
Trunk insisted on tlio restoration of the old
differential rates of | 'i andIS cents before
they would do .
iiiiytldnir. The ether coin-
panics declined to vero iilzo dilli'ivn-
tl.ds nnd the suhject was laid on the table ,
Dressed beef rales not lioliif ? advanced it was
impossible to advance live stock rates.
"Tho lalto and r.iilroinuiitto * , I'onsi.stlnp of
all lake niiinaKera , agreed to ri'sturo the 5o
lake dill'ereiitialaiid to iiuintain it , but owing
to the fact that It was uiu'crliin about the
rallesipo on provision cars , the whcilo qni'stion
was laid over for a hubseijucnt imvting. I
was Instructed also to correspond witli
the interstate commerce roimnissiou on
two of Its recent decisions. The
llrst was on its decision deilaring ti ! )
and 2-1 cents reasonable rates on corn
nail wheat ruspuctivelv , Ctiionro to the sea
board.Vethinktbere should be a winter
rate of 25 cents all round and n summer rate
of 20 cents. The other case is the Proctor A ;
Gamble'soap decision ca > e. U'o think the
case should be reopt-ued for further discus-
tion. "
Tivo Important Points. _ _
CIIICAOO , August U. ( Sioclal Telegram to
Tin : ] lci : . ] The president mid general mana
gers ot western lines today tried to decide
t\vo \ of the most Important points yet brought
to their consideration. The llrst was tlio re i
cent order of tlio interstate commerce com
mission lowering raln rutos from the Mis-
aoiiri rivorto the Mississippi and to Chicago.
Jtvas Hiipposcd lite lines wore a unit
in their determination to fight the
decision , but General Traftlo jMunn *
KMJlellcn of the Union I'aclllo fnrored
tin ) enforcement of the decision , it belmr mi-
stood that tbo Union I'aclllo did not euro to
authorise the t'ovoriimont. The Alton was
hiditfcreiit about thu reduction ou the ground
that present rates an ) cut far below the rates
ordered by tbo commission. The rest of tlio
lines wore in favor of ll"htiiiK the reduction
lo thocourtof last resort , audit beltiKfound
impossible to seeiiro unanimity tbo whole
matter wns deferred until nostTucsday.
The second matter was the recent order of
the Iowa r.dlro.v.l commissioners making Joint
rate ; ) obligatory at n reduction in local raUs
of " 0 per cent. A voluminous table had IK on
prepared by Chief Clerk Osgood oftho'eht \ -
en i Freight association , showing bow
Iho order would work. The coin ,
putatlonscro made on the fact
that thcsro are no throiiKh rates inlown ,
every road charging tlio full locals , the dis
tance and tariff of tlie Iowa coTiiinlshlonorn
prescribing lower rates than tboso In force ,
anywhere In tlio United States. Thus f.
the direct lines got nil the business. tf
If the joint rate decision applied ( t would
compel roundabout routes to carry the trnftlo
at SO pur cent of the two or inwo local ratoi.
and In iiiaiiyinstjincescnttlicjillrtictlocal
rate by the single routo. It VMS unani
mously resolved to Ignore the decision and re
fuse under all circumstances to imiko tlio
Joint rates ordered.
A Now AVc ( orn Itallronil.
CHICAGO , An gust 11. [ Snocial to
Tun BKI : . ] Tlio outlook for Iho early com
pletion of the railroad between Salt Lake
City and Los Aiifroles is very cncourapiu.
Ninety per cent of all the grading ib emu.
pletcdof Iho US miles of roadsoiith of Milford -
ford , Utah , including twenty-ei ht miles of
hraneh road to I'iotho , .Nov. Meadow Valley
Is tiiopresent terminus , ami a large qmntiir
of tics ami rails arealrcMily drlivcn > d at Mil-
ford. Tbo now roul 1s c.illoit tbo Or. ' nn
short line k Utah Northern rallro'id , itbiMiij ;
a | > oi'tloii ' of that feeder of the Union I'.i-llli
The road will ho in operation before th , ' end
of tlio year. f
Tlio I'rcHhliMit A < 'eo ' its.
\VASIIiMITO.V , August II.-Tno president
has approved the Joint resolution ai-ivpiiug
from the national encampment of the ( irand
Armvof the Itepublio a statue of the Into
General U , S. ( Irani.
CAHIO , August M. [ SpeMnl C-ihlo fr.un to
Tun IJisn. | 'The cotton rei-elved lioi-e tbn
hCiiKon up to the present time am.iimUs to
3iKMa ! : , cantarus. The Mlo is rising
rapidly. . _ . .
l'oi * y liiJin-cMl In a l-'lrn.
L.OVIMIV , Aui'ustll.-Spwial | On . .
to Tun Ilii : : . J-Ono half of tlio town of Mon-
otior , Kiiinco , tt'iirt di'stroyed by lire yester
day. Forty persons wore Injured ,
T5i rrAU ) , August 1Vulldng 1 ! dclc atct
are hero ineitiiiK tlio trainmen of unions other
tluintbolCnlKhts ot Labor tosyinpatliy wltli
the strikers.
Absolutely Purb.
1 ore m of tivrlnrbakniB pf > " ' | nr.
of Isavenlnsntrongib U. B. Government U -
pott JLuj , 17,1WJ.