G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THUTKSDAY. AUGUST W , 1800 , THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION It TO Nominate Candidate * for State Offices This Evening. THERE IS HO LACK OF MATERIAL , Cmmty'fl DnloKiil Ion Dlvldrd on llu fiovcrii < ) ishi ! | , lint ( do Majority AtiartMilly | | Thf dornof-nitlr state convention will rr.ect In lloyil's ojiTii huuto this ovciiliuj nt V o't'iin K li iioniliiulnciinillilatcs for the several btntv unices , 'J'uc'i' ' nro a number of untnos mentioned In eoiKit'i'tinn vrlth the seviira ) olllius , but it U assert oil that fim of tlicin will bo board In Die convention Kir governor ( litre have been ineiitloiiod John Sh'Tvin of l-'rninont , N . S. Hnnvood , Uni-n'ti ; H. X. U'ollmcli. Orinul Islnnil ; Kr.iiiii K. Wiito , I'hiitsmouth ; Major .f. W. Pniiiioiik. f ) nialiii.l. ; K. Hoyd , immlia ; ( Iny U Huniuiu , Columbus ; J. K. North , Coluni- but , 'J'ln mi.ltipliclty of. mi HIM h.ls . IHMII In- syi'i'ii ] iv > 'n1 belief tluit. with novor.il oilier Ill-Hot ) i'i i In' Held , tlmv IH this year n food vlixiii'r 'n uitiiovGdoir.'ienille success. AH ii"'iui ' Sliorvln IMS boon a member of lln Ht'iicicinitr mul is now mayor of Fro- inmit. it 11 said ho ennuot afford to run for ( jnvci-Toi- II i 1u a well Jtoclted saddlery store tn l''ri'iii'mt ' ' , but is reputed to luivo am 1 Unit in would lw co'iipi'llud ' to inort- Riigt1 his stin-lc if ho should nuci'l ' > t the noin- ini" > 'n Mr Hiii-wood's mum1 hns boon mentioned riMioty li > til.'i prr.-.nnnl friend * , thoiiirh Ttlim not uttpieti'ilvn1esprrad attention. S. is' ' U'ollnrli Is looked upon 11:1 a tower of stiriiifth. Hi ) lius M'rvetl in botlitho housi uritl MMinti.1 , if well kinnvii throughout tin1 'nto anil bus IIOIMI mentioned as a cwdl- : dn ( < for on rosH. Hr will bavo a strong fol- lowh p in th'1 ' convention unless lie aluniM do- cMile In tlcfrr to tlii'i-miL-lls iintl nceept Ibo non.iiiiituin . for MVOIII ! | ilui'c. Kranlc K White of I'lattsmnulb , tlio . rain man lias also IK-CM a li'Kislator. His chnm-es , liowvvr , are iirnl.lciiintli-ul , I'lvaii'-e. fuss county liosuiiot tier ranillilatn \VllOusjiiij \ ! ! ( , \vli' w.i'itdo . lie tivdsurcr , unil still another in Mall Ueili > K.vho.coUsto \ be attorney KCII- erd : ( ASM is pli'tlffed to dishing , mill \Vlilto will do iiothhif ! to jeopardi/o bis ehiiures. Mutt ( jei-iiif , ' , however , will make alight fur Mnjor I'aildock seems to bo innldiifr llttlo nffort to suc'tiro the nomination , and his friends are following the example of the gen tleman himself. K dishing , the inavor. Is out of the race. Ho Is a brother of tlie i-iindiilato for state treasurer from Toss , whom lib wishes to af ford every opportunity to seenro the nomina tion Hu is now In Iloston. 1'reviouMy to his depart mo , l.o\vevor , lie left a letter with his brother-in-law. Jnhn A. Teniileton | , do- clinini ! to iieeejit the nuniliiation even if it bo towlereil to him. Judge Hiivnico , whoso inline has also been meiitloneilln connection with the oftle of gov ernor , is not in thu r.ico. Guy ( . ' . Hiirnum of Columbus nnd J. 1C. North of the same pluro are M'ent ' , seekers for the gubernatorial plaeo. Of the two , .Vortli Is lu the le.id , lii-enusu he is ono of tlio old- time jiartj loaders , and duilim tbo Jlillur regime wli'Mi'd u reat iloal of inllueniv in the r.uiKs He bus dii'toled a number of campaigns mul at ono time ran for governor against Tlmyer. But .lim , it is thought , bus lost ins Klip , nud at the s.imo time takes less kindly to the exactions of the I'nniiuiyn than ho dlil formerly. .JniiieM K. Boyd stinuls In thu .lea1 ! , though pome of his f fluids ndvlse him not to run. Botno oik thti democratic .sheet ? , too , It Is.snhl , mo dulilK'iiitcly coloring their reports in favor of others , But Mr. lloyil has rei-elveil lu-ivate advices whleh have shown up tlm fraiiil. Of eourso , tliero Is u rumor that ho is to ba fouvht by Ctiarloy IU-own nud hU fol lowers. Hut who Charley Brown's followers tire may not now bo imagined , brauiso that gentleman bus repeatedly ileolniod that ha Is not In the nu-o. In fact , ho bus wrlttnn n lottrr to that offeet , to Dr. Jicar of Norfolk , whleh will be road at the conven tion , Dr. Hour , by the way , was in the city two ilnyHiigo mul hold n long talk with Air. Boyil , the result of which may be coircctlv Biirnilsed. Ills understood tbnt Hear bus necopteil this explanation nnil returned lioiiii ! to eonio back , it is thought , with a delegation ntlcii.st not hostile to Hoyil , For the positio'n of secretary of state , Sen ator U. I ) . Cn per of David City seems to be In the Iciul , his rciniirknlilu rcconl In the last lopisIiitniAilviiifj / him rcstl o over all epni- ix'tllors. Two of his opponent * are R AV. Kpragnoof Kushville anil Mr , C. D. Cowpcr of David City. \Vill Ciishliig , the ciindlilnto for stiito tronsuixr , is the cashier of the Citizens bank of Vlnttsmouth , mul hns ueeucntliusinstlcnllv cndorsud by Ills county. His le.uliiiK . opiw- nunlls Ktnl K. llnydon , eiinhierof the IJn- coin National bunk. The lutlor forincrlv re sided in this oity , having workoJ for innnv years in the I'irst N'atlon.d hank , Ho h.is the endorsement of the Lan ; aator delega tion. tion.For For auditor , Treasurer Clancey of Ciimlng county , U. C. ( Cntaren of .lolmso'n , mnlJ. W. I'Vrgnsoii of MiinU'ii , Ivenrnev eountv , are inentioni'il. All of these have a frllowliiK' , us hasAlr. U'ahUinist. the enterprising vonug proprietor of tlio Ilnstlugs Domoerat. ' ' said that ho has pledges of support from nearly nil the delegates of the Second con gressional district. 'I'liU district , it seems , does not crave much nttho liandsof the partv this time , a fact which Wnhbiulst's friends think argues well for the editor. The names moiitionni In connection with the position of attorney general mo J.H. Ames of Mni-oln. Mutt Miller of Butler and Mutt OrliiK of C'ass. Mr. .Miller lias served n couple of ( onus In the state legislature , \vhllo lr Cei ! IIIK ! a young mnn of consider able energy mul iihilltv. His friotiils think bn can secure the Omaha dcletvatlon , toKothor with a k'ood showiiig fnin others in the iiclghbnrhood. A iiucstloinvhlch Isllablo to car.so some ilisM-iislnii in the convention is. What shall bo done with the nuestion of prohibition < Some uf the delegates tire known to favor HnrlitK nothing ahout tlio matter while others Insist that the plfttform r.lrill coino out nail Htronjrly oppose tlio hicorpomtloii ol thoiiro- blhitory amenilnn-nt In thu constitution. Among tlio . The fnlthfnl few who had arriveit were in close consultation in the Paxtou rotunda dur ing the evening. , T. 13 , Hoyil and Charles Ojjden were on hnnil curly nnil welcomed each arrival in the accustomed stylo. Mich ilclogijlo was greeted by his friends , iutrodiiceil to tlio stnmgun in the paity. and then turned ever to either llovil or Ogilou mul subjocteil to a personal talk on the situation. Kx-overnor ( ! llutlerof I'awnco Cltv was JlontiiiL'.aiiiuniriippaivntlyas . much at' home us ho was nt the Into republican and Inde- jK'iiUont conventions. " 1 inn not , of course , I jiersonallv Interostcil , " explained Uiitlor , Imt am beii ) simply to sw how the animals I will net. No , I haven't written nny loiters I recently , but can't tell what I mav do if lliu- wws opens up tigaln , " John H. Adannof Lincoln bad nothing to uy , but was industriously suwiiiK wood In the interests of his candidacy for the nomina tion as attornov goncrul. ( ' ! ' . Teniplolon , Capitalist MuManlgnl mul Dr. louiiKstedt , other membcra of the Mn- coin contingent , were also working for Ames' Interest anil wei-o pronauiicvtl Uoyil sun- * porters. It Is iiiulerstood tlitit Hon. M. V. Gimnoii will furnish the cloquciica essential In plue- Iuf ( Jlr. Iloyil's iianie befoi-o the convention for governor. The delegates at-largo to the domocratlo i slate convention , the nninos of whom were omlttcil from tlio list alreadv nubllshed , are ' lion James 1C. lloyd , Mayor Cashing , .M , \ \ ( liiniioa mul C'liarlosOgilcn. Jlon , J. K. Hoyil lm.i taken four parlors nt the Merchnnts , whew ho has established his hRudnunrtcni and will receive hU iiolltlcal frlenils today. Addition iJi-iiiocrat.t. Allmoinbeni of the Samoiot dcmornitlo nsstK'latlon nru ivinio-ttod to msemblo nt tbolr hnll , IW1 Doughw street , ut J o'clock today 'i ( pmako urruufcmouta to nttvud lUo douio- cratlc stnto convention to bo held In this city tonight. Hv order of TllKUOMMITlKli. uiHNiva t-'ttit TIIK bong Island I'resbyti-laii'H ? Ail opt u Novel Money MnUlnn Holmnio , Ni\v : YoliK , August'lil.-fSpecliil Telegram - gram to Tun KBI : . ] Tbo sowing school of the I'rcsbyt-'rlini church at Mutl- tuck , 'Long Islnnil , 1ms boon holding n fair during tlw p.ist week mul has horrified church circles by opening n kiss- lug-booh , charging M cents pur kiss. There Iwvc been several ivsalts of this now churcli inovonient. The lint Is , tluit the fair Is a Krninl 8urri ss and so muoti money Is pouring In tint axlliitlou bin bo/mi forthoeroetlon of ft now church building. Thn second result Is , thrtseviii-al engagements In the village have hcon ilerlared olT and there is a irooil prospect ' for u batch of dlvoreo suits. T'bo fair was held on a hwn nenr thu cluiivh ami iljpicl.il . tent erected which bore tbe sign : I : Admission ficonls. : : To kiss the buby - ' , ' 1 cents. : Investigation.showed that tbo buby win wnspliir.il atnl that Its ages ranged from six teen to nineteen yearn.Vitldii half an hour men bad for.nod a line whleh reached on Momlay. the opening ninht , around the grounds. Knell man ns fust as he left the tent hastened to scenro n pluii at the other end of the line , HOIIS to got In again. There is now soini' talk of running spei'hd trains from Now York to the fa'r. ' A Motbodint | pre.ieher , however , has aniioiinerd that ho will denounce thi unoam of r.ilslnir innnuy . for chiireh purposes , next Sunday , but the i I'rivihvtcrlnn p.istor says that nothing in tlio hiblu forblila it and ho i-.lthtr likes it himself. Ititllroiitl A si- C'uio vno , A-igust III. [ Spcltil Telogr.i'ii to Tin : BEE. J It has own found by the i-all- rend committee of the stnto hoard of oqmill/n- lion that the r.dlroul assessments of Illinois i have increased in thu pist cloven years from I fil.lJd per mlle to ? < , l ) : i , or : per cent the I mllengoof Is71 Thu committee bus arrived | at the conclusion Unit railroad property is | valued hlfhcr in Illinois for taxation than other clnss. , Mich. , Auu'iist 18. General Mas ter Workman lowdorly , .1. J. Holliind , organizer of the Xew Vorlc Central strike , and other meniborj of the general executive buiird of the Knights of Lubor nrc in the city jiiiil some Impoitant action in contiectlon wilh the tie-up is looked for. Tlio executive board of the ICnlghts of Labor iisscniblcd hei'o in secret session nt 'J o'clock this afternoon at 11 p. in. and are still in conference. ( iencral Master Workman Powdorlv was interviewed tonight on the New York Cent nil strike. "Will vou sav something rcirarding the responsibility for this extenslvo railway strike and the consequent inconvenience to the general public ! " "Whore men are dismissed and thrown out of employment in lumps which aggregate from fifty to sixty , wlir.'h was the case with the New York Central and West Shore lines , it Is pretty conclusive cvodenco that there must bo snmrtliitn ? radically wrong with the management. The Knights of l-ahi r who were employed on thuso lines had , at that time , no intention of striking. They leave this very unjust and undesirable condi tion of nITairs until it bee-imo evident that it would ho bettor to ho knocked down alto gether ttmn to bo dropped in detail. The railroad pooph ; brought on the trouble. Tbo men did not euro to Strike , but it was plainlv tlw intention of Third Vice President AVcbb to force them to do io. Ho discharged men right and loft. " Asked as to whether Done w went toISumpo to avoid participation In the impending dilli- ctilties , Powdorly said Uepow was very di plomatic. that wholesale discharges were inado in April and that Depow may iravo loft the country 'to avoid going on rcconl in con nect ion wilh the trouble. New Xenlaiider.s Boycott \Voinnn , DIMI : > IN , N. 7 . , August 13. [ Special Ca blegram to Tin : Hi : K.I A goiiural strike of men employed in the shipping trade and in railways is imminent. The trouble arises from the action of a linn in Chrlstcbureh which employs nnumbor of women. Thodis- charge of the women was dominded by the unions and upon tbo linn's declining to ac cede to Iho demand a boycott was declared against them. Shipping and railroad compa nies continue to bundle tbo goojs of the linn and the men declare that If this is not stopped u general htriko will ho i nan gn rated. At Ulmtiy. AI.IHXV , N. Y. , August Ut. The condition of the Central Hudson strike In this section is unchanged. The strikers speak as deter minedly as ever and say they do not fear the ultimate result. Various ICnlghts of Lnhor assemblies hold meetings all day. but nothing could bo learned. Superintendent Husscll said tonight : ' fassengcr trains wuro today run according1 to schedule for the llcst time since the strike. Wo commenced moving trains nt. Lust und AVest. Alimny today. Wvni\TON ! , August 18.--.Vn ofllcialrougli count of the lir.st supervisor's district of Illi nois , us announced by the census bureau , shows n pipulntlon of I.'H.YJ.'H , us follows : Cook county , llbO'i.9 ; IDuPago county , i..rW ; Lako"county , Sll * , ' . This district in IKSOliada population of 0-IT.Osi , of which Cook county hail UO'.fl'Jl ; lliiPaco countv , 1U.1U1 , and Lake county , Sl.'iy , ! . Coiiveiitlnu ol Letter Carrieri. HUSTON , Mass. , August lit. The llrst an nual convention of the National Association of Letter Curriers of the United States began hero today. General .Superintendent of De livery Rules of Washington spoke in regard to the relations between the postoftlco depart ment and Us employes , promising iiilluencc for the mutual welfare of the tsvo bodies. Itlalr't ; Prohibition Mill. \ViMiiviiTov , August I-1.--.Mr. Dlalr today reported favorably from the committee on ed ucation and labor the joint resolution intro duced i > y him proposing an amendment 10 the constitution to forever prohibit in the Unltep States the manufacture. Importation , export ation , transpoitatiou and sale of alcoholii3 liquors as beverages. Collision on ( lie I ; . & N. IKXI.NOTOX , Ky. , August IS. A collision occurred tonight on the Louisville , t Nash vllloncar Spring Station between the pay train and an express. Xo one was killed out right , but Engineer Soutburd was so badly briil cd that ho will die. Seven others were severely Injured and many passengers slightly bruised , . \ nlelyltiVnllSlrcct. . YOIIK , August li. The action of the secretary of the treasury was looked for anx iously In Wall street today , in It was thought thu policy of the government would bo outlined - lined by the developmenttoday. * ! . It was ascertained that offers In the neighborhood of fl.ii : wcru accepted ami the o of 11.14 i-e- Jcctcd. The London l < \ > : il Stak < ; s , AuBUstii.-SpccialCnhlesramto : [ Tin : UKB.J The race for the city of London brocdciV foal stakes ut ivempton park today , was won by 11. II , Houldsworth's ally 1'olza. Lady Stamford's colt Oildfellow was second , and A , Taylor's colt Hebrides was third. There were Uvo starters. ConllrmailonN. WASIIIXOTOX , August 13 , Tbo senate ron- ilrmud tbo following today ; J. M. Glasgow , postmaster ut South Onndm ; D , K. Itovor , In- dlaa lU'i'iitut I'lno Hktgo , South Dakota ; S. M. Kutoii , postiniistor at Now Orleans. Ituviigeil by a Terrlblo Storm. VIK.NXV , August la. Styrlu has been dix ad fully rivagcU by n storm and Hoods. The losses uttaiii illnienslons of a national c-nliuu- Ity , Many houses and bridges wcro iloatroyctl mul ninny i rsons drowned. A Tannery Uni-nod. WAIUIKNPu , , August -Uoekwcll 1 Co.'a largo tannery at North Clarendon was iwrtially burucd last nlfht , vutulllutr a loss ol $100,000. CA hll'O tt\I.I It Itl'VIlIt t C.I XS. I'rooceilliiKs ill' tlio Convpntloii Hod ! at Sacramento. S UHVMI\TO : , Citlu. , August 13 Tim rcpub- llcan state convention met hem today. The temporary ofllcers wc-ro made perm-ancnt. The platform mloptcd declares that for thirty j-cuiM the tx-publlcan party has successfully coiuhietod the government of the nation , per- forming deeds of statesmanship mul military achievement worthy to live forever UJMIII the brightest pages of history. It favors Icgls. latlon tending to arbitration of controversies relative to wace.i mid bour < of labor , declares free public schools n necessity to n free gov ernment , endorses Speaker Heed , favors pension legislation , the eight-hour law and the eimotiiientof stringent laws against pools and trusts. Tlio platform declares that In the interest of the agricultural nnd other Industries of the country we endorse tbo action of the republican membcrrf of congress In the p.isuigo of wlmt Is known ns the sil ver bill. " Thu platform denounces tbo man ner lu whleh the detnoi-ratle plodo us to a free ballot in nnmv of tbo slates lias been curried out nnd Insists ( hut henceforth the right of free ballot shall bo observed so fin- as Ills within the power of the federal gov ernment to effect thatobcrt. ] : Mcforo. the vote eotilil bo announced for governor n motion was made that the nomi nation of Colonel Henry Mnrkbiini bo inado unanimous and It was carried amid much enthusiasm. Knn ns Allianoc Convention. Topniu , Kan. , August III. The funnon' ulliiince of the stnto met in convention hero today to nominate candidates for stut'o ofll- COM. Tbo resolutions realllrm the principle * of the St. Louis platform and demand short hours for hiborei-s : the passage by congress of a service pension law : tbo equalizing of paper money on gold values and the payment of o.v-'prlsoucrH of win * for time snout In confinement. The platform denounces the detective system , which ullows the em ployment of largo forcej of armed men by cor'lKirution.s nnd Individuals , and condemns the lilatr bill. f John P. U'illotts of .Tcffer.um county was nominated for governor , A. O. Slilini of 1-Yuiiklin county for lieutenant governor iinJ \V. R Wrightmoro for chief Justice of tbo supreme court. ( 'armors' anil f ih ircrs' Union. SI-.PAI.M , Mo. , August ii. : Tills was the second uay of the convention of the Missouri farmers'and laborers'union. The election of onieers was taken upand laid over until tomorrow. This was done because Oio commllleo on revision of the constitution was not ready to report , it being understood that the com mittee wonld not only ici-ommend changes in the titles of olllcors hut that a new ollk-or , vould be named to act us purchasing agent for the organisation at ICunsis City , the only other officer of the kind being located nt HI. Louis. The excctitivo committee reported : hut the bondsmen of Treasurer Smith of llowell county , who is a defaulter for $1SIX ) , were ready to niuke the Miorlngo good. Smith will probably be prosecuted. South Carolina DciuocratM. Coi.i'JiniA , S , C. , August la.-Tlio demo jriUie stnto convention , called for the pur- ) o.so of deciding whether state officers should jo nominated by the convention or by tbo primary plan , met today. JIliM ) I''Oll I-'OKGKKV. F. R llntncs Charged With Crookeil \Vork. F. R Hninqs Is one of the latest acquisi tions to the elusive circles of the city jail , nnil it is quite probable that his sphere of usefulness will bo confined to exclusive cir cle * for some time to came. For some time Haines was ono of thojirlmo factors ot tlio Standard printing company , in which ho was associated with Fred Wall way. Last December it became necessary for the lli-m to raise S'.IU , and a mort ngo und note for th.it amount was prepared , with the names of the two proprietors attached. This was not suftlciont , as the money could not bo sc oured , and the name of M. M. Do Vlcra was then added us endorser without the knowl edge or consent , It is said , of that gentleman. Do Viera had been ono of the members of the linn , but had previously sold his interest to tbo other two members. The note was sold to the Collateral bank , nnd when it came due , thirty days later , Do Viera was called upon to pay it. The paper was taken tip by lib brother , who resided in Texas. Hnlncs ) was accused of being the party who coiiimlt- teu the forgery , and Oo Viera" looked to him to make tlio amount good. Unities made numerous promises as the months slipped by , nut no money was forthcoming , and Do Vlora yesterday learned that ho was about to skip out for bis old home in England , A warrant was accordingly sworn out , and Ilaincs was arrested on tlio eve of his in tended departure. * It is alleged that another individual would have mouniud his departure The said in dividual is a young Englishman who bus boon in the city about eleven months , but who re fuses to give his name. Ho has been very friendly with Haines , so when the latter ap preached him yesterday morning and asked for a loan of 875 , with which to got to England , ho promptly bought him a railroad ticket for New York , Haines told him that ho was going back to the old country to claim an estate Hint had fallen to him , mid promised to .scud back the money as soon ns he got across. A few hours later the young ticket buyer heard of Haines' arrest for forgery nnd ho hastened to the police station to recover the ticket for which ho had paid 28.75. Ho wanted the judge to order the ticket returned to him so that bo could sell It ami recover his money , but as sueh u proceeding was a llttlo irregular tbo order was not given , and tbo ticket Is still sealed up with Iluinos' other effects at the pollou station. County Olvided. The Douglas county delegation bold a cau cus In the cafe of the I'axton yesterday afternoon. A largo number of the delegates from the county precincts were absent. Charles Ogden acted as chairman of the meeting. The subject of standing solid for .1. K. Uoyd for governor was brought up early in the day , and a ballot was taken which showed that these present were divided on this question. , A largo majority of tbo bal lots were for Itoyd , but the remainder were divided on Shcrvin of Froinont , William A. I'axton of Omaha and Major. I. W. Paddock. As soon us this state of affairs was discov ered tbo meeting was adjourned without at tempting to do any other business , Day ArnuigcmcntH. The Central labor union hold n special meeting last night to complete nriMiigcinents for the celebration of Libor I.i\v The com mittee on finance reported 52SW collected yes terday , with a larger amount In sight. Jniucs K. Young nnd James Kinncy were added 'o the executive committee , after which tbo latter was elected grand marshal of the day. The question of the demands of the stnoltor ! . ' men was brought up for consideration , nnd the whole matter roferrcd to the committee on orgniii/utiou , the union1 deciding that it would ullnrd the men no ruliof until they wcro organized Into a society , und were taken In as a local assembly. Tlio Kriiimn SaiKlbur Casi > . The Cannon Seunuin sundbnr case was submitted to Judge Helsloy yesterday after noon at the conclusion of the 11 fill instalment of nrguinonts , The case has served ns a pleco of official pulohwork ami the Judge has taken It up whenever thuro was nothing clso to occupy the attention of the court. It was taken under iidvisemoiit. A During Kohhury. At 0 o'clock lust night , while Albert Burch nnd his wife of South Omaha were sitting la front of his saloon on Twenty-fourth street , robbers entered the rear door and carrleil invuy the till , containing about $50 In money and pipers and small nrllcloi of value. Tbo robbers escaped without la-Ing detected 01 leading any clue. Army Drilorn. Under notltlcutlon from the adjutant gen eral of the army of August 7 , the , following promotion hi thoTwonty-llrst Infantry Is an nounced : First Lieutenant \Villls\Vittlch , adjutant , Twenty-llrst Infantry , to ho cnptnli company F , Twonty-lirst infantry , vice 0//IO / . ' , ! Itt KltS. . They Take Action t.nokln MO a Holler- incut of Tiie.lr condition. O. , August 1lAbout ! fourhuii- drcd and llfty farmers met hero In stuto con- | veiitlon toOay to take iietlon toward present- I ' Ing I their Interests to congress nud the legls- I lature. I .1. II. Brlithttuiwas chosen pormii- j I neat i chairman. There Is a strong effort to I keep 1 the movement out of politics , nnd n ' proposition i to Invlto Governor Campbell | to t bo iiresent was nhnoit. uminltnously voted 1 down. After some discussion It was decided to select a committee on resolutions. A re cess was then tnkcn. The body Is eompotod nlmost entirely of Tilmnnltes , they liavlng carried thirty of the thirty-live counties in tbo election of dele gates. Much confusion occurred through the nomination of a tcmiwrary chnlrinnii , the Tllmanltcs objecting to tlio namu proposed by the clmlrinan of the stnto executive commit- to . The llllmanltc.s elected \V. .1. Hnlbo.rt , u rtlmanite , and tlio convention took iuvcnss to await tlio report of the committee on cre dentials. At the afternoon session of the farmers' convention there wus a strong llgbt to get a temperance resolution In the platform , which was finally defeated. Tlio convention nlso refused to make any expression on tiitllt is sues. sues.Tho resolutions sot forth that the farmer * must take a new ilppurturound henceforth k ) a factor In polities. Thu quos.tjon win whether this could Lo best accomplished by tbo formation ot a farmers' party or by making their Inllucnro felt in the control of existing parties. Ills the sense of this con vention that they should thoroughly test the latter course. Their aim should bo to give direction to the action of political pin-ties so as to oncour.iL'O and protect tbo Interests of agriculture. The uddivss concludes : "U'o ire in favor of eiiual taxation upon all forms of property ; government control of railroads und telegraph lines as to rates and charges ; unlimited coinage of silver nnd making it a legal tender for all debts , public nnd private ; the election of United States senators by popular vote ; forfeiture of nil unearned land grants ; taxes direct mid In direct as low ns consistent with nil economi cal administration of good government ; pro tection of pure food products from the ruinous competition of adulterated products : the passage of a law nullifying the effect of the oruMmil pai'kngo decision. " The plan of organization submitted is In substance Unit It should bo known as tuo Farmers union of the slate of Ohio. " S. 11 Ellis of Wurren was elected dent. - TIIK COUO.NUH TO INI INSTIGATE. Sirs. Mary K. Hur csM Dies Under Sus picions Circumstances ! . Mrs. Mary E. Burgess died nthor home at Thirty-ninth street and Ames nvonuo nt an early hour yesterday morning , nnd owing to some circumstances connected with tlio case the coroner has decided'to hold an inquest tit lis oftlcout 10 o'clock this morning. The husband , Josenh Durgcss , tolls tbo following story ; "Mrs. Burgess was taken sick early Tuesday night , and I went after Dr. Allen. He called , looked at my wife mid said it was nn ordinary case of childbirth. A few moments later ho said bo would liavo to have assistance , n > jd ad- vised me to go after Dr. Footo. I went , but not Undine Footo , I secured the services of Dr. Conuell. who accompanied mete to the house. We readied there Just before mlilnight. Dr. Allen called mo out doors and said ho would charge tfMO , and that Dr. Cou ncil would charge the sumo amount. I told liiin I did not have the money , but would give them security. They then gave my wife chloroform "by holding a saturated handker chief to her nose , and within half an hour she was dead. " Late ycstcrdav afternoon Coroner Ilnrri- gun was notillcif. and after Investigating the case called Dr. Kosow.itcr , who made a post mortem examination , but the result of it will not bo made known. . Burgess charges that the doctors murdered Ills wife , while they airtrm that it was only ono of these sad cases which frequently occur mil are unavoidable The corpse presented n horrlblo appear ance , being swollen to twice its natural size , nnd was as black as ink. Injured by a Kiimuvay. Miss Olla Davis of Sheridan , In. , who Is in the city visiting Her brother , W. F. Davis , chief clerk in the B. & ' M. freight depart ment , was seriously injured In n runaway last night. She and Mrs. Davis were driving in the vicinity of Ninth nnd Dorcas street , when the horse becnmo frightened and in turning around throw both ladies from the buggy. Mrs. Davis w.is caught In one of the wheels and dragged several roils before the borso was stouped. Mrs. Davis was slightly bruhed about the face , but was able to walk over. Miss Davis' injuries are internal and some doubts uro expressed as to her recov- The llellnrd Case Dismissed. Yesterday afternoon was tbo time set by Judge Helsley for hearing the Walter Bellard perjury case , but when the time urrlveil the case was dismissed by the county attorney , who stated thai there was no cause for action. Tbo case grow out of the Don Carlos lumber swindles. Dullard was on a stay bond , nud swore that ho owned a certain piece of property. 'An investigation failed to show that the iironerty was in his mime and ho was accordingly arrested for perjury. A further investigation by tbo county attorney showed that IJellnrd hud an equity In the property and the perjury case was therefore dismissed. Tlio Wllcov Perjury Case. The ten perjury cases ngainst Major ,1. C. Wilcox wcro called In police court yesterday , but were continued by agreement until Satur day afternoon at 2 : : iO o'clock. The prosecut ing witnesses in these cases are the employos of the defunct Republican , who ullego that Wileox committed perjury in his attempt to stave off a hearing of their cases to compel tbo payment of their Just claims. Tlio Coupons Ordered I'aiil. A special session of the hoard of education was held lust night , at which the interest coupons on the $50,000 high school bonds wcro 01-110111 paid. These coupons had been over looked at the last meeting of the board , and as they fall duo tomorrow it was necessary to take immediate action. The meeting was called for that purpose and no other business was transacted , J'KHNttX.l M , I'.tlttl ( ! If A i'HS. J. II. Hubert of Ponder is at the Mlllard. Captain L. S. Hussell of Xellgh is in the city. O. W. Phillips of Columbus is at tbo Mll lard. lard.F. F. S. Stcdnmn of Kow York Is at the Casey. J. P. Ilildcrbrand of St. Paul Is at the Paxton. Maurice Well , of Lu Porte , Ind. , is at the Pnxton. A. M. Egbert of , Jfnnsas Clly is at the Murrav. , 0t II , V. Hlygins of Chicago Is registered at the Casey. E. Bryan of Kearney was at tlio Casey jcsterday , , D. L , Mi nsflcld of Dos Mohes'ls a guest at tlio Casey. ' F. V. Allen of Now York is registered at tbo Murray. H , T. Lawrence ' of Denver is In the city , ut the Mlllard. ' A. K. Huddork of Boston was at tbo Mur- my last night , W. F. Williams of Chicago was at tbo Pas- ton Ust night J. J. Murpbv ami E. G. Marsh of Chicago are at tlu > Mlllard , U A. Shultz of Strathnm , In. , Is Intho city , at the Casey. J. H. .Nichols of ICuns-as City was at tlio Millurd last night. T. H. Hcntou of Lincoln was in tlio city , at the Mlllard , last night , C. W. Woodward and P. L. Leo of Now York are at the Mlllnrd. K , A. D. Hoynolds of Appleton , Wis. , Is registered at the Paxton. Charles Ilccht , A. E. Brown , W. 0. Hago nnd H. II. Timelier of Chicago uro ut the Murray , hollcllor Hluiiinon Itetnrns. Duuux , August 13.-Sncclal [ Cablegram to Tin : Uni- : Shannon the Dublin solicitor of the London Times , who was connected with tbo 1'lgott Kcundut , und who mysteriously disappeared several months ago , bus returned to bis homo. ClilekiiHiiw Klectl.ni. Ann.Moitr , I. T. , August til.N'ows re- cclved of hero of the Cliickasiiw election from Oakland , n ( Killing place In Plekena comity , ( says that everything passed off quietly tliero. , | The | polls were opertl-d early In the morning j by tlio full blood parly mid the llwt squaw j I man who attempted to vote was denied the privilege. Other siiuaw men made the sumo attempt mid met with the sumo experience. The squaw inen.nbaut one hundredlii number , bold u caucus and were addressed by Cleorgu Dennett , the Imihin agent , who advised pi'.icofiil mutismcs nnd Instructed them to put uti a poll of their own. Ho told them ho would rociunl/o their j minus of flection so lur as certifying to tbo returns \veiit. The squaw men acted upon his advice and erected a noli , ut which all wblto men voted. Uloso by was the Indian polling place and every one with Cblckasiiw blood In him voted tboro. Mi-amvhilo ( tovcnior Mini's militia and the Indian pollen and u United States marshal stood iruiuil and no dlsturbunro of any kind occurred. The vote at the squawnion'.s polls exceeded the Indian votes , ami Sam Paul is sure to bo governor if tbo squawmen's votes are counted. Must of the Indians voted for CJovernor Bird , but n few cast their ballots fin-Paul. N"-ws from Tshlinlngo U to thn effect thirl bloodshed was ulso prevented there by the iTcctlmi of separate polls. The Indian vote In Tnhlmingo county Is larger tliiin the white vote. The plan of the squaw men Is to con test the election and curry their returns to the Indian court. If the Indian court adjudges the quiuv men to ho aliens then they must bo cltbens , and as sueh tbev can nnpeal to the federal court und the latter will deeido as to whether they are United States citizens or not and thus llmilly deeido the question. The West Albany Bloc-Katie. Unlseil. AI.II.VNY , N. Y. , August lit. The strike which has lusted since lust Friday at the West Albany yards was raised today. The Now York freight trains which liavo been lying nt Last Albany were the llrst to cross the upper railroad bridge after the closing of the draw , which has stood open since the strike begun. Severd ether trains also passed through the yards and ever tlio bridge. Pinkerton detectives on the llrst train wcro stoned ns they passed through tbo lumber district and three of liem received severe bruises. Later In the inelco which followed the attempt of the Pliikertons ' to clemr the crowd of people from the bridge ono spectator was severely hurt by being struck with a club In the bands of ono of tbo Pinkorlons. One of the detectives was also hurt. The Plnhcrton men had no authority to disturb the spectators , us the bridge is a public highway. Ono hundred of the men who went on a strike in the Delaware ft Hudson yards today appointed a com mittee , who waited imon Superintendent Hammond and remained in consultation all evening. On emerging the men said Hammond mend ' declared that he would not knowingly bundle Central freight. It is expected the men will resume work in the inoning. .fohn Hood , who Is tbo leader of the Broth erhood of Locomotive Firemen in this vi- vinlty , emphatically denied tonight tlio rumor that the firemen would go out on the Central road. j The Sii-llcp Iiiy Y t 1-lUeiid. SuiIOOA , N. Y. , August 13. There is a rumor among railroad people here tonight , which appears to be pretty well founded , that the engineers and lirenicn on the Delo'.vnre & Hudson road are in sympathy with the Albany strikers and the ilrenien liavo re ceived permission to strike if they so do.slro. Should this happen the engineers say they will refuse to work with green hands. Attempted TIM in ISobbery. Sixo Sixo , N. Y. , August 13. An attempt was inado last night ut this pluco to wreck nn express train from Now York by winding a chain around 0110 of the rails , The largo locomotive cut through the chain without causing an } ' damage. Had ono of the light engines been used serious danmgo might have been done. It Is supposed that the al leged wreckers were Knights of Labor. 1'ai-iii-H'n Workmen Strike. LONDON , August lt. ! Workmen on Pnr- n ell's Arklow quarries struck yesterday. They are riotous. Parncll is going to Ireland to try udil settle the matter. COVXVMI , MtltUFFS XKWS. The Tramp i riirad - . Ofllcer Watt , who has charge of the chain gang , comprised of active members of the no madic fraternity known In polieo vernacular as vugs , has ono of the unst difficult posi tions to lill on the force. Ho bus tilled it so well that It lias como to bo regarded us his avocation , and ho can only got out of his po sition by resigning from the force. His long experience In working the gangs has made him a consummate judge of human character , and ho gets along very smoothly where al most any other man would fail. IIU brigade seldom consists of loss than a round do/icn of the unfortunates who have drifted into the city , and it frequently roaches double that number. Occasionally among tlio victims of misfortune and bard luck that are turned over to him there are some high spluitcil men to whom such work and its kindred associations are n dogradatioa that is hard to bear. These men are quickly aingled out by the philosopher In blue , and they uro given work that will permit thorn to bo soinewhat secluded from the public view , and when their term of service bus expired they heartily tliimk the ofllcer whoso keen per ceptions saved them from unnecessary humil iation , Occasionally men are turncifovcr to his care whom be is confident are dangerous crooks that will escape nt the tir.st oppor tunity. They luivo iiiiide no attempt at es cape and they profess the groate.it indigna tion when the ollleer appears with a chain mid leg bracelets mid clamps them on their ankles , but a look Into the eyes of the officer while ho bi performing the act convinces them that ho has road their characters nnil penetrated their designs mid they submit without a murmur. Occasionally ho llnds men who positively refuse to work or conic out of tbo city lull to take their places In the pang when it Is murstmllc.il for the day's labor on tbo streets. Then bomethlng happens. The trump don't know just how it occurred or what it was that induced him to come ontand go to work , but ho ( bids himself on the street moving his broom or shovel with clock-liko regularity , and bo never objects iiiiiln. | Yesterday Officer Wiatt had twelve of the unfortunates in his gang , and three of them were carrying chains around their ankles. Ono of them refused to come out of Ids cell yesterday morning , hut finally concluded to do so before tlio ollicer attempted to persuudo him , When they reached the point where their day's ' work was to bo put in ho refused to take oft his coat. Tbo officer know ho was a crook ui.d that ho bud ma-Jo up his mind to escape at the llrst oppottunity and da sh-oil to take his coat with him. A long chain and a twenty-pound chunk of Iron was clumped upon his imklo with a padlock , and then tbo fellow grow defiant and milieu , and sat down on the curbing and refused to move. The olllcor walked up and stood in front of him for u moment and then quietly remarked ! "You don't have to work unless you want to. The boys all have the choice of working or taking a doseof something Unit will bo interesting. You can tuko your choice , either to pick up that boo and go to work or tuko fifteen or twenty lashes from a bhicksnako whip as hard as I cua lay them on. " "Well , I won't work , and you can't make mo. " "Clo , get the whip , boy , " the officer re marked to ono of the trumps , who Is trusty. "Which ono do you want , the one with the twelve-foot lash with a wire cracker , or the big ono I" the trusty remarked with n grin , us ho started to return to the station. 'J'ho trump regarded the situation with a good deal of Interest , nnd before the messen ger who hud been dispatched for the whip had gene ten btopi , bo sprang to his foot and throw off Ids coat and remarked with great earnestness , "Never mind gutting the whip , boss , I'll work , I'll work , " "Of course wo h-ivo not got any whip , " ro- markcd the officer to the reiioru-r , uotto voice , "but the threat answers the sumo pur pose. Tbo boys who becoinu refractory think I'm a hard master , but wo always part friends when their terms of service expire. They all I work constantly nud ilo their work well , nnd , 1 don't believe that the satno number of men ' tinder { the most favorable clrcunntanecs could | do much moro than we are doing , " The tramp problem Is becoming u very I serious one. Not moru tlniii oiio-lmlf of tbo number of the unfortunates who urn arrested , are sentenced to Iho chain gang but tire ills- charged upon the promise that they will , leave j , the city. They are buHettcd about i from ono city to another nnd kept coutlnuiillv i on the go , jiersucd by a fuio as relentless at , that which consumed the wandering .leiv , i never ' resting und never reaching the end of their Journey. | Said ono of the unlnppy wrecks" the Hni : i reporter yesterday : " 1 have been on tbo go I for six months , hunting work. At llrst I hud ' u lit I lu money mid hud uu honest desire to gel something lo do. I worked nllltlo bit here and therent anything and for iinvthlng I could get but tin the best I could I could not get work mid wages enough to keep mo I drifted from one town to another and was arrested scores of times for vugr.uicv It Dually become an that I was urivstivl ut every town I.struck , and now I am spending all o'f my time either In Jail or on the streets serv ing out sentences. 1 have no chance for lo be anything else than a vinrrant lor VIKIMIICV nud I siinposo the remainder of nn life will bo spent In the tramp brigade. " - * - There will be. a lawn social this evening nt Dr. Chapman's , corner Sixteenth avenue and . High street , given by the young people of the IJethany Haptlst church. Ice cream und cake , lomonudo ami water melons will bo j.erveil. . An invitation will bo extended to nil. A good hose reel free with every IOJ feet of hose purchased nt Hixby'.s. J. 0. Tlpton , real estate , iVJT Hroadwuy. Scott HouseCouncil BlulTs , tii per day. If you wish to sell your property call on the Jmlii ft Wells Co. , O. 13. JiuUI , prosUont , WO llro.idway , Money at reduced r.itoi lomolou chitto and re.u estate security by 1C. H. Shrtire.t Co Olobo barbershop , III Pearl , cast side , near corner Broadway , is now opau for business. John SchlckclimJo. ( . .f. C. Hlxliy , stcs.im ncatin- ' , , suult-.w en gineer F , ! ) it : Lifo b.ill.liiK' , Omi'.i-i ; ' 'Jj' Merriam riam ' block , Council lilutTs. New I'aisilli ! Hotel. People's favorite. Fifty more day board ers wanted. Hates , S-l.OU per week. First class in every particular. This Ky Klnn iiiies. Tbo report of City Treasurer Kinnchnu made to the council at the meeting on Ttios- dav- night shows a very .satisfactory and healthful condition of tlio city finances , Tbo following table shows tlio amount of cash on bund in the various fund * at the close of last mouth's business imd-tlio disbursements dur ing the month : General fund . . ltVIi'.l ] ( ' Hond loan fund . lll..Hi'.l.Ol ' Intersection paving and grading. . ijSi'l.05 Intersection sewer nnil sinking fund . -diS.'pO ) , ; ( Judgment fund . b70.C : ! Water fund . ( iM.vt ) Park fund . ISO. II Library fund . -l'.t.'II Curbing and sidewark . IViTT. ' ! ) Pollc-o fund . L'.liis.liii Intersection .sower . iis.sT.ii : : ( Special assessment grading . ! iir7.M Redemption fund . -.Yd ( ? Sewer district Xo. a . 4.V J.Vi City bridge fund . HIKJ.IM Funded debt . S.l.YJ.d ' C'bneral sewer . ) , ' . .is.li' Special assessment puv. dist. No. 4 ST-J.l : Special assessment p.iv. dist. Xo. I ! 1,11:2(1.4-1 : ( Special assessment pav. dist. Xo. 0 liUii7'.iji ! ! Special assessment pav. dist. No. ( , ( ! , T . can , vi Total . ? lHi'.U..S'i ( ) ! ' Disbursements . . iV..SS-.O : ! Balance cash oa hand . - Wo have customers for Inside Improved property , terms all cash. If you have a liar- gain to offer call on K , II , Sheafo , t Co. nt onco. - Dr. Bowers' oflico moved to 20 N. Mala. Wall mper at : i'4 cents per roll ; not rem nants , at C. L. Gillette's , 2S Pearl st. - - 9 Ilntho at .Mauuwa beach , near hotel , en larged , iiiorosaud , nice bottom , clean rooms. P. C. Mill or. the p-ilntor a'ld deuorator , at ma to Ids friends , Sis Soutli Sixth street. - - Dissolution Xotfcc. Notice Is hcrobv given that the linn here- toioro known as ! ' . M. Ellis ft Co. has been dissolved by retirement of II. C. Coo'.fo. ' All business porlainlng to said linn will bo tran sacted by tbo remaining partners , F. M. Ellis and .1 , II. Kent , and all Indobtedmus owing said linn will bo p-.ikl to them. They will continue the business ut thu old offices. Accounts against naiil oM linn should bo miuentcd at once. F. M. KI.I.IS & ( Jo. Mandel .t Klein aruolTonng great bargains In every dop.irtinent.Vo show tbo best line of cook stoves and ranges in the city , from 810 to 10. In tinware wo carry the best only and sold at bottom prices. Carpets , "Oh , my ! ' ' wo just beat tlio world , former price of carpets lie cts. , now 10 cts. , mid so on through the ontlro lino. Wo show a largo line in novelties In our parlor goods depart ment. In bedroom suits we prldu ourselves of carrying tlio mot complete assortment , choice of ! W styles. Hook cases , iiielcerti nnd dining chairs of every description. Side boards , wai'ilrob.-s and center tables go along with this unloading nalo. Oot prices che- where and compare Mandel it Klein' ' * 1320 liroudway. . _ The Manhattan sporting homliiiiurtor.MS U road way. _ Mrs. F. 1) . Moore , wife of the engineer who constructed the I ! road way bridge is hero from Kansas City , where her husband is now engaged on a large bridge. Shois the guest of Mrs. W. X. Chapman uf this city and with her and Miss Hchso will yo to Colfax today for a abort stay there. Formed u I lenmn-is Company. Several young ; men on Mui'Uinnu island luivo formed a Mioioty wilh aciipltal stock of $0,000 , which will bo snout on u visit to the world's fair and u trip u round tlio earth in 1K1IU. When Bnby won stck , wn pave brr Cnstnrfa , Whcnthowna at'lillil.ahocrii-J . forCiutnrla , When she Li-cmno Miss , slui clunj' lo C'n'torln , When shu Lad Children , bhu K.IVU Ilium Cnstorlo , ALL , WORK WARRANTED. DIl. J. D. JACK3O.V , Dentil All kinds of work ilnmi. Vou con mivn ono- half mi your sold ami Mllviir fllllnif li.v oidlliM ut room SJJ Murrlum blo.ik. roiinull Illnira. . OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Corner Mnlnu nii'l ' llro'ntwiiy COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Duulurriln foriilxn und doiiii'stlu u.\ulinr-e ; , Ciillui'llons niiiili ) anil Interest pilil : on tlinu depiisltM. SPRAINS , BRUISES , r 'RHEUMATISM' l COUNCIL BLUFFS. _ _ ' "I/liHl S U.I'or trade Siiuill stock of tt.ivpsT j -1. tinware and set of tlnni'i-'s timls. lniiilni | at It nun : is | , Mi'iTiniii tiliieK , I'ounell llluiKlu. ljUlt ) s\liK-nr will trade fur a gi ) il nud" * li'iiin , stallion No. iVIO , roistered In Wnt- IiK'i' . lly Dr. Ai'olilhahl. d.im liy KentneUy Clny.tyi'iiiMiiIil , Apply lo Or. Miioruo. l il1'iMli'N"l' ' " 'IVy" K" ° ' 1 mo turn houses. \ \ . ' . ' ' - - Itlltft'r. 'H 1'onrl fin \\r ANT iTTTMlM r KbT for gcm-rul home- V" > ' work. Mrs , A. I1 , llunehutt. No , 1VJ 1 limi-th . sin-pi. I " \\rAXTKII ] Situation liy nil \pei'li'iuul ' CNm i'Y.'iiiu-s10' ' . ' ' ' A'"M ' A "l'u " " ' OHM 1,13 or lleiit-n.irdeti hind , with homes , by J. It. Itleo. IU. .Main st , , Council IllulVs. \\f ANT Kl-Tin ) en i iii-Til i'i' iTiTm iallieiiTnTI li ell Itlulls gidvnnl/rd linn coiiilco unrks , 10l. * > and lull lower llrnadway. \V IH pay lent wiien you can liny a homoou * T tlit-s'iiiio titrtus , and lucnsoiif vour ili-ith nt any time luavo yo ir family the l.uinu elour on the [ olIoMlng tt rin : A linnui worth ) lei : ) at j | per montli. A hoiiiu woith } l..vn ut * H pop month. A home woi 111 } .MM , ) a I .f.'l pop ninulli. A ho'iin wet III f.I.nM at t II pop nioiilli. A homo t orlli } IU ) at. f M | M > P month. Other priced homos on llioS'inio terms. Thn nbiiyj inontldv payinontInoiiidii iirlnclpal nnd Inlorest. Vnr full n.iilli'nl.irs call mi or nililiesslho.lii l KtVelN Cii. . G > j Uniadway , OioiK'll lilnlls. la. \\rAXTUD An I'NpiM-li'iii'ed einslnoei' und i ' biiindryiniin to ( aKr oluii iti'uf nii'i'luinl.'al pail In laimdry In Dnnilia. lionduu : < " - nnil ln'riniini'iit inmllldii. Impilri' ! < . , lleo ollk-c , Council Illnlls. rev. UKNT The < tore i-oo-n. No. li , fiimtinj on l'ir.ii-1 sUV. . ( . , I a nios. "IXTAXTMO Sllinitliin us u stationary en- ' gliii'i-r. lii'feieiico given. Addicts box 47 , l'mlur\Mioil , In , A\n' II \ VKsovi'r.il lo.nit ) I ful 100 Inra h uiso ' that wo will ti-.iik'f.ii- . iiiulmrt 1 v.mu lots tiiUiirilia or Coiiiu'll'iluirs. ' Tlio Jinld ft WollsC'o. . Ouunell llluir.s. la. la.N GEFl'S" Surgical Institute -A.XI- Private Hospital. Cor. Broadway nnil tMth Street. Coillicll Illnlls , la 1'or Ihetreatliientof nil sur lcol .mil rhif mid ilKivises nnd dl-eiiM's of the lilooil. I'rlviitodlsi.'ai-es uf tlio HI Inary .mil siu.il organs , us s.vpldlls , airli'tuiv , c.v tills , spur * inatorrolioit. : lo-t nianlinod. sevnal lniioti'iico | und weakness treated Mici-essfnlly. I'lirlk'iiliirattontlon paid to dHeases of the lllllKS IIS ArftllllKl , ( 'lIMSlllllllllllll. lllMII.'lllllS ( -atairh. Ktc. I'aralvsls. Kdliioy illxoasii-j in Dlaliotes. Itrlglit's DNoasi1 , Klioiiinatlsin , I'llu * I'iiiu'cr. Vurlociile. llydioi-i-lo. Dnmsy , Til- nier , lKi'iisu < nt the eye mid cur. Oluli feet , Spinal eiirvatuio iiiut ulldlsiMisnsof tlmlioni" ) . XVi'lniMMi department ilovotod oxoluslvuly to Iho lieatnu'ctof Htiirlni ) dl. easi's Mi'illelne sent , heeiiroly packed and free from ob-crviitlon. Conespinduiice conlldentlsil , Auilrais : DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute and Private Hospital , lur. ISiiHiilnriijriiiiili'itli t. Council llliitli. In. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY Boni'cilng and Dny School , Fifth Ave. and Seventh Street. Can lw readied from any of the depots on motor. Coiidueti'il bv Iho Sisters of Charily B. V. M. TERMS ' 1'1 " ' oa-il and tuition cm- braeitiifull brundies of a finished educa tion for ymiiif , ' Inilies $75 f n' nehMon of live inotitli ! ' , coniiueniMnf , ' lirst Moniluy in Soptoiiibciami Ki-bi'inn-y respectively. For further iiii-Uculiu-n ndilrosn SISTKU Sii'KHItU ; ) , yt. Fi-iiiieis Aeiideiiiy , Counell DlnlTrt , I own. J. I ) . Kinirvn-ON. l-ri'i. B Sni'ii.Mir , nc'o-rcil | Cii.Mii.isll H.sN.vriililur. . CITIZENS STATE BANK C"f Oiiiuir-ll I tlnlH. Pnicl up Cnpitnl $1BOOOO Surplus tinrl Profits 6U.OOO Liability to Depositors. . 3BO.OOO liiicrniii ) : : ( -I. A. Miller. I' . O. ( Iliiiisiin. 13. It. Sbiixurt. K. H. llnrl. ' . ! > Kihunn-iin. IMiailui 13. Iliimmn. TwnsHeltrtiiu'ial biniUliiK busl- ne- largest iaillal | unit Miiriiliib of any baiiU In . " ( inlliwissti'i-n Iowa. INTEREST ON T'lVIL ' DEPOSITS. THE J. A. MUHPHY CO. , IFt : / UIII1U Ittttl ! " * > H Sash , Doors and Blinds Hand und Konill Snwln , ' . lie Siuvln/ und I'liinbiK , Siiwlnanf all klinN. I'nrch lira-ki'lu. Kindling wood fc'.rni n ; lnnl : d.'liveiHl. . riwiin snwdiislhy Hi" Iriri-i'l. ! > ' All work to Uu Iln > ti1li : > is. Tuliiiliniii' | ) . "VOI'lt I'ATKONIJI - : SDMCI I'KII. " ARCHITECTS And IluiUins Supurintundont * . UIHIIIIH I.I ) nad Hi ll.-o ll'illil II'Onmha Ncli. . nii'l Itoonis'11 and ; 'll .Murrlnia Illook ; I'oiinell llluil'H. In. r'irii ' iUn IUII-MI Mitlultuil X HOTEL BARGAIN _ lliitt'l.lanifhoil , Uouucll 11-ill's ! , In , , for rent. 1'iiriilhliud and In ito'.i I r.'iiilrs. lliisMiuiid In llmidty. iVnlratly loj itu I. I ) iliw a lirst- oliih' * | IUSIIHI | < , TliU Is n bargain for holul man. Apply U JAMESON BROS , Pr-ops. Council Elulfii . . . - Iowa. ti. K. Miixuii. L.J. 1 ! . llonitfi'olH , II. f. L'oukOi 1 MAXOX , BOUHCEOIS & COOKB , Architects nnd Superintendents. lUumsflOT and TOS N I lloonu 210 and 250 V. Ufn Illdsr. . Oiiinliii. Miirrlain IIIU. , Conn- .Nul ) . Teliil'lioii'Jl ' ) . " . IH I IMullH. la. Telo l liliunu .T-i , C. A. BEEBE & COMPANY , Wliuli'HuIn mul Kfliill llDiilt'rrtln ' FURNITURE. f.nrjji'Ht flock und Lowest Prices. DenlerH , RUIU ! for Cataloxno , Nos , 205 and 'Ml Broadway , and i01 ! aud iiOG 1'lorco Street , Council Cluffd , I