Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Fictl W. flra\ \ hues \Vlllimn M. Doll ,
find other * , ( or W 2.\2 \ for building' ma
le r I ills.
In the county courtjutl 'monti wore
milk-rod tw follow * .vwlerility : Roson-
fiflil VH Womlrnnnsci' , $318.13 ; Barber vs
Mcelroy , $ .133.01.
Andrew .1 Ilurinon by Cordelia W.
Iliinnon , his guardian , tntorod proc-cod-
Insriin llu ; dltjtilct court against SHiuy-
Icr & niul Llx./.lo S , Ilnrdy und others
for t"UI und interest ,
ThoimiH Johnston , who la charged
with p.Mk.slnjj u lot fit wortliles uliwUs ,
Wisurr.iljftii'tl in tlio ] m\iuo \ i-ourl und
jjlciulod not guilty , Jk VM ' )0 ) Mod
BOIILclny tliia MUQK ,
OV. , . Harris , u petal dork on the
Chicago & Alton mill , left hi.sinail cm1
at St. Louis rerun tly , und IH ho was do-
ilclfiit In money m.itteirf . , tlio poliuo uro
now looking for him ,
tnlUil Hull's Attorney Thkerls ( iccu-
rmilutliitf ot id euro .iffaiii-jt I ! . L \ Graham ,
the P'K incintjroen / ( , 'oodi" u.iiti , mill
MI\S hi'luunn nbumltuii'u ol cvklonco to
comii-t tlio imn of doaliiijj incountm-
foil money.
Oniw I' . Slielly yesterday filed tin in-
foriimiiim iitjjiinst Mm'.v Dee , Jctinio
Don. Mciud Dee uml hilly Doe. Tho.v
uro < liarfji'il with tituallng two sacks o (
oats , vnluwl utlil.fiO , fioin the Fowlui1
elevator com puny.
Tlio Lni'iist Htiect bridge over the
lover md of Cut-OIT hike has been removed -
moved imil that poitloiiof the Isilco over
wlik'h Iho bridge fonnorly passed has
been flllocl tip , imiUinir n continuous
btioct from Slwrmin nvenuo to Court-
land Ijcacli ,
I'oiiitoonlh street , between Wibstor
and ( liming , on the east side o ( the
\\Vb.ttor struct frdfflit depot , h badly in
need of paving. The bliuut has been
tjiiidod and tlio largo iimounl of heavy
hauling on it liau cut it up so that it i *
ulnin.-l iinpabSiblo after n rain , and at
other limes tlio dust is tikmt six inches
tk'op.Will '
Will Sihrothvm jcsteidiv.v fined $2 >
nnd coatH. Ills father runs tlio M.
saloon , and when a stringer entered tlio
plaocMind boyan nppljing opprobrious
cpithoth to the old gentleman the son
tupped tlio ititrndcr beljind the par. Tlio
blow \vtisii \ ho.ivy 0110 und the victim did
not recover consciousness for twenty
minutes. Thocourt luld that the charge
ol aswiult was eut-laiiiul.
M. M. Marshall , the founder of the
O.naha barb wire and nail works , 1m
retired fioin the company , Ills interest
in the corporation has been sold to
Judf o Tilfiinj of Albion , who has 'boon
elect 1 maniiffovof the concern. Jell'
\V. lit d ford Mill still retain the olllco of
jiro.shkMit , uliilo Geor o Alton , latoof
fei'rantoii , 1'u , will nut as superinten
dent nnd will boon remove to this city ,
, ncrvoui prostration , nervous
dvspinii | , diillnoji , Wuos , cuiod by lr. )
Jules' ' Xcrvino. STUDIOS free at Kului &
Co. 'a , 13th imU Douglas.
Nortnary ,
Edivtml Muddy of Chicago caino hero to
gee hli bioUiervvho , ho had hoard , \vas sick
In St Joseph's hospital , Wiou ho called at
the liospitil tu found that his brother was
dctid , and that the rettLitiis hud boon trans
ferred to Hciifoy & Jlcufoy's. Dcith liail
not Icon exported nnd the mmouticcmoat , of
coiuw.occtstnnud consMeratilo surprise. The
rcmsilus will bo interred in this city.
Ask your Rrocorfor Cooli's ' extra dry Im
perial rluiiniiK'io its boquot Is delicious ,
md It is iiorfcctly pure. Tiy It.
, V Cnr l.
" \Ye , tlio nrcbsiiidi , ttereotypcrs , nnd clec-
( rot\pora union , I\'o. \ 83 , of Omaha , Ncb.i\lbh
the imhlle to understand tliatvo \ven ) i no
wny connected with the pknic given by the
pressmen's pilntiii ? union Xo. HJ to Waterloo
Sunday last , the members of pressmen's
printing union No 32 having boon expelled
ironiouruuion. The tusults of the uicuic
speak forthemsclies. Signed ,
P.S. A.M ) J3. U. , No. 32.
Dr. SussdorlT treats successfully all
discuses of the klilnoya , hladdor . und
rectum. 1501 Uarnaiu bt.
Shields Issued the following mnr-
rlngj licenses j-estcrday :
Numoaiiil adlress. Aio.
( Is'cls I1 Ni'Non , Onnha . 21
I Karen Jakobseiif Omaha . US
j. Taiuca J. Jensen , Oinnhn . Ul !
} Itctine Jensen , Onialia. . J20
( \Yllliatn.A.Clnik , Onmlii . 25
( Kuiaia Frnuklhi , Oinnlia . 22
Irs. U'inslovv'sboolhiiigsyinii ) for children
tccthiiiR softens the guirisaud Mnyi all pain.
5 cents u buttle ,
Tlirecs to Olio.
Constables Paul Stein and I1. O. Sullivan
nnil Justieo ilurt , TuesJ.iy night , It issnid ,
Juinpodon a printer named Brunor , as ho
wuiKuttinga bucket of beer lit a Fifteenth :
street saloon , declared htm unilor arrest , and ]
took him to Hart's ' ofllco. They chirked him
willi bUng drunk. Hart cltscovorcil that ho
had no Jurisdiction In tlio matter , nnd the ;
sent the man to the city ] , ill.
Yestcrtmy uftor lii\'o < tinatlnjr the case ,
Jndo | Uelsloy ilisinlbsoj Brimer , us It up-
poared that ho had not been drunk at the
tiiiio and was uttciuliiif , ' to his o\vn business ,
I Itltomy wifoto wa I'ozzonl's coinplo.xion
po\vdor \ hoo.mso It tinjiro os her Iwks nnd | J
usfrngwntas lolets. n
INI W l < ! iitcrprl * > rq.
Bco field , Shcnner it U'oaglo , wlio recently
arrived from St Josopli , have leased ground
at ISlghth nnd Grace streets , \ \ hero they
liavo coininenoeil the eivution of coopjraga
nmt slilppiiiK vai-ohouscii , which , when coni-
pletodwlll , KMI ! oniplojinont to fifty men.
a'ho works will bo in opcmtton within sixty
The member * of the UnivorvalUt chunh
broke grouiul this raornliifj in ICotmtzoplaeo
for a ihurch tocost0CXiO.
William Jl. Dushmin brolco pround todny
foru slv-story brick building WxllW feet , 1010
l cavonxvorth street , to cost $ .10,000.
Hot.VcaOior anil Accidents ,
Talionochnticot on heailnclios orsunstroko
U'hU hot weather Is foarfulbutif you will take
u few of ICrauw's llond.ieho C.ipsuloa eucli
day you will llml the tenipuiMtutv will bo re
duced und the likelihood of sunstroke or
prostration nlnolutcly counteracted , For
sale hy alhlrutvists ,
Tlio .S.lid South
3 solid on the jjivU "Oetinan Heraedy.1' '
trcleRinms nnd letters are received ovcrv dav
during this heated term for lCr.iuo'a lleml-
nehe Capsules. The pee | > lo from that section
tay they mliico the temperature and prevent
, fcim&troked and kvadaclios. for snlo bv all
Sim Strolcr ,
Now Is the tiling , the accepted lltuo , to ni\ > -
\eiit tuiiilrokn , hculadius , etc. lly ixUuehiff
Ilio tempcntturu nil tli'oso dlsttwulni ; evils
vill lo piwentod. Krauso's Hoadaolw Cap-
tulesaro tlio thing.
Ouo ortxvo ICratiso's Iloailaclio Capsules
talkC'iuluiliiR tlio dw will prevent any heij.
ncliw , nls > o attacks cfsuiistrolw.ll druggists.
Aslci nc TorVliitt' ,
Chief Soavcy recclvej two telegrams co'j-
corjilni , ' S , D.Vhlto \ , the plumber , who &o
mysteriously disappeared oa the fitli lust.
The llr&t wai from the chief of police at
HprlngHclil. III. , asking \YUUo were hero ,
cr H ho had loft nnd under what cireum-
Uariros. The dispatch U Indefinitely \vorded. \
lut Chief Soyvey thinks that the SprhiK'lcld '
onicci-s liavo Whltoanatologniiihed lu tlmt
wuy to verify statements he had niado to
thi-in. too
Tlio other telegram was fro in I. A , White :
cf Mcdlnt , Is' , Y. . asklnj , ' for all the Informa
tion couccruiiii ; AYhitoobtalaublo.
A 1 \ vnjUHO 1'htt's CMorhles
/or / IpuscljoJU disinfection. You will lilis It.
Tlio ForiitT row , but tlic Ijattcr are
Two Or thrco polko officers attempted to
make n record for themselves Tuesday night.
TlnrtjMlx nrrests were made , most of the
pnrtles being charged with vagrancy.
Yesterday inoinlng it appeared in Uiopollco
court that tha pilsoncrj were reputable nnd
hnrd-workiiit ? cltlzom.
Ofllccr lllooin dlsllngui licil himself cs-
pcclnlly. lie ran in ai n suspicion ? character
u soldier from the fort , who was In uniform
ntthe time ; nnil as a vuiiiiinl , a Inrbir wlio
\vorkedln nshopoa Illoom's two cr
tliroo month * .
\VhIlo \ all these arrests \vero being mnd ,
Inir 'liiM were .itwoik In different pints oC
the city. One ftJloivno.uly siicceoJeil In pry-
i IIK' open tlw fro it doir of Dun in I rote Oro" ) '
Ban store , but aiMtrohn n hnppetwil to sio
him just assiii-cMi was nljout to crowi his
efforu , The nun slilppcl. 1'ho ofllecr f < jl
loivcd and llw I two iliots at him , but tbo
The front ili ir erf h. J , QvUganl's procery
store , ID. 1 Uapilol in-line , was forced open
and t lie cash drawer ope ned. One dollar In
eliitiiROvni taken. T
. in who was sleoihi | > i In a bacli room.
Ho sc.uvd llio biirjrliru\t.iy Iwfoio tlio latter
hail secured any booty of greater \aluo ,
"Don't < ) , ! ( to IJnt , "
It h with the greatest conlldenco tint
Ilooil'i SiiNiiparillu li icconmiendod for loss
of appctiio , inUiKO.stlnn , sielt headaeho nnd
blinilur ttoubles. 'J'liiu incdidno gently
tones tlio stom.u-h , assists digestion und
inakcj one "real h npr.\ . " 1'ers.ims In dill-
cile hi'.iltli , after ukint , ' Hood's Harsnii.irllla
nfewJiiyt , Hinl tliomselvos longing for md
eating the plainrst food vllh unespected
idish ,
Dr , Ru doi'lT innku'tn ' specialty of dls-
women. 1501 Farjiam st.
9i < vrruus.
iifj tlie IjCiiRtios.
Phillip Andres has returned fioin the
southern pirt of tlio stale , \\hcroho In * done
most effective worlt hi organizing Uiinchcs
ct the poisonnl rights league ot Nebraska ,
As the result of tils'work loiguei hare been
formed inPr-iciul , Crete , Tobias , Button , HUiu
IlillOhio\va , Hasting , Holdivgc and outlying -
lying nrccinctf , all the tncinbei * of whh'h
ttikothc 11001)051 Interest In tlie MorUIn band.
Meetings will bo held regularly anil speeches
on anti-prohibition will bo in.ide ut regular
intervals during the cump.ilgn.
Mr. Andres will ictuin to his \\orkltt \ a feu-
days when the numborof lutguci will bo in
creased md extended lurthcr to the west and
He publican 4 Attention.
A meeting ot thoDoigltu county roptibll-
can dub will be held nt the Exposition build-
In R- , corner Fuiu-tcenth and Capitol avenue ,
I'Yidty oteniiifr , August 1 . " > , at S o'lloolc. A
full meeting of tlio club is desired , as the
executive committee vlll bo appointed find
other iiupoitunt businu-is transacted.
Kpuecbcswillbo nrulo by William Ouiloy ,
Frank Hansom and others.
All ropuliuans : uo requested to attend nnd
join tbo dub. TIIOMIS Snout : , President.
.M L. Itoocn , Seo'y ,
.Milliiril'H Ollloors.
The officers of the petsonal right ? lejgno
of .Mlllaril nro us follows : Dr Kbnur , pi-csi-
dent ; .riilius Sehroc'der , vli'O pivsidcut ; Wil
liam Peters , secretary , Joh'i AilT , tieusurer ,
Jolm 131uin nnilV. . Dorii cotnprisa the
lliianco coininittci ! . rl'Le icaguu comprises "Oil
III.s I'vperionec In Tcvns.
AVilliani llutchlnsou of Denton , 111. , ivhilc
dealing In cattle and hoiscs in Texas last
September , was talcon with aery soveie at-
tacit of ihokT.i nwrbus and diarrlioea , conv
inp , ho supposed , froln a ( tmngo ot drinklni !
water. A local untgglst nJvisul hlintotiiko
Ohnnbcrlaiii's colic , oholera nnd diarrhoea
cine. Tlio scconildosc , he saysaffected sicoin-
plcto euro , mid ho now tulses pleasure in
reioinincndlni ; in toothers. For sale at 5
anil 50 cents per bottle by dru ggibts.
The Sacred Heart academy for day
pupiln , situated on St. Mary's avenue
and 27th st , ifa un Institution devoted to
the moral and Intellectual education of
young-girls , llio cour.'oincludes every
thing from an elementary department tea
a finished claibsicnl education. Bojidoj
the ordinary ncadoiiucal course , music ,
painting , drawing1 and the Inng-uaycs are
taught. French Is included in the ordi
nary courso. Diireronco of religion Is no
obstacle to the receiving of pupils , pro
vided ttioy conform to tbo general regu-
Intlonj of the school. The bcholnstlo
tena comnionces the first Tuesday in
September , Classes begin nt 9 a. in , ,
and pupils are dismissed ut 15:30 : p. m.
tiW'fJl OJ/.1JM XEH'S.
Swift < & Co.'s IiiiproTcnicnts ,
The laipnvoaieats now being ni.ulo at the
packing houses of Swift & Co. nro much
more cxtenjlvo and of more importance to
tills city than Is generally understood.
Four larjro buildings will bo erected , ono
ISbxtJU feet and six stories high ; another ,
SOvliJS feet of six stories , and two others
each SOxSO feet ,
A cold storngo building and chill rooms ,
12s'x211 feet , k'u stories high of brick , ivill bo
erected on the cast side of the grounds lie-
twccntbo ofllco and main building. The
llrat tlireo stories will bo used lor storage ,
the fourth floor for chill rooms with a ia-
IMt'i t y of a,000 , hogs pur U ly The 11 f th lloor
vlll bo used for bliinl pips for cooling the
Building , vhllo the sixth lloor will bo utilized
for chilling dressed hogs la winter uad for
storaxo purposes in the summer.
To supply this with cold air another huso
nrctioor freezing miehino will bu erected in
the atctic room.
The present Ice houses will bo torn doivn
and ainagnlHceiit brick building will replace
them , Innncdiatelj'noilh of the now build
ings west of the tracks a building SO jO feet
for boilers and engines will Im erected. In
tliis vill bo eiglit tubalur hollars of seventy
liorso power each nnd cno Hamilton Corlls's
engine of 2. ' > t ) hiite power.
\istnotth cf the boiler and eiiBlnohouso a
tank house SOxSO feet nnd four stories high
will bo erected. Tills Imilding will bo
equipped withsixtcen tanks < ixl lfeet ,
fnnncdiately north of the tnnlt hotisovill \
ho erected a new hog sltiusthUi-ingdepart
ment , 80x121 $ foot and sis stories high , with a
cahailty of 8,000 ho's per day.
when these improvements shall hiivo
been completed this plant will Imvo a
capacity of is Ouo hogs and 7,3)0 ) cattle per
week By fall nil the various departments
will bo rimnins and a force of 1,000 men will
bo necessary to do the work ,
When U is known tint it requires nearly
forty can a dav , or 1,000 ears n month to do
the business of this house , tlio impoitnnco of
the Improvements and the magultud'j ' of the
may bo realized.
l'i rsons liiiukr the School ,
"I'leaso state , " snld President franlt J.
1'onsons , of the board of education , "tlut I
did not deface the doow of tno high seliool.
I did go and fasten the buiialug and put aleck
lock on the door , so that wocoulil get In , he-
cause the Janitor had locked the
doom on , us several times vhen
mecllnKS had been called , and liecauso ho re
fused to upon the doors wo could not pet In to
hold meetings. Only last Maatlay I aikod
the Unitor to have the building open for the
meeting that night , but ho lefused , and when
wo went tluro vo found the doori locked.
had been dene several times
bofoio. Tlio board hail passed upon
Mr. MoAuley's bill and ordered him
discharged and I liavo toiulired him his order
for services iu full. Yesterday I vent with
carpenter ? tomalio the bulldnifr secure , and
whllo there Jlr. MeAuloy wfiiscd tocivo mo
thekcj-8 , culling 1110 vllo and abusive iiuines ,
and with much profanity stated that ho
would bleed bolero uo would give un the
' "
a. r. s\vin \ rsujw tim Hny Kintonunoii ,
O. F. Swift , tbo veteran packing knwonma
of this ilty and Chicago , has closed iiojotiu-
tions forthopui-chasoof the Bay State feed
ing ranch ot flortb Bend. Tlio pi-op-
erty consists of about 1,500 acm of well-Im
proved land , with all necessary buildings ,
Tbo tnwsactloa is understood to bo au Indi
vidual cno between Mr , Swift mid the com
pany und not for Swift &Co. uickors.
ilr. bwirt Will use U g ; le tog catUe. 31
Is said to be tlio best feeding mnch In Iho
ttatonmlhas a capacity of aooo licud of cat
tle , vlth room for othorstotk. It Is under *
stood tlmt thoprlco paid wn ( in the ncighbor-
toocJof f 10,000.
.Uont tlic City.
About thirty members ol the Ladles' aid
society of the Presbyterian cliureb , went
ovcrto Council Bluffs to pUnlc in Fulrmo'iiit '
park ,
MI)3 ) Theresa F.irrell hai been nipointcd |
to llllthoposillon In tlio- telephone exchange
vacated ly Miss Alice ( Irifllth.
Louis Schrocdorof Omaha has coinmeiccil
tvorlton ( our briel ( collage's und a business
block on Twenty- fourth nnJ II streels.
Itxtho hwn tennis contest thoOmiha team
defeated the South Omaha , team ,
Del Perklm , charged by Mrs. Llbbie I'er-
Itln wltli beatlngand abusing her , -was lined
f 10 and costs ly Judge King ,
A son has been boiu to Mr. and Mrs.
Mlcli.icl Johnson.
D. Fouler drove a team over fr6m Mononn ,
county , low.i.on . which It h clilmel a inort-
cage hnJ been itlvoa , Vestrrday Slierllt
Ketllo came over and lliullnu Mr. L uivlcriniil
the lp.imdo\Mi at the Itoelilshmd ( tr.tdo , l > y
I'otiMnt of Mr Foivlertooltlt back to leva.
Cylinders Invo broken out among horses in
the t'ouith v .ird. . Ono IIOHO Ins been killed
nndolhci'3 will bo exiinlned by the : u&ls *
tantstiite veleriniry siirgt'on.
11 He ) man has returned from Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs Gas. liT ! ( Invejust retnrncil
from their oU In U'urtomberg , CJc-r-
inaii/ .
C , M. Tyncr bm boon appointed nurliwrton
freltrht agent , vice R , Ginger , Ir.itisfi'nvd to
Oiniha. M ' , Tjnor has arrived and taken
chai'go of thooIUjc.
.Tohn Muddy , ajred fortv-ntne. 0110 of the
coopers at the Annour-Uuil.ihy parking
houses , dlednt Kt. .lo-soph's hoipltul , Oniiibn ,
Tuesday ami will bo buried in Si. Marys
cetnutejy today at IDo'cloiIc.
Noive mill Mver I'llH.
n Itnporlant discovery , They not on the
liver 1 ; , stoimi-h nnd bo-Hols thwugli tlu
ncivcs. ] A new principle. They xpicdilv
euro billioutness , bad taste , toipld liver ,
piles and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women ant ) clilldrcn. Smallest , mildest ,
sttitist. 30 doses for r > coats. Samples fi-eo
at ICuhn Ac C'o.'a IJUiaud Douglas.
Tlie Marvelous industry of tlic Honey
Ili-o in StimiiiT.
The bee's ' life is all lubor , Is'o niiyer ,
no puddle r , nona\vy , no doeUrr solace's '
his 1 phyMiiMl powois tmthc boesdo thorn ,
ssiyb tlio Rutioiiul Review. Nor did oven
tlio t slnvoson tlio cotton plantations in
the tt t gathering season over work under
the t luih so lotiff timl f-o unresistingly & & t insects do under the picssura of
their t communistic public opinion. Tlio
earliest runbler on a bummer' * moi'iihig
will lind the bees before him miong tlio
lloweis ' , and alter tlic ilirkiiesslitis closed
tlio hone ctipsiuitl driven the bees from
tlio beds of bloom the listener will hear
tlmt tlio vorlcof the interior of the hho
isbtill in lull progress
The gathering1 df honoyls but a small
part of tlio diitiesupon wliieh the woik-
ni bees ; irc oniiloyul. ] Tlio comb
to be intitlu , siiid tills is tremendously
Inrd work. Wnxis a bceroti'Ti of tlio
bees. Tlicy irodnco It slowly. : ind in
ll.ikos , from 'indcrniMth ' coi-tun bi'alcb
that anon on llio abdomen and eonvi-y it
\ilth their feet to their months to bo
made moist nnd ductile. Toolli and
tongue together twist nnd turn it till it
is boft and ready for ibe , and then it
Clustered on llio founilation and norl
out by the teeth and feet into fen-Hided
cells with absolute ninlhouiaticai no
curacy. The secretion ollhovni evi
dently mikcs rcit drafts on the vital
btrciijrthof tlio bees , for It is found that
they consume twenty pounds of honey
ior every pound ofvix tliat they pro
duce ,
Tlio honey is simply the whiter store
of provender. Tlio labyboej in their
RL'ubbtiito. are fed ona different kind of
food , which also the workers liavo to
gather. This is fortaed out of the pollen
or fertilizing dust of lloivors. lloes , as
13 well known , perform an essential ollieo
In tlio cioss-fortilizatlon of plants ( qnnto
unwittingly on their parts , 110 doibt ) , by
carrying the pollen from ono another to
the nistil in another bloom. Inthiscon-
neotlon. the uirious fuel is observed that
bees do not visit on ono and the
sumo journey different kinds of ilo\v-
ors. They collect i > ol.lon from sill vari
eties ; but with vihatcvor sort they botfin
to that sort they keep till they Imvo
filled the little baskets that they carry
for llio purpose on tlioir hind logs. EInv-
Intr llown homo and stored tlioir lysiils in.
the cells nppropriuU'tl to it , tlioy msty
cominoneo tiL'tiin on quilo nnotlier Itintl
of pollen-bearing bloson. : . The utility
of this arrsiiisenientfor the Dowers is ob
vious ; but it is not fco cle-sir howthubeo
coinoa to bo thus discriuilnuling1.
Another substance collected by the
bcos is called pjopolls. This is a kind of
gum , whieh they cibtstln fiotn cuitain
resinous buds , or from the bark of tjueh n
tree us the ivillow. They esui extract it
nlsofroin viirnish. It is sin old iiipemti-
tion that the bees in an apiary should bo
informed when their msister dies , as they
will wish to visit his collin , Some of
these ratipmlibtic people wlio cannot bo
ssitlsllod till they liavo reduced every
rollo of inoro jiootlc thnis to ti
urosaic explinallon have pro-
bounded a theory the bjos uro sit-
tractedto the dead man's habitation to
licit oil'Iho varnish. Intholilvo , propo
lis Is used to cement all ere leo. , and to
join all mirtitious. It is trough t into
requisition , too , hen 1111 ctionij invades
the hive ; ho is , If posbillo , stung to
death , and If h bo too heavy to remove ,
ho Is iinporiaonbly sealed up Mitliln u
propolis toiub.
Muthc\v Armstrong of CroftonICy.iMW ,
in Ms sovcateentli year , sn i holitts been
troubled with diarrhoea otory'suiiimur as fur
biulc aslio can rtvolloct. Ho liui it hlstimo
used many medicines , but none equal to
Chiiubcrlnln's ' cello , cholera and diunhoca
remedy , ThU roinodyis prompt in Its oltocts ,
can always bo dopendcdupon and when ro
iluoed vlth water , is ploasuntto take. Chil
dren donot object to hUhij it.
Kat IiblH ! ; ill Uoillii ,
Dlstriieted parents who too their
ehlldron in the crowds at iiubllo resorts
onbollilays would bo glnd If a curious
Berlin ou&lom were adopted. A t the
Berlin zoologic'iil ' pardons tiny keeper
finding a lost child takes the llttlo ono
in charge and hlous u. trumpet Hear
ing the note the mother orfutlior in
ee.ircliof the missing jounghter at once
mikes for the spot and the search Is
ended ,
It * upertor ezcollenrorrcToa In millions < l honei
lormoro tlim niunrKrof l contury. ItHuBodby
tlie United Uorornmont. Kndorieil by Ihu
ttK * of tbo Krtut uaivoriltloi the Blronpttt ,
riiru l udllo tlle llliful. Ur. I'rlcoi from lltk >
lei ; I'dnlcrdocBnot cunUlo iuni'jnlallm ' or aliiu.
0 po mm „ , . ,
IJotli tlio mctliml and rcsiilts wlicu
Syrup of Fii3 , is lalfcnj it is pleasant
ind refresh ing to tlio 1a3tc , niid nets
L'cntly yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and 15o\vcl3 , clcnnscs tliQ sj1-
loiu cnictunlly , clispola cokK Ijcml-
ch < 8 nnd fevers nnd cures haliiliuu
constipnlion. Syrup of Figs is the
only renicdof ) its hind over pin-
iliiccd , pleating to the tusle nnd no-
ccptiihlc to tlio slomncli , proupt in
itu notion nnd truly beneficial m iU
cdbcta , prepared only from thp most
licnlthy and ngreerblo sulntnnces , itc
nmny excellent qualiliea commend it
to all nnd liavo nuulo it the most
popiilni remedy known.
eyrup of Fijg is for sale in fiOc
and SI bottles by all lending drug
gists. Any reliable druggist -who
may not liavo it oa band vull pro
cure it promptly for any onevhr
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
, KV , HEW YORK , fJ.V.
Phjsicians , Suigcoos anfl ipcclilisls ,
4.-OD DOUG3LxA.a STHIflliT
Tlio most widely and favnraUv known''prc-
iallstq In the Unltoil Sratcs. Thr lr Ions ox-
imrlimuc , rciimrlnblosMll and universal suc-
c-tjsj In the tri nlDiuiit and curool Nervoui ,
Ulinmlaaml Siii-ft'lral llson e . entitle llioso
eminent phjilclnns 1o thi > full confldeiK-o of
the allUi-tcd everywhere. They
thcavrfiil cltoc'taof oarlv Uco mid the nunier-
ousf-vlU tlmt follow In itstiuln.
rittvxTK , iiLooD A > iu yiiiN
speedily , ooiuiiH'IcIv nnd imrnnnc'iilly curi'd.
MU\OUS iiniMrv ) ANOSKMTAL nu-
OUDKIW yield rciidliy to tholr skillful treat-
KuiruntiMirt cured xrllhont pain ordotcntloa
from business.
JIVUHOUILE : > v rurocEt.K
ncntly imd uiccissfiilly cured In wart cuse.
SVlMllljIS. GONOUIlIIEA , RLI.BL' , bpur-
miUorrhou , t'en'milVo.i \ luoss Lost Jlanhiioil ,
Nlitlit Itnlwlnns Denycd KuculMeq , I'lMiinlu
\Vmkncxs nnil till di Ht-ato dliirdera pcciillir
toclthcr fiex noiltlvely uiriMl. \vulliiijnll \
fiinotlnnal dlsurdurs tliitt lOHittlroin jontli-
tul follies nrthocvi'css ufniatiira jours.
< sTli 11\.IUI ? ' ' \ ) 1 ! Ouiranleoit prruuinon tiy
U1V1OUIM1 , n-iumal coniploto.
Itlioutcuttlnifd'atisLIu or illlttsukui C3uro'
ntlt'otcd nt homo tiy patient without u ino-
nicut'slialnor imnojaueo ,
A \TlPl < r'TIk'l < 'J'l10 a lul olTerts ol
O Urvl-i > > VJ1\ l
- - uarly vlio ulilclil > rliis
orpnnlo woalciicii. dfstrojlutf liotli mind mid
lifuly. with nil Its ciroudecl ills , puriuanvnty
l\ > ( s RPTT * ! Acllrcai thtiso who liavolni-
l\vj. ULil ± . )
pulretl tlioni'-u\es \ > y liu-
liToporlndiiltBnJ3 inn ! holltnry hiblts , wliluh
ruin both nilnci anil body , uiilitLlns tticiu ( or
bti < iiicis < > . sliulvnr uiurhiu'o.
MAHKIii ) MKN or tlw-o ( ntorln cn tint
hiippyllfc.awurooC iihysloal ilobtlily , quloldy
Isbastd urnn facts. KIrt. , I'raotltial ' cxporl-
I'nco. fociii ] . Ili-cry ciic Is bpccially studied ,
tints ( turtlas right , UlilrU-.Meillulnes nro
prciiiia'd In our laboratory oNsictly to salt
ouch cwu. tlniKetliutiiiKCiifoswItlioutlnjury.
Drs. Belts & Betts ,
fc1A. : < N Tim (7KF/vr : l rtUt Ir.'Alct.
llNQtisn HUM-
KI > Viinnftll -
Inul \ \ uilcno I ,
S i > ornia o rtitiu.
Iiupttcnc * . a inl
n'l < ll-o- > - ' tint
follOT a n M > -
qnonro ot Solf-
iili no : HI Ion
. - . , , . , . , , . or I nl-
i TAKIIlfi vrri l l.aBltiilo
1'nlii In tlio llnnk. Dlmnpic * of VMon , PromilnroOM
Jute , airt niiny illicr dl o.i < o Hint Itul to Imnnlty
or con uiiitnlnn mil nprjiini'iirii Knitp.
Jiyfull riirtleul irJln ourp.itiililL | > l wli ! h wo dp-
nlro lorrn Ifrbohy mil ! to every on ! 3Tlie Spc.
cltto Medlclno In mid nt floe \ riclnip , or lv nu'k-
I'-CH fir will do 10 nt ttuo bj null on ri'ctli't ' of
tbo mlilrcn l"
1110 PAIINAH SntuuT , OMAIU , NIH.
On ro" < > Hnt of pountcrftlii TO IISHO udopteil tlio
] ullovriiiicr | | , tlio only
Graduate Dcntlsl.
/V / lull Set "of Teeth , on Kubber
For Five Dollars.
A imifcct lit Kiinranleed. T otli oxtraotod
without Jiiiln or < J.niCr. ) ( awl vltl out anacs.
thutlos. finld and sllfor IllUngs at | ai\c t
rates. Hrlds and -'r < wii "Uorl. , Teali with-
outjilatos , Allwolk iiarninted.
Entrance , Hlh hlroctclouitor. Ojion even-
IntThuntll a < j'vhi-l ,
on. J L
nn9uri > iiic < J In the trout.
oit ut nil form * of 1'HI-
. , or pnln
ro'uU ' ins tlio Iflitildor
'Jlll.ltJ euroil lu'iltoW
fvin IHsuiiies , Otairli
and nil Illmuncs ot llio
lined Hi' . lit nMMvir I'ti.
mnlu MconiCHciiKMl wltliout
In-trim. i-nti IT "local
IIIBIU. " l. > ilic Jruu ! to ( .
only U'llto for clrin-
hr k'I'Inr pnrtlculiirinUout
eirli : < ( llio ntiulo ( luciiHui ,
anil iliuivlnii many of llu
* * * . nt f&fv niott rumurkutilDOurt * . U ( .
tlco. N I ! , Cor , Hlk nn l Kiirnatu 8tn. , ( ntrunco oa
eitheratrciit , Omaha , Neb ,
. . .rtl , U.MJLIUil H K V ll Vhv.iiiiiiu
edyVrIto or call on ! . 0 , JuilyuKtli \
uo Str vt , Ciuubi ,
nr\ \
We must close out tlic balance of our summer gooils. I'allstocU is coming- and room must
be made for it. In light weight men's suitsvc liavc
\vc not many left , but what there is we are
ready to sacrifice and it will pay yon to come in and see whether you can find anything to fit
you. If you do you'll be sure to get itatlcss than half the worth of it. * You will be astonish *
cd at the price fine suits arc going1 at now.
Same tiling1 in our Hoy's ' Department.Ve are offering a few extremely fine suits of dark
shades at prices you could not buy them elsewhere for double the jiioncy. Tin : shrewd ,
careful buyer knows that the house which is always selling at close prices in the busy season ,
is also likely to give tlic in tic dull
you greatest bargains season of the
In our Furnishing Department , we have every day something or other to close out. To-day
its a little lot of odds and ends in underwear to-morrow , some flannel shifts broken up in sized
c. On all such goods we make prices which will into "
tempt you buying whether you need t"
goods \ \ or n rt f- .
Commencing todayehavc \ reduced the prices of our two best brands White Unlauiv
dried "Nebraska" Shirts as follows : The finest grade heretofore selling-at $1.25 will now be
$1.10 , and the grade heretofore selling at QOC , wifl no\v \ be Ssc , The quality of the shirts will
be cactly * the same as formerly , and the' make will , if possible , be improved.Yo have during-
the past few seasons used such large quantities of these shirts that the manufacturer is able to
make us concessions in the price , and as usual ve give the benefit to our customers.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets ?
Our store closes at 6:30 : P. M. : : ; Saturday- 1O P. M.
Tlio fRiirpD In our Jtt-3 will mke n Icnf r.laf ,
No nmu or ivonnn uo\v litlnglll ever ( Into n
iooummtllliott ir.tng lie fi uro 0 It itnnilj
nthe third plncclti 1S90horc It n ill remain ton
years tnil then move up to vecoud plaoaln JOU ) ,
wheru Itill restfor cno humlnil ycms.
riicriisnnotlicr"9"i\hlcliliasalsocnraotOEtn ! ) ' .
11 If. unlikollK.1 tlp'ureO In cur dulus Intliorcspcit Ithas already incicd up to first place , wUirc
itwlllpcrnnucnlly rumjn. Ills called tlio "So.
3"JIIcli Arm \V toiler \VllBonScwliic Machiio.
Tlio "No. 9" was culorsoil for first place by tla
ejper'sol Luroi * nt ( lie I'arls lliposltionof : & > ,
\\licrcaflerrx , suoroconted with the leading inn-
diinca of Ilia vorlil , it vis : oivurdul tliu only
Grand I'rizc Rivin to family scviug machines , all
clhcrson ctl.iblt liiviiiK recctu-d lower awiinl
cf EoM mtJais , etc. The French Government
also recognized Its i uperiorlty bj Ihcclecorit iouof
Jlr. NithaiiicIMiecIir , Prifciduutuf tlio cuupaoy ,
ulth tlic CroisotthoLogiou of Honor.
tffco"Mo 0" Is not an old machine iiapro\ed
tvou.butu nn entirely nuw nuiclilno , aud Ilia
CraaclPUzJct rarisnasn'vardod Has tlioraiid' (
fstnjvuneoin leiMncmuuhiiicincciiinisn of ihc
ugc. IboMilio buj It oin rtst assured , thtte. .
Ci df hu\in \ [ ; the viry latest and tcit.
1WJ Mid 1ST V'ubnsh Avc. , Chictgo
P. 15. PLOPMAN & CO.
2.0 North Shlccnth Street.
Pcrnancflt Alignment
b PEED ,
Sold Under a POSITIVE
GEO. H. SMITH < k CO , ,
Otncml AfiontoNebraska aucl Iowa.
31O S , 16th St. , - - Omaha
nioiilo , Xcrvous , lllod nn ! SurBlc.ilPlsCA ci nd
ll > ua i of the Kro , 13ar. 010 , Ibruuliinit I'lio-t
SjieolalUtoiitlcm to lJiijnhO ( < vl'Vu -
nicn nnd Clilldrcn.
TliocIoclonluiTO linl ycnrH n ( oxpTlonco Inllio
li < iiltJl | of Urootlin and Now Vi > r . iil iiro iimenK
I lie moil succussJiiliina wldulr Uno > iujiiCUUatiln !
tlio country.
I i ) VOIIIIR nnd Mliltllrccil Mon.
lO'tMnnlincd VcrvmiB ItelJlUtr. SrmnlorrJiPn | ,
Sfiiilnnl JuKi. ( I'll r * ( nil D'cay.nrlxliu frwii tmli-
civ'tlon iroilui'lni ( Blunilemneasiilosiwii'luncy , I'liu- '
iilc'B ontiioliro n'L-r lon to noclctci llyill ' 'iiiir-
iiivtl. liclculciinllitante , it nil. unltforitiujior b § l-
iioa , unit Jlnils llfo u turilon , afolj ,
ntil biHo.Ill ) curcj.
Itloiid mill Skn
Rytilillla , n rtl'ra o ihont itrcnillul la Its ronlts ,
ctuiliUluly ir.idlcatuil ,
O tti i l oU rl ii n r v Su rue ry.
Ronorrlin' Glocl , Svplillli. Ilyflrocclo. Virlronjlo.
nnd Slrlotmo. mltcnlly mil n luiy oirwl tvalmut
pun orUutfntlail fium liuilneii. All Hciunl Du-
lirinltli-s uua tnijicdluientslu mtrrliuo Kuuet-liUy
All llcctnlrtlpoii'p ! ! mfoly nnilporinjnonllr outoit.
llunii , tin in. tills r in hnncliy rlOtlllU
X. II l' ( > oisiinnW9 ) to flslt u * niny bo Iroatrt nt
llulr lioiuoj by coirot | .iinto M . . | uini < anilln
blriutuii" wilt \ > J ox pro s tunm't ' ill ' Jfuo.
b niM c Bt4 innuuiliB to I
I ' | f | OIUll S ItOJll'h
O : > srrt lloiw ( > n n tin , .Noli.
Intnl. CIAUOI , rii iwr > . ft m.1 I' i' inrim j.
With cur li orJir for en IOIK , Muliend pm Ltaor
Jruii t to iifunjmjniy It Iho t.mmmt . falti to
tur , Uuiraatw * U. c-l ur.J filujuo iiuU vaijr Liy
Protect ancJ Improve Vour Sight by Using n Pnirof Our"r3ci'rccLion' >
38 or E
are The BEST in the WORLD
We mok a apeclnlly of lilrjh grade rjoods , using Hie regtilnr ecu
list's Prescription Frame , and only first quality crystal lenses , wlilcla
ere scientifically ground to correct the various dolectsof vision.
Everv pair is fitted by n Practical Optician of many gears' exporl *
TOK Thirty Days We AVill Sell SI'IiCTACLnS ' and HYKG LASSES at
Worth $5 to $1O ; now $3 to $5
For $1 and $ 1.50 ; worth $2 to $3
BLUE OR LONDON SMOKED CLASSES , for shading the ey s , from SOcUP
Bevmrfc of using common Spectacles , wlncli are sure lo injure your
eyes , but takeodvaninge ofour reduced prices mid buy the best and
ha\e them properly adjusted to youpeyes.
Established 186G. ICtli A.IND PARIS AM STREETS , Omalin , Neb
The Omatia Medical and SurgcaiJ Institute
Portho trmtmsnt olnll CIIIIOXIO l.VIJ lUUfiir-.M ; niSlUSKS. Jlrncoi. Anpinn-fli for ilofmiultloi nnl
Truuua. lluitKnrllltlon.Apparntmaiiil Uonulliw fnraucciiful tra iliiuiit at ovcrjr 'rin ' of "Jl' " ' " ' " "
ijuliliiBiiiKll loiltrmliiiont. OVIS IIU.N D.UCU . ANII TH'UNTV-tMVI ! It-IOMS KU I'AT KNT3.
tinfoil x rltu for olronlnn on Jurnrniltlo9in ) < l llmcci.
Hot , AUdrosa
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
Corner fllh nnd Ilnrnoy Streets , Omaha , Nobrnslcn.
MIV siifTiTlnit ftom dli' la
WEHK JII..1 of Ixist , Munhoocl ,
VoiUlidil l.i ion , liniio-
tuny an < l IHbum s of Men
canbo cured ro-nnncntlr unJi rlvnti-i/liy uir
unlbpeclH U it py mill foil t Dot Ic lent denial )
ftiittaap. Heac'uMccllcal ( .VUJJicuV. M
TCIl Ajciinlondlllio I'lnlonflolliPitljInB 'I '
' .ulr lliiooicrinvinlBil tlmtlioll tlioclt llic
mtlinut plin , niHTlut STf \ tucccii. imtentiu-
rt-ntl/l aiii I. kulil onir i'V-/ jjy numlBlu wliaiu
llio enliiilru rl ht li | > I\rQ irlvtn ; en receipt
ofM CH. wo ni'iiil n 1 Ji > H Binnplo line by
mull. itlHO clrculiir , 11(0'I
01 uro > onr icriltuiy t oucu. Oili j itliu I'l
cu. , ITIIuituuii blVoao tjr ( ,
PATENT 11(0 ( ( ) \V