3HE ? OHAHA DAILY BEE , THItTUSDAY , AUGUST 14 , 1890. ? SPEG1HL NOTICES. ' MM IlTISEJirNTi for IhtKecolumns will b tliV.cn until ! ! . p. in. , for the evening trillion nnd untllP'inp. : in. , for the morning Edition nnd Su.Nmv Ilr.i- rpKUMS- Cash In advance. JjATKH-ArtvortlsPnientson thlspnBO vrlllbo JVihan Pd for nt llm mi cot 1'iipnt per word for tht IliMlri-u-itlnn and I c ( nt per word for i ich mil incipient ln ertluii. nnd * I..V ) per line permmith. P > o \erUscn.en ( taken for lesi than Ul cent * for thu Hist Insert'on , 'rXITIAI.S , flgutes , sj inlols , tie , , countcucb JL riB mil1 vionl. rpHFfrK ndiPrUjpnir-m * mint run confern J. lively nnd under nojelreiinist.inces will they be ( liken or discontinued Ur telephone. 3'JAIlTIKf ndvcrtUelng Inlln-iTiroluniniaml . having Ihclr answer * addicted inu"minn lered Irltpr" Incnroof Tin : HIK will rpePlvo nnuinl.eird cheek ( ocnnhle ( hem IOKPI their letters. Answers vlll lo di-llu-red only on nrcMintnt'oii of this clipi'k. I'ne ese answers lu c elocs | propeily addressed. A Jilt ndiprtlfcnipnts itmirr ( he head of " -peel id Notices" nio published In both ( ho morning und evening rd'tloi.sof ' Tut : III l : . ( he circulation of which iiRVlegntPS inoio than KMfo pnjjciH diillv , nnd plves the advertiser 1(10 ( 1 fiirlltnot only of thn Inrirn circulation of Tin : HIK : In Umahn. liutnUo In Council HhitTs , ] Ineoln nnd othercltles nnd townslnthonest. St-XIlAV HAM' ' IIATiS. : APVKIiTIHFMKNTHi for sKtiatlons or for inah ) or femnln hplp , not exceeding 'Jl wordsnrn Inserted liiTiiK.etsnAY Iln ; at half lates during tlm-montlis of .luly nnd August. Tin' ipgnlnr rntet lll In charged for oaeh nddltlonal iron ) ul eve -1 words us well as for consecutive in KMtInns "BRANCH OFFICES7 for these columns will bp taken rn tno nloMj condition" , nt tlio following liiitliiP's IKIIIRGS who tire nutliorlrcd to tnko fppclul rotlop . tit Ilio Hiimu rates an can bo had nt ( hn infiln ofllcc. BOVIIl OMAHA IIKAXril 01TICi-No. : 1031 N mri-ot , I.istei Illoi-k. . _ VOIP.v. . iniirn7a7n7ucist ] 2 Jfitrcet. 0 HA1k ! : KIDV. ) Htnti'oners and 1'rlntnrs , Hi South ICth i-ticet. W.I. 11 TO I IKS , I'huriiricist , O'l North ICth < Street. ' KO.V 1'AUU , I'liurmaeUt , 1713 Leaven- worth Street. _ _ UGH lib1 I'lIAiniACV , S4th and rarnain. I'ot rail * , < lc. , fte tup of frxl column on Hits 7 7 < il/ t tile * a n .Suniliij/ . _ \\7ANTEl ) Janitor work by experienced ' ' man , good rufuiunccs , ddrcis IlJi'i Sow- arilst. _ _ \\7AXTr.n Xight work on books or papers. ' ' Sul of nook * to keen , checking , llgnrlni ; or writing of any kind , uan furnish reference and have had o.xpcrlonc-e. Address 1i U UPC. 8IS-U * i. ) MAI-iU JlHia * . 1'ur tcilf , ( ( c. , tte tnpnf Jiift coli/mii on tlitt jiaue. Jlalf nites on NIIIII/HI/ . \ \ \NTKD A baker at his llroadway. Coun- > ell Illulfs. Hay work only. nOI-13 \\7ANTF.U-A lli > tel-iss ncivspaper stereo- ' ' tvpi-r. Cooil situation to u steady and reliable num. Apply tit unec. State .lotlinal Co. , I.tncoln. 'rnska. 611-14 ANTr.D Salcsmamvlth established triulo to sell on commission to llility-dav trade a line of men's shoes comprising ? . " > styles riiiiKlnx In price fi-otn Sl.-'j to ? 'l..riQ. ( tiring samploa ready September 1st. Address giving n-fi-rences and stating territory de- blred. KocKlngham Shoo Co. . lloston , Mans. 6Cl-ii : * \\7ANTit-f'rnrkpr : Inkers. Apply at the T Uaineau Cracker Co. , 1-th and Jacksiat . \\rANTIU ) A man toieprescnt us nt Vnnk- t > ton , i-outh Dakota. Address L 4ti. Hi-e. 675 11 * " \\f ANT KD-Driii ! elcrk reglsteied In Nol - > l lirasKa. A. 11. Hunt , North Itond , Xel ) , tsll IS * "llTlJWKIt ivantpil An exporleiieed nmucf. J--I Address 1 , K lleo olllce. t > 9M4J " \ rANTii-ronr : or flvo good inoii lo travel * ' on iMiiiniKslon for a mli.'iihlo llnu of goodb. Address Lock HOY 5G , 11 lair , Noli. B09-15 "WANTED ICO teams to work on si-Ada and v > haul bridge timber on C. It. I. & I1 , liy. Apply nt camp , two miles east of 1'npllllon , Neb , Smith , Ulllelt .t Co. 4GO-1G * ( itilvaul/oil Iron cornlcowork- el's ; also sheet iron job workman , Oood wages and steady work , J. 0. Md'arland. 210 mid 221 W hake st. , Chicago , 111. 418-15' * VirANTHD-Mont. " travel for our Canadian T > iiurH'ries.StoneA.\VulllnstonMadlsoiOVIs _ _ Uj.T _ CITY canvassers on salary and commission , e.\peilcnced nRonts preferred ; must give fiecurlty or olty reference. Aphly 0:10 : to 11 a. m. , Umaha Watch Club Co. , 1014 Capitol ave. _ _ . _ ! ls.t ) OOKNICK WorUeis , tinners and job workers , steady work , peed vasres. James A. MI1- lur& . ltio.-l'-v. ) and Kit S. Clinton St. , Clilcnco. _ _ _ _ _ ta7-27J _ A UKNTS fiOoiittlt on 'M days' ( line. Jfiro.OO J--Vinilli hi 4 weeks . Add. - - | or no pay. with stamp. Jarvls It Company , Kacino , AYls. _ _ 010 v'XAT'ANTKD-Muii for ralhoad work In Wy- T t omliii ; : peed wa cs. Albright's Labor ogcnuy , II2U I iirnain SU ' _ " \ \ ? Ii want Unit-class ) agents in every ( own In i Nibraska to sell the : netal baeK album. Wucim irlio butter tprtus than any oHmrhousu to Ilist-clnssmcn. The mntal buck N the only album that Is satisfactory in every icspcvi ; onn be Increased to any slyo ; a damased lent leplnecd. and le.ives ns-orted to suit every iiureliaser. Art Album Co. , Ilattlo Creek , illcli. _ ffl jt ; _ \\7AM KI ) .salcsmen at J/5 per month salary - > ary and expenses to sell a line of sllvor- jilnted wnio , watchcH , etc. , by s.implo only : IKirMinnd team furnished free : write at oneo for full paillculars nnd sample ease of Roods fiee. Standaid SUvorivare Co. , lloston. Muss. _ 017 \\rANTii ) 200 Inborors for p.\ra road T canes. Apply to I1. 11. Johnson. II. A M. pas-en KPT depot. Oiiinhi. _ JUS " \\rAM'lI-Salcsman ) In every locality to * ' mniHifactiiroaiid wholesale our now jiro- ocis elder , made without apples. Kxcollent vriiRph. no capital renulrod ! particulars free. IilUsourl Cider ilfg. Co.Uox5Ji , St. . Joseph , Mo. _ _ W lu3B _ * * \\rAM'El ) Unlvnnliril Iron eornleo \ > oik- ' ' ers : steady works good waaei. James A. Jllller ' A lira , 12) nuil Ul South Clinton stieut , " _ * \\7A.NTKU Three llrst class mon i sent thuOmaha llooln and out of thoclty Call at the spoola ! iilllco of Omalu lice , cornur 17th and Pa rim in Jxmunil floor. 077 AVANTKD nifrj on " \ \7AViTci ) oTrl forklciieii" ( Van miry work ; no euro of chlldion. 11JO b. tt > th b-'B "V\7 AXTJi-rompotent ) girl In family of two 1 .I call motnhiKs , out S. ' "Mil bt. fc'JJ-14 ' \\TANTKl-G nmui girl , small family , 511 l > | * iu kaic. br.US " \\rANTKD-Cilrl for Koncral housework at 't i utnor Uass .t ttid U. 11. 11. 1.V " \\rANTKII--K\perlencpd dreis Rood * sales- 1 Mianlio understandUiussln windows. Address 1 W , lion olllco. h i ) U ACOOIJ cook wanted ut Sttii Douslas. npply ill unit" tM-lJ \\rANTKD I.ady agents. I havil T.OOO 'i in cuts milking n ginxl respect able Hung nelllnii < iy Roods for ladles' nnd olilldion'H Mem. Am constunily deslKnlng novpltu-s. llino u III-H nnd MiiniU'iful 8i-ller for full trade. A < liie | > s wlthslainp. K. II. O.imphuli , 4lV i. , ! I { „ iHhMjih Bt ; , U Idea go 111. hTMii" \\f AX'I iil ; A nursiugli'li seed wa es 40 N. _ > _ ikl st. fW 11 \yA Vri5l > A llrst eliis"--co < ik In small fam- i ' lly ; blsli wit-i'sjulil ton tlioioiuhlv com- I > uonl Klrl. iXJttl ] ) iiuhibi > t. S'i7 1 , ' \\T ANTiil : ImniedlateTv , a lln-l 'Uui cool7 , iiMUIS f5pcr cek. Apply Mrs. 1'atrlulc , Sjthj nd Lako. KW H " \ \7 A X T F. U 2 laiTl os to net as jrcnefal ngo n ( s , 11 pk ui > o cull at once , 41l ! f * . 13th , ixxini \ T ANTlUl-A peed cook. K. ciifTslsit rim ! ' Vit biter. Ml-ll- 'AXTKD Olrl for vonoral humowork fjmall family. H.W South Slst. Ml-ia kTANTni ) Olrl fur general houocuork. No. UU SN Iblh it. _ Jlli-1l ! | ANTKD A Klrffor iriMieial'hoiiiework , K \vagoiiliildi < . UCor. Ulh und.hiiies , 2J rANTKIilrl for central housework at ( ill Park avenue. ivJ l.i AM'MNnrsi ia owe. Apiy ) ! sis ; California U roil nnxT nousis. : J"or ratft , rte , , fe topnf Krtt tolumn on l/iti . iy JP Yor wtdi lo rent a hoilso or.storo see H. K , Cole , ( onllni'iital lilK-k. ( IKI OH llKXT A liotiu < of all conveniences , centrally located. Inquire 713 N 15th ft "IJlOU IIKNT ft-room lieu e , Pity water and J screens tit a bargain lotesponslblc parlies , oUf ! 1'iiiker ct. Apply fill ) . 1'Axtou block. I''l r > IIIAIt'M-rilncUliiR4 , till purls of the clTy" . lient ninglp2 from ( I'J to ( W monthly. & Allen , 100m , fl'O HKNT House of h rooms1 , east and J north front , corner 2Mb nndVoolworth IIP. , nil modern conveniences , MO per mnnth. U. I' , ll-irrliuiii. ( HI N. Y. Lite. -J-Jl Olt KKNT--10-room bouse,2107 Douglas In- quIie'-'IIIDoujlas. t'JI ] pINire : lilencp. modern Improvement * . " 1109 ' tt , Mary's ave. . Sftt per month. Innulre at piemlses or at A. Holler's 1114 I'limam. DM 'I/lOli 1 NT lloi ! o , 10 rooms , ail modern Im- J. pKuenu'iits , liinto yinil. * l"i Jier month. Couiml-filui ) lo agents. Dexter U Tliomni. irOH HKNT 5-rpom hou e. Bood repair , nlco J vnrd. eislnrn n liter , ii'til ! . ' . Apply to 1400 South 7th tuc , ortoJno. W.llell , ilrusslst.UHh S-rooni house , S. E. cor. llth and Vlnton. pOH HKXT Oood 10 room lioit e , sewer , water , gup. bath. harn. furnace. In rlvgnnl shapecheap. D.V. frhole-s Co.'Ulst Nat'l Imiil : . n OUIlENT-7rooinflii ( . fiOP . l ( h Ht t-W -I per inoiilh. Apply ntThn I'-ilr , J. I. , llran- lsXf-uns HO "lilOKHKNT-Pcvpn rodin cot tnKP 313 N 1'th -1 l near Chicago , iX > per inondi , S. l.oh- inan. Sl'J ' "JjlOH KKNT T-rooin cotlaso with liarn.'JSnd J. and lA-nvotnvortli , SW PIT inontli to jood party. C. r. llaril. on,91l N. Y. I-lfu. 'Hoo J7 > IT'.Vr.N-iooin IIPW liouie. Koiintro 1'lncn , -Jonly SiSper rnontli , II. K. Cole , Conllnrntal blk. fUt-17 | lilOUUnNT Sept. 1 , cottnirpnlth all nioflorn . Impiovi'menm , 1521 Shoiman ave. 77t ' 1T1O1 ! KKNT House. II rooms. 2 pnntrlvt. well JL' and oUlurnvaleron eor. lot. 4lb and Will. inns. Auviist lando\v ! , Uoos hotel. 700-14 * FOUltEXT Desirable ilwelllnsq In" Coiinpll Itliills nt rpdnoed louts lanjilnc from W to S70 per month. E. II. Mieafo It Co. , lental ni-'Piits , Itruudway and Main His. , Council lllll IVs. fcM-AW 77ltJIlNSHEIi | ImuseS rooms , all modern eon- Jvpnlinres. . Addicss Jlrs. Norrls , ovpr Kelley - ley , btlser&Co. OUOO.M brlek house 2 blocks from I1. O. . rent j.V. . pik'oot fuiiillureSVW , part cash , balance inondilv. I'lirnlture now nnd roonn full. Uo- opuratho hand nnd Lot Co. , L03 N. ICtb st. hi : . 13 FOK HKXT 10-room dwelllns. No. COlHIIar- ncy .st. , iiilti'd for roonilneiind boarding ; rent ihoap. buo Dr. Neville , HOJ Uonslasst. U7II13 KOOSI and boaid , cheap , for two , In pilvate family. L"J18 Hurt st. Sta-U * FOIl HKNT r > - room collusn with water and batli lODin. 12IU Park \\ilil ave. Til 171OU RHNT 7-room homo near SCtli st. Or- I-1 c-hiird lllll. 8I per montli. 5191'n\on block , Neb. Jlortitaiie loan coin pun v. 17U / 15UUM llats , Sith and Leavcuwottli. U8-n30 ifOK IinXT To small family , reference ic- ( liilred , house a 1-001111. city and cl-teru water , S10. for. 1.1th and I'ucillo Ms. 1C. K. I'UIIMOII. & -JO-W * FOIl JtHNT 28-ioom new housps lit 'X'2 and 'MU Caldwell st. all inoilein eonvenk'iices \vltli barn , tM lo good parties. Oil ) I'uMon blk. 401 T71OH IinNT C-rooni house , S51'J Calrtwcll St. . JL1 city ater , cistern und null. Apply 2.M4 Cladncll st. 2i-l.V FOU Ttr.NT To responsible partlos only , tbosu line now brick and stone houses on Georgia avcnuo ; fifteen roonm and alcoves ; more conveniences and better llnlshed ( linn any liou'-o for ictit in ( lie elty , 11.11. Hender son , JOO l'a\t < m blockcltv. . 40'1 rr-ISOOMIiouso wllli born ; nominal rent. 0. I V. llarilson , 911 N. Y. Life. to.1 IflOll liNT-Ipslrnblo : : 6-ioom hoiiio , all niodpin Improvements ; c\eellcn ( local Ion. sodded yard front nnd icar. Convenient to wholesale district nnd new union depot. Good location for physician. Apply 1112b lUtli st. 400 2-1SOOM house. : M and Cumin ? . } . ! . " > per 3montli. C. 1' . llarilson. Ull X. Y. Life. 8 < l FOH KliNT UUOlS KU11N1S11KI ) . For rates , etc. . tec fop of flnl column on th < $ IjY 1'iirnlshcd Itiioni All conveniences private family. And a s"od place for the person. ItXXI Sliuiman ave. K-ll : ) * FOU UKNT- South room , with board In prl- vato family ; references. 2207 I'lirnum. Kfilb * rooms , 1SI1 Capitol avenue , J-i with board If Ueshcd. 879 i : > * 114 H. 2. > thh ( . parlor Hour to lent ; nl o fur- nMied basement. Soj 1C * rpllUKI ! nicely funil-.liPd rooms Tor light J. lioilsoLeeplng. IllS. . lllll. 480-1(1 ( * 1T1OK UUNT-rurnlshcd front tooni. 11.Si per JL' week. 11MIS rurnaiii. KW-14 * fp\\0 \ desirable rooms , ulnsle or en suite.with JL boaidinpilvntofamlly with pleasant home , located In modern rcsldunce. 213J llnrnov st , VM W * Gl'IiKOANT furnished rooms single or en- suite. llh llrst class board , modcrato pi Ices 111 S. 17th fct. Mrs. II. L. Kaml.ill. 'ids i : ; ' r 1 > l'UNIsIiri : ) cottage , 5 rooms , S. IGth st. InquhoCUS. 11M7 * IfCinonanST. 8ulto of handsomely furL - L nlshed parloi.s with superior boaid In smajl New Kngland family. Other rooms. 7U7-11' BiAUTiri'IJ : < Y furnished rooms with bourd at the hhelton , 101 S. 25th st. U7J la- * 00518 fiirnlshed , or unfuinbhed. 1000 JA Cup 11 til a\p. XXI T71KONT loom In prlviito family , all modern l eonvrnU-nces. a 4 Hurt. tr.'O-u * ST , OLA III Tu ropcan hotels 1th illnins room. lutl.-Dodjjo. Kjieclal rates by week or nio. "IJ10U I'.nNT-ruinlshed looms , ItyiO Douglas -1 Uii - * ) 17iOU UHNT Purnlsiicd rooms ; gas.b.ith and J. steam. 1S1 ! ) llowaid. IU1 HKXT T\\oboulh looms 1913 rurnnm. . 7bS n'5 * T rooms ; ulxibCiiictliig. ( CtS. J7tb ( M-al'J * FOK 11HNT Hrlck waiehonsp , t o stoiles and basenicnt , 27.CWKiiiaio ) feet , with 103 fept of double track on U. 1' . railway , south COth and Plerca streets , Addiess C. Oskamp Umaha. Xub. lU'i FUKN1SIIKD rooms , IOCS Capitol avo. f\57 all * IJOAIUHNG. Forrofr * . dr. , fte ti > i > uf fivt rniuinn on tlili DAY HOAItl ) 13 per wcnk. on Ifilb st. motor utnaunders st restaurant , 1LKJ1 N. 21th st. bi)7 ) 14 * KOI I liKNT-ltOU IS UNKUKNIKIIDD F natriirlf.i > ret < > put fivt column on thttpaat , * IViTm DiTJTf- l r-JbiiTs.'uuTcTiriLlied' ; " 210 S1JU JSt. . , price MO. SS4 UM'UIINI'-IIKI ) nmias over hardwire Btoie. lll''l Howard. Ml T710H 1IENT 5 iiiifurulihcd roous. HIS rasa JJ sir-lj * fItOOMs unfurnished and roorus fuinlsli < > < v'for rent In lUi o'an block , cor. 1'Jth and I'a- clilr. . or.1 KOK IlKXT-STOllKS t'ui mtti , fc. , nc Ji > p / Jirtft culiiMin nil Hit * JUQC. TjUm "itrfNTThostory brick Jmifdfiiit , w'lTh 4 \\ltbout power , formerly occupied by the llco 1'u'dMilnj ' ; Co. . lUti i'arnani > t. The bulld- sa llro-prcHifecinent b.iseinnnt.eoniploto m hr.nlti-x iKtnri-s , water onall ill" ( lours , en- . Apply at theollicoof The Hce. U15 STOUI.S u"7o S IBt Ji. KWnacriar.'o sh o w lmlo\\s.Hteniii heat furnished. Thus , 1 < % llidl.3ll I'u.xinn _ block. WCI T01J lliNf- : uildlnt'OOM2l ft. , t Htorlos anil J babiimuni , ,011 , Jones s. . betwe en 10th And Iftli. with 1C. II. ( raok lu alley : last location In ( hPcHy for h' > ! esalo. Iiiuiru | U10 S. 15th gt , l . A. Llniliiiilst. K 7 OlTlCKs- u-nt-Also a lnru'6 mnii 40xW on si-eond floor ltamg ' liullilliitr. ! US-s5 it I : NTAT/ For mtti , tte , , nt ( up of fint rulniim uii thU i at. LIST your ! iousi for runt with Oco. J. I'aul. ' IftX ) f'arnaiu t _ | _ 4UI HE CO ! , ! : , umtal ajieiit , Uoatlnental blk. . _ tta 1 J. IKKV , runliil iiscnt. 'Mi N , Y. Mf o. Ji ( ' _ _ _ _ _ ! ! ' * _ TjA K.COOIx , rciidil uency ; loans , . . Uoom l N. Y. JL hulla.iff. 77f a23 _ _ 'or rattt , tie. , ret foi ; tif fnt tnlitmn on tht * J HW. " "lOMKnii anilTaKp'a ihus nio tfeUiiienT : : v > iiiiplhliilt new. . I'arloriUO ? south luliKt. : , icxt Harkerhotel. TO-17 * Joiomonof 1)14 ) South iitlmlshes ; tolnfotni the pubtio Unit lui itis come to stay , conlrniy to ( ho wishes of lieexanilnlnci-omnilttpp nt physicians nnd \\irll-llerald. ( . Ills diploma they hud ( o limit iVnecond to none. Oul-Ji * " 1 JATKXT Trade-marks.ilp-.Uns. lahelsand J cop ) right * , reissues nnd rejected ca oi promptly secured. Infringements MKorously > ru c Miprt. ( I'ainiipi1 ' find rovnll v collected ! L'onMiHatlim free. Omaha Patent Agency , L'rouiibiblock , cor. loth nnd Capitol nv \ I > 4 is * M APPAni ! treatmentelectro-thernuil baths. - sculp and hair treatment , manicure and cJilropodlbt. Mrs. 1'ost , K SU-S1 , Wllhnell blk. . . & f n. . lUo bulidlti ) ? , Umahn. Kour years' p\pprlpnco as c-xamlners In U. . < . patent olllee. llranchiilllcc at Washington , 1) ) , C , Con ula- t Ion free. 7 < 7 \VANTIiD 10 I1UV. 7'or . nf firtt column on'ftM raltn , rtf. , we tup _ _ $100.000 real estate Mauled for cash. 1 want , forapllpn ( , < irlctly Ilist-clsi'.s , Insldo rental property , free of li.cunibrance and brliu'lnR In mental of not less than 12'i ' | ) er cent on thn Investment , I'artlpa bavins property inswcrlni ; these rpqulreinenH who dtislro ( o sell mav llnd a quick buyer bv addiesslm : mo within ono week , with full description of ( ho ptopertv offered and ( be lowest cash price for same. No outside nrnprity cmisldcu-d : no pimltlcs 'vantedi ivtll nssuini * no innrtgigosj will Invest from 8I .0 ( > 0 to iKAOiiOspot eash. The buyer will bo In Umaha within ten days to decide on Investments. Addiev * mo at once bv letter. Mention this paper. C. J. Colby. 007 _ raxtonblli. irTUIJ tfANTrii ) To buv a line earrlaso lior-so. i 1'ourth lieu o vest of licit Line on I'ar- nam ht , b5."i III rA\TKI > 10 or SO neres , about 10 miles west of town. J. U. Avails ! JOS N. Y. l.lfo. b2 ! H \\rANTKD-Kolllnir top desk , rpvolvlni ? > ' rbalr and two ortleoebalrs. ritao pi Ice. 1031 New York Ilto l illdlii ( ? . WiO-lJ "VirANTKl ) to liny A Rood second hand buckboard. L'lluSoward. Wo-14 * " \\7 ANTIIH Good cominorelal paper. Ne- I > Ijraska Morth'ugo Loan Co. , Mil Tax I on blk TTUJHNMTTKE , hoiKoliolil goods , etc. lllehost J- cash jirlce. 1111 rariinm. 100 1'KNSIOX AOICXOiT. For ralw , fte. , CM ( op iJirtt roliinui on tlits 1 pension eases. Uvorlli years experience. llavo secured civer.1.XK ( ) pensions for soldiers In Nebraska and Iowa , ( heir widows and heirs Abandonpil , delayed 01' rejected cn'-cs a ipeel- alt } ' . Claimant' ) for pensions under ( ho IIPW lawt-lioiilil Illo at once. No advance fee. Of- tlee Si ) Crclgliton block , next boulli of post- olllce. 61 ! ) slu * "VTEW law ; pensions for nlinost all soldiers ; -1 father , inotlicrs , Idow.s and minor chil dren of soldiers. Claljns pushed bv ] ' , . N. ClInKman.lllanil'Jiripn/er blk. . Omaha. Also Y/-ishlndlnii nnd Cincinnati. Circulars free ; 13yean' ixpcilcncu. Kil VTEW PpuMon I/aw Alldlsablcdfoldlersand J-i dependent widows , minors under 10. nnd jiarpnts of deceased soldleis aio now entitled to pension1 ! . Call on mo und Illo vour clnlmsal once. C. W. White rooinlJ , Continental block. UHa.11 * TT. PATCH , exclusive pension k claim at- toriiey ; overl. > yeaiV oxperlenee ; all ( ho latest 1/1 4 & decisions. Olllce removed from 1'ronzer blk to Chamber Commerce.K r > 4Omaha Ii.1-sl * STOItARl-7. J' rrata > , tie. , tcelopnf flnl column nil ( /ix ( ; x7) ) . STOItAOIl Pee m huforu storlni ; Roods of any descilpllon. Omaha Steve llepalr Woiks , iao ; Douu-lns. Tel.two 2H rpHACKACJKsloraso nt lowest Kites.V. . M. JL llushnian , I'M Ijcavenworth. E0.1 Drancli & Co. , 1311 Howard. . KTOltAUlJ 1'or inerclrindl'-o and furniture , cold storage and fieu/lng ; traekago David Cole , 615-slT 11 oward st , ' . ' 78 KOll SAIdS-IIOUSKS MAGOX8KTC. VorratCK , itc. , fte top of J\i \ t roliimntin this TjlOllRALD Hue dappln cray famllv car- -L' rlnxt ! Imrw six.veins old , \\olcht WiOlbs. perfectly kind and turtle , Klnulo liunos.i ; , pluuton and now Sliidebakerono hor.so wauon , forsalu cheap at.Wid U'ulnut avo. Walnut lllll. 8711 ! ) * " \\70IJK lioro JOO , ( HO horse wacon { 20 , double IT work hiirness $ ! . " > . Or will tiado/fora / good ll htsldu bar " buggy. II , E.Colo , IVmtlu- ental block. MO "IT Olt SAITA desirable carrlnco team , J-'yoniiK , woil watchcil horses , will ho sold ehoap. Address lj 43 , lice , 849-14 * TOOK SALE Hnnilsotno pony , kind , penile ; A. lady can drlvo or ildu. 131S Uouglnist. iKi'l IS * A GOOD phaeton for sale , 2520 Davenport st. 44.J. . ' . * 5ALE Oood drhhiK horse , bucgy nnd liarnoss ; Cheap. Inqnlro ut ulndsor Stahlus , Hid Davenport street. 60-14 * ROHSKS-IJpht drivers , bnrcaln1 ; . The late lire 1m made them cheap. 11. K. Cole , Con tlnental hloek uvj H $ JO and up. 11. K. Colo. WAXTHI ) TO 1U2NT. Tor ratc-i > , etc. , KC tup of Jint colinnri onif ( ? i > aij ( . ATTiANTnD Comfort ably furnished looinby ' Kondcninn , piefer private residence' ; state rent ! address L 43 , Ilee. bJ 1'J * GKXTIjKMAX and -wife dcslro boaid and rooms In a house of modern conveniences. Call at Hii : Douslus. 670 ] ( " \ \ TANTnn--Toient t-opt 1. 5 orfi-ioom ent- T tnio with all modern linpro\ements. li'.Jl , oll. 42il U SAM * KUIlNlTUKi : JOTC. I'urmtij.ctc , , MC top of first euhiinnuii / rujr , " 171011 SAhR Or trade , rurnlturo of ri-room J- cottage ; nc'irly new. Addtoss J. K. Koiihha , enroot "Thu 1'itlr , " city. Wiilb ( 'I foil bAliKor relit rnriilshlnits "in a ti-n- Jroonilioubc. . ltvt locution la ( lip oltv. All niodera convenience- , . Inquire at IDQfic'apltoJ Ave 412-11' l-'OIl SAMC J /"ornc. ( ' , etc. , fee foji of Jnvt niluinn on Hit * 1 OK SALE-floixl orsan nt one-fourth cost. - Inquire at Siilb St. Marys live. ' - ' ' " * FOKSAhK-TenJiotesof IW.M each , run- nliiK from 1 to 10 years , 10 per cent Interest , peunred by contract on 3)0 ) acres luiprinod land , Address I IIS , lice oilier. Ttn I/10K SALK New btelnwiiy & ton pUno.hcst -L1 niiiku , party Icavin ? city ; part cash , bal ance tliuc.lf desired. InnulruatUbl'n.\ton blk. O.V ! uuimiM.iAs : : UKi'Aiiis KTO. I'ur ititet , etc. , fee fop o/ pint uAuiim on this " > AHA5-OI.S and 1" umbrellas covered and re- - pulied. H. llalor. 110S. 13th bt./'d door from I' . I ) . Only man In town. u ; UMltltKLIiAS nnd para.ols repalreil anc covered. Key lilting nnd general repalrlo at Hellln'sKiin shop. Ill ) N. inth. ( .sOa-'l MUSIC AIM1 AXI ) ctesce fop tit fifrxttulmn on tltlt j > ao" JJ Kl'OKK Iviylnz a piano examine the new 4- > i > calcKlmb.ill piano. A.llospo,151U Donalas GKO. r.OKM.KN'ltKt'K.teacherof thobanjo. irlth Ho-pe , 151.1 IloliRlus. -JJ'j ' JilONKV TO LOAN. ] 'orratr , etc. , tee fop uf fnvt ruliona on tliLi j > i < je. Ij leans at lowest ratuss busines Ronudi'iitlul. 010 1'aMoiiblk. J. It. IIA'iriiItank.aiO'H.'l.Mir&t. . , loans money on chattels or collateral at roucmiblu ratoj \IONr.V to loan by n. r. Marter * in any J.'l amount from $10 to JIO.uuu , and for any tln.o from one to slv inontlH. Ixmiis iiKHlo ou lion-ehold goods , pianos , organs , horse ? , mules , IIOIISCP , leases , waie- liou.so n-celpts , etc. , at tliu lomisl | KJ | | IO rates , without puhllclty or removal of prop'rtj l.oaHSso arranged that you can muLe a pay ment at any time and reduce both prlnclpa' ' and liiterost. You pay Interest only for tin time you i othe money , If youowo ) halanci on your property or Imvo a loan you wish changed , 1 will pay It off and carry U for you 1 do not ml vc11 HO to loan yon money at Dank rates , but cnntliicntly claim to Klvu you lower rates and caller ( prins than can bo ob tained else v hero In the elly. Money always on hand. No delay. Xo pub licity Lowest rates. B. P. MnstoM , Hooml , WlthneU blk.iathand llarnuy HIS. _ 1 Jill VATE money ta loan cheap. 0.1 % llar- -L rlMnVUN. V. tlfo. 071 \IONEV lonipd atlwost ratpsjoastlino on Tllm proved UinahnjrAjjl cstatt" , no "extras" no delay. Glebe Loan &Trnstt'o.w7 : 910th. _ _ _ * ' ' ' IM. VfONfif s5Oorl > T l V > lonfiiriilturwirino < . LTliiorips hou-es , rt < j. J. J. Wilkinson , CIS 'niton bloc-It , , „ uw ) J N money ( ojonns lowest ratpsi no Inrso lo ns a siHfiuityj short ( line inpor lHiiL'lit. OiniiliH Morlgugc Co , ground 1I leer I C'liiiinlHTof t'liimi'iiivp. 415 _ OAN.S-Clty ami TflHn lonm , tnnrt aeo McCasu Invi-stniPiit Co. i 8 A \ , .inilfrtoriiMiort tu > jiiicr | V/lMiiilit : nl o rcjtnhir & } car loms on Impro ved property. Ui > o.lMi * l&Cu.'i)9 ) llaingc blilu. 1H17 KnVFTOMIMoitKBge Co-Loini of flO to tl.OO ) ; Kctour rntwbpforo liorroxvlnn and tnvo inoiipy ! loiimon lior-.p , fiirnlture.ornny ippmvrd ht-curlty without puMlrlty ; nutps liouisht. for now loiin , lent wal of old nnd low est rates , cull K 2W.Sliccly Wk.lHh & llowaid. va "IjUIMtlNtl loan' , 0 to 7 percent ; no atldl- JJoiiiilchiintPS fiirpqinmlsslon or attorney's ccs.V. . H. Mulklc , First National bunk bldg 1KVI "AIONI.V loaned nt low ritpi on furniture. -I" IIOIM. " ) . Au. , without pnlillelty. llawli-vo InvcstiiifiilCo. , itlDouglut hllv.lbtli und Doi 411 C1IKAI' Mimcv-Hinall Imus nnitted , nplilj * to Mitlu. MorliJiigo A ; Trust Co. T HIM id Trado. ? ( Vt3i " 1111 It&T .t apcond iiiortKUgw on vacant & Ini- - - prou'd oily prop. County warrantboiuht. Money on liand. r.M.UIctiuitlioti , alSN.V.Mfu. , _ . . , _ loans ut low rates nnd no ' delay. 1) ) . V. Miolea Co. 210 1st Nat'l bank. 070 UNVSt'AI.I-Y low rates Of Intei i" l unfli'Ht moitpiKPS ; of Improved real cstiiti ) for HIP next OJ diy liy tbo Kiinsas 'ltv Inrp-tniPiitCo. llooin.W Hoard of Ti ido. J. II. I'l-axi * . niiinnsor. ! C. ' MONEV to loan on any 'icurlty forkbort ( line .it low rates ] . ( ) ! > ( rates on personal pioperty. Tlio Ilendprson Moitpnpp Investment Com- PIIIIV. loomJCO. l'a\ton MU iCI " \\rAXTKD Klrst-cUsi In-ldoloans , l.onost ii ralCH. Call anil see vis. Mutual Iniust- inent Co. . 1591 Fiirnniii. ll'4 C II KAI' pastpi n money 1'hlladelplila Mort ae nnd Trust Co. , always ready to loan nnd pay promptly ; llrst inortvraKes vnnted. rtcoriro . I1. Uo.ites , rnti- rt ontatlvi ? , room 7 , lloartl of Trade , U5 EASTKUX money to loan on city property mortgngo paper bought II.Il.lteyN.Y.Mfe _ 1)75 ) U1MJ1NI ( loans made at , lowest rates.V. . > M. Harris room 'M , Fien/cr hlk. , opo. 1' . O. CAI. KSTATI5 loans. Very lowest r.des. C. J. Caa pU.moy. V. Life. JC--iiH n'E xTp'STAT'n I.onn--V.h ( on hand. ( Ililo J\ Loan Jt Trust , Co H)7 ) sirths.t No delay No e.Mra ch..rces. Houses foi rent ; Rood list. " SllOUTHANl ) AM > ' 1 Vl'HXVUITlXO. r < -rriitci > . rtt. , neetnp nf rt t rnimu on f/mj / i3r. "YTOTICK The special siiiiiinor session of the -L > clii es in puninuii.-lilp mil shorthand will coiiiinenco Monday , July II. Clashes will beheld held In the morning , lift' noon and evening. Call on or address for' inf'i'-mntlon. ' Standard bhortliand llimlne H C'ollegu , u\v Vork bifo liullillng. Omaha. Neh. 1N3 lr t att etc , , tec tap of fii l rn/iimn / onifs ( " \rAIIJIAilj ! ( pappr > eoiitainliiR columns of 1'J-peition.iU nml particulars of Kot'lety that pays fiorn i-VK ) to tl.500 at marrlaie , mailed free. Addicts thcUlobe , Alloona , J'.i.KJN10 KJN10 * OIjAlllVOYANT. I'or raM , cle. , pectuii of Jlr t column onif.i ) n < ; . \fME. LA WOSS , idle hislily celebrated lUel.ilrvoyantand trance medium , late of lloston , while entranced will re\e.il every hidden mjstery In 1/fo / , DlaKno H dScasy \\liileiuilcreontiol ; locates uilne and lost pioperty. I'nderstamls Hie sclpnco of the Hindoo niiiKle or ancient cbarm worklhg , pri" paresK yptlan tili-niMu : which will Kheyou tfood luuk In business and nil all'alrs of life. Perfect satisfaction Kiiar.mteed by mail , Send stamp for special terms. Hours , l ) to S p. in. 1'ai low at 1W3 DodRe t. 8''J-ia * SfllS. 1)1 ! . ElllTlife dl < itimUlsbed trancfl I'-l clairvoyant , late of llostun. Has rcmou'd to 1(20 ( Douglas st. Whlio en tranced \ > III rovcal evoiy lilddpii mvstery in life. 1'ropares Egyptian tallsninn which will ororcniuu your enemies , leinovo f.iinily troubli-s , restore lout nlTectloiis , unites tlio separated , helps all In troutile , etc. 1'oe. Ul und upwards. N. II. I'crfeot sutlsf.ietlon Kiiarantoed by mall. Send stainu for Illus trated circular. Mrs. Lr. ) I&cly. 1(20 ( Douglas fit. Omaha. 8W-ii ( * 1DUOP. 1'orrest , the people's old , reliable clairvoyant fortune-teller. Enclo'-o stamp for particulars or cull over G10 S. KHh st. 450 IS * ATltS. Ecclos , the most wonderful clalr > oyniit J'iand fortune-eller In the woild. has re turned from lloston. I < omarrlngo and ( old ( o all. COT S. llltb st. 4:315 * TV 11. XANMi : V. WAUItKN , clairvoyant , Jniedlcnl and business medium. 1'ciiinlo dis eases a specialty. 1TJN. 10th at. , rooms a and a. tuo I71OUTUNK Teller-ThpHonderfulcard rcad- -L er.Madamo bluvvr of St. Ioiilson account of the Rood success she has mot with will re main In the elty until thn 15th. Come one and all and bosatlsJIr-d as to the futiiie. , W N , 10th St. , room 2 , Ladles , JOc. Gentlemen. $1. \/f ASSAUK , Jladam Uelzlor. overUO S. llltn. 1 > JL 2.7 B. 2 * BUSINESS CHANCES. 1'or mlfx , tic. , twtopof flirt column on f/ili "IjlOH SALE A stock of Reneral inerehandl'.o -L1 of i7XK ( > , dolns a business of SUMOO yearly. 12. mllps north of Umaha , M mlle.suat of blouxOity , on N. W. It. H. Address A. O. & Co. , care C. S. thenkborg& Co. , Sioux City. la. 8f > S2 ! A IJAIJK chance If sold soon A llrst cluvs paving bakery , confectionary and cafe , firstclaab location. Address LSI lleo , S&-1.VI FOU SAhK Or Kxehansp Lnrsn mnnnfact- urlns Interest In a "I'll cnablNhed busi ness , for Omaha property or Nebraska lauds , llenauaAC'o. S7I 15 FOK SAT < n--l'iinr confectionery , with . " ) f ur- nMied looms , SOU H 12lh. SaT ) 10 * BItn\ViUY : for sale Cellars No. I. Apply ( oC. fcchrclner. llionuvillo , Ncmulia < o. , Xob. b)0-ij ! ) ; * Dltl'O stock for sale dlit cheap. Kiiiiulro llarle , Hans & Co. , Council HlutVs , la. la.W W 10 "VTOTICK A crocory stock , well assorted , - - > amounthiB lo fl..IW. located In one of the best business stands li > r veter , Neb. , IsolVoud forsalo If taken In ( ho i'e\t ton days ( stoio room for rent leasonablc ) . My reason for scll- int ; : The Into propiletor , . 'JVp > ( , dlod July M. I89J. Address , for further p.irtletllar-.l'arrio West , E.\eter , Neb. b77 1 ! ) * POH SAI K Onoof thubest paying saloonh In i-ontli Omaha : Ki > 'l location. SalUfae- faetory reason ghen for selling. AdiliessL ± Ileo. ieil 14 * FOK TIIAUK Gondnow stock hardniiroat holesalo pilco for Omaha prM'oity. ' In voices $10.000. 1J. V. bolt's Co. , 2ii : , 1st Aat. bank. _ ' _ i-1 ! * IJ10U HKXT-ln Do Witt , .Neb. , to responsible. Jpaitli'sn K001' ' VHROII and paint bliop'o\3i > . A Hteam ciiKlno In connection with .slum for runnln ; ; machlnciy In nhop. si 1011 is well sit uated. I'm further Informutlon liuiulro of or addreos William SperlliiB , Uu Witt , Neb , j .W-14 H'CTRIforsalP. Tivo-sUiry tirlck ; Uunuof the best hotels , dolnt ; an excellent good buslnesspon ono of thP'best corner * In the elty , Addicss Commercial Hotel , Ilrokcii How. Neu t lV3 1j01t SALE-rccd store. Addrusi 1C Cl. IlccT -W , ! - . 14law : * 1710IC SALK ( loal paylnc croccry store In J-1 northern part of eUJ'.l fclckuess reason for f-olllnK.liifiulri7b. _ ; _ Illli. ail 17 * TT'OH ' SALK-Dalry on .Ames a\o. open for -1- ? rent or trade. .1. r. Hol-h. K3.U7 * l'"urrntf . ttc , , net fop of fnt oiliiiini on HiU jnat T pT On Leavpnworth bet.erid and 2Sth sis. J-Jalaco bordered handkerchief , l.lboral re ward If returned toSJOl I.ea cnworth st..NJ2W LOST Silver moimted unibrolla from I'ux- tun hotel , cvuiilne of Aug. lx' . Silver jilalo on liandlu marked with nainu K , S. U. IJay. liberal reward for rutuin to hotel olllce. tttf 14 * IOST Aug. 13 , pass to Denver nnd Chicago > Iteturn toO. T. Cornell us , baKgngeinnster H. , VM. Ity. , Unialm. Liberal reward. WO 11 * 0T Ladles pockelbook containing money i nnd pauonU. I' , ( o Illlyard. Oregon , Kownrd for leturnto telogiaph olllco. Union dopot. KM-ia roil UXOUANGI : . l uriatet , tic. , tec top oflot / column on thlt VniAT have you for lanoVs , lots , bousc.s , etc , Address k Yt , lieu. tai-c.ll 710U rXCHANOK Owd clear InM for Rood - rcsldi'iicoi will assume some pnciitnlirmifi ) . lnipro\e < l ilSO acrn farm In Iliiltnlo on nty. for nlenhoii < p ; or a stock fiinui good buildings. Ilmiml7 , onn ! of trade. ! Mi-14 POT fit lloilford I'lnci'ontnteiwtli : ) a. , lo -"exchange [ or tot In I'.irlhneo or hlnroln 'Into.i. . 11. Sol by. 13 Hoard of Trade. tM IVANTKI--Mid clear farm lands hi Ne > - ' brnskii for ineieliandlM' ' urooerlpsor HCII- r.il. 1 Cl Saiimlenst. . Oiiinlni. Mfl 14' IV \ Ol' hiiu'st'ii'ks ot KOOIIH ol an v Mini nt Mehniie fur eiiod Wi' t < > in Improved farms , klthoiit delay or loss < it time , wo can Ket jou lllve full piutlculars. I. A. U , Oniiina. ( W-14 \ \ ckclpar iot . bondPP. . . ( or farms , lauds , no. Ad < lri"-s I/.T lee. 1WA.NT URi-oeerv tnek that will Invoice fiom tLnnntod , : have 12 ri'sldcm-e lots oril..NOnxd cash for balance. LoeMlox IKI. Central City , Nob. IVI M' $ I.MK ) slock of .Jonol loesmid mngcs. tln- waio mill llxtuit's fur jnrt cash , balnneo rude. Co-operntlve Land and Lot C'o. . SK > N. Ot h st. M11 OOi/1 iTpnld Witliliivui iiti'li and otk linr o 'lo trade for gond Rldo bar bUKgy. II. 1C. ? oe ! , Coiitliiintal block. tOl ' " 10OI ) hind lo exebninro fin elty prnpetljror VJniproliiiiulIsi * . AddiessVeatcrn \ 1.\plnuigo "o. , Uoluinbus , Nob. 6"8 I'i * "I710IC rXt'llAXon A N"ob.f.irm iinilriixlifor - AOmalia Imiisu and lot north about * .lww. \d.lross 1.4-i lice Olllcu MJ-14' . " . W acres In Grri'ley Co. . . . - „ . [ or stock of diy Roods bnniB Inquire .112 N. Mill st. IvCJ U * -A. stoou " [ nierchiiidiss which will in vjlrv from * U ) to IMW In cx- iliniiRc fur a brlek re-.l li-n -u and OIIC-ITO lot n O'i'eiilii. l.i. Tills house cost } 1. > .OJ ) nml Is oinpletn and mo.lpin in every partli-nlir. ' 'latino water supply , "tp-vni boat , bath roiuu. to. , and Is ch'.ir of ln'"iniir.iiic'ovltlipiiteit : Hie , etui make up tiny illtTcrvneo wild cmid ir < t niorlgiise paper. Ajiplyat.No. 1iaN.'Ntli ) it. , from 0 to U' dally. .1. K. I ! . TVS TIrAM'nii Moit.a3o for ftearn ( or bnrso TI tiiiilnuv biii't'y ; chuup. Aildlcbx I. 'JT.IIcc. and ° I IJXCIIANOK-llpal estate for horse" ii I.I T70IJ KXCIIANOr. JILOOOstookof hinlwiiro. -t : fi-din llrst hanils. at \ > lioluiilc prices ; J.l , . W cn h required Jan. 1 , ISsl ; will lalco for b.il- incoof eiiully good clear Nebraska 01 Inwu faun land or Oiualut property with small In- cinnbriinco ; full llneof snuiples.in be-.ei-n nUniiili.i. Address K SI. Ili-e olllee. ? . ' , { IOSTATK. ICoi i-atf , etc , tee toil tif flivl ra'Kinil ' on Hit * jinj S\M-Ortradi' : . Itomtlfiiliiov ll-rmini IIOII-.D . only U block" wcit of I.i > c ae. . on ! n s st. , hlKh and slirlitly and on Rrado ; full ot , city water , cistern , tenet , bay w liulmv. lOiehes. double Ilixir. cellar , all finished In : lnt-clns > htj le , hiinpst cash price. ? : i'0i1 ; -mall pnyniont diiwii. balance > ery eisy.Vill \ railo for < > liar f.irin land or Oin.ihii . lots. Owner , I' , ti. Merrill , \\aliiutnvo \ Walnut lllll , Omaha. fe70 3 f. KW 4-rooni house , till f ton lllll , easy monthly navmeiits. $ l00. , : ; Nc.r (5-ioom liouso , I'le .int lot. .inio addition , monthly inynipntt. JJ.4X ( ) . \\lll build houses to older n Cllflnn lllll. Moniiiouth I'nik , Curl Ii ! ; : < . Went Ciiniiiuaiiil otlrr luciitlnns , and sell on onty monthly piyments. Cull and teens If \ou wnnt a liome. Have cash CU IOITPI fm n eiiiHl lut within ; i bloiks north \Vjlnut lllll sdiniil and Host of military mad. and for a nap bclwoen JJiili and I.m\o a\enue. Wullaco illluyney.illO Ilmwnblrig. S1,1 ! II E A lid MX New. well Imllt six room oottiiRp ultlisinull tiarn , full lot. on Spauldliij st. . Diuld lllll , iilutd plass. plcctrlu Jboll. etp. Minitlily payments orothciwts > o to suit. (1. ( K llntts 21s t. ir.thst 6I1S ( [ 71O15 A MI 5-rooin cottage , full lot , bi lin- L1 luTl'Iaec , ono block vest ol Clifton Hill , only JfCO. , JIOl ) cash and f'-Ti tuory ,1 inoiitbH liiqiiiroof owner , Ii U. Merrill , 4ICS W.ilnut ae.Valnut Hill. 67 ID' "I7IOU PALK--4llh and Kiirnnin , six dlfforpnt -L1 mv houses , evciv eonvenlciieo IncliidlnK Kas. f urnfico , etc. Kti'jjn nt. i.7JO ! to M.'J.V ) % . X ) to } . " > 00balani'o nt 7 ] > cr cent to suit. 1) ) . V. fcholes owner , 2KI , 1st N'at. bank. 427-15 " \\7"AN'Tl-n : llll,7)2 ! ) people ( Omaha's pir'Jont M population ) , lo Iwllevo In Its commercial Kicatncsri and to know that now Is thobpsl time lo secure on uood ( crnis a home In this elty. lor partlenlarsieudmy advoitiseim'ntb. C , I' . Jlarrl-on , Uil N. Y. Life. J la' TTIOK SALV.--1IOO S , ICnd St. , ulOKiint brick -L lieu o ( en rooms. Itesl bargain In Oinahiif 510,000 , fc.OOO cash balnncoll ) percent. 1) ) . V. Sholes0o.,2ii : , 1st Nat , bank , 4S7-13 ASMATjlj payment down aii'l ' $ IA per inontli will buy a 4-room house and lot on loth , 'i blocks from motor ; first-class chance ) to ac quire a homo on easy terms , Apply toll. Ii Cole , Continental block ; OS ! V7"AUGIl&\VcatoifloldrealC3tatc.S.Oinina. : COTTAOKhomes In infet any ndilltlon for sale nt f i out il.nooup on easy monthly pay ments , K. K. Darling , < a Darker blK ) M " 1/1OH bAhK Nlco 7-rooni house ready ( o -L' inove into , with full lot , J-J.203 , 200 cash. C. 1' . Ilarr Ison .911 N. Y , 1-lfc. WT TP Y(71T ( have anything to sell or exchange Icall at 0181'aMini hloelc. OSS LINCOLN'VIace lols&l.sn. DcXtcrL. Thomas 7rf lljl.TOO , 5-room house and lot : $ , W ) , 0-rooni Phonso nnd lot , until ' "titli of AiiRust. S. U coi. llth and Vlnton. Mrs. Kiililinan. ' ' AC1IOTCI'sltoon rarnini. oppoMto Mr. T. Ii. btoni-'s ( Ino i-osldonci' , 100\1S7 feet , Unit wo will soil very ehe.ip If taken before Auir. I , Umaha ICeal IC late : uiil Trustcomiuny , i ) ii. lith st. , Ituobnllilln. . TG.1 KluVTlinrisalns V > .000 111 hay a linoiusl- ( lence. } J'iO'J ' down , balance ou time. Alsoa line residence lotrlieaj ) fun'uih , ' Alsoa flno realdencu In IConnt/o I'lncp. rorpartlcnlnrs nnply : it thn Neb. Hoam luundiy , s-c eor. Kith & Howard sts , wi FOI ! SAM--Tho cliolco roildonio at No , 10'il enrsia : ive. , SIxlW f t , U front.Olarse rooms , bath , tin , sewer , liut iind cold water , chisetiind nil i-onvonlciu-os , owner soln to luavoclty , 1) V. sholet'o. . , 213 1st Nut. bank. 6CO $ I.V ) for I-incnln I'laco and UnrlliuRi ) los [ easy terms. W. L. s'clliy. KJ llourd Tr.ido. 741 A1IAIIGATN Toany one \\antliu u deslra- nblo home. Wohavrii nine room lioii'.n , hirRoliurn nndcurrl no liousu , one block from the inotoi' line , but tvvulvo nilnntes from 1'arnain St. , thai wo can soil cheap , and will take a lotor n small hoiiio and lot. In part payment.ami Klvo i"isv tcriiHuu the billnice. Oniuliu Itcal KMaloanu Trust coninaiiy.iiO S. lUli st. . llcobulldlni ; . 7U ( CIO C'Aill anil $ S per month for houio nnd P full lot ut from $ to jl.GO ) eacli. W J. I'niil , Jftn I'uinaiii , Ul ITIOK HAM1'onr good lots malnut ifnT * Mxl.'iO caeh. on Brado. I'rlco.lXW oiiob , worth donhlo tlm nionoy. Stringer & IVnny , Dotirlas liIix-K. 10th and lied 'i- . 41X1 .Notion to Cunt motor' . Soulrd propOHalswIll bo recclvorthy ( lie olty council < ) ( Omalm , ru'hrislii , until 1'J o'clock , noon , Auv'ii.stltDth , b'.iu. ' fur all inulcilal , labor , etc. . to tlnlsh and onnplvlo ( be unrpontci and lolnci woik , ornamental iron work , iilaMcr- Ins. btojiin hoatliiu , and iilninbln r iiiiilras llt- UIIK , In the c-lty hull being oicctod at ( ho 001- ner of 13th andI'liinuni htredls , lu tlincity of Umahn , .Vubraskn , u ioeably to plain and Kioellleati | < inB to be scon at the olllco of 1'oiv- lur& llohidoi-lf , nreliltocli , JWKuinuinttrrcl , and iindfirtlielrdlrootlnii' . . llld.s to bo ncom - panUd by a cerlttkd check cqnnl to lh-i > IHT centdf tlio anionntof prnpoiil. bidi - he foifoltod to oil v of Oiiiahuln is nci'optcd and the fallurn of tlio bidid-r to sign contiata and fiirnl-li such bondb iu uh ill bo requln-d by thoclty council. Sepurnte bids will bf iccolicd.ttliloli naybe coninlncd : also lump blm. No c-onvlet lalinr will bo alhnved. The envelope ondoMng ; hid to liomnrkrd " ' - "I'l-opoiiil for work of City Hall. " nnd addicisod to I' . I * . Davit , Chalimnu of 1'ubllo ' 1'niporly nnd Iliillilliis ( 'oiniiili tee , t-aro U.S. Good rich , ( onnitniller. Apply to architects. Koivler k lloliidorir. for all fiirthcrliifnrinatloii. Theroiincl ic.cries thorlgiil t' ' > reject nny or all bids , lo ucicptor decline foolcxoa contract in In tholrdlhorc tlon they shall ifijoni best for the city. Hybrdcrof ( ho Committee. JoiiNOuo\es. City f'lnrU , i. BW. uTilIlt Nollco. Ulils will bo received by the board of print- Ink' nt thoofllcnof HIT rotary of stiitu on or bc- fore Atijust Slut l5'J ) . at o'oloi K p.m. , for printing and lilndln In cloth MM iMplcnof import stale board of ajrleulliirofor tlio year lhyof four hundred IJMKCH each morHor'hHs , anil , W)0 copies of rcpon utatu board ( ifhnrtl- cuKuro for the year JWJ of three hundred IKi'jcs cnch innro orles . "hanipliof workniay bo seen atlnoolllcnof Becrclary of stao. Kislit ichbrvwl to rejict anyor nllhld4hy thoHtiteprlntlnj board. Lincoln , NebniKl.u , Aii iistutli , Itt'JJ. ulldlot liLV ll lowuKitv.becrtiry. Dlflsolntlnn of I'jirin < > r8hi | > , To\Vliom ItMay Concprn : The copartner- sliliihi-ruliiforo c-\l lin licl i'-n C. Kotso und I. Itundaz o , iindortho Him niii.ii1 of I Hosso i. Un. , has lids day ht-i-n dU olvc < l by mutual eoiiK-nt. Mr. Ito'-io will i-ollcet ill urcoiintn diiutho ( Inn of t' Itouo > V I o. , andpuyall dobta of tlio huld fliut of U. Kossoi t'o. ( . 1. % VHKnr.B. A Joint rnolullon n * trtoplcil by the leililalureof thoxtnlr of .Npbrsskn.R * thotwenly-Orit sMdonlhtu-rof , and opproTCd Kolmmrf Kith , A. p. ln i , priiponinr unnnit'nd- tnont ( otho Coti < lUiitl'iii ' o ! nnlil Mntr. nnd thaHald niucuitucnt ilitvll rend u follows , to-iilt : Beetlonlt Tlint t tlio KCiioral election to DO held ( in the Tucsilay mireodini ? the dr t Mond.iyof Noieinbrr. , \ , ! > . ! > tlii > ro dluillliy Bitiulttrdlo tlio olifior. " of this Itutcfor ap- pru\al \ oirnjictlunnn miit-ndinoiil tollir > rnn- i > tttutlon of this itato In wor-ll us follow * : ' TlioiiiHnnfafturcsnlo nnd of Inlo.vlfiit In ; llpnfs ni n I't'vcrneonro ' for- nvorproldt > lril In IIU4 KnU , and th li l la- UircMuill iimtliloliy law forlhornr ti-enicnt of thKi froIMon. . " Ami tlioro fluill al-out , intdnloullon bo ven-ir ti > lv Mibnilttod to llm clr-ctorsof thli stnlo for their niipmval orro- Ji-ellou an aiiiNHltiic.nt lo i-onstltiitUiuof tlio slate In nulsin follo\\s "Tlio iniiiiufni'- tnrr , salt niulkoepInK l\r \ nuirof Intcnli'HlInu llipurs as ti lievet.iKo thnll bo Ho 'iisi-d .mil iMKiilntcd bylaw. " t-cc. 'J : At muh olrrllon < nti Ilio hillot of eaehclt'florotlni for the pr. > | Cliiinciid- inonlH tudiocuiiHllluttnn slmll liitlttciuir printed the \\ord \ \ < ! "Tor { nopmod aniiMid- inciit ( o ( ho i-ointltullun , prolillillln Ilio nitinufnittirc , Mnlo nnd ko * p'nK ' ( or .ilo of intoxk-Htlnp llijnou us a ticvi-rsito. " or "Agnln&t tbo | ir | inseil amendment to tlio iiiusUt.illoii prohibit Ins tlio inanulactiiie , Halo and l < i'0iin | for uilo of InUnlcntlUK lliiiiorH m u lK\i rnito. " ThcieOialliilxolio wrlttoin r prln ( el oiitl'O ballot otcai'lieN- votln for I'IP iiiopixril Hir.i'iiilinmt In I la' cmut Million , the wuriN : "For prupo-oilniuNidiiiPitt di I hoconitltntlon that l lie nianiif-ii-liiro , f.alo and li''um | ' lor snloof Inlovlcatlni ; llimorins a lo\i < i-nii'lii ! IhH stale sh.ill In ) lli > eiird nnd lek'tilntril bylaw. " or "Aunlnt mi l prowst ] > d nnicnil- inent to the co.i'tlt ntlini lli.it tli * niannf'ic- Itin- . sale and Nonplus Ii r silo ollntosloalhiK liquors us n liuci 1 0 shall be llconscd and ri < uuhilii liyluw , " Sec. ; i : Ir < > ilnr o ( ( lie said propped nniciidiiientsihalllio , ipiru\otl | \ Ir : i nmiorlty of the I'lectnis Mitlns nt lhi il l clec-llon , tlunlt shall consllnto s i-llon i-iily-se\rii I'.TIof artlcluonulof | | thu ooiistlliuiuu uf this St. Mil' . 'Ihoreloro. I , .lolin SI Thtver , Oorr-rnor of tlicHtatcof > i-br.i knilo licii > lif Kite notlpo In nceonlniiio wit'i ' SI IM | > n uno [ il aillrU | lf > l of the const Hut Ion nnd t IKI ti roil -ions of I no uct-n ( Itlrcl 'an nit t.o proiido Iliu iii.iiinci ot propi rtini ; all am mil mints d < t lii'i'OiMli utlun and siibniltllnit tin -aim' t ilho cleutms of llio stuto. " Approvvd l"irn irr 1'il'i ' , A l > . Hi7 , tliit : snld ninpdvd ; iiirnitiu : ; > nt u 111 bo tub- inlltra to tlii'iiuiillllfil votus uf Ihlsttnt' for apiiroviil or lojiM'tloii nt tin Bon > ril clootlon to DJ lulJ ontlic Itb dav uf Nou-iiibi'r , A. U. lo'.Kl. lo'.Kl.In In wllnpsssherpof 1 hoiciinlospt mv luiul , andennse tobi alllxed the c real sc.iloftho . btale of.N'ubi.isk.i Hone nt Lincoln IhNS'ith ' day of July. A. 1) IM ) ) . mid tliJltli vciroflho suite , and of the Imli t MidrnO' > of tlio United yt'iti1 ' tlie one hiii.dreullf t'i'iitn lly thoGotornnr. JOHN Jl. THA. YHl. UKV.IA.MIN I.UOMIUIIY , lriR.tu ] Secretary of State. Aimint Id.'lui men LJ < \ . > I . , A joint resolution wnsadopton Uy the lcilMlitiiroof , tlin Htnlc iilNobliisku , at Ihc twmi v-flrst w-s.dii t luieof , mil approved March : ntli. A. 1" ) . IhS'i , pmlujstnj nn aim'iut- incnl tosei'tlon Thlrtien ( ID of Article Hx ( Bl of the lonsllttitlon ol s.iiil st.ito : tliutaiid i-t ion as amended skill icatl a < follous , to- \vlt : Scctlnnl : Tlintsootlon thlrtpea ( I3)of ) nrtl- It-six ib > o f Iho oi n-t.lut ioiiof t'nstalool ' Ku > br.isk.il'O [ UH'iuleil seas turoudni ( ollows : bei-tlui 1.1 : Tin1 Juil.es itht'iiipioiiiocourt ) ( Kliall eiich icieUcu salary uf thlrty-llvi-In-ii- Uri'd ilillaiiSI..Mii peraiiiiiini mJ tlio 1iitltos of the ( llstrli'l i-oiirl s'liill ' rcoeho n hiil.iry of tliTL-o Ihoiisjiul itnllaiiiU.OJd ) pir uniiuni , and the suliry of e u-li slnll bepayublo iiiarliriy. | Section U : K.-oi ! peijjii uitlni ; In favor ol thli anciidiniMii hallliuven rllten or printed upon bis b-illot tin * following : "Torllie 1'iojioMd aniondiiiontto Iliooon-itl- tutli > iiielain | to UiCH.il.uv Oi'jnclgcs of the iipreim1 anil uKtilct cnnrt ' 'Jhoii'foro ' , I. .lulni H. Tluiycr. Bovernor of thostnleofXo ii.i.sUa ilo lu'icliy uhu nnlloe , Inaeenrdftiu'o with section oiiulll artlelcllf- Icon | 11) ) of lha iDMi-tltntlon , and Hit- j > ro1 1- Hluns olan net cnllt loil : "An net to piot-ldo the niaiinor of jiropcslnc nil aniuiiiltnuiits to t ho ( sonstlttilloii ami Milnnltt in4 tlioHnnir to thuolnit riiif tlichtiile. " Appiuvo-d I'ubriiury 13th. A I ) . HTT , tlnit Slid proposeJ nnn-iid- nii'iil , vlll bosnlinilt ( Oil to Ilio < | jilllloloters ; ( of thlsitntofoinppinMiI ii r ri'leotion. at the coneralelc-ilion to Lo lii-lloii the ( Ib day ot November. A. I.1MJ. \\ltiiBssvvliori'of I halo hcroinilo set my hind and eaii'-o I to lie utllxod the srontseal oflho btato of Nubiail'a 1'one ' nt Lincoln. ( Ids'.fitli dayof Julv.A. 1) ) mu.iui'ilho . ( wen- ty-fouith year o ( uic silo , nml of inolndo- pindiMice of thu United Matin tlio unohun- died flUeenth. lly tinGmernor. . JOHN Jl. T1IA.IEIS. E.N.IAMI.N K. Oonnnnr. [ fr\i..l Secretary of btato. August Idltn M Al ION. Wurnr.AS , A Joint resolution iva ? adopted by thrlo UlnLiiie of Iho si ito of r\cln-n > il < a.iit the tucnty-lliHtEussloii tlifioo/.nndapprovi'iJ / JMarchlMth.A. I ) , ls > o pmjxisInK amend ment , to Ruction U\o ( ! ) four [ 4 ] and live1 [ " > ! ol Article blx ( til of cimstltuuoii of siid : tate and t lint snkl scitloii us auioiiiloil bhall read aifiilhrns , to-\vili Section 1 Tlnit se''lloii two ffl of article six ( fief ) ( lie constliutionof tlie btato oINcbiasku be nnwidi'Jso 113 to lead as follow s : "Section S : The sniieino | court shall con sist of live n ) judges , a innlorltyof whoinshall bcncri'ssair to foriiiiuinoiniiiortopioiiounre adechlon. It slmll luvo ( riprlnul juilsdlcdoii in eases rrlatlni ; ( i'O\ciiui' \ , c-lill discs In \fhlchtho ktutoihallbu a jiaitx * . inaiicl.iinns . quo warranlo. habeasooi-ni-5. | and sueli nppel- late jurisdiction us nuy hi' ' prorlcleil by law. Section"- ! That -.oilioiiloiirl ( ) of 111 tlile six fCi.of tlie constUutionof tlir * state otN'obr.iskd , be atnendeil so as to lead a follows Petition I ; Thojndjcs ol the siiineinocoiitt shall bo olwtodby ( hi > olcotorsof the state t laisc , and their UTIIIS of oBlec , o.xcept as hnreinafterproildud , shall bo for a period of Hie ( "iiyoais. " .SecMlin ; ii Tlntscitlonllvofi ) of article six iCof ) tlio oiinstllutlim of Ihoslatuof Nebras ka , beninriulcdso nsto rradn follows : Section 3 : "Altliolirst Roneral oloctlon to ho held In Ilio year ] 1. ami after the adop tion of tills nnifiidtnrnt to HID constitution , thcroslmlllio elected thrco ( .11 judges of l IIP supreme court , ono ot whom sliallbo elected for the term of ono ( I ) year , one for tlio tot m of ( hreo ( Illyonmmdono for thn term of iivo W years , nnd at oacli Keaoral oloctlon tlicro- afturthorcshall bo elected ODD jud eof tlio supreme court for tlio term ol ( no ( . " > ) yean , 1'rovlilpd ' , that the Judges ot the nnpiunio court who-o terms liavo not n.\plred ut tlio ( Inn" of holding the uancral elot-tlon of 18'JI , shall continue lo lioM their ollicofor Iho ic- miilndcr ofthotiirin for wlilcli ( liey wio 10- po ot-lvely elected under thu uiuaont consti tution. " irectlon 4' Tint each personvotlat ; Infuvor of thin amendment shall liavo trrittcn or printed iipun his ballot tlm following : "l-'ortheproiKisediinicidmint totlieeonstl- tut Ion roldtln ; ; to the nuniDur of sifprcino " judges Tlicn'fore. I. John M. Thaypr , Oovprnorof the slali" of Nclirnska , < lo huroiiy Rlvonotleo In ncinrdiiiR-o vlth 8eotl < in ono ( llartlelo lif- Icon < ! . ' > ) . ottheconslltntlon , tlio iiiovislonsof the act cnllllid : "An act to provide ihomiin- nor ot pnipfisin. all aniriidinoiits to thn cnn- slltnllon and siihinlltlnKtbo sitnulo ( heclo-- tors of the btati1. " Appiovod Fulminry l.'uh. A. 13.I&7T. thathald proposed ninondmi lit will 1)0 ) presented to thu qualified voters of Dm statetor npprov.il oriitjettion at the Mineral election to ho held on the 4th day of Novem ber. A. H. MO. In MltnCHs wliorcoll liavo licromito fet my hiindandeanhdl to ho ulll.veil thn iriv.it we'll of the state ot Ntiliraslu. Done ut Lincoln this ! Mi ) diy of July , A. D. IfeW. uti'l ' iliotwin tjr-fourthyoarof tlio it.iti' , nnd of the inde- pcndcnooof the United States thu ona liiin- drodllftoenth. JlVlho Oovi-inor. JOHN M. TIIAVKIl , IlLNJAHI U. OOH'IlFnV. ISBAI..1 Scirotary otStato. August jd3rn Kotieo to , < 7on tractors. Foaled proposals will he received by the seu- rctary of thn bonrcl ot education until 2 o'uloik p.m. .Moailn/ , Auj'ustIStlilSnfor ! the erection ol thofolhnvin ; ; school hulldlnns , In accordaneo with ] ) latis and rpi'clflcatloas Uilo fount thoolllio oflho soert-l.iry. Onol-slury tno-rootu Iranm biilldlnjat tlio Illclvory fi-'lioolMite. Onol-storv tvro-rooiii Iraino bulldlnut Ihe Onol-Hdiry t\u.-room \ frame bnllclln ; at the Central I'urk t-rlioolnlti1. Thi boatd ri'sarvej tho.rlxlit t ) reject any or all bids , Omaha , \ncnst Slli. lfi . 1I\ order of ilie Koiird of riliioallon , CIIAIIIKB CoNiiiiiSooietary , I'arl norsliln D.n mil till on , The firm hcietoforo known ns ( leo. 1Hlust A ; Oo , dolnz bii'lnow at 'JKI l.'uin'n llulldliiL' , Omulia. > cbrn-kaliis ! tlili < luy IKUI mutually dissolved by the imrtni-rs r-'ald ( i'orno r Illnst anilM.iltom ll. I'olcrson aiii to cuntlniK Iliu Inislnfos , pay all debts of tliu linn tli.il nowuiipnir untlie too Us of k'il < l Orin and col lect all debts due He s-itim. 171:01111 : il' : . llit'ST , M AUJOM II. I'HTI.HSOK ' , Ijoiirf .I.SMHII. Ointlui.Nvb , Anjiistll. Is.'J. iilIiKIt N'otio ? . Scaled lilds I11 lo i ocolvcil iinlll Ausnsta for lieutlrs selmol liJllalns In Iloldrvge. Net ) , witlisteuni or l-.ot\vitcr. \ 1 ur jiartlruliir nd- W. M. KAL'U , FocritaryHoanl cfKducation. FOR RENT XCH/MG ron SALE- iRHLWRYT'INEGARD ' ACIKIC SIIIIRII\.N : ; \ TOAIXS tr > WolwarJ sf < " i "i p a a n in n in ii in i pin p in II III p 111 40 ii. i : > . ; ii 4) ) 8 : .o 1- ii i m 4)w H " ) rnlit lllll 5. . ' . : , j ou w 8 1 W ' j.fvst ( U 0 Ol I 01 iVilniit lllll . . I ! U'l s : ti lliinili'ol'lari1 . . . . . II ( ! < h M 1 i\oit SlJo . . . .o' > ; ID 15 I IS U It H 1A > , , 1 M ; ; | ISM IS S 591 1 M Milsct tl W i n iiioiir 1'nrk O ( Id I I 21 1'urUiI. _ . . . . . n ii t : u ICiiitwurJ pin l n in p.in , I'ortal < M n ) ) : ij rl'nik. . Ul a l n S 4li y ; ; . ; . ; . . s i i > i w si : ' I S ) \\cst \ Wile H.is , r.in.rri . ' .u > I ! 15 v.n 1 K Diintlco I'lnro . i i ; ti r ; 1 s ; \VMimt lllll ( I.VOJ.-'IIU.III ) 5.ID II.'JO ' 2 01 ' -iiH AM C. 21 ti'in _ ui Driilil lllll A ! . - > rt t > w j.ui oik ciintiiiun i.2iiiiios ; : : ! .t H rti i ; iv 1 > .M 2 M \VibBtnrKtrwt. . . . | r..4U7.45'll ' an 'i J ( i ID1 ID.O'i 2 ' . ' ) run TNi-TllUMBN'M ulaood on 1 yosli-rdnv : Jiifriisi'U'iiienttn OS Hnrrowi. , lot T , blK ; i , Willis Pirk , I'liiec ' , w il , $ I'hrnskn Nullonal lunkto KU Moignn , lots I undr > , Jacob's , q oil I Klla Justcsou and lnisliiinil to X il l.avl ) , out lot ft lyciolnnd 1'lueo.w d 7,710 Jl Unllelc imd HlfotoU I1 und I' M\V \ > - iniiller. IHU roils gov'L tix lotluSKi - HI. vd T 0,0)0 ) Albright land and lotcoiupany to Julin , lot ' _ ' , blkl , lojius' | ) Itouin/.iiMil ) . w d fXU SJ Kair anl liiblmnil to I' I * llunluy.v 41 ftlotslJ iindia , blkalfundall'sad I , w < 1 . . . . 4'iOO All Alwood tol'C Sclhoit , lols 12 and 111. blk 1 , Moniuouthl'ark.vil . 1.000 1'C Gai-d mid hnsluuid ( o .1 I1 Dee un , lot 1 , block 1 , rorthnil I'lac-e , w d 1,91)0 ) J I' Kminul wifeto Samuel and I huhlcsl nvcr. vv.st half lot X , hluuk 0 , IUHC'MJ.1 iildanl , ( part lot 1' ' , block HI , South Omalin.w (1 . 10,000 0,1 , I'leclc loJ 1' Flack , Uooit 1 , Jlystlo I'a i k. q cd . 5 3N Hi'll nnil wl'io to I ) II Wlicoler. Jr , wst hnlllot 15 , block l.'i , lut l.Uhu- add.w U . KatliirliieA Arlhurto A K Tourallii , 8 ( > 5-luO acres In the sw sc 10-15-1J ( rolllu ) , wd . 3..VH Tvtolvo transfois n I'crinlts. Tiio following pormlta ivoro Issuctl by Ihs siipoiintcndcntof liuilOings jcstonluy A. It. Oslcrhoudt , two-story friimn blacksmith sliop , Kl lik'Diitli and Cans strei'ts . , 500 51. I- . Keys , two stoiy finmu icslilenec 19121tlini'V slrcot . 0003 Chailos A Iloil , ono story fiamo cot- ttiKP. Kourlocnthimd ( InxMistrccts S , I ) , Mi'rti'i' . tliroo'slorj brlik nilillllon to liol lbiiUdlii , Twilftli and llov- iirdsti eils . . . j 500 Chillies Dm r jck , ono sloi-y fiuino cot 500Wl ' . FdiirtH and Bancroft stioits Wl , permits . UVJ Total A.CIiol o Mst ol * Sniiiiner ItitbGlalcorosioiiaof AVibconsin , Min nesota , Iowa nnd the two D'ikotas , ' nro liundrotlsof charming localitie-i eminently ilttod for Hummer Ainoiifj Uio following soloctoil list nro names familiar to intiny of our iwtdcrrf ns the perfection of nnrtlmrn tipniiitu-ro- sorts. Koiirlyullof tliuViscoiihin poInU of intei'Ob' ' , are within a short d.itanco . from ClilouKO or Milwaukee , and nonu of tliom are to fnrjiUity fmm llm ' busy marts of civili/.itllon" that the1 < uinot bo reached in n few houfn of tcavol , by ( requont trains , ovoi'lho lliuv ro.vd In tlio nortlnvcit the ( 'luoaijo , Milivnukco & St. I'aul rat. way : Oroiioinou-iv. . ClonrLuld1 , lovv Mlnoc | UnVls. . I/aUoOkolio ] ! , I va , U'aukoslmVi3. . SiirItLalm | , Iow , I'olrayra , Wit. 7'rontwuu1 , Minn Tair.aliawk Lalw , Luke Mlnnnioiilci. M'h. Minn. LtiltosUloVK , Ortonvlllo , Minn ICiltournCitv . , I'rlorL.iltc , Minn , ( D8llH of tlioVli - White Hoar LaUo , ooiMiii. ) Minn. T. ttfor Dam , U'ls , Ills Stone I cf , Da- MwJIon\VU. UoU TPiT dclallrj infornwtion , nnpH M t ckot l&ll Kainiinistreet , Ua"kcr U.i c ! ' . A. WASH , Gc'ii. \ 0at. ' . .7 , K. I'uixrox , J i s. An' ' . Tlio only railroad train out of ruiiuxiirossly for tlio aceojnui''Vi'ion ' of ; Oiiwlin , CouiK.'il Bluffs , Di-s Mo'.irs ' . and C'hicajfo bualnoiH Is tlin lloi-'c la'und vohtlbulo limlteil , lenviiiif Oinahnat Illo p. re. dully. Titfkot olllco HJOJ.Sluoontiv and Karnauisls. , Omaha. During a l.hundcrMtona in Houston county , Mlohiffiin , a Mrs. Ivnnpt r ro cr-iiod n pretty htroiif ; dobo of c'rotrli fluid. She 1md Iwon uulToi'lnr * ( jraatij from Jnllainir.J.lory rliotmiutitiiii , but bini'C ' tlio ahock liKiiirit felt nulnglf jnlii. Tlclvitfi at lowest rules nml eupsrloi accoinaioda'lons ' viath r'rriit Hook la land routo- Ticket oirifi , 1002 31 * ccnth imd I'auutu btreuts , Oiuuha.